universe Review Bouncing Quantum Cosmology Nelson Pinto-Neto Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, Urca, Rio de Janeiro 22290-180, RJ, Brazil;
[email protected]; Tel.: +55-21-21417381 Abstract: The goal of this contribution is to present the properties of a class of quantum bounc- ing models in which the quantum bounce originates from the Dirac canonical quantization of a midi-superspace model composed of a homogeneous and isotropic background, together with small inhomogeneous perturbations. The resulting Wheeler-DeWitt equation is interpreted in the frame- work of the de Broglie-Bohm quantum theory, enormously simplifying the calculations, conceptually and technically. It is shown that the resulting models are stable and they never get to close to the Planck energy, where another more involved quantization scheme would have to be evoked, and they are compatible with present observations. Some physical effects around the bounce are discussed, like baryogenesis and magnetogenesis, and the crucial role of dark matter and dark energy is also studied. Keywords: bounce; quantum cosmology; inflation; cosmological perturbations; stability; dark energy 1. Introduction Cosmological observations (the cosmic microwave background radiation [1], Big Bang nucleosynthesis [2], large scale structure [3] and cosmological red-shift [4]) strongly indicate Citation: Pinto-Neto, N. Bouncing that the Universe is expanding from a very hot era, when the geometry of space was highly Quantum Cosmology. Universe 2021, homogeneous and isotropic (maximally symmetric space-like hyper-surfaces), with tiny 7, 110. https://orcid.org/10.3390/ deviations from this special symmetric state. universe7040110 Cosmology is a very peculiar part of Physics, because the physical system under investigation is the Universe as a whole, and one cannot control its initial conditions, as in Academic Editors: Yi-Fu Cai, other physical situations.