32 8 WHOLE NO. 1651 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925 VOL NO CRIME IN BERRIEN COUNIV SHOWS DECREASE R nil IS MB i MFItlD PLEADS GIIILIY TO 21 ENTER PLEAS Of GUILTY COLOMA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AT OPENING OF ACCORDINC10 CIRCOIT COURT CALENDAR SliHOIWD AnACK WITii DEADLY WEAPON SEASON OPENS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 $3,000,000 Syndicate Said to be Read; Judge White Will Investigate the Case Twenty-one New Criminal Cases Were quor law; Irving Price, liquor luw; school hoard, a considerable amount of Also Added to September Court ] First Game Will ho Played at Benton 37 CIISOS on Crimiiuil Docket, Compared Marcus Dungey, liquor law; Henry to Promote Big Enterprise—1,000 Before Sentence is Pronounced new equipment has been ordered for Hotter, liquor law; Julius Millnickel which the boys wish to express their Calendar Harbor—Good Schedule of Games is to 73 Cases Year Ago—24 Cnses for nn'l Iteinbart Milinickel, larceny: Acres of Land Purchased For a Site Arthur M. Merrlficid, formerly head thanks. The coach feels that If foot- of the Shivel-Morrilleld Motor com- diaries Miller and Thomas Murphy, With the addition of 21 cases to the Arranged and Boys Are Working ball Is worth while for eleven men. It Violation of Liquor Laws. "Rlvera" Is the name of a new re-1 puny, Ronton Harbor, who simt Charles rohhery; Ernest Moore, assault with printed calendar of the September could be iM'neficlal to more, so In the sort city to come Into existence on the \v. Powers, pleaded guilty in circuit Hard to Develop a Winning Team- intent to murder; Frank Dimirla, 11- term, Circuit Judge Charles E. White future very serviceable equipment will Although the Septomhor terhi of the shores of Lake Michigan beyond Grand 1 court Monday to assault with a danger- quor law; Rose Farina, liquor law; and ofllclals of the Rerrien county be on hand for fifteen men. IJorrloa county circuit court really Reach. ous weapon. Buy a Ticket to Five Games For Smith Jones, liquor law; Louis Nicli- court Monday afternoon settled down The team and coach also wish to Oscar W. Eckland of Chicago Is the Merrilleld shot Powers because he opcned last Monday, the jury was not nis. liquor law; Irving Campbell, us to the business of trying a criminal SUM) tender their heartiest thanks to the prime mover In the organization of a thought the latter, salesman for the called to report until next Monday, sault with Intent to rape; Ralph Will- schedule exceeding the 1024 Soptemher members of the Ladles' Social Union $3,000,000 syndicate which has taken company, had been intimate with Mrs. The calendar for the present term of lams liquor law; Charles Krieger. calendar in size. Coloma has strong hopes for a good who. repaired their equipment over l.QOO acres of lake, forest ami Helen Merrilleld. court shows that there were but .*17 statutory rape; Edward Marutt, IK The work of the court will bo some- season's record this year. The team With those two Instances of coopera- river land extending alou|[ one and The shooting, which occurred a few criminal cases listed, but others were quor law; Alfred Havens, statutory what lightened, however, as well as tion yet in our minds we are very three-quarters of a mile of Lake hours after Mrs. Merrilleld had sued that meets Renton Harbor on Kllstrup added this week. The most Important rape; Fred Schocnmker, statutory thai of Prosecutor George H. Rook- hopeful that every one this year wlil Michigan frontage iK'twcen New Ruf- for divorce, was a sensation in social Held will he composed of nine veterans criminal case Is that of Arthur M. rape; William N. Blue, desertion; Don waller, by the action of 21 respondents turn in and give the boys tholi^ whole- falo and Mr. Eokland's summer estate, and business circles of the twin cities. Merridetd, charged with assault to Williams, liquor law; John Wright, who entered pleas of guilty Monday |of last season. Fritz will return to hearted support. When there Is a game Through the acreage Hows tlie Galien |where the principals were well known. murder. This case Is the result of larceny from person; Leroy Koskl, li- afternoon. According to the prose- In Coloma, come out and yell for us, river, which will bo widened and deep- fullback position, Hosbein will probab- the slmotlng at the Merrltleid home quor law; Joseph Cutala, liquor law; it wlil help to win. If there Is a game ened and developed to Include a yacht Charge Ls Reduced cutor. there have boon few court terms ly handle the team at quarter, and last July, when Merrltleid endeavored Sam Ouldlce, liquor law; George within the memory of his practice In a town nearby, get out the old Ford harbor. I'anghorn will play right half. The to secure a confesRlon from Charles Stokes, assault with Intent to kill; The charge to which Merrilleld when arrangements have been so rapid and come over. Wo always feel glad Included on the river bottom Is a [other half hack position is still in Powers, a Buiek salesman employed by Henrlcl Marcentelll, assault with lu- pleaded guilty was less serious than and so many guilty pleas written upon to see a few home folks there. Tickets huge basin back of the shore bluffs, ilouht. Sawatzki and Kent, tackles of good for live home games will soon be ShTvel-Merrllleld, that be had heen on tent to murder. 1 the one on which he was arrested— the court record. There are a total of and here 400 acres will be given over last year, will he shifted to the wing on sale at one dollar apiece. Ruy one too friendly terms with Morrilleld's assault with intent to kill; It was re- 02 criminal cases scheduled. There to recreation. There already work has T wJ IT r" u positions as good end material is and rest assured that your money nev- n rWlUL,lt ,,f 1 ,( k were 4'.» arraignments, including the 21 KtHi-te.! mi two elifhteel .hole irolf K "• " ' - jscarce this year. Habel will be at er wont for a better cause. cmies 'R>e«' will be courses o wnltl,r- n,,,, M"r- who pleaded guilty and will appear at i center. ac-"" * * •" miiiiii pi* mi uk we ' T-K ^ 1ntleld's counsel, William P. Harvey. motor boats, four miles of bridle paths a later date for sentence. Of course the new material is as yet 1925 Schedule [Judge Charles E. White reserved sen and a lOO-acre aviation field. The majority of prisoners to plead an unknown quantify. No amount of fence. guilty were liquor law violators, al- Sept ! m soi inMiim Over 700.000 cubic yards to l)e dug practice can prove the worth of a man 18—Renton Harbor—there. Merrilleld was the llrst prisoner ar- though there wore a few statutory Sept 25—Watervllet—there. cases listed '24 are for violation of thej from the river channel will lie used to as much as his actions under ganu raigned at the opening of the Sepfom charges among the complaints read. Oct. 2—Open. liquor law. Prosecutions for violation j fill the low land for the golf course. conditions. And also all the football her term of court. Mr. Harvey told Oct. 0—Rerrien Springs—there. of the liquor law show a decided drop ...... „ . p Within the next year |1,.TOO,000. It Is |theory known can never hope to take s roMrtv the court that bis client would waive Guilty of Liquor Vioiatons Oct. 14—NUes—here. over last September when 2S out of,Lake *hor* llol,- lof July 10. That afternoon Mrs. Mer- larceny: Harold Davis, larceny; Elmer The original building at the Lake |dates. South Haven, which put a very to 1. Schmlgle, In the box for the rno on a fake real estate chal. Al- ghore reaort m (,rpt,|lHl all0ut , Earl, larceny; Rose Farina, liquor, rilleld. sister of lier hushamr.s partner strong team into the field last year, Israelites, was given unusual support thongb no ('xunilnafion on either aml d(|7t| J hond forfeited. in the Ruick agency in Ronton Harbor, will also appear on Jbe schedule If It by his team mates, and Jess Tally, a . .arge baa been behl 1.1 Jtlrtlce m,„|p ^ hotel build- sued for divorce. In the evening Mer- can be arranged. I'roKeontor Bookwalter sahl the «-], ^ , ACCOSER OE "KING BEN" ASKS These Will Stand Trial member of the traveling team of the rw t um| three stories rilleld met Powers and took him to the The success of the season also de- colony, was also In the lineup. amlnatlon11111.1. ..IISs UUI.woulMd h..er holm md nin. ..u.tim«e tmij,,o , hpl |lt In to Merrltleid home at 580 Territorial the hotel These respondents pleaded not guilty pends a great deal on how well the The Twin City Eagles did not fare , sra 10 ,lurl B g V"; '' " bnlldlng then* wa, a large garage and COURT TO DISHISS CASE road. Ronton Harbor, In the heart of or stood mute and will stand trial: few men available keep up their quite so well In their game, for they piosont term. sc-voral cottages fronting on the lake. |an exclusive residential district. Charles Evans, liquor; Charles-Miller, sebolarship records as no one will lie Among the ((! chancery cases listed lost to the McFarlane Stars of Chicago larceny; John Wright, larceny; Max allowed to play who does not satisfy for the Coming term are 48 divorce Powers Denied Charge by a score of 4 to 3. Solmonson pitched Albrecht, embezzlement; Ernest Moore, the M. I. A. A. requirements before cases. There are (J3 civil cases listed for the Eagles and was touched for but Attorney General is Petitioned to Drop | assault with Intent to kill; Smith every game. That the boys cannot play to be heard. VILLAGE TAXES ARE NOW DUE; Merrlficid, pulling a revolver, or live bits but his team mates made three Jones, liquor; Leroy Koskl, liquor; [football and still bo students Is worse During the September form last year Civil and Criminal Proceedings I Powers to sign a statement of errors, which helped account for the Henry Martlcolll, assault with intent than fallacy as Is shown by the fact there were 02 chancery and 00 civil Ids relations with Mrs. Merrltleid. defeat. The Eagles secured nine hits PAY THEM TO TREASURER Against the House of David Colony The salesman refused, and Merrilleld to kill; Charles Krelger, assault with that the average of all men competing oil Link, the Chicago pitcher, but they cases scheduled. in athletics at the University of Mich t shot blm. After a struggle Powers es Intent to rape; Julius Mllnlkel, lar could not bring In the necessary runs Igan was very considerably higher than Other Cases. The taxes assessed against the prop- Ruth Ramford Reed, of Detroit, one (.a|l(.(] from the house. Merrltleid was ny; Oscar O'Relly, sattutory rape; to win the game. erly in the Village of Coloma for the of the former girl jnemk'rs of the anvsted In his home. He later ob- Henry Maoh, attempted rape; Edward the average of the rest of the student body. Parents of boys on the team Criminal cases already listed on the year 192.') are now due. Please pay House of David whose charges against t(line<| m,orty on ball furnished by Marutz, liquor; Leslie Krlege, rape; calendar Include the following: Ken- yours at once to J. K. Guyv village Ren Jam In Purnell resulted in a war- p^nilnont business men of Ronton Joseph Cutull, liquor; Edward Petrol- who wish 'their sons to make their neth Rurgoyne, liquor law; Jack Na- treasurer.—Adv. rant being Issued for the cult leader. Harbor. Powers denied that he had Itz, liquor; John Petrolewltz, liquor; grades and still develop the traits of Fifty years ago Mary Raker Eddy character and alertness of mind and has, keeplnu house of ill famei Chas. now wants to withdraw her accusa- i)(H.n intimnte with Morrilleld's es William Zlebart, liquor; Tom Zuella, published the first edition of the Evans, liquor law; Sam Rowers, li- For every new country church that tlons. 11ranged wife. liquor; S. Gross, obtaining money un- body that only a vigorous athletic Christian Science text hook. Science quor law; Mrs. Sam Rowers, liquor is built a now community will be saved Along with her sister, Gladys Ram- der false pretenses; Irving Cbappel, sport can give can help the faculty and Health With Key to the Scriptures. law; William Rernahl, liquor law; to some of tlie old-fashioned ways of ford Rubel. Ruth charged Renjumln assault with Intent to rape; John Roz- and help the school by seeing that She passed along a copy to a reviewer John Rronkert, liquor law; Adam Fa- our forefathers. It Is one of the finest with criminal assault. Judge White I ella. breaking and entering; William their boy spends a reasonable amount and he commented on It as follows: hik, liquor law; Frank Sharhanow, 11- movements of modern times. Issued a warrant against Ronjamln Livingston, liquor; Pearl Elsenhart, of time In preparing his lessons. "This Is. Indeed, an original book, but over two years ago. Renjamln has COLOHA AND WATERVLIET GET liquor; Archie Kinne, liquor; Archh Due to the hearty cooperation of the It will never be read." since been a fugitive from justice with Klnne, obtaining money under false the stale of Michigan putting a price pretenses; George Storkes, assault with of $8,000 on bis head. The Detroit NEW METHODIST MINISTEII Intent to kill; John Cursl, liquor; Free Press has also offered a reward | William M. Dines, wife and child de-| of $1,000 for Renjamlu's capture. sortlon. I Rev. T. II. Leamon Will Succeed Rev. THE COLOMA THEATRE Starts Petition Drive Ladies Attention! Show itarti at 7:15 on Sunday A. E. Gay—Changes Also Made at MRS. C. C. ALGU1RE. Proprietor The Reed girl has written Prose- IN THE DIVORCE COURT At 7:30 p. m. week days cutor Rook waiter asking blm to with- Benton Harbor and St. Joseph draw her charges against Renjamln. As a result of this development the A number of very Important changes WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16-17 This is the time to get your WINTER House of David Monday was-circulat Jin Methodist pastorates was made at Charging that his wife, whom he lefl ing a petition asking the attorney the annual Michigan conference which behind him In Poland when he came to "THE MAN WHO CAME BACK" general at Lansing to dismiss the civil [dosed at Lansing with the reading of this country, refuses to write to him COAT MADE TO ORDER and save and criminal proceedings against the|fhe appointments for the coming year or to come to this country to make a From a noted book. A great stage success and a screen tri- home for him, but Insists on remain- colony and Renjamln. last Monday evening. umph. 30-10 the middlemen's profit. We are show- Judge Dewblrst, member of the Rev. A. E. Gay, who for several ing with her parents, Berthold Wllde- colony and" bead of the House of years has boon pastor of the M. E. man of St. Joseph Is seeking a divorce David legal stalT, said that the churches In Coloma. Watervllet and from her. They wore married in 1915. ing the latest in fabrics and in styles. petitions were being liberally signed. Riverside, has been assigned to anoth and Wlldeman has been In this coun Saturday, Sunday and Monday September 19-20-21 er charge; and Rev. T. H. Leamon try two years. We guarantee a fit. Bookwalter Withholds Decision will succeed blm at these points. Alvln E. Rogers of NUes makes the Reginald Denny in . St. Joseph and Renton Harbor will omplalnt that his wife left blm two Prosecutor Rookwalter was with- i,olh R,lt m.w pastors. Rev. J. O. Ran- months after their marriage In 1023. We are glad to show you what we boldlng decision the first of the week (luUi for (ll(. imst foUr years pastor at and he has Instituted proceedings for "FAST WORKERS" as to what action he would fake with (j,e poace Temple In Renton Harbor, divorce. Speedier, lastier. funnier than his other pictures. Also a making for the trade. Give us a call, relation to the Reed girl's letter. He wU1 bmmu. district superintendent of Extreme cruelty Is the charge made said he would probably refer It to the the Grand Traverse district, and Rev. by Mrs. Amelia M. Rolff of NUes In a comedy. 30-10 attorney general and also discuss It Uy W. Sloe recently of Sturgls, will bill for divorce from Charles F. Rolff. with Judge White. The prosecutor ^ ills successor. Rev. F. E. George, Married In 1017. tlie couple have no pointed out that Mrs. Reeds letter j>or pnst year pastor at St. Joseph, children. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23-24 did not say the charges were false. win exchange places with Rev. G. A, Mrs. Rebecca Walper. who operates This concern is under new management. She merely asked to have them with-|Critchetti who ha8 been stationed at a boarding house on East Main street "LOVING LIES" drawn because of her parents, said MnskeK(m Heights. Rev. J. C. Will In Renton Harbor and says she has Mr. Rookwalter. ittg wm remain as district superintend turned over all of her earnings to her The prosecutor also pointed out that Lnf of the Niles district. Rev. O. R husband, who has acquired property Adapted from Peter B. Kyne's story. "The Harbor Bar." A & Mrs. Reed's sister, Gladys Ramford | (;ratton of Parchment, will succeed worth $20,000, has filed suit for divorce sea story. Also a comedy. 30-10 Standard Dress & Skirt Company Rubel. bad not asked to have the Rev j Wt gheeban of Mies, whs goes from Moses Walper and seeks for a dl qjiarges withdrawn. I to Three Rivers. Rev. Durnell Math vision of their property. J. KUGAVSKI, Manager Coloma, Mich. Sw rflllnn™ ftf Cast l'rs is returned to Gallon; Rev. W. H Charging that Ernest Ruttschew or COMING-SEPTEMBER 26, 27 and 28 see tonapse or lase Helrlgol foes back to Rerrien Springs dercd her and her seven children from Tim Reed girl's letter was regarded and Rev. W. A. Ely goes back to the their home and that he has not con Tom Mix and Tony in "DICK TURPIN" as the beginning of the collapse of the Stevensvllle-Rrldgman circuit for the trlbuted to their support. Mrs. Anna various suits, criminal and otherwise, fourth year, while Rev. Rice Is returned Ruttschew of Niles has filed suit for against Renjamln and bis colony. If|to Three Oaks. divorce. the warrant against Renjamln Is Mrs. Sabrla Rohde has instituted di- vorce proceedings against Gustavo withdrawn It would mean hLs returni T...... „„ i.,^ a u Rohde of NUes, charging non-support. ir, TL "i t"rr s They were married In November, 1020. When Selecting Three divorces were granted by of l»eeu prosecuted by the state now for c,tJ a,t<,r"

ing stall—It's the way they looit. Ann ooooococoocooooooooooooooo you know really It wouldn't be so hard to—sort of—switch things around a Baddy's HOW TO KEEP VERY- Egg and Poultry MRS. BORGELIN'S little—knock out a wall or two—twist MEAL that iitalrcose about some way—and— WELL and—" ^Eki\ii\g • Jerry's eyes narrowed speculatively. REMARKABLE RECOVERY She drew vague little designs In the DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Societies Thrive Prudcncc's Daughter Faiiy Tale Editor of "HEALTH" air with a gloved finger. A curious WRKLEYS Gives Credit for Restored Health to Lydia E. Pink- brightness came Into her face. GRAHAM D(ma OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO m i. conwctrt rr vutun mWtfw wow • — makes your food do you ham's Vegetable Compound. All "It Is Impossible," Uae said, coming (©. 1921, WMUrn Newspaper Union.) more good. Cooperative Marketing Has of Southern California, Inc., a co-oj^ back from her Inspection. "I wouldn't eratlve organization formed In 1917, Women Interested THUNDER AND UGHTNING HOUSEHOLD INSECTS AND Note how It relieves Rapidly Developed in have It as a gift" handled 87l.^53 cases of eggs In Its flrst By ETHEL HUESTON Chat stuffy feeling DISEASE year. Laat year It handled 139.000 Copyright by the Bobbs-Merrlll Co. WNtJ Serrlo* "Thlrty-flve hundred. Is that what after hearty eating. Past Few Years. table Compound now and I do all my you said? Can I get It on terms? "Come on. hurry along." said Old cases. In 1917 the Washington Co-op- housework and help with the milking, King Thunder to Old Queen Thunder. Sweetens the erative Egg and Poultry association Let's go down right away. I have an UDDIN* HEAD WILSON may have (Praparad by the United StaCaa Department and taking care of chickens and gar- "Let's have a surprise party to the breath, removes Idea." been right when he said that a cer- of Agriculture.) was formed with headquarters at den. Beoides I have a fine baby girl P food particlea eight months old, iust the picture of attending any church with a painful site the little park you see—on the Earth people." tain amount of fleas was good for a Cooperative marketing of eags and Seattle. This ossociation now handles from the teeth, health, and I am feeling fine myoelf. degree of assiduity, but when he hud car line—and quite near the university "Let's do that," said Old Queen poultry In the United States has un- about 300,000 cases of eggs a year, and THE BIG IDEA CHAPTER III dog.' But no one will claim that any gives new vigor Yon may use this letter as a testi- church, he wanted church, and not a and Grant's drug store." Thnnder. dergone great development in the lest amount of fleas or of any of the oth- to tired nerves* t i Jhs Its net worth has Incroased from about monial and I will answer any letters Sunday morning reception without re- With these points to Its credit. Jerry "Now, as you know without a doubt, 15 years. One hundred and eighty- $1,000 to $700,000. SYNOPSIS.—PART ONE—At a er common household Insects are good Cornea to yea asking about the Vegetable Com- freshments. followed her distastefully up the steps The Summer Passes when Old King Thunder speaks to Old Wiring Diagram ^f a Three-Tube Set That Is Selective Enough for Use in merry party In the studio apart- for a human being. If they don't do fresh, clean end three farmers' business organizations Records of Progress. pound. "-Mrs. OSCAR F. BORGELW, ment of Carter Blake, New York, Of course Prudence had had to learn of the terrace, and still more distaste- - Prudence and Jerroid had finished Queen Thunder they yell at each other Metropolitan Areas and Which Gives Fine Quality of Signals. report handling eggs or poultry or both Koute No. 6, Forest City, Iowa. Jerry (Geraldlne) Harmer, Pru- anything worse, flies, mosquitoes, cock- full-flavored. Similar records of progress In co-op- to dance. Having become an Episco- fully on the clumsy, stiff sqqare porch. tlie soup and were starting with steak and roar at each other at the very during 1924. They sold more than 70.- dence's daughter, meets Duane roaches, fleas, bedbugs, and various By J. E. ANDERSON, the right of It Is the rheostat. Dl- j eration are cited by the United States Allorton. wealthy Idler. He ad- palian she could not plead the Meth- "Why do they do It, Uae?" she won- and potatoes when Jerry ran In that "tip-tops" of their voices. Tablets 000,000 dozens of eggs for approxi- A Bad Case of Nerves Relieved kinds of lice are the cause of a great In Radio World. recfly under the main control is the 1 Department of Agriculture from Infor- mires her tremendously, and she odist Discipline In rebuttal, and thus dered. "Such stiff, straight, stupid night, profusely apologetic for her This Is the way they enjoy talking. mately $22,000,000. Although only 31 Denver, Colorado. — '1 was very deal of personal discomfort and Irri- The three-tube set shown In the filament switch. .The panel Is 7 by] mation furnished by co-operative egg like;) him. But Allerton gets a unexpectedly torn adrift from her lines—the doors, the windows, the col- tardiness. Her face was aflame with Just the way we will talk In fairly Uqmd of the 183 organizations were of the despondent, blue and sad all the time, bit exhllerated. with unfortunate tation and no normal person cares to diagram Is a stand-by that brings In 18 inches. The set was mounted In ' and poultry associations In most of the spiritual backbone, she agreed with umns. Couldn't they put a little curve color, her starry eyes aglow behind the low voices, or shout only when we are S«U Ewrywbw# truly co-operative type, these 31 han- which is worse than real pain, ana results. Jerry, resenting his as- have them around. When In addition all the local stations with loud speak- a cabinet 7 by 18 hy 10V4 inches. A other states mentioned. Poultry pro- extremely nervous, with no appetite. sumption of familiarity, leaves Jerroid. rather faintly, that It would In once In a while for the same fringing lashes. excited, they shout If ever they speak. dled 90 per cent of the egg business. they are shown to be a positive dan- er volume of moderate Intensity but deep cabinet was selected so that all i ducers In New Jersey, faced with com- I was this way for about two years tho party abruptly. The story be a shame for her to go through life money?" "Awfully stupid of me to be so Sometimes their voices are louder Formerly practically all poultry turns to Jerry's childhood and ger to health and In many cases to wonderful quality. Utmost simplicity the batteries could be mounted back ] petition from Pacific coast poultrymen and thought no one cared for me. sitting out every enticing waltz and late." she cried, tossing her gloves and than at other times, but they never products were sold on a flat price ba- youth at hor home lp Des Moines. "Beauty Is very expensive," said Rae carry disease, there remains no rea- of operation consistent with satisfac- of the baseboard. Three No. 6 dry j In Eastern markets, formed an asso- My mother had had the same troubla Only child of a wealthy father, luring one-step. She must ceatalnly hat upon a chair, and sliding deftly speak In low tones. sis. Eggs brought the same price re- and had taken Lydia E. Pink ham's lightly. son why every Intelligent person tory selectivity, greatest purity of cells and two upright 22%-volt plate [ ciation In 1921 with 438 members. when she Is twenty she feels the learn to dance. Into her place at the table. . "No soup They love their noisy, loud conver- gardless of quality. Poultry, which Vegetable Compound for it I tried "No wonder we all go off somewhere, should not use every possible means tone obtainable with standard parts, batteries are used, and these are se- After some unfortunate experiences call of Art and asks her parents She encountered difflcnities from the for me. Katie. But be generous with sation, and they have brought up all omght was usually sold alive, was paid for MRS. OSCAR r. BORQCUN everything else, then I began to take to let her go to New York for to California, or to New York, if this to exterminate them. and strictest economy of operation curely held to the back of the cabinet this concern was reorganized In 1023. rOBIST CITY, IOWA start. A professional instructor was the stenk." She glowed around at her their children to talk In the same way. on the pound basis with little regard it 1 soon had a better appetite and study. With some misgiving, they is the best we can do for ourselves," The common house fly Is found Tomorrow Alright were the objects sought. by two brass strips. and last year It handled approximate- Forest City, Iowa.—' 'Mv first child restored mental condition. 1 moved to agree to her going. In New York brought in to tench her. And after little family. "I've been having a Can you Imagine belonging to a fam- to Its age or condition. This method, Jerry went on gloomily. "I don't blame ly 70.000 cases of eggs. lived only a short time and I was oick a bright sunny house, began calling Jerry makes her home with a many painful, painstaking lessons, she everywhere. It lays Its eggs In ma- To obtain simplicity of operation a Uses Crystal Detector. us. Fancy living In a thing like this! heavenly time, mother—almost as ex- Dy that never once said: besides offering no Inducement to pro- for a year after. When I bent over on different people, and changed Mrs. Delaney ("Mlml"), an act- managed to get around very nicely. nure and other filth and refuse com- double condenser was used for the The crystal employed Is the new i Poultry and eggs have been mar- ress, who, with Theresa, a paint- Not just one. either—all the Inexpen- citing as teaching you to dance again. You would never hear that if you ducers to Improve the quality of their and raised myself up again I could many other things. I also used Lydia But when Prudence, in fear and trem- monly found around human habita- two tuned circuits. For selectivity a type carborundum fixed detector. This keted co-operatively In the last ten er. occupies the house. Jerry sive poorman houses are exactly like it. And that reminds me"—Jerry put her belonged to the Thunder family. poultry and eggs, brought about sea- almost scream with pain in my back. E. Pmkham's Sanative Wash for my bling, got on the floor with any other tions. low-loss tuning coll was used In the Is stable In operation and very sen-1 years through co-operative creameries takes an Immediate liking to The gypsies do better In tents." knife down afid turned about, facing In fact, many a time has King Thun- sonVl gluts and shortages. One day I was so bad that I nad to female weakness. With the aid of Theresa, who Is talented and than the Instructor, she had trouble. Files carry, either In their bodies radio-frequency afnpllfler and this sltlve as compared with the usual In Minnesota. This plan Is considered leave my washing and get ready to vour medicines I am now a fairly "Oh. bother the gypsies. Jerry; come her father. 'Til have to borrow some der shouted to one of the Thunder Improvement Made. eccentric, and the two become "It Isn't that I don't try." siie told or on their feet, the germs which stage was made regenerative. A fixed crystal detectors. However, it Ideal for assembling eggs, although it go to the doctor. He gave me medi- nealthy, happy and contented woman. •.i- I'riends. Jerry now devotes on in and have a look." Uae opened money, father—I don't know just how Cloud children and said: Great Improvement was made when her husband despairingly, but eager in cause typhoid fever, tuberculosis, crystal detector and two high-grade must be handled with reasonable care has Its limitations In merchandising. cine, but it did no more good than if I've used tne Vegetable Compound at herself to Theresa, who returns the door with the key which bad been much—a thousand or so. Will you "What a weak little rumble. Uoar poultry producers in various parts of So as to develop a better selling or- I drank just water. Once when we different times and will say it always her liking. Jerry poses for Ther- her own defense In the face of his summer diarrhea, and diphtheria. audio-frequency transformers were se- or the sensitive carborundum point, lend It to rae?" louder. Give a real rumble. Lefs the country adopted co-operative meth- had been in town a little book telling helps me ovr the bad spells that esa's masterpiece, "The Ocean given her. and led the way Inside They may also carry erysipelas, con- lected. For economy of operation dry- which rests against a burnished steel ganization. Minnesota poultry and egg derision. "I do try! I put my whole hear how you can do It." ods of marketing egg^ and poultry. about Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegetable come to every woman past 40 years." Rider." Allerton calls on Jerry. where they stared curiously about Jerroid was working with a refrac- cell tubes were employed. producers put a plan In operation In mind on It. 1 know exactly what I am junctivitis, anthrax and gangrene. The plate, may become crushed, which de- Compound was left in our car. I —Mrs. HELEN FINE, 35 South Wash- The girl refuses to see him. At them, a frowning disapproval on their tory bit of sirloin and did not answer , And th'en you will notice that the The unoiual quality of These efforts, at first local and primi- 1923 which provided for district organ- a hotel dinner Jerry sees Duane supposed to do. I count every step, and clearest case against the fly Is that Winding the Coils. stroys the sensitivity. have taken five bottles of the Vege- ington Street Denver, Colorado. two young faces. upon the Instant little distant rumbles and the little Monarch Cocoa and Its tive, eventually became quite wide- and Is conscious of his admira- I never listen to a word ray partner of transqjlttlng typhoid by crawling Honor Memory of The colls L0, LI. T are the three The two audio-frequency transform- izations federated In a state associa- "I will," proffered Prudence meekly. roars become stronger and louder, and attractive price command spread and complex. Large-scale poul- tion, but refuses to change her says, and I keep both eyes shut so I "People must have lived In It some over end contaminating food, especial- winding of a standard three-circuit ers used are Federal 65 (first AF) and tion. This association, on December Measure your cloth twice, since you I The average doctor Is seldom in- attitude toward him. Jerry be- "It's awfully good of you, mother, then great great roiling ones are World War Hero* try and egg co-operatives have been won't be afraid of running Into the time," said Jerry. "Probably they ly milk. It Is not'entirely responsible tuner. It may be any of a number of 65A (second AF). These were se- 31 last, was selling products from 14,- can cut but once.—Schlay. | clined to leave well enough alone. comes convinced she has not tho died, poor things. I don't wonder." but I think I'd better get It from louder than all. In the ancient castle of Rovereto. successfully conducted for a number 000 members. ability to become an artist. At wall I But! can't keep off his feet, nor for any one disease but Its known fow-loss colls on the market. L2 and lected because they have a very sat- father. This Is business, you see. and The huge ones are King and Queen near Trent, which Is being used as an of years In the Pacific Coast states. a party Jerry again sees Duane. from under them. Yon needn't laugh, The house was divided with scrupu- filthy habits and the number of germs L3 constitute a home-made radio-fre- isfactory quality characteristic and It's Impossible to be real businesslike Thunder talking. The ones that get Italian war museum, a huge hell has Egg and poultry marketing has been and will not recognize him. either, for I can't help It." lous exactness Into four sections, rooms found on It ought to bar It from any quency transformer. The core Is a 1- will maintain the good quality de- Theresa hints that Jerry should with you, you're such a lamb. Of louder and louder but never the loud- been hung In memory of the war dead. organized co-operatively- In many Limberneck Is Result When Jerry had come of an age to Jerry decided one must doubtless call clean and respectable household. inch diameter birch dowel 1 Inch long. livered by the crystal. go home, and promises her a course, father, I ^an give you a—a est of all, but yet are very loud rum- The bell Is one of the largest In Eu- states. Considerable attention has "present." Returning from an take a personal Interest In her moth- them—to the left a stiff sqnare parlor Those Insects which, on account of This Is made into a spool by cement- There are two Jacks. J1 for listen- of Ptomaine Poisoning mortgage on the 'Baby.'" Jerry al- bles ' after having been little ones— rope, coming next after those In Mos- Oar Monarch dnallty Q been given In the last two or three evening of gayety, Jerry Is er's social life, and to feel a personal leading to a stiff square parlor bed- their habits, have long been associated ing two insulating washers Inches ing In on the first stage of audio and Limberneck or blind staggers, as 11 shocked at hearing from Mlml ways called her pretty roadster the they are the children. cow, Cologne and Vienna, weighs five Food* are not sold years to the co-operative method of responsibility for her public appear- room beyond—to the right a solemn with men have always been regarded In diameter to the two ends. The pri- J2 for the last stage The last should In bed four months She also learns that Mlml is "It's cold weather now," said Old bv chain Mona. marketing poultry In Maine, New Is sometimes known In some localities, "Baby." The first had been just and a half tons, and Is beautifully mary winding L3 Is wound next to preferably be a filament-control Jack Theresa's mother. The "present" ance, she shared this burden with her 1 with more or less dislike and In some may be the result of ptomaine poi- "Baby, * the second was "Baby Junior," King Thunder, "around here, and they carved with a procession of warriors Raid, Murdoch & Co. Hampshire, Connecticut. New York. Theresa had promised Jerry Chicago, U.S. A. the core and it consists of 20 turns which closes the filament circuit of father. And at regular Intervals, per- don't expect one of our storms at this cases with positive abhorrence. Nat- Ohio, Indiana. Illinois. Minnesota. Mis- soning caused by eating some rancid proves to be her picture. "Tho and this latest and finest one of all was and other figures marching round Its af No. 36 double cotton-covered wire. the last tube when the plug Is Insert- haps twice a year, tlie entire household urally, when our present-day knowl- souri, Utah, Texas, New Mexico, food which. In the case of poultry, gen- Ocean Rider." Jerry decides to tenderly known as "The Third." "I circle. This winding Is covered with several ed In It Otherwise put a switch In go home. At home she is en- was thrown Into a tumultuous state of edge of disease began to develop, they Idaho, Alabama, Kentucky and Vir- erally means decayed meat. It may. ... now a well man can give you a mortgage on her. but It Is to be rung every evening for layers of heavy wrapping paper. Then the FX lead of the last tube. thusiastically welcomed by her excitement with teaching Prudence to fell under grave suspicion as possible ginia. In Minnesota local associations however, mean moldy grains. Some- adoring parents. She wins their I'm going to be awful busy, find I'll one minute after the Angelus, and on dance. disease carriers. All the facts on Practically on top of this is wound the secondary A single rheostat Rh Is used to con- times It comes about merely by acute sympathies with tho stories of have to use her just the same." great anniversaries of the war, for flvr are federated for selling purposes. "Why can't you dance? Why can't that subject have not yet been ob- L2, consisting of 93 turns of the same trol the current In all the tubes. This Indigestion caused by clogging the sys- Gives Tanlac full crcdit. her New York life. "It might be Interesting to know minutes. Impossible Elsewhere most of the recently formed you?" demanded Jerry earnestly. tained. In some cases their guilt has Iclnd of wire. The secondary Is wound Is used mainly to take up the excess tem In some way. possibly by feeding what you're going to do with It—the The government hna set aside spe- associations are of the centralized, "Aunt Fairy dances beautifully. Aunt been positively proven. In others, the (to wear them out* In two layers since the wire used A battery voltage when the ceils are cial dates which will comraeraorate the nonstock, nonprofit type. too much fiber such as IB found In the money, I mean," her father put In winds about 73 turns to the Inch. new over the "discharge" voltage. A Over twelve years of stomach misery CHAPTER II Connie dances, both the Twin Aunties best we can do at present Is to render A survey In 1924 showed 31 egg and hulls of oats, barley, etc.. or allowing gently, when she paused for breath. dead of Italy, France. England, Amer- The two layers were separated from adore It. Haven't they as much Meth- the Scotch verdict of "Not proven." 6 to 10-ohm rheostat is sufficient. Most them to eat dried, tough grass. had made a physical wreck of*facob —10— "Not that It's any of ray business, of ica. Belgium and Czechoslovakia. As USKIDE poultry marketing associations in pro- odist blood as you have? Why can't Just what do we know on the subject? each other In the same manner as of the excess filament battery volt- a final touch of modernity, radio ap- ducing regions, and 4 at terminal mar- The thing to do Is to starve the birds Ferdinand. He spent hundreds of Jerry Comes Into Her Own you learn?" course." Soles were the two windings. A protective age Iff taken up in the resistances R. Our present knowledge Is admirably paratus Is to transit the tones to all kets. Twenty-two of them handled for a day or so to get the crops empty dollars seeking relief but every at- Jerry seemed to settle again into the "I don't know," acknowledged her "Oh, I don't ralnd telling-not In the The Wmder Solo fbt Wear. layer of mending tape was put over Each of these Is of such magnitude summed up In a recent number of the the world that cares to listen.—Liv- in YOVR MP AIRMAN TODAY both eggs and poultry. Eight handled and then give each one a teaspoonful rontine of every-day life in her Middle mother unhappily. "I certainly work jeast" Jerry was Impulsively gener- the secondary. The terminals of the that the voltage drop Is about .8 volt, tempt failed until he tried Tanlac. bulletin of the New Jersey state board ing Age. only eggs, and one handled only poul- or two of olive oil and empty the crop. Western home without change. She hard enough to learn anything! I ous. She pushed her plate back a Mto Demand VSHDE. Sola two windings were brought out to and this drop Is used as the bias on of health. In which H. B. Weiss tells try. Missouri, with nine associations, Give the fowl In the meantime access This great tonic brought him im- shared in the work of the house as she just can't, and that's all there Is to It." little and launched Into a graphic ac- on New Shod small wood screws fastened In the the grids of the amplifiers. These what we know and what we suspect. Not everyone has time to read the was the state with the largest num- to nothing but sand or grit and water. mediate relief. "After seven bottles" had done before she went to New When Prudence, therefore, of her count of the day's excursion with Uae Unitid States Rubber Com^sny ends of the wooden core and these resistances are small colls of nlchrome Mosquitoes, as Is now generally short stories In the periodicals to see ber; Minnesota was second, with six; Then feed some easily digestible, high- he says " I am a well and happy York, practiced her music, rend a great own volition and without coercion from In quest of a honeymoon home. She were tinned for soldering connections. wire. Amperltes of the proper type t known, are direct carriers of malaria If they are good. California third, with four, and Texas ly nutritious feed, such as bits of raw deal, and drove out very often in the described the "great grotesque barn of The translormer L2. L3 may be wound may be used In place of these re- man. I will gladly talk to anyone anyone, voluntarily proffered herself and yellow fever, as well as some fourth, with three. Five of 29 asso- meat that have been slightly broiled; handsome little "Harmer" which was a thing" on Seventeenth street oppo- Tau Can Quit Tobaeco for fl.OO—Herba Do with heavier wire, or It may even be sistances. and In that case the single personally and will answer all letters regarding my experience as a willing sacrifice to learn to dance tropical diseases which practically are It Is not an uncommon thing for the the work. Pure, aura, aafa. No drugt. Re- ciations that gave the department In- or. If the fowl can handle It, stale, her personal possession. again, she was driven to desperation. site Good park in no mild manner. They Yell at Each Othar. mits guarantsad. Band to Waatarn Herb low-loss RF tuning unit. In that rheostat may be dispensed with, or with Tanlac. For it proved a god-send to me." never found In this country. good to go t6 the bad; otherwise there Products Co., Terminal Bldf., Seattle, Waah. formation as to when they began op- dried bread soaked In sweet milk. Her return was hailed with a great To her surprise, to her great concern "Uae simply wouldn't give It a sec- case more room will be needed on the it may be Inserted In series with the time of the year, so we'll Just give Fleas, especially the rat flea, carry would be no missionaries. erations, were organized before 1920. lavishness of celebration on the part as well. Jerry only laughed, and would ond look," she finished. "But you HOME WOBK—Maka 90c to |1.20 par hour front cover. filament of the first tube only. *Authenticitatepient. Address on request. them a good surprise." bubonic plague. Bedbugs, the most at home In your apara time. No canvaasina; and the remainder since the begin- of her friends, for she had long been not accept such martyrdom at her know, father. It looked pretty good to strictly home work: room for everybody. Coll Adjustment List of Parte. High Living Is Bad "You have the grandest ideas," said disagreeable of all household Insects, Send 15c (coin) for full Instructions. Richard ning of that year. a leader in the particular little set she hands. rae. Lots of advantages, Uae said so It will be necessary to adjust the Tarts required for the construction Tanlac is Nature's great Tonic and builder. Compounded Old Queen Thunder. have long been under suspicion but so Ooldan. §89 Holly Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Cooperative egg marketing was flrst There Is always some mortality ciaifned as hers. Immediately she was "Nonsense, mother, you can't dance, herself—right opposite the park, on the two colls so that the two tuned cir- of the set are: Old King Thuhder and Old Queen far have not been convicted. Cock- Help That Bad Back! For 8«lo—3i0-acra farm, IS ml. from Craw- developed by the present method on among hens no matter how well they after the famous Tanlac formula, from roots, barks and made the occasion for a gay series of and you don't want to. Why bother? car line, near the university—and lum- fordavllla. Ind. 300 a. tillable, bal. blue craaa cuits LI and L2 are In resonance with One low-loss three-circuit tuning col) Thunder rest when they are not hav- roaches. the commonest of kitchen Is a bad back wearing yon out? Are the Paclflc coast. An association was are cared for. It is probable that most curative herbs alone, it is absolutely harmless. Millions owe dances, dinners and parties. Littie You'd belter just stick to Wesley and ber In It, heaps of lumber! Well, I pasture. 125,000 fad. loan. Will trade equity the same wave at some setting of the (L0. LI. T). ing parties and noisy talks. That gives pests, are known to carry several you lame, achy, nervous and deprened? for 10 to ISO a. In llllnola or for good rentals. formed in 1913 in Tulare county. Cali- of the deaths among hens are due their health and happiness to this great remedy. flirtations. Inconsequential affaires, eschew the devil and all his works." got to figuring. You could pull out a Suffer head&cbes; dizzineee tad dis- Crawfordavllla Realty Co., Crawfordavllle,Ind. double condenser. This is best done One RF tuning coll (L3. L2), them so much more strength and en- germs but there Is no evidence that fornia, with about 100 members. In to long confinement in good houses which had faded away and died upon "Bridge, then," pleaded Prudence few walls, apd build In a (ew windows, turbing bladder irrezularitice? These by putting more turns on L2 than One double condenser with vernlei Don't let stomach trouble make your life miserable a day ergy when the time comes for a good, they are actual carriers of any dis- are often ugn* of kidney diaorder and its flrst year Its sales exceeded $25.- with rich rations, night feeding and her departure, struggled back Into a hopefully, "You really ought to teach and switch things around a little bit SAVE asM.as necessary and then removing a turn dial. .0005 mfd. (National). stormy time. ease. Lice are the cause of a number too dangerooB to neglect. Your kidneys 000. Last year Its sales were nearly lack of exercise. This condition tends longer. Get a bottle of Tanlac at your druggist's at once. semblance of rejuvenation on her re- and paint It, and—sort of fuss It up. I keep the blood itream pure. Once they at a time until a given signal Is loud- Two audio-frequency transformers. me something, you know." They went where It was warm most ^^^IJWBRELLAS $400,000. Poultry producers of cen- to bring on liver trouble and other dis- The first dose will make you feel better. You'll be a new turn, and although they failed to stir of skin diseases and the body louse Is slow up, poisons accumulate and upset est. In the present set the final ad- One fixed carborundum crystal (Cr). Jerry consented to add a few final -Will You Tell Ma," Jerry Said Plain- figured out a hundred things that onfe RacoviRiD WITH OUIR^irraas orders. It Is one of the penalties the of the time, but now and again they the direct carrier of typhus and the whole system. Why risk neglect! Ualnproof Cotton SS.OO justment left 93 turns on L2. tral California formed an organization person with the sparkling eyes and rosy checks that comc Jerry to active Interest, at least they touches to a course In cards which had tlvely, "Why My Iowa Bullda Such could do to It Well, you can buy It M Qlurln 8Ilk 8.30 One double-circuit Jack and one like to surprise people, and they come spotted fevers. If you suspect your kidneys, give Doan'» M in 1916, and this concern last year had poultryman must pay for getting a played their part In whlilng away the for thirty-five hundred, spend say an- 8Uk 4.00 How Panel It Arranged. single-circuit Jack (Jl, J2). from perfect- health. already extended futllely over a period Ghastly Homes?" suddenly around when It Just seems Pint a trial. Doan's have been used Inalodlng packing and return postaga. 2.500.000 hens covered by Its contracts. larger number of eggs. His problem hours, and helping to occupy her of twenty years, but' she warned her other thirty-five hundred In making It /So while these Insects may not be successfully over thirty-five years. Are Bamplaaop roquett. Wo rewire and re- At the lower left corner of the Three sockets. too silly to have a thunder and light- enamel the frame VBBB. Its eggs are carefully graded and han- Is not to save a few weak sisters but NOTE: For Constipation, take Tanlac Vege- thoughts, which were not happy ones dining room, with a sober kitchen ad- look human—end I'll bet you could sell guilty of everything of- which they are recommended by thousands. A»k your panel are the two binding posts for Three ballast resistances or Amper- mother to let no one inveigle her into ning storm. neighlorl dled and are In good demand in East- to breed a race of hens that can stand table Pills, Nature's own harmless laxative. for the most part. joining. The stairs rose in a direct that place for Ten Thousand Dollars f suspected, they have been convicted antenna and ground. Symmetrically Itea (R). playing for points. They called their Lightning friends ern markets. The Poultry Producers the gaff. Even with so much to amuse and and businesslike manner, without pre- of enough crimes to make them un- An Illinois Case placed In the right-hand corner are the One rheostat, six to ten ohms (Rh). "For do your level best, mother, you Jerroid was buttering his roll and asked them to join their fun. engage her, tlie days passed slowly, tense or artifice, to the second floor, desirable citizens. Mrs. Geo. Orln- two Jacks. The single main control One filament switch (S). can still lose the family fortune a great "I'm sure of It" agreed Prudence. And as yon know the Lightning naU. 012 N. Main and Jerry, (or all the demands on her where there was another mathematical Is in the center, which actuates the Six binding posts. deal faster than father can earn it, If "But why bother?" asked Jerroid, family and the Thunder family have St. Savanna, 111., lime, remained distrait and preoccu- division of space, a bedroom, a bath says: "After the Crop Money and rotor of the double condenser. On One small knob for tickler control. OATS REQUIRE GOOD SOIL TO you go in (or points, the way you after a little. "Why go to all that been friends for years and years. FORMING GOOD HABITS flu, I had kidney to the left, two bedrooms to the right. the left of the main control Is the One panel 7 by 18 Inches aud one TANLAC pied, almost listless. And Prudence play It." trouble, and work, and expense—" trouble and bear- Jerry stared and stared. "Wouldn't No two families are greater friends ing down pains In knob controlling the tickler and on baseboard to match. drove herself well-nigh to distraction And so March blustered away, and tJABIT is one of the strongest In- Colt Light PRODUCE A PROFITABLE CROP FOR YOUR HEALTH you think they must have died, Uae?" ! Jerry was amazed at his stupidity. than these two. my back. I had In her maternal anxiety to bridge the April came, and May. And in all these fluences In our lives. Whether catchea across my she asked. 'Tt would bo like living In '^Oh, a dozen reasons, father! In the Well, the Thunder family and the kidneys when I Your spleodid crops for 1925 dangerous chasm between times past months Jerry could not (athom that good or bad, they largely determine Dial Chart That Will always be located at the same place. cemetery, wouldn't It? Wouldn't first place. Iowa oughf to be ashamed Lightning tamlly went rumbling and bent over or should mean a Fall and Winter of To Avoid Winter-Killing good application of fertilizer In the and times present, but all in vain she great mystery o( what girls do, who our success or failure. Each one of straightened up. comfort. When each new station Is brought In you think that some time one of them of Itself for permitting such a lot of crashing and yelling and roaring and My kidneys acted spring, oats need not be fertilized In Is It conscience that says: "I told Luck may be a good servant, but si racked her fertile brain for things to have nothing to do, and go quite mad us forms his own habits. They are Cok Light will insure the comfort Aid Inexperienced Fan mark down the call letters of the sta- would have taken a hammer to those these stupid, stiff, square house#, that flashing and forking about their sky too often. I tried . - . Sow Plenty of Seed. the fall. They may he given 100 you so," or some devil's Imp? a muster his pay days ore uncertain. •timulate Jerry's Interest. over doing It! not Inherited from our parents, Dean's Pills and they made me faal and safety of your home for many Here Is an easy way to have a less tion opposite the pointer setting. If walls, just to break the deadly con- no human being could possibly flt Into. playground, and the Thunder children like a different woman." pounds of nitrate of soda per ocre "Oh, my dear, you haven't taught me It was a morning late in May when new-born baby has no habits but eve yean to come. Informed member cf the family tune your receiver also has a tap switch tinuity of the thing? Poor corpses. I Well, then, It would make a lovely and played hide and seek around the You owe it to your family to pro- early in the spring If they appear to to dance for nearly two years!" she she was called to the telephone. A a very young Infant quickly acquires In any station desired. To avoid cutting In more or less turns mark Oats ore used mainly ^or hay or don't blame you a bit. I think you're adorable little spot of a place that Is mountains and the hills. vide this Best Lighting and cooking need It. exclaimed one night, In the extreme of girl of her acquaintance, Rae Forsythe, habits. In fact, the baby In Its flrst lengthy charts do not tune to numbers the number of the tap used after the grain, seldom being turned' under. lucky." now simply an eye-sore and a—a civic And then along came the Raindrop DOAN'S ^ system this Fall Oat hay shoul3 be cut when the desperation. was going over to the other side of call letters. Thus If an Inexperienced They should be sown on good land. On ulcer, as you might say. And once yon children and Old King of the Clouds year Is largely ruled by Instinct which STIMULANT DIURETIC TO TOE KIDNIY8 Your Thanksgiving celebration and meters but to the station direct. grains are In the dough stage, then It Uae laughed at her. "You are funny. member of the family wishes to tune poor soils they do not give satisfactory Jerroid and Jerry broke into laugh- town to look at a house. She asked get a real sweet, dainty home up there, it Inherits and habits which It ac- Fosles MUbwni Co^ Mig. ftw. Ildhlii, M.Y, will be the best ever if you act now/ It may not work so good on other sets Is easy to cure and excellent in quality. Jerry. But It Is a horrid old barn of and then there was excitement returns In either hoy or grain, and ter over her abject submission to Jerry to go with her. Jerry, who had quires. If It early forms habits of Address nearest branch office for In It only will be necessary to set the a house. Isn't It? But then they are It's going to make the rest of the block Not only were they having their martyrdom for her daughter's sake. driven her own car from the time she regularity and self control. It will live information. pointer and the tap switch and pull make less growth than rye for turning only asking thlrty-flve hundred for It." ashamed of Itself, and flrst thing you party when It was cold but they bad Self-Feeders for Calf For Prudence found In dancing noth- was fifteen years old. was used to a happy and tranquil life. If It Is out the buttery switch.—Radio Digest. under. "Cheap enough, unless one has to know they'll all be dolling up a little It In the middle of the night Three Generations J. B. COLT COMPANY ing bat punishment and tribulation. these Invitations to go with her friends allowed' to be governed by Its whims ¥ "Yet oats make a fine crop for farm- live In It," murmured Jerry. "I hold It bit, tp keep up with Lizzie. 'Scuse the People got up out of nice, warm ms mlmtrnA Mack. CHICAC0, ILL. Not Always Efficient Married life for her had been an in- on errands to remote and inaccessible and desires. It #111 be a cause of an- Find Beecham's Pills To Make Dial Marker ers," says E. C. Blair, extension agron- against the state, Uae." she went on. slang, mother—I'm so excited. And beds and pulled down windows In bed- 7U Haw TeA Ue Wg., KANSAS OTT, HO. According to an experiment recently tricate matter at best, having as she places. Jerry understood it very well, noyance to othera and of nnhapplness omist ot the North Curollnn State "I almost wish I hud been born in besides"—Jerry's voice rose tri- rooms and the noise was so great the Only Remedy From Old Switch Point conducted by the dairy department of did the sacred shadow of Methodism but her understanding was quite with- to Itself. So it Is too much to say college. "Under fnvornhle conditions Arkansas, or Nevada, or Wyoming." umphantly—"think of me! I'm going hardly any slept through It **1 have a very weak stomach, and "COLT LIGHT IS SUNLIGHT" A very good dial marker can be the South Dakota Stale college. for t background. The church Itself out malice. She did not blame them. that a child's whole future life may they may be expected to yield 2.500 to "Don't blame the state," protested to make a couple of thousand dollars It quieted down soon again, but not . Bcecham s Pills are about th* made from an old switch point by filing Brookings, in regord to the efflciency had been the first shadow to cloud the She was sure If she had to go a long easily be determined by the habits 3,500 pounds of cured boy per acre. Uae. "People don't have to live In this on that job!" untU it had given almost everyone only laxative I can take that does Use of the Tin or Cardboard Pointer, the head of It to a trlancular shnpp. of self-feeders for calves it was way to a strange part of town, and which It Is allowed to form In the flrst The hay contains 9.3 per cent protein, heaven of their domestic harmony. particular house unless they wish." enough noise to wake them up. not nauseate me. Bridge for Uruguay found that calves do not select their had no car of her own. she herself year of life. but it could not work better on a Cock- as compared to 5.9 per cent for timo- Church, to Prudence, meant Methodist, "But the whole street Is like It And The Thunder family and the Light- "I have also found them beneficial A contract has been signed between own rations to the best advantage— would Incite as company for the occa- to my children. One especially, aday set. SWITCH COWTACT thy and 15.4 per cent for soy beans. A and Jerroid. In the ardor of his young the next one Is worse, and the next Evidently Jerry has found ning family bad other plans and en- So Important Is this matter of early the department ot public highways of they eat too much of the protein feeds sion—one who had. who inherited her mother's weak Take a partly stiff paper and cut It strong point In favor of oats Is that love, attended services with her In the still worse. Oh, some few houses are something Intereetlhg. Is It the gagements and could not stay around habits regarded by experts In child Uragnay and a German firm for the and keep themselves too fat. |n an So she accepted the Invitation very stomach. There Is no remedy I to flt below dial 2 so It will slip under hairy vetch sown with them will ma- beginning with some fair display cf nice enough, I suppose, but In the beginning of a career? long, but they bad a splendid little training that a special clinic on habits construction of a bridge across the other experiment as to the value of sweetly, and said she would stop by value as much as Beecham's Pi!*. the dial, as most dials are a little away ture at the same time, making a hoy Interest. His enthusiasm, however, 'main—hopeless! Our own used to be surprise party and said they loved par- has been established In Boston, where I have tried others withoul Arapey Grande river in Sal to at a soy beans for dairy cattle, the results for Uae in the car, about eleven from the panel. Cut a tin or cardboard richer in protein than oats alone. was (or Prudence only, not for the a funny, stralght-up-and-down thing, ties which were arranged on the spar parents are given advice about their point denominated Paso de Tacuable, show that ground soy beans make a MOTHER:- Fletcher's o'clock. (TO BE CONTINUBD.) •UCCe,S' Mrs. A. HUMPHRIES pointer and glue If exactly In the cen- "Oats often wlnfer-klll severely. The church of her afilliation. too. We "have pictures of It. They of the moment children, how to correct bad habits at a cost of $99,710. desirable feed because of their high She knew that Uae was going to be Methuen. Mass. ter of the blank space opposite the best way to avoid this Is to sow plenty Castoria is a pleasant, harm- When she asked him how he liked built it over when I was a baby. No. and how to aid them In forming good protein content, but that soy bean hay married in the fall, and that her father "That's the way with my dear old graduations on the dial space oppo- of seed. Use at least two bushels per It he said: "Oh, very much." to please It Is the ptate, Uae. We get that Deadly Bowie Knife habits. Doctor Thom, the director of Cuticura for Pimply Faces. is not as cheap a legume roughage in less Substitute for Castor Oil, had given her ten thousand dollars to King," roared Old Queen Thunder. site the graduations on the dial. Tlie acre, sow them early enough to get a Prudence. straight up-and-downness from the The bowle knife Is named for Col the clinic, has written a pamphlet for Buy from your d»ugsUt In »» «>«»§•• bow. To remove pimples and blackheads South Dakota as alfalfa hay, conse- Paregoric, Teething Drops provide a bridal home. And this ex- And Ihe Old King added: pointer should project one Inch over good start before cold weather. The After a time, growing suspicious as corn. I fancy." James Bowie, who Introduced It In mothers and nurses which contains For constipation, biliousntu. tick hoi- smear them with Cuticura Ointment How to Make Dial Marker. quently soy bean hay Is recommended pedition. as she surmised, was In "That's the appreciative kind of the dial, forming quite a circle on the best time Is October. A good way' to and Soothing Syrups, espe- to the depth of this interest, she Uae, Intent upon her search for a Texas. According to one account. Col- much valuable advice on child man aches and othtr digestive ailments take Wash off In five minutes with Cuti- as a feed only in localities where al search of a house. She picked up her Old Queen I have." paper. Draw a line along the paper If the point Is too long and Interferes sow Is to disk the seed In, or better cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. pressed him further. Jerroid admitted home for herself and her young phar- onel Bowie had occasion to fight with a agement and which Is regarded as so cura Soap and hot water. Once clear falfa and clover are not grown. friend at the designated hour, and "Our dear parents," said the chil- forming an arc along which the tip with the condenser plates It may easily still, drill them In, after corn or soy at last that as far as he was con- macist, paid slight attention to her broken sword and found It so effective Important for those interested In the Beecham's Pills keep your skin clear by nsing them lor turned her car buoyantly to the north dren. of the pointer moves. This dial should be Hied down until It Just goes through beans. It would be too late to sow cerned, he considered It no church at friend's plaintive rambllngs. She that he equipped his men with long, training of children that the Children's daily toilet purposes. Don't fall to in< To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of side of the city. And the thunder gradually died be the wave length dlnl and It will be the panel far enough to allow a nut to them after cotton. October-sown oats Surprise in Culling all. no real worship, no divine service. looked about her. with growing dis- dagger-shaped knives. They were, how- tureau of the United States govern- dude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend ft But why go away out there. Uae? away, and the lightning disappeared, found very accurate and stations will be put on.—Radio Digest. far outyleld late fall or spring-sown Many farmers have gone through Prudence was shocked Into speechless- favor. And while she looked. Jerry ever, sharp on one edge only. Since ment has Issued It as an official bulletin It's a crazy place to look for a house," and only the rain remained around for eats in both hay and grain." their poultry flocks during the summer ness. But Jerroid, hard driven, stuck stood In the doorway, and stared with knives quite similar in design were In The health, happiness and efficiency Quick Safety-Firtt Violation she protested. awhile I" Mr. Blair suggests that If oats be- months, picked out the culls and sent to his ground. He said the way the Increasing amazement about the place. use In Mexico It Is probable that the of the adylt men and women, says Last year, according to UoiA Island Turn Horn From Set Radio an Aid to Deaf Methodists clubbed about the door and Yes, but property Is so much cheap Idea was gained from them. gin te run up In the fall they should them to market. Much to their sur "It couldn't be a home, you know." Doctor Thom, depends to a large ex- railroad statistics, a crossing gate When operating the loud 8D.«ker Many deaf persons seem to be able er. We want to get house and furni- Conundrums Safe be grazed down or cold weather will prise the remaining birds laid more Yeast Foam chatted and laughed was his Idea of she said to herself. "It might do as a tent on the Itablts they form during was broken every day by reckless mo- turn the horn away from the set, oth- more or less distinctly to hear sounds rank Irreverence. And for a preacher ture all for ten thousand, you see. And When would It seem that a lawyer damage them. They may be grazed eggs than did the whole flock before garage, even us a stable If one didn't Our Paradoxical Language early life. Far more than we realize, torists. One cure for this is to give erwise badly distorted reproduction that reach them by wireless, so that to get down on his knees in the pulpit then. Grant has bought a drug store la out of temper? When he asks Relief for a while In the spring, but care It was culled. This is because the love one's horses. One could call them A fellow gets In bad when be Is we are creatures of habit, which the drivers the gate. — Arkansas may be obtained. The vibration from some who have always been deaf now and talk in that offhand and familiar out by the university, and It will be Thomas Cat. should be taken not to graze them ton gootl hens have a better chance at stalls, dinner stall, sleeping stall, cook- foiind out—Portland Evening Express. cross-questions. after all only the tendency which we tho horn directed against the set will enjoy music for the flrst time. Spe- much nicer for him. He can come long. the mash hoppers and more room In fashion to the Divine Being instead of What Is It that you cannot see all have. In common with all animals, act as a sound broadside, causing the cialist are puzzled to explain why home for luncheon." she explained with CORNS Fertilizer experiments made In the laying house, say poultry special reading respectfully from a book—he though It Is always before you? Your to repeat what we have done before, In one mlnote-or leu-the pain cods. Dr. Making Sure panel and cabinet to relay the shocks some deaf people are receptive to the pretty proprietary shyness of pre- Scholl'B Zlne-pad It the safe, surt, healla« North Carolina show that oats re- Ists at the Pennsylvania State college, called It sacrilege. He was willing to future. until we do It unconsciously and In "Oh, Gondollto, do you love me?*' to the vacuum tubes; also shaking the radio waves and others not, but It Is nuptlal days. treatment for coma At drag and ahot i' who advise constant culling during tlie go, to please Prudence, he was willing How do extravagant dresses dlffet voluntorlly. Our everyday acts, our Tn say so." spond well to nitrogen. However. If "I made it Following Uae's directions, Jerry Elephant Most Brainy of the Lower Animals condenser plates, thereby disturbing sold that about 80 per cent of the deaf to shake hands, and discuss his wife's from law books? The flrst sre costlj manners and our opinions are largely "But do you love me?" the land Is fertile, or has received a summer. drove slowly out along Central avenue Dl Scholl's the tuning. can hear radio-borne ssnnds to some health and the state fair and the corn modes, the second mostly codes. a matter of habit and the ease and and turned down Seventeenth street. extfent—Youth's Companion. crop at the door—to please her—he The elephant Is probably the shrewd- por-ered rifle has taught the elephant Why Is a cellar door like sin? Both accuracy with which we do most of When they came to the house, she To Teat "B" Batteries Last call for the cull hens. After all myself" was willing to follow through count- est and most adaptable of living ani- that It Is safer to remain In the dense lead to abasement the acts of life depend on whether Put one on'thtpainhg September 15 it is difiicuit to pick the stopped the cur. and both girls turned While a high-grade voltmeter is the Leviathan Wireless less Intimate paragrapiis of extern mals and has no enemies except man. forests. An elephant can move through What Is that which we often return In early life we have formed good or about In their seats and looked at It. Sure Relief poor ones. poraneous prayer—but he did not cull bur never borrow? Thanks. best Instrument with which to test the Besides having what may he the FARKJIPTES * a • He eats anything that Is green, and these forests with no more noise than bad habits. It was not prepossessing. Set. en- condition of dry cell "B" batteries, a greatest radio outfit In the shipping It church, and it was not his Idea of seems equally at home on the plains would be made by a mouse, and the What Is that which has neither flesh BUVKHS The best way of pasturing soy beans tirely too far forward In a small lawn handy substitute Is an ordinary 10- world, the ocean liner. Leviathan, has Fresh manure may be spread on the worship. o. In the forests and jungles, on the growth In these forests Is frequently nor bone, yet has four fingers and a INDIGESTION with hogs is to grow tlie beans with Send for free booklet at the top of a steep terrace, It stood Public Playgroundi watt. 110-volt electric light bulb. A two motor-driven lifeboats equipped Prudence wrote to her father. And high mountain slopes or down In the so Impenetrable the hunter can maka thumb? A glove. Don't be garden In the fall. corn and then hog the combination very stiff, very square, very high, with The first' American playground with 90-volt battery should light the lamp a a a "The Art of her rather wrote back, with that gentle swampy lowlands. His trunk Is one progress only by following the wind- \frhy can you never expect a Usher- annoyed with radio apparatus. The boat's out- down. an awkward square porch, clumsy - a director was opened In Boston In BELL-ANS to nearly full brilliancy and a 22%- and forbearing patience which seems of the most extraordinary organs o. ing elephant trail. man to be generous? Because his fit can communicate with points as Dockage consists of dirt, straw, • • • Baking Bread'* square windows, the whole In grievous 1886. It was known as a "sand gar by ugly _ Hot water volt block will heat the filament to a far as 3,000 miles off. more rare and more divine In the mln nature. It contains the finest smell- business makes him sell flsh. sand, weed seeds, and chuff. Why pay It costs Just as much to raise a 40- need of paint den." But this sand-garden Idea did blemisncs,wtien red. Istry than anywhere else, that Pru- ing apparatus on earth, and when the « Sure Relief dull red. freight rates oc 4.3U8.000 pounds of bushel crop as one that yields 50 bush "Will you tell me." Jerry said plain- not originate In America. According dence must go with her husband. "We proximity of man Is suspectcd the Had Learned Something irritdtecU blotchy Difficulties From Bent Wire dockage every fall? els, so why not plant your farm to tively. "why my Iowa builds Itself such A Strong Hint to Thrift Magazine It was modeled a a a . have leRrni>d." he wrote, "that there trunk Is raised in the air and care- An array olllcer was showing his fair skins can be quickly Mica for Rheostats Wire that has been bent Is apt to adapted varieties? ghastly homes?" "Well, Nancy," sold Dncle John, after similar rccrcntlon spaces for • a a are lessons In stones, and sermons in fully turned In all directions, "feel- guest about the camp, when a bugle cleared by ELL-ANS if there Is a possibility of the rheo- break if an uileinpt la tnudu to uiralgh- It 1& a good policy to cut the silage "He said It was a barn of a thing." who had Just come on a visit "come children In Germany. SIn« Its Intro- running brook!*. So If Jerroid finds ing" for the man-smell In the wind. sounded. "What's that for?" the fair stats shortening on the shield on the ten it' out. and even if It does not up fine. It packs in the silo better and Much soil moisture can be conserved assented Rne. "Rut It Is very cheap. and take a walk with me and show ma duction Into this country, however, Its FOR INDIGESTION by keeping fields free from weeds. no religion in our church. It Is up to Once an elephant gets that suiell he one Inquired. "Trat's tattoo." the offi- 254 ?nd 75$ PMs.Sold Everywhere panel, cut a piece of mica and place break it will be weak where tlie bend also feeds better. It may lake a little He said—the real estate man. I mean- growth has been rapid. There are now Northwestern Yeast Co. you to find It In his." cer explained. "Oh. I understand." she your town." It between the rheostat and the metal u rs or, due to crystallization at tbi* loiigBi to put the stalks through the This may be best accomplished by In- said It could be entirely built over for does one of two things. He either re- 1730 North Ashhnd Ave. Prudence swallowed hard, but she remarked, "I've seen It on soldiers' "Awlrlght" agreed Nancy, "we has more than 700 cities that maintain cutter .wiien cut flue, but It pays well cluding one or two years of cultivated treats quietly and rapidly or charges. .W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 3S-192S. shield. point) it may cause high resiatance. Chicago, 111. a few thousand. And It has good twd Ice cream parlors—I specks yoo public playgrounds and recreation i crops in the crop rotation. did It. Years of experience In matching bis arms, but I didn't know thej had I Resinol to do points, a garage in the back when we It was not, as Jerroid frankly ad special time for doing It" want to see them first don't your centers. get rich enough for a ca«>-ju»l oppo- wiles with those of man and his high- mlttfd. that he cared Dartlcularbr about TH* OOlLOMA OOOBiaB, OOLOHA, THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA. MICH

Jud Tunkins. rice Jackson. 01.27 per cont. Fifteen Inez Arney will attend Toledo Univer- 1 A mnskrat farm Is to lie one of the Clinton J. Closson of Benton Harbor Jud Tunkins says some men need of the class of '22 arc above the 85 per sity; Isabel Friday the University of ililg Industries near Cheboygan, follow- paid a fine- of $25.00 aud costs last SOUTHERN MICHIGAN CROPS SH010 RIG cent average, necessary for recom- Michigan; and Edna Walter will at- ing the purchase of 000 acres of land week for selling real estate without a so many helpers they use up half a mendation for college work. There is tend business college. Other Coloma for that purpose; including 100 acres license. Ills arrest was caused by working day calling the roll. ______FORCED TO MOVE j SEE JOHNSTON for only 2V4 per cent difference between graduates who will lie leaving for of swamp ground. Tlie land will be George C. Hess, a special investigator IMPROVEMENT DURING LAST OF AUGUST First Typesetting Machine. the averages of the live leaders, and further school work are: Grace Leon- cleared of mink and owls and the pro- sent from tho stale department at only 8 per cent difference between the ard. Thelma Hawks, Norma Schmuhl. moters expect to have several hundred Lansing to Investigate violations of the The original Inventor of the type- llrst and fifteenth in rank. These av- Millard Brower, Fred Heidbreder and muskvats ready for slaughter for their state law requiring all m.l estate op- alent to 401,000 bushels as compared setting machine was William Church rages may all be re-arranged by the Walter Kllmark. Hope Pangbora will BATTERIES and TIRES AT COST *ddruf all Coramunlcatlonito fur when the closed season for rats erators to have a stale license. Conditions Throughout State Much with 810.000 last year and an 11-year of Boston, who had It patented In Eng result of the llrst semester's work. register for the nurse's training course opens In 1027. average of 082,000. Berrien is the land in 1822, or 32 years before Mer- Auction Sale! Courier, Coloma, Mich. A number of the graduates of the at Mercy hospital, Beuton Harbor. Better Than Expected Earlier In the leading county in-acreage, but has but genthaier was born. In all, there were high school last year are going to col- We share none of the prejudice The W. C. T. U. meeting will lie held very few pears this year as a result 20 different typesetting machines ren- FIRESTONE HORSESHOE BELL PftOSE 65J. lege. Agues Emhoff, Marjorle Scott We read much about the average Season against the two-dollar bill. It is still next Wednesday, September 23d. at of damage by freezing last May. dered useless by Mergenthaler's In and Elsie Shine are to attend the and HENDERSON Coloma, Berrien Co., nichlfaa man, but who ever remembers having welcome at this otlice in payment of 2:00 p. m., with Mrs. Rhoda Bunker. Tlie weather conditions during Aug- Grapes.—The production of grapes The building occupied by the Meyers General Store at Western State Normal, Kalamazoo; ventlon. ever seen one. subscriptions to The Courier. A good attendance is desired. ust were nearly ideal throughout the in the state amounts to only 30 per Millburg has been sold, and we are forced to move, TIRES - - - and - - - TUBES southern half of Michigan for the cent of a normal crop. The crop is Friday. September 18, 1925 growth and development of all field very light in Berrien and Van Buren consequently we will hold a public auction sale at the crops. Hay and pastures made decided (counties, and only a partial yield else- store on F. W. COCHRUN. Syrfibol of gains. In tho northern part of the where. The quaiity Is good. ALSO HAVE A LOT OF USED TIRES state the rainfall was eight to twelve Inches below normal, while in tlie RECOKO OF VILLAGE COUNCIL southern counties there was much more moisture. Ford Batteries - - - - $13.50 PROCEEDINGS FOR THE Safety... Corn.—The crop is in good condition Wednesday, Sept. 23 Dodge Batteries - - - - $16.50 VILLAGE OF COLOMA NEWLAND'S throughout the southern part of the I Buy Your Old Batteries state, although in some sections the Commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m. effect of dry weather has been appar- 10 B[ IIS IMST Regular Meeting Held on the 14th Day ent. There is a heavy growth of fod- PARLOR der and much of it is well eared. Practically all of the following stock is new, but all will be sold to Tire and Battery Service The estimated production is (15,(Uk 1,000 of September, A. D. 1925 Big Plans Are I nder Way For Van bushels, as comparud to 43,830,000 the highest bidder at this auction sale. Complete Alemite Greasing Station The common conncll met In regular bushels-last year. The crop Is matur- Buren County Fair To Be Held 1000 feet of fruit ladders. 25 rolls barbed wire session and was called to order by tlie ing in line shape and Is expected to president at 8:15. Roll call found tho COACHES soon be safe from frost danger. From Sept. 29 to Oct. 3. Wire gates 1000 rods field fence Poultry netting COLOMA 1 7 5 following presentPresident, clerk- Spring wheat.—The eondition of PHONE Southwestern Michigan folk are al- Corn knives Spray pumps Lanterns Stock foods Trustees VanDerveer, Lahr, Smith spring wheat is 70 per cent, equivalent Tell the young ready turning their attention toward Sweat pads Horse blankets Curry combs Whips "SERVICE WITH A SMILE', Kibler and Becht. Absent, Gelsler. to a yield of about 10.5 bushels per the Van Buren county fair to be held Minutes of last regular and inter- to acre, and a total production of 131,000 folks to call at Hartford from September 20 to Oc- Blankets Hame straps Axle Grease Auto tires vening special were read and approved bushels. tober 3—the annual exposition that home occa- Spray hose Wheelbarrows House, barn and silo paint The following bills were presented Hay.—The tame hay crop has boon long ago outgrew its county bounda- for payment: augmented by heavy second cuttings sionally. They White lead Oil stove Ovens Bench and tub wringers SUDDEN SERVICE STATION Wm. Umpbrey, storage on lire ries and has come to provide a great until the prospective crop now totals HOLLAND $2.05 show place and a play spell for the Pitcher pumps Pump Jacks Mailboxes Shovels truck 184.10 2,013,000 tons. The second crop of also will Courtesy Coloma Coal & Lumber Co ? .04 people throughout the .southwestern Rakes Forks Scythes Grubhoes Handles Buck saws clover was much heavier than the first section of Michigan. appreciate a Alba Rosa, Village niarsball ... $26.00 and some that would ordinarily have GRAND HAVEN $3.00 It is the thirteenth annual fair at Posthole diggers Oil and Gas cans Sprinklers Service - Speed Felix Sawatzki, pumping station $ 2.00 been saved for seed Is being cut for call now and Hartford, but it promises to be the Wm. Grant, use of lot for camp $15.00 hay because of the general hay short- Coal pails 10, 20, and 25 gallon kegs Felt boots Notions "luckiest" one in the county's history Efficiency Mrs. Algnlre, use of lot for camp $15.00 MUSKEGON $3.30 age. then from —If "luck" is to IH- measured by vol- All kinds tinware Aluminumware Enamelware Fred Busse, street work $ 2,45 Potatoes.—Tho outlook Improved Mother and Fred Dmphrey, street work .... $ 8.75 nine of expansion. Barn track and hangers Stove boards Presure tank pump during August In the southern half of The sounds of the carpenter's ham- Fred Kluyon, street work $ .01 GRAND RAPIDS $3.00 the state but declined from 15 to 2(1 Dad. mer and saw have echoed from the Shotguns and shells Hand truqks Wire stretcher Dorl Sawatzki, street work .... $ 2.10 Values Beyond Comparison points in the nortliern half. Tills re- Hartford fair grounds ail summer, and B. ll.-St Jo. Ry. & Lt. Co., duces the state average four per cent Scales Staples and nails Pruning shears Cobbler sets a spacious horse barn and a large ad- lights $80.60 which Is approximately the same as the Air rifles Chains Roofing paper Fly dope Mrs. C. Hewitt, rebate on taxes $15.00 dition to Floral Hail have sprung up RIDE THE GREYHOUNDS" average decline for the uionth, hence to add to the accommodations already Arctic and wool caps Rubbers Butter churns Stoves Communication from George Grant causes but slight change in the fore- In regard to paving tax was road and 3 Piece (genuine provided at Hartford's model fair Ash shakers Food choppers Steel frame grindstones casted production. The present pros- grounds. Now all of the buildings, new It was moved by VanDerveer, support- pect Is for a crop of 1211,5211,(MX) bushels Something never before allowed by the and old, are glistening in bright new One buzzsaw rig One used lumber wagon and rack ed by Kibler, that it l)e tabled for one to as compared with 3S,252,000 last year. Victor Talking Machine Co,! month. The following committee was paint In readiness for the inllowing of One used Oliver plow One set dump planks ftlohair Mte Beans.—The condition is somewhat exhibits at the great county fair. appointed to Investigate it—George variable. In some sect Ions the pros- Use Long Distance— One used Ford truck Used spiketooth cultivator Becht, E. Lahr and Kibler. pect Is excellent while in others, blight Rivalry For Space. The Cont la Low Committee on water works proposi- CHICAGO $3.75 and anthraciiose have lowered the yield Many other useful articles too numerous to mention. tion was not ready to report. Moved and quality. Early matured fields are Southwestern Michigan's live slock by VanDerveer, supported by Kibler, $149.50 generally yielding well but owing to Interests are not waning. That much that Mrs. Hewitt be rebated $15.00 on extremely dry weather are splitting is denjonstrated by the fact that space LADIES are especially invited to attend this sale as they Save Money taxes on shoe stock. Motion carried. badly. The average condition on Sep- In the cattle building and the swine will find many articles on sale that will be labor savers for them. Set is covered in plain Mo- President appointed Alba Rosa as tember 1 was 82 per cent, 14 per cent sheds has already been almost com- i Marshall for one mouth. Moved by hair. Cushions are reversible better tlinn last year and eight per pletely reserved by prospective exhib- VanDerveer, supported by Becht, that cent above the average. itors, and otllcers of the fair, who TERMS OF SALE—All sums of $10 and under cash. On appointment be confirmed. Motion Buy a Yictrola ^ Manih Generous size and extremely Fruits.—Apples made an improve- thought their building program for the sums over $10, six months credit will be given on bankable notes carried. ment during the month ami now give year was complete, are hurriedly ar- MICHIGAN BELL bearing 7% interest from date of sale. 4% discount for cash on Moved by Becht, supported by Kib- good looking. o promise of 58 per cent of a crop accord- ranging additional quarters for these sums over $10. No goods to be removed from the store until ler, that we adjourn. Motion carried. live stock exhibits, to insure that all TELEPHONE CO. ing to the reports of leading growers. settled for. The Victrola Talking Machine Co. have Adv. J. V. THOMPSON, The quality Is good and a larger per- show animals will l)e properly shel- Clerk. « centage than usual is expected to go tered. never sanctioned a cut in the prices of Into commercial channels. The total Demand for more space in Floral their products; however, we have decided crop Is expected to total approximate- Hail has caused the erection of a two- story addition on the south which will MEYERS GENERAL STORE to reduce our stock of Genuine Victor COLOMA SCHOOL NOTES ly 10,212,000 bushels and the commer- Get a Greyhound Sticker for your Car cial portion to equal 1,770,000 barrels. provide twenty additional exhibition Victrolaa and for the balance of this Of this crop, abont 57 per cent is made booths. The public schools will occu- Proprietors, MILLBURG, MICHIGAN month will sell any New Upright or Con- of winter, 'J4 per cent of fall and 10 py the entire upper floors of the hall Guy C. Rutherford, Auctioneer George Lane, Clerk The Coloma schools opened last per cent of summer varieties. The with what will prove the greatest fair sole model Victrolas at a discount of 30%. week with the largest enrollment in total production last year was estimat- exhibit ever staged by southwestern their history. The total enrollment ed at 7.338,000 bushels, of which 1,222,- Michigan's schools. For Illustration- this year Is 300, compared to an en- (MMi barrels were rated as commercial. Space on the lower floors of the hall rollment of 270 last year. The number Peaches.—Peaches show a prospect is already at considerable premllum. Model 111 Upright, reg. price 225.00 lu the different grades is as follows: of only 34 per cent of a crop. Many and Paul F. Kichter, superintendent of Seniors, 22; juniors, 20; sophomores. orchards have none and only a small the hall, has been busy with charts and Sale Price 157.50 24; freshmen, 31; eighth grade, 33; IM-rcentage have a satisfactory yield. diagrams in an effort to re-arrange seventh grade, 17; sixth grade, 24; The size of the fruit Is some localities the assignments of space to provide fifth grade, 23; fourth grade, 22; third Is also disappointing, being below nor- for all of the varied Interests that are AUCTION! Since You Entrust Your Money A Saving to you of $67.50 grade, 26; second grade, 17; flrst grade mal. The estimated production is clamoring for quarters in the building. land kindergarten, 24. This gives an 544,000 bushels against 4(11,000 last Ainusements Are All New. To Your Bank Rather Than j average of 41 pupils per room In the year. The average annual production c PENCIL Having decided to quit farming, I Model 100 Upright, reg. price 110.00 'grades. Forty-seven of the 07 high toith thz RED BAND for the past 11 years has been 1,071,000 Added to the early assurance that 1 school pupils are non-resldonts, and bushels. the exhibition departments of tho fair will sell at Public Auction at tho old To Your Best Friend— Sale Price 77.00 there are nine non-resldonts lu Uie 'A61FKNC/LCO. NEWYORKUU. Pears.—Pears are also a light crop will be filled as they have never been Shaul Farm, three miles east and thret ' grades. The school census list has the averaging 35 per cent of normal, equiv- before. Is the attraction of all new miles south of Hartford, on j names of 265 children. if- l1 amusements. Why not also entrust to your bank A Saving to you of $33.00 Programs have been completely For jtars tho same amusement com- l worked out In the grades and the high • pany has furnished the rides and mid- the handling of tlie money and 'school and teachers are encouraged by way attractions, but to get away from and so on all through the line. the interest shown. tlie monotony the fair this year has property of your estate? i As in previous years, a scholarship Thur., Sep. 24 contracted with another company with honor roll will be kept in each room We also have a few Slightly Used Vic- a new and entirely diiTerent equipment. ('omuiencing at 10:30 o'clock a. m.. naming those who get a certain number Newer and better rides and thrills the following property: When your attorney writes your will, trolas at Half Price and Less. Come of A's. | are being provided, cleaner attractions while the selection is good, or Call us up ! At the meeting for the organization 8 Piece Tudor Dining Suite and shows are on the way and the mid- consider the wisdom of recommend- | of the senior class, Ruth Kibler was The VanBuren County Fair way will not only be longer but will and We will Come and See You. chosen as president; Elizabeth Lorenz, Offer varied amusements to visitors at ing this institution to serve as your vice president; Florence Morlock, see- I the big fall frolic that the Hartford executor. iretary; and Chester Hocker, treasurer, $133.00 fair always affords. 111-115 Phone i The advisor of the senior class. Sup- HARTFORD Horses West Harbor erintendent Pangbom, submitted a list Raring Big Attraction. Main Sired Red Cross Drug Co. of the averages for scholarships of the This group consists of ten legged extension Table, Armchair and THREE HORSES—Black gelding, 13 67 Racing, always a dominant feature class for the three years of high school. years' old, weight 1400; dark bay geld- TRUST DEPARTMENT |The five highest are: George Besemer,. Five Side Chairs in nvat seat covers. The Buffet is 66 inches long 'of tlie Van Buren county fair, will be BENTON HARBOR, MICH. MICHIGAN'SGREA TESTCOUNYFAIR ing. 12 years' old, weight 1050; black 03.45 per cent; Lois Guy, 02.50 per arranged to gve conveiient space for Linen, China, and Silver- seen at its best In the program to be 1 (vnt; Beulah Carpenter, 01.72 per cent; | staged during the four days, starting niarlS 12 years' old, weight 1250. Elizabeth Lorenz, 91.58 per cent; Man- ware. This is a regular $200.00 value. 1 September 30. The fair has hung up One Durham and Jersey cow, ?3.000 In purses to which will be add- years' old. One heifer calf. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK FOUR DAYS OF SEPT. 29 to OCT 3 ed the entrance fees, making approxi- mately $4,500 to be paid to the own- ers of winning speed nags. Corner Main and Pipestone Streets I The speed department of the fair i was overflowing with horsofi last fall. BENTON HARBOR,; MICHIGAN RACING Now a new horse barn with accommo- dations for 20 additional horses has FEED WEDNESDAY been built and is certain to be filled . THURSDAY The Fair at Hartford is along with the (14 race stalls at the dis- Alnrnt 7 tons baled hay. 00 bushels We Offer Unusual Opportunities posal of the horsemen at former fairs, oats, about 120 shocks of corn, three FRIDAY 1 Considerable work Is being done on tons baled wheat straw and four tons the race course, long recognized by baled rye straw. SATURDAY the Fair with the Big Ex- drivers as one of the best, half-mile, FOR YOU TO tracks in the state, and tho oval will hibits -- the Great Show bc lu fast condition for the fair. 3 big races Free Acts Are Many. Benton Harbor-St. Joe Ry. & Light Co. Every Day Place of Southwestern Free nttractlons at the Hartford Farm Tools INTERURBAN SCHEDULE Buy Now At Low Prices fair this year include some of the high- (Subject to Change Without Notice) est priced and most thrilling acts offer- FARM TOOLS, ETC.-Deering grain Cars leave Coloma for Benton Harbor— ed by oye of the leading fair booking Michigan. binder, McCormick corn binder, Deer- 7:08 9:08 11:08 1:08 3:08 5:08 * 7:08 9:08 • 11:08 Over $4,000 agencies in America. 1 A. M. P. M We are determined that all of our stock^must be cleaned out in the short- While the management of the fair ing mower, hay loader, hay rake, hay in Purses at Hartford has always directed its carrier, ropes and hay forks, spring Cars leave Coloma for Watervliet— A. M. P. M. est possible length of time and are making prices on everything in our store that principal energies toward the develop- tooth drag, spike tooth drag, double ment of the exhibition departments, to 6:39 8:39 10:39 12:39 2:39 4:39 0:39 8:39 10:39 cultivator, 5-tooth cultivator, wagon, will be an inducement for you to buy at once. NEW BUILDINGS make tho fair a thoroughly complete The Hartford Track is Daily Freight service to and from Traction points in Indiana, Ohio, exposition of Southwestern Michigan's wagon box, hay rack, sulky plow, Illinois and Kentucky. Daily Freight Service to and .from Chicago in resources, they realize that clean sport Syracuse walking plow, bean puller, Fast, a Big Field of Horses A big new Horse Barn and an addition to the connection with either the Goodrich Transit Company or the Benton The special sale prices that have been in effect at our store for some time and an opportunity for amusement are is Coming and the Race Floral Hall make the Hartford grounds Bigger and pair of good bob sleighs, buggy, one Transit Company. Ship your fruit to Chicago Via Interurban and Boat. Bowend Bed, Dresser and Chifferette equally important phases of a county Low Hates. Quick Deliveries. For further information regarding rates will continue FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week. There are a great many r and a half H. P. International gas en- Card Will be a Feast for Better This Year. fair. An even balance has been main- and service ask nearest Agent or Traffic Dept., Benton Harbor, Mich. BARGAINS left, so come in at once and get the best selections. tained between tlie real educational gine, pump jack, small feed grinder, i ONLY $49.50 Speed Fans. departments of the fair and its more buzz saw, belt and pulleys, barrel Ship Via Traction and Save ibe Highways—Think it Over. frivolous phases, and it is upon this spray pump' large Iron kettle, log carefully maintained apportionment of chains, eveners, some hickory 2x5 suit- Needless to say these sets will not last long and early selec- _ They Race to Win at School Day, Sept. 30 fair features that the phenomenal sue-i cess of the Hartford fair has been built. able for eveners, a few plank and other Here Ar Just a Few of Our Leaders: tion is imperative. The fronts tops and ends are GENUINE Hartford. School exhibits will oocupy the entire upper floor good lumber, harness, cream separator, AMERICAN WALNUT and the framework is select gumwood. of Floral Hall. The Biggest. School display in this Coloma-Watenliot Rifle Club Score 240-egg incubator and brooder. Don't expect this opportunity again as only a very special effort Sugar, 10 lbs. for _63c Men's Work Shirts 89c section of Michigan. Students admitted on Wednesday for 15 cents. John Ryan, 1(14; Lowell Polmanteer, makes the price possible. See it by all means at onpe. 14.S; Dr. J. W. McQueon, 145; Cal IIOISEHOU) GOO I) S—Beck with Newton, 142; Ernest Warman, MS; range, nearly new, two heating stoves, Joseph Sweaty, I2S; King, 148. Total Plumbing that is Decorative Toilet Paper, 3 for 25c Men's Overalls and many other articles. . score for this side, 1,023. THrilling FVee Acts Every Day Dr. V. L. Polmanteer, 171: Gordon It is the little touches of expert plumbing that Entire Stock Included In This Sale McKenney, 135; E. Schaer, 1(10; Flovd Large cans Milk, 10 for _$1.00 Boys' Pants TERMS—All sums of $10 or under lend beauty and charm to the home. Philips, 100; Joe Huyke, 145; Howard Peters, 14(1; V. Hudson, 111. Total cash. On sums over $10, six months' We, as specialists in this business, will be pleased Kerr Covers for Mason Jars, doz. 20c Boys' Stockings 19c More and Better Exhibits Than at Any County Fair in Michigan. Plenty of Amusements. score for this side, 1,037. time will be given on bankable notes " to offer you advice as to the sort of fixtures and work The next contest will be September without interest, if paid when due. If 27th. necessary. not paid when due, 7% interest from Ndthing but quality materials at their very lowest Don't Miss the Big Fair and Fall Frolic at Hartford. Your Friends Will be There date of sale. Three per,cent discount prices. H. C. DeFIELD NEWLAND'S Really Quite Simple. for cash on dale of sale, vVll property Betty was late for school several to bo settled for before removal. We do repair work in the minimum of time, BEhTON HARBOR days In succession, and her teacher Lunch served on grounds. which makes the cost less than the average charge. Groceries, Dry Goods and Furnishings ST. JOSEPH- POPULAR PRICES--Gatef 35c; Grandstand, 25c; Vehicles, 35c. took her to task for It, saying, "Can you give me a good reason for your HENRY BORN, Proprietor, 74 Children under 8 years FREE. being late?" Betty was quiet for a Frank Piersall, Auctioneer, COLOMA, MICHIGAN 1 1 moment, and then said, "We Just HENRY KIBLER S*. „iIfc. iU. •. M. I. 1 ' 1 ss SI sleeps Is all I know." Cha.s. E. Anderson, Clerk. TTT

THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA, MICH. TIB COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. FLORIDA LAND BOOM MAY Bangor Peppermint Shipment Valued FORMER REPRESENTATIVE KELLEY handsomely on the crop. SWING TO M1CIUGAN Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sbuman have re- Last Tuesday morning Dr Greene of Films developed—24 hour service at Wrong Scattered by Light At $16,000. Some mint growers in the vicinity turned to Kalamazoo, where Mr. Shu- Dowagiac and Dr. Bertrand of Coloma Labr's.—Adv. Light itself Is a great correction. A of Hartfard and McDonald are said — [DIEDlAl WASHINGTON,JO. C, mar Is teaching, after n visit with performed a major operation on Mrs. SAVE -wM thousand wrongs and abuses that are! Frank Hogmlre of Bangor made a to have mint oil from this year's crop Poultry and Veal wanted at Kloeas' Mrs. Shuman's parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Genevieve Bail-Burrows of Coloma at a grown in darkness disappear like owls i William Lincoln, Well Known Lake shipment of three drums of peppermint worth from ""$5,000 to $7,000. The oil Simeon Hawks in Coloma. hospital in Dowagiac. Market, Coloma.—Adv. oil by express to Geo. A. Wattles, Jr., Is so valuable that growers are fearful and bats before the light of day.— Michigan Sliore Real Estate Booster Was Former Befrlen County Boy, SAFETY of Colon, the value of which was al- of theft and are said to bo storing the We develop your films—24 hour ser- James A. Garfieid. WN. GRANT REALTY CO. Miss Thelma Hawks, who has been Says Land Speculators Have Active in Politics Many Years most $10,000. Hogmlre purchased the oil in bank vaults awaiting shipment. A son was born to Mrs. John Martin vice. Lahr's drug store—Adv. iati/ouri oil for the Colon mau of mint growers on Tuesday, September 8th, at the assisting at the Coloma postofllce dur- Buy your fountain pens at Scott's.— See us for Farm, Resort Property, Chicken Ranches Eyes on "Playground of a Former Rep. Patrick H. Kelley of in the vicinity of Bangor and Taylor home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Martin. ing the summer, has resigned that a All prices from $1.00 to $7.00.—Adv. Michigan, died at Washington, D. C., & Boyer were the largest contributors Queen for Nine Days. John Martin, the father of the new position aud left last Sunday for Kal- and Town Property. Nation." arrival, died a short time ago of blood amazoo to take up her studies at the r last Friday, after a prolonged Illness. to the shipment, their crop furnishing The shortest reign of an English Road hogs are a drag on the market poisoning, following an Infected tooth. Parsons business college. No trouble to show goods. William Lincoln of Covert, well Death was caused by myocardial one-third of the entire lot. Pepper- monarch was that ot Lady Jane Grey, regardless of the supply and demand. LOST AND FOUND degeneration. mint oil this year is bringing the record DRUC STORE known real estate dealer aud booster in 1563. She was queen for nine days, Mr. Kelley was born In Cass County price of $13.70 a pound and those and then she was beheaded, and Mary, Live market price paid for wheat at IX)ST—German Police Dog. Reward of the Lake Michigan Shore as a re- for information leading to return of 58 years ago and his early educational growers whose fields were not touched j the daughter of Henry VHl, came to the Wateryliet Milling Co Adv. 4:{tf WM. GRANT REALTY CO., sorters' paradise, has just returned Economy dog to Mrs. H. W. Jacobs at Jacobla, training was In the district schools and by the frost or drought are reading I the throne. from West Palm Beach, Florida,whore Take Maltoleum Tonic If you are Coloma, Mich. 2tf he spent a few weeks studying the big at Watervllet, He attended the Water- r OFFICE AT BLUEBIRD INN, COLOMA, MICH. Phone Coloma 68-W vllet school lu 1883. He followed the weak and run down. Get It at Scott's. Pencil Sharpener land boom and speculative movement —Adv. WANTED In that slate that has been attracting teaching profession for a number of 0 Basement Specials tho attention of the entire country for years, teaching in the rural and vil- Mrs. T. 8. Fitch of North Coloma WANTED TO KENT—A small many months. Mr. Lincoln formed a lage schools. He was superintendent \ has returned from a several days' stay bouse in Coloma. Inquire of Lynn These are genuine Metalyte Lamps. Each connection as a salesman for a real of the Hartford schools in the early For This Week in Chicago. ('(•nklln at Standard Oil station. 8ll\- nineties. estate house at Palm Beach and sold WANTED—A farm hand: must bo a lamp guaranteed to be perfect in every re- Palm Beach lots for a short time while A Republican member of the bouse Productive Pastures Dr. B. F. Obermyer and wife of Leit from the Sixth Michigan district for make Gingham and percale house aprons 59c ers Ford, Ind., spent Sunday with Dr. competent farmer and good milker. be was there. This house had 200 I. H. Montgomery, R. F. D. 1, Coloma, spect and fully equal in brilliancy and long salesmen at work. five terms, 1013-23, Mr. Kelley was W. T. Bertrand. most prominently Identified with Gingham house aprons, $1.25 value 79c Michigan. 7tf life to any electric lamp bulb made in the Mr. Lincoln says the Florida boom Cheap Feed Now and then somebody gets shot is still going strong, but that It Is only naval matters, serving as chairman Princess slips, $1.25 value 79c How many times do you lose INSURANCE—For fire and tornado of tho naval sub-committee of the in a rum war and many others arc Good Groceries Make U. S. Every lamp is a bargain—Get in a question of time when the "bubble half shot and more. your temper because there is not a Insurance on your town or farm prop- will burst" and when It does Lincoln house appropriations commit toe. In Make the worn out pasture productive; ft Ladies' vests, 35c value I9c erty, also automobiles, see TCTTLE says the capital that has been promot- this capacity lie helped frame several We develop your films—24 hour ser- point on your pencil, or because the h TUTTLE, Phone 141, Coloma. 30tf early and get all the lamps you need—no naval bills; needs lime. Never rtaced exhausted land witb Brassieres, 75c value 35c ing much of the speculative movement out first giving it a top dressing of Solvay vice. Lahr's drug store.—Adv. knife is dull? Good Meals limit on purchases as long as they last. there is coming to Michigan's "Play- He served 10 years as a representa- Children's dresses 98c JOHN SPAEK ground of a Nation" and start a boom tive In congress from Michigan, two Pulverized Limes tone. You obtain quick re' Consider the lilies of the field who It is much easier and cleaner to does cleaning, terms as lieutenant-governor of the Children's white dresses, $4 and $5 values, neither toil nor spin—neither does the here. He gays some think the Florida suits by plowing and harrowing Solvay into use an Economy Pencil Sharpener pressing and repairing of men's and boom will last for two years yet, while state and one term as superintendent modern flapper—yet see bow both are women's clothing: relinings in furs and TUNGSTEN The success of any table depends so others privately admit the crash may of public Instruction. He also practiced the soil. Economical and easy to handle; slightly soiled - * — 95c arrayed. to put a nice long point on your muffs. Orders taken for made to meas- LAMPS GENUINE METALYTE come by January 1. Most of the big law In Lansing and Detroit In the ure tailor made clothes. Guaranteed to high teat, finely ground, furnace dried, non* Children's khaki suits 95c Mrs, W. H. Badour of St. Joseph pencil. It can be mounted in any much on the groceries used that their moneyed apeculators are now out of the course of his varied career. flt. Located in room formerly oacupied ami Mrs. O, D. Stephenson of Benton 25 Watt (Regular 27c) 22c game, says Lincoln. In March, 1022, bo announced his foX caustic. Write for the valuable Solvay Children's eoats $4.95 convenient place in the office, home by Arthur Swift. Coloma. 86tf Harbor combined business with pleas- choice should always receive first atten- lie says that while the Dixie High- candidacy for the senate for tlie seat 40 Watt (Regular 27c) 22c | booklet—it's free! ure In a trip to Coloma last Saturday. or school. No fuss or muss. way is congested with traffic headed held by Sen. Townsend, but was de- Children's wool dresses $3.85 C* A QW fo"" Dental Gold, Plati- tion. When you purchase your grocer- feated for the nomination. 60 Watt (Regular 32c) 25c for Florida points, the other side of THE SOLVAY PROCESS COMPANY Odds and ends in fur scarfs, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Knos of South Price, $1.00. 1 num. 8iiv«r. Diamonds, the road Is filled with almost as many Mr. Kelley was married and the 7501 West Jefferson Ave. Haven and Mrs, Kmma Blgas and magneto points, false teeth, jewelry, any ies and meats here, you are guaranteed cars beaded northward and occupied father of three children—two daugh- $14 and $15 values -$4.95 daughter of Benton Harlwr were guests valuables. Mail today. Cash by return ters and a son. He was a member of Detroit, Mich. mail. HOKE 3, & R. CO.. Otsego. by disillusioned tourists who found of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly last Sun- such success and you save money at the the Masonic Order and the Knights of scorrs PHARMACY Mich. »St5a conditions not as they bad expected In Pythias. day. 50 Watt Nitrogen (Regular 40c) 32c that state. FOR KENT same time. Carpenters and painters are being The body was brought to bis Lansing Emll Johnson and Goodwin Johnson The Prug Store 4 75 Watt Nitrogen (Regular 45c) 36c paid from $10 to $14 a day and home for funeral services and burial, of Coloma started Tuesday morning HOUSE FOR RENT-Socond bouse masons ?20 to ?25 a day, but living which were held Sunday. Hie World-J. foSchenrr St. Petersburg. Florida. They ar c COLOMA, MICH. north of the Salem Lutheran church We sell groceries and meats of the expenses are very high running from K, driving through and will camp out en lu Coloma. Inquire of Mason (5rant. $7 to JjlO per day per person. Of course "Fool's Gold." 1 route. They plan to spend the winter 413 Phoenix street, South Haven. better kind—the kind that produce the campers can get along for much less, The material commonly called fool'a Hotel Benton Block Benton Harbor in Florida and work at their trade as Phone 371. Ct2x but even these are finding the cost of gold Is Iron pyrlte, a combination ofi carpenters and builders. Poultry and Veal wanted at Kloess* best results in both health and activity. COLOMA HARDWARE CO. living extremely high, ho says. sulphur and iron In almost equal parts Sold by Market, Coloma.—Adv. REAL ESTATE Forty-nine foreign residents of Ber- On his return Mr. Lincoln noted that which is used In making sulphuric FOR SALE—8fl acre fruit and poul- Berrien County Fruit Association — rien county will appear in the circuit Buy your school supplies at Scott's- COLOMA, MICHIGAN at Seabring, Florida, the citrus fruit acid. Iron pyrlte can be distinguished try farm, ene mile south of Coloma. crop was looking exceedingly good, also COLOMA, MICHIGAN court on Friday of this week for hear- a big slock of everything.-Adv. from gold by the odor of sulphur ings on petitions for naturalization. Edward Myers. 5t4x at Avon and Winterhaven. At tho lat- which It gives off upon heating. The examination will be cohdncted by FOR PAPER HANGING AND C. KLOESS ter place Geo. Taprell, well known FOR SALE—Fifteen acres of land in an examiner sent from the federal de- PAINTING, see M. J. Martin, Coloma, Section 17. Otto Hingst, Phone 80F21, Paw Paw Lake summer home owner, Mich.—Adv. 45tf has a subdivision that he Is Just put- partment of labor at Chicago. Twenty- Coloma. 60tf QROGERY and MARKET. COLOMA ting on the market and another ot Service is Not Expensive two of the men seeking naturalization Use Scripto pencils—a 2."ic pencil and FRUIT FARM FOR SALE—20 acres, Zephyr, Florida. are from Benton Harbor, seven from St. Joseph, and the remainder from a 25c box of leads, both for 35c at one and one-half miles south of Ooloma, Mr. Lincoln says that through Qcor- In late years a great deal has been said other sections of the county. Scott's.—Adv. , JU near interurban line. Price reasonable. gh' a severe drought has ruined the M. S. Replogle. 4Stf Get your National Mazda Bulbs and 0 AMLRICAN AMJANCC CO.. IU4 crops and that In Kentucky there Is a Ruth Sinclair Diofenbach, wife of about the amounts people can save on their Electric Supplies at the Coloma Hard- big tobacco crop being harvested. Rev. Arthur O. Diofenbach, pastor of FOR SALB food bills by trading at no service stores. the First Community church of Ben- ware Co.—Adv. THE HI MAN SIDE OF doctor. In the meantime I had talked PIGS FOR SALE—25 pigs from six ton Harlmr, died at the home of her DRESS MAKING—I will do all with my otlice and was on my way. INTEilliRBAN SEVERS FOOT OF to nine weeks old. Otto Weber, three However, there seeds to be something mother In Port Huron, Mich., Thurs- kinds of dress making. Mrs. Van Guy, TELEPHONE SERVICE This incident, a daily occurrence al TRUCKLOAD OF PEACHES STOLEN inllos south of Coloma. Phone 4 F4, day. September 10, 11)25. after a lin- Phone 115, Coloma. 8tf thousands of telephone stations, em- GIRL WALKING ALONG TRACK wrong, because we are hearing from peo- gering illness. Rev. and Mrs. Dlefen- Balnbrldgo exchange. phasizes the invaluable aid of the tel- bach bad lived In Benton Harbor for Postmaster Martin C. Kllmark has OFF BENTON HARBOR STREET ple who have been convinced that the sav- WOOD FOR SALE—Mixed wood- The writer was receutly in n tele- ephone in American home and business the past fifteen years and had many resumed his duties at the otlice after a New Arrivals Daily beach, maple, elm and oak. AH good phonc station in a small mountain life. No people on earth use the tele- ing is very small and if their time is worth friends who are deeply grieved at her two weeks' vacation. phone as do Americans, because no Saved Herself From Death By Leaning solid wood. $3.50 per cord. Phone Truck Was Later Found in Marsh, death. Funeral aud burial services town. He had just placed a call for other country has such a telephone anything, there is no saving at all. A 50 cont bottle of Day Dream Per- after 0:00 p. m. Wm. Kort, Phone Over When Car Struck Her. were conducted at Port Huron. 71-R, Coloma. Delivered. All dry. 8if his office two hundred miles away. lystem. But Fruit Was Still Missing fume free with a 50 cent purchase of As he turned from giving tho neces- Day Dream toilet articles at Scott's.— Miss Beulah Butzor, a ITi-yeaf-old All we ask is, compare your bills, price Mrs. Earl Stowell and her twelve- SMALL PIGS FOR SALE. Gustavo Keep Our Stock Fresh sary informal ion to the operator, a Berrien Springs girl and a student at A Ford truck loaded with about six- year-old daughter, both of St. Joseph, Adv. Zlelkle, Coloma, Mich. 7t2x portly lady with a haby in one arm ty bushels'of peaches was stolen off the for price, quality for quality, and you will the Kmmanuel Missionary college, at were seriously injured Inst Sunday J. W. Johnston and daughter. Miss and two children holding her other streets in Benton Harbor one evening HEATING STOVE FOR SALE- Never have any fear of buying "stale" groceries that place, suffered the loss of her l!i evening when tho automobile In which Marjorie, expect to leave next Mondav hand, stepped up to the window and last week while the owner was eating find very little difference in your food ex- Edgar Vanderboegh. Coloma. 8t3x Taken to Jail by His Fattier [right foot last Tuesday morning while they wore driving with the husband for a visit at the old home of the former here because our goods are always fresh. It is said to the operator: "Do you know bis supper at a local restaurant. When I she was walking along the interurban penses. Besides, you have the advantage and father was struck by another car. at St. Louis, Mo. PIGS AND COW FOR SALE-Three- Dr. Black of Portland, OregonV Keith Hubbard, 19-year-old son of he came out and missed the truck he » not our policy to buy large quantities of any class tracks to the college. In attempting to The driver of the other car failed to fourths mile west of M-U, on county Naturally the operator did not, Dr. F. R. Hubbard, was taken to the notified the police. The next day the of goods, because we do not want the reputation leave the track to get out of the way of telephone and delivery service. stop and sped away before the license The next meeting of the L. 0. T. M. line. J. Soderberg, Phone 81 F 2, Colo- probably never having been in Port- county jail by his own father, who ;of the approaching car. Miss Butzer's abandoned truck was found In the number could be secured. Mrs. Stowell will bo hold Tuesday evening, Sept. 22. ma. 8tix of selling goods that are not fresh. ^ land. But she said: "What are bis sahl the boy was mentally incompetent. foot caught In some planking and she marsh along the St Joseph river with received o bud cut on the forehead and Election of officers. All members are initials?" The young man was charged with was held between the plank and the the tires and the battery gone, but the daughter a slight concussion of tho urged to be present. USED PIANO—We have a gwd Feed Better and You The lady with the children wasn't having roblK'd the Burns grocery store rail so that she could not extricate her- there was no track of the peaches that JAMES K. GUY brain from a blow on the back of the used piano rented at the lake that we certain, but in a eourteous manner the in Kau Claire twice last week and is self, She saved her life by leaning had been stolen. head. Mr. and Mrs. George R. King have would sell very cbtmp rather than telephone operator started out to find Will Feel Better, said to have been implicated in other as far to one side of the track as pos- ta gone to Chicago to spend the winter move it back. If Interested, call or Dr. Black, in a city 250 miles distant. t- robberies. Proceedings have been sible and the car ran over her foot com- The Annual Michigan-Florida picnic with their daughter, Mrs. A. L. Smith, write Peters Piauo Co., 204 Pipestone Feeding better is easy—all you have to do is to A few moments later, the anxious started to have him taken to the state pletely severing It. MICHIGAN INDUSTRIAL NOTES Groceries and Meats for the people of Berrien county and at 9432 Vanderpoel Avenue. street, Benton Harbor. Phono Harlnir "mother was telling her story to the hospital at Kalamazoo for treatment. The young lady was picked up by vicinity who have ever spent the 470. 7t3 purchase the right kind of goods and the wife Place your order for rubber stamps the crew of the Interurban oar and Phone 64 Coloma Yes—We Deliver winter months In Florida will be held at the Courier office before you want to will take care of the preparation. was taken to Berrien Springs for first at Berrien Springs on Sunday, Septem- FOR SALE—One Guernsey cow, 4 use them, as it takes time to have them A contract calling for an expendl-, bori20th. All those from this section years old, duo to freshen early In aid, then was rushed to the sanitarium made. We carry a stock of stamp pads at St. Joseph for treatment. lure of $104,000 has been awarded for] who have visited the south, as well as December: one brood sow 2 years old on band, but the stamps are made to the construction of n new women's dor- those who expect to go to Florida this due to farrow September 15th: 0 order. mitory at Albion college. winter, are invited to attend this acres field and drill corn; 85 bushels "Latltudlnarlan^* gathering, where Information regard- now oats: about two tons clover and There were 2,101 gallons of cream An opidoinio of hog cholera Is rag- UMPHREY & RORICK This name was often applied to a If You Really Want Value ing touring, camping faellltles, trans- ing lu Kalamazoo county and tho au- alfalfa bay mixed. Charles E. Case, Bring in Your shipped from Johannesburg in sixty one mile south and •% mile east of acbool of English writers In the sev- days. portation, living accommodations and thorities have ordered all dogs In three enteenth century who sought to recon- other facts will be given out. townships to bo tied up or kept looked Watervllet. Phone Watervllet 53F11. Flour, Feed, Groceries and Meats. Phone 18, Coloma 7tf. cile tho Church of England and tho Work has boon started on a $50,0001 up until a spread of the disease is no The first annual reunion of the De- Pore Marquette depot at Holland. longer feared. puritan clement upon the basis of sub- and Want to Save SPECIAL Morrow family was held at the Lake FOR SALE—( "ustom built house car; ordinating differences In doctrines to just the outfit for family who con- Michigan's sugar beet crop for 19251 Shore Hotel at Paw Paw Dike, Sun- the broad essentials of religion. template driving through to Florida. is estimated ot 812,000 tons. day, September 13, 1925. Over 100 Purple Stamps Buy one of our Bench Made Suits at nieml»ers of the family wore present Modern In every detail. Must be soon Michigan's 1925 pig production prom- j Offerings that will make Shopping to enjoy the big potluck dinner in the Methodist Ciiurch Services to bo appreciated. See this tourists' ises to be the biggest in ten years. spacious dining room, after which a outfit at the Bnick Garage in South Prayer meeting Thursday evening at business session was held. Plans were Haven, or see Lylo Mott, at Coloma, 7;H0. The superintendent of state parks "made for the next annual reunion, and Mich. Phone H. S. Soluiau, No. 281, Sunday, Sept. 20 — Sunday School at has accepted a deed to 950 acres of vir- officers for the ensuing year were elect- South Haven, or 173 Coloma. 8tl a Profitable Occasion 10:00 a. m. PUBUC SALEgin timber for a state .park along Lake ed as follows: Richard DeMorrow, We will discontinue giving Purple $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $45.00 Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. FOR SAL E—5-tube Nodtrodine Michigan near Cedar river. (the oldest member), president; Mrs. Preaching service at 7:30 p. m. radio, cheap. Good Florence heating Having decided to quit farming, I Louise Algnlre, secretary. The Tatro will sell at public auction at my place, Pious are under way for a new $100,- j Extra Trousers at Slight Charge stove. Phone 4-R, Coloma. Harold jTrading Stamps after October 1st. and Krelger quartette sang u number Rev. T H. Leamon, the newly ap- at the Peck Corners, three miles north 000 Alumni Memorial hall at Ferris 1 The Hunting Season Will Soon be Here. Klnyon. Ctf Institute, Big Baplds, of beautiful selections. pointed minister will preach the regular and one mile west of Watervliet, on service at the M. E. church here Sun- CUT FLOWERS for all occasions.- All persons having these stamps Let us figure on that new gun. Prices jbetter than Tlie Berrien Springs schools report A. 40,000 tract of land near Ishpe-j day evening. Gladioli and Dahlias are in bloom and COAL STRIKE the biggest percentage of gain in at- ming has hpen purchased by the Ham-, catalogue house prices with no freight to pay. our collection this year includes some should bring in their books at once, Everything in New Fall Suits, Overcoats and Topcoats ready. tendance for this year of any school Rev. A. E. Gay, for the past three llton Club of Chicago, to bo converted 1 very fine varieties from California and In Southern Michigan. Last year tlie yean in charge of the Coloma and whether they are full of stamps or TUESDAY, SEPT. 22 Into a game and fishing preserve. Winchester, Model 1912, Hammerless Repeat- other originators. Hardy Shrubs, Rosas, In New Colors and New New Styles at these remarkably low prices attendance in the schools of that vil- Watervliet churches, was appointed to Peonies, Irises, Perennials, Tulips, Hy- 1925, commencing at 10 o'clock a. pi., ..$47.00 Lake Odessa by the annual conference A new $114,817 school is under con- ing Shot Gun, any gauge lage was 228, and this year's figures al- acinths, for FALL PLANTING. Mrs. not. If your book is not full we the following described property: struction at Newago. for Bench Made Clothes by ALCO and UNIVERSITY. ready show an enrollment of 305, a just held at Lansing. Roy. T. H. Lea- Jeanette B. Morrison. Little Paw Paw Stevens, 410 gauge $ 9.00 mon of Colon, Mich., will become tho will give you credit for the stamps gain of 137. or over 50%, with a num- Lake. Phone Coloma 117 F 11. 5tf TWO HORSES The state administrative board has Iver Johnson Matted Top Rib Trap Gun $13.00 Iter of students yet expected to enroll. pastor of this charge- weight about 1200 pounds each. accepted bids for the construction of The enrollment Is now the heaviest FOR SALE — Beadle Hound pups. you have, and if your book if full of 1 $20.00 Mrs. John Miller, superintendent of Fred Backus, Phone 185F11, Coloma. •52 miles of highway construction Students' Two Trouser Suits at Savage Sporter 22 Rifle that It has ever been In that village, the primary department of the Method- throughout the state. $19.50 and $25 and although a now school wos erect- Mich. 48tf IS NOW ON 8 Geese, 75 Spring Chickens ist Sunday school, and the teachers of stamps it should be redeemed at ed a few years ago, there Is not now the primary and junior departments- mSOELLANBOUB 100 Shocks Corn; 130 bushels Oats; A new $500,000 hospital is to be, room enough for the pupils and a part once. constructed at Pontlac. Boys' Two Trouser Knicker Suits See Our Line of Sampson Trunks and Bags Etta Krause, Jean Curry, Mrs. B. F. 2 tons Hay; 3 loads Straw in bam. $8.50, $12.50, $15 of the old courthouse buildings are Koob and Lucy Becht—visited these USE OF HORSE—Until July 1. now used for school purposes. St. Claire has a new 00-room hotel! er t Our Prices Are Right. departments of the Peace Temple Sun- 1920, for his keep. Phone 5, Coloma. All books should be turned into our store NflW Hafc ^ i Mellow Fit Hats in new shades of gray and tan with day school in Benton Harbor, Sunday, ) 8t3x Farm Implements well under construction. Michigan must hare 110,000 more I One Iron Wheel Truck Wagon; one I'CW fldlo""band to match or contrast. cows by 1930, according to the Blue The G. R. O. W. class spent a very not later than October 1, 1925. The Grand Baplds Trust company Is i Large Suit Cases $ 4.95 PAINTING AND DECORATING— |i0-ft. Wagon Box; one Hay Jtako; pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. O. erecting a $1,500,000 building at the! In the new Curl Brim, full shapes at... $5.00 and $6.00 Valley Institute. This number will lie All work guaranteed: prices reasonable. one 5-ft. Buckeye Mowing Machine; Bags $3.00 to $13.50 required to take care of the normal J. Miller, Friday evening, Sept. Ilth. On and after October 1st corner of Monroe and Ionia avenues. B. O. Arehart, Phono 117 F 5, at R. one Single Cultivator; one 2-horse Others at $3.00 and $4.00 Small Trunks $ 8.50 needs of the state's growing population In spite of the rain there was a very Storlck's, Little Paw Paw Luke. 8t8x Cultivator; one Hand Cultivator; one A sheep barn with a capacity for| unless Michigan farmers adopt the good attendance. Miss ZophiaCorrigan COME IN of Washington, D. C., who is spending Coal Brooder Stove; one Hand Spray 3,000 head of sheep Is being construct-) policy of breeding only from pure-bred TTRUCKNG-I am prepared to do We will Give Our Own Trading Stamps. j Outfit; one Beeman Garden Tractor; ed near Olivet. sires and feeding their progeny balanc- a month's vacation here, was a guest. gravel hauling and trucking of any and one Hand Feed Cutter; one Double New $1.50, $2, $150, $3 SATURDAY IS A DAY JUST CHUCK ed rations. Should Michigan farmers Mrs. Miller and Mrs. B. F. Koob served all kinds. Fred Woodward, Phone Co- Cylinder Bean Separator; one 5-G:iI. Cheboygan county expects to harvest [ delicious peaches and cream and cakes. loma 127 F 3. 41t4xtf n FULL OF BARGAINS adopt the advanced practices only Milk Can; one 8-Gal. Milk Can; one a bumper apple crop. CtiTAQf a|»q l Coats and Slipovers, Light Weights or Extra Heavies in new o about half of the 110,000 cows would The next meeting will be Sept. 24th. GUERNSEY BULL for service. 11.30 set Work Harness; 100 feet new l-ln. bo needed to supply the state's dairy with Mrs. A. Engstrom and Lucy Becht uWCdlCivnew colors and styles. cash. Wilbur Earl. Coloma. 89tf AND GET OUR PRICES Hay Rope; one new Hay Fork; 10 The cost to the city of Detroit for re-1 1 qt. Mason Jars 90c I 1 qt. Ideal Jars ....$1.15 products needs five years from now, il as hostesses. We most cordially invite you to come in and pairing city streets damaged by the re-1 Bushel Cratni; one Gasoline Barrel; i Pt. Jelly Glasses, doz. 50c I Good Luck Rings 3 dz. 23c Is said. Conclusions are based on fig- Money to loan on real estate security. one Automobile Trailer; 14-inch bot- cent cloudburst Is estimated at about] inspect the new stock of $1,000,000. NEW HEIDCAPS at .... $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 ures from hundreds of cow testing as- Favorable terms and rates. A. N. tom Plow; 12 cords Wood; and num- sociation reports. Woodruff, Watervllet. 2tf erous other articles. THIS MEANS A GOOD SAVING ON Report on Carter Benefit Additions to the court house and jail i Master Allen Baker arrived home c0Al at Saginaw will cost about $217,340. WALKOVER SHOES and OXFORDS - $6.00, $7.00 and $9.00 . STANDARD MERCHANDISE last week from a three mouths' visit At trustee of the Carter fund, I wish Household Goods o to thank Mrs. C. C. Alguire, proprietor FALL GOODS with his sisters—Mrs. George Gardner ,0110 Adjustable Dress Form; two Michigan ranks the fifth state in the and Mrs. Stewart Worden at Los of the Coloma Theatre, for the benefit Wood Heating Stoves; one Kalamazoo production of potatoes this year. mm SHOES AND OXFORDS - $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 Electric Iron, guaranteed 1 year :$3.50 given for the cause on August 2Mh. Angeles, California. While in the west, ON FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN j Coal Range; two Brass Beds; one Iron She certainly deserves much credit for Coleman Lantern. .$6.75 I Coleman Lamp— $8.25 Allen took many trips of interest, Bed; one Round Dining Table; one The St. Joseph Chamber of Com- hor generous, loving attitudo to her merce Is waging a vigorous campolgn among them Wing a trout fishing trip Drop Head Sewing Machine; six Din- Complete Stock of Traveling Goods. Assortment of large white Pails. Dish Pans, Coffee fellow men. I also wish to thank Mrs. that we now have ready for your inspection. for new industries and hopes to secure of ten days In tlie Sierras, near the ing Chairs; two Oak Dressers; six S. B. Duncan for her assistance in sell- a plant for the printing of the Liberty Yosemite National Park, where he hud You will find this stock the most complete i small Wilton Rugs; one large Wilton Pots, $1.50 value, for Saturday 98c ing tickets for this benefit. Magazine, published by the Chicago New Socks, Neckwear, Underwear, Pajamas, Nightshirts, Robes. splendid success in luring the speckled The sum received was 110.80, which 11 Rug; one Davenport Bed; Cooking Tribune. Large Aluminum Percolators, Dish Pans, this sale.98c that we have ever carried, and we will be 1 Utensils; Dishes. beauties. He also took a trip to Santa was the total balance after ezpeiuea Extra Trousers - $4, $5 to $10 Work Trousers - $2, $2.50 to $5 Barbara aud viewed the remains of tho were deducted. The cash received will The work of laying the new brick 1 Only—4 burner New Perfection, regular TERMS OF SALB—All sums of $10.00 earthquake, and visited Venice, LOUR be used to pay the lease on land and able to supply your needs. # pavement in the wldehlug of Michigan and under cash. On all sums over price $35.00, Sale price $28.00 Beach, Hollywood and many of tho other present urgent needs. Again, COLOMA COAL & LUMBER CO. <10.00 nine months' time will be given avenue in Benton Harbor will soon be smaller places near Ixis Angeles, and I tender all who assisted in this good on good bankable notes, without inter- completed, and tlie contract has been Lunch Kits for School Children...*. 20c drove through the "Sunklst" orange work my true appreciation. est If paid when duo. If not paid let ^or the widening and paving of Where Dependable Qualify is Low Priced. Clymax Wall Paper Cleaner, per can I Oc groves at Long Beach. He spent a day SARA P. CONE. Alien due 7% Interest will bo charged Wall street from East Main to Bran- with Luisetta Bertrand Helwigand her Coal, Lumber and Building Material SCHILLACI BROS. from date of sale. 5% discount for son avenue. Plans ore also being father. Allen has many fine photo- cash on sums aver $10.00. No property made for extending the city llmita to gruphs of the places of Interest that Uie Found for Scrub Palmetto. take in much new territory. to 1K> removed until terms of sale are he visited, which he took himself. He Florida swamps have thousands of Coloma, Mich. complied with. Bring your kodak films here to be Dry Goods, Shoes, Furnishings, Notions r . went west via Denver, Suit Luke City acres of scrub palmetto Uiat has enor- Can Do No Better Service. Harry W. Hill uud San Francisco, and returned via mous wlde-spreadlug roots that wore developed, printed or enlarged. The Luixh will l>e M-ncd on the Grounds. M. 0. OPPENHEIM There U no more fruitful service Southern California, through Texas to a nuisance until a recent discovery most prompt and efficient work is New Orleans and thence north to Chi- COLOMA, - - MICHIGAN A. D. CLAPP, Prop. than that to which the man Is called HARTFORD, MICHIGAN made plain that the fiber In the root guaranteed. Either gloss or dull cago. He reports Mr. and Mrs. S. M. who practices religion In the midst Cut Rate Tire Store was useful for fiber brushes. Now vast FRANK PIER6ALL, Auctioneer. Worden and sou Junior and Mr. ami finish at the same price. of the temptations of trade.—Wash- districts are to be cleared ulUmately B. F. ROGERS, Clerk. ington Gladden. . ^ Mrs. George Gardner in good health SCOTT'S PHARMACY Coloma, - • Michigan und enjoying the sunny climate of and the roots sold, the fiber being equal California. to the Imported material csed now. Coloma, Mich. GET M WITH IHE EDITOR! PAY FOR Yd PAPER!

;7'* .'"•'T '• • ' ^ Sjfega ' 1 > • - • i iV •£ mm rl' THE COLOMA COURIER, OOLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH.

Port Huron—Miss Detroit VIII, COMMANDER RODGERS COMMANDER R0DGERS' DR. BLANCHE M. HAINES Gar Wood's sweepstakes contender, FOREIGN LEGION IN U. S. REPORTS YIELD which was to race In Detroit, cap- DRIVE AGAINST MOORS OWN STORY OF FLIGHT Flare Is Feature STATE NEWS sized Just east of the north end of OF CORN IS REDUCED Walpole Island. J. H. Stoneham, IN BRIEF whose home Is In Detroit, was Praitet Crew of PN-9, No. 1, in drowned. Bloody Hand-to-Hand Fighting Forecast Indicates Crop of Port Huron—According to a mort- in Morocco—French Modest Narrative of 9-Day 2,865,000,000 Ba.—Wheat, of New Fall Duds Petoskey—Announcement made by gage document filed with the register Take Many Post$. Drift in Pacific, Jacob Cohn and Harry Schwelt, Chi- of deeds, the steamer Taahmoo and Oats Show Gain, cago capltallsta, that they will erect Tashmoo Park have been mortgaged Madrid. — Sanguinary hand-to-hand Honolulu.—Commander John Rod- Washington.—The Indicated com a Tlie Interior of the cape Is a bright a 600-room fireproof hotel on a site to the Detroit Trust Co. The steamer Coats and Dresses Become fighting Is In progress in the region gers of the navy seaplane PN-9. No. 1, f color, and the skirt Is also made of on which the Clark Tavern now Is and park belong to the White Star yield has been reduced by 05,000.000 of Tetuan, In the northern part of Issued his first official statement of the Wider From Waittline this brilliant side of the material. An- located and on adjoining property. Navigation Co. and the purpose of the bushels in the last month ak a result Say "Bayer"-Insist! Spanish Morocco, an official commu- attempt to span tho Pacific in a noir other version of the three-piece suit, Conatructlon will begin next April. mortgage Is to protect a bond Issue. drought and continued heat, ac- Downward. nique says. The communique reports stop flight from San Francisco to the cording to the government report, from Vlonnet, shows a cape of irray Lansing—Unification of the Method- For Colds Headache Owosso—Plans have been drawn for the Spaniards, with the Foreign legion Hawaiian islands. made here, which placed the prob- lined with bright blue and a gray dress ist Episcopal Church with the Meth- a children's ward to be added to holding the center c/f the battle front, in un extemporary report, dedicated able crop at 2385,000,000 bushels. i of frisca over which Is worn a double- Pain Lumbago odist Episcopal Church, South, was - In discussing "the fall fashions In Memorial hospital here at a cost of have advanced about two kilometers to "the American people. ' Commander The estimate was 2,950,000.000 the breasted vest of bright blue. approved, 179 to 8, by the Michigan women's coats and dresses, especially between $6,000 and $8,000. It will be in spite of the Rlffians' fanatical re- Rodgers chronicled the experiences and w> vW.T* previous month and 2,487,000.000 In Sch'ool dresses fiave Jumper bodices Neuralgia Rheumatism (Methodist Episcopal conference here. iDlernitiiontil.) apparel for the young lady who is at- one of the most modern in the United sistance. trials gone through by himself and the same month of 1924. and either circular or plaited skirts. .The conference rejected a proposed tending school, a fashion writer In the Acce t onl States. Private donations will finance The communique says the Spanish Commander John Rodgera. who crew of four men since the plane took The crip is extremely spotted, with Popular materials are a loose-woven O /hs* P y * lamendment providing for the admis- New York Herald-Tribune says: It A contagious disease building, Just causaltles amounted to 70 dead and was in command of the crew of the off from the waters of San Francisco t.V reduction of 42,000,000 bushels In fabric called kasha natte, frisca and Bayer packaga sion of laymen to the ministerial con- Let us start with the coat or cape completed, will be opened September wounded, while at least 70 RIffian navy seaplane PN-0 No. L which was bay. August 81. South Oakota and 9,000,000 bushels cashmere. Remember that the Jump- tferences. as a beginning and work Inward. Coats 17. dead were counted. saved by a submarine ten miles off each In Minnesota and Illinois. In er should be considerably shorter than which contains proven directions for autumn are more ample, surely Jackson—"I had a headache and Lansing—Surplus and assets of the In the Alhucemas bay sector, the Nawlliwill, Hawaii, after drifting By COMMANDER JOHN RODGERS Illlnots the total of 878,982,000 was a Inst season, reaching just to the hips Handy "Bayer" boxea ot 12 tablets from the waist downward, and most of Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists •was Just taking the air," Harry Upte- Ford Motor company without subsi- communique says, there have been eight days in the Pacific. (In command of navy aeaplane PN-0, surprise in view of recent pessimistic and no farther, and that The sleeves No. I.J them nre made from beautiful rough Ajfplrta U lh* tndt a«rk of Barer Mtna- Igraff, 23, of Detroit, Michigan State diaries have reached $644,624,468, ac- only a few skirmishes. reports. The icwa crop was virtually must be loose at the top. Standing For the benefit of the Interested pub- materials with an Incredibly soft, long Uctm of MsooAoeUcacldeoter of StllcyUoMtt iPrlson Inmate, told guards when he cording to the corporation tax report Paris—Many posts which a few unchanged, while the Ohio estimate band collars have, to a great extent, lic. I desire ot make at this'time a nap, something like velvet They are 'returned to the barracks at tho west made public by the department of months ago enjoyed a flash of pub- was raised 9,600,000 bushels, todicat- replaced tho familiar round collar. FAVORABLE LABOR definite statement of facts In regard to marked with the designs you see in 'farm after a posse had searched sev- licity as scenes of hard fighting and Dr. Blanche M. Hayngs. after serv- Ing a record yield for that stale. Some of these collars have long bands The New Freely-Latherinj state. Other Michigan properties of the voyage of the P-N9. No. 1, from men's overcoats and winter suits- eral hours for him. Uptegrafl was Henry Ford will bring his total wealth dropped out of the news with the an- CONDITIONS REPORTED ing as director of the Michigan bureau Nebraska's estimate was Increased that tie in front, on the shoulder or 3un Francisco to Nawlliwill. chevrons, zigzag stripes, shadow plaids sentenced from Detroit for from 2 to nouncement, "Suppressed or cap- ot child hygiene and public health 13,500.000 bushels and that of Kan- In hack, and others hive the band at least to the billion dollar mark, The PN-9, No. 1 and No. 8. left and small Irregular diamonds. The 14 years for forgery. tured," reappeared in the communique nursing, has assumed her duties as sas, 7,000,000. opening in front into .• *. Martial et corporation diversion attaches expect San Francisco approximately at the outside of these winter coats is usual- ShfwVngStfck as Marshal Petaln's gigantic steam More Positions and Fewer Job- director of the division of maternal Gains of 21,000,000 bushels In spring Armand have a dress for the young Monroe—At a meeting of the county East Lansing—The proportion of same time on August 81. The PN-9. ly of some neutral tint like smoke ForTender Faces roller moves reslstlessly on. less in Middle West, and infant hygiene of the children's wheat, 75,000,000 bushels In oats, and girl made of hois du rose cashmere road commission here the Thompson girls to men students al the Michi- No. 8. was not sighted by No. 1 after gray, dull hols du rose, light brown or EHOIDEKT MEDICINAL ANTISEPTIC In two days thirteen of these posts bureau, Department of Labor. 8,000,000 bushels In -barley were re- with straight unadorned front and Paving Construction company, of To- gan State College which has been departure. Plane PN-9 No. 1, proceed- ported, with the gain for the five lead- jacket back, split at the center, with steadily Increasing for the last few have been retaken and more added Washington. — Favorable Industrial ledo, was awarded the contract for ed as per Instructions, sailing on a ing graina 87.000,000 bushels over rounded corners joining at the round years will probably take a big Jump, during the day. conditions wore reported by the em- the construction of Saline street In straight course to Kahulul. lace collar. The back of the skirt is Tells Why He Can Three Important developments stand ployment service of the federal De- COOLIDGE GETS TAX August raising the total to 5,821,000,- GappimfpiqEm the village of Petersburg, bidding (13,- this year, according to H. H. Halla Tlie navigation was done entirely by bt/mrftuho**! Phofa fully gathered and lias apron ties. out In the details arising from the of- partment of Labor in Its monthly sum- 000. This la an increase of 478,000,000 696.46. Carl Klburti, of Monroe, was day, secretary. To care for the In- dead reckoning, no attention being CUT AND BUDGET DATA Tills creates a new and youthful line Now Eat Heart; fensive against the central sector. The murv of the situation In various sec- bushels as compared with 1924. ' awarded the contract for the purchase creased enrollment expected three paid to radio bearings. that gives a littie relief from the fa- Rlffians are violently counter-attack- tions of the country. Based on the prices prevailing for of $106,000 bonds on the Helsse road, new dormitories are being fitted out The engines worked perfectly. In miliar jumper bodice. However, the ing In the west against the column "An analysis of reports received by September delivery of wheat, oats, and $67,90£ on the town line road. at the college. the morning It became evident that Mellon Shows Reduction of simple Jumper frock of any of tlie new which relieved Issoula. Two brigades the service for August indicates that rye, and barley at Chicago and De- Iron Mountain—The mining of yel-' the gasoline supply was running short woolens, either patterned or plain Escanaba—Chased by( a bull she marching from Skiffa Terrouai con- there Is no serious amount of unem- $400,000,000 Possible, cember delivery on corn, the five lead- low ochre may become a profitable and it would be doubtful If we could with a rough surface, Is the popular was endeavoring to drive out of her verged at Relna, two miles north of ployment," said Francis I. Jones, di- ing grains have a valuation of $4,830,- Industry In Dickinson county. John reach Kahului. I therefore decided to 000,000 as of September 1. Paris entry for the Prix de In Jeune orchard, knocked down and gored, Anjot and or ly five miles south of the rector general. "The demand for labor- Washington.—One of the flrst tasks Jacobson and George Nygard, farm- land at the Aroostook, The winter wheat crop is 416,000,000 Fiile. Mrs. William Good, 69, of Harris es- frontier of tne Spanish protectorate. Is slightly increased. undertaken by the President after his ers at Metropolitan, have started I started to write a message which bushels and the total of all wheat, Every amusing fantasy of trimming caped death only as the result of The rebels. Instead of retiring after "Increased demands were reported return to Washington was to tackle working It on their farms. Shafts would give her some clue ot our where- 700.000,000 bushels compared with Is possible In the simple jumper frock. presence of mind. She crawled under brief resistance, as during the Tafrant- for labor in connection with highway the problem of tax reduction und the are being sunk and If the enterprise abouts but Just then the gasoline gave 873.000,000 bushels harvested last Naturally there must lie nothing that the fence as the bull charged for the Taouant offensive, fought vigorously construction. Work on large build- national budget Treasury department proves satisfactory, it is planned to out. Both engines were cut out si- year, which Is also fie flve-year aver- detracts from Its line, for half Its second time and escaped with a dis- all day against a brigade attempting lags and municipal Improvement pro- flgures prepared for Secretary Mellon obtain capital to fully develop the in- multaneously and we started to glide age. Late oats are yielding much bet- charm lies In the silhouette with that located shoulder and severe bruise complete disengagemeut of Issoual. grams continue to employ resident have been put in approximately flual dustry. Yellow ochre now is bringing from about 800 feet. ter than was expected, and the eatl- clever skirt fullness that allows per about the face and body. They had to be. driven from ridge to tradesmen In most localities, and In form, both on expected receipts and about $16 a ton. It is used In the Lieutenant Connell, who had the mated crop Is now 1,462,000,000 bush- feet freedom of movement without de- Muskegon—Mrs. Florence Prince, 21 ridge before the French could finally some centers a shortage Is reported." disbursements for the fiscal years 1920 manufacture of paint contacts, made a beautiful landing In els, an Increase of 75,000.000 bushels. stroying the harmony of line. The years old, Grand Rapids balloonist. storm the heights of Hoclne. There Considering conditions In Midwest and 1927 and on the working out of va- Albion—The Methodists of Albion the heavy swells, both engines being This crop figure has been exceeded newest decoration is a band of fine narrowly escaped death, when she the French have succeeded In holding states, the report says: rious suggested plans of tax reduction. mm settled to the satisfaction of all con- dead, having no power. Duo to total only four times In the country's his- shirring that may be placed on collar, substituted for Mrs. Frank Stewart, a their position despite repeated rebel Indiana—"There is still unemploy- These flgures are under considera- expenditure of gasoline, we could not tory. The harvest last year waa cuffs and also at the hem, while It Is cerned the question of lay representa- assaults. ment apparent In Indiana, but Indus- tion by the President and will guide local balloonist, killed in a flight at 1,542.000.000. also being introduced on skirt pockets tion In the annual conference when Occupation of Relna forms the tip use radio and were therefore out of him In the final draft of the sections White Cloud recently. The balloon tries are gradually swinging toward or wherever the ingenuity of the de- four prominent churchmen debated of a narrow salient ten miles north of communication at flvlllght I deter- of his message to congress dealing *A letter wKcfi I read !o the paper became entangled when it left the normal und unemployment Is decrea*- signer suggests. the Issue before a large crowd. Dr. mined our position to be fifty miles with the national budget and tax re- about Carter's Little Liver Pills fitted ground and Mrs. Prince fell 60 feet to Ouergha. It is like a spearhead ing." Plane Commander Rodgers? my own case so closely that I could D. D. Martin and R. T. Baldwin de- north of the Aroostook's station. duction. For informal parties and afternoon the ground. The woman suffered aimed at the dividing line between the Michigan-"The surplus of common not help trying them and am very fended t|ie affirmative, and Drs. Sam- Family Joy fill Over Rescue wear there are innumerable dresses of Giballa tribes and the Riff. labor Is gradually being decreased. Au- We rigged a radio antennae on the The flrst cabinet meeting for sev- happy 1 did." So writes Mr. Frank J. painful, but not serious injuries. crepe and velvet combined, or crepe uel Dickie and W. W. DIehl, upheld tomobile production has been excep- plane and received without much dif- eral weeks was held. Secretary Mel- Havre de Grace, Md.—Members of Trumbull of Jersey City, N. J., whose Ann Arbor—Altering of tne entrance and cashmere. Jenny makes charming the negative. Dr. John L Beaton, tionally well maintained and building ficulty everything that was In the air. lon attended and he bad an estimate the family of Commander John Rod- letter goes on to say, "I had heard requirements of the University of Rev. C. D. Case, Named in frocks of crepe de chine ifi soft shades president of Albion college, presided operations continues to be very heavy." We sailed before the wind, endeavor- on the sums Involved. In addition, gera of the seaplane PN-9 No. 1 were Web Wor/jfihofa about Carter's Little Liver Pills for Michigan, continuation of the elabor- 1 ol' capucines, bois du rose, madonna years but never knew they helped over- The audience acted as Judges and gave Leland Divorce, Quitt Wisconsin—"Employment is slowly ing to work the plane In toward the ho was prepared to dlscrss the pro overcome when Informed that the en- ate building program outlined by the their decision In favor of the negative. Hawaiian Islands, hoping to make posals for tax reduction put forward tire crew of the plane had been found blue und green and trims them with come poor appetite and sour stomach, Chicago.—Rev. Carl D. Case, for but steadily Increasing. The demand nm:. zr until I read about another man in the late President Marion L. Burton and Oahu. We made fifty miles a day. alive and well. collars, cuffs and bands of velvet In White Cloud—Mrs. George Stewart, seven and one-half years pastor of the for factory labor was light this month, during the congressional recess. By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN r/AVAO same plight who took Carter's with encouragement of college athletics Robert Rodgers, brother of the com- attached permanently to a perpendicular wall." the same tone, Madeleine Vlonnet 40 years old, of Muskegon, who has First Baptist church of Oak Park, and but for common labor for building We knew we could get along with One of the most Important develop- SAID to an American of English birth, good results, I tried ihem and can It is used for measuring arcs of the meridian. He makes some of her young girl frocks will be sponsored by Dr. Clarence thrilled thousands of Michigan folk, for the past twenty months the pro- and construction work there was an our food, of which we had small emer- ments involved was the condition of mander, expresaed the famlly'a relief a Londoner, "What's the longitude of honestly say that they freed me of and happiness. correspond. Thus the local time of 15 degrees west took time to its construction. It was fitted out of wool and bands them with a lighter Cook Little, new president of the uni- during the several years she has piled testing focal figure In the Leland di- Increased demand." gency rations. We were depending on the treasury. There Is every Indica- Greenwich?" He answered with a per- nasty gas on stomach, so that I can 'We had always been optimistic," of Greenwich is one hour slow of Greenwich time with telescopes and very finely graduated. He toned crepe de chine. Lace collars and versity, when he takes over his office her trade of balloonist and parachute vorce case, resigned his pastorate. Iowa — "Industrial establishments a small water still tor water. tion that the balance for the present fectly straight face, "I have never now eat without getting bilious, and and so on, an hour for each fifteen degrees of was rewarded. With it he was at last able to cuffs are also seen on some of these they improved ray appetite fully 100%. on September 20, he stated in an in- Jumper, provided her last thrill here, registered a slight Increase in employ- This supplied water, but the still re- fiscal year will be larger than expect- Mr. Rodgers declared, however, add- heard of such a place." I said. "Why, Not since that January morning, longitude. Thus to find the longitude of nny given observe the stars In the meridian—exactly In the frocks. You can rest assured that from now on terview. when she dropped more than 1,600 feet ment during August. Farm help Is in quired gasoline as fuel. We managed ed. As a result the administration's ing that the commander's mother had Greenwich observatory, which gives 1924, when Albert R. Leland appeared place It is only necessary to llnd out how much its north or south when they were at their highest I will boost Carter's Little Liver Pills to get the still going on the sixth day recommendations or suggestions to the been the most hopeful of all the fam- the world Its time. It's only live miles The Circular Cut 'Muskegon—Injuries received In a to her death before a throng of 1,200 before Judge Charles M. Foell and demand, but plenty of men are avail- whenever I can." ily. Rear Admiral John A. Rodgers, from St. Paul's cathedral-you've time is fast or slow of Greenwich time. On ship- above the horizon. Wrap Du Solr of Sliver Cloth Lined Bllo filler explosion were fatal to Wal- villagers and farmers, gathered for named his cwn preacher as co-respon- able. by burning wood from the trailing ways and means and finance com- Recommended and for sale by ail U. S. N., retired, father o^ Commander heahl of that, haven't you?" He said. board the navigator uses a chronometer, the error Flamsteed published his observations in detail With Pale Pink Velvet. Skirts show a preference for the cir- ter Paulson, W years old, of Frultport, the annual soldiers' reunion and home- dent In the divorce suit he filed fol- edges of the lower wings. On the sev- mittees may contemplate a tax re- druz stores. of which In Greenwich mean time and Us dally Juat before his death In 1719. And Flamsteed's cular movement, although plaits are coming Mrs. Stewart's husband and enth day we made a canteen and a duction of at least $400,000,000 and Rodgers, the brother said, was the "Oh, you mean Grlnnldge—and that's who died at Hackley hospital. Paul- lowing a confession of his "repentent rate of gain or loss are ascertained In port. A bright navy blue, and the Inner side Navy Chiefs Happy Over perhaps as much as $500,000,000. least optimistic, knowing better than one on you. But I don't know Its "British Catalogue" has been called "one of the also prominent. The godet Is not used son was directing the work between her son, 12 years old, witnessed the but loving wife, Charlotte," had that half of water In about five hours. Is of a bright color, so that many of Boschee's Sjrnp navigator therefore finds his local time by observ- proudest products of tho Royal observatory at so much as either full or half-circular tragedy. On the eighth day a heavy rain A cut of 50 per cent In surtax rates the others the conditions faced by the longitude." I said. "Naught-naught- for the engine and filler when'^pieces of Oak Park congregation received the Rescue of Seaplane Crew ing the sun through a sextant. The difference In Greenwich." At that, this "Catalogue" was not them are made without linings. Coats squall passed over us and we caught right down the line, with a maximum aviators. naught And that's a better one on you." There- skirts. Plaited dresses of crepe de teel let go, atriklng his back and arms Lansing—Two new offices are plan- shock It met with at the conclusion Washington.—Officials of the Navy time multiplied by 15 gives the longitude In de- by any means accurate. Miss Herschel made an are made with flaring backs, many of about two gallons In the fabric which of 20 per cent, will be recommended. upon we both laughed. chine, banded In wool of the same Coughs and Farmers believe the explosion result- ned for Detroit by Secretary of State of the minister's sen: n, when he an- department were deeply stirred by the grees. Of course the length In miles of a degree exhaustive examination and found that Flamsteed them swinging free from the shoul- had been byt from the lower wings. It will be suggested that the We haven't really had 250 years of Greenwich shade or a lighter or darker tone of It ed from an accumulation of gas that Charles J. DeLand, In order to han- nounced his decision to retire from the news that the officers arid men of the Woman Dry Worker Slain of longitude varies at various latitudes. On the had catalogued 111 stars that he had never ob- dera, and are quite straight In front Lung Troubles This enabled us to survive. nuisance taxes be largely abolished time, but 1925 Is the 250 anniversary of the build- are being offered by such houses as wrecked the filler. dle the Increasing business of his de- ministry. seaplane PN-0 No. 1 had been found equator (0 degrees) It is 69,164. At 45 'degrees It Is wltb diagonal closings or else nre but- Sueceufal for 69 yeart. and that the unprofitable tax on small- by Liquor Law Violatort ing of the famous old Royal observatory perched served and had observed 500 that he had not Chanel, Premet and Martial et Ar partment For the sale of auto licen- In two weeks, he said, he will leave In the Paclflc alive. All during the trip we realized that 48.982. At the poles (90 degrees) It Is 0.000. toned up to the chin. Jenny makes SOc and 90e bottlet- Ann Arbor—The new Ecorse road er Incomes be eliminated. Vinton, Iowa.—Shot down as she on a hill In the middle of a park of 185 acres catalogued. mand. Tiiese dresses are shown with ALL DRUGGISTS ses next January an office will be Chicago for Florida. Three doctors, "Thank God for that," exclaimed an extemporized radio sending set To go back: In 1675 a French nobleman, Le Sleur the backs of her youthful coats plait- in Washtenaw County, built at a cost was writing a paper she Intended to In Greater London. There was a garden party the Nevertheless, Flamsteed's work was of vast Im- sweaters of the wool banding; that is 8lop th# lltUoka opened In Convention hall, which will who examined Doctor Case, wrote a Secretary Wilbur when apprised over would solve our difficulties In a few de Sainte Pierre, startled the sea-going world by portance, due to the fact that It was the first ed from a deep shoulder yoke, which A ^ ** of $146,000 by the State highway con- rend before the Benton County W. C. other day In the park In its honor, attended by a reseda green crepe de chine dress , •'J JL — once. FREE) umpie have sufficient capacity to take care report stating It Is Imperative that the the telephone of the rescue. hours by giving our position to the President Coolidge Has announcing that he could determine longitude by is very attractive if the material Is struction department with prison T. U., of which she was precldent King George and Queen Mary, many notables and of Its kind made with telescope and clock. It may plaited from n deep shoulder yoke and Hj | VT 1 and treat 1m mailed of the bulk of the licensing trans- pastor have an Immediate rest and Admiral Eberle, chief of operations, search ships. We tried rigging one observing the position of the moon among the fairly be said to be the beginning of modern not too heavy. Chanel buttons some • • • • to any one (Ivlnf forces, was opened to traffic Sept 12. Attack of Hay Fever Mrs. C. B. Cook, forty-one, was killed the delegates to the International Astronomical having a hem, pipings and collar and i ! ' il age, Jmt to prove actions. In addition DeLand will open change of environment made this statement: up. but were unable to make one which stars. This announcement was especially Inter- of her coats straight down the center The new highway connects with the .Washington.—President Coolidge Is in her home, the victim, her friends anion. precision astronomy. Inasmuch ns It determined cuffs of dark green kashanatte, ••fc what It will do. In an office at once at 119 Dime Bank "It Is wonderful news. It Is Just worked a sufficient distance. The re- esting to the English, who even then had an Idea the precise position of many of the stars. front from the chin. They have round uao 61 jreara. Why Ecorse road In Wayne County at the suffering from a severe head cold, believe, of one of a number of liquor- Man's Increasing appreciation of the importance worn with a sweater of the same fab •uffer longer when relief la offered FREST building to handle the general busi- flne. I can hardly find words to ex- ceiver, as I have said, functioned per- collars of material or for which frame county line and will provide a direct Army Officer and Girl which his physicians say Is a form law violators against whom she has of time In his affairs has apparently kept pace with that the "tight little Isle" was "Mistress of the Its Immediate effect was to fix the meridian rlc that fastens straight down the cen •ddreaa Towna Remedy Co., Milwaukee, Wl* ness of his department press my gratification." fectly all the time. We knew Just the face and flare from the shoulders paved route from Ypsllantl to Detroit of hay fever. He caught the present been active. bis progress In civilization. All over the world ns Seas." of Greenwich. Its later effect was to make the ter front with green bone buttons and Killed When Plane Fcdls San Francisco.—Capt. E. Stanford what was going on about us. Salute Pierre appears to have been the Einstein at the side and back. only nine-tenths of a mile longer than Jackson—The first units of Michi- cold while returning from Salem. He One shot fired through a rear win- ®oon as man ceased from Jungle-traveling and set- Greenwich meridian the standard meridian from Is banded with the lighter crepe de His Business Size , Moses, U. S. N., the man who had Crossing the steamer lane from of his day, inasmuch as there was apparently but the Michigan avenue route. gan's new Jackson prison, to be the Aurora, 111.—Calvin E. Workman, has visited his physician twice since dow caused her death. tled down by a hearthstone he began making sun- which all longitude is measured and all time Double-Faced Materials. chine. Sometimes, particularly in the Two ot his friends were discussing charge of preparations for the San Honolulu to the coast a steamer largest state penal Institution In the twenty-nine years old. an aviation lieu- his return. Belief that Mrs. Cook waa killed by dials, waterclocks and hourglasses and tinkering one man In all England who was competent to counted. Some of the most attractive French models of Madeleine Vlonnet and Lu Dick, as friends will. "I hear," re- Marshall—Wilmot Jones, 22 years Francisco - Pearl Harbor seaplane crossed our bow about five miles pass on his theory. This man was John Flam- country, larger than Jollet or Sing tenant In the United States nrmy re- While on his vacation these colds, a liquor-law violator was atrengthened with calendars to make them correspond to tho Edmund Halley—of Halley's comet fame—suc- costumes for the high school girl are clen Lelong, the sweater is replaced marked one, "that Oick la doing a big old, son of a broker, held In connec- flight, was so overcome with emotion ahead, In the early morning. Due steed, a born astronomer. He was then twenty- Sing, will be completed this fall, and serve corps, and Miss Rose Podlesak to which he la subject, did not appear. by word from Cedar Raplda that Mrs. movements of the sun and moon and stars. And ceeded Flamsteed as astronomer royal. Bradley three-piece, being composed of a cape by the double-breasted sleeveless business." There was a silence, as tion with the death of John (Blackle) by news of the finding of the crew probably to the fact that the sun was nine years of age. Up to fourteen he went to the there often Is under such circum- work soon will be In progress on the of Chicago were killed when the air- The salt air and abaence of duat pre- Cook had made two tripa to the dty modern life Is In no small degree centered on the Bucceeded Halley In 1742. aud sports suit Lucien Lelong makes jacket. Sweaters and jacketa of Vlelkofl, cook for a Grand Trunk Rail- of tiie PN-9 No. 1 that he begged to low and directly In the eyes of observ- public school at Derby. Then he devoted him- stances. "Well, Isn't he?" persisted th« first of the huge cell-blocks designed plane which Workman was flying vented their recurrence. If bla con- to consult Roy R. Slade, a prohibition clock and the calendar. There have been four astronomers royal be- these suits of double-faced material shadow plaid are worn with plain clr way construction crew at Battle be excused from making n statement ers. we were not seen. first friend. There was another silence to accommodate 5,180 prisoners. northwest of Aurora sideslipped and dition does not . Improve the Prealdent enforcement officer, relative to condi- self to astronomy, unassisted and without In- tween Bradley and the present Incumbent Sir with circular full-length capes that flt cuiar skirts of wool and with long Creek, was freed by Justice Paschal And when man had emerged from the Jungle and then the second friend replied: These units, Harry L Hulburt, for- crashed to the ground from a height We passed Oahu at about 40 miles will apend the week-enda on the May- tions In Vinton. struction. At twenty-three he attracted the at- Frank Dyson. And, of course, the equipment has the shoulders und show double-breast- coats or capes of plaid In order to give Hughes after preliminary examina- the challenge of the sea hit him full. That chal- 'A big business? I'd hardly say that, mer warden, and now superintendent of 200 feet. Lieutenant Workman had distance, the Island being clearly vis- flower. It was said. tention of the Royal Society of London for the been enlarged and modernized. There is a new ed Jackets with front-plaited skirts. wannth when needed. tion. Vlelikoffs body, pierced with More People but Less lenge has been accepted since the day of the flrst but he's doing a near-mahogany desk- of construction, explained will be the recently returned from a summer ible, the afternoon of the eighth, and Improvement of Natural Knowledge, whlcji had observatory, for one thing. The old observatory six bullets, was found on a lonely road Ex-Convict Arretted at hollowed-log canoe. At flrst even the most adven- fixe business." new dye plant and the towering con- course of training for reserve flying Money in United States headed and close hauled fon'Kauai. been organized in 1060. Sir Jonas Moore, sur is still standing and is a venerable relic. The between Bellevue and Marshall Au- Editor It Exonerated turous mariner kept close to land, so that he might Dance and Party Frocks Are Charming crete wall that will surround the 64 officers at Chanute Held, 111. He had Washington. — A Treasury depart- We had reached a point about 15 miles "Bank Examiner" Bandit veyor general of ordnance, invited Mm to live time ball, known to skippers of the Seven Seas, gust 19. beach his craft wheil the storm came. When his The young girl's dance frocks and bishop in cut. allt from wrist to the acres within the prison. recently made application for appoint- ment estimate made public here put off Nawlliwill and were trying to alg' of Heresy Charget Bloomlngton, III.—Harry Funk, ex- In his house In London tower and there he de- drops at exactly one o'clock p. m. Cut Rates vessel got too big to be beached he ran out to the general party dresses for early au- front and side of the armhole. The Lansing-Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, ment as a mail flyer. His home was the population of the United States nal that port when we were sighted Lansing, Mich.—Rev. William H. convlct, was arrested in Urbana and voted himself to observations of the stars. The United States accepts Greenwich time, "Are the chargea low at your bar^ Grand Rapids — Light noiseless open sea to avoid being blown ashore. And when tumn have very full skirts Indeed, and skirt Is very full In front and has a pastor of the Central M. E. church of In Marlon, Ind. on September 1 at 114,840,000, against by the patrolling submarine, ten miles Phelps, editor of the Michigan Chris- Identified as the man who, posing at So when Charles II heard of the boast of but It does not have to watch for the falling of ber's?" street cars which can be operated at be found himself out of sight of land, with no butterfly sash of sliver tulle placed at Detroit, won an Indirect approval of 112,922,000 September 1, 1924. Exclu- of Nawlliwill, were taken In tow and tian Advocate, was ezoneratcd of the Sainte Pierre ho said. "Then let John Flamsteed many of them have straight bodices "Cut rates." half the cost of regular equipment a bank examiner, robbed the Farmers' sun showing, he was In danger. Small wonder the Greenwich ball to know when It Is one p. m. bla belief and utterances on evolution sive of founds held by the treasury and towed Into the harbor, where the charges of heresy preferred against do It, too." But John Flamsteed said It couldn't that are cut to the normal waistline or the waistline In front only. Capes of and have the same carrying capacity bank at Chenoa of $184,000 last Jan- that he set himself to the task of Inventing ways The United States Naval observatory gives the Rosenwald Gives Million Federal Reserve banks, money In cir- whole Island greeted ns. be done. Be sold accurate Information as to the at the longest, not lower than high on velvet or coats of velvet and lame bro- Don't think that because a man when a committee Investigating sim- are being experimented with here In him by Rev. Levi Bird of Port Sani- uary. nation Its time. Its standard clock Is kept In an of determining the points of the compass, the the hips. A dance dress of this type, cade are worn with such frocks. More holds a poslUon of trust he will trust ilar beliefs of Rev. William H. Phelps. for Relief of Ruts Jews culation the flrst of the month was Tue most exciting part of the whole lac, Mich., by the Investigating com- It Is said Funk haa nearly $100,000 positions of the stars was not available, hence an underground vault at a constant temperature and au effort to meet motor bus compe- location of land and his own location. By the from Drecoll, Is made of dull orange scarf collars are shown than fur. Philadelphia. — Julius Rosenwald, $4,784,024,000. an Increase fur 12 Journey was getting the plane an mittee of the Michigan Methodist accurate calculation of the moon's place was not you. editor of the Michigan Christian Ad- tition. The experiments are closely safely deposited. Fourth century A. D., the compass came Into use air pressure. Noon Is announced to the nation by Chicago philanthropist, pledged him- months of $10,140,000. The per capita chored safe In the harbor of Nawlli- possible. velvet with a straight bodice, cut to a The guiding principle for the mod vocate, cleared him of heresy charges. followed by the American Electric Episcopal church here. Mr. Bird's Funk was Identified by J. F. Kelle •, In the Indian ocean. An observatory for the study telegraph lines. This clock Is corrected con- self to donate $1,000,000 towards rais- circulation, however, showed a falling will. Finally we got It well secured "Well," said the "Merry Monarch," "since that V in front and back, and a skirt made ern young girl In choosing her ward The clearing of Phelps, who printed Railway association. It Is contended her.esy charges against Dr. Lynn Har- president of the bank, which was sent of the stars was established about 300 B. C. And stantly by a series of observations of the Bun and ing a $15,000,000 fund for the col off, being only $41.84, as compared In a safe place and went ashore. We Is the case, let John Flamsteed figure It out In very full with circular gores. It Is robe Is simplicity. In later years she Rev. Mr. Hough's sermons in his pub- that If the cars prove practical, street old Hough of Detroit will be token up to the wall by the robbery, us the "Mr. of the beginning of maps and charts no man can certain fixed stars. with $42.28 a year ago. were taken care of by the good people his own way. I'll found a royal observatory and new and entirely charming. Lelong can cover herself with embroidery and lication, Is taken generally by Method- railways will be able to operate more onlzatlon of the Jews In Russia. by an investigating committee to con- Andrews, examiner," who with his pal •ay. When Greenwich was accepted by the world as of the Island, who Insisted on treating make him astronomer royal." And Charles did has an attractive party frock for the elaboration if she will, but If she is ist Episcopal churchmen as assurance profitably than buses, and will pdo- His pledge was made during the vene before the conference of the De- "Inspected" the bank's books and then After man had made up his mind that the earth the standard meridian from which longitude Is Just that, directing Flamsteed "to rectify the young girl made of white crepe de wise, or her parents are, she lets that Hough also will be cleared when conference of the Jewish Joint dis- us as Invalids, whereas, as a matter troit area at Flint. roDbed It. reckoned, It was necessary to fix on a place vlde more rapid and comfortable Turks Mass 70,000 was spherical In shape he made a globe and drew chine with a skirt that is made full by youth reap the full advantage that Is Detroit conference meets. tribution committee here, which has of fact we were In very good shape tobies of the motions of the heavens and the "where days begins"—where datep are changed transportation. circles around It, one set paralleling the equator means of godets all around, and a given it by a charming, slim figure and brought together the leading Jews of Troops on Irak Frontier and perfectly capable of taking care places of the fixed stars, so os to find out the by navigators. This "International date line" Is Lansing — Representative Republi- Pontlac—Stealing automobiles be- Americans Win Many Mob in Florida Tart and and the other set passing through the poles. He straight square-necked bodice. Over a fresh complexion, and lets lier frocks the country. Geneva—Unverified reports circu- of ourselves. so much desired longitude at sea for perfecting the 180th degree of longitude in mid-Pacific. can women from various sections of came passe here with the first report called the distance north or south of the equator this Is worn a sleeveless Jacket of form a setting rather than fill the fore- lating In Geneva are to the effect that We believe the PN-9 Is a great plane Events at Berlin Meet Feathers 2 White Women the art of navigation." Here is an example of the way It works: the state met here and completed or- of a stolen airplane turned in to latitude (wide) and east and west measurement he rose-colored velvet, surplice In front ground of the picture. the Turks have massed 70,000 troops in the air, capable of maintaining Berlin.—Amerlcau athletes repre- Jacksonville, Fin.—Two white wom- After a long controversy over the selection of When It Is 12 o'clock Monday at New York ganization of the Republican Women's Sheriff Frank Schram. Harry Brooks, Arrest U. S. Senator in called longitude (long). In n comparatively short and tied In a sash at the back. Dou- Naturally, the simplicity will vary on the Irak frontier as a means for Itself on the surface of the water In senting the Illinois Athletic club added en were tarred and feathered by a the site for the observatory Greenwich hill was (and in other places having eastern time) It is Federation of Michigan. The first youthful aviator, reported the theft, time the navigator learned to approximate his cet has a debutante's dance frock directly with the age of the girl, and Cafe; Disorderly, It Charge forcing a favorable decision of the Mo- ordinary weather almost Indeflnltely. to their long string of victories by win- mob of 150 men here, police learned. flually chosen and Sir ChriBtopher Wren was 11:00 a. m. in Chicago; 10:00 a. m. In Denver; Are you ready to enjoy social step toward such an organization was the plane belonging to his friend, latitude. But for a long time the determination of made of madonna-blue tulle with a it wlil not do to deny tlie budding col Baker, Ore.—Robert N. Stanlleld, sul dispute with Great Britain. The morale of the crew was high. ning practically all the events in which The women were seized while walking requested to submit a plan. Charles was usually D:00 a. m. In San Francisco; 7:58 a. m. in duties, sporls or recreations? taken at the Republican State Conven- Hoyt Brown, of Birmingham. The bis longitude baffled him. This was a serious mat- V-necked bodice and a godeted skirt, lege undergraduate some of the frills Junior United States senator from The Turks are declared to be ready As a matter of fact it appears from they were entered against German, toward the city prison farm, where hardup and was then presumably a "little short." Sitka, Alaska; 0:29 a. m. In Honolulu—ail Mon- tion at Grand Rapids In May, 1924. plane had been taken to a flying field ter In many ways. If you send a man to a place worn over a straight slip of cream-col' and furbelows of the post-debutante, If not try HOSTSTTSR'S Cele- Oregon, who has been here In con- to throw their oil resources open to what we heard after our arrival that Irish, and Norwegian stars. they had been sentenced to serve a Anyway, he allowed hut 500 pounds for the build- day. But It Is Tuesday In the following places: Then at Port Huron last June at a near here for repairs. In order to fly "somewhere on Western avenue, Chicago," he will ored lace. particularly in evening clothes. For brated Stomach Bitters, for over nection with the hearing of the state all countries on an equal basis If the we were the least concerned people In Harold Osbotn cleared the bar at BO-day sentence for disorderly cond|ict. ing o' the observatory. The builders had to get 1:03 a. m. In Manila; 5:35 a. m. in Apia. Samoa; meeting advertised as a reception to away with the plane. Brooks told the probably have trouble In finding It, for that street Louise Boulanger offers a unique girls still in the secondary schools seventy years noted as a whole- public lands committee, was arrested council of the League of Nations will the world as to our safety. 6 feet 0 Inches, the height with which They were brought back to Jackson- material where they could. Bricks were taken 2:39 a. in. In Melbourne; 2:18 In Tokyo; 12:45 Mrs. A./T. Hirt, vice-chairman of the sheriff. It was necessary for the Is one of the longest In the world. But If you say, party frock for the young girl, made however, the American tradition of un some tonic . appetiser and cor- on a charge of being disorderly. A grant them sovereignty over Mosul, I wish to say finally that as Ha- he won In the Olympic games In Paris, ville and let out of an automobile on from the ruins of Tilbury fort. A gatehouse In a. m. In Peking. When It Is 12 noon Monday In r Republican National Committee, a thelf to replace certain parts of the ^'Western avenue and Madison street." It will be of white and silver crepe with a affected simplicity should be followed city police officer made tlie arrest In which they say Is predominantly waiian flight commander I was fully to set a new Olympic record for the the tower was demolished for other material. New York It Is 5:00 p. m. Monday In London rectlye. a dowptown street clad only In gunny •easy. No wonder some of the early maps are all straight bodice and long sleeves. tentative constitution was adopted magneto and to fill the tanks with The cornerstone was laid August 10. 1675, and without deviation. All DruggiHt a cafe. Turkish. supported by all units of the navy. event sacks. askew, with the geographers and cartographers (Greenwich). and officers were elected. gasoline, oil and water. the roof was on by Christmas. guessing at the longitude! In the United States Naval observatory at TIWHIIHIWII CEWYW Houghton—Dr. William O. Hotch- Detroit—The Packard Motor com- BsrtiislsN. Spencer Wins Bike Title Rain Falls After Prayers U, S, Watches Nicaragua Bonds to Transport Alcohol 168£55 Passports in Year In these latter days, latitude Is the distance of a So John Flamsteed found himself astronomer Washington is what the astronomers who use It klss, chairman of the Wisconsin state pany has filed suit against the city royal In the Royal observatory at an annual sal- call the "zenith tube." It is said to be the only Modes in Footwear for Women With Large Fee Newark, N. J.—Freddie Spencer Atlanta.—After prayers were offered Managua, Nicaragua.-Two Ameri- Washington.—The railroads of the Washington.—In the flscal year place north or south of tlie equator, measured In highway commission, has accepted of Detroit In circuit court seeking ary of 100 pounds a year. Forthwith he applied Instrument of its kind and the best in existence Mir.Mii clinched the professional championship In Atlanta churches for rain, a heavy can vessels have arrived at Nlcaraguan country as well as all other carriers ended June 30, 168,255 Apiericans ap- degrees, minutes and seconds, the equator being the presidency of the Michigan Col- the return of $74,497.87, declared to to the government ofllclals for equipment with for Its purpose. Anyway, it was devised by Dr. The Cinderella foot Is passing. This possible. If her ankle Is thin, straps of America by winning the two-mile fall began In the afternoon, the flrst ports as a precautionary measure to must put up bonds ranging os high as plied for passports tor travel abroad, represented by 0. In a degree of latitude there lege of Mines here, according to an be due because of excess taxes lev which to carry out the king's commands. Nothing Frank E. Ross. Prof. F. B. Litteii is shown using should be welcome news to the woman are quite all right. Contrasting stock- event at the Newark velodrome. He since July 20. Four southern states protect American lives and property In $25,000,000 before they will be given as against 189,196 the prevloua flscal nre 60 minutes, each-possessing the value of a sea announcement by the college board. led against the company. The motor doing! Never In all the years of his service- the Instrument to determine the variation of whose foot has been anything else but. ings, such as nude aud blush, also help defeated Ray Eaton and Tony Beck- Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia and case of emergency. The light cruiser In the future permits to transport year. To July 81, applications showed •mile (6,080 feet). In modern practice the latitude He has returned to his home in Madi- concern paid a tax of $265,609.83 un nearly half a century—did he get an instrument latitude at Washington. It has been determined Automobiles und exercise, according to the large foot. man, crack distance star. Alabama, prayed for rain. Denver, with a detachment of marines anything which might be converted Increase of 21 per cent over 1924. can be determined at sea in six different ways. The HOSTETTER'S son to wind up his business, prepara- der protest, alleging that the law un of any kind from king or government. that the axis of the earth's rotation changes its shoe experts, are making sevens and cr.I.c XTLO aboard, reached Corlnto. The gunboat Into an intoxicated beverage. •most usual is to take an observation of the sun tory to returning here to assume his der which the assessment was levied So Flamsteed went to work wltb his own position continually. The result Is that the North eights bigger sellers than sizes three Tulsa reached Blueflelds. at meridian or ex-merldlan, In cloudy weather. It Give Piquant Touch STOMACH BITTERS now duties when the college fall Is unconstitutional, and that the dlf Power From Muscles Shoals Masso Fights Chinese Reds Two Die in Tong War and four. Constant pressure of the •can be taken from the pole star, from the stars, Instruments. And he mode others. After thirteen pole moves around In a circle, completing the cir- Two of tlie outstanding French de- tehh opens. Dr. Hotchklss succeeds ference, $74,497.87, between the old Florence, Ala.—Muscle Shoals has Peking.—A nation-wide antl-Com- Five Cars of Beer Seized New York.—Three high officials of foot on the accelerator, brakes and from the moon. years of slow progress he Inherited a small for- cuit in about fourteen months. This circle is algners are making extensive use of Dr. F. W. McNalr, who was killed In tax rate and the present one, should begun Its flrst service of power to the munlst movement Is to be launched Brazilians Flee Revolt Chicago.—Five car loads of beer the On Leong Tong were arrested, clutch spreads the feet, thoy explain. Longitude determination nowadays is simple tune. He thereupon began the construction of a never greater than sixty feet in diameter. So the watch fob as a trimming for the a railroad accident In Illinois a year be returned. Under 1915 tax regula South. Twenty thousand kilowatts from Peking or Shanghai to quell the Montevideo, Uruguay.—Political un- from Lawrence, Mass., said to be a charged with acting In concert with But all this does not mean that tho when you know how and have sextant and clocks. large new mural circle. This Instrument la. "a Peary's North pole Amerlgan flag Is not far out plain white flannel frocks now being FOR OVER ago. Dr. Hotchklss conferred with the tlons the company would have been were turned into tho Alabama Power Red reign In Canton, Masso, early back- rest on the Brazilian border is causing record day's shipment for the Chicago the slayers of two members of the day of the pretty foot is past. Manu- For difference of longitude and difference of time graduated circle, In the plane of the meridian. of the way. worn. The black fobs bearing a spark board of control. taxed a total of $191,111.96? lines at nitrate plant No. 2. er of Gen. Sun Yat Sen, announced. many persons to cross into Uruguay. territory, were seized In Morton Grove. Hip Sing Tong, who were killed. facturers claim there Is no woman, ling ornament peep out of a breast even if she wears a size 8-B, who can- Houghton—Passenger travel through Monroe—After all the testimony pocket or from a receptacle at the ZOO YEAaS It is commonly a species. . . . event which he represents will not not be fitted to a smart shoe, but she the Keweenaw waterway reached Its had been Introduced In the circuit Coolidge for U, S. Ship Sales Ford Bid for Ships Likely Predicts Cold Weather Moscow Tries to Sell Fleet Bonds Bought for Indians wrist. Black-and-white leather belts Shakespeare has no., heroes, his happen, but, if it were possible, its ef- must remember that every shoe Is not peak for the 1926 season in August, court here In tho case of J. J. Cor Washington. — President Coolidge Washington.-A bid for tho pur Middleton, N. Y.—Caterpillars, trees, London.—British firms have been Washington.—Interest and surplus Human Nature in Shakespeare's Pages also give a touch of piquancy to the haarlem oil has been a world- scenes are occupied only by men, who fects would probably be such as he has made for her. A woman cannot wear laccording to the monthly statement coran, of this city, against Fred M has indicated that what he prefers chase ot four shipping board passen- corn and rabbits aro getting ready for hsked by Soviet agents to submit bids funds from oil royalties credited to simple costumes. wide remedy for kidney, liver and act and speak as the reader thinks assigned; and It may be said that he every shoe any more than she can by George H. Banks, engineer in Longnecker, asking for an alleged most In solving tlie marine problem ger and freight ships of the Pan-Amer- a cold winter, according to Harry G. for the ships ot the old Imperial fleet the Osage Indian tribe ot Oklahoma Shakespeare la, above all writers, at or temporary opinions; they are the bladder disorders, rheumatism, that he should himself have spoken or wear every hat. She should study her charge of freight and passengers car- partnership accounting and for the ap- ft the speedy sale of United States ican lines is expected to be submitted Dill, a close student of the weather. lying In Blzerta harbor, French Tunis. were used In purchasing $8,000,000 least above all modern writers, the genuine progeny of common humanity, has not only shown human nature as acted on the same occasion; even feet and llnd the style that suits. lumbago and uric acid conditiont, ried. A total of 8,160 passengers were pointment of a receiver, an amicable vessels to private interests with the by Henry Ford, It was announced fol- Heavy snowfall and severe cold are The fleet was taken there by the worth of Liberty bonds to be held In poet of nature; the poet that holds up such as the world will always supply It acts In real exigencies, hut as it Voguish Lingerie where the agency Is supernatural, tho carried through the waterway in Au- adjustment was reached whereby Mr. provision they fly the American flag. lowing conference of officials. indicated, he says. Whites In 192t trust for the Indians. ito his readers a faithful mirror of and observation will always find. His would bo found in trials to which It For the woman who wears a No. 8 If one has breakfast In bed what dialogue is level with life. Other writ- gust compared with 6,878 In July this Corcoran sold out his Interest In the msnners and of life. His characters persons act and speak by the infiu- cannot be exposed.—Samuel Johnson. shoe, one is recommended that breaks could be more appropriate than a nre not modified by the customs of ence of those general passions and era dluKUlae the most natural passions flic line. A buckle. If if be i.ot too nightie trimmed with coffee-colored years, and 7,283 In August last year. business to Mr. Longnecker, who will Former Congressman Dies Bryan Memorial Meeting Heads Federal Employees Kills for Insult to Uniform Probe Income Tax Fraud ^ HAARLEM OIL particular places, unpracticed by the principles by which ail minds are agi- and most frequent Incidents; so that loud. Is often Just the tiling. She lace! That Is the latest fancy in lin- Freight shlpmeuta thiuugh the water- conUuuu the busInooB. Tho buslncoo Waslilpgtqn.-7-PuUflck U. Kellej, for- Washington. A confcrcnce on plana Bostou. Tho National Federation New York.-Joseph Rlzzute, an ex- New York.—Certain cases of ridicu- c A P S» U U fr, S rest of Hie world; by the pocullarltlcB tated, and the whole system of life Is he who contemplates them In the hook Week's Great Thought .'lioul.l select a colonial type of square gerie. The lace Is posed on the sheer- way In August this year amounted to was established six years ago for the mer congressman from Michigan, died for the erection of a memorial to the of Federal Employees, In convention soldier, in Brooklyn shot and killed lously small Income tax payinenta of studies or professions which can continued in motion. In the writings will not know them tn the world. The man who doesn't put bis name buckle, fairly large, so as to give her est of voile of a slightly lighter shade 183,363 tons against 124,656 tons In manufacture of paper dishes. Tha here after a lingering Illness. He late William Jennings Bryan was held here, elected Luther C. Steward of Francisco Annello tor saying thai he have prompted the establishment of correct internal troubles, stimulate vital of other poets a character is too often Shakespeare approximates the remote, on his umbrella generally finds be foot a stubby appearance. However, and the garments are confined at th* July, 1924, and 142,621 in August last concern has so prospered th&t the served five terms in congress from by friends of the "Commoner." Jose- Kansas City, Mo., over Howard D. looked like a clown In tlie uniform a frauds bureau to push a campaign operate but upon small numbers; or organs. Three sixes. All druggists. Insist by the accidents of transient fashions an Individual; In thoao of Shakespeare and familiarizes the wonderful; the hasn't an umbrella to his uama she should chouse as dainty a shoe as waist by a girdle. year. dally output was 401;,5fW. 1913 to 1928. phus Daniels was present Ebey of Chicago, as Its president of the United States army. against dodgers of the Income levy. CO the original genuine Qou> Midau '• -"T-' m p . U^PMP I ^ • -I... '.^V ^ ^ '


Massachusetts Had Exasperated Nerves Order for Publication Yates; organist, Mrs. Carrie Rider. Slute of Michigan, the Probate Court for tho CHiCH AiOHS Everyone Is Invited to attend Sunday First Nail Machinery Are Very Infectious County of Dcrrien. Elmwood Corners NORTH WATERVUET At n seHslon of sulil court held nt tlie probate school next Sunday nt 10:110 a. in. There Is no dale in history fixing "It has been my experience ^in life, ofllce In the City of St. JuHeph in said county, on the 8th day of September A. D. 1U28. the first use of nulls. Up to a century and I find the experience of others Present, Hon. William H. AndrewH.Judire of First Church of Christ, Scientiest Mrs. Amelia Hutchlns spent Sunday A Fitting Job Mr. Scbultz of South Haron visited ago they were still exclusively hand confirms me, that Irritability begets Ir- Probate. at Henry Hutchlns'. A newly-made peer Insisted on hla In the matter of the estate of Philip Wm. Crawford Sunday. Services are held every Sunday at 10:45 made, and even as late as 1850 It was ritability and scolding begets scold- HuRhes, deceased. Mr. mid Mrs. Floyd Crawford and a. m- Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Anderson and son Arthur, Mrs. head gardener taking as an appren- a general custom In this country for ing. Elizabeth Replogle having Hied In said court Gilford and Mrs. White spent Thurs- her petition praying for liceiiHe to sell the children visited Mrs, Morton Eltzorth Wednesday evening service at 8 o'clock. tice a lad In whom he was interested. the nail maker with his forge and an- "Exasperated nerves are very in- Interest of b-ild estate in certain real estate Sunday afternoon. Reading room open to the public ev- day evening with Mrs. Schoonover. The lad was very lazy and the gar- therein described. vil to come with the carpenter to fectious. Beware of tlie tongue of Mrs. D. J. Muth visited Mrs. George ery Wednesday and Saturday afternoons Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stark and dener was not pleased at having such It is ordered that the 5th day of October from 2 to 4 o'clock. make the nails needed In the erection that husband who has a shrewish A.D. 1925 at ten o'clock in-the forenoon, at said IJHl of Coloma Saturday. daughters of Coloma and Mr. Stark's a youth thrust on him. Some time wife. Beware of (he company of those probate office be and is hereby appointed for Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart of St. Joseph The lesson for next Sunday will be father of Hartford, were Sunday af- of a building. The first nall-maklng hearing said petition, aud -that all persons "Matter." after, his lordship, walking in the gar- machinery originated In Massachusetts children who have a nervous invalid interested In said estate apper before Haid took dinner Sunday at the home of the ternoon callers at the John Pocketti den, came on ids gardener and said: court, at said time and place, to show catise home. In 1810 to make cut nails from steel In authority over them! hitter's brother, Chas. Cole, and spent "Well, John, how Is my young friend why a license to sell the interest of said the remainder of the day with her Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart, C. P. John- or iron plates. The use of cut nails "Satire, properly speaking, Is the estate in said real etitate should not be getting on?" sister, Mrs. Wm. Crawford. son and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pitcher and scorn of fools. The satirist, therefore, granted. First Community Church is now greatly reduced by the Intro- It is further ordered that public notice Mr. and Mrs. Lautenhach enter- children called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry "Oh, he's doln' tine," replied the duction of machinery and wire nails, claims n personal exemption. He, by thereof be gireu by publication of a copy of Rev. W. E. Goltz, Pastor. gardener, with a smile; "he'svworking this orderonce each week for three successive mined company from Chicago Sunday. Anthony and family of Keeler Sunday which came Into the United States some miracle, has escaped from folly. weeks previous to saiikduy of hearing, in The Miss Uomoiia Doollttle attended the Sunday, September 20th— afternoon. away there at the very Job that suits from Germany In 1875. It was discov- It Is an assumption which I, for one, Coloma Courier, a newspaper printed and wedding of Mrs. Kate's sister of Chica- Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. A Mr. and Mrs. Vern Grant and fam- him." circulated In said county. ered shortly after their Introduction am never prepared to grant him. Are (SEAL) WILLIAM H. ANDREWS. go, Sunday at G;l)() o'clock in the even- class for everyone. Plan to attend next ily of South Haven spent Sunday eve- "I'm glad to hear that," said hla Sunday morning. that they did not have great holding you? Well, you will not be when you A true copy. Judge of Probate. ing. • ning al the Tom Schoonover home. lordship. "What may that be?" LILUA O. SI'itAous. Probate Register. 7t3 Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock. power. This defect was overcome In are older. And you may take this from Mrs. Mnuna Delano of South Haven, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Yates were In "Chasing snails off the walks," was Subject, "The Imperceptible Changes Dowagiac on business Tuesdly. 1882 by Ira Copeland of Whitman, me."—Lee Wilson Dodd in McNaught's sister of U. 'E. and O. H. Kelly, was the cutting reply. operated on at the1 New Borgess hos- of Life." Special music will be fur- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and Mr. Mass., who concelvea the Idea of Monthly. Order Appointing Time for pital at Kalamazoo on Friday of last nished by the vested choir. and Mrs. Charles Bennar of Benton coating them with vegetable gum, tho Hearing Claims. week. She Is reported to be doing You are cordially Invited to attend Harbor visited at Schoonover's Sunday Onione the Oldest. result being to give them even greater Swiss Have Women in Clergy. State of Michigan, The Probate Court for nicely. the services of the Community church. afternoon. Onions have caused more tears for holding power than cut nails. Unmarried women are now permit- the County of Berrien. Mr. and Mrs. D. ,T. Muth entertain- Mrs. Bert Coon, Mrs. .1. H. Pockett more years than any other subject in At a session of said court, held at the pro- ed I he following guests at their home and Coral Coon called on Mrs. Mary ted to serve as clergy In Switzerland; bate office In the city of St. Joseph. In said the world; they have been wept over Hutchlns of Hartford Wednesday af- they must resign lu the event of their county, on the 27th day of August A. D. 1025. Sunday: Simon Muth of Coloma; J. The First Side Saddiea. since before tlie pyramids were built. Changing Color of Eyes. Present. Hon. William II. Andrews, Judge K. Muth and wife, and the hitters two ternoon and found her very miserable. Side saddles were Invented about There are hieroglyphic tears on an- The dilution of the pupil causes a marriage. of-Probate. nieces of Kalamazoo; other friends At the Stlckney Sunday school or- In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth the middle of the Sixteenth century by cient obelisks of the hind of the Phar. change in appearance of the eye. M. Rice,deceased. from Benton Harbor; and O. H. Kelly ganized last Sunday morning the fol- A Disturbing Ghost. Catherine de Medici. Previously It aohs showing that the Egyptian slaves Aside from this. In rare Instances, the It appearing to the court at the lime for the and wife. lowing oilicers were chosen: Super- "Why will you haunt me In my presentation ot claims against said estate had been the custom for ladles to had them for lunch. In point of an- Influence of diseases or drugs will should be limited, and that a time and place David Derby and brother Scott were intendent, J. W. Brune; assistant sleep?" asks one of the poets. Per- be appointed to receive, examine and adjust home a short time Sunday. ride on a cushion and to support tha superintendent, Mrs. Lull; secretary, tiquity the onion Is the oldest aud change the color of the eyes of an haps ho owed her for several weeks' all cialma and demands against said deceased Mr. J. Dunham was o visitor at the feet on a piece of board. Maggie Glllard; treasurer, Mrs. C. D. most aristocratic of vegetables. adult. by and before said court. board. It Is ordered that credltorn of said deceased Walter Derby home Sunday. are required to present their claims to said Mrs. G. H. Kelly, his son Charles, court at said Probate Office on or before the 28tb day of December A. D. 1926. at ton o'clock and the hitter's uncle, O. E. Kelly, were In the forenoon, said time and place being callers at the Floyd Kelly home In hereby appointed for the examination and Dowagiac, Sunday. adjustment of all claims and demands against said deceased. Mr. and Airs. Floyd Crawford and It IH further ordered that public notice two children and Mr. and Mrs. O. H. thereof be given by publication of a copy of Kelly, spent Friday evening at the SAFETY this order for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in The Coloma Courier Kyle Born homo northeast of Toquln. a newspaper printed and circulated in said Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Muth and daugh- CLAIM THIS PRIVILEGE county. William H. Andrews. ter Flda were visitors -at the Kelly A true eopy. Judge of Probate. home late Thursday afternoon. Lillia O. Sprague, Hegister of Probate. 0l3 Callers at the Kelly home late Sun- SERVICE day afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Crumb and daughter of Water- Order Appointing Time for vliet ; Mrs. Eva Armstrong of Coloma; Hearing Claims. Mrs. N. J. Kider and son Gordon, Mrs. Iva Stelnbrook and two children, Jul- State of Michigan. The Probate Court for A Chinese Proverb Says- the County of Berrion. ius Van de Wellle, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde At a sesHlon of said court, held at the Pro- Delano and two sons, Marlon and The- bate Office In the city of St. Joseph. In said odore, of Covert, county, on the 1st day of September A. D. 1925. Piesent. Hon. William H. Andrews, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of Wilhemlna Mack, deceased. Fishermen See Golden "When your horse is on the brink It appearing to the court that the time for presentation of claims against said estate Cross Outlined in Sky should be limited, and that a time'and place of a precipice it is to late to pull the be appointed to receive, examine and adjust Hall Calne, In "The Master of Man," all claims und demands against said deceased by and before saifl court. the scenes of which are literally the reins." It is ordered that creditors of said deceased Isle of Man, a British Island In the are required to present their claims to said court at said Probate Office on or before the Irish sea, says that the herring shoal, 4th day of January A. D. 1920, at ten o'clock in which In the early summer comes the forenoon, said time and place being here When a time of want or misfortune by appointed for the examination and ad down from Norway to the western justment of all claims and demands against coast of Man, drifts eastward as the said deceased. comes to you, it is then to late to save. It U further ordered, that public notice year advances, on its way back to the thereof be given by publication of. a copy of frozen seas. this order for three snccessivc weeks previous tosaidday of hearing, In The Coloma Cour- The fishermen, going south to their f ier, a newspaper printed and circulated in fishing ground In the evening of the The time to put something aside is said county. WILLIAM H. ANDBIWB, day, go down on their knees on the Special Display A true copy. Judge of Probate. decks of their boats to pray to St now. By so doing you will prevent a LILLIA O. Spiuoun, Register of Probate. Ilt3 Marguerite and St Patrick to send them safely home In the morning with crisis. First publication July 34,1925 a full cargo. The fishermen claim that 54-INCH SILKS Mortgage Sale. when they rise from their knees, after Whereas, Grace Ward Rlchic and William their rough hands have been held close THE gayly printed Silks of last season in This bank is a safe place in which to Richie, husband and wife, made and executed a certain realestate mortgage, bearing date to their eyes, and look back at the the 54-inch widths having proved them- the 15th of June, A. D. 1920, to Harlow J. For- castle as they gall past Castleton, they keep your funds. gnson and Belie Ferguson, husband and wife selves so practical, we are now offering lus- which mortgage was duly recorded In the of sometimes see a golden cross plainly Hce of the Register of Deeds for Berrien coun outlined In the sky above It Perhaps trous crepes just as wide. ty, January 17th, A. D. 1920 In Liber 139 of Mortgages, on page 82 thereof, and. It Is only a Manx superstition, but It Whereas, said mortgage being In i.- seems, It Is said, to bring a certain In- the payment of principal and Interest duo and It is surprising how this new width sim- iinpaid on the lands and premises covered bv spiration to their "simple hearts for all sald mortgage, and provided therein to be that plifies the cutting-and-making of dresses State Bank of Coloma, paid by said mortgago's, and. Whereas, the amount claimed to be due und and other stumiing wearables. It also unpaid on said mortgage. Including principal CHAS. 0. BALL, Cashier COLOMA, MICH. and Interest. Is the sum of *1083.63, and no suit makes possible definite economy in yard- or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the debt now remaining secured by Peculiar Bark on Tree age, which,, translated, means a real money said mortgage, or an> part thereof, and, The characteristic of the shagbark saving. Whereus, default has been made in tile pay- ....•J ment of said principal und interest as afore- hickory from which It derives Its said. secured by said mortgage, whereby the name, Is the peculiar manner In which power of sale therein has become operative, 54 INCH CREPE SATIN Now Therefore, Notice Is hereby given, that the bark Is attached to the trunk, says by virtue of the power of sale contained In a, i said mortgofle and the statute in such case the American Tree Association of made and provided, the said mortgage will be Washington. This Is HjjJit gray and foreclosed by sale of the mortgaged premises $4.98 " $5.85 » at public vendue to the highest bidder ut the from one-half to three-quarters of an front door of the Court House In the city of Inch In thickness. It separates from St. Joseph in Berrien County, State of Michi- 64 INCH CANTON CREPE gan; that being the place of holding Circuit the trunk In thick strips from a few Court for the County of Berrien. State of Inches In length to from two to three Michigan, on Monday, the 19th day of October. GRAND| feet and from one to six Inches In A. D. 1925, al ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, to satisfy said mortgage, interest $4.98 width. These strips retain their at- due thereon und cost of foreclosure; the lands and premises described in said mortgage and tachment to the tree at the middle In all the new fall colors to be sold, being described ns follows, to-wit: and usually curt up at £f.ch end, giv- OPENING 1 Commencing OH the cast and west nuarter line of Section 21. Township 3 South, Range ing a decidedly rough and shaggy ap- 54 INCH GEORGETTE 17 West, and at the southwest corner of lauds pearance to the trunk. of (Icorge H. and Margaret Greenwalt aud Black Only running thence west on said quarter line to lands of F.W. Johnson; thence north along Johnson's land to the northeast corner there- of; thence west to the center of the highway; thence northerly along center of the highway Returning the Favor $4.50 to the east line of the Paw Puw Lake branch A clergyman who was getting his of the Pere Marquette Ry.; thence northeast- McCall Patterns have many new styles erly along said rullway right of way to lands hair trimmed came to himself with a of Susan Dorgai.; thence east to lands of said start. "Finished, eh?" he said. Especially Adapted For 54 Inch Materials Greenwalt; thence south along Greenwults' U west line to the place of beginning, and being "Yes, sir," said the barber. I flu- FRIDAY thirty (30) acres of land more or less, in the Ished some time ago." south half of the northeast quarter o.' Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 17 West; except- "Then I must have been Indulging t ing therefrom 2.34 acres heretofore conveyed In a nap. It was very kind of you to the Benton Harbor-St. Joe Railway ± Light APP & PRIDEAUV Co.. said deed recorded in Vol. 188 of Ueeds not to wuire me. The rest has done page 019. HARLOW J. FERGUSON, me good a^d I am grateful to you for BELLE FEHGUSON. BENTONI HARBOR A JOHN J. STERLING, what, waft fculte a refreshing sleep." R Attorney for Mortgagees. Bnatness Address: 84 West Main Street, "Don't mention It, sir," responded Benton Harbor. Michigan. tho barbeK "It's only a fair return, I Dated, July 15th. 1926. Last publication October 9, 1925. attended yftur church last Sunday."

SEPT. DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED AT 8:30 P. M. Hart Schaffner & Marx new suits for fall ADMISSION Ladies 10c DANCE Gentlemen 25c TO A It's one of Hart Schaffner & Marx's Remember, the suits are brand latest achievements—a fine suiit of new in style, color and fabric ^they- 're bound to be, because this is the REAL clothes that sells for $35—an amaz- first season we've sold Hart PARK PLAN BAND ingly low price for such values. It Schaffner & Marx suits. You don't DANCING can only be done through tremen- have to take chances on unknown dous volume. makes in order to get a low price now. PETE SULLIVAN Presents His We believe they are the greatest values ever offer- m mm ed in Benton Harbor. You will, too, when you see "ACES" them. THE PERFECT DANCE ORCHESTRA 2 MILES EAST OF Albert's Clothes Shop BENTON HARBOR on M-ll Water Street near the Four Corners Benton Harbor, Mich.