Cover: Year 11 Ball

PAVO CHAMAELEON DELPHINUS DRACO PEGASUS PHOENIX TUCANA 22nd July 2021 Leading EdgeLeading Academies Edge Academies Partnership Partnership BoscathnoeBoscathnoe Lane Lane HeamoorHEAMOOR PenzancePenzance TR18 3JT TR18 3JT

July 2021

Dear pupils, parents, staff and senior leaders of Leading Edge, As we conclude this academic year, we would like to thank the school community on its spirit of unity and resilience during the past year. We have thrived on many fronts and we are so proud of all our communities, parents and families, staff and above all, our pupils. We entered this academic year with three interim positions amongst our executive leadership team and at Christmas we said goodbye to Andy Harvey, our Chief Operations Officer. Our leaders rose to the challenge, adapted to their roles and provided our Trust with seamless, steady leadership. We have been delighted to appoint Kelley Butcher as CEO, David Teasdale as COO, Ben Eddy as Head of River Academy and Rob Hamshar as Head of St Hilary School. They will be working alongside Les Hall from , Rachel Gibb from , Adam Anderson from Ludgvan School and Josh Mcdonald from St Buryan Academy. We will welcome the new academic year in September with great anticipation of where this fantastically positive and inspiring leadership team will lead us and we thank them for all that they do. In January 2021, the Government announced another closure of schools as we hit another lockdown. The reality though, is that our schools did not close at all. We kept the schools open to significant numbers of vulnerable and key worker children and we want to acknowledge and applaud the innovation, adaptation and teamwork of all our staff, who enabled us to continue teaching and nurturing our children during this most unusual of school years. At all times, senior leadership teams and staff have focused on the dual mission to first, support and educate pupils at home and second, to welcome pupils back to school with safety and wellbeing as critical considerations. The Government announced that all pupils could return on March 8th, 2021. A great amount of detail was required to keep the health, safety and well-being of all members of the community a top priority. This included extra deep cleaning rotas, the creation of bubbles, re-organisation of classrooms to ensure each class would have the space they needed and as many open windows and doors as possible, ring-fencing indoor and outdoor spaces for each bubble, plus the continual adjustments of these processes as the official advice was updated. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff for all that they have done this year. To conclude, we would like to offer a special thank you to our parents, carers and families, in helping to support your children’s learning at home and for your unwavering support and adaptability with the many changes we have all faced. We know that all the staff have been grateful for the support shown and we would like to say a huge thank you for all your help during this difficult time. This has truly been a year to remember. The Leading Edge community has demonstrated resilience, positivity and adaptability. As we said in our opening paragraph, we are immensely proud and grateful for the remarkable way in which our fantastic schools have risen to this extraordinary challenge. Through all the turmoil of the past year, one thing has really shone through and that is our pupils' dedication to their learning and development, without which, everyone else's efforts would be in vain. Very well done everyone and to those leaving us for their next chapter, good luck and we would like you to leave knowing that all of us at Leading Edge are incredibly proud of you. Wishing you all a happy and healthy summer. Yours faithfully

On behalf of the Trustees of the Leading Edge Academies Partnership

Chief Executive Officer/Executive Principal (Primary): Mrs Kelley Butcher, BEd Hons NPQT MCCT T 01736 352397 E [email protected] Registered Office: Leading Edge Academies Partnership, Boscathnoe Lane, Heamoor, , TR18 3JT A charitable company registered in and Wales. Company No: 07657923. Charity No: XT 36962 Executive Principal: Mrs Sara Davey (MEd BSc PGCE NPQH) E: [email protected] - T: 01736 252321 - PRINCIPAL’S REPORT

The end of an era

Era - noun a long and distinct period of history. Well we made it!

With the restoration of most of the freedoms we took so much for granted just 18 months ago we are coming to the end of what seems like the longest, strangest and sometimes scariest time of our lives.

Today marks the end of an era so today is a celebration of the positives that we can take from the last Academic year. We were all so excited to be back in school last September for our Autumn Term and the pictures and stories that were in our newsletter in the run up to Christmas showed what a marvellous group of young people we have here at the Academy. They launched themselves back into school life and it was great to see them all enjoying their learning. The positive comments we received from visitors throughout that term were a testament to the community we encourage here. This was shown to be so apparent when we were once again forced back into lockdown immediately after the Christmas Break. We switched seamlessly back into a virtual school, with students attending regularly, on-time and doing an amazing amount of learning along the way.

We have taken everything in our stride since then. Who can forget the trepidation of those early Lateral Flow Tests in the Qube that are now just part of our twice weekly routine! And the sun finally came out in time for us to open our new Cycle Track just before our Eco Festival Project Week. And what a week that was, brimming with activities and demonstrations to inspire us all into creating a better world. And who can forget our Adventure Learning Week last week, what a way to end the year. It is weeks like this that make all the hard work we all put in so rewarding.

So, how can we top that?

Well we will not be standing still. There is a massive programme of work being undertaken around the campus over the next six weeks and into the autumn term, which will provide even better facilities for students when they return. And we will be looking to have even more opportunities to move our learning outside. If ever there can be a positive that can be taken from our experiences over the last 18 months, it is that we can teach and young people can learn in an incredible number of different ways and locations. So we will embrace this new way of doing things that will make their experience of a life at Mounts Bay even better.

With parent/carers we share a huge responsibility to help our students become valued members of society, I am proud to say that I am privileged to lead such an incredible bunch of people and I am proud of the success that our young people. So let’s enjoy this end of an era, have a great summer!

Best wishes

Les Hall Academy Principal A WORD FROM MR ROYLE

Happy end of term to you all! We have made it!

In what must rate as one of the strangest of my 32 yearsof teaching, we have limped, crawled, skipped and pinged our way to the end of term!

I am gutted that we are not all on site together - I have always loved end of term assemblies and that feeling of togetherness and all being on the same side. I enjoy that simple act of coming togetherand sitting in the same room with the same purpose and hearing the same message, and yet all being individuals - this is one of the highlightsof my job.

Hear a message, make a commitmentand then a huge body of young people goes out into the world to make a difference. Nelson Mandela wasn't it?

'Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world.’

Well done to everyone for making it this far. You have shown resilience, flexibilityand fortitude in remaining engaged with your learning, even though there are so many changes and decisions that have been made for us by governments, advisors and various other bodies.

A few business things - if you need a seat on the MBA50/51/52 or one of the school minibuses in September, please order via ParentMail or let Mrs Eddy know ASAP on [email protected]) as she is sorting out the routes and pickups for September.

Here are the new school day timings from September:

We have a new catering provider from September as well. You told us that you wanted to eat outside and to have more eating areas and we have listened and we’re on this. When you come back in September you will see a hugeraft of changes and I hope that you like them and they are what you wanted. As you disappear for six weeks Ms Hawkins and her team spring into action and beginto transform the Academy - they are very polite about it, but I know that they get so much more work done when we are not here.

Please look after yourselves over the summer. Keep safe and look after your families. Enjoy the time together and I look forward to seeing you in September, particularly the 200 new students joining the Academy as 11 year olds.

As we enjoyed the wonderful Year 11 Prom at Tregenna this week, we say 'good luck' to our Year 11 students not only on results day but also as they start the next chapter of their educational journey in September.

Most importantly, please #BeKind

STOP PRESS - Congratulations to Chamaelean House winners of this year’s House

CHAMAELEON September 2021

Return Arrangements There will be a staggered return to onsite learning at the Academy in September. Year groups will return to the campus on different days. On their return they will be tested in the MBA Lateral Flow Test Centre. Each student will be tested twice in line with current guidance. After this testing will continue in line with the guidance that exists at the time.

Day Date On-site Online

Tuesday 7th September Year 7 Year 8, 9, 10, 11 SLC day online

Wednesday 8th September Year 11 Year 8, 9, 10 learning online

Thursday 9th September Year 10 Year 8, 9 learning online

Friday 10th September Year 9 Year 8 learning online

Monday 13th September Year 8

Year 7 have will have their own entrance at the front of the school. They will be able to directly access their area in the Year 7 village.

Year 8 will enter via the top gate next to the Art block. They will enter the building via the Purple zone entrances.

Year 9 will enter by the pedestrian entrance by the carpark before making their way to the Green zone via the Science entrance.

Year 10 and 11 will enter via the gate at the rear of the canteen. Year 10 will enter and use the Red staircase opposite the Locker. Year 11 will enter and use the Blue staircase near the canteen.









iCollege YEAR 10 STAIR


Year 11 Ball

On Wednesday night Year 11 finally got to go to the ball at Tregenna Castle Hotel in St Ives. It was so lovely, the weather was perfect as were all the students in their stunning outfits. Mr Raggett said: “It was a fantastic evening which gave the Year 11 students and all involved with the year group the opportunity to celebrate the end of their time at Mounts Bay Academy in style. A huge thank you to everybody who supported the event and made it such a memorable evening for all the students. They have been a fantastic year group and I would like to wish them all the very best in all they do in the future.”

Click here to see more pictures. BE INSPIRED

Year 11 Ball

Click here to see more pictures. BE INSPIRED

Final Oracy Lesson of the Year

During this quadmester we have been looking at the impact of humans on the environment, what is being done to make a change and what additional steps humans can take. Students have investigated the impact of animals and farming looking in particular at regenerative farming techniques. Students watched the films ‘2040’ and ‘Kiss the Ground’.

On Wednesday students finished of the academic year by having a picnic after which they looked at the amount of plastic generated by one small meal.

Students tried a variety of foods including fresh dill, mint and basil, mozzarella and hummus.

It was a delicious and fresh end to the year.

Report by: Miss Dowrick BE ADVENTUROUS

Duke of Edinburgh Award

After all the fuss and confusion this year I have just had the pleasure of posting out 120 Bronze and Silver certificates! Also two 2020 Certificates of Achievement. Well done to all.I will distribute the badges next term as they tend to get squashed in the post office roller machines.

If you have not yet finished you can still work on it from now on. The main thing that most people are held up on are the assessors reports. Remember, it CANNOT be a parent or family member who does it. I will be collating again next term and will hand out any new certificates then.

New Year 9 students will be able to enrol in Bronze at the start of the next academic year.

New Year 10 students can do the Silver next year. If you are in Year 9 and have finished your Bronze and want to do your Silver next year, you can continue with your V.P.S. activities throughout the summer, or start new ones. We can then backdate your dates once you have enrolled next term.

A huge thank you to all DofE staff that helped to make the expeditions happen.

Well done, and have a good holiday.


I.AM Dance Project

Last Wednesday the Year 8 Dance students had a full day filming for the final part of the I.AM Project. They worked with Kyle Richardon who is a professional filmmaker and our students experienced what it is like to be involved in creating and shooting a dance film. They had thechance to be filmed by a drone that shot their movement from above in the playground. These students worked incredibly hard and are real ambassadors for promoting positive mental health in the school.

We can't wait to see the film in September!

Well done to everyone involved - you have been fantastic and I feel very proud of you all!

Report by: Miss Taylor-Hingston BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 11 Dance Da Vinci As part of Lexy's fast-track Dance course she created a powerful and theatrical film thathasearned her a Da Vinci Award. Her film 'The Fall' had some very creative transitions in which she fell from one location into another using dramatic visuals to enhance her strongperformance. Lexy explains a little about her work:

“My short film is about the feeling of being trapped, whether it be in lockdown or mentally. I was showing the longing for being free and allowed out in the real “world. I filmed it in different parts of the house to show that that's the only place I can be right now, I used transitions from outside to inside to show my imagination dreaming of the outside world.

I also wanted to be creative with my film, so I used makeup and different lighting to change the mood of my piece.” ”

Report by: Miss Taylor-Hingston BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 9 Textiles Project

Year 9 students have been working on The Tate Gallery project.

The Textiles group have been working on the theme of Climate Change and have created individual outcomes and a collaborative piece, using a combination of textile techniques, colour references and imagery related to the theme. Well done Year 9, wonderful work!

Report by: Miss Bletso BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 9 Fast Track Catering

For our final triplelessons for the year, I thought it would be lovely to celebrate the end of the course by having a game of rounders, and a picnic. The weather was glorious and we had great fun together. The last game was girls against boys, wheremyself and Miss Veall had to join in to make up the team. With our competitivenature the girls won by half a rounder. Then the students collaboratedon a presentation of top tips and hints on how to approach the course, which will be really usefulfor the next group of Hospitality and Catering students starting next year.

Finally,we ate our picnic. There were lots of delights, from homemade quiches and Scotch eggs, to chocolate muffins and bananabread.

It was my very last lesson with the Year 9 Hospitality and Catering class on Wednesday, so I decided to make Bruschetta. It is lovely to see the students confidently making their own bread from scratch and producing a fresh topping. It was baked in the oven topped with fresh parsley from the herb garden outsideroom 15 and voila! The students loved it and staff really appreciated the sample I brought down to the staff room later on.

I feel quite sad our time has come to an end, but I have loved every minute of it. I wish you all the best in your option choices next year. You are always welcome in the food room to see me. Have a well deserved summer break.

Report by: Miss Osborne YEAR

This Week’s House Points Totals


Miss Walters’ Message: Top Achievers:

Alfie H-D 12 Hello Year 7! Happy SUMMER HOLIDAYS! Rosie S 10 Cephia P 9 Firstly, I need to start by saying a huge well Maya S 8 done to you all for such a wonderful year. You have been amazing! Myself, Miss Keast Dan A 7 and all of your tutors are so unbelievably Harlyn S 6 proud of you and your resilience. Emily C 5 Annika L 4 We want to wish you a lovely summer break which fully deserve, please go Harris C 3 outside, have fun and enjoy yourself. Sarah Jayne B 2

As we move in to Year 8 I want you to remember how valued you are as part of the Mounts Bay team. We will continue to follow the MBA way focusing on relationships, respect and responsibility.

Have a wonderful Summer and I cannot wait to see you all in September

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.


This Week’s House Points Totals


Miss Veall’s Message: Top Achievers:

Beau T Hello Year 8! This academic year has been 12 one to remember including both time in Myah L 11 school and remote learning. I have been proud of how well you have adapted and William W 10 managed with the changes and systems Fred K 9 that we have put in place. It has been great to finish on such a high with a fantastic Sam C 8 Sports Day and Adventure Learning Week. Harry M 7 As we move forward into the next Georgia B 6 academic year there are numerous things Tom E 5 to look forward to. Year 9 will be the start of your Fast Track GCSE option and your Harry C 4 final year in the lower school. I look forward to welcoming you back in September for Ronnie S 3 the start of the academic year, in what we hope will be a more 'normal' school year.

I hope you all have a fantastic summer break, relax, enjoy the outdoors, spend time with family and friends and return to school refreshed and ready for the next challenge. Most importantly: stay safe. We will see you back in MBA on September 10th.


This Week’s House Points Totals


Miss Westren’s Message: Top Achievers:

Jack P 11 Reluctantly Miss Westren and I hand over your Sunny F 10 fantastic year group to Miss Harvey and Mr Payne. You have had an amazing year and Isla M 9 showed some real adaptability when I think Dean G 8 about the amount of changes you have had to adjust to. Emily F 7 Spencer R 6 Last week’s Adventure Learning Week was an example of how brilliant you can be. I have Reuben S 5 heard some superb stories from the members of Katie H 4 staff who worked with you about your communication skills, attitude and teamwork. Amelia C 3 These are really important attributes to have as we begin to emerge into a world that is a little Bella F 2

more “normal.” I hope you are really excited about your preferences moving into Year 10. I think that

you have all made some excellent choices which you will really enjoy and will enable you to shine. Please look after yourselves by behaving responsibly and safely and we look forward to seeing you next year. Mr Yeates and Miss Westren


We’d like to remind all current and new students and parent/carers about our uniform expectations before our return in September. We’re proud of our uniform and the sense of unityit brings. We hope students are proud to wear it too and enjoy the sense of belonging and community it creates. It also avoids parent/carers having to buy the latest fashionable clothing and many parents have told us that they appreciate the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ uniform table below.

Click here to visit our website to find out more, or to order new uniform or sports kit.

Challenge Completed!

A number of our colleagues have been doing some fundraising to help get Paul, a service veteran paralysed in a freak accident in 2019, back home. Without your help Paul faces a future permanently isolated from his family, his home and his life. You can change that.

On 20th November 2019 Paul experienced an extremely traumatic life changing accident while windsurfing. It resulted in a severe spinal cord injury. Initially Paul was in hospital in Derriford and then Salisbury and for the past 12 months, while back in , he and his wife have been unable to meet due to the Pandemic, in fact, she has seen Paul for just six hours in 15 months!

Due to his spinal injury being incomplete it will take a very long time, years rather than months, for Paul to experience any recovery. There is a lot of equipment and physiotherapy Paul will need and if we can help towards this in any way, it would be fantastic. We would like to help with the costs of getting the house adapted so Paul can return home. We would also like to help pay for physiotherapy sessions at a hydrotherapy pool as Kate knows that hydrotherapy will be a massive help for Paul.

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity have set up a JustGiving page here:

“letsgetpaulmorrishome”. Challenge Complete! After starting over the Easter holidays we have now completed our circumnavigation of the coast of the UK (7723miles).

Please donate if you can!

Report by: Miss Dowrick BE CREATIVE








Report by: Mr Rodgers BE CREATIVE




“Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.”


Report by: Mr Rodgers SUMMER SOCCER CAMPS 12 Camps Available Mounts Bay Football Development Centre

Dates ’Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays every week throughout August’ Week 1 : Mon 2nd, Weds 4th, Fri 6th August Week 2 : Mon 9th, Weds 11th, Fri 13th August Week 3 : Mon 16th, Weds 18th, Fri 20th August Week 4 : Mon 23rd, Weds 25th, Fri 27th August

Soccer Tots (3-6yrs) 10am - 12pm £6 per day | £10 for 2 days | £13 for 3 days | £25 for 6 days | £50 for all 12 dates

Soccer Pros (7-13yrs) 10am - 3:30pm £15 per day | £25 for 2 days | £35 for 3 days | £65 for 6 days | £130 for all 12 dates

Venue Mounts Bay Football Development Centre Mounts Bay Academy Sports Centre, Penzance, TR18 3JT

Other Info All players welcome from any school or club Coaching staff are UEFA / FA / DBS qualified Pre-booking only, register & pay online Visit the website for further information -

Contact Kevin Lawrence - Head of Football Development Message us on facebook - Email - [email protected] Website - BE COMPETITIVE BE COMPETITIVE

Text Trustee Vacancies

Salary: Voluntary – expenses reimbursed

Leading Edge Academies Partnership (the ‘Trust’) is a local partnership of academies in south west Cornwall and the , formally established in August 2018 and currently consists of two secondary schools (Mounts Bay Academy and ), one all through school (Five Islands Academy) and three primary schools (St Hilary School, Ludgvan School and St Buryan Academy). We wish to recruit new members to join our Board of Trustees. Trustees are responsible for leading the strategic direction of the Trust and their primary role is that of governance, as the executive leadership team is responsible for the operational matters. The ideal candidate will have experience of contributing to board or committee meetings and be able to make a commitment to the Trust and devote the necessary time. The full board meet three times per year on a termly basis, as do the Education, Finance & Resources and Audit & Risk Committees, usually in the evening between 5-7 pm. We are looking for Trustees who have strategic but sensitive leadership and authority, with the ability to innovate, challenge assumptions and contribute views and experience. The new Trustee will also have skills and experience in one or more of the following areas: • Finance and Accounting • Human Resources • Business • Risk Management We are looking for Trustees who have: • Integrity • A commitment to the organisation, its objectives, vision and values • An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship • A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to their duties as a trustee • Strategic vision • Good independent judgment • An ability to think creatively • Willingness to speak their mind • An ability to work effectively as a member of a team We are particularly keen to achieve a more diverse Board of Trustees and welcome applications from all sectors of the community. Previous experience in an educational setting is not required for this role. If you have the motivation and experience to help us make a difference to people’s lives, please contact Laura Sadler, Clerk to the Trust Board for an application form: ( 01736 352397 or email: [email protected] For an informal discussion about the role of Trustee, please contact Jackie Eason, Chair of the Trust Board on 07713 328706.

Leading Edge Academies Partnership For further details about the Trust, please visit our website: is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students and expects Please send your completed application form to Laura Sadler at Leading Edge all staff to share this Academies Partnership, Boscathnoe Lane, Heamoor, Penzance, TR18 3JT. commitment The successful candidate will be subjected to reference checks with previous employers and an enhanced DBS disclosure check. DIARY DATES Monday 13th-17thSEPTEMBER Monday 13thSEPTEMBER Friday 10thSEPTEMBER Thursday 9thSEPTEMBER Wednesday 8thSEPTEMBER Tuesday 7thSEPTEMBER BACK TOSCHOOL: GCSE RESULTSDAY Thursday 12thAUGUST YEAR 7CAMP(Detailstofollow) YEAR 8RETURNANDTESTING YEAR 9RETURNANDTESTING YEAR 10RETURNANDTESTING YEAR 11RETURNANDTESTING YEAR 8,9,10,11 YEAR 7FIRSTDAYATMBAANDTESTING