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FOOTBALL, EXPERTS WRITE FOR BestR,c/ Ctmtt'nn Panr* BASEBALL, Jf 1 m # ff iVetJer cMlSS the Sporting rages cricket, golf and the star on all /,/Vf Q / ICVUI# C jt, D ^ in New Jersey harness racing. sport subjects. Sporting Pages ■■■ —■■1 "" 1 " ■ 1 ..■ ■" 1 1 111 1 m ■ ■■ ■■■ ii— .. ■■ ■ "F. U .. '■ J 1,11^ A .. 1 "" «l ___;____ _- -■ -• PATSY KLINE, WHO FIGHTS TONIGHT IRONSIDES AND TURNERS IST (THE BOOSTER ■£*■ PLAY “RUBBER” TOMORROW NMWAHK, N.‘ J., 8BRTBMBER 26. 1909. ONE PAGE. THAT’S ENOUGH H« an and Othello. ter F. are Offers Good Attrac- many liair-ratsinF plays They fierce, County League Schedule for Sabbath Also Jot Farrell tqok Mr. P. lately that lie lias been fickle, fastidious, fatuous, tions—President Felcher, of County League, Orders a Ryan to see "Othello’' compelled to' work over- phlegmatic, funny, fat- the. other night- Mr. time-getting hair. heads, faithful, foolish Game was discovered in and a "few Bloomfield-Orange Replayed. Ryan In Injunction. other the ntckeldrome next things.” McGraw says it's ‘‘Hit door t (-Turin i nu tea later, Bloomfield. Vallsburg plays two games the Ve». BY SEMI-PRO. but Joe said the Mantell the dirt" or "bite be at Belleville. Did you ever notice baseball lovers will show was "classic." dust.” how sheepish a man be- out In force tomorrow to wit- For Hungry Funs. when AMATEUR the are almost completed Don't Mean You. comes you "get his ness the game between Arrangements the Newark A. F. J. B.-We don't When Porkcipolls play goat?” and National Turners, for the annual ball of Ironsides the in town the hungry mean We're Bean which at West Side A., which la to be held at Harbinger’s you. glad Since the Stork will be played fans ought to have their Brought Hall Monday, Octobei IS. The com- to get your mail. Send Starke. Oval. Much interest centres in the re- satisfied. mittee lias obtained Professor Mager's A. E. appetites sult of the contest as both teams will along. It will be twenty-five j orchestra for the uci asion. The fol- Liners. on present a formidable front. Dan An Anniversary. years Monday (27th) lowing compose the committee: Michael She—I wonder what since the stork Schoner is confident that his team will It was 'a year ago brought Fahner, chairman; Harry Schnman, would if he Allan Storke. Catcher * humble the champions of the City Thursday that Merkle Fulton say sen clary; Anton Glndle, treasurer; Jo- one of Cun-* Street, of the League, thus taking two series from forgot to touch second. could see tly> capitalists, seph M. Holler, Robert Wilderman, will also celebrate. He the Ironsides In one season. ard's liners. ’I lir Charles Schalble, William Leist and Similarity. and I wonder will be 27 on the 27th. Added enjoyment will be given the He-Yes. William Glese. I-arrv reminds if he the Kehlufly what he would say occasion by the fact that pennant • Tygera Without Ty. its of pome of our friends saw one of Hans Wag- won by the Ironsides will be unfurled. Detroit Tom .McKenna, of Klugsland. who —he's Rlways locking for ner’s liners. The "Tygers" There will be great rejoicing among not be played great ball for Stevens's Prep, a pass. would worthy of the rooters for the Ironsides’ followers Been. at third hase this season, is eager to Husband—Hns the name without Ty. favorites are who believe that their Jake's Absence. and “has- get a trial with some local league club. Husbjjnd one of the best amateur teams ever Have discovered the rornrra. Mac is a fasl traveler and of the slug- been" sound nearly alike. known to Newark or its vicinity. The cause of Jaka, the Bar- Pitchers sure are put- ger variety and will sure make good. beautiful banner and silver loving cup ber's absence from the Facts About Fans. ting 'em over the “corn- presented to the Ironsides will also be local park. The Tigers Fans are everything ears” when they fan Heine Schroeder, who pitched for the at the grounds for Inspection. Bobby have been making so that begins with the let- i Cobh. local' police against the Belleville cop- Knoth. a (wirier who is booked for pers at the latter place Thursday, professional company next season, will fanned a doen and allowed but four pitch for the Ironsides. Harry WelBher hits. Errors gave the suburban blue- will do the catching Wolf, the clever FOR coats the game. 6 to 1. ATHLETIC CHAMPIONS PREPARING Watpesslng pitcher, will be on the firing line for the Turners. Mills and Jim f >r the winners, Schuman will be held in reserve while Flynn pitched and his brother Mike, who Is was A. A. U: INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS Phil Langheld will do the catching. chief, THE In the Both with the old Furphy and McTague will be the arbi- game. played XVoodstocks, and still him some base- trators. PARK and Travers Island put, Junior, with a heave of 47 feet 6 ball In them. are .the scenes of great activities inches, and finished second to Ralph CELTIC Coaches Robertson Rose in the senior event. Martin Sheri- its these days. The South End A C. will have for On Belleville team Wednesday the HARRISONS ELECT O’BRIEN KLINE Is through with the BRANCH BROOK and AVefers are preparing their cham- dan. the present champion eight-pound the West End A. C. on the CHAMPS opponents will come to this city, and It is liuped "prelim” fighters, and is out to for another tussle shot-putter, will be on hand to defend tomorrow pions heart-breaking Hawthorne avenue grounds will a dose of their own mi Heine. PATSY in get FOR THE KINKEAD SERIES. reach the topmost pinnacle READY FOR PICKED TEAM. and great doings are expected when Ills title, and there will be a great flght afternoon. This game should he a good the featherweight division or go to the these athletes, representing these two between these two. one. as both teams have met twic* George Watts Is scouting Just now pugilistic locker of Davy Jones. To- clubs, meet at the Sheridan will have a great many At a held the The Acme the great metropolitan during the season and both games have meeting recently In little team, champions and has the promise at least of a night, old Philadelphia, Patsy indoor championships of the Amateur other events to attend to besides the been. very close. Manager Oliver will Harrison A. C. decided to com- conceded to of the Branch Brook League, will score of players that they will go Is to meet Tommy O'Toole, in Gar- in fact, he is in the Athletic Union Madison Square eight-pound shot-put: have Havens and Curtiss points. South next pete for the Eugene Kinkead cup. bfc one of the best men known to the oppose a team selected from the year. The big ump htntr-i | den on October 4 6- entered in ten events. They are as The West End will depend upon heir other five anfl that he w-ould take the whole Ironeiuj I Edward O'Brien has been elected featherweight class in years; in fact. clubs, on the Licorice Oval of ,he follows: and Stoll. Game j The foremost weight-tossers Throwing fifty-six-pound pony battery, Lang team. and will base. O'Toole has always been considered to Sunday morning. October 3, at 10:30 manager play third ! world will be on hand and some great weight for height; putting eight-pound relied at 3:30 sharp- be the one boy who has a good chance o'clock sharp. Each manager had the This team opens the series tomor- competition will be seen when Sheridan, shot; putting twenty-four-pounri shot; of copping the title so long held by the privilege of picking his two best men | Although there Is no pennant al I'.ivr at the Parkway oval with the Flanagan. Macdonald, Horr, Elliott and runninakhop, step and jump; running hustle for cham- crafty Abe Attell. The lads will meet regardless Of positions, and the follow- Owing to the merry stake Dan Kchoner claims lie will go Pnrkways in the first of the se- I of the Irish club; Lawrence high standing high Jump; stand- j^ame at 122 pounds before the National ing were the final selection0: Meyer, j^pi; pionship honors in the County League to it Sunday and take the rubber from ries. The Harrisons have been | McGrath end Gillls, New ing broad jump: three standing broad eon-1 A. (’., and a record-breaking crowd is Acme A. A.—Gallagher, catcher; Dearborn, the games scheduled for tomorrow will the City the Boston A. A., vault for distance, and League champions. siderably strengthened by addition famous York A. C.; W. W. Coe, jumps; pole and fol- j expected at Jack MeGuigan's Sloan. Davies. Lawlor. pitchers; Ball attract hundreds of supporters of several new and a red-hot other well-known weight men. get pole vault for Height. Martin Is In players, j club. first base; Boyle, second Base; Mc- and lowers of the fast baseball organiza- There sure was some class to the contest can he as the West of the New York fiist-class shape and will do his best expected, ; Kline finished training in his gym- Gowan. third base; Foley, shortstop; together Lawrence, tion. and Forest Hill are en- A C, to his club win the banner which Orartge reception the Ironsides got when they Hudson fans remember the keen rivalry nasium and left for A.