MAY, 1965 Established Over 25 Years
MAY, 1965 Established over 25 years HUNT & NASH G.H. Hunt. F.R.I.C.S, F.A.I. F. A. J. N a s h , F.R.I.C.S., F.A.I. W. M. Creak. A.R.I.C.S. D. E. Turner, A.A.I. Surveyors, Valuers, Auctioneers and ESTATE AGENTS 15 Crendon Street High Wycombe T e le p h o n e : High Wycombe 884 (2 lines) also at 7 Mackenzie Street, Slough Tel.: 23295 & 6 81 Market Street, Watford Tel. : 21222 Valuations for all purposes, compulsory purchase, claims, rating surveyors, town planning consultants, rents collected. DISTRICT OFFICE FOR WOOLWICH EQUITABLE BUILDING SOCIETY also AGENTS FOR LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES THE WYCOMBIENSIAN Vol. XIII No. II MAY, 1965 The hollyhocks lean In the May rains. Basho. * MURRAYS BUCKINGHAMSHIRE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Tel : HIGH WYCOMBE 26262 FRIDAY NIGHT IS LATE SHOPPING NIGHT OPEN UNTIL 8 p.m. * Easy Shopping * Free Parking * Coffee Bar open until 7.45 p.m. * Visit the “ FRANK ADAMS” Shop at Murrays for all Sports Goods M id la n d e x p e c t s only men of character and ability to apply... What you are, w hat sort of person you are, is of first importance to us. Education, personality, enthusiasm- all these are taken into full account when considering ap plicants for our service—but only in addition to the basic requirements of sound character and absolute integrity. If you feel you have this foundation on which to build a worthwhile and rewarding career, please write in The Staff Manager the first instance to: MIDLAND BANK LIMITED 2 7 -3 2 POULTRY- LONDON - E C 2 WOODWARD AND STALDER Sports Outfitters 40 CASTLE STREET HIGH WYCOMBE Tel.
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