N o. 29 V O L . X V I I I W ashington and lee university, Tuesday evening, m arch 9,1915 COMMENCEMENT INTERCLASS TRACK SPEAKERS NAMED DEBATING TEAM READY TO MEET NEXT EVENT CLASH WITII TRINITY TEAM Dr. C. W. Dabney and Dr. F. W. Class Stars to Compete on April Tomkins Selected—Are 3 —Relay Race Planned Strong Speakers A lull in the activities of the Washington and Lee track corps will Two speakers of eloquence and be . experienced until April 3. On prominence have been secured by this day. the annual interdass track President Henry Louis Smith to de­ meet will be contested on Wilson liver the two addresses at the 1915 field. CoachjFletcher has not yet commencement. Dr. Charles Wil-| announced the events that will com­ liam Dabnev LL.B. President of the prise the programme,but, in all prob­ University of Cincinnati, will make ability, there w,ill be at least twelve the annual commencement address be­ events, ('lass relay teams will fore the graduating class on Wednes­ (battle for the title of the University, day, June 16, while Dr. Floyd Wil i The tournament will not ■ be a liams Tomkins, rector of the Church ¡handicap affair as in 1914. All of Holy Trinity of Philadelphia, has (events will be from scratch,as Coach been secured to deliver the Baccalau­ ’ Fletcher does not believe in handi­ reate Sermon on Sunday, June 13. caps in such meets. Last season the Dr. Dabney is one of the most Sophomores, by tirtue of marked prominent educators in the country. .ability on the part of Ted Shultz, He has been president of the Univer I William Lamont and R. M. Curtis, sity of Cincinnati since 1904, having won the meet with the Freshmen sec­ left the University of Tennessee, ond. The classes are expected to aftqr being the executive head for hold early elections to name the man­ seventeen years, to accept the posi agers and captains of the respective tion. He was graduated from Hamp­ squads. den Sidney in 1873 with an A. Bs Coach Forest Fletcher has issued degree, while hs earned his masters instructions for the ’ Varsity mem­ degree from the University of Vir­ bers of the track squad to report for ginia. He attended Gottingen Uni spring training on March 10 The versity in Germany and won his Ph. White and Blue athletes will thus D. get a full month of training before He is the author of several educa­ Upon this Quartette Washington and Lee will depend to score a victory. They the first dual track meet is staged tional bonks,the last published being: are: Top—P- R. Scott; Right—W . C. Little; Left—W . M. Brown, Alternate; Continued on page 8

Continued on oage 5 Bottom—D. A. Falk SUBMARINE EXPERT Prepared to present unaf jwerahlf* Little will deliver thejclos ng ad­ CAST ANNOUNCED arguments, the Washington and Lee dress for the team. Under the direction of P. D. Con­ FOR PRODUCTION ’ Varsity debating team will engage TOLECTURE HERE verse, the debators have labored in a battle of words with th e’ Varsity hard to be in possession of the most Miss Mary Champe and Roy Lieutenant Hincamp Will Address team of Trinity College of North powerful rguments in favor of the University Assembly Next Carolina tonight at the chapel. The Direct Primary for selecting candid­ Bryant to Lead Student’s debate will begin promptly at 8 ates. However, it is admitted that Wedding the affirmative can muster some very Monday o’ clock. President Henry Louis strong factr in support of its conten­ Smith will preside over the debate, tion. The personnel Of the cast having The intricacies of the dreaded while the announced judges for the This is the first inter collegiate been definitely determined,the finish­ submarines will be unfolded to the verbal encounter are: Dr William debate to be staged in Lexington ing touches to the production of The student body at the next University A. Webb. President of Randolph since the conflict with Tulane in Student’ s Wedding are being made by' Assembly. Lieutenant Hincamp, of Macon Womans College of Lynchburg; 1913, which was witnesed by scant Director G. Stuart Braridock. With Professor C. H. Ambler of Randoph the United States Submatine Service, number of students. The Washing the opening performance scheduled will address the assembly on next Macon College of Ashland and Pro­ ton and Lee Orchestra will be pre­ for next Tuesday night at the Lyric Monday at the chspel. The address fessor Hatwold of the State Normal sent at the debate and will render Theater, the cast is being rehearsed will be itlustrted by scores of sjteri- College at Harrisonburg. several selections before the opening twice daily in perfecting the details optican slides On account of this The Trinity deoating team arrived speech and while the judges are de- of the merry little comedy. The last night and is in splendid condition faot, the assembly will be held at 8 liberaating, if such is necessary. principals are being coached in par­ o’ clock at night, instead of at the as the result of a good night’ s rest Following the decision of the ticular by the director, while the usual 10:30 hour. The three, who will offer argu­ judges, the principals in the debate musical numbers, which intersperse Considerable expense was incurred m ent against Washington and L

team has been snowbound since Michigan Aggies Cancel Thursday. Wilson Field, after hav­ ing been the scene of lively outdoor A1 Orth, the um­ practice for a few day?, was blank­ pire who will officiate in the Wash­ eted with a eever of snow last Fri ington and Lee games before the day and the baseball aspirants were opening of the major league season, forced back to the old retreat— the is expected to arrive about March gymnasium. However, weather 25. Frank Beckwith re­ conditions seem to be such that the turned to Lexington Saturday to re m I Generals will be able to 'flock again main until next June Hardly had from their indoor retreat towhrd the he anived before announcement wa? Let opr representative take your measure. latter part of the week. received from the Michigan Aggies He will be at the Lexington Hotel all dau Coach Donahue is hopeful. The that thev might be forced to cancel today. twirling corps was in fine shape when the game scheduled on May 20 on If, on delivery, the svit or overcoat isn’t a the prolonged flurries of flakes put » account of faulty railroad facilities. perfect fit - Send it back and get your money. quietus on outdoor practice. Several Thus,the Generals may make «heir Not a credit slip,, but cold cash. of the pitchers were shooting the final appearance on Wilson Field on The secret of well fitting clothes lies first in pellet over the plate with a zip, while April 26 with North Carolina /A. and expert designing. others were displaying their curves M. instead of May 20, as had been Secord, in the size of a business which per­ During the time that the squad has intended. It is thought that neither mits us to cut so many different models and been forced indoors, care has been the open date on May 15 or the date proportions. exeicised to prevent the pitcher? of May 20 will be filled, if the from losing the free use of their Aggies cabcel. Thus Washington flinging members, and, as the result, and Lee will close the season on May Complete showing of everthing college men they will not feel the shift appre«i 8 with the army at West Point. wear. ably. Prices same as in New York. The infielders and have “ Your money back” if anything should go been reporting daily at the gymnasium The College World wrong. and have indulged in slight fielding

practice to prevent their eyes from Mail orders Filled becoming dimmed by lack of action. 3 At Michigan gym classes for the faculiy members are proving very Nine Cut From Squad popular. ROGERS PEET COMPANY Young Men’s Outfitters The General squad has received its Ray Prince, manager and renter NEW YORK CITY first cut and as the result nine fielder of the Bluefie'd. W .Va., base­ candidates were eliminated. How ball team has been selected to coach ever thirty-six remain unpluckea Vo. P. I’ s. baseball team for 1915. and are practicing daily. Eleven slabmcn are unlimbering Columbia University has annrunc ed the record enrollment of 9,987, their hurling arms. They are: which is more than the enrollment of Jennings, Graham, Chafin, Vance, Harvard and Yale combined. STRAIN & PATTON Harris. Anderson, Beall. Hastings, Pierotti, Bryan and Fayerbrother. Jim Preas, Ga. Tech’ s star line­ Six are endeavoring to pain the man and has been rein place behind the bat vacated by stated by the S. I. A. A. and will Clothiers Jiggs Donahue. The aspiring le- again be seen in action after a lay ceivers are: Sweetland, Harrison, off of two years. AND MacGregor, Dodson, Kiser, and Geo. Davis, star pitcher of the Payne. Braves and a law student at At first base, Ben Rivers, regular Harvard recently broke the strength Gents’ Furnishers of 1914, is fighting against Porter repord with a score ef 1,437.6 and Burton, while Zack Brown, point*, 56 noints higher than Hard­ Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Suits Shrimp Jones and Battle Bagley are wick’ s previous record. offering for the seeond sack. ; reduced one-fourth j Johnny Gallagher has three rivals The faculty at Vanderbilt has at shortstop in Straley Mahood, Paul limited the dances given by a frater­ Men’s, Boys’ and*Children’s Overcoats and Macki- Jonesand Lewis Collins ( aptai» nity to two a term. Pledges here­ Colville has Dick Watts for his after must make a grade equal to jtnaws reduced one-third understudy at third base. that required for participation in No goods charged at these prices. ■ In the outfield, there are eight athletics to be initiated. likely candidates in Cv Young, The athletic authorities at the Penny, Bailey, Bill Smith, Bob University of Florida intend to have Schulz, Johnny Sorrells, H. G. Smith football practice this spring, owing T H E ----- and B. S. Hill. to their hard schedule next fall Coach Donahue states that he has Spring practice has never been tried B an k of Rockbridge a promising twirler in big Bonard befor. by them, but they expect good Bryan. Last season, the hefty Texan results. Cordially offers the young men of Washington and Lee the possessed every requisite except con­ trol. This season, he seems to have Twenty-six men have qualified at focilities of this Bank. We are well equipped to handle acquired the art of controlling the Louisiana State University to contest your drafts and bhecks and will welcome you business to represent the institution as orator course of the horsehide and still has whether it be large or small. his speed and curves If Bryan in the international peace contests They claim this to be the largest finds control, he should prove a main­ [ For Safety and Service stay. squad of anyUniversity in the United During the clear weather last States. BANK OP ROCKBRIDGE week, the General leader had one Mrs. Malloy of Asheville, N. C. is p ’actice battle between the Yannigans visbing her sou, F. F. Malloy. and the Regulars. Johnny Gallaghtr Bernard McD. Krug, B. A , ’ 10 starred by parking the boll at a crit­ is a phyeican in the Southern Pacific ical moment. The candidates have KEUFFEL& ESSER CO. General Hospital at San Francisco. been instructed in the rudiments of 127 Fulton street, HEW YOKE General Cffce and Factories, HOBOKEN, N. J. the game. The infielders were given Miss Annie White, who has been HICAGO ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO practice in backing up throws from ill for the past week, has recovered the outfielders, while the outfielders sufficiently to resume her duties at Mathematical and Surveying Instruments were drilled on the same point? when the Library. Drawing Materials Measuring Tapes the threw to the respective Mrs. Frierson and her grandson C. We have the irost ccnpiete line cf DRAWING INSTRU­ bases. MENTS in various grades. Our Engine-divided Slide Rules W. Watts, Jr. of Florence, Ala , are enjoy an ere. llent aid wide reputation. We carry every As there remains twenty days be­ visiting Col. C. W. Watts at Mis. requisite for the drafting ru n . Special prices to students. Free catalogue on request fore the first game with LaFayette, William Patton’ son the Avenue. RTNG-TUM PHI EXPENSE OF FINALS DR. RILEY IS AUTHOR OF FOR 1914 WAS $1558 AN ELEMENTARY HISTORY Spring Styles in All their Glory Collaborates With Dr. Chandler and Executive Committee Approves Writes Book for Public Schools They are the prettiest ever—so say Report of Final Ball and Dr. Franklin L. Riley, professor the boys who have seen them. Collegian of History at Washington and Lee, has just had published a short histo­ Come in and see for yourself. No The total expense connected with ry of the United States in collabora the 1914 Finals was $1,558 65, ac­ tion with Dr. J. A. C. Chandler, su­ charge to you, no trouble to us. If cording to a statement given by perintendent of the Richmond Public President R. D. Ramsey to the Ex­ sth .ols. The book is called “ Our you want to reserve a pattern for ecutive Committee and approved by Republic— A Short History of the them. Despite this tremendous out­ Uniited Stat's’ ’ ana has been adopt­ later delivery we will gladly do it. lay of shekels,a surplus of $173 was ed by the state of Virginia as the left and was accordingly turned over standard text book for the seventh to athletics. Of the total amount grade m the public school system. LYONS TAILORING CO. subscribed, $813 35 was realized While the book is not very volum­ from subscriptions from the student inous it is comprehensive and is re TAILORS FOR COLLEGE MEN body, white the various organiza­ garded as one of the most satisfac­ tions donated $556. The programs tory histories in use in the public netted a gross return of $210 50, schools. Dr. Riley has a reputation REMEMBER THIS BOYS! while the University subscription as one of the best informed histor­ was $150. ians in the south. The College Men’s Pressing Club While there was a considerable surplus from Finals, the Southern INTRA-TEaM tra ck m e e t STILL DOES UP-TO-DATE WORK Collegian earned a scant profit of PROPOSED BY FLETCHER $16 63 according to M. L. Masinter, ALL WORK GUARANTEED business manager in 1914 In all Besides the-annual interclass track the Collegian spent 437.38 during meet, Coach Fletcher intends to have Call Phone 258 or send to 35 Nelson Street the session of 1913 14 and had a an intra team tournament. His plan total income of $454 from adverti is to divide the track squad into two sing and subscriptions. sections and to stage a regular meet The detailed reports were posted between them. He has not yet de­ HOTEL CARROLL on the bulletin board last week by termined by what name he will de­ the secretary of the Executive signate the respective sections, but A Modern American Plan Hotel Committee. the Xannigans ana the Lanigans is PHI DELTA PHI GIVES under consideration. LYNCHBURG, VA. A regular meet of ten or twelve ENJOYABLE FARCE TRIAL events will be arranged and the able athletes divided in strength as equal­ Fine Shoe Repairing Following the custom of the r bbon ly as they can possibly be. The societies in giving an annual public track coach feels that this will serve Don’t throw your old shoes away. Bring them to us and show in addition to the secret initia­ to stimulate interest and to give the we will make them new. Best White Oak Leather used tion ceremonies the goats of the Phi track stars a slight diversion from Work done while you wait. Delta Phi legal fraternity presented the regular grind of the training an enjoyable farce trial at the High season. HARRY PILNICK & CO. School auditorium on Saturday night. 36 W. Washington St. Next to Dutch Inn The show was given under the S. L. Phillips, Jr., B. A., ’08 is name of “ The Great Pumpkin Case” an instructor in the Dnited Siates (A Suit in Trespass and Damages). Naval Academy Preparatory School. S. M. BROW N On Main Street The make up of the characters were extremely good and the whole The only shop in town that presses by hand irons show went off in a manner highly University Dining Hall Four Suits cleaned and pressed for $1.50. creditable to the performers, some All kinds of French Cleaning and repairing neat- excellent bits of humor ano local hits PLACE TO EAT done. Clothes sent for and delivered. being introduced. W. A. Keleher 41 S. Main Street. Phone 282 took the part of Judge Fobb and han died the ca^e in a highly enjoyable For Prompt Service Call Meal Hours : 8 to 9.30; 2 to manner. T, McP. Glasgow, as the Gillock’s Grocery counsel for the plaintiff and W. K. 3; 6.30‘to 7.30 Seeley and P. W. Buhrman in dual The place for Good Eats. roles as witnesses were especially Banquets a Specialty. Miley’s Livery good although all of the characters acquitted themselves creditably. E. A. DONAHUE, Man’gr. The cast was as follows: Judge Peanuts Fobb, W. A. Keleher; Fizz, Clerk of Street Surreys Court, Geo. Williamson; Foozle, AND A SPECIALTY Lawyer for Plaintiff; T, McP. Glas­ gow ; Squibbs,Lawyer for Defendant, Tran sfer Wa gons I. L. Twymafi, Hi Guff, Plain tiff; N. C. EVanS; Ab Muff, Defend­ Next to~the Lyric ant; S. S.McNeaf. Witnesses: Friizj Stylish Rigs Reasonable Bumblesburgeihorfenriorfenstein, F. j W. Buhrman; Reuben Louder, W.K.| BOLEY’S Seeley; Claw Hammer, W. P, Buhr- Telephone No. 204 man; Dr. Poddle, W. K. Seeley.; Jefferson Street Lexington. Va Whipsaw, Bailiff, F. D. Coe, Jr. For Shoe Repairing John ' W. Mlley, Prop. Book Store DR. STEVENS AND G O TO WE SPECIALIZE IN LAMONT MEMBERS C. H. CHITTUM Successor to W. C. Stuart. College Annuals, Magazines The list of members of the Brook­ Electric Shoe Establishment. What Students Need 50 Years Experience. 35 S. Main St. and Stationery. lyn Institute of Arts and Sciences IN T H E shows that Washington and Lee has Sample and Prices upon request. Fox’s Barber Shop FURNITURE LINE ^ two members in Dr. Walter LeConte DULANEY-BOATWRIGHT CO., Inc. Stevens and William Lamont. Dr. A Fully Eqnipped Modern Barber Shop Lynchburg» Va. CAN BE FOUND AT I Stevens aided in the reorganization Five Sanitary Chairs with an expert barber to VARNER, POLE & CO. of the prominent institute over 20 each. Special attention given to V. M. I. trad® . years ago. This school is one of the Stop a little while whenever in town-. The Main Street Furniture People DICK FOX Proprietor most representative in the country. McCown’s Photograph Gallery The Model Barber Shop The twenty-third annual chess tourney, between Yale, Harvad, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Next Door Bank of Rockdridge ^Princeton and Columbia was recently Nothing but the best work done. Students' held in New York and resulted in a Will save you money and give you satisfaction. w in for Columbia Bring: mevour amatuer work. Quickly done Headquarters on the beat paper. HUGH WILLIAMS^ Ptofr RING-ÎUM PHI

ers could be secured at more frequent have a few days of practice. With CAST ANNOUNCED FOR PRODUCTION Stye ling-tum f ty intervals. The Chemical Society some preliminary work, the candi­ Continued from page 1 (ESTABLISHED 1897/ nuring the past years, has been very dates will be reasonably primed for the contest. Every indication Washington and Lee University Weekly progressive in this respect and has Champe and Roy Bryant) “ Ruth” points to a highly successful meet. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY secured some very, able chemists to will capture the hearts of the audi­ address those interested in this pro­ How About Tennis ence as well as that of her admirer Subscriptions *1.50 per year,in advance. fession. The Y. M C. A., too, has in the play when, in fascinating Single copy 5 cents. bridal robes,she blushingly welcomes been fortunate in presenting inter­ e v o t e e s of golf, at the begin- D her wedding guests in a captivating esting nen, n ng of the collegiate year, W FICE—THIRD FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING little speech. In such subjects as English, His­ formed a golf cluh and aroused con­ Ultra “ Miss Parkham” (Miss Entered at the Lexington, Va., post- tory, Philosophy and Economics, an siderable interest in this great sport. Nancy Pendleton) will flirt bewitch- •ffice as sec nd class mail matter. occasional address or a series of ad­ Although tennis is even more popu­ ingly with her admirers in the camp* ing party, while the swagger and dresses would act as a stimulus to lar at Washington and Lee and has EDITORIAL BOARD jolly chaperone hostess (Mrs. the student to ponder more deeply a number of worthy exponents, it Schermerhorn) will entertain her REUBEN A. LEWIS, JR.. EJitor-in-Chief R. M. CURTIS, Assistant Editor nvCniet into the contents of fhese studies. has been allowed to drift along with, guests by becoming desperately in­ W M. BROWN, News Editor fatuated with the brilliant “ Profes­ S. SANFORD, Associate Editor It would cause him to realize that out organization. The other col­ sor Pitcher” (Dr. H. B. Schermer­ B. F. WOODRUFF, Assignment Editor there are other topics of interest leges in the South Atlantic division THE S T A F F horn), who will court her in a besides those chronicled in the text have not been guilty of similar in­ Chesterfield manner and later appear F. J. GILLIAM. H. C. HOLDEN 1? d mVITTFT H . C. F IS H E D books. Not only is therr interest in dolence and have formed an associa­ en deshabille in a barrel, after the ANGUS McKINNON M. W. PAXTON, JR. W T GOX P. H. JONES scholaily things, but. in the big tion. The championship of the divi­ young featherweight champion E. S. MOORE undertakings of the world— such as sion is to be decided, in May at “ Bobo Kid” (E. A. Donahue) con­ MANAGEMENT fiscates his clothing while he is in the construction of the Panama Canal Charlotte, N C. MORGAN KEATON, Business Manager swimming. the Inslituton of the New Banking It is our sincere belief that, with Wholesome and jcvial “ Deacon W n*LESTER 1 Asst, Bns. Managers System, and other irretentions cur­ Proper preliminary moves, Washing­ STANLEY WILLIAMS 1 Hedges” (Eddie Parks Davis), to­ rent events. Would it not tie inter­ ton and Lee could develop a tenni9 gether with his chore boy on the All matter of business should be ad esting to hear the men responsible team that would be able to make a farm “ Zeke” (Ted Sbultz) will dressed to the Business Manager, and prove a riot of fun as they enter for such timely speculation tell of the strong showing, as there is abundant all other matters should come to the both leading calves, while the ac­ Editor-in-Chief. inner working of their ventures? talent in college. Although in other complished “ Mrs. Hedges” (Miss At times, it would seem that the seasons, the tennis team had a cap­ JennieMaben Hopkins) with her little We are always glad to publish any tain and a manager, it had neither “ gal from the Orphun Sylum” (Miss communication that may be handed to Washington and Lee students do not us We desire to call attention to yearn for such. Slight interest has last season. Dora Winborne Witt) and the the fact that unsigned correspondence country circuit rider, the “ Rev, been shown some of the most learned With the coming of spring and the will not be published. Reuben Lamb” (Buck Miles) will and interesting lecturers and this, beginning of the vogue of ennis, sunply a few hilarious moments of Rocfebriilgs County Nowi Print undoubtedly, has causd the Univer­ action in regard to organization quaint humor. sity authorties to be wary in inviting would not be amiss. 1 hf Cords, encamped include Miss men of rank to visit Washington Virginia Moore, Miss Sophy Graham, A Needed Exchange Miss Evelyn Champe and Miss Ed- and Lee. However, it would take THIRTEEN CLUB NAMES COMMITTEES FOR DANCES monia Leech. Tha “ rah-rah boys” , nnouncement thatLieu tenant but a short time to educate tham to j will Le Lynch Chris'ian,Bruce Wood­ appreciate matters of this kind. We ruff, L. W. Brandon, Johnny Sorrells A Hincamp, of the United States Having determined ths dates of feel ihat it is a suggestion well) aid Frank Scarry. They will fur­ S u b m a r in e Sersice, will favor the i tjie Easter dances, the dotillion Club nish several ensemble numbers for worthy of consideration. | and the Thirteen Club are perfecting student Dody with an illustrated the production. the details of the events. Ail effort lecture on the dreaded submarine There will be several catchy new will be made to have a larger num­ songs and dances, with pantomine will be received with appreciation by Ye Followers of the Cinder Path ber of visiting girls to enjoy the interpretation— including“ I’ 11 Dream the student body. With the miehty Easter festivities. President Evan of That Sweet Co-Ed,” “ Moon,Moon, HE grind,of the spring track S. McCord of the Thirteen Club, has nations of the world menacing each Moon,” “ Good bye Girls I’ m announced the committees for the other by the use of this intricate T season will be ushered in by an Through” and “ Ruth Hedges of the “ 13” Club” dance on April 13. little craft,, his lecture will satisfy interclass tournament scheduled for Old Vermont Farm,” directed by Finance Committee^-Chairman, C. April 3. If the same interest is Miss Eutha Young. There will also the curiosity o f the followers o f the L. Christian; R. W. Fowlkes, G. M. be selected numbers by the company tsar. It is indeed a timely addres3. manifested in track that was shown Penick, L. T. White. quartette and a solo by Dr. Scher­ A system eery much in vogue at during the past inter class basket Invitation Committee— Chairman, merhorn, together with modern Ben Haden; W. R. Buiton, E. S. present amoug the most representa­ ball series, the success of the meet dances by Miss Pendleton and Lynch tive universities is the exchange pro­ is assured. The 1915 inter-class Moore, A. H. Boyd. Decoration Committee— Chairman, Christian. tournament for the class cinder path The Executive committee for the fessor plan. The various universi­ T. C. Waters; H. K. Young, J. M. production the profits ofw hich will go ties, for the purpose of an inter­ aspirants will contain a distinct feat­ Faulkner, W.C. Hagan. to Washington and Lee athletics, is ure in that there will be a relay race Floor Committee— Chairman, J. R. change of ideas in study and in composed of E. A. Donahue, Ted Neal; W K. Soeley, R. W . Win- methods, send one of their faculty to for the chamionship of the Universi­ Shultz, W. C. Raftery, Reuben A. borne, E. A. Donahue. another university to deliver a series ty. Also every event will be run from Lewis, N. C. Evans, Mrs. D. Shultz, of addresses on some subject of scratch, no athlete being favored by V. M. I. RECEIVES Mrs. S. B. Walker, Mrs. R. R. which he is an authority, w£ile the a handicap. Witt. Miss Annie White and Mrs. $100,000 INDEMNITY H. B. Schermerhorn, Mrs. J. M. To insure keen competition, the other college reciprocates and re­ Young and Miss Katherine SloaD. various class presidents should waste turns the compliment. In this way, One of the last acts of Congress, Reuben Lewis will be stage manager. the universities keep in contact one no time in calling meetings of their just before the recent adjournment, Between the acts a novel home with the other and endeavor to main­ classes to elect a captain and mana­ was to award $100,000 to Vrginia made candy sale will benefit the tain the warmest possible relations. ger of the teams. At the same time, Military Institute as indemnity for Jackson Memorial Hospital. the damage to tne Institute building Tickets for the two performaces While Washington and Lee is for­ the services of the class stars may by General Hunter during the Civil will he on. sale this week at Me- tunate in many respects, i t : is ad­ be enlisted and the preliminary work war when he passed through the Crum’ s Drug Company. mitted that there is little contact completed. valley of Virginia destroying prop­ with the outer-world both collegiate Track, at Washington and Lee, is erty. The Bill was introduced by TUCKER AUTHOR OF BOOK and commercial. An institution gradually being developed and the Congressman Hal Flood, an almnus of Washington and Lee. ' that would be keenly appreciated by interclass meet will Jafford an oppor­ The appropriation of this sum will Harry St. George Tucker,' former the students would be the adoption tunity to every athlete,who has a de­ enable the authorities of V. M, I. to professor of law at Washington and of a policy to invite lecturers and sire to test his ability, to enter into complete the grading of the parade Lee University, is the author of a men of accomplishments to visit telling competition. If he should grounds and other extensive im­ recent book on “ Limitations on the Treaty Making Power of the United Washington and Lee and inform them carry off honors, his accomplishment provements that have been begun. It is also probable tht another acad­ States.” It is quite a voluminous on various subjects. In connection will catch the eye of the track coach emic building will bi erected from book and is published by one of the with the studies, it would art as a and probably result in a trial with the $100,000. V. M. I. has worked leading firms of Boston. In view of stimulus to incite greater interest in the ’Varsity squad. Participation in upon the matter of securing the sum the Euiopean crisis and the positioa the subjects and would afford an the class meet can not but-be favor­ for a number of years. of the United States, the book is re­ garded as very timely. agreeable diversion to hear the views ed with benefits and we would urge In order to encourage the writing Mr. Tucker spent a number of of other teachers,. every man athletically inclined to of good themes and essays at Penn years in gathering material for the If it were not feasible to enter offer for the clas3 squad. State, all of the better productions book. He received a degree in the into an exchange professorship ar­ The date of the meet makes it of the students will be published iu Washington and Lee University law rangement, it is possible that lectur­ possible for almost every aspirant to the college publications. school in 1876. — j 5 RING-TUM PHI

ütyr &tng-tutn DR. DENNY REFUSES The New Nettleton Oxfords MONTANA’S OFFER Are Here Ready for Your Tuesday, March 9, 1915 Inspection. Will Remain at University of Alabama—Issues Statement And they are “ things of beauty.” If you are in the twi­ Social and Personal light zone of uncertainty ahout footwear, see Dr. George H. D e n n y , president of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Shields of the University of Alabama, has GRAHAM’S, The Shoe Man (Richmond are visiting in Lexington. spurned the offer of the State of Montana to become Dean of Educa­ n u ./, eolia tin fs and Sox W. T. Coppinger of New York hss tion. Although this position would been a visitor at ihe S. A. E. house give him charge of four state insti­ during the past week. tutions and an increase of $2,000 a M R. Miles stayed over at his year more salary, Dr. Denny issued a home in Brooklyn, N. Y. for severs! statement recently asserting that he days following the basketball trip. had decided to remain at the Univer- (Successors to Coleman’s Drug Store) * Miss Mary Carter Graham of Wash­ sity. PHONE 94 ington, D. C. is visiting Miss Mar­ Though he did not divulge the THE PLACE TO GO. FOR garet Graham on Letcher Ave. name of the state offering him the position, in his anouncement, it be­ Peter Lantz ex’ 13 has return to came known that it was Montana. Prescriptions Toilet Articles college to persue his studies in the This wask not expected as it was Candies | Norris Sodawater Law School. said that a “ northern state” had * Stuart Moore went to Lynchburg tendered him the position. Tobacco, Cigarettes and Cigars last week to superintend some partic­ His announcement, part of which A full line of High Class Pipes. ulars of the composition of the Calyx. follows, is characteristic: “ I am happy to announce my de­ W. & L. Stationery A1 Pierotti has returned to college cision to remain in Alabama. There from a short visit at his home in has never been a moment when I Boston where he went immediately desired to lay down my work here. after the Army basketball game. Where a man is investing his Morgan Keaton has returned to treasure of muscle and nerve and Morris House college after a visit to his home near faith there is his heart also. Roanoke to recover from the pink It was, of course, my duty to MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT eye. ______give fair consideration to the call that came to me several weeks ago. DR. SMITH WILL LEAVE ON This I have done. If I am not self deceived, I have sought to subordi­ IDEAL PLACE FOR STUDENTS * WEEK SPEAKING TOUR nate the question of financial reward to’the larger question of service. — o— Will Leave Next Thursday-Will See “ fhe simple fact is that have Special Attention Given Transient Trade______Pennsylvania Launched fouad no way to resist the conclusion that it is ray duty to remain in the GOTO South and to spend such strength as President Henry Louis Smith will is given to me in the interest of my THE DUTCH INN leave Thursday on a speaking tour own people,especially at this time of in Virginia and will remain away economic uncertainty and distress. For Hot Waffles and Club Sandwiches from Lexington for a week. On his It is indeed a profound spiritual sat­ tour, he will witness the launching isfaction to be able to put aside all Rooms for Visiting Girls and Chaperones of the Battleship Pennsylvania, the other considerations and to feel free BANQUETS OUR SPECIALTY largest warship in the world, which to act as my heart inclines me to will be christened next Wednesday I act in this matter.” at Newport News. W eliavethePlace ? We Have the Tables. He will deliver his first address at Williamsburg, before the student COMMENCEMENT Come in and Make Yourself at Home. body of William and Mary College SPEAKERS NAMED next Thursday. The subject of his speech has not been announced as Continued from p«ge 1 Lexington Pool Company yet With “ Four Square Manhood ‘ The South Renationalized by Edu­ as his topic, Dr. Smith will address cation.” It was due to his effort the Cape Charles High School next Go to IRW IN & CO., Inc. that tin ore was fir3t discovered in Friday. He will remain in Newport Western North Carolina and he was FOR News for three days. Next Monday one of the leaders in the movement he will be the chief speaker at is Curtains Portieres, Table Covers, Rugs, Sheets,. Pillow to found aricultural and mechan­ banquet of the Newport News Bus- an C & e s , Blankets, Comforts and everything m ical school in North Carolina from ness Men. Tuesday, he will addresa Dry Goods and Notions. which evolved North Carolina A. and the Newport News High School, while M. Dr. Smith states that he is an Also f or the BEST OF EVERYTHING TO EAT. Wesdesday he will witness the eloquent speaker and feels very launching of the immense battleship highly elated over his acceptance. “ Pennsylvania,’ ’ which will be the Dr. Tomkins, who will deliver the NEXT TO McCRUM’S largest and the most powerful Baccalaureate sermon, is a speaker of We are young but that makes us all the more anxious to please. Boys battleship afloat. Dr. Smith will VY e arc juu ts cali on us f0r anything m the wide reputation. He is a man of return Thursday to Lexgtonin to re- wide experience, havin been a mis­ game his official duties. sionary in Colorado,Wyoming and the Gent’s Furnishing Line middle west from 1875 until 1883. H R. Phillips, B. S., ’ 11 is a He secured an A. B. degree from B. C. TOLLEY & CO. civil engineer with the American Harvard in 1872. He served as Bridge Co. at Gary, Ind. preacher at Harvard from 1902-05. J J. Barret, L.L. B., ’ 10 is a He is the author of about ten relig lawyer with Smith and Barret, 305 ions books, the latest of which is Specsworth Building, Astoria, Ore­ “ Sunshine on Life’ s W ay,” publish gon. ed in 1912. W. R. D. Taylor,, L. L. B., ’ 11 LYRIC la with the law firm of Hicka, Morris, NO LITERARY SOCIETIES Garrett and Tunstall at Norfolk, Va., Citizens Bank Building. Owing'to the fact than the prelim­ inary contest to the Tennessee debate Robt. E. Royall, B. S., ’ 13 is U. was held Saturday night, the Wash­ S. Junior Highway Engineer in the ington and Graham-Lee Literary office of Public Road3 at Washington, Societies did not hold any meetings D. C. thus giving the members an oppor- tunity to listen to the argument of Tailor from Globe Tailoring Co. the contestants. will be at my store taking measures for spring and summer suits and Robert Stuart Sanders, '07, is a Two Shows Nightly pants March 18, minister at bhomasville, Ga. # RING-TUM PHI TEAM TO DEBATE TENN. IS CHOSEN ARROW I Caps and Gowns. Iatture, Worth and Bell Win Places SHIRTS —Two Will Go are fast in color The debating team to oppose the and steadfast in You Seniors will need University of Tennessee will be service. chosen from N. M. Bell, R. N. Lat- ture and C. E. Worth. After offer $1.50 up. them for commencement. ing arguments Saturday night in the Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers preliminaries held at the Graham Lee Let us order them for hall, these three were given the decision in the trials by the judges, l-DINq ' you now. Dr. Granville Campbell, Dr. W. LeConte Stevens,and P. D. Converse. i At some time later, two of the aforementioned three will be selected to urney too Knoxville, Tennesseean U. PAT. ° Extra Tassels Appropriate to Degrees s. April 19 to meet the University of Tennessee duo. The Washington and Lee representatives will be coached by Mr. Converse. They will support the negative on the question: Spalding’s Resolved, That the United States For over thirty-five years—have UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Should Own and Operate All Rail­ been the ones to think out and ways (Both Steam and Electric) put on the market, things really Engaged in Interstate Commerce new in sport. The other men who disputed for a place on the team and whe made a Are you posted on Jus “The Virginian” Hotel strong showing were: R. L. Cun dift, E. L. Junkin and H G. Brown, what’s new this year? MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT supporting the affirmative; Samuel Send for our catalogue. Hundreds of Wofsy, J. C. Rivers and Jack Kirk­ illustrations of what to use and wear— Lynchburg, Va. patrick on the negative. For Competition—For Recreation—For Health—Indoor and Outdoor. WHAT EPIDEMIC NEXT IS A. G. SPALDING & BROS QJisnj.'i SfJJIH S ASK 110 E. Baltimore, St., Baltimore, Md. Virginia Laundry Co. LYNCHBURG) VA. Pinkeye in 1915, Mumps in 1914- Washington & Lee What Will 1916 Bring ? Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wash called for and delivered University E. E. PETTIGREW, Lexington Agent. What epidemic next? This ques Phone 21. At First National Bank Building DEPARTMENTS tion is being asked by the students Jas. Lewis Howe Wm. M. McElwee WE HAVE EVERYTHING THE in view of the pink eye epidemic of Academic President Cashier 1915 and the epidemic of mumps in Engineering STUDENTS LIKE 1914. A matter of speculation is IN THE WAY OF what 1916 will visit upon the unsus Law 75h e Cigars, Cigarettes pecting searchers for knowledge. HENRY LOUIS SMITH Virtually every year, some malady sieze3 in its grip the student body President Fresh Candies, Fruits and starts an epidemic. This year Peoples National All kinds of Canned Meats over 100 cases of the pink eye have been reported, while last year, mumps Crackers, Cakes, etc. held sway and populated the Jackson r7h. fox Memorial Hospital to overflowing. Bank Come in to see us The pink eye epidemie is gradually disappiaring although several of the Students' Barber. Lexington, Va. Welsh & Lindsay afflicted are suffering with chronic cases and will be unable to take the THE COUNTY NEWS Organized April 1, 1904 H. O . D O L D second term examihati..ns, Few cases have been re jorted during the past Job Office THE STUDENTS’ FRIEND week. In 1911, typhoid fever forced Capital Stock - $50,000 Requests the pleasure of a per­ the University authorities to suspend Oppesite Presbyterian. Lecture Room Surplus Fund - 25,000 son«! interview' at his place, e.asses for several weeks. CORNER MAIN a n d WASHINGTON Orders Promptly Filled STREETS, FOR FIRST GLASS WORK GO TO “ CHIEF” M SÏE4S SIGNS TO • with each W. & L. Student— FLAY WITH ROCKY MOUNT old or new. You will find the Get It at F. A. GRIGSBY’S most completa assortment of Moran Reports to Buffalo— Good Things to Eat, Smoke and Harry HEINS’ Shoe Shine Parlor $ 0 Chew; V Brower With Utica Nothin# old except the proprietor; Everythin# fresh except the clerks. ROANOKE, VA. HEADQUARTERS “ Chief” Meyers, who was one of FOR STUDENTS. the ’ Varsity twirlers on the Washing W. HARRY AGNOR ton and Lee baseball squad during The Miller Transfer Co. Gn Main Street next Door to The Up-Town Store the season of 1912, has signed a con­ Telegraph Office. tract to pitch with the Rocky Mount JOHN C; HUTTON. Manager Towels, Bed Coverings, Washstaad club in the Virginia State league MAIN OFFICE Sunday Hours: 8-10.30 A. M. Supplies, Tobaccos, Cigars, Fruits and this season. Since leavijg Lexing­ AT LEXINGTON HOTEL Confections. Give us a call. ton, the big twirier has entered pro­ Phone 62 Fresh Candies :: Cold Drinks 95 MAIN STREET fessional baseball but has failed to star. / Pure Ice Cream Mary Baldwin Seminary Harry Moran has left his home in JAMES JACKSON Best served; and a welcome awaits | West Virginia to join the spring you at FOR YOUNG LADIES STAUNTON, VA training squad of the Buffalo Federal T erm b eg in s Sep t. 11. 1918. L oca ted in th e Shen*- Barber and Hair Dresser SHIREY & BROWN'S DRUG STORE j andoah Valley of Virginia. Unsurpassed climate league team in Georgia. Frank Brow­ beautiful grounds and modern appointment^ Experience has made him skillful. BUaNA VISTA, VA. Students past session from 33 states. Pupils enter er will report again to the Utica club He especially solicits the patronage of students, any time. Send fer catalogue. adets and citizens. in the New X ork State league MISS E. C. WEIMER, Principal Kemper Shelton is still cavorting for He was General Lee’s Barber. Nelson street the Columous club in the American Printing WHEN IN STAUNTON, VA., Association. M. M ILEY & SON TH E G. D. BLACK CO. Washington and Lee Students Harvard’s Athletic Association Carbon visit the announces that $300,000 was cleared Buena Vista, Va. from the football in 1914. Studio ONE QUALITY—THE BEST Busy Bee Restaurant RING-TUM PHI VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY HAS PRAISE FOR DR. CURRELL j Perkins Have You Subscribed Receives Big Ovation as Exchange —TO THE— Professor When Lecturing on Ibsen Washington’s

Vanderbilt University accorded Dr. Exclusive Men’s Shop. Expenses of Final W. S. Currell, president of the University of South Carolina and former professor of English at Wash­ ington and Lee, a great ovation when Let us serve you by he delivered a series of lectures on mail if you don’t Week ? Ibsen. In accordance with the ex­ change professorship plan Dr. Currell find it convenient to went to Vanderbilt and spent a week come to town. discussing the great Norwegian’ s work and life. ^ n°t, do so at once. The Hustler, the student publica­ tion, published an editorial congratu­ The HOOVER & SM ITH CO. lating the University on having been F at Fourteenth fortunate enough to secure Dr. Cur­ 616 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia rell, Part of it follows: President Currell has easily won S. F. Lackey & Co. the hearts of all Vanderbilt men Diamond Merchants, Jewelers and He typifies their ideal of the po­ Su ccessor to lished scholar and Southern gentle Silversmiths man. In his selection of the subject Washington* Street Bakery of his lectures. “ Ibsen, Man and PHILADELPHIA’S O f f i c i a l FRATERNITY JEWELER Dramatist,’ ’ he has been most happy. His hearers have felt the Hof Peanuts If you want the finest pins made, and novelties of the charm of the delightfully informality . best quality, we make ’em. together with the gently satirica’ all the time. Specialists in and refreshing humor of his lecture' and have been awakened to a deeper Medals Prizes Trophies appreciation of Ibsen’ s life ana Next to Adams Express Co’s Office work.” The Story of Tyewriter Supremacy is the History JIGGS DONAHUE Busy Bee M AY JOIN BRAVES OF THE | RESTAURANT General Coach Has Offer to Go to Pacifc Coast A haarty welcome UNDERWOOD awaits you at our Several clubs aro dickering Winner in All Contests for ing for the services of Coach Jigys place when in Donahue, who will enter the ranks SPEED, ACCURACY, STABILITY of the professionals during the ap­ Roanoke, Va. proaching season. The Federal have Proved by all International Tyrewriter Records. submitted an offer to the noisy little receiver, while the Cincinnati club “ MOST COMPLETE HOTEL’’ has offered a proposition to Donahue UNDERWOOD to play a season with San Francisco IS in the Pacific Coast league this year and then he recalled to Cincinnati. Hotel Virginia “ The machine you will eventually buy However George Stallings, manager 1212 East Main Street, Richmond of the Boston Nationals, World’ s ALEXANDER T. MOOREi Champions, has asked Donhaue to Proprietor join the Braves next summer aad it is probable that he will accept the offer. Staunton, Va. New Palace Hotel During the season of 1914, Dona- In Beautiful Shenandoah Valley H e was the recipient of offers from The Home o f W.

the Mass. Institute of Technology at . FaCt0ry: 212 LITTLE SHARP STREET Boston.

Special designs aaBhdMt^atM°furnished'o™ cias™P^s^lRrng°8^MJdalef^oreAtZle°dc^Meet8*^efc RING-TUM PHI

Timberlake; Milner for Mann : Kirk- SENIOR QUINT WINS patrick for Milner. INTER-CLASS TITLE Referee: Coach Fletcher. McCRUM’S INTERCLASS TRACK Is Headquarters for Athletic News Junior Lawyers Humble the Seniors MEET NEXT EVENT —Both Games Fast Continued from page OUR SODA FOUNTAIN, BESIDES BEING

The Seniors won the championship with Georgetown as their opponents THE DISPENSER OF MOST DELICIOUS of the University in the inter class on April 10. This tournament has DRINKS, IS A SOCIAL CENTER. :: :: series by downing the Junior« by a not been definitely determined, as one point margin last Tue9day after­ finances may not permit its consum noon. 12 to 11. The game was nip mation. and tuck from the first to the last The Generals will compete the and never throughout the game was Penn State cinder path athletes on Our stock of Tobacco and Pipes, Candy, Kodak either five at all assured of victory. April 17. The annual Interscho'as- At the end of the first half, the two tic Meet will be held oi* May 1, Supplies, Shaving Outfits, Stationery quints were deadlocked, the score while the Generals will journey to standing 8 to 8. * Baltimore on May 6 and 7 to partici­ is complete and up to the minute The game was probably the best of pate in the annual South Atlantic the series from every point of view. events » Although characterized by speedy and A dual meet with Johns Hopkins hard playing, it had less roughness track team on May 14 will close tje than preceding encounters, and was McCRUM DRUG CO. track season. marked by superior passing and The interclass meet will enable guarding. In field goals, the victors every class to enter its 'Varsity easily deserved the laurels, every men. They will be handicapped but man on the Senior team having will not be barred. The following registered tw# p'ints, while Captain events composed the programme last Harrison made most of the points for year: 100 yard dash; 120 yard Who Is Who ? lFk e i a m . the Juniors. He scored five foul and hurdles; 220 yard dash; 220 yard two field goals, thus rolling up nine hurdles; 440 yard run;880 yard run ; YOUNG MEN of the eleven points made by his shot put; broad jump; Discus throw; side. The work of Shultz at center one mile run, Pole vault; and the was also a gteat asset to the Junior high jump. Let me make your Clothes. team, his tow head serving as a One feature of the 1915 inter­ Let me sell you Clothes, Shoes, Hats, Caps,* Gents' landwar for the passing of his team­ class tournament will be the intro­ Furnishings, Trunks and Dress Suit Cases. You mates. For the Seniors Latture duction of the one mile relay race and Utt were the stars, their good between the four classes. Other will save money. floor work being noticeable through­ details of the meet will be announc­ 1 I don’t charge two prices because you are a stu­ out the contest. ed later. The respective lineups were: dent. It will do you good to know me and buy from me. Come to see me. Seniors Juniors The bill proposed in the Texas Utt R. F. Harrison legislature to abolish fraternities at Williams L. F. Coe the University of Texas was killed J. ED- DEAVER Bear C. Shuliz by a large vote. Latture R. G. Bagley Main Street Opposite Court House Donahue L. G. Junkin Individual scoring: Field goals— Utt ; Will 'irr* Bear 1; Donahue 1; Harri 'c r Bagley 1. Foul goals— Latture 4 good in five shots; Harrison 5 good in 7 shots. A. BASSIST Referee— Coanh Fletcher. Wright & Ditson. Junior Lawyers Win Easily Manufacturers and Dealers in “Your Jeweler’’ Grade Athletic Supplies In a game greatly marred by foul High Low Prices Highest Quality ing and ragged playing, the Senior FOOTBALL Lawyers were snowed under bv the BASKETBALL Uniforms Official ICE SKATES for all Junior Law team last Thursday after­ Implements HO KEY Athletic fo r all noon by the significant score of 38 to T rack and GOLF Sports 5. After the first few moments, the Field Sports GYMNASIUM outcome of the game was never in APPARATUS BROWN’S PRESSING SHOP * doubt. The Seniors fougnt valiantly Wright & Ditson SWEATERS are eas­ but blindly, and seemed to find it ily the finest. Choicest Worsted, THE ONLY STEAM SHOP IN TOWN well made, perfect fitting. impossible to break up the skillful French and Dry Cleaning for Clothes, White Kid Glove passing and goal shooting of their op Catalogue Free ponents. WRIGHT & DITSON Hats and Shoes i Both teams committed 'frequent 344 W a sh in g ton S t., B oston fouls, over twenty being called by IJarvard Square, Cambridge SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 22 Warren St., New York the refetee during the strugg e. In 82 Weybosset St., Providence 16 S o. L a S alle St., C h icago Phone us Your Needs, No. 194 every other respect, however the 891 Warren St., Worcester younger team eclipsea its opponent 869 Market St., San Francisco The good plays of the Juniors were well distributed among the five, but FULL LINE OF COLLEGE JEWELRY All Things Electrical Burhman at right forward and Brown at center were the stars, the former Virginia-Western Power Co. ringing up twelve points, and the J. W. Zimmerman latter eeventeen. The addition of Successor to L. G. Jahnke & Co. Smith in the second half to the Phone 201 Nelson Street Seniors temporarily stiffened their Jewelers and Opticians resistance, and probably lowered the final Junior register considerably. J5he Lexington Hotel » The two lineups were: Diamonds Watches Jewelry Cut Glass Silverware Junior Law Senior Law Clocks Respectful solicits the patronage of the Student body Burhman R F. Minter Expert Watchmakers, Engravers, Lile L. F. Timberlake Diamond Setters, Manufac­ and their friends. Brown C. England turing Jewelers. J. M. QUISENBERRY, Prop. Toothnian R. G. s Chambers WORK DONE PROMPTLY Oast L. G. Mann Individual scoring: Burhman 12 Eyes examined carefully. Glasses points; Brown, C. J., 17; Oast 4; fitted accurately. Broken Lenses du­ At GORRELL’S plicated exactly. Minter 1; Smith 1; England 3. ON NELSON STREET Junior substitutions: N Brown Manufacturing of You can have your Prescriptions put up by Registered Pharmacists. for Lile; Buckley for Toothman; Walker for Buckley. Fraternity Jewelry Whitman’s Candy, Toilet Articles, Conklin’s Fountain Pens, S? j a Specialty^at Senior Substitutions: Ulmer for Razors, Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco, Fine Soda Water p rir Minter; Smith for Ulmer; Shirk for Reasonable- Prices