Name: Class: Grade 4 Spring CCD Test 4 Complete 1. Prayers in which we praise God for his power, wisdom, and love A Adoration B thanksgiving C Petition 2. Prayers in which we tell God "thank you" for all he has given us. A Adoration B thanksgiving C Petition 3. Prayers in which we ask God for things we need A Adoration B thanksgiving C Petition 4. Prayers in which we pray for the needs of others A Adoration B Intercession C Petition 5. Prayers in which we tell God we are sorry for our sins and ask him to forgive us. A Contrition B Intercession C Petition 6. Besides God who do we send prayers of petition? Circle wrong Answer A other humans B C Saints 7. Write the 10 Commandments on the Back. (On All Tests)

8. Mysteries of the : The told Mary that God Wished Her to be the mother of his Son. Mary Said Yes A B visitation C Nativity 9. Mysteries of the Rosary: Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth A visitation. B Resurrection C annunciation 10. Mysteries of the Rosary: was born in Bethlehem A Nativity B descent of the Holy Spirit at C annunciation . 11. Mysteries of the Rosary: Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple in . A Presentation B Nativity C Resurrection 12. Mysteries of the Rosary: When Jesus was 12 years old he stayed behind in the Temple. They looked for him for 3 days. A Finding in the Temple B Transfiguration C 13. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus was baptized by in the . A in the B Assumption C Nativity Jordan. 14. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus makes 120 gallons of wine for a couple who ran out. A Wedding feast at Cana B coronation of Mary C Transfiguration 15. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus spread the good news of the to the Jews. A Proclamation of the kingdom B Nativity C descent of the Holy Spirit at of God Pentecost. 16. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus become dazzaling white on the Mountain top. Moses and Elijah appear with him. A Transfiguration B Resurrection C Assumption 17. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus gives us the sacrament of Holy Communion during the A institution of the Eucharist. B coronation of Mary C Crowning with Thorns 18. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus on Holy Thursday night prays to God before his death on the cross A Agony in the Garden B Assumption C Crucifixion 19. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus is whipped by the roman soldiers. A scourging at the Pillar B Crowning with Thorns C Carrying of the Cross 20. Mysteries of the Rosary: A "hat" of thorns is pressed into Jesus head by the Romans to make fun of him being a "king" A Crowning with Thorns B Assumption C Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. 21. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus takes his cross to die outside of Jerusalem. A Carrying of the Cross B Resurrection C Assumption 22. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus is nailed to the cross and dies. A Crucifixion. B Wedding feast at Cana C institution of the Eucharist. 23. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus walks out of the tomb alive on Easter Sunday A Resurrection B annunciation C Proclamation of the kingdom of God 24. Mysteries of the Rosary: Jesus goes (flies) up to Heaven to be with the Father 40 days after Easter A Ascension B Nativity C coronation of Mary 25. Mysteries of the Rosary: The Holy Spirit comes down on the disciples and the Blessed mother 50 days after Easter A descent of the Holy Spirit at B Proclamation of the kingdom C Assumption Pentecost. of God 26. Mysteries of the Rosary: Mary is taken body and soul up to Heaven at the end of her life A Assumption B Proclamation of the kingdom C Baptism of Jesus in the of God Jordan. 27. Mysteries of the Rosary: Mary is made . This included being queen of the angels A coronation of Mary B Nativity C descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.