What one word do we say at the end of each prayer that means, "Yes" or "So be it?" AMEN

What is the most important feast in the Church year? EASTER

How long did fast and pray in the desert? FORTY DAYS

How many other men were executed with Jesus? TWO MEN

How many brothers and sisters did Jesus have? NONE

What name is given to the person who leads the singing during liturgical celebrations? CANTOR I LEADER OF SONG

What name is given to the layperson who proclaims the Word of God at Mass? LECTOR

Which evangelist wrote the ? SAINT MATTHEW

Which apostle was left in charge of the Church of ? SAINT JAMES

Which sacrament seals us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit? CONFIRMATION

Which sacrament celebrates God's forgiveness and mercy? RECONCILIATION/ PENANCE

Which sacrament is the heart of our Christian faith? EUCHARIST

What do we call the sin of Adam and Eve which we have inherited? ORIGINAL SIN

Name the saint who saw the vision of . SAINT JUAN DIEGO

Name the fourth bishop of Philadelphia. SAINT JOHN NEUMANN

Who is the visible head of the Church? POPE I HOLY FATHER/ OR NAME OF CURRENT POPE

What is the name of the holy space where Mass is celebrated within the church? SANCTUARY

Where is the Eucharist reserved? TABERNACLE

What is the name of the book which contains the celebrant's prayers for Mass? SACRAMENT ARY

Who is the primary author of the Scriptures? GOD

What do we call prayers we say for nine days? NOVENAS

Which of the is not a synoptic ? JOHN

Which Gospel writer includes the "infancy narratives?" LUKE/ MATTHEW

The "pouring of water" is an action in what sacrament? BAPTISM

Who is the patron of a happy death?

What great sinner reformed her life and even stood at the foot of the cross? SAINT

What do we call the teachings of the Church which we must believe? DOGMA I DOCTRINE / CREED

What is the devotional prayer in which we recall scenes of Jesus' passion and death? STATIONS OF THE CROSS

What Pharisee came to Jesus at night to learn more about His Kingdom? NICODEMUS

Who was the prophetess at the Temple at the time of the Presentation? ANNA

Name the virtue that helps us to believe in God and all that He has revealed. FAITH

Name the greatest virtue. LOVE

Name the virtue that helps us trust in God's promises. HOPE

Who was the lawyer martyr of England? SAINT THOMAS MORE

Who is the ordinary minister of Confirmation? BISHOP

What do we call the guidelines God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai? TEN COMMANDMENTS / DECALOGUE

Where in the would we find the life of Jesus? FOUR GOSPELS/ MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, AND JOHN

What is another name for the letters written to encourage the early Christians? EPISTLES

What is another name for the Christian Scriptures? NEW TESTAMENT

Who is the leader of a diocese? BISHOP

Who is the greatest of all the saints? MARY

Which Archangel guided Tobias on his journey and cured his father? RAPHAEL

Who became known as the "Apostle of the Gentiles?" PAUL

Which evangelist accompanied Paul on many of his journeys? LUKE

What do we call the meeting of bishops within a country or diocese which addresses a certain issue? SYNOD

What is the teaching which holds that the Pope, guided by the Holy Spirit, is free from error when teaching faith and morals? INFALLIBILITY

What is the false teaching that rejects a truth that has been revealed by God and taught by the Church? HERESY

What are the four marks of the church? ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, APOSTOLIC

What mark of the Church means that the Church is universal: meant for all people, in every place, for all time? CATHOLIC

What mark of the Church leads her members to holiness and sanctity? HOLY

What mark of the Church means that the Church continues the mission of spreading the Good News to the world? APOSTOLIC

What mark of the Church means that the members believe in the same faith, sacraments, charitable works, and teaching? ONE

What do we call the teaching authority of the Church? MAGISTERIUM

What term is given to all those who govern the Church under the leadership of the Pope? HIERARCHY

Who is given the title Vicar of Christ, Visible Leader of the Church? POPE I HOLY FATHER

What title is given to the priest in charge of a local dioceseĀ·? BISHOP/ ARCHBISHOP/ CARDINAL

Who are the successors of the apostles today? BISHOPS

What do we call a meeting of all the world's bishops when they gather with the Pope? COUNCIL

Who prayed for his persecutors as they stoned him? STEPHEN

Who was the first Gentile convert in the early Church? CORNELIUS

Who is the present visible head of the Roman Catholic Church?

Who is the present visible head of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia? ARCHBISHOP JUSTIN PEREZ

On which apostle did Jesus found the Church? PETER

What is the term for the documents or messages sent by the Pope to all the world's faithful? ENCYCLICALS

This is the term for any truth or doctrine of the Church that has been revealed in Scripture or Tradition and is defined by the Church. DOGMA

Which pope defined the dogma of the in 1854? PIUS IX

Who translated the into Latin? SAINT JEROME

What is the name given to the members of the hierarchy who elect a new Pope? COLLEGE OF CARDINALS

What name is given to the principal church of a diocese, the church of the bishop or cardinal? CATHEDRAL/BASILICA

What is the term indicating a "non-Jewish" person? GENTILE

Give the name of the Church Council of the 1 51 century which reconciled the practices of the Jews with those of the Gentiles. COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM

Name the 4th century heresy which denied that Jesus is both human and divine. ARIANISM

A member of a religious community-which lives by begging is given this name. MENDICANT

What was the movement, mainly during the I 0th century, which fought to regain the Holy Land from the Moslems? CRUSADES

What is the image for the Church, given to us by Saint Paul, w ere he compared Christ to its head, and us to the members? BODY OF CHRIST/ MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST

What is the col1ectivc term for great thinkers and leaders of the Church in the 4th century, such as Saint Athanasius or Saint Augustine, who explained and defended the faith? CHURCH FATHERS

Which council of the 16 th century countered the Protestant Reformation by explaining Catholic beliefs and traditions, and emphasized the Sacraments and the Mass? COUNCIL OF TRENT

Name the goal or movement within the Catholic Church which aims to create unity with other Christian Churches. ECUMENISM / ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT

What is the term for sharing the Gospel message with others, especially those who have never heard it? EVANGELIZATION

In the 11th century, Eastern and Western Catholics split into what are called the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches. What was the name of this split? THE GREAT SCHISM

What is the name of the split which describes a period of great confusion in the Roman Catholic Church of the 14th century, when as many as three men claimed to be Pope at the same time? GREAT WESTERN SCHISM

What is the name given to a person who witnesses to or confesses a belief in Jesus by a willingness to die for the faith? MARTYR

What term refers to the time during the Middle Ages when heretics were put on trial and often punished for their wayward beliefs? INQUISITION

What disease of the 14th century wiped out a third of Europe's population? It made the people think more about Jesus' suffering and death. BLACK PLAGUE (DEATH)

During the I 9th century, new scientific discoveries brought about advances in technology, but also saw inhuman working conditions, very low wages for workers, and even child labor. What was the name of this period of time? INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION

The end of the Apostolic Age is marked by the death of this apostle, the last one to die. SAINT JOHN (the evangelist)

What is the name of the 2nd century document which teaches us the two ways of living? Its name translates as "The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles." DIDACHE

Who was the Roman Emperor who issued the "Edict of Milan" and made Christianity legal throughout the Empire? CONSTANTINE

When the first American bishop was elected in 1789, his diocese of Baltimore included the entire United States. Who was this bishop? BISHOP JOHN CARROLL

This movement in the Middle Ages, translated as "rebirth", brought about renewed interest in Greek and Roman culture. RENAISSANCE

Roman Catholics use statues in their churches. What do Eastern Catholics use? ICONS

In the year 451 which Pope stopped Attila the Hun from sacking the city of Rome? LEO THE GREAT

If you were a member of a religious order known as the Society of Jesus, you would be a member of which community? JESUITS

Which 16th century English king was given the title "Defender of the Faith" by Pope Leo X? HENRY VIII

What name is given to the time period when seven popes were in exile in France? AVIGNON PAPACY

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand were members of which infamous church court? INQUISITION

What statement of beliefs, first written at Nicea, contains the basic truths held by the Catholic Church? CREED/ NICENE CREED

What group of people in the Middle Ages used the motto "God wills it?" CRUSADERS

What astronomer was tried at the Inquisition for his heliocentric theory? GALILEO

What cross-burning group engages in anti-Catholic activities? KU KLUX KLAN

Who was the first of the Roman Emperors to persecute the Christians? NERO

The last and bloodiest of the Roman persecutions came under what emperor? DIOCLETIAN

In what city was the term Christian used for the first time? ANTIOCH

What great Christian convert witnessed the stoning of Stephen? PAUL/SAUL

What church council declared the infallibility of the Pope? VATICAN I

Where did a series of French Popes reside in the 1300s? AVIGNON

Did the rise of monasticism take place during the Renaissance or the Dark Ages? DARK AGES

Which 19th century Pope showed great interest in the workingman? LEO XIII

Where did 1st century Christians take refuge during the persecutions? CATACOMBS

What secret symbol was used by early Christians to identify themselves to each other? FISH

What feast is celebrated on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time? CHRIST THE KING

What do we call the public worship of the Church? LITURGY

What season of the year comes between Christmas and Lent, and then again between Easter and Advent, to celebrate the mysteries of the life and ? ORDINARY TIME

Which solemnity is celebrated 40 days after Easter? ASCENSION

What is the term for the cycle which revolves around the life of Christ? It begins in Advent and concludes with the feast of Christ the King. LITURGICAL YEAR

What is the term for God's plan of salvation as fully revealed in Jesus? This term includes the life, death, resurrection, and . PASCHAL MYSTERY

Name the season of the Church Year which calls us to prepare for the coming of Christ, not just at Christmas, but at the end of time. ADVENT

This season of the Church Year is sometimes called the "Church's retreat." Catechumens are preparing to be baptized and we are called to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. LENT

This feast, sometimes called the "Birthday of the Church," brings the Easter season to a close.

This is the term which encompasses Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. TRIDUUM

The Church year begins with which Sunday? FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT

During which Church season would you NOT hear the Alleluia at all? LENT

How many days after Easter is Pentecost celebrated? FIFTY DAYS

What is the source of the ashes used on Ash Wednesday? BURNT PALMS

The mandatum is the title for what ceremony on Holy Thursday? WASHING OF THE FEET

What is the Christian equivalent of ? EASTER

Which comes first, All Saints or All Souls Day? ALL SAINTS

In the Roman Rite are the Holy Days of Obligation the same worldwide? NO

What color vestment is worn on the feast day of a martyr? RED

What enables us to make informed choices and decisions for good? CONSCIENCE

What do we call a habit of doing good? VIRTUE

What is the name of the habit or tendency toward evil? VICE

What do we call the seven laws of the Church for Catholics? PRECEPTS/DUTIES (OF A CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN)

Which commandment gives us the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday? THIRD/ REMEMBER TO KEEP HOLY THE SABBATH

What is the term for something that entices us either to do something wrong or to omit something good, even before we do it? TEMPTATION I NEAR OCCASION OF SIN

Which commandment tells us that cheating is wrong? SEVENTH/ DO NOT STEAL

What commandment tells us that God must be number one in our lives? FIRST/ NO OTHER GODS BESIDES ME

What do we call the sin of telling the hidden faults of another without necessity? DETRACTION

What is the sin of lying under oath? PERJURY

What commandment would a person break who gave bad example? FIFTH

What is the sin of selling a blessed object? SIMONY

What is the solemn promise made to God to do something pleasing to Him? vow Name one of the , sometimes called vows. CHASTITY/ POVERTY/ OBEDIENCE

What is the term for the seven chief sources of sin? CAPITAL SINS/DEADLY SINS

What is the name given to the mistreatment of a sacred person, place or thing? SACRILEGE

What term means insulting language directed against God? BLASPHEMY

Faith, hope and love are categorized as this type of virtue. THEOLOGICAL

Prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance are labeled as this type of virtue. CARDINAL/ MORAL

What term is given to the incorrect belief that the sun, moon, stars and planets control our lives? ASTROLOGY

What is the sin against the 5th commandment sometimes known as mercy killing? It is the taking of the life of someone who is dying or in great pain, with the intention of ending the pain. EUTHANASIA

What type of media disregards the dignity of sex by making it an object of lewd entertainment in art, movies, magazines, etc.? PORNOGRAPHY

This is the virtue whereby one controls his/her sexual powers according to a chosen state of life. CHASTITY Required by the 7th commandment, this term is the act of returning a stolen item or restoring its value. RESTITUTION

In a moral situation where a difficult decision is required, name something which could lessen our responsibility if we happened to make a wrong choice. FEAR/ IGNORANCE I COERCION

What do we call an offense against reason, truth and right conscience which is a failure in genuine love of God and neighbor? SIN

This theory means that one nation should not take military force against another unless certain conditions have been seriously considered. Name the theory. JUST WAR THEORY

Rash judgment, slander, and lies are forbidden by this commandment. EIGHTH/ THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS

Belief in charms, fortunetellers, ouija boards, and astrologers is forbidden by which commandment? FIRST/ I AM THE LORD THY GOD. THOU SHALT NOT HAVE OTHER GODS BESIDES ME

Which commandment urges us to avoid work on Sunday, and to make it a day for God and family instead? THIRD/ REMEMBER TO KEEP HOLY THE LORD'S DAY

What do the first three Commandments address? LOVE OF GOD

What do the 4th through 10th Commandments address? LOVE OF NEIGHBOR

What commandment did Jesus say was the greatest? LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, SOUL, MIND

What commandment did Jesus say was the second most important commandment? LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF

Humility is the virtue opposite to which capital sin? PRIDE

Who was the cousin of Jesus, and the herald of the Messiah?

During World War II, what priest in a concentration camp offered to die in the place of another man, and was eventually canonized as a saint? MAXIMILIAN KOLBE

This saint authored most of the letters (epistles) in the New Testament. PAUL

Because Matthew, Mark, and Luke are similar in their writing of the gospel, their Gospels are given this term. SYNOPTIC

This evangelist wrote a Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. LUKE

Whose Gospel is being read on the Sundays of the current liturgical year? (CHECK LECTIONARY, MASS ORDO OR MISSALETTE FOR ANSWER)

Who introduced the Forty Hours Devotion in the U.S.? SAINT JOHN NEUMANN

With what title is Mary honored as the patroness of the U.S.? IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

What Philadelphia heiress dedicated her life and her fortune to the welfare of African American and Native American peoples? KATHARINE DREXEL

Name the bishop of El Salvador who dedicated his life to justice for the poor of his country, and was assassinated while saying Mass. OSCAR ROMERO

Which saint, who was a wife, widow, mother, and foundress, started the first Catholic school for girls in America? ELIZABETH SETON

Who is known as the first and best disciple of Jesus? MARY

Who helped Jesus to carry His cross on Good Friday? SIMON OF CYRENE

Who wiped the face of Jesus with a cloth as He made His way to Calvary? VERONICA

Who was the first naturalized American woman to become a canonized saint? SAINT FRANCES CABRINI

Who is known as the "Father of Western Monasticism" and also wrote a rule for monks which is still followed today? SAINT BENEDICT

Who founded the "Order of Preachers" and is noted for his devotion to the ? SAINT DOMINIC

What saint founded the Congregation of the Missions, and is still the patron of a charitable organization which collects food and clothing for the poor? SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL

Name the American woman who started the Catholic Worker, an organization of justice for the poor and for workers, which promotes mercy, nonviolence, and an appreciation of poverty. DOROTHY DAY

Jesus raised this friend of His from the dead. LAZARUS

Name either of the sisters of Lazarus. MARY/

Who was the first to call Jesus the "Light of Revelation to the Gentiles?"

What German monk started the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century? MARTIN LUTHER

What group of Jesuit missionaries was killed while working among the Native Americans of the Northern U.S. and Canada? NORTH AMERICAN MARTYRS

Along with John Fisher, this Englishman stood up against King Henry VIII and was martyred because he wouldn't support the king's request for another divorce. THOMAS MORE

Which 20th century Pope opened the Second Vatican Council to renew the Church? JOHNXXIII

Which apostle worked the first post-Resurrection miracle? PETER

Which disciple was the first martyr of the early Church? STEPHEN

Which apostle was missing from the group in the Upper Room the first time Jesus appeared after the Resurrection? THOMAS

Which saint has many titles; one of them is "Patron of the Universal Church?" JOSEPH

What word describes a person who is given the experience of direct union with God'! MYSTIC

What honorary title is given to saints, such as Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Teresa of Avila, and Saint Thomas Aquinas for their outstanding guidance of the Church? DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH

Who wrote Rerum Novarum, the first encyclical on social justice? LEO XIII

Who was the great Dominican teacher, nicknamed the "dumb ox", who wrote the Summa Theologica? SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS

Who was the saint who played a major role during and after the Council of Trent by writing a catechism and establishing seminaries to educate priests? Our own seminary is named after him. SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO

Which Pope continued the Second Vatican Council after John XXIII died? PAUL VI

Joachim and Anne were the parents of whom? BLESSED MOTHER

Who founded the Sisters of Charity? SAINT ELIZABETH SETON

Who is known as "The Apostle of the Gentiles?" SAINT PALJL

Name one female Doctor of the Church. SAINTS TERESA OF AVILA/ CATHERINE OF SIENA I THERESE OF LISIEUX (Little Flower)

If the founder of your religious order were St. Ignatius Loyola, to what community would you belong? JESUITS (SOCIETY OF JESUS)

Who is known as "The Little Flower of Jesus?" SAINT THERESE OF LISIEUX

Name the Franciscan noted for founding a number of missions in California. SAINT JUNIPERO SERRA

St. Patrick used the shamrock as the symbol of what? TRINITY

Which famous monk used " Pray and Work" as his motto? SAINT BENEDICT

Who was the only apostle not martyred? SAINT JOHN

Who was preserved from original sin? BLESSED MOTHER

Who is the male saint often associated with birds and animals? SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI

To whom did Mary appear at Lourdes? SAINT BERNADETTE

Which appeared to Mary at the ? SAINT -

Who was the mother of St. Augustine who prayed for her son's return to the faith? SAINT MONICA

What former Catholic monk said, "Christ never commanded that indulgences be preached, but he emphatically commanded that the gospel be preached?" MARTIN LUTHER

Who anointed Jesus' feet with costly perfumed oil? SAINT MARY MAGDALENE

Who was crucified upside down?

What early martyr echoed Jesus' words when he said, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them?" SAINT STEPHEN

Who were the parents of John the Baptist? ELIZABETH AND ZACHARY

Who was St. Benedict's twin sister? SAINT SCHOLASTICA

What was Saul's Roman name? Sometimes this is called his name after his convers10n. PAUL

. In what country did Mother Teresa do most of her charitable work? INDIA

This phrase refers to all the members of the Church: those in heaven, those on earth, and those in purgatory. COMMUNION OF SAINTS

A day on which we are not allowed to eat meat is given this name. DAY OF ABSTINENCE

A day on which we are limited to one full meal and two lesser meals is given this name. FAST DAY

Which prayer is connected to the Blessed Mother's visit to her cousin, Elizabeth?

The Blessed Mother's freedom from original sin is called by this term. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

Pope John Paul II gave the Church a new set of Mysteries of the Rosary. What are these mysteries called? LUMINOUS/ MYSTERIES OF LIGHT

The obligation to abstain from meat during some days of Lent begins at what age? FOURTEEN

How many spiritual and corporal works of mercy are there? SEVEN OF EACH

The Church dedicates the month of May to whom? MARY

Who does the Church remember in a special way during the month of November? THE SOULS IN PURGATORY

What is the title of the famous poem praising creation written by Saint Francis of Assisi? CANTICLE OF THE SUN

Who is honored by the nine first Fridays? SACRED HEART




Name three of the five Luminous Mysteries or Mysteries of Light. BAPTISM OF THE LORD/ WEDDING AT CANA I PROCLAMATION OF THE KINGDOM/ TRANSFIGURATION/

What term is applied to a person who has been censored by the Church and excluded from communion? EXCOMMUNICATED

Which knee is proper to use for a genuflection? RIGHT

What is the name of the candle which is lit from the new fire at the Easter Vigil? PASCHAL CANDLE

What is the significance of the grains of incense inserted in five different locations in the Paschal Candle? FIVE WOUNDS OF CHRIST

What canticle begins with the words, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord ... ?" MAGNIFICAT

What is the difference between a cross and a crucifix? CRUCIFIX CONTAINS THE CORPUS (body)

What prayer contains the words, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord?"

What term is used for "God taking on human form?" INCARNATION

What prayer replaces the Angelus for the Easter Season? REGINA COELI ()

Signs of the cross on the forehead, lips, and heart are made at what point of the Mass? BEFORE THE GOSPEL

Who was the first Catholic President of the U.S.? JOHN F. KENNEDY

An assassination attempt was made on which 20th century Pope? JOHN PAUL II

Which 20th century Pope reigned for only 33 days? JOHN PAUL I

In October 1965, which Pope addressed the UN stating, "War, never again. Never again war...If you want peace, work for justice!"? PAUL VI

Who announced Christ's Resurrection to the apostles? SAINT MARY MAGDALENE

What is the name of Saint Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible? VULGATE

What do the letters INRI at the top of a crucifix mean? JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS

If you wanted to learn about the early days of the Church you could look in this New Testament book. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES

Who succeeded Judas as an apostle? MATTHIAS

Which sermon introduced the Lord's Prayer?

What is the last book of the New Testament? REVELATION

Finish this quotation from the : "God loved the world so much that He gave us " HIS ONLY SON

Which Apostle's mother-in-law did Jesus heal? PETER'S

Were Christ's legs broken during the crucifixion? NO

How many pieces of silver did Judas receive for betraying Christ? THIRTY

What ruler ordered that a census be taken of the Roman world? CAESAR AUGUSTUS

Name one of the two criminals crucified with Jesus. DISMAS / GESTUS

Finish this gospel passage: "As the Father has loved me ... " SOI HAVE LOVED YOU

Who said about Jesus: "He must increase, I must decrease"? JOHN THE BAPTIST

What do we call the person who helped the injured traveler in the famous Gospel parable? GOOD SAMARITAN

What is a synonym for Sacred Scripture? BIBLE / WORD OF GOD I REVELATION

What is the name of the book of the Bible which contains 150 poems? BOOK OF PSALMS

How was John the Baptist martyred? BEHEADED

How was John the Baptist related to Christ? COUSIN

In the passion narrative who washed his hands as a symbol of refusing to take responsibility for Jesus' death?

Finish Jesus' words," You are Peter and upon this rock I will ... " BUILD MY CHURCH

Who ordered the death of Jewish male children less than two years of age? KING HEROD (the Great)

Traditionally what gifts did the Wise Men bring to Jesus? GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, AND MYRRH

What or who are symbolized by the four creatures of man, lion, ox, and eagle? FOUR EVANGELISTS/ MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, JOHN

How did the soldiers decide who was to keep Christ's clothing? CAST LOTS (dice)

Where was Jesus' first miracle? CANA

Besides the and the raising of the daughter of Jairus, in what other Gospel Event were Peter, James, and John present with Jesus? TRANSFIGURATION

Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles? LUKE Finish Jesus' words to his disciples, "If you know the truth, the truth will SET YOU FREE