Von: anonymous@ Datum: 10 December 2005 16:31:06 GMT+01:00 An:
[email protected] Betreff: Amazon Offer The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture by John Battelle The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture by John Battelle Done nothing in 7433.5299839973 seconds Number of suck 5264 Page: 0 , total suck:274 Page: 1 , total suck:282 Chapter 1 The Database of Intentions The library of Alexandria was the first time humanity at- tempted to bring the sum total of human knowledge to- gether in one place at one time. Our latest attempt? Google. -Brewster Kahle, entrepreneur and founder, the Internet Archive Everyone their own Boswell. -Geoffrey C. Bowker, Department of Communication, University of California, San Diego 13 y the fall of 2001, the Internet industry was in full retreat. Hundreds of once promising start-ups-mine among them-lay smoldering in bankruptcy. The dreams of Inter- net riches, of changing the world of business and reshaping our cul- ture in the process, dreams celebrated in magazine cover stories and television specials and unheard-of stock market valuations, well, those dreams were stone-cold dead. Still smarting from the loss of my own Internet business' and wondering whether the Internet story could ever pick itself up off the ground, I stumbled across a link to the first edition of Google Zeit- geist. Zeitgeist is a clever public relations tool that summarizes search Page: 2 , total suck:301 2 The Search terms that are gaining or losing momentum during a particular pe- riod of time.