Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment © 2016 American Psychological Association 2017, Vol. 8, No. 2, 140–149 1949-2715/17/$12.00

Triarchic Dimensions of in Young Adulthood: Associations With Clinical and Physiological Measures After Accounting for Adolescent Psychopathic Traits

Melina Nicole Kyranides and Kostas A. Fanti Maria Sikki University of Cyprus Leiden University

Christopher J. Patrick Florida State University

This study examined associations of psychopathy facets of boldness, meanness, and with clinically relevant variables and physiological reactivity to affective stimuli. These associations were examined after accounting for developmental associations with adolescent psychopathic traits, namely callous–unemotional traits, , and . Psychopathic traits were assessed during ado- lescence using the Antisocial Process Screening Device and the Inventory of Callous Unemotional traits ϭ ϭ and during young adulthood via the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure. Clinical variables (N 99, Mage 15.91, 53% female), as well as affective and physiological responses (heart rate, skin conductance, startle ϭ ϭ modulation) to violent and erotic videos (N 88, Mage 19.92, 50% female) were also assessed during adulthood. After accounting for adolescent psychopathic traits, boldness was associated with high cognitive reappraisal and low anxiety, , and hostility, and meanness was related to callous– unemotional traits, hostility, less sympathy to victims, and less use of cognitive reappraisal. Disinhibition, by contrast, was associated with impulsivity, increased anxiety, and hostile and aggressive tendencies, as well as , antisocial personality disorder symptoms, and cognitive suppression. In addition, evidence was found for different physiological measures operating as biological indicators of these distinctive dimensions, with reduced resting heart rate and cardiac reactivity to violent stimuli indicative of boldness, above and beyond adolescent psychopathic traits, and low startle potentiation for violent stimuli indicative of callous–unemotional traits and meanness. These findings provide evidence for the value of a multidomain approach for clarifying neurobiological mechanisms of psychopathic tendencies that can inform prevention and treatment efforts.

Keywords: meanness, boldness, disinhibition, adolescent psychopathy, physiological, startle reactivity

The triarchic model, which defines psychopathy as encompass- significant controversy still troubling the field. The current study ing three distinct but interrelated phenotypic dispositions—bold- adds to this line of work by evaluating associations of the triarchic ness, meanness, and disinhibition—has proven to be useful for domains with measures of aggression, emotional regulation, and understanding the content coverage of alternative measures of psychopathology during young adulthood, after controlling for psychopathy, associations with antisocial behavior, personality known correlates of triarchic dimensions assessed during adoles- traits, and maladaptive outcomes (e.g., Drislane et al., 2015; Dris- cence, namely callous–unemotional (CU) traits, narcissism, and lane, Patrick, & Arsal, 2014; Fanti, Kyranides, Drislane, Colins, & impulsivity. By doing so, the current study adds a development Andershed, 2016; Hall et al., 2014; Patrick, 2010; Patrick, Fowles, perspective to existing work. Another novel contribution of the

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied& publishers. Krueger, 2009). Research on the triarchic model has continued current study is the investigation of how the triarchic domains

This article is intended solely for the personal use ofto the individual user and be is not to be important disseminated broadly. due to its integrative perspective and in light of relate to heart rate, skin conductance, and startle reactivity to violent and erotic videos, after accounting for adolescent-assessed psychopathic traits.

Triarchic Model: Associations With Behavioral and This article was published Online First May 12, 2016. Melina Nicole Kyranides and Kostas A. Fanti, Department of Psychol- Trait Variables ogy, University of Cyprus; Maria Sikki, Department of Psychology, Leiden Investigating associations with conceptually relevant behavioral University; Christopher J. Patrick, Department of Psychology, Florida and personality criteria is crucial to clarifying the scope and State University. Melina Nicole Kyranides and Kostas A. Fanti contributed equally to this boundaries of the triarchic model constructs (i.e., their nomolog- work. ical networks). Boldness as defined in the model entails the ability Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Kostas A. to remain calm and focused in stressful situations with high toler- Fanti, Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus, P. O. Box 20537, ance for novelty and risk (Patrick et al., 2009). Empirically, CY 1678, Nicosia, Cyprus. E-mail: [email protected] boldness is correlated with extraversion; fearlessness; sensation


seeking; and low levels of anxiety, anger, and hostility (Drislane et Patrick et al., 2009), no prior work has investigated how adolescent al., 2015, 2014; Fanti, Kyranides, et al., 2016; Sellbom & Phillips, psychopathy measures relate longitudinally to triarchic psychopa- 2013; Stanley, Wygant, & Sellbom, 2013). Emotional resilience in thy dimensions assessed during adulthood. In addition, in terms of high-bold individuals may also be associated with greater use of testing a developmental model of psychopathy, it is important to affect-regulation strategies, such as cognitive reappraisal. How- investigate whether the associations between triarchic psychopathy ever, only one study, to our knowledge, has tested for a relation- dimensions remain significant after controlling for associations ship between affect-regulation strategies and psychopathy (Burns, with youth psychopathic traits. Roberts, Egan, & Kane, 2015), but this study did not assess for differential associations with distinct psychopathic dimensions. Triarchic Model: Associations With Further, although boldness is known to relate to the interpersonal Physiological Measures factor of psychopathy and to narcissistic personality tendencies (Fanti, Kyranides, et al., 2016; Hall et al., 2014; Sellbom & Individuals high in psychopathic traits have shown a pattern of Phillips, 2013; Stanley et al., 2013), no prior work has investigated underreactivity to aversive stimuli, which disposes toward antiso- whether this association holds longitudinally. Recently boldness cial behavior due to weak fear conditioning and an affiliated lack was found to be a key variable differentiating psychopathy from of concern for the negative consequences of their behavior (Fanti, antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) in prison inmates, showing Panayiotou, Lazarou, et al., 2016; Raine, 2002). Supporting this an association with psychopathy but not with ASPD (e.g., Wall, low-fear hypothesis, individuals identified with high psychopathic Wygant, & Sellbom, 2015). traits, on the basis of self-report and interview assessments of The meanness facet of the triarchic model is related to the psychopathy—that is, personality-trait estimates based on ratings deficient affective features of adult psychopathy and the CU fea- on the —Revised (PCL–R; Hare, 1991)— tures of child psychopathy, and it entails lack of , delib- display low resting autonomic activity (heart rate and skin con- erate cruelty toward others, low emotional attachment, and shallow ductance) and reduced autonomic reactivity when viewing un- affect (Patrick et al., 2009). Meanness has also been associated pleasant stimuli (Benning et al., 2005; Lorber, 2004). Further, with predatory and destructive forms of aggression and is uncor- fearless dominance, a concept related to boldness, correlates with related with measures of anxiety (Drislane et al., 2014; Fanti, diminished acquisition of physiological fear and smaller skin con- Kyranides, et al., 2016; Patrick, 2010). Both meanness and CU ductance responses to aversive pictures, findings not true for traits have been associated with symptoms of conduct disorder and impulsive antisociality, a concept similar to disinhibition (Benning ASPD (e.g., Frick, Ray, Thornton, & Kahn, 2014; Strickland, et al., 2005; Dvorak-Bertsch, Curtin, Rubinstein, & Newman, Drislane, Lucy, Krueger, & Patrick, 2013). The antisocial behavior 2009; López, Poy, Patrick, & Moltó, 2013). In addition, antisocial of individuals high on traits associated with meanness has been youth high on CU traits, akin to meanness, show reduced auto- linked to fearlessness (Fanti, Panayiotou, Lazarou, Michael, & nomic reactivity (skin conductance and heart rate) to emotionally Georgiou, 2016; Frick et al., 2014), as well as poverty of affect and evocative (i.e., fearful) stimuli (see Frick et al., 2014, for a review). lack of close attachments (Drislane et al., 2015; Hall et al., 2014). Although no prior work has compared relations of the three di- Disinhibition is related to the impulsive facet of child and adult mensions of the triarchic model with autonomic reactivity to psychopathy and reflects tendencies toward weak restraint, lack of aversive-violent stimuli, prior work with related measures assessed planfulness and self-discipline, irresponsibility and social devi- among youth and adults has suggested that atypical electrodermal ance, poor emotional control, hostility, and irritability or anger and cardiovascular response patterns might serve as biological (Drislane et al., 2015; Fanti, Kyranides, et al., 2016; Patrick et al., referents for boldness and meanness but not disinhibition. These 2009; Sellbom & Phillips, 2013; Stanley et al., 2013). Prior work findings further suggest that it is important to investigate associ- has shown that, as with meanness, disinhibition is related to ations with psychopathic traits assessed during different develop- symptoms of child conduct disorder and ASPD (Strickland et al., mental periods. 2013), which may be due to hyperresponsiveness to immediate Empirically, fearlessness in individuals with psychopathic traits reward cues along with a lack of consideration of possible negative has been documented by the absence or restricted display of startle consequences. Individuals high on disinhibition also tend to ex- potentiation during exposure to fearful or aversive stimuli. It is hibit increased levels of anxiety (Drislane et al., 2014; Fanti, important to note that the absence of aversive startle potentiation This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. Kyranides, et al., 2016). Additionally, the lack of emotional con- may reflect diminished amygdala activity, which is theoretically This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. trol seen in high-disinhibited individuals (Drislane et al., 2014) and empirically linked to fear (e.g., Davis, 1989; Kramer, Patrick, might be associated with an inability to use emotion-regulation Krueger, & Gasperi, 2012; Patrick, 1994). Aversive startle poten- strategies or the use of less-adaptive strategies (suppression)—and tiation is reduced among fearless individuals or persons scoring as such, disinhibition is expected to be more strongly related to high on the PCL–R’s affective-interpersonal or the Psychopathic various types of aggression, reflecting anger proneness and poor Personality Inventory’s fearless dominance dimensions of psy- self-control. chopathy but not the impulsive-antisocial dimension (Benning et With few exceptions, research has supported the idea that child al., 2005; Fanti, Panayiotou, Kyranides, & Avramides, 2016; or adolescent psychopathy resembles adult psychopathy (Lynam & Vaidyanathan, Patrick, & Bernat, 2009; Vanman, Mejia, Dawson, Gudonis, 2005) and is relatively stable across time (Blonigen, Schell, & Raine, 2003). Further, children and adults high in CU Hicks, Krueger, Patrick, & Iacono, 2006). Although studies have traits have shown a pattern of underreactivity and low startle provided evidence for associations between boldness and narcis- potentiation to aversive or fearful stimuli (Fanti, Panayiotou, sism, between meanness and CU traits, and between disinhibition Kyranides, & Avramides, 2016; Fanti, Panayiotou, Lazarou, et al., and impulsivity (Benning, Patrick, & Iacono, 2005; Patrick, 2010; 2016). Although no prior work has investigated associations of the 142 KYRANIDES, FANTI, SIKKI, AND PATRICK

triarchic dimensions with startle, variables related to boldness and the zero-order level and after controlling for adolescent meanness across different development stages have appeared to be psychopathic traits (Benning et al., 2005; Kyranides, negatively associated with startle potentiation to aversive stimuli, Fanti & Panayiotou, 2015). Erotic scenes were included in ways not evident for disinhibition. These findings agree with the along with neutral scenes as comparison and control suggestion that both boldness and meanness are expressions of conditions, respectively. genotypic fearlessness and that these facets of psychopathy index aspects of dispositional fear or fearlessness (Patrick & Drislane, Method 2015). Participants and Data Collection Current Study Data were collected during two developmental stages, adoles- Most research to date on the triarchic model has focused on cence (Phase 1) and young adulthood (Phase 2). During adoles- adult samples. Adding to this line of research, one aim of the cence, a large sample of high school students (N ϭ 2,414; M ϭ present study was to examine how the phenotypic facets of the age 15.96, SD ϭ 0.89; 55% female) completed a questionnaire pack- triarchic model relate to measures of a range of clinically relevant age. From this sample, youth differing on levels of psychopathic traits and problem behaviors in a community sample followed traits were randomly selected to be followed longitudinally (N ϭ from adolescence to young adulthood. These associations were 99; M ϭ 15.91, SD ϭ .90; 53% female). These adolescents were examined at the zero-order level, after accounting for unique age equally divided in three groups on the basis of their scores on associations among the triarchic dimensions and after controlling measures of psychopathic traits: low risk (Ͻ1 SD), moderate risk for youth psychopathy related measures assessed during adoles- (average levels), and high risk (Ͼ1 SD). The study was approved cence, including narcissism, impulsivity, and CU traits. Addition- by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. Parents were ally, only limited data exist to date on the physiological correlates informed of the longitudinal and experimental nature of the study of the triarchic model constructs. To our knowledge, the current and consented to their child’s participation. study is the first to evaluate how boldness, meanness, and disin- The participants selected during adolescence were contacted via hibition are associated with physiological responses (along with telephone approximately four years later (see Phase 2). During this self-reports of emotional experience) to negatively and positively phase, all members of the sample (N ϭ 99; M ϭ 19.94, SD ϭ valenced stimuli along with neutral stimuli—in the form of affec- age .97) completed a questionnaire package using a secure Internet- tive scenes. Furthermore, no other study has examined associations based platform. Participants were asked whether they had a history of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM; Patrick, 2010) of epilepsy or any other serious mental or physical handicap that facets with physiological activity after controlling for adolescence- could preclude them from completing the experiment. None were assessed psychopathic traits. reported. After completing the questionnaires, 88 of the 99 partic- Specific hypotheses were as follows: ϭ ϭ ipants (Mage 19.92, SD .99; 50% female) completed the 1. Boldness, Disinhibition, and Meanness as rated by the experimental session, in which their responses (physiological and TriPM were predicted to be associated developmentally subjective) to affective and neutral video stimuli were assessed. with adolescent narcissism, impulsivity, and CU traits, According to a power analysis, for a regression with six predictors, 2 ϭ respectively. with medium effect size (f .20) and a probability of .05, a sample of at least 75 participants is considered adequate (Soper, 2. After controlling for developmental associations with 2016), suggesting that the study’s sample is sufficient for the adolescent psychopathic traits, we expected TriPM Bold- planned analyses. All participants provided consent for engage- ness to be associated with high cognitive reappraisal, low ment in the experimental phase of the study. In return for their levels of anxiety, and hostility; Meanness was expected participation, each participant received a small monetary reim- to predict conduct disorder, ASPD, and aggression; and bursement (€20). Disinhibition was predicted to be associated with ele- vated anger, hostility, anxiety, aggression, conduct dis- Phase 1: Adolescence

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. order, and ASPD symptoms, as well as limited use of Psychopathic traits. The Inventory of Callous–Unemotional This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. cognitive reappraisal. Traits (ICU; Frick, 2004) is a self-report measure used for assess- 3. On the basis of the definition of the TriPM dimensions ing CU traits. The ICU consists of 24 items forming a total score (Patrick et al., 2009), boldness was expected to be asso- (␣ϭ.80; e.g., “I do not feel remorseful when I do something ciated with lower reports of fear in response to violent wrong”), each rated on a 4-point Likert-scale ranging from 0 (not stimuli, whereas meanness and CU traits were expected at all)to3(definitely true). Previous research has verified the to relate with lower reports of sadness and sympathy reliability and validity of the ICU in multiple Greek-speaking toward victims of violence. samples (e.g., Fanti, Kyranides, et al., 2016; Fanti, Panayiotou, Kyranides, & Avramides, 2016). 4. Further, on the basis of prior physiological research find- The Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD; Frick & Hare, ings, we expected TriPM Boldness and Meanness, but 2001) is a self-report rating scale designed to assess dimensions of not Disinhibition, to be associated with lower levels of psychopathy among youth, for which substantial support for reli- heart rate, skin conductance, and startle potentiation in ability and validity has been reported (e.g., Frick & Hare, 2001). relation to aversive-violent scenes specifically, at both APSD items are rated on a three-point Likert scale ranging from 0 TRIARCHIC DIMENSIONS OF PSYCHOPATHY 143

(not at all true)to2(definitely true). For the present study, data for Phase 2b: Young Adulthood—Experimental Assessment two of three APSD subscales, Impulsivity (five items; ␣ϭ.64) Experimental materials. Six erotic, six violent, and six neu- and Narcissism (seven items; ␣ϭ.75), were collected. tral scenes, each of 1-min duration, were used in the current study (for validation and norming information see Fanti, Kyranides, & Phase 2a: Young Adulthood—Questionnaire Assessment Panayiotou, 2015 and Kyranides et al., 2015). Violent and erotic scenes were selected to differ ␱n valence (pleasantness) and to be TriPM boldness, meanness, and disinhibition. The Triar- higher on arousal than were neutral scenes. Violent scenes were chic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM; Patrick, 2010) is a 58-item excerpts from cinematic productions and included video segments self-report inventory designed to index the phenotypic facets of from the following feature films: Law Abiding Citizen (2009), boldness, meanness, and disinhibition. Items are scored using a American History X (1998), Lucky Number Slevin (2006), Rambo 4-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (False)to3(True). Re- 4 (2008), The Killer Inside Me (2010), and The Brave One (2007). sponses are summed to yield scores on subscales of Boldness All scenes included realistic depictions of shooting, fighting, beat- (19 items; ␣ϭ.74), Meanness (19 items; ␣ϭ.90), and ings, amputations, and stabbings and contained violence for the entire 60-s duration, with a clear distinction between the victim Disinhibition (20 items; ␣ϭ.86). The TRiPM has been vali- and perpetrator. The erotic scenes were chosen from the following: dated and used in a Greek-speaking sample in Cyprus (Fanti, Cruel Intentions (1999), Original Sin (2001), The Lucky One Kyranides, et al., 2016). (2012), Shout ’Em Up (2007), The Sleeping Dictionary (2003), and Aggression, psychopathology, and clinically relevant traits. Suits (2011). Erotic scenes included kissing, nudity, and love The Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ; Buss & making, extending across the 60-s duration of the scene, with male Perry, 1992) is a 29-item scale with the following subscales: and female actors. Neutral scenes depicted nature scenes with little ␣ϭ Physical Aggression (nine items; .74), Verbal Aggression human or animal activity (e.g., scenes of the Himalayas, the solar ␣ϭ ␣ϭ (five items; .72), Anger (seven items; .78), and Hostility system, the Andes Mountains, limestone, the Tanami Desert, hoo- ␣ϭ (eight items; .85). Each item is rated on a scale ranging from doos). All scenes were in English and included music and some 1(extremely uncharacteristic of me)to5(extremely characteristic dialog or commentary of approximately equal duration across of me). The BPAQ subscales show acceptable reliability and categories. Video soundtracks were reduced in volume such that validity (Bryant & Smith, 2001). the mean volume across each scene was 70 dB, in order to ensure The Adult Self-Report Inventory–4 (ASRI-4; Gadow, Sprafkin, that the acoustic startle probes (see the Apparatus section) could be & Weiss, 2004) was used to assess ASPD and conduct disorder as easily perceived. defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- Apparatus. The timing of events, the presentation of auditory orders (5th ed.; DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association [APA], and visual stimuli, and the recording of participants’ responses 2013). Symptoms on the ASRI-4 are rated on a 4-point Likert-type were controlled by an E-Prime 2.0 script (Schneider, Eschmann, & scale ranging from 0 (never)to3(very often). The items were Zuccolotto, 2002). Auditory stimuli (i.e., video soundtrack and summed to create overall ASPD (␣ϭ.76) and conduct disorder startle probes) were presented binaurally via supra-aural head- (␣ϭ.83) symptom scores for the purposes of the current study. phones in order to mask ambient noise. Visual stimuli were pre- Research with clinical and community samples has demonstrated sented on a computer screen (47 cm ϫ 24.5 cm) placed 150 cm that scores on the ASRI-4 show convergent and discriminant from the participant. All physiological signals were collected using validity (Gadow et al., 2004). BIOPAC MP150 for Windows bioamplifiers and transducers, run- The State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger, 1983)is ning Acq4.2 data acquisition software (Acknowledge 4.2; Biopac a 40-item self-report measure that indexes the intensity of state and Systems Inc., California, USA). Physiological measures were con- trait anxiety. Items of the STAI are scored using a 4-point Likert tinuously monitored during the recording session and visually inspected offline. scale ranging from 1 (almost never)to4(almost always). In the Startle reflex. Noise probe stimuli for eliciting the blink star- current study, only items assessing trait anxiety (20 items; ␣ϭ tle reflex consisted of 50-ms bursts of 100-dB white noise with .74), which refers to an individual’s general tendency to perceive near instantaneous rise time, generated using the Audacity soft- This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its alliedsituations publishers. as threatening, were used. The STAI has demonstrated ware package (Audacity®. Version 2.1.1). To reduce predictabil- This article is intended solely for the personal use ofacceptable the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. internal reliability and construct validity in prior work ity, we presented startle probes at varying points during video (Fanti, Kyranides et al., 2016). scenes. Nine of the 18 scenes included three startle probes each, The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, presented near the beginning (i.e., Time 10 s), middle (25 s) and 2003) is a 10-item self-report measure containing two scales that end (45 s) of the video. Three scenes included two startle probes index differing emotion regulation strategies: cognitive reap- each, and another three scenes included only one startle probe, praisal (six items; e.g., “When I am faced with a stressful situa- presented at the beginning, middle, or end of the scene. The tion, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay remaining three scenes did not include any startle probes. Partic- calm”; ␣ϭ.86) and expressive suppression (four items; e.g., “I ipants heard 36 startle probes in total, equally distributed across keep my emotions to myself”; ␣ϭ.83). Items are rated on a each video category. 7-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree)to7(strongly Heart rate (HR). HR data were acquired using the electro- agree). In prior work, the ERQ has demonstrated good internal cardiogram (ECG) module of the Biopac system. ECG was re- consistency and acceptable (ϳ.70) 2-month test–retest reliability corded using two 11-mm disposable Ag/AgCl pregelled electrodes (Gross & John, 2003). placed on the right and left inner forearms of the participant. The 144 KYRANIDES, FANTI, SIKKI, AND PATRICK

ECG signal was amplified with a gain of 500, filtered using a sented in a randomized order, with the constraint that no two Biopac ECG100C bioamplifier and sampled online at 1000 Hz, scenes of the same type appeared in sequence. After the experi- then converted offline to beats per minute values. HR reactivity ment, physiological sensors were removed and participants were was measured during a baseline period consisting of a 60-s interval debriefed. preceding experiment onset and during the presentation of affec- tive and neutral video stimuli. Results Skin conductance (SC). SC (in microSiemens, ␮S) was mea- sured using two 11-mm disposable pregelled Ag/AgCl electrodes TriPM Boldness was correlated to a moderate degree with placed adjacently on the hypothenar eminence of the palmar sur- Meanness in the current study (r ϭ .48, p Ͻ .001) and to a modest face of the nondominant hand. The signal amplified with a gain of degree with Disinhibition (r ϭ .29, p Ͻ .01), whereas scores on 10 ␮S/V and sampled online at 250 Hz. SC response amplitudes TriPM Meanness and Disinhibition were more highly correlated were quantified as the mean conductance level during the 60-s (r ϭ .66, p Ͻ .01). 〈s shown in Table 1, the ICU Callous– baseline period preceding experiment onset and during the presen- Unemotional scale completed during adolescence uniquely pre- tation of affective and neutral video stimuli. dicted TriPM Meanness (␤ϭ.44, p Ͻ .01) longitudinally. At the Electromyography (EMG). EMG signals for the orbicularis zero-order level, all TriPM scales were positively associated with oculi (ORB) were sampled at 1000 Hz using two miniature Ag/ Impulsivity APSD subscale, which predicted both disinhibition AgCl electrodes filled with electrode gel and positioned over the and meanness across time. The Narcissism scale of the APSD was ORB muscle under the left eye, using the guidelines of Fridlund correlated with all TriPM scales at the zero-order level but and Cacioppo (1986). Raw EMG was rectified and integrated uniquely predicted meanness in the regression model (␤ϭ.39, using a 10-ms time constant. Startle blink amplitude was scored p Ͻ .01). off-line by identifying peak EMG deflections (␮V) within a time Table 1 shows the results from the hierarchical linear regression window of 20–120 ms following each startle noise probe. Re- analyses for criterion variables assessed using self-report question- sponses that could not be visually distinguished from baseline naires during adulthood, and Table 2 shows results from analyses activity or occurred outside the postprobe 20- to 120-ms window for experimental measures as outcomes. In Step 1 of each hierar- were scored as missing. Mean baseline orbicularis occuli EMG chical linear regression model, we controlled for youth psycho- activity was quantified as the mean activity across the 25-ms pathic traits, including narcissism, impulsivity, and CU traits. In interval preceding each startle probe and was subtracted from the Step 2, we added TriPM dimensions of boldness, disinhibition, and peak amplitude occurring within the 20- to 120-ms scoring win- meanness as predictors, thereby evaluating associations between dow following noise probe onset. To establish a common metric TriPM dimensions and outcomes above and beyond adolescent for all participants as in prior work (e.g., Vaidyanathan et al., assessed psychopathic traits. For comparison purposes, zero-order 2009), we converted raw startle magnitude values to T score units correlations are presented in the tables, along with standardized by standardizing raw values across trials within each participant. T regression coefficients controlling for variance in common among scores were then averaged to represent startle magnitude values the three TriPM scales without controlling for adolescent psycho- within each video category (violent, erotic, and neutral). pathic traits. All variables showed acceptable skewness and kur- Affective ratings. Following viewing of each video segment, tosis except for the conduct disorder variable, which was positively participants provided self-ratings of their affective reaction to the skewed (skewness ϭ 2.193), for which we used log-linear trans- scene, on dimensions of valence (1 ϭ unpleasant to 7 ϭ pleasant), formation (skewness ϭ .11). arousal (1 ϭ calm/relaxed to 7 ϭ aroused/tense), and fear (1 ϭ not ϭ at all to 7 very much). Participants also rated scenes on violent Associations With Questionnaire Measures and erotic content (0 ϭ not at all to 9 ϭ very much). After the presentation of violent scenes, participants rated how sad the scene Aggression, anger, and hostility. Impulsivity was the only made them (1 ϭ not at all to 7 ϭ very much) and also responded adolescent-assessed factor uniquely related to physical aggression, to four items (e.g., “I felt sorry for the victim of violence”; 0 ϭ whereas narcissism was uniquely associated with increased anger strongly disagree to 4 ϭ strongly agree; ␣ϭ.94) designed to and hostility. Consistent with hypotheses, TriPM Disinhibition measure how much they sympathized with the victim of violence demonstrated the strongest unique associations with BPAQ phys- This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. (Fanti, Kyranides, et al., 2015). ical or verbal aggression, anger and hostility, with TriPM Mean- This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. ness also contributing to the prediction of hostility to a more ␤ϭ Procedure modest degree ( .28). Notably, scores on TriPM Boldness were unrelated to anger but were inversely associated with hostility. Upon arrival at the lab, participants were briefed about the Associations between these measures and TriPM dimensions re- procedure and provided consent. Participants were then seated in a mained unchanged after controlling for adolescent psychopathic padded reclining chair, fitted with the physiological sensors, and traits. instructed to relax in order to check the effectiveness of recordings. Psychopathology. Adolescent-assessed narcissism and im- Baseline physiological activity was recorded for a 60-s period pulsivity were associated with increases in conduct disorder and while participants viewed a blank screen. Next, a fixation point ASPD during adulthood, which was not true for CU traits. appeared in the center of the screen for 5 s, followed by the video Further, all TriPM dimensions showed positive correlations scene. Following each scene, participants entered their self-report with conduct disorder and ASPD. After accounting for associ- ratings using a compact keyboard placed by their dominant hand. ations among the TriPM scales in the context of regression Participants viewed a total of 18 video scenes, which were pre- analyses, both meanness and disinhibition predicted conduct TRIARCHIC DIMENSIONS OF PSYCHOPATHY 145

Table 1 Adolescent and Adult Psychopathic Traits Predicting Self-Report Measures (N ϭ 99)

Step 1: Adolescence Step 2: Young adulthood APSD: APSD: ICU: TriPM: TriPM: TriPM: Narcissism Impulsivity Callous–Unemotional Boldness Disinhibition Meanness Scale and subscale (r/␤) (r/␤) (r/␤) R2 (r/␤1/␤2) (r/␤1/␤2) (r/␤1/␤2) ⌬R2

APSD: Narcissism .25/.03 .43/.16 .51/.39 .27 24. ء24./45. ءAPSD: Impulsivity .26/.07 .43/.25 ICU: Callous–Unemotional .18/Ϫ.05 .33/.05 .45/.44 .21 Ϫ.05/Ϫ.04 .62/.57/.54 .45/.09/.07 .25/16. 15. 04./ءBPAQ: Physical Aggression .27/.11 .38/.31 .21 BPAQ: Verbal Aggression .29/.17 .31/.21 .20/.04 .12 .09/Ϫ.13/Ϫ.11 .68/.70/.72 .43/.03/.01 .37 Ϫ.13 .06/03./30. ءϪ.02 .29/.16 .16 .18/.06/.07 .40/.36/.33/20. ءBPAQ: Anger .38/.32 34. ء28./34./61. 53./54./71. ءϪ.16/ءϪ.18/14. 23. 14./33. 20./38. ءBPAQ: Hostility .42/.27 19. 19./30./60. 36./42./63. 05./05./32. 31. 12./35. 34./49. ءASRI-4: Conduct Disorder .44/.22 17. 13./30./69. 36./48./72. 08./14./42. 34. 03./30. 41./54. ءASRI-4: ASPD .45/.24 Ϫ.07/Ϫ.10 .33/ءϪ.03 .06 Ϫ.16/؊.31/Ϫ.30 .51/.64/.66 .21/10. 15./ء22. 16./ءSTAI: Trait Anxiety .22 07. ءϪ.37/ءϪ.03/.13/.14 Ϫ.15/Ϫ.36 ء23./ء24./11. 06. ءERQ: Reappraisal .02/.10 .01/.07 Ϫ.20/Ϫ.27 Ϫ.04 .06/08./ء23. ء29./ء24./29. 04./01./11. 11. ءϪ.13 .28/.26/07. 19./ءERQ: Suppression .23 Note. In Step 1 in the hierarchical regression analyses, narcissism, impulsivity, and callous unemotional traits were entered as predictors (see ␤). In Step 2 of the hierarchical regression analyses, boldness, disinhibition, and meanness were entered as predictors to examine the predictive validity of the triarchic model above and beyond adolescent measures (see ␤2). For comparison purposes, we also include regression analyses without controlling for adolescent psychopathic traits (see ␤1). Zero-order correlations (r) reflect bivariate correlations for each subscale score and criterion measure. Final beta weights and change in R2 are also shown. APSD ϭ Antisocial Process Screening Device (youth version); ICU ϭ Inventory of Callous–Unemotional traits; TriPM ϭ Triarchic Psychopathy Measure; BPAQ ϭ Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire; ASRI-4 ϭ Adult Self-Report Inventory–4; STAI ϭ State–Trait Anxiety Inventory; ERQ ϭ Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Bold font entries are significant at the p Ͻ .01 level. .p Ͻ .05 ء

disorder and ASPD, but only disinhibition uniquely predicted ness during violent scenes, but only Boldness and Meanness these variables after controlling for adolescent psychopathic showed negative associations with ratings of fearfulness and per- traits. Regarding anxiety, only adolescent-assessed narcissism ceived violence of scene content. Findings from the regression and impulsivity were positively associated with trait anxiety at analyses indicated a unique predictive contribution of adult mean- the zero-order level. As hypothesized, scores on TriPM Bold- ness in particular to higher ratings of positive valence for violent ness were inversely associated with trait anxiety when control- scenes and unique contributions of boldness to lower ratings of ling for overlap with TriPM scales and adolescent psychopathic fear and violent content, above and beyond adolescent psycho- traits. By contrast, scores on TriPM Disinhibition were posi- pathic traits. However, negative associations between adult mean- tively associated with anxiety. The zero-order association be- ness with sympathy to victims and sadness dropped to nonsignifi- tween meanness and anxiety dropped to nonsignificance in cance after controlling for adolescent traits, reflecting variance in regression analyses, indicating that it reflected variance in common with adolescent CU traits. common with disinhibition. Clinically relevant traits. Adolescent-assessed CU traits and adult-assessed disinhibition were positively associated with ERQ Associations With Physiological Measures Suppression. By contrast, CU traits and meanness each showed For all physiological measures, difference scores were com- negative associations with ERQ reappraisal (␤s ϭϪ.27 and Ϫ.37, puted by subtracting physiological activity during neutral scenes respectively), suggesting similar associations across development. from activity during violent and erotic scenes. Hence, in the Boldness was positively associated with reappraisal, even after reported analyses (see Table 2), responses to neutral scenes are

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its alliedcontrolling publishers. for adolescent psychopathic traits. treated as the control condition. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. Autonomic measures. All three TriPM scales showed nega- Associations With Emotional Ratings tive zero-order correlations with both HR and SC measures at Significant zero-order correlations between the psychopathy baseline, although only adolescent-assessed impulsivity was asso- scales and emotional rating variables were evident only for the ciated with baseline heart rate. Regression analyses for these violent scenes (see Table 2), with the only exception being a measures revealed that boldness alone was uniquely predictive of negative correlation between narcissism and erotic content that did lower baseline HR, even after controlling for adolescent psycho- not hold in regression analysis. In regression analyses, narcissism pathic traits. None of the associations with baseline SC achieved and CU traits showed positive relations with valence during vio- significance in regression analysis. The only association with lent films, whereas CU traits was the only adolescent-assessed autonomic reactivity during the violent video scenes was a nega- variable negatively associated with arousal, fear, sympathy, sad- tive association between boldness and HR reactivity to violent ness, and perceived violence of scene content during violent films. scenes, evident both in zero-order and regression analyses. For All TriPM scales showed positive correlations with rated valence erotic scenes, the only association that emerged as significant was and negative correlations with rated arousal, sympathy, and sad- between APSD impulsivity and heart rate reactivity. 146 KYRANIDES, FANTI, SIKKI, AND PATRICK

Table 2 Correlation and Standardized Beta Weights Predicting Lab Ratings and Physiological Measures (N ϭ 88)

Step1: Adolescence Step2: Young adulthood APSD: APSD: ICU: TriPM: TriPM: TriPM: Narcissism Impulsivity Callous–Unemotional Boldness Disinhibition Meanness Variable (r/␤) (r/␤) (r/␤) R2 (r/␤1/␤2) (r/␤1/␤2) (r/␤1/␤2) ⌬R2

Violent video ratings 10. ءϪ.15/Ϫ.10 .42/.46/.31/ءϪ.17 .38/.33 .20 .32/.15/.17 .23/11. ءValence .36/.28 Ϫ.06/Ϫ.02 .06/ءϪ.18/Ϫ.20 Ϫ.25/ءϪ.12/Ϫ.14 Ϫ.26/ءϪ.21 06. ءϪ.24/ءArousal Ϫ.09/.04 Ϫ.14/Ϫ.05 Ϫ.25 Ϫ.16/.12 .08/ء؊.39 .16 ؊.40/؊.34/؊.31 Ϫ.15/.07/.10 ؊.27/ءFear Ϫ.18/.02 Ϫ.19/Ϫ.04 Ϫ.39 ؊.31/Ϫ.16/Ϫ.17 ؊.28/Ϫ.01/Ϫ.02 ؊.39/؊.31/Ϫ.18 .07 15. ءϪ.02 ؊.34/Ϫ.26/ءSympathy to victims ؊.30/Ϫ.19 Ϫ.21 Ϫ.05 .06/ءϪ.01/.01 ؊.34/Ϫ.25/ءϪ.21 Ϫ.25/ء؊.32/.20 17. ءϪ.06 ؊.37/Ϫ.28/ءSadness ؊.30/Ϫ.15 Ϫ.25 Ϫ.12/.05 .05/ءϪ.20/Ϫ.05/Ϫ.07 Ϫ.25 ءϪ.23/ء؊.29/Ϫ.22 14. ءϪ.18 Ϫ.12/.10 ؊.34/؊.30/ءViolent content Ϫ.27 Erotic video ratings Valence .03/.16 Ϫ.16/Ϫ.21 Ϫ.09/Ϫ.07 .04 Ϫ.01/Ϫ.01/Ϫ.04 Ϫ.11/Ϫ.20/Ϫ.17 Ϫ.02/.12/.13 .02 Arousal Ϫ.20/Ϫ.16 Ϫ.11/.02 Ϫ.18/Ϫ.12 .05 .02/.01/.02 Ϫ.06/Ϫ.15/Ϫ.13 .01/.11/.13 .04 Fear Ϫ.04/Ϫ.03 .07/.18 Ϫ.16/Ϫ.22 .05 .01/.01/Ϫ.02 Ϫ.07/Ϫ.16/Ϫ.21 .01/.12/.20 .02 Ϫ.19 Ϫ.13/.01 Ϫ.18/Ϫ.11 .06 Ϫ.14/Ϫ.10/Ϫ.12 Ϫ.13/Ϫ.08/Ϫ.09 Ϫ.12/Ϫ.02/.10 .02/ءErotic content Ϫ.23 Baseline physiology Ϫ.01/Ϫ.01 .06/ءϪ.14/Ϫ.09 Ϫ.21/ءϪ.22 ءϪ.22/ءϪ.21 Ϫ.10/.08 .10 ؊.28/Ϫ.23/ءHeart rate (HR) level Ϫ.19/Ϫ.20 Ϫ.22 Ϫ.02/Ϫ.10 .07/ءϪ.09/Ϫ.19 Ϫ.21/ءϪ.16/Ϫ.13 Ϫ.20/ءSkin conductance (SC) level .04/.06 .01/Ϫ.06 .11/.15 .03 Ϫ.23 Violent video physiology Ϫ.06/Ϫ.03/Ϫ.03 Ϫ.07/.06/.15 .04 ءϪ.22/ءϪ.23/ءHR difference (vs. neutral) Ϫ.15/Ϫ.16 Ϫ.04/.06 Ϫ.08/Ϫ.03 .03 Ϫ.24 SC difference (vs. neutral) Ϫ.09/Ϫ.06 Ϫ.01/.09 Ϫ.14/Ϫ.16 .03 Ϫ.08/Ϫ.04/Ϫ.04 Ϫ.05/.09/.06 Ϫ.13/Ϫ.19/Ϫ.15 .01 Ϫ.13/Ϫ.11 ؊.26/؊.29/Ϫ.09 .01/ءϪ.10/.03/.05 Ϫ.24 14. ءϪ.04 ؊.34/Ϫ.25/ءStartle potentiation (vs. neutral) ؊.28/Ϫ.14 Ϫ.22 Erotic video physiology HR difference (vs. neutral) .14/.01 .30/.31 .10/Ϫ.04 .09 .01/Ϫ.08/Ϫ.11 .15/.09/.01 .15/.13/.05 .01 SC difference (vs. neutral) Ϫ.04/Ϫ.02 .02/.09 Ϫ.12/Ϫ.15 .02 Ϫ.06/Ϫ.03/Ϫ.05 Ϫ.03/.06/.02 Ϫ.08/Ϫ.10/Ϫ.08 .01 Startle potentiation (vs. neutral) Ϫ.02/Ϫ.07 .14/.21 Ϫ.06/Ϫ.12 .04 Ϫ.05/Ϫ.08/Ϫ.10 Ϫ.05/Ϫ.13/Ϫ.20 .02/.14/.15 .03 Note. In Step 1 in the hierarchical regression analyses, narcissism, impulsivity, and callous–unemotional traits were entered as predictors to examine the predictors (see ␤). In Step 2 of the hierarchical regression analyses, boldness, disinhibition and meanness were entered as predictors to examine the predictive validity of the triarchic model above and beyond adolescent measures (see ␤2). For comparison purposes, we also include regression analyses without controlling for adolescent psychopathic traits (see ␤1). Zero-order correlations (r) reflect bivariate correlations for each subscale score and criterion measure. Final beta weights and change in R2 are also shown. APSD ϭ Antisocial Process Screening Device (youth version); ICU ϭ Inventory of Callous–Unemotional traits; TriPM ϭ Triarchic Psychopathy Measure. Bold font entries are significant at the p Ͻ .01 level. .p Ͻ .05 ء

Startle reflex modulation. In accordance with prior research chopathic traits, including CU traits, impulsivity, and narcissism. Of (Kyranides et al., 2015), startle modulation was examined sepa- importance, the associations identified for adolescent psychopathic rately for violent and erotic video scenes, each relative to neutral traits with TriPM dimensions, anxiety, antisocial behavior, and phys- scenes. Correlational analyses focusing on startle modulation iological measures represent prospective associations over a period of scores (violent minus neutral, erotic minus neutral) revealed that 4 years from adolescence to early adulthood. The present study narcissism, impulsivity, CU, disinhibition, and meanness were provides, in addition to this novel developmental aspect, new evi- negatively associated with startle potentiation from violent, but not dence regarding important trait-dispositional and behavioral correlates erotic, scenes relative to neutral scenes. However, only adolescent- of the triarchic model constructs and adds to existing knowledge assessed CU traits uniquely predicted startle potentiation for vio- regarding associations between the triarchic dimensions and physio- lent scenes (␤ϭϪ.25). When not controlling for adolescent logical measures, above and beyond adolescent psychopathic traits.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its alliedpsychopathic publishers. traits, adult meanness significantly predicted startle ␤ϭϪ This article is intended solely for the personal use ofpotentiation the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. for violent scenes ( .29), indicating that this association was attributable to variance in common with adoles- Report-Based Clinical Criterion Variables: Findings cent CU traits. and Implications The observed longitudinal associations for meanness with CU Discussion traits, and disinhibition with impulsivity, were compatible in each The current study sought to examine relationships of boldness, case with prior work (Fanti, Kyranides, et al., 2016; Hall et al., meanness, and disinhibition with various trait-dispositional, behav- 2014; Sellbom & Phillips, 2013) and provide evidence for devel- ioral, and physiological variables. Overall, results from the current opmental correspondence between these measures. We did not study were largely consistent with a priori hypotheses, particularly find, consistent with findings from Drislane et al. (2014),an those from regression analyses highlighting distinct predictive rela- association for boldness with APSD narcissism at the younger tions for each triarchic dimension. It is important to note that the assessment time, which we attribute to the APSD indexing a more majority of the associations between TriPM scales and outcome “vulnerable” variant of narcissism—as opposed to the “grandiose” measures remained significant after controlling for adolescent psy- variant indexed by the widely used Narcissistic Personality Inven- TRIARCHIC DIMENSIONS OF PSYCHOPATHY 147

tory, which exhibits a moderate positive association with TriPM this facet of psychopathy is associated with a more primitive Boldness (Stanley et al., 2013). strategy for coping with stress that has adverse health conse- As expected, disinhibition was the only adult psychopathy facet quences (Gross & John, 2003) and can explain their more disin- that predicted physical and verbal aggression, and these associa- hibited and explosive nature of their reactions. Contrary to our tions remained significant above and beyond the association for expectations, adolescent-assessed CU traits but not impulsivity adolescent impulsivity with aggression. The positive association of were positively associated with affective suppression. disinhibition with aggression may be explained by the higher hostility and anger of high-disinhibited individuals toward others Physiological and Behavioral Criterion Variables: coupled with their weak behavioral restraint and impaired affective Findings and Implications control. Similar to results in Fanti, Kyranides, et al. (2016), bold- ness was negatively associated with hostility, which may be an The negative association between boldness and rated fear in important attribute distinguishing boldness from both meanness relation to violent scenes in the current study is consistent with the and disinhibition, each of which showed positive relations with notion of boldness as reflecting the low end of a bipolar dimension hostility, even after controlling for adolescent psychopathic traits. of fearlessness versus fear (Kramer et al., 2012). Boldness was also Hostility can be viewed as a blend of anger and social disengage- associated negatively with ratings of violent content in relation to ment or distrust, characteristics associated with disinhibition and scenes of this type, which could reflect either generally reduced meanness, respectively. The low hostility of individuals high on distress in relation to negative events or heightened positive affect boldness might explain their lower propensity to engage in aggres- associated with boldness (Patrick & Drislane, 2015). Similarly, sive acts. The only adolescent psychopathic dimension that was TriPM meanness and adolescent CU traits were each associated positively associated with anger and hostility was narcissism, positively with ratings of higher positive valence for violent which can be explained by associated difficulties in interpersonal scenes, which is in line with the lack of empathy associated with adaptation and emotional disengagement from others (Krstic, these constructs. Furthermore, CU traits were also associated with Knight, & Robertson, 2015). lower ratings of sadness and sympathy for victims and reduced In addition to aggressive behavior, impulsivity and disinhibition ratings of fear and arousal in response to violent scenes. These were associated with conduct disorder and ASPD symptoms, as findings provide evidence for the construct validity of the ICU defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- Callous–Unemotional scale, indicating that individuals with high orders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994), agreeing scores on this measure during adolescence are unresponsive and with prior work (Hall et al., 2014) and demonstrating the impor- unmoved by affective situations involving pain and distress (Fanti, tance of both adolescent and adult impulsive or disinhibited traits Kyranides, et al., 2016; Frick et al., 2014). The associations of for predicting antisocial behavior. Adolescent assessed narcissism, meanness with lower sadness and sympathy to victims dropped out but not CU traits, also predicted these forms of antisocial behavior, of significance after controlling for adolescent psychopathic traits, whereas the associations for meanness with conduct disorder and providing evidence for the shared variance with the CU construct. ASPD dropped to nonsignificance after controlling for adolescent Notably, low resting heart rate and autonomic hypoarousal, psychopathic traits. These findings are interesting especially be- which have been interpreted as factors predisposing toward pursuit cause CU traits are the only psychopathic dimension currently of stimulating experiences to enhance tonic arousal, were uniquely considered as a specifier for conduct disorder symptoms (APA, associated with boldness (see Raine, 2002, for a review). Further, 2013). The nonsignificant association of boldness with antisocial autonomic hypoarousal and low resting heart rate have been de- behavior accords with recent evidence from adult offender samples scribed as reflecting fearlessness, lack of anxiety, and behavioral indicating that boldness does not contribute to the prediction of inhibition (Raine, 2002). These findings suggest that the fearless- ASPD (Wall et al., 2015). ness and low anxiety of individuals high on boldness might be TriPM boldness and disinhibition exhibited opposing associa- explained by their low resting HR and reduced cardiac reactivity to tions with measures of anxiety. These associations reflect contrast- aversive stimuli and indicate that autonomic underarousal may ing relations with stress reactivity for these two psychopathy facets serve an important biological indicator of boldness. Adolescent (Drislane et al., 2014; Hall et al., 2014; Patrick et al., 2009). impulsivity was positively associated with heart rate reactivity for Boldness entails emotional resilience and social efficacy, attributes erotic scenes, which might be related to the hyperarousal charac- This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. that likely account for its negative association with anxiety. The terizing impulsive individuals (Fanti, Panayiotou, Kyranides, & This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. good psychological adjustment and adaptive tendencies of high- Avramides, 2016). bold individuals were evidenced by, along with lower anxiety, In addition, adolescent CU traits were longitudinally associated positive associations of boldness with more-frequent use of posi- with reduced blink-startle potentiation for violent videos—repli- tive affect–regulation strategies such as cognitive reappraisal. The cating prior work documenting startle potentiation deficits among increased use of cognitive reappraisal indicates that high-bold children and adults high on CU traits (Fanti, Panayiotou, individuals are able to control their emotions and remain calm Kyranides, & Avramides, 2016; Fanti, Panayiotou, Lazarou, et al., when faced with stressful situations, a defining characteristic of 2016). This lack of enhanced startle reactivity to noise probes boldness (Patrick et al., 2009). The negative association between during viewing of aversive scenes is indicative of deficient acti- the use of reappraisal strategies and CU traits during adolescence vation of the brain’s defensive system—consistent with reports of and meanness during adulthood indicates that individuals high in high-CU individuals’ being low in sensitivity to aversive events these traits use adaptive strategies less often across development. and distress cues (Fanti, Panayiotou, Lazarou, et al., 2016; Frick et By contrast, the finding of a positive association between use of al., 2014) and lacking in amygdala reactivity to fearful face stimuli affective suppression and TriPM Disinhibition scores suggests that (Viding et al., 2012). Our findings thus dovetail with prior work by 148 KYRANIDES, FANTI, SIKKI, AND PATRICK

other investigators pointing to a unique deficit in the processing of measures may serve as biological indicators of distinct dimensions cues pertaining to victims’ distress among individuals high on CU of the triarchic model, with low resting heart rate and reduced traits. Meanness was also associated with reduced startle potenti- cardiac response to violent stimuli being uniquely associated with ation to violent stimuli, and this association was no longer signif- boldness after controlling for adolescent psychopathic traits, and icant after taking developmental associations with adolescent CU low startle potentiation to violent stimuli being uniquely associated traits into account, again providing support for the similarity of the with CU traits and meanness. Findings from this work also con- two measures. tribute to developmental theories of psychopathic traits, by pro- Consistent with our findings, this deficit in startle reactivity has viding evidence for continuity of early impulsivity with later also been reported for adults scoring high on the PCL–R affective– disinhibition, and early CU traits with later meanness. Taken interpersonal, but not the impulsive antisocial, features of psy- together, these findings provide evidence for the value of a mul- chopathy (Patrick, 1994; Vanman et al., 2003). However, in con- tidomain approach to assessment for clarifying neurobiological trast with studies showing reduced startle potentiation during mechanisms of psychopathic tendencies that can inform preven- aversive picture-viewing for adult nonoffenders high in boldness tion and treatment efforts. Current results have the potential to (e.g., Benning et al., 2005; Dvorak-Bertsch et al., 2009; Vaidy- inform treatment planning for individuals differentiated on psy- anathan et al., 2009), we did not find a significant association for chopathic dimensions, highlighting in particular the need to con- this triarchic dimension with startle modulation to violent scenes. sider variation in general arousal and emotional reactivity in for- It could be the case that effects for boldness occur more robustly mulating individualized interventions. in relation to specifically fear-inducing scenes (e.g., spider/snake or attack scenes). Vaidyanathan et al. (2009) reported, as evidence for this, a greater effect of trait fear (i.e., boldness-reversed) on References magnitude of startle potentiation for threat compared to mutilation American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical man- and victim scenes. ual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. 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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 563, 165–183. http://dx relationship between psychopathy in young adulthood after con- This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. trolling for psychopathy in adolescence. Future research, using a Drislane, L. E., Brislin, S. J., Kendler, K. S., Andershed, H., Larsson, H., larger and more-diverse sample from both community and clinical & Patrick, C. J. (2015). A triarchic model analysis of the Youth Psy- populations and across longer time spans, is needed to replicate chopathic Traits Inventory. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29, 15–41. and extend these findings. In sum, current findings support the proposal that the three Drislane, L. E., Patrick, C. J., & Arsal, G. (2014). Clarifying the content dimensions of the triarchic model reflect distinct categories of coverage of differing psychopathy inventories through reference to the psychopathic traits that relate differentially to clinical variables Triarchic Psychopathy Measure. Psychological Assessment, 26, 350– 362. and physiological measures. Informing the debate concerning the Dvorak-Bertsch, J. D., Curtin, J. J., Rubinstein, T. J., & Newman, J. P. role of boldness in defining psychopathy, boldness was not pre- (2009). Psychopathic traits moderate the interaction between cognitive dictive of ASPD symptoms, although it predicted low anxiety and and affective processing. Psychophysiology, 46, 913–921. http://dx.doi fear, characteristics that have been linked with the construct of .org/10.1111/j.1469-8986.2009.00833.x psychopathy. In addition, findings from the lab video-viewing Fanti, K. A., Kyranides, M. N., Drislane, L. E., Colins, O. F., & Andershed, assessment of the current study suggest that different physiological H. (2016). Validation of the Greek Cypriot translation of the Triarchic TRIARCHIC DIMENSIONS OF PSYCHOPATHY 149

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