Pansexual Identification in Online Communities: Employing a Collaborative Queer Method to Study Pansexuality

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Pansexual Identification in Online Communities: Employing a Collaborative Queer Method to Study Pansexuality Graduate Journal of Social GJSS Science Pansexual Identification in Online Communities: Employing a Collaborative Queer Method to Study Pansexuality Ayisigi Hale Gonel The research investigates different aspects of pansexual self-identification within contemporary online communities. To explore this, it is asked whether pansexual identification constitutes an anti-identity position against conserva- tive conceptualisations of identity, as well as the new-homonormativities that mainstream LGBTQ movements of the West engage in to invest in normalcy. It must be noted that, while the research has the deconstructionist focus of queer theory, the anti-identity position of pansexuality investigated does not refer to a performative failure of the subject. As stated, the anti-identity posi- tion proposed is pansexual identification’s possible opposition to ‘traditional’ and fixed readings of identity, and the ‘respectable’ features of new-homonor- mativities. The study explores the way in which pansexuality is understood as a multiple and flexible identity that exists in stark opposition to binaries of sex and gender in the eyes of the research respondents. As the research inves- tigates pansexual identifications online by gathering data through an online survey, it follows a collaborative queer method that represents a conjunction of queer theory, sociology and cyberstudies. Keywords: Pansexuality, queer theory, multiple and flux identity, new- homonormativities, collaborative queer methods Introduction entations and acceptance. While As the Latin prefix pan- refers to one can forward a general defini- all, pan-sexuality refers to a sexual tion of pansexuality as applying to orientation that encompasses an at- those individuals who are romanti- traction towards all. The existence cally, cognitively, and/or sexually and recognition of an attraction that attracted to all genders and sexes, accepts and includes all, however, this research aims to address the embodies a tension with the way question of whether or not pansexu- in which mainstream gender struc- al identification (as a sexual orienta- tures perceive identities, sexual ori- tion) defines a position that stands Graduate Journal of Social Science February 2013, Vol. 10, Issue 1 © 2013 by Graduate Journal of Social Science. All Rights Reserved. ISSN: 1572-3763 Gonel: Pansexual Identification in Online Communities 37 against understandings of identity an. At this point, for the sake of the that are embedded within dualistic argument, Jan Clausen’s ideas on perspectives of gender, sex, and bisexuality are useful: new-homonormativities. The re- search aims to contribute towards a [B]isexuality is not a sexual iden- determination of whether pansexual tity at all, but sort of an anti-iden- identification suggests a tension tity, a refusal (not, of course, con- between certain gender dynamics, scious) to be limited to one object possibly constituting an anti-identi- of desire, one way of loving (cited ty in relation to identities that base in Sullivan 2003, 39). themselves upon those dynamics, even within lesbian, gay, bisexual, Taking this argumentation for- transgender and ‘queer’ (henceforth ward, one might suggest that LGBTQ) communities. Rather than pansexuality is also an anti-identity pursuing a definition of pansexuality (perhaps even more so than bisex- from a theoretical standpoint alone, uality) not only because it takes a the possible multiple position of stand against this ‘one type of lov- pansexuality is investigated through ing’, but also because the object of an exploration of the accounts of desire is not limited to two sexes. pansexually identified individuals. While both sexual orientations find The possible existence of such possible attraction outside of the a position can be explained by realm of monosexuality, pansexual- pansexuality’s inclusiveness of the ity differs from bi-sexuality, as the individual as a subject. Indeed, understanding of attraction is not pansexuality not only refers to at- limited to dualistic social construc- traction to non-transgender and tions of male/female and man/wom- transgender males and females, an. intersex1, agender2 and differently Closely correlated to these dualis- identified individuals, but also sug- tic understandings, pansexuality as gests that the subjects themselves an identity position emphasises the can be of any genders and/or sexes. borders of the ‘respectable’ spheres As such, a different way of defining of new-homonormativities (Duggan pansexuality would be based upon 2003) that the mainstream LGBTQ3 an attraction, regardless of gen- movements of the West seem to der, sex, or lack thereof. From this create. In an attempt to be ‘tolerat- perspective, one can suggest that ed’ by the mainstream heterosexual pansexuality entails a stand against community, it can be argued that being attracted to only ‘men’ (includ- most LGBTQ communities (largely ing Female-To-Male) and/or ‘wom- led by white-middle class lesbian en’ (including Male-To-Female) as and gay identified groups) have a well as being only a man or a wom- predilection towards normalcy and 38 GJSS Vol 10, Issue 1 assimilation. Jane Ward suggests As such, the different lesbian and the respectable queerness of these gay identities that commit to such organisations invest in the homo movements become de-queerised version of hetero-norms; differen- themselves, since their identities be- tiating themselves from sexualities come reduced into the appearance that are not marketable to the patri- of uniform and singular entities. The archal mainstream society: ‘common struggle’ for normalcy and safety adopted by lesbian and gay [L]esbian, gay activists embrace groups position them outside of ste- racial, gender, socioeconomic reotypes about being gay, but in do- and sexual differences when they ing so align them with practices that see them as predictable, profit- are straight: able, rational, or respectable, and yet suppress these very same [It can be argued that] gays and differences when they are unpre- straights alike have an interest in dictable, unprofessional, messy defining themselves in opposition or defiant (2008, 2). to bisexuals through the institution of monogamy. First, monogamy Accordingly, these LGBTQ or- is a societal norm. And although ganisations become de-queerised straights, with their access to legal as difference is normalised and marriage, have perhaps greater turned into a shared uniform char- investment in that norm than gays acteristic. This is a particularly prob- and lesbians do, monogamy has lematic formation since this uniform in recent years became a social characteristic is at the foundation of norm among many American [as the created uniform gay identity: well as North Western] lesbians and gay men – especially as gay [C]onstructing provisional collec- marriage and civil partnerships tive identities has proven to be a become legal. [They] distinctly necessary tactical move for mar- wish to ‘retire’ societal archetypes ginalized groups, [however] group of gay promiscuity (Esterberg identities are also vulnerable to 2002, 161). countless forms of regulation and co-optation made possible by the In the current struggles of LGBTQ shared belief that identities are (a) movements that cannot move be- real, fixed, coherent, and know- yond the gender, sex, and sexual able, and (b) unified by a com- orientation boundaries (while at the mon struggle for normalcy, safety, same time seeking normalcy by prosperity, reproduction and the aligning with mainstream patriarchal like (Ward 2008, 18–19). norms of ‘proper sexual conduct’), it is possible that they perceive Gonel: Pansexual Identification in Online Communities 39 polysexual orientations (including mativities regarding polysexual ori- pansexuality) as representing de- entations such as pansexuality can viance, messiness and unpredict- be better understood through an ability. Lisa Duggan picks up on exploration of the tension between the same idea, suggesting that the identity politics and queer activism modern, mainstream gay identity is (particularly of the 1980s). While devoted to safe and respectable ex- identity politics that mainstream istences of the mainstream cultures. LGBTQ movements engage in sug- She calls this the new-homonorma- gest that political arguments are (and tivity, which strives for access to should be) shaped by the categori- heteronormative and conservative sation of identities, and such politi- institutions of the patriarchal society cal argumentations will bring main- (2003). By omitting any sexual orien- stream society’s full acceptance, tation that does not commit to heter- queer politics take a stand against onormative constructions of gender this investment in inherent iden- and sex, the mainstream LGBTQ tity categories. Indeed, since queer movements and organisations ironi- activism criticises gay-only identity cally lack queerness, since they politics for subsuming LGBTQ iden- suggest a fixed conception of the tities and contributing to the concep- ‘homosexual identity’, and uniform- tualisation of fixed, closed, singular ise the differences that queer poli- identities, it becomes ‘the antithesis tics thrive upon. As a result, main- of identity politics’ (Bernstein 2005. stream LGBTQ movements lack an 56). Following this line of thought, emphasis on dis-identification that pansexuality serves as a possible suggests an individual’s identity is antithesis to new-homonormativites a process of passing and flexibility, that not only deem certain sexuali- one

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