Cheung, Denise (O,AG) From: Cheu ng, Denise (OAG) Sent: Tuesd ay, Janua ry 05, 2016 12:44 PM To: Newma n, Melan ie (OPA); Kadzik, Peter J (OLA) Cc: Werner , Sharo n (OAG) Subject: FW: For re view: Friday tech/CV E comms plan Attachments: 2016 0104 CVE-IATF GEH Tech rollout comms plan TB_AEP ed its.docx Have you guys bee n in th e loop on this ? From: Raj, Kiran (ODAG) Sen t : Tuesday, January 05, 2016 11:24 AM To: Cheung, Denise (OAG) Cc: Gauhar, Tashina (ODAG) Subject : FW: For review: Friday tech/ CVE comms plan FYI (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) per FBI (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) per FBI ~FBI ) [mail!'(o Sen t : Tuesda , Janua 05, 2016 11:22b AM To (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) per FBI DO) (FBI); Raj, Kiran (ODAG) (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) per FBI ) Cc: (DO) (FBI) ( Subject : FW: For review: Friday tech/ CV6 E comms plan (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) ) llllper FBI mdKira n - Please see att ached for t he draft ti c-t oe for th e rollout s connected to the prin cipals' meet ing with the tec h CEOsthi s Friday. Please don' t forward thi s document. Thanks, (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) per FBI -From: Matty, Bridget Sent: Tuesda y, Janu ary 05, 2016 10:43 AM To: Hartig, Luke <Luke R Hart
[email protected] .gov>; Horne , Emily <Emily J
[email protected] .gov>; Bea le, Courtn ey <Courtney A Bea
[email protected]>; Miranda, Robert <Robert Miranda@nsc .eop .gov>; Legge tt, William <William R l eggett@nsc .eop .gov>; Easter ly, Jen <Jennie M Easte
[email protected] .gov>; Geltzer, Joshua <Joshua A Geltzer@ nsc.eop .gov>; Dickey, Laura <Laura M Dickey@o vp.eop .gov>; Tess, Caroline <Caroline A Tess@ nsc.eop .gov>; Taylor, Michelle <Michelle C
[email protected] .gov>; Macgillivray, Alexander <amac@os t p.eop .gov>; Doukas, Diana <Diana L
[email protected] .gov>; Ede lman, R.