Qnas with Venki Ramakrishnan

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Qnas with Venki Ramakrishnan QNAS QNAS QnAs with Venki Ramakrishnan Prashant Nair Science Writer For more than three and a half centuries, surprised and also touched because I came the United Kingdom’s science Academy, The here as an immigrant from the US only in Royal Society, which today occupies the 1999. I became a dual national when I ac- stately address of 6–9 Carlton House Terrace quired British citizenship in 2011, so it is the near London’s St. James’s Park, has played first time that a US citizen who is a full mem- a prominent role in shaping science policy ber of the National Academy of Sciences, in that country, offering impartial advice on rather than a foreign associate, has been scientific matters, championing research elected to this office. It shows the wonderful and education, and enabling public under- openness The Royal Society has had ever standing of science, among other functions. since its inception and is a reflection of Brit- On December 1, 2015, Venki Ramakrishnan, ish science in general, which has been hos- Deputy Director of the Medical Research pitable to people from all over the world. Council Laboratory for Molecular Biology PNAS: How does The Royal Society’sin- (LMB) in Cambridge, United Kingdom, fluence on science policy compare with that and a member of the United States Na- of the US National Academies? tional Academy of Sciences, will take the Ramakrishnan: The Royal Society is cer- reins as President Elect of this august soci- tainly comparable to the Academies in its ety of distinguished fellows. Ramakrishnan influence on national science policy. It was was born and raised in India and per- set up as an autonomous body and is per- formed research in structural biology, first ceived as completely impartial, so people tend Venki Ramakrishnan. Image courtesy of in the United States and later in the United to respect The Royal Society’sjudgments Anne Purkiss (photographer). Kingdom, where he struck roots in 1999. across party lines. Honored with a share of the 2009 Nobel PNAS: In what ways will your interna- Prize in Chemistry, Ramakrishnan’s work tional experience help you at the helm of which often leads to major discoveries that has parted the curtain on the exquisitely one of the world’s oldest scientific societies? change our understanding of the world. complex process through which cells make Ramakrishnan: Science is an increasingly PNAS: The appointment comes at a time proteins, deconstructing the principal player— global enterprise. Even in my own group, when austerity measures have influenced a molecular machine called the ribosome— people from different parts of the world overall government spending for science in in exacting atomic detail and with dart-like come together to work on problems. Many many countries. What are your thoughts on precision. Although his worldliness is ac- large efforts involve multinational collabo- how to sustain and/or improve funding for knowledged and his reputation assured, rations. We in the West also need to be science in the UK? Ramakrishnan is a self-professed novice aware of developments in other parts of the Ramakrishnan: Despite austerity mea- to policymaking. But he has nonetheless world, especially Asia. So I hope that my sures, the UK did not decrease its science publicly expounded on an array of scientific broad background will help The Royal So- budget; it is just that its spending power issues with societal implications, whether ar- ciety in its international activities. has been eroded by inflation. As a result guing for sustained funding for science, urg- PNAS: What, in your opinion, are some of of the global economic downturn, the sci- ing dispassionate discourse on the benefits the most pressing science policy issues of ence budget is under pressure everywhere, and risks of genetically modified crops, or the day? including the United States. Given its size, decrying the pernicious influence of ideol- Ramakrishnan: The world faces a huge the UK has punched well above its weight ogy and gainful motives on the scientific number of pressing problems in the areas in science, but I am concerned that it is process. As he prepares for his upcoming of health, environment, food, energy, etc. now spending less than many other coun- presidency, Ramakrishnan, who has served By promoting research and evidence-based tries as a fraction of GDP, and there is a on the PNAS editorial board since 2008 policy, science can help society choose serious danger of its falling behind. The UK and will be stepping down later this year, among potential alternatives and point the and other countries in the West can only spoke to the journal about his plans. way forward to useful solutions. One of the compete globally by being more innovative PNAS: What was your initial reaction to roles of the Society is to help inform debate and at the cutting edge of new technologies. the news that you had been elected president on these issues, presenting the scientific ev- I am also concerned about sufficient invest- of The Royal Society? idence that should help policymakers to ment in basic science. In the long term, Ramakrishnan: I was first approached in make the best decisions. Equally important basic science can lead to advances that cre- November 2014 and asked if I would be will- are engaging the public and generating sup- ate completely new industries and result in ing to serve if elected. I was somewhat port for basic or “curiosity-driven” science, the greatest benefits, but we cannot predict www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1508750112 PNAS | July 14, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 28 | 8517–8518 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 the “winners” in advance. I believe that we especially for basic science, with long-term personally, the productivity of my laboratory need to continue to make a strong case and commitment and cross-party support; will not suffer. also to point out that cuts made during tem- (ii) competitiveness in recruiting and retain- PNAS: Your most recent predecessors— porary economic crises are a false economy ing the best scientists (resources, salary, immi- Paul Nurse, Martin Rees, Robert May—had and will cost more than they save. gration and visa rules, etc.); (iii) streamlining experienceinsciencepolicywhentheytook PNAS: Your predecessor, Paul Nurse, is regulations to reduce the increasing bu- office. What major challenges do you envi- currently leading a review of the UK research reaucratic burden scientists face; (iv)the sion as you embark on your new role? councils to determine best ways to support quality and level of science education, espe- Ramakrishnan: It is true that I have been research, and the review is said to include cially at the high school level; (v)engaging much more focused on my own research international comparisons. Given your with the public about science so they can compared with them. However, in numer- trans-Atlantic perspective, what are your share the joy of understanding the natural ous articles, interviews, and talks at public thoughts? world and also understand decisions that forums since 2009, I have tried to be clear Ramakrishnan: Given the pressures on affect them in an increasingly technological and forthright about a wide range of topics, ’ the government sbudget,itisonlyfairto world; (vi) promoting evidence-based policy so my views are not exactly unknown. Some make sure that money allocated for science (both in terms of laws and level and alloca- challenges will be getting to know key peo- ple, understanding details of how decisions is spent wisely and efficiently. Moreover, tion of resources) by government and other coming from America, I especially feel the are made, and when and where one can be organizations; (vii) finally, to make the best need to justify the use of taxpayers’ money. most effective. I hope to educate myself use of available talent, the scientific enter- Paul Nurse is passionate about science, and about the role in the coming months. prise should be as inclusive and diverse as I am sure that he and his colleagues will PNAS: Among the past presidents of the possible. So it is very important to ensure look into this carefully and come up with Society are J. J. Thomson, William Bragg, and an effective set of recommendations to that women, minorities, and those who are Aaron Klug, all of whose work has a bearing make sure that money is spent well to min- economically or geographically disadvan- on your own. Would you care to comment? imize waste and duplication. International taged are encouraged to go into science, Ramakrishnan: There is, of course, a comparisons are always good. We practice and just as importantly, their careers are thread running down the work of these that in our own institute’s reviews to ensure nurtured as they proceed up the ladder. people. Thomson discovered the electron PNAS: that our science is up to the highest stan- Will the appointment mean that and helped establish modern physics, while dards. This review has the potential to help you will have less time to devote to your Bragg (and more importantly his son Law- scientists too, by streamlining application considerably prolific structural biology work? rence Bragg) laid the foundations of X-ray Ramakrishnan: procedures and minimizing the effort to Unlike the National Acad- crystallography, which is dominated by scat- obtain funding. emy of Sciences presidency, which is a paid tering from electrons. Klug used both crys- PNAS: Are there any long-term visions for position for which the president effectively tallography and electron microscopy to your new role that you would like to share at moves to Washington this is an honorary study the structure of large complexes.
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