Rev. Salud Pública. 22(6): 1-9, 2020 Revisión / Review The challenge of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19: A rapid review of literature El desafío de los portadores asintomáticos de COVID-19: una revisión rápida de la literatura Cidronio Albavera-Hernández, Jorge M. Rodríguez-Hernández, Flor S. Piñeros-Garzón and Sandra M. Montoya-Sanabria Received 26th October 2020 / Send for modification 29th October 2020 / Accepted 10th November 2020 ABSTRACT Objectives To describe the epidemiological and sociodemographic characteristics of CA: MD. Family Medicine Specialist. asymptomatic carriers reported in the literature, and to review the strategies used for M.Sc.; D.Sc. Epidemiology. Mexican Institute of Social Security. Regional General Hospital diagnosis and control. with Family Medicine No.1. Cuernavaca, Mexico. Methods Systematic literature review approach. As inclusion criteria, all studies publi-
[email protected] shed between January 1 and June 26, 2020, conducted in humans, that reported peo- JR: MD. M.Sc.; D.Sc. Epidemiology. Institute of Public Health. Pontificia Universidad ple who remained asymptomatic of COVID-19. Descriptors were adapted to the interfa- Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia. ces of eight bibliographic databases were configured: PubMed, Ovid, SciELO, Ebsco,
[email protected] FP: RN. M.Sc. University of the Llanos. Scopus, LILACS, Epistemonikos and Embase. Villavicencio, Colombia. Results About 45% of the articles reported adult population, thirteen reported mixed
[email protected]. population (adult and pediatric). 3 525 asymptomatic people were reported, with an SM: RN. M.Sc.; Ph.D.(C). Public Health. Institute of Public Health. Pontificia Universidad average of 37,1 years [0.5-82 years].