MILO SELECTMEN MEET The December Selectmen's meeting convened Wednesday the 18th at 7:00 p. m, It was voted that the former owners of 1978 Tax Acquired Property be given an opportunity to pur­ chase the property back. If they have not done so by April 1, the property will be sold on the open market. There will be a public hearing on the use of Federal Revenue Sharing funds on January 4, There will be a public notice posted to this effect on December 22. There was a request to assist in plowing and sanding a driveway for a handicapped person. However, there are so many people in town who are handicapped to some degree be­ tnn cause of age, ill health, or some other cause, it was voted that the Town should not assume this type of responsibility. ♦ TI1e need for construction equipment was discussed quite extensively, If the Town is going to reconstruct a mile or so of road similar to the Hovey·Road every year or two, it would be less expensive and more efficient to purchase a small dozer. Vol. 17, No, 50 JtF However, because of the uncertainty of future projects, it was Thursday, Dec. 21, 1978 unanimously felt that such equipment should be approved for Twenty Cents purchase at Town Meeting. (Erntral ilaitu•.s The railroad crossing on the Dean Road was discussed, Brrkly N rw.s .tlagazin.e There appears to be at least two solutions to the poor visi­ bility as it now exists. One is to install crossing lights, and the other to relocate the intersection to a 90 degree crossing. Mr. Law will look into the matter with the proper authorities and report back to the Selectmen. · 2 Injured in Collision Leon Kinney was reappointed to the Water District Board. The last member of the Planning Board, Paul Brown, is mov­ Jean and Nei:l Mayo of Milo were injured Monday evening ing out of town, so a big push to appoint a full board is under­ when their car was in collision with a large truck driven by way. Two tax abatements that had been previously approved, Alden Parker of Boyd Lake at the intersection of the Boyd were signed, The Fire Department is installing Christmas Lake Road and Rte, 16. The car had to be pried open to get lights. the Mayos out. They were taken to the Eastern Maine Medi­ The County has an apparatus that can be used to help re­ cal Center in Bangor where Jean is still in ·Intensive Care juvenate elm trees. The town manager will look into the pro­ presstime, Both Mayos have facial lacerations and broken gram in more detail to see how -much it will cost, how sickthe Jnes. Mr. Parker was reportedly uninjured, The car was trees can be, the time of year, etc. Whatever is to be done completely demolished. will be covered by an article in the upcoming Town Warrant. Milo Police, the Milo Fire Dept.., The Three Rivers Am­ Town Manager, Steve Law, also has been asked to remind bulance and Dr. Crawford all responded to the eµ-iergency, all Milo citizens, if a special article is desired by anyone, to The incident is still under investigation. have it into the Town Office by the first week of February, (Photo by Claude Trask) ON-DISCRIMINATION LICY- M.S.A.D, _#41

0 TITLE IX It is the polic _v uI M ., S.A,D. ~\lti~\Jfo. 41 not to discriminate on he basis of sex in its edu­ ational programs and ac­ ivities.

0 SECTION 504 It is the policy of M,S.A,D. o. 41 not to discriminate on he basis of handicap in its ducational programs and ac­ ivities. Inquiries can be ade to Principal Jane M. kehan, Title IX Coordinator, ilo Primary School, Milo, aine 04463.

~ WE 'RE MOVING \ The Town Crier will not be published next week in order o allow the Milo Printing Co. and The Town Crier to move to a new location on Outer Elm St. With luck and good we will again be publishing in the first week of January. Page 2, December 21 . 1978 T HE '_._ 0 W N CR IE R

THE TO WN CRIER is published each Thursday by the Milo Printing, Company. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns

"TIS THE SEASON TO BE THOUGHTFUL by Dr. John Crawford III *BROWNVILLE Real Estate Well cared for home with Dr, John Says: kitchen (lots of cupboards), Christmas is. a time of much reJotcmg and with many livingroom with w/w car­ LAGRANGEfor parties going on all at about the same time. At this time I Sale· peting, diningroom, 3 bed­ would like to offer -a few suggestions to make the holidays Home with small attach­ rooms and bath. utility not only a happy time but also a safe and happy time. ed barn on 3 acres (225' room and large enclosed If you go to a party and drink alcoholic beverages, it is frontage) of good tillable porch. Detached two door good to remember that alcohol will clear the average-sized soil. Home has modern garage offers large work­ adult's· system at the rate of one ounce per hour, That is kitchen, livingroom with shop area. Grounds are about one mixed drink or one 12 oz. beer per hour. Coffee stone fireplace, bath and beautifully landscaped with WILL NOT sober a person up, What it does is make the 5 bedrooms. Low taxes, a large cultivated garden body more excited and nervous because of the caffeine in $165. Easy to heat. At­ area. Property has many the coffee, but it does not lessen the effect of the alcohol. tractively priced extras. If you 're looking Intoxication has caused some of the worst automobile acci­ $33,500. for an exceptio.nal proper-. dents which I, personally, have ever seen. So, please, be ty, don't miss this one. *DERBY $29,600. careful if you _drink this holiday season. Wait long enough Well cared for home to let all the alcohol clear from your system before you go kitchen with birch cup­ out in our bad driving conditions to drive your car any­ boards, new vinyl flooring, BROWNVILLE · where,. and it is not an insult to let someone who is more elec. stove and frig. built­ 130 acre farm, 2700 ft. sober than yourself drive you home. ·in, laundry room, 4 bed­ road frontage, 40 acre field, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas but also rooms, completely new 90 acres well wooded with a safe. one. bathroom, fully insulated, cedar, pine and spruce. John Crawford III, D, 0, newly painted exterior. A 35x90 ft. gambrel roofed Good Buy. $20,;500. barn. Attached 4 bedroom ~ I house has been well cared C/,ri,tmos morning ,~~ BROWNVILLE for. Living room, dining ~ "om New split-level Ranch, room and den, offers out­ , Nt'ver the old ymr ends · ~&~ outstanding workmanship, standing views of surround­ ~ K, dining area, LR, 3 ing countryside. But someone thinks of someone bedrooms, full bath, 26'-x $57,500 Old days, old ti111es, 40' full basement and out­ Merry Christrnas side entrance - 100' on LaGRANGE Pleasant River. FMHA Small farmhouse with 3 urim,b and approved for a loan. , bedrooms, large glassed in $35,000. sunporch, attached barn Happy New Year LaGRANGE ·.nd detached garage. All Country home in Al con­ buildings in good · repa-ir, dition. Large kitchen, liv­ low taxes, attractive loca­ Dr. John Crawford III and ing room, 3 bedrooms, tion. $25,000, Mrs, Arline Crawford, R.N. bath, large enclosed sun­ porch. Completely insu- lated. Owners being trans- ferred and are leaving washer, dryer, new re- ~ IJII' frigerator and gas stove. *This ;.::;J¼ "w Nice home priced to sell is an • • arrantec quickly. $26,000. Home Worcester Real Estate SCHOODIC LAKE • Cottage on owned lO0xl00' RfCHARD S. BRADFORD, INC, WISHES YOU lot with good viewoflake. Realtors . Accessible year round. 5 ROSABELLE N. FRENCH rooms and screened porch. Asst. Broker ~eason's $14,500 LaGrange Office 943-2688 ~reetings A WARM WISH FOR ALL THE HAPPINESS THAT CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR

EVERETT V. WORCESTEh, Broker CAN BRING. RFD #1, Box 77 . Milo, Me. 04463 Annie Leavitt 327-1812 Ceramics 8 Graf ts CALL EVENINGS AT 945-31!7 West Main St. Milo Page 4 December 21, 1978 THE TOWt-; CRIER Merry Christmas Real Estate F r & Good Health BROWNVILLE Church Street MILO - Prospect st. 6 room home , oil furnace , stately old Victorian, on a 1/2 bath, shed and garage, high lot, overlooking it's · Needs improvements but ne ighbors. Needs paint and Look a.t the price. $6000, some repair s and improve­ ments. Has oil furnace bath and ins ulation. Excelle~t ' FROM MILO - The Dillon House neighborhood, Dead- end st. Overlooking Sebec River, 4 Asking $24,900. 00 apts. plus 14 single rooms, 5 baths, steam heat, comb, windows, insulation, Excel- · BRO WNV ILLE JCT.- lent monthly income plus Farm, app. 91 acr es. Large living quarters for owner. barn. Remodeled farmhouse Low taxes $4 5,000 has new kitchen, bath and furnace. Re duced t o $42,000 A THALIE BURKE MILO - Summer St, PHYLLIS GOULD I. RUTH DAGGETT Snug little 6 room Ranch with BRO WNVILLE - App. 65 WILMA ECKERT 3/4 acre lot on quiet side st. acr e woodlot. Some r oad DAWNA PERKINS AUBREY WILLIAMS BUD & GLENDA & KAREN Oil furnace. Completely in­ frontage. $14,500. ELOISE HATHORN sulated, Garage. Reduced to $27,500 BROWNV ILLE - AT MILO - Knapp Park Stickney Hill 1976 Mobile Home, 14'x70 ' 6 room r emodeled Cape Daggett's Pharmacy 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. with 3 acres. All new kit­ Completely .Jurnished . chen, bat h, and oil fur n­ Asking $13,500. 00 ace, Attache d garage. MAINE STATE POLICE START HOLIDAY SAFETY VIGIL $33,500 , The Maine State Police start Friday a Holiday Safety Vigil in conjunction with other New England states. LAKEVIEW VILLAGE MILO - Maple street "Tomorrow through January 1st, we will be increasing our Seasonal 2 bedroom cottage An outstanding 8 room determined effort to reduce the number of motorists who with bath, plus guest cottage home on beautifully land­ speed, operate under the influence (OUI) of liquor, or commit with 1/2 bath. Attractive lot scaped double lot. Fully other hazardous moving violations -- so there may be a safer with view of lake, Boathouse insulated , oil furnace, and happier holiday season for all who use our roads," s a id on shore. $20,000. har dwood floors. Natural Colonel Allan H. Weeks, Chief of the Maine State Police. wood finish in unbelieve­ The Holiday Safety Vigil is a special emphasis speed and MILO - Pleasant st. ably good condition, Over­ OUI enforcement campaign coordinated through the New Eng­ 3 unit apt. bldg. In town loca­ size double garage has pan,­ land State Police Administrators' Conference (NESPAC). tion. All have modern kitchens eled interior with overhead Maine State Troopers will be working, under NESPAC and baths. O il hot water heat. door. Much , much more. auspices, with New Hampshire State Police on Interstate 95 We ll maintained and in excel- Call for appointment. within 10 miles of the border at various times during the . lent condition. By appoint ment Holiday S:ifety Vigil period. only. Mid-Forties In addition to Maine State Police using marked and unmarked MONROE REAL TY cruisers with moving-mode radar throughout the Vigil, the Dorothy Monroe, Realtor- Department's Airwing will provide traffic surveillance and 28 properties sold or with sale pending s in ce January 15 Clinton Street speed enforcement-- especially the 55 mph limit on the Maine Milo 943-8837 Turnpike, Interstate system and selected secondary roads. 1, 1978 . "Although the state Police enforcement efforts may result in arrests for Opl's, speeding and other hazardous moving violations, the help of each motorist is needed to reduce nee l­ less personal injury and fatal accidents," said Col. Weekso Motorists who have Citizen Band radios may report sight­ ings of drivers who appear to be operating under the influence of liquor or drugs to Troopers since state Police continually monitor Channel 9, Those motorists who cannot call a local police authority nor have a CB to report OUI sightings may call State Police at one of the following toll free emergency numbers: City _____ St::ite ______Augusta, Skowhegan & Thomaston 1-800-452-4664 Houlton 1-800-432-7384 Pleas e find enclosed (circle 1) $10. 00 Orono 1-800-432-7381 for 52 weeks, $5. 00 for 26 weeks. _Scarborough 1-800-482-0730 ®~~~~.. ~ ~~~. ~~ :,,:) ~~~ TH E T OWN CRIER December 21, 1978 Page 5 PENQUIS CHAPTER #2830 ~p - NRTA MEETS ~ Penquis Chapter #2830 AARP - NRTA December meeting was very rewarding. 71 members and guests were . in attendance at Thayer-Park­ Free Pair of way to enjoy the program by Re v. Dana Miller and his capable accompanist, Mrs. Kathy Ruthers. Group sing­ ing of Carols plus several Candleholders solos and an inspirational message and historical facts pertaining to the birth of the Christ Child were enjoyed by all. Ken Rollins of Milo, vice­ president, conducted the meet­ ing as the president, Matthew Williams, was out of town. Ralph Chapman reported the And thousands of other perfect gift items for every joint effort of the club and the member of the family. Make your Christmas Shopping local Kiwanis Club's Defen­ sive Driving Course where one-stop easy and pick up a beautiful pair of wooden people received certificates, candleholders ( candles not included) valued at $4.25 two of which were not club members. with any purchase of $20.00 or more •••9- A legislative report was 11111 given by Woodrow E. Page. He and president Matthew Williams. attended the Orono B}l~KET····- ,eting on Probate Code at ·o and he attended the nieeting in Augusta where VILLE® forthcoming legislation for the elderly was discussed and wlll be introduced at the 1979 session. The Penquis Club . had good repr~sentation at BJ[~KETVILLE the UMO meeting. Greta Connors introduced the program participants. WEST MAIN STREET • MILO Betty Harvey, Peggy Ander­ son 1J.nd Dot Greenlaw served !n't~*,j OPEN 7 DAYS[-] delicious refreshments. Wendell L. Brown, Publicity al~ Claude N. Tra sk &~ ~ Agency, Inc. FROM For Insurance on Your: HOME SNOWMOBILE AU'IOMOBILE BOAT KeUey Br os. LIFE CAMP BUSINESS MOTCllCYCLE

5 Main Street 943-7746 t umber Corp. Milo, Maine 04463 • 943-7403

Milo - Guilford YOUR INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT Page 6 , December 21, 1978 THE TOWN CRIER WOMEN'S BOWLING MILO RECREATION DEPT. LEAGUE# 2 w - -L The men's volleyball cham­ Pink Panthers 66 pionship playoffs were held on Crafty Crew 64 Sunday, Dec, 17. In quarter­ Invaders 62 50 final action the Teachers Common Cents 62 50 eliminated the M'G's (2 games Misfits 62 50 to 1) and the 79'ers beat the Woodchoppers 62 50 Kool-Aids (2 games to 1). In Taylor's Amoco 60 52 a semi-final game the Royals High Rollers 55 57 beat the Teachers (3 games to SandweC: _;e Putters 54 58 2), In the championship match Hardwood Prod, 50 62 the Royals defeated the 79'ers Constellations 49 .63 (3 games to 2). Members of Dishwashers 26 86 the champion Royals are Cap­ Team High 3 Games tain Kendall Royal, Dan Lee, Misfits 1445 Parker Heal, David Lewis, Sandwedge Putters 1380 . Rod Towne, Gary Estes, Tor­ Common Cents 1374 rie Ellis and Gary Bryant. Tea.m High Single Games Women's volleyball Misfits 500 . are also in their playoffs, Pink Panthers 496 The winners of the Monday, Misfits 493 Dec. 18 game, (Grant's vs Individual High 3 Games Cote's) will play Smith's team L, Richards 342 on Thursday, Dec, 21, for N. Heal 333 the championship, t> , Allen 303 PEE WEE LEAGUE Ind. High Single Games STANDINGS W L L. Richards 127 Ladds 3 0 s. Allen 122 Daggetts 2 1 J, Perigo 118 Dexter Shoe 1 2 Milo Rec. 0 3 Last Week's Results: Dexter Shoe 24, Milo Rec. Electrir -" 21 Dean's Ladd's 45, Daggett's 30 This week's games will be Service at P. V.H.S. and not at the Town Hall. GENERAL ELECTRIC Major Appliances ZENITH Televisions SALES & SERVICE 17 Pleasant st, , Milo Mrs. Hazel Monroe was one of many who stopped by the main 943-2233 auditorium of the United Baptist Church to admire the new "Chris mons" tree. The tree was decorated with monographs and symbols of the Lord Jesus Christ. The decorations are all made in combinations of white and gold, The tree was dec- orated as part of the Sunday School Christmas Program, (Photo by Claude Trask) THE HEAD SHOP FROM · 26 Main Street, Milo 943-2519


Call for an appointment

OPEN Tue s. & Wed, 9- 5 See You in Two Weeks Thursday 9-9 Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-1 Tammy Richards, Prop. Lori Larson, Operator THE TOWN C R iER December 21, 1978 Page 7


OV AH'S WITI.'ESSES MONDAY, DECEMBER 25 SATURDAY, .DECEMBER 23 __ • er Road, Milo VlABI-TV 1. 7:00 Special: "Oral Roberts 7 :00 Arotlnd ·world/SO Days Christmas Special 11 7:30 Johnny Quest 10:00 Weekend 1 SUNDAY. DEC. 24 . Chmnel ~ 8 :00 The White Shadow 11:00 News 8:00 Scooby s All Stars THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 8:30 'the Night Before Xmas 11:30 Saturday Night Live 9:30 c hallenge of Superfriends Public Talk - 9:3 0 a. m. 7 :00- To Tell· the · ,,. ·R 9:00 M*A*S*H 11 :00 Fang Face Ho w Your Life Is .Affected 7 :30 Tic-Tac-Dough 9:30 One Day at a Time SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 11:30 New Pink Panther Show 8:00 The Waltons 10:00 Lou Grant 7:00 Vegetable Soup II 12:00 ABC Weekend Special by Angels 9:110 Hawaii Five-0 11:30 Late Movie 7:30 The Fabulous Funnies · 12:30 Seven Teens Watchtower study -10:30 a. m. 10:0~ Barnaby Jones Rockford Files/Movie 8:00 This is the L ife 1:30 Million Dollar Movie TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 8:30 Little Rascals 11 Toe Ghost & Mrs. Muir" Where is Your Treasure? 11:00 News 7 :00 To Tell the Truth 9:00 Star Trek 7:00 Hee Haw - 11:30 Late Movie 7 :30 Tic- Tac- Dough 10 :00 Family Theatre 8 :00 Welcome Back Kotter Luke 12: 34 8:00 CBS Reports: 11 The Lions Are Free"· 8 :30 Carter Country Mash/Movie 11 TUESDAY, DEC, 26 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22 "Any Place But Here 11:30 This ls the Life 9:00 Love Boat '/ :DO To Tell the Truth 9:00 Tues, Nlght Movle 1 :00 NFL Football 11 :00 ABC News -Bible study with aid of book - 7:30 Tic-Tac-Dough "Terror Out of the Sky" "Playoff Game TBA 11 11:15 Country Jamboree 11 :30 Late Mov le 8:00 Wonder Woman ~~Jiu~~~y:l~!~d Classics SUNDAY' DECEMBER 24 7:00 p.m. 9:00 The Incredible Hulk Barnaby Jones/Mystery Movie Unseen Spirits 10:00 Flying Hlgh WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27 7 :00 Special: 11Amahl and the ~ :~~ ~et ;~o Revue 7:0b To Tell ihe Truth 11:00.News Night Visitors\ 8;00 siul'suH~~bor THURSDAY, DEC. 28 . 11:30 Late Movie 7 :3Q Tic-Tac- Dough 8:00 Big Event: Adventures g-oo Jame Rob·son N~w Aven2ers/Movle 8:00 CBS Specia l: of H1;1ckle~~ry Flnn'1 9;30 Gos;l Jub~lee Theocratic Schooi 7 p. m. SATU!1DAY, DECEMBER 23 11 Les Mtserables 11 10:00 Ernest Angley Service Meeting 8 p. m. 7 :30 11:00 Marlo & Magic Machine 8 :00 All New Popeye Hour 10:00 Lifeline 11:30 Angles 9:00 Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner 11:30 late Mov[e MONDAY, DECEMBER 25 10:30 Tarzan & Super Seven Movle/Kojak 7:00 New l)'wed Game 12:00 Championship Golf 1:30 Movie 12:00 Space Academy 7:30 My Three Sons "Babes in Toy land 11 12:30, Fat Albert 8:00 Little House on Prairie PARK ST. UNITED 4:00 NFL Game of the Week 1:00 Ark 11 9:00 Mon. N'.ght Movie WLBZ-TV 11 4:30 All- Star Wrestling METHODIST CHURCH 1:30 College Football Sunshlne Christmas" 5:30 Marlo & Magic Machine Sun Bowl 11:00 News Rev. Ann K, Stead, Minister Channel 2 11 F rom Kitty Hawk to the Stars" "Texas vs Maryland" THURSDAY, DECEMBE!1 21 11:30 Tonight Show There will be a Candlelight 4:30 Sports Spectacular 7 :00 Newlywed Game TUESDAY, i5l::CEMliE!i 26 6:00 A Christmas Child Service at 11:00 p. m. on Sun­ 6:00 Telejournal News 7 :30 My Thref' Sons 7:00 New lywed 6:30 Sha Na Na 6:30 CjlS News 8 :00 Special:· 7:30 My Three Sons 7:00 Hardy Boys Myst.eries day evening, Dec. 24. The 7 :00 Lawrence Welk 0 Little Drummer Boy11 8 :00 Grandpa Goes to Wash. 8:00 Battlestar Galactica 8:00 A Christmas Story 8:30 Special: 9:00 Big Event: 11 Christmas 9:0i:l s~~Ci~y·Mov ie 11 1 following Sunday night there "The Homecom lng "Gift of The Magi 11 Miracle in Caulfield USA" 1 _1It. Happen~d C?ne Xmas" 10:00 CBS Reports: 10:00 David Cassidy 12:00 PTL Club will be a Watch-Night Service "But What About the Klds 11 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27 at the same ho ur. 11:00 News 7:00 Fourth Friday 7:00 Newlywed Game 11:15 Next Step Beyond 7:30 My Three Sons There will be Sunday School 7 :30 My Three Sons MONDAY, DECEMBER 25 11:45 WABI Special: 8:00 Special: 8:00 Dick Clark's Live Wed. 7 :30 Gong Show "The Music of Christmas" 11Bob Hope Special" on Dec. 24 as usual. 9 :00 Wed. Night Movie 8:00 Superlative Seven - "Merry . "Cash Wash' 1 Xmas with Love Julie" 9:00 Rockford Files . ll:00 News 9:00 Jack Van Impe Crusade SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 M,UW PE TECOSTAL Capra Mysteries 11:30 Tonight Show 11 :45 Vint'age Vldcio . . 8 :00 Hour of Power i~:~~ ~~!~ -TUESDAY, DECEMBEH si; ~URCH 8:30 Rex Humbard ll:30Tonl,htShow 9:30 Day of Discovery SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 wv1· I - T·v 7:30 Family Feud &e Milo Pentecostal Church 8:00 Happy Days 10:00 Jerry Falwell 1 ,00 ao Ch l · · would . like to extend their 11:00 Jimmy Swaggart 7:30 Land of the Lost 0008 7 9:riO-Three 's Company 11 :30 Face the Nation 8:00 Galazy Goof- Ups THURSDAY,_DECEMBER 21 9:30 Taxl thanks to the businesses and 12:00 floundtable 8:30 Fan~stic Four 7:00 Ronnie Libby & Guest 10:00 Starsky & Hutch 12:30 NFL Today 9:00 Godzilla Super 90 8:00 Mork & Mindy 11:30 Movie of tbe Week individuals who s ponsored 11 1 :OD Football Playoff: 10:30 Daffy Duck 8 :30 What's Happening "Dr. N0. Robert Heath, J r. and Rhoda "TBA 11 11:00 Yogi's Space Race 9:00 Barney Miller 4 :00 Championship Wrestllng 12:00 S"at. Actfon Movie 9:30 Soao WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27 Kennedy on the ir 20 kil­ 5:00 That Nashvllle Music 11 The War Lover'' 10:00 Family 1 7:30 Name That Tune 5:30 Llar s Club 2:00 Star Trek 11:00 The Chea!) Show ometer walk: 8:00 Eight ls Enough 6 :00 CBS News 3:00 Emergency One 11:30 Starsky & Hutch/SWAT 9:00 Charlie's Angels LeMay's Mobile 6:30 Follow Up 4:00 Studio Two FRIDAY, DECEMBER iz 11 10:00 ABC News Close-up 7:00 Sixty Minutes I "Running Man 7 :30 Celebration 11 Jones' Market 8:00 CBS Special: 8:00 Special: "The Stingiest 8:00 John Davidson Xmas :::ihow "The Politics of Torture 1 .1 Dexter Shoe Co, ''The Nutcracker" Man In Town' 9:00 Fri. Night Movie 11:30 Police Woman1;:,wh. 9:30 Allee 9:00 Lifeline 11:30 Late Show Milo I. G.A. 10:00 Dallas 1rvon Rya_n's Express 11 Milo Color Center 11:15 CBS News Daggett's Phar macy Howard I s True Value Sears Catalog Sales Bailey Lumber Co. Precision Kelley Lumber Co, Reuben's Market SAW FILING Milo Western Auto HANDSAWS Rhoda Aldrich CIR CU LAB SAWS Mary Stanhope Harmon's Sonny Badger Mildred Wright Sharpen Scott Heath Heating Oils Harry Smart KNIVES AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE Harris Smart AXES Robert Heath, Jr. PINKING SHE ARS Calvin Andrews Farms SHEARS II: Sam Cobb ICE SKATES Leonard Badger III Kerosene 2 Fuel Oil ., Harold McKay --•Artus' Subar u VERNON CHASE Alfred Lundin Outer Elm St. Marshall Lundin Milo Service Available We would also like to thank 943-2491 Rhoda L. Aldrich for being our checkpoint officer. Phone 948 -2561 Page 8 December 21, 1978 THE TOWN CR IE'R·

HAPPY DAYS LAVERNE & BIONIC WOMAN Game FLAT CAT SHIRLEY Game Game Reg. SALE Game Reg. SALE Reg. SALE Reg. SALE 4.44 4.88 4.66 2. 66 7.98 5.44 2.44

eO Save 50% Limited Quantity PANTY HOS.E _ Leather like Big Yank Cord. . LADIES COATS Men's 7 - 12 JEANS With Panty Reg. SALE Reg. 99~ Long & Short 24.95 12. 48 2/99C 1/2