Mountainside Your Best Source For Community Information"

HJn vou as NO* 44 THURSDAY, AUGUST 28,1997 TWOSICTK Borough Borough resident, 12, wins beauty pagi v By Bea Smith long as I can rert iys Highlights Staff Writer dreamed of hecq 1.1 The nicest thing that can happen to love to work V^HU juuugci wiiiiuren • a down-to-earth pre-teenager has hap- and hopefully one day, ru be able to Qffiess cjlpsed pened to the dimple-faced Nicole heal them and take away all their The offices of this newspaper 'Marie Capriglione. fears." will be closed Monday in obser- The J 2-year-old borough resident "What I like about this pageant," vance of Labor [Jay. We will wai chosen for the title of Miss Junior continued,Nicole's mother, "is tint reopen Tuesday Mountainside Pre-Teen and was they don't choose you for their looks, crowned list month it the Mim Junior it's how they present thenwelvei on The deadlines for the Sept, 4 America pageant at the Parsippany stage, their poise md how eloquently edition are as follows: Hilton Hotel. Additionally, she will they speak in a crowd." • Lifestyle, including church compete for Miss Pre-Teen New Nicole has, appeared In schopiflays, , and club news, etc. — today, Jersey next spring. Nicole, who will and in holiday concern, *T attribute all noon. reign for Junior America for an entire thiss you know, the way I speak and year as an America City Queen. will further qualities, to St. James School. • Letters to the editor — Fri- appear in parades, fairs, make person- "It's something different," she day, noon. al appearances with (he mayor and or admitted "And I really like it. 1 hope I • What's Going On — Fri= the governor, and will participate in can continue it. It's really exciting. day, 4 p.m. the Miss Junior America State But I want to continue it in the sum- Pageant. mer, I want to go to school for the rest • Diipliy ads — Friday noon "I think it's cool," she said smiling, of the seasons, and I don't want it to or Section B md 5 p.m. for during' a visit to this office this week interfere with my education; I have Section A. by Nicole and her mother. Lisa Capri- nice teaeheri. I like math and religion. • Sports news — Friday, 9 glione, an interior decorator. Even with a trophy md a crown, tin, The youngster, wh» will be attend- Nicole is practical — very practical ing seventh-grade at St. James School for a girl of 12 years. "My friends arc • General news — Tuesday, in Springfield. iK excited about the glad for me, and that makes me hap- 9 a m. changing event;, in her life, bui unaf- py. My brother. Vincent, who is 9, • Classified advertising — fected For the moment, modeling is wants to protect me," she laughed. Tuesday, 3 p.m. nice, but Nicole is aspiring to become Her parents, Lenny and Lisa Capri- a pediatrician. glione, who have resided in Moun- • Legal advertising — Tues- "Two years ago," she explained, I Nicole Marie Capriglione, 12, won the title of Miss Junior Mountainside Pre-Teen last tainside for all of their lives, arc proud day, noon. went into Fashion Dug in Union to month in the Miss Junior America pageant held in the Parsippany Hilton Hotel. The Moun- of her. Her father is a supervisor of buy something. The manager came tainside youngster is seen wearing her beautiful gown, sash and crown with pride and Aiese Contracting in Matawan. Lisa Assembly e-mail over to me and said, 'Do you want to happiness. Capriglione mentioned that her small do the modeling for Pre-Teen Line9' fame "hasn't affected her. That's why residents with access to And 1 was so surprised that I said, ol all, I could keep all the clothes- I of school teachers, instructors and offers its contestants an expenerice of I let her do it." the Internet now have the abili- 'Yes.' Now, 1 model clothes for Fash model " pageant directors. She said that that a lifetime. "Many previous pageant Would Nicole like to appear on ty to contact Assemblyman 9 ion Bug and Mandces in Union Coun- How did the pageani offer come had received 'dozens of applications winners, included Tiffany Amber television Richard Bagger, R-Union. ly, but 1 only do it in the summer about? from, your area and you are the only Thiessen. now of 'Beverly Hills "Yes." she said. "I think it would be through his new electronic because I don't, want it to interfere Nicole's mother explained that the one chosen for this title. Once you W210,' and Ashley Johnson, who nice." mailbox located on the worl- with my studies " "Miss Junior American pamphlet have accepted your City Queen title, won in 1990 as Miss Junior Michigan "After she's finished with school." dwide web. Bagger, originally As i summer professional model, came in the mail. Someone had sug- you will receive a beautiful gash, tro- Petite, .then goi a role in 'Growing added her rnother. "Education comes from Wcstficid, can be reached Nicole grinned, showing I\M> beauti- gested Nicole's name — we still don't phy, and your official certificate of Pains' on television" first." through e-mail at tl»c following ful dimples, "I think it's really cool. I wtto-i^ and the executive direc- title. You could bei'the new Miss When the pageant was held last "Besides, I'm going to be a pediat- address: could wear different clothes and I of Misp'Jumoi America njiional Junior America Quofn.' " I month, there were 92 contestants m rician when I'm grown. Modeling is asmrhbagger® could model different outfits for diffe rogram e^njaiiu-d that bhc •f.^ clio- The Miss Junior .Mncrica PajAani different categories. Nicole's accep- just for now," exclaimed the wise "E-mail provides us with the rent stores, meet new people, and best i by Kclnihin (.omn ittcef. made up has been in existence lor 15 years and tance speech was recorded. "For as little girl quickest and most convenient means of written communication to date," said Bagger, "Because the system is so easy_, it is my hope that it will encourage indi- Hospital hosts annuaLjuried photo exhibit viduals to contact me anytime It) Blaine Dillport the Waichung Arts (enter and is now Art Center Advisory Council. they have any questions, com- Staff Writer moving to Children's Specialized "Since putting on the show each ments or suggestions." Children's Specialized Hospital Hospital Jj started the New Jersey 'Since putting on the show each year is a year is a big task we fell that it should will continue to host an impressive Photography Forum out of the Watcli- big task we felt that it should be judged. I try be judged I try to get a jury of three exhihitmn of more than 75 selected ung Arts Center and ihe arts center to get a jury of three people to look at all of the people to look at all of Ihe work that is Stable lessons entries from New Jersey Photography wanted us to stay so badly that they submitted and then they select any- Watchung Stables offers two Forum's Third Annual Juried Show allowed us to have our meetings there work that is submitted.' where from 50 to 75 pieces depending programs, in addition to its fall through September free of charge. And one of the things — Nancy Ori on how much space we have for the and spring series of lessons, The opening of tl»e show will be that, the center has done to make it show The jury then selects five award which are designed to introduce held Sept. 7, from 2 to 4 p m with a more enticing is that they allow us to , , Curator of show winners from the larger group. We the sport of horseback riding to reception. have a show there every year. So now have two winners of excellence each all. Come spend some time on According to photographer Nancy that'the show has run at the Watchung New Jersey Photography Forum an infrared photography, hand color- year and two awards of merit all of the beautiful country-like layout On. curator of the shov, and founder Arts Center, we then usually take the photographers focus on a traditional ing and a very tie w approach of digital which arc on display at Children's of rings, stables and barns, as of the New Jersey Photography Fur show to Children's Specialized Hos- style "We have on our mailing list photography using computer technol- Specialized Hospital," said Ori. Waichung Stables is a unique um, "The work on display come1; pital because it is such a neat place. over 300 photographers and most of ogy and fine art paper. The New Jersey Photography For- feature of Union County. "Learn from a number of professional ph<>tn Arid the show will exhibit to even their wurk is more traditional. In New The non-profit New Jersey Photo- um's Third Annual Juried Show is about dressage and . the different r aitLU for instance, unless you arc yrapfay FoForuirumm ri;has ..developed thu, to the public, free of .chjrffi. classes, as well as the big produce very high quality work Our "At our show you can look at shooting tattoos, or body modifica- impressive exhibit through an from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., daily, at multi-state Horse shows held on participants are concerned with expei- images, which include scenes and tions, or some other disgusting thing acclaimed competition for serious Children's Specialized Hospital, 150 the grounds each year. tise and technique." portrait1!, and then come up with your you can not get an exhibit in New photographers. This year's jurors New Providence Road. Visitors are Programs can be arranged at In this show, black and white and own narrative •" said Ori. who studied York If you are doing traditional were John Copeland, Photography requested to enter the hospital through date and time convenient for color print photography exemplifying with Ansel Adams. types of photography, there are not a Gallery Director, Drew University; Ihe ambulance entry. The artists' any group. There is a $20 fee Mime of the best work in the stale cov- In contrast to, members of*other lot of outlets for their work," said On David Messer, Director, Bergen works on display are offered'for sale per hour; actual horseback rid^ ers a broad range of subjects The photography associations and work, Although, some of the exhibiting -Museum of Art and Science; and Hil- and a portion of the proceeds will ben- ing is available at an additional show has already been on exhibrt at appearing in New York galleries. artists use alternative processes such dy York, Curator/Chair, Hunterdon efit Children's Specialized Hospital cost. Contact Jean Jacobus at (908) 789-3665 for further infor- mation. The Watchung Stable is a facility of the Union County Division of Parks and Recrea- Board interviews Gone fish in' tion and is located at 1160 Summit Lane, Mountainside,' CSA candidates Crafters wanted By Blaine DiUport On Oct. 18, the Springfield SUIT Writer Emanuef United Methodist The Board of Education met Tuesday to hold another round of interviews for Church, located at 40 Church the newly created position of chief school administrator. Mall in Springfield, will hold its The board interviewed three candidates who are in the running for the admi- first annual flea market from 9 nistrative position in the district. a.m. to 3 p.m. The rain date is It had been discussed that the board.mcmbcrs might be making site visits ip Oct. 25. • the various districts thai the applicants are currently teaching in, but that i«. still Crafters and flea market ven- up in the air at this point. dors are sought. Space costs "We did some interviewing on Tuesday and we are moving along. We MC not $20. Tables are available for an sure at this lime if we will be making visits to the districts of the three candi- additional fee on a first, come, dates or not We are also trying to move quickly and we are not sure (hat visiting first serve basis. The deadline to the districts would be crucial to our decision. It would really depend upon the register is Oct. 1. district. If it were a similar district then it might be something we want to do but if it is a district that is quite different it might riot be a good idea," said PJI To register, call Esther Reim- Taeschler president of the Board of Education. linger at (908) 276-4968 or The board was pleased with the response to their advertising of Ihe position Karin Blair-Kelley at (201) and feel that they have gotten a good crop of potential candidates. "We are very 379-1072, pleased with the candidates and we hope to be able to share some things with the public soon about our decision, but the board is excited," said Taeschler CALL (908) 6869898 Tuesday was also the day for the new-staff orientation. On hand were about A / lid I I/'C /<>(<( nine new faculty members and a few new teacher aides, who were taken around 1000 Time & Temperature the Deerfield School so that they could get aquainted with the school. Also on 1600 Natibn&l News hand was J. Michael Sutcliffc, who will be the new assistant principal at Deei- 1900 Lottery Results field. Sutcliffc will officially begin his run as assistant principal on the first day 3170 Local Movie Theatres of classes, which will be Tuesday. Parents will have a chance to meet with Sutcilffc on Sept. 9 from 6:30 to 7:30 i Stit p.m. before the Board of Education meeting. He will be on hand to meet with j\ HQIIR VOICE tHFORUATlOH SERVICE parents and get to know people in the district. Also on Sept. 18 from 6 to 7 p.rh., Sutcliffe will be available to meet with parents during the back-to-school night Photo By Jeff Granlt A FRiiBPvbttc frrvtct Ofjht Mountainside Echo Joy and Erik Dix enjoy a day of fishing at Echo Lake Park. at Deerfield. PAGE 2 — THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 SPRINGFIELD LEADER • MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO

INSIDE TH1 Troop 73 Springfield Leader Mountainside Echo COMMUNITY CALENDAR earns badges The Community Calendar is prepared each week by ihe Springfield Twelve Boy Scouts from Troop 73 Fire blotter ' 1 - 'A':-: 3 233-2278. Thisprogram will run throughout the Leader and Mountainside Echo to inform residenti of varioui community Srpt. 8 of Springfield spent the last week of Editorial ,4 activities and governmental meetings. To give your community events • Tfoe Springfield Board of Education will meet in the Board of hduui July at Camp Wincbago Boy Scout the publicity they deserve, mill your schedule to Managing Editor'Billy Obituaries 10 tion conference-rriom at Gaudine«r School An executive session will be Reservation Summer camp is a good Callahan, Worrall Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 3109, Union, NJ held at 7 p.rrr~"witH •a'puMic session in follow ,ii 7 V) pm time for stouts to cam merit badges Sports 11 ' 07083. ; Sept. 9 needed to advance in scouting. County news ii Coming events • The Mountainside Borough Council will meet in regular session at % Dad^'c> (M (Coking, Camping, p.m. in Borough Hall, 1385 Route 22 East. ; Archery and Rifle Shooting are just ft Entertainment S3 Aug. 31 , • The Mountainside Board of Education will meet m regular session at few of the many badges offered. This Stepping Out B6 • Trailsidc Nature and Science Center presents The Sky Inside at 3:30 8 p.m. in the Ooerfield Schpol:, Media Center. year wax the first time a ment badge for Rock Climbing was offered and Classified 611 p.m. Parents can explore the day and nighttime sky with their preschool- , Sept. 11 er, lcam about ihe transition of day into nighttime, and withes* the move- • The FoothlH•Club of Mountainside will meet at the Heirreld House, five boys from the troop achieved the Real riMite B13 ment of the sun and the moon Admission is S3 pci person- Tor more Constitution Plaza in Mountainside at noon. Edwin Aaron, retired Phar- badge — I IK first group in iU of Wakliung Council Automotive B15 information, call (908) 789=3670, macist, will speak on "Pharmacy Past and Present." Call Genevieve at Sept, 6 (908) 232-3626 for a lunch reservation. The Foothill Club is a non-profit Hie other highlight for the week How to nach us: • 9i30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Trailwork — Volunteers arc needed to assist charitable club, all residents of Mountainside and out-of.(owners are elif!- w,iv the many raccoons The raccoons CHir offices are located at 1291 with trail maintenance projects in the Watchung Reservation^ Meet at ible for membership. were so big and brazen that they came StuyvBsant Avenue. Union, NJ Trailside Nature and Science,Center, 452 New Providence Road, Moun , Sept, 14 in the middle of the nigh) and chal- 67083 We are open from B a:m, to tainside, NJ. 07092. Bring lunch, mug fur beverage, shovel, pu-kane, and •Join the B'naiB'rith Ketubah Couples Unit, ages 40+, on Sepi. 14 at kni_>ed I he hnys to a game of I^acros- 5 p.m. every weekday. Can uS a! gloves, if you have them. Call (908) 789-3670 lo register. 1 p.rrL'aj they tour Poor Richard's Winery in Frenchtnwn. Our guided w. The firs! two nights the raccoons One of tha telephone nymbsrs won Scouts wtwi claimed not to have listed below: Sept. 7 lour will include wine tasting. After the tour, we, will viBit nearby Lam- Voice Mail: • Trailside Nature and Science CenreTpreRents three family activites, bertville and/or New Hope, PA for antiquing and window shopping anv ('"K.I i'i thfir gear were soon Our main phone number. 908-6.86- Ai 2 p.m., "What's the Buz? About?" Use their sweep nets and aspirators There is no cost for the tour. The group will meet at a local resiaurani fnr I'nund <>u-i by il»c very determined 7700 is equipped with a voice man to collect and examine some of the many insects that live in the wildfiow- dinner. The cost for the dinner Is not included. system to belter serve our' er meadow Search the goldenrod jungle with • hind lens to eismine Cill Phyllis at f973> 9925791 to RSVP and for any questions, no later AH the boys earned M least one customers During regular business 'bees, beetles and butterflies. Cost is $1. Also at 2p.m., "Ii There Anyone than Sept. 7. meni hiidpu will) many of them get- hours, a receptionist will answer "Out There'7" You are invited to exploff Ihe possibilities of life in other Ketubah Unit is selling any of the Entertainment '98 books for $30, To ling four or Ove nriUhed in the week. your call, During the evening or galaxies. You'll learn abotit different types of planets and how life might order the books, call Mort at (609) 409=1424 or Steve at (732) 566=5994. ..Other boys ai tamp were Chris and VMfitn We offict is Girted, your caff evolve on them. Also a (pecial look at the current evening sky. For ages 6 Gary SICMIZ, David Bertschy, Matt will be answered by an automated Sept. 22 receptionist. and up. Cost is S3 per person, $2.35 for seniors, FinaJ^,;at 3:30 p.m., • The Springfield Board of Education will meet in the Board of Eduta- fisliL'r, Sayanlar, Drew To subscribe: "Laser Eclipse" Celebrate•summer's end atifieTr Pink FT&yd eoneerf. Ail lion conference room a! Gaudineer School. An execufive session will be DcCayna and "Robbie Maul. The Leader and Echo are mailed new dazzling laser displays covering most of the dome. Songs include held at 7. p.m. with a public session to follow at 7:30 p.m. to the homei of subscribers for "Comfortably Numb", '.'Goodbye Blue Sky", "Money", and more. For , Sept, 27 r rjpltv^ry (^vpry T^ jr^'lay Onf-*v 3' ages 10 and up Cost is S3,25 per. person, $2.75 for seniors. • The Sandn«ieT School, located at 666 So, Springrield Ave,, Sprmg- Send it e-mai! subscription' in Union Go jnt, ^rr • Springfield Elks Lodge-2004 will host a picnic from noon to 5 p.m. field, will hold an outdoor festival from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain date, Oct. Worrall Community Newspapers available for S22.00. two-year The cost is $12,50 per person. Children younger than 12 are admitted 4, Sponsored by the Sandmeier PTA, the event will feature vendors offer- accept*-' letters in the editor and guest • ub-icnp'ion'j for $39 00 College free. Included at the picnic will be hot dogs, hamburgers, corn, chili, ing erifls. booki and accessories. The Halloween-themed fair will also id e-mail The address is and out^ol-state subscriptions are chicken, clams; ?!fi, sausage, meafhill sandwiches, 'watermelon and include games for children. In addition',, the Union; County Sheriffs a/aiidblf You may sub"" J"ibL by 'o|, .urn-torn. more. Department will be on hand to fingerprint children. Other aitrtactinns phori"- b/ railing 908 brtb 77 th ani S an-! ,'\JC.< n'lumn-. must bt r r • Interfaith Singles, a group for single adults over 45, will hold their include animals from the 4-H Club,|he Fire; Department, the Voluhteer asking 'Q fi" c L jlatii/'i b\ ') J fii >>n Mondays In be department Adow a' Ip^t \ weekly disaussion oh successful single living from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the First Aid Squad and an antique fire engine. Pood and beverages will be fJ CII !' r j.iitilivatifin in 'i"hur!;- WeefcS for processing your order First Baptist Church, 170 Elm St., Westfield. j^j continental breakfast is available and admission is free. To receive an application, call Donna You may use Mastercard or VISA included with tbe • $2 donation. For further information, call (90S) Strober at (973) 912-8789, litii-i) News items: s itctivwJ via e-mail must be News releases of^ganersl imprest i n !• pi^i ' ' in'irtit, preferably in must be in our office by Friday at r' sj» ••.->• '• -'•')'.••!>.' ihdi appeared in noon to be considered to? |f|.j ns."* •>:' iprtT Th'.-v shnuld be publication the following week AT THE LIBRARY il'iiihili- ipdLi/J an I r»-> lunger than two Pictures must bs black and wfnle glossy prints Fof furtner ittformation or to report a breaking news story, call 90S-686-7700 and Get ready for college with the library's program ask for Editorial The Springfield Public Library will punters fur treating it The program of Financial Aid at Drew University requested Interested participants can Lttters \Q the editor: Mountainside present for the fourth year in a row its will begin dt 7 1S p nv and prebiLient of Ihe Newq Jersey sign up ai ihe circulation de4 nr b\ The Leader and Echo provide an "Getting Ready for College" series. f open forum for opinions and Ai the second program, a represen- Financial Aid Officers Association calling (973) 37fi 4 H0 All pn.feTam, Each year ihe library invites represen- welcome letters to ttie editor lalivc fmm the Princeton Review, the Farmer will help to demystify ihe prc» arc in the library's meeting r<> >rn and On-line Letters should be typed double tatives from i Jfital college and a col- publisher of college preparatory cess of applying for loans, scholar refreshmcnLs will he served spaced, must be signed, and lege advisory service to speak LO teens materials, will share insights into the ships and other forms of financial The Springfield Free Public FIND IT . should be accompanied by an . . and guardians' about the important FSAT and SAT examinations which assistance This seminar will begin at Library is located at f/i Mtiuntain address and day tlrne'phorie decisions and procedures involved in high school ^iprKjmore1!, junmrs and 7 J5 pm Ave , Springfield Quick.& Easy number for venficatioh Letters and college adrnJRsrori seniors takt Part of the presentation It's never tmi early to start planning iolurnfts rnuss be in our office by 9 This year's series will feature will explain Ihe new scoring of these for college Siudents at all levels are Your abilities can edm extra in a rr. Monday to 6e considered for members of the Springfield Library publication thai week They are le^ls and some useful strategic*, for welcont As always, this series is Lome Advertise them with A wvv^' subject to editing for length and staff, a representative from the Prince- apprnaching them This program, nn free, but ddsiince registration is fied ad hy calling 1 KOO Sh", H'i\ \ clarrty ••'. • ton Review, and a financiafcaid officer Oct 8. wnl siart at 7 p m e-mail: from Drew University. Ihe third diid final program on Oct Ihe firs! program on Sept. 29 will 1 "i w-ill feature Joyce Fanner, director The Leader and Echo accept r opinion pie<"t;s by e- mail Our focus on the c >lk gc application essay JenlVJi^Bier « corn explain what an admissions officer e-mail must be received by 9 a rr'i l(»)ks for in an <_ss,iy j[iJ SOUK." Useful Monday to bo considered for 6 Month Certificate publication that week Advertismq and news releases will not be Sluyvesant accepted by e-mail. To place a display ad: Springfield ^HAIUCUTTING Display advertising for placement Quality Hair Cuts At in the general news section of the Affordable Prices Leader and Echo must be in our On-Une office by Monday at 5 p rn for publication that week Advertising Annual 12 Month Certificate for placement in the B section must FIND IT Percentage Yield be in our office by Monday at noon Quick & Easy An advertising representative will Minimum only $1,000'. gladly assist you in preparing your Variety of oth^r ratc-s arc! message Call 909-686-7700 for an appointment. Ask for the display OPENMON.IhraSAT advertising department 1654 STUYVESANT AVE.. UNION To piac« The Leader and Echo have a large, well read classified advertising onth Certificate section Advertisements must be in our office by Tuesday #t.3:p.m. for publication that week All classified End-of-S umnier ads are payable in advance: We accept VISA and Mastercard. A classified representative will gladly assist you in preparing yOur CLEARANCE 18 Month Certificate messaqe Please slop by our office Annual during regular business hours or Percentage Yield call 1-800-564-8911. Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 pm Facsimile transmission: The Leader and Echo are equipped to accept your ads, releases, etc, save by Fax, Qu{ Fax lines are open 24 hours a day. For classified, please 6 oo% ^^^^^^^^ ^^J Annual dial 201-763-2557. For all other 24 Month Certificate Percentage Yield transmissions please dial 908-686- 25% to 40% 4169: Av/H August 4th Postmaster please note: The SPRINGFIELD LEADER (USPS 512-720) is published weekly by Worrall Community Newspapers, Inc., 1291 Stuyvesant • bummer-tneme jewelry and girts Avenue, Union N.J. 07063. Mail Annual subscriptions $22.00 per year in Percentage Yield Union Cpgnty. 50 cents per copy, •Men's jewelry non-refundable. Second class postage paid at Union, N.J. and additional mailing office. • Selected iamous name watclies POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the SPRINGFIELD • Designer jewelry LEADER, 1291 Stuyvesant INVESTORS SAVINGS BANK Avenue, Union, N.J., 07083. The MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO * Summer entertaining girts (USPS 166-860) is published weekly by Worrall Community Hurry in! Quantities are limited. Newspapers, Inc., 1291 Stuyvesant CORPORATE OFFICE^ EDISON LONG BRANCH . 'Wt Miflbu/fi Averiue, Mjlltyj^ SPRINGFIELD. Avenue, Union, N.J. 07083. Mail i(ib".du>f '/J 1/ojM.lifj A^ernjfl -subscriptions $22.00 per year in CHATHAM: FREEHOLD: MADISON" f^/uQlaifl ana Mww Ammu«« Union County. 50 cents per copy. ir/j Mam S(re*it* SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS non-refundable. Periodicals CLARK: HILLSIDE: MILLBURN: TOMS RIVER: postage paid at Union, N.J. and Shopptrfy Com^f. H IRVINGTON: NAVESINK additional mailing office. M A i 1W7 Mnrnli ?7 Prospect Stfocl -, rw, irjounFn TO HW) wifj ||1 SPRINGFIELD LEADER - MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1887 — PAGE 3 Qn& flower to another., Dual thefts at Shop Rite Township man was arraigned for • Going iouth on Mountain Avfnue criminal sexual contaci in the Union POLICE BLOTTER ended in two; accidents for three County Jail Monday. The man, identi- motorists, Aug. 21-22. The first fied as Michael Ncrvius Palillo, 34. occured in front of the General Green was charged with one count for an Another shopper diKcovcred her wal- Shopping Center apron when a Toyo- incident at South Springfield Avenue let gone from her cart, Aug. 8. ta and an Infiniti turned into each near Divcn Siret-t, Aug. 2), with bail • A South Springfield Avenue resi- other at 6 p.m. The other accident posted at $7,500 dent said her ladies IZdel watch came happened before Ashland Avenue Springfield Patrolman Michael Per- off her wrist sometime during her when a Volkswagen stopped and a rign said he uw Paiillo p-«bhing a travels, Aug. 23. The Fidel has a black Chevy didn't at 4:35 p.m. No injuries buttock of anothef pedesterian by Ihe face with diamonds inlaid on the bezel were reported at the lime but the Infi- *tre«4 toniH at about 6 p.m. Ferrign for numbcrH on a gold .and stainless niti operator received a summons. left hii TrBTlred fmrol vehicle 19'arresf band. Patillo and take him to headquarters • Two cars collided trying to exit • It was car versus bicyclist at Mor- Poiice rocords note [hat Patillo lives the Dunkin. OumtK parking kit onto ris Avenue and Crescent Road" Friday near the incideni scene and has , Route 22 West at the same time 5:31 — and the biker lost. The bicyclist Michael Carden as an alias. p.m.. Aug. 22. The respective Chev- was pedaling against traffic on west- , • Thi second purse-related theft in rolet Van and Jeep Grand Cherokee bound Morris when a GMC wagon iw.o weeks was reported at the Morris drivers, who each claimed one cut the proceeded to make a right hand turn Avenue Shop Rite Aug. 23 A shopper other off, are en-husband-and-wife from Crescent at 7:30 a.m. The GMC there said that her while pockefboojt, Boll) cars were drivahle, and neither received minor damage although the containing $8,000, was mjM- driver, nor ihe 2-year-old sim in the nature of ttie biker's injuries wasn't ing frnm her shipping cart it 5 p.m. Jeep, were injured. disclosed. Tough week on Route 78

The Springfield Fire Departmen!, driver/parent knew how to unlock the First Aid Squid and [he Stite Police FIRi BLOTTER newly-bought vehicle. All three were sw J lot of interstate--78 from Aug. ups|t but otherwise unharmed and unchatged, . Photo. 1* Mitvm Mflli J1-15. A car lost control on 1% West • Township public safety crews a! 550 p.m., Aug. 11, and veered into treated a Department of Public Works • One unit cleared the area of a Jolie Marrin, 6, of Springfield, poses next to one of the giant sunflowers growing in home near South Springfield Avenue her yard on Smith-field Drive. the tenter guardrail at milepos,! 46,2, enployee in a front-end loader acci- causing a second cur to hit the right dent on the comer of South Spring- and Country Club I^ape for an arcing side concrete wall and a third to run field and Hillside avenues 8 a.m., power line in iwe5:21 p.m. Aug. 16. into the second. Summit's first aiders ABg 11. The loader driver was trying A General Public Utility truck arrived thi" fe«f*mried snd &ansprwied'--the" to remove a light signal and pole from shortly afterward to handle the cable. I Dayton offers adult school first ±iver in a local hospital. a tractor' trailer truck when it got Other unusual calls included ones for a choking child at a Fieldsiorte Drive By Walter Elliott trict, Dayton's daytime and adult Stopped iraffi'- on 1H EISI was snagged, rolling the, loader; Darcy, a Dayton business leather blamed for a two-car reir-end acti- The employee, who first aiders 11:48 a.m., Aug. 12, and a heart attack Stuff Writer programs have been aligned with thai and a former human resources spe- of a Mountain Avenue resident 2:35 When the school hell lolls in of the home district. deni on the ramp from Route 24 East took to Overlook Hospital, returned to cialist, built an adult schrif*! from 4:47 p.m.. Aug. 13, One driver was work several days later, Firefiiihters p.rrtv;Aug. 15. Springfield for September, it may no! "There are 42 classes listed in the scratch in six • All hands to the Edward Walton be for youngsters only. While pre- titaios, which are heing mailed to taken by Township firs! aid to the St cleaned spilled hydraulic fluid •while Barnabas Medjcal Center. police summonsed the htnrLfa School for activated alarms 3:29 a.m., kinderf arteners through high school- re&ident.v and businesses in Spring- Alihough SAS bad a"rapid rela- Aug. 10, and 1:01 p.m. the next day. ers return Tuesday, their elders are field and neighrxiring towns today,", tion period, it joins Clark in creating Two, tars sideswiped eath other Carolina-based trucker. ris-er the tenter lane dividing line at 78 • Fire and police combined with Another alarm sounded from a Bever- welcome in enroll in the'Springfield said 5 AS Director Pat Darty "There an adult school from the Union Coun- ly Road home 10:38 a.m.. Aug. 13. Adult School- Sept 30. are some new offerings from cooking ty Regional High School District's. Eai! mjlepcjst 47.5 Any, 15, sendjng. hoard of education workers in freeing rjne car Spinning inso the wall three two children trapped in a jports utility An aeftyaied imoke detector went off "This is the first lime — and not the to television production to tennis. I'm remnants- Clark Superintendent of in a Park Place condominium 10 p.m., first time —— Springfield \% having an Schools Dr. Paul Ortenzio said cata- times at 9 a.m. Spririgrield Fire and vehicle on the .Florence Gaudineer getting ax many local experts as I can 1 Aug. 10, and a natural gas odor was idult school," ssid Jonathan Diytan to teach subjects, like Dan Kalem on logs featuring the newly ah.virbed F'AS assisted wiih flxtrigatirij one Middle Schofet; grounds 12:21 p;m., 5 injured driver Aug. 15 Neither the children nor the called from a Stone Hill Road apart- High School Supervisor of Secondary senior citizens,: ' Arthur L, Johnson High School are in ment complex 9,53 p.m., Aug.. 14, School Services Ken MaUfield; "As a "I was asked by Pat t-o lecture on the mail, Kenilworth and Berkeley regional high •schr>ol, Dayton had topics concerning seniors," said Heights officials, however, say that adult evening diploma .programs for Kalem, "The topics includt; long- incorporating David Brearley and decades. This fall is the first time the range planning, the slate health care Governor Livingston high schools school is under Springfield school bill which the Governor recently into their respective systen* currently system control." signed and HMOs I've never lectured take priority. The Springfield Adult School, like at an adult school before, but I think Write to Jonathan Dayton High the rest of the township's public it's gfjod to have a school for daytime 'School, Ann: Springfield Adult FINALLY, A HOME EQUITY •school system, can think deregionali- • workers who want to learn locally School, 101 Mountain Ave,, Spring- zation for the old/new Look. Once part frorn lhose who are experts in their field. NJ 07081 for details or addition- of the four regional high school dis- fields," al catalogs LINE OF CREDIT VISIT OQl WEB SITE; < BRINO IN YOUR MEINEKE, MIDAS THAT GIVES YOU OR SPEED " ' ' QUALITY BOTR WORLDS. 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. MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO PAGE 4 •— THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 COMMUNITY FORUM Symbols and reality On~ Monday, most of us will enjoy a day off from yvork that is said to be in honor of the working man. Labor Day is a national lt'i'al holiday, and while it never was accompanied by pomp and parades, it always symbolized the value America placed on its laborers. 1-nr more than 60 years, our image of those laborers has SUMMER-DAYS QU included labor unions, which had the reputation as defenders ECHO LAKE — A pair, of of the htlle fniy and guarantors of the American dream. ducks ripple through a clear Whether thai was real or imagined, it certainly isn't true stretch of Echo Lake Park. Clear stretchefr have today Tium their peak of power in 1945, when unions become a rarity there. Late- counted more ihan one-third of the nation's workforce ly this summer, the water amonji; their i.inks, to the Teamsters' strike against UPS this has been overrun by algae month, the alliirc ol big labor has faded. and an island has $yen Today, the percentage'of the country's workforce that is formed where paoole- unionized is at its lowest - about, 14 percent --- and it's not boaters used'to go. toincidental that the wage of the average union member now i1- lower ihan that of his or her non-unionized counterpart. It's taken decades, but the disproportionate amount of piiwer wielded bv the labor unions is being wrestled away hy honest penple who warn to perform an honest day's work We suppnse the reality that excellence results in success is preferred to earning the same wage as (he next guy, regard- less ol ,m\ talent, effort or achievement shown }{\ worth noting that a dictionary definition of labor is "to proceed slo-Ah, to plod" ffk- kiglii to Work movement is driven by (hose who refuse to rv Iniu-d to join labor unions to pay high dues for link1 in return It's also worth nofing that the average union r li.t(li is paid IUKC what the worker lie supposedly repre- 1 Centuries ago, every day was a labor day sents earn . : ;l 1 vn-'c 'kvfi^'i a mj'.erablc Travel Ju't a- the unions exist for the Kiiu'iit HI their k'adeis. Day i^ a national holiday thai T'j ''irt-s 'fir >ui'!,'.i." ic di "* thn',e kvrJers wn tn exi^t fnr the nccup.TTinn nf law mfor- ]> »• twrrvinp '<"» mlt lh»( crs ufic-n had lu sleep pn hay spread on 'rv ft • >r Hv tht ldtf pf^K ta\crrw in ci'Mi'Mit offu ial' On rTidav Teanisters President Ron in twn way. As d djy tn honor tlte Thoughts of /^Hftrifom.:, v. •- i'%.. ,i crn'cr f of fife after the Justice ,iriil to rrwrk the end of summer and Yesterday itie return 10 school for millions.of Oincr uverrii '*ere in 0{>eratii)n, hcpanmeiu revealed fraud in his elettinn last year r 1 '.indents -and teachers- JICIDJS the By Charles Shollcrow 'J .-. *«••>* "1 ^ f r, called the ver\mf ihe reed-. 'f rhzjhcthtnwn' - Mm lhe unions arc nf)' (lying either Then* is still one SCO nation /' ri f~,rfr;it S]ri;C f^TTF WCTf rc'.rJLTu'. lfcith cot'irful name1: <:uch a>. 1 lur of urii'Tiized l;ibor that i', jTowmi larger and stronger AUhmiKh a national holiday lo hon- wdiner^ sh'iemaker- Djvid Mar>h i •• r, r,._-v,-.r ij-f-. prnted in Nev. 'he Sign of the Ship, Sign "f the Nag'<- f r guvL'inrn rit empln^fcs Again, the disproportionate amount or the working ("H.'''plc of the country millwright, Jonathan MfflTtll, naii- . v (>a~ \i •.•i.TitvJ I'.nit 1 '.n! Head, the Marque f>\ Granby, and Ihe of pou-cr v.irlded hurt-

merchants uperai- schools to sec ii Cleveland signed a hill making Labor Jonathan Hampton, oat. hm<«trer, and Day a national holiday in lhc United Benjamin «-anps offering a wide variety of Before Omgre" the National Muc afion As sot mtion lob- States. It is observed'each year on Ihi: silversmith'. •- !"!'' hit n ,'i -*d' iiem-. hi a n itict appcanh^ in the bies for increa-.ed spending "for th': children " In Trenton, first Monday in September, ^ ' -' •;,- F ;•/:-<- Jer\"t Journal'^ Si'pt 2. I79S, the process is repeated In phase three, behind dosed doors F vcti though we have uimrnenvir Ogden. alone exemplified thiv varietN i r 'le-iri'v R'^j-rw-in advermed that hi<; with ths' H'Mnl of rclu',ti]on thtit '•'•'fie--, regard for the atutl labor only for the last 103 years, nf occupation- A' -anc>u<. limes he -f-irc. "'>n Ihe South Side of the Stone ji thildri'fi r- I'irj'i iti n T "lie f-'denil and '.fatf '.'due all on money the iflea of cirninp n livmp through operated a Kn\'-rrsill a tanner* for 'he it- ,- . r! -,•*.••*: i' A rif* i' -i Bndet' - 'in Broad Street — "i<. r •ACII supplied with the fallowing i- J'IM-II in th' (--a'fvr r,\ •,-:»• ih diip-.-d h| hu;ird mem hdrd work js as old as the human race niatmfictur'' '.I Ic.iilier. a hncL yar-I, '-!-• - B--f 1' - ' '• I 'i-- win, Andrew ^7^/(>[^S rif choice qualities* includ bci1- v.ho d"ri t uri'h'.r-Kjn'l hiirdbrill 1-ihor Uittio W|Mt his charif-'tvl throughout the nri'J a mi* rnni In arjrli>,on to 'hew: centime., however, is the way in ••nicrpnv.1-. f >;'',•- urn 2o 'i.'rin^ in» motion c,i!iL'>cs. silk handker- Again, nr.tli'il(pg) r ;tt v.ork a-, the um)on fights to bring 1 whuh we earn our living, especially Adv ^rrfntttj CJ . ,-r-e whdiinf rich ' if may ibi'-f-., HJ^LK lute string, glove-;;, fan'-. the iivrr,!!1*' tfMch'T1- <-*»mrwn««riiH»n fora 1 WMlay work-year lint ri\ butlftris, knife's dixJ fork1!. in tins area • n the v.t?lasscs, grow- 1 haul * ystcm to ligrn h-'ui'j ,'.• ,in\ ori'* who challenge, it will dents of ]7ih and IHth century F-,h Ajmlc oil, 'ii- .•.Tt'u-t ;"n'''-'.-.' I'^f. "i.-r 'f^_- -. •• r> I ,v;V.'h' rj.r. r,'_•'-, and flour of weral kirid . be aicu'i-'l of tr\ing t-i ham, th'. clul'lr-jn /,it>ftlitowii earned their livings jn All ff whi'h he "i<. determined to ".',,- f - j I.-TCJ, Ma- t ,ai - .f Ji [yi^c of rin terms the inosJ advanlj A looming mc-nate also i ,in he seen in the balanced ways which differ greatly from the r budget actonl micbcji by f nnpre-ss and the Clinton occupations of Kiddy's citizens timber *v«iiat.>c j.r> tt«e inri *.eoin.-r JIMJ u^ern owner Intlecd. tieous pcsMblc for Ibow; who will be The earliest settlers of FJizarieth- forests. Fili/rfrVict'it'.V-TI w'as alw. horrie Tit tjicT. «-ihundanj_Mipx>ly of firsh^ ^jh farming was j trLij<'r "Stntc, roomy TTTT'* ftfrmiripnt Vmfl'rytt*: wifrprow further, ; and game. I arrriih{j. was the chief were J.JCK^J >H»J •.;;••. J in '•'arreis "* '- pj^d-ant pla^e in which U> occupation in the nii/abclhtown area. as workfarr pajlic ipdnis iv-tom- urnoni/ed No one is talk- occupation during that era However, and 'he »ta>ti -irei l -irreK rruriufd^ Z''T^-r Jh*.- '-•ii'eni was often the cen- by the end of the 18th century, as we ing ahnit it, hut Congress surrendered (he hard won welfare as the tiny settlement of F'liza'bcih- lured in I h/dU-'h' J. ' j-'rrc uvci <• ;tT r ', viciai Jjfe in trn; colonial town have R-en, its citizens were also earn- reform provisions signed into lav.- last year when it struck its to»vn grew fron; its earliest begin slup giiods "> all par ' Sie w-.ri'j Siui'C cfi4chene of the mi n;" i"i'Ji~pen*iar'lf ''iHtr- bTinpinj: the latest newH makers, hatters, shipwrights, clock- f r Now, New Jersey must pay Work hirst workers the mini- ance of thai of ail attractive village of craftsnwri '-f '.lornsi ';rries « as th* " r" distdnr places "fliey also served makcrs, Imsnnths, carriage-makers, 800 inhabitants, the need for other c mum wage and extend to them the same benefits regular a ]r.r*\ offices where mail could be innkeepers, merchants, printers, and skills and occupations beside that of blacksmith'- i.>.;-j'Jsd '"/••!• r.?rr. Mig up [dvems were often the sci rTiany other tiades as well government workers receive "That will add to the burden of r the farmer became apparent. pim, J ivf •- I it'it ar>^ Fidj.iT Her.- iini - for business transactions, aut- And though the citizens of Eli- the taxpayer in ways no one wants to discuss, because the By the mid-1700$, the citizens of dricki ':^irig ir 'ri fr T, '^> ••'. 'i i^, atid p'lljticdl events, Acuinunc)- zabethtown had no ofUcial day on tasks these people are expected to really nothing more filizabelhlown were engaged in a var M'TTI^ '' ijrit't. 'fitw_ JIN.'J1 jr^ii-ifi- ''.••.>»'«- I'-r tior>cs dr, J ' >eri . •.!)'.', were far .from luxurious. every day was indeed a "labor day." specific job performed, it was to leach welfare recipients craftsmen of pre-Revolutionary Hh- nc-ce.'-ir. jrr-ms •!•- I -;k'-, reyt kf '>ri'_ of th-j. Tirst taverns in IZIi- lr 1 how,to woik for a paychetk By limiting the si/x of those zabethtown includes: Joseph Hindes tic, i.-sr nr l»men arr. TT an-! 7-ib*-'h'own was established as early Charles Shallcross is the presi- ( paychecks, there would have been an incentive for the prog- and James Howard, weavers; Abra- rxiat fifir;', F Tdmple* of theTr haridi as |/|7 ; at f-.hzabcthtown F'oint by dent of the Union County Historical ham Jietfield and John Ross, cord- y ram's participants to seek prrrniineril cmnlo-ymcnl in the p_ri- w-'.rii" T. . .'•!! *•? -JXTI u- •* '••'•r.ial cr.>:rv mor-. Iit'hi. > . ,• ff Notebook J. v.hat hr- was talking about brother took another step, toward Having returned less than two adulthood and Springfield celebrated What's your opinion about this subject? Call us Jitr i.rrr. r months ago in the midst of summer, 1 its contribution to the world at (908) 686-9898, and enter Selection 8000 _nrrt'- was happy to return to the warm sun, Us© our Infosource hotline to express your j^ more Khan fof>d which flashc ori and off in England However, although there was much opinions about this and other local issues M/ hrofher had Z'"T KI^EJ' V- AT,i r, i- musi'.al when compared to like a flashlight. It will be a comfort- to enjoy, I was also repulsed by the thread of snooliriess which-had left its Responses will be published next week nou. ' ar, tv/nt rw up df'rr dil 'f^ s >r,' ~,T^r.\, Hntish wh'/spit words at able 70 degrees and sunny, then the y:u iit.i A maUurtc gun 1 felt like I clouds will suddenly sneak up and smcjly trail. To some, I still'found that brother; (Jicre is rK^thinE wor^e than *a> y*t\w; shot at from all sides, and •spill ' rain.. Then, just before you the model of your Mercedes is the dif- Yviny hulh'-d h> vr>ur ywiper hrftth»r j.a,n ' .yrt- how UJ defend myself unravel your umbrella, the sun reap- ference between you and them, but I j-honi >'iu used in torrrK-.nt You fmd The h*- .' -I-ill I learned was to perfect pears. Instead of becoming a more suppose that attitude is an indelible "Most of us probably feel we couldn't be free with- yourself rerrt>ruling of the glory dav. g mjndlcwJy while JcjgiJing a decisive person, I became more con- rnark of the West, resulting from the out newspapers, and that is the real reasdn we want v,iicn hii hwid wa^. heing raninted inu> just like a politician fused than ever. worst aspects of human nature. a wall while you wore a sinister smile the newspapers to be free." No i hke politics, and an an intern Put more importantly, I was very As I get ready to finish my final Edward R. Murrow f;K. VJ rny firu ob%crvati(in<> were at trw Springfield louder,] have had happy to see some people I hadn't year at college, I keep my history of journalist IHA very profound, but rt taieMime to the opportunity'to speak to Mayor seen for a long time J saw old school Springfield in nimd. Although 1 doubt a/nvc at meaningful ojntluiion,s. It. Kuy liirschfcld and Deputy Mayor chums who were now the big brothers I will spend my future years here, I J958 takes tirnc to sec the changes around Gregory nark, wfio always returned and sisters at the Jonathan Dayton know too well that you must always you and imidc you, (be latter being rny calk "Ilicy seem to care for graduation Many had changed while remember where you corne from; For more dramatic I don't want lo'bore Springfield, which ultimately is what others seemed to have been stapled in 1 me and many others, that place is David Worrall y»;u with deep 'thoughts on the "self," politic. , should be about time We exchanged a few glances Springfield It has provided the Springfield Leader Publisher but I think when you begin to view IdcaliMic as I may .sound, I.think and" words realizing that inasmuch as groundwork for our personal gain, or • things differently, you should first sometimes- ideals are all we have, and we had gone our separate ways, falj for those unlucky souls, I've Published Weekly Since j 929 Springfield had, and always would Tom Canavan look inside instead of outside ultimately must serve as the crutch for noticed that some things change while Editor In Chief connect us. Mountainside Echo It was refreshing lo hear the sweet all our actions, unless we choose to others remain.the same, and Spring- • mekxiy of American accents again, live without them, which would be But we were merely the spectators Published Weekly Since 1958 Jay Hochborg field is no exception. Published By Regional Editor Worrall Community Newspapers, Uv, • VIEW POINT 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue Kevin Singer Union, Nj.'-07083 • Managing Edrtor • - QUESTION OF THE WEEK CALL (908) 686-7700 • LAST WEEKS RESULTS Marty Strongin (908) Dir of Sales and Mktg. : Worrall Community Newspapers, Inc. Should Echo Lak* b« dredged and cleaned? 686-9898 Do you feel that your town Is well repre- 1997 All Rights Reserved • and enter sented In Trenton? Articles, piciures and advertisements herein are the Florence Lenaz exclusive property of Worrall Community Newspap- Advertising Manager #7558 - YES ers, Inc. and any .^publication .or broadcast without • #7559 -N<> written permission is prohibited. Nancy Seyboth Responses will be published next week. NO RESPONSE Classified Manager Polls close Monday at noon.' Calls are free. Touch tone phones only. 'ME* SPRINGR6LD LEADER £CHO THURSDAY, AUGUST 2i( 1BB7'— PAQ6 5 Feeling healthy requires great inner-strength : WH«her we like i; or nol, *e : health boosters !sre bad, hut I would women in that form. In fact, some •woum t hetSh• -merited wblefy check with a doctor to see if the body ; artists went a step further anel ptirttea on looking, feeling and performing As 7 need* these ingredienU and what are their female subject* an voluptuous, perfectly. Unfortunately, it'* an or, in a word, fat, This would never do : they supposed to do. But too many JISTRI impossibu iv?k See It people me otasiMed with getting fat or today. IJVCT !he .a^? Lve y^ars. *c nave not looking the wiy glamorous and Men also have played a role in By Norman Pauscher beautiful people look. That they are social perceptions. Some might Ionic N 'J=i and willing to try arid do anything to remember the old advertisements of 'I :• matin,? r- r. !<"'n^ before we wanted 'n depart this achieve that look. the late health guru, Bernard MacFad- work! No one wants to be an outsider, den: "Don't be a lOQ-pound wea- Being fat n-a norm ejeruse is in However, what we should keep in especially grossly fat. Those who are, kling." The idea was a 100-pound eating low-fat, non-chr>!el-foods mind is that moderation is the key to run a hwlth ftsk, but more important, weakling; on a beach had bullies kick is a [Tm« and to be accepted a* a mem- TOCCCSS. RoTiiitng 10 miles a day, eat tn mme, they canno! wear the clothe* sand in. his face, and should follow ber, of the new ruling class, we must ing nothing but no-fat, low starch anc[ the beautiful people wear nor do they MicFadden's rules for building mus- be, panicipa'L- in a daily or week non-cholesterol foods morning, noon emit a personality or physical appear- cles to teach the bullits a lesson. ly routine of exercise and have ami night, is not exactly a healthy diet ance that personifies (he "great Those ads appeared for yews during f-,n.jgh energy I i keep Romp, going WASHERS And popping pills to achieve more American look," such e there is nothing wrong What gets me is the radio commercial Why we've become so obsessed true" methods of keeping fit, healthy with this kind of lifestyle if that"* which promises to maJce you I«se with our look<>. driving ourselves to and energetic We seem to make a what you warn aftd are willing to weight within two weeks while you the limit* of endurance is hard to career out of body building, eating the strive for what has now been termed understand. We agree people should right foods and keeping slim. I sup- MAYTAG eat all you want Or the commercial CONSUMER RATED «1 * the ."modem American look.'" But to which promises to provide you with take good care of themselves, exercise pose it's not a bad idea, but some go many, achieving this standard is more energy by taking another kind of to the degree <>f not pushing the body to the outer limits to achieve such WASHER neither tai-y nor healthy pill is equally dangerous. But there' too fax wr not eating too much fast, fat* resulti. Many people, especially young arc those among us who at the drop of ty food. But we cannot understand We worry too much about what women, think being fat is mortal sin a "radio or television commerct-al race people who go beyond the limits to others think of our appearance and not and s/.rne go as f,ir as starving tttem to nearest store to gr^b these "mira- Achieve a slim, lilhe body by punish- enough of what we might tats doing to •clv«. Some carry thin rtw« Regular & Perm. • Did you know that when properly ish is not critical. Always make sure Elizabeth, For hours of operation call mation regarding managing paint in No, 1* Press Cycle* stored, paint could last for years7 you read and follow all label instruc- (908) 351-2406, Union County, call the UCtJA at Cover tl»e opening with plastic wrap tions when applying the paint. • As a last resort, dispose of paint f732) 382-9400, M^fTAG and replace the lid. Make sure the lid • If you just can't use your leftover properly. Everyone should be able to MittTAG RANGE fits, so the paint doesn't leak. Then, paint, donate it to community groups, save, use tip, donate or exchange lef- DISHWASHER and hert-'s the important step, store theater groups, schools, churches and tover paint. If as a last resort you need Joseph'Spatula b the executive the paint can upside down. The paint others who need or want it. You may to dispose of your leftover paint, director of the Union County Utili- will create a tight seal around the lid. even be able to lake a tax deduction. make sure you. do it. proj>erly. ties Authority, TO THE EDITOR Jews who lived in the Arab lands, to the fact that Arabs are represented in the SELECT MODEL Insurance choices serve the people Israeli government, while it is unthinkable for Jews lo serve in any public office SELECT MODEL in any Arab country, that Arabs get transplants from Jewish •victims murdered ' Super 4.0 Capacity • Consumer Rated To the Editor: Oven by Arab terrorists No.1* Since I can remember, people have been complaining about the cosl of autii 'flic notorious anti-Israel U.N. Resolution 3379 of November 1975 equating STOP ' FREE 10 Year Burner insurance. No one has' been able to solve it yet • No. 1 Racking Zionism with racism has given a new lease on anti-Semitisrn around the world, Capacity Replacement" While no one has solved the problem yet, 1 want to congratulate (Jov Whii but in 1991'America obliged the U.N. to revoke the shameful lesolution 337°. man for having the guts to take on the issue. I think her plan to give people a Hoyvever, that did not prevent the U.N. from passing another biased resolution choice of auto insurance plans and the ability to get up to a 25 percent discount against Israel, No 904 in March 1994 declaring the eastern part of Jerusalem as MAYTAG is the best plan that ha* come down the pike in a long time. "occupied territory" while it didn't declare East Berlin as "opcuppied territory." REFRIGERATOR Because the Whitman plan gives us choices, the trial attorneys in the state are The U.N.'s anti-Israel resolutions mu&t be removed immediately because already badmouthing it. Since lawyers see tlteir Cash cow from frivolous law- 1 they encourage violence arid murder 'I he suicide bombers are still freely •unu 1 suits coming to an end, they are on a full-speed course lo torpedo this plan. recruited in the territories of the PA. — Arafat calls them martyrs. The PtO Imagine your local ambulance chaser not getting their 33-percent cut from that transformed the peace process into a killing process; Ibere can be no peace pro- minor fender»bcnder. cess with the murder of innocent people only because: they might not be racially Finally somebody is putting the consumer before lawyers and insurance eom- or religiously acceptable. you... i ii;WllinmMn!tit!twff:iT^t^c0Ti)HHtneitim'aWge1fiwtte^ Mary Ellen Harris f(»r it subverts the principles and purpose of the II N 's Charter, the foundation SELECT MODEL Kenilworth on which the U N was established It is shameful that the U N., which began its • • No-Break™ Bins life as an anti-Nazi alliance, should now find itself on its way to becoming the • Strongbox™ U.N. resolutions are biased world ccnleT of anti-Semitism ' Door Hinges Bernard Jacoud To the Editor; Union The United Nations never condemned the repeated Arab military and terror- ' HURRY IN NOW! ist attacks against Israel, but jt always condemns Israel for defending Uf-elf There arc the vicious diatribes on Zionism voiced by Arab delegates dt Ihc U.N which question the Jewish people's right to national existence and free- Our policy on letters and columns EVERY MAYTAG dom which >s accorded to any other people on this globe. Zionism is lo the Jewish people what the liberation movements of Africa and Asia have been to Worrall Community Newspapers welcomes' submissions from its readers, their own people. Either letters to the editor or opinion pieces on any subject will be considered Ironically, the Arab delegates talk of racism while ttiey threw out KOO.fXK) for publication on the Community Forum. , IS ON Take the stress and confusion out Be part of of the college application process Finding the right college environment is key . The Elite Swim Club to your future happiness and success. USS Swim Program IZ: ALA Educqtlonal Consulting helps you find the academic and social environment that best, meets September 1997 - April 1998 your educational and personal needs. Get the most 48TH out of college visits Learn how to strengthen your >UR YEAR. interviewing skills, to write a unique essay, and to put together a strong application. CALL ALA Educanonql Consulting for more information and to request a brochure.

973-655-1603 1 [email protected] DISTRIBUTING CompanT \PPLIANCES • BEDDING •ELECTRONICS -AUDIO & VISUAL | OPEN M0N. 4 THURS. 10AM 'TIL 8:00PM; TUES. & FBI, 10 AM. 'TIL 6:00PM; OPEN SATURDAY 10 AM. TIL 5:00 PM; CLOSED SUNDAYS | Nbl responsible lor typographical errors, 'Bring us you best deal from TOPS • PC RICHARDS • THE WIZ ] SWIMMING and we will gladly beat their oHer on any item we carry. Training Facility: PERSONAL CHECKS Practice Begins: ACCEPTED Newark Academy Tuesday, September 2,1997 91 South Orange Avenue at 4:30 pm Livingston, New Jersey Wednesday, September 3,1997 ELI (Adjacent to Livingston Mall) at 4:30 pm Educational Consulting SALES TAX 725 BAHWAY'AVENUE Take the direct road to college ELIZABETH » 90a-3S4-g§93 For a Free Information Packet, call (908) 273-6542 SUMMIT OBSERVER - SPRINGFIELD LEADER - MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO PAGE6 — THURSDAY. AUGUST 28, 1B97 Bills target drug penalties and protection for officers mendations contained in the "Attor- Three bills that would upgrade The penalty. Which would be law enforcement officers, arc not "Drug dealing is a lucrative busi- imposed by the court at the request of given the support and protection they ness. We can't allow these dealers to ney General's Report toth e Governor penalties for drug distribution and All three bills on the Need to Update the Com- endangering the lives of law enforce- the prosecutor, would consist of deserve," Weingarten said. "This continue to profit from their activities. incorporate recom- S200.000 if the defendant is convicted legislation will strengthen our efforts This bill would prevent these drug prehensive Drug Reform Act of ment officers was jtigncd last week by 1987." Gov. Christine Wliltman. of a first-degree offense. S 100,000 for to ensure the safety of officers who profiteers from reaping financial ben- mendations of the The drug reform package paused1 The package. A-2956. A-2957 and a second-degree crime, $50,000 for a put their lives on the line every dav to efit from their trade." O'Toole said. A-2958. sponsored by Assemblyman Attorney General third-degree offense, and $25',OOO for protect ours." All three bills incorporate recom- both houses unanimously. Kevin O'Toole and supported by a fourth-degree crime. Assemblyman Joel Weingarten, both increase penalties for distribution of The court also could impose an R'Union, prohibits the use'«T booby large anmounts of marijuana and amount equal to three times the street traps and Urutture fortifications to methampbctarrnne Value of all controlled dangerous sub Guides sought for arboretum thwart law enforcement officials, Under the icpjUatiou, distribution stances m\ olved, if that amount is increaics penalties fur distribution of or possession with intent to distribute greater. The penalty could also be Mehandwomrn iw.nri and former teach- dual training m,.> be arranged" by appointrnent; large Quantities of marijuana and large quanlities of meihamphetamine, satisfied b\ a judgement dgaitist any ,r, and .muems ma,onng ,n',duca....n. ean learn more Reid trips from area schools will run for eight «ks, mcthamphctarnine, and creates an marijuana, marijuana plants, or hasish of the defendant's assets; .bout the environment tn M.lun.ccnnp as a .I.Kcnt- Sept, 30 to Nov. 20. in two sessions per day, mcftning "anti-drug profiteering penalty" that would be considered a first-degree Under the bill, a drug dealer could cuidc for erad^ K 4 at the Reeves Reed Arboretum in and afternoon. Doccnis are asked to volunteer two would prevent drug dealers from ben- offense. Current law. has no provi- be subject to the penalty if he-or .she Summil • hours per week, either morning or afternoon.. , efitting financially from their trade. sions for firM-degrec cnmcsToFlarge- were found to be Training in ou.door rcliiLdtmn ».ll start S,P| 16. To register and receive the introductory information 'Hie first bill. A-2956, would make scalc distribution of these 'controlled rxx-enis puule small pn»ups of ch.ldren on .he grounds packet, call Children's -Education Coordinaion Mck it a setond-degrce crime for a penson dangerous •.utivTdiK.c The measure • leader of a narcotics trafficking l»r e.plorations keved to classroom ads mes m the Armstrong or Michelle Celia Monday to Thursday from u. uw (>etisinp or d]*. trolled dangerous substance produc- winch involved drug dealing, All pRiNpeaiic deccnts arc asked to attend a t*o=day national and state historic site specializing in environ- tnbuting illegal drugs tion facility" statue • a "drug profiteer". Training program on Sc-pt 16 and 18 from <* *<> to 11:30 menial education, is located at 165 Hob art Ave...near Tht: crime would be upgraded K> a The third bill. A-2958. would • 3 "wholesale drug distributor"; or a,ni or Sept 22 and 24 12 V) lo 2 30 p m Also, indivi.- Route 24. . • first deprot "ffensc if a boob> trap impose an -.anti-drug profiteering, jx-n- • n "pmffitirinal drup distributor caused bodily injury to a law enforce- alt\ cm people who deal large amounts "Par loo often, those individuals ment officer and a third-degree crime of drugs for profit who stand between us and crime, our Iw any periuu wht> lurUtiti 4 L>uUdiog or maintains a fortified structure in which drugs, are manufactured or dis- DO YOU HAVE METAL Inbuttvj AIr> pruMMrin1; would be required 1 •Antiques On (or off) Their •Lamp A Bit Lumpy? t.i SOJ-,1- (.-••n^ anv sentence - Last Legs? •Kettle Not Holding Water? 7 Attorneys •Pots Lost Their Lustre •Fireplace Grate Not Looking Health "Our law ^enforcement officers are 10k Out of Wack? So Qreat? the t>est in the nation and should not Christopher Luongo, Isq. Quit Smoking InsWrut© Qwwl Praolio* • •• •; have to contend with explosive • PBfsonal Injury: auto aooldints, slip & falls, Stop Smoking H! devices planted specifically to harm FTefp! worker's compensation & food poisoning oases FDA roconily approved new medication. Zytoan to help ...We're a full AervWe deeoratuie nwlal shop * Municipal. Court: DWi, traffic, disorderly, quit smoking, Zyftan works on the same receptors in fh» them as they try to execute search . Call Eliie Or Jennifer 6.(973) 24MDB9: M-F, B-B. juvartlla & eriminaJ MMS. .brain as nicotine and decreases the need and desire '• warrants or arrest drujr dealers." said Pick Up,And Delivery Available -177 Main St. Wtsi Orange *• Consumer & Comnweia! Litigation, for imoking, MD supervised. 1st Consultiton & Visit FREE O'Toole. "The&e officers are on the ,Ff«» Cor»»uWtion . Symmil - (90S) 522.1898 22 Old Short.Hilts Rd; Uvinflston.201-740-188B ••-> ••'•,•• ' front lines of Aniom.a'S wr the rest of us Wf w.ill no lorijTcr tolerate Ib/Jse who blat- Calderone School of Music Chiropractors Learning Center antly disregard the law. and endanper EST. 1975 Certified Teachers the lives of i >thers for their ov. n cam."' Dr. Stephen Levine Hopellne Learning Center The second bill, A-2957, would South Orange Chiropractic Cantor Piano, Organ, Accordion, Keyboard, Sportswnjunes, head, neck and back pain Tutoring For AH Needs Voice, Woodwinds, Brass, If yours is a chiropractic UN, we will tall you Individualized preschool instruction and .private If riot, we will toll you too, lessons for school Support. 15 Village Plaza South Orange 201-761-0489 Guitar, Drum, Strings 201-761-0022 SAT I and Lessons for the Learning Dissbitd Small Croups (^ ACADEMICS AND STKATEGIES Dr. Gary S M©cht < "% ^^^^T^J ^h^^^Fi ^T ^^^ ^r" ^L7 ^^ f "^ ^5 ^^^ ^^ Our next incite workshop will be +t-C-" "t-.*, Ir i.t'tj rFaJirir •KINDERMUSIK" for Ages 2-7 TuBsdiy. September lath at ?:is pm •, Weight Control Attendance'limited to'the-first 15'callers' 04 SCOTCH PLAINS RefrBShrtient will be sarved Weight Control Insttfute 34 Rldgedale Avenue This WBeka Topic Headaches:•"Their Cause and Cures . • M.O. Supervised Weighi Loss SUMMIT 281 MAIN St 4fg Moms Ave.. Spnngfteld fl73.564.SBB5 • New fvitdioBttons, (Otter than Phen/Fen) EAST HANOVER MILLBURN • Eat Regular PeM. Adutts 8 T«#nager« (973) 428-040& First •Conaii«4BSh"'"S VisH is Free ' ' • ' MAPLEWOOD (973) 467-4688 ADVERflSE YOUR PRDFESSiON HERE 22 Old Short Hilis Rd, Uvingston. Surte 106 EDUCATIONAL SERVICE: CENTER 201-740-1889 ,. , 1-800-762-8378 BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY

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' SALES DISTRIBUTING Company 725 RAHWAY AViNUI, BUZABITH - 354-8533 APPUANCES • BEDDING iLEtet#tiN!GB •AUDIO & VISUAL OPEN MON, & THURS, 10 AM. 'TIL BiOaPM; TUIS., WED, & FR(. 10 AM. 'TIL 6:00 PM; SALES TAX OPEN SATURDAY 10 AM. TIL 5:00 PM; CLOSED SUNDAYS Not responiible for iypogriphieal errors, •Brini us your Beit dial from TOPS • PC RiCHARD •THE WIZ und we will . •;[•,' ^ glidly beat their Qffir on iny itam we carry, . , . ACCEPTED 3% SALES TAX » SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE » 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE « 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE PAGE i— THURSDAY, AUGUST 28. 1997 SUMMIT OBSERVER - SPRINGFIELD LEADER - MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO Summit library announces new releases in fiction, nonfiction Home Businesses"; Anlhony Rob- Higgins, "The President's Daughter": New arrivals at the Summit Free Pub] Nonfiction: "Richard Fcynrnan: A • Life in Sci- bins, "Unlimited Power :-A Black Steve Martini, "The List"; Nora ic Library: Wolfgang Bringmann, "A Pictorial ence"; Ronald Koeizsch, "The Choice": Elaine Viets. "How to Com- Roberts. "Sanctuary." Fiction' History of Psychology*', Ying Oha Parents' Ouidc to Alternatives In Edu- mit Monogamy"; Jan Wcimer, The Summit Free Public Library is Sandra Browns, "Hawk O'Toolc's (.'omppestinc, "Secrets of Fat Free cation"; Richard McOonncll. "Invest- "Kitchen Redos; Revamps, Remodels located at 75 Maple St. Library hours Hostage"; James Lee Burke, "Cimar- Chiww: d>oking"; Jim DuFrcsne, ment Opportunity of a Lifetime"; & Replacements Without Murder, Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 ron Ruse". P C Dtiherty. "Satan's "Michigan: Off the Beaten Path". Frances McCullough, "I^ow Carb Madness, Suicide or Divorce" p.m., Fridays from 9 am to 5:30 Fire"; Arthur Hailey, "Detective", I ina Flaherty, "The Savvy Woman's Cookbook"; Paula Nadclstein, "Knlcidoscopes & Quilts"; David Abridged Books on Tape: p.m., summer Saturdays 9 a.m., to Philip McCutchan. "The NewSuccess Bible"; John Gray, "Mars & noon. 'Hie telephone number is Lieutenant.". Venus, cm. a Date"; John Gribbin; Nathanf"-""Diabetes:. The Complete Maeve Ijjinchy, "Evening Class"'. Guide"; Dana Ramsey, "101 Best Robin Cook, "Chromosone 6"; Jack 273 0350.

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In the real world success is often a matter of degrees. Seton Hall graduates remember 'The Hall" G,*ct on the fast track Ui suttcss in the•rcul e\peneri(L- as one of the most enriching of their •world, •with a dc^fee frr»rn Scion Hull I !mvcrMt\ Irses. As New Jcrsev'sonh (.atholit uni\erstt\ we Ask a Sctori Hall senior 7- at graduation prepare students to meet professional ihalleniics ceremonies last year, more than- 70'/? of IIIOSL- while erw oiirafjitiir them to cvplore their chosen rccci\ in'n degree..had jobs or ac-ccptancc letters careers from moral ethic al and spiritual standpoints from graduate schools! Our top notch academic. Our nearK 10,000 students represent a wide prograrris and four-\ear career ser\» ' JII di\ersit\ of religious faiths nationalities and Rivc.^on a head start on the tompetmon eilinidtv Whether \«u h\e on (arnpus or commute. Seton IIJII offers tlie Mademic opponuiiinesol a With a proud 1 V) vear tradition of e\ccllefi< e large inn\ersit\ with [he personal attention «jf a Seton Hall keeps its students on the -leading edge small (ollege. All on a beautifulsuburban campus of a constantly changing employment market with just 20 minutes outside \e\\ \'ork (,it\ innovative and.relevant academic programs. Students choose fields of study from five'col leges' f he real world is waiting (Jet and nearly 40 majors. And they prepare for the a degree that will gi\e you a BACK TO real world with professional internships and co-op lifelong foundation for ' programs and state-of-the-art facilities and professional and personal SCHOOL technological resources. Our auarding-winriing success Get your degree Freshman Studies program, a host of extra- I lie (.jtliolu I imersn\ in New Jersey-Founded in fn;m Seton \ lall. hoi more 0 curricular activities and BIG KASTathletics 400 South Orange -W-.. South Orange \JO7O7 - information or an a|)j)lication, complete the undergraduate picture. call 1-800-THK-MAKl. ^Llnn 1 Lill t\ in Ltjiul{>[>l><)rtlinili\L. if ti'rn WitHYi

ill \rc. mil Sc ii-mi. s J IL< <>t /ffl \nrviip Sthtmlot I.J ^nllm.w l nl I .r.nhuu \ I ihit.itnm S, IUHII nl I I,L<,II,M\ I m\Li-.n\ ( nil SUMMfT OBSERVER - SPRINGFIELD LEADER - MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 - PAGE 9 Public offered round at Baltusrol Nature field trips offered Elementary school teachers can choose field trips nccording to their By Waller Elliott "We have fire prevention education prograrhs through- science curricula when the Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit resumes Staff Writer out the town and the local has been a supporter of the St. its outdoor education classes. "Networks to Nature," starting Sept. 30, Those who want the chance to play at the Baltusrol Golf Barnabas Bum Center." said MasieHo, "We also back a ___ Suspended during garden restoration at the Reevcs-Recd. "Networks" Course while helping a local cause may want to call girl's softball team." will provide newly organized courses incorporating the new Wildlife Springfield Fire Captain Wayne Masiello before Sunday. "Besides being neighbors, the fire depanmenl has given Habitat Pond and the Meadow Trail, all focusing on environmental Masiello and Firefighter Joe Pepe have scheduled the tremendous support to the school community," said James awareness. Third Annual Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association Caldwell School Principal Ken Bemabe. "They hold a Classes from Sept. 30 to Nov. 20 are open to grades K-4. Golf Tournament at Baltusrol for Nov. 10. The have also school-wide assembly during Fire Prevention Week in Teachers may register for field trips by calling (908) 273. 8787. set the early bird registration deadline for Aug. 31, howev- October, bring a mohile-type home to teach fire safety in Reeves-Reed is locited at 165 Hobart Ave., near Rl. 24. » er, and limited tickets for 120 players. June, and enter first grade classrooms for lessons. They're . "BaJtusrol has such history and is so prestigious," said also part of our annual picnic " Masiello, "that people go after the opportunity to play here Players will receive a tournament golf shirt, a com- NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUR FAMILY . We- get local merchants and firefighters from Springfield plimentary brunch and post-game buffet dinner dnvjng and other towns but we also get people who fly in " range and putting green privileges and, conditions permit TO HOST A FOREIGN STUDENT (ing, golf carts. Early bird registrants are open to an addi- The Baultsrol Golf Course is best known for holding 12 Why West? •Mlh/llSe. IKpOBr You Providi tional pn/e drawing Tickets art- S^O per person * EjrG-iSrra1 a bad, (oofl. Professional Golf Association U S Opens —• more times 1 f I R.€?wa diPT§' goad Enjiih. .J—t W^^l -. iOVB than any other venue Yet those arc rare days in the spot Those whtf are Unable to play, said organizers/can still Sudani nas insurance, light as the hosting Baltusrol Golf Club is a private participate. Golf hole advertisements, for example, are ipandinn. a eu|. • Shares ture !o shire. organization. available at $50 per hole Longest drive and LIOSCSI to ihc Amefiea and the Amencan Unpteurfiruitorils- . "They have tournaments but they're usually for Baltus- pin contest sponsorships arc also open Dream1 of 3! countrm ' Bnngs the Afflcrican Inicrcullura! aagaftf swat a I rol's members," said Masiello. "To get an outing one ha.s world home to /ice) lamHf Flcminglon Car & Truck Country has signed on to the Student £x :hange Arrrying r) 4oj^*i! to have a club member to sponsor-us. Course General Man- hole-in-onc contest, whereby the dealer will give away a you' family!

ager Mark D'Noble sponsored us three years ago." new Ford Mustang to the winner. Other donations arc • • Masiello said the golf outing has become FMBA Local 'welcome, CALL TOLL FREI 1 57's sole annual fundraiser. Proceeds go towards support- Call the FMBA at f201) 376-8558 9 a.m.= 10 p.m for 1-800-SIBLING 1 ing several charitable and educational concerns. application forms and details.


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Quality State Licensed WE HAVE WHAT YOUR CHILD NEEDS Congregation BNaiAhavath Shalom offers a Sunday morning Hobraw education for children five years old and up. Qur curriculum consists of CHILD CARE CENTER * Hsbrt# Knowledge Bible Study Holidays aqd many activities'that will delight your child. We have experienced American and Israeli teachers. The Y is the place to be where u;e give your chUd. T.L.C.! Our staff is "children-friendly." Come join our growing school. Charges PRIORITY REGISTRATION UNTIL AUGUST 3QTH are very affordable. Our main concirn is landing your child into a - Infant/Toddler - Transition Hebrew and Jewish atmosphere Join our expanding post Bar and Bat • Preschool • Nursery School Mitzvah class, where the learning will O weeks to 5 years of age De most enjoyable in an informal PLUS: Aft»rschool Division - Half Day Kindergarten setting Classes will begin in Septernbor Spoclal Nstdt After School Program Please call (908) 686-6773 and your (Transportation Provided) questions and concerns will be YM-YWHA OF UNION COUNTY respectfully answered. sen Lane, Union O7OB3 Congregation C&'fA&zi J^lfunjcitfi SfiuzCam (9O8) 289-811 2 2O35 TAiuxfiaCCl&act » (903)636-6773

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Pre-School Child Care Center at the Rahway Branch YMCA! HESELTECH • Brand new, SCHOOL AOI chlldfrlendly • Full 6- part-time CHILD CARE Pre K S Certified Kindergarten U\A 'I r\A • Certified Staff v Perionallzed TIC APPROVED FOR VETERANS with low ehlld:teaeher ratio • Convenient to public RIGHT NOW SKMltU DIESEL TECHNICIANS ARE IN DEMAND transportation ...and Engine City Tech graduates are MEETING THE DEMAND! • All New Equipment • School "4 AM LEARN • DIESEL & DRIVE TRAIN REPAIR Q MAINTENANCE • State Licensed • School »l • FAILURE ANALYSIS & DIAGNOSIS • Affordable Private Schools TRANSPORT REFRIGERATION COURSE • 7am - 6:30 pm Stale LlceKiSfi?i WBT597 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS, Brinq this ad for DAY, EVENING ANP PART-TIME COURSES FREE BACK TO CALL 908-964-1450 CHILDCARE SCHOOL CHI MEMBERSHIP RAHWATY BRANCH Financial Aid Value $30. Available to ENGINE CITY Valid for new child care Qualified Students members only 1564 trving Street • Rahway, N) 2365 Route 22, UNION, NEW JERSEY Engine-City Technical Insthute is Approved^ therN^t."Oeprof Education. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 732-388-0057 SUMMIT OBSERVER • SPRINGFIELD LgAPER • MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO PAGE 10 — THURSDAY. AUGUST 28. 1997 OBITUARIES "" Photos for Helen C. Smith H, Risley Katherine Christie Dr. Dana H. Day in Deborah Hospital, Browns Mills. exhibit Bom in Newark, Mr, Simini lived Ruth H. Risley'. 90. of Summit died1 • Kathennc Chrmie, 94. of Spring- • Dr, Dana H, Day. 66, of Spring- Helen C Smith, <>(".. <>C Tuckcrion. in Imngton and Mountainside bettjrc Aug. 12 in Overlook Hospital, field died Aug 17 in Runnells Spe- field, formerly of Elizabeth, a doctor formerly *ol Summit, died"Aug. 1^ in moving to Brick six years ago. He cialized Hospital, Berkeley Heights. sought SeacrCst Village, Tuckenon. Summit, of optomelfy, died Aug, 19 in Over- owned Simini Construction, Moun- Bora in Grange Mrs,, Smith lived Bom in Austria, Mrs. Christie lived look Hospital. Summit, Bom in Easton, Pa., Mrs' Risley tainside, for 15 years. At the same F-or its second year, Pathways will in South Orange and Summit before in Irvington before moving to Spring- Bom in New York City, Dr, Day lived in Summit since 1945, time, Mr. Simini was a ear wash oper- be displaying a photographic tribute •moving to Tuckerfon two years ago. field 35 years ago. She was a salesper- lived in Great Neck, L.I., and Eli- Surviving are a son, Curtis; a sister, ator with Broadway Car Wash, New- during October in observance of She \yas, employed for ID years with son with Kresf e*s department store in zabeth before moving to Springfield Esther -Nay lor, and three ark, and retired six years ago He National Breast Cancer Awareness McCrory's Department Store, Newark and Summit for 15 vears and four years ago. He maintained a pri- grandchildren served in the Army Air Corps during Month. It is an exhibit of photographs Orange, ami retired in 19K2 Mrs. retired 30 years ago. Mrs. Christie vate practice in Woodhaven. 'N;Y,, World War II. ot breast Lancer survivors and loved Smith attended the Berkeley Business was member of the Springfield Senior and then in Staten hland from 1981 Surviving are his wife, Palma; two ones lost to breast cancer and will he •Secretarial School in Orange Citizens. until his retirement in 1994. In 1953, daughters, 'Bia Wills and Francine displayed iU the Summit YWCA dur- Surviving are 11% L' son1., Thomas, Katherine Miceli Surviving are a son, Frank J, Jr.; a Dr. Day graduated from Comef! Uni- Neff; a sister, PHilomena Simini !an- ing October John, Paul, Donald and James; lulif daughter. Anna Ziegler; five grand- versity with a degree in physics and in Kaihenne Mitch, x'<. "( Summit ncssa, and three grandchildren. Last vear there was a wonderful daughters, Noreen IX'Ciroot. Barbara thildren and five great-grandchildren. 1956, he received a degree in died Aug 20 m Ovt-rlimk Hospital, response which created a moving tri- Romano. Hileen yiaiflH) and NarKy optometry from Columbia University Sumnut bute and promoted awareness of the Faulkner; a brother. John Cunning- School of Optometry. Mary Wygovsky Bom in Brnnkbn, Mis. Miceli Mildred Lang disease Fhe organization hopes 1" ham; 38 ' grandchildren, 40 great- Surviving is a sister, Betty Seidel, Mary Wygovsky, 80, of lived in Summit (or 3? sears. She was Mildred Lang, 86, of Springfield more pictures this year grandchildren and a jjreat-great- side died Aug, 22 in Overlook Hospi- empinyi'd for 14 sears .with Summit died Aug IX in Overlook Hospital, Stop by the \Wf \ lobbv n "•<' grandchild tal. Summit, v Trust On. Summit, and retired 15 Sidney Van Pelt Maple Si U> see the exhibit Summit Bom in Bayonne, Mrs, Wygovsky sears ago. Sidney Van Pelt, 70, of Springfield Newark. Mrs, Lang lived in lived in Mountainside since 1951, She Please mail photos by Sept 1 to Walter Green died Aug. 19 in Overlook Hospital, Sunning are her husband, Vin- Spnngfieid for 20 years was the cd-owrier and bookkeeper Palliwjvs 79 Mapk Si Summit NJ s Summit, Waller Green. 7 - nl Nurmarkh tent, ii «>on, James., and 1*" Surviving are a son, Richard J , with Essex Machine Repairing Co.. 07901 For additional information, Bom in Malboru, Mr. Van Pelt Beach, tormerh oi Summit, died grandchildren three grandchildren and a great- Newark, for 30 years before retiring. c ill (OOhi 277 Wo Ml photic Aug. 19 in jcrw> Shore Mfdital Cen- grandchild, lived m Springfield for 21 years. He Mrs. Wygovsky was a member of the should be:, labeled with names. If you ter, Neptune, was a self-employed eieemcal New Jersey Chrysanthemum and would like your photographs Villette V. Morgan - Bum in PI until Id Mr lirun li\id mechanical engineer in Springfield Rose societies and a former member rcluiiKd iri' lude ,i II .iddtt. -. nrt Citv Mrs Mnr Accepted Masons, Eatpntown, and Bob: a sister, AnnaTomsky. and three (itness and rehabilitativt- t'»f;i.N Summit th" \ I ran \ Imini tr ill m Niv irt j,an Intd in Vt^ifield and Fit r>dd the Ancient AiTCpted Scottish. Allen- grandchildren. programs and breast cancer dv. att n • v* h re h v j rnpjn i ini i1 v tir b t"r( muMnc n> M< untdTisidc Sh Burn in N"e*arV Mr Jacuby trmn Pa and education efforts for women J-ith Mr f i- n r Mr 1 I > ,ir i^. II v, i d vtretaPi in Ih Wesl'iHd mmed u. Spnngfitld 21 sears agn Surviving an hi, wile. Mary Ann, Irving Shames hreasi untci and tho • J-h" ^JI t n il H. *d^ a t^ut^ dnvcr fur 27 sear-, four daughters Sydney Johnsen, h «»l -.i itm t ir 2ft star btbr Irving Shames, 68, ot Eh/abeih, about them Pair d I Ji.rJ I mfl "• 1 Bd'ter % arthciuse Union Mr Dehfirdh Vjlentt A,dndn Tcjmie and r hnn), Mr MnrLaii *•! a graOua! fnrmerly of Springfield, died Aug 24 hv d,tv *dA a. mLmber vl Tcdm J Ih rmjft ! B' i h f Dnuplfi ("nil g f Puijj-r ? ns Mars Ann Mmfici and nine 1 in Elizabeth Genenl Medical Centt-r- Obituary policy Irnpn in Mr CirLLn M.rui> in 1934 with A depree in flume L nion Local bfr . in grandchildren r West, Ehftheth Obituary- notices submitted bs Irita! >' n < V- jr Ii Nf iunidin id' nf mi Bom in Newark Mr Shames li>ed 1 funeral homes or families muM ,be in Sjr-u,|rt ir ll Sum m_ ir r" r hu f"jnj ' ' *>< i SuJ-.ivmj: arL hi *ife Pu>,dnn in Springfield before moving Us Eli writing. This newspaper canno.i,, n D rui jr i dr, ji hit M t.»i( djiuihltr Ji.t, hu parent, Vtilham anJ Martha Frank A. Simini zabeth He managed the J Michael', accept obituaries by:telepbone Obitu- hi H i r jn 1 Ji d.n Mti»ier thr"" eran 1 J^s_nh\, a bmlhtr Rnnald Cure.n and A Simmi 7' of Brick., for- Furniture Store. Brooklyn, and retired ary notices must bi typed and mciude nildren and J ^.redl grinds, hi U n sutcr Theresa rrkrls nf Mnuni uniidtr died Aug. 20 two years agn Mr Shames uas d a telephone number where writer mas rtitmber nf amateur theater grnups m be reached 9 am to 5 p.m. For addi- New Jersey tional information, call fi8f>-7700 WORSHIP CALENDAR Surviving ttit.' his v.iff.- ) t,'.ir>(ir.t, iwf suns, Laurence and (iennain'e, ship Service, 7,30 p.m. Holy ("oininutii(»i u. g day morning*, after our (i ftO A M vrvices. wr two stepdaughters, Deanna and Sheri" FREE Information! BAPTIST find) Maimcnidcs' fcrpaj code, and from V!» cz-l-tujie/l at all nn-iJiip umict' Hte tliurch •!uit?r. 71," i.iui. igur alw sf>orison a Baron, two brothers. Sevmnui and ott new •< A M - !0 0O A M »e hase an advauc e«J "JiriT a/id .-ill tf^TT,^ are ILUI'JI'^fij>-vj *i'".Ml»h •r"? IKlF'" / M>I'7 Af 1 • I'JJ MlJITllkrJ'.l r»ai m ilie xtedy of.Jewiiti. law. Ori SlLitibal and A CALL ETaWi j huts Aifcli FJIULUKHI anerr>«)«i we review (he weekly BiblicsJ ptJr- METHODIST (BO9) 686-9898 »f P VIJLI~* S:ru'^ i'W x Sujtrlav <>T*> ^ »T11 »-« I earu? m^et.^ rt^ularK tjuri in liglit of uartilioiial and contemp'-iny thr SPKINGtlKLU KMANUHL IMIKD AM F .''•; "kli v>i f'if n\i i-^-j: Li--i!-_yiri^ flee r Artists sought and enter the four'digit inf jrmri . ^ J\\ •J.-J' f f«i!i! (>ur cifri r>rnmrnr.i*ceii tlie mlnhah and MFTHODL^T (.in.RCII. litatr-J <*> 4'.i i.. - '-.r a-'.u. |0 vi AM ^..flup !>T-,n.e t>ffk c )vr,- ra'iHv prayers We liave a dynamic Sisler Hiurcli M.-ill in Sj^uicri-ld M uivnc* pi'iplf 'Die Donald B, Palmer Museum of election number heknv' » ' '^jr.tcr, (.ait sun] iltiUirni'i t.tiuirli hwx). vititani Junic* and Setmor NCSY ctuji- "f all aj;r^ and hiLlpiiuivlv u> |i>m u' i«i Sun ' • " 'j. i'V, s^;, lij c . fniiif AViASA pri>£ the Springfield Free Public library St \1MII J[::SVISII COMMUNITY CEN- lers. a Hoy Seoul trtxp. Karate cla.-Ac- f^K all day iiinniiiifis Inr Adult Oin-iiaii t".clue;iii 7 1* RELIGION :73-%13O. Willnm E Horn, R«t*n I»r« Roth ait ^ family -oriented modern Orthcdoi com- AM We arc a warm and welcntinnj: (.oilprej-M- PM }'t:,,ci. If- if 31*] EliM-- ',i_ 1, Artulu ai>0 and Sale on Sept. 20 from 10 a.m.-4 Krupnicfc, CarMor Jaiit? Wilson. lYtaiden! muruty and we welcome you to join wuh us Uw tioii of Clir.i^liam -*.1KI tallici lv>u'.rlli«M In he Juru^'Seiu;.r tliii) Gr.^jp ,Su[-K.T-S«uc>rs rnrci p.m. The museum is seeking profes- Tlie Summit lfrnpi.t*i Community rmicr f!> JOO our programs, fLabtn Alan ] Yuirr Dr Leor»nJ etn.fKiraf.ed'in iJir (itiih, .Mreri^llieii in hope. ;ui(l 3220 Bible Verse For The Day •'ic 1. : PI.JI^:. . ••( ^t, ,,, ), ai j] fxj AM n r « aii tgalitanatL corner\'aiivci'ytu{;(igue. «erv eififx>were/I \u iv.• br.v-T iuitl f;utlif»l sional artists and craftspeople to parti- /i_ll.' >.KJ' , V ^'t-. JLJ.KT cy*tll'W Flipil irip faindie« from Summil arid rktariv 35 Jrtjr of Je-tus ClinM (.luld cire antr- ^•-rili ,• f,u;;- !*,',„ . h.,ir l.fl All are .i".t tlul I' e'pen.illj I'-JI<-«1 in i.irtt JOUIIC to showcase the area's most creative Call Evmryday! IKTM a) g 70 F'M Saliffilay Sliabbal SO%K~I arr JEWISH - REFORM : «!. -i\ as»1 Aft Mi.^-rt i | jni ipjlf [n i*n«tiip ai ckflav *ci-vn-^^, Mtici 1 1 museum's ongoing exhibitions arid (lay ilirr.iuph HifLiy arc ai 7 fKt AM arvi Sur»flav Sprint fi* -!'! Atfimc Spniit'ti-'iii '.'Mi all pt»)plf arc wel'. onif .IK-IL ' If you ILIVC any Infosource 1 1 events. 11 V '311 AM A I-ajiiilj S'_Ti.-itf ii Ifl'l (>ri UH: I7i Amy t|um imerr : fir ioih i-ni' pi'.r- i.illtli' 2* HOUR VOICE INFORMATION SE^r/lCC IJAlncti, Caj-iltir/l-jdutaliiHi Dirctlori Niiu p.nm Re. Jeff Mrt.n ,n Jdt i /'• \f,'i' . WISCOF'AL firsi Ftnlay (•[ c^;h numifi »f 7:<>j I'M Li a/lrli A fee of 530 per table will guaran- f.rernman, I^e- SclK>f\l iJurtior: Brace Pitmaiii ST. Sllll'llllss CIILkCII. I JV .MJIII lion IQ rrfular Saturday StatAnu a frcM/imi Temp'e Slu arr> Sluli>m i« J tee an arUst a table or up to 5 feel of MiMhuru, C2!H)-?7f>(*iHk-,4 hhxts Y StuWuU Services, for ramifies . PRESBYTERIAN WUHRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Reform cf>iij-_repation affiliated wiUi tlie t'licin with children ages 2-7, i> licld every tiind wall space Of American Hebrt» ronprrfaii'iii* fl"AIK~) FIRST I'KKSHYTKRIAN CIII KCH Xio *>prills fi-;,I tut? I*,'i ',i "",! -fli Salurday frum 10 30-11 30 AM. and every act Cliurcfp n wtrtlnp, eiK:li.-uiced ti> M>IUII1C« Morn.'. Ave at ("liurth Mall. Spnriplii-I'l. a wcicdmiiij; c.'.>nirnu7ii!v coinrni t«ri and fourUi Saturday from 10J5-11.30 AM, l to c(k*ca- pins on f-riday eveiunp« at K-?n f'M •>T) 4120 ',uivla> S(lf"l ("l.i"-.- l'>r .ill .II-" y "Wn a ttr ^mirtjv m«rtiinp Ww^Mip-'^wvire' tijjJI. li'ji.iT. 71i>-htv < ITI T rcligiotu, ictn<'l provides tmtmcbcm for •10:15 am (July and August 9:30 am ). willi T!ic HIT- ImJy Eaiilwui. A.tfc ctiilrirai from Kjudergartcai Uirfjugli Grade 7 Saturday mtrruiig Twali ifuijy tla Beth Sholom 9 15 AM followed by-woisJnp ai lli,1(i AM rmrscry facilities ajid care provided Opportuni- Iwihiu rl M.iMi l)iia(rr WI.I arid PojJ-Graduaie cJaiics fur Grides 7 Urtiugh Religious SC1KX.II classes rorfi on SaiunJay ties for pcTsmval prowih Hjrough worship, A Regional Reform Icmplr '111 •> '.UIKJI.C f Oi a IJI H'»l) rv>mmurui>ri i/r 12 Ilie SJCCaJ«i offers a complete prc-sct«jol awiune* fot sraVka K-3, (HI lueiday and Oirisuan education. Choir.' churth activilioi •jjjnr >itj1 )i,-i^Tj-it;c )Jr "Hetn* preaching prfif^ani including a nvxriiiig and ifknvxxi V} Passaic Avenue. Clifton. NJ r Ttiursday afteriioc*is for 4-7. ami TucMtay arirl fellowslnp Communion firsl Sunday of ! ' f'l -1 rsi Holy ('oi!iriiui>u*i ui mii(^m{»iraj-y Nursery 'Schm>l, Wee Two, desigited for, child- fJust off Route 1) lojii>ii'~ IIIU'IL t'i Mi- choir CTrjrch Sclioi>! ren 18 24 mciriUu arwi a paieiiL/caregiva tuul • cveningi for post har/Jial mitzvali Mudeliti. Pre month: Ladies' Benevolent Society - 1st fr.i tliiiiri.ii K-'- ,ij»] i|nr«.r\ tiirc aim ai 10(K) Faicrils and Enrichiutnl progrnto for sttioot. classes are available for children aj;ej Wednesday of each moriih at JJ:OO am, (973) 773-0355 am 1 I "*0 a in aituIJ I'^njrii1. ,uid i/il^rjz^l»cra Kirwlerg«rtcn-»ge<) cliildren A wide rarige of Tf, Oaoupti 4 Tlie: Temple ha* U>e f.uppd, Brotlierliood. 4uid Youth eacli monUi ai 7:30 p.rn.; KafreekJaL^cli - lit pjUtty 12 rut..MlJ)» 7 30 f> in iMiic^ioti lor i Sukaliooti. Muit Club. Young Coupka Group A. wide ra/ige of proprams ntlude Aduli and 3rfJ.Tue.vlay t»f eai-h nuniUi at 930 am Mmislry. aiirl a'lult'Bifili- Muily Inikiri;; failli Group and ScriKir Adult Group For more jitfw- Education. Social Action, lnlerfaitii; Outreacli. rimir - e^ery Tliur^iay at K (K) p m in (lie - SHABBAT SKRVICES - Friday E\t-nings at X p m arKj cvtfyij.iv hft- Mrmllilv t><«ik" (iisc.ui«if«i-. nwiiori about progra/M or metnbenlu'p. please Singles and Setoore for more information, call Oia|>el TheKev Daniel J. Rus.-.qtl. Jr. Pastor- Ma»y'.opfumuMinei liw .Kervtct • K>R 'Nf)- call UK SJCC officf M 273-8 Hie:-Temple office,.'201) 37'y-?3K7. STKIS'CA' I\TOKMA"IIO>, I'Af KIT TALL ROMAN CATHOLIC LUTHERAN - RELIGIOUS SCHOOL - One clay a week I-tom JEWISH - ORTHODOX T1IK PARISH COMMUNITY OF ST. HOLY CkOSSLUTlUCRAN CliL'KCH 6tV JAMES, 4^ South SprmpneM AVMIIK1. Spring- Cradle Roll to Confirmation Term starts Sept 7 at CONGREGATION ISRAEL 339 Mounain Mountain Avenue. Sprinpfield. U7O81 JEW1SH-C0NSER VA TIVE Avenue. Springfield 201-467-9666 Duly KX- ricld. New Jersey 07081. 201-376-3044. SUN- .201.-379-4525. Fax 2O1-37W-HB87." lt>el R DAY El.XIIAKIST 5 30pm Sun 730 9:30 am. TK.MIM.E Ulmi AIIM -4 Lift p m 7:(X) AM. & ih I'M; ^"sjiaWial. /Friday) 7 10 « 30 PM . and from 8 30-9 10. *c will 7 JO. 9 00. 10 30 AM, 12 m Noon, I 15 (Span- uli). 5 00 PM iri On; Oiurcli; ClnlcVeri's Miu evciiinj; h TI [".1 Slijl.tur (Li> '' •»(> A.M & .survey tike InMory of Ulc Jewttb enpenaite in R>:DEEMER LI'TIILKAN C-IILKCII sulifd, SUIH1.-I>\ ft-Mival ' &' holiday Anicrita Mease c-aJI our ofTtce for inToOiiaaoti 9 30 AM Memorial Hall will resume Septem- SISTERHOOD & BROTHERHOOD Meet the SCHOOL, 229 CBwpenliwane PI. ber 14th. Weekday Mauc* 7 00, 8 30 AM, [iionniip.'V:(»(> AN.1 .1-armly ainJ eliililrcn t-a- regarding our ipecjal prograini Thcie offer- Rev Paul E K/iiJch. I'a.^ir» <<*#., 2 12 10 PM. Saturday weekday Man, 8 30 A.M, vices are roikluck-'l regularly f)ur Religious ing.* a»ume no Hetwtw or Judaic hxrfcgrourx) Candidates breakfast," caodidates from your electonal Btfyjirnng Sunday. July 6, Summer Holy Days. Same as \vrefcday masses with a .^'IICHII (tliiril-.wtiiiji p/a/krj iiif*u on Sunday wtiaiif>evcT C>ur Tueiday cvnntrg tejUiori u Times are an follnwn Sunday Wor\lnp 5 *0 I'M atitjt Ipatcd Ma.\i arid a 7 30 PM even- district. Sept. 21 at 9:30 a.m. - Open to the Public. air! Tuc,s iu(i«, offered in lltf Hebrew language On Sun- vites, g JO and IO'/I am Sunday g ing Mivv Sacramciil of Reconciliation: Satur- Nursery available Wednesday Eveiung Wor- b 4 00 - 500 PM COSMETIC LASER CENTER OF SHORT HILLS NOW YOU f'AN TAKK AI A'ANTA^K OF THK M< >-'T ADVANCK.I) I.ASKH THKATMKN'I> AVAILAIli.K LASER HAIR REMOVAL WITH Till. hl'/L\"ij: J THKMOST J O\VKCri'L I;r;;V t \ ..;.; : , .; Healthy hearts don't have PAiN'I^K.^.-j ilAiii l\L'.,]' i\.-\\. AMEDICAL^BHEAKTHHOUnil THAT .M.I ' ''.V- calcified plaque... TREATMENT OF LMiCK AJiKA - Or UNWANTED IIAIK INAMATTEI: ( n '.]( r.]],;ri DOES YOURS...? WITI-fOI.'T WAXINO

LASER SKIN RESURFACING • (.'I Cardiac A NOW WELL-ESTAIJUKHEJ) MKT.'f >U < •!• WeakBasi c SkllIs Veiling tjn hrlp JtEKUKFACING HUN IJAMAf iEI). \Vj:JNK!..\: you understand mean rhjt voii (n,r» Why doo smarsmart • vmr Itvt-I iff risk be deulopmn LO'U OKSCAH UAMACEh >KI"." •* ' • Frustration with School nary .qrttrv disr-i .< THIS PROCEDURE IS TlilT.V f H ! kids fail? ' Lack of Confidence • ( I l" jrjiav Storing rest, It ih( (.rmdiintns tt. IT Ir Aj;jLHN • No Motivation n dnrir using j hi^li sp>cc 10 hc.irt JtiJtk .irt di.i^nfKtrd V Air -hild may b* iiMrw than hu or h« grades thow Our certified teachers help nmln dciLLinr (~l pinner rjrlv tn-Mifih W , or htm d.^j.f If ! \ V r> \'f >!'f )!•'!• ' ' ' i -h,Mr-r, n« »I! «g« ovrrrom* frustration and [ailure.and realize their potential. m«i^ br (ulted or prtvt'nitd A_tr» houri «yj«k can help youx child improw weak .ludy (kill* and gain the • A |O rrunuTf irsi L2n ftil >o J 2nd : i ::.::•. i n: wjur d'uror how rnuch\akifud N'nur trill Jrtc nurnhtr' HUAHlJCl.l! j (pnu pifJblrmi and we tutor in riding, phonics, study skills, math and SAT ACT prrp to help ttodfnti in all gradps do better In school pljquc \nu h.iTi JI1 it arid \n u* help your rhifd break the Failure Chain ihc C.T f KUOHT HILLS, N,j OT'iT- 994-2900 292-9500 258-0100 97a-37«-4257 Livingston Morristown Springfield 25 Aest Northfield fioad 40 Maple Avenue 275 Route 22 East ,/, LA ^KIl I'HOCIilJL'ItlCS Alii; PERFOKMM) BY UK. XoHO THE HUNTINGTON LEARNING CENTER® SOUTH MOUNTAIN WEEKF.ND AND A"VVi.V/.Vf; LASF.H SUSS/OSS AVAII.AHI.l-: !.>') Mill>,ir.f \.,,il(ri Millhurrl, V* kr n, 0"'il| SPRINQRELP LEADER - MOUNTAiNSiDE ECHO THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 — PAQE.I'I SPORTS Mountainside baseball Dayton, GL LOCAL SPORTS Comcast Network HIGHLIGHTS teams were outstanding irid-openers Two Mountainside Pony league age 13 and 14 baseball teams dominated The New Jersey State fnterscho- league play this siimrncr. - iept. 20 replays champions Usttt. Athletic Association (MSIA "flie Mavericks and Mustangs were undefeated against the two teams from The Dayton and Governor Livings- The Comcast Network will present New Jersey's Champions, a half- A) n MetuJi!_n Matt Stcfcn/ak Ja_,on Krawczyk. Josh Moss and Too Fernandez also hit the , Dayton, a member of the Valley Sept. 5 at 8:30 p.m. and Monday, Sept. 8 at 9:30 p.m. Th- tim trarn^ for the Jmic u '-> ball well Division, will face Mountain Division The Comcast Network had its cameras at over 50 NJ5IAA champion, a.m. to 2 30 p.m., with registration Nick Pact-. Joe Sperla//a and Ryan Feller came through with hits at critical foe Newark Central at Meisel Field at ship events and the show concentrates on several. opening at 8:30. The clinic.-H times 1 p.m. The show also includes a musical triubute to all of the athletes designed tr> meet the needs of varsi- Drake Jungenuet, FefJer and Sullivan handled the pitching chores and did a GL, a member, of the Mountain involved in the 1996-97 NJSIAA slate title events, ty coaches, assistant coaches and good job on the mound Division, is scheduled to host Valley Mick Moninghoff, the executive producer of New Jersey's Champions rttr^ati mai L a^h- The prt Drake and Jungenuet made exceptional plays in the field and Sullivan played Division toe New Providence at 2 and the host of The Comcast Network's Scholastic Spans Weekly show li r f.- f r ]W 9^ NJ^rA *tJI at catcher e p m if the Highlanders" nf^ field is that returns in September, was happy to be involved in the work, *; and «** n IU, Thr Mjii-mJ s Kst offensive v-eaptms were Matt DeAnna, Danny DeOhv r<\id\ b\ | hen "Year-end projects are a major undertaking, but this one was,.a treat Th f c f r nr r NJSC A. nvjnlv r i ri Jonns Diinrles Nick Pere/ Santallj and Steven Brown. Das ton is cemmg oft i h -1 season because it shows young athletes at their best," Moninghoff said. nd Vis n Mj ^ pr Al^j ennmhuung some big hits were Jimmy Grammenos, Tina Grammenos. its best since 1991 The Bulldogs Boys' sports covered include: soccer, football, indoor and outdoor kw ul $15 i».ludt-j d Daiidv Legiec George Jewiik and Jason Bladis. enter the J 997 campaign wiih>.a MK.-, track, swimming, fencing, wreMkng. tennis, basketball, hockey, lacroste 1-fJ"1 ^ NJSC ^ m mtvrship anj Timm% Bntt had exceptional spe d on the bases and was a superb shortstop .Trtrr.h thre * j no hitter aj^iimst Spnngfield, in a program like this., but.I feel we have a representative sample from s 1 Dayton Th aj! nd *• ;in AI'* » r T> MJ uri, ur co ched hv Kenny Sullivan the Mavericks by Mike r J almost every sport in the state," Moninghoff said. ii fr tr f II * d >- re! Sept 2d S'j.-Aarl fentral. 1 OH SportSMARTS camp next month irt rp ati r Ir T •» I' T* t r i Sept 27 Go\ Liimgslon t Of) f The SportSMARTS Fall Pitching and Catching Camp is scheduled to ,i n i frt rr J »-ii MJ I ii »ed Oct. 4 at Brearlcv t W take place all. four Sundays in September — the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th r r Sign up for Minutemen football net -17 ar Pov.-fle Park 7-^n — from 9-11 am at the Union Catholic High Schrxil field in Scotch t T Tr fkt 25 Bound Brook 1:10 • Plains, Spineti Id Minui rn n fiKitball registrafion is still being accepted at the Sar \nv ! Nunh Piainrield. 2 W Instruction will be led' by Union Catholic head haseball coach Paul A1" BJII fi i r nt in Spnngfield Mrmday through Friday from 9 a.m to 4 Ji 'M.% h Middlesex, 1 (X) Reddkk and a professional staff m Th Minuumen program is for Spnngfield boys in grades 4-8. Nuv 14 at Manville. 7 UO Roddick has worked with the Montreal Expos, the USA National Base. F rrr r dildbl ttherivi^r nter located on 30 Church Mall in Sprinf- 1 i L a No-, 2~ at Ridee, 10 30 ball Team and Elizabeth High School ' * r r r f ndaHc ft. if 520 jn ! i fee per child of $55 is required, checks Guest instructors include Elizabeth High School head baseball coach h' t{ !f" Tt v.n hip f f Springfield," and "Springfield Minute- Governor Livingston Ray Rom, former major leaguer Steve Balbom and major league scout F rr U Joe Salermo • T> Srrr f Sept 20 Sew. Providence. 2:00 . J 1 i fcirl H.L r prt fcr rr is still accepting registration forms Horn is also a professional pitching coach with the.Detroit Tigers, Chi- ""i n »r Ti i f Sept 27 at Dayton. HX) I TI f ir] m ^radc ^ 4 and 5-6. Forms art' availableat the Civic cago Cubs and minor league St. Paul Saints. r r Oct. 10 at Immaculau. 7.30 r h r ^ t n i Balbom formerly played with the New York Yankees and Kansas City -\ H " r fundihl ft of S25 per child may be made payable to the, 'Town-. Oct 18 iii Roseile. 100 • Sjsf 4 *k ' h L Royals, • 1 x r-nn fi id Oct..25 a! Hillside. 1 00 d " J trie r JJ *•«. 7 u Salermo is a scout for the New York Mels, • fh Spnr^f^ld Rt r dti n Department is accepting applications for cheer- Nov "1 Ruselle Part;. 2 00 Fi i ri J r * (•- r , r H*. Students will go through a professional pitcher's or catcher's workout Jir^ 4 h s t ir th upturning football and basketball seasons. Nov h at Newark Central. 2 CK) h i buiJ S f - T>- f during each session. • ...... M r <- inrati >n md\ b» obtained b\ galling recreation director Mike Ten Nov 15 North Piamfteld. V.W 1 _ i% .Jf S JI ' TH Nov 27 johnsnn. 10 30 Pitchers will learn proper mechanics, how to throw different pilches, I r E-i% T r •• j- r t -* » ->l _^» strength and. flexibility exercises, secrets to developing super-confidence T*- i rr »r T -• i- and how 15 minutes' a '{Jay can make them a better pitcher J dm i "•l^prr * iir Catchers will learn how to develop a stronger arm, throw outrunners, Comcast Cablevision captures use proper footwork, increase.mental toughness and how to work with a The clrnic ij designed, to meet the pitcher and call piighcs, . , ... needs of varsi»\^ cfia~he:,. assistan' Each player will, receive a written evaluation sheet at the conclusion of coaches and recreational ;rJach't-> league playoff championship tin- last session. The prL'-regis'ratitjn fa-: for Camp tuition is %\itj and full payment must be received by Monday, \'Yi~ ')' \}%r% p--n'•>..•- '•« < r Defeats first-place team in title game and ^' - i>:i .:'. [tic '—. I' r i >•• Mure infonri.iiinri .ibout the SportXM \R1 S Fall HiU hing and Cakhmg NJSt A tnt-mrnTs is ^35 and vi*i f jKl- , i .r: J hich fm- jMine in earning the mound \iuor. ^ for-3 and scored three rlitis and Bill < amp may f>e obtained bv tailing Redditk ai W)<-fiKf>-fiO^ / 'i7i -,it'_- A prc-icj.-istratir.n t-' ' 1 •h 1 in th. Union Center National Bank 17, Wmship was.3-for-3 for ('nion Tenter LSharp Sh'M)tt?rs Basketball Climes ofTtred • j1" !ir>j J. j111 Crtvt Refrigeration. 13: Bob Palasiis National Haflk Wik<_ Gatley, head coach of the 1997 ABA champion Trenton Flames, ^ ill Iv_ ilJ, wmt ^-tnr-^ - bHtinp a- frtpkr and sit'- I h. _ IT., lu J. -. Ar""T-' pijt- ,n i (,»-i|l "; 1 m ijs' blasting rt home run for I -nion Center Comcast ( ablevjsion 7, fall and/or next spring. [irj^jrHcit' iihv-i'ij. ai,J _i > •-• • I 1' if,' "lint . Se-rnor S'ifthall Natn')nal Bank Alan Cohen was Antoine's Puh and Grill 3: Winning Seen as a great energizcr for any basketball program, all clinics are for •mattTjal: Ij.- pitohct Dom Dc*o mattered se\c-n Inti boys and girls from high school teams to recreation programs 'I he rt f ••m.d-" < .ible.i i"n J-en; ' ') in nun •i-11ir ^ lor \ mon Ci'iitei Nalion- and recei\e fuJJ Letv Ma on -i "> in the fir.t f anales. F-rank D'Arnato and Art as a coaches clinic for one set fee A free videotape and workouts for all participants are also included. 9:30-10:30: Ann pmrKi ;irl'J "Iravi'l Gui'Jt 11-1 in th'.' Seniors Softball Kupac/ Building the AtUiA nd Slumpf had three hits and two RBI More information about the Sharp Shooters Basketball Clinics may be SEMIFINALS obtained by calling Gatley at 609-448-6128. scoring opportunities Antoine'-s Pub and iinll, which fin while Airev. Canales, D'Arnato and Comcast Cablevision II, Travel One Pitch Softball Tournament next weekend 10:30-11:15: Tom, Jiemo - i1 tied thf regular s-asnn with a Guide 1: Jim Aire> and Mel Coren Kopac/, banged out two hits each. Sports nutrition/conditioning how Antoine's bounced back on many The Bloomfield College basketball program will sponsor a One Pitch k'ague-U'st 10--i mark received a went 3-fur-3 and teammates Joe Ber Softball Tournament on Sept: 6-7 at Clark's Pond and Wright's Field in to impact performance jn A omen first-round bye before ousting I'riiori rer Boh -Canales'; Dom Deo, Ron L-rs. coaches and offi- nament. call Mike Mariano at 908-931-1191 before Sept. 3.1 FIRST ROUND Loti Ko^hJer was 2-for-2 for Iravel third consecutive year. Garden Statt Basketball league starts September cials, question and answere session Comcast Cablevision 9, Westfield Guide Antoine's Pub and Grill, managed 12:15-1:15: Unch The Garden State Basketball league is starting in September for boys Lt'KK Mason 5: Ron Torsiello blasted Antoihe's' Pub and Grill 16, by Fred DaPrile, entered the playoffs and girls irt grades 3 to 12 and adults over 18. 1:3**-2:.I5: Bobbie Schult/. - a three-run homer while going 3-for-4 Union Center National Bank 15: as the top seed for the first time in the Success, regardless of the number There is a 10-gamc. season..with Morris, Passaic. Essex and Bergen and Norm Slumpf belted a two-out Trailing Union Center NationaJ Bank eight-year history of the league county locations of wins and losses, bases loaded double for Comcast by a 14:2 score after lour innings, Comcast Cablcvision finished as 2:15-3:00: Nancy Williams - Games are played on weekdays or weekends Cablevision. Jim Airey, Mel Coren. Antome's rallied for the one-run vic- the runner-up in the regular season to More information about (he Garden State Basketball league may be Player selection and development Dom Deo and Stumpf had two hits tory by sconng four runs in the fifth, Antoine's Pub and Grill after finish- The nght player for the right posi- obtained by calling 973--K87-9397. , each for Comcast Cablevision five more in the sixth and five in the ing first in the regular season the past N.J. Lightning A A Li seeking baseball teams " tion and building skills for each Bob LaDolc/, belted a three-run seventh after two were out. two seasons. position., The N.J-. Lightning AAU baseball team is seeking age 13 and 14 All- double and Bill Canata, Henry Barries Gary Wicse' John Patricco and Union Center National B;ink and Star teams to play on weekends in the fall. 3:15-4:15; Linda Alimi, Bobbie Rich Hyer had three hits each, one of and Jack Geoghegan banged out two Travel Guide both did an outstanding If enough teams are interested, a fall league will be possible. Schult/.. Nancy Williams - Hyer's a grand slam, for Antoine's hits each for WestfieJd Legg Mason job by making it to the scmfinals for Ibe N.J, Lightning also seeks players age 13 prior to Aug. I, 1997 to ( oaches 'forum A question and Pub and Grill. Steve Fatula, Tony' Travel Guide 6, Nilsen Detective the first time. play in local and state AAU tournaments in the fall. answer session addressing concerns Muccia., John Lyp and Vic Gorman Agency 3: Tom McCall, Howard League play improved as there AAU fall baseball can help youngsters sharpen their skills and help in all aspects of the game had two hits each, with Gorman belt- Jones, Jerry Halfpenny, and Norm were fewer runaway games this year them be better prepared for the next spring high school season. More information may be Bauhman had two hits each and Larry ing the .game-wjnner. compared to the past couple of sea- obtained by calling limie Hmzio at More information about N.J. Lightning may be obtained Rehack blasted a home run for Travel Alan Cohen went 4-for-4 and wins as the league appears to have by calling 908-750-5506 after 9 p.m. the NJSIAA/at 6W-259-2776. Guide: Jones pitched an excellent •^ored four runs. John'O'Rourke wai> become more evenly balanced. 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PAGE 12 — THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1W7 SPRINGFiiLD LEADER - MOUMTAINSIDi ECHO NEWS CLIPS Hayrides in the park This annual series is -one of the Oct. 10, 17, and 24, and Nov. 7 hefin- Reiervation, singinf and RioryleHing Trailside Nature and Science Cen- ichool horsei. Walk into their bed- most popular offerings of the Di vision nin'| at 6:3K) p.m. with Jim Roho, trxi hot chocolate and ter ii located at 452 New ftovidence rooms, find out how they shower, With fall approaching wd visions of Pirks and Recreation, Taking pl«c« marRhmallows by a roaring campfire. Ro«U in Mountainside, what they wear »nd more. In case ofrain, participants will be of cooler terrpcraturcs and turning at Trailside, the public is invited to All tickets must be purchased in Tours are held Mondayi through rescheduled for one of the remaining leaves being conjured up, the caunty participate in ono or all of these advance; no tickets will he sold at the Tour of stables rides, ai space allows; or on an alter.' Thursdays at a cost of $20 per group. is looking loward the change of sea- family-oriented evenings of hjyrides. nale night. Groups limited to 25 and appoint- sons by planning for its Hayrides and entertainment, For additional information, contacl Pre-schoolerB and day campers are ment* must be made in advance. Con- Campfires at Tnilsidc Nature and A $3 ticket entitles the ticket holder the Division of Parks and Recreation invjtod to visit the Watchung Stables tact Jean Jacobus at (90$) 789-3665, Science Center. Hayrides wi]] be Sept, 19 and 26, to a hayride thrpugh the Wgtchung at (908) 527-4900, fot a one-bour tour. See more than 50

PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC PUBLIC NOTICJ PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE will t>e requlr«*1 to comply wtttt th** require pt/ wtm th« M»w Jvm*y Pr*v*lllng W*n» The wurV gnrntrnily t'.i'iviiiir. 0< grnnltn menu QilJ.L 1975 C 127 (fJJAC 17 2/> A t (Chspief 1G0 of the Law* of 1t»03 sa posted on me tJulieiin board In lh« office of final passage ol the meeting of said Bor- TOWNSHIP OP SPRINGFIELD block turti letialjiiitaiicin, storm, rnuBl al*o (jcxnpty wtth ma •mvnasd) and mat (rwam «MR not !>» made tho Munideai Clark, oygn councu is b* n»M in vie Municipal its of PL. 19"//, Cfvaplei i3 tAany uaOt mrhom tr» &owiml»Monf » HELBN E KEYWORTM Bunotng: 1345 nouie 22, Mountainside, sPmmawitLO, NEW JERSEY f pn ovoplsy •It In L.aCKjr and Irrduttry do«* not v^rury . • Municipal Ctorfc New Jer»*y on the iflfh day of Soptomber j h L Pbl Ct L AM ORDINANCE TO API*HQPH!ATm wvitn the fotTTi ol proposal, contract Bin* fthffll fJ* ttut^i IlllftO on tfl^tofrnfc pr o MONEY FROM THE CAPtTAI, (MPBOVC. UC159 SLP August SB, 1987 ($18 25) 1S97 at 8 OO, or »» Men thsra4if!»r •• said must BUDrrtrl « ttMtttmsnt MJtllnq matter can be fsaelTSd, at which time ana '>[«* Ilioallf" T>" t" I"") >:y f ' Hf" A Kl form the n>™s arvd »dckh04oyfrs in th* cOr"porat»on or rT>erritX?r[, and re^urre-3 try th« Spocmcn»ori« Thsy ACQUISITION OF MATERIALS AND TOWNSHIP OF BPRINOF1EI.D ^'laririnrB I nii'Tr.r n("m An hlln'tJL tKK'i BQUtRMeNT OR FOR CERTAIN CAPt; m#r«ln will be given an op^rtunlty lo be 'jf fhf> pjan.r*flr»h*p who awn t^o percent SPRINQFIELD, NEW JERSEY liiniriejf Plaza. PflrSifipany haard eoncsfning the urni, 1CJ°.») or more of MB stock, or ru»v« a i«n ) name ar-KI »cWr»i(» nil rhu bkfclar TAk PROJECTS BY THE TOWNSHIP OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMELND THE aPBlNOriBLD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JUDITH E OSTY p**rOf>nt nO*'^ fir gr^sl^t inlnr^St in tri« MEVIBEO OINBRAI. ORDINANCES OF ir he ofice u1 ">' <~ i"rv '' i>» T&WNSHIf- BOROUGH CLERK r^a&B of partrkeral-iip I tc/trw Mu™cip»i r^erv TOWN JBRSEV THE TOWNSHIP OF BPBINQFIMI.D, Of" SF'filNG.F It'-LD and may O,- inspw;<«1 ORDINANCE BFa-St No bid m*y De witrnjrB»vn (or Blrty (BO) SHIP OF SPRIMfiFIGD UNION COUNTY TAKE NOTICE, that iho foriraQirig erd>. COUNTV OF UNION, STATB OF N(W try Prtjnp»*^ti^«' rji-1'W ai tti»- ofTI'"* of K>ll AN OBOINANCB APPROPRIATING days sftftr the opening of btrl* A Contr«^ MEW itRSC/ and munf b« BccompBnt*d naneo »ai paiiM arid approved at a rBflu- JBRSSY, CMAPTER VIII • TRAFFIC •it A Kin>4;rttri' k Ir.' W? ^nirtf,/ Plarn THE MM QF TM1RTV THOUSAND DOL- will be aw»rrjeo to tr* lowest responsibtn tr/ a o^rftifj^d checV catt>iftr'$ c^^cl' of txl (Br.ffmeling oi fie townshp OommBSf ol TAKE NOTICE, ttiai the foragotrtg ordi- P.TrsipDany n l o •! "ti- Township rj< 1 LARS t»£ojoQQ\ ran REPAIR AND bt^oer or all proposals will tw rftjecte^ with rjfj'ifl m tr- I'jrm provnvrJ of not >*«• m«n the Tr)Wnr,f,ip eii spririaiieidi-ri irw»\Gau«ry 01 nance w«s passed and approvM ai a tagu- • ,pnngfifld Enj'i«"t?rniq A in* r ^0 North 1 IMPROVEMBNTB TO THE DCERFIELD ir sirty wn^htf> ComrmTte* o* t/yii rnfl< no* t-^e N^ss th*n S^>QO (V>r Alrall rt 7u>',1a» n^ftriiriq AugySr! ?C, .1997 the Township of SpriiTafteld (n the County of lurln') t>'j»lnf"S"i r.'jjrs Bi1>-rr will be furn FENCING - BIOHTtKN THOUtANO DOL- 1 r»» mvB limn t?<" 0OO and mgll b* toRn Union and Stats of New Jer»sy, held on • f p. -owNfjHiF OF SPRINGFIELD HELEN E KEY WORTH LARS (I1I.OMi FROM THE CAPITAL lsh€ci witti B ':i)pj o' thfi Oj'iliBCt [JfjC'j psiri*d try a Conment of *ijr«y R*t«m«nt i^ tutlday BvBhlort, ;#CuguBt 26, 1897 Tf^fi-jf** (h*i rignt to rf"l*>^* ,Tll bl^Jt to r*i)ft'-i Municipal Clf IMPROVEMENT FUND AND TWELVE menu, plan?/ fvn rjp«*c>fications • at It"* tn*i forr^j proyi-3*^ frcjrn a Surflty Cornpany H6LEN E KBYWOWTH '..'f; 1',' fJP *Lrgu>>I ?H 1997 ($7 THOUSANP DOLLARS (ti 2.000) WEIM- Wfico of Keller s. tf.irktinMic* Inr. Of th- unr>aiar>riv r w«s t r 1 ^ i idV ir< ari/ f-^-ri ^ -Jr ifn> til**-' Wh a btjod f ' i (XMt rjfth* UOieg BLR August Be, 1&97 (MOO) rujti-rfituriijHM* '.hnr'jj- of j:i.'. OO p"?' se' WME»*BikS, the Ooyemlng Bodr/ of the Holnr F K f jr-ir-ft—* aiTl'-Jjrt* jr"i itnj ^y*nt m«t ttk* &O"V f.r.all l« [j^P 1 1 r-i-i' * K.rkpatMCt' in TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD Boroutfi o( MouhtBlnjiae is in need of Flld^V*r^ M" 1 till ^ II 1* 'tltJy fT>Jot ORDINANCE TO AMEND AM ORDI- BOROUGH OF MOUNTAINSIDE Stfioei ymniM Court* ana fencing 6y • ply wtth the New JcfrBV Printing >W»ae TOWWSMIP OF S*«tNOWCLD NANCE BMTTTLED THE LAND U8E gummer »t0rm, sno Aft K ri^jpl*. 1 n Iff ^MW< f>* 1(#6J ft* UNION COUNTV, NEW JERSEY n.rJB«, w t*if torrni prciytdnri Nonce is HEREBY ervBN thatfr* to i 1 OFtDINANCr TO THE TOWNSHIP OF WHEREAS, fund* up fo the amount ol drrinn'-V+'i i rfni l»- ri] HA if - w r»ot t>f ma'}* IMPROVEMENTS TO HILLSIDE AVENUE PROPOSAL FORMS SHALL NOT BE tosvtrtg oroinanos wag passad and adopted SP»mNQFiBUO. SECTION eo», SIONS, SMOOO m&i be ne«d©d for the replace- any ne O'>trimi&!ilor>¥-r of CONTRACT Bl*»7-14 REMOVED FROM THE FORM OF PROP on secorid *fid final redoing el « Wsgular BY THE TOWNSHIP COMMiTTEl OF rnerit and repairing of lights and fencing, ih'»i and i" 3 y MOTICE TO WfDDERS OSAL PROPOftAUS MUST BE MADE Meeting Suly held By fhe Mayor and Council THE TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD, of the and rilrjR shall tK- O'l trvrj lorn-1% pro NOTICE 'I fvpr»tTy g'/'»'" ''is1 *«»n>"^; M» orough of Mountainside, County ol UPON THE BLANK FORMS PROVIDED COUNTY OF UNION, STATB OF NEW Union WHEREAS, tne Governing, &«>/ o< me kK «i» iMPROVCMENlft ^O OENHAM New Jersey in the Municipal Build. "J thpff «B. I Ijofoogti o* MoutnalnsWe oonoun: that r r MMP 'ON flC*J '* e S MMKi MnMHMM. NM WHICH SHALL BE LEFT WHOLE AND |he»e repiacemBntft and r^pairi are u>aM TAKE NO"nci, ma- Ififi loreooifig orfii oi tne 19th day of AuauBt. 1997 iriust trje enclos INTACT IN EVERY RESPECT fianiL.ij *ss pstwj B'KS appraveOBl a r«jy ORDINANCE «73.»f r^*dr|ri'-j tl.t r If' OO'JN^V NEW JtF^ EiirlcJert are required to comply wnti me is>» rnbeiing. ci) (fie Town&hip Cemmlftee of (in the AN OHDiNANCE ESTABUSHINOTHE NOW.^timFOHI, BE IT OWOAINtO and name ol tr p at trie TOWTJSHIP r»>rjijinwT>eT TU"»!,3»y »vi»n-"a August ?« 1997 GER AND CERTIFIED WASTEWATER h«r«By approprlatBd from the Cap.rta-I « 'w-itrac you' MEL.ifJ E Impfoyemefit Puna for MsptaoBment and "Jfl ^ T WfriCf wi SUPPLY 4 TREATMENT SYSTEBY THME 1M^ ' r,o' ie*,' Trnr witfl »f>e OPERATOR AS REQUIRED repair of lights ana femjing st the DeertieH "••rls rj' f i- 1T*71T755 C 1?7 7^ ^rijAC 17 MM Ay-jus* .?% 1997 fichool tennis courtB, T ' n I Ivjr r,. r ,-) STATE OF NEW JBR*EY r *f- %',''* nor £* a «'->-K-r6 "" «• al«'J <~r>^n^t r,rr<- t»i* ju4tn e o*fy BE fT FURTHER ORDAINED that ffm -r-Tjtri»rn Borough" of Mourit»lnsid* than be reim fi^^n' o^?r»a/ fall i^ aor- £ r iJ P 1 pf ^T-^fr>f^,rr3 *"' '* "- Jt>|ir C,^y^r^^ft )jn U615*. ME-C Aufly^.t 2iB r«7 (SB OOi bursedby !f>e SObai Insurant* Company in n^ a t / fi ^ • ' ' 'y ''Hi " I ' r TOWNSHIP OF SPRINOFIEkP foTr, o- proposal jonira BrVlw^ fT-ujfi' BtJt?mr1 a stat^rr»#*"if setting tne imouni pi S1ZO0O 1 SPRINGFIELD. NEW JERSEY lorrr pr JJ 1 " lir^ crfip,ir"»d ry •'•'Ii* 4 l i-j'-tr. tr* i-ierrie* Br>r3 a^Mr«>«*« o« BI> ttve Thta ordinance »h«H tafce Bffsci twenty AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE SHERIFF'S SALE 'i^^-Vh-^kyr^^ »n IH-* r^rpo'SDof1 O' TWntWrs days aft#r tne fiw puwioatlon hereof aftef «1» lw [j W t ' i •"f « 'O' - Of 'j' *ri< rt ^rfrnitape Ai,,f.itB^ MONET FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVE SHERfFp-S NUMBER CH-7M6O4 find! p^f f jtff* Cont^aci amoum in rhf? p/em fh^ii tti^- c>-jn F'iiia. Parwcpany. NJ. •y frw» putne-aiji «ho own »e^ person' MENT FUND FOR THI PURCHASE OH 1 r 1 1 prVIStON OHANCEflY ' " ^iC Auo'ust SO. 1BB? (i?.3'00i ' r* * I* ^V* J *' ' ' t - ^ trtd^ ^ '^ AeouftrnoN &F iM*Te»MAt.s AN © COUNTY- 'UNION ' ull •! n Atfi'Jrf^rt ar, j ,, Hcrnr 5 'yl p&v*- • BQUIPMeNT OB FOB CERTAIN GAP!- f DOCKET UO Fie«?e!(i onTrj--' fliwrir rr j** d *,O 1 <. /I, 1 "• t TAL PROJECTS B¥ TH6 TOWNSHIP OF TOWNSHIP OF OB T PLAINTIPF NORWEST MOHTOAGE prfjr^jr.a? or"' Thp.^ forrrit, fy.crjvir^t-] SPRINOFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY IMPROVEMENTS TO MILLSI0B AVENUE PROPOSAL FORMS SMALL NOT 8F JERSEY DEFENDANT LEONARD A. KAVEBE«3 CONTRACT Sl»»7.1* REMOVED FROM THE FORM OF PROP- TAKE NOTICE, thai me lafmgoin^ o'0»- AP.'D KATHLEEN J KAVEBtRO, MIS NOTieB TO BIDDERS OSAL PROPOSALS MUST' BE MADE niiiM was p3t&eH3 and approved at a regu- V/lPE. ET ALS , NOTtCE i» h#r»by otvon tnat se*ie0 otas UPON THE BLANK FORMS PROVIDED 50 ri«)fB «nei U p lar rrt^giing gl thg Township OorrifmTI&e t,1 t/a^r anri "Trpw^&hip Cor^Ttiiti WRtT OF eXECUTION PATE for tne IMr»HOVEMfr-JTB TO riEfJHAM AND SUBMITTED IN THE BOUND BOOK the Toivrisfiip of Springfield in'the County of ov»/>.p t-':r-- or ?,Pmn/-,r OCTOBER RS. 11*69 BOAD AND MORRISON ROAp m the WHICH SHALL BE LEFT WHOLE AND J Ufjlori ang tjtalB of fjew jftrs»y h*ld on !, ",e -ij- ' -^ rf»)9C] al tJKM In . BALE DATE, TOWNSHIP OF SPRINQFIELD, UNrON INTACT IN EVERY RESPECT HBLtfJ E " " ' " WEDNESDAY THE SRD DAY COUNff NEW JERSEY will toe ree«^&a it w*-r, 3'. ri-qj f&,i t- <-o"'->v v"" ""•«• v, wi OF SEPTEMBER AD. 1B67 Bl tn« TOWNSHIP OP SPP.IN(3F|EI,D.!*nts ol H. 1r»7?. Ofiapt^-r 1?/ Ir ' £8. (S7 By v'irftjB of frv« abova-ctated writ of Engine#rtng Anneir. SO North Truieff soeutjon to me n re-ia-3 I shall axpoi* fer Avamje Sprinajieid »4ew Jersey on Sep- sale by public vendu«, on On 4th Pi«jf of temb*f e, 1*97 at i0;OO aiTi pfevaiiing H# Bank guiWlr*8, 24 Rahway *Virw», EII- time zabetn, N,ji;, on y/EDNESDAY, at two TOWNSHIP OF SPRINQFICLO o'clock W #i« aftof now of »aid day, AJ! »uc- , COUNTY OF UNION, N.J. 5»BB,fijl M0der> must have 20% -01 »»ir bid ORMHANCE TO AMIND THB CODE B^ailatji* in cash or e*flifi«d ehmck «t ftit OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SPRINOFIEL-O, osirciuti'jri of the HM, COUNTY OP UNION, STATE OF MEW _ The property lo be sold is located lr) BW JB«SEY, cMAPTER rr PEPtSOHNeL Township of, Sprlngri#ld in the Cognflf ol POLICIES Union, anrd SttlB o! N«s¥ jBrtey. eomrri&oly BE IT QHpAINlD BY THETOWNSHiP ttni3*n as 17 CettJsr Avenue SpringfiBid COMMITTEE Ot the Towm&hip Of Sprfr>g= Tar LO|. N'j. M. In BiocK No Ti f fi^W County of Union as lollowti DifrienSH'jfi E* Lot (uppfOiiimatBiy) IBS X SECTION i • AMENDMENT , Situats on ff» Chapter 77 - Personnel Policies. Secticm 77-10, is hereby deleted In Its entirety, and JUDGMENT AMOUNT' TWO no employe* wno I* empioy&a in any eapacny (or srry lime penod on CJP after trie FOBTY THOUSAND FIVE The Henry R. Iiss effective aate of this (minameni BfiaM toe DOLLARS AND THIRTf entitled to m*? tieneftts &st faffFi ifmr&ir CENTS fS24O,6O>0.aO) 1 SECTION H • RATIFICATION ATTORNEr. :••;••• ' Er&epi 81, expfat&iy mCKjified herein, ail LEVY LYBECK BERTELE £ BeCK g'fiei pi'jitivjnh and terms of trie Ctde ol 388 MOPlHIS AVENUE' T^fi TQ^Pt^hjp of 5*pringftsiW BhaM m SPHiNQRELD, Nj 07061 full IWM ar>a eftefl SHERIFF" jN tit Of portion PULt UEfjAL DESCRIPTION IS FILED it, i AT THE UNION COUNTY SHERIFF'S repisalwa i;, fin OFFICE Neuroscience Center |nc:y tv^O HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN THOU- IV • EFFECTIVE DATf SAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY.FtVE t^-,,?., orgtrvgnc^ f,hal! ta^e fffisrS^ tfrirtiEfd^- DOLL.iRS AND 'jEVeNTV.EIGHT CENTS aleiy upofi jm&sage arid publi&BUon aorj^fi TOTW, JUDfiMENT AMOUNT (rig Ki law " i (5847.1 75. ?8> I, He-ifsn p. .Keyiworth. *j riotittjy tdftify A'JOUtl 7 14. ?1. 28 1B&7 trial ihe lore^otrig Ordinance was intfg~ UB7B3 SLR • • <$.SD.D0) dyijea (or lirst reading si a rsgylBr miseiing of fne Township Committee of the Town- thifi of Sprlrtjjfifiia in th* County of Unifjn ariS State ol New Jersey, neia on Toetosy n evening, Auflust Bp, 1&97. ana Viet said- PROPOSED ORDINANCE at Overlook Hospital. OfdN1»W#^^fpif*l»rtHgyWrffl»»rW#^r^fpf*l»rtrHgyWffl t ation and final passage a; a regular mooting lowing prcjpoaBd orOinanee was inlre>du©#d o* »sld Townsnlp CommrrteB lo b# held on and pas6*d on first reading at a masting of 5eBtemb%f s>. I(W, in th©.Springfield Mun- W Mayor and Council of the Bprougri of (eipsl Builqmg at 8 00 P m at which t(rr»e Mounlaln»(d# In tne County of Union, State and plate any person or perspni Iriterestefl tjf.Naw J«rs«y, hfrtd on lh# 1»m flay ol jfiisfBin *ili '&e given an opportunity to ^ August, 1997 and tnat said ordinance will i jo Odi Copy

NOTICE • PROPOSED ORDINANCE BOHOUOH ~~ *"~" UUti y MQUNINSipt NOTICE , HEREBY GIVEN thai the following piepOMd orBtnanoj was tntrooueea and passed &ri first i (I faaoing at a meeting of the Mayor and Council ol the ftoroogh of Mountain- sctiori woi and b^cticm yO2 at th« Borouon of Mt.urnariBl.-m Ljind U»e Ordlnartcs 1»«4 rugaraing ctiangAS In feo schedules, filing pro uKlurf-n and levic* prtveOures bf arid Imreby Ift arrwjrvJed OO (r>lk7W» 1 'jC-Ctirjri 70A It atrifriO-d 3', fol I'll/,', "rc-if nr fir.Mi-i fKi <- -••• —^ *• its kind in New Jersey

Be&ideritia) Application ne&ideriiiiji F Ac row ti^o oo $?'J0 OO

Mreiirnjnary Major SutXJf/miori S?OQ -i S'JO/I^JI R**aidantta) f- SrCfOw S2OO + J^#0/lot NO" ro^,lcj#jntii}l App)»Cdt*ofi S?0O * S&O/lol The first in New Jersey to use stereotactic f Jori rf*9i^*?ntitir f r.r,row F irtdl M

P/fJlrmiri»ry Ott*? F'lan Hefiin«n|i/ii Application inoperable tumors of the brain or spinal cord. 10OO + iitxyUmi

Si/PafWriQ space* to 0^/sq ft floor area Building Floor Area L_e88 than 10 0OO &Q ft SI ifOO • One of the first in New Jersey to use stealth 10OQ1SO0O0 Sq ft $SOOQ 50.001-100,000 oq ft S100.OO0 More than irx).000 sq ft tiG.OOO X-ray capabilities to locate and identify 1 iridl 'jil-s l-ian S^rriij foe at, for Preliminary Site Plan lesions and tumors. Informal Cor><-.«ptual Plan S7rjO non-re&o«ntlal S25O ro»«Jentla1 Ciianyi.s of tenancy without silfi rovisionB Floor area criarOOS shaH be meanu'M by the floor arealnierioed Xu bautiiiiod by applicant both as to appllcalion j»nd e»crow iav» ar>d only final me plan l«,6 */M be charged App»!»l urifjflr Section 4rjrj anfj «O1 fjr InlerprBlfltion wnitri invrjlv&g Site Inopoctlon or Ed A • The leading Blood Disorder Center in New Residential Application $ IQO fiesidtintlal Escrow rjon-reslrienlial Arjrjiirjiii $ ?SO Non residential .Esciow J 1.UO0 Jersey for diagnosis and treatment of stroke. es Flesldnntial ArjfjhKition '-S OO-each Non-reuldentlal Appjit-'iiion t 5O0-each

Signs. Non-residential Applicwtior, f-(,(J Estrow Fee Less than 10 sq ft J10O More than 10Aq.fl-" % 50 $200 More than 25 sq. H $ 75 $3OO Overlook Hospital's NQuroscience Center is dedicated receives personalized attention and the best treatment More than 50 sq fi s 100 S4OO C'jriificatcs of Occupiinty solely to the diagnosis and care rJ neurological injuries passible, from diagnosis through rehabilitation. Residential , ,-... 30 Nonriestdentlal . 75 and disorders — such as Parkir.yj--'5 disease, stroke, spinal Being first speaks to our commitment to offer our 2, Section 9O1(b)2 Is amended as follows • (b)? The Administrative Official has notil(«M) the applicant. In virfltlng. of the deficiencies in cord injuries and brain tumors — and to treating pain patients the most advanced care options available today. tho application or supporting documents wlihm the forty-five (45) day period and the applic- ant has (ailed to respond lo the deficiencies, (he applicant may request that one or more ot associated with the neck, head/spine and nerves For more information about the Henry R. Liss the submission requirements be waived if there Is sufficient reason for such request If waiver In justified and IB granted, th© Administrative Official will certify that the application is "complete" if the requirements ol Item (a) (3) of this Secilfjn Urn otherwise rnet Our advanced approach to care relies on a powerful Neuroscience Center at Overlook Hospital, or for a The Administrative Official may waivo cite plan roquiremenut If In ine Official's Judgment, the Information is not necessary lo Iho proper consideration of the application by th« Board . combination of technology and teamwork And. with referral to an Overlook physician, call 1-800-AHS-9580. However, the Administrative Official snail clearly identify for the Board all Items waived in each case. Applicant m«y use last filed site plan, with CortMteaUon of me appUcam that there have been no «ff a changes since the last fifed sfte plan, for algn application* and change* of specialized Care Teams — made up of experts from a tenancy without site plan alterations, unless the Administrative Official finds the Information on the last filed site plan to be insufficient. The Board, after review, may require updated variety of disciplines such as radiology, neurosurgery, and sealed ait© plan if insufficient or Inaccurate Information Is provided on the plan aubmitied. neurology, physical therapy, elec^odiagnosis (EEG & 3. Section 902 Is amended as follows: 902 REVIEW PROCEDURES . . Overlook Hospital Upon receipt of an application, th^ Administrative Officer shall forward same 10 either the EMG) and nutrition — /;e can ensure that each patient Planning Board or Board of Adjustment depending upon which Board has jurisdiction If the Planning Board has jurisdiction, the Secretary of the Planning Board shall forward the appli- ATLANTIC HEALTH SYSTEM cation to the Administrative Official and to the Borough Engineer for their review ana to members of the Planning Board. After review by the Borough Engineer, the Application r shall be forwarded to the Subdivision or Silo Plan Committee. Mornsto//n Memorial Hoso'c • 0/e 00/ ri-jspital. Summit • Mountainside Hospital, Montclair/Glen Pidge • The General Hospital Center at Passaic BE IT FURTHER ORDAINEO that this Ordinance shall take effect after final passage and publication ao provided by law, Affiliate Newton Menr,onai Hoso'a www.AtlanticHealth org U6166 MEC August 26, 1997 (S61.75) • News • Arts •Entertainment • Classified • Real Estate Union County • Automotive WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, AUGUST 28,1§§7 • SICTION B http://www.locatftiHirce.eorn What do Thanks to a bank Audit suggests they want UCUA solutions this time? By Sean Daily ,„ StafT WHier For whatever my opinion is The results of an audii of ihc UCUA by the state Department of Treasury mh, I congratulate the officers 5 were reported at last week's meclinj- ..f the B-urd of Chosen Freeholders and hoard member , of Hrs! Union According to Rob Robison nf [he fr-jsurs , ] \ r,,r.emmt-ni Burleet Bank fnrrini surrendering »rj a gang IKA 1 RCMCW this audit was requesied b\ tru- I C t A and i- nun binding — that i\ •>rnu|,, itlf-righletjui. self- the recommendations m the'^^-paf? rrr"n dn no: ha\-.' t-i be implemented b\ r-ing pttlitiLiari', the UCCA or the freeholders I refer if the fcnion r,f (he "We re |UM tr\inp m p^(- our L he trjm-*ork to JISLUSS possible sn|u hankers v> keep t'nctr prihc'y rif fing* lions." he said n#. That fKiiicv, which Ttie purjKise of the audit v.a. in find A.K, , in i._'du,.iiif the per-ton parhape Lhctk: fraud har those who disposal fee i.r" tipping fee' al |hi Rahv. based f,»(.ihl> .[ he audit WAS started dn rv>! ha\e Fir;! tmon accounts JT before NL-U Jersey's uaste diyvi^l lav., l,iw s guarantee the (*Cf "A a Ici-al d -A-I) en thf-N cash fin jt monopoK on waste disrwjsal in I nion C"oLint> wcr- o\nriumcd bv federal conn r\\eCt: I.her* Justice Joseph Ircnas Th^ was upheld in a t..' ^oun, v^hitti also I a.dmn ftv- prr^ei- d'R,*sn'"t app- pushed up ihe deadline fur repealing ih<:s<: laws eal in me a:« a t'lnsumer, but I When the laws an- struck from the book , posMfiK in October Iti-- t ( 1 A ttiid either ripen an ascount or will have to compete in a free market and nidv lo,e business because f>f its e my checks clvv-v>here. Rather tipping fee of SK ^ OS If ,t j,,....., lt ma;, default w\ iv, more than S2(X) rmHion in than the matter that; iipiplY,, honds *,is mtllKm of thev- were ?Uarantee4 b-- ih." i.-.unt) eeh'ildsr1. frnm bfrth panic!, voted v Ilie I.CI A and freeholders are countinj.' fin an < h loty-r .ippt-al of the <.ourt i pull inT t'"nint\ '-, mfifiev out of mlmg and bills in the Lt-ur.latuie and < OHLVL-S., U, h.-lp av-n this ir-! '.nj'ir: v.rr..-ri !he bank declined But one of the jruidclmL-, for (he audit wa- (ha! " the B>,ard of Chosen Free- •he chariie to surrinder its auton- holders cannot rely exclusively upon the outcome ol AUW Lourt decision ur vmv nmy and rcspfjn^ibi fit v Jo (1% Other olernal vmn c to primdi- solution^ to ths- ''xistirif pniblf:n ' in-, uvrnr , "Overall it is a well run f jcilitv — vcrv v.dl run ' said Rohisnn "Bui ,ii ih • hrcat R(iblvin ihe \ ( \ A i> MII c-.sful" partlv rn'cauv.- il ha. Ii',, a '-.hame the freeholders don't formed as part of the county's 1997 Summer Arts Festival, From left: freeholders reduced \\i> costs arid its tipping lee over the years In JMKX, ihe tipping was know theirv. I'm also disappointed Donald Qoncalves. Edwin Force, Carol Cohen, Brody and Freeholder Frank Lehr approximately SH7 per ton This has dropped to the current fee of ^K'-tOS tn see two Republicans join the six But Robison said at the LCUA must cut at least S20 more off of this tipping Democrats on this vote. Only Frank fee before it tan become competitive Me added that everv ^SOO.000 in addi stood for reason tional revenue or cuts would reduce the tipping fee by abf>ut $1: therefore, about 5.10 million in additional revenue or costs will have to be found Sale of incinerator discussed Local Government Budget Review had at first intended the audit to be ;i Common simple review of what cuts could be made in the operations at the t f'l 'A Bui while it did find costs, that could be. cut. R obi son said thai these were small and Sense Facility could reap property "taxes for Rahway that there were "several significant revenue facilities " By Sean Daily sale of the facility is being "knocked If the sale of the incinerator fails, Nowhere outside the Mate do I titity Authorities rels s<> much on disposing By Jay Hochberg StafT Writer' around." then the UCUA will enter into negoti- garbage but instead rely a lot on selling steam and electricity." he said Regional Editor Could ihe UCUAsnion and one are. I know this farce began when strmtor. the UCUA and Ogden-Martin. "If it'i a responsible sale, then it that the UCUA bums and the amount clerical support position, worth Sf>2.2M> L'nion County Assemblyman Neil the company that operates the will reduce the rate," he wid^ "If not, of ash left over and were worth Ihe report also recommended thai the I CIA look into tran^fermg the Cohen attempted similar punitive Rahway-based incinerator, are in then the Utility Authority will have to $1,210,093 in JW6 responsibility of weighing and transfernnj: loads to O^den Martin for possible action against the bank at the slate negotiations over the sale pnee for the work to reduce the tipping fee." But whatever happens, it apparent- labor cost savings. These, combined with other measure's, would reduce the level. Knowing how close Cohen facility. This is one of many negotiations ly won't happen this week. staff at the I 'Cl 'A by about * 1 percent and be reduce ihe tipping fee by about 72 •and•PreehdldBr-'Phifrman • Kindt bur;"- • ttwfthg Ueu A-w fiMk iiig tp Trtaee rBr - . . - Slender are, I wasn't shocked to based on published reports, the source per-ton garbage disposal fee or "tip- hune quoted John Kulish, chairman of According to the report, the TCI As enuronmental testing and test results see the freeholders make this said the price of $200 million for a ping fee" of $83.05. See RAHWAY, Page B2 See STATE, Page B2 "issue" their own. , Still, what is it ihey really want? You'll never convince me that Cohen, Stender & Co care about those branded ..with ink on (heir 6 UCC faculty members promoted to higher ranks thumbs. I've been watching (hem Six t nion C ount) College faculty merit a new course. "ESL reading for Scion Hall University, another mas- from a two-year college Last year, he A member of the college Faculty s'(. up the county treasury all business," and is the Level 6 coordi- ter's degree from the University of presented a paper on using the graph- fci_hnoloj'v and Nominations com- year to expand their power and members were among 12 who've been approved for promotion to high- nator at the college's Institute for Chicago, and a Ph.D, from Fordham ing calculator to teach'calculus stu- mittees, he u-as instrumental in v.nt enrich the members of their inner r Intensive bnghsh He also wa_s editor University. dents at the joint meeting of the MAA ii'i a revised facultv handhn>ok .is a eir.Jv. from them I expect the er faculty ranks by tiie college's-board of a revised faculty handbook Zhang joined the college facult> in and American Mathematics Society in meriibei of the Facuflv Resource worst in ihis use h.iv ing the 415 "f trustees, to lake effect Monday McDerrnott ha.s taught five-week 1993 and serves on its Faculty Curri- Seattle Cornmittee. Rohrer was instrumental million deposited where it would Promoted to the rank of associate professor are Professor Carl Cuttiiaof -summer stints at the I diversity of culum and Scholarship and Financial '/hang hoids a bachelor's degree in developing and implemcrlling a benefit the county Democratic Par- Pennsylvania, instructing contingent*! Aid Committees. .He has- participated ty or one of its mandarins. Kenilworth, English and communica- from Anshan Iron and Steel College, a biotechnology' course for biologv tions: Professor John 'McDtrrmoit of of teachers sent by the Japanese Mini- in Project NEXT: New Experience in majors. f thouj'hl for sure th(- money master's degree from hast China Nor Cranford, Fnglish as a second lan- stry of Education in cross-cultural Teaching, a program co-sponsored by guage. Professor June Pomann of uri(JeK state guage, John Russel of Cranford. Engl- foreign language faculty at Dong sharing of technologies and ideas in Rohrer joined the college faculty in and the National Association of Biol- Sen Kay Ix'swal. Ihe >cnatoi is a ish; and Wen-Yao Zhatitr of West- Nang University. Nanjing, China, and teaching mathematics to students 1994 and co-participated in securing ogy Teachers He holds a bachelor s vcr> powerful Democrat (rum field, mathematics has published more than 20 poems in Zhang is the only representative an Eisenhower grant to develop teach- degrvc from I>ePauw University jnd Union <"fiunt\ who led Clinton Promoted to the rank of assistant magazines and anthologies. McDer- from New Jersey involved in the pro- ers for rhiddle school science and both master's and doctoral degrees Gore 'M> in ^c* Jersey professor is William Rohrer of Fan mott regularly gives language work- ject, and the only one in the nation mathematics education. Irorn the University of Jsotrc Dame So f,ir v) good, at pres*. time, wood, biology shops at the University of Medicine thai hanJ was noi on the list of Cuttita |oincd the college faculty m and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, mslilutrons the freeholders said I'WO and is responsible for imple- for nursing master';, degree profes- they od thing that s mt iii£. DtP to reduce iii testing, finding an ermronmental probiem in Most of the recommendations for interest loan from the DEP for rate applicants — the candidate got a bad thinj; he said reported I v exceed federal and one hour!) sample of ash is "practical- the sale of steam and electricity stabilization. nervous. When asked what the negotiations r qijin-menti and rt,nsp'Hiating it.. ly nil " revolved around the nearby East When I asked him if the banks were about Yiankopolos bdid that w.ith PSt^-^j tn *hum i' The report ako recommended sav- Jersey Correctional Center in Wood- Freeholders on TV had a responsibility to their inves- ihere were a host of issues ings irt disposing of the ash. These I he uppity? fet is imponan' bridge, the Woodbridge Developmen- On the August edition of "Freehol- tors to manage their money proper- The possible transfer of the I C{ A include disposing of iNe ash at the tal Center and the A vend Correction- der Forum." Union County freehol- ly, he complained about the thiev- did not worry James Kennedy, thr landfill owned by the Pollution Con- i"d in federal „ al facility. These included providing ders will discuss the impact of the ery of the S&L crisis, implying mayor of Rahway — where- the !r< i] Financing Authority in Warren ."ar and 1. upheld in steam for heating and cooling for the proposed Green Brook Flood Control two wrongs might make a right. incinerator is 1'x.atcd — and d I f I \ Cnuntv instead of Pennsylvania — East Jersey Correctional Center and Project on Union County, "Let's be activists," he said of commissioner • Th , even buying the landfill in the future acting as an <8rnergeney power source The show, featuring Freeholders the freeholders, "Let's get into the The I n A pd<-s d.H"^i C nrnmuri — and having Ogden-Martin pay all r for the facility. The report aho recom- Linda Slender and Henry Kurz, and community" and "generate the t\ Fee of dhout 52 4 million a ^•"•dr i the cfists for a device to dry the ash, mended usin|j the deregulation of the economy" in the county's urban Raima) and reducing' m weight and reducing Frank Mceks, a member of the Green electrical industry in New jersey and areas. "When one person stops tht I f I ^ i rir>! T)tl!i"c! L' t ' n I transportation costs and, Ogden- Brook Flood Control Commission, entering into a partnersiiip wiih rowing, then we all have to row of ihis h without rrg'->[iatj«ir. r> Manin's. service Tee. and chairman of the committee study- PSE&G Ki sell electricity to ihe ing upper basin problems, will harder." TV. . nn if 'ini" ? •)'•*] v.i'h >J- "V j.r J" I fie UCUA' alto pavt> Railway < a -facility- - •, • address the county's firtinciaf; safety My confratuiationf also goes to uv" h

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LOTTERY FOR INFORMATION ON ADVERTISING Questions or Comments About Infosource? AND SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES DAILY RESULTS 1904 Florida 1900 New Jersey CALL KEVIN LONG . SPONSORED BY We Would Like To Hear From You! 1901 New York AT 1902 Connecticut THE VITAMIN ENTER SELECTION #8025 1903 Pennsylvania FACTORY (908) 686-7700 EXT. 311 WORRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2S, 1OT7 — PAGB B3 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WYACT director Arts center plans a festive season After sell-out crowds and standing ovations over the 10 month1.. Joseph a Tony. Award-winning score by Stephen Sortdherm and a 7 James Lapinc this fairy tale musical rs sure to be a delight for announces classes Watson, artistic director, have announced a season to top last year's "We have adults and children of all ages December brings the Dylan Thomas dars"sir~*A u wonderful opportunity in front of us," Watson said in a recent interview t hild's Christmas m Wales " a nostalgic and heartwarming smry filled with aJI Cynthia Men! Br* and Into fhe WIKKI-. fanidy They will perform a four-hands recital of premiere arrangements of classical InlTm"diaii7Adv anted which frx_u>. on song selections and interpreta- audience, 'Aill be cnterijined this -ojj>n b> Sihoolhou,!" Kf«,k 1 1 vi-' on Fcb favorites and Gershwin standards This gain evening will coincide with (he ti in envmhlc vvorfc vou< and MUSK Theatre movement Private se->- h and bv a n^v, musical -."rsion of TT.- Hunchback of Notre Dame" on March grand opening of the Arts Center's new box office and patron services office, as ', •iri1. in WIIL'- and/or acting sf available Mervl a professional actress in 22 SCIKKJI groups will hi- able to take advantage of'Child s Chnsimas" as well well as the completion of the Arts Center's historic restorations the national theater arena for more than 2^ years, designs her classes to as "Three Strong Wraivn presented by Shoe(.tnnp r^ijNers and b> special The Headhner's Series u, ill feature classic country superstar Glenn Campbell prepar- th-j performer tor audition, and the professional stage .irrarigcment with the VL-A Jervj;, Shakespeare Festival their rounnp produc on Dra. 6. with his band in ' (ilenn Campbell's Rhinestone, Christmas On Val M'-r>l an original cist member in Tommy Tune's award-winning lions of ' Rorneo and Juliet "^ A Midsummer Night s Drram' and ' Macbeth " entine's pay, th-' I'CAC will present "The Ladies of the Pack " a follow-up to mu'iLal Nm" Anh Raul Julia, has played Eliza in "My Fair Lady", last season's sold-out presentation of The Coasters, The Drifters and The PlaJ- The Arts f enter v,ill also b-- the host to The WestficJd Symph«)ny (Orchestra or-jv/Mt? V.-I Hamson jr the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera Nellie in n-r, [ ailic .' J.II1 feature Thi-Sh,inpn Las Tru* Marwlettcs and Shirley Alston for "A Russian! antas> on Sept 2" and "The Glory of Great Britain" cm March South IJ,^ifl opfy,,n-- <",iorjt'ioTo/^i for the Kcnley Circuit and uppo- Reeves of "Hie Shirellcs On March 28 there will be the debut of Judy Collins at 21. "In The MIKKJ a 1'MOs revue and a benefit of Meals on Whects, 'I'I- f he.t.T I udj'in tor th'1 finLHinati Cirand Opera Honepse in "The the Arts C enter C ailed "The Voice of the Century,' Collins career spans three Iriv. onOct 19and in their annual h'-hd.i> show benefiting tfkt Ruhuay HoS-pi- Ga. r>i-"fj-- -.\ !h<- r-^mtv Lihrar;, rhcatrc in New. York City And again d'_vjdcs of gold and platinum albums tal foundation The Orchestra of St Peter by-the-Sed '>n D--^ I') T th" 1 Or. -ra Houv in ronneLtuut, Charlotte in 'Beyond J fhe \ mon Count) Arts Center will continue its popular fhcater Series in The Arts Center Box Office is Un JI-JU at l^il Ir-int,' S* Rtthv a> J< r infor- 7 IK rap •ppf..ifj F di Paul on in the revue 'Side B> Side Bv Sond-" l I I J 1 November with the pnxJuUion of the hit \ )W musical 'Into "J h:' Woods " With mation and res'.T.ations j|| " ' 2' 4'/> h!2n h**im i Arleri'- Francis Jlenninom fimpold Hans Conned and t iuj ilic iiU goes un '•. J fiddraiser f"r 'Vv > Af'f Men.) adapted Dickens' "A Chnstrn,r. C urol inf. a radio-st-vlc stage pfoducnon which has been presented bv f Carnival Productions announces exciting changes V. 'i A<~1 .rid •-fipp'Tf J I".. Ih- V^. tfield Y in l ^4 an'J 1'"^ In it sb- pli---t)Mr f r.ji Jnr ..rid .anou - riihtr n>','•'•, and Lfin^inLed pn)('.'Ssi-;ri,il Carnival Productions, Rahways award-winning theater company, has In addition to th*- hinni- of a guC'it director Carni il Pr' announced the line-up for their 1n *"iih thfaddi'ionn* •* nf J. '.•_•* Yi,rl ,'tr.,r !•. d >n.iti their talent', to complete the rest of the cast f Mei-v! dirvted ,md produLcd WV AH <. summer presentations of "A city's downtown business district in l >9S, matinees arid fhe Main S'rt-l ( ^barel '•1iJ unitn/r Niclit i Dr-_ im f arr>i>al 'Slape Limit 'Cameio' First up for theatergoers will be "All My Sons," the stirring modern Amen Our jttendaru" at marines hi^ ulwa;'-n "ncpriondi .'^t--rr c m- I ior. Do ( nme, of th- H'\in Mernh W<- Roll Along" and The ^an tragedv b\ celebrated plav wnght Arthur Miller The show which marks its so J--- felr it V.A\ rime t' a-Jd a perfftrmar^c '<•', in? ruri ol t'oth -.ho* Ni« only 50th annivcrary this year, focuses on the post-World War IJ, middle-Amencdfj 1 1 i f nikircri i Hour, and jil the WVAf I cinarcls laM year h-ing "A dfws tht^ pivpfvn acfir ; »hr rhaic* '" pe^fsTrrr *fi-- > ^ -v,. — r~ 'in-, "^ •J - r T f ^fiuJ ->;".'<:• f :""arLi'ntirii; TI'T • fhjri )Z plat' wnt'-'n ^,. IV 11 v(. s nf the Kclicr and Dccer families who thinly veil the effecls <>f wartime patrons can now elKjoso > hii.h Hid:,7.j- ., '•- 1 !• r 'i-" v.n-ed_ufe iraiicdtes, both overseas and on the homefront. As the characters strive to move St.irrin>.r .Mth "Ml M. S'>n« f.^'m- •>.i'< r'- icrit^.l 'h c dnl Si; ird.'.» ' M'T-l /oijl'Hit' t. _ .('urtj1 p- "Ii rr'.i-r. ri"i ju 'j^arcl'.h. curr-nt forward mtn tiieir respettivf luture-, the past tfiritinti'-, to haunl them and ulti each run match shatters then li\i" I hj Strtvt f abwet. whr.h 1 .urT^rat, t^,c,^ Jc-'; 'fx.d ior a Tail 4ebm Broa ,iw dr- '•) pdt[ the-atn^dJ -AITK-. arid 'All My Sons will be presented Vr.iv 7 l) and H IS The shov, will be fj/-flif -ittjr) arti't' *h'i"' "jisiiplm ,mJ !»• hniquj , preatly influsrice th' J.i]J ^ornbrn- (hi- mu 1 at and on.-d.e taiem- of --j-jr,, T^rn^-r, jr.rf >rae • c1irr( ted b, lif- l> 'iii' Rahwa> resident Hill Vjn Sant, who is also a to-founder of r r. - it y'>-Ji_. M-'rvli th. I'^firctipi ri''if the Optimi ' Muh •. F-nuid rtmsLs m A vnu? noi -jnli* '• th- cabar?'" v\u*- ir NJ-A Y irV f~ -, th • L'impjiii. and its artistic director i' ^i iuih *Ajrd for li mf'vm atior all '•''/''i Z' ' '--1 "Wheri we Jiv^d in ihi- cir> *: -pern J IO» "t im* i-- '*•-" judierr:-^ ' \ 'he*" fh-.' cdrripanv • winter, which will be presented in March J99H, 1- ^lubs" said Onquanta Th- Rjh*^ ar'_-j r \>\; i --,- ' .••" ari-'hmz thj- undecided at this time However ihe reasons for the delay hint at enulinp coni[).ir"s jrid we'd Jit t- 1 • fiJ! ihot .'.J 1 hanpe-s t >r th" Ihi ater w hich pcrfomis out of the hi Bodepon Restaurant at 160 The Main Sirecl C abar'-t will Icatur ont- J-' ' •<>• a< my ^ prev;i'-'J ""> Vv' Main Si m downtown Kahway man- of the company s p^st oerforrr^"-^ and < w 1 ' 1* -> -rJ' -' TV-,1 - }• r 'I.!- '.-a,'in we '.1' decided to hire an outside dircVtoj lor one show •One of our company mcrnb^r-. Mite Ream is a rn-.-n>v;-- ' a .k'-'-h- r.ej; Cafe Rock lives up *aid Carnival's co-founder and general manager, Wendy Cinqtianta of Kahway trourw -all-d Hrad f li -i-v.- ' and *•• .- r-^n (J" ••"':"•; *r»i id;.-) * lri hi* S,n>.(. ^(-"firsi fumie<] in l'C-O our anistic director has staged all of oui sh<>v. , input ( inquantd -aid As a 'hi ,itrv,il corTipjny »>• (• It that he not onl\ needed a break froni this rigor Carnival Production', wj i-nprijl'; founded ir, '- > l"iy* 1''i ' ' —-'•' » "ui ; ^ hut IIIJI auilioricfi would enjo\ the Nision of a different director We ic 1 to its name — gently fierman'-ni reh-.-jr^dl and p.rforrnariL'- .fj.- until \Jt-.i '**•** wrr','h •- I'X'V M 'wing n-surne^ from a number of are.* dirt-c .nt- ( al*- ^ulo,lnJJ r MurdriT nj.n;-r Marw- \i P>CKS. i'uf noi ii'-_.• •aril, ir th *a. li'- and ih lioi^.- til plj, Jill Iniii't jjrcatK on input from the sel"cli'tl .tji. on in th" ..ahjtre* '•!• '•" 'u' Cofe 1 \(.u rrnj'hi fhirit- Til • >at-' 'f(f:'. (jndida ' lh- in-dng-m^rit also».1 1 r>-v >ir-,-nri"" ' - 'h-_- house offerings are J-IM"! up with a ' \s Jlik" ' >|t,-r j qu.ihfi' 'J 'liitv tor the charn i- to hi Im a pel on.ilf.r-o option of dmn"r (heaier Revue 1 gfiierou, helpirif ni r • \ and r'-ll ntj show add d f niquadta so the choice ol ,t script is p-ndinj; our hiring of We're .ci,. lci^k; lu ru-s. llu> horrid amli^l C 1 nov abb L ) ' fl^r ouv pj'r-in ur, -.ntr;- nu'ht -u? .r, -i- . r,^'< .. r .' - • r. 1 l 7 1 r vthuli sugge't . a large Cj^n-.raii ;ri X T"n- t rripiio v.('\er th" .i Mjnij.ti"i ihul 1 rb<.r i u anci Cinquant'i im-'s point out 1h.1l .ludii'nccs '•hould dusi olf th -ir Ih.-jt rgo--r'. who _hoo ~ i . .siTipk- H B'>d"i 1'. foijf i^- 1; _- ' .j, IIIi emirorirti'-lit i uti' ' 'no ' tunny horipj t.orj>e iie^t Marcru, (to H 'r l.r," r- 1 n it includ" d in 'ti._ A r.i.,i' '• i, J '•- •>• p •!- Mr ' a in (he Laf*- h -'- uj, "Our v^avw C'ptri'-r and closer art- both rather heavj dTama^. ' the pen-.ial tht.i'ft .uitiriHernenrs. su^h a 'h. H>int-nJon H-il Pi.-it ''J>e m • • >P'irig ! -r ; gy rr, ir nan,;. TTic wafT- ar; d.voraied manager t ncwini/ed "We uant fo-frrw our patrons «)meo,ii pr ' 'h-' 1 plate to reel in rtvA an>1 m't hi«rt"r. j-ith album i".tr fn-ni f/»> and Sf> • n b*. ••'•p. . pccull, m the dead ol winter p -rforrriiirii-i' and have relatinge\''mnt' .n th' am i'., I and roll jn: I e-Jr-thin,; from ) if - j-. 11 I 1 which Cmqu.ii.i alluded will be Barbara Lihou, . A Ih-_re'- Jri jd.tK in if[( injdi. r iruit -ou ^jn < -'-rnpr't' AJ?!') ;'>./>J ^ J- : . • r liiiu, and *hu he 111-r to to ins rra npton ( njw-. Ali^" ' f" \ 4,'jiTi. ui.U.1 Vujxjjd. UetHlctiUJieepaf»«r«»l thrcvening »fpHTiWf''' f'rTVWTawa *WWi 3" 1 than iiiuic w-Uw iwvc-tkKl »»»*• n^rf—r pr,<;f-rt Tfi-- Tfs^T-pfTi'iml^nii X*.',jr ffiTi" hi ^ w filth AJI o^lJln.lll^ produced Oft Broadway uith star smile of txperiLiiting M ' i uit th. arnl"i in ' J.ell ili.tnil. Mihisd fiiib-.'ii iii.i. be more familiar to loi_al audiences as its incirndlion a> a fWpival Productions first full s-_*a-.on in downt.''J.n Rahw J> -_-arrif'J t.Sc-< 'rr> F"he cafi: doe . noi fcaiure li >' i ntt r in ihj background fat-ililatint' gix>d Hallmart Hall of f-,tme IV presentation under Hie title "Miss Rose While ' pany eight nuiinndliuUa ior lhe 1W6 ACT Awards which horvr dcbi*ve- tainmcnt. as us sheer squ;ir'' tootj^ conversation • and bringing bat I Krvo(\ing around a latnily in 1 otifhu ' A Sha>n,i Maidel - which in Yid ments in New Jersev coriimunil} theater arrrd die prc .-jnte-J ann'jali. " A' 'he will not ai.'i,!. such a lurur. memories foi iho^c of us fnalurc dish means "a prt'ttv girl - traces (he reldlionslnps between Mordechal W fi'.s, Aug 2T l'>'-*6 teremonv f arnr-al scored two wiri1. both for nV-u pr.scniation 'inounh to remember when these bul manages to aiirai I tustorn.'rs as if a Polish war rciugee' and his dadghters the Americanized Hose with whom h'- of" rhe I ion in Winter B--st Production of a Pla* mdbevi [>ir-^- .r «f ,. Plas •>onf . v.erc nc* i.Si^h ) it did I hi- highlight of C.ife KocK in escaped Poland, and I usia who has rtvjnth been JitX'rated Irom the. death for Van .Sani 1 the summer months is (he outdoor The onlv drawback to venturing camp , While th • stor, tat " mil' h (il Its pov-ti from the backdrop o) the liolo J he IW/ A ( I Awards will be band<*n SepT' M j'th • r -un' fJr-. '" cafe which is op"n until 10 p m on inside is- the small space, which s6me caust the real drama skTiis from the' Weis-. family ^ i'rnodon i- not a negative lornmcnt on the ser And coffee is only OIT. of ih> mi'nu '-ice by any means — the drinks do items which will catch your eve- not make themselves, and the bevcr Many different blends are offered, age quality is above par Counicr Summer Arts Festival celebrates another successful season including Cafe RoiJ -. n*n special worker^ knock themselves out lo ib. 'iwy Syniphtnry OfC>lfl^fra"'l:_?flT!reTi, JJA Symphony orTJarice" wa> hiend. and ,.ef.yaJ jt,^uUr HI .I-I tuifi -Ne • <^ wyocry; Tatrii< th Festival to hear the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra saw a day of straw spun sfxjnsored by UK- Chase Manhattan Bank and ted by (.ohductor David fran- puccmo and espreiso Many typ1-'1' (l' and welt deserving of your tips into an evening of pure gold Only those who know the quality of the concerts at manday. The evening was filled with selections that included the "(iypsy Baron herbal teas arc- aKo olfero-ii ITK luding a'(d the Union County Summer Arts Festival and the skill of the Symphony would (Overture" by Strauss and excerpts from such stirring pieces as "Swan L.iKc I.iNc- ( hai an Indian blend sf-rwj 1 f'df" Ri>ck li^atcd at ^ Lastrnan have known how great the evening was going to end up Alter all, il had rained Suite" by Ichajkovsky, "The Orchestra Suite from Beauty and the Beast" by with milk and hotK'» topped ^ ith Pla^c in f ranford, is a classic place to earlier in the day so that the concert was moved from its customary Echo Lake- Menken and the "Washington Pest Mari-h" by Sousa heanv lpiccs suth a\ \jnill> nd an Indian surnrner evening For Park location indoors lo the Cranford High School auditorium and then it got "It was an incredible evening of beautiful music," said freeholder ( am] I mon gmg'T clove and (.atdamoiit information, tall 276-05'^ hot and muggy C ohen. "On behall of I'nion County's citi/ens I have thanked the Cha^e Man- Y(jur hoi or told dnnks comt m hand 1 hattan Bank for generously sponsoring this outstanding New Jersey Symphony v to wash dow,fi some great dessert, T he crowds still came A total Of 1.100 people filled the auditorium to capac- Orchestra concert Without the support of companies like Manhattan rangmj-' I rum sinfully delicious A subscription to your newspaper ity, leaving some folks in standing room only at ihefentrancc And was the con Bank, we would be hard pressed to bring such talent W> the concert stage for cheesecakes and chocolate and peanut keeps your college student close to eert ever worth it! everyone s enjoyment' I would also like to thank the New Jersey State Council butter concoctions to delicately flu hometown activities. Call Children who arrived by 6 45 p m were invited to attend an extra special, on the Arts/Department of State and lhe National Endowment for the Arts who vorful pies and tones. 908-686-7753 for a special college free pre-concert "Dance Lesson" with members of the Princeton Ballet School, in part made this performance possible" It you venture inside, you'll discov- rate. the official school of the American Repertory Ballet Are You Having An Event? And Would Like To Let Every One Know. Located at Rutgers-Newark Campus offers training in: Legal Place Your Notice In v' ^Office Assistant toTUnton .jQSynJy resldenULJ^sseare01 What's Going On older. This program is Work Force & JTPAapproved. For What'm Goltig On is a paid directory of events (or nonprofit organizations It is rnore information cat . PRE-PAIDandcost3Just$2O.OO (for2 weeks) in Essex County or Union County and just $30.00 for both Counties. Your notice must be in one of our Offices by FREE 4:3O P.M. on Monday for publication the following Thursday. Offices ou r located to those who qualify (973)353-5147/5971 at 463 Valley St., Maplewood. 170 Scotland Rd.t Orange. 266 liberty St., Bloomfield or 1291 Stuyvesant Ave., Union. • Featuring: NAME Phone ADDRESS CITY ZIP * ALL THAT DANCE 505-517 MORRIS AVENUE • ELIZABETH ESSEX UNION COMBO. Write your ad In spaces below and mall to: 903-353-4118 WORRALL NEWSPAPERS The Professional Studio For Quality'Dance Education Hugo selection of redwood P.O. Box 158, Maplewood, NJ 0704O and pine playsets. DAY DATE 19 Delivery & Installation available! * EVENT ____^_ Call for a FREE wineset August 27th & 28th from 4-8PM color swingset catalog. PUCE arenouse Classes begin Wednesday September 3rd Bring in this ad and receive * TIME I « $5 OFF on either Little Tikes PROFESSIONAL CLASSES IN or Step 2 with any $50 or Open 7 days BALLOT • TAP • JAZZ • POIWTE • AEROBIC FITNESS -LYRICAL ACRO-OYMNA9TIC8 • CREATIVE MOVEMENT FOR TOT8 • HIP HOP .^ PRICE ~. I more purchase. Union; 2432 RL 22 East BOYS HIP HOP ACRO • ADULT TAP 3fC ORGANIZATION I Not to be combined with any other offer. 1-800-794^473 Excludei prior *ale*, promotion* & tale ltem», (next to OfficeMax) , Join The School That Cares And Makes The Difference! ^ I Expires 9/15/97 1 Mlrhflc Selvciilo Kowahkl Director • Certified By DMA*DEA*FTJTA*NADAA*AJ-n" '^H For more information call 763-9411 WON UW I L j ^^^ /^F** ^^^ '^T^ "^r^ ^I*- ^^' *^^* ^^f^ "^P* ^^r^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ -^^^ ^^^ "^f^ ^i^ PAGE B4.— THURSDAY. AUGUST 28, 1997 WORRAU NEWSPAPERS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT People of all faiths will enjoy the Renaissance Fair 0 & . . . i. ...i . ... ihrt Artists' Quarters is tut tood and ."1<> .«ut v and books ,„ the Art.sts Quart** The annual Jew^h Renaissance Fair has a new look. On Sunday, the 15-acrc fied in a celebration of Judaism, arc attracted from the tn state area and beyond go towards projects furthering Jewish education All prolix I i\>m the 1 an campus of ihe Rabbinical College of America in Monistown will be irans- The natural beauty of tbtf 15-acre campus is a perfect setting for the Jewish a.r .* a.LiMc for %2 off the gat* pnec. Tickets lormed into an exciting world of drama, music and comedy. Renaissance Fair From the Shtetl in the woods as you enter, to the Artists' in New Jcp>e\ Ad\ and* IK ••- . , ., Cuiting-edge drama and rock-androtl for the soul is what il is all about Led Quarter under the pine trees, from Comedy Central in an oasis of willow trees. ite 57 SO lot children .•••*". "•'• w«.I flMX) for adults, as well as special ' t i . f , ,n«m«. 1111 oieini/ition.s Children under 6 arc free. Tickets hv the phenomenal cast of BT Media's "Twist of Faith." the Fair adds great to the Main Stage in the open field in front of a panorama of valleys and hills, to theater to it* history of stars of music and comedy the Storybook Haynde. where characters from the story emerge from the forest The mam stage boaMs a theatrical production, full of laughs, drama, insight to jump into the wagon, each area is its own dreamlike world of celebration I HY p-ukint: w.ll Iv piovidoJ :>! Itif A I'JtT parking lot on Mt/Kemble Avc , and wonderful song It rs Off-Broadway at US r*m The audience will be repeal- Route 202 South. I mile oil the Crccn in Momstown. From Route 287, take ing its lines and singing its songfc for some time to come For the hungry Fairgoer, there will be plenty to enjoy ranging from knishes and i om burgers from the gnll to more exotic fish kabohs and gourmet salads l"xit 2') HAHIM RO.UU-MI .indlotlow sipns nus 4.(KK) car lot is the only facility Iniact, theater abounds at every ium. One can stroll through Ihe Okie World larg/ciioiich io handle iho . io» cK .\ continunii-! bus shuttle w.ll wisk fairgoers " Strict), waictiinp of talent is not nients tor strollers. ,ind cnienainment will ^ provided in the parking lot even juggler, mindrcadcr or magician on the wa> to the Artists' Quarter or CHiId be found anywhere Carnival games, Arts and Crafts Village, mini-golf course. Ufoto von i-iitei the fairgrounds rcn\ Wonderland or while punicing on grilled fish kabobv Tofutti nr cotton ha%ndes. humperboats, many hands-on workshops, Jewish Concentration, a [ or mote information, call candy. Theater II is comedy central for a lot of fun. Ine I V game show and Special Comic Olympics add to all the excitement HK- ram date 1 aN»r Sept Over 10,000 adulLs and children from every background and affihaiion, uni- And this year fine pnee of admission includes everything Hie only cost inside 267-<>4M) OFF We Feature a Variety Of Daily Specials CHILDREN UNDER ? FREE DINNER $6.95 10% DISCOUNT (4:00PM-11:00PM) Free Off-Street Private Parking WITH THIS AD I FAST .FREE DELIVERY (Minimum Order $8 88) 654 M. Point Rd. • Elizabeth AH Ma|or Credit Cards Accepted •'.if' TO <'Viiv SHO 'CoTiflr of Fulton S 7th SI) TAKE OUT BUFFET : Btock South of Elizabeth General Hospital 908-289-4343 TEL: (908) 688-5770 OR 688-5980 LUNCH $3.50 (Lb.) • DINNER S5.00 (Lb.) [""•SEEHSZM""! SO ITEMS PQft ONE LOW PRICE [ 10% OFF j

^^^^^^^^BWSP^lHpffWWWyyffMBSBB^^^^^^^^^^y I MSJ^T PRESENT COUPON I New ^^^^^•••••••^•'•'i™J^^^^^ I Expims B-31-B7 WON • We Accept Misteroard, Visa & Discover !__—_____ J Jersey Ballet School 867 NORTH STILES STREET, LINDEN ^ T«l (908VS87-9216 * Fax (90S) 5S7^9218 -... .J & COCKTAIL LOUNGE Beginner*fltfyfmfwttofMli 'FREE \ CELEBMTING OUR CMdrtn, Tiem, Adur^ \Trim1 Gtmmgl LIVINGSTON • SOMERVILLe* MADISON HER S GROVE PRESENTS Friday Night Dinner BuM THEIR €

•» LUNCH BUFFET (C1 UI_ YOU CAfsl EAT ' tesefi •fe f rStfe • Chew CHANGES DAILY DOORS OPEN: 7:00PM - 1:00AM * DOOR PRIZES • DONATION $6.00 Sa-p • Uid Ba* Deswi Mtonrt tot INCLUDES; SPECIAL APPEARANCE BY BAVARIAN SCHUPLATTLERS GERMAN SPECIALTIES 24OZ.N.Y. Sirloin DINNER FOR 2* SERVED FROM 7:00PM ! Annivtrsary Special •Valid Anyiime • From SAUiRBRATtN . nOULAOEN - OOULASM . SPAITZLi 24 oz. Delmooico Steak Dinner Menu *fliD CABBAGE . BRATWUHST . UB1RKA1SI - $ OO Msi viiifl with omsf spisiiis BIIP TARTAR - PBITZti.S • flAUIRNWURST c,- ofers • Eipirei 9-30-B7 '1135 Must pftsBW coupon ftot to Imported a Domestic Been* German Uqoon ; IO OFF receiving check TfcKfUFIC VTEAKS • FANTASTIC UNBELIEVABLE 225* MORRIS AVENUE • UNION ,1 (308)688-1421 FOR RESERVATIONS 1230 Route 22W (»O8) 686-12O0 FARCHERS GROVE 4O3 Higgins Avc Mounininsidiviuuniiiin^iuou I Clifton OPEN 7 DAV6 SPRINGFIELD RD, UNION, NJ (908)233-5300 (201)746=6600 Bficlfe CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED OOBJ 528-1255 A Career in Health Care Is Well Within Your Reach BACKYARD COMPOSTING? you can do it. Excellence in UOC's health care education is evidenced by virtually 100% of our graduates passing their Now is your chance to learn from the respective examination to practice experts. Professional Nursing, Radiography, Occupational Therapy Assisting; Physical Therapy Assisting, Respiratory Therapy Four classes will be held for Union County residents and Practical Nursing this Fall. You can afford it. At less than $210 per 3 credit course*, plus scholarships, grants. Joans, work study and payment plans! UCC is your best value in higher SIGN UP NOW! education We'll help make it fit The seminars are open to all Union County residents. Pre-registration is required your budget Spaces are limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. You can fit it in. Attend full or part-time, days, evenings or weekends at any of our September 16,1997 at 2:00 p.m. (Scotch Plains Municipal Building) easy to reach campuses September 24, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. (Springfield Twp. Municipal Bldg.) Together, we can make it happen. Here'you'll get free tutoring, faculty October 2, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. (Cranford Municipal Building) advising, career exploration and planning as well as employment October 17,1997 at 2:00 p.m. (Hillside Public Library) placement services. Support and « - J guidance whenever you Fail Semester begins September 3rd. need it, to hefp REGISTRATION FEE - $10.00 you succeed. Put a great career within your reach. " In County Get in touch with UCC. ReSidenf Each seminar includes a video presentation, a question and answer session and a "hands on" composting demonstration. At the end of the seminar, participants will receive a how-to-book on Selecting a backyard composting and a compost bin (a $40 value). Rewarding Career Union County Utilities Authority union John G.rCullfsh, Chairman COUNTY Katherine Fulcomer, Vice Chairman For More Information Richmond Lap'ollg, Secretary COLLEGE James Kennedy, Treasurer Or Registration

CRANFORD 'ELIZABETH * PLWINF1ELD • SCOTCH PLAINS Blanche Banasiak • " Thomas P. Granholm Call: Richard E, Hunt William A. Ruocco We're Your College William Wolf Alt. James Grubs Alt. Walter P. Edmonds (732) 382-9400 (908)709-7500 Joseph A. Spatola, Executive Director http.7/ Harry Pappas, Deputy Executive Director ,'•-• /•"

WORRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1997 — PAGE B5 Worrall Community Newgpapers Presents

1b place your FREE ad, call To reipond to an ad, call I-800-382-171« 1-900*786 Anytime, day or night. ' $1.99 pt-f mlnule, You muil be 18 or Both number* work with TruiihTonp1*1 an

SEEKS HAPtLEV MAN... . IRISH EYES A 3MIUN0 , STtLL LOOKINQ 38. yr old, divorced whiti 27 yf old. 5'10*, 1^ Ib, dngle •Syroltf, 5'10*. 16916, gay wmii \ si i MM; female; smoktr, 'bMr'drMker. MIA M.I.HIM; loving white mile, seeking a whitf .professipnai male, MIS Lovei Ills, enjoys long iwlks, single black, Asian or white heillhy. Stirartfye ana drug Hie belch, her Hality and u«nn\ female, 18 10 35. wtsp « drug frit,' Disiffsf, outgoing mor#. Seeking a man. wfth a • 1 and disease free, BOX 10748 and aincBft. SSeking a gay Hartey and a »*n»« of humor, white malt, 45,to .60, who WEEK #/ tOViSfB DANCE il hon#if.. stnc#re and Vbung M hnn nra In lopfc.3 6 2' urujlo wluW pfo*M*on»l setkinf a Friends'tiie' BOX 39 yr old, SB*, IMS; _„_...„ mile is seeking, s tall of SO plus, whto jewiih prWeS. wfiif male, clean' art; non- 1-314-Z.:' sienal female: enjoys dancing OfMntsI .fernaie,- 45'.' W 37^ August 28th- 2* yr old. 6'r, 155 t. singte smoker, social 'drinker, drug and who (B easy floing, plMsant exercising, culfLtrai ivenis lemale, yght skinrwd. Setking deMM free. Enjoys rm male, moderate drinker.n.o^ gie white pfutessionil male Eh(oy» hanaina out and hay. out, quiet tifnjs and mart: . 45 to 60;- finamwlfy sseure' ing smile Marriage mhoed. fmok#t.,t um jo&d looking, ifi'h'BOX 14636 :• Seeking a femalo with Mfdar BOX 13186 •...; non smoker, with simMr inter. jntsrBSIs, (or• ^iend^up, prss^ .,m^toulin*andlim Seeking Mis BOX 38467 ' WEEKIND COMPANION bit reWnnshp/BOX 11447 • CHRISTIAN ' •a';,pft>f»isional b> or .gay', si*)l» mal*", 40 to 60 BOX PfolesSional single, biick 1 ClWffian gBniltman HEAB FROM VOU 1 FUN 4 BISPONSIiUE j 1903B , • • SOON?? (emsie seeking singW white •tasking to nisei ameers' mar- male who nmtit mau m a 90 yr oW, 610", trim, prates- 31 yr old. 57". single, white nig#; minded Christian •'• '•••.'"'LET'S BE FRIENDS possiWi relationship, Non stona! malt, nonsmpkBr. npn- wortisn,. SS 10 SO If you love *1 yrotd, S'B", .i,9S lb.' Union female ,pretty, wiih long smokof afld very light dnnker. dnnKer wffh brown hair, blue thf J.ord Jtfus. gwg m« a county, clean cut, dfuj-free, brown naif, 15 seeking a Enjoyg indooi and outdoor. eyes ana sweet baring, smgle white 'paJl BOX 13439 nan timotyng. &'whrtf male, MUCT PRIStNf C^Mffl adivrtiss.-.MUst hive sirnilar beard Enjoys peeking a-nommi Br-pf Qay male, SM to 39 ,hln tg ^^ inltrests,1 BOX 1473i writing, urn tjijila Enjoys the board. maie for ffiends-h*p Age a^p€ mayies. long race uiimpoli''! BOX • *s!k music, movieq ana SEtEK A GOOD FRIEND *iM. bowl- LIMIT A«anl«;Crty, BOX 18002 ." 10 yr m, ST. i« to, Mt* ..J534S., „...... ,.:.- , . . PUT THE BILL? Bkinnad, single, Afro Seeking . a SINCIfti AND OAfllMQ , 3 GOOD 8/28-9/4 At!factiv,e M year DW white American. Bfnpibjfad mother reipon-s1b)# 4Jyr,oli B9' ' 165'ib, itn- female. 57". ana 11o0f one, as we» as••» roUsge female. SO to gle gay white' p'ofessi&nai ' UWHWHI1 Illl y j pounfjs Looking tot j,fituaant: spontaheous, open 40. Call lor rrviiif with b^own,ni,F ^iy,^. rriinaea and indepffiOent ..ftMttiiy, (run {troinMmal ! whits male, 4Q 10 to. with a tion'l BOX 131SJ "aKj'" trim Se!* *S a iir--'' outaoof acirv^ies and time wttn ehiiaren Enjo/, Vm eere. eiirinj i,';#'nasfi--p, MUST PRESENT COUPON medium build tar friendship my dajghter BOX *016i ROMANTIC MALE arid a possible long term shore, theatre, dining 6'yt SO yr old. white-mala. : relationship Btix '38568 DANCER... • ana slaymg at •wms %&$f j fe'rrr> ".rfttiionehjc, " Want btMnem owner wjfi a sense 51 female, Z9 !0 40 inte-rBSiea in #0fflegne age 40;;*c= £5,' FRESH, NEW CROP 81 yf sW i'4\ 130 |), pttite humor Enjoys niovies dmng SINC1RITWHONE5TV,, (emilt laves hanging out' st mseling a quality gyy f^r )QTQ * BQ>: 15469 ;•.-'; ' ?B yi oW. queen sizeO awte- ou^ and msre See^.m^ an lerm BOX 13433" BANANAS; night If interested, .call BOX 1 »r/e ritBlIiJBnt, blac+ fefaie atraaiw female trm. *m sm HAPPY ANO UPiEAT 13088- OPEN MINDED MALE jreai sense 01 humor srcem liar interests BOX 11465 M yr did. 5:5%. 125 fa. gi/ *0 ft -Wd. 5:.9" 190 (b. Macintosh • franer. Enjoys rn3«rs dytre DOWN TO EARTH.,.., NOT INTO BAB SCENES o' a nee evening at nome Eafty SO's. injlB whitt Enjay water skijng, tnps to female enjoys flafjeing, god 40 yr old 5 8" 190 IB, while. wMe Tiais.. nevf m-»Tfie3." . Aiianiic Crty. f*yc. for Q8.W Looking tor a bla* male, 3D to malt, drug and disease fret. 35. fttic is passionate, hones movies Seeking a sincere, • no c^Vidren. n^n smgir-ef ani opera. Seek i gay wtw.s honest, trusting, single white rare tociai pnik*'. E/;E- r^aie w?^5 13 t€Hoe? ioy^ng drinker, enjoys movies. !hs APPLES ! • JiMia, SO » SS, tor. pOMWa- »,. .flinrfig. "oyi . aofl undsrsiancteoe is (am a. long tenr. felaf'fjn&h'p BOX•'.•' long (en- feiaiignsfiip BOX DIVORCED MOTHER 1370! parks, flea mafkeu ana and T'O'e See-iiirig einpa'.' 6;8\ mtam more. Seeking, a female, J6 ionsriip with epin pj-id hwi- PUT YOUR HEAD OH..,. lessoria! lemsie setWig a laf. LOOKING FOR LOVE !.& 47. for ^dfripaRi^nship fist female 30 io 4S any educated pnsOTal man tjjie single *hrts femaie fnenosniD, RSismBle long term »a:e SOr 13439 .,.Wy.SMOUi,pIR' If: ,?, *K knows wnai he warns r, hare! #yes, iusurn hgif In reistionsnip'-'BOX 37706 ' 4:3 maie sstkiF-.g EXPLORE N6W THINGS •vf^ is'.hifies;, taring.. •We. M you are fmanoalfy and sssreh pf singii BHracii»t. MAKE MY DAY! •smo'.-iniiiy secure ' 5and- wtwf, alaclf or Hispafic maim MaMt *s ^eekjn^ a sponta= if>iei.i'gen' ana efjptoyea 15 y otfl. 5 10" tmpCTvi ' "*M, ^flft mmaes . WW 5i- htortdshe: games' H ya-j enioy inf •tennis. vollfiy sai.' *>rK:^g. •wish Oinster. \ Hardworking^, male whs is 1 Entoys walla, music. trg**i. •p^ach and Psi^oivatrr the t'lPS, ft S>wl&: 'ail' -,} t/j'. M»s, spontanBoui and open rmrid; fJYC, baJiel and msie1 Sesii. BOX 15723 moms, qu« lm» and mom ffttaire in NYC. traygiinB, ana ©a SesNing a If mile Who is more: g™ m© a •sa'J' BO* a gay n*ii1e malt lv ' iong SOMEf MIND NEW positive minded BOX 11395 1SS14 le'rr'. Je'4ti5-,shif. BO'/ S;r",g; wnile 'emais, 20 5'3' tiitrmtkL jEHsiv AM YOU OPEN MINDED? B : P»M#.- Sariser black hair. «0i. 5'6*, bom Agari. aryoraed Tali, well Built, professions! 20 y> old, single wfv>*t maif Oisw-'Jey»s Seeking sentus whilo teTab wWo » iifraetKt, male who enjoyi gfoofl conver-. reiat*bnsn rs ana Baueatea. E,nft/t spoftt. , gallon's. laugMing ana mbff 'who epjoys : teorts ins B"; stuaiiive. Itaiiai or travel and BdyenfurB. s#*mg a Seeking 1 mature female *W more. Seeking a t,#t'it ftOMIA Ml MM, female is rtavf ij P'snth. brown inair, blue Bom Agam. smgie *hiit male, simitar irrt»r«sti, BOX 3W43 wit" U 0*11A eyes SB v>m MX 31477 lali. eduqattrt, suooirtut, m posatple' sating anomo™ BOX40Cet 397D) 10 for *TTN:JOl" "' ^ till t.MO-7^2400 JOE. vvpu ans«fsd my id • 11 W trnmin'. It nth o« Jui/31ti,fiiiB044)rdidfl't PLEASE QIVI A CALL! get yp.jr ^mt n III Female stekiig womt» zf Please call back.. to 45 (enjoy thf """' to sotak 10 ma,. on We you.!' '!( orrant BOX LIMIT BOX '15491 GOOD 8/28=9/4 GOOD 8/28-9/4 1 LOVE YOUR 8R0WW NWL M^^M :^Bi ^M ^M BM ••-•' FOUSH ITS SO VO&us, *w^ ^"ifc* MUST PRESENT COUPON

1 REDDEUCiOUS ^YOURI THI ONI September 4th- SpMITHINO S'8", fuM CASUAL ured. September 11th 5*8". fit.'ittracflvi, newly -mother »»ho enjOyi drvoried, wh,fe profBtlional movies, -amyiemeTif motiBr. seeking a prof#stiona! parks, the my, fl 8 B,. rtip mtlt,' M;fo 49. who is tafl and-Hi-'FOR. Mop ana mors' Stttijfig i •^od looking, for dating. Kids ' RIAL female! Si to 32, for friend, •are fme.,,BOX 1S589 . ; Dimrced whrte. proftssjornl ship. and. Sun times BOX fimale, 5'3"; BlwiB* hair, sin- 114.V4'.' .'..!. . '...• .; ;. . cere.; warm, un&ttfish: spon- It yr old, single whiif pfofii- '.•.•t70'lb: wk). CALL ^ -white female. 40s taneous, fun iaying-.-fi'n»neial- iiSrial mile seeking a single coll»p..profe»aDr .and; romanite* d6wn to earth, car. tyand^e-fnolionatty secure 1ri whrte lemale, ZS 1S>'3'5.- who'«., ;fe hortes!; -conf (derate • •'••: MI! " UMIT II ing'iaay.seeki an hootsi, onei search.of single or divorcsd. ;outjstng,:. :juh" loving" ind aria.Mnrig Enjoys intemaiioH. ie.yr old, 5-'. 195 16, single MUST woman man, tor,lasting rtla- while' pr.pfB5SMfiai,:,;fnale, 41 •romaniic: Ehjoys. spending.: allrayei, Sieafre iwirnrntng. Fjlack female seeking fulf fig, iBoship. 4S-» SS Middisse* plus- with sajTIfi "rjuiKties. iienf', 'together,' movitf -, the; tti# ootdoors. rard gafr*»ii and urid. female who lifces to' ;; County BOX 3?4?B'. BOX 3S457 , , ' .;.-• atfr, travel and; more • BOX fTipre-;Se#l« m actrve-Senaer. have .fun and talk on the phone BOX..10S83 * L _ '^SSiSmStSMkM 1i 1JB10 .-'.•••• ',- ' . '•.'.-.".•.•'•• wellf sby'tated. rvs. while GIVE MI A CALL HHDDLESEX COUNTY OX 13B4B ¥r LIT ME SPOIL YOU! - . ; 'I-''., A (fivtirced white female inrays ftrowh l^ir ipjj eyes', .fnjoys ; fit the outdoors, dancing and " danw^- go«,.'m6vieli iiay to, male ,is seeing ; Malt who snp^s quiei tiEfjtsy •.-'.. -• " CHANCE • .reading.. Seeking an honest, ' ,gei,-*fohg"~wjth."Seekjhg^honast. pasiionaiet monogarTipgs cuddling.'ana mqre Seeking 5 7". attractive bi. Jarflaicln • MUST PRESENT COUPON • sineere, humorous, gantlt, wtQ^BaiW tnsl^irtiy, wigle relationship .with a 111, fon a /nature female. 45 of okjer, female is seeking, a bi: s1 •man. 4610 5S,aO3(.1;4140 wrwie male. SO to SS ' Smoker '•Hfyg enjoys the (.ornB^fly , of bipjk dr.:Hfispsnic. female,. female who works out Lers, 1 1 CRISP, GREEN i jhart special fun times".1 irj. old frierid and likes id 6#^' slim, attractive,, who knows 1 'spoiled. BOX 3WS8. ; ";'•'." •'.' what; she wants BOX 4- 5'7 MT- lyp'tjgurtd. single . • FIRST TIMtAp BOX 18268 .;•: , BlacH. lerTiaiiviivWg a sin-' P|nane»(y sacure. "•; TAKJNO IT SLOWLY A NEW BEGINNING!' •". 1 gle black malt; jjto 3J.wha cms isfiofflaneous B'f. well bijilt brofess«nar • 40 yr-'oH, 6'3*,- 195 to, good PLATONIC ':•* 1', & 10" or taller with a' rhBdi- evwyttirig. One. wornan man hardworking, Afncon It^oktng ronnaritK, dwQrc^J'J FRIENDSHIP gm 10 laro« built) Enjoy hav- looking fc tnowe 3WMS 45 Amencsn male is.seeking a wtiite iriale i»iyife dad Lnjo/s 27 yr, old. siriglo black fernaNj It •nq fun Want someone nip! to 55. good guy to pat/ wnh woman, 3S and'otder. who is sptfCWtor stxjrts dining out seeking 3 drug free fertiak? ligpnt 3dventuroU5 good •and read" the Sonclay newspa- emotionally and financially a firpplac^s cooking tor a niatonic friendship. humorod BO/ 1 SS 10 pers BOX 32452 stab(e If you enjoy good times wrth so*r>eon*i Eni'Jyi talks laughter times, mustc, OLrtdnofs ifium njovies and more, BOX LEAVE THE PAST. SERIOUS CALLS ONLY ivtiite tomato 30 lo 40, wtio «. 1637J BEHIND' . 5'7- i.ngid mg, good conversations and 50 yr oW S3" *#v$e white mofa, call! BOX. I BOX 38060 white fsmale (Brunpfle witti femate with' brown hair green green eyesj IOVPS movi*>5 eyes. wt>5 s easy to oer along OPEN MINDED MAN A POEM FOR YOU. r lirlg walks fjn'JItiiight rjm with Fripys mcr/ies walks 20 yr oki. wspectful. lovmg and 39 yrold. j'9' 185 1b husky j nr r ^rid n"tore Seeking ti sin ilmpng out and more Sookmg cansssn'tg type of seed g»ve me n#ver married., childless, non H\KTM,KS gle wlnta male n^n 'jriokei a single wrtEte male non yotjr heafi and kxfc#d n my Sinoking wtyte n*jaie., a. rare I BOX io76« amckBt. far a lurtp term reia- Byes you wi be. took s fantasy .social drinker, from. Union county. . En|oy &p«ciafor SOON TO BE DIVORCED tx-nsmp BOX 38775 waiting for you to sa*. I promise you it wl» not tail BOX 39064 Sporis dining out, outdoors 40 something luiian SIGNIFICANT OTHER museums etr, Seeking CHESS PAWTWER GOOD 9/4-9/11 Catholic lems'ie sflphmg .1 3« il CM bur 108 Ib 6lrm VERY PROMISING friendship, possible perma- WANTED gentle lo/ing smce-rp cfuldi(=ss very pretty single Tall well txiill male with t»g nent relationship, BOX .38443; Female is stseking a MUST PRESENT COUPON male whg m ••real', wrth Jpwiih professional female prown eyes hair r. in or near ifl(«9fity fltrjrals. valors rvyn smoke* and *ug-»r«e Hnjoy* Working out and Jiujch w Jersey hongr:and M* DI .hiirnor hanking a trim single white more ' Seeding a professional O mate, AO to 55, who 45 a non female who 13 open minded; .BOX 11665 MUST PRESENT COUPON 1 LOW FAT TALL BLONDE LADY :smoker. .for a long tertri reta- with similar interests BOX Aftiact've sngle wtjita terrjie. Donship Else* county BOX 16061 GOOD 9/4-9/11 J 36 50' 13S IDs. hazel eye* 15110- GUIDELINES YOU'RE THE ONE Call 1 900 7862400 non swibker, M and actwe WEEKEND FUN 11.99 p«r nun , 11 yun gi olilir I En)oy» mwes dancing 35 yr oW, single father who pp &9&Qrr>p*. HO Srngi* Black •; female wtto enjoys sports, the outdoors, CAN YOU PABSI. CRISP, GREEN ! gourmet foods. oOKJoo'S and enjoys long walks, talks, fof the contents of. of vartouispoiw Seeking attrac- working out. roflerbiading the test? 40 yr old, profes- to, any. p6r$o weekend lun and more .difting out, movies and more. sional gay white male, 5'8" and. $iJGh liabHtty Wo. 6:r plus. M and adrve. Seeking a Christian rnale. 18 sjfcfutiveiy with tho noh. smoking single white Seeking a single or divorced, 160 lbs; I am heallhy. good to- 25. with similar interMii white female, non smbket, looking, sincere, honest, m&Qr of, ot rt/ale. 30 to 40. with similar SOX 39797 W, such atfv •nififBste BOX 32d prepared Id read from the script. Equity Galleries of Summit, will again be Sale on Sept, 20 from 10am to4 p.m. and non-equity performers welcome. available to give verbal appraisals free The Springfield Library and Donald The arts center is located at 160T of Charge In addition, this year, B Palmer Museum are located at 66 Irving St., Rahway. For information, Remmey will bo offenng a tree Seminar Mountain Ave , Spnngfield. For infor- call (732) 499-0441. at 10 a.m., titled, "Attic Trea- mation, call Susan Penxiahos at (973) sures,, How to Buy and Sell at CONCORD SINGERS membership m 379-4990 Auction." open to all women wfio love to sing and' v to area high school girls who read mus- Another new feature is a Gift Basket GARDENIA Installation by Cindy ic. Rehearsals are held on Mondays Auction, featuring baskets created by Tower" runs from Sept 5 through Nov from 7:30 to 10 p.m, at St John';, the various grades at Braylon School. 2 in the Palmer Gallery at New Jersey Lutheran Church, 587 Springfield Ave These theme baskets will range from Center for Visual Arts Summit. A season Wckoff will be held Camping to Sieepover to a Teddy Bear NJCVA is located at 68 Elm St., on Sept. 8. The music for the Dec. 14 Picnic Other features include a Coun- Summit For information call (906) concert 'will be introduced try Garden, Kids Komer, Snack Bar 273-9121 and Bake Shop For more information, call Janet NEW JERSEY CENTER FOR VIS- Murphy at (908) 276-1494 Jewish Renaissance Fair v/ilf be held on Sunday on the campus of the Rabbinical Col- Admission is 55 and pariung is free UAL ARTS will present art work by ; lege of America in Morristown. Michelle Post; opening Sept. 5 FUNCTION TEN will hold auditions for' The exhibit will hang in The Mem- their fall production on Sept. 9, 10 and ART SHOWS bers Gallery. NJCVA is located at 68 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. The production will side sealing U ' if, '.JM-J-H"', Rabbinical College of AmenCa iri'Mpr- QPPQSITES, a diverse media exhibit Etrn, St., Summit. For information,- call be a celebration ol diverse cultures. f^t-lic Thurs- rvstown Children's. activities, carnival by New -Art Group, wit! hang at the (908) 273-9121. Auditions win be held at Oscaftta car tr»e gr-«»a»e«t sounds of Watchung Arts Center through PresbytenanXhurch at 1689 Raritan lounge in Uu- library s ^inurn roc> performed by local bands games, an artsand-crafts village, mini- JAZZ...WHATEVER, an exhibit of fig Saturday. Road in Clark For information, call An extra fea'ure th" '_.UT.-W wl1 be Weekend pertormances include golf course, hayrides, bumperboats, ural paper collages by Kat Block, will Gallery hours are 1 to 4 p m week- (908) 602-2173 "Game Night' m the cale ana library Di'jes, roots and roeH music. An hands-on workshops, among other be on display at Swain Galleries from days and Saturdays The arts center is UNION THEATER GUILD will hold meeting room ei'e'y M upscale aid traditional blues botneh is activities and events, are planned. Sept. 7 through Oct. 3. An opening located on the Waichung Circle For p-'ffsented ever^ Sunday reception will bo held on Sept 7 from 3 auditions for "Oklahoma''' on Sept 9 from 6 to' 8 30 Ches,5 v Advance tickets are discounted. information, call (908) 753-0190. Tr.e G'ossroads is located at 78 to 5 p.m. The artist will give a lecture and 10 at 7 p.m. games will be available \w '.host ir-;ctr- Regular ticket prices are $7.50 for r r r f-Jort1". Ave Garwood For info-imation, VOX GALLERY will present recent and demonstration on Sept. 18 at 7:30 Everyone will be taught a song from estfi Bnng a Dartne 0' .ome - i and children between the ages of 6 and 12, C9" rjOB) 232-5666 works of Danniefle Mick and Sy p.m the show and asked to sing it Some find a partner antf havtj 5 challenging and $15 for adults. Children under 6 Shames throughout August Musicians with their instruments, may be asked to read from the senpt evening white enjoying a cup of coffee. ELLAS BAR * GRILL presents live are free. Auditions are open to adutts and col- Musical and other on'siamme^' \r- Gallery hours are Tuesday through and dancers are the figures arranged musical entertainment on weekends. Rain date is Sept. 1. For information, lege and high school students presented on schedtj'ed days Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., by Block, who refers to her work as "a The tavern is located at 648 Franklin call (973) 267-9404 Auditions will be held in Bumot Those interested m Deriorm^.g a! Thursday from TO a.m: to 8 p.m. and design celebration of jazz." S* Eli2abeth For information, call School Auditorium located at Morns the Music BOX Cafe should submit a Sunday from noon to 4 p.m., The gal- Gallery hours are weekdays from i&Jf}) 352-6405 lery is located at 444 Springfield Ave., 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday to and Caldwell avenues in Union For resume or letter of introduction \n PHYL'S PLACE presents live musical Summit. For information, call (908) 4 p.m. The gallery is located at 703 information, call (973) 377-8058 Susan Permahos. Springfield Free entertainment on weekends READING 273-2551. Watchung Ave , Plainfield For infor- between 5:30 and 6:30 any evening Public Library, 66 Mountain Ave The tavern is located at 836 Eli- Spnngfield, 07081 NEWARK PUBUC LIBRARY has mation, call (908) 756-1707. SUMMIT CHORALE will hold audi zabeth Ave., Linden. For information, CLUBS opened a major exhibition celebrating tions for experienced choral singers on VAN GOGH'S EAR CAFE presents an cai (903) 925-8990 GREAT BOOKS DISCUSSION GROUP at Springfield Free Public the New Jersey Symphony Sept; 16 and 23 at 10:15 p.m at artsy coffeehouse atmosphere Jazz SHOUT! presents live musical enter- r Orchestra's 75th Anniversary. "In Har- AUDITIONS Brother's Chapel, located on Dr(2W fJight is pr^sc-nted every Sunday ''o ' :^sinmc..r,; rjf-v weekend-5 Library is seeking new members to enrich their discussions. The group is mony tor 75 Years — The New Jersey HEAD CHEESE. Rahway's resident University campus, Route 124, Madi- 8 30 to 11:30 p.m. Sunday — The The tavern is located at 116 Watch- reading and discussing short works Symphony Orchestra, 1922-1997," will comedy troupe, is looking for players son Avenge, in Madison. P;-srallf.-i Circle A S2 CJWT is. c ung Ave., Plaihfield. For information, and selections from classic and con- focus on many different facets of the fora comedy revue slated for Sept, 20. For information, call Andi Curtain at Open Mic Ni'jht 15 presented y call (908; 763-5860. Orchestra's rich history. 'Oct. 4 and Oct. 18, Needed are two (973) 467-1454 Tuesday frorr 7 30 to 10 {• T. with temporary auttiors such as John The exhibit will run through Sept. 6 malas ages 18-35. Call (908) sirju-up tit 7 pm WAITING ROOM,, lunch, .dinner.and Dewey. John Stewart Mill, William -ock-n-rcill.. hosts Open Mike Night The library is located at 5 Washington 382-3692 for information. Van Gogh';, Ear \<, located at 1017 Shakespeare, Thucydides, Anton Che- r every Wednesday ahd weekend enter- St. Newark Library hours are Mon- HEAD CHEESE, .Rahway's resident Stuyvosant Ave in Union For 1urtne kov, Moses Maimonides, Geoffrey CAFES tyirirrieni Trie tavern is located 3t 1431 day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday comedy troupe, is looking tor a tew 1 information! f90tJ) H10 Chaucer, Niccolo Machiavelli, Henry BARNES & NOBLE CAFE in -Spring- Ir/r-'j ^t, Rahway For •' ' from 9 a.m. tp 5:30 p m,, Wednesday good.stand-up cornice — - and even a James and Leo Tolstoy, among others. field emulates a coffeehouse atmo- call. (908) 815-1042. from 9 a m to 8.30 p m and Saturday few bad ones, for a comedy revue sphere with H literary spin, appealing tu The group's first meeting of the fall from TO a.m. to 1 p.m. slated for raid-September All creative young and old alike. CLASSES season will be held on Sept. 18 at 10 NEW JERSEY CENTER FOR VIS- a.m. in the library meeting room. Take VAN GOGH'S EAR CAFE will feature acts; musical or otherwise, will be con- The Cafe hosts a wide variety of UAL ARTS will.hold walk-in j^gt^tn _ COMEDY artwortr by-"Robert A^- '"D'tmfrtrrtrr stctorad. t*p«n#»C«-»& inUwosiing -UiJ- - tamtly-onentdd-entertainment j-. ranging- definitely not necessary. If you can tion for fall da.SM;'-. on Sept 11 arid 12 through Sept. 14 from folk singors to jazz ensembles. In comedians on weekends read the selection which will bo dis- make us laugh, you've got what it from 10 a m to A p rr, ^nd Sepf T-5 Van Gogh's Ear is located at 1017 addition to other programs, the Cafe Tne restaurant is located at 1085 cussed at this session, "Habits and takes. from 10 a.m to 2 p rn Stuyvesarit Ave., Union. For informa- holds Open Mike Poetry Night on the CentM1 Ave , C!^.rV For information, Will" by John Dewey. The readings for Call (908) 382-3692 for an audition Adult classes inoiudf tion, call (908) 810-1844. third Sunday of the month at 730 p m Vi- I'jTM) 388-6511 this group are taken from The Great appointment Barnes & Noble is located at 240 "Traditional Writprcolor Ttc'i Books Reading •& Discussion Prog- TRAVELS & REFLECTIONS, photo- niques," Sept, 20, 10 am to 2 p.m SOMERSET VALLEY PLAYERS will Route 22 West in Springfield For infor- ram," Series 3. graphs by Sheilia Lenga of Union, will The State of the Art of Screen Print- hold auditions for "Greetings" on Satur- mation, call (201) 376-0544, be on display at Les Malamut Art Gal- ing," Sept. 20and21, 10a.m. to 3p.m. CONCERTS day and Sunday at noon at their lery m the Union Library through Sept. CAFE ROCK is a rock-n-roll memora- "Landscape Photography Field ELIZABETH LIBRARY will dose the theater. 22. A reception will be held on Sept 6 bilia coffeehouse Seating is available Trips & Critique." Oct 18. 10 am t->4 Uruguyan program series with a musi- THEATRE Needed are 2 males, age 45-50; 1 - from .3 to 5 p.m. at outside tables in the s'ummer. p.m.; Oct. 25,8:30 am. to 6 p.m. and cal program by Tango singers and BIG RIVER will open at Paper Mill male age 55-plus. 1 female age 25-30 - The library is localed on Morns The cafe is located at 5 Eastman St, Nov. 8, 10 am to 1 p m dancers today. Playhous« on Sept 10 and run through and 1 female age 45-50. Please pre- Avenue at Friberger Park in Union. For, Cranford. For information, call (908) "Outdoor Color Photography," Nov The program wilt be held at'the main Oct, 26. pare a dramatic and comedic mono- information, call (908) 686-0420 or 276-0595. 9 and 16, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m branch of the Elizabeth Public Library Mark Twain's immortal'characters of logue — readings from the script are (908) 688.4536, MINSTREL COFFEEHOUSE Is a "Zone System Workshop ' A conse- at South Broad Street, Elizabeth. Huck and Jim and their adventures on acceptable . — no longer than 3 coffeehouse/concert series run by the cutive Saturday sessions beginning the Mississippi River are brought to NEW JERSEY CENTER FOR VIS- minutes. MAY0R"S CONCERT SERIES will musical life in the rollicking 1985 Tony UAL ARTS will present an exhibit by Folk Project, a non-profit folk music Nov 15, 9,30 am to noon present The Fabulous Duprees today For m'ormation, call (908) Award-winning Best Musical With a vib- sculptor and artist Peter Regtnato and arts organization. The Project is Full-term classes begin Sept 26 from 7 to 9 p m cftjtside Union County 369-7489. rant country-western score by Roger through Sept. 30: The exhibit will take located at the Somerset County Envir- and include "Techniques of Drawing ' Arts Center STAGECRAFTERS will hold auditions ..onmentaf; Center, J9.Q, of inclement. Miller. -pe moved indoors to Rah- PeTToffriSn c"e"S aTe"'"We'a'ri'e s"Q'a y' NJGVA is located at 68 Elm St., p.m. Audrtioners should prepare a bal- every Friday < year-round, presenting trait Painting and Sketching " "Formal through Sunday at 8 p,m. With mati- Summit, For information, call (908) B.B. of B.B, and the FESTIVALS The Playhouse is located at 1'100 side Jnion County Arts Center. " Stingers hosts Open Jam with all musi- JEWISH RENAISSANCE FAIR will be East Jersey "St., Elizabeth. For infor- cians welcome. held on Aug. 31 oh the campus of the mation, call (908) 355-0077: WORRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, AUGUST 28. 1987 -- PAGE B7 YOUR' NSIDI OU1 FULLER When it comes to bathrooms, small can be beautiful BRUSH Transforming even the tiniest space can still give it a personality of its • toiletries and makeup;, all of which viding added storage space. more vivid or dramatic colors. Since into a second bathroom can give your pwn; When creating an additional make it the perfect opportunity for a • Also, since you're not buying there is only a toilet and a lav, the col- home, a very large lift. Aside from ihe bath, here are some points you may pedeitrial lav, which can be sinking faucets for a tub or shower, you can or doesnU overwhelm ihe space. The convenience for your fanjiiy and want to rememben , in appearance, but offers little spnee afford to spend more on a high-design important thing is not to let room size guests, an additional bathroom also • This room may not be as heavily for toiletries lav faucet, which could be considered limit your creativity, MAIL ORDER adds value to your home. trafficked as your primary bathroom • To accommodate for lack of the finishing touch and can give the • Decorative fixtures, like the CATALOG Experts at Kohler Co., a leading that's used.for getting ready in the counter space, you might want io con- room that certain special look. pedestal lav, don't overpower and are manufacturer of elegant plumbing fix- morning, This means you don't need sider1 a lower profile, one-piece toilet. • Powder rooms also provide the an easy way to make a design 1-800=238-1932 tures and faueetSi point out that no as much storage or counter space for They readily fit under a cabinet, pro- opportunity to specify fixtures in statement. matter how small your bath is, you Get into the Dinettes Beautiful comfort zone Largest Selection in Tri-State Area Open stairways, high ceilings and «• ••--# •WHIRLPOOL BATHS room* with many window*, and sunny •KITCMBN RiMODBLfNO exposures are all popular design UUC tthMl .CnfDfTTiW trends in home building and remodel- •fully toniiwl -Ji y**n iq»ttn« ing. However, according to a recent ling Walls •Martjlo Saddle b Bill 'Debris Ramc/val Upon GOmpletton nationwide survey conducted for i Walls •Bathroom Accessories •fj«w SlMetrock Wall) •Now B»thrOO"i Fl)rturB4 percent SALES • PARTS • SEFH Clearance Items. I Seventy-seven percent ul the CANDLEHOLDERS 'JHAHPEN BlADE f> PJU. AT^CE * O£fiJi MOWER 10% OFF CHANGE OIL ;••••'•• I with this coupon Many Choices From | respondents say they would \ikff their with any purchase while supplies last MJJUVT THROTTLE GOVERUER -ADJUST BELTS homes to have zoning, a solution thai ' Expires 9-7-97 Our Huge Selection- HEKACf SPAF

INTEREST FREE FINANCING 908 688-4900 ROUTE 22 (Center Isle)

OPEN 7 DAYS • (908) 964-1731 (908)937-6609 (201)994-4400 UNION LAY-A-WAYS* 2725 Rt. 22 East 1330 Livingston Ave. Route 10 East INOB 1O4O • UUOFTOOLt MAJOR (on the center island) North Brunswick Livingston FULLRIFUND IK>t.lCV - Of»KM 7 DAY! * CREDIT CARDS Union PAGE B8 —•• THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 WORRALL NEWSPAPERS r What's Going Ore? Girls In School , ACROSS 1 Irritate 28 Metallic element ' 6 MO girls' college 31 Words in the Psalms FLEA MARKET RUMMAGE SALE 11 IL girls' college 34 First at the finish line 36 Congo tribe SUNDAY SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY 16 NY girls'college 17 Ore deposits 38 Shine August'31, 1997 SEPTEMBER 6,7,8, 1997 39 Roman roads EVENT: Giant Street Fair & Food Drive EVENT: White Elephant Sale 18 Eulogies 20 Those owing money 40 Learning PLACfe: Nuttey 3rd Annual Street Fair, PLACE: Oheb Shalom Congregation. 42 Father Held along Franklin Avenue (at Center 170 Scotland Road, South Orange. 21 Opinions TIME: Saturday, 8:15p.m.-10p.m.;1 Sun- 22 Changed Nabokov heroine Street). Comic artist Browne, TIME: 10.00am-000pm. day and Monday, 9a.rtv.-5p.rri. 24 Blunder PRtCE: Food Drive. Nutley's Food Pan- PRICE: Free admission. Quality clo- 25 Harvested etal. try Donations nesded. please being thing, appliances and bric-brac. 27 Digs into books Concurs canrtwd food. KMdio R«dm, International OHQAWZATtON: oheb Shalom Con- 29 Education org 49 Passage\ Provencal Foods, Enteriainmont. Talent Show A greatlon. For more information 30 Cuckoos 50 Its capital is Shillong Moro' Over 150 Quality Dealers (Special 973-762-7067. 32 Asterisk 51 English hymnologist Craft Section, center of show) Rain Date 33 Observed 52 Consumer advocate September 1st CRAFT 34 Scottish inventor 53 Pledged faith ORGANIZATION: . Sponsored by The SUNDAY 35 Hawaiian geese 55 Sudden thrust Van Ripor Trust, Call 201-997-9535 56 Proportion SUNDAY September 7, 1997 37 Enthusiaism EVENT: 24th Annual Festival in tho Park 39 River to the Danube 57 Italy' cornb form September 7,1997 PLACE: Memoriat Park, between Chest- 58 Fished for lampreys EVENT; Flea Market - Outdoors 40 Umber nut Street and Vreeland Avenue, Nutley. 41 Writing instrument var Explorer Johnson PLACE: BpHeville High School, 100 TIME: 10i00am-5;00pm One of the Aesir Passaic Avenue (off Joralemori Streel) 43 Expanded PRICE: Admission free - more than 200 45 Those reccrving gifts Trees of I^ebanon Belleville. NJ crafters and collectibles vendors TIME: 9.003m-5:00pm 46 Site of Nepal Ireland ORGANIZATION: Kfhgsland Trust & 72 Paving slab PRICE: Over, 100 quality dealers! For Nutley Historic Society 48 Mosquito genus mfbrrnation call 201-997-9535 49 Bobbin 73 English aurhor ORGANIZATION: Sponsored by Belle- OTHER 50 CT girK' college 74 River to the Elbe ville High Schoolll Home and School 54 Swiss river 75 Small birds SATURDAY 55 OH girls* college 77 Lavish excess affection FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1997 59 Red and Coral" 79 KYbluegrass Septembw 5.1W7 60 BtMicsfl name gt Auam ulkwortn EVENT: Floe Market PLACE: 2oe Agape Deliverance Mini- 62 Card game 100 S3 NJ girls' college .PLACE: Redeemer Lutheran. Church, stnes. 604 [>r Martin Luther King Jr , 84 NT girls' college 64 Appraise - 13 Dawn goddess 87 Medieval dagger ORGANIZATION: Redeemer PRICE: Entry Fee for groups, $50, 1 111 • The wall rue 67 Those holding office Single acts. £25. Fee due upon signing Amazon estuary application Call Church at 623-1683 or 68 Dancer's cymbal SUNDAY Zola n'r.el stop by and pick up an application, 69 Fish sauce TiT" SEPTEMBER 14 Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday 71 Inward FL girls' college EVENT: Floa Market & Craft Show afier 6pm. Complimentary tickets are 73 Wrinkles Halting!;. PLACE: West Orange Elks. 424 Main being sertt to talent scouts in the area.' 75 Young herring Scots Attempt Street, West Orange. ORGANIZATION: Zoe Agape Deliver- 76 NG girli' college 96 •Compulsion TIME". 1O:0.0 a.m. - 5 00 pm. ance Ministries The group that that won 78 Pnmate 1397 DAW ASSO 98 An explo^vc PRJCE: Dealers Wanted Call Colleen last year won a contract. 10 Taxes 101 Svjvan deity 80 WJ girls' college 11 PA girls' college .669-2654 or Michele, 751-5828. Rubber trees ,103 F/ob and neap ORGANIZATION: West Orange Elks 82 June bugs 100 DOWN 12 Revolutionary he 111 Salt of acetic 3cid 106 Sumatran squirrel 83 Mantle 101 Irrational number 13 Decompose; What's foffi£ fa is »paid tatter, of •*•.:;'.< for ncr, Granny, for one ID Common heath 1 PA girls' college SATURDAY 85 Air comb, form 102 14 Mature profit orjamatiDM It is prepaid and cost J-J=! 120 90 Jaffe andl^cvensyn 115 Perfectly 2 White Houve initials September 13, 1997 86 Means of self-defense 104 15 Tnfohnlaie 107 Region EVENT: Indoor/Outdoor Flea Market 'for 2 «seks> forEsw i fount)- or I'mx O-mt) and jus: Arabic letter 117 Greek avenging spmi 3 Hebrew instrument 89 legendary hero 105 16 French painter 108 Israeli ai> PLACE: Hillside Elks Lodge #1591, 244 t'rtOO forbot h bu noio istt=t be p our Mapktood One of the 118 Ascertain 4 Passage charges 91 Shuffle cards 106 19 Boil 109 Stone pavmg b^ici.- Hillside Avenue, Hillside. NJ 95 Habituate Gilbert Islands '119 US choreographer 5 Substitute ofTice (463 Valley"Str-tl» by 400 PM tin Mowlaj for 20 College offing 112 Even the score TIME: 9 OOam-4-OOpm. Hawaiian trees 120 Approaches 6 PA girls' college 114 Hunter or Flermr.g publication the fcltoting TTiundiy Ad'ertiwment nay % Carnegie or Evans 108 23 Tropical fruits PRICE: Vendors needed, prices $12. 97 He was ]. 110 Region var comb 121 Having ruralpaths 7 Vacate 116 English rjra! fcs:i.,ii $15, and $18. Gall Gunier Wolters at iht be placed at 170 Scotland Road. Orange. 256 Uertj 26 Reimbursed 99 He bore a burden 122 Animal fat 8 Fish 908-964-B468 or lodge at 201-923-1591 St, BJoomfieJd or 1291 Stuyveant Aw, l;n»D For mop form Refreshments available, Ample parking. information OIJ763-9W, ORGANIZATION: Hillside Elks Lodge (See ANSWERS on Page B12)

Come, take a seat HOROSCOPE at the arts center For the week time to change your life for the better drained by lots of .trivial details and Leo nagging responsibilities, a change Ms There is a theater scat waiting for Opportunities to play ^.'significant of Aug. 31 to Sept 6 — the changes you make will be last- you at the Union Courity Arts Center role in the etmtiriued renovation of the July 23-Aug. 23 ing ones. just around the comer. Keep an open in Rahway. It has been utilized by theater are avaijaole! With your tax- Your cool head and analytical mind* mind whett ft 'tomes, to adtffreult sitn- generations of audiences who visited deductible gift, an inscription of up to Aries will come in handy today, &o don't let Capricorn alion. You may not Have the whole picture. Things might be better than the old Rahway Theatre since 1V28 — 30 characters will he displayed cm the March 21-April 20 your temper prevail. Call upon an old-, and it needs fixing, with the help of a bac:V. rii yiiiir scat. Your in<.Lripli'in er person to provide insight regarding Dec, 22-Jan, 20 vou first thought Stan the week by clearing up some S25O pift1 can "honor a tii^iid or I'l^xd OIH.:. '» an important decision ITns is a great Get >our budget in ordiT belon- lopse ends. An exciting opportunity ging shopping You're likelv to be is undergoing a trans- yuui Loriccrn /('r ifit time to start up a new project Share presents iiseif. Don't allow hesitation tempted by all kinds of major purch- Pisces formation to a beautiful and glittering future of the arts vour talents 'Juth people close tn \ou to rob you of this unique chance An ases Some may be worthwhile, but performing arts center that the people With your help, every sea! in thr Feb. 19~March 20 old flame reappears with some excit )ou might want a second opinion if , 1 of Union Courilv and central New ihi.Mt-T i_ t.ouvj' F"r information >>n hoA i<> got vaidtion or nuting . 22 vCerT: 'so" make tr)e~rnost of ft "V"'ur The theater-has a new marquee, a involved, call the arts center at (908) Some new tcuhnol\c refurbished lobbj, modem rc-stroorn •1W-K226 '>r -.•.•rid >our d'mdtion and Taurus •.our attention earl) thi-. ^t'trV. Don't and finances. Don't ju« rely on labilities, new. sidewalk1!, upgraded mscnpti'iri request \n I.T AT P O let \ijur natural resistance present vou Aquarius thdnce, however — the more work lighting and sound systems, and, Box 775-D. Rahwav. Si 07065 April 21-May 21 from advantage of the oppor- Jan. 21-Feb. 18 you put into a situation, the more under contract, the renovation of the A tough project looms You ought tunities available This weekend," Although you may be feeling you're likely to get out of if. auditorium to reconsider the way you have your erijoj a group outing Keep yv\ii arranged You might be pav- agenda open, and vou II ha\c t:\en CALL iaoti G8C-9898 3 I'nivr n itiurttiiiit selection « helow! ing more for something than you more fun Studio is made available should. A new idea you have could be 3600 Aquarius 3608 Scorpio in need of some refinement before it Libra HOROSCOPES 3601 Anes 3609 Sagitanus performs Up to expectations 3602 Taurus 3610 Capricorn "to non-profit organizations Sept. 23-Oct. 23 Daily Uvdates! '3603 Gemini 3611 Pisces The du Orel School of Art arid Design again is offering non-profit organiza- Gemini A male or sweetheart needs vou to 3604 Cancer listen this week Resist the temptation tions a full-service design studio at no charge May 22-June 21 3605 Leo !" give advice, though it's prob.ib The Design Group gives a select group of art students the opportunity Uj A social ouiing offers plenty of )v not needed Give your creativity Infosource work in an advertising agency environment New dcsipns arc created and humorous adventures Don"! let vour frv' rjin vtfken it tomes to stjlvinj: a 2* HPUW YQICI WrORMATION lEBVICE 3607 Libra .. Lajncrii-reatly, i& provided.Thi^rvju:,is •O.ffered,^rriiini!nialrici():-,t, 1/. dc/MbjiOu of the- ch.ance for any non-profit organization in the h>cal and surrounding communities a good laugh You're lucky in busi- io pav off this weekend I he du Cret School of Art and Design, founded in 1926. is the oldest private ness tins week so don t waste your art.sehoul in New Jersey It is approved by the state Department of Education, is talents with busy-work Instead focus accredited by the Career College A.ssocation. is a member-of the International on th" things vou tan do that realh Scorpio Council of Design Schools, and is a member of the Private Career Schools of fridke our most diplomatic tone of voi^e v"u v'j been avoiding wilJ come back Plains, is available to present their concert "The Time of Our Lives Opu-T fur *hen addressing a difficult person tn rhe front humer, so be ready and enter a four digit selection number below I jour group's enjoyment Suttes-v r- |ust around the comer if to hear the movie times at these theatres! Community centers, convalescent care facilities, etc who \«.ould like to sche vou ilick to >rjur plan Settle an old Sagittarius 1 3171 CINEPLEX ODION CRANFORO dule a presentatton of (his musical may call Kathleen Dearey at tou 'ecog- ized my potential anc) through a fictionalized day in the life r i of the Ballahtine's via a storybook of '•= •' "3TZ *> rJfnz> ''3 ~v widert dreams Promoting from "illustrated text panels and an interac- t-stxjR** *«e~co"TDany^-unique pnnosophy and now 19 years Moviesource tive computer game, which allows players'to choose items for their own A Special Feature Of Infosource fantasy house. I [if you rw (*« DmtJom and want to earn Unlimited Income while working The Newark Museum is located at . and se«k Advancement Opportunities. 49 Washington St. in Newark. For contact our national advertising compariy. information, call (201) 596-6550. MRS STEWUtT 1-800-345-1123 Debbie Kaye Sr. Vics.Pre«id©nT, Sales To place a classified ad call CALLS ARE FREE it wnhin your local calling area Out ol area calls will be billed as long distaace G0ttlng To Know You ' by 3 p.m. Tuesday. by your telephone company Intosource is a service of Wo^all Community Newspapers, Inc. WORRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, AUGUST 28. 19S7 — PAGE B9

Attitudes toward drug abuse Breastfeeding benefits have undergone some changes both mother and child Program Service Associates recen- Every year, mqrc than one million In an on-going program to make tly released their findings frorn the babies" lives would be saved if all breastfeeding easy and accessible to second annual survey of attitudes and Making A mothers; gave their infants vonly nt'u mothers, Overlook Hospital behaviors of the Union County adult breastmilk for the fifsrvsi* months of Offers classes and bedside consulta- population toward the use of alcohol, Difference life, according to the tlnited Nations tions If requested, mothers can have tobacco and other drugs The lim<>n Children's Fund. Breastmilk provides access to itieir newboms 24-hourva- County Coalition for Prevention of By The Union County Coalition matchless infant nutrition and preven percent in 1996 Breastfeeding Support Prograit^ as cancer and excessive- bleeding after Network is the lead agency for the The only notable exception to the S22 HABY three-year federal grant supporting decline in permissiveness regarding childbirth. the County Coalition prevention the admitted use ot drugs and alcohol Overlook Hospital, as a member ot activities The Coalition links thy is. drinking ami driving The *amc per- the Northwest New Jersey Regional A subscription to your newspaper County Municipal Alliances for the centage - 31 percent in 1996 and'31 Perinatal Network, has collaborated keeps your college student close to Prevention of Substance Abuse arid percent in 1997 — admitted to dnv ing with global efforts by UN1CKF, the hometown activities. Call nth'jr agencies in furthering the umi after World Health Organization and the 908-f)86-7753 for a special college (Jinadon prevention of activities in World Alliance for Breastfeeding rate. Program Service Associates lead a Action to ensure that brcastieedmg 1^ communities throughout Union team of eight trained telephone inter- County. protected, promoted and supported FREE Information! vjewers in (.dflirig more- than 2,0fKJ local I v Based on the analysis of interview randomly selected telephone numbers data collected in 1996 and 1997, Doc- from Union C ountv A comparison of CALL tors Jim 'Daly and Charlie Kelly, the known demographic data of the 686-9898 primary researchers for PSA, con-, county adult population and the and enter a four digit eluded the folio-wing: survcv sample indicated Oose para number below' Prevention does work and there has llels ITiis comparison reassured the • been a cihange in- alcohol; tobacco M researcher that they had a represents HEALTH " other drugs attitudes. The disapproval live group to jrenerah/e the county's rate has dramatically increased among adult population. The complete repoYt CHIROPRACTIC Union County residents regarding ail of the survfv is dvjilabk" by contact- -S1-00 The Art Of Chiropractic substances. Disapproval of occasional ing *s7icole Koroghhan at the I'fiion 5101 What Is An Adjustment*' excessive -drinking increased.'from 60 County Coalition for the Prevention 5102 Muscle Pains & Spasms percent in 1996 to 78 percenun 1977... Heeded of,. SuhManoc Abuse at (908) 5103 What Causes Back Pain? Disapproval for smoking has 5104 Headaches increased from 74 percent to 86 per- w 'i i 'f ' ia r, COSMiTIC SURGERY cent in the'last year, Similarly, disap- The coalition will, tomluct another Michael Bernstein, M.D, 5260. Hair Transplantation proval of experimenting with marijua- lolloj. up survev m I99n l"he three S281 Eye Lid Surgery ,-',,.- ni'has increased from 67 percent to 82 surveys will allow ihe Coalition to 5262 Upasuction • :: percent. The same increased'-disap- track changes in ATOD attitudes and Overlook Hospital physician j. s ,n- . • - S2S3 • RWn&plasty prnvaj pattern between 1996 and 1997 behaviors and measure the effeciive- rfeii 'if its prevention activities Ml 'rt *i "1 ' >jr S264 Laser Skin Resurfacing exist for all other drugs surveyed as, receives memorial award I > -,l in i" .r - rT r r MEN/SSiXUAL well. lnd rt 1 nr " Michael Bernstein, M.D., a Murray Dr. Bernstein is currently a clinical HEALTH CONCiRNS The driving forcef of the Coali- [ 1 II (Lilt if i- The comparative data supports the Hill resident and immediate past professor of Medicine at Columbia tion are the actionHjriented com- 111 '1 " i'> ' 5150 impotence thiory thai-a.systematic sustained pre- director of Internal Medicine and University College of Physicians and rmttees and Task Force, The com- 1 1 r '• L•" 1.1 p'' ' 5191 No Scalpel Vasectomy vention effort can be effective • in Chairman of Medical Education at Surgeons and has served as a member \' \Lr r^rtf mUtees address the internal tasks of 5192 Mate'Infertility changing ATOD- use attitudes, "Even Overlook Hospital in Summit, recen- of numerous committees at the Coj tMiiik: t.htm the Coalition, such as Policy and 5193 Kidney Stones if response bias is occurring, one can tly received the Alfred Stengel lege including chair of the Credentials f JJ7 \nu htlp ' Procedure, Evaluation, Public Prostate Cancer infer that most people believe it inap- Memorial Award from the American Subcommittee and Membership Poll Relations and Membership' com- propriate to smoke marijuarti, ** In College of Physicians. The awaVd rec- cy Committee, and secretary general rnitiets. The Task Forces link the 1996. 27 percent admitted to some ognizes a physician's contribution to of the College. prevention efforts with the target Infosource marijuana use in the last 30 days. The clinical teaching and outstanding ser- populations to work cooperatively Dr. Bernstein was voted Outstand- 7* HOUH VOICE INFORMATION SERVICE sharp contrast between 1997 and 1996 vice to the College. to increase awareness and provide ing Governor of the College in 1983 admission of marijuana use in the last and was made a Laureate of the New Fleast (.aJl 1-SfM)-222-«K>4" month indicates, at a minimum, a dra- relevant and effective WOHKALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS programming. Jacquie McCarthy, Jersey Chapter in 1990. In 1992, he .) Ix-p;irtnien' <>) Humai, M-. matic shift away from marijuana was made a Master of the College. permissiveness The Task Forces are Business, Editor The 1997 survey also indicate a Criminal Justice, Cultural Issues, ©Warrall Community Newspapers Inc. decline Tn^pcrnTTssTvcncss regarding"'" " Education "'&"" "Training Health" the use of drugs or alcohol at work. In Care, Parent, School, Special Inter- Organizations submitting 1997, few people admitted using alco- est, and Youth. releases to the entertainment WEIGHT CONTROL Institute Through networking/ training hol or drugs at work. Fourteen percent section can mail copy to 1291 is pleased to announce opening of their in 1996 admitted to the use alcohol at and increased resources, the Coali- New LIVINGSTON OFFfCE for'ffiedical tion will strive to create a drug-free Stuyvesant Ave., P.O. box work. Eight percent admitted to using Weight Control. drugs at work in 1996. There was also Union County. For more informa- 3109, Union, New Jersey, In our a sharp decline it) admitting the.iise of tion or to become a member, call 07083. • M.D. supervised • Eart regular food drugs before or while driving. No one (908) 686-6644. • New medications 'other than FEN/PHEN) fight against • We treat .adurts & teenagers FIRST CONSULTATION A VISIT IS FREE diabetes VITAMIN FACTORY WEIGHT CONTROL institute 72 Old Short Hills Road / 22 Madison Avenue 201 Rt. 22, Hillside, NJ 07205 - (201)926-2946 Livingston, NJ. / Paramus, NJ. 973-740- llW/ 201-587-7655 10% OFF Green Tea w/Kombucha YOGI i«t»9. All TongoiTuna 39 NOW (tag. or NS) R»g *1 99 1 Pure Protein Bars WSN BO* <* n Products (A**td Flavors) R*g. $41.89, 3399 Did frequent trips VITAMIN FACTORY We are the to the Bathroom Vitamin C 1000 mg w/RH ioo« 9 7Q Odor MocffiadGatfic 1250 mg 100. #917 Rag. Mv» ..9 #1902 American Melatonln 300 meg M» B Complex "ISO" Til so. E49 Diabetes spoil your enjoyment #107* n»Q $7M ** #1«B2 f*Q-*2M _.„ Vitamin EM2 500 meg wo» «fQQ CoEnzyme Q-10 50mg: Association. TO #1S7S ftog. $14.7* #14*8 fWg. S2.M | _, 1139 This fall, come of last nights game? Pycnogenol 50 mg M. * 149 Red Clover 430 mg nm 469 walk with us #W71 IWfl.$14M • • #182* H»0.$5f». They may be warning signs. 1 Selenium 100 meg ioo§ • jk OO Mega Muttipte 100. and help fight Urinary byrnptom ! yre oft.en the fir^r Mgn uf ». And, if they are svmptomatic of a R»fl. $17.95 _.„_ ~ 1199 prostate problem, you'll want Colloidal Trace Minerals FUTUREWOTICS4 «. 10% OFF to make certain your R*g. $11.95 __ 799 ALL 1-800-254-WALK physician is a board- Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg Take One NATOOLM. (9255) certified specialist with the R*g. $24.95 .'. 1595 Pinnacle for your free registration packet most modern treatment facilities 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan or to maktr a donation. -a-vdilablc to- hrm - like the ^pecia4rstot, Notyi Wing, Trenton, GSL PLANNING SE RADIOLOGY ASSO PA PO BOX 1OZ3A. RAHWAY 737 StoHft* Road New Jersey. In accordance w*thThe rules o) GUEHRIER. PHILIPPE 452 JEFFERSON AVE , ELIZABETH PO Box 1088 2444 MORRIS AVE, UNION RAMIREZ, JOHN 777 DOWD AVE.. ELIZABETH New Jersey O8O55 civil practice arid procedure GUEflRlERO. PETER RAMNAUTH, DAVID 415 W GRAN0 ST.'APT-B6, ELIZABETH 3 The action Tm» been instituted lor the GUNDLACH, ANNA 625 FRANKLIN, ELIZABETH RANDOLPH.'JAMES 716 9 PARK ST . ELIZABETH (OO9) e!H53 purpose of foreclosing a mortgage oated GUTTERTViAN, ROBERT 1089 DUNCAN DR, SCOTCH PLAINS Attorneys tor PiatntrM bettemtw 23. MMM, made by PMMp BK»a- RANDOLPH. JOHNNIE R. 624 FRANKLIN STREET. ELIZABETH doom and Debra E Purdy to Eastern Mori- HA1NES, JEFFREY 555 FOREST RD/, SCOTCH PLAINS REAV4S; VIRGINIA 95 HILTON AVE VAUXHALL NOTICE TO ABSfcMT DErENDANI gat*) Services. Inc. and duly uaigrwd to HAL ROSE AGENCY 118 NOE AVE.. ELIZABETH REESE, WILLIAM 184 LINDEN AVENUE, RAHWAY Superior Court oi Now Jersey 'Pinlnim. Counitywide Horn© Lo»ri». Inc HAMILTON, MILDRED 186 LINDEN AVE SPRINGFIELD ana concerns renl estated located at 724 REGULO CASTlLL. A. 220 CENTENNIAL AVE.. CRANFORD Cnaricery Division HAMMER, IRWIN 7 S SPRINGFIELD AVE . UNKNOWN REYES. ANSLEMO I C/p LUCY SHOP HEE REYE • Llnlcrn -County Madison ^vertoe. Piainfteki. NJ. HANK JOEL ORCH 1124 SPRINGFIELD AVE , MOUNTAINSIDE Docket No (•'-•-11250.97 YOU, Norttn BloeOoom tVk/a NorHn 215 BROAD ST.. ELIZABETH Of- NEW JCBSPY Olnian •«<« Veronica Toom*, their heirs. HARKLEY, HORTENSE 377 MARION ST., UNION 251 MARSHALL, ELIZABETH STATE HARRINGTON. GERARD RIGNEY, LILIAN TO dav|ee*a and personal repn»e*ntMlv#* 100 LEXINGTON BV, CLARK RILEY, JOHN 213 CLINTON PLACE, JERSEY CITY Nontn Biondoorn n/k/a Notttn Gil- and tier, their or any of then- successor* HASKELL, ALFRED T. 257 MYRTLE GARWOOD lian hir h>ln, d*vl«**s and personal In ngnt. title and Intereet. are made RISSEL.MARY 1034 AMMA ST., ELIZABETH defendants because you are lien holder* in HASPEL, J. 474 PLAINFIELD AVE . BERKELEY HEIGHTS r*praa»n(allv** «n»r. trwlr or any of HAYER, NICHOLAS ROBERSON, CHARLES 115 BROOKSIDE DRIVE, NEW PROVIDENCE tnalr tucnuori in right. IHI» ana the above matter And to have an Interest In 1&QQ GALLOPING HILL. KENlLWORTH ROBINSON, DEBORAH A. 252 E 151ST AVE., ROSELLE ln(»r*»I the property being foreclosed: HAYES, MICHAEL J 14G JEROME ST , ROSELLE PARK An indivlOutil who Is unable to obtflln an HERNANDEZ ANA 473 MORRIS AVENUE 2ND F, SUMMIT ROGERS, KENNETH J, 42 WAVERLY AVE., SPRINGFIELD veronica Tf>oro», n«r heir*. dMW attorney may cofnmunicaie with the New H1CKEY JOHN E. ROMAN. MIGUEL A. 1306 COOPER RD. APT 60, EDGEWATER Jersey state Bar Association by calling toll 2700 ROUTE 22, UNION and personal repraawnlatlvaa and her, HILL, HELEN 1039 BONDS ST., ELIZABETH ROMANOFF, ELIHU 330 W. JERSEY ST., ELIZABETH their «>r any of their *uecea»ore in rloht, tree BOO-792-8315 (within New Jersey) or ROSARIO, ROBERT 226 LONG AVE., HILLSIDE title arid Interest 609-394-1 iOi (from out of state). You may HOGUET GEORGE f- 5 ASHWOOD CT.'. SUMMIT nl»o rommunlc^te with a Lawysr Reierral HOLTZMAN, L. R. *, 330 W JERSEY ST.'. ELIZABETH ROSS, ANNE D, 220 PARKER ROAD. ELIZABETH YOU Aflf HEREBV SUMMONED and Servioe, or ft you connol afford to pay an HOLZMAN LARRY ROTH SCHLENGE PENS TRUST RT 22 W CHESTNUT RD., UNION sttomw you may caH the i.«r)a( SaiMow 215 PARK AVt, ROSELLE . rwtjwretf To MMV» upon WILLIAM ME 1 MUTTON, JAMES W. 100 FULTON, CLARK FJONTONDl, ANGELO J. 2 WHITESEU CT., SUMM4T POWERS JR.. CHARTERED. Attorneys Office The phone numbors"tDr the county RUNDEpKER. FLORENCE 36 JOHN CT., CRANFORD lot Plaintiff wtioae address Is 737 Stokes in whicrv this action is rending are The IAZZETA CARMEN M. 2300 GRIER AVE . LINDEN RoatlrP O Bo* 1OB6, MeOtorq. N J. 08O5S. t.a\ivyer Reterroi Service tftiephone number INDUSTRIAL COOL RUSSO. GENNARO 3>1 WALNUT STREET, SUMMIT PO BOX 1S8, FANWO0D 1890 MORRIS AVE . UNKNOWN on Answer to »m Complaint (and Amend- is (9O6) 353*715 Bnd Leoar Services is J I. MEDIA INC SH 1600 RTE 22, UNION SABELL, HOWARD ment to Complaint. -It any) W»d In s Civil (406) 3^3-4340 lor Union County IACOBSON GUSSIE SAINT, ELIZABETH H 225 WILLIAMSON STREET, ELIZABETH Aciiort In whicti Countrywide Home Loans, 1921 OSTWOOD TER .UNION PO BOX 41 BLDQM, LINDEN DONALD F PH0LAN. JENNY ENGINEERI ' 2 EDISON PL., SPRINGFIELD SALVAGE & APPR me Is piaiitiH and Noreon Btoe<3oorn nV« Cierv ot the Sup«nor Court SANFQRD, THOMAS 16 W. GRANT AVE, UNKNOWN Noreeri Qlillan a"d Veronlco Thome melr U6177 WCN AutJUSt 20. 1997 •' (^44.10) JOHNSON. CHRISTIAN 120 MOUNTAIN AVE., SPRINGFIELD helnj devisees. »nd personal representa- JOHNSON, REBECCA 883 E HAZELWOOD AVE., RAHWAY SANGlACOMO, WIU1AM F. 136 PENNSYLVANIA AVE, HILLSIDE tives and her, melr or any of tnelr suooes- JONES. HOMER W SAVERY, DOUGLAS E 506 MORRIS AVE, SPRINGFIELD Bors in r»gnt. title artd interest, et e renoareO sgatrvs; you lor the rell«l KAISER-MOSS-AS 500 MORRIS AVE.. UNION 276 WOODACFtES CT, MOUNTAINSIDE demanO»o in the Compiaira, YOU i&all,.ni« tomers in your newspaper with an KANDERSACK, PATRICIA 937 ARNET AVE., UNION SERVELLO, FRANK V your Answer ana Proof of Service In SHERMAN LEONARD 446 WESTMINSTER AVE, ELIZABETH ad by calling 1-800-564-8911, KANE. ARLENE D 2B REDFORD AVE . CRANFORD 1743 ST GEORGES AVE, RAHWAY KANSAS PACKING 200 SUMNER AVE., KENlLWORTH SHEVICK RAVICH SIEGAL, JULIAN 26 FAAR HILLS RD . SPRINGFIELD KAPIOA. DANIEL PO BOX S&9, KENlLWORTH 349_ KNOTTINGHAM. WAY, UNION KAUFFMAN, J. M. UNKNOWN SIGNOR1LE FRANCES L PUBLIC NOTICE KAUFMAN D SILVERMAN SOLO 218 HENRY ST., LINDEN 400 WESTFItLD AVE:, ELIZABETH 542 ARLINGTON AVE, WESTFIELD KAVEBFRG. RICHARD C/O JERSEY SHORE RAD A SISTO, JOHN M, SIX STAR INTERNA 1428 N BROAD ST, HILLSIDE 596 ASHWOOD RD . SPRINGFIELD 317 CENTER ST., ELIZABETH "NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO KEATS. SHARON 1540 E 2ND ST;,'•SCOTCH PLAINS SMITH DOROTHY KERNAN JAMES F. ?7 ACKEN DRIVE, CtARK SMITH ETHEL CROSSWICKS & EXTONVILL, CROSSWICKS BE THE OWNERS OR BENEFICIARIES OF LIFE OR KN1TT(N6 MACMIN 12ST WESTF1EL0 AVE CLARK &NELL. W. 695 SO, ORANGE AVE., PLAINFIELD KOCIURKA, DEBORAH J 675 MORRIS AVE STE 200. SPRINGFIELD SOFTECH SUPPO 25 CHATHAM RD, -SUMMIT ENDOWMENT POLICIES OR ANNUITY CONTRACTS" KOPP. WILLIAM 3 MIDLAND BLVD TOWNELY, ELIZABETH SOPPAS, IRENE 157 JACQUES ST, ELIZABETH 1003 S, WOOD AVE., LINDEN-- TO THE PERSONS USTEO BELOW, TO THE OWNERS OR BENEFICIAL OWNERS KOUTSOURIS, D (S25 UNION ST:, RAHWAY SORRENTINO, ALPHONSE. KRASKA, ED 1711 UNION AVE., UNION SPENCER. KENNETH H UNKNOWN OF, OR PERSONS ENTrtLED TO UFE OR ENDOWMENT POLICIES OR ANNUITY 125 ELM STREET, WESTFIELD CONTRACTS PRESUMED TO BE ABANDONED, KRAUS, HELEN 90 HUNTER AVENUE, FANWOOD TAKE NOTICE that Information ha* been nlsd with th* State Treasurer Of N»w KRAUS. ROBERT % FOREST ROAD, FANWOOD 31 ALiCE LANE. CLARK Jsrssy concerning certain Life of Endowment Pollciaa or Annuity Contract* In this KRAYOWSKI J 133 N 24TH ST, KFNILWORTH ST ELIZABETH HO AL 225 WILLIAMSON STHEET, ELIZABETH Slat* which has r#r«atned unclaimed or tha wharaaboutsof tha parson or banaficlary > 12 CLINTON ST., LINDEN STA';H JIK JAMES 5 OAK KNOLL RD,. UNKNOWN ramalm unknown for atatutory abandonment period* and that iuth Lit* or Endow- LSL MARKETING I 327 MILLTOWN RD,, SPRINGFIELD STANDLE/ CLIVE 2169 OLIVER ST RAHWAY ment Policies or Annuity Contracts may be presumed abandoned and aubjact to LANZA ROSEANN 516 OUINTON AVE., KENLLWORTH STARK ANTHONY J 64? NORMAN PL WESTFIELD 1'593 RARlTAN RD, CLARK delivery to. tha State Treaturar for safakeaplng pursuant to Chapter 68, P.L. 1000 If th* LAYMAN, KAREN 2535 LESLIE ST., UNION STEIN. S ownar'*j-lghta to raealy• much Ufa or Endowmanl Pollola* or Annuity ContracUia not LEE JERRY 510 DOWNER ST.. WESTFIE4D STEVENS.MARGARET 14 SUMMJT RD, CRANFORD • ttabliehad. LESTIDO. JULIO C 622 CLARKSON AVENUE, ELIZABETH STEVENS TIMOTHY 919 • MIDDLESEX "ST , ttNOEN Th* namii; If known, th* last known addr*«», If any, of th* owner* of such Uf» or LEVINS', SAMUEL 1030 SUMMIT AVENUE. WESTFIELD STUBBS, STEPHEN 936 VALLEY ST., VAUXHALL Endowment Policies or Annuity Contracts ar* as follows: LIAKOS, APOSTOl.OS &4B MAPLE AVE. ELIZABETH SULLIVAN, PAUL 909 IRVING AVE WESTFIELD LIDOSKI. J. F. SUMMIT MEDICAl ii>p SUMMIT AVE. SUMMIT LIVELY/ALICE T. 2 MALANGA CT., SCOTCH PLAINS 753 CLARK ST., WESTFIELD SUPERMARKET S INC 1601 w EDGAR RD, LINDEN LOEWLNTHAL. RONA 330 NOTTINGHAM WAY, UNION AARNIO 210 MYRTLE AVE.. WESTHLLD 4 HAPER RD.. MONMOUTH SYMANSKY, JOHN a LOMACCHIO, MARY A TARDIS RESTAUR 625 MICHIGAN AVE . KENlLWORTH A RAMSON LOJIS 102 TRUMBALL ST.. ELIZABETH LUCKWURST.- C (Vi 631 NORTH BROAD ST. #6-1, ELIZABETH Ar LHO JORGb 653 SECOND AVE.. ELIZABETH 1642 CHURCH ST., RAHWAY TEQUES. BERTHA C 6fl FRANKLIN ST, ELIZABETH LYNCH. MARY TETA, GIUSEPPE E 139 E WESTFIELD.. ROSELLE PARK ADAMS CHARLOTTE 1191 MAIN STREET 61. RAHWAY LYNCH. THOMAS E 548 GRIER AVE., ELIZABETH ALLIED F'POCESSI 9?3 RAHWAY AVE. UNION' PO BOX 289. KENILWORTH THOMAS JOSEPH 325 MAGNOLIA AVE, ELIZABETH LYNN. ROBERT THUR'SFJELD, DAVID 120 MOUNTAIN AVE., SPRINGFIELD ANDERSON JFANNL M 60 E. GRANT. ROSELLE PARK LYONS, ANNA C 4B4 OTISCO DR,'WESTFIELD ~ ANDRES BEN b0 OSWA1 D PL. VAUX HALL 286 SECOND ST.. ELIZABETH TlEORICH ALLAN 1304 SOUTH AVE . PLAINFIELD VABLN PEARSALL TIGHE WILLIAM 425 W HAZELWOOD. RAHWAY ANTONI PETER ! 70B BOULEVARD WFSTFIFID MAC ALEXANDER & 53 CARDINAL DRIVE PO BO. WESTFIELD ARNOT ROBERT 70 MITCHELL ST.. SOUTH ORANGF 83 UNION COUNTY PKWY, CLARK TOIA u 500 MORRIS AVENUE. SPRINGFIELD MAC NICOL, PHEBE A ?15 JEFFERSON AVE. WESTFTELD AHSHAU AAMRA 300 WAYNE TER UNION MACK CAMERA SE 34 WEST END AVE.. SUMMIT TOOHFY WILLIAM H ASSOC IM OB GYN 522 E BROAD ST.. WEST.FIFI D MAINO. NICHOLAS 200 MORRIS AVE . SPRINGFIELD •TOTH M 241 CONNECTICUT ST. WESTFIELD AUSTIN ASZLEC 1CJ2 CHANDLER AVE LINDFU MAISEL, STANLEV 2222 MORRIS AVE.. UNION TOWNSEND MAR1FNF I 241 VIRGINtA ST WESTFIELD AUSTIN PEHRY L UNKNOWN MALICHER JENNIFER 478 OTIS CO DR., WESTFIELD TROPIA SANTINA 48 BLACK BURN RD , HILLSIDE AVILA LEONEL J 529 FRANKLIN Si ^"LIZABE TH MALONEY, RONALD V 51 EDGEWOOD AVE , NEW. PflOtflDENCF TUKEY PAUL A 269 WOODLAND AVE SUMMIT BA<"KMANN THOMAS T77 DO/VD AVE ELIZABLIH MANDELBAUM KA 19 CORNWAL DR . WEST FIELD TULfY MARY VAILEY AND AUTUMN RDS.. CLARK BATEMAN JOi'CL 117 FAST WFSTCIFID A JF W)' Fl I F P/-MK MARKS LOUIS 1001 CFtANFORD AVE . WESTFIELD TWAlTS, MARGUERITE C. 465 CHANI'NG AVE, WESTFIELD BAUfAANN JETfEREY M 100 PRESTOfJ AVE.. CRAWFORD MARSHALL, JULI 635-LIVINGSTON ST , ELIZABETH TWINBORO-PHYSI ERAPY ASSO 1585 MORRIS AVE, UNION BAWEJA S S 1143 REEVES TERRACE UNION MARUEL. MARIE 54b HANFORD PL . WESTFIELD UTHEWICZ ADOLPH 478 HEND, JERSEY CITY •1231 MADISON AVE RAHWAY MCCOY ESTEI.LE 455 E HAZELWOOD. RAHWAY ULRICH JOYCE 2295 EDGEWOOD TERRACE SCOTCH PLAINS L« D BATH &' BEYO 715 MORRIS AVE . SP.R'lWGFiFI I"; MCTERRELL. TANYA 147.2 ORCHARD THEE, HILLSIDE UNION CHAPEL C 1209 GRAY AVE . UNION BfcLL NEW JERSEY PO BOX 6041, ELIZABETH' MFRCADANTL" MILDRED 301 CLARK ST.. HILLSIDE UNITED REVIEW S 67 WALNUT AVENUE S'.JITF CLARK BENL'.ov.'lTZ CHARl ES CO ABCOR SUPPLY MICHALANKO KFITH M 28-U MORNIS AVE , SUMMTDELPH UNSON ANASTACIA 144 COE AVE , HILLSIDE F'O BOX 1747 UNION f/IKELSON HILDA 604 EVERGREEN PKWAY. UNION VASOUF.Z, N, 306 ROSEHILL PL, ELIZABETH DIANE ?35 RUSSFI I AVE RAHWAY MONDI ANTHONY 45R LINCOI N AVE CRANf-OHD VAUGH EDWARD W 856 MYRTLE ST , ELIZABETH U f-KOv'U I 'J1S T MORRISON N D H12 NORTH WOOD AVE , LINDEN WALKER LINDA 1206 BOWER ST . LINDEN H'J TMt, • J/.t/FS /Vi r-AfJKFP P')/.p APT 4F MHSLR EHTFUF 936 MADISON AVE .-ELIZABETH WALLER, LAWRENCE J r •1009'/; OAK ST.. ROSELLE BO It I HO MAHIA 1. 7', flt^r •-, i , V/-i l '•- MIJSHEH WiNAI U F CO JlfJ FINANCIAL CJRP WASHINGTON LONNIF 56 GFNE.VA ST, ELIZABFTH ?'•<, ' FtJIMAI f_MANF(JI'i) 100 MURHIS A'/FNUF SPHINCJFIFLD WASKIS, MONlKA 633 MYRTLE ST., ELIZABETH THOMAS 12 ORCHAHU S.) , SUMMH MUUNIAPFRTO, D 4H1 W JHD AVE RO' ELI E WATERS. JOAN M. 482 TOURNAMENT DR 11, UNION. !A2 COURT ST ELIZABLTIf 112 LIVINGSTON'ST.. FUZABETH BHADLE/ EAR1 1C MURPHY OAVin WEEKS VERMON 452 JACKSON AVENUE. ELIZABETH BRADY JOHN H ZOC^ > WESTriFl 0 MURPHY ELSIE 1109 LOUISE ST. ELIZABETH' WELTCHEK. THOMAS G 51 GREENBROOK RD . BERKELEY HEIGHTS RRAyNnELD I 721 V/yf;»/IN'', A^F FII7AHFIH MURPHY HELEN C 637 HUBBARD AVt- . UNION WETZEL, HOWARD P. C/O EQUITABLE RRFNNFP JUSTIN ^1 CFWTFR ^.T UNKNOWN NATIONAL LABOR S 75 ROD SMITH PLACE, CRANFORD PO BOX 5720, CLARK .,*» HUHlLfcV- «t>.r*UMM«™» MATOLI, VANGfc~fc ^44 \'j JHU Av'L Rfi.-LLL£ NEWARK DIAGNO PU BOX 1105, SUMMIT t WHITTMAN, CHARLOTTE 145 FULTON ST., ELIZABETH DROWN HO b?3 WFSTFIELD AVE:i WESTFlEI D NIERENBERG THEODORE 1435 MORRIS AVE UNION 25 TUXEDO PLACE. CRANFORD BHOWN 'WALTER 432 E 7tH AVENUE. ROSELLE NIKOLA WILHELMINA M 314 DE WITT, LINDEN WILLHAUS. EDWARD WILLIAMS, LATANYA O 475 SPRINGFIELD AVE, SUMMIT BURKE BEVERLY 424 WINTHRQP PI ACE ELIZABETH NMC DIALYSIS SE S BLOY ST AND RAMSEY AVF HILLSIDE PO BOX 289 KENlLWORTH BURKE CATHERINE 243 LIVINGSTON ST., ELIZABETH NORTHEAST MAN ING CO 315 NORTH AVENUE GARWOOD WILLIAMSON, ALLEN R WILSON, SARAH 351 SUMMIT AVE , JERSEY CITY __BURKE IRENE E SEACAUCUS FID HOMESTEAD NORTON. JANE P SB PEMBROKE DR KENlLWORTH 408 W. DUDLEY AVE;.; WESTFIELD BURNS WALTER 373 HEMLOCK ST . ROSELLE PARK ODOM. M, PO BOX 13/4 MOUNTAINSIDE WILSON, WILLIAM P 9 )1 Pf NNSYI yANIA AVL UNION OLEARY. JOHN WINFREY, STELLA 325 CHERRY ST, ELIZABETH CAMPITFI II JAMES V 215 OHCHARD ST CRAWFORD 1743 ST. GEORGES AVE, RAHWAY CARABAILCJ ANIBAL 65 PARKER RD , ELIZABETH OLSEY, WILLIAM J 836 E ELIZABETH AVE LINULN WISE,- S, J. CARLO U 41 JACQUES STREET. ELIZABETH P AND R FASTENL C WISMER, CATHARINE FUELANDER FARM, CAMDEN C/O WAN RADOWITZ WOELFEL. MARRY W, 19 CLOVER ST.. ELIZABETH CAS^ON HhLtN B /3l WYOMING AVF .ELIZABETH 100 WAI NUT AVE 5TH J~L CLARK CASTRO CARLOS 631 R BROAD ST G5, ELIZABETH WYLIE. JAMES A. 11 COMMERCE DR 3F, CRANFORD PAIGE ELECTRIC, 1071 HUDSON ST UNION YALE ARTHUR 106 E. ELIZABETH,AVE, LINDEN CEKALA BRONISLAW 1307 SOUTH ST PLAINFIELD PALMER, MINNIE 106 W GRAND L.T RAHWAY CENLAR AGENCY I V'M F GROVE ST WLSTHELD YEDZVICZ. STELL 219 FIRST ST., ELIZABETH PASKOWITZ. PETER 1020 THOMPSON AVE ROSELLE YUDD, TASIA 210 FIRST ST., ELIZABETH . CHEUNG LAI FUN 1195B LIBERTY AVENUE, HILLSIDE PASQUALE sn , EORGE T. 3? ASHWOOD AVI-. SUMMIT 173 ftUCKMAN RD , HILLSOALfc ZAVALI. M 117 ACORN DRIVE, CLARK CHIERA DOf/INICK PATEL BHARATKUM A 475 SPRINGFIELD AVE. SUMMIT CHIOS. JOAN L 1B19 MANOR DR APT 2B, UNION ZOLTAK. CHESTER PO BOX 61, CRANFORD 2700".RTE 22 E, UNION 'PATHOLOGY ASS 777 WALNUT AVE , CRANFOHD CHRISTOPHER ST PAUL ELEANOR r.lCr.HCtlA WICHAH F 7? HIGH STHF [ T, NFW PROVIHf-NCL 84 THIRD ST ELIZABETH PAVLIS GEORGE F 4?5 HOSf HII I PL , ELIZABETH Information concerning th* «mounl and d««criPtlon of th* Lit* or Endowment Poli- CO0I SEMlCONDU 144 MARKET ST,, KENILWOHT.H ' cies or Annuity Contracts raf*rr»d to h«r*ln may D« obtained by any person pott#*a- .COLONIAL SERVIC.GROUP 1 WESTFIELD AVg'.,: ROSELLE PARK PEREZ, SOFIA 2G DECKER AVE ELIZABETH PERIDO, LUCILA G 0^4 E JERSEY ST 1A, ELIZABETH Ing an Intaraet In tha •for»«ald Llla or Endowment Pollclat of Annuity Contract* by CONNEHY TLORENCE F Vi W. dOLFAX AVE, ROSELLE PARK completing th* dalm form found at th* and of thl» ad. PUasa carefully complete, cut CONOSA THERESA 3 LINCOLN PL , GRANTWOOD PERRY. EDWARD C 1G17 ST ANN sr SCOTCH PLAINS PETERSON. FRANK 531 W 7TH AVE ROSELLE out, and mall thla fornrtof Department of,Tr*»*ury, Unclaimed Property, CN 287 Tren- COOK, CHRISTINE 309 E 4TH AVL ROSELLE ton, New Jersey 08646-028F, Attn. Claim* Section. COURY AYRES RFD BOX 35A. PLAINFIELD Pi«rr

NEWSPAPERS CLASSIFIED ESS1X COUNTY News-Record of Maplewood & South Orange SPECIALS West Orange Chronicle •'East Orange Record GARAGE SALES 1-800-564-8911 Orange Transcript • The Glen Ridge Paper Search your local classifieds on the internet Nutiay Journal • Belltville Post irvington Herald • Vaiisbyrg Leader The Independent Press of Btoomfield 25 words $19,00 or $26,00 combo UNION COUNTY GaVage Sale signs, price stickers, balloom SALES HOURS RATES Union Leader • Springfield Leader helpful hints, inventory sheet and Rain Giarft Eagle • Kenilworth Leader CLASSIFIED RATIS Mountainside Echo • Rosalie Spectator Insurance, Monday through Friday 20 words or less...... $14.00 per insertion Hillside Leader • Rosalie ParN Leader 9:00 AM -5 PM Additional 10 words., $4,00 per insertion Linden Laader • Ralway Progress Summit Observer • f liiatxth Gazette After Hours Call Display Rates.,,,.,...$24,00 per column inch ECONOMY CLASS 908-688-9898 Contract Rates Available Selection #6100 Blind Box Number., $12.00. per insertion DEADLINES Internet Listing ,,,$4,00 per insertion! 20 words $5.00 or $9,00 combo items for - "Business Directory 4 PMThursday sale under $100.00 One item per ad price Display • Space reservation 5 PM Friday must appear. ADDRESS _ Ad Copy 12 noon Monday Classified Advertising In-column 3 PM Tuesday AUTOS FOR SALE •Worrall Newspapers CLASSIFIED COMBINATION RATES RO. Box 158 Ad appears in all 22 newspapers Maplewoba, NJ 07040* ADJUSTMENTS 20 words or less,...... ,,$20.00 per insertion Adjustments: We make every effort to avoid 20 words - 10 weeks 524,00 or $37.00 Additional 10 words,,, $6,00 per insertion combo no copy changes -Offices where ads can be placed in person:. mistakes in your clas&itied advertisement. Please Display Rates...... $45.00 per column tnch check your ad each time if appears, should an error Contract Rates Available occur please notify, the classified department within f SSEX COUNTY seven days of publication, Worrall Community 463 Valley Street. Maplewood Newspapers, 'Inc. shall not 6t liable for errors, or DREAM MACHINES 170 Scotland Road. Orange CHARGE IT omissions in cost of actual space occupied by item 266 Liberty Street, Btoomfield All classified ads require prepayment. in which error or omissions occurred. We can not Photo of your car plus 20 words Please have your card and expiration date. be held liable for failure, for any cause, to insert an 4 weeks - $40.00 UNION COUNTY ad. Worrall .Community Newspapers, Inc. reserves Call now 201.763-9411 1391 StuyvesanJ Ave,, Union the right to reject, revise or reclassify any advertisement at any time,

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WAffTED HELP AP BIOLOGY Tutor needed lor high school BRANCH/ REFERENCE Librarian. Primary CLERICAL DRIVER NOT Getting thr. Miles or Pay. you responsibilities all-activities (including outreach Warn'' 1, Lwader in Miles 2 Avgragrj 1.8DO senior Call evenings belum lOprr. ENGINEERING ri WANTED 908 273-1137 and programming) of a small branch library Mileo/Trip 3 Top Li t* Equipment Inuxxwr Til Also 12-14 hours per week at relerence depart DATA CENTER if:ricoO DnWirti/Owrior Operators Cunoriani 3rf? WWW IMTJJ1 AREA REPRESENTATIVE A High Earning. ment. Excellent benelils; minimum salary CLERK Transport 1 • H 0 0 • 4 4 1 • 4 :j U 4 FOE prestigious opportunity as a Welcome Wagon S32.OOO This i& a civil service position, requir- BHEEZE-EASTERN Is a leadinn aerospace 1 • 8-B 8.- M O H E • P A V G r a d u a I fe fc DISPATCHER Representative. Manage flexible tiour week ing NJ Librarian Ceniticate and MLS from a- EARN MO' Growing linio company located near Newark manufacturer ot helicopter rescue hoists, winch while working with local businesses and proleJ ALA acreditod urnversiry Resume to director .ri",n-it po: Airport in search of a full time experienced and cargo hook products. We have an immedi- DRIVF.R5 HIRING Tractor' TrgiUjr Drivers sionals. Visit now parents and movers Bene Union Public Library. Friborger Park. Union. NJ ate opening lor a rJutail-orittnled individual lo . Good salary, benefits. 401k. Call 07083 bv September 10. 1597 NWH Tenwnai CarM«i« Penmtytvariis Fxcwi- fitK Training Call Northern NJ 201-539020? work in the Dala Control Center reproducing f r 2 51?G Soutfi/ Central NJ 0O8-42U-O202 li-n! Pdy 1 B"ip'it j "'jr M' II.TII MiiiJ-j H-JIIM and filing engineering data,- maintaining Mil. Ottiri RidHr Pr'xjram'v Job Swbilny Swift BOOKKEEPER/ PART time lor Linden manu Standard library and controlling the recording c 1000 ENVELOPES= S4000 .AT Homol Re- ASSEMBLE ARTS, crafis, toys., jewelry, wood 1 Ti.jli-.pon,,|.',n 1 POO HO' T" '"'J' n Mi torturing company Accounts ffjcaivablo. ac satellite In addition, the successful candidate r,;\ ;'*• ; i - serve $4 for evary envelope you etutf with our items, typing, sewing, compute work Irom sales materials Guaranteed) For tree Into, call counts payable payroll general 'i-rjgijr billing wilt Do rosppn'jibie lor computer data enlry ot Drlvor/MvsiMngar/Facllhle* Parson home in your spare tame Great pay. Free and taxes. Experience in Poattitro'e a must ?.A hour recording.. 310851-3350. itik tor details Call -1-800-632-6007, 24 noons.-(Fee) drawing maintenance and hisKiry Department R3 Fax resume to 903 272-4911 full lini'j entry, lovui porjilion availably toi COMPOSITION DEPT. ATTENTION MAPLEWOOD Postal portions Our company o/lors cornprfjhfnsivt? bcnr/lito 'J^pi-n^.jbU' prjrs.ri v/ilh valid driver', Itc^nr.M SI000 POSSIBLE READING,Books Pad-time. CHILD CARE Seokmg k> (ifI 2 positions. Full Clerks and oorinro No axperienc" required inr luiini'j nieffiwl dental presfripfnn pl,jn jrir) ryjryi t$nj\W} rc-IOrf Some rujdvy ll'li'i'J A! Home Toll Free 1-80O-218-9000. Extension time,(live in Monday through Friday) and part FULL TIME f BenetilS. For exam, salary and testing Inlorma tuition assistance and 401(k) savings Sond R-513V O' listings/ directory time (evenings and weekends) lor Maplowood rrjsume or Ct'jll lor application lion LaH i hV) '-i<)h W) ext 4751 BsmSpm lamily with 4 children from 1 1o 8 years of aye stri^ resunif awl sdld rriquirurrn-nfj Si000 PO5SIBI.F TYPING Part-time. At 908-686-4000 ftxt 'AW iri anrl o AUTO ^ 973-275-0^77, afior « Human Resources Dirpclor lor dirttoiory CHILDCAR PROVIDER" to watch our ninth P"T-,r,rir,f., Mrff. f-W-iO'J \'Sj 7442 ' Union, New Jersey 07003 S A 5.E. P.O. Box 7M505-KT. Coral Spring;,. Full time Monday-Friday 8-5. Musi have valid Qnly ro.sufiHj!j with ^>aiar/ reQuifurrienK will t>o Nt-wstJdpr-' fxpene-rict r'eipl'ji t FL 3307D NJ drivers license, positive atlilude and work coriii'Jered. Equal Opportunity Employer, M/Fi CHILDCARE/ HOUSEKEEPER 30 hours per We aro an equal opportunity employer with an nc: 'f-qijirr-'j Enlry (e^ei pci3'*'^ well with others For immodiato consideration AC-COUNTING CLEFtK Union. NJ company week. Aftombon care lor lour and nine year afftrmativo action plan. call Phil Underwood at (201) 7fj'j-4567 r r seek-S indi/io'uai lor accounts payablp, bank olds Flueril English, relorences: Call Bf;r''-I't plj i C-jH 'o' an ^ppMn!rn'; ' COLLEGE STUDENTS Tri-County Painting reGOncjIrahons, some general ledger, other 275-0225 DRIVERS 45 Years of Customer Service offers Summer through Fall employment Work Leading NJ Limo Company looking lor full and The KJeai r^anrjiddte wi« have at least sur (201)763-0700 outdoors, $7-$lO rwur. Advancement oppor- pan limp drtvers All »hiHs Call Rich or FteO al accounting credits or retated experience Good ESSEX CHILDCARE. SEEKING experienced live oul tunilies. Call 973-762-0201. or send your resume to understanding ot the general ledger Know SPORTS CARS Nanny lor infant in Maplewood, 30 plus hours Production Director loctge of Windows, MS Office and excnltent Mlllburn Avenue Maplowood Non smokor, reoOnt references and driving a DENTAL FHpNT Desk. Growing dantal group Keyboard skills. In addition to being well organ plus Call 201-763^6733 attur 7pm practice seeks quick learner with minimum one DRIVERS Worrall Comrpunity" ized and efficient with the ability in. learn new year dental pxperionce for full lime position in skills quickry New graduate or part time student AVON NO Door To Door Necessary. Earn to Newspapers &O%. &ell at work/anywhere. MLM & bonolils CHILD CARE Full time, live-Out for 2 small South Orange office to handle Infturantio billing welcome Please fax resume to Controller and front desk operations Starting salary Suburban Cab Company is looking avaiable: Call lor great rtioneyrnaking oppor- children 45 hour"; $320 per week Summit P,0 Box 158 308-685-4415 _^ Convenient to bus/ train. ftOB-522-1937. $20,000. Call 973-763-2940 for full and part time hetp. Quality tunity. Indupondent Representative equipment, nice atmosphere. Call: Maplewood, N. J. 07083 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Full lime for pre 1 -600-B14-28G .jp stigtous nursing facility locatad in suburban CHILD CARE, full lime. Pick up from Caldweil and delivery. Reliable transportation ane) neat 973-762-5700 Essex County Computer expenence a plus BABYSITTER NEEDED for 1 and 3 year olds In School and provide day care for our two appearance o must. Call today start tomorrow Excellent salary arid benefit package Please my Maplewood home on Thursdays, Fridays children (7 and 6) m our SpnngfiekJ home Call 259-0100. COMPOSITION DEPT. Mrs, Rhoda 1pm-7pm more hours possible. Excellent refer- ,201-564-8724. evenings Sertatnc Center, ences a must Call 973-7GI-8790. DRIVER HOME Time! Home Time! Homo Sy way: TMrige CHILD CARE/ Housekeeper. 3prn-6;3Oprn, • 'T*n uw». m Umoo. P.O. Box 158 From news stones to features, from council coverage lo (W 1olt0WW)g FUU-TINI positi'jnl (7 jtl aggressive salespeople for outside rttiil Maplewood, NJ. 07083 police blotters, from community events to the Board of and inside sales. Earning potential Education, reporters are the eyes and ears of all of our Store 4 Service Managers commensurate with experience. readers Parts Managers Worrall Newspapers; which publishes 22 newspapers serving 23 towns, has openings for reporters in its Essex and Union County regioru.Jf you think Position* are also Call: Marty Strpngin available in our other you have what it takes to be a reporter, send resume and clips to Editor Tom Sell North Jersey stores. (908) 686-7700 Ext. 317 Canavan, P.O Box 3109, Union, N J., 07083, or fax to (908) 686-4169, Full-time benefits include. Be p»rt of * company whose mission is to preserve democracy. •lift WornJI Newipiperi ii «n cquil opportunity employer. Your

Worrall Community Newspapers, Inc. •401K •Prnoipbon plan FREE WINDOWS NT SEMINAR •Paid Stuff! Must Call To Reserve Seat Interntws will be conducted in the ntv Advertise It All At future. For (oniiderition, pleise send/fax resumt to: Pep BoyJ. 301 Route 37 Eist, On The Internet Micro Tech Training Center him River. NJ 08753, Attn: Mike Hurry'. HcTjinneT; lu: (732) 5M-IBV7, Classes Starting Or you mi) caJI our Job GbASSIFIED AD LINE East Ornnrji>, NJ 0701B Hotline ii (888) /-.. [?01i171 1177 Soon . Ptr-BOfS, ftp Boys itpporUoi drug-free work ennronmenL EOt. M/f/D/Y. Visn us it : www ptpbo/ 8-686 9898 WINQOWS 95' INTERNET MS TCP/IP MS WORD COURSES AVAILABLE EXCEL WINDOWS NT (1) PC Applications Specialist Call Now !! NTER SELECTION #8100 ACCESS 'LOTUS NOTES (2) Network Systems Administrator PEPBOTS iV« your advertisement and your Vita or Mattercard ready POWER POINT CLIENT SERVER 1-800-564-8911 thep answer the question* you are atked In a clear voles. "Financial Aid Available for those whu Qualijy" Parts, Tires, Sarvlc* VLfWW.locjlsource.ccim/clas5ifieds/ PAGE B12 — THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED GARAGE SALE CLEANING SERVICE D J MAINTENANCE — Office Cleaning; win- FOOD SERVICE, part lime. $525 hour Sa|ur: PART-TIME SECURITY SOUTH ORANGE 229 Ward Place (Between day 10'3O-3:00; Sunday 1230-3:30, Small ANNOUNCEMENTS Irvington Avenua/ Village Road). Friday, Satur- dow cleaning; floor waxing. Fully Insured colo. coftoo, baked goods Buy supplies, sorve, day' Augtisf 29th, 30th. IOAMJIPM furniture, Hoferencos provided Froo estimate*. Call HOSTESS Security Cornpany hai several Security Officer ctoanup HiQn school gratf required Resume housewares,. clothing, bric-a-brac, aplioncos. 90B-964-B136. Saturday, 10AM-7PM portions available at Newark International to Directm, Springfield Library, G6 Mountain niore No early birds! Airport. Positions are availably full arxl part flmo HELPING HANDS for any worti ground tho 0 "T Thursday, 6PM-9PM A TRUE PSYCHIC , Mi*: flhontla. i fliVB all ori all shifts. Retirees welcome. For Interview typos of readings and advice. I can and will help UNION, 1062 CRANBROOK Road (off Moms hpuse Housocleaning our specialty. One shot call Bob 817-6300 Ext 114 Mon- FRAMEB Full ttrno'fnr bu-jy art gallory/ frame wo are looking for an ambitious, take-charge you where others have failed, 1 Fine question Avenue), Saturday August 30ih. 9AM-3PM. deal weekly, bi-weekly-, monthly; Fully Insured n 1 1 day to Friday 9 00AM to 5:00PM Coll Artie. 908-654-9430 •,hfip E>T"'"' < "I "' ' nrvl Call 47'1 76? 4714 Individual with strong people skills to work for (over id), 1-243 Sluyvosant Avo , Llin Video games, comic books, sports and non our Harmon Cov» Outlet MBII located In SEC- aports cards, toys, clothes, household items or lax rnwriw to.. 973-762-4913. 900-666-9665. HOUSECLEANING SERVICES by sxcollent AUCUS. NJ, and rmrrh morn No eartv bints FRIFNP1.Y TOYS fi Gilts has immediate open- HAYNES SECURITY, INC. staff ol professionals with great references and 1 .Now YorV Avonuo ENTERTAINMENT Bxpenence Also carpqt antyjjpfiolstery clean- ings in your area Number One-In Parry plan: This person will bo In chargo of answering Toy^i gifts. Christmas, Homo riocor. Free NewarK Hi 07105 WANTED TO BUY ing Call 908-9GS-1541, telephones, handling cutomor Inquiries and LIVE PSYCHICS Taint card readings love i.i'.i '.rj i i'J information 1 800 4fl8-4B75 assisting witti preparation ol promotional SHAMPOO PERSON Saturdays only money Know your future Talk live 1o a real AAA LIONEL, American Flyer, Ives and other SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your mo aatvitms 8am-3pm. Winfield Park location; Call fitted psyrhlr Roai answens to touqh ques- trains and old toys Collector pays highest cahh FULL Tl.'/E. Tti,County Painting offers Sunn ney back For B spflctBl cleaning demonsiration 908-486-9777 ti.,nr. 1 90m:"l'0'«n Ext "S161 1R< $3 9<»' prices 1-ftOO-/1f)4-4B71, 201-B29-1fK)fi r ii r -r rfuyti F.ill nnipioynionT yVorV outdoors and a free quote call Bev-Mald Ssrvico. rninuto Serv U i <>i« Md B434 S7 S10 tirtur Advancement opportunities.,Call Inloroatod applicants may Call: (201) 271-4800 673-5207. Ext 7244, Monday through Thursday between ANTIQUE AND O'dor Fumituro. dining room? WHA1 TIME din', the movin Mdn' Call bedrooms, breakironts. becrelaryt. ntc Call Bill TOO BUSY TOC.LE AN? I will clean your home, the hours of 9AM-4 30PM. for an appointment STAND OUT f 1 K)fl ()80 'JHIfl "/' J17 " Infu'.our'p IS a ?4 2p1 580-4004 offico, apartment Good references Own trans- HAffTif, 400 PLAZA DRIVE. SECAUCUS. NJ 1 GIFT WRAP 07004-3686 An HOE M/F/D/V poos your ad noed ft lin'o niorfi fitlBntioo? You hour a day voiC' mlorrTidlujri st'rvif e Cti[K dr^ ofjrtation. Call Meire U0O-687-BO40. ran creHlfi Ad-lrnp#cl ^y Using larg«r typn lr*it il within V MJI l^Cd! r nflmo <*rfd CAMERAS BOUGHT. Hirjhest prices forqunl- and RIBBON DEPARTMENT This Typo sizct h rty cameras No rrwio. Polaroid or t^odakB Will pick-up Call 9()8-W64-7W)1 leave ' CONTRACTOR F T T '"lilt"1 S1 ^^ p^r*".f,n fnr our bury PERSONALS f HARTZ I i i* •< j i j *?*'(•>-jr'niprrt Opport jmry l j work 12 Point HUMMFI.S- HUMMELS HurTimols HUrnmnlfc- AM.W CONSTHUCTION, INC Custom Kitth- /," >i-ervVf )\.\t »*striblish»ylparty *i!o:»* VY'U Quality products DIAL A BIBLE Hurnrntils- Hunin>t;ltj- Hurrirntjl-.- oris. Custom Bathrooms, Renovations, Addt 1 lor p^ts since 1926 Hummols- Hummeis- Hunmnjls lions, Qcckt, Roofing, Siding, Plumbing. *r i f *r J n j^t ptJrs^n For nvji* intormnttOn f,rfll f 14 Point MESSAGE Hurnmols- Hun^fl)L*!sj Hummt'lt Hurtimeis- J PAPER PEPLAR PART TIME Hurnmels- Hurnrrn*>ls Hummels- Hummels 908-964-6356 Hummgls- Humnifjl';- Humrtiuls- Hummels- 681 Morris Turnpike INTERVIEW NOW r MELO CONTRACTORS 18 Point 201 i0HB Springfield, NJ FOR SEPTEMBER POSITIONS Tho Bible clo»rly tsuche* that Josui built "The Homeowners Contractor" only ONE CHURCH. (V«tt. 16:l6).Th»refore PICTUF1E F.HAMfcR/ f.arppts purchased We Additions & Alteiations 973-376-3385 Alter Schrxji Program seeks adult loadors for all the different kind of churches NOT found tiny oldfHLlurf trdrlii", rirtt] (irtf'ntfll OdrpPts CaM Now Construction Fire Restorations \i I'.i'iont, n^siUblc in Maplowood (W1 Orantjn in a recreational program dosjgned for by Satan and hi* servant*. (2 Cor'11:13- OrvJks & Pavers Kitchen S Baitis Rer ytiing IriduMuti' f\f t ou^ts Sf*rvr*id - . »-i. ;i,-Tyi'jiirf"'F'Tf 'iVCiM Always Buying Scrap Metals ON THE LEVEL ' '. B-VW7 f|rfi|jps of rvtul'l'en Hourly salary based upon STOCK PbRSON. full tmio for retail store in k nf 2426 Morris Ave, (near Burnet) Union GENERAL CONTRACTOR "xijerwrtco MuM havo own transix>rtation. Call 'lijr rf ddy Iolt'[' i' int'imidtrin ^.r^r^i J 1 DJII/ 8-1 0S' -i' fiiMinfj ,11^ Commercial. R»sld«nti»t, Framing ., 1 ""•' i W'.'l-^.iri'lf, •!•. N') I'lW'.lrriorii Frin. Program, \?A Djirin'jll HoarJ, Maplswood. Eric. 973-379 2085, Ext?. 9:30-12, weekdays 908-686-8236/Since 1919 Sheet Rbcti, Cuatom Decks. tut, C-wll Ano Mans ¥W*-i7i-)&.7Si. 070*0 No Job Too Bifl pr Small SWIM TEAM Coachos Certified coactu;? LOST & FOUND Call for free estimate IMMEDIATE OPENING f'ART TIME Domrjristrators. Full time pay pan, needed for Sepiombor 1997 for YMCA Youth SECRETARY tjrnr* hour*i No mvestfT'Ujnt PrQo J300 kh Your Swim Team Contact Al Fefiary al POUND MIKE COSTELLO 908-289-6425 )i n\ iji'trtl TI'K'IV Chnstrrot Around ttio 973-99?-75OO. r r rT r 1 Woriij/'•rjifti Can Linda »OH-2»8-02Ct Also u|Ti^*- fjfnit|f Tl ir Sport grny shirt "6(V •nME"BUfLDERS~ J "* \ M.tJK 'J i ' J -I'J J-i MLT I h.lvr H' TEACHER NEW Social Studies Tuacher look PETS ryi\\ rjijTitp^if] I ^ 7f#0 BV f . ,• •' -rp«'•«••'< ',r" 4' WPt/ r,,iv< irirj lor axperlijnc»d toacnor to ftalp mo wiiti CARPENTRY, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL f RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL PART TIME Survuy lakers, in Union, mornings dairy lesson plans I am local 20i-478-./fj0(.) L i:.T DOC 1)11!> ri fjM J 1 or frv^nings Hourly plu^ bonus C<*ill M^ry. mix b NO JOB TOO SMALL TEACHER'S ASSISTANT Part lima ofionintj FREE ESTIMATES 45 Years Of Customer Service witti a -great staff .in Snort HiliR pio&ctiw>[ I , la"jt",' Cf'i ->io'i 'f I'.'i Puos. Wd'.t- ' WILL WORK WTTHtN YOUR BUDGET HLCEP-TIONIST SAUGHT by Springrfiokllaw ExporlBiico preferred Call HO1'2a5-900O 'jrtfi J> >ti Oil* •> Aijyu^l '<• i ^ 1 i ScplOTitftr ' JOHN HODAVANCE. JR. 201-926-1946 r ESSEX SPORTS CARS 'irm To worV Bam Cpm Monday ar>d Tuoaday anytime H'lur' *f) . IP O Urn K'-ri-H-lr If.H'-jtWriy PAGER BOB-96S-AO80 rxpenenced preferred S**nd (esum© to Kalhy • 1 f -1-|_'_"j' '.J 'jprj'jLil«, H/J" H^IH Ganrjn^f Bumoardnef. Hurtiin and EMi*. 873 TEACHERS AIDES Background In psychol WHITfc STONE euwnlConlr«ck». Contmtu- ',"•>', OFr. Pf^tEtVER [ <•') v*-< 'AKC, -' K W..->'. A}. rif / I j'ikirtg i>i> uhavioraf &cionoeii 60 cotiygf r Worn'.. Avonue" Sprjrifjfifild. NJ 07081 MISCELLANEOUS r J ( OJHI ano RssWentla! Addtroris. K/icnons an^j cri?dits minimum Small private day acnool lor -rr i'MS' t'tiir - t spdyt-d * ' * O + d' ' k'd /." > 'J:«I ttn'f r r BaTh'oontV D'jrmers Deckt,. Windows and omotionalry disturtjetl cMlldren, has ufwilng^ C-ll C I'tf t'-r intr.r/i".'Vi 't|S '.'7 ,'ri' Hf> r r- r'i^rf -• 1 I'lt-', M'JU h** rJ*)!'1• t' MESSENGER' MAILROOM. Person saught by /it*- Gdrag^j Frf»e for energetic and enttiuBiastiotHactiers akl«H tr, , , , < T/:,. • <" J" "iprngtioid law firm to work Monday thru Friday. d Ijp'tngfiyid art" 9am-ipfri Rijliabie car and valid New Jersey assist teachers in small classes ol five cntidron, dnvprF, licence recjuirwd Competitive hourly ages 5- 21. Send resume to: Child Develop- ANTIQUES •f- "-*>rw,Rf, D rate and mileage felmburstirr>ent Send resume mom Center, 60 West Str«et, Bloomiiold, NJ LAB PUPS f j ' .* r/r 0 * D AfTh lo Katfty Gardner Dumgardner, Hardin and 07003 6OE/AAE LAFAYETTE MIL.1 Antiques Center off Route DECKS f 1 / f•d-i O/p#-fiUf i .'i (or full 1 Elli^. 673 Moms Avenue, Springfield, NJ Lafayette (Sussex County) 1JJ AKC '.*j_ Hips TELEMARKfTTERS, PART tirno. l "IMPROVE YOUR HOME working for established mortgage comparty in affordable, antiques quality collectives, Calf !• 1/ 4!', RECEPTIONIST Kenilworth Call 90B-2BB 1100. ask tor Jame', WITH GIL" PART TIME Powell Wednesdav

JFVVKl HI' POLIbHER Pan time,, or full lirni W<* h3ve ari itftmediBlo opening lor a brigtit, TELEPHONE CALLERS, pan tim« to recruit Call 908-964-9242 f r ;-", - ^,* rti i'jf, '_,o"ii' fjy^cfif.ri,i, tn energetic individual aDIe to work 20 hours per volunteers for the American Heart Association MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALJ Vc Whi Biat Any L *gi*i n from Union Paving Machine Rentals. Free Estimates. Fully 0EDROOM SET, 5 pioca. Medilorranoan hand i srOhjil l?iw office in West Orange Call WHEN REPLYING County Arts Coritrjr. Large Stat! Award Insured, 607-0614, 789-9508 RECEPTIONIST TO J11 00 p«r hour Shon carved, solid oak. triple dresser, armoir, ?. night V.'innma Sludenli F^otitali 908 392 1595 Hills locatlfin, front de«tt postflOfi "Hoiirs TO A tables, futi.het'CJtmarTl: askmg J1.750 Dtninrj Llfb GUARDS' Sy.'irn Inttructon. nooded for 9:4&-6 15, Monday- Friday. Outstanding bene- room, tu-fjieco. f/odltorranean hand oarv&d, PATERNO PAVING r Drlvewayi - Parking Lot* •;iH 1TJ7 Fir-;i Aid and CPR Certiticaior. fits Inquire Excelsior 414 Eagle Rock Avenue. UNION COUNTY «,oti-J oaV asi'inu $2 )00 008 27 (3E A PARALEGAL1 Train now.i Depart ol one ol n") ji'"i Coriiact Kim j-itu L rn i 4 I? 7'yyi West Orongo Call 973-736-3557. 'Coat Soallng CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER BEDROOM SET 3 pieces Include!, tnppio today's tastes! growing oaroors Accredited artorrioy instructed diploma/ degreed home 'Concroto Sidewalk i r)JY ,rA tJTFD C^ii'llc,' GHI ttip bf)M f'>r RESTAURANT 0USY SEAFOOD restaurant dresser, mghi starids nrtO dresser tx.cfillent study pruyrarn:, Fryu Catalorj BWJ-47fi-33Hj "All Typo Curblngs f ploaso address envolopo to r.ondiiion $300 00 ')> bust ollor Call 'M ( /jut r you hoM d homo Jj^^y f'- ^>tcirt,ri'L has immediate full and part time openings for • ixinntion ^'i (SCA NotwrjrV) "Paving Blocks ' -I'Kji'r Htcunie a Sale)!. CoriMjIturit °.fjrv(*rj and fotxJ runners. Call Smcl&lre's 47') 7^^ 1359 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED td'/i ovur 30% commission. I-BB8-STAB-I77 f-Jor1h(.hore Grille H73-379-2232. BOX NUMBER BEDROOM SET White formica top dresser FIDDLE/ VIOLIN and Guitar lensor* liom 908-245-6162 908-241-3827 with butch, corner desk with chair, headooard. award winning rnusicjyn Befjinnois- ad MACHINE OPERATOR vancod All styles Learning Can Eie Funl RETAIL SALES Worrall Newspapers mattress, box spring Asking $175.00 Call : C'ju you oporatu a bdlioiy of Swis^ Auiorriytic 908-241-^)942. 906-35.2 1909. loavu moovjgo DRIVING SERVICE ^' fiv. Wt^^rnnOS jnd ini>pfi' 1 yfjur production f GREAT OPPORTUNITY P.O. Box 158 by MANDV-HELPERS •8Wvtce>r tt 10 fait - Maptvwoodf-NJ-07040 uil-m^t Ovt-r VZ /O'ir M your committed ah'J reliable we want to mee! $380 $1D0 firm Call 908-340-1079 Maybe wo can. Doctors, vots, airports, otc; through advanopd All ages welcome 908-688-6390 Extension 122 you Men's and boy's casual clothing store Drop OH, pick Up. Minor Housohold choror. »0«-810-B424 $10.OW hour. Call David at: EMPLOYMENT WANTED BUNK BEDS Solid wcxxl, never used, in Itis- De.livor packages locally. Reliable and courio box Cost $350 SelT $135. cash! Call Join .the rapidly growing held ot hoalth care ous. 908-355-3Z0B, We Have A Challenging Opportunity 973-376-0715 CERTIFIED HOME Haalth Aides and Compan- 201-8126349 ions avallabio to cam for tho elderly/ in. i_ivo in/ KEAN COLLEOE CONTINIMNO EDUCA- For You Right Now In Union County! TION rri association wilh Condensod Curricu- : Out Bonded/ Insured/ Experienced Frqe eva- DAYBED BRAND now. whitu iron wirh 2 ELECTRICIANS SALES CLERK PART TIME FULL TIME lum International presents short turnV low cost luations. Call 201-763-6134 premium quality mattresses and pop-up MAINTENANCE/ HANDYMAN Full time. Ben- in Pharmacy Technician/Medical trundle $290 Delivery available ABLE ELECTRIC If It's electric wo do it! Now olil', For appoinlmon! call 908-G86-0505 Quick Chek is looking for cashiers to work days, CERTIFIED NURSES ASSISTANT (live-out) to Asvsiant-Adminisiratiori/ Physical Therapy 732-249-4010. Installations or repairs, reasonable prices, Re- nights and weekends, IN THE Maplawood and care lor sick/ elderly, days/ evenings 10 years Aidb/ EKG-Cardiovascuiar Technic*ari/ Billing- commendations available. License * 11500 MECHANICAL OR Eloctrical ongineer with two Union areas-. Looking for responsible individu- experience. Own transportation 201-670-1322 C-jdmg Cia^sus Mdrti-^g S'jp";'nb<:r for mlo' Fully insured Call Frank at 908.-276-B692. years -experience is needed Iri Millburn. Call GIFT bA&KETS Galore &pewali/irwj in cus als who have quality customar service experi- or pager 201-2B2-7827. 1 rrutiori call 1 800 441 974*3 For 201 37 ence. Minimum age of 18. We offer a compejti- tom gilt Lidskets |ust lor yo ;' A!' occasions Grf' f.a'i Wi h'il ?if,' INTER—COUNTY Electrical, Inc "AM Types Of ttve starting salary, incentivs bonus, and BXCOI- OdSkets start at 125 Proprietor Brfrtinra PJ^ Eioctncal Work' Residential, Commercial. In- MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST tent benefit package. Immediate openings, for qualone B08-686-4U9 REN MEDIA Miisfc StudffS Pi^n dustrial. .NJ License #13970, Insured and moro Information call. Donna In Map'ewood at Vrx^al, also advarice'j MIDI ^tiplicalio Bonded Free Estimates 908-382-2242, ASSISTANT r (973) 761-9821; Russell Irt Union at (908) KILL MOSOLHTOES and Flying Insects i . your composition from award winning composer/ Immfrdiato full arid part time opening in bu&y REALLY CLEAN 688-^596 yard' Buy Enforcer. Exterminator plus Mos arrar^ger Recording $tudio *invtfc*nm©nt Joe KREDEFI ELECTRIC, INC Residential, Corn orthopc-d»c, offiuft localfj'-j iri Union Must bo rjuitoand Flymglnsod Spray for yords I his Pro Ku'as7. DirocTpr S0S-'JBr.jorturiity for person with good community Hntry Level Detail oriented, inside sales per- in recessed and service Lrvoin or out. Personal Care Service a Polish LIVING ROOM/ den furniture Excellent condi sorrr^oded1 , FrtendW telephonp e panponiljlpjty , wnokooo do'.ectojdo.ecoj^.s ^ ariadd secuntsecuy » ypt-rif ric** d mj!;l Full time Fj> rosurno "plui Srg opporiurilfy' H(l-llciguara EMCES aflefaliori'flfli , and IInew"iievet6pn)'''ri(t6'i( s Wood parsons table, $800. Upholstered chair, 201-239-0654 plus. Nori smoking environment. Benefit pack- HOME HEALTH Aid, Nulurmg and loving Numt>er 7236. Fully Injured. $200 Verticals, largo comtemporary picture, ago Fax rosuroe to 906-666-4656. Polish womtfn s^eks full time position Live out OFFERED No Job Too Small MOTHERS AND others Work frorn honio 6 yoars experience Excellent references. assorted ceramics Prices negotiable r f ti //i- $ y/J0 month Paid vauitions. Call SAMPLE MAKER, eicperiericed single needle Speaks fluent English and drives car Call 973-533-0596. 908-563-0398 1-800-870-0398 Marrow machine Must be expert In better suits 908-654-5429. and dresses. Groat Short Mills working location. MATTRESS AND Boxsphng, orthopedic BATHROOMS NAII fFCHfJICIANS with fixpnriencod tind Part/ full time Call 973-379-7711 between HOUSE OR Apartment Cleaning. Polish wo- Never us-ed SUN in package Cost $350. Soli FENCING foltowin'j Great opportunity New salon in 1200-600PM. ask for Nlta, man with lots of experience and good reler* $125 cash 201-256-2526. CARDINALE Union Call. 908-8D1-3161. onces Responsible and reliable. Call SEAMSTRESS/M. EXPERIENCED, ladies CONStRUCTION CO. OFFICE' SECRETARIAL and admimstralive 201-375-4020, leavo message MATTRESSES 4 BOX SPRINGS B&M FENCE evening wear. Full Or part lime. Gertrude's. 131 Bathroom Horno^l«!ir>g drjtif'r, E/^nil'-nt communicatin1] ".Kills Know [win $49, Full $59, Queen $69; King %7B each All typ* Indajlatlon4 rapalra. Fr«a aatJmaia. South Orange Avenue, South Orange Appiy In IF YOU need a responsible person with good Complete or Partial I'j'Jye ot MS Office a plus. Full time with Futons 1189; Daybeds $129 Completo 24 Hour Svrvlc* person, 10AM-4PM. references to take care of your elderly for Lowest Pncfcs benefit?.. Irrirri^i^te oooning in Union olttce. 201.-371-2540 live-out position call !K)8-351-26a4 A-1 FURNITURE 904 5045 or VA H'.?? SECRETARIAL^ CLERICAL Full time/ Part 908-688-7354 or time positron lor Millbum matrimonial law firm 201-373-S177 1 1 NURSE AIDE (Certified) seeks live in/ out. Rt 22 West(Noxt to Shop Rito) OVERWHELMED WITH LEADS I need help Duties include light typing and general clerical weekends or nights, caring for sick or elderly 1 Free Delivery within 40 miles CARPENTRY Our 29th Year In Business Will help you gfit staned Earn 5- 10K per month Knowledge of WordPerfect 6 1 required Call Good references, own transportation 1 Phone Orders Accepted Part time. Fantastic Support No Selling. Not 973-379-9292 or fax resume to 973-379-9210, 201-763-143B MLM Recorded message 1-BO0-995-f)79C JOE DOMAN TOM'S FENCING SECRETARY PART time for Psychologist in YOU.NG LADY looking to -clean houses or MOVING, MUST Sell! House full ol furnlturel 908-686-3824 ALL TYPES Millburn seeks experlervced Secretary to man- companion, days 'or evenings Have good Living room, bedroom, washer, dryer, refrlgora- PART TIME local doctors office in Springfield age practice 2 days per week. Hours flexible references, experience, own transportation. torfi^office desk, etc. Call 201-736-9846, West DECKS NEW AND REPAIR Knowledge Windows 95 necessary. Prepare ,<";V.'r, respKjnsrDle reliable individual for clerical Call 372-1037 anvtime. Orange, ALTERATIONS/REPAIRS • NO JOB TOO SMALL fj'.M'iori Monday Wfdrinsday Friday payroll, Insurance claims wjih follow-up, chart. •KITCHENS -ATTICS 9arri 4prri Call b'jtw««rr 'J 30-3 30pm pay bills, eic Call 973-763-3694 or fax resume MUST SELL! 3 Undelivered Arch Stool Build- FREE ESTIMATES 3/fj 'JIVJ to 973-763-1269 CHILD CARE ings 20x24: 25x30; 30X58. Financing avallabio. •BATHROQMS -BASEMENTS Must Sell Immediately. Great For Backyard CALL: 201-761-5427 CHILDCARE. AUPAIRCARE Cultural Ex REMQDELED PART TIME Drivm:, \'> 'Im't i,'..\i'/>\ FJus,or van YOUn AD could appear hero lor as little as Shops S Garages. Call Today 1-800-341-7007. change Legal, iiairted. ejtpenenc«d Englian- No job too small or too "large. from 7 30AM .9 30AM and 1:30PM-3 30PM $14,00 per weok. Call fpr more details. Otlr speaking aupalrs Affordable live-in childtare, POOL. 24*4', ABOVE ground, with fonco and W. VVITEK CARPENTRY.' Attic Renovations, Rutiree^ arid otherr, welcome -.Call friendly classified department would be hiippy "FINANCING local ixiordinator. Call 1-800-4-AUPAIR deck. All accessories. $100. Will help toko Basements, Tiles! Flooring. Closets, Doors a to help you. CaJI 1 800-564 8911, 1^000-425-7247' down. Call 908-331-3724, Trim. Kitchen Improvements, Painting * Win- "CASH" IMMEDIATE $$ for structured sottlo dows. All types ol Repairs Fully Insured Free menls and deferred insurance claims. J G COMPANIONS. HOUSEKEEPERS. Nannies PRESSURE CLEANERS. Factory Dlfectl New Estimates 90R-862-4B3B Beeper Wentworth 1-800-386-3582 No fee. European agency. Have excellent 2000-PSI $379, 2500-PSI $599, 3ZQ0-.PSI; 908-815-6436 references, expenwnce and English speaking 4000-PSI $999. Free Turbo Nozzle with (mme DEBT CONSOLIDATION!. Cut rnonthly pay Can 908-985-1541 dlate purchase! Call for Free Catalog merits up ti 30-50% Reduce interest. Slop 1-BOO-7B0-9274 (24 houm): collection calls Avoid bankruptcy Froe cohfi EXPERIENCED LOVING Care lor your little CARPETING denlial help NCCS non-profit. licenswl/borHled one in my very childfnendly Livingston horhe. PRIVACY HEDGE, Spring Blowout, Free In- Don Antonelll 1-8O0-955-O412 (TPP) We can deliver over four million State regisiered, inspected, podiatrie CPR stallation, Free delivery. Limited guarantee certified. 201-992-7B8Z. 3'/J -4' bush only $10.95 each Cedar/Arbon/i- ROYAL LINOLEUM & RUG CO. I BUY MORTGAGE NOTESI Doni discount tae 1-8OQ-889-B238, your mortgage nole! Also buy annuities, lotto, MATURE MINDED woman needed for part Famous Brand C«rp«ts cash streams Kirslin Wilson 973-667-3346 24 pairs of these for onl^ $349 time wonV at small home day care. f|exjblo SHUFFLE BOARD, 12 fe«t, cushion board. Armstrong • Mohawk - Amtlco hours morning and afternoon hours 15 hours week Ideal for home recreation room or bawmsni1, Msnnlngton • Congolaum • TarV«tt S5.0O par hour. 474K)S35 exceUenl condition. t1 DO. Call 908-241-5872, FREE INSTALLATION * H»v» Floor SIXM MONEY PROBLEMS? We' can help. Loan Ready For FREE ESTIMATE. Shop at horn*. available $3,000 & up. must be employed FEAST YOUR EYES ON THIS! SOFA. 81" WITH, matching chair. Otf-while, full-time. Call now 1-888-422-1555 extension (Sec PUZZLE on Page B8) pastel blue and rust. Excellent condition, 404 (SCA Network) for only $349 you can place a classified as that will $250.00 Call 908-709-0370. VISA 908-964-4127 MC MONEY TO LEND. Credit Problems? Debt appear in 112 daily and weekly newspapers in New SOFT LEATHER sectional, cream color, paid $2500. sacrifice $1500 Dresser with mirror CARPET CLEANING Consolidations? Apply lor a Mortgage over tho Jersey. Your ad will come face to face with 4.2 million $125, TV-$80. new bunk bed« $300, kitchen phone.24-hours-adayl NoHasblo Private.US readers! table and four chairs $125, G.E washer/dryer RICHARD G. McGEGHAN Mortgage Corporation 1 -800-865-0358. $200 Call 908-340-0995. NEED A Loan? We can help. Good or bad Residential A Commercial credit. 1-800^294-1194 extension 302: Free to call (SCA Network) WORRALL GARAGE SALE Carpat* & Floors •ShanrrpoO 'Stripped NEED C/)iSH? Have an annuity or structured COMMUNITY MAPLEWOOD. 33 BROOKWOOD Drive (off •Cleaned •Buff settlement? Wo purchase them and pay fast Elmwood Avenue). Moving Sale. Miscella •Slearn . . »Wax Dependable. Oldest in tho business. Call Sot 800-564-8911 neous items, housowares, microwave, sofa, 908-688-7151 tlement Capital I 800-9S9-0006, NEWSPAPERS desk, lamps; dresser, records, lawn equipment, "For that peraonal touch" Free Books. Excellent values! Friday August THE HOME Loan You Need. When Other 29th. 8AM-6PM. * Lenders Turn You Down! Call Falrbank Mort- New Jersey Press Association Statewide Classified Advenising Network (SCAN) CLEANING SERVICE gage, probleri, „., epeciallsts for 35 years ROSELLE PARK. 309 Walnut Streot (off Custom programs for any situation- Including (609) 406-0600, to* (609J 406-0300. e-rmil NJPress®AOL com Grant). Friday, Saturday, August 29th and 30th, CLEANING GIRLS. Experienced, reliable, re- no income verification, bankruptcy Quick ap- ferences. Olfices, houses, apartments end 10am-4pm. Households, books, furniture, provals £ closings 800-346 LOAN extension halls: Call Jumara 973-589-7127. clothes and miscellaneous. 413. NJ License 14180. UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 •— PAGE B13

FLOORS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMEKTS MOVING/STORAGE PLUMBING ROOFING E; ROSS Floor Sanding ami Beflnithfng w P. PAPICCwWructton rtq maks olo fldem lika ntw For free Mtirftatt call ImprovemBnts. Addlttoni, dacks, PAUL'S M ft M MOVERS WE STOP LEAKS! 908-687-3148, AL PASCAVAGE & SONS talfti, mmm, *ert, maem, rto, Og and Formerly of Yale Awe. MAX SR. & PAUL HillsWe. PMI 00177 mm FLOORING, Sett OMto-r 8fMNMlH?*4 Pe§4^g(y* CLARK BUILDERS, INC. ADDITIONS Low ft Lang SCHOENWALDER In Hardwood Floori, Swiping, Repair Skirt- BATHROOMS POWIRWASHINQ. C, MORRIS & Sons. Will DiitancB Moving Ing, InMallations, Sanding, Hslinl^hing, 'Dust KITCHENS BASEMENTS clean any surface removing harmful mildew CALL 908^88-7768 • Roof Stripping 5 Repairs Pumps Serving Union A MIddlMMx CountlM GARAGE DOORS ALL REMODELING Owner OpWBl*d. References Insured Free For 28 Y«ara HOUSE WASHING Cstimatos. .Lworisti #PM0O561. Call anyiime. *AJtoration»*Ga£ Heat fully Insured Free Estimates DOORS, INC, N J be No 010760 Quality Service Sine* 1840, 24 hr. Emergsnoy •Faucet Rdfialrs free Estimates Fully, Insured JAP PoWerwashing Housedeaning. Wood •El«ctric Drain A S*w«t Cisanlng Service, Raynor Qartge Doors (The only doom Decks, Concrete Patkw. Widow Screens, Lawn warranted (or as long as you own ymir home) PAINTING Serving tn» Horn* Owner 908-381-90901-8Q0-794-LEAK (5325) Furniture All Power Washing needs Free Bu^ln*f« « Industry Sales, Installation, Sarvloe Fun line of Rolling 201*372-4282 estimates JOQ Marzeno.' 906-810-9142 or Phil FERDINANDI FAMILY Painting Inloriof Exter- Steel doors, Call foriree estimates, eompemive Lanno, 6H7-5723 Day or nigtlt.-Nn job too ior Paldting, Roofing. Gutters, Neat and Clean 908-^86-0749 price and_warranty details small "Ovfif 20 years Servicing Union County* 464 Chestnui Street, Union, NJ RUBBISH REMOVAL j Wl SERVICE ALL OF UNION COUNTY CAPR! «08-964-7359 Reasonable rales Free Master Plumbofs Liconso *41BZ-*5HM5 KEUplY S CLEAN UPS & PowBfwashing Ex- LANDSCAPING estimates SENIOR CfTlzEN perii,, ArtiBS, GarBQaS, BaMrnanli, VarOi, SQM1M0BQ Houses. Decks, Patios, DrivevyayB, Pamiry FROSTYS PAINTING Inlonor arwl Exterior CONSTRUCTION DONOFRIO & SON CompKMo Landscape Owned Free Estimates Fully Insured, Phone: Quality WorV Reatonabla ratoR F-ully Insured Sf;rvict' Spnng/ Fall Cleari-IJp Lawn Mainln- PRINTING 732-248-4U4 GUTTERS/LEADERS General Contractor nance Shrubbery Design/ Planting Mutehmg Hofi'iences Available Replacement Windows No Job Too Sniall 900-tl15 1933 PRINTING ALL GUTTERS Cleaned, Repaired and In- ChnmicAl Applications Tree Romoval Fully stifled, $35 and up Fu«y iniufeg: Senior 'FRAMING HOOFING 'ADDITIONS Insured/ Lioonsod. Frpo Fhiimalos GREGORY ZAITS5HTEIN Painter: Exterior/ TILE 201-763-B911- Publication printing Citizens discount. Call Waller, 90B-Z45.5B34 'KITCHiNS 'BATHS Inlenor Plaster ar>d BheetrocKmg Fully in CERAMIC TILE Installer. New Was, repairl, GUTTERS/ LEADERS. Cleaned and Flushed. •SpMlallzins In Siding * DMIU sured, references All |obs guaranteed Froo a specialty regrouting. remodeling, cleaning. No job too big Repairs. Leal Screens Installed Instillation "B«M Prtew in Dvetca QuararttMd HOLLYWOOD orrtimaie 201 37 "i 9430 Maple Composition or small. I do it all Major credit cards accepted' 90B-Z33-4414. Kaltofn Services. JoeMegna. 1.BQQ.750-6822. 1-800-449^156, GUTTERS-LIADERS ~^" irnMTES - 463 Viiliy Strttt FULLY INBUBID LANDSCAPING ^QUSE PAINflNG Maplewood UNDERGROUND DRAINS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS Thoroughly cleaned, (lushed, ARTISTIC LANDSCAPING Rear or New»-R«0Ofd Bidg Fully Insurtd repaired, replaced,' DESIGN Mon,, Tutl, Wed ft Fri. 9AM-5PM Established 1935 AVERAGE HOUSE $40-560 201-676-2S66 Frw EstimatM Thursday and other times by appointment — Kltchenu, Btthrpomt, Repair*, Goutlng, All dabflt baggtd from abeva. wm Now Aeetpt All M«)ar Cnwirt Ciffl» STEVE ROEANSKI EXOTIC GARDENS & Tile Floori, Tub Enclo»ur«i, Bhe«Mrttalll All RBBQIB und Qutttri Rtpairad COMPLETE POND INSTALLATION 702-0303 Free Estimates Fully Insured MarJTMeise, 201-221-4965 HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. Carpentry Painting TRii RfMOVAL PAINTING & Rooting Masonry RESUMES ~~~~" No job too small or too large HEALTH & FITNESS Decks Gleaned & Treated FRIE ESTIMATES PLASTERING Resume* .. ... 908486.8550 AMAZING COLLOOIAL minemis, h'trtis.' vita- ••••••• •••••• • • \wmrncm ••-•.-•••• 28 YlAflS IXPtRIENCi mins, enzymis, proanlhocyinidiris, weight Fast pfolMilonal C.P. ENTERPRISES 908-688-1838 Typesetting services lost, health and vitality, Fri6 Information and FREE ESTIMATES P.O. BOX 3695, Union, NJ consultation »mali order ivailabra 908-887-7126 iniarMtad In atarting • tmw carmtr7 Want to 1.-8B8-773-B.113. ORCHARD PARK Landscaping ServiM Com- CALL- LENNY TUFANO ehang* Jobi? Sea ut lor typesetting your EAST COAST Tile Contractors Ceramic Tile. puttrized Isndicape design, complete lawn DOES YOUR HOUSE mum. Bathroom Renovation since 1881,. Kitchen DIABETIC? ARE yog still plying (or supplies? maintenanM, seasonal clsarjupi. Free esti- 908-2^3-6025 Floors P'est Prices Free Estimates Senior Why? For information on how you can receive NEED A FACE-LIFT? mates. Senior Citizen Discount Call Mapit Composition Cititen Discounl 90B-BS4-7472, supplies a! littli Of rio cost call 1400-67B^5733 aoe-see-aaoe EXPERT PAPER Hanginjjarid Painting ^ine 463 Valley Street by Mike Tuiang. Free fistifnitos and measuf- Maplewood ~~~"!1REE EXPERTS TZ Golden Nto Ufa Diamftt CALL R & C Landscaping ing. Riferencei availible B0$-66S-1B85 International SrirubS,- Lawn Care, Fall Cleinupt,, Spring Servicing Union and Morris County. Rear of Ntws^Reeord Bldg iOVLE TRIE SUflOlRY CO, Cleanups, Rail Road Tie Walls, Snow Plowing a ' Mori., Tuti., Wed S frj, 9AM-5PM IN EXISTENCE 20 YEARS ESTABLISHED 1922 Frank'f HertjovBl, Quttffi C(«an#d, Fully insuraflt Fret PAWNING TO Pttaw .The Mott Finicky .Gus- . . Thursday and other times , 4OOK VOUNOiR, FIEL BfTTifl.tlVi LON. TRIE * STUMP MMGVAL Eilimates. tottier. Exterior/ IrilenDr. paifjling, wallpaper, by appointminl QER. EARN EXTRA MONEY IN YOUR Painting & Handyman Service CALL FOR DETAILS handyma'n jobs, power washing, etc OiMafco PRUNING SPARE TIME. FOR MORE INFORMATION Smill Job Spffiliilst Painting 485-1491 CALL: CHRIS MENTOR, RRT BS 908-687-8189 762-0303 TREE SURQERY IN 90S-354.3B7B, PaoBf # 613-73ZB, Inferior • Exterior • Repairt WILL'S PAINTINQ and Speckling, Sandmg ALL ITS BRANCHES Windows • Glass Replacement • Carpenlry VICTOR LANDSCAPING and Construction Ail Primina, Carpet CWanmo Call 908^88-5596 BOOST VOUR CAREER SIS with ar> eHecttve Union Fully Insured,. .Free Estimates about Lawn and. Construction Call interview' grabbing cover letter and resume i BOS.B64-B3§8 HEATING 908-355-1465 or Beeper, 908-965-8400, Can today Careers Unlimited; 906-485-0113 PAVING """" WOOD STACK Tree Servigi, local tree mm- QUALITY-AIR!.Conditioning.* Heating,. Inc. piny All types of tree worv. Frt# eltimites Qss, sleam, hot walar and hot air hest 908.241-3849 MASONRY *"" 7 ROOFING Senior Citizen diwount' Immediate service Humidifiers, circulators, lone valves, air clean- COMPLlTi insured Free wood Chios. 9QB-J76-5752. ers. Call 2Q1-467.QSB3, Spfinqliild, NJ. COVINO CONSTRUCTION BADGER ROOFINO Co.. .Inc. Roof Ramoyal. HOME REPAIRS ^pseializing in" AJl typei ol Masonry Steps, UNI OF Shingles, Gutttrs, Liaders. Siding, Hot "Work Doni Proft ssionally for Ltss" Drrveways. SidewalKs, Paveri,, Palms, Fire- ASPHALT Asphalt. Fully insured, Frae Estimatet. Servic- TYPiSETTING HOME IMPROVEMENTS places, Baigium Block Free estimalif, luliy ing your area. Call 906-964^688 insured. 906-869-2687 . PAVING •Pilnting»Ory ArVall) Spackltng ROOFINQ Residential/ Induslrtal Tad Ggnskt- •MaionrytWood Won DREW MASONRY. Steps'. PitiDh Concreti Shmgle, Slate, Rubber, Gutters, Leaders, fie- •Interior/ Exterior WOffc, BidewalKi, Walkways, Curbtng All R*. pairs. Futty.lniuwd/ Free I8timata», 716.9431 TYPSETTING *Tije Repairs and More pairs and Small jobs "Very" Reasonable BMLMLMTS Rates, Ff»e Estifnalet, Insured. 906-269-4024 Free Estimates Jot, 908-355-57OB " PIANO TUNING Maple Composition Ft LAZARICK MASONRY, Sidewalks, Steps. ROOFING CONTRACTOR JCB ciui PIANO TUNING and Servlca. Master Piano 463 Valley St. ACWDCM774J,, GOMMEmolAL L,M, MAINTENANCE ~~ Curbs, Patios. Decks, GunerE, Painting, Car- Tuning for: Home, Recording Studios, Schools Certified In 1 pty rubber roofing RESIDENTIAL I COMMERCIAL pentry, Cleen-Ups, Removals, Basements. At- "Over" 26 years e&srience" Call 1-BOO- Flat roollng.repaifB Maplewood mnst •PAINTING .GENERAL REPAIRS tics. Yards, Small Demolition Free Estimates. Shingles, re'roof-tearoff 4392122 Rear ol N«jws-R4iCDrd Bidg .CARPENTRY •TILE/MASONRY Fully insured 908-688.0230. Roof inspections 4 maintenance Mon , Toes . Wed. A Fn yAM-5PM GENERAL REPAIRS, carpenlry, painling, wall- •PLUMBING •LAWN MAINTENANCI All worts guaranteed papering, plastering, leadtri, gutters, win- ThurWay and other time?, PLUMBING Insured Froe Estimates dowi, doofi, rooting All expertly bone. No job 908-315-7056; MOVlNG/STORAGj by appointmerit tooimatl FrM estimates Fully insured Plfr BLEiWEiS call 908.35g-3870, " PLAZA HOME IMPROVEMENTS DON'S ECONOMY: . PLUMBING & HEATING 762-0303 Siding/ Windows/ Rooting ROOPINQ HANDYMAN .UNLIMITED.General e. •A" typsi rutting lysiBmi, installed and Mrvised &/ Bthomi* a MOVING AND STORAGE •Gas Jrt! wiiif heai»f pairs. Plumbing. Electneal. Carpentry. Masonry ' Ejrttnsionl/ Concrete/ Masonry •Repairs •Replacements A Painting "If ft'i in the house, we can fix If" •Bathrown & kiteh»n remodeling . WINDOW SHADES Frtt*l«ttm«M/ 100% FifitneW The ReOTmmanded Mover Our 30th year. BtASONABLi RATES •• •Shihgles «Ttly 9OB-aiO-9374 . EXCLUSIVE STYLES ol Vertieals, STtaries and No Down Payrrwnt/ Fully Inturad PC 00019 7G1 Lehigh Avenue). Union Fuljy Insured and ftonded •Slate •Flat Valences; Clqlh Venatiafi Blinds Must Seei' , HOME IMPROVEMENTS, Interiors and i«ef- R«(«r*nc.i Avallabla/ NJ Unnn #122066 Plumbing LiesnM t7B?6 FrM Eatlmatet Insured Priced Well1 Janet DeMratofi,. lOfi (ram A to Z Discounl prices Free Esli- Louis Materaeia Bailiy AvB.. Elizabeth, Nj ViM/Mastercards accepted •Quality Work at a Reasonable Prtae 1316 North Broad Snoijt. maUw Call Today 908.354-0991. 01 908^87^035 90B-688-MQVE 908-686.7415 MARK MEISE 973-228-4965 906-351-4966, B Real Estate BUSINESS APARTMENT TO RENT APARTMENT TO RENT TRANSACTIONS EAST ORANGE 6 rooms (3 bedrooms;, 3-)a MAPLEWOOD FIVE rooms Second floor RENTAL mily Near Park Avenuo transportation, schooL Ideal for one or two adults Available now Calt OPPORTUNITIES ${13& monttily, plus ijlilrtioB, t'/r months swe- 973-762-8005. Real estate trariMJClio/js arc unty. 073675O278 NEWARK rr< rirdcd in the offu e of the rnunl\ Linden FREE HOW to make money at dome book with "All real attata adv«rtJ**d her»ln it EAST ORANQE. 2 r»dn>om, partially furn- STUDIO and 1 BEDROOM APARTMEKTS rlfrk Wurrtill Newipup<-r\ publish?) the. purchase-of one book $19.99. Choose •ub|*ct to tb» Fadaral Fair Houalng Act, Vary Spacious V, Mpnth FREE Rent Make mon&y at horrie with an answering ished, private entrance, near transportation. T. and Cecelia Jurtay sold which makea It Illegal to advartlM any washer, dryer, laundry hookup Supply Own Nice, Quiet Building and Neighborhood Near an abbreviated version of.all transac- machine business or Getting Started In TV, prel»renc«, limitation, or discrimination Park, Transportation, Schools, Stores Sup'J' properly at 1606 Orchard Terrace to Theatre and Movies Send checK Or money heat, bat water 1/> months security $750 tions recorded in the J2 Union Cc/untv baaad on raca, color, rallglon, sax, handi- monthly .201-S76-2G39, after 7pm ior Service'Program, References Requirtsd Amerigo Deldcvallc for $I35,(KM) on order lo. BLIM-YO, 13<3 Broad Street. Eli- cap, familial atatua, or national origin, or 24 HpliH ON StTE SECURITY municipalities the newspapers cover. zabeth, NJ 07201 May 13 intention to make any such preference, ELIZABETH FOUR bedrooms, yard, otf etroot SECURED UNDERGROUND PARKING I he information is provided by TRW HANDCRAFTED HOLIDAY Placemals'l Make limitation, or discrimination. parking Fully renovated Clove 10 transports COMPETITIVE PRICES Call 201-705^488 Property Data, a fort ljuiuicrdalc, the perfect gift, send $2.00 plus S.A.S.E. lor "Wa will not Knowingly accept any ad- non All utilities included J998 Gall catalog/ order form to. Sew Creative, 71 South 908-862-0605 ^__ Flu . information si-rvu e. and is pub- Mountainside vertising for raal «*tate which la in violation NEWARK (VAILSBURGJ two apartmon!'^ 2 Orange Avenue. Surle 348, South Orange, NJ of the law. AJl parson* are h*reby informed lished approximate!) MX weeks ajtrr n 07079 ELIZABETH, MYRTLE SHeet. 1 bedroom room apartment, $47500; 5 rwrn apartment. is fifed lit the c/nint\ 7 term's o/fii e , M.LtH.,^wWDflf^iriyjrai.tri.^ t7fc0«0 M»MI Hal m k^ari > boW HOMEWORKER -OPPORTUNITY Guide Is on an equal opportunftv basis Elizabeth. Hot water, heat, electric include*! Near bu', transportation and Parkway Call 1468 Woodacres Drive lo Anthony J. 201-374 B2B2 alter 5pm your ticket to financial freedom! For more 908-351-0828. _ Sepc Jbr. t23O.(KX). on May 23. information rush.'. $4.00 and sotf-addressod ; APARTMENT TO RENT Clark starnpod envelope to; Matthew Orummond, ELIZABETH, 1OO EiMORA Avenue, 2 room (1 138 Renshaw Avonue, £a&l Orange, NJ 07017, BLOOMFIELD. CHARMING 1 bedroom apart- bedroom) efficiency. Heat/ hot water supplied Sell Your Home Rahway INCOME MADNESS! Use your personal com- ments. Near transportation and parkway. Laun- Refrigerator, froshty painted, wall-io-wall car- F and ThtTL-sa Rodrigucs puter and a Software Business Program for dry facilities. From $545 includes heat/ hot peting. Must seel Medlum-el^ed pet allowed, IN UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIEDS sold property at 119 Lexington BJvd.j Afiordable HMS and New Jersey high profits. Call for details today, water. Security. References. 201-748-5068 $595.00.monthly,, t'/i months security. Inquire 1-800-669-4206. within. , CALL 1-800-564-8911 lo.Dainvos Kairaitis for•$226,870 on Inc. sold prcipcrty at 1949 Lufberry BLOOMFIELD. 1St FLOOR, 4 large rooms, Q IBVINGTON, UPPER: 27. / 3 rooms. Elevator May 23. St.. to Rosendo. Batista for $119/XX) LOCAL CANDY Route 30 Vending Machines, newly decorated. Eat-In kitchen, laundry hook- TO PUCE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD building. Near transportation. Heat/ hot water Earn approximately $8Q0/day. All for $9,995. ups, near shopping Available Immediately. on May 19 supplied. $495-$575. T/> month security No Search your local classified* Call 1-B00-998-VEND; $745 plus utilities. Call 973.429-8100 week- pets 973-748-6261 On the internet Hillside days, 9:00-5:00: __ OWN YOUR OWN apparol. shoe lingerie, Summit bridal, gift or $1:00 store. Includes Inventory, BLOOMFIELD, MODERN 1 bedroom; living MAPLEWOOD. TWO bedrooms. 2nd floor. liugenio and Maria O;. Hcrcira sold fixtures, buying trip, training. Minimum Invest- room, den, dining area Close to NYC transpor- Parking. Washer/ dryer hook up Available Shefley S. Armstrong sold property tation. Good neighborhood. 5739 monthly, October 1. $870 plus security. 17, month property at 118 C6e Avc, to Pedro A. ment S1.7,900;00. Call Dan at Liberty Fashions at 7 Hobart Ave., to John G. CJro- 501-327-8031. Includes Utilities. 973-748-4963. securitv 763-1146. FREE information! •Borges Uv $132.O(X) on May 15 skoph for $3S7,(XX) on May 16. ' START YOUR own business. BO simple star! up procedures. Free Information CALL Kenilworth Fax (BOB) 686-9898 Union 516-921-4768, and enter a four digit Isabella A. Swenson sold projwrty Elsa M, Albcr sold properly at 887, selection number below! at 26 N. 19th St., to Josephine S. Con- Townley Ave.. to Vincent J. Franchi- do for $100,000 on May 22. no for $I47,O(K) on May 28. Just moved Helped Me Turn Recent Home Buyers 11 in ? ~ Into New Customers. 57,000 PRIME BUYINGA HOME I^can help "People move into my community all the time. But as 1700 Before You Buy REAL ESTATE 1701 The Real Estate Agent a business owner, I didn't know how to reach them 1702 The Neighborhood PROSPECTS you out? cost effectively. My exclusive sponsorship in the 1703 Buying An Older Home Don't worry and wonder about 1704 Adv. of Hofne Ownership learning your way around -town. Or Getting To Know You what to s«6 and do. Qr who to aak. SELLING THE HOME As your WELCOME WAGON Welcoming Program Hostess, I can simplify the business provides me with a 1300 Attracting A Buyer of getting settled. Help you begin to' 1301 Determining enjoy your new town , good shop- proven way to reach ping, local attractions, community A Selling Price WITH opportunity. new customers. 1302 The Open House Worrall Community Newspapers' And my .basket is full q.f us*** 1303 Cleaning For The Sale gifts to please your family It's a great way to 1304 First (mpressiops FALL REAL ESTATE GUIDE .. Take a break from _ unpacking and call me. grow my business; September 11th A Special Pull-Out Tabloid Section Inserted Cull Today!

into 22 Mailed Subscribed To Publications 1 r _ ^ Your Community ! Btst .Through-out Essex & Union Counties of Union [Turning New Homeowners Into New Customers. only Lnfosource Reserve your ad today Gall: Paula Goodwillie UNION.. 984-3891 DEADLINE SEPT. 2nd SPRINGFIELD...... 487-0132 1-800-255-4859 A public SITMM of (908) 686-7700 Ext. 351 WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS .

ii PA&E B14 — THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1M7 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED Real E REAL ftTATl FOR SALE APARTMENT TO ELDERLY PERSON BOARDED OFFICE TO LET COMMEHCIAL PffOPEHTY UNO FOR SALI FOR SALE, Atlantic Ogtan Port Royal Bound, •GOVERNMINT FDBfCtOSEO Momti, for 'iE 2 snfl 3 bedroom apartments Avail COLONIAL SHELTERED LINDEN GOETHW-S PARK Bsaufsft River Dock-approved low near Hilton pennlai ©n the 11. Drtlnqupnt Tax, Repoi CARE HOME GOETHALS H«ad and B«aufort S C From ITO,9Q0 with fliO'i Your amp. Toll tree 1-800-2IB-fOOQ p p If lining alone i& loo drHieull, antf hvmg with MULfl-STORY WAREHOUSE finanolng exfentlon 8-5139 tor eurterrt llwlngi dlmctofy Call 674 i 756 family imprarfcil rjgr home may beffw answe r PARK 1 for you W« h»*s a vary fine home tgr eWerty 113,000 SQUARE FEET WATf RFRONT PRi-CONBTRUCTION Sale GOVERNMENT FORECLOSED homes from IIH Spscrau-; 466 HIGHLAND femalfi resfdenlf Slate Itarmri eicetlan! From S38.8BQ Upscale development on Lake pennies on Si Delinquent Tax. Rape's, REO's repuiattgn good footf plsa&ant home Blmo TOTAL 3 FLOORS Your Arpa T«* Free 1-B00-218-9000 BW • 10 TAILBOARDS " Murray, S C Seourtty gale, payed roads. Ea' in tfifh^n iilo Bath *fj«3 floors sphere lo/ely nBighbO'hood Call NEW OFFICE SPACE Underground utilities, launching ramp Save big H 7Q19/ current listings a/artlbl" frfiT $*.Vi pB' mantf heat and hoi 201 743 4143 $1,25 NNN PER SO, FT SMHyBforamoHi M mnpMw) Emaltont »«i«c- MVI' ifir'uied $t<} wppr apafl-n««f I'M i' FROM 700 SQUARE FiET MAPLfWOOD 3 iEDROOMS. T/, balh&, . f.V 373'K? CALL ANDREA RICHARDSON f^-ai in Wtchert, tlnishwi attic, basement, new STERLING PTOPE«Tlf S OF NJ INC heating/ windows/ roof, rtartfwood floors PQGE|LE i BEDROOM arja-i VILLAGE MANOR CALL ANDREA RICHARDSON OWMEFVMANAOiR REAL ESTATE WANTED HZBK, by owner 801 763 BIOS 1 A'urit/H"al'nr.U 3 STERLING PROPERTIES OF NJ INC .SINGLE MALE, physician to rerri upscale 906 2<" 11f A«.%isled Irving Senior re&cJente for wni»n 908-862-5600 MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina Wo want Fir&t flfjor private room with tsath CcjrnplHiB OWNER/MANAGER townhouse, carriage house or small nofflf m you to sael Coma as our guest I Tifght Iree, for assistance as needed Prof#gstooalry atatfefl Mapi»*ood Ssulh Ormnoe, Summit Millbyrn —en-sile Inspection Muft SOB Qpartunlty! LAND FOR SALE Call B0B-3B2-17PQ UNION i BEDROOM near tanier Larg% Central aif Call Marta or Nancy 908-862-5600 Oceanview Condo Suite 145.900 Ruthprin I'JS*'S %TVJ monthly p'ys UTiI'ti"^ 1 montri COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA BQ3-Z3B-aZ2B 6 973-736-4168 of waterfront and *»a!§r access REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPACE FOR RENT starling at $17,900 Slips available Coastal TBENTON, IMMEDIATE -Stale Housu*" Ac- UNION Marketing & Otvelopment Compmy BARGAIN HOMES ThoUiind of Government cess 4,800 S F lotBI ot'ee BpacB, ?,50O S F V-ffJ f*>nth KENILWORTH BOULEVARD Profesiional' ForecJesefl and rapossefesed properllei being immediate availability on flaori 1 and 2 Period FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT fjffte spacs available Appnj«irTialBty 1 BOO this monthl Government financing lor Lobby group, professionals Sale or lease SOUTH CAROLINA Watartrofil Sale BeiUH- no down Call for local llstlngsl $210,000 00 JoTin Schragger Realty Inc IRVIfJQTQM For ratpgnstble non smoker tqugre fflal Call fdr appolnimnn! »fJ8-241 3181 fully wooOed dock ipprovBfJ parcel w/ long 1-BPQ-33B-QP20 erf 189 Broker 80B-637 »B48 N COLONIAL A/ENUE 2 b Spacious bfrfrOQfTi, share kitchen 2 ', Uamsi r iiiinq rrj-jm <3im»ig room frontage Ori spectacular 50.000 acrS recreation dtmng Quiet area NBar ifinif^netion iup*r UNION CEOTEH Prime Lfjdlion Z2*i£i Be lakB in Sf^utti Cirolina nan! iw IB hols ctiamp FORECLOSED GOVERNMENT homei Save UNION BOTTLE Hill sedlbn Three bsOruom m^n» yradher drynr garage J1 martist Seton Haft Unrversrty 201 374-82% plus 1 monm St-.urity R&nte l, parking CaJI 908-C88 4430 lynship goll eourst Fish bolt. JOl) y#if round Up to 6Q% or more on repossessed homas split Modem aal In kitchen, central air, now In our tantestic OimBie1 Psvi4 i^dS t^ LIWB/TO daw* pByrnent Bad ewdr) OK Call carpeting, aluminum siding For Information C! 20 4 WEST ORANGE Llawwllyn Holal 2'Jt Main utiim^i much morel Financing available Call nowl 1-888-430 7971 e)rt 844 fBCA Nitwork} call 808-6B7-G34E 5traet Crjnveniaoi to irgniportatloft Rale'* 60U 704-3154 TLE COLONIAL AVENUE 3 b irom iflS per wssk Call 731-8845 or 736 1838 r,fii*ri Irving rourn dlmfig room REAL '-.P""B'' *aihsr dryer garage i1 1 tlh P'u 1 mnnth iseurny Hunter pay*; 367 Chestnut St. WIB* Call 201 4^^ 3S4B OFFICE TO LET ESTATE NUTLEY 5 BOOM o«ic« »«»nd floor, 950 Union, NJ, UNION WASHINGTON Schoot arsa 3-bod ^juaris !*•»! A 1 tecatior/ purhmg $850 "All rail •stafs »(*v»rtl»#d hertln (• TOOT dp^rtmsni living room dining room monthly Immedlafi o^tuoancy Csllftfil J7E0 subject to ttvt Federal Fair Housing Act, Pai ir ttitchen Fully r^rujvatea garage 6*J7 1 U's Which tnak*i It Illegal to sdv»rtl»» any wa<.fiur oryer EQ1-455 B14Q leave message 688-3000 1 pr»fsr»nc«, llmrlallon, or dlaerimlnetlon NUTLEr PROFESSIONAL oflice Five rooms b»»»d on r»c«, color, religion. ••(, handi- Thalrtamauenal Selling Homes In WE^T ORANGE Hjaflroom irvmg noweal in plus ffjtfigr room SapargttBntrdnce Monthly cap, ItmlllBl •tntuB, or national origin, or WERSITE • wwwJiomtiwLconi/mBngels.htni •u'ru-n Great apacft Near shopping and fMl tntluds'j all utiliftes Ertenor maintnfi«nrr Intention la mak» any aueh pref»r«nc«, Union County Since 1929 $725 mclgd«& h«f»t hot walor

III lltl I II j i w r i V i A hnmc paui' with riiliiriu! k jnfn SJ^ai' 1/1 ) Jf tlid lifiriMiir 'M 1 |{>1ii!|(i|-;|i.i.i|fiilll1 pi'ifll1 "• Auifllll'lliiHI iii Will I,ill ( 'illillililllh ,NVHIM,I|« Expand your Marketing Range for pennies a day Catt K^vtn Long 908686-7700- WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS

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Gibraltar Savings Bank 888.242-4886 INFO» 1755 Union Contcr National Bk SOOGBBSOOO INFO^^ 1740 30 YR FIXED 0 00 APP 10/1-30 YR 7 50 0 00 7 74 ' APP 5/1-30 YR 0.00 FEE 5/1-30 YR ' ' 7.00 ' 0.00 '7 73 ' FEE 10/1-30 YR 0.00 $ 350 HOME PROGRAM ,' .7 13 ,' 0 00 i 7.13 [ $ 350 Horn* program t O.OO application fa*. Hudson City Savings Bk tO8.S49-4S4i INFO>> 1764 Wost Esaox Bank, FSB 201575 7080 INFO;" 1754 110/1-30 YR . 7.38 0.00 772 APP 15 YR FIXED I 7.25 I5/1-30YR . • 713 ' 0.00 ' 7.88 FEE 5/1-30 YR 7,00 From The Office Staff l 115 VR FIXED ' '"7.3ff ' 0,00 7.42 '$ 3757/1T30 YR" —• !'Y.25 0 00 I 7 76 ' $ 350 130 Yr Fixsd. Rso, FTHB. L/M Buyers toan»Ai/ail, £>/i-30 lo t1 Mil of Jay Arr Appraisers Intorcounty Mortgage 800.811-4284 INFO« 30 YR FIXED . 7.63 ' 0.75 • 7.72 APP 15'YR FIXED 7 25 ' 0 75 ' 7 40 FEE' Rates compiled on August 22,1997 1YRADJ. 5 50 1 50 8.40 '$ 'i50 N/P _ Not provided by Institution Jay Arr Appraisers Conlad lender! concerning additional fees:wnlch may apply C M.I arid ThB Worroll NoWipapef* attume no liability (or typographical Professional Real Estate Appraisals error* or omissions. Lohclors Inlaraated In displaying informallon should Contact CM I. @800-426-4565. Rates ara lupplled by the lenders, arc presented without (luaranloo. and are subject to change Copyright, 1697. Cooporativa Mortgage Inforamtlon -All Rights Reserved. UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED THURSDAY/AUGUST 28. 1997— PAGE BIB Automotive The Lockjaw provides Much has changed since the '55 small-block V8 The world was a very different advantage of an efficient engine first major redesign in the engine's place when the Chevrolet small-block Despite predictions in design, Chevrolet engineers added history. The 300-horscpower LTI the ultimate protection V8 made its debut in 1955. Gasoline the Eighties that the sophisticated controls and powerful Corvette and its new 330-horscpower was plentiful and inexpensive, emis- onboard computers. Catalytic conver- LT4 sibling actually produce more Today's tar thieves arc everywhere, looking for the chance to make a sions regulations were virtually V8 was doomed to ters, oxygen sensors, exhaust gas "real-world" horsepower than the getaway in your •vehicle. nonexistent, and poodle skirts were a rccirculation, knock sensors, evapora- brawny small-blocks of the Musclecar Whether you drive a hot new sports r, luxury sedan or high-mileage extinction, Chevy's ca serious fashion statement: But as the tive canisters, and onboard diagnos- Era. And a hew family of Vortec economy car, thieves have probably contemplated Mealing it at one time "Happy Days" of the fifties gave way small-block has pros* tics have trimmed emissions to a or another Hxpensjve cars arc generally stolen for their resale value, small-block VH engines has injected small fraction of the combustion while Icvi-expensive models arc often stripped for pans or taken for a to the turbulence of the Sixties, the pered in the Nineties. Chevrolet's 1996 C/K Pickup, Subur- joyride disco fever of the Seventies, the feed- hyproducts that issued from tailpipes ,ban, Tahoe and Chevy Express mod in 1955 According (o the lastest FBI statistics. 1.5 million cars were stolen in ing frenzy of the Eighties, and the the spirited Vrirtec V6 is u direct els with the power and performance the U.S. in IVM — about one every 20 seconds. And with more than 190 political correctness of the Nineties, descendant of that first "three-quarter Despite dire predictions in the early that customers are looking for in million cars cruising the nation's streets and highways, potential thieves the small-block VK has similarly small-block " Kighties that the VK was doomed to today's thriving truck market. have a lot of targets • , changed, adapted, and evolved The small-block's exhaust emis- extinction. Chevy's small-block has The Chevrolet small-block VK met "Many motorist-; erroneously believe that their vehicle is irnrnune from The Chevrolet small-block VK is sions have been reduced dramatically prospered in the Nineties. The intro- the challenges of changing times with theft because it's not an expensive impon." says Dave Chipps, and Ohio truly an engine for all seasons The since the days of road draft tubes and duction of the. second-generation LTI style and grace. I low many other auto security expert "But. .in reality, some older vehicles arc even more genius of its design is its flexibility. simple PCV valves. Starting with the in 1992 was a landmark event — the 40-years-olds can make that claim'.' sought afici hit their pans than luxury cars Thieve who ate looking for The smalNblock grew from 265 cubic your specific make and mode) need only one opportunity to steal it." inches lo 4(X) cubie inches—an Rut frustrated drivers seeking a way to combat such thefts have a new astounding 50 percent increase in dis- THERE IB ONL Y ally in their light Chipps recommends a stale-oMhc-jrt steering wheel placement — without any change in lock called Lockjaw to safeguard autos its external dimensions. The same idtaJ.Jur uie on cart, j>mall and large trucks, recreational vehicle* and basic engine design has powered such ONE WAY boats Lockjaw s unique onc-si/e fits-all design differentiates it from diveise Chevrolet vehicles as Corvet- AUTO. other Meemtp wheel locks it features a patented dead bolt locking .sysjem te sports cars, sedate family station TO, and clamps Him simplify installation and make theft extremely difficult. wagons, and heavy-duty trucks. It's NTO THE In addition, because, the device ^'manufactured of case-hardened steel, it endured energy crises, stringent emis- cannot be hammered ot chiseled off the steering wheel sion regulations, fuel economy stan- Users position Lockjaw anywhere on the .steering wheel and lock into dards, and changing political and cul- place. No adjustments-arc necessary and no ratchet rod extension is tural climates. required for installation The product's, bright red and white colors arc In short, the Chevrolet small-block eaiy lo see from outside- the vehicle and acts as a visible deterrent to V8 is a survivor. thieves The small-block has weathered Consumers can install and remove Lockjaw in seconds, and the pro- numerous storms in its 40-year lifes- ••SEX COUNTY duct can be stored Under the vehicle's scat or in the car trunk when not in pan. The first was the Horsepower (Clrculatlon:34,000) use. Wars of the Fifties and Sixties. Chev- Bloomfleld, South Orange, Glen Lockjaw is available at hardware stmes. home centers, drug stores, rolet engineers responded to the esca- Ridge, West Orange, Nutley, fast lation of performance by developing Orange, Belleville, Orange, automotive suppliers, discount outlets and mass merchants tlach Thursday since 1968 "Lockjaw has been thoroughly tested by auio theft investigators, police an arsenal of high-performance hard- Maple wood. Irvlnqton. VallBburq departments and former car thieves, and rated by ihetn as the best theft ward. Fuel injection, high-flow cylin- Worrall Community Newspapers have been providing der heads, high-compression pistons towns in Essex & Union Counties with their local news. UNION COUNTY prevention product available " says Chipps "It gives users an effective (Circulation:^,100) and convenient way to protect their vehicles against theft." and aggressive camshaft profiles Today, 57.000 paid subscriber households rely on Worrall pumped up the small-block's power Union, KenMworth, Roselle Park, To further protect yourself, your vehicle and possessions, Chipps Newspapers for the news that is important to them. This is curve like mechanical steroids. The Summit, Springfield, Mountainside, offers Ihese tips little V8's horsepower rating more your opportunity to influence their automotive buying Hillside, Elizabeth, Linden, Roselle, Always k>ck your car doors immediately after entering the vehicle than doubled in ten years, rocketing decisions for the coming sales season. Rahway, Clark •Carjackings and other crimes frequently occur during the day. from 162 horsepower in 1955 to 375 Never leave valuables m plain view, even when your vehicle is locked- horses in 1964. DOUBLE YOUR EXPOSURE Ihie\es an- attracted not only to your car but to any valuables visible Expand < When rising prie'es and shrinking Press Release With Dealership Picture Available To Ironi the outside gasoline supplies focused attention on Advertisers Running 16 Inches Or More. Your Reach RriHuu1 steriii components, CB radios and cellular phones when you YIELD fuel economy in the Seventies, Chev- Buy Essex & TOTMl leave your car. and either store them in the.trunk or take them with-you. * DEADLINE SEPT. 1ST rolet engineers turned the small-block OPPORTUNITY 10 "Most thieves are opportunists." >,ays Chipps "If you reduce their Union 1MKKT into a frugal fuel sippcr. Two small- 67.000 oppnruirui) lo victirni/e you, they'll be lorce to look elsewhere. Apply- WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS kHOUKHOLD' displacement versions — measuring SAVE ing :.orne common sense and using an anti-theft devii^ like Lockjaw will 1291 StuyvesantAva. Union NJ 07083 just 262 and 267 cubic inches — were thwart therri and give you peace of.mind." Display Advertising- Classified Advertlalng- developed to extract more miles from 15% Look for Lockjaw, in major automotive parts stores. (908)686-7700 (973)763-9411 a gallon of gas. The small-block VK •FAX 686-4169 • FAX 763-2557 5 Col. SAU Tabloid Page' 12 1/2 Dcup Deadline Sept, 16 also spawned a V6 derivative in 1978; am-

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>hW, i/Mr f >»» "*as#^ i PAGE B16 — THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 UNION COUhfTY CLASSIFIED

Chevrolet has an impressive AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOB SALE AUTO FOR SALE automotive engine timeline 1988 FORD T-BIRD ISack. B cytlncter, fulty 1990 MERCURY TOPEZ *-<»o6r. automatic, 1990 VOLKSWAGON FOX. 4 door, atr condi- AUTOMOTIVE toBd»a. alarm, 8OK mlta»», dsking J2500 Call loaded New extiausl system, tires, Supurto SAVE LUXURY TAX tioning. ANVFMoaBsette, 4-speeod, S0K mllOB 201-32S-3050. 1 Ch*vy's small-block milestones condltlof). mecnanlc * own car SZ.50O 1996 PORSCHE B11 CARRERA COUPC, eitpellent conrJition Asking $3 456 Call 201-3W-5237, 201 374-0500 906-686-8086. ' An Abridged Histor> ol the Small- 1991 GMC SONOMA S10 PICK-UP. Grfty, Btack/Classlc Grey,, 2 door, 6 speed manual J 30,000 m«e«, power locks, alarm. S^speetf] transmission, 6 cylinder. AIR CONDITIONING. BIOLK V8 hv model vcar. 1994 MERCURY VILLAGER tS, preen/ stiver, 1989VOLVO740GLE Loaded,hea^dlo^r AUTO FOR SALE rriany extras, Very spoa condition, tSSOO. POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES. *•»*. iunroot, nnw air ooodWontno 91K fosfted, 36* mtt«w air bag, ABB. •**! Mr, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, I^SS - 26"5LI VR dfbuLsin dlt-nev. negotiable. 908-964-7694 sunroof, captain rhairs CD, J13.500 excellent condition, $6500 or best' offer' 1948 ANTIQUE PACKARD Deluxe Eight Se- cruise, cassette. Dual AIRDAGS, ABS, power 973-744-2627 'S3 Chevrolet; Chevrolet General dan. Trophy winner, showroom condition, mo- 1968 HONDA ACCORD |_XI. White. 5-speerX 908 598-1352 ___ SUNROOF, 17 Inch alloy wheels/Factory Manager Tom Keating tlnvcs Indy chanlcalry perfect. Original interior. Must see. rxjwer Bteerlnr^ windows/ brakes, sunroof, Warranty ,Vin«TS323064, 13.169 miles. 1988 VOLVO 240 BEIGE 4-dOor, Air coi^dT moving must B'©ll $9,500 or besi Offer new tin*., Looks/ run great. Asklfig $3900 1994 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE Perfect condl $56,500 Taxos ahd MV fees oxtra tion All possible options Low low mileage Hon, power wlrKtows. power brakes Good MX) pace e;ir ,-» 201-429-2557 201-763-2606, 201-243-6005 Condition Asking $55QQ Call 374-2004 after Come soo it yiw II love II Great valuol 6om 1956 —• Zora Arkus-Duntov sets 1990 ACUBA INTEGRA. 3 door, silver, 19B5 HONDA ACCORD, White, automatic 201325-0101 _^_ ^ production tar record a( Pikes Peak 5-BPOB0, air. power steering/ brakes. CD transmission, 4 door, air conditioning, power FACTORY WARRANTY player, 87K miles, great condition Asking windows, 120K milos. Asking $1900 Call 1969 NISSAN ?40 SX Pownr windows,, locks 1996 PORSCHE 911 CARRERA COUPE, ^ AUTO WANTED and "(lying mile" record at Daytona; $5500 201-304-8408. ___ 201-379-5734. sun roo! red, alarm, a2K miles, air very good Black/Black, 2 door, 6 speed manual transmis- condition Prlco nftgoiiabW 201-410-2257/ optional dual four-barrel carburetors sion, 6 cylinder, AIR CONDITIONING, POWER ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH 1988 ACURA INTEGRALS, z-rjooi hatch, 1990 HONDA-DX. Automatic, alarm, aircondi 201-399 340M ^_^ STEERING. POWER BRAKES, POWER WIN available. Corvette SR races debut at automatic, aircondltlonlng, alarm, cassette. tioriod. AM/FM cassette Bieroo Original owner, DOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, cruise, cas- sunroof. $4.000 Call 973-275-9452 excellent condition. 90,000 miles. A6kinn 1986 NISSAN 300 ZX Turtro Gold power Care, truck* and V«n» Sebring sette, Dual AIRBAGS, ABS, power SUNROOF. $4 000 Call 908-687-6320 Eteorlng AM/FM ta^sptte 7^K milos leather 1992 ACURA VIGOR, Burgandy with beige 17 inch alloy wheels Savo Luxury Tax, K-40 and All 4 WHMI Drives 1957 _.. 2Kki VK introduced, Interior air Prict- nogotiaDle Carlo tront and mar, Radar Vln#TS320797, 11,169 leather Interior, nil power -sunroof. 68,000 1991 HONDA PRELUDE. SI. BlacV, alloy 201 399 3408/ 41G-2?r'7 Ku<.h£blci lucl injection ^ condition *t2.500'»OB.fl64-941» wheels, 5-speorJ. sun-roof, alarm, air inUes, $56,900 Tax«i and MV Iras extra. conditioner. One owner. Excellent condition, 1i»90 NISSAN PULSAR Good condition now FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS and Duntov earn debut: Buck Baker 1967 ASTRO MINI van While. Runs groat, 52K miles. SB400, negotiable 201-763-1215 brakos. tiros mufflor and (lutcti 84 000 milos Call George for details (201) 763-4567 excellent condition. Lowmiloago $1500 or bost wins .NASCAR thampiotiUup with 1 ownor Asking $i 700 boM oflpr olfiw. Call GOO-MO 0995. 1-800-953-9328 Black Widow" S7 Chew, Conelie 1D93 INflNITI Q20, Midnight blue Excellent 908-186-4088 AUDI 90' S Automatic, ABS, Sunroof condition. Fully loaded. AM/ FM cassono, beige ESSEX SPORTS CARS SS makes onk iacmp appearance at leather interior. 4-door, air-condition, power Fully loaded, red/ gray, heated seats, 71,000 1973OLDMOBILC OMEGA H cycllnder. power 908-688-2929 windows lock, .antenna, 33,000 mlleB Asking 1993 SATURN SC2 44,000 miles air, power •Sehrinj! miles/ $10,900. Like now! 201-762-40B5, stoortng and brakes new tires 40,000 ordinal $14,000/ negotiable. 1-908-688-8653 miles Well maintained $900/ bost ollur windows/ locks, automatic, cruise control. QUICK CASH for running and not running cars 7 9 00PM _^_^__ ^__ 1959 Wiiliarn Mitchell, vice- Boopor* 201 -799-1600 * 908-245 1424 Leaded Sunroof. Excellonl condition. $10,000/ and trucks 24 hour Immediate pK.k up 7-days. Dest offer 243-977U. 9OB-241-6011 president of CM Styling, races onjzi AUTO SPECIAL- 524.00 lot 10 weeks piepold 1985 JEEP, NEW Flshor How, runs great Call Claimed lor..details. 900-564B911, 1986 QLDSMOBHJE CUTLASS Supreme Air. Asking $4,000 or best offer Call 973 731 -9031. SEIZED CARS from 4175. Porsches, Cadil- nal Sting Ray Corvette V8. AM/FM cassono Runs great 135,000 $$$WE~PAY TOP OOILAR$$$ 1996 BMW, 328 IS, 2 door Coupo. low milos. lacs, Chevys. BMW's, Corvettes Also Jeeps, 4 1960 -- Duniov unveils mid 1985 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL, VALENTINO miles. 11,600 973-748-4592.. ^_ wfnte showroom loadod Moving, must soil wheel drives Your area. Toll froo model. Black/ gold, has overythino.. A-1 'condi- i-npiwd CKK\ I at L'mted States Paid $38k Asking $33k gOt 256-4t.73 1987 PLYMOUTH COLT Premier Gopd trans 1-000-218-9000 Ext A-5139 for current For Your Junk Car tion. $1,300/ best Offer, Days 674 8669, portation. As Is $1350 Call 908-086-B82fj listings/directory 24 Hour Service. Call: 64 — 327ci smaH-btock nils 375 owner S1.400 1901 Oldqmobifo Cutlass Su tton Great for ftnt lime dffvM* 4M0.0Q Calf air -Itoreo 79 CKKi mllP1; Bcr.t ofter HAHL6V DAVIDSONS. 2 'CIW«ICB- -1973 horsepower with Rochester fuel injec- CARS FOR $100 or best otter. Seized and promo, C-cylUnder, automatic, new batiery, new 908-245-9328 - , - 243 0617 Electra Glide FLH, original paitil, AM/FM stereo auctioned by DEA, FBI, JRS All models. alternator. Runs great, $700. 908-686-2782 oasootto many original accessonos Too many tion: Hnllcv four-barrel introduced on 4wDs. boats, compilers and more Yout area 1987 PORSCHE 944, Rfjd/ black loather 1972 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE. Com- to list A.real classic for $12.500.1973Sponsler small-block VK, Duntov develops nowl 1-BOO-45tJ3O5O extension C190. 19B6 MERCURY SABLE GS. Fully powered, interior. S-npootj. ?*;*;..suwtjot, cassette Only pletoly restored, white. Now engine, transmis- XtCH Many now parts Looks great and runs [jood condition, brown and tan Interior $1850 68k milos, garaged Asking J.7.000. dion. inierior, sport nms, new low riders Must great • Rebuilt transmission, S&S carb and fnur-wheel-clrive niid-cngincd CERV 19(ie CHEVY IMPALA. Convortlblo. mint condi- or best olfer. 201-748-3642 or 1 -908 264-B7B1. 201-763-4599. leave seel Call 908-687-7882. much more. $5800- Call 908-382-6163. JJ tion. $3000 or best offer Call 973-731-9031 I96S — Jim Hall revolutionizes 198fl CHEVROLET BERETTA Excellent con- dihofi. Just fully servlcod Alarm, now tlto(! nnd rujil rating with first in a series of hnttory Right fonder needs work $900 Call miij-cniimfd Chaparral sports <_ars 7 1967 — M)2u VKs muoduced, Z2X 1997 CHEVY CELEBRITY. .4 door. 82.000 ('aniaro debuts mi let Excellent condition $1800 Call 973-268-9395. l')(iS - W7LI Vb mtioduted, Z2K 1990 CHEVY LUMINA. 4-dooi. full power, C a in a r o v, i D % I i y ;i :> A "• white, blue interior. Clean, good condition, well Lliampinnship maintained. 77.000 milos. Asking $3995. Call 201-761729f> 1970 4HTK.I small block VK introduced. ^(K.i/37Ohp LT 1 dehut.s 1984 CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE Loaded. Now paint, pull- out storoo, air, alarm. 77,000 in CorvetK' and Camaro Z28 miles. $1400/ tXisl otfei 908-688-6123 Or 1971 -— Switch to unleaded Ras and 908 283-53i7 ri'-A ' III-I" ratings lauv.* dramatic drop 1991 DODGt CARAVAN B9.OO0 miles Air in hoivpower ratings Great shape Asking $6000, Call 973-325-6761. 19,74 -Camaro debuts in Interna- 1984 DODGE MINI Ram Van Customized. tional Race of Champions loo.ooot miles, great shapo inside and out. Bound engine $1,750 Call 201-325-7295, 197S — 2ft2ci VK inlnxluced ieave 1977 : Z2K returns aher three- DREAM MACHINES - got a picture of your car? year hiatus Run It (or 4 weeks, only $40 Call Classified at I97K — Silver jnnivcrsarv 1X2 800-564-8911 tor details CurvL-Me paces Judy 500 1984 FIEBO SE Loaded. Red, sunroof, aulo 1979 — 267ci VK introduced matic. new tires. 75,000 miles 4 cylinder AnWng*1B50 973-762-3271 or »73-586-0217 I WO Dale Earnhardt wins first 1985 FORD COUNTRY Squlro Wagon. V-8. MAKE PAYMENT of seven NASCAR Winston Cup automatic, air-condition, power steering/ championsihips hrakot Well kept 76,000 miles $2,100 Call 201-743-2513 after 6pm. 1982.-!-. Crowy-Fue. electronic fuel injection muodiiu:d. thitd-^cncratiort 1985 FORD COUNTRY Squire Wagon. V-8. automatic, a'rf-condition, power steering/ Camaro paces Indy 500 with alumi- brakes Welt kept. 76.000 miler, $1,900 Call 201-743-2513 after 6pm. num 3M.ko &riiall-bk>ck VH 1'JK? Monte- Carlo SS tnuo 19W3 FORD MASON Dump. 47.000 original rnwes. motor/ body excetfent condrtkxi. Great duced wiih 30_Vf V8 4 truck. J 10,700 or be«t offer. Mlctiaol Brand New I 997 I9K4 — "lunrd Part Injection intro- Cadillac Seville SLS duced: Corvcti* dominates SCCA 1993 FORD TEMPO, EMack. gray Interior. A Showroom Stock, winning every race door, power window*, brakes, AM/FM cas- sette $5,4

l CALL ] lHk -- r'ljrv«!le <" ruJli-rigt: debuts 686-9898 1989 - Oicitolcie Raceihop 1997 Cadillac Eldorado 1997 Cadillac develops'high-performance HO 350 and enter a four digit "(.rate motor" I Jarre II Vvahnp scores selection number below! $21 4QC $ fnsi • Ltirniria win in NASCAK Win- SHOPPING lluy For: ^J *** % ~JL ^ ^^J Buy Far ston Cup 29,995 1 ^ 1990 L,VR Corvette st-ts six iriter FOR A CAR all pwr. A/I:, tint, rr def, tilt, crulw, irmhcr, MSRP M, [»ii'<: Tfas. Izv Ori.VH, Crmt* iiaK PW. Ukrj Vbcrii. )•* ' irt ion, 1200 Fuel Efficiency I''1'I Sf fitt Shiirp start's 1201 How Much To Spend hovv's JfX/th Irdn\Am victory and 1202 Insurance Tips 1203 Getting Started \<-><>2 - Scuifid I-TI, 1204 Sticker Prices 1205 Sales Agreement .„, C'hcvri.ilet wins fourth 1206 Ordering A New Car Tran'.-Arii manufdCturrrs 1207 Rebates championship. friufth-j.'t"ncratio!i Z2K 1208 Warranties f a mar' i nafttcd Indy 500 pact- car 1209 Financing \;<)4 __ 4VX) (4 1 hu.r> small- 1210 Owner Satisfaction 1997 Oldsmobile Cutlass 1997 OlflsmobUe Aurora hlotk-. intrtxlueed; Dale Barnhardt $ 1 win - tt'corcj-tymj,' seventh NASf AR CUC frrMo 0 $288 for 5b nun DOWN M\/V/ IW5.-^. New Chevrolet Morite sourcee Ukt 61*1, Via* V43 I2*ii. »*u •/irrerdrtrcV*. p/i, p/b, 24 Nogp VOICE INFORMATIOINFORMATIONN SERVICSERVICEE 4(k« bl\H Mini vtiloiM), Aiilu w/urrnlrtrr. ft. AM/tM AM/fM Cwjll pnt. A/fi Unt, rr Art. Uli. iruitt, kU ("brio wins II of first 14 NASCAR pai.e Indy S00 in L'l I WORRAli. COMMUNrTY NEWSPAPERS C-orv title TTSRr> CARS '91 OLDSMOftlLf •94 OtDSMOtlU •94 PONTIAC •94OLDSMO»IU •94 CADILLAC BRAVADA CUTIASS SUPREMI BONNIVOLtSSE SIIHOUITTE ELDORADO SJ. iOV) &W U7417, VM ST31S4O8. nuto WORRALL COMMUNITY pfV, an w/w«rdnv*. Vt.plt. pti. ry-. rt ,tttifU MVFMCui.MC int.rrM Mr NEWSPAPERS . gkugt 1*9. f

A Monthly Feature Appearing in 12 Newspapers-3rd Week Each Month Union Leader, Kenilworth Leader, Roselle I^ark Leader, Summit Observer, Springfield Leader, Mountainside Echo, Linden Leader, Roselle Spectator, Family Owned And Operated Since 1927. Rahway Progress, Clark Eagle, Elizabeth Gazette & Hillside Leader. Prices include all costs to be paid by a consumer except taxes, lie. & reg. fees. Seville Lease: GMAC 12 mo prepaid lease incl. all start up fees, 12K mi, $.15 over, $0 sec dep (for current GMAC lease cust), $400 acq fee, doc fee totaling $6,460 plus tax & MV fees. Total Pymts/Purcfi Opt: $5,995/$29,930.20. Must be current GMAC Cadillac lessees, Experience the benefits of being Call w/lermination betw. Aug 1,1997 and March 31,1998 only. Lease pnee ind. ajl incentives & rebates. Cutlass & Aurora Leases: Lease pymts are based on 36 mos $0 cap cost seen weekly by over 58,000 908-686-7700 reduction for Cutlass, $400 dwn for Aurora, $400 bank fee, ref sec dep, 1st mo pymt, sales tax & reg fees required at inception. Total Payments/Inception: Cutlass $10,368/51064, Aurora $16,524/$1734. Lessee resp for excess wear, tear & maint i2K mi incl, $.15 thereafter. Purchase option avail at lease end for fair market value. Subject to approval by potential customers! fox- details primary lender. Offer expires 8/30/97, On in stock vehicles only