Secondary Reservoir Role of Domestic Animals Other Than Sheep and Cattle in Fascioliasistransmission Inthenorthern Bolivian Altiplano
Research and Reviews in Parasitology, 57 (I): 39-46 (1997) Published by A.P.E. © 1997 Asociaci6n de Parasitologos Espaiioles (A.P.E.) Printed in Barcelona. Spain SECONDARY RESERVOIR ROLE OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS OTHER THAN SHEEP AND CATTLE IN FASCIOLIASISTRANSMISSION INTHENORTHERN BOLIVIAN ALTIPLANO 1 1 I 3 S. MAS-COMA',A. RODRIGUEZ , M.D. BARGUES , M.A. VALERO , J.R. COELLd & R. A GLES IDeportamento de Parasitologia, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Yatencia, AI'. Yicente Andres Estelles Sill, 46100 Burjassot - Yalencia, Spain 2LaboralOrio de Biologia, Colegio "Sail Calixto», Casilla 283, La Pa; Bolivia 3Ullidad de Parasitologia, lnstltuto Nacional de l.aboratorios de Salud «Nestor Morales Yillaton» (INLASA). Pasaje Rafae/Subieta No. 1889, Miraj7ores, La Pat; Bolivia Received 29 March 1997; accepted 25 May 1997 REFERENCE:MAS-COMA(S.), RODRIGUE(ZA.), BARGUES(M.D.), VALERO(M.A.), COELLO(J.R.) & ANGLES(R.), 1997.- Secondary reservoir role of domestic animals other than sheep and cattle in fascioliasis transmission in the Northern Bolivian Altiplano. Research and Reviews in Parasitology, 57 (I): 39-46. ABSTRACTR: esearch studies were undertaken to analyse the possible reservoir role played by pigs, donkeys, horses, llamas and alpacas present in the Fasciola hepatica human endemic region of the Northern Bolivian Altiplano. Coprological analyses showed liver fluke eggs in the stools of 27, I% of 59 pigs, and 15,4% of 65 donkeys.Egg output (eggs per g of faeces: epg) was 4-65 epg (mean: 21,6 epg) in pigs and 3-10 I epg (mean: 38,8 epg) in donkeys. No positive samples were found in horses, goats and llamas.
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