I THE COLOMA COURIER 32 8 WHOLE NO. 1651 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925 VOL NO CRIME IN BERRIEN COUNIV SHOWS DECREASE R nil IS MB i MFItlD PLEADS GIIILIY TO 21 ENTER PLEAS Of GUILTY COLOMA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AT OPENING OF ACCORDINC10 CIRCOIT COURT CALENDAR SliHOIWD AnACK WITii DEADLY WEAPON SEASON OPENS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 $3,000,000 Syndicate Said to be Read; Judge White Will Investigate the Case Twenty-one New Criminal Cases Were quor law; Irving Price, liquor luw; school hoard, a considerable amount of Also Added to September Court ] First Game Will ho Played at Benton 37 CIISOS on Crimiiuil Docket, Compared Marcus Dungey, liquor law; Henry to Promote Big Enterprise—1,000 Before Sentence is Pronounced new equipment has been ordered for Hotter, liquor law; Julius Millnickel which the boys wish to express their Calendar Harbor—Good Schedule of Games is to 73 Cases Year Ago—24 Cnses for nn'l Iteinbart Milinickel, larceny: Acres of Land Purchased For a Site Arthur M. Merrlficid, formerly head thanks. The coach feels that If foot- of the Shivel-Morrilleld Motor com- diaries Miller and Thomas Murphy, With the addition of 21 cases to the Arranged and Boys Are Working ball Is worth while for eleven men. It Violation of Liquor Laws. "Rlvera" Is the name of a new re-1 puny, Ronton Harbor, who simt Charles rohhery; Ernest Moore, assault with printed calendar of the September could be iM'neficlal to more, so In the sort city to come Into existence on the \v. Powers, pleaded guilty in circuit Hard to Develop a Winning Team- intent to murder; Frank Dimirla, 11- term, Circuit Judge Charles E. White future very serviceable equipment will Although the Septomhor terhi of the shores of Lake Michigan beyond Grand 1 court Monday to assault with a danger- quor law; Rose Farina, liquor law; and ofllclals of the Rerrien county be on hand for fifteen men. IJorrloa county circuit court really Reach. ous weapon. Buy a Ticket to Five Games For Smith Jones, liquor law; Louis Nicli- court Monday afternoon settled down The team and coach also wish to Oscar W. Eckland of Chicago Is the Merrilleld shot Powers because he opcned last Monday, the jury was not nis. liquor law; Irving Campbell, us to the business of trying a criminal SUM) tender their heartiest thanks to the prime mover In the organization of a thought the latter, salesman for the called to report until next Monday, sault with Intent to rape; Ralph Will- schedule exceeding the 1024 Soptemher members of the Ladles' Social Union $3,000,000 syndicate which has taken company, had been intimate with Mrs. The calendar for the present term of lams liquor law; Charles Krieger. calendar in size. Coloma has strong hopes for a good who. repaired their equipment over l.QOO acres of lake, forest ami Helen Merrilleld. court shows that there were but .*17 statutory rape; Edward Marutt, IK The work of the court will bo some- season's record this year. The team With those two Instances of coopera- river land extending alou|[ one and The shooting, which occurred a few criminal cases listed, but others were quor law; Alfred Havens, statutory what lightened, however, as well as tion yet in our minds we are very three-quarters of a mile of Lake hours after Mrs. Merrilleld had sued that meets Renton Harbor on Kllstrup added this week. The most Important rape; Fred Schocnmker, statutory thai of Prosecutor George H. Rook- hopeful that every one this year wlil Michigan frontage iK'twcen New Ruf- for divorce, was a sensation in social Held will he composed of nine veterans criminal case Is that of Arthur M. rape; William N. Blue, desertion; Don waller, by the action of 21 respondents turn in and give the boys tholi^ whole- falo and Mr. Eokland's summer estate, and business circles of the twin cities. Merridetd, charged with assault to Williams, liquor law; John Wright, who entered pleas of guilty Monday |of last season. Fritz will return to hearted support. When there Is a game Through the acreage Hows tlie Galien |where the principals were well known. murder. This case Is the result of larceny from person; Leroy Koskl, li- afternoon. According to the prose- In Coloma, come out and yell for us, river, which will bo widened and deep- fullback position, Hosbein will probab- the slmotlng at the Merrltleid home quor law; Joseph Cutala, liquor law; it wlil help to win. If there Is a game ened and developed to Include a yacht Charge Ls Reduced cutor. there have boon few court terms ly handle the team at quarter, and last July, when Merrltleid endeavored Sam Ouldlce, liquor law; George within the memory of his practice In a town nearby, get out the old Ford harbor. I'anghorn will play right half. The to secure a confesRlon from Charles Stokes, assault with Intent to kill; The charge to which Merrilleld when arrangements have been so rapid and come over. Wo always feel glad Included on the river bottom Is a [other half hack position is still in Powers, a Buiek salesman employed by Henrlcl Marcentelll, assault with lu- pleaded guilty was less serious than and so many guilty pleas written upon to see a few home folks there. Tickets huge basin back of the shore bluffs, ilouht. Sawatzki and Kent, tackles of good for live home games will soon be ShTvel-Merrllleld, that be had heen on tent to murder. 1 the one on which he was arrested— the court record. There are a total of and here 400 acres will be given over last year, will he shifted to the wing on sale at one dollar apiece. Ruy one too friendly terms with Morrilleld's assault with intent to kill; It was re- 02 criminal cases scheduled. There to recreation. There already work has T wJ IT r" u positions as good end material is and rest assured that your money nev- n rWlUL,lt ,,f 1 ,( k were 4'.» arraignments, including the 21 KtHi-te.! mi two elifhteel .hole irolf K "• " ' - jscarce this year. Habel will be at er wont for a better cause. cmies 'R>e«' will be courses o wnltl,r- n,,,, M"r- who pleaded guilty and will appear at i center. ac-"" * * •" miiiiii pi* mi uk we ' T-K ^ 1ntleld's counsel, William P. Harvey. motor boats, four miles of bridle paths a later date for sentence. Of course the new material is as yet 1925 Schedule [Judge Charles E. White reserved sen and a lOO-acre aviation field. The majority of prisoners to plead an unknown quantify. No amount of fence. guilty were liquor law violators, al- Sept ! m soi inMiim Over 700.000 cubic yards to l)e dug practice can prove the worth of a man 18—Renton Harbor—there. Merrilleld was the llrst prisoner ar- though there wore a few statutory Sept 25—Watervllet—there. cases listed '24 are for violation of thej from the river channel will lie used to as much as his actions under ganu raigned at the opening of the Sepfom charges among the complaints read. Oct. 2—Open. liquor law. Prosecutions for violation j fill the low land for the golf course. conditions. And also all the football her term of court. Mr. Harvey told Oct. 0—Rerrien Springs—there. of the liquor law show a decided drop . .. „ . p Within the next year |1,.TOO,000. It Is |theory known can never hope to take s roMrtv the court that bis client would waive Guilty of Liquor Vioiatons Oct. 14—NUes—here. over last September when 2S out of,Lake *hor* llol<l rarK planned, will be spent In development the place of oxiM-rionce. Zleike, a the reading of the information, bearing Oct. 23—Watervllet—here. the 73 cases listed were for that of-! work. The architecture for buildings The following are among those ar- freshman this year, looks as though to be Divided into Lots the formal charge, and would plead Oct. 80—Open. fense. In marked contrast with the big and small will be along Italian raigned who entered plefts of guilty he might bo deveUipod into a capable ( [guilty with the understanding that the Nov. (»—Rerrien Springs—here. September term of last year, the com-j The l^ike Shore Hotel at Paw Paw and Spanish lines. It will be a resort to violation of the liquor laws: Ken- tackle. Leedy. who had a little ex- 1 Judge would make a complete Inveetl Nov. 11—NUes—there. lug term does not list a single bur- : Lake, one of the older Institutions on city. It Is predicted, to resemble fbt neth Rurgoyne, Sam Bowers. Mrs. Sam perience last year, will probably start jgation of the circumstances before Nov. 13—St. Joe—here. glary or rohhery charge, although sev- the north side of the lake, which has famed Rivera of Mediterranean waters. Rowers, Marshall Rernahl, John Rren at guard Friday. The other guard will pronouncing sentence. Nov. 20—Open. eral cases of larceny are scheduled. done a big business for the past The trustees are Oscar W. Eckland, kerf. Irving Price, Henry Roder. Frank probably be one of the new men. eighteen years, under the direction of John J. Sloan, at id Paul E. Warren, Merrilleld is Silent Domaral, John Hayes, Frank Dunlmr, Umphroy. last year's end. together with 1 Two Kinne Cases. William S. McGuire and his daughter. and the financial agency will be flu Sum Gildie, Mike Mlftl.
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