Abramoff emails, US House Government Reform Committee

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Delay, Abramoff, Atta, Florida casinos, AIG, Greenberg Traurig top

PROGRESSIVE REFERENCE CONSERVATIVE* Carpetbagger Report Rep. Chris Bell, is filing a House Ethics Complaint against Summary ... Abramoff, Rep. Tom Delay Comptroller for multiple mob Cooperative Research "Ghadry’s hopes to money laundering operations, to lead Syria may be tainted by his apparent neo-con, Zionist, GOP election ties to GOP lobbyist and convicted funding. criminal . In January 2006, Abramoff, Senior Director of video the Reform Party of Syria’s headquarters Government Affairs, Greenberg Ron Paul names neocons video were located very near the offices of Traurig, Bush lawyers, 911 Abramoff’s lobbying firm, Middle Gate ------financing, Brown Brothers Ventures, which was apparently partnered ALEC,, American Legal Exchange Harriman, Afghanistan, heroin. with the Reform Party. Middle East expert Committee, legislative boiler plate bills. Palfrey girls / / Roland Carnaby Joshua Landis called the group “a front Ariel Center for Policy Research search, organization for Israeli interests in the had foreknowledge of Tom Delay Levant… supported by an impressive 911attacks, Abramoff hijackers Dan Bartlett, Whitehouse communications constellation of neoconservative stars. meetings in Florida. WMR director. Regime change, effected by a US invasion Carnaby was tasked by superiorss Bush, Jeb unregulated gambling, to meet with Palfrey in her and occupation of Syria and Lebanon, is Cheney, plant dirty bomb, suitcase nuke in Florida home. John Burke the one and only item at the top of this Houston, Memorial Day, 4th of July gang’s agenda, and it comes as no Society Citizens for America, Abramoff helped surprise that Abramoff’s ill-gotten gains Abramoff emails prove closee Oliver North, Contras, went to funding it.” Syrian Comment, relationship between Rove and College Republican National Committee, Abramoff, Ralston, Florida... 1/11/2006] and from WMR : high- Abramoff, Chairman 1981-1985 stakes turf war between Israeli Casinos ... Israel ... 911 hijackers. Tom Delay, (CNN) subpoenaed, using intelligence agents livid over SeeSee NFU research Kurt govt resources to track down Democratic the CIA's and FBI's renewed Weldon, Atta, 911 legislators who fled state during take down of an old Israeli WayneMadsenReport file redistricting dispute. intelligence network operating and Abramoff-Reed Indian deep within the bowels of the Gambling Scandal, Global Council of Islamic Banks, Osama Rightcoast Carnaby possessed bin Laden. ... state sponsored crime, and the CIA and U.S. government detailed information about Cruisegate, FBI, which have joined forces to rout out former House Majority Leader Kidan, Sun Cruz Lines, president, casino Israeli intelligence moles. Tom DeLay's relationship with frequented by Atta, murdered, CounterPunch info convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Sarasota, Naples, Spadora, Abramoff, information that Fairvote Public Interest Guide to Majority Leader.gov stand for Israel Redistricting connected DeLay and other top Gorilla in the Room Abramoff Atta Republicans to pay-offs from News Insider under-reported news and organizations and individuals analysis linked to the Russian-Israeli Mafia and Israeli intelligence. Indymedia Portland andand WMR Inminds.uk on Tom Delay, Zionist The Bush Administration is connections actively blocking Congress' investigation into the outing of once-covert CIA agent ,

911 Islamic Supreme Council of America Palfrey girls / Donald Carnaby Buy Wayne Madsen's search book Overthrow a Fascist Regime on $1515 through Abramoff casinos, Jewish Agency for Israel Global Jewish a Day. had fore knowledge of Partnership, search, 911attacks, Abramoff hijackers MadCowProductions Tom Delay gives $50k to Club for meetings in Florida. WMR && SaveTexasReps.com search: redistricting, Growth, to help defeat liberal more ethics probe, Tom Delay, Tom Craddick, Republicans. Rove refuses to testify at Westar Energy, PAC, Enron, Texans for a Marc Racicot, former Republican National Judiciary / Conyers hearing about Republican Majority, TFARM Committee. firing of US Attorneys. Tom Delay Corporate Whore .com Blog, Ken Mehlman, former Whitehouse Ronnie Earle, laundering money thru the political director RNC accusation., may be indicted in Daily Star Bush and the Christian Zionist Rep. Rob Portman, longtime Bush family Texas for violating campaign contribution lobby friend. laws. Texans for Republican Majority Abramoff emails, US House Government Reform Committee

CasinoWatch terrorists at casinos Inner circle friends and biggest fund- PAC involved Hijackers' Tracks in Las Vegas Gambling raisers: Mercer Reynolds (partner in Wayne Madsen Report ""WMR has also Strip Combed for Evidence of Several Rangers baseball team) now finance learned that PMA records indicate a Terrorists LAS VEGAS -- Additional FBI chairman of Bush-Cheney campaign, number of calls from Washington area agents are being brought to this city to Bradford Freeman, LA banker, CA lobbying groups. One such firm that is chase down hundreds of leads and track the campaign reportedly under scrutiny in the PMA, movements of terrorists who repeatedly Rightcoast Palfrey / Carnaby Shirlington Limousine, Cunningham, visited here in the months before the Sept. , brilliant strategist in starting Wilkes, Wade, and now, Forbes, affair is 11 attacks. Mohamed Atta, a suspected fear campaign for war just prior to 2002 the defunct ringleader of the terrorist attack that left election. (ASG), a powerful K Street GOP more than 5,000 people dead, made at least Terry Nelson, political director lobbying firm established in 1998 by Ed two trips here. In addition to Atta, Buckham, indicted former Texas authorities also believe that Marwan Al- Mathew Dowd, chief political strategist, Congressman Tom DeLay's former chief Shehhi, Nawaf Alhazmi, Hani Hanjour and pollster, of staff. On January 9, 2006, the firm shut Ziad Samir Jarrah also visited the city. All National Center for Public Policy, down because of the scandal involving its five men were killed in the attacks in New Abramoff was director. campaigned for ties to Abramoff and DeLay." "third York and Washington. By William Booth Reagan, Randy" - Randy Forbes. Randy Forbes is Washington Post Staff Writer 9/14/01 Jack Oliver, deputy national finance the chairman and founder of the Political Reference Alamanac chairman. Congressional Prayer Caucus. He may Jewish World Review Global Jewish news, Mark McKinnon, Bush's admaker want to start praying for his political Tom Delay Tom Delay, ethics investigation: Search career, which is due to hit some rocky House Committee on Standards and words: Westar Energy, redistricting efforts shoals. Official Conduct in Texas as the U.S. House Majority US Court of Appeals Fed Circuit Leader, Texans for a Republican Majority PAC, money laundering, RNC, FAA search terms: District Judge Joe Hart, quorum Democrat hunt row, Texas corporate donations, administrative Association of Business. see House expenses, Bill Cererha (treasurer of Texans Committee on Standards and Official for a Republican Majority TRMPAC), Conduct failed to report expenditures, Democrat Ronnie Earle Tyco . ZOA 51 Members of Congress Urge Ashcroft ....

Indymedia, Portland Abramoff, born in mob capital, Atlantic City, NJ... His father, close to Reagan. - -- investigated by three grand juries: Washington, D.C., in Abramoff-Reed Indian Gambling Scandal; by grand jury in Guam over (probabaly not so) separate matter; & indicted on August 11, 2005, by third grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, FL, for bank fraud likely arising out of the overall Abramoff operation if you read this. Abramoff appears to be a likely COMPTROLLER for multiple mafia money launderings (Israeli, Colombian, Siclian, more?) into the neocon/Zionist/GOP election cycle. ----- Indictments of Abramoff have significant importance because of connections with leading ziocons/neocons including Bush, DeLay, & others. --- DeLay, ex-Majority Leader of U.S. House (indicted for similar money launding operation, in Texas election fraud) calls Abramoff one of his "closest and dearest friends." Eventually, where did DeLay's money come from, perchance? Abramoff? --- Another level is that Abramoff is Sr.Dir. of Gov't Affairs for GREENBERG TRAURIG law & lobbying firm, so close to corrupt money trail, 9-11 hushmoney, Israel, Brown Brothers Harriman, & strategically placed as both Dem & Repub party financial positions; Greenberg Traurig members are personal lawyers and legal front men for the whole Bush family operations & much more --- WHAT ABRAMOFF SCANDAL IS ABOUT CAN BE SIMPLY STATED AS: Vegas without rules. What politicians are arguing over is the biggest unregulated slush fund in the history of the world. Democrats, run equally by Abramoff/Greenberg Traurig connections, don't want to eliminate it. They just want in on it. AND HEROIN is coaxed to flow straight from Bush regime's heroin nacroregime in Afghanistan INTO THESE ABRAMOFF-ATTA-WALLY HILLIARD-JEB BUSH NETWORKS, SEE BELOW. Wayne Madsen Report October 25, 2007 -- "The Three Randys" - Connections between DC escort service and US Attorney firings. On October 23, Virginia Representative Randy Forbes (R-VA) launched a vicious attack during House Judiciary Committee hearings on the politicization of the Justice Department. Forbes attacked the credibility of Alabama attorney Jill Simpson, the former Alabama Republican Party operative who testified in closed session that the criminal prosecution of former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman was engineered by the Justice Department, current Alabama Governor Bob Riley, then- Bush White House adviser Karl Rove, and other top Republicans in the state. Forbes declared that Simpson's "credibility was shredded beyond repair" and that her statements should be referred to the Justice Department for possible prosecution. Although Forbes claimed that Simpson offered no evidence to support her claims, WMR has learned that Simpson provided 3-inches of documents to the Judiciary Committee along with a videotape of a GOP dirty trick, in which "Siegelman for Governor" signs were Abramoff emails, US House Government Reform Committee

posted at a 2002 Ku Klux Klan rally in Alabama by GOP operatives working for the Riley campaign. Wayne Madsen Report "August 23 /August 19, 2005 -- Revelations about Satterfield and Able Danger are connected. The recent revelations that the Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, David Satterfield, is the USGO-2 named in the Franklin-Rosen-Weismann indictment and the coming forward of the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and his evidence that the elite Able Danger force had Mohammed Atta and three other hijackers under surveillance in 2000 and was prevented from taking action are related stories. Shaffer was the liaison between DIA and the U.S. Special Operations Able Danger team that was tracking Atta and his cell in the United States and abroad. The Pentagon inaction is being blamed on lawyers for the U.S. Special Operations Command who prevented the FBI from being informed of the Atta team's activities. What is being overlooked is that there was a significant neo-con element within the Clinton administration. It included then-Secretary of Defense William Cohen (a Republican) and the career Pentagon officials like Office of Net Assessment chief Andy Marshall, the indicted Larry Franklin, and Harold Rhode, who all increased their power in the Bush administration. This network was close to Clinton State Department officials Martin Indyk, who lost his security clearance while ambassador to Israel, and Dennis Ross, now of the pro- Likud Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the think tank that provided a number of personnel for Douglas Feith's Office of of Special Plans, including David Schenker and Michael Makovsky (brother of WINEP Senior Fellow David Makovsky). WINEP's advisory board includes such neocon figures as Richard Perle, James Woolsey, James Roche (of Boeing-Air Force tanker contract fraud infamy), Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Max Kampelman. The pre- 911 restrictions on Able Danger are evidence that the neo-cons were as damaging to the security interests of the United States under Clinton as they have been under Bush." Wayne Madsen Report "...has learned from knowledgeable sources that Carnaby also had information on Abramoff's Sun Cruz casino boat operation in Florida, a case that involved a mob hit on Sun Cruz's former owner Gus Boulis, and the events of 9/11. Abramoff reportedly entertained at least two the 9/11 hijackers, including Mohammed Atta, on a Madeira Beach, Florida casino boat days before the 9/11 attack. This editor recalls Palfrey stating over dinner that she had information from some of her escorts that involved pre-intelligence on the 9/11 attack. The intersection of Abramoff and his Russian-Israeli mob gang to knowledge possessed by Carnaby and Palfrey suggest that their deaths may have been as brazen as hits as the gunning down of Boulis on a Fort Launderdale street by hit men. That assassination was blamed on Abramoff and his associates."

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MMicichhaaeel LLl eeddeeeen RRoovvee''s BrBraaiinn, IIrraan-n-CCoonntrtraa, Nigigeer ffoorrggeed ddooccuummeennttss, II, ssrraaeeli ZZioionnisistt MORE Barbara Ledeen Michael Ledeen, Independent Women's Forum, MORE RRaallpph RReeeedd CChhrriissttiiaan CCooaalliittiioonn, DDeemmooccrraattiic LLeeaaddeerrsshhiip Coommmmiitttteeee, Abbrraammoofff f MORE LLaawwrreenncce SSililbbeerrmmaann SSiillbbeerrmmaann-R-Roob Commmmisisssioionn, WMD Inntteellliliggeennccee MORE RRiicckky SSiillbbeerrmmaann IInnddeeppeennddeennt WWoommeenn''s FFoorruumm, BBaarrbbaarra LLeeddeeeenn MORE TTooddd BBoouullaannggeerr CCaassssiiddy & AAssssoocciiaatteess MORE CCaassssiiddy & Assssoocciiaatteess TTooddd Boouullaannggeerr, ee, mmaaiill MORE FFeelliix CCaammaacchhoo GGuuaamm, Goovveerrnnoorr, Abbrraammoofff ccf oonnnneeccttiioonnss MORE BBaarrbbaarra OOllsseenn BBaarrbbaarra LLeeddeeeenn, IInnddeeppeennddeennt WWoommeenn''s FFoorruumm,, MORE Bush / GO P / sex scandals ... NFU page index

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Abramoff Poor White Republicans Delay, Roberts, McConnell Redistricting Dept of the Interior, Griles 'States rights' Israel

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Office of Special Prosecutor Raided, Bloch, Rove top

PROGRESSIVE REFERENCE CONSERVATIVE* Alternet search, Jewish World Review Tom Delay, Alexander Strategy Group Tom Abramoff emails, US House Government Reform Committee

Center for Public Integrity Political Reference Alamanac Americans for Tax Reform T Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics Tom Delay News, NewsLib AEI American Enterprise Institute in Washington U.S. Courts US Court of Appeals and US District Ledeen, Chalabi, Abramoff Consortium News,, October Surprise Courts GOP Today Tom Delay, Americans for Evilgopbastards ..com Evil GOP Washington Blade a Republican majority, addresses Bastards.com Wikipedia , Texans for a Republican Majority Knesset, Israel Ground Zero for Tom Delay Wikipedia , Grover Norquist Majority Leader, Formerly headed by The Nation Grover Norquist Wikipedia , Jack Abramoff Tom DeLay, House of Representatives, US Texans for Public Justice organized Wikipedia Alexander Strategy Group in 1997 to take on political corruption Yahoo search terms, face time with Bush, $100,000 and corporate abuses in Texas donations, Jack Abramoff as middleman, money for Texas Observer search Delay, Zionist access, Grover Norquist as facilitator, American NewsMax Tom Delay Corporate Whore .com Indian Tribes, emails, Karl Rove set Whitehouse Washington Times Blog, Ronnie Earle, laundering dates, Bush Abramoff White House meetings, Republican Policy Committee money thru the RNC accusation., may Americans for Tax Reform, John Kartch spokesman WorldNetDaily pork barrel politics be indicted in Texas for violating for ATR, Mississippi Choctaw tribe, Saginaw below: Grover Norquist and .... campaign contribution laws. Chippewa of Michigan, Norquist / Abramoff ties go Also search Hagee, Abramoff Tom DeLay is Full of Crap.com back to Young Republicans movement, Labor connections, Wayne Madsen Report Secretary Elaine Chao photos, Saginaw tribal chief Maynard Kahgegab Jr. appointed by Chao to Native American Employment and Training Council, Names mentioned in emails: , Barbara Ledeen (IWF), Allen Stayman, Karl Rove, Susan Ralston, Gail Norton, , Glen Nager, Ken Mehlman, Rodney Lane, , Dennis / Carrie Stephens, Kevin Ring, Mat Schlapp, Ron Platt, Cassidy & Associates, , Felix Camacho, Preston Gates & Ellis, , Harvey Sherzer, Grover Norquist, Tom DeLay, Mike Carvin, Tim Flannigan, Kieth Ring, Viet Diah, Duane Gibson, Shawn Vassel, David Hughes, SunCruz Casinos, Allen Stayman, Gonzalez, Republican National Committee, Greenberg Traurig, Peter Gillon, Mark Solomons, Clay Johnson, Shelly Kamins, Kaminos, Diego, James Lin, George Miller, Interior Dept, Richard Pierce, Zachares,

Washington Blade FBI agents on Tuesday raided the offices of Special Counsel Scott J. Bloch, who oversees protection for federal whistleblowers. Agents also searched Bloch’s home as part of an investigation into obstruction of justice allegations, which was first reported by NPR. Bloch, who has also been under investigation for allegedly retaliating against career employees and obstructing an investigation, was questioned at his Washington, D.C. office onon Tuesday morning. The Blade has reported for several years on Bloch’s anti-gay record and his close association with anti-gay groups. A high-level gay employee at the U.S. Office of Special Council was among seven OSC employees that received termination notices in 2005 after refusing to be transferred to distant cities in a staff shakeup that critics called a purge of employees considered disloyal to Bloch. A second gay employee resigned to take a job outside OSC rather than accept the transfer ordered by Bloch, according to sources familiar with OSC. Sources familiar with the agency said Bloch targeted a total of 12 employees — including the only two known gay staffers — for involuntary transfers, in part, because they disagreed with his decision to curtail OSC’s role in investigating and adjudicating complaints of employment discrimination against gay federal workers. Almost immediately after starting work rk at OSC, Bloch removed all references to OSC’s role in addressing sexual orientation discrimination cases from the OSC Web site and from OSC discrimination complaint forms. Bloch initially said he did not believe OSC had legal authority to adjudicate gay cases, despite assertions by legal experts to the contrary. In response to complaints by members of Congress, the White House issued a statement saying President Bush stands behind the Clinton administration policy of prohibiting workplace discrimination against gay federal employees. Bloch responded by saying he would abide by this policy, but the gay federal workers group GLOBE has said Bloch has failed to take adequate steps to do so. It’s unclear whether the FBI investigation is related to the cases of gay federal employees..

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Israel top

PROGRESSIVE REFERENCE CONSERVATIVE* Alternet search, Ashcroft Jewish World Review Tom Delay, Ariel Center for Policy Research Center for Public Integrity Tom Delay News, NewsLib search, Tom Delay Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics Wikipedia , Texans for a Republican Majority ADL hails Bush in Washington presents the 13 most U.S. Courts US Court of Appeals and US District Facts of Israel Tom Delay anti- corrupt members of Congress: Rep. Courts terrorism law changes Abramoff emails, US House Government Reform Committee

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Rohrabacher, Atta, whack McCain's wife,

Dept of the Interior, Griles top PROGRESSIVE REFERENCE CONSERVATIVE* Indian Country Jurist Dept of the Interior NoGW Israel stages suicide bombings Wikipedia, Jack Abramoff USA Today Controversial lobbyist had SourceWatch J. Steven Griles close contact with Bush team and file SourceWatch , Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy

"WASHINGTON - Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles will plead guilty Friday to one count of obstruction of justice in the Jack Abramoff corruption investigation, The Associated Press has learned. Griles, an oil and gas lobbyist who became an architect of President Bush's energy policies while at the Interior Department between July 2001 and July 2005, is the highest ranking Bush administration official implicated in the Washington lobbying scandal. The former No. 2 official at the Interior Department has agreed to a felony plea admitting that he lied five times to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and its investigators about his relationship with Abramoff, people involved in the case told the AP. Griles will admit he concealed that he had a unique relationship with Abramoff, people involved in the case said on condition of anonymity, because aase federal judge had not yet approved the plea deal. Griles and Abramoff met on March 1, 2001, through , a Republican environmental activist whom Griles had been dating." file other search terms: Person A, indictment, Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton, obstruction of justice, U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle presiding, David H. Safavian concealment of ties to Abramoff, Rep. Robert Ney - corruption - 30 month prison term, Inspector General Earl Devaney, Abramoff's 'our guy', Federici founded Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy received $500k from Abramoff, lavish golf outing in Scotland, Indian Country "The STN appeal is unfolding against the backdrop of the Justice Department's continuing investigation of the political influence and corruption involving indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Bush administration officials. Recently, Justice announced its investigation of former Interior Assistant Secretary Stephen Griles for alleged perjury during testimony before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. Griles, who worked closely with Cason at Interior, also had ties to BGR founder Haley Barbour and to former Interior Solicitor Sue Ellen Wooldridge. Both Griles' and Wooldridge's names appear on various internal documents regarding federal recognition. While the relationships raise questions about potential interference in the reversal of the tribes' federal acknowledgement, Justice spokesman Dean Boyd would neither confirm nor deny whether other Interior officials are under investigation." Southern Strategy

The Nation "Ralph Reed is going to own this room. Granted, it's only a standard-issue campus auditorium at Emory University, half filled at best for the annual Georgia College Republicans convention. But to the former boy wonder of evangelical politics, it looks like heavenly shelter on this drizzly February morning. The Christian Coalition co-founder's first campaign for public office- -lieutenant governor of Georgia, a position Reed and his fans envision as a stepping stone to bigger things--has turned into a waking nightmare. Every week brings a new revelation about the millions in dirty money Reed earned by duping his fellow evangelicals into putting their political muscle behind "" Abramoff's gambling clients. Reed's huge leads in both popularity polls and fundraising have almost disappeared. Instead of making his triumphant debut as a politician, the man Time magazine called "The Right Hand of God" is fast becoming the new poster boy for Christian-right corruption." The Nation full article

Wayne Madsen Report April 4, 2006 -- Wayne Madsen Report:: DeLay implicated in Florida gangland hit of casino boats owner. Former GOP Majority Leader Tom DeLay's surprise announcement that he will resign from Congress in a few weeks and not stand for re-re-election after winning the GOP primary in hishis Houston area district came after a bombshell was dropped in the Broward County, Florida trial of former John Gotti hit man Anthony "Big Tony" Moscatiello for the February 2001 gangland slaying of Sun Cruz casino boat owner Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis. Moscatiello is on trial with Anthony "Little Tony" Ferrari and James "Pudgy" Fiorillo in the murder of Boulis. On April 1, the Miami Herald reported that Moscatiello was a long time informant for the FBI at the time of the murder of Boulis. Moscatiello quit his association with the the FBI shortly after the murder of Boulis. Recently convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his colleague Adam Kidan forced Boulis to sell Sun Cruz Casino Cruises to them in a scheme engineered by Gov. Jeb Bus to establish a GOP money launcering contrivance. The state pressured Boulis, a Greek national, to sell Sun Cruz to Abramoff because of an obscure state requirement that shipping companies be owned by U.S. citizens. Jeb Bush, using Florida's regulatoryry mechanisms behind the scenes, ensured Boulis was pressured to divest his interests in Sun Cruz to Abramoff. WMR sources report that Broward County prosecutors are livid about the failure of the FBI to inform them that Moscatiello was an FBI informant at the time of the Boulis murder. They are convinced that the George W. and Jeb Bush administrations in Washington and Tallahassee, respectively, deliberately blocked the prosecution from linking Moscatiello to the criminal cases against Abramoff and Kidan. Kidan placed Moscatiello and Ferrari on the Sun Cruz payroll after Abramoff assumed control of the company. Abramoff and Kidan were sentenced to over 5 years in prison last week for lying to financers in their purchase of Sun Cruz from Boulis. The light sentences were the result of plea agreements in which they prmised to cooperate with federal prosecutors. However, the Sun Cruz case goes far beyond Abramoff and involves DeLay, according to informed sources. The Broward Countyty prosecutors believe that the FBI's written summaries (FD-302s) of their interviews with Moscatiello were withheld from the prosecution by the FBI in order to protect senior GOP officials. Had the prosecution known Moscatiello was an FBI informer, he could have been offered a plea bargain in return for his cooperation against Republican politicians in Florida and Washington, DC. The story behind the story: DeLay's involvement with Florida gangland mobsters probed by prosecutors stymied by withheld FBI interview forms and obstruction from George W. and Jeb Bush. Prosecutors and investigative reporters in Miami and Fort Lauderdale are focusing on the time line involving Sun Cruz, Boulis, Abramoff, and DeLay. In February 2000, Abramoff began negotiations with Boulis for the sale of Sun Cruz, which Boulis eventually sold to Abramoff for a mere $147 Abramoff emails, US House Government Reform Committee

million. At the time, Abramoff was a lobbyist for the well- connected Preston Gates law firm. After the November 2000 election of George W. Bush, Boulis protested that he had been defrauded by Abramoff and Kidan in the sale of Sun Cruz. To avoid legal issues, Abramoff and Kidan began toto make legal moves to move Sun Cruz's corporate headquarters from Florida to the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas. On December 13, 2000, Abramoff's Sun Cruz paid $145,000 to Moscatiello for "consulting services." On January 19, 2001, one day prior to the inauguration of George W. Bush, Boulis filed court action to block Abramoff's and Kidan's involvement with Sun Cruz. On January 20, 2001, Kidan and former DeLay aide Michael Scanlon met in DeLay's congressional office in Washington to "officially" celebrate the Bush inauguration. Scanlon, former DeLay aide Tony Rudy, Abramoff, and Kidan are all cooperating with federal prosecutors after agreeing to plea agreements. On January 25, 2001, Abramoff reportedly flew DeLay's senior staffer Tim Berry, named his chief of staff in 2002, to Tampa for the Super Bowl and a meeting on one of the Sun Cruz casino boats. Suspiciously, Berry did not report the trip on disclosure forms, something DeLay's office later called an "honest mistake." On February 6, 2001,1, Boulis was shot to death in his car after leaving his Fort Lauderdale office. Florida prosecutors have uncovered preliminary evidence that Sun Cruz was wrested from Boulis to enable hundreds of millions of dollars in cash could be laundered into GOP campaigns, including the DeLay and Bush- Cheney 2004 campaigns, from the casino boats.

DeLay Critic Removed From Ethics Committee, Thu Feb 3, 7:55 AM ET Top Stories - Los Angeles Times, fair use By Richard Simon Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON - The House ethics committee chairman who presided over three rebukes of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) was bounced from the job Wednesday and replaced by a Republican congressman from Washington state. The new chairman is Rep. Doc Hastings (news, bio, voting record), the committee's second-ranking Republican. He was named by House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) to take the gavel from Rep. Joel Hefley (news, bio, voting record) (R-Colo.).In addition, Hastert appointed three new members to the panel, including two - Reps. Lamar S. Smith (R- Texas) and Tom Cole (R-Okla.) - whose political action committees have contributed to DeLay's legal defense fund. Smith's PAC contributed $5,000 in 2001 and an additional $5,000 between July and September 2004; Cole's gave $5,000 between July and September 2004. nn The third new Republican member is Rep. Melissa A. Hart (news, bio, voting record) of Pennsylvania. Hastert had indicated that he would not reappoint Hefley because House GOP rules limited the terms of committee members. Hefley joined the committee, which is charged with investigating and disciplining House members, in 1997 and became chairman in 2001. His supporters argued that the rules could be waived. Democrats and congressional watchdog groups accused Hastert of retaliating against Hefley for the rebukes to DeLay, the House's No. 2 leader. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said Hefley's ouster and his replacement with a "party loyalist" was "further evidence that there is a purge underway of any Republican who does not precisely toe the party line." The shake-up of the panel, formally known as the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, comes in the wake of a Texas grand jury indictment of three fundraisers with ties to DeLay. They are accused of illegally funneling corporate contributions to GOP candidates for state office. DeLay has called the investigation politically motivated and said he had not been contacted by prosecutors. Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21, a Washington watchdog group, assailed the changes. The test for the new chairman and d members will be this, he said: "Will they simply carry out the obvious game plan of the House Republican leadership to shut down ethics enforcement in the House, or will they have the courage to carry out the ethics enforcement responsibilities that go with their positions?" Hefley, who had predicted his own removal, said in a statement Wednesday that it was "somewhat of a relief" to be free of the responsibility of being chairman. Hastert's spokesman, John Feehery, said Hefley had served for the period allowed under House GOP term limits. He accused Democrats of injecting partisanship into the ethics process. Many Republicans were angry with Hefley for admonishing DeLay last year on the hardball political tactics that DeLay's backers credited with strengthening the GOP's majority in the House and advancing the Republican legislative agenda. So popular is DeLay that current and former members of Congress and their PACs contributed $174,500 to DeLay's legal defense fund in the last quarter of 2004, according to Public Citizen, a watchdog group. The House this year also voted to change its rules to make it harder for the committee to investigate its members. It now requires a majority of the committee, which is evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats, to approve a probe. Citing the rule change and Hefley's ouster, Common Cause President Chellie Pingree said Wednesday that "it is hard to imagine there will be much activity" from thethe committee. Hastings, who will turn 64 on Monday, was elected to Congress in the 1994 GOP takeover of the House. He said Wednesday that he had not sought to lead the panel. It is considered one of the most thankless jobs in Congress. But he pledged to do "my best to carry out my duties fairly, with utmost respect for this institution - and without regard to friendship, favor or political party." Hastings has served on the ethics panel since 2001. The following year, he chaired the investigative subcommittee whose recommendation led to Rep. James A. Traficant Jr.'s expulsion from Congress following the Ohio Democrat's conviction on bribery and corruption charges. He also was among the committee members who voted unanimously in October to admonish DeLay for allegedly involving a federal agency in a Texas partisan matter and staging a fundraising event in a way that appeared to link access to political donations. In a separate rebuke issued a week earlier, also by unanimous vote, DeLay was criticized for saying he would support the campaign of a retiring congressman's son to succeed his father if the congressman voted for legislation adding a prescription drug benefit under Medicare.

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Halliburton, smokinggun, Wells Fargo Bank, Troy Burrus, John Stendrinni, Wilkes / Michael indictment. .... Barney Frank, Steve Gobie, Thomas Foley, Edwin Cassem, Massachusetts General Hospital, Paul Shanley, Creighton University, Dobson, homophobia, Val Peter, archdiocese, Boston, house ethics committee, Warren Buffett, Cardinal law

Palfrey search terms: Senior Bush officials linked to PMA escort service, Tobias, Ullman, Roughead, Scientific Applications, Morris, toe -sucker, Vitter, diaper, exrement fet ish, Wendy, Spitzer, Hookergate, whoregate, Cheney, US Judge Gladys Kessler, phone records, restraining order lifted, Dan Moldea, Bruce Lindsey, Bill Clinton, Sprint, Montgomery Sibley, Preston Burton, Honey-pot defense, Brandy Britton, Tony Burrus, Baltimore, Carol Lam investigation, fired, US Attorney, of Foggo, Duke Cunningham, Wilkes, Jerry Lewis, Carlton-Ritz, Sheraton, Watergate, Anapolis Naval Academy, Rebecca Dickinson, Buffett, ... Richard Bruce Cheney, Bruce Childs, Chiles, Ballantine, Chain Bridge Road, Giuliani, McCain, Eli Lilly, NASA, Bank Secrecy Act, Shirlington Limousine, poker parties, Westin Grand, KBR, Oliver North, World Bank, rocket docket, and La rry Flynt reward for information, Henry Hyde, Gingrich, Hooker, blackmail like Profumo Keeler affair, Ivanov, J. Edgar Hoover, Tolson, gay, KeFauver, Fred Thompson, William Cowden, beltway, Scottish golf trip, Miz Julia, pimping, financing linked to Netanyahu, Marc Rich, AIG, Greenberg, Doug Alexander. and Leola McConnell. ... and intersection of SAIC, USAID, Akin Gump, US Navy, McLean, Virginia, ... ABC 20/20, Brian Ross, Disney, story spiked, FCC, white box of important papers, nylon rope, shed, little black book, WESH-TV, Florida, ... prosecutor Richard Butler, Judge James Robertson, DiBiagio, homicide, Nathan's interview,