Government of Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor. LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-20 Programe: B A Course/Paper Name: Optional. Paper – 5.(¸Á»vÀå UÀªÀÄ£À) Semester: 5 th Class: 3rd Year Name of the Faculty: Naveen H J and Nagaraj Shatty Total Hours:60 Sl. Topic covered No. of Methodology Date Initial No. Lecture /pedagogy Hours 1 ºÀ°är ±Á¸À£À 4 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À dÆ£ï3£Éà ªÁgÀ 2 DvÀPÀÆgÀÄ ±Á¸À£À 4 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À dÆ£ï4£Éà ªÁgÀ 3 ¤Ã¯ÁAd£É ¥Àæ¸ÀAUÀ 5 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 1£Éà ªÁgÀ 4 zÀAqÀPÀ£ÉA§ j¹AiÀÄ PÀxÉ 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 2£Éà ªÁgÀ 5 ¸ÀUÀgÀ ZÀPÀæªÀwðAiÀÄ PÀxÉ 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 3£Éà ªÁgÀ 6 ªÀĺÁ±ÉéÃvÉAiÀÄ ªÀÈvÁÛAvÀ 5 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 4£Éà ªÁgÀ 7 ZÀAqÀ±Á¸À£À£À ¥Àæ¸ÀAUÀ 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À DUÀ¸ïÖ 1£Éà ªÁgÀ 8 gÀvÁßfAiÀÄ ¥ÀæPÀgÀt 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À DUÀ¸ïÖ 2£Éà ªÁgÀ 9 PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀåzÀ ¥ÁæaãÀvÉ 4 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À DUÀ¸ïÖ 3£Éà ªÁgÀ vÀgÀUÀw ¥ÀjÃPÉë /¤AiÉÆÃfvÀ PÁAiÀÄð 2 DUÀ¸ïÖ 4£Éà ªÁgÀ 10 PÀ«gÁdªÀiÁUÀð 4 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À DUÀ¸ïÖ 4£Éà ªÁgÀ 11 ZÀA¥ÀÆ ¸Á»vÀå 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À ¸É¥ÉÖA§gï 1£Éà ªÁgÀ 12 UÀzÀå ¸Á»vÀå 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À ¸É¥ÉÖA§gï 2£Éà ªÁgÀ 13 ±Á¸À£À ¸Á»vÀå 4 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À ¸É¥ÉÖA§gï 3£Éà ªÁgÀ

DAvÀjPÀ ¥ÀjÃPÉëUÀ¼ÀÄ-02 ¸É¥ÉÖA§gï 4£Éà ªÁgÀ 14 ±Á¹ÛçÃAiÀÄ ¨sÁµÉAiÀiÁV PÀ£ÀßqÀ 4 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À CPÉÆÖçgï 1 £Éà ªÁgÀ Total hours : 60 Date of submission of IA marks : 12-10-2019.

Signature of Faculty Signature of HOD Principal Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor. LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-20 Programe: B A Course/Paper Name: kannada Optional. Paper – 6. (¸Á»vÀå «ÄêÀiÁA¸É). Semester: 5 th Class: 3ed year B A Name of the Faculty: Meenakshi Total Hours: 60 Sl. Topic covered No. of Methodology Date Initial No. Lecture /pedagogy Hours 1 «ÄêÀiÁA¸É ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dÆ£ï3£Éà ªÁgÀ 2 ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ PÁªÀå «ÄêÀiÁA¸ÉAiÀÄ ¸ÀAQë¥ÀÛ ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ 4 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À dÆ£ï 4£Éà ªÁgÀ 3 «ÄêÀiÁA¸É 3 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 1£Éà ªÁgÀ 4 C®APÁgÀ 3 ¦¦n/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 2£Éà ªÁgÀ 5 ªÀiÁUÀð 3 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 3£Éà ªÁgÀ 6 jÃw 4 PÀ¥ÀÄà ºÀ®UÉ/G¥À£Áå¸À dįÉÊ 4£Éà ªÁgÀ

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Signature of Faculty Signature of HOD Principal

Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor – 576214 (District: ) LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-20

Programme: BA Course/Paper Name: INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Semester: V Class: BA III Name of the Faculty: Shivakumara PV and Vishnu Gowda Total Hours: 60

Sl. Topic covered No. of Methodology/ Planned Initial No. Lecture pedagogy Week Hours Unit 1: INTERNATIONAL RELATION AN OUTLINE 1 Meaning Nature 2 Black board/ Lecture June 3rd 2 Scope and Importance 2 Black board/ Lecture June 3rd 3 Approaches: Classical Realism 2 Black board/ Lecture June 4th 4 Neo Realism 2 Black board/ Lecture June 4th 5 Neo Liberalism 2 Black board/ Lecture July 1st Total hours: 10 Unit 2 : INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM CONCEPT AND ACTERS

6 Nation and State 2 Black board/ Lecture July 1st

PPT/Lecture st 7 National Power: Meaning 2 July 1 8 Elements 3 PPT/Lecture July 2nd 9 limitations 1 PPT/Lecture July 2nd 10 National Interest: Meaning 2 Black board/ Lecture July 3rd 11 Nature 1 Black board/ Lecture July 3rd 12 Instruments of National Interest 2 Black board/ Lecture July 4th Total hours: 13 Unit 3 : INSTRUMENTS OF INTER-STATE RELATIONS

Black board/ Lecture th 13 Foreign Policy: Meaning 1 July 4 14 Importance 2 Black board/ Lecture August 1st 15 Diplomacy: Meaning 1 PPT/Lecture August 1st 16 Diplomacy: Kinds 2 PPT/Lecture August 1st 17 Balance of Power: Meaning 1 PPT/Lecture August 2nd 18 Balance of Power: Devices 2 PPT/Lecture August 2nd 19 Collective Security: Meaning 1 Black board/ Lecture August 2nd 20 Collective Security: Significance 2 Black board/ Lecture August 3rd

Total hours: 12 Class Assessment Test / Assignment – 01 August 4th

Unit 4: INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 22 The UN: Principles and Objectives 3 PPT/Lecture August 4th

23 General Assembly: Composition and 3 PPT/Lecture August 4th Functions 24 Security Council: Composition and 3 PPT/Lecture September 1st Functions 25 Debate on UN Reform 3 PPT/Lecture September 2nd Total hours : 12 Internal Assessment Test– 02 September 3rd Unit 5: PROCESSES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 26 Non-Alignment: Meaning and 3 Black board/ Lecture September 3rd Relevance 27 Globalization: Meaning and Impact 4 PPT/Lecture September 4th 28 Environment: Concern on Global 3 Black board/ Lecture October 1st Warming 29 Humanitarian Intervention: Meaning 3 Black board/ Lecture October 2nd and Implications Total hours : 13 Date of submission of IA Marks : 12/10/19

Signature of Faculty Signature of HOD Principal

Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor – 576214 (District: Udupi) LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-20

Programme: BA Course/Paper Name: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Semester: V Class: BA III Name of the Faculty: Shivakumara PV and Vishnu Gowda Total Hours: 60

Sl. Topic covered No. of Methodology/ Planned Initial No. Lecture pedagogy Week Hours Unit 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Public Administration – Meaning, 2 Black board/ Lecture June 3rd Definition 2 Nature and Significance 2 PPT/Lecture June 3rd 3 Public and Private Administration – 2 PPT/Lecture June 4th Similarities 4 Public and Private Administration – 2 PPT/Lecture June 4th Differences 5 New Public Administration 2 PPT/Lecture July 1st Total hours: 10 Unit 2 : ORGANISATION

Black board/ Lecture nd 6 Meaning 1 July 2 PPT/Lecture nd 7 Principles of Organisation: Hierarchy 2 July 2 8 Unity of Command 1 PPT/Lecture July 3rd 9 Span of Control 1 PPT/Lecture July 3rd 10 Centralization Decentralization 1 Black board/ Lecture July 3rd 11 Agencies of Organisation: Line 2 Black board/ Lecture July 3rd 12 Agencies of Organisation: Staff 2 Black board/ Lecture July 3rd 13 Agencies of Organisation: Auxiliary 1 Black board/ Lecture July 4th 14 Forms of Organisation: Departments 2 Black board/ Lecture July 4th 15 Corporations 1 Black board/ Lecture July 4th 16 Boards and Commissions 1 Black board/ Lecture July 4th Total hours: 15 Unit 3 : PERSONAL ADMINISTRAION Black board/ Lecture st 17 Civil Service- Meaning and Features 3 August 1 18 Recruitment 3 Black board/ Lecture August 1st 19 Training 3 Black board/ Lecture August 1st and 2nd 20 Promotion 2 Black board/ Lecture August 2nd 21 Morale 2 Black board/ Lecture August 3rd Black board/ Lecture rd 22 Conduct and Discipline 2 August 3 Total hours: 15 Class Assessment Test / Assignment – 01 August 4th Unit 4 : FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION

23 Budget- Meaning 2 PPT/Lecture September 1st

24 Budget – Principles and Significance 1 PPT/Lecture September 1st PPT/Lecture nd 25 Preparation 3 September 2 Black board/ Lecture nd 26 Enactment and Execution 2 September 2 27 Accounts and Audit 2 Black board/ Lecture September 3rd Total hours: 10 Internal Assessment Test– 02 September 3rd Unit 5: CONTROL OVER ADMINISTRATION AND NEW TRENDS 28 Executive 1 Black board/ Lecture September 3rd 29 Legislative 1 Black board/ Lecture October 1st 30 Judicial 2 Black board/ Lecture October 1st 31 Lokpal and Lokayukta 2 Black board/ Lecture October 1st 32 Administrative Law- Meaning 2 Black board/ Lecture October 2nd Significance 33 Administrative Adjudication 1 Black board/ Lecture October 2nd 34 Delegated Legislation 1 Black board/ Lecture October 2nd Total hours: 10 Date of submission of IA Marks: 12/10/19

Signature of Faculty Signature of HOD Principal

Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor – 576214 (District: Udupi) LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-20 Programme : B.A. Course/Paper Name : Economic Thought (Paper V) Semester : 5th Semester Class : BA - III (HEP and HEK) Name of the Faculty : Shivayya G / Mamatha Total Hours : 60 Hours

No. of Sl. Methodology / Planned Topic covered Lecture No. Pedagogy Week Hours Unit 1: Classical Economists 1 Adam Smith - Philosophy 1 Lecture / Blackboard June 3rd Week 2 Naturalism and Optimism 1 Lecture / Blackboard June 3rd Week 3 Division of Labour 1 Lecture / Blackboard June 3rd Week 4 Theory of Value 1 Lecture / Blackboard June 3rd Week 5 Public Finance, International Trade 1 Lecture / Blackboard June 3rd Week 6 David Ricardo - Theory of Value 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week 7 Theory of Distribution 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week 8 International Trade 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week 9 TR Malthus 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week 10 Theory of Population, Theory of market glut 2 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week Total hours: 11 Unit 2 : Marxism and Marginalism 11 Karl Marx 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week 12 Dialectical Materialism 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week 13 Theory of Value 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week 14 Theory of surplus value 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week 15 Capitalistic accuulation and periodic crisis 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week 16 Class conflict and Rise of Socialism 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 2nd Week 17 W.S. Jevons 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 2nd Week 18 Theory of Consumption and Theory of Value 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 2nd Week 19 Karl Menger 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 2nd Week 20 Menger's classification of goods 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 2nd Week 21 Menger's Theory of Value 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 3rd Week 22 Menger's Theory of Distribtion 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 3rd Week Total hours: 12 Unit 3 : Neo-Classical Economists 23 Alfred Marshall 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 3rd Week 24 Nature of Economics 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 3rd Week 25 Theory of Value 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 3rd Week 26 Time period analysis 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 4th Week 27 Consumption theories 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 4th Week 28 Consumer's surplus 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 4th Week 29 Elasticity of demand 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 4th Week 30 Theory of distriution, Quasi rent 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 4th Week 31 A.C. Pigou, Welfare Economics 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 1st Week 32 Theory of Employment 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 1st Week Total hours: 10 Class Assessment Test / Assignment – 01 Aug 1st Week Unit 4 : Keynesian and Post-Keynesian Economics 33 J.M. Keynes 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 1st Week 34 Theory of Employment 2 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 2nd Week 35 Consumption Function 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 2nd Week 36 Investment Function 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 2nd Week 37 Role of Government 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 2nd Week 38 Joan Robinson 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 3rd Week 39 Theory of imperfect competition 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 3rd Week 40 Theory of rent 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 3rd Week 41 Theory of of economic development 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 3rd Week 42 Gunnar Myrdal, Nature of economics 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 4th Week 43 Welfare state 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 4th Week 44 Spread and backwash effects 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 4th Week 45 Problems of developing nations 1 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 4th Week Total hours : 14 Internal Assessment Test– 02 Sept 1st Week Unit 5: Indian Economic Thought 46 Kautilya 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sept 2nd Week 47 Artha, Wealth, agriculture 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sept 2nd Week 48 Labour, Public Finance, Welfare state 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sept 2nd Week 49 M.K.Gandhi 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sept 2nd Week 50 Machinery, industrialisation, decentralisation 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sept 2nd Week Village republics, Sarvodaya, Doctrine of 51 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 3rd Week trusteeship 52 Bread labour, population and prohibition 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 3rd Week 53 Relavance of Gandhian thought 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 3rd Week A.K.Sen, Choice of technology, Theory of 54 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 3rd Week famine 55 Poverty and poverty index 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 4th Week 56 Social Choice 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 4th Week 57 Human Development Index 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 4th Week 58 Public action and economic policy 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 4th Week Total hours : 13 Date of submission of IA Marks : 12/10/2019

Faculty HOD Principal

Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor – 576214 (District: Udupi) LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-20 Programme : B.A. Course/Paper Name : Economics of Development (Paper VI) Semester : 5th Semester Class : BA - III (HEP and HEK) Name of the Faculty : Ashwath Naik / Shivayya G/ Jyothi B Total Hours : 60 Hours

No. of Sl. Methodology / Planned Topic covered Lecture No. Pedagogy Week Hours Unit 1: Concept of Economic Growth and Economic Development Distinction b/w economic growth and 1 2 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 3rd Week economic development 2 Determinants of economic development 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 3rd Week 3 Measurement of economic development 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week 4 PCI method 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week 5 HDI Method 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jun 4th Week 6 Poverty index (UNDP) 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week 7 Gender Development Index 1 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week Total hours: 8 Unit 2 : Theories of Economic Development 8 Classical Theory of economic development 3 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 1st Week 9 Schumpeter's Theory 3 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 2nd Week 10 Rostow's Stages of Growth 3 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 2nd Week 11 Theory of Big Push 3 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 3rd Week 12 Balanced and Unbalanced Growth Theories 3 Lecture / Blackboard Jul 4th Week Total hours: 15 Unit 3 : Capital Formation and Economic Development 13 Role of Capital Formation 4 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 1st Week 14 Sources of Capital Formation 2 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 1st Week Role of foreign capital in promotin economic 15 2 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 2nd Week development Total hours: 8 Class Assessment Test / Assignment – 01 Unit 4 : Human Resource Development 16 Population as growth promoting factor 3 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 2nd Week 17 Population as growth retarding factors 3 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 3rd Week 18 Demographic theory of transition 3 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 3rd Week 19 Disguised unemployment 2 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 4th Week 20 Theories of Nurkse and Lewis 2 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 4th Week 21 Man Power Planning 2 Lecture / Blackboard Aug 4th Week Total hours : 15 Internal Assessment Test– 02 Sep 1st Week Unit 5: State Participation in Economic Development and Technique of Economic Development 22 Role of state in economic development 3 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 2nd Week 23 Role of technology in economic development 2 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 2nd Week 24 Planning- menaing and definition 2 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 4th Week 25 Features of planning 1 Lecture / Blackboard Sep 4th Week Role of Planning in Underdeveloped 26 1 Lecture / Blackboard Oct 1st Week countries 27 Types of Planning 1 Lecture / Blackboard Oct 1st Week 28 Capitalist and Socialist Planning 1 Lecture / Blackboard Oct 1st Week 29 Physical and Financial Planning 1 Lecture / Blackboard Oct 1st Week 30 Planning by direction and inducement 2 Lecture / Blackboard Oct 1st Week Total hours : 14 Date of submission of IA Marks : 12/10/2019

Faculty HOD Principal

Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor – 576214 (District: Udupi) LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-20_____

Programme: B A Course/Paper Name: Europen history Semester: V th Semeser Class: B A 3 Name of the Faculty: mohan kumar / hema Total 60

Sl. Topic covered No. of Methodology/ Planned Initial No. Lecture pedagogy Week Hours Unit 1: The French revolution 1 French revolution causes 2 Black board/ Lecture June 3 week

2 work of national assembly 2 Black Board/ lecturer June 3 week

3 national convention 2 Black Board/ lecturer june 4 week

4 French revolution result 1 Black Board/ lecturer July 1 week

Total hours: 07 Unit 2 : Rise of Nepoleon 5 napoleon domestic reforms 3 Black Board/ lecturer july 1 week

6 continental system 2 Black Board/ lecturer july 2 week

Total hours: 05 Unit 3 : Age of reaction 7 congress of Vienna 2 Black Board/ lecturer july 2 week

8 metternich 2 Black Board/ lecturer july 3 week

9 concert of Europe 2 Black Board/ lecturer july 3 week

10 fall of metternich 2 Black Board/ lecturer july 4 week

Total hours: 08 Class Assessment Test / Assignment – 01 July 4 week Unit 4 : rise of nationalism 11 unification of early Italian 2 Black Board/ lecturer july 4 week associations 12 mazzini 2 Black Board/ lecturer july 4 week

13 Garibaldi 2 Black Board/ lecturer Aug 1 week

14 the Sardinian leadership- victor 2 Black Board/ lecturer Aug 1 week emmanual 2

15 cavour 2 Black Board/ lecturer Aug 2 week

Total hours : 10 Internal Assessment Test– 02 Aug 3 week Unit 5: the meaking of german nation 16 thearly attempts at German 1 Black Board/ lecturer Aug 3 week unification 17 the Prussian lead the work of bismark 2 Black Board/ lecturer

18 bismark three wars 2 Black Board/ lecturer Aug 4 week

19 birth of the german empire 1 Black Board/ lecturer Aug 3 week

Total hours : 06 Unit 6: the first world war 20 the causes of the world war 1 2 21 the paris peace conference and the 3 Black Board/ lecturer Aug 3 week treaties Total hours: 05 Unit 7: Europe between the wars

23 failure of league nation 2 Black Board/ lecturer sept 2 week

24 the great dipression 2 Black Board/ lecturer sept 2 week

25 Italy goes fascist 3 Black Board/ lecturer sept 3 week

26 Mussolini forign and domestic policy 1 Black Board/ lecturer sept 3week

27 the ideology and methods of Nazi 2 Black Board/ lecturer sept 4 week party 28 the forign policy of Hitler 3 Black Board/ lecturer sept 4 week

29 formation of UNO 2 Black Board/ lecturer Oct 1 week

Total hour 15 Unit 8: the second world war and after 30 the causes and consequences 1 Black Board/ lecturer oct 1 week

31 the fall of communism 1 Black Board/ lecturer oct 2 week

32 MAP 2 Black Board/ lecturer oct 2 week

Total hours 04 Date of submission of IA Marks : ______

Signature of Faculty Signature of HOD Principal Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Government First Grade College, Byndoor – 576214 (District: Udupi) LESSON PLAN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR:__2019-20___

Programme: BA Course/Paper Name: colonial Semester: 5 semester Class: 3, BA Name of the Faculty: mohan kumar Total Hours:60

Sl. Topic covered No. of Methodology/ Planned Initial No. Lecture pedagogy Week Hours Unit 1: what is colonialism 1 forms of domination 1 Ex: Black board/ June 3 week Lecture /ppt

2 Economical colonialism 2 Black Board / lecturer June 3 week

3 political colonialism 2 Black Board / lecturer June 4week

4 social colonialism 2 Black Board / lecturer June 4 week

5 cultural colonialism 1 Black Board / lecturer july 1 week

6 colonial knowladge 1 Black Board / lecturer Jjuly 1 week

7 colonial impact 1 Black Board / lecturer July 2 week

Total hours: 10 Unit 2 : government under east india company

8 the evolution of government and 2 Black Board / lecturer july 3week systems of control 9 army and police 2 Black Board / lecturer July 3 week

10 civil service and judiciary 1 Black Board / lecturer July 4 week

11 racial relation 1 Black Board / lecturer July 4 week

12 Economic polices 1 Black Board / lecturer Aug 1 week

13 trans port and communication 2 Black Board / lecturer Aug 1 week

14 princely states 1 Black Board / lecturer Aug 2 week

Total hours: 10 Unit 3 : socity and culture

15 macaulay 2 Black Board / lecturer Aug 2 week

16 western lierlism ans social reforms 3 Black Board / lecturer Aug 3 week

17 Bramha samaj 3 Black Board / lecturer Aug 3 week

18 the Indian renaissance 2 Black Board / lecturer Aug 4 week

Total hours: 10 Class Assessment Test / Assignment – 01 Aug 4 week Unit 4 : The 1857 movement 23 Historiography 2 Black Board / lecturer Aug 4 week

24 mutny cause and course 4 Black Board / lecturer sept 1week

25 the queen proclamation 2 Black Board / lecturer sept 1 week

26 end of the british east india company 1 Black Board / lecturer sept 2 week

27 change in british police 1 Black Board / lecturer sept 2 week

Total hours : 10 Internal Assessment Test– 02 sept 3 week Unit 5:Genesis of india nationalism 33 contradiction of colonial rule 2 Black Board / lecturer sept 3 week

34 economic exploitation 2 Black Board / lecturer sept 3 week

35 social and cultural bases 2 Black Board / lecturer sept 4 week

36 the reformation movement” Arya 2 Black Board / lecturer sept 4 week samaj: 37 Ramakrishna mission 2 Black Board / lecturer sept 4 week

38 Aligrarh movement 2 Black Board / lecturer SEPT 4 week

39 press and literature 1 Black Board / lecturer oct 1 week

40 the early association and birth of 2 Black Board / lecturer oct 1 week Indian national congress Total hours : 15 Unit: 6 colonial policy in the post mutiny india 41 agrarian policy and famine policy 1 Black Board / lecturer oct 1 week

42 viceroyalities of lord lytton 1 Black Board / lecturer oct 2 week

43 lord ripon and india reaction 2 Black Board / lecturer oct 2 week 44 MAP 1 Black Board / lecturer oct 2 week

Total hours 05 Date of submission of IA Marks : ______

Signature of Faculty Signature of HOD Principal