

Deliverable 2.1 Baseline report Deliverable Number D2.1

Deliverable Name Baseline report

Deliverable Version V1.0

Work Package (WP) WP2 Status assessment, baseline and stakeholder mapping

Due date 31th December 2018

Date of Submission 31th December 2018

Main Author UNIZAG FSB

Contributors All Partners

Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the funding authorities. The funding authorities are not responsible for any use that may come from the information contained therein.

This report has been submitted to the EC for approval and as such it is still to be considered as draft

This project is funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement No. 784994



Table of content List of tables ...... 1 Introduction ...... 4 Project background ...... 4 Scope of the report ...... 5 Baseline assessment ...... 7 ...... 8 Croatia ...... 29 Norway ...... 45 Latvia ...... 63 Spain ...... 83 Detailed and thorough analysis of the pilot municipalities ...... 102 ...... 103 Joint SEAP for the municipalities of , , , Sind-Amands, Sint-Katelijne-Waver and ...... 118 Velika Gorica ...... 130 Våler ...... 142 Sarpsborg ...... 153 Salamanca ...... 164 Palencia ...... 167 The 7 municipalitas of Ávila ...... 176 Jekabpils ...... 179 Conclusion ...... 196 Sources ...... 197




List of tables Table 1 Selected SEAPs- Belgium ...... 9 Table 2 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors ...... 10 Table 3 Analysis of the general level of detail ...... 11 Table 4 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction ...... 14 Table 5 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators ...... 25 Table 6 Evaluation of the implemented measures ...... 27 Table 7 Selected SEAPs-Croatia ...... 29 Table 8 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors ...... 30 Table 9 Analysis of the general level of detail ...... 30 Table 10 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction ...... 33 Table 11 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators ...... 41 Table 12 Evaluation of the implemented measures ...... 42 Table 13 Selected SE(C)APs-Norway ...... 46 Table 14 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors ...... 47 Table 15 Analysis of the general level of detail ...... 47 Table 16 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction ...... 50 Table 17 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators ...... 59 Table 18 Evaluation of the implemented measures ...... 61 Table 19 Selected SE(C)APs-Latvia ...... 64 Table 20 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors ...... 65 Table 21 Analysis of the general level of detail ...... 65 Table 22 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction ...... 68 Table 23 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators ...... 77 Table 24 Evaluation of the implemented measures ...... 81 Table 25 Selected SEAPs- Spain ...... 84 Table 26 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors ...... 85 Table 27 Analysis of the general level of detail ...... 85 Table 28 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction ...... 88 Table 29 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators ...... 98 Table 30 Evaluation of the implemented measures ...... 100 Table 31 Initiation phase ...... 103 Table 32 Planning phase ...... 104 Table 33 Implementation phase ...... 106 Table 34 Monitoring and reporting phase ...... 107 Table 35 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data ...... 109 Table 36 Stakeholders’ involvement ...... 110 Table 37 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction ...... 111 Table 38 SEAP implementation-indicators ...... 113 Table 39 SEAP monitoring overview ...... 115 Table 40 Municipalities that carry out the joint SEAP ...... 118 Table 41 Initiation phase ...... 118 Table 42 Planning phase ...... 119 Table 43 Implementation phase ...... 121 1



Table 44 Monitoring and reporting phase ...... 122 Table 45 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data ...... 123 Table 46 Stakeholders’ involvement ...... 124 Table 47 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction ...... 124 Table 48 SE(C)AP implementation- indicators ...... 126 Table 49 SE(C)AP monitoring overview ...... 127 Table 50 Initiation phase ...... 130 Table 51 Planning phase ...... 131 Table 52 Implementation phase ...... 133 Table 53 Monitoring and reporting phase ...... 134 Table 54 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data ...... 134 Table 55 Stakeholders’ involvement ...... 136 Table 56 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction ...... 137 Table 57 SEAP implementation- indicators ...... 139 Table 58 Initiation phase ...... 142 Table 59 Planning phase ...... 143 Table 60 Implementation phase ...... 144 Table 61 Monitoring and reporting phase ...... 145 Table 62 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data ...... 146 Table 63 Stakeholders’ involvement ...... 147 Table 64 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction ...... 147 Table 65 SE(C)AP implementation- indicators ...... 149 Table 66 SECAP monitoring overview ...... 150 Table 67 Initiation phase ...... 153 Table 68 Planning phase ...... 154 Table 69 Implementation phase ...... 155 Table 70 Monitoring and reporting phase ...... 156 Table 71 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data ...... 157 Table 72 Stakeholders’ involvement ...... 158 Table 73 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction ...... 159 Table 74 SECAP implementation- indicators ...... 160 Table 75 SE(C)AP monitoring overview ...... 162 Table 76 Initiation phase ...... 164 Table 77 Planning phase ...... 165 Table 78 Initiation phase ...... 167 Table 79 Planning phase ...... 168 Table 80 Implementation phase ...... 169 Table 81 Monitoring and reporting phase ...... 170 Table 82 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data ...... 171 Table 83 Stakeholders’ involvement ...... 172 Table 84 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction ...... 172 Table 85 SEAP implementation- indicators ...... 174 Table 86 Initiation phase ...... 176 Table 87 Planning phase ...... 177




Table 88 Initiation phase ...... 179 Table 89 Planning phase ...... 180 Table 90 Implementation phase ...... 182 Table 91 Monitoring and reporting phase ...... 183 Table 92 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data ...... 184 Table 93 Stakeholders’ involvement ...... 186 Table 94 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction ...... 186 Table 95 SE(C)AP implementation- indicators ...... 188 Table 96 SE(C)AP monitoring overview ...... 189




Introduction The purpose of this report is to detail the overall status of the SE(C)AP implementation and development in the partners country, with a special focus on the pilot municipalities. This step is key for all future actions due to the large difference of the practice of the SE(C)AP development process and the level of the implementation of the measures. The presented results will enable the evaluation of the feasibility and ease of implementation of the devised PentaHelix method in different legal, economic and cultural framework. Furthermore, they will also be used as a starting point for the implementation and replication steps.

Project background The PentaHelix project is focusing on developing and testing a new approach for integrating multi- governance planning for sustainable energy, both horizontal and vertical, together with close interaction with key stakeholders in energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions. Here, integrated development focuses on five different stakeholder groups, who constitute the PentaHelix pillars: • Public authorities (local, regional, national and international); • Industry (and businesses such as SMEs, farmers, trade etc); • Academia (research and educational institutes); • NGOs (associations, interest organisations, etc); • Citizens (house owners, car owners, commuters etc). Representatives of the PentaHelix pillars constitute the task force groups, that serve as a driver for a wider scope of the of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), as well as bringing in valuable insights and identification of potential measures, system solutions and a better understanding of drivers and barriers for a more sustainable society as a whole, in each specific region. The approach will be developed and tested in Norway, Croatia, Latvia, Belgium and Spain, what will enable its validation across a wide set of different economic, climate, social and political conditions. In each of those countries, municipalities which will act as the pilot municipalities, are chosen. Furthermore, the project aims at developing the peer-to-peer online platform for SECAP development that can be used for multiple public authorities in joint planning and implementation. This will enable the integration of different administrative levels and geographical planning areas as well as enhance the cost efficiency in the entire planning and implementation process based on economy of scale and closer cooperation and exchange. To further enhance the impact of the project a broad replication and dissemination strategy and actions will be rolled out in many countries in the EU. To ensure that the PentaHelix project will reach out to all parts of the civil society, the consortium includes two network partners- Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) and the EBN innovation network.




Scope of the report

First part of the report provides an overview of the general state of the art of the existing SE(C)APs development in Belgium, Croatia, Norway, Latvia and Spain. For this purpose, five SE(C)APs have been selected from each partner country. Those SE(C)APs represent municipalities of different population groups and from different regions, in order to give a better overview of local conditions. Evaluation and analysis of the selected SE(C)APs provide an insight into the general level of detail, the most common measures proposed, indicators used for the monitoring, identified potentials and actually implemented measures. Furthermore, brief description of each project country is provided within the first part of the report, detailing the general information for the country such as: area, population, climate, economy, main branches of industry, specifics of the country, number of CoM signatures , the most significant renewable energy sources, the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy. The second part of the report presents the results of the detailed and thorough analysis conducted for the pilot municipalities. As the pilot municipalities differ with previous experience of SE(C)AP development, the analysis has been adjusted regarding the phase of SE(C)AP development. Here, the process of SE(C)AP development has been divided into four phases: initiation, planning, implementation and monitoring phase. Corresponding actions of each phase, which have been used as indicators to determine the current phase of SE(C)AP development are depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Phases of SE(C)AP development

For the cases where the SE(C)AP is being revised, the information about the previous experiences with the SE(C)AP development are presented for all four phases. In the cases where the new SECAP is being developed, presented is the information about the current phase of the SECAP development.




The results of the analysis present a wide range of information such as: involvement of municipal council and stakeholders during each phase of SE(C)AP development, general level of detail of the existing SEAP (with the special attention to baseline emissions inventory), proposed measures for CO2 reduction and its potential, used implementation indicators etc. In the case when pilot municipalities which have submitted their progress report to CoM are being analysed, partners gave an overview of the level of implementation of the mitigation actions. The detailed thorough analysis analysis has been conducted for municipalities for which nine SECAPs will be developed.




Baseline assessment




Belgium Belgium has a total surface of 30.528 km² and has 11.358.357 inhabitants (1st Jan. 2018) [1]. The climate is a temperate sea climate (can be stated for the entire country), which means summers are relatively chilly and winters are rather warm. The economy of Belgium is orientated towards services, transport and trade; industrial sectors are in decline. In West- the agricultural sector is very important, where the pig production, land cultivation and horticulture are the main sectors. The REO auction in (selling point for fruit, vegetables and herbs in large volumes and worldwide) is a key actor. In the region Midwest, there are also several big companies involved in the production of frozen products (strong link with the agricultural sector). West-Flanders is a coastal province, the main harbours are Zeebrugge and Oostende. In Flanders, many municipalities signed the Covenant of Mayors. In West-Flanders in every region a group of municipalities was formed under the option 2-formula. This means there is the mutual goal of reaching 20% reduction in exhaust of CO2 within the group, one baseline emission inventory and one SEAP were drafted. In total 5 SEAP’s were drafted in this way: 4 by WVI and 1 by Leiedal. The bigger cities in West-Flanders are individual participants in the CoM 2020 project. The number of CoM 2020 signatories in Belgium according to the CoM website [2]: 221 (out of 589 municipalities in Belgium). This is not a representative number for the number of municipalities joining the framework though. For example: in West-Flanders 41 municipalities are working together under option 2, within 5 groups. This means they are counted as 5 signatories on the European website, instead of 41. This also means that the number of municipalities according to population is not entirely correct (within a group, the total population is taken into account). According to the CoM website [2], the following division can be made: o Number of municipalities XS (<10,000 inhabitants): 59 o Number of municipalities S (10,000-50,000 inhabitants): 139 o Number of municipalities M (50,000-250,00 inhabitants): 20 o Number of municipalities L (250,000-500,000 inhabitants): 1 o Number of municipalities XL (> 500,000 inhabitants): 2

Here, the number of M municipalities is overrated and the number of XS and S municipalities is highly underrated due to the corporations under option 2. Also, most of the Belgian participators are located in Flanders. The significant renewable energy sources in gross inland energy consumption: biofuels and renewable wastes (5.4%), wind power (0.8%), solar power (0.5%) and hydro power (0.1% ) [3]. The share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy was 8.7% in in 2016 [4] (target is 13%). The basic information about five SEAPs which have been selected for the baseline assessment are presented in Table 1.




Table 1 Selected SEAPs- Belgium

The number of Selected SEAP or Country Population Area [km²] municipalities SECAP involved

1.SEAP Oostende Belgium 68 931 37.72 1 2.SEAP Region Zuid-West- Belgium 302 137 446.48 13 Vlaanderen 3.SEAP Van Zee tot IJzer Belgium 101 843 585.95 9 4.SEAP Belgium 86 304 65.19 1 5.SEAP Leuven Belgium 101 396 56.63 1

The information provided in Table 2 refer to the general goals for the CO2 reduction, set by the municipality, and to emission factors used for the SE(C)AP development.




Table 2 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors

General goals and used emission factors Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen 51% over the period The target overall CO2 emission 1990-2020, with 62% 20% over the period 20% over the period reduction. 20% 22% direct reduction and 2005-2020 2011-2020 [%] 14% indirect reduction Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute reduction (percentage of the quantity of CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as Absolute reduction Absolute reduction Absolute reduction Absolute reduction Absolute reduction a per capita reduction? [absolute reduction/ per capita reduction]

Emission factor which have been used IPCC IPCC IPCC IPCC for energy ------

Additional remarks Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen The BEI is calculated The BEI is calculated The reference year in for 2007, and then for 2011 in detail, the BEI (2011) is used calculated back to referrals are made in the plan, no 1990 (estimation). towards 2005 referrals to the past Reduction goals are are made (as is the determined for the case in the other 2 period 1990-2020. SEAPs) Only for the sectors 10



agriculture and waste water+waste treatment CO2- equivalents are taken into account (for the other sectors only CO2 is taken into account).

The information provided in Table 3 present the general level of detail of SE(C)AP, mostly regarding the Baseline emission inventory (BEI). Table 3 Analysis of the general level of detail

Long-term vision Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Does the SE(C)AP contain the long-term Focus on 2020, vision of the municipality? chapter with the long- NO (until 2020) term strategy to NO (until 2020) YES YES become climate neutral in 2050 CO2 emissions Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by presented by energy source (natural YES YES YES YES YES gas, fuel oil, etc.)?




Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented YES YES YES YES YES by sector?

Energy consumption Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption YES YES NO (the BEI does) YES YES presented by energy source (natural gas, fuel oil, etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption NO YES NO (the BEI does) YES YES presented by sector? Does the SE(C)AP contain the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment presented NO NO NO YES NO with the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user? Buildings Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Does the SE(C)AP contain the description of the existing building stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and NO NO NO YES NO other energy-related characteristics, energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.)?




Does the SE(C)AP contain the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations? NO NO NO NO NO

Industry Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Does the SE(C)AP contain the industry sector? YES YES NO YES NO

Transport and mobility Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the demand for NO NO NO NO NO mobility (need for mobility)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the public NO NO NO NO NO transportation? Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the modes of NO NO NO NO NO transport? Stakeholders’ involvement Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Are the main stakeholders’ groups NO NO YES YES YES identified in the SE(C)AP?




Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ involvement presented in the SE(C)AP? NO NO NO NO NO

Additional remarks Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen The BEI is not The BEI is repeated in The BEI is not repeated in the SEAP the SEAP repeated in the SEAP

Table 4 presents the most common proposed measures and their potential for CO2 emission reduction, for each of the sector included in the analysed SEAPs. As analysed SEAPs are from different population size groups, the potential of CO2 reduction has been calculated per capita.

Table 4 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction

Buildings equipment/facilities Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Proposed measures (general) for 1. Energy efficient/ 1. Purchase of 100% 1. Renovation (partial 1. ESCO with Eandis CO2 emission reduction in energy neutral renewable or total) of (energy Company) municipal buildings municipal electricity municipal buildings 2. Energy audit by equipment/facilities. buildings 2. Renewable energy 2. Investments in Eandis 2. Purchase of on public buildings renewable energy 3. Energy accounting renewable energy 3. Master planning on/in municipal ------3. Installation of PV for energy buildings panels on refurbishment of 3. Purchase of 100% municipal public buildings renewable energy buildings and optimizing

energy use




Potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 0.0891 0.0827 0.0145 ------reduction in municipal buildings equipment/ facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for 1. Purchase of 1. Local and regional 1. Stimulating the 1. Renovation waves 1. Renovation waves CO2 emission reduction in renewable energy impacts of policies placement of 2. Full/complete roof 2. Roof insulation in residential buildings 2. Group purchase of federal and photovoltaic panels insulation existing houses equipment/facilities. of roof insulation Flemish on dwellings 3. Replace single 3. Replace single by

3. Covenants about governments (e.g. 2. Actions towards glass by high double glazing energetic Flemish law stating stimulating energy efficient

renovation with that houses from energetic glazing motivated 2020 on no longer renovation of

inhabitants can be rented dwellings when they have no 3. Cheap loan for

roof insulation taking energy leads to actions measures in from house owners dwellings (Flemish in the energy loans) municipalities towards placing roof insulation) 2. Energy renovation of social housing stock 3. Deburdening of house owners in renovation process,




refurbishment assistance and demonstrations of renovations

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 0.8357 0.4631 0.5554 0.59 0.13 reduction in residential buildings equipment/facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for 1. Purchase of 1. Local and regional 1. Actions towards LED 1. Replace air curtain 1. Replace air curtain CO2 emission reduction in tertiary renewable energy impacts of policies illumination and with sliding doors with sliding doors buildings equipment/ facilities. 2. Closing of open of federal and quick wins (actions in ¼ of the in ¼ of the shop doors Flemish that can rather commercial commercial governments easily be buildings buildings

2. Estimated implemented by 2. Ventilation system 2. Ventilation system reduction not companies, with D in ¼ of the D in ¼ of the associated with impact e.g. turning commercial commercial any reported of the light in buildings buildings actions windows of shops 3. Reduce energy use

of lighting from 52 during the night, or on car parks... W/m² to 20 W/m² 2. Awareness raising by ½ of the towards the tertiary commercial sectors (to make buildings instruments and support tools regarding energy efficiency and




renewable energy known) 3. Actions towards shops concerning energy efficiency

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 0.4947 0.1423 0.0563 0.51 0.48 reduction in tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Transport Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Proposed measures (general) for 1. Shore based 1. Improving 1. Modal shift towards 1. Combination of 1. Database for CO2 emission reduction in power (with green infrastructure for going by bike or foot cycle and public exchange of transport. electricity) cycling and walking 2. Supporting transport city by transportation 2. Reduction in (slow traffic) technological 2030 services, such as emissions by ships 2. Estimated progress (e.g. 2. Low emission zone cars, renting a bike, through a reduction not electric vehicles) in city centre etc sustainable policy associated with 3. Vehicle-restricted Mechelen 2. Reduce extra travel (10%) any reported city centers and 3. Invite companies by local services to 3. Investing in buses actions residential quarters (on voluntary compensate for on green gas as 3. Electric cars – basis) to sign a lack of local

replacement for setting the charter to reduce services old buses example for the emissions of 3. Multifaceted, citizens (electric their vehicle fleet 33/33/33 (cycle,

cars for public public transport,

authorities) car) transport city.




The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 0.5182 0.1094 0.1874 0.23 0.42 reduction in transport. [t CO2/ capita] Public lighting Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Proposed measures (general) for 1. Research, LED, 1. Dimming and 1. Dimming and 1. Execute public CO2 emission reduction in public turning off and turning off turning off public lighting plan by lighting. dimming public streetlights during lighting during the 2020 lighting, using parts of the night evening and/or 2. Invest in energy best available 2. Urban or regional night + energy efficient PL techniques, lighting vision efficient public ------according to a 3. Action plan to lighting according to lighting plan reduce energy urban/regional consumption of vision

street lighting 2. Capacity-building and awareness raising

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 0.0059 0.0033 0.0029 0.02 reduction in public lighting. [t CO2/ capita] Local electricity production Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen




Proposed measures (general) for 1. Wind turbines 1. Stimulating 1. Stimulating 1. PV-cells 162 MWE 1. Residential PV-cells CO2 emission reduction in local (medium sized) decentral local decentral (local) by 2030 (1/5 of roof electricity production. 2. Solar panels for renewable energy renewable energy 2. 10 wind turbines- surface) industry, tertiary production up to production with the 3MWe 2. Non-residential PV-

sector and 5.5% of local aim to reduce CO2- 3. 1 biomass boiler cells (1/10 of roof residential sector energy use by 2020 emissions up to 2% of 1 MWth for 220 surface) by 2020 houses (collective 3. Windmills 2 MW

2. Supporting or heat network

setting up

cooperative structures for renewable energy

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 Included in other 0.1240 0.3358 0.0704 0.28 reduction in local electricity sectors production. [t CO2/ capita] Local heat/cold production Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Proposed measures (general) for 1. District heating 1. New district 1. Integrating heat 1. Heat pumps on 1. Sun boiler on CO2 emission reduction in local network for the heating schemes nets in the city green power 1/10th of the non- heat/cold production. city (no further (interested (interested (households) residential detail known than municipalities are municipalities are 2. Heat pumps for buildings that there is mentioned, as is a mentioned) heating and 2. 10 heat plants enough potential possible heat cooling in 1/8 of al 3. Cogeneration to do further source namely the buildings (Tertiary research) sector)




waste incinerator 3. Residual/waste in ) heat from industry,

riothermia (renewable energy)

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 Included in other 2.0310 0.0030 0.0037 0.29 reduction in local heat/cold sectors production. [t CO2/ capita] Industry Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Proposed measures (general) for 1. Bio CHP in 1. Carbon neutral CO2 emission reduction in industry. companies business parks (general outline 2. Revitalising i.e. 50% of the industrial parks – energy demand of researching for industry could be options for heat delivered, recovery and ------therefore 10 district heating 1MWe-

installations are necessary) 2. Purchase of renewable energy




3. “Business park neutrality” i.e. as well as for electricity as for fossil fuels

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 1.1445 0.0248 ------reduction in industry. [t CO2/ capita] Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Proposed measures (general) for 1. Checking of CO2 emission reduction in improper use of/ agriculture. ------and correct appointing of fuel for agriculture

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------0.10 reduction in agriculture. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for 1. Reinforcing the 1. Planting of 10.000 CO2 emission reduction in forestry. blue-green trees ------network in ------2. Purchase of urbanised areas 247 105 (100




hectare) acre of forest

The potential of CO2 reduction (per Included by agriculture capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------0.0059 ------reduction in forestry. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measure(s) (general) for ------CO2 emission reduction in fisheries.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in fisheries. [t CO2/ capita] Funding Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Are possible sources of funding NO NO NO mentioned in the SE(C)AP? NO NO Three measures which require the 1. Replacing cars by 1. Green power, lowest total investment costs per electric cars by trade and services tonne of CO2. the city (electric 2. Green power cars are cheaper industry taking into ------3. Employees will ------account the set of receive mobility fiscal and subsidy budget rather instruments of than company car Flanders)




2. Purchase of 100% renewable energy (no cost calculated since this type of electricity is not more expensive than the “grey power”) 3. Investing in buses on green gas as replacement for old buses (extra cost compared to a normal bus is relatively small)

Stakeholders’ involvement Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Three measures that are expected 1. District heating 1. District heating 1. District heating 1. Energy 1. Renovation of to require the greatest involvement 2. Wind turbines 2. Wind turbines 2. Wind turbines management at existing houses of stakeholders. 3. Renovations in 3. Urban or regional 3. Vehicle-restricted industries 2. multimodal the residential lighting vision city centres and 2. Renovation of mobility city sector residential quarters existing houses 3. Replace lighting at 3. Group cargo trade and service transport, to companies transport together




Additional remarks Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Some elements not The SEAP mentions included in the CoM that a financial plan will framework are still be developed included in the BEI and SEAP e.g. rail traffic, shipping transport. Calculating the investment cost per ton CO2-reduction is not giving a good insight, since it does not incorporate the reduction in cost for energy use. For some measures the cost couldn’t be determined.

Table 5 presents the indicators for the monitoring of the progress of proposed measures, listed in the analysed SEAPs.




Table 5 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Total energy use in implementation in the building sector municipal buildings ------2. Total number of energy scans

Public lighting Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP ------implementation in the public lighting. Transport Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Investments in implementation in the transport. construction or repairs of cycling paths ------2. Number of buses on renewable energy




Local electricity production Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Amount of implementation in local electricity renewable energy production. set against the total potential ------2. Number of photovoltaic installations in residential sector Local heat/cold production Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold ------production. Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP ------implementation in the industry. Additional remarks Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen




Selection out of the No specific indicators No specific indicators list of indicators in the are mentioned. The are mentioned. The monitoring tool main indicator is the main indicator is the reduction in energy reduction in energy use in tonnes CO2 in use in tonnes CO2 in the MEI. In the MEI. In calculations, Flemish calculations, Flemish standards and standards and assessments are used. assessments are used. These items can’t be These items can’t be retrieved in the SEAP retrieved in the SEAP itself. itself.

Table 6 presents the progress of the SEAP implementation, for SEAPs for which at least one progress report has been submitted. Table 6 Evaluation of the implemented measures

Implementation status Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen The sector with the highest share of completed measures which have been ------” ------proposed in the SE(C)AP? Greenhouse gas emission reduction Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Greenhouse gas emission reduction of the completed actions. ------6% ------[% COMPLETED ACTIONS] 27



The potential of the greenhouse gas emission reduction of the ongoing actions. ------[% ONGOING ACTIONS] The sector with the highest greenhouse gas emission reduction from the year of ------Residential buildings ------BEI to the year of the most recent data available. Final energy consumption Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen Energy carrier with the highest change in final energy consumption (in ------Fossil fuels percentage) from the year of BEI to the year of the most recent data available. Additional remarks Region Zuid-West- Oostende Van Zee tot IJzer Mechelen Leuven Vlaanderen According to the The action plan was The first monitoring database, the submitted in 2014. has to be executed by monitoring overview Under the part February 2019. was submitted in “progress” the group 2015. For each of the Region Zuid-West- subitems there is only Vlaanderen can’t be the following found, although the mentioned: “no data monitoring should available” have been executed.




Croatia Republic of Croatia is located at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic Sea. Croatia has 4.153 million inhabitants [5] and the surface area of total 87 667 square kilometres, which is made up of 56,538 square kilometres of mainland (65%) and 31 139 square kilometres (35%) of coastline (both inland and territorial waters) [6]. The Croatian coast is located between the Dinaric Alps to the east and the Adriatic Sea to the west and has 1 800 km of coastline. Croatia has more than a thousand islands, islets and crags of which 48 of are inhabited. The Croatian climate is mainly continental but at higher altitudes there is also a mountainous climate. In the coastal regions the climate is classified as Mediterranean [6]. Mean annual precipitation ranges between 600 millimetres and 3,500 millimetres (depending on geographic region and prevailing climate type) [7]. Croatia's economy is dominated by service and industrial sectors and agriculture. Tourism is a significant source of revenue, while the European Union is Croatia's most important trading partner. Croatia has 62 Covenant of Mayors signatories. Based on the number of inhabitants, the following division can be made: o Number of municipalities XS (<10,000 inhabitants): 29 o Number of municipalities S (10,000-50,000 inhabitants): 25 o Number of municipalities M (50,000-250,00 inhabitants): 7 o Number of municipalities L (250,000-500,000 inhabitants): 0 o Number of municipalities XL (>500,000 inhabitants): 1 In Croatia, biomass is the most significant energy source in gross inland energy consumption (15.1%) and it is followed by hydro power (6.9%), wind power (1%) and solar energy (0.2%) [3]. Biomass is mostly used in traditional wood fired stoves. The share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption is 28.3%. The basic information about five SEAPs which have been selected for the baseline assessment are presented in Table 7. Table 7 Selected SEAPs-Croatia

The number of Selected SEAP or Country Population Area [km2] municipalities SECAP involved

1. SEAP Grad Zagreb Croatia 802 338 641 1 2. SEAP Pregrada Croatia 7 165 67.26 1 3. SEAP Pula Croatia 57 460 51.65 1 4. SEAP Belišće Croatia 10 825 69 1 5.SEAP Zadar Croatia 71 471 194 1

The information provided in Table 8 refer to the general goals for the CO2 reduction, set by the municipality, and to emission factors used for the SEAP development.




Table 8 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors

General goals and used emission factors Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar

The target overall CO2 emission reduction. 21 % 21 % 21 % 21% 21% [%]

Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute reduction (percentage of the quantity of CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as Absolute reduction Absolute reduction Absolute reduction Absolute reduction Absolute reduction a per capita reduction? [absolute reduction/ per capita reduction]

Emission factor which have been used IPCC IPCC IPCC IPCC IPCC

The information provided in Table 9 present the general level of detail of SE(C)AP, mostly regarding the Baseline emission inventory (BEI).

Table 9 Analysis of the general level of detail

Long-term vision Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Does the SE(C)AP contain the long-term vision of the municipality? NO NO NO NO NO

CO2 emissions




Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by presented by energy source (natural YES YES YES YES YES gas, fuel oil, etc.)?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented YES YES YES YES YES by sector?

Energy consumption Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption YES YES YES YES YES presented by energy source (natural gas, fuel oil, etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption YES YES YES YES YES presented by sector? Does the SE(C)AP contain the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment presented YES YES NO YES YES with the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user? Buildings Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Does the SE(C)AP contain the description of the existing building stock NO NO NO NO NO (usage, age, thermal insulation and 31



other energy-related characteristics, energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations? NO NO NO NO NO

Industry Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Does the SE(C)AP contain the industry sector? NO NO NO NO NO

Transport and mobility Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the demand for NO NO NO NO NO mobility (need for mobility)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the public YES YES NO YES YES transportation? Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the modes of YES NO NO NO YES transport? Stakeholders’ involvement Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Are the main stakeholders’ groups YES NO NO YES NO identified in the SE(C)AP?




Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ YES YES YES YES YES involvement presented in the SE(C)AP?

Table 10 presents the most common proposed measures and their potential for CO2 emission reduction, for each of the sector included in the analysed SEAPs. As analysed SEAPs are from different population size groups, the potential of CO2 reduction has been calculated per capita.

Table 10 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction

Buildings equipment/facilities Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Education measures 1. Installation of 1. Thermal 1. Thermal insulation 1. Installation of PV emission reduction in municipal and change in the the solar thermal insulation of the of the building panels up to 30 kW buildings equipment/facilities. behaviour of the collectors for building envelopes and on public buildings employees/users of public buildings envelopes and roofs 2. Thermal insulation of the public buildings 2. Installation of roofs 2. Installation of the the building 2. Installation of solar thermostatic 2. Installation of energy efficient envelopes and roofs thermal collectors sets in all solar thermal windows 3. Installation of the for health and social municipal collectors on the 3. Installation of the programmable institutions owned buildings public buildings small PV systems thermostatic valves by the city 3. Thermal 3. Modernization on public buildings 3. Thermal insulation insulation of the of the heating of the building building systems in the envelopes and roofs envelopes and municipal roofs buildings

Potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed 1. 0.022584 1. 0.002494 1. 0.036233 1. 0.003032 1. 0.001087 measures for CO2 reduction in 2. 0.000003 2. 0.003367 2. 0.009049 2. 0.003515 2. 0.003539 municipal buildings equipment/ 3. 0.030344 3. 0.004581 3. 0.011434 3. 0.002387 3. 0.003417 facilities. [t CO2/ capita] 33



Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Subsidies for 1. Subsidies for 1. Energy efficiency 1. Subsidies for 1. Promotion of energy emission reduction in residential thermal insulation thermal education for thermal insulation efficiency buildings equipment/facilities. of building insulation of the citizens of building 2. Subsidies for thermal envelopes and roofs building 2. Subsidies for the envelopes and insulation of building of the residential envelopes and installation of PV roofs of residential envelopes and roofs buildings roofs for the panels up to 30 buildings of the residential 2. Subsidies for the residential kW on 2. Installation of buildings installation of buildings residential thermostatic sets 3. Subsidies for the thermal solar 2. Subsidies for the buildings on radiators in installation of PV collectors on installation of 3. Subsidies for the residential panels up to 10 kW residential buildings thermal solar purchase of buildings on residential 3. Subsidies for the collectors on biomass fired 3. Adoption of the buildings purchase of the residential boilers City Council energy-efficient buildings decision on electrical appliances 3. Replacement of reduction of for the residential the inefficient municipal buildings light bulbs with contribution for the energy new low-energy

saving light bulbs and passive in all households residential buildings

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the 1. 0.123277 1. 0.062052 1. 0.106056 1. 0.045092 1. 0.069343 proposed measures for CO2 reduction 2. 0.003357 2. 0.012535 2. 0.098938 2. 0.021111 2. 0.055792 in residential buildings 3. 0.019867 3. 0.061934 3. 0.118674 3. 0.101918 3. 0.005073 equipment/facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Subsidies for 1. Subsidies for the 1. Subsidies for the 1. Subsidies for the 1. Subsidies for the emission reduction in tertiary thermal insulation installation of thermal installation of the installation of PV buildings equipment/ facilities. of building the thermal solar insulation of thermal solar panels up to 30 kW envelopes and roofs building 34



of the tertiary collectors on the envelopes of the collectors at the on residential buildings tertiary buildings tertiary buildings tertiary buildings buildings 2. Subsidies for the 2. Replacement of 2. Subsidies for the 2. Adoption of City 2. Subsidies for the use of renewable the inefficient installation of PV Council decision installation of the energy sources in lighting fixtures panels on the on reduction of thermal solar the existing tertiary with the energy- tertiary buildings municipal collectors on the buildings efficient lighting 3. Subsidies for the contribution for tertiary buildings 3. Subsidies for the fixtures energy efficient new tertiary 3. Subsidies for purchase of the 3. Adoption of the lighting buildings which windows energy-efficient City Council are using replacement, electrical appliances Decision on renewable energy thermal insulation of sources building envelopes reduction of cost of municipal 3. Replacement of and roofs of the contribution for the inefficient tertiary buildings lighting fixtures new tertiary buildings which with the energy use renewable saving lighting energy sources fixtures

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the 1. 0.037889 1. 0.030324 1. 0.061991 1. 0.040002 1. 0.015219 proposed measures for CO2 reduction 2. 0.018945 2. 0.030204 2. 0.148399 2. 0.040002 2. 0.000566 in tertiary buildings equipment/ 3. 0.012139 3. 0.052004 3. 0.021598 3. 0.014650 3. 0.061698 facilities [t CO2/ capita] Transport Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar




Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Introduction of fees 1. Adoption of the 1. Increasing the 1. Increasing the 1. Education and emission reduction in transport. for traffic pollution decision of the share of share of biodiesel promotion of the in the city centre City Council biodiesel in in transport energy efficiency in 2. Informing and granting transport 2. Introducing traffic training for concessions for 2. Measures for automatic parking 2. Introducing a car- environmentally bus encouraging use charge system in sharing model sound driving transportation of the public the city 3. Introducing the 3. Establishment of by gradual transport system of monitoring the bicycle rental replacement of 3. Informing and driving style bus network equipped old buses by training for with IT theft biodiesel-fuelled environmentally protection buses sound driving 2. A group of measures to improve bicycle transport 3. Introduction of an automated city parking billing system

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the 1. 0.011292 1. 0.028751 1. 0.208284 1. 0.072039 1. 0.046200 2. 0.027259 proposed measures for CO2 reduction 2. 0.012526 2. 0.0174566 2. 0.043926 2. 0.011919 in transport. 3. 0.016186 3. 0.0262317 3. 0.098434 3. 0.002449 [t CO2/ capita] Public lighting Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar




Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Replacing outdated 1. Reconstruction 1. Modernization 1. Replacing 1. Replacing outdated emission reduction in public lighting. lighting fixtures of the public of the public outdated lighting lighting fixtures with with energy- lighting lighting fixtures with energy-efficient and efficient and more energy-efficient more environmentally- and more environmentally- friendly lighting environmentally- friendly lighting fixtures friendly lighting fixtures 2. Management and fixtures 2. Regulation of the regulation of the 2. Management and public lighting public lighting regulation of the system system public lighting


The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the 1. 0.0025388 1. 0.004237 1. 0.016086 proposed measures for CO2 reduction 1. 0.004878 1. 0.015523 2. 0.0072538 2. 0.001703 2. 0.010952 in public lighting. [t CO2/ capita] Local electricity production Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in local electricity ------production.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction ------in local electricity production. [t CO2/ capita] Local heat/cold production




Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in local heat/cold ------production. The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction ------in local heat/cold production. [t CO2/ capita] Industry Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 ------emission reduction in industry. ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction ------in industry. [t CO2/ capita] Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in agriculture. ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction ------in agriculture. [t CO2/ capita]




Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in forestry. ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction ------in forestry. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measure(s) (general) for CO2 emission reduction in fisheries. ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction ------in fisheries. [t CO2/ capita] Funding Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Are possible sources of funding YES YES YES YES YES mentioned in the SE(C)AP? Three measures which require the 1. Education measures 1. Education 1. Energy efficiency 1. Education 1. Energy efficiency lowest total investment costs per and change in the measures and education measures and education tonne of CO2. behaviour of change in the Obrazovanje change in the 2. Subsidies for

employees / users behaviour of građana behaviour of windows of public buildings employees / 2. Subsidies for the employees / users replacement, 2. Modernization of users of public installation of of public buildings thermal insulation of school classroom buildings thermal solar 2. Installation of building envelopes lighting 2. Installation of collectors on thermometers in and roofs of the 3. Replacement of the thermostatic municipal each room in the tertiary buildings fuel oil boilers with sets buildings municipal 3. Education and the wood pellet buildings promotion of the




boilers for 3. Subsidies for the energy efficiency in residential buildings installation of PV traffic panels Stakeholders’ involvement Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Three measures that are expected to 1. Campaign One day 1. Education 1. Energy efficiency 1. 1Education 1. Energy efficiency require the greatest involvement of a week without a measures and education measures and education stakeholders. car change in the 2. Subsidies for the change in the 2. Introducing a car- 2. Information and behaviour of purchase of behaviour of sharing model training for employees / biomass fired employees / users 3. Introducing the environmentally users of public boilers of public system of monitoring sound driving buildings 3. Subsidies for the 2. Installation of driving style bus 3. Education measures 2. Installation of installation of thermostatic sets and change in the thermostatic thermal solar in residential behaviour of sets in collectors on buildings employees / users residential municipal 3. Replacement of of public buildings buildings buildings the inefficient 3. Replacement of lighting fixtures

the inefficient with the energy light bulbs with saving lighting the energy fixtures saving light bulbs in all households

Table 11 presents the indicators for the monitoring of the progress of proposed measures, listed in the analysed SEAPs.




Table 11 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. The total surface 1. Number of 1. The total surface implementation in the building sector area of the replaced windows area of the installed solar and doors installed solar collectors in the ------replaced collectors in the ------city 2. Number of city 2. Total natural gas installed biomass 2. Total electricity consumption boilers consumption Public lighting Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Total electricity ------implementation in the public lighting. consumption Transport Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Number of 1. The volume of 1. Number of implementation in the transport. vehicles passing a fuel sold passengers in the given metering 2. Number of public transport point in the year/ passengers in the in one year month ------public transport 2. Number of ------2. Number of kilometres of passengers in the bicycle paths in public transport the city in one year




Local electricity production Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Electricity 1. Electricity implementation in local electricity production from production from ------production. RES in the city RES in the city area area

Local heat/cold production Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold ------production. Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP ------implementation in the industry. ------

Table 12 presents the progress of the SEAP implementation, for SEAPs for which at least one progress report has been submitted. Table 12 Evaluation of the implemented measures

Implementation status Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar The sector with the highest share of In the last submitted In the last submitted completed measures which have been report, it has been ------report, it has been proposed in the SE(C)AP? only indicated share only indicated share of not started, of not started and 42



ongoing and ongoing mitigation postponed mitigation actions. Sectors actions. Sector municipal buildings tertiary buildings equipment facilities, equipment facilities residential buildings, has the highest share public lighting of ongoing actions transport and others have equal share of ongoing mitigation actions (50%) Greenhouse gas emission reduction Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Greenhouse gas emission reduction of In the last submitted In the last submitted the completed actions. report, it has been report, it has been only indicated share only indicated share [% COMPLETED ACTIONS] ------of not started and of not started and ongoing mitigation ongoing mitigation actions. actions. The potential of the greenhouse gas emission reduction of the ongoing 750 712 t CO2 161 448 actions. ------92 % 85 % [% ONGOING ACTIONS] The sector with the highest greenhouse gas emission reduction from the year of Residential ------BEI to the year of the most recent data available. Final energy consumption Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar




Energy carrier with the highest change in final energy consumption (in Renewables +160.7 % ------percentage) from the year of BEI to the year of the most recent data available. Additional remarks Zagreb Pregrada Pula Belišće Zadar Greenhouse gas emission have in total increase from the year of BEI (2008) to the year of most Some of the recent data available necessary data for (2015) for 4.8%. the monitoring report Transport and tertiary The Monitoring The Monitoring are not provided The Monitoring sector contribute the Report for the city of Report for the city of (greenhouse gas Report for the city of most in greenhouse Pregrada has still not Belišće has still not emission per sector Pula has still not been gas emission been submitted to been submitted to and final energy submitted to CoMO increasement. CoMO CoMO consumption in the Greenhouse gas from year of the most emission from recent data available transport have (2015) increased by 9,5%, while in tertiary sector emission have increased by 22%.




Norway With the area of 324 000 km², Norway has a total population of 5 296 000 [8]. In recent years, the mean temperature in Norway has generally been higher than normal. The exception was 2010, which was one of the coldest years since 1900. The highest mean temperature was recorded in 2014 with 2.2 °C above average. Other years with high averages are 1934, 1990 2006 and 2011 and 2015 - with 1.8 °C above average. In 2016, the temperature was 1.5 °C above average [9]. Economic activity in Norway is on a rising path and the fall in unemployment continues. Growth is broad- based. Private consumption is going up and businesses are investing more, both inside and outside the petroleum sector. Some key figures for the Norwegian economy (NOK billion) [10]: -Gross domestic product =3 279.4 -Gross fixed investment = 784.2 -Private consumption = 1 474.7 -Public consumption = 790-6 All of Norway’s industries have increased their exports over the past 20 years - by a total of 270%. The petroleum industry is currently the most important export sector, accounting for 46% of Norway’s export revenues. This is followed by the manufacturing industry, with around 30 %, and the services industry, with around 20%. Almost 100% of electricity production in Norway is renewable (hydro power). Eight Norwegian municipalities have signed CoM. The number of CoM signatories of municipalities in population group are as follow: o Number of municipalities XS (<10,000 inhabitants): 0 o Number of municipalities S (10,000-50,000 inhabitants):3 o Number of municipalities M (50,000-250,00 inhabitants): 3 o Number of municipalities L (250,000-500,000 inhabitants): 2 409 out of 428 of the Norwegian municipalities (95.6%) have developed energy and climate plans [11]. The share of renewables in gross inland energy consumption is 50.2% of which 5.3% is biofuels and renewable wastes, 0.7% is wind power and 44,2% hydro power. The share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy, the most significant renewable energy sources is 69.4%. The basic information about five SE(C)APs which have been selected for the baseline assessment are presented in Table 13.




Table 13 Selected SE(C)APs-Norway

The number of Area Selected SEAP or SECAP Country Population municipalities [km2] involved 1. SE(C)AP Bærum Energy and climate Norway 125 454 189 1 plan 2013-2017 2. SE(C)AP Hvaler Energy and climate Norway 4540 89 1 plan 2016-2028 3.SE(C)AP Climate and energy plan for municipalities in Indre Norway 61 717 2 242 10 Østfold 2011-2020 4.SE(C)AP Climate plan for Ørsta Norway 10 812 804 1 municipality 2009-2020 5.SE(C)AP Tromsø Municipality Climate and energy plan Norway 75 638 2 521 1 2008-2018

The information provided in Table 14 refer to the general goals for the CO2 reduction, set by the municipality, and to emission factors used for the SE(C)AP development.




Table 14 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors

General goals and used emission factors Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre

The target overall CO2 emission 20% by 2020 To become a Climate 20% by 2020 20% by 2020 50% by 2020 reduction. compared to 2008 as neutral municipality compared to 2007 as compared to 1990 as compared to 1990 as [%] the base year. by 2030 the base year. the base year. the base year.

Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute reduction (percentage of the quantity of No general CO2 CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as Absolute reduction reduction target has Absolute reduction Absolute reduction Absolute reduction a per capita reduction? set in the SE(C)AP. [absolute reduction/ per capita reduction]

Emission factor which have been used ------

The information provided in Table 15Table 15 present the general level of detail of SE(C)AP, mostly regarding the Baseline emission inventory (BEI). Table 15 Analysis of the general level of detail

Long-term vision Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Does the SE(C)AP contain the long-term vision of the municipality? YES YES YES YES YES




CO2 emissions Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by presented by energy source (natural NO YES NO NO NO gas, fuel oil, etc.)?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented YES NO YES NO YES by sector?

Energy consumption Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption YES NO YES YES NO presented by energy source (natural gas, fuel oil, etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption NO NO YES YES NO presented by sector?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment presented with the efficiency indexes of energy NO NO NO YES NO consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user?




Buildings Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Does the SE(C)AP contain the description of the existing building stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and YES NO NO NO NO other energy-related characteristics, energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the minimal legal energy requirements for new YES NO YES NO YES constructions and major renovations?

Industry Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Does the SE(C)AP contain the industry sector? NO NO YES NO NO

Transport and mobility Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the demand for YES YES YES YES YES mobility (need for mobility)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the public YES YES YES YES YES transportation?




Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the modes of YES YES YES YES YES transport? Stakeholders’ involvement Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Are the main stakeholders’ groups NO YES YES YES YES identified in the SE(C)AP? Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ involvement presented in the SE(C)AP? NO NO YES NO NO

Table 16 presents the most common proposed measures and their potential for CO2 emission reduction, for each of the sector included in the analysed SE(C)APs. As analysed SEAPs are from different population size groups, the potential of CO2 reduction has been calculated per capita.

Table 16 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction Buildings equipment/facilities Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Proposed measures (general) for 1. Replace 1. Conversion from oil- 1. Technical energy and 1. Detail out all 1. Encreasing CO2 emission reduction in remaining oil- based boiler to climate requirements profitable energy efficiency municipal buildings based heaters renewable energy must be made for energyefficiency in existing equipment/facilities. with more sources new buildings and old measures in buildings and environmentally 2. Evaluate passive buildings must be municipal setting new friendly energy housing standards for refurbished, ensuring buildings requirements for source newbuilding and equivalent 2. Integrate energy the new ones. 2. Link more of the rehabilitation requirements competence and 2. Installation of air existing buildings 3. Conversion of electric energy review as to air heat

to district heating heaters to district a basis for pumps in older 50



3. Complete energy heating or other decision-making buildings that labelling of renewable energy in all alternatives have no access municipal sources in public from the to district buildings buildings planning stage. heating network 3. Select renewable

energy for indoor heating in all new buildings.

Potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in municipal buildings equipment/ facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for 1. Processing of 1. Energy efficiency and 1. Municipalities should 1. Systematically 1. Gradually CO2 emission reduction in applications and transition to renewable facilitate increasing communicate phasing out the residential buildings control will energy sources in share of renewable information on use of oil equipment/facilities. emphasize households energy so developing targets in the heating. Through energy content 2. To facilitate and district heating and climate plan, new a preliminary and prevention support the biofuel will be more energy project, costs of environmental households’ excess profitable. requirements and savings will and climate power production to and low energy be calculated by

hazards the grid buildings at pre- switching from 2. Online energy conference with oil to gas - first advice to constructors propane, later homeowners LNG when

available - in the buildings where this is possible,




practical and economical.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in residential buildings equipment/facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for 1. Energy efficiency and 1. Municipality should 1. Introduce a CO2 emission reduction in tertiary transition to renewable adapt environmental routine that buildings equipment/ facilities. energy sources in guidelines, such as ensures that all business development density new construction 2. Encourage companies and requirements for areas and ------to carry out alternative energy business areas ------environmental sources in the are primarily certification development of assessed with residential, renewable commercial and energy supply public buildings. The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities Transport Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Proposed measures (general) for 1. Establish new 1. Create multiple 1. The municipalities 1. Develop local 1. Development of CO2 emission reduction in free electric car charging stations for should influence the plan for walking new bus flyt in transport. 52



parking spaces electric cars in central business community and cycling with public transport with power locations in the to establish charging a uniform design should focus on outlets at municipality - both in stations for electric as a basis for the LNG/CNG fuled municipal public and private cars municipal area buses (with parking spaces parking areas. 2. increasing the plan for Ørsta external 2. Develop a plan 2. Continue work for number of biogas- center and financing) for improvement better facilitation of fueled busses in Hovdebygda. 2. Reduce the need of cycle paths public services, public transport 2. Developing a for driving to and bicycle especially for work trips more accessible and from schools

parking to towns and upper and affordable and 3. Work for secondary schools. public transport kindergartens. securing 3. Further focus on the with broader Action Beintøft pedestrian and development of network for ("Walking Bus"), cycle paths to walking and cycling reducing children may go schools routes. passenger car to kindergarten traffic. close to their

residence. The

kindergarten bus is assessed, financed with funds from the "reward scheme".

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in transport. [t CO2/ capita]




Public lighting Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Proposed measures (general) for 1. Replacement of 1. Increasing energy 1. Reduction of CO2 emission reduction in public light fixture for efficiency in electricity use lighting. LED lighting street/road lighting heating and 2. Provide LED lighting in all

lights along public and municipal roads ------private buildings ------by 20% by 2020 relative to the energy consumption in 2007

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in public lighting. [t CO2/ capita] Local electricity production Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Proposed measures (general) for 1. Minimum 20% of 1. Map potential of 1. Contribution to CO2 emission reduction in local energy production local renewable Local Energy electricity production. from local power energy resources Investigation at stations in Indre Troms Kraft ------Østfold must be Nett, network based on renewable consultant. Two- energy carriers. way revision. Access to new 54



renewable energy sources

will be emphasized when choosing development areas.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in local electricity production. [t CO2/ capita] Local heat/cold production Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Proposed measures (general) for 1. The municipality 1. Contribute to the CO2 emission reduction in local should define their establishment of heat/cold production. role as a regional district heating in planning authority the downtown and a climate and Ørsta ------energy strategist for 2. Map available ------the district heating waste heat and concessionaire prior set requisite to rolling out the measures for municipal area and in utilizing this regulatory plans




The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in local heat/cold production. [t CO2/ capita] Industry Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Proposed measures (general) for 1. Having dialog with 1. Emissions from 1. Create CO2 emission reduction in industry. industries and industry sould be commitment to businesses on the reduced by 20% from environmentally municipality's climate 2007 levels by 2020 friendly goals , informing them operation in the about public local business

opportunities/benefites community and encaurage them to 2. Profiling business increase energy that achieve ------efficiency and good results in transition to renewable reduction of energy sources direct or indirect greenhouse gas emissions. 3. Work for environmental certification of multiple activitie

The potential of CO2 reduction (per ------capita) from the group of the




proposed measures for CO2 reduction in industry. [t CO2/ capita] Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Proposed measures (general) for 1. Emissions from 1. to stimulate CO2 emission reduction in agriculture and measures that agriculture. industry should be reduce emissions reduced by 20% from from agriculture 2007 levels by 2020 2. The municipality 2. The municipality should create a should increase the working group in proportion of cooperation with bioenergy in agricultural agriculture by 10% interests to enter annually through into dialogue in ------regulation and order to ------stimulation schemes. contribute 3. The municipality and reduced the agricultural greenhouse gas offices should ensure emissions from framework conditions agriculture that contribute to

reducing nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture by 10% during the planning period




The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in agriculture. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for 1. The municipality 1. To stimulate for CO2 emission reduction in forestry. should increase new active forestrY planting in the forest

areas and increase ------the proportion of withdrawals by 20% by 2020

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in forestry. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measure(s) (general) for ------CO2 emission reduction in fisheries.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 ------reduction in fisheries. [t CO2/ capita] Funding Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Are possible sources of funding YES YES NO NO NO mentioned in the SE(C)AP? 58



Three measures which require the lowest total investment costs per ------tonne of CO2.

Stakeholders’ involvement Bærum Hvaler Municipalities in Indre Ørsta Tromsø Three measures that are expected to require the greatest involvement ------of stakeholders.

Table 17 presents the indicators for the monitoring of the progress of proposed measures, listed in the analysed SE(C)APs. Table 17 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Total electricity implementation in the building sector consumption (GWh/year) ------2. Energy use per m2 (kWh per m2/year)

Public lighting Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre




Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP ------implementation in the public lighting. Transport Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP 1. Total gasoline implementation in the transport. consumption, (litter/year) ------2. Total diesel consumption, (litter/year)

Local electricity production Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in local electricity ------production. Local heat/cold production Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold ------production. Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP)




Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP ------implementation in the industry.

Table 18 presents the progress of the SE(C)AP implementation, for SEAPs for which at least one progress report has been submitted. Table 18 Evaluation of the implemented measures

Implementation status Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre The sector with the highest share of completed measures which have been ------proposed in the SE(C)AP? Greenhouse gas emission reduction Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Greenhouse gas emission reduction of the completed actions. ------[% COMPLETED ACTIONS] The potential of the greenhouse gas emission reduction of the ongoing actions. ------[% ONGOING ACTIONS]

The sector with the highest greenhouse ------gas emission reduction from the year of 61



BEI to the year of the most recent data available. Final energy consumption Municipalities in Bærum Hvaler Ørsta Tromsø Indre Energy carrier with the highest change in final energy consumption (in ------percentage) from the year of BEI to the year of the most recent data available.




Latvia Latvia is one of the three Baltic states, situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, between Estonia and Lithuania. The country is also bordered by Russia and Belarus, and it shares maritime borders with Sweden. With an area of 64 589 km², its mostly flat landscape offers a mix of beaches, rivers, lakes, marshes and forests. Latvia is divided into five administrative regions: West Latvia (Kurzeme region), East Latvia (Latgale region), North Latvia (Vidzeme region), South Latvia (Zemgale region) and central part (Riga region). Fertile low-lying plains predominate in central Latvia, highlands in Vidzeme and Latgale to the east, and hilly moraine in the western Kurzeme region. Forests cover one-third of the country, with over 3 000 small lakes and numerous bogs. Climate is temperate, maritime, wet, with four seasons of almost equal length. Temperatures in January are from -5 to -25°C, in July from 17 to 25°C. The country has a population of 1.95 million people (in 2017), capital and largest city is Riga. Economic data of Latvia in 2017 [12] was as following: GDP was 27.0 billion euros and growth of GDP 4.6%, but GDP per capita was 13. 93 thousand euros; private consumption was 68.3 % of GDP and public consumption was 9.4% of GDP, inflation rate was 2.9%, rate of wage growth was 7.9% and unemployment rate 8.7%; exports of goods and services was in value of 16.52 billion euros, but imports of goods and services was in value of 16.49 billion euros. Growth of industrial production was 8.5% in 2016 (calendar adjusted data). • Natural resources peat, limestone, dolomite, amber, hydropower, wood, arable land. • Agriculture products: grain, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables; beef, pork, milk, eggs; fish. • Industries: automotive industry, railroad cars, agricultural machinery, fertilizers, electronics, synthetic fibers, pharmaceuticals, processed foods, textiles. • Exports - commodities: foodstuffs, wood and wood products, metals, machinery and equipment, textiles. • Exports - partners: Lithuania 17.8%, Russia 11.5%, Estonia 11.1%, Germany 6.3%, Poland 5.6%, Sweden 5.2%, UK 5%, Denmark 4% (2015) • Imports - commodities: machinery and equipment, consumer goods, chemicals, fuels, vehicles. • Imports - partners: Lithuania 16.9%, Germany 11.2%, Poland 10.5%, Russia 8.1%, Estonia 7.7%, Finland 5.2%, Netherlands 4% (2015) The main branches of industry: synthetic fibres, agricultural machinery, fertilizers, radios, electronics, pharmaceuticals, processed foods, textiles, timber. The number of CoM signatories: 20 municipalities from 119 municipalities. The number of CoM signatories of municipalities from the following population group: o Number of municipalities XS (<10,000 inhabitants): 5 o Number of municipalities S (10,000-50,000 inhabitants):11 o Number of municipalities M (50,000-250,00 inhabitants): 3 o Number of municipalities L (250,000-500,000 inhabitants): 0 o Number of municipalities XL (250,000-500,000 inhabitants): 1 The share of renewables in gross inland energy consumption in Latvia is 37.00 %, of which: biofuels & renewable waste: 31.8%, hydro power: 5.0% and wind power: 0.3.%




The basic information about five SE(C)APs which have been selected for the baseline assessment are presented in Table 19.

Table 19 Selected SE(C)APs-Latvia

The number of Selected SEAP or Country Population Area [km2] municipalities SECAP involved

1. SEAP Jelgava city SEAP Latvia 61 304 60.3 km² 1 2. SEAP Riga city SEAP Latvia 704 476 304 km² 1 3. SEAP Liepaja city SEAP Latvia 76 988 60.4 km² 1 4. SEAP Saldus county SEAP Latvia 27 661 1683 km2 1 5.SEAP Ozolnieki county, SEAP Latvia 10575 286.1 km² 1

The information provided in Table 20 refer to the general goals for the CO2 reduction, set by the municipality, and to emission factors used for the SE(C)AP development.




Table 20 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors

General goals and used emission factors Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

The target overall CO2 emission 20% until 2020 25% By 55% from 1990 till By 35% from 2006 to 5% in comparison reduction. By 20% until 2020 until 2030 2020 2020 with 2016 [%]

Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute As an absolute reduction (percentage of the quantity of % of the quantity of reduction (percentage % of the quantity of % of the quantity of % of the quantity of CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as CO2 emissions in the of the quantity of CO2 CO2 emissions in the CO2 emissions in the CO2 emissions in the a per capita reduction? baseline year (2005) emissions in the baseline year (2006) baseline year (2008) baseline year (2016) [absolute reduction/ per capita baseline year) reduction]

Emission factor which have been used IPCC IPCC IPCC IPCC IPCC

The information provided in Table 21 present the general level of detail of SE(C)AP, mostly regarding the Baseline emission inventory (BEI).

Table 21 Analysis of the general level of detail

Long-term vision Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Does the SE(C)AP contain the long-term vision of the municipality? YES YES YES YES YES

CO2 emissions Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki 65



Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented Yes, partly – for NO YES NO NO by presented by energy source (natural natural gas, coal, etc. gas, fuel oil, etc.)?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented YES YES YES YES NO by sector?

Energy consumption Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption YES YES Yes, for gas YES NO presented by energy source (natural gas, fuel oil, etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption YES YES YES YES NO presented by sector?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the Consumption of the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings in kWh/m2 buildings and equipment presented is given for public with the efficiency indexes of energy buildings, the private consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, building - the Yes, total kWh/m2 – user? description of the No, just the average NO consumption and per ------stock and assessment consumption figure types of houses of renovated buildings – consumption in kWh/m2




Buildings Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Does the SE(C)AP contain the Partly – describes description of the existing building stock number of houses Yes, the overall (usage, age, thermal insulation and YES YES where EE YES situation, but not in other energy-related characteristics, refurbishment has detail energy consumption and trend, the rate been done of renovation etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the minimal legal energy requirements for new NO NO NO NO NO constructions and major renovations? Industry Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Does the SE(C)AP contain the industry No other industry, sector? just the heating From industry - just sector which is the heating provided by “Fortum production sector and YES NO NO Jelgava “, Ltd. – which electricity production is local heating and sector electricity producer and distributor. Transport and mobility Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Does the SE(C)AP contain the No description of the characteristics of the demand for needs, but provides mobility (need for mobility)? NO the description of YES YES YES what is existent and what is planned (most




probably based on the needs Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the public YES YES YES YES NO transportation? Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the modes of YES YES YES YES YES transport? Stakeholders’ involvement Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Are the main stakeholders’ groups Yes – stakeholders in identified in the SE(C)AP? YES energy production, YES YES YES consumption etc. Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ Partly - , there is involvement presented in the SE(C)AP? action plan for public NO involvement, but not YES YES YES for stakeholders involvement

Table 22 presents the most common proposed measures and their potential for CO2 emission reduction, for each of the sector included in the analysed SEAPs. As analysed SEAPs are from different population size groups, the potential of CO2 reduction has been calculated per capita.

Table 22 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction

Buildings equipment/facilities Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Improvement of 1. Renovations of 1. Reduction of 1. Green 1. Energy emission reduction in municipal EE of municipal buildings energy procurement management buildings equipment/facilities. buildings consumption in system




(concrete 2. ICT solutions in the municipal 2. Inventory of 2. EE measures in buildings listed) energy buildings – street lighting - municipality management monitoring of change of buildings 3. Energy energy incandescent 3. EE measures in management consumption, lamps by the LED public lighting systems training of staff will consume less

on energy saving electricity, part of

measures, on electricity regulating production is temperatures; to from fossil fuels. plan investments 3. Decreasing of for energy electricity efficiency consumption in improvements. municipal 2. EE refurbishment buildings of residential houses 3. Liquidation of separate boiler houses and joining in one DH system, substitution the gas with wood biomass

Potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) Renovation of from the group of the proposed buildings connected 0.00383 t CO2/capita measures for CO2 reduction in to the district 0.000052 ------(from 2005-2020) municipal buildings equipment/ heating system to facilities. achieve a 1.5 % yearly




[t CO2/ capita] reduction in heat consumption by consumer Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. EE refurbishment 1. Renovation of 1. Implementation 1. Elaboration of 1. EE renovation of emission reduction in residential of multi buildings of EE measures buildings multi residential buildings equipment/facilities. residential connected to the 2. Application of infrastructure buildings buildings – district heating property tax development 2. Regulation of complex system to achieve reduction to plan. heating solutions renovation a 1.5 % yearly nearly 0 and low 2. EE renovation of in the multi reduction in heat energy multi residential residential

consumption by consumption buildings. buildings, where consumers buildings 3. Organisation of heating is informative provided

campaigns for individually residents

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in 0.16658 0.000089 0.01264 ------residential buildings equipment/facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in tertiary buildings ------equipment/ facilities.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in tertiary ------buildings equipment/ facilities [t CO2/ capita]




Transport Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Building of the 1. Extent of bio -fuel 1. Elaboration of 1. Elaboration of 1. Development of emission reduction in transport. infrastructure for use in municipal mobility plan mobility plan for environmentallly Traffic terminal public transport, 2. Optimization of municipality. friendly types of (Bus station) % of the total fuel the transport 2. Development of transport 2. Electric vehicles consumption routes bicycle transport 2. Number of 3. Bicycle roads 3. Pilot project of infrastructure. hydrogen electrical 3. Analysis of powered (both

fuel-cell transport vehicles alternative andbattery) transport modes vehicles replacing city busses

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in ------transport. [t CO2/ capita] Public lighting Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Improvement of 1. Renovation of city 1. Monitoring of the 1. Change of high 1. Metering and emission reduction in public lighting. EE in public lighting by energy pressure mercury registering of lighting: introducing LED consumption for lamps and energy 2. Modernisation of lighting public lighting incandescent consumption for the management and the bulbs to energy the public lighting system for street corrective efficient modern 2. Analysis of the ligting measures lamps. consumption




3. Reconstruction of street ligting

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in public ------lighting. [t CO2/ capita] Local electricity production Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 Building of emission reduction in local electricity cogeneration power production. station (using wood ------biomass) in Rūpniecības street 73

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in local 0.07501 ------electricity production. [t CO2/ capita] Local heat/cold production Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Use of RES in heat 1. Produce 1. Combining the 1. Elaboration of 1. EE measures in emission reduction in local heat/cold production additional heat boiler houses and heat suply and boiler houses production. 2. Reduction of heat per calendar year substitution of building 2. Renovation of losses in the with the use of gas with wood infrastructure heat supply lines district heating condensation biomass development to reduce losses economisers (DH) system and plan. (saving system for improvement of 72



the heat supply flue gas heat 2. Renovation of 2. Investment 3. Attraction of new security recovery) heat supply planning for consumers of installed in the networks modernisation of district heating

heat sources of 3. EE measures in DHSs in small

JSC “Rigas CHP stations and villages. siltums” boiler houses 3. Change of heating 2. Produce sources from additional heat fossil to RES. per calendar year with the use of the absorption- type heat pump in the cogeneration unit of HP “Imanta” 3. Produce additional heat per calendar year with the use of wood chips for the production of energy at JSC “Rigas siltums”

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in local heat/cold production. 0.2612 0.00015 0.19464 ------[t CO2/ capita]




Industry Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 None, only None, only emission reduction in industry. production of heat production of heat ------and electricity and electricity include included The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed 0.02512 ------measures for CO2 reduction in industry. [t CO2/ capita] Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in agriculture. None (this is city) None (this is city) None (this is city) ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in None (this is city) None (this is city) None (this is city) ------agriculture. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in forestry. None (this is city) None (this is city) None (this is city) ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed None (this is city) None (this is city) None (this is city) ------measures for CO2 reduction in forestry. [t CO2/ capita]




Proposed measure(s) (general) for CO2 emission reduction in fisheries. None (this is city) None (this is city) None (this is city) ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed None (this is city) None (this is city) None (this is city) ------measures for CO2 reduction in fisheries. [t CO2/ capita] Funding Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Are possible sources of funding 1. Municipality 1. EU programmes, 1. Municipality 1. Municipality mentioned in the SE(C)AP? budget as Horizon2020, budget bugdet. 2. National and EU Green Investment 2. National and EU 2. National and EU programmes programmes programmes programmes. 3. ESCO 2. ESCO 3. ESCO 3. ESCO NO 3. Revolving fund

4. Municipal funding

Three measures which require the Not given per 1. Application of the Not given per lowest total investment costs per tonne tonne/CO2, but the reduced property tonne/CO2, but the of CO2. measures of the tax to zero energy lowest investment lowest investment and low energy measures: amounts are: buildings 1. Metering and Not given per tonne 1. Construction of a buldings” Not given. recording of of CO2 hydrogen 2. Attraction of new electricity charging station customers to DH consumption for in the city 2014– system public lighting 2020, 3. Elaboration of the separate units 1 million EUR procedure of 75



2. Creation of an green public 2. More detailed infrastructure of procurement and recoridng of fuel slow charging use of it in Liepaja consumption for stations for public fleet

electric cars in the car parking spaces of the LTD “Rigas satiksme” 2014 - 2020, 0.92 million EUR 3. Creation of an infrastructure of rapid charging stations for electric cars 2014–2016, 0.48 million EUR

Stakeholders’ involvement Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Three measures that are expected to 1. Improvement of 1. Complex 1. Energy Forum 1. EE refurbishment 1. EE refurbishment require the greatest involvement of energy efficiency renovation of once per year to of private of private stakeholders. of multi 5944 multi - discuss all the buildings buildings residential apartment actual SEAP 2. Use of 2. Use of buildings (high houses with the measures with environmentally environmentally total area of investment and residents friendly transport friendly transport 11.85 million m². complicated vehicles Average vehicles decision making) renovation costs 76



2. Use of RES in heat approximately 2. EE refurbishment supply (the 100 EUR/m². of private highest 2. Elaboration of buildings investment) energy 3. Questionaires to 3. Use of certificates for obtain the 5900 multi- environmentally residents opinion apartment friendly transport houses (energy vehicles audits) with financial aid of the Municipality covering 80% of the energy audit costs

Table 23 presents the indicators for the monitoring of the progress of proposed measures, listed in the analysed SEAPs Table 23 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Indicators used to monitor 1. Number of 1. Reduction of 1. Final energy 1. Final energy 1. Number of renovated SE(C)AP implementation in the renovated energy consumption in consumption in buildings building sector buildings in the consumption municipality buildings municipality buildings 2. Number of installed city MWh in a MWh (separately: and residental heat meters 2. Volume of the calendar year at heat, hot water, buildings MWh. the end-user measures, % electricity) 2. Number of renovated level as indicated against the total buildings by the reduction 2. Heat consumption per 2 building stock in the amount of building kWh/m (residential/municipal). energy delivered; 3. Number of renovated buildings. 77



2. Comprehensively 3. Number of buildings renovated multi- with energy apartment management system. houses in the city, number and percentage of the total area; 3. Comprehensively renovated municipality owned buildings in Riga, number and percentage of the total area;

Public lighting Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Indicators used to monitor 1. Saving in energy 1. Number of newly 1. Number of newly SE(C)AP implementation in the consumption of installed sections for installed sections for public lighting. the municipal public lighting. public lighting lighting - % of ------2. Number of projects in the total upgrading of street consumption lighting

Transport Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki




Indicators used to monitor 1. The proportion 1. Number of zero 1. Length of bicycle 1. Length of bicycle 1. Length of bicycle SE(C)AP implementation in the of the biofuel emission roads, km roads. roads transport. versus the total transport 2. Final energy 2. Number of bicycle 2. Number of electric fuel amount in vehicles consumption of parking places. vehicles the sector of the introduced in the municipality transport city public public transport fleet transport to

replace buses

driven on traditional fuel 2. Share of biofuel, in percent of the total combustible consumption in public road transport

Local electricity production Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Indicators used to monitor 1. Energy 1. The amount of 1. Increase of RES for 1. Increase of RES for 1. Energy produced SE(C)AP implementation in local produced generated energy locally produced locally produced from RES electricity production. (MWh) in a year (MWh) from electricity electricity.

using renewable renewable

energy energy sources resources with heat pumps, sun collectors and batteries, fuel elements and other types of renewable energy sources;




Local heat/cold production Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Indicators used to monitor 1. Production of 1. Amount of the 1. Increase of RES for 1. Increase of RES for 1. Number of installed SE(C)AP implementation in the energy (MWh) heat recovered locally produced heat locally produced heat heat meters local heat/cold production. using renewable during the energy energy. 2. Heat losses in the energy energy 2. Number of boiler 2. Number of heat heat supply resources generation houses using gas production sources networks, % process, as well 2. Proportion of with improved fuel as during the usage of starge. technological renewable processes of energy production (e.g., resources in recovered flue - heat production gas heat through within the flue-gas moisture district heating condensation, system versus heat recovery the total from cooling amount of fuels flows with the used annually use of heat (MWh); pumps, drain water heat recovery with the use of heat pumps, etc. 2. Use of renewable energy sources for energy production in the district heating system, in per




cent of the used fuel amount (MWh) per year Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Indicators used to monitor None, just None in industry sector, SE(C)AP implementation in the production of heat but number of boilers, RES industry. ------and electricity has installed is monitored as ------been tackled responsibility of municipality

Table 24 presents the progress of the SEAP implementation, for SEAPs for which at least one progress report has been submitted. Table 24 Evaluation of the implemented measures

Implementation status Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki The sector with the highest share of Local heat Municipal buildings Local heat production Municipal and completed measures which have been production, residential buildings Renovation of multi residential buildings proposed in the SE(C)AP. EE measures in residential buildings ------municipal buildings, Residential buildings Greenhouse gas emission reduction Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Greenhouse gas emission reduction of Local heat production Not available in CoM Local heat production The plan is just ------the completed actions. 99.65% webpage 86.91% completed in 2018




[% COMPLETED ACTIONS] Municipal 0.17% Residential 5.64% Residential 0.10% Other measures 7.43% The potential of the greenhouse gas It is given that from Not given, the aim is emission reduction of the ongoing 1990 to 2020 Riga to reduce 10% of actions. reduces emissions per energy consumption in the municipal [% ONGOING ACTIONS] 2258729.1 tonnes buildings and the ------CO2/per year ------related infrastructure, (from about 4 mil. and to reduce 5% of tonnes to about 2 mil. energy consumption tonnes) in energy production sector. The sector with the highest greenhouse Information has not Results not available, gas emission reduction from the year of been compiled, but it but as per BEI to the year of the most recent data would have to be EE Local heat production calculations within available. refurbishment of the plan: Local heat production municipal buildings, ------municipal buildings Local heat residential buildings and multi residential Residential buildings production, buildings as most of Renovation of them have been buildings refurbished Final energy consumption Jelgava Riga Liepaja Saldus Ozolnieki Energy carrier with the highest change in final energy consumption (in Heat/RES Heat Heat/RES ------percentage) from the year of BEI to the year of the most recent data available.




Spain The Kingdom of Spain is a country mostly located on the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. With an area of 505 990 km2, is the largest country in Southern Europe. By population, Spain is the fifth in the European Union. Spain's capital and largest city is Madrid. Its territory also includes two archipelagos: the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla make Spain the only European country to have a physical border with an Africa.There are also some small islands in the Alboran Sea. There are three climatic zones, according to geographical situation and orographic conditions: • the Mediterranean climate, characterised by warm/hot and dry summers, is dominant in the peninsula; • the semi-arid climate, is predominant in the southeastern quarter of the country; • the oceanic climate, is located in the northern quarter of the country, mainly in the Atlantic region. In Spain, a country with no hydrocarbon deposits, the contribution from renewable energies to the electric generation mix has already reached close on 40%. Figure 2 shows the final energy consumption in Spain.

Figure 2 Final energy consumption in Spain [13]

Total Final Energy consumption is 85.874 ktoe and the renewable energy contribution is 15.9%. Spain is the second-placed country in Europe in terms of wind power generation and the fourth worldwide in terms of installed power: 23 047 MW.

Spain is a country that has bet and bets decidedly for the development of renewable energies because of their social, environmental benefits and for their lower energy dependence. The socio-economic benefits revolve around the creation of employment and business opportunities, both inside and outside our country, where Spanish companies and technologies occupy a leading position. There are 1 815 signatories in Spain which 1 512 has already submitted the SEAP or SECAP; 27 Covenant Coordinators, 9 promoters and 8 energy agencies. This represent around 22% of Spanish municipalities participating in the CoM. The number of CoM signatories of municipalities in population group are as follow:




o Number of municipalities XS (<10,000 inhabitants): 1 164 o Number of municipalities S (10,000-50,000 inhabitants):270 o Number of municipalities M (50,000-250,00 inhabitants): 71 o Number of municipalities L (250,000-500,000 inhabitants): 9 o Number of municipalities XL (>500,000 inhabitants): 9 The most extensive Spanish region and one of the largest of the European Union is Castilla y León, with a regional territorial area of 94 224 km2 Castilla y León is structured in nine provinces and 2,249 city and town councils (almost 30% of the existing ones in Spain). Castilla and Leon has an official population of around 2.5 million (2016), represents 5.69% of the population of Spain, although its vast territory covers almost a fifth of the total area of the country. The population of Castile and León was divided, by province, as follows: Province of Ávila, Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Valladolid, Zamora. The basic information about five SEAPs which have been selected for the baseline assessment are presented in Table 25Table 1.

Table 25 Selected SEAPs- Spain

The number of Selected SEAP or Area Country Population municipalities SECAP [km2] involved

1. SEAP Palencia Palencia 79 137 94. 71 km2 1 2. SEAP Soria Soria 40 218 271.77 km2 1 3. SEAP Valladolid Valladolid 325 000 197.41 km2 1 4. SEAP Vall D´en Bas Vall D´en Bas 2 983 90.7 km2 1 5.SEAP La Coruña La Coruña 243 978 37.6 km2 1

The information provided in Table 31 refer to the general goals for the CO2 reduction, set by the municipality, and to emission factors used for the SE(C)AP development.




Table 26 Evaluation of the general goals and used emission factors

General goals and used emission factors Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña

The target overall CO2 emission reduction. 20 20 20 20 20 [%]

Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute reduction (percentage of the quantity of CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as a per capita reduction? Per capita reduction Per capita reduction Per capita reduction Per capita reduction Per capita reduction [absolute reduction/ per capita reduction]

Emission factor which have been used IPCC IPCC IPCC IPCC IPCC

The information provided in Table 27Table 21 present the general level of detail of SE(C)AP, mostly regarding the Baseline emission inventory (BEI).

Table 27 Analysis of the general level of detail

Long-term vision Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Does the SE(C)AP contain the long-term vision of the municipality? YES YES YES YES YES




CO2 emissions Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by presented by energy source (natural NO YES YES YES YES gas, fuel oil, etc.)?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented YES YES YES YES YES by sector?

Energy consumption Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption presented by energy source (natural YES YES YES YES YES gas, fuel oil, etc.)?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the breakdown of energy consumption YES YES YES YES YES presented by sector?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment presented with the efficiency indexes of energy NO NO NO NO NO consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user?




Buildings Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Does the SE(C)AP contain the description of the existing building stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and NO NO NO NO NO other energy-related characteristics, energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the minimal legal energy requirements for new YES YES YES YES YES constructions and major renovations? Industry Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Does the SE(C)AP contain the industry YES NO YES NO YES sector? Transport and mobility Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the demand for YES YES YES YES YES mobility (need for mobility)? Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the public YES YES YES YES YES transportation?

Does the SE(C)AP contain the characteristics of the modes of YES YES YES YES YES transport?




Stakeholders’ involvement Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Are the main stakeholders’ groups NO NO NO YES YES identified in the SE(C)AP? Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ involvement presented in the SE(C)AP? NO NO NO YES YES

Table 28 presents the most common proposed measures and their potential for CO2 emission reduction, for each of the sector included in the analysed SEAPs. As analysed SEAPs are from different population size groups, the potential of CO2 reduction has been calculated per capita.

Table 28 Evaluation of the most common proposed measures for CO2 emission reduction

Buildings equipment/facilities Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Minimization 1. District heating 1. Replacement of 1. Install biomass 1. Implementation of emission reduction in municipal energy demand with biomass. existing thermal boilers in old a digital platform buildings equipment/facilities. for heating and 2. Improvement of the installations by schools of Sant for centralizing cooling as well as envelope of systems using local Privat d'en Bas. energy the promotion of Municipal Schools biomass. 2. Guarantee the management renewable energy 3. Leak control Plan in 2. Progressive creation of a system in buildings sources the Supply reduction of municipal energy and infrastructure 2. Conducting energy Municipality System electricity manager and municipal service. audits in all building of Water. consumption in create the figure of 2. Programs of audits 3. Replacement oil/gas interior lighting. a SEAP coordinator. and certifications boilers to biomass in 3. Development of in energy in Schools the ISO 50001 municipal regulations in the buildings and main buildings. facilities. 88



3. Implementation plans for geothermal energy and biomass in municipal buildings.

Potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) 1. 0.196 1. 0.0205 1. 0.108 1. 0.0042 1. 0.0037. from the group of the proposed 2. – 2. 0.0025 2. 0.095 2. 0.0064 2. 0.0022 measures for CO2 reduction in 3. 0.381 3. 0.097 3. 0.0008 3. 0.0073 municipal buildings equipment/ facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Development 1. District heating 1. Promotion of the 1. Indicate the 1. Urbanize and emission reduction in residential programs aimed with biomass. implementation of energy rating of provide the city of buildings equipment/facilities. at the promotion 2. Campaign collective thermal the private homes “A Coruña” with housing awareness systems of collective for sale in the new services and rehabilitation. reduction type compared to municipality area. more sustainable current individual 2. Public electricity 2. Encourage infrastructures for systems. information citizens. consumption. installation of campaign for 2. Reduce energy biomass boilers by citizens on the 25% of them consumption in importance of houses construction and energy save. 3. Encourage use of buildings, renovation of promoting of class A and/or passive biothermal architectural appliances in solution residential conditioning in all buildings. projects. 89



3. Reduction of CO2 emissions through the promotion of energy certification in buildings.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per 1. 0.104 1. 0036 1. 0.0067 1. 0.166 capita) from the group of the proposed 2. 0.036 2. 0.159 2. ------measures for CO2 reduction in ------3. 0.021 3. 0.0074 residential buildings equipment/facilities. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Public 1. District heating 1. Planned measures 1. Promote the 1. Recovery and emission reduction in tertiary buildings information with biomass. which will lead to adhesion of treatment of equipment/ facilities. campaigns for 2. Green commerce the reduction of companies to the urban waste. service and net. energy consumption voluntary 2. Collection of tertiary from fossil fuels Agreement landfill biogas. mentioned in the companies on the Program 3. Program of energy SEAP. importance of Government audits in the implement energy Catalonia. tertiary sector. saving measures. 2. Encourage

renovation of interior lighting for efficient lighting and of low consumption in the tertiary sector. 3. Encourage rural tourism houses 90



and tourist apartments to install biomass boilers.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per 1. 0.016 1. 0.003 1. 0.0089 1. 0.010 capita) from the group of the proposed 2. 0.0045 2. 0.0066 2. 0.242 measures for CO2 reduction in tertiary ------3. 0.0045 3. ------buildings equipment/ facilities [t CO2/ capita] Transport Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Construction of a 1. Renovation 1. Modification of 1. Replace the 1. Develop a mobility emission reduction in transport. network of Municipality internal mobility vehicles of the management system bicycles lines. Fleet. patterns. municipal fleet for satisfying 2. Platform of 2. Replacement 2. Renewal and change with electric demands of citizens shared cars for actual ICE buses of fleet by electric or vehicles or to travel and alternative vehicles. citizens who by natural Gas hybrids reducing private 3. Improvement of the travel in urban buses. 2. Promote transport commercial speed displacements. participation of 2. Raise citizen´s 3. Promote green and incorporation of 3. Dissuasive parking procurement in the metropolitan municipal workers awareness about the outside of the city. public contracts area to the Public in training courses impacts that and technical Transport. for efficient displacement of documents. driving. private vehicles 3. Boost the use of produce on climate the electric change. vehicle. 3. Encourage the use of bicycles as a means of transport, reducing motorized




journeys and offering safe itineraries for circulation on bicycle.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per 1. 0.011 1. 0.006. 1.+2. 0.019 1. 0.0002 1. 0.0950 capita) from the group of the proposed 2. 0.015 2. 0.0008 3. ------2. 0.0006 2. 0.0096. measures for CO2 reduction in 3. 0.014 3. 0.16 3. 0.041 3. 0.0058 transport. [t CO2/ capita] Public lighting Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Replacement of 1. Change of 1. Reduction of 1. Replacement of 1. Replacement of emission reduction in public lighting. obsolete exterior obsoletes electricity mercury vapor high pressure lightning (Hg, Na) luminaires by Led consumption by lamps with sodium vapor by Led lightning. 2. Public Lighting 75% in general compact lamps with others more efficient. lighting and 60% in fluorescents in of lower power in ornamental lighting. public lighting. areas above 2. Install illuminated. astronomical 2. Implementation clocks in the of LED technology lighting panels 3. Implementation that work with of a Control photoelectric cell. Management 3. Replacement of software in the mercury vapor Municipal Lighting lamps with high- Service. pressure sodium




vapor lamps in public lighting.

The potential of CO2 reduction (per 1. 0.003 1. 0.056 1. 0.0244 1. 0.0048 1. 0.0010 capita) from the group of the proposed 2. 0.072 2. 0.0042 2. 0.0014 measures for CO2 reduction in public 3. 0.0146 3. 0.0022 lighting. [t CO2/ capita] Local electricity production Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Reduction of 1. Install PV solar 1. Achieve the emission reduction in local electricity primary energy panels for installation of PV production. consumption different panels of 5 kWp in through the consumption at least 10 implementation of systems in municipal PV systems in self- municipal buildings consumption facilities. 2. Study the energy regimen. 2. Install savings generated 2. Increase in solar photovoltaic solar by the lighting of dependence on the panels in a self- the seafront ------air conditioning of consumption through solar sports centers and systems for panels. schools residential and 3. Study the tertiary sector of implementation the Vall d'en Bas. of small-scale wind turbines to supply electricity and reduce energy dependence.




The potential of CO2 reduction (per 1. 0.0034 1. 0.013 1. 0.00033 capita) from the group of the proposed 2. ------2. 0.026 2. 0.00023 measures for CO2 reduction in local ------3. 0.00017 electricity production. [t CO2/ capita] Local heat/cold production Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Install biomass 1. Identify the emission reduction in local heat/cold boilers and a heat potential suppliers production. network for of heat and cold, domestic hot and promote the waters and the construction and heating of various operation of facilities and centralized air homes. conditioning systems from cogeneration plant. ------2. Installation of solar thermal systems to produce domestic hot water to support existing facilities and improve energy efficiency in municipal dependencies. The potential of CO2 reduction (per 1. 0.061 1. 0.0014 ------capita) from the group of the proposed 2. 0.0010




measures for CO2 reduction in local heat/cold production. [t CO2/ capita] Industry Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña

Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Public information 1. Planned measures 1. Holding of a emission reduction in industry. campaigns for which will lead to Business Forum industrial the reduction of on Climate Change companies on the energy consumption within the importance of from fossil fuels framework of the implement energy mentioned in the Sustainable saving measures. SEAP. Energy Network through a voluntary ------agreement Company-City Council. 2. Creation of a certificate for companies committed to the fight against climate change. The potential of CO2 reduction (per 1. 0.019 1. 0.036 1. 0.041 capita) from the group of the proposed 2. 0.032 measures for CO2 reduction in ------industry. [t CO2/ capita] Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña 95



Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in agriculture. ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in ------agriculture. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction in forestry. ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed ------measures for CO2 reduction in forestry. [t CO2/ capita] Proposed measure(s) (general) for CO2 emission reduction in fisheries. ------

The potential of CO2 reduction (per capita) from the group of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction in ------fisheries. [t CO2/ capita] Funding Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Are possible sources of funding YES YES YES YES mentioned in the SE(C)AP? YES Three measures which require the 1. Platform of shared 1. Improvement of 1. Replacement of 1. Promote 1. Creation of a lowest total investment costs per cars for citizens the envelope of existing thermal participation of certificate for tonne of CO2. who travel in Municipal Schools installations by municipal workers companies




urban 2. Leak control Plan systems using local in training courses committed to the displacements. in Supply biomass. for efficient fight against 2. Public information Municipality 2. Modification of driving. climate change. campaign for System of Water. internal mobility 2. Guarantee the 2. Raise citizen´s citizens on the 3. Change of patterns. figure of the awareness about importance of obsoletes 3. Progressive municipal energy the impacts that energy save. luminaires by Led. reduction of manager and displacement 3. Public information electricity create the one of private vehicle campaigns for consumption in PAES coordinator. produce on industrial interior lighting. 3. Encourage the climate change. companies on the renovation of 3. Identify the importance of indoor lighting for potential suppliers implement energy efficient lighting of heat and cold, saving measures. and low and promote the consumption in construction and the tertiary operation of sector. centralized air conditioning systems from cogeneration. Stakeholders’ involvement Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Three measures that are expected to 1. Improvement of 1. Complex 1. Energy Forum once 1. EE refurbishment 1. EE refurbishment require the greatest involvement of energy efficiency renovation of per year to discuss of private of private stakeholders. of multi 5944 multi - all the actual SEAP buildings buildings residential apartment measures with 2. Use of 3. Use of buildings (high houses with the residents environmentally environmentally total area of investment and 2. EE refurbishment of friendly transport friendly transport 11.85 million m². complicated vehicles Average private buildings vehicles decision making) renovation costs




2. Use of RES in heat approximately 3. Questionaires to supply (the 100 EUR/m². obtain the residents highest 2. Elaboration of opinion investment) energy 3. Use of certificates for environmentally 5900 multi- apartment friendly transport houses (energy vehicles audits) with financial aid of the Municipality covering 80% of the energy audit costs

Table 29 presents the indicators for the monitoring of the progress of proposed measures, listed in the analysed SEAPs. Table 29 Evaluation of the most common SE(C)AP implementation indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the ------building sector Public lighting Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the ------public lighting.




Transport Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the ------transport. Local electricity production Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in local ------electricity production. Local heat/cold production Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the ------local heat/cold production. Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Indicators used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the ------industry.

Table 30 presents the progress of the SEAP implementation, for SEAPs for which at least one progress report has been submitted.




Table 30 Evaluation of the implemented measures

Implementation status Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña The sector with the highest share of 1. Transport 1. Transport 1. Transport 1. Transport 1. Transport completed measures which have been 2. Municipal 2. Municipal 2. Municipal 2. Municipal 2. Municipal proposed in the SE(C)AP. buildings and buildings and buildings and buildings and buildings and equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment 3. Residential 3. Residential 3. Residential 3. Residential 3. Residential buildings buildings buildings buildings buildings 4. Public lighting 4. Public lighting 4. Public lighting 4. Public lighting 4. Public lighting 5. Tertiary building 5. Tertiary building 5. Tertiary building 5. Tertiary building 5. Tertiary building facilities. facilities. facilities. 6. Industry 6. Industry. 6. Industry

Greenhouse gas emission reduction Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Greenhouse gas emission reduction of the completed actions. ------[% COMPLETED ACTIONS] The potential of the greenhouse gas emission reduction of the ongoing actions. ------[% ONGOING ACTIONS] The sector with the highest greenhouse gas emission reduction from the year of Industry Transport Residential Transport Residential BEI to the year of the most recent data (with tertiary) available. 100



Final energy consumption Palencia Soria Valladolid Vall D´en Bas La Coruña Energy carrier with the highest change in final energy consumption (in FOSSIL FUEL FOSSIL FUEL FOSSIL FUEL FOSSIL FUEL FOSSIL FUEL percentage) from the year of BEI to the year of the most recent data available.




Detailed and thorough analysis of the pilot municipalities




Moorslede Moorslede is the pilot municipality of the PentaHelix project, for which individual SEAP will be revised to SECAP. Moorslede has a total surface of 3 534 ha and has 11 165 inhabitants [14]. According to the most recent available statistics [15], in 2017 635 ha of the total area is built area. Of this 80.4% is used for living, 15.7% for economical functions and 3.4% for welfare/recreation/sports. 2 771 ha is non-built area, of which 1 910 ha consists of cropland and 727 ha is grassland. Moorslede is characterized by agricultural activity, and strongly influenced by the proximity to the REO Auction in Roeselare (it sells fruits, vegetables and herbs in large volumes for clients in Europe, Canada, the US and Asia. The clients are mainly retailers, exporters and wholesalers). There is outdoor cultivation and horticulture. Also, the entire region is characterised by this, as well as by vegetable processing and freezing industry. Furthermore, Moorslede has a few SME-zones and SME’s located in the living areas. Geographically wise, Moorslede is located on the “Rug of Westrozebeke”, with a hilly landscape. As for the rest of Flanders, we see the influence of “ribbon development” which means open space is developed alongside roads. The Heulebeek is an important watercourse, and causes inundations. There is need for space for water storage. The climate in Moorslede (Flanders and Belgium) is a temperate sea climate which means summers are relatively chilly (mean temperature around 20°C) and winters are rather warm (mean temperature around 0°C). Concerning the pillars of PentaHelix, Moorslede has no knowledge institutions on its territory, nor is industry well represented. Information about previous experience with SEAP development for Moorslede is presented in Table 31-Table 34 for all four phases of the SEAP development.

Table 31 Initiation phase

Municipality council (or equivalent body) • WVI drafted the SEAP, with a core team of • Did the municipality council provide the a local representative (alderman on necessary preconditions to the local environmental issues) and a civil servant administration to start the process, (for environment and nature). The allocate sufficient human resources and representatives and civil servants make sure adequate administrative responsible for mobility, urban planning structures are in place? etc. were addressed when relevant. • Did the municipality council provide the • Stakeholders were not directly involved in necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ the initiation phase since the Covenant of participation? Mayors (CoM) addresses local authorities directly. It is the council that decides whether or not to join. The province of West-Flanders and WVI both promoted CoM. WVI involved the stakeholders in the process of drafting the SEAP, in the name of the municipality and as part of the assignment to draft the SEAP.




Local administration • As covenant coordinator WVI promoted • Did the local administration encourage CoM in its working area, in association the political authorities to take action and with the Province of West-Flanders. inform them about the benefits and • necessary resources? The forming of groups (option 2) was done by WVI, addressing the • Did the local administration allocate municipalities through their existing sufficient human resources and make sure platform i.e. “the mayors assemble”. adequate administrative structures are in • place? In order to know the needs of the municipalities for guidance within CoM • Did the local administration identify the WVI interviewed 10 municipalities, during stakeholders, decide what channels of which aldermen, civil servants and the communication/ participation they want general director were present. to use? • Other stakeholders were not yet included • Did the local administration inform in the initial face stakeholders about the process that is going to start, and collect their view? Stakeholders • In the initial phase no other stakeholders • Which stakeholders are participating in the than WVI and the province of West- initiation phase? Flanders were included • What is their role? • How can they express their views? • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development explained to them?

Table 32 Planning phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • The council allocated sufficient measures • Did the municipal council make sure the to draft the SEAP. necessary resources are in place for the • planning phase? The SEAP (with scope 2011-2020) is taking into account the obligated sectors i.e. • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? municipality as an organisation (own • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with buildings, fleet and street lights), the long-term vision that will shape the residential sector, tertiary sector and sustainable energy (and climate) future of mobility as well as renewable energy on the municipality? the territory. • How ambitious is their vision? • Before the SEAP, there was no long term vision on sustainable energy and climate. This planning was until than taken up by the national level (Flanders). • The SEAP is aimed at the minimum requirement i.e. 20% reduction in CO2- exhaust on the territory.




Local administration • The SEAP was drafted by WVI. WVI was • Did the local administration conduct the responsible for the baseline emission initial assessment, collect the necessary inventory, based on a national model. data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline Flanders drafts a general baseline emission emission inventory? inventory every year for each municipality, • Did the local administration establish the starting from 2011. Municipalities only objectives in line with the vision that will have to put in their own energy shape the sustainable energy (and climate) consumption data (as organisation). These future of the municipality? data were provided by the civil servants (in • Did the local administration define the the collaboration with the grid operator) measures in line with the vision? • The objectives are in line with the • Did the local administration establish the minimum requirements of CoM. budget and financing, timing, the • Municipal budgets have to be “budgetary indicators and the responsibilities? neutral” according to European regulations • Did the local administration involve and are determined at the beginning of stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? each legislation (on local level: 6 years). After that, every year an annual account is approved. One of the main problems encountered when drafting the SEAP is that the CoM was signed after the multi- annual planning. It was not possible to have a specific budget appointed to CoM (as a global budget). Every year, of course, actions in relation to the execution of the SEAP could be integrated. • Stakeholders were involved in the drafting of the SEAP.

Stakeholders • Stakeholders were involved for each of the • Which stakeholders are participating in the themes addressed in the SEAP. The planning phase? following were addressed: the province of • What is their role? West-Flanders (different departments, • How can they express their views? according to the theme of the workshop), • Did stakeholders participate in the the grid operator, De Lijn and NMBS definition of the vision for a sustainable (public transport), Flemish department on energy (and climate) future of the mobility and infrastructure, social housing municipality? companies, social renting office, • Did stakeholder provide input data and “woonwinkel” (intermunicipal partnership share the knowledge? on housing) and Autodelen.net (Flemish • Which are the communication channels network concerning carsharing), the “ with stakeholders? council on environment and nature” (a • Did stakeholder participate in the local advisory board with participants from elaboration of the plan? local nature organisations, agricultural • Did stakeholder pressure the political sector, inhabitants,…) and the “municipal authorities to approve the plan (if it was commission on spatial matters” (a local necessary)? advisory board with experts and inhabitants) 105



• They participated in workshops. Their role was giving insight in the current and future planning, working fields, actions which are relevant within CoM and advising on which goals and actions municipalities can set/take. • WVI used its direct contacts with the stakeholders and addressed the missing organisations in order to find the correct representatives. Each stakeholder participated voluntarily. • Political authorities approved the plan without objections. General goals • 20% reduction between 2011 and 2020, • What is the overall CO2 emission reduction taking into account the BAU-scenario target (in percentage)? (without further actions, the prognosis was • Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute an increase in exhaust) reduction (percentage of the quantity of • Set as an absolute reduction CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as a per capita reduction?

Table 33 Implementation phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • The municipal council has approved the • Did the municipal council provide long- SEAP on 11th November 2016, containing term political support to the SE(C)AP the actions until 2020 to reach the process? reduction target. The alderman part of the • Did the municipal council make sure that core team is following the half-yearly the energy and climate policy is integrated meetings on the elaboration of the plan. into the everyday life of the local • Every half year, WVI organises a meeting to administration? do the follow-up of the elaboration of the • Did the municipal council encourage plan. stakeholders to act? If so, what was the • Stakeholders are involved in specific stakeholders’ response? projects, dossiers e.g. construction of a • How is the municipality council showing cycling path, energetic renovation of public interest in the plan implementation? buildings,… The municipality is an active • Is the municipal council networking with member, dependant on the type of dossier other CoM signatories? as a lead partner or involved party. • As a representative of the municipality council, the alderman is present in the half-yearly meetings (as is the civil servant on environment and nature). • Moorslede has a very close cooperation with the group “Klimaatoverleg Midwest”, a group of 7 municipalities who joined CoM under option 2. Moorslede wanted to be part of this group, but couldn’t since 106



there is no shared border between both territories (a requirement within the framework). Furthermore, there are knowledge platforms within the territory of the province, in which knowledge is shared. Local administration • For the half-yearly meetings, the • How is the local administration carrying administration has to collect the data out coordination of the implementation concerning the actions that are being plan? executed or planned to be. WVI organises • Did the local administration motivate the meeting. stakeholders to act? If so, what was the • See answer above (involved in specific stakeholders’ response? projects). • Was there some type of information • Moorslede has, together with campaigns which has for aim to inform Klimaatoverleg Midwest, a communication stakeholders about the resources available campaign on CoM and the actions within for energy efficiency and RES? this framework. There is a slogan and logo, • Is the local administration networking with communication materials are developed. other CoM signatories? • See answer above (connection with Klimaatoverleg Midwest, knowledge platforms). Furthermore, there are regional cooperations, parnerships for example concerning housing/living (“woonwinkel”). Stakeholders • As also applicable to the rest of Flanders, • Are stakeholders implementing the stakeholders are taking action but the pace measures that are under their is to slow. E.g. inhabitants are doing responsibility? energetic renovations, but the number of • Are stakeholders encouraging the local people doing this has to increase. administration to implement the measures • NGO’s such as nature organisations urge under its responsibility (if necessary)? for action, as well as involved inhabitants. • Are stakeholders encouraging other • In general, stakeholders are involved in the stakeholders to act? projects that are relevant for them. • Are stakeholders giving general support to the SE(C)AP implementation?

Table 34 Monitoring and reporting phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • The municipality is on a regular basis • Is the municipal council asking to be informed by WVI, through the half-yearly informed regularly about the advancement meetings organised to do the follow up. It of the plan? is the responsibility of the civil servant to • Is the municipal council ensuring that plan bring the information to the board of updates occur at regular intervals? mayor and aldermen/city council. • The SEAP in itself is not being changed, meaning that new actions not yet 107



mentioned in the plan are not being integrated in the SEAP. Since the SEAP is a document approved by the city council and handed in to the CoM office, this cannot be done. Off course, they are taken along during the half-yearly meetings and they will be included in the monitoring. Local administration • WVI organises a half-yearly meeting • Is the local administration proceeding with concerning the execution of the plan. Every regular monitoring of the plan: monitoring year, new data is available from Flanders the advancement of the actions and i.e. a general MEI (monitoring emission evaluation of their impact? inventory) is drafted for each municipality. • Is the local administration periodically WVI uses this data and reports it to the reporting to the political authorities and to municipality. the stakeholders about the advancement • The information is distributed by WVI to of the plan? the municipality i.e. the alderman and the • Is there communication about the results civil servant involved within the core team between the local administration and the of CoM. municipal council? • It is up to the persons mentioned to • Is there communication about the results further inform the board of mayor and between local administration and alderman/city council. stakeholders? • In WVIs knowledge, the interim results are not distributed. Stakeholders • The data is collected by VITO (Flemish institute for technological research, a • Are stakeholders providing the necessary Flemish independent research organisation inputs data? working on cleantech and sustainable • Are stakeholders participating in plan development), commissioned by Flanders. updating? They collect the data from the involved • Are stakeholders providing comments on stakeholders. the report and report on the measures • Stakeholders are not participating in plan under their responsibility? updating. • Up until now, there is no reporting directly from stakeholders. The municipalities provide the data from actions elaborated with stakeholders. Additional remarks The data made available by Flanders is lagging 1.5 years which means this summer the data for 2016 were publicised.

Information about the SEAP which will be revised are presented in Table 35-Table 38.




Table 35 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data

CO2 emissions • Yes • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions • presented by energy carrier (e.g. natural Yes gas, coal)? • The CO2 emissions are not presented per capita, only on municipal level • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by sectors (e.g. domestic, non- domestic, transport)? • Are the CO2 emissions presented per capita and on municipality level? Emission factors reporting unit • IPCC • Which emission factors have been used • (emission factors for fuel combustion Tonnes CO2 (IPCC) or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA))? • Which emission reporting unit have been used (tonnes CO2 or tonnes CO2 equivalent? Energy consumption • Yes • Is the breakdown of energy consumption • presented by energy source (natural gas, Yes fuel oil, etc.)? • The energy consumption is expressed in • Is the breakdown of energy consumption MWh. In the model, some references are presented by sector (domestic, non- mentioned, which are used in calculations domestic, transport)? of impact per action e.g. the mean energy use in a dwelling per m² to calculate the • Is the assessment of the energy efficiency impact of renovation. of buildings and equipment presented with

the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user? Energy infrastructures • Yes (combined heat and power) • In case of existing electricity production plants, as well as district heating/cooling plants, are they presented in the BEI? Buildings • No. In the SEAP, general data from • Is the typology of the existing building Flanders is used (e.g. % of the houses not stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and insulated, not having double glazing,...) other energy-related characteristics, • energy consumption and trend, the rate of No (but they are for example used in the renovation etc.) described in the BEI? calculations, when assessing the reduction potential during energetic renovation of • Are the minimal legal energy requirements dwellings) for new constructions and major renovations presented in the BEI?




Industry • No • Is the industry sector included in the SE(C)AP? Transport and mobility • No. In the SEAP, general data from • Are the characteristics of the demand of Flanders is used (e.g. % of short journeys mobility (needs for mobility) and modes of made by car,…) transport presented in the BEI? • No. During the workshop, the problems • Are the main characteristics of the public within this network were addressed transportation network presented in the directly, from the local knowledge of the BEI? persons present (local experience and knowledge).

Additional remarks The BEI is drafted according to the guidelines and templates of CoM.

Table 36 Stakeholders’ involvement

Stakeholders involvement • Stakeholders were involved for each of the • Are the main stakeholders’ groups themes addressed in the SEAP. The identified in the SE(C)AP? If so, which following were addressed: the province of stakeholders’ groups have been listed? West-Flanders (different departments, • Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ according to the theme of the involvement presented in the SE (C)AP? workshop)(authority), the grid operator (authority), De Lijn and NMBS (public • Is the level of stakeholders’ awareness transport) (authority), Flemish department presented in the SE(C)AP? on mobility and infrastructure (authority), social housing companies (authority), social renting office (authority), “woonwinkel” (intermunicipal partnership on housing) (authority) and Autodelen.net (Flemish network concerning carsharing) (NGO), the “ council on environment and nature” (a local advisory board with participants from local nature organisations, agricultural sector, inhabitants,…) (citizens) and the “municipal commission on spatial matters” (a local advisory board with experts and inhabitants) (citizens) These stakeholders are named in the SEAP (within the description of the workshops). • The strategy is presented in the SEAP. Stakeholders participated during the draft of the SEAP through workshops. They stay involved during the implementation of actions on project base. Citizens were




reached during the draft of the SEAP through the advisory boards that exist on municipal level (advisory board concerning environment and nature and advisory board concerning spatial matters). The ideas from both boards were investigated and included in the plan when approved by the board of mayor and aldermen. The advisory boards also advise on or help during the implementation of the actions.

Table 37 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction

Municipal buildings equipment/facilities • Renovation (partial or total) of municipal • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 buildings emission reduction • Energy performant new municipal buildings • Investments in renewable energy on/in municipal buildings • Purchase of 100% renewable energy • Energy management in municipal buildings • Awareness raising (staff and users of municipal buildings) Potential CO2-reduction: 20% (calculated starting from the BAU (2020)-scenario) Residential buildings equipment/facilities • Renewing the group purchase for • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 photovoltaic panels emission reduction • Group purchase of insulation for walls and • Potential of CO2 reduction from the roofs (specific for Lichtervelde and proposed measures Moorslede) • Launching a group campaign to stimulate renovation of dwellings, especifically aimed at older residents (cooperation between Moorslede and the group “Klimaatoverleg Midwest”) • Actions towards stimulating energetic renovation of dwellings • Cheap loan for taking energy measures in dwellings (“Flemish energy loan”) • Actions towards stimulating the building of high energy performant new dwellings • Stimulating the placement of photovoltaic panels on dwellings • Stimulating energy-efficient living Potential CO2-reduction: 34% (calculated starting from the BAU (2020)-scenario) 111



Tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities • Co-operation between 8 municipalities • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 (Moorslede and the group “Klimaatoverleg emission reduction Midwest) to set up actions towards the • Potential of CO2 reduction from the tertiary sector proposed measures • Awareness raising towards the tertiary sector Potential CO2-reduction: 11% (calculated starting from the BAU (2020)-scenario) Transport • • Setting the example: greening the vehicle • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction fleet of the municipality + setting the example by going on foot or by bike • Potential of CO2 reduction from the → Potential CO2-reduction: 20% proposed measures (calculated starting from the BAU (2020)- scenario) • Modal shift towards going by bike or on foot • Vehicle-restricted city centers and residential quarters • Supporting technological progress (e.g. electric vehicles) • Car sharing • Carpooling Potential CO2-reduction: 25% (calculated starting from the BAU (2020)-scenario) Public lighting • Dimming and turning off public lighting • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 during the evening and/or night + energy emission reduction efficient public lighting (according to • Potential of CO2 reduction from the urban/regional vision on public lighting) proposed measures • Capacity-building and awareness raising Potential CO2-reduction: 34% (calculated starting from the BAU (2020)-scenario) Local electricity production • Supporting cooperative structures for • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 investing in photovoltaic panels on schools emission reduction • Stimulating decentral (local) renewable • Potential of CO2 reduction from the energy production with the aim to reduce proposed measures CO2-emissions up to 0.5% by 2020 Local heat/cold production No measures formulated • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Industry Not integrated in the SEAP




• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) Not integrated in the SEAP • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Possible sources of funding • Investment: 1 142 500€; exploitation: • Which are foreseen financing sources for 345 900€ the implementation of SE(C)AP? • with 80% local authority’s own resources, • Which financing sources has been are 20% national funds and programmes, 0% expected to have the highest share in EU funds and programmes (no EU-project financing proposed measures? within the CoM framework in Moorslede) Additional remarks In the template used to hand in the SEAP (EU- template) WVI have summarized the measures in several groups since the SEAP itself includes a high number of actions (some of which with a rather small scope). This summarisation is also used to fill in this table. The SEAP only contains actions for which the local government is responsible. E.g. awareness raising for energetic renovation of dwellings is included, not included is the investment inhabitants have to make during the renovation.

Table 38 SEAP implementation-indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Concerning municipal buildings/equipment, the grid operator delivers data concerning the energy • Which indicators are being used to monitor use (electricity and gas) in a year total (a total for SE(C)AP implementation in building sector all buildings). (e.g. number/surface area of buildings Data necessary for the MEI according to the CoM insulated, number of boilers replaced, requirements for all of the sectors mentioned is surface area of solar thermal panels made available every year by Flanders. The energy installed) use is given per year per sector per energy source. Public lighting The grid operator delivers data concerning the • Which indicators are being used to monitor energy use (electricity) in a year total (a total for SE(C)AP implementation in public lighting? public lighting). (e.g. number of conventional traffic lights replaced by LED, renewable power installed)




Data necessary for the MEI according to the CoM requirements is made available every year by Flanders. Transport Data necessary for the MEI according to the CoM • Which indicators are being used to monitor requirements for all of the sectors mentioned is SE(C)AP implementation in the transport? made available every year by Flanders. The energy (e.g. the number of public transport use is given per year per sector per energy source. passengers per year, total energy Flanders drafts this general MEI every year for each consumption of renewable fuels in public municipality, starting from 2011. Municipalities fleets, number of charging points) only have to put in their own energy consumption data (as organisation) to have the complete image. Flanders uses several models to make the calculations per municipality. Especially on transport, the model used changes regularly, which means that also the output differs year per year. Flanders always recalculates the MEI’s for the previous years, when delivering results for the following year (meaning that when the MEI for 2016 was made available, also the MEI of 2015 until 2011 changed). Local electricity production Data necessary for the MEI according to the CoM • Which indicators are being used to monitor requirements for all of the sectors mentioned is SE(C)AP implementation in the local made available every year by Flanders. The energy electricity production? (e.g. capacity use is given per year per sector per energy source., installed) as described above. Local heat/cold production Data necessary for the MEI according to the CoM • Which indicators are being used to monitor requirements for all of the sectors mentioned is SE(C)AP implementation in the local made available every year by Flanders. Per year the heat/cold production? (e.g. network production of all of the installations is totalised, as extension / number of customers) described above. Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Not taken into account in the SEAP • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the industry? (e.g. number of boilers replaced, number of lamps replaced, renewable power installed) Local electricity production Data necessary for the MEI according to the CoM • Which indicators are being used to monitor requirements for all of the sectors mentioned is SE(C)AP implementation in the local made available every year by Flanders. Per year the electricity production? (e.g. power production of all of the installations is totalised, as installed) described above. Other (waste management, green public procurement, agriculture and forestry related) Not taken into account in the SEAP, with one exception: the purchase of green electricity by a




• Which indicators are being used to monitor municipality. Every year the total is made available SE(C)AP implementation in the other by the grid operator. sectors Data collection frequency Yearly collection • What is the frequency of data collection? Funding On local level, funding is a bottleneck. For every • Are there enough financial means for the new action, funding has to be approved by the actions? council for mayor and aldermen. The means are • How will these means be sought? limited, what means that according to the priorities choices have to be made. For ongoing actions, the means are reserved. Flemish subsidies are an opportunity, though also limited and connected with preconditions, which means that only a limited percentage of projects are approved. The same goes for provincial subsidies. Additional remarks For all of the sectors this following general remark is valid: WVI uses the data made available by Flanders to make the evaluation for each municipality. This data can be seen as the MEI (monitoring emission inventory). When available, additional data is used by WVI. The Flemish data lags 1.5 years e.g. this summer, Flanders distributed the data on energy use and exhaust in tonnes CO2 for 2016, as described above.

Information about the progress of the SEAP implementation is presented in Table 39. Table 39 SEAP monitoring overview

Status of implementation of mitigation action The monitoring of the SEAP has to be executed for • Municipal buildings equipment facilities (% the first time, deadline is the end of January 2019. completed, % new, % ongoing, % For the moment, the data is collected. postponed, % not started) • Local heat/ cold production (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Transport (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Public lighting (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Residential buildings (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started)




• Tertiary buildings equipment facilities (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Industry (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) • Others (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) Overall budget spent The monitoring of the SEAP has to be executed for • Budget (% budget spent, % overall budget the first time, deadline is the end of January 2019. foreseen action implementation) For the moment, the data is collected. Estimated greenhouse gas emission reduction The municipality received the data in December according to the implementation status of the 2017 from WVI. WVI used the available data from actions Flanders, until 2015. In the period 2011-2015 the CO2-reduction was 4%. • Tonnes CO2/year (% completed, % new, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) Greenhouse gas emission per sector- change from the year o the BEI to the most recent data The municipality received the data in December available (in tonnes CO2eq and percentage) for: 2017 from WVI. WVI used the available data from Flanders, until 2015. In the period 2011-2015 the • Municipal CO2-reduction was: • Tertiary • Municipal: not available since part of the • Residential tertiary sector • Public lighting • Tertiary (including municipal buildings): • Transport augmentation with 3% • Non-energy related • Residential: reduction of 7% • Industry • Public lighting: reduction of 12% • Other • Transport: reduction of 4% • Industry: not taken into account in the SEAP • Public transport: reduction of 12% Final energy consumption per energy Carrier - change from the year of adhesion to the Not calculated since the goals of CoM are submission year (in MWh and percentage) for: reduction in tonnes CO2. • Electricity • Heat/cold • Fossil fuels • Renewables Local energy production- change from the year of adhesion to the submission year (in MWh and Local energy production from 2011 – 2015: percentage) for: • Electricity production - PV doubled: +111% • • Electricity consumption Number of installed solar boilers: increased with 831,5% (from 19 in 2011 to • Non-RES electricity production 177 in 2015) • RES electricity production • RES Electricity production – heat/cold • Heat/cold consumption increased with 50% 116



• Non-RES heat/cold production • RES Heat production - heat/cold increased • RES heat/cold production with 50% • There is no non-RES electricity or heat/cold production




Joint SEAP for the municipalities of Berlaar, Bornem, Duffel Puurs, Sind-Amands, Sint-Katelijne-Waver and Willebroek

In the scope of the project joint SEAP (option 2, shared CO2 reduction commitment) will be revised to joint SECAP. The joint SEAP applies to the municipalities of Berlaar, Bornem, Duffel Puurs, Sind-Amands, Sint- Katelijne-Waver and Willebroek. Together, these municipalities have about 123 103 inhabitants and cover about 205.56 km², as it can be seen in Table 40. Table 40 Municipalities that carry out the joint SEAP

Municipality Area Inhabitants Berlaar 24.57 km² 11507 habitants Bornem 45.76 km² 21186 habitants Puurs 33.41 km² 17452 habitants Sint-Amands 15.58 km² 8480 habitants Sint-Katelijne-Waver 36.12 km² 20870 habitants Willebroek 27.41 km² 26223 habitants

Historically, the region is mainly agrarian, with industrial development starting in the 1800’s. Nowadays the region is more or less agrarian, mixed with residential areas. The houses are very decentralised. In the municipality of Sint Katelijne Waver and Lier there is a huge amount of agriculture present, focusing on fruit and tomatoes. The region is situated around the small centre city of Mechelen and there is a lot of commuting to the cities. Geographically, the region is mainly flat. It has a maritime temperate, with significant precipitation in all seasons. The average temperature is 3 °C in January, and 21 °C in July; the average precipitation is 65 millimetres in January, and 78 millimetres in July. It is also characterized by an extensive network of waterworks and rivers. The rivers Grote and Kleine , de Schelde and de Nete all flow through the region and still have a big influence in the region. The Forecast of the Flemish Climate Portal of this region, is that by 2100 the median temperature will be 16,2° instead of the current 10°. It will also have 10% more chance of floods and water. All five pillars of the PentaHelix approach are present in the municipalities but are not always represented on a municipal level. Most are represented on a provincial level, or a nationwide level. Information about previous experience with SEAP development for the municipalities of Berlaar, Bornem, Duffel Puurs, Sind-Amands, Sint-Katelijne-Waver and Willebroek is presented in Table 41-Table 44 for all four phases of SEAP development.

Table 41 Initiation phase

Municipality council (or equivalent body) • No, the municipality councils did not • Did the municipality council provide the provide extra preconditions to the local necessary preconditions to the local administration to start the process. administration to start the process, However, there already are administrative allocate a sufficient human resources and




make sure adequate administrative structures in place. No extra human structures are in place? resources were however allocated. • Did the municipality council provide the • Stakeholder participation was not a high necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ priority at the time. However, there was participation? an attempt to involve industry by asking them to sign a letter of intent. Local administration • This part of the process is not known. • Did the local administration encourage • the political authorities to take action and The public authorities were consulted inform them about the benefits and extensively. There was 1 regional steering necessary resources? group, meaning participants of all municipalities attended and 3 local • Did the local administration allocate Steering groups, with local stakeholders. sufficient human resources and make sure More were planned, but no budget was adequate administrative structures are in left. Industry was asked to sign a letter of place? intent of executing the SEAP, but was not • Did the local administration identify the part of the decision-making process. The stakeholders, decide what channels of other three stakeholders were not communication/ participation they want consulted. to use? • No, this was not a priority at the time. • Did the local administration inform • Only the public authorities and their stakeholders about the process that is decisionmakers were widely consulted. going to start, and collect their view? Stakeholders • Local administration (municipality • Which stakeholders are participating in the departments). No other stakeholders were initiation phase? involved. • What is their role? • They are in charge of carrying out the • How can they express their views? SEAP. The monitoring is being done by • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in IGEMO. the SE(C)AP development explained to • We do not know how the views of them? administration were conveyed to the stakeholders. • This information is not available at this time. Additional remarks The SEAP is joint effort of 6 municipalities around the region of Mechelen. It was drafted with the help of IGEMO as process monitor. It is a SEAP that focusses very much on the action Local Authorities themselves can take.

Table 42 Planning phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • The municipal council did allocate funds for • Did the municipal council make sure the projects that fit into the framework of the necessary resources are in place for the SEAP planning phase?




• What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? • The main priority is awareness. Lots of • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with actions are taken to raise more awareness the long-term vision that will shape the of the energy consumption. For example, sustainable energy (and climate) future of all the mayors of the municipalities shared the municipality? tips about saving in your own house. • How ambitious is their vision? • Yes, the priorities of the SEAP are in line with the long-term vision that will shape the sustainable energy (and climate) future of the municipality. • The priority of the SEAP is very much focused on awareness and could be more ambitious. Local administration • No, the local administration did not • Did the local administration conduct the conduct the initial assessment. This was initial assessment, collect the necessary done by IGEMO, based on numbers data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline provided by VITO and supplemented by emission inventory? information of the local administration. • Did the local administration establish the • The local administration set the objectives objectives in line with the vision that will in line with the vision that will shape the shape the sustainable energy (and climate) sustainable future of the municipality future of the municipality? • Yes, the local administration defined the • Did the local administration define the the measures in line with the vision; measures in line with the vision? • Yes, the local administration established • Did the local administration establish the the budget and financing, timing, the budget and financing, timing, the indicators and the responsibilities. indicators and the responsibilities? • No, the local administration didn’t involved • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SEAP development; stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • Local administration (city departments) • Which stakeholders are participating in a and IGEMO planning phase? • The role of the local administration was to take part in the development of SEAP. The • What is their role? role of IGEMO was to be a process • How can they express their views? manager. • Did stakeholders participate in the • They could express their views at formal definition of the vision for a sustainable meetings and by informal methods. energy future of the municipality? (emailing, calling) • Did stakeholder provide input data and • Yes, they participated in the definition of share the knowledge? the vision for a sustainable energy future • Which are the communication channels of the city up to some extent with stakeholders? • Yes, stakeholder provided input data and • Did stakeholder participate in the shared knowledge). elaboration of the plan? • Meetings, emails, formal written Did stakeholder pressure the political communication authorities to approve the plan (if it was • Yes, stakeholder participated in the necessary)? elaboration of the plan




• No, they didn’t. The only decisionmakers were the local authorities themselves. General goals 20% till 2020 • What is the overall CO2 emission reduction target (in percentage)?

Table 43 Implementation phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • Yes, but just formally • Did the municipal council provide long- term political support to the SE(C)AP • No, they didn’t make sure that energy process? policy is integrated into everyday life of the • Did the municipal council make sure that local administration. the energy and climate policy is integrated • The municipal council did encourage into the everyday life of the local stakeholders to act in small ways. They for administration? example lend their support to the ‘see2do’ • Did the municipal council encourage project, whereby thermographic scans stakeholders to act? If so, what was the show citizens the need to renovate their stakeholders’ response? house. This was a big success inall • How is the municipality council showing municipalities: Berlaar, Sint Amands, interest in the plan implementation? Willebroek, Duffel, Lier, Sint Katelijne • Is the municipal council networking with Waver and Puurs. other CoM signatories? • Municipal council shows some interest; by supporting some projects to do with the implementation of the project. • No, the municipal council doesn’t work on networking with other CoM signatories Local administration • They sometimes respond to projects that • How is the local administration carrying out coordination of the implementation are suggested on the intermunicipal level. plan? • When the local administration signed the • Did the local administration motivate SEAP, they asked about 100 small stakeholders to act? If so, what was the businesses and organisations to sign a stakeholders’ response? letter of intent stating their support for the • Was there some type of information SEAP. There was however no follow up. campaigns which has for aim to inform • No, there was no information campaign. stakeholders about the resources available • No, it isn’t networking with other CoM for energy efficiency and RES? signatories. • Is the local administration networking with other CoM signatories? Stakeholders • The local authorities are implementing • Are stakeholders implementing the some of the measures that are under their measures that are under their responsibility; responsibility?




• Are stakeholders encouraging the local • No, stakeholders aren’t encouraging the administration to implement the measures local administration to implement the under its responsibility (if necessary)? measures under its responsibility • Are stakeholders encouraging other • No, stakeholders aren’t encouraging other stakeholders to act? stakeholders to act; • Are stakeholders giving general support to • Yes, stakeholders are giving general the SE(C)AP implementation? support to the SEAP implementation - mainly concerned citizens.

Table 44 Monitoring and reporting phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • No, the municipal council isn’t asking to be • Is the municipal council asking to be informed regularly about the advancement informed regularly about the advancement of the plan? of the plan; • Is the municipal council ensuring that plan • No, the municipal council isn’t ensuring updates occur at regular intervals? that plan updates occur at regular intervals, this is done by initiative of IGEMO. Local administration • No, the local administration isn’t • Is the local administration proceeding with regular monitoring of the plan: monitoring proceeding with regular monitoring of the the advancement of the actions and plan: monitoring the advancement of the evaluation of their impact? actions and evaluation of their impact; • Is the local administration periodically • No, the local administration isn’t reporting to the political authorities and to periodically reporting to the political the stakeholders about the advancement authorities and to the stakeholders about of the plan? the advancement of the plan; • Is there communication about the results • No, there is no communication about the between the local administration and the results between the local administration municipal council? and the municipal council; • Is there communication about the results • No, there is no communication about the between local administration and results between local administration and stakeholders? stakeholders Stakeholders • No, stakeholders aren’t providing the • Are stakeholders providing the necessary inputs data? necessary inputs data • Are stakeholders participating in plan • No, stakeholders aren’t participating in updating? plan updating • Are stakeholders providing comments on • No, stakeholders aren’t providing the report and report on the measures comments on the report and report on under their responsibility? the measures under their responsibility Additional remarks While IGEMO helped make the plans,it was not a part of executing them.




Information about the SEAP which will be revised are presented in Table 45-Table 48.

Table 45 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data

CO2 emissions • Yes, the breakdown of CO2 emissions is • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by energy carrier; presented by energy carrier (e.g. natural • gas, coal)? Yes, the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by sectors. • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions • presented by sectors (e.g. domestic, non- No, the CO2 emissions are not presented domestic, transport)? per capita. They are however presented on a municipality level. • Are the CO2 emissions presented per capita and on municipality level? Emission factors reporting unit • This information was not available • Which emission factors have been used • (emission factors for fuel combustion The unit used is tonnes CO2 (IPCC) or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA))? • Which emission reporting unit have been used (tonnes CO2 or tonnes CO2 equivalent? Energy consumption • Yes, the breakdown of energy • Is the breakdown of energy consumption consumption is presented by energy presented by energy source (natural gas, source; fuel oil, etc.)? • Yes, the breakdown of energy • Is the breakdown of energy consumption consumption is presented by sector presented by sector (domestic, non- • domestic, transport)? No, the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment is • Is the assessment of the energy efficiency not presented with the efficiency indexes of buildings and equipment presented with of energy consumption the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user? Energy infrastructures • No, there are no electricity production • In case of existing electricity production plants. plants, as well as district heating/cooling plants, are they presented in the BEI? Buildings • No, the typology of the existing building • Is the typology of the existing building stock is not described in the BEI. stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and • other energy-related characteristics, No, the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.) described in the BEI? renovations are not presented in the BEI.




• Are the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations presented in the BEI? Industry • Yes, it is included, but only for non-ETS. • Is the industry sector included in the SE(C)AP? Transport and mobility • No, the characteristics of the demand of • Are the characteristics of the demand of mobility (needs for mobility) and modes of mobility (needs for mobility) and modes of transport are not presented in the BEI; transport presented in the BEI? • No, the main characteristics of the public • Are the main characteristics of the public transportation network are not presented transportation network presented in the in the BEI BEI?

Table 46 Stakeholders’ involvement

Stakeholders involvement • The main stakeholders’ groups are • Are the main stakeholders’ groups somewhat identified in the SEAP: local identified in the SE(C)AP? If so, which administration (city departments), stakeholders’ groups have been listed Agriculture, industry and the tertiary • Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ sector, as well as private homes of citizens. involvement presented in the SE (C)AP? As such, it can be said that citizens and industry stakeholders are identified in the SEAP. • Is the level of stakeholders’ awareness • Yes. The stakeholders have been identified presented in the SE(C)AP? and it is suggested that they participate on a project-based input. For example, children and schools are taught about Energy Efficiency through the awareness actions. But there is no overreaching structure, such as a permanent advisory board. • No, the level of stakeholder awareness is not presented in the SECAP.

Table 47 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction

Municipal buildings equipment/facilities • Thorough energetic renovation of houses • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • Energy saving measures (for example: emission reduction awareness campaigns in schools) • Follow up the energy consumption




Residential buildings equipment/facilities • Stimulate citizens to implement energy • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 saving measures emission reduction • Stimulate energetic renovation for existing • Potential of CO2 reduction from the buildings proposed measures • Promote projects which are an example Potential of CO2 reduction is not indicated. Tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities • Stimulate citizens to implement energy • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction saving measures • Potential of CO2 reduction from the • Stimulate energetic renovation for existing proposed measures buildings • Promote projects which are an example •

Potential of CO2 reduction is not indicated. Transport • Strengthen efficiency of public transport • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Improve infrastructure for pedestrians and bikers • Potential of CO2 reduction from the • proposed measures Stimulate sustainable transport behaviour Potential of CO2 reduction is not indicated. Public lighting • Reduce operating hours of public lighting • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Replace public lighting by LED • Optimize energy-efficient control of public • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures lighting Potential of CO2 reduction is not indicated. Local electricity production • Making up an energy opportunity card for • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 sustainable energy emission reduction • Research the possibility to transform • Potential of CO2 reduction from the biomass into energy proposed measures • Introduce a smart electric network Potential of CO2 reduction is not indicated. Local heat/cold production • Making up an energy opportunity card for • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 sustainable energy emission reduction • Research the opportunity to establish a • Potential of CO2 reduction from the regional processing company for organic proposed measures residual flows for the heat production. Potential of CO2 reduction is not indicated. Industry Industry is not assessed in the SEAP • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures




Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) • Agriculture: example: Promote pilot • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 projects of energy savings emission reduction • Participation: Create a web platform for • Potential of CO2 reduction from the exchange of ideas and examples proposed measures Potential of CO2 reduction is not indicated. Possible sources of funding • Possible sources of funding were not • Which are foreseen financing sources for discussed in the SEAP. the implementation of SE(C)AP?

• Which financing sources has been are expected to have the highest share in financing proposed measures?

Table 48 SE(C)AP implementation- indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities • Number of buildings renovated • Number of solar panels/heat pumps • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in building sector • Total electricity and gas consumption (e.g. number/surface area of buildings insulated, number of boilers replaced, surface area of solar thermal panels installed) Public lighting • Not specified in the SEAP. • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in public lighting? (e.g. number of conventional traffic lights replaced by LED, renewable power installed) Transport • Not specified in the SEAP. • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the transport? (e.g. the number of public transport passengers per year, total energy consumption of renewable fuels in public fleets, number of charging points) Local electricity production • Not specified in the SEAP. • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? (e.g. cpacity installed) Local heat/cold production • Not specified in the SEAP.




• Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold production? (e.g. network extension / number of customers) Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) • Not specified in the SEAP. • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the industry? (e.g. number of boilers replaced, number of lamps replaced, renewable power installed) Other (waste management, green public procurement, agriculture and forestry related) • Not specified in the SEAP. • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the other sectors Data collection frequency • The reporting obligations according to CoM • What is the frequency of data collection? SEAP regulation specify the obligation to report every two years. Funding • This is not discussed in the SEAP. • Are there enough financial means for the

actions? • How will these means be sought?

Information about the progress of the SEAP implementation is presented in Table 49. Table 49 SE(C)AP monitoring overview

Status of implementation of mitigation action • 100% ongoing for all actions reported at • Municipal buildings equipment facilities (% the COM website (this is a summary of the completed, % new, % ongoing, % actions in the SEAP) postponed, % not started) • Local heat/ cold production (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Transport (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Public lighting (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Residential buildings (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Tertiary buildings equipment facilities (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Industry (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) 127



• Others (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) Overall budget spent • There is a big difference between the • Budget (% budget spent, % overall budget municipalities. Some have spent already foreseen action implementation) more than foreseen for the entire projects. Others have spent only a little percentage. • The municipalities do not have a good method for recording this. Estimated greenhouse gas emission reduction according to the implementation status of the • The number given here are for compleated actions measures in 2015, the last year of which there are available data: • Tonnes CO2/year (% completed, % new, % o Berlaar: -11% not started, % ongoing, % postponed) o Bornem: -1% o Duffel + 28% o Sint-Amands: -1% o Sint-Katelijne-Waver: -6% o Puurs: +35% o Willebroek +26% Greenhouse gas emission per sector- change from the year o the BEI to the most recent data • The report is still not finalized, so it was available (in tonnes CO2eq and percentage) for: not possible to obtain requested data. Data will be available after analysis. • Municipal • Tertiary • Residential • Public lighting • Transport • Non-energy related • Industry • Other Final energy consumption per energy Carrier - change from the year of adhesion to the • The report is still not finalized, so it was submission year (in MWh and percentage) for: not possible to obtain requested data. Data will be available after energy analysis. • Electricity • Heat/cold • Fossil fuels • Renewables Local energy production- change from the year of adhesion to the submission year (in MWh and • The report is still not finalized, so it was percentage) for: not possible to obtain requested data. Data will be available after energy analysis. • Electricity consumption • Non-RES electricity production • RES electricity production • Heat/cold consumption




• Non-RES heat/cold production • RES heat/cold production




Velika Gorica Velika Gorica is the pilot municipality of the PentaHelix project, for which the individual SEAP will be revised to the SECAP. The City of Velika Gorica is covering the area of 328.65 km2 and has a population of 63 517 inhabitants within the administrative area of the municipality and 31 341 that live within the urban area. It is the largest and most populous city in Zagreb County. It is a city that has developed as a centre of the historical region of Turopolje, but also has become one of the largest satellite cities of the capital City of Zagreb. The meaning and connection of the City of Velika Gorica is also shown in positioning of the Franjo Tuđman Airport, the largest and busiest airport in Croatia, within the area of Velika Gorica. Croatia is divided into two predominant climate regions - Continental and Mediterranean although there are some variations within those climate zones. As everywhere, Croatia's climate is determined by its geography, which is characterised by a mixture of mountains, plains, forests and a long littoral belt. The Croatian interior, which includes City of Velika Gorica, is separated from the coast by the Dinaric Mountains and has a continental climate. Winters get cold, with the mean temperature in January ranging from 0°C to -2°C. In July, the mean is approximately 22°C although strong heat waves have become more frequent. The mountains of Croatia such as the Velebit range and Medvednica (near Zagreb and Velika Gorica) are cooler and get more precipitation. In winter the mean temperature ranges from -2°C to -4°C and above 1 500 m it is a few degrees colder. Snow is common in the higher elevations, providing Croatia with a ski season. In summer the mountains are a temperate 10°C to 18°C, which makes them a pleasant escape from the coastal heat [16]. Its economic development Velika Gorica has based on the small economy and agriculture. The largest number of employees work in the manufacturing industry (17%) and trade (16%), followed by transport, storage and communications (9%). The economic base is wood, food, construction, leather and graphic industries and agriculture. City of Velika Gorica has representatives of each of the PentaHelix pillars which will collaborate in SECAP planning.. Information about previous experience with SEAP development for the city of Velika Gorica is presented in Table 50-Table 53 for all four phases of the SEAP development.

Table 50 Initiation phase

Municipality council (or equivalent body) • Yes, the municipality council provided the • Did the municipality council provide the necessary preconditions to the local necessary preconditions to the local administration to start the process, administration to start the process, allocated human resources and provided allocate a sufficient human resources and adequate administrative structures; make sure adequate administrative • structures are in place? Yes, the municipality council provided the necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ • Did the municipality council provide the participation. necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ participation?




Local administration • Yes, the local administration encouraged • Did the local administration encourage the political authorities to take the action the political authorities to take action and and informed them about benefits and inform them about the benefits and resources; necessary resources? • Yes, the local administration allocated • Did the local administration allocate enough human resources and ensured sufficient human resources and make sure that adequate administrative structures adequate administrative structures are in are in place; place? • Yes, the local administration identified the • Did the local administration identify the stakeholders and decided what channels stakeholders, decide what channels of of communication/ participation they communication/ participation they want wanted to use to use? • Yes, the local administration informed • Did the local administration inform stakeholders about the process that is stakeholders about the process that is going to start, and collected their view going to start, and collect their view? Stakeholders • Local administration (city • Which stakeholders are participating in the departments),Croatian craft chamber; initiation phase? Croatian chamber of commerce, Croatian • What is their role? entrepreneur association, Croatian • How can they express their views? Employer’s Association, Academia, NGOs, • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in consumer/user associations ; the SE(C)AP development explained to • They should be involved in the whole them? process of development of SEAP from the start to the end, its communication, implementation and monitoring. • At formal meetings of stakeholder groups, they could address their views in written form and use other ways of communication; • Their roles have been explained to them at the first meeting of stakeholders organized at the beginning of the SEAP development process.

Table 51 Planning phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • Yes, the municipal council ensured the • Did the municipal council make sure the necessary resources are in place for the necessary resources are in place for the planning phase; planning phase? • Their priority of the SEAP was to create • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? measures that will improve energy • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with efficiency in the city and provide at least the long-term vision that will shape the 21% of CO2 reduction by 2020;




sustainable energy (and climate) future of • Yes, the priorities of SEAP are in line with the municipality? the long-term vision that will shape the • How ambitious is their vision? sustainable energy (and climate) future of the municipality; • Their vision was rather ambitious (50.71% CO2 reduction) if all measures were implemented). Local administration • Yes, the local administration conducted the • Did the local administration conduct the initial assessment, collected the necessary initial assessment, collect the necessary data, and elaborates the CO2 baseline data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline emission inventory emission inventory? • The local administration set the objectives • Did the local administration establish the in line with the vision that will shape the objectives in line with the vision that will sustainable future of the municipality shape the sustainable energy (and climate) • future of the municipality? Yes, the local administration defined the measures in line with the vision; • Did the local administration define the the • measures in line with the vision? Yes, the local administration established the budget and financing, timing, the • Did the local administration establish the indicators and the responsibilities. budget and financing, timing, the • indicators and the responsibilities? No, the local administration didn’t involved stakeholders in the SEAP development; • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • Local administration (city • Which stakeholders are participating in a departments),Croatian craft chamber; planning phase? Croatian chamber of commerce, Croatian • What is their role? entrepreneur association, Croatian • How can they express their views? Employer’s Association, Academia, NGOs, • Did stakeholders participate in the consumer/user associations ; definition of the vision for a sustainable • Their role was to take part in the energy future of the municipality? development of SEAP from start and to • Did stakeholder provide input data and influence all issues of their concern share the knowledge? • They could express their views at formal • Which are the communication channels meetings, in written form and some other with stakeholders? channel of communication. • Did stakeholder participate in the • Yes, they participated in the definition of elaboration of the plan? the vision for a sustainable energy future • Did stakeholder pressure the political of the city up to some extent authorities to approve the plan (if it was • Yes, stakeholder provided input data and necessary)? shared knowledge). • Meetings, emails, formal written communication • Yes, stakeholder participated in the elaboration of the plan • No, they didn’t. General goals




• What is the overall CO2 emission reduction 21% till 2020 target (in percentage)?

Table 52 Implementation phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body)

• Did the municipal council provide long- • Yes, but just formally term political support to the SE(C)AP process? • No, they didn’t make sure that energy • Did the municipal council make sure that policy is integrated into everyday life of the the energy and climate policy is integrated local administration. into the everyday life of the local • The municipal council didn’t encourage administration? stakeholders to act • Did the municipal council encourage • Municipal council is showing no interest; stakeholders to act? If so, what was the • The municipality is showing no interest to stakeholders’ response? implement the plan; • How is the municipality council showing • No, the municipal council doesn’t work on interest in the plan implementation? networking with other CoM signatories • Is the municipal council networking with other CoM signatories? Local administration • There is no coordination, because there is • How is the local administration carrying out coordination of the implementation no public body which would coordinate plan? activities; • Did the local administration motivate • Yes, the response was very satisfying on stakeholders to act? If so, what was the behalf of the city’s company for apartment stakeholders’ response? buildings management • Was there some type of information • Yes, for apartment buildings’ owners campaigns which has for aim to inform • No, it isn’t networking with other CoM stakeholders about the resources available signatories. for energy efficiency and RES? • Is the local administration networking with other CoM signatories? Stakeholders • Some of stakeholders implementing the • Are stakeholders implementing the measures that are under their measures that are under their responsibility; responsibility? • No, stakeholders aren’t encouraging the • Are stakeholders encouraging the local administration to implement the measures local administration to implement the under its responsibility (if necessary)? measures under its responsibility • Are stakeholders encouraging other • No, stakeholders aren’t encouraging other stakeholders to act? stakeholders to act; • Are stakeholders giving general support to • Yes, stakeholders are giving general the SE(C)AP implementation? support to the SEAP implementation




Table 53 Monitoring and reporting phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • No, the municipal council isn’t asking to be • Is the municipal council asking to be informed regularly about the advancement informed regularly about the advancement of the plan? of the plan; • Is the municipal council ensuring that plan • No, the municipal council isn’t ensuring updates occur at regular intervals? that plan updates occur at regular intervals; Local administration • No, the local administration isn’t • Is the local administration proceeding with regular monitoring of the plan: monitoring proceeding with regular monitoring of the the advancement of the actions and plan: monitoring the advancement of the evaluation of their impact? actions and evaluation of their impact; • No, the local administration isn’t

periodically reporting to the political • Is the local administration periodically authorities and to the stakeholders about reporting to the political authorities and to the advancement of the plan; the stakeholders about the advancement • No, there is no communication about the of the plan? results between the local administration • Is there communication about the results and the municipal council; between the local administration and the • No, there is no communication about the municipal council? results between local administration and • Is there communication about the results stakeholders between local administration and stakeholders? Stakeholders • No, stakeholders aren’t providing the • Are stakeholders providing the necessary inputs data? necessary inputs data • Are stakeholders participating in plan • No, stakeholders aren’t participating in updating? plan updating • Are stakeholders providing comments on • No, stakeholders aren’t providing the report and report on the measures comments on the report and report on under their responsibility? the measures under their responsibility

Information about the SEAP which will be revised are presented in Table 54-Table 57.

Table 54 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data

CO2 emissions • Yes, the breakdown of CO2 emissions is • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by energy carrier; presented by energy carrier (e.g. natural • gas, coal)? Yes, the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by sectors: building sector, • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions transport, public lighting) presented by sectors (e.g. domestic, non- • Just on the municipality (city) level domestic, transport)?




• Are the CO2 emissions presented per capita and on municipality level? Emission factors reporting unit • IPCC • Which emission factors have been used • (emission factors for fuel combustion Tonnes CO2 (IPCC) or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA))? • Which emission reporting unit have been used (tonnes CO2 or tonnes CO2 equivalent? Energy consumption • Yes, the breakdown of energy • Is the breakdown of energy consumption consumption is presented by energy presented by energy source (natural gas, source; fuel oil, etc.)? • Yes, the breakdown of energy • Is the breakdown of energy consumption consumption is presented by sector presented by sector (domestic, non- • domestic, transport)? Yes, the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment is • Is the assessment of the energy efficiency presented with the efficiency indexes of of buildings and equipment presented with energy consumption the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user? Energy infrastructures • Yes, district heating is presented in the BEI • In case of existing electricity production plants, as well as district heating/cooling plants, are they presented in the BEI? Buildings • Partially yes (usage/purpose, energy • Is the typology of the existing building consumption) stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and • other energy-related characteristics, Yes, the minimal legal energy requirements energy consumption and trend, the rate of for new constructions and major renovation etc.) described in the BEI? renovations are presented in the BEI • Are the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations presented in the BEI? Industry • No, it’s not included. • Is the industry sector included in the SE(C)AP? Transport and mobility • No, the characteristics of the demand of • Are the characteristics of the demand of mobility (needs for mobility) and modes of mobility (needs for mobility) and modes of transport are not presented in the BEI; transport presented in the BEI?




• Are the main characteristics of the public • Yes, the main characteristics of the public transportation network presented in the transportation network are presented in BEI? the BEI

Table 55 Stakeholders’ involvement

Stakeholders involvement • Are the main stakeholders’ groups • The main stakeholders’ groups are identified in the SE(C)AP? If so, which identified in the SEAP: local administration stakeholders’ groups have been listed (city departments), Croatian craft • Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ chamber; Croatian chamber of commerce, involvement presented in the SE (C)AP? Croatian entrepreneur association, • Is the level of stakeholders’ awareness Croatian Employer’s Association, presented in the SE(C)AP? Academia, NGOs, consumer/user associations; • Yes. The stakeholders have been identified and it was suggested to form an energy council and task force group for the SEAP implementation. The energy council is an advisory and monitoring body that should be formed at the early beginning of the process of SEAP development. Energy council is involving the following members: representatives of the city, of the stakeholder groups, proved energy experts from the area of energy, building and spatial planning and from transport and communal infrastructure. The main purpose of the energy council is to monitor the development, to communicate the plan (internal and external), to monitor and evaluate its implementation and to report about it to city council. The purpose of task force group is monitoring of the SEAP implementation, to develop the communication strategy, to prepare the documentation for the public procurement procedures; • Yes, to some extent. Supervisory and working bodies have been identified – Energy council and working group and their tasks have been briefly elaborated in the SEAP.




Table 56 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction

Municipal buildings equipment/facilities • Introduction of informational system for • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 energy management emission reduction • Centralized data gathering for buildings (typology of the buildings, energy consumption, reconstruction data etc.) • Remote metering of energy consumption • Buildings registry • Buildings energy audits Residential buildings equipment/facilities 2 types of measures – for existing buildings and for • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 new construction. Measures for new buildings are emission reduction that Council adopts decision to reduce the level of • Potential of CO2 reduction from the communal fee for buildings that implement RES in proposed measures different rates depending on energy standard achieved. For existing buildings: • Co-financing of envelope reconstruction • Co-financing of solar thermal systems for hot water preparation • Co-financing of thermostatic valves installation • Replacement with household devices with more efficient ones • Installation of energy saving lamps • Installation of small PVs up to 30 kW

Potential of CO2 reduction – 10 096 t Tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities • Installation of solar systems on commercial • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 buildings emission reduction • Installation of energy saving lamps • Potential of CO2 reduction from the • proposed measures Council adopts decision to reduce the level of communal fee for buildings that implement RES in different rates depending on energy standard achieved in commercial sector • Installation of small PVs up to 30 kW

Potential of CO2 reduction – 2 639 t Transport • Introduction of 10% of biofuels in fuel mix • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Implementation of fees for traffic pollution in the City centre • Potential of CO2 reduction from the • Promotional, informational and proposed measures educational activities




• Procurement of new vehicles for the purpose of city administration using green procurement practice • Improvement of rail traffic • Improvement of bus traffic • Park and ride and bike park • Biodiesel production support for the bus usage • Cycling traffic improvement • Closing the city centre for traffic • Car sharing deployment

Potential of CO2 reduction – 10 100 t Public lighting • Modernisation of public lightning • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 Potential of CO2 reduction – 287 t emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Local electricity production Local electricity production is not assessed in the • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 SEAP emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Local heat/cold production Local heat/cold production is not assessed in the • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 SEAP emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Industry Industry is not assessed in the SEAP • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries)

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 Other sectors are not assessed in the SEAP. emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Possible sources of funding • Foreseen financing sources for the • Which are foreseen financing sources for implementation of SEAP are: the implementation of SE(C)AP? o Public




• Which financing sources has been are • local authority’s own expected to have the highest share in resources financing proposed measures? • national funds and programmes • EU Funds and programmes o Private • ESI funding and local authority own budget foreseen financing sources for the implementation of SE(C)AP

Table 57 SEAP implementation- indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities • Number/surface area of buildings insulated [-/m2] • Which indicators are being used to monitor • Surface area of solar thermal panels SE(C)AP implementation in building sector 2 (e.g. number/surface area of buildings installed [m ] insulated, number of boilers replaced, • Surface area of the building covered by the surface area of solar thermal panels measuring devices; installed) • Number of lamps replaced; • Surface of installed PV module (m2); • Number of boilers replaced [-]; • Number of electrical appliances replaced [-]; • Number/surface area of buildings retrofitted [-/m2]; • Number of energy audits; • Total annual heat and fuel energy consumption - data known from Energy Review Report (kWh / year); • Total annual electricity consumption - data known from Energy Review Report (kWh / year); • Total energy consumption according to Energy Review report (kWh / year); Public lighting • Number of replaced bulbs; • Which indicators are being used to monitor • SE(C)AP implementation in public lighting? Number of working hours of old bulb (e.g. number of conventional traffic lights yearly; replaced by LED, renewable power • Number of working hours of new bulb installed) yearly; • Smart regulation system of public lighting – implemented or not? Transport • Number of public transport passengers • Which indicators are being used to monitor (bus and train); SE(C)AP implementation in the transport? (e.g. the number of public transport




passengers per year, total energy • Public transport network extension (km) / consumption of renewable fuels in public Number of services per day [-]; fleets, number of charging points) • Car classification depending on which fuel type a car should use; • Number of city’s vehicles replaced with alternative fuel vehicles; • Number of alternative fuel buses purchased (which kind of fuel: gas, biodiesel: gas, biodiesel), • Fuel consumption in public transport (bus and train); • Number of electric charging stations; • Smart signalization (traffic lights, yellow lines for public transport); • Cycling network extension (km); • Number of bicycle parking spaces; • Public bicycle system; • Raise awareness activities; • Number of car share vehicles and locations; • Integrated ticketing system in public transport; • Subsidies in public transport; • Pedestrian zone in city center; • Automatic park charging service in city center; • Eco-tax for vehicles in city center; • Park and ride train service;

Local electricity production Not relevant, as the local electricity production was • Which indicators are being used to monitor not assessed in the SEAP. SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? (e.g. cpacity installed) Local heat/cold production • Extension of district heating networks – • Which indicators are being used to monitor new segments and number of users; SE(C)AP implementation in the local • heat/cold production? (e.g. network Capacity installed [MW] . extension / number of customers) Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Not relevant, as the industry sector was not • Which indicators are being used to monitor assessed in the SEAP. SE(C)AP implementation in the industry? (e.g. number of boilers replaced, number of lamps replaced, renewable power installed)




Other (waste management, green public procurement, agriculture and forestry related) Not relevant as the other sectors were not assessed in the SEAP. • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the other sectors Data collection frequency • Different for different sectors, as some of • What is the frequency of data collection? them are related to annual reporting according to national legislation. Other have reporting obligations according to CoM SEAP regulation Funding • The budget of the city is limited and is not • Are there enough financial means for the enough for implementation of all actions? measures. • How will these means be sought? • EU programmes, ESI funds and some alternative financial instruments have been suggested.

Since the progress report for the city of Velika Gorica is still not finalized, it was not possible to obtain data about the implementation of the measures proposed in the SEAP.




Våler Våleris is the pilot municipality of the PentaHelix project, for which individual SECAP will be revised. With the area of 257 km², the city of Våler has a total population of 5471 [8]. The Våler municipality is located within the mountainous area in north-west of Østfold region. The total energy use of the municipality is 10 GWh/ year. The population in the municipality has shown growth since 1950, in the ten-year period 2007-17, with an average of 2.5 per cent annually against 1.1 per cent in the County as a whole. Agriculture is dominated by grain cultivation and livestock farming. The main industries are the food industry, manufacturing industry and wood industry. During the months of July and August the weather is most likely with pleasant average temperatures. Cold season / winter normally starts from mid-October and continues in the months December, January and February. On average, the warmest month is July and the coolest month is January. September is the wettest month, while February is the driest month In 2017, the municipality's operating income per capita was 74 915 NOK, while the local government expenditure per capita was 71 768 NOK. The municipality's loan debt per capita was 39868 NOK at the same year. The main industries are the food industry, manufacturing industry and wood industry. Agriculture is dominated by grain cultivation and livestock farming. Presenters of the PentaHelix pillars in the municipality consist of regional authorities, NGOs and businesses. Academia has no presenters in Våler. The latest climate and energy plan of Våler municipality has approved in 2012 by the Municipality board. The plan has ambitious goals for reducing 15% GHG emissions below the 1995 levels by 2030. Information about previous experience with SECAP development for the city of Våler is presented in Table 58-Table 61 for all four phases of the SECAP development. Table 58 Initiation phase

Municipality council • Yes, the municipality council has the necessary • Did the municipality council provide the administrative preconditions and allocated necessary preconditions to the local human resources in place. administration to start the process, • allocate sufficient human resources and The municipal council is aware of the make sure adequate administrative importance of the stakeholder participation structures are in place? and is mentioning that in the climate and energy plan, however the plan has no • Did the municipality council provide the structured procedure for involving stakeholder necessary preconditions for stakeholder’s involvement. participation? Local administration • Yes, the political authorities have been • Did the local administration encourage informed about benefits of a climate and the political authorities to take action and energy plan particularly from an economic inform them about the benefits and viewpoint. necessary resources?




• Did the local administration allocate • Yes, an administrative officer, a project sufficient human resources and make sure manager and a case handler were coordinating adequate administrative structures are in and leading the planning process. place? • No • Did the local administration identify the • Yes, the draft plan has been sent out to stakeholders, decide what channels of stakeholders for getting their feedback prior to communication/ participation they want the municipal council’s approval. to use? • Did the local administration inform stakeholders about the process that is going to start, and collect their view? Stakeholders • None • Which stakeholders are participating in the • Not available initiation phase? • • What is their role? The stakeholders have provided their feedback to the draft plan but have no defined role in • How can they express their views? the implementation process. • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in • Not available the SE(C)AP development explained to them?

Table 59 Planning phase

Municipal council • Yes, the municipal council have assigned three • Did the municipal council make sure the persons for leading and coordinating the necessary resources are in place for the planning phase. planning phase? • To utilize more environmentally friendly • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? energy sources where local value creation and • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with local utilization of raw materials will be the the vision previously defined? first choice. • How ambitious is their vision? • Yes, they were in line with the defined vision. • Ambitious enough for a small municipality like Våler.

Local administration • Yes, all the necessary data and information • Did the local administration conduct the have been collected from the national statistic initial assessment, collect the necessary centre. data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline • emission inventory? Yes, the vision and supportive actions have been defined. • Did the local administration establish the • vision and the objectives that support the Yes, the plan consists of policies and measures vision? that are relevant to the vision and objectives. • • Did the local administration define the Yes, the timing, budget and the responsibilities have been established but not the indicators. policies and the measures in line with the vision and the objectives? • Yes, the local administrative did send the draft plan to the stakeholders for their feedback.




• Did the local administration establish the budget and financing, timing, the indicators and the responsibilities? • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • Not available • Which stakeholders are participating in the • planning phase? Not available • • What is their role? By sending their feedback/comments on the draft plan. • How can they express their views? • Not available • Did stakeholders participate in the • Not available definition of the vision? • • Did stakeholder provide input data and Email share the knowledge? • Not available • Which are the communication channels • Not available with stakeholders? • Did stakeholder participate in the elaboration of the plan? • Did stakeholder pressure the political authorities to approve the plan (if it was necessary)? General goals 15% • What is the overall CO2 emission reduction target (in percentage)?

Table 60 Implementation phase

Municipal council • Yes, the plan is approved by the municipal • Did the municipal council provide long- council which is also a political body. term political support to the SE(C)AP • process? Yes, the plan has set targets and measures for municipal operations. • Did the municipal council make sure that • the energy and climate policy is integrated Yes into the everyday life of the local • The Våler municipality has no well-structured administration? implementation plan. • Did the municipal council encourage • No stakeholders to act? • How is the municipality council showing interest in the plan implementation? • Is the municipal council networking with other CoM signatures? Local administration • The Våler municipality has no well-structured • How is the local administration carrying implementation plan. out coordination of the implementation • plan? Not available 144



• Did the local administration motivate • Not available stakeholders to act? • No • Was there some type of information campaigns which has for aim to inform stakeholders about the resources available for EE and RES? • Is the local administration networking with other CoM signatories? Stakeholders • Not available • Are stakeholders implementing the • measures that are under their Not available responsibility? • Not available • Are stakeholders encouraging the local • Not available administration to implement the measures under its responsibility (if necessary)? • Are stakeholders encouraging other stakeholders to act? • Are stakeholders giving general support to the SE(C)AP implementation?

Table 61 Monitoring and reporting phase

Municipal council • No • Is the municipal council asking to be • informed regularly about the No advancement of the plan? • Is the municipal council ensuring that plan updates occur at regular intervals? Local administration • No • Is the local administration proceeding with • regular monitoring of the plan: monitoring No the advancement of the actions and • No evaluation of their impact? • No • Is the local administration periodically reporting to the political authorities and to the stakeholders about the advancement of the plan? • Is there communication about the results between the local administration and the municipal council? • Is there communication about the results between local administration and stakeholders? Stakeholders




• Are stakeholders providing the necessary • No inputs data? • No • Are stakeholders participating in plan • No updating? • Are stakeholders providing comments on the report and report on the measures under their responsibility?

Information about the SECAP which will be revised are presented in Table 62-Table 65. Table 62 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data

CO2 emissions • No • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions • presented by energy carrier (e.g. natural Yes gas, coal)? • No

• Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by sectors (e.g. domestic, non- domestic, transport)? • Are the CO2 emissions presented per capita and on municipality level? Emission factors reporting unit • Not available • Which emission factors have been used • Tonnes CO2 equivalent (emission factors for fuel combustion (IPCC) or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA))? • Which emission reporting unit have been used (tonnes CO2 or tonnes CO2 equivalent? Energy consumption • Yes, the breakdown is by Electricity, oil • Is the breakdown of energy consumption products biofuels and natural gas. presented by energy source (natural gas, • fuel oil, etc.)? Yes, the breakdown of transport road traffic and other traffics. • Is the breakdown of energy consumption • presented by sector (domestic, non- No domestic, transport)? • Is the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment presented with the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user Energy infrastructures • No, however an assessment of the local • In case of existing electricity production capacity for the future of energy plants, as well as district heating/cooling production from renewable resources is plants, are they presented in the BEI? presented in the BEI 146



Buildings • No, there is no detail information on • Is the typology of the existing building building stock in the plan. stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and • other energy-related characteristics, No energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.) described in the BEI? • Are the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations presented in the BEI? Industry • The plan contains information about the • Is the industry sector included in the energy use and emissions from industrial SE(C)AP? sector. Våler municipality has limited industrial activities. Transport and mobility • Yes, the BEI has set measures on mapping • Are the characteristics of the demand of of mobility and modes of transport e.g. mobility and modes of transport presented cycling public transport and pedestrian in the BEI? roads. • Are the main characteristics of the public • No transportation network presented in the

BEI? Awareness • No • Is the level of awareness of the population

and stakeholders with reference to energy efficiency and potential savings presented in the BEI?

Table 63 Stakeholders’ involvement

Stakeholders involvement • Yes, public, businesses and NGOs • Are the main stakeholders’ groups • No identified in the SE(C)AP? If so, which stakeholders’ groups have been listed • Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ involvement presented in the SE (C)AP?

Table 64 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction

Municipal buildings equipment/facilities • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available




• Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Residential buildings equipment/facilities • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Transport • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • Not available emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Public lighting • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 Not available emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Green public procurement • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Local electricity production • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Local heat/cold production • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available

• Potential of CO2 reduction from the

proposed measures Others (e.g. agriculture, forestry, fisheries) • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available




• Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Industry • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the

proposed measures Possible sources of funding • Yes, municipal resources, also external • Are the possible sources of funding listed funds like ENOVA (Norwegian government in SE(C)AP? If so, which sources are enterprise responsible for promotion of proposed (European funds, national funds, environmentally friendly production and ESCO companies etc.) consumption of energy.) • Which financing sources has been are • The municipal sources expected to have the highest share in financing proposed measures? Additional remarks The overall emission reduction target for the Våler community is 15% reduction from the 1995 levels by 2030. However, the plan does not contain sectoral emission reduction measures, and instead it contains energy-use reduction measures.

Table 65 SE(C)AP implementation- indicators

Transport sector • No indicators have defined in the plan • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the transport sector? Public lighting • No indicators have defined in the plan • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in public lighting? (e.g. number of conventional traffic lights replaced by LED, renewable power installed) Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities • No indicators have defined in the plan • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in building sector? (e.g. total surface of solar collectors, total electricity consumption of households) Involvement of the Industry (if included in the private sector SE(C)AP) • No indicators have defined in the plan




• Which indicators are being used to monitor involvement of the private sector in the SE(C)AP implementation? (e.g. the number of companies involved in energy services, energy efficiency and renewable energies business) Local electricity production • No indicators have defined in the plan • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? (e.g. capacity installed) Local heat/cold production • No indicators have defined in the plan • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold production? (e.g. network extension / number of customers) Other (waste management, green public procurement, agriculture and forestry related) • No indicators have defined in the plan • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the other sectors Data collection frequency • No indicators have defined in the plan • What is the frequency of data collection? Funding • Yes • Are there enough financial means for the • All the financial means for the actions? implementation of the measures have • How will these means be sought? been allocated from the municipal budget

Information about the progress of the SECAP implementation is presented in Table 66.

Table 66 SECAP monitoring overview

Status of implementation of mitigation action • Not available • Municipal buildings equipment facilities (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Local heat/ cold production (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Transport (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started)




• Public lighting (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Residential buildings (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Tertiary buildings equipment facilities (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Industry (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) • Others (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) Overall budget spent • Not available • Budget (% budget spent, % overall budget foreseen action implementation) Estimated greenhouse gas emission reduction according to the implementation status of the • Not available actions

• Tonnes CO2/year (% completed, % new, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) Greenhouse gas emission per sector- change from the year of the BEI to the most recent data Yes, the GHG emmision change is presented for available (in tonnes CO2eq and percentage) for: • Buildings (Stationary combustion) • • Municipal Industry (Process emissions) • • Tertiary Transport (Mobile sources) • Residential • Public lighting • Transport • Non-energy related • Industry • Other Final energy consumption per energy Carrier - change from the year of the BEI to the most Yes (in GWh): recent data available (in MWh and percentage) • Electricity for: • Fossil fuels • Electricity • Natural gas • Heat/cold • Biofuels • Fossil fuels • Renewables




Local energy production- change from the year of the BEI to the most recent data available (in MWh • Not available and percentage) for: • Electricity consumption • Non-RES electricity production • RES electricity production • Heat/cold consumption • Non-RES heat/cold production • RES heat/cold production Additional remarks According to Norwegian Planning Act, the municipalities should review, and possibly update their existing plans and therefore most of the municipal SE(C)AP including Våler’s SE(C)AP has no specific statement on monitoring and reporting routines. Implementation of the planned goals and measures are divided among the corresponding departments at the municipality. Each department creates its own report, and all will be collected at the end of the year for creating the annual municipal report. The progress of the planned goals/measures may be found in fragmented chapter within the annual municipal reports. In addition, in some occasions, special reports may be written on specific climate and energy projects for politicians and decision makers.




Sarpsborg Sarpsborg is the pilot municipality of the PentaHelix project, for which individual SECAP will be revised. With the area of 405 km², the city of Sarpsborg has a total population of 55543 [8]. Sarpsborg is located at the center of Østfold county, close to both Oslo and Sweden, and with 80 kilometers of coastline towards the Oslofjord. Sarpsborg is an important export port; Main export goods are pulp, paper and chemical products. Sarpsborg is an important hub on the railway; here the east and east lines of Østfoldbanen meet. Sarpsborg enjoys milder climate than inland regions in Norway. During the months of July and August the weather is most likely with pleasant average temperatures. Cold season / winter normally starts from mid- October and continues in the months December, January and February. On average, the warmest month is July and the coolest month is January. September is the wettest month, while February is the driest month. In 2017, the municipality's operating income per capita was 75 442 NOK while the local government expenditure per capita was 72 758 NOK. The municipality's loan debt per capita was 60 355 NOK at the same year. The main industrial actor in Sarpsborg is Borregaard biorefinery, which is particularly characterized by wood processing and chemical industry. Other important sectors are food processing (including Øsfoldmeieriet and Nortura Sarpsborg) and engineering industry (especially fabricated metal products) with respectively 29 and 17 percent of industry employment). Presenters of the PentaHelix pillars in the municipality consist of regional authorities, NGOs, businesses, agricultural association and public transportation. Academia has no presenters in Sarpsborg. The latest climate and energy plan of Sarpsborg municipality has approved in 2011 by the Municipality board. The plan has ambitious goals for reducing 50% GHG emissions below the 1991 levels by 2020. Information about previous experience with SECAP development for Sarpsborg is presented in Table 67- Table 70 for all four phases of the SECAP development.

Table 67 Initiation phase

Municipality council • Yes, a team of administration staff with • Did the municipality council provide the multidisciplinary background have been necessary preconditions to the local assigned to work with the plan. administration to start the process, • allocate sufficient human resources and Yes, the local stakeholders have been make sure adequate administrative informed and invited to participated in structures are in place? work meetings and a seminar.

• Did the municipality council provide the necessary preconditions for stakeholders participation? Local administration • Yes, the local politicians have been invited • Did the local administration encourage to the planning seminar and provide their the political authorities to take action and feedbacks. inform them about the benefits and • necessary resources? Yes, from the municipal administration.




• Did the local administration allocate • Yes, the local energy producers, research sufficient human resources and make sure institutes, regional authorities, industries adequate administrative structures are in and businesses have been involved place? through meetings and seminars. • Did the local administration identify the • Yes, the stakeholders have been informed stakeholders, decide what channels of about the process and been encouraged communication/ participation they want to provide their feedbacks/comments to to use? the process. • Did the local administration inform stakeholders about the process that is going to start, and collect their view? Stakeholders • Local businesses and industries, interested • Which stakeholders are participating in the organizations, regional authorities, initiation phase? Farmers' Association, local energy • What is their role? companies and the Norwegian Society for • How can they express their views? the Conservation of Nature • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in • To provide their feedback/comments on the SE(C)AP development explained to the plan process, also their future them? development plans. • They expressed their views through work meetings. • The explanation has been provided in a working seminar

Table 68 Planning phase

Municipal council • Yes, a team of administration staff with • Did the municipal council make sure the multidisciplinary background have been necessary resources are in place for the assigned to work with the plan. planning phase? • To provide information/data needed for • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? setting the future goals and measures in • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with reducing direct climate emissions (in the vision previously defined? transport, agriculture, industries etc.) to • How ambitious is their vision? 50% of 1991 levels by 2020. • Yes • High ambitious

Local administration • Yes, the local administration did the initial • Did the local administration conduct the job in collaboration with the consultant initial assessment, collect the necessary company named Sweco Norge AS. data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline • emission inventory? Yes • • Did the local administration establish the Yes vision and the objectives that support the • Yes vision? • Yes




• Did the local administration define the policies and the measures in line with the vision and the objectives? • Did the local administration establish the budget and financing, timing, the indicators and the responsibilities? • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • Regional authorities, inhabitants, • Which stakeholders are participating in the businesses/indistries and NGO’s planning phase? • To give feedback in prioritizing and setting • What is their role? goals and actions required for emissions • How can they express their views? reduction in the society. • Did stakeholders participate in the • They deliver they viewpoints and definition of the vision? comments during the planning process. • Did stakeholder provide input data and • Yes share the knowledge? • Yes • Which are the communication channels • Meetings, email and phone conversation with stakeholders? • No • Did stakeholder participate in the • elaboration of the plan? No • Did stakeholder pressure the political authorities to approve the plan (if it was necessary)? General goals 50% • What is the overall CO2 emission reduction target (in percentage)?

Table 69 Implementation phase

Municipal council • Yes • Did the municipal council provide long- • term political support to the SE(C)AP Yes, particularly within the internal process? operations e.g. replacing the fossil-based vehicles with electric cars in the municipal • Did the municipal council make sure that fleet and connecting the municipal the energy and climate policy is integrated buildings to the local district heating into the everyday life of the local network. administration? • Yes, the municipal council is in a close • Did the municipal council encourage collaboration with stakeholders stakeholders to act? • They ask for status reports about the plan • How is the municipality council showing implementation. interest in the plan implementation? • No • Is the municipal council networking with

other CoM signatures?




Local administration • Not available • How is the local administration carrying • out coordination of the implementation Yes plan? • Not available • Did the local administration motivate • No stakeholders to act? • Was there some type of information campaigns which has for aim to inform stakeholders about the resources available for EE and RES? • Is the local administration networking with other CoM signatories? Stakeholders • The stakeholders in public sector are • Are stakeholders implementing the implementing the tasks that have been measures that are under their assigned to them (e.g. the regional responsibility? government and national road authorities). • Are stakeholders encouraging the local • Yes, in some cases for example, speeding administration to implement the measures up the installation of infrastructure for under its responsibility (if necessary)? charging stations. • Are stakeholders encouraging other • Not available stakeholders to act? • Such information is not available • Are stakeholders giving general support to

the SE(C)AP implementation?

Table 70 Monitoring and reporting phase

Municipal council • There is no regular reporting procedure for • Is the municipal council asking to be the climate plan progress. informed regularly about the advancement • of the plan? Not available • Is the municipal council ensuring that plan updates occur at regular intervals?

Local administration • No, there is no regular monitoring and • Is the local administration proceeding with reporting procedure. regular monitoring of the plan: monitoring • the advancement of the actions and No evaluation of their impact? • No • Is the local administration periodically • No reporting to the political authorities and to the stakeholders about the advancement of the plan? • Is there communication about the results between the local administration and the municipal council?




• Is there communication about the results between local administration and stakeholders? Stakeholders • Yes • Are stakeholders providing the necessary • inputs data? No, the plan has not been updated after approving by the municipal council in • Are stakeholders participating in plan 2011. updating? • Not available • Are stakeholders providing comments on the report and report on the measures under their responsibility?

Information about the SEAP which will be revised are presented in Table 71-Table 74.

Table 71 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data

CO2 emissions • No • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions • presented by energy carrier (e.g. natural Yes gas, coal)? • No

• Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by sectors (e.g. domestic, non- domestic, transport)? • Are the CO2 emissions presented per capita and on municipality level? Emission factors reporting unit • Not available • Which emission factors have been used • Tonnes CO2 equivalent (emission factors for fuel combustion (IPCC) or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA))? • Which emission reporting unit have been

used (tonnes CO2 or tonnes CO2 equivalent? Energy consumption • Yes, the breakdown is by Electricity, • Is the breakdown of energy consumption biomass, natural gas, oil products and presented by energy source (natural gas, waste. fuel oil, etc.)? • Yes • Is the breakdown of energy consumption • presented by sector (domestic, non- No domestic, transport)? • Is the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment presented with the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user




Energy infrastructures • Yes, local production of hydropower (844 • In case of existing electricity production GWh/year), waste energy, both plants, as well as district heating/cooling incineration and excess industrial waste plants, are they presented in the BEI? heat (390 GWh/year), forestry biomass (40 GWh/year), district heating (22 GWh/year)

Buildings • No, there is no detail information on • Is the typology of the existing building building stock in the plan. stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and • other energy-related characteristics, No energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.) described in the BEI? • Are the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations presented in the BEI? Industry • There is no chapter or section on industry, • Is the industry sector included in the however, the information on energy use SE(C)AP? and emissions from industrial sector is provided in the plan. Transport and mobility • Yes, the special focus is on developing • Are the characteristics of the demand of public transport, bicycle and pedestrian mobility and modes of transport presented roads. in the BEI? • Yes • Are the main characteristics of the public

transportation network presented in the

BEI? Awareness • No • Is the level of awareness of the population

and stakeholders with reference to energy efficiency and potential savings presented in the BEI?

Table 72 Stakeholders’ involvement

Stakeholders involvement • Yes, public, businesses and NGOs • Are the main stakeholders’ groups • No identified in the SE(C)AP? If so, which stakeholders’ groups have been listed • Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ involvement presented in the SE (C)AP?




Table 73 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction

Municipal buildings equipment/facilities • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Residential buildings equipment/facilities • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Transport • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • Not available emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Public lighting • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Green public procurement • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Local electricity production • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available

• Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Local heat/cold production • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available




• Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Industry • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • Not available emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) • Not available • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 • emission reduction Not available • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures

Possible sources of funding • Yes, mostly from the municipal resources, • Are the possible sources of funding listed also some external resources e.g. the in SE(C)AP? If so, which sources are national government. proposed (European funds, national funds, ESCO companies etc.) Additional remarks The overall emission reduction target for the Sarpsborg community is 50% reduction from the 1991 levels by 2020. However, the plan does not contain sectoral emission reduction measures, and instead it contains energy-use reduction measures.

Table 74 SECAP implementation- indicators

Transport sector • Total km of bicycle road network • Which indicators are being used to monitor • SE(C)AP implementation in the transport Total bicycle parking places sector? • Number of alternative fuel (pump) stations • Number of charging stations • Number of green cars sold • Number of electric/biogas cars in municipal services Public lighting • None • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in public lighting? (e.g. number of conventional traffic lights replaced by LED, renewable power installed) Building sector




• Which indicators are being used to monitor • Number of buildings connected to district SE(C)AP implementation in building sector? heating (e.g. total surface of solar collectors, total electricity consumption of households) Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) • None • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the industry? (e.g. number of boilers replaced, number of lamps replaced, renewable power installed) Involvement of the private sector • None • Which indicators are being used to monitor

involvement of the private sector in the SE(C)AP implementation? (e.g. the number of companies involved in energy services, energy efficiency and renewable energies business) Local electricity production • None • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? Local heat/cold production • None • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold production? Other (waste management, green public procurement, agriculture and forestry related) • None (the municipality has an internal monitoring system for environmental • Which indicators are being used to monitor waste management and green Public SE(C)AP implementation in the other procurement, but no indicator is stated in sectors SE(C)AP). Data collection frequency • Annual • What is the frequency of data collection? Funding • No, preliminary financial estimation for • Are there enough financial means for the implementation of some measures have actions? been increased over time and today more • How will these means be sought? financial resources are required. • By allocating more internal resources




Table 75 SE(C)AP monitoring overview

Status of implementation of mitigation action • Not available • Municipal buildings equipment facilities (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Local heat/ cold production (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Transport (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Public lighting (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Residential buildings (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Tertiary buildings equipment facilities (% completed, % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Industry (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) • Others (% completed, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) Overall budget spent • Not available • Budget (% budget spent, % overall budget foreseen action implementation) Estimated greenhouse gas emission reduction according to the implementation status of the • Not available actions

• Tonnes CO2/year (% completed, % new, % not started, % ongoing, % postponed) Greenhouse gas emission per sector- change from the year of the BEI to the most recent data • Not available available (in tonnes CO2eq and percentage) for: • Municipal • Tertiary • Residential • Public lighting • Transport • Non-energy related • Industry • Other Final energy consumption per energy Carrier - change from the year of the BEI to the most • Not available




recent data available (in MWh and percentage) for: • Electricity • Heat/cold • Fossil fuels • Renewables Local energy production- change from the year of the BEI to the most recent data available (in MWh • Not available and percentage) for: • Electricity consumption • Non-RES electricity production • RES electricity production • Heat/cold consumption • Non-RES heat/cold production • RES heat/cold production Additional remarks According to Norwegian Planning Act, the municipalities should review, and possibly update their existing plans and therefore most of the municipal SE(C)AP including Sarpsborg’s SE(C)AP has no specific statement on monitoring and reporting routines. Implementation of the planned goals and measures are divided among the corresponding departments at the municipality. Each department creates its own report, and all will be collected at the end of the year for creating the annual municipal report. The progress of the planned goals/measures may be found in fragmented chapter within the annual municipal reports. In addition, in some occasions, special reports may be written on specific climate and energy projects for politicians and decision makers.




Salamanca Salamanca is the pilot municipality of the PentaHelix project, for which individual SECAP will be developed. The city of Salamanca lies on several hills by the Tormes River. It has a warm-summer Mediterranean climate. Its Old City was declared a UNESCO Woorld Heritage Site in 1,988. With a metropolitan population of 144,179 and a population density of 27. Its economy is due to the famous University with more than 30,000 students and lot of tourists. It is located 200 kilometres from Madrid and 80 km of the Portuguese border. It is initiating the process to a tender for a technical assistant to elaborate the plan. EREN is helping them with the emission inventory and writing of the technical and administrative tender and organising the stakeholder task force group as well as providing energy data. Information about current progress of SECAP development for Salamanca is presented in Table 76 and Table 77. Table 76 Initiation phase

Municipality council (or equivalent body) • Did the municipality council provide the • Yes, but with insufficient human necessary preconditions to the local resources. administration to start the process, • Yes there will be promote and supported allocate sufficient human resources and through a future tender- They use make sure adequate administrative previous intra municipal working group structures are in place? for stakeholders’ group. • Did the municipality council provide the necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ participation? Local administration • Did the local administration encourage • Yes. the political authorities to take action and • No but it has support from EREN and a inform them about the benefits and technical assistant is foreseen necessary resources? • Yes. • Did the local administration allocate • Not at all. sufficient human resources and make sure • adequate administrative structures are in place? • Did the local administration identify the stakeholders, decide what channels of communication/ participation they want to use? • Did the local administration inform stakeholders about the process that is going to start, and collect their view? Stakeholders • Which stakeholders are participating in the • The 5 pillars of the PentaHelix initiation phase? • What is their role?




• How can they express their views? • Each stakeholder has to discuss about • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in their role and propose solutions, proposal the SE(C)AP development explained to and provide data or studies. them? • Through a questionnaire, but the discussion is open to contact with EREN or Council directly. • No, to all them yet.

Additional remarks Salamanca is initiating the process to a tender for a technical assistant to elaborate the plan. EREN is helping them with the emission inventory and the writing of the tender.

Table 77 Planning phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • Yes, but with insufficient human resources. • Did the municipal council make sure the • Salamanca signed CoM and is committed necessary resources are in place for the to developing SECAP and achiving the CO2 planning phase? reduction • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? • Yes it is. • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with • 3 (Between 1 to 5) the long-term vision that will shape the sustainable energy (and climate) future of the municipality? • How ambitious is their vision? Local administration • Did the local administration conduct the • Not alone, but with the support of EREN initial assessment, collect the necessary and an external expert in emission data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline inventory. emission inventory? • Yes, the local administration established • Did the local administration establish the the objectives in line with the vision that objectives in line with the vision that will will shape the sustainable energy and shape the sustainable energy (and climate future of the municipality climate) future of the municipality? • Yes. • Did the local administration define the • The local administration established the the measures in line with the vision? budget and financing, as well as • Did the local administration establish the responsibilities, but did not establish the budget and financing, timing, the timing and indicators. indicators and the responsibilities? • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • Which stakeholders are participating in • The 5 pillars of the PentaHelix the planning phase?




• What is their role? • Preparing the process to contract, planning • How can they express their views? goals and providing data. • Did stakeholders participate in the • With questionnaire or by email, phone. definition of the vision for a sustainable • No, by the moment only Public Authorities energy (and climate) future of the were included in defining the vision for the municipality? sustainable energy and climate future of • Did stakeholder provide input data and the municipality share the knowledge? • No, by the moment. • Which are the communication channels • The process of stakeholder participation with stakeholders? has not yet begun. • Did stakeholder participate in the • The process of stakeholder participation is elaboration of the plan? starting. • Did stakeholder pressure the political • No, by the moment. authorities to approve the plan (if it was • No, because most of the political necessary)? authorities are already convenced. General goals

• What is the overall CO2 emission • At least 40% reduction GHG (in relation to reduction target (in percentage)? 1990 levels). • Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute • It Is set as an absolute reduction reduction (percentage of the quantity of CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as a per capita reduction? Additional remarks Salamanca is initiating the process to procure the SECAP The participation of local stakeholders is foreseen in the coming months.




Palencia Palencia is the pilot municipality of the PentaHelix project, for which the individual SEAP will be revised to the SECAP.The city of Palencia is 749 m of altitude and a population of 78,892 inhabitants where are include 10 municipalities from its surroundings, and a population density of 22.3. The city is located in south of Tierra de Campos, and lies in the north of the central Spanish plateau, the Meseta Central. Its climate is Continental Mediterranean with very cool winters. Food industries (biscuit elaboration) have influence even in the city. Palencia is one of the few municipalities with SEAP in Castilla y León. Information about previous experience with SEAP development for the Palencia is presented in Table 78- Table 81 for all four phases of the SEAP development.

Table 78 Initiation phase

Municipality council (or equivalent body) • Yes, but with insufficient economical • Did the municipality council provide the resources. necessary preconditions to the local • Yes, there will use as base a previous administration to start the process, working group for Agenda 21 for allocate sufficient human resources and organising the stakeholders PentaHelix make sure adequate administrative group. structures are in place? • Did the municipality council provide the necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ participation? Local administration • Yes. • Did the local administration encourage • Not yet. but it has support from EREN the political authorities to take action and • Not yet inform them about the benefits and • Not, by the moment. necessary resources?

• Did the local administration allocate sufficient human resources and make sure adequate administrative structures are in place? • Did the local administration identify the stakeholders, decide what channels of communication/ participation they want to use? • Did the local administration inform stakeholders about the process that is going to start, and collect their view? Stakeholders • The 5 pillars of the PentaHelix • Which stakeholders are participating in the • Propose measures for the new plan, initiation phase? provide data and elaborate some of the • What is their role? SECAPs parts if it is possible. • How can they express their views? • Not yet define




• Were potential roles of the stakeholders in • Not yet. the SE(C)AP development explained to them?

Table 79 Planning phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • Yes, but not foreseen financial resources • Did the municipal council make sure the yet. necessary resources are in place for the • Palencia pretend to renovate CoM by 2030 planning phase? commitment and update its actual SEAP. • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? • Yes it is. • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with • 4 (Between 1 to 5). the long-term vision that will shape the

sustainable energy (and climate) future of the municipality? • How ambitious is their vision? Local administration • Not alone. But with the support of EREN • Did the local administration conduct the and an external expert in emission initial assessment, collect the necessary inventory. data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline • Yes, the local administration established emission inventory? the objectives in line with the vision that • Did the local administration establish the will shape the sustainable energy (and objectives in line with the vision that will climate) future of the municipality shape the sustainable energy (and • They will work on the definition of the climate) future of the municipality? measures in line of vision after the • Did the local administration define the inventory and vulnerability assessment. the measures in line with the vision? • No. • Did the local administration establish the • Not yet for the SECAP, neither for the budget and financing, timing, the previously developed SEAP. indicators and the responsibilities? • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • Only Public Authorities. But it will be the 5 • Which stakeholders are participating in pillars of the PentaHelix the planning phase? • Preparing the process to contract and • What is their role? planning goals and provide data. • How can they express their views? • With questionnaire or by email, phone. • Did stakeholders participate in the • No. by the moment only Public Authorities. definition of the vision for a sustainable • Not yet. energy (and climate) future of the • The process of stakeholder participation municipality? has not yet begun. • Did stakeholder provide input data and share the knowledge?




• Which are the communication channels with stakeholders? • Did stakeholder participate in the elaboration of the plan? • Did stakeholder pressure the political authorities to approve the plan (if it was necessary)? General goals • At least 40% reduction GHG (in relation to • What is the overall CO2 emission 1990 levels). reduction target (in percentage)? • It Is set as an absolute reduction • Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute reduction (percentage of the quantity of CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as a per capita reduction?

Table 80 Implementation phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • It has support political support for SEAP • Did the municipal council provide long- and from now for SECAPs. term political support to the SE(C)AP • process? The council integrated the climate and energy sustainable policies in daily life. • Did the municipal council make sure that • the energy and climate policy is integrated The council take into account the member into the everyday life of the local from Agenda 21. administration? • The Council of Palencia has implemented • Did the municipal council encourage most of the measures from its SEAP. stakeholders to act? If so, what was the • The Council has not very much contact stakeholders’ response? with other signatories before Pentahelix. • How is the municipality council showing interest in the plan implementation? • Is the municipal council networking with other CoM signatories? Local administration • It has been foreseen an annual budget for • How is the local administration carrying implementing the action and named a out coordination of the implementation technical responsible of the CoM issues in plan? the Council. • Did the local administration motivate • The council has not motivated much more stakeholders to act? If so, what was the the stakeholders to act. stakeholders’ response? • It was given publicity all the actions • Was there some type of information implemented in general. campaigns which has for aim to inform • stakeholders about the resources available The Council has not very much contact for energy efficiency and RES? with other signatories before PentaHelix. • Is the local administration networking with other CoM signatories?




Stakeholders Stakeholders had not a so active role for • Are stakeholders implementing the implemented themselves actions from the SEAP. measures that are under their • The council has assumed the whole responsibility? responsibility to implement the measures • Are stakeholders encouraging the local from the SEAP. administration to implement the measures • Stakeholders has not a very active role. under its responsibility (if necessary)? • The Council has not very much contact • Are stakeholders encouraging other with other signatories before stakeholders to act? • Are stakeholders giving general support to the SE(C)AP implementation?

Table 81 Monitoring and reporting phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) Not still available • Is the municipal council asking to be informed regularly about the advancement of the plan? • Is the municipal council ensuring that plan updates occur at regular intervals? Local administration Not still available • Is the local administration proceeding with regular monitoring of the plan: monitoring the advancement of the actions and evaluation of their impact? • Is the local administration periodically reporting to the political authorities and to the stakeholders about the advancement of the plan? • Is there communication about the results between the local administration and the municipal council? • Is there communication about the results between local administration and stakeholders? Stakeholders Not still available • Are stakeholders providing the necessary inputs data? • Are stakeholders participating in plan updating? • Are stakeholders providing comments on the report and report on the measures under their responsibility?




Information about the SEAP which will be revised are presented in Table 82-

Table 85. Table 82 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data

CO2 emissions • No • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions • presented by energy carrier (e.g. natural Yes gas, coal)? • Municipality Level and per capita.

• Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by sectors (e.g. domestic, non- domestic, transport)? • Are the CO2 emissions presented per capita and on municipality level? Emission factors reporting unit • IPCC • Which emission factors have been used • (emission factors for fuel combustion tonnes CO2

(IPCC) or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA))? • Which emission reporting unit have been used (tonnes CO2 or tonnes CO2 equivalent? Energy consumption • Yes • Is the breakdown of energy consumption • presented by energy source (natural gas, Yes fuel oil, etc.)? • No.

• Is the breakdown of energy consumption presented by sector (domestic, non- domestic, transport)? • Is the assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment presented with the efficiency indexes of energy consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – user? Energy infrastructures • No exist. • In case of existing electricity production plants, as well as district heating/cooling plants, are they presented in the BEI? Buildings • No. • Is the typology of the existing building • Yes. Defined by the technical code of the stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and building and the Regulation of Thermal other energy-related characteristics, Installations. National Regulations. energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.) described in the BEI?




• Are the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations presented in the BEI? Industry • Yes. • Is the industry sector included in the SE(C)AP? Transport and mobility • Yes. • Are the characteristics of the demand of • Yes mobility (needs for mobility) and modes of transport presented in the BEI? • Are the main characteristics of the public transportation network presented in the BEI?

Table 83 Stakeholders’ involvement

Stakeholders involvement • Are the main stakeholders’ groups • No identified in the SE(C)AP? If so, which • No stakeholders’ groups have been listed ? • No.

• Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ involvement presented in the SE (C)AP? • Is the level of stakeholders’ awareness presented in the SE(C)AP?

Table 84 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction

Municipal buildings equipment/facilities 1. Minimization energy demand for heating and • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 cooling as well as the promotion of RR.EE. emission reduction 0.196 tCO2/capita • Potential of CO2 reduction from the 2. Conducting energy audits in all building. proposed measures (tCO2/per capita) 3. Replacement oil/gas boilers to biomass in Schools. 0.381 tCO2/capita

Residential buildings equipment/facilities 1. . Development programs aimed at the • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 promotion housing rehabilitation. 2.38 emission reduction tCO2/capita • Potential of CO2 reduction from the 2. Public information campaign for citizens on the proposed measures (tCO2/per capita) importance of energy save. 2.65 tCO2/capita

Tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities




• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 1. Public information campaigns for service and emission reduction tertiary companies on the importance of • Potential of CO2 reduction from the implement energy saving measures. 0.016 proposed measures (tCO2/per capita) tCO2/capita Transport 1. Integration of bicycles lines in roads. 0.011 • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 tCO2/capita emission reduction 2. Platform of shared cars for citizens who travel • Potential of CO2 reduction from the in urban displacements. 0.015 tCO2/capita proposed measures (tCO2/per capita) 3. Dissuasive parking outside of the city. 0.014 tCO2/capita 4. Tax reduction for electric vehicles. 5. Free parking for electric vehicles in the city centre. 6. Available free recharge point for electric vehicles from the City Council.

Public lighting 1. Replacement of obsolete exterior lightning (Hg, • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 Na) by Led lightning. 0.003 tCO2/capita emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures (tCO2/per capita) Local electricity production

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures (tCO2/per capita) Local heat/cold production

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Industry 1. Public information campaigns for industrial • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 companies on the importance of implement emission reduction energy saving measures. 0.019 tCO2/capita • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures (tCO2/per capita) Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries)

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Possible sources of funding PUBLIC 173



• Which are foreseen financing sources for 1.- Local authority own resources. the implementation of SE(C)AP? 2.- Regional funds (FEDER´s budget). • Which financing sources has been are 2.- National funds and programmes. expected to have the highest share in 3.- EU funds and programmes. financing proposed measures? PRIVATE 1.- Development of agreements with companies and associations related to the energy sector, transport and renewable energy.

Involve energy services companies to develop projects in buildings and public and private facilities.

Table 85 SEAP implementation- indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Number/surface area of buildings renovated, number of boilers replaced, surface area of solar • Which indicators are being used to monitor thermal panels installed, SE(C)AP implementation in building sector (e.g. number/surface area of buildings insulated, number of boilers replaced, surface area of solar thermal panels installed) Public lighting Number of traffic lights replaced by more energy • Which indicators are being used to monitor efficiency ones, more efficient technology SE(C)AP implementation in public lighting? (e.g. number of conventional traffic lights replaced by LED, renewable power installed) Transport Renewable fuels in public fleets • Which indicators are being used to monitor Implementation of areas 30 km SE(C)AP implementation in the transport? (e.g. the number of public transport passengers per year, total energy consumption of renewable fuels in public fleets, number of charging points) Local electricity production Power capacity of PV installed • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? (e.g. capacity installed) Local heat/cold production Number of new biomass boilers, new district heating facilities




• Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold production? (e.g. network extension / number of customers) Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Number of industries with ISO 50.001 and / or 14.001 • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the industry? (e.g. number of boilers replaced, number of lamps replaced, renewable power installed) Local electricity production Share of renewable production; power renewable capacity installed • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? (e.g. power installed) Other (waste management, green public procurement, agriculture and forestry related) • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the other sectors? Data collection frequency Only the last 5 years of energy consumption have to be available for the customer. • What is the frequency of data collection? Funding Not yet. It will be follow every launch call for possibilities • Are there enough financial means for the from financing. actions?

• How will these means be sought?

Since the progress report for the city of Palencia is still not finalized, it was not possible to obtain data about the implementation of the measures proposed in the SEAP.




The 7 municipalitas of Ávila The 7 municipalitas of Ávila (Las Navas del Marqués, Solosancho, Hoyo Casero, El Barco de Avila, Papatrigo, El Barraco, San Juan del Olmo) are the pilot municipalities of the PentaHelix project for which the joint SECAP will be developed. Those municipalities involve a population from 104 to 5 187 inhabitants. Most of the municipalities are surrounded by mountains. The province is formed by 248 municipalities which capital is the city of Ávila. Its relief is marked by the presence to the south of the Central System, which divides it into two zones: submeseta north, and Gredos Mountains. They characterize by a rural economy where agriculture and livestock are frequent. Due to its orography presents a climate variation from Mediterranean tempered with dry and temperate summer to temper with dry and hot summer. EREN is giving technical support for development the SECAPs and APEA is organizing the stakeholder task force group for Avila municipalities. Information about current progress of SECAP development for the 7 municipalities of Ávila is presented in Table 86 and Table 87.

Table 86 Initiation phase

Municipality council (or equivalent body) • Yes, but with insufficient human • Did the municipality council provide the resources. necessary preconditions to the local • Yes there will be organize the administration to start the process, stakeholders group with the support of allocate sufficient human resources and make sure adequate administrative APEA-Diptacion de Avila. structures are in place?

• Did the municipality council provide the

necessary preconditions for stakeholders’

participation? Local administration • Yes. • Did the local administration encourage • No. But that have the support of APEA- the political authorities to take action and Diptacion de Avila.& EREN. inform them about the benefits and necessary resources? • Yes. • Did the local administration allocate • Yes. sufficient human resources and make sure adequate administrative structures are in place? • Did the local administration identify the stakeholders, decide what channels of communication/ participation they want to use? • Did the local administration inform stakeholders about the process that is going to start, and collect their view?




Stakeholders • The 5 pillars of the PentaHelix • Which stakeholders are participating in the • Propose measures. initiation phase? • In the meeting or email, phone. • What is their role? • Yes • How can they express their views? • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development explained to them?

Table 87 Planning phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • Not really. But they have the support from APEA-DIPUTACION DE AVILA. • Did the municipal council make sure the • necessary resources are in place for the •They will signed the CoM. 2 of them are in planning phase? the OPTE regional platform for optimise energy consumption in public facilities. • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? • Yes they are • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with • the long-term vision that will shape the 4 (Between 1 to 5).

sustainable energy (and climate) future of the municipality? • How ambitious is their vision? Local administration • Not alone. But the support of EREN, APEA- DIPUTACION DE AVILA and an external • Did the local administration conduct the expert in emission inventory. initial assessment, collect the necessary • •Yes, the local administration established data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline emission inventory? the objectives in line with the vision that will shape the sustainable energy and climate • Did the local administration establish the future of the municipality objectives in line with the vision that will • shape the sustainable energy (and Yes climate) future of the municipality? • Yes, the DIPUTACION DE AVILA will do. • Did the local administration define the • Yes, the DIPUTACION DE AVILA will do.

the measures in line with the vision? • Did the local administration establish the budget and financing, timing, the indicators and the responsibilities? • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • The 5 pillars. • Which stakeholders are participating in • Preparing the energy planning the planning phase? • With meetings or by email, phone. • What is their role? • No. by the moment but they will. • How can they express their views? • No, by the moment. • Did stakeholders participate in the • •Phone, emails, working meetings. definition of the vision for a sustainable • No, by the moment. 177



energy (and climate) future of the • No, because most of the political authorities municipality? are already convenced. • Did stakeholder provide input data and share the knowledge? • Which are the communication channels with stakeholders? • Did stakeholder participate in the elaboration of the plan? • Did stakeholder pressure the political authorities to approve the plan (if it was necessary)? General goals The goal is not yet determined • What is the overall CO2 emission reduction target (in percentage)? • Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute reduction (percentage of the quantity of CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as a per capita reduction? Additional remarks The 7 municipalities of Avila recently started the process




Jekabpils Jekabpilsis the pilot municipality of the PentaHelix project, for which the individual SEAP will be revised to the SECAP. With 26 468 inhabitants in year 2009 Jekabpils was eight biggest city in Latvia. City is located in south-east of Latvia. The area of municipality is 2 553.5 ha, from whom 448.7 ha - waters, 181,2 ha - forests. The Daugava River runs through the town, and the ancient valley, branches, and islands of the river are considered picturesque. The two historical parts of Jekabpils — Krustpils and the older part of Jekabpils — are connected by the bridge across the Daugava River. Information about previous experience with SEAP development for Jekabpilsis is presented in Table 88- Table 91 for all four phases of the SEAP development

Table 88 Initiation phase

Municipality council (or equivalent body) • Yes, the municipality council provide the • Did the municipality council provide the necessary preconditions to the local necessary preconditions to the local administration to start the process, administration to start the process, allocate sufficient human resources and allocate sufficient human resources and make sure adequate administrative make sure adequate administrative structures are in place. structures are in place? • Yes, the municipality council provide the • Did the municipality council provide the necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ necessary preconditions for stakeholders’ participation. participation? Local administration Jekabpils city municipality's decision to introduce a • Did the local administration encourage certified energy management system in the political authorities to take action and accordance with the ISO 50001: 2011 standard inform them about the benefits and "Energy management systems. Requirements and necessary resources? instructions for use "(adapted to the status of the • Did the local administration allocate Latvian national standard as LVS EN ISO 50001: sufficient human resources and make sure 2012) is a logical further development step to adequate administrative structures are in ensure continuous improvement of energy place? consumption and management, availability of • Did the local administration identify the necessary information and resources, promotion of stakeholders, decide what channels of energy efficient services and products, energy communication/ participation they want efficient design , efficient building and equipment to use? operation, reduce energy costs in the municipality, • Did the local administration inform create a safe and attractive environment for stakeholders about the process that is investment, and ensure the compliance of the local going to start, and collect their view? government with the requirements of the regulatory enactments. With the introduction of the Energy Management System, the top management undertakes to implement a policy that will: 1. providing the necessary information and




resources for achieving the objectives of the proposed energy targets and energy target; 2. Compliance with regulatory enactments and other external requirements applicable to municipal energy use, energy consumption and energy efficiency are ensured; 3. the communicative importance of the energy management system in the municipality; 4. Determination of energy management objectives and energy indicators; 5. Ensuring the compliance of the power tool indicators with the needs of the municipality, as well as measurement and reporting of the results at specified intervals; 6. Supports the purchase of energy-efficient products and services, as well as the necessary design for improvement of power tools; 7. take into account improvements to the power tool. Stakeholders • Stakeholders are municipal corporations, • Which stakeholders are participating in the producers, etc. which consume a initiation phase? significant amount of energy. • What is their role? • So far, stakeholders are not involved in • How can they express their views? SEAP planning, but they plan different • Were potential roles of the stakeholders in measures in their sector that affect the the SE(C)AP development explained to overall plan of the municipality. them?

Table 89 Planning phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) Jekabpils has set targets for energy efficiency since • Did the municipal council make sure the 1995 (the Mire Pact baseline) by 2020, "to reduce necessary resources are in place for the CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020, thereby planning phase? increasing energy efficiency by 20% and increasing • What are their priorities of the SE(C)AP? energy use by 20% from renewable energy • Are the priorities of SE(C)AP in line with resources (20/20/20) "and has therefore the long-term vision that will shape the implemented energy efficiency measures from sustainable energy (and climate) future of 2009 onwards, paying particular attention to the municipality? energy consumption in municipal real estate, • How ambitious is their vision? mainly in the field of heat energy, by performing reconstruction and insulation projects for buildings, improving ventilation, heating and conditioning systems, as well as improving energy efficiency in public lighting.




It was calculated that 66 576 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in baseline year in Jekabpils municipality. Trying to reach goal of Covenant of Mayors, at least 13 315 tones of CO2 should be emitted less.

Long – term vision of Jekabpils city municipality

Main challenges in achieving goals of Covenant of Mayors in Jekabpils municipality:

(a) Renovation of residential buildings (b) Building new biomass CHP plant (c) Promoting of RES usage for space heating and hot water preparation. (d) Reduction of usage of transport fuel

There are real ambitions for energy consumption minimization. Local administration • Did the local administration conduct the • Jekabpils city municipality established the initial assessment, collect the necessary objectives in line with the vision that will data, and elaborate the CO2 baseline shape the sustainable energy (and climate) emission inventory? future and after that defined the the • Did the local administration establish the measures in line with the vision. objectives in line with the vision that will • At the start only major energy consumers shape the sustainable energy (and climate) and municipal corporations were involved. future of the municipality? • Did the local administration define the the measures in line with the vision? • Did the local administration establish the budget and financing, timing, the indicators and the responsibilities? • Did the local administration involve stakeholders in the SE(C)AP development? Stakeholders • Major energy consumers and municipal • Which stakeholders are participating in the corporations are participating in the planning phase? planning phase. • What is their role? • Their role is to provide how many energy • How can they express their views? are consumed. • Did stakeholders participate in the

definition of the vision for a sustainable energy (and climate) future of the municipality? • Did stakeholder provide input data and share the knowledge?




• Which are the communication channels with stakeholders? • Did stakeholder participate in the elaboration of the plan? • Did stakeholder pressure the political authorities to approve the plan (if it was necessary)? General goals • On the 18th of March, 2009 mayor of • What is the overall CO2 emission reduction Jekabpils municipality, Leonīds Salcevičs, target (in percentage)? signed Covenant of Mayors. From that day • Is the CO2 reduction set as an absolute Jekabpils municipality committed to reduce reduction (percentage of the quantity of CO2 emissions, until year 2020, at least by CO2 emissions in the baseline year) or as a 20 % comparing to baseline (1995) year. per capita reduction? • It was calculated that 66 576 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in baseline year in Jekabpils municipality. Trying to reach goal of Covenant of Mayors, at least 13 315 tones of CO2 should be emitted less. • Year 2030 target - 30%.

Table 90 Implementation phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • Jekabpils city municipality provides long- • Did the municipal council provide long- term support due to management system. term political support to the SE(C)AP process? • Did the municipal council make sure that the energy and climate policy is integrated into the everyday life of the local administration? • Did the municipal council encourage stakeholders to act? If so, what was the stakeholders’ response? • How is the municipality council showing interest in the plan implementation? • Is the municipal council networking with other CoM signatories? Local administration • How is the local administration carrying out coordination of the implementation plan? • Did the local administration motivate stakeholders to act? If so, what was the stakeholders’ response?




• Was there some type of information campaigns which has for aim to inform stakeholders about the resources available for energy efficiency and RES? • Is the local administration networking with other CoM signatories? Stakeholders • Are stakeholders implementing the measures that are under their responsibility? • Are stakeholders encouraging the local administration to implement the measures under its responsibility (if necessary)? • Are stakeholders encouraging other stakeholders to act? • Are stakeholders giving general support to the SE(C)AP implementation?

Table 91 Monitoring and reporting phase

Municipal council (or equivalent body) • Yes, municipal council is asking to be • Is the municipal council asking to be informed regularly about the advancement informed regularly about the advancement of the plan – energy monitoring is carried of the plan? out every year within the municipality, but • Is the municipal council ensuring that plan to the general energy sector at least every updates occur at regular intervals? 5 years. Local administration - • Is the local administration proceeding with regular monitoring of the plan: monitoring the advancement of the actions and evaluation of their impact? • Is the local administration periodically reporting to the political authorities and to the stakeholders about the advancement of the plan? • Is there communication about the results between the local administration and the municipal council? • Is there communication about the results between local administration and stakeholders? Stakeholders • Stakeholders are providing the necessary • Are stakeholders providing the necessary inputs data – the necessary information inputs data? about their sector.




• Are stakeholders participating in plan • Stakeholders are participating a little in updating? plan updating. • Are stakeholders providing comments on the report and report on the measures under their responsibility?

Information about the SEAP which will be revised are presented inTable 92-Table 95.

Table 92 Baseline emissions inventory (BEI), analyse and interpretation of data

CO2 emissions • Yes, breakdown of CO2 emissions is • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions presented by energy carrier. presented by energy carrier (e.g. natural • gas, coal)? As a basis for calculation of volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions all kinds of • Is the breakdown of CO2 emissions energy consumption in all the territory of presented by sectors (e.g. domestic, non- Jekabpils city of all the year, irrespective of domestic, transport)? the place where this energy is produced. • Are the CO2 emissions presented per capita CO2 emissions are calculated separately and on municipality level? for electricity consumption, consumption of heat energy in district heating system, consumption of fuel for transport and final energy consumption in households, industry, state and municipal enterprises and in service sector. Emission factors reporting unit From the group of gasses creating greenhouse • Which emission factors have been used effect only CO2 emissions are calculated. In (emission factors for fuel combustion calculation of emissions the “standard” (IPCC) or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA))? methodology has been used and parameters from • Which emission reporting unit have been the guidelines elaborated by IPCC - used (tonnes CO2 or tonnes CO2 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. equivalent? (tonnes CO2). Energy consumption • Information about the total heat • Is the breakdown of energy consumption consumption in the district heating system presented by energy source (natural gas, in Jekabpils and per different consumer fuel oil, etc.)? groups was received from the main heat • Is the breakdown of energy consumption supply operator. As basis for electricity presented by sector (domestic, non- consumption were taken data from joint domestic, transport)? stock company ”Latvenergo”. To estimate • Is the assessment of the energy efficiency the structure of energy end consumption in of buildings and equipment presented with Jekabpils the information received from the the efficiency indexes of energy municipality was used (type of buildings and consumption, such as: kWh/ m2, kWh/m2 – structure of property). user? • For the calculation of consumption of the primary energy resources the data provided




by LR Central Bureau of Statistics were used. In those data an information has been compiled about total amount of gas, timber, coal, mazut, petrol, and diesel used in Jekabpils city. LR Central Bureau of Statistics provided data on the consumption of the primary energy resources in boiler houses as well as in cogeneration stations. • By use of primary energy resources the consumed energy for heat supply and transport was calculated, using conversion factors from mass to energy in units (IPCC 2006).Thus the total consumed volume of energy was calculated. Distribution in separate user groups was done basing on the information provided by the municipality on the total structure of property in Jekabpils city, volume, type of use and ownership. From this equitation the procentual equitation was drawn which was used in the further calculations. • For estimation of energy end consumption in the household sector the data were used on structure of energy consumption, number of consumers and characteristics of households from the LR Central Bureau of Statistics “Consumption of energy resources in households” ( in years 1996, 2001 and 2005). In these data there is separately shown information on energy consumption structure in Jekabpils households. Selection for the survey is made as stratified incidental selection of one or two-level households.

Energy infrastructures • Yes • In case of existing electricity production plants, as well as district heating/cooling plants, are they presented in the BEI? Buildings • No - so delicately it's not looked. • Is the typology of the existing building stock (usage, age, thermal insulation and other energy-related characteristics, energy consumption and trend, the rate of renovation etc.) described in the BEI?




• Are the minimal legal energy requirements for new constructions and major renovations presented in the BEI? Industry • Yes • Is the industry sector included in the SE(C)AP? Transport and mobility • This sector has been analyzed and included • Are the characteristics of the demand of in the inventory. mobility (needs for mobility) and modes of transport presented in the BEI? • Are the main characteristics of the public transportation network presented in the BEI?

Table 93 Stakeholders’ involvement

Stakeholders involvement • Are the main stakeholders’ groups identified in the SE(C)AP? If so, which • In this moment, main stakeholders’ groups stakeholders’ groups have been listed? are not identified in the SE(C)AP. • Is the strategy for the stakeholders’ involvement presented in the SE (C)AP? • Is the level of stakeholders’ awareness presented in the SE(C)AP?

Table 94 Proposed measures for the CO2 reduction

Municipal buildings equipment/facilities ------

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction Residential buildings equipment/facilities • By renovating 50 % of residential buildings, • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 that are connected to district heating until emission reduction (Potential of CO2 year 2020, it would be possible to reduce reduction from the proposed measures heat energy consumption by 40-45 % and reduce CO2 emissions by 880 tones. Tertiary buildings equipment/ facilities ------

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures




Transport • By promoting efficient driving, travel by • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 foot and bicycle (also laying new bicycle and emission reduction foot ways), promoting “car pooling”, public • Potential of CO2 reduction from the transport etc. it would be possible to reduce proposed measures energy consumption and CO2 emissions at least by 5 %. • These measures would reduce CO2 emissions by 1 000 tones.

Public lighting • By changing old mercury lamps to sodium • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 ones in public lighting sector it would be emission reduction possible to reduce CO2 emissions by 70 • Potential of CO2 reduction from the tones. proposed measures

Local electricity production • It is planned to build new biomass CHP in • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 Jekabpils municipality in 2011. In this case it emission reduction would be possible to reduce CO2 emissions • Potential of CO2 reduction from the up to 3 624 tones (electricity and heat). proposed measures

Local heat/cold production • By renovating district heating network, • Proposed measures (general) for CO2 replacing old pipes to new, till year 2020 it emission reduction would be possible to reduce heating losses • Potential of CO2 reduction from the from 26,1 % to 10 % and reduce CO2 proposed measures emissions by 585 tones.

Industry ------

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Others (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries) ------

• Proposed measures (general) for CO2 emission reduction • Potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures Possible sources of funding Foreseen financing sources for the implementation • Which are foreseen financing sources for of SE(C)AP: the implementation of SE(C)AP? o local authority’s own resources • Which financing sources has been are o national funds and programmes expected to have the highest share in o EU Funds and programmes financing proposed measures?




• The highest share in financing proposed measures are from EU Funds and programmes.

Table 95 SE(C)AP implementation- indicators

Municipal, residential, tertiary buildings equipment/facilities Number/surface area of buildings insulated • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in building sector (e.g. number/surface area of buildings insulated, number of boilers replaced, surface area of solar thermal panels installed) Public lighting Number of street lights replaced by LED/or other, • Which indicators are being used to monitor energy reduction SE(C)AP implementation in public lighting? (e.g. number of conventional traffic lights replaced by LED, renewable power installed) Transport Number of cars, mileage, number of charging • Which indicators are being used to monitor points SE(C)AP implementation in the transport? (e.g. the number of public transport passengers per year, total energy consumption of renewable fuels in public fleets, number of charging points) Local electricity production Capacity installed, energy reduction • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? (e.g. capacity installed) Local heat/cold production Energy reduction, installed power • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local heat/cold production? (e.g. network extension / number of customers) Industry (if included in the SE(C)AP) Energy reduction, installed power • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the industry? (e.g. number of boilers replaced, number




of lamps replaced, renewable power installed) Local electricity production Energy reduction, installed power • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the local electricity production? (e.g. power installed) Other (waste management, green public ------procurement, agriculture and forestry related) • Which indicators are being used to monitor SE(C)AP implementation in the other sectors Data collection frequency For municipality (transport, heat, electricity, public • What is the frequency of data collection? transport, street lighting) - once a month. Local heat production, Transport, Local electricity production, ect. - every 5 years. Funding No, there are not enough financial means for the • Are there enough financial means for the actions actions? • How will these means be sought?

Information about the progress of the SEAP implementation is presented in Table 96. Table 96 SE(C)AP monitoring overview

Status of implementation of mitigation action • Municipal buildings equipment facilities (% • Municipal buildings equipment facilities completed, % new, % ongoing, % (70% completed, 0% new, 5% ongoing, 0% postponed, % not started) postponed, 5% not started) • Local heat/ cold production (% completed, • Local heat/ cold production (50% % new, % ongoing, % postponed, % not completed, 0% new, 0% ongoing,0 % started) postponed, 0% not started) • Transport (% completed, % new, % • Transport (0% completed, 0% new,0 % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) ongoing, 0% postponed, 0% not started) • Public lighting (% completed, % new, % • Public lighting (10% completed, 0% new, ongoing, % postponed, % not started) 0% ongoing, 0% postponed, 90% not • Residential buildings (% completed, % new, started) % ongoing, % postponed, % not started) • Residential buildings (5% completed, 0% • Tertiary buildings equipment facilities (% new, 0% ongoing,0 % postponed, 0% not completed, % new, % ongoing, % started) postponed, % not started) • Tertiary buildings equipment facilities (0% • Industry (% completed, % not started, % completed, 0% new, 0% ongoing, 0% ongoing, % postponed) postponed, 0% not started) 189



• Others (% completed, % not started, % • Industry (0% completed, 0% not started, ongoing, % postponed) 0% ongoing, 0% postponed) Overall budget spent • Budget (% budget spent, % overall budget foreseen action implementation) Estimated greenhouse gas emission reduction according to the implementation status of the • In developing the Jēkabpils City Sustainable actions Energy Action Plan, it was calculated that in 1995 - in the base year in the city of • Tonnes CO2/year (% completed, % new, % Jekabpils, the amount of CO2 emissions not started, % ongoing, % postponed) was 66 573.97 tons. In order to achieve the objectives of the Covenant of Mayors, the amount of CO2 emissions should be reduced by at least 13 315 tonnes. • In 2008, CO2 emissions amounted to 44 178.98 tonnes, which is 33.64% less CO2 emissions than the base year (1995). • In 2013, CO2 emissions amounted to 32 317.05 tonnes, which is 51.46% less CO2 emissions than the base year (1995). Greenhouse gas emission per sector- change from the year of the BEI to the most recent data Latvenergo AS – the leading producer of electricity available (in tonnes CO2eq and percentage) for: and thermal energy in Latvia, supplies electricity to Jekabpils municipality. 33 477 MWh of electrical • Municipal energy were consumed in Jekabpils municipality in • Tertiary baseline year. Therefore 3 649 tones of CO2 • Residential emissions were emitted. 25 105 MWh of electricity • Public lighting were consumed in Jekabpils municipality in year • Transport 2008. As a result 2 736 tones of CO2 were emitted. • Non-energy related • Industry Due to decrement of electricity consumption, 913 • Other tones of CO2 were emitted less in year 2008 than in baseline year. There is a potential of electricity saving in public lighting sector. By changing old mercury lamps to sodium ones it would be possible to reduce CO2 emissions by 70 tones. Most heat energy in Jekabpils municipality in baseline year was consumed in residential buildings sector. Therefore, most emissions were emitted in this sector. 19 111 tones of CO2 were emitted in residential buildings sector. In industry sector – 13 363 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in year 1995. 12 568 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in tertiary buildings sector in baseline year. The least emissions were emitted in municipal buildings




sector – 7 139 tones. Overall 52 183 tones were emitted in heating sector in baseline year. During last years situation changed significantly. Due to replacement of fossil fuel to biofuel, emissions in heating sector reduced by three times. 12 118 tones of CO2 were emitted in residential buildings sector in year 2008. As it was in baseline year industry sector was in the second place by emitted emissions in year 2008 – 2 187 tones. Municipal buildings in year 2008 emitted 1 823 tones of CO2 emissions. The least emissions were emitted in tertiary buildings sector – 1 817 tones were emitted. Overall 17 946 tones were emitted in heating sector in year 2008. 30 837 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in district heating sector in baseline year. It came from heat energy production using natural gas, heating oil, coal, peat and wood. After reconstruction of boiler houses (district heating sector) over last years usage of RES increased, meanwhile CO2 emissions decreased significant. After reconstruction of boiler houses and replacement of fuel only 5 857 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in district heating sector in year 2008. Over last thirteen years CO2 emissions in district heating sector reduced by 81 %! During district heating network renovation losses were reduced from 47 % (in year 1995) to 26,1 % (in year 2009). 14 493 tones of CO2 were emitted in year 1995 from losses in heating network. After improvements made (replacement of fuel and renovation of heating network) only 1 528 tones were emitted in year 2008. CO2 emissions from district heating network losses reduced by 90 %!

Potential of CO2 reduction: By renovating district heating network, replacing old pipes to new, till year 2020 it would be possible to reduce heating losses from 26,1 % to 10 % and reduce CO2 emissions by 585 tones.

By renovating half of residential buildings, that are connected to district heating (~70 buildings) until year 2020, it would be possible to reduce energy consumption by 40-45 % and reduce CO2 emissions by 880 tones. It was planned to build new biomass CHP in Jekabpils municipality in 2011. Planned capacity for the new plant was 1,4 MW electricity and 6,715 MW




heat. Planned amount of heat energy produced is 26 800 MWh per year. In this case it would be possible to reduce CO2 emission up to 2 840 tones. It was calculated that 10 743 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted by different vehicles in Jekabpils municipality in baseline year. Major part of CO2 emissions came from private vehicles – 8 811 tones. Public transport in year 1995 emitted 1 916 tones, municipal fleet only 16,19 tones of CO2 emissions. Number of vehicles in Jekabpils municipality from year 1995 until year 2008 increased almost twice, while CO2 emissions increased almost twice. It was calculated that 20 144 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted by different vehicles – 16 767 tones came from private vehicles and 3 377 tones came from public transport. Overall CO2 emissions (in period 1995 – 2008) in transport sector increased by 9 401 tones. By promoting efficient driving, travel by foot and bicycle (also laying new bicycle and foot ways), promoting “car pooling”, public transport and etc. it would be possible to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions at least by 5 %. These measures would reduce CO2 emissions by 1 000 tones.

CO2 emissions summary: It was calculated that in total 66 576 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in Jekabpils municipality in baseline year (1995). It was 2,32 tones of CO2 per capita in baseline year. Major part of CO2 emissions in Jekabpils municipality territory were emitted from heating sector – 52 184 tones. 10 743 tones of CO2 emission in municipality came from transport. The least part of CO2 emissions came from electricity used in Jekabpils municipality – only 3 649 tones. In total 40 827 tones of CO2 emissions were emitted in Jekabpils municipality in year 2008. 1,5 tones of CO2 per capita were calculated in year 2008. For today situation have been changed and major part of CO2 emissions in Jekabpils municipality territory is emitted in transport sector (not in heating sector as it was in year 1995). 20 144 tones were emitted in transport sector in year 2008. 17 946 tones of CO2 emission in municipality came from heating sector. The least part of CO2 emissions (as it was also in baseline year), came from electricity sector in Jekabpils municipality – 2 736 tones.




The main goal for all cities of “Covenant of Mayors” till year 2020 is to reach 20 % reduction of CO2 emissions comparing with baseline year. As it was mentioned before 66 576 tones of CO2 were emitted in baseline year. In order to achieve goal of “Covenant of Mayors” municipality should reduce emissions by 13 315 tones until year 2020. However, until year 2008 CO2 emission in Jekabpils municipality were reduced by25 749 tones (more than 36 %). It is important to keep (or to rise) this level until 2020. Nevertheless, Jekabpils municipality still has a potential of CO2 reduction. Using all measures mentioned above it would be possible to reduce CO2 emissions additionally by 6 159 tones. However, it is necessary to continue sustainable development in Jekabpils municipality.

In developing the Jēkabpils City Sustainable Energy Action Plan, it was calculated that in 1995 - in the base year in the city of Jekabpils, the amount of CO2 emissions was 66 573.97 tons. In order to achieve the objectives of the Covenant of Mayors, the amount of CO2 emissions should be reduced by at least 13 315 tonnes. In 2008, CO2 emissions amounted to 44 178.98 tonnes, which is 33.64% less CO2 emissions than the base year (1995). In 2013, CO2 emissions amounted to 32 317.05 tonnes, which is 51.46% less CO2 emissions than the base year (1995). Final energy consumption per energy Carrier - Electricity change from the year of adhesion to the Latvenergo AS is the leading producer of electricity submission year (in MWh and percentage) for: and thermal energy in Latvia. Latvenergo supplies electricity to Jekabpils municipality. In year 1995 • Electricity 62 % of electrical energy consumed in Latvia was • Heat/cold produced locally (47 % form RES, 15 % from fossil • Fossil fuels fuel) and 38 % was imported. Electricity network of • Renewables Jekabpils municipality was and still is integrated in the overall electricity supply system of Latvia. Electrical energy consumers in Jekabpils municipality in year 1995:

• Municipal buildings – 3 225.5 MWh/year • Tertiary buildings – 3 216 MWh/year • Residential buildings – 21 643 MWh/year • Public lighting – 1 522 MWh/year




• Industry – 3 870.5 MWh/year Total – 33 455 MWh/year

In total 25 106 MWh of electricity were consumed in year 2008 in Jekabpils municipality. Regarding to year 1995 electricity consumption in Jekabpils municipality in 2008 decreased by 8 372 MWh (by 25 %). Reduction of electricity consumption can be linked to decrement of population in Jekabpils municipality (decrement of 7 % over last years) and usage of more efficient appliances


The current centralized heat supply system in Jekabpils has been created during the 7th and 8th decade of the past century. Since the beginning of the 10th decade when the heating supply was handed over to local government, the system has not been renovated. "Jekabpils siltums" Ltd has inherited a heat supply system, which still has to be evaluated as technically incomplete and inadequate for the current economic situation despite relatively large previous investments. However, during last fifteen years situation in heating sector, due to renovation of heating network and reconstruction of boiler houses, have improved. Heat consumption (district heating) in Jekabpils municipality in 1995 was:

• Residential buildings – 15 201.57 MWh/year • Public buildings – 16 555,52 MWh/year • Municipal buildings – 34 277,06 MWh/year • Industry – 9 131,29 MWh/year Total – 75 165.44 MWh/year In year 1995 most usable fuel in district heating sector was heating oil (62,8 %) It was used in main three boiler houses. Natural gas (15,4 %), coal (1,7 %) and peat (0,6 %) were also used in heat production. Firewood was the only one renewable energy source used in district heating sector (19,5 %). Due to reconstruction of boiler houses and renovation of district heating network, energy production in Jekabpils municipality decreased from




138 116.5 MWh in year 1995 to 74 030 MWh in year 2008 i.e. by 46 % However, local heat energy production (in decentralized buildings) increased during last 13 years. In year 1995 decentralized buildings consumed 120 408 MWh of heat energy. In year 2008 decentralized buildings used 138 036 MWh of heat energy. Energy consumption in decentralized buildings increased over 14 % during last years.

Local energy production- change from the year of adhesion to the submission year (in MWh and In year 1999 timber company Ltd. “Breku studenti” percentage) for: started to produce heat energy and supply it to local neighborhood. Two boilers, each of 1 MW capacity, • Electricity consumption for heat production use sawdust and wood chips. • Non-RES electricity production “Breku studenti” supply heat energy to seven multi- • RES electricity production storey buildings and one mall. In year 2009 “Breku • Heat/cold consumption studenti” produced 4 703,97 MWh of heat energy. • Non-RES heat/cold production Another timber company in Jekabpils municipality • RES heat/cold production Ltd. “Osukalns” heat energy production started in year 2005. “Osukalns” boiler house capacity is 5.67 MW – wood is being used for heat production. “Osukalns” sell produced energy to “Jekabpils heat” company – 10 309.1 MWh of heat energy were sold in year 2009.




Conclusion This report presents the baseline assessment made for each project partner country, as well as the results of the detailed and thorough analysis conducted for the pilot municipalities. For those pilot municipalities, nine SECAPs will be developed by implementing the PentaHelix methodology. As can be seen from the baseline assessment, there are significant differences in the current practice of SE(C)AP development between the project partner countries. Those differences are most evident at the example of Norway. Even though almost all Norwegian municipalities (95.6%) have developed energy and climate plans, only eight action plans have been submitted to the CoM. There is also a great difference in the content of SE(C)APs.

Unlike plans developed by other partner countries, Norwegian plans do not contain measures for CO2 emission reduction. Instead of that, the action plans propose the energy-use reduction measures. As the result, those plans do not present the potential of CO2 reduction from the proposed measures. In Belgium, many municipalities form option 2 joint SE(C)APs. This implies that there is the mutual goal of reaching CO2 reduction within the group, while one baseline emission inventory and one action plan are being developed. However, there are differences in the way of working between the regions, since in Belgium the support concerning CoM is appointed on the regional level. Unlike Belgium, Croatia does not have the practice of developing joint SE(C)APs. The analysed Croatian SEAPs show that the general level of data of those SEAPs is high. However, it can be also concluded that most of the proposed measures for CO2 reduction are repeating in those SEAPs. Similar like in Croatia, in Spain the majority of the municipalities develop their individual action plans. Spain has a great number of CoM signatures (1 815) and submitted SE(C)APs (1 512). The most significant share of the submitted action plans (around 77%) make those which are developed for the municipalities smaller than 10 000 inhabitants. Implementation of the measures proposed in Latvian SE(C)APs is enhanced with the introduction of a certified energy management systems in accordance with the ISO 50001. In Latvia, local heat production has the highest share of the implemented measures. Implementation of those measures resulted with high CO2 reduction. Majority of the pilot municipalities have previous experience with SE(C)AP development and in the scope of the project their action plan will be revised. In their previous experiences stakeholders were (in most of the cases) not actively involved in the development of the plan. Although in most of the cases the main stakeholders' groups were identified, the strategy for their involvement is not presented in the action plans.




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