

Detecting the rotating quantum

Paul C. W. Davies* Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia

Tevian Dray† Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia and Department of Mathematics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331

Corinne A. Manogue‡ Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia and Department of Physics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 ͑Received 31 August 1995͒ We derive conditions for rotating detectors to respond in a variety of bounded spacetimes and compare the results with the folklore that particle detectors do not respond in the vacuum state appropriate to their . Applications involving possible violations of the second law of thermodynamics are briefly addressed.

PACS number͑s͒: 04.62.ϩv

I. INTRODUCTION and even to link this quantum vacuum with Machian effects ͓8͔. We might envisage the quantum vacuum playing the role The nature of the quantum vacuum continues to be the of Newton’s substantival space. It is therefore of some inter- subject of surprising discoveries. One of the more curious est to investigate the effects of rotation in quantum field properties to be discussed in recent years is the prediction theory. that an observer who accelerates in the conventional quan- In what follows we attempt to progress this discussion by tum vacuum of Minkowski space will perceive a bath of investigating the properties of particle detectors moving in radiation, while an inertial observer of course perceives noth- circular paths. The results turn out to involve some remark- ing. In the case of linear acceleration, for which there exists able and subtle issues, especially with regard to the definition an extensive literature, the response of a model particle de- of a rotating . tector mimics the effects of its being immersed in a bath of The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we first thermal radiation ͑the so-called Unruh effect͒. The investiga- review previous results about rotating particle detectors in tion of rigid rotation, as opposed to linear acceleration, unbounded Minkowski space. We then add a cylindrical seems, however, to have been somewhat limited ͓1–4͔,in boundary in Sec. III, and consider compact spaces in Sec. IV. spite of the fact that experimental tests of the theory are more The possibility of violating the second law of thermodynam- feasible for the rotating case ͓5͔. ics is discussed in Sec. V, and in Sec. VI we conclude by The problem of rotation is a very deep one in physics discussing the physical interpretation of our results. We use which goes back at least to Newton. Through his famous units with បϭcϭ1, our metric signature convention is bucket experiment, Newton sought to demonstrate that rota- (ϩϪϪϪ), and we treat massless scalar fields for simplicity. tion is an absolute effect taking place in a substantival space, later to be identified with the aether. By contrast, Mach ar- II. UNBOUNDED MINKOWSKI SPACE gued that rotation is purely relative to the distant matter in We first summarize the results of Letaw and Pfautsch ͓1͔. the universe. Then with the inception of the theory of rela- Consider a DeWitt model particle detector ͓6͔ moving in a tivity the aether was abandoned, but the question of whether circular path of radius r at constant angular velocity ⍀ in the rotation is relative or absolute was not settled by the theory conventional Minkowski ͑inertial͒ vacuum state. Here, and of relativity, and the status of Mach’s principle remains con- in all the cases we shall be investigating later, the response of tentious even today. the detector is independent of . According to the stan- In recent years there has been an attempt to revive a type dard theory, the probability of excitation of a detector per of aether concept by appealing to the quantum vacuum ͓6,7͔, unit ͑detector͒ proper time is given by

E͒ ϱ F ͑ ϪiE⌬␶ ϩ *Electronic address: [email protected] ϭ d⌬␶e G „x͑␶͒,x͑␶Ј͒…, ͑1͒ T ͵Ϫϱ †Permanent address: Oregon State University. Electronic address: [email protected] where Gϩ is the positive frequency Wightman function. The ‡Permanent address: Oregon State University. Electronic address: Minkowski space Wightman function in cylindrical polar co- [email protected] ordinates xϭ(t,r,␪,z)is

0556-2821/96/53͑8͒/4382͑6͒/$10.0053 4382 © 1996 The American Physical Society 53 DETECTING THE ROTATING QUANTUM VACUUM 4383

1 1 Gϩ͑x,xЈ͒ϭ . ͑2͒ 4␲2 ͑tϪtЈϪi⑀͒2Ϫ͓r2ϩrЈ2Ϫ2rrЈcos͑␪Ϫ␪Ј͒ϩ͑zϪzЈ͒2͔

The detector’s trajectory is given by rϭconst, zϭconst, zero response in the Rindler vacuum state, and will give a and ␪ϭ⍀t, so that Gϩ is a function only of the difference consistent thermal response to the Minkowski vacuum state ⌬␶ in proper time. The response function is then given by ͓6͔. We might therefore expect a set of rotating detectors to the Fourier transform integral similarly reveal the state of a rotating quantum field. This is not the case here: Since the inertial and rotating vacuum ¯ F ͑E¯ ͒ ͱ1Ϫr2⍀2 ϱ eϪiE⌬t states are identical, the response of a rotating particle detec- ϭ 2 d⌬t , tor to the corotating vacuum will be the same as ͑3͒ above, T 4␲ ͵Ϫϱ ⍀⌬t ͑⌬tϪi⑀͒2Ϫ4r2sin2 and we have the curious result that a particle detector ͩ 2 ͪ adapted to the rotating vacuum apparently does not behave ͑3͒ as if it is coupled to a vacuum state at all. Before accepting this odd result, however, we must con- ¯ 2 2 where EϭEͱ1Ϫr ⍀ corresponds to the Lorentz rescaling front a serious problem. For a given angular velocity ⍀, ⌬tϭtϪtЈϭ⌬␶/ͱ1Ϫr2⍀2 arising from the transformation there will be a maximum radius rmaxϭ1/⍀͑the light cylin- between proper time ␶ and coordinate time t. This expres- der͒ beyond which a point at fixed r and ␪ will be moving sion was evaluated numerically by Pfautsch. The fact that it ␪ץtϪ⍀ץ faster than light, i.e., the rotating Killing vector is nonzero is already an important result, analogous to the becomes spacelike. It is far from clear what to make of the famous linear acceleration case, where the detected spectrum rotating field modes, or even the notion of Bogolubov trans- of is thermal. Although Pfautsch’s spectrum is remi- formation, outside this limiting light circle. This complica- niscent of a Planck spectrum, the similarity with the thermal tion compromises any straightforward attempt to construct linear case is only superficial. rotating quantum states in terms of the mode solutions just The Minkowski vacuum state is defined with respect to described. the usual field modes based on mode solutions uqmk of the To circumvent this problem we eliminate the light cylin- wave equation in inertial coordinates: der altogether. We accomplish this in two ways: first, in Sec. III, by introducing a cylindrical boundary within the light 1 im␪ ikz Ϫi␻t cylinder and confining the quantum field to the bounded re- uqmkϭ Jm͑qr͒e e e , ͑4͒ 2␲ͱ2␻ gion, and then, in Sec. IV, by making the space compact. where ␻2ϭq2ϩk2. III. ROTATING DETECTOR IN A BOUNDED DOMAIN The transformation from Minkowski to rotating coordi- The Wightman function ͑2͒ inside a cylinder of radius nates appears at first sight to have only a trivial implication aϽr , on which the field satisfies vanishing ͑i.e., Dirich- for the modes of the quantum field: We may readily trans- max ˆ let͒ boundary conditions, can be written as a discrete mode form to a rotating coordinate system, by letting ␪ϭ␪Ϫ⍀t. sum Mode solutions uˆ qmk of the rotating wave equation are then found to be identical to the conventional ͑nonrotating͒ ϱ ϱ ϱ N2 ␰ r ␰ rЈ Minkowski modes, and can be obtained, up to normalization, ϩ mn mn G ͑x,xЈ͒ϭ ͚ ͚ dk Jm Jm by the replacement ␻ˆ ϭ␻Ϫm⍀. In particular, the Bogol- mϭϪϱ nϭ1 ͵Ϫϱ ␻ ͩ a ͪ ͩ a ͪ ubov transformation between the rotating and nonrotating im͑␪Ϫ␪Ј͒ ik͑zϪzЈ͒ Ϫi␻͑tϪtЈ͒ modes is trivial, amounting to a simple relabeling of modes. ϫe e e , ͑5͒ Furthermore, since the two sets of modes are identical, they have identical norms, so that no mixing of positive and nega- where tive ‘‘frequencies’’ occurs irrespective of a possible change 1 of sign between ␻ and ␻ˆ . It is the norms, not the frequen- Nϭ , cies, of the rotating modes which determine the commutation 2␲a͉Jmϩ1͑␰mn͉͒ relations of the associated creation and annihilation opera- tors. ␰mn is the nth zero of the Bessel function Jm(x), and

If these rotating modes are used to define a rotating 2 vacuum state, it coincides with the conventional Minkowski ␰mn ␻ϭ ϩk2. ͑6͒ vacuum. This is in contrast to the case for linear acceleration ͱ a2 ͓9͔, where the so-called Rindler ͑Fulling͒ vacuum contains Minkowski particles and vice versa. Furthermore, there is a As is appropriate for the positive frequency Wightman func- general expectation that a family of model particle detectors tion, we assume ␻Ͼ0. For a particle detector moving in a ‘‘adapted’’ to the coordinate system on which the quantized circular path of radius r about the axis of the cylinder with modes are based will reveal the particle content of those uniform angular velocity ⍀, we set rϭconst, zϭconst, and modes. Thus, in the Rindler case, a set of uniformly acceler- ␪ϭ⍀t. Substituting from ͑5͒ into ͑1͒, we obtain, for the ating particle detectors sharing common asymptotes will give detector response per unit time, 4384 DAVIES, DRAY, AND MANOGUE 53

ϱ ϱ F ͑E͒ ϱ N2 evaluate ͑11͒ numerically, but we expect on general grounds ϭͱ1Ϫr2⍀2 dk for the spectrum to have a sawtooth form at low T ͚ ͚ ͵ mϭϪϱ nϭ1 Ϫϱ ␻ ͓10͔. ϱ ␰mnr ¯ 2 Ϫi͑Eϩ␻Ϫm⍀͒⌬t 2 2 ϫJm d⌬te . ͑7͒ IV. S ؋R AND THE EINSTEIN UNIVERSE ͩ a ͪ͵Ϫϱ In Sec. III, we removed the ambiguity associated with We may immediately perform the ⌬t integration to obtain faster-than-light rotation by confining the quantum field the ␦ function within a boundary. We can also consider the case of a com- pact space, wherein the field is automatically confined. To 2 ␰mn illustrate this possibility, we discuss two examples. For the 2␲␦͑E¯ ϩ␻Ϫm⍀͒ϵ2␲␦ E¯ ϩ ϩk2Ϫm⍀ . ͑8͒ ͩ ͱ a2 ͪ first example, we consider the detector to be rotating in a plane at uniform angular velocity ⍀ in the static space with Since E¯ Ͼ0 and ⍀Ͼ0 by assumption, the argument of the topology S2ϫR2 and metric ␦ function will vanish only if mϾ0. Furthermore, since the 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 radial modes are now discrete, for each m there will be a ds ϭdt Ϫa ͑d␪ ϩsin ␪d␾ ͒Ϫdz , ͑12͒ lowest value of ␻, namely ␰m1 /a (k is a continuous momen- tum variable in the z direction and can be zero͒. Therefore, where a is the ͑constant͒ radius of the two-sphere. The mass- the detector will fail to respond unless less scalar wave equation has the solutions N m⍀aϾ␰m1 . ͑9͒ ikz Ϫi␻t ulmkϭ Ylm͑␪,␾͒e e , ͑13͒ ͱ␻ But we know from the properties of Bessel functions that the zeros satisfy the inequality where N is an unimportant normalization factor. The eigen- frequencies are ␰mnϾm ͑10͒ l͑lϩ1͒ϩ2␰ which leads to the important conclusion that unless ⍀aϾ1 2 ␻ϭ 2 ϩk , ͑14͒ the rotating detector will remain inert. ͑The same conclusion ͱ a would hold even if we had chosen Neumann boundary con- ditions for the field.͒ where ␰ is the curvature coupling, so that the corresponding Physically, our result may be interpreted as follows. Imag- ␦ function in place of ͑8͒ is ine a point on the boundary at rϭa, corotating with the l͑lϩ1͒ϩ2␰ detector. If the point does not exceed the speed of light then ␦ E¯ ϩ ϩk2Ϫm⍀ , ͑15͒ the particle detector remains unexcited; i.e., it registers a ͩ ͱ a2 ͪ vacuum. Now we may repeat the above calculation for the case of a vacuum state that corotates with the detector. Be- where k is a continuous variable that can be zero and l,m are cause the Bogolubov transformation between the rotating integers satisfying lу0, ͉m͉рl. Again it is clear that the and nonrotating vacuum states is trivial, the result of the detector will remain inert unless mϾ0. The lowest value of calculation will differ only by the formal relabeling ␻ for which excitation will occur is given by lϭ1, mϭ1. ␻ˆ ϭ␻Ϫm⍀. Thus we may conclude that, subject to the The argument of the ␦ function will then vanish only if above speed of light restriction, a rotating particle detector corotating with a rotating vacuum state registers the absence ͱ2 ͑␰ϭ0͒, a⍀Ͼ ͑16͒ of quanta. This is in accord with our intuition. But the speed 7 1 ͭͱ 3 ͑␰ϭ 6 ͒. of light restriction is precisely what is needed to render the concept of a rotating vacuum unambiguous. If the boundary lies outside the crucial light circle, then the ambiguity re- This can be translated into the condition that a rotating turns. detector will remain unexcited if a corotating point situated The spectrum of radiation that will be detected by a rotat- at the ‘‘equator’’ ͑relative to the origin of coordinates around ing detector above the critical rotation rate is given by insert- which the detector circulates͒ moves at less than the speed of ing the ␦ function ͑8͒ into ͑7͒, and performing the k integra- light. For the case of minimal (␰ϭ0) or conformal tion (␰ϭ1/6) coupling, excitation occurs only if the said point moves at ͱ2orͱ7/3 the speed of light, respectively.

␰mnr Since the detector itself must move at less than the speed of J2 light, we see that there is a band around the equator for F ͑E͒ mͩ a ͪ ϭ2␲ͱ1Ϫr2⍀2 N2 , which no uniformly rotating detector responds. For minimal T ͚m ͚n 2 ␰mn coupling, this band consists of all latitudes less than ␲/4. ͑m⍀ϪE¯ ͒2Ϫ ͱ a2 This includes geodesic detectors at the equator, which are not ͑11͒ accelerating, some of which respond for unphysical cou- plings ␰ϽϪ1/2. where the sums in m and n run over those values in the range In our second example, the detector rotates in the Einstein ¯ ͓0,ϱ) for which ␰mn /aϽm⍀ϪE. We have not bothered to static universe with metric 53 DETECTING THE ROTATING QUANTUM VACUUM 4385

ds2ϭdt2Ϫa2͓d␹2ϩsin2␹͑d␪2ϩsin2␪ d␾2͔͒, V. NEGATIVE AND THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS where a is the ͑constant͒ radius of the universe. It is unnec- essary to deal with the specific form of the field modes ͓11͔, Many cases are known where the energy density of a as the method used in the previous examples is quite general, quantum vacuum state is negative in some spacetime region, and works in any stationary axisymmetric spacetime. The for instance, the Casimir vacuum state between parallel con- only important information is that the eigenfrequencies are ducting plates, the Rindler vacuum within the Rindler

2 wedge, the space outside a static star in the Boulware ͑nϩ1͒ ϩ6␰Ϫ1 vacuum, and the vacuum region outside a straight cosmic ␻ϭ 2 , ͑17͒ ͱ a string. If an observer moves through such a region, the pos- sibility arises of scooping up enough negative energy to vio- where n,m label the eigenmodes, with nу0 and mрn. late the second law of thermodynamics, or black hole cosmic Repeating the analogous steps leading up to ͑8͒,weob- censorship. For example, if the negative energy is allowed to tain, on performing the time integration, accumulate within an opaque box containing a gas of excited atoms at a finite temperature, the negative energy may cool ͑nϩ1͒2ϩ6␰Ϫ1 ¯ the gas by deexciting the atoms. 2␲␦ Eϩͱ 2 Ϫm⍀ . ͑18͒ ͩ a ͪ Investigations suggest that, in the case of linear motion, either the symmetries of the problem imply that the flux of The lowest value of ␻ for which excitation will occur is given by nϭ1, mϭ1. We may immediately conclude that negative energy is zero in the frame of the moving observer, the detector will remain unexcited unless or the spatial extent of the negative energy region is so cir- cumscribed that the total accumulated negative energy is lim- ͱ3 ͑␰ϭ0͒, ited by the Ford bound ͓14͔, and can do no harm. Thus in the Casimir case, motion parallel to the plates corresponds to a⍀Ͼ 1 ͑19͒ ͭ 2 ͑␰ϭ 6 ͒ zero energy flux, while motion perpendicular to the plates will not be possible for long because the observer will col- ͓cf. ͑16͔͒ thus yielding the same type of band structure as for lide with one of the plates, thereby saving the second law. 2 2 S ϫR . However, if we allow for circular motion, the situation Interestingly, for the case ␰ϭ1/6 the Wightman function appears to be different; the observer may travel through a for the Einstein universe has been given in closed form negative energy region ad infinitum. Ford has considered the 12,13 , so that we may write down an alternative expression ͓ ͔ example of geodesic observers orbiting on circular paths for the detector’s response in terms of a Fourier transform around Schwarzschild black holes in the Unruh vacuum state ¯ ͓14͔. Between the radii rϭ3M and rϷ5M the energy flux in E 1 ϱ eϪiE⌬t F ͑ ͒ the frame of the observer is always negative. On the face of ϭϪ 2 d⌬t 2 . T 16␲ ͵Ϫϱ ⌬tϪi⑀ r ⍀⌬t it, such scenarios seem to threaten the second law. However, sin2 Ϫ sin2 ͩ 2a ͪ a2 ͩ 2 ͪ if a rotating observer ‘‘sees’’ radiation, then this ‘‘rotation ͑20͒ radiation’’ may excite the contents of a hot box by more than the negative energy flux deexcites them, saving the second The integration can be performed by residues, with a contour law. If this is the correct resolution of the problem for un- along the real axis closed by a semicircle in the lower half bounded spacetimes, then the fact that the excitation of a t plane. Because of the presence of the i factor in the ⌬ ⑀ rotating detector can be suppressed by bounding the space is denominator, the poles that lie along the real axis will not deeply disturbing. For example, would a hot box slowly ro- contribute. This includes a pole near ⌬tϭ0. However, there tating around a lying along the axis of a re- can be additional poles on the imaginary axis ͑and hence a flecting cylinder violate the second law? The following heu- nonzero detector response͒ if there is a second solution ͑other than ⌬tϭ0) to the equation ristic argument suggests yes. The presence of a cylinder of large radius would be unlikely to have much effect on the ⌬t r ⍀⌬t energy density close to the string, which is large and nega- sinh ϭϮ sinh . ͑21͒ ͩ 2aͪ a ͩ 2 ͪ tive. As there is no bound on how slowly the second law may be violated, the hot box can always rotate around the string Noting that r/aϽ1, and writing ⍀⌬tϭ⍀a(⌬t/a), we see slowly enough for the cylinder to suppress excitation. that for such a solution to exist requires ⍀aϾ1, which agrees with our above result apart from a puzzling factor of 2. VI. PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION It is also of interest to note that when rϭa the AND OPEN QUESTIONS ͑conformally-coupled͒ detector is moving along a geodesic on the equator of the three-sphere with respect to our coor- The principal result of our investigation is that, whenever dinate system. Under these circumstances there can be no ambiguities in the appropriate definition of a ‘‘rotating solution other than tϭ0to͑21͒. Hence the detector will vacuum’’ state associated with the region beyond the light never respond, regardless of its velocity ͑which must be cylinder are circumvented, the detector fails to respond. slower than the speed of light͒. However, when the angular velocity of the detector is above 4386 DAVIES, DRAY, AND MANOGUE 53 a certain threshold, excitation occurs. The threshold corre- It is interesting to speculate whether it might be possible sponds, within a factor of order unity, to the situation that a to define some other state for which there is a space-filling corotating imaginary point in the spacetime exceeds the family of rotating detectors which do not respond. Here, we speed of light. note two facts which may have some bearing on this ques- How can one interpret this response physically, in the case tion. If the usual positive frequency Wightman function with that excitation does occur? One is tempted to reason as fol- ␻Ͼ0 is replaced by one with ␻ˆ Ͼ0, then, even in unbounded lows. In the rotating frame, an observer would perceive a Minkowski space, the argument of the ␦ function in ͑8͒ is ͑albeit nonthermal͒ bath of radiation, and the excitation of E¯ ϩ␻ˆ , which is always positive. This appears to describe a the detector corresponds to a quantum of this bath ‘‘being situation in which a corotating detector would not respond. detected.’’ In the inertial frame no such bath exists. Instead, However, the usual correspondence between Wightman func- the detector emits a quantum into the field, making an up- ward transition as a result. However, because of the bounded tions and vacuum states fails here as the ‘‘state’’ correspond- spatial domain, the lowest field mode has a finite energy, so ing to this Wightman function is not in the usual Fock space. that the detector will respond only when the detector is able One could instead consider differentially rotating detectors, to excite the lowest mode. If the angular velocity is too low, which are thus in nonstationary motion. But then the observ- the detector is unable to overcome this threshold and emit a ers would not move along integral curves of a single Killing quantum of sufficient energy to excite the field. It therefore vector field as required by the usual procedures. remains inert. Unfortunately, this simple interpretation is If such a state were to exist, and a suitable quantization pro- flawed. Consider the example of a detector moving in a cir- cedure defined ͓19,20͔, it would have a strong claim to be cular path between the plates of a Casimir system, in a plane designated as the rotating vacuum. parallel to the plates. The time integral leads in this case to a In some respects the light cylinder resembles the bound- ␦ function of the form ary of the Rindler system. The Rindler coordinate system is well defined within the spacetime wedge delineated by the null rays xϭϮt. Outside this wedge the Rindler spatial co- ␲n 2 ordinates become timelike, i.e., Rindler observers would be 2␲␦ E¯ ϩ q2ϩ Ϫm⍀ , ͑22͒ ΀ ͱ ͩ a ͪ ΁ moving faster than light. Similarly, in the case of a rotating black hole, it is well known that geodesic observers in the region known as the ergosphere, close to the hole, are spun where a is the plate separation. The lowest energy mode around faster than light relative to unaccelerated observers at corresponds to qϭ0, nϭ1 and is nonzero due to the dis- infinity. The outer boundary of the ergosphere, the so-called cretization of the modes in the z direction. However, because static limit surface, is reminiscent of the light cylinder for the there is no upper bound on m, the argument of the ␦ function rotating vacuum. In this case, we would expect a particle can be zero for arbitrarily small values of the angular veloc- detector moving along a ͑nonrotating͒ Killing trajectory to ity ⍀. This example shows that the threshold effect control- respond to particles created via the Unruh-Starobinskii effect ling when the detector responds is not simply related to the ͓21,22͔. However, cases have been found, for instance a rela- existence of a discrete field state of lowest energy. tivistic star ͓23͔, for which there is an ergosphere but no Therefore we are left with a number of unanswered ques- horizon, and for which the Unruh-Starobinskii effect is ab- tions. When a moving detector responds, where does the en- sent. We hope to report on the response of comoving detec- ergy of excitation ‘‘come from,’’ and what effect will the tors for some of these examples in a future publication. transition have on the energy of the field? Will the field have Note added in proof. After this work was completed, we more or less energy after the excitation, and will any change discovered that Levin et al. ͓24͔ had also considered the re- in field energy be confined to within the light cylinder? There sponse of a rotating detector. They computed the detailed is considerable confusion in the literature about the energet- spectrum of such a detector in 2ϩ1 dimensions in the pres- ics of detector response even in the linearly accelerating case ence of a circular boundary, and showed that there is no ͓15–18͔, i.e., whether the quantum field gains or loses en- response if the boundary is within the static limit surface. ergy, in what region of spacetime the quantum field energy Our work can be viewed as extending this result to a more changes, and whether the accelerating agency supplies the general setting. energy needed to excite the detector. The rotating case is different. When the corotating vacuum is unambiguous, nothing happens, and the consider- ations above presumably do not apply. The detector responds precisely when questions arise as to what state should be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS defined as the corotating vacuum, making it even more dif- ficult to provide a physical interpretation. It has been previ- T.D. and C.A.M. would like to thank the Department of ously proposed ͓2͔ to distinguish between particle emission Physics and Mathematical Physics at the University of Ade- ͑Rindler case͒ and radiation backreaction ͑rotating case͒ laide, and especially the newly formed Green-Hurst Institute when giving the inertial observer’s explanation of the detec- for Theoretical Physics, for kind hospitality during their sab- tor response. As this distinction is itself ultimately based on batical visit. This work was partially supported by NSF constructing the Bogolubov coefficients between the rotating Grant No. PHY-9208494 ͑C.A.M. and T.D.͒ and a Fulbright and inertial vacuum states, it is not yet clear whether this Grant ͑T.D.͒ under the auspices of the Australian-American argument can be applied. Educational Foundation. 53 DETECTING THE ROTATING QUANTUM VACUUM 4387

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