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1-18-1979 Eastern Progress - 18 Jan 1979 Eastern Kentucky University

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Volume 57, No4 Official Siudant Publication January It. 1979 Of Eastsrn Kentucky Univarnty Colonels make Committee TV appearance grants refunds Saturday to 25 students By KEN TINGLEY announcer for Western Kentucky By SARAH WARREN Kentucky State Police Department Sports Editor University, will be doing the play-by- News Editor which gives the ticketed the option of play and George Connolly who Is a About 25 students have been granted either paying or appealing the ticket. Morehead's 84-70 thrashing of Murray former OVC referee will be doing the refunds on parking tickets received last If an appeal is desired, a certain date this past Saturday opened for the first color commentary. semester by the University's Parking is set up for the individual to appear in a The game will be a rare 1:30 afternoon Appeals Committee. traffic court where a jury then decides time a televised "OVC Game of the his guilt or innocence and subsequently Week" game and will feature a Banner Day Established last October to handle all contest sponsored by the Progress (see parking ticket appeals, the committee whether or not he must pay the ticket. After overcoming many obstacles the Brown said there has been some idea has finally become a reality and details page 12). has received about 230 so far, a small The game itself will feature Eastern's number, according to its chairman, discussion among members of the this Saturday it will be a reality at committee concerning this pay first- Eastern as Tennessee Tech's Golden first place Colonels who are 3-0 in George Brown, considering 9-10,000 Eagles visit the Coliseum for a 1:30 p. m. Conference action and 9-4 overall. They tickets were given out last semester. appeal later policy. are led by James "Turk" Tillman who is About 30 cases had not been decided He said Safety "did check with the contest that will be televised live out of state attorney general, and he (the channel 27 in Lexington. the eighth leading scorer In the country. as of last week, but according to Brown, Tech is 6-8 in Conference play and 2-1 these would probably be heard at this attorney general) said it was legal." Don Combs. Eastern's Athletic The committee consists of Brown, Director, is chairman of the TV com- overall. The Golden Eagles are led by week's meeting. pre season All OVC picks Marc Burnett According to Brown, about 200 ap- associate professor of industrial mittee and commented that things were education technology, one ad- not finalized for last Saturday's game and Jimmy Howell The Colonels have peals were submitted before the com- won the last four meetings between the mittee had actually met and "set down ministrator, two students and a until Tuesday night while he was in San University maintenance employee. Francisco. schools and Eastern leads the series 35- guidelines." 20. Therefore, some appeal forms filled Brown said he doesn't know why he This broadcast will be the second of out at the beginning of the semester was selected to be on the com- Because of the late hour at which mittee, that he didn't apply, but "must things were finalized, the Morehead- seven "OVC Game's of the Week" that weren't heard until November. Brown WKYT will telecast. Each will be a said have been recommended by a dean or a Murray State game was not broadcast departmental committee. live but delayed until later Saturday Saturday afternoon game. Next week's When one student complained about game will feature Middle Tennessee vs the delays, Brown siad he thought he According to Doug Whit lock. night executive assistant to the president, But things are all set for Saturday and Western Kentucky. There will be four was right, "but ,t just took us so l.\ig to other games but they have not been weed through all those...read and members for the committee were Tennessee Tech's arrival. The game selected by the faculty committee on will be telecast live and a sellout selected as of yet. discuss them... you just don't do that in a Stations that will be carrying the few minutes," he said. committees, except the two students Coliseum crowd is expected The first in Other students have expressed con- who were nominated by the Student a long time. telecast include, besides WKYT in Lexington, stations in Bowling Green, cern because students could not appeal Association president and appointed by The announcers are two experienced President J.C. Powell professionals who know their OVC Hazard. Evansville. Nashville, and their tickets to the board in person. Crossville, Tenn Brown said students can come in The committee meets for about two basketball Tom Dunn, a long time person if an appointment is made with hours once a week, Brown said, in which the Department of Public Safety, ad- time about 40 to 50 appeal forms are ministrators of the appeal forms, but read, discussed and voted on. only two or three have done so. Few tickets have been refunded (Photo BV SCOTT ADAMS) because "most of the students admit 'Spirit Day' Other concern has arisen over the pay Hold on to your seat their guilt," said Brown. "It's funny," first-appeal later policy - having to pay he said, "they just want us to let them Sharon Gaunt, Assistant Women's Basketball-Coach, personifies the "thrill of for the parking ticket before being off." victory" as she makes a point during the Austin-Peay game at Alumni allowed to make the appeal. featured at game Colliseum This policy differs from that of the (See COMMITTEE, page It)

Bv ROBIN I' VI*:K $50 for first place; 825 for second place, ■ Organizations Editor and $25 for third place winners. "This is kind of a way to let the "Campus Spirit Day" will be featured residence halls demonstrate their Regents denounce Saturday. Jan 20 as KKI's men's spirit," said Daugherty. basketball team meets Tennessee Tech 2.500 shakers have been ordered to be at 130 p.m. in Alumni Coliseum for a distributed at the doors as students televised game. arrive at the game. They will be given possible University budget cuts ' 'The purpose is to have a unified show out one per person until the supply is priority. taking similar positions on the subject, of spirit and support for the basketball exhausted. Bv MARK TURNER "We are taking the position that in the Editor event reductions have to be taken in The last items to receive priority in according to Powell. team." explained Skip Daugherty. "The Milestone and Men and funding would be expansion and new "The schools whose Regents have met director of student activities. "This is Women's Interdorm have contributed higher education that we do noTTeel they There is a possibility of cutbacks in should be made across the board or pro programs, according to the CHE have sent out similar statements. The geared toward the residence halls," money to pay for the shakers," com- schools whose Regents have not met will Daugherty added. mented Daugherty. the University budget for this year and rata This is not how we got our fun- next year, according to University ding," Powell said. proposal be sending out statements as far as I Residence halls are encouraged to On Feb. S, another spirit day will take know." Powell said. enter the banner contest that will be place entitled "Organizations Day" and President J.C. Powell Powell said the University is in favor Powell said no one is sure as to the The cutbacks would come from the of a set of priorities the Council on percentage of funding to be cut. The Regent's statement has been sent judged before the game. The Eastern will include a banner contest among all to the governor, lieutenant governor, Progress is supplying the prize money: student organizations. state and be a result of the current Higher Education (CHE) has proposed. "There was a request made by the special session of the Kentucky General The top priority item for continued Council on Higher Education based on a the leaders of the General Assembly, Assembly. full budget is for those programs which three percent reduction," Powell said. members of appropriate committees The special session is concerned with currently exist. "The percent of reduction would and the members of the CHE. overall budget cuts for the state. Next are funds to cover unavoidable relate to the number of dollars saved by It is not known where the cutbacks \ One area for cutbacks that has been costs such as federal laws and the state," Powell said. will occur. r Periscope "It depends on how the legislation is discussed is that of higher education. regulations which need to be met. The official policy taken by the Because of the possibility of these These are items like the increase of Regents was to cut appropriations in written," Powell said. The Black Student Union held a edilorials...... page 2 excess of CHE recommendations and The cutbacks could effect the current memorial service Uus week to honor cutbacks, the Board of Regents at the the minimum wage. news, teatare*...... page 3*5 University have sent an official Funding to offset inflation costs in funds appropriated to CHE for year's budget by the state holding back the memory of Dr. Martin Luther sports ...... pages S-8 distribution to the institutions. some of the funds the University was King, the late civil rights leader. statement to the General Assembly salaries and wages and in the cost of organizations ...... page 9 expressing their stand. running the University are the next Other state supported universities are (See REGENTS, page 12) Wanda C'hildress tells the story on arts ...... pages 10-11 pages. Outlaws concert confirmed at Senate meeting By SARAH WARREN office Monday. Jan. 22. Petitions «are News Editor (*ue Jan. 2 at 4 p.m. The Outlaws concert was confirmed Resident Assistant (RA) applications at this week's Student Senate meeting are being taken earlier than usual, it for Tuesday, Feb. 27 as part of the was also announced, for next year. University's Centerboard concert Those wishing to apply should meet in series. Tickets for students will be 86 in the Jaggers or Kerinamer Rooms advance and the concert will be held in Wednesday, Jan. 24, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Alumni Coliseum. The Senate passed a proposal which No group has been scheduled as a confirmed their support of a letter sent back-up but Director of Student Ac- by the University's Board of Regents to tivities Skip Daugherty said one will be the special session of the General scheduled. Assembly. John Prine is also scheduled for Feb. The letter asked that no cuts be made 12 in Brock Auditorium and tickets will in the University's budget during the be $5. special session called by LL Gnv. Thelm«$tovaJl. ^ Spring semester vacancies in the "They started talking about a three Senate were discussed at the meeting percent reduction in the total budgets" and elections set for Feb. 6. of ail «ia»e universities, said ■ Jeff Cooper, vice president of the Senate and According to Senator Mike Ditchen, . student regent for the University there" will ■ probably be vacancie* ta "That could seriously affect , by*SCOTT ADAMS) every college. There are four vacancies programs'at the University," he said, (Pnoto by SCOTT ADAMS) now, ne.said, but they are expecting 10 Oh no! Oh yes) *f "' and this will at least show that *f5 18. students are concerned about cuts in the Ballgamet-have longjjeen an outlet-for energy: not only "for the teams but for nursing major from Day ton, Ohio jumps in excitment while Annette Cooksey, a Senate campaign petitions may be budget." . the spectators as well. As the highs and lows of the basketball game progressed sophmore nursing major from Mt. Sterling holds her breath iibaitticipntlen.*' obtained from the Student Association (See OUTLAWS, page 12) the faces of the fans recorded the action on the floor. Ann Mannix, a freshman

Li P»9« 2/Vol. 57/No. IS The Eanam Progf— Thursday. January It. 1*79 Editorials General Assembly should consider priorities before cutting budget Since California's Proposition 13 that no one will loose their jobs if and salaries and in the cost of of a year ago the entire country has the present budget is cut. running the University are next on jumped on the band wagon, so to Powell and the Board of Regents the Council's priority list. speak, and started looking for ways have sent an official statement to Expansion and new programs to cut government spending. concerned parties about the position have been given last priority. The Kentucky General Assembly of the University on the situation. The University and other State is currently involved in a special It is suggested in the statement supported universities are expected session aimed at reducing spending that appropriations made in excess to support the Council and its by the state government. of Council on Higher Education proposed priorities. One of the areas the General recommendations be cut as well as The Council and the state Assembly is looking at is the funds appropriated to the Council supported universities seem to know reduction of funds channeled into for distribution. what they want out of these institutions of higher education. The Council has recommended a proposed budget cuts. The General What this means is that the list of priorities to the General Assembly does not. University's budget will most likely Assembly for their consideration. The General Assembly is still not be cut, either this year or next. Existing programs head the list of sure where to cut government If there are cuts this year items to retain full funding by the spending. They do not know if they non-personal items will have to be state. will cut funds to higher education. sacrificed. No new equipment that Such items as the increase in the And if they do cut these funds, how had received funds according to the minimum wage and other federal they are going to cut them. present budget would be purchased. laws and regulations have next The University meanwhile is Dr. J.C. Powell, president of the priority. going on about its usual business of University has made the statement Funds to offset inflation in wages making up (he budget for the next fiscal year, which runs from July 1 until June 30. It is a good idea to cut back on government spending. Tax payers Lunch time brings are paying too much for some of the waste and luxuries the government has in the past taken advantage of. University to halt The General Assembly should get This editorial should be called their priorities set before they University. Housing is a very basic consider cutbacks on higher "The Hour the University Stop- need, especially at this or any education. ped." The hour the University University. stopped is from noon until I p.m.; There must be unnecessary jobs The Admissions office is closed and paperwork that can be lunch hour. not from noon until I p.m. but from It seems that every administrative eliminated before higher education 11:30 a.m. until I p.m. One and a is cut. office is closed during this time half hours for lunch is just a little period. The state owes it to itself to long especially for this office. continue higher education pro- Offices in both the Jones Building Despite all of these offices that grains. If for no other reason than and the Administration Building arc closed there are several that close their doors at noon, shutting the students who will inherit the remain open or at least have workings of the state in years to out many of the people who need someone in it to take phone calls come. their services who cannot lake and messages during lunch. advantage of them during other Maybe the General Assembly Next to the Bursar's office in the should look at itself before it starts limes. Administration Building there is a There are even cases when the looking elsewhere for spending cashier's window that stays open reductions. It would be interesting University services are closed up during lunch for check cashing. when students must use them.. to find out how much this special Because-the cashier's window in session is costing the taxpayers. ] During registration the .doors (be Powell Building closes at noon, were closed at 11 a.m. in order to get the window in the Administration students through in time for the Building often has a long line during workers to go to lunch at noon. lunch. Everyone needs a pat on the back The students were herded out at The Registrars office keeps the noon. Those who had not completed window open for students to obtain registration at this time had to come transcripts or take care of other for a good job back after lunch and stand in the business. lines again. Some of the other offices (hat Accenting the negative rather teachers, administrators, parents to put someone else down in order don't get much more than an This is hardly fair to the students. remain open from noon until I p.m. than the positive is something that and other students, it seems to make yourself look.better, but a occasional "hello" as we pass Considering the number of people arc Student Activities, Placement journalists are often accused of (and especially important to enforce a good word to someone else now and quickly by them in the halls. who work at registration it does not and Safety. to an extent rightfully so) but it more positive self image. then might do a bit for your own self It isn't hard to stop and show a seem a necessity for all of them to go Why is it that these offices can seems that sometimes the good Take a look at the people who image. little extra appreciation. to lunch at the same time. remain open and others close? things that people do are not have a good self image, they are the Some times students, as well as The offices that remain open send recognized with so much as a thank ones that are noticed by perspective While I'm on the subject of saying In the Progress office I've noticed faculty and staff, need to cash a their staff on a staggered lunch you under any circumstances or by employers and are likely to be a kind word now and then, a group that people sometimes take for that we all tend to rush by as we go check and because of clashes or schedule. anyone. successful. They like and fed good granted when someone writes a work they cannot do this any other What this means is that some of When the words ego, egotist or about themselves and this is what about our daily routines, is the really good story, or takes extra time time than the lunch hour. ihc staff goes to lunch from 11:30 egotism are used in regard to a helps them to put themselves across maintenance workers. to do a little more when they really The cashier's window in the a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and the rest of certain individual or group of well to others. Without them we would be living haven't got the time. This is basement of the Powell Building is the staff goes when the first group individuals it usually has a negative Of course there are those who arc in very dirty dorms, and the roaches probably true in just about every closed during the lunch hour. returns. connotation. "He really thinks he is so egotistical that they are obnox- would be breeding faster than they other office as well. You may think There arc quite a few offices in This is a good policy to follow for God's gift, what an ego" or ious bores, we all know a few of already are. it but nothing takes the place of the Jones Building and the some of these offices that close. "politicians are an egotistical, those and this is when a positive They really do a lot for us and saying it. Administration Building that lock Business during the lunch hour is self-centered group." It is not self-image turns around and be- their doors at noon, or in some cases probably not very heavy and a generally considered as a very nice comes negative. before. reduced staff could most likely label. Financial Assistance and Student handle it. While there are people or groups Even in cases like this a word of Loans are closed at noon to enable There will be offices whose staff is of people that do, as a rule have this praise from someone else might help those in the office to go to lunch. Just too small to stagger lunch and type of label applied to them, egos shut them up and keep from feeling Continuing Education and the this is understandable, but some of are something that we all have and the need to do it themselves. Office of Undergraduate Studies are ihcsc offices with two secretaries closed at noon also. and as many staff people could One office which should definite- surely cat lunch in shifts. ly stay open but does not is the It is a waste of time to close an Elizabeth Housing office. This seems to be a office when there are the resources very important operation of the to keep it open. Mark Tuner.. Editor Palmer" Ball JimThomaeon Manager Elizabeth Pal Editor Editors' mailbag. Sarah Warren News Editor UaaReuthaw City Editor Ke-Ttagley.... Vietnam vet The Vietnam veteran has been Egos Sports Editor Giuey Eager... ' Feature. Editor through enough hell with the war, so Larry Beraard. please make life a little bit easier for us Arts Editor at home. We cared about you, do you they are and should be a necessary Criticism is good and necessary in RoMai Pater... Organizations Editor speaks out care about us? and positive part of our lives. its place but it is also sometimes Dieter Carhoa. Staff Artist A Vietnam Vet Everyone needs a pat on the back easier to find fault than to look a Scott Mmdrum Circulation Manager Norman Carter for a job well done or a little little closer for the good, no matter Editor. encouragement when things aren't how small it is. Praise may help keep Anyone who saw the television show going as they should. It isn't a bad the critical comments from being so C U te Monday night (Lou Grant I* saw how it JSSSZ " -agttj * *«'» *■«• Aseociatiee, Cehuulbut Scholastic Press really is for the Vietnam War veteran. idea to give yourself a little credit discouraging. „ *»»eeiati»a ami Keetaeky Intercollegiate Preca Association. We served our country, the United when the need arises and nobody A person is happier when he or Letters policy else will do it. States of America, even though most of she feels appreciated and is willing J>*gm^**m* ■d.aitfcre, by » pg-j, MHHUIU, auuu aad f. us didn't believe in the war. During the college years when it to give more of themselves when People complained about the war but Anyone In the university community I* seems that there is so much that they have confidence in their ability they were the people who did or didn't welcome to submit • guest opinion article to students get in the way of negative to do a job. go to the polls to elect decent politicians tha Progress tor publication. Article* ahould to get us out of the war. or ponce action, ba of a topical nature, typed and comments and reactions from It seems to be basic human nature double-spaced, batwaan 700-1000 word* and or whatever official name that was written In good tngaah. Tha editors iesa.ua placed on Vietnam. tha right to rajact any article lodged Sbatoui. Budget official Oaaelae»iaar»«»«.^w—i ... |f aaajgai iil| j i . The men and women who served in elsnderous or in bad taata. Artidaa ahould ba the conflict aren't the ones to blame for racaivad by tha adkora no latar than tha M aeecWruy represent the view. JmTSSm^ISZSSSJZS^t the Vietnam Police Action or war, it's Friday bafora tha data of publication. Ba aura the people who scorn us now, they are to include your neme. i " announces mistake vertMag sha«M he repartee to the Baslaeas Manager. The Eastern PreJresT The state's top budget official was from other areas. This meant other Fear* Ffer Jeae. toWmt**** «... poauge pet* at tSLSS. 4047?^ the ones to blame. Lattara to tha adHor are umlioome. A* quoted in yesterdays ■«*!■• toa The Vietnam Veterans need the help lattera muat ba aignad. laaa than 400 word* areas suffered because of a foul up and backing from the people not acorn, and induda tha addraaa and teejriha'ii HcraW as saying the 1976 budget for or "ie governor's part. hatred and malace from them. ' * number of tha writer. Address all higher education of $55 million did ■M dees eat dUcrinsbute ea the basis *f race, eeler, reUeiott sex naiio. correepondence to: no* cover the total cost of projects At times I wonder if the worst mistake Editor „' Higher education should not have I ever made was to go into the Navy and Tha Eaetem •cpgreae ' authorized by the governor. to'Tyffcr now for something that serve my country, in the worst mew Fourth Floor. Jonea tuMng Those projects that were author- was Hot its fault which happened (the Vietnam War) our country ever . EKU ized were completed with ""finds three years ago. endured > Richmond. *y 40470 • , Pag* 3/Voi 67/Ne. 16 fh€ Eastern ProgrMi Thunday. Oanuary 18. 1179 News/Features A summer program Upward Bound aids low-income students ByUINNYKAGER the University said that he strongly lo keep in touch with students after they Features Editor believes in the program. graduate. Upward Bound is a summer program According to Power, 95 per cent of the An important part of the student's designed to motivate high school Upward Bound students do go on to summer are the tutor counselors. They students from low-income families to attend college and that is the primary are college students hired to work with attend college. "So What?" says the goal of the entire program. He is very the students the six weeks they are here. average college student. pleased with the program here on According to McCleese, there are But most students at the University do campus and considers it one of the finest approximately 12 positions open for not realize that there are summer job in Ihe nation. college students who wish to be tutor opportunities available through the McCleese. the outreach counselor of counselors. He said that juniors and Upward Bound program. the program, said, "We're trying to get seniors are preferred but occasionally Each summer 110 high school over to our kids that just because you're an exception is made. students from 12 counties in Eastern poor you can still be a success." "It is important to remember that we Kentucky come to the campus for about are preparing these children for college six weeks. During this time the studenls As the outreach counselor, he is the and that they come from low-income are required to take five classes. Math, first contact with prospective Upward families." said McCleese. social science and English are required Bound members. He travels to the The tutor counselor must live in the and the student can Meet to take various high schools and with the dorm with the students and maintain anything else from music to industrial guidance counselors reviews possible very close contact. McCleese added that arts. candidates for Upward Bound. it is important for the tutor counselors to be aware that they are constantly preparing the students for college. 'The student must show Among the duties of the counselors are being directly responsible for 10 students, being responsible to the some form of academic talent. resident director and the Upward Bound staff, they must enforce the rules, help with advising the students as well as But the summer is not filled with Students fill out applications and McCleese talks with them and with their being a big brother or sister to the classrooms and homework, while here students. the group always takes at least one parents and he talks with Powers about the applicants and they decide which To apply for tutor counselor positions, overnight trip. Last summer they one must obtain an application from the traveled io Opryland in Nashville and student gets to participate. The main requirement is that the Upward Bound office, 422 Begley. He according to Bob McCleese. they will will be interviewed by Powers and possibly go to Kings Island this coming student must show some form of another Upward Bound official as well. summer. academic talent. This information is The interview consists mainly of putting Pizza parties, swimming parties, obtained from the various aptitude tests the applicant in hypothetical situations trips to Whitehall, square dances, given is high school and the Upward and finding out his or her reaction.1 skating parties and intramurals are also Bound program administers a test also. McCleese stressed that although a part of the program. McCleese said that the program also Upward Bound is a program for high Upward Bound is federally funded by likes to follow up on the students who school students, job opportunities are HEW and "is designed to generate the attend the summer program and if the available for college students. Now is skills and motivation necessary for student is still in high school he keeps in Ihe time to apply and more information success in education beyond high school touch on his regular visits. may be obtained from the Upward among young people from low-income Power added that it is extremely hard Bound office. 622-1424. backgrounds." Louis Power, the project director at 'The Thinker' (Rloto by SCOTT ADAMS) Get the spirit

A new semester, a new schedule to remember. Sandy Russell. Pennsylvania. The bookstore has been full of many Saturday Itygberg seems to be thinking hard about her new classes. student wandering ar»und with dazedJonksJUJ their faces as. EKU vs. Tech I iogberg is a freshman, majoring in drafting and design from they Iind tneif books and look at the prices;on them.'" <4 People Poll by DONNA BUNCH The beginning and the end of the semesters tends to bring about an Increase Law enforcers come in four divisions in theft. What precautions do you take against theft In the dorms? According to the director of the full-lime bus drivers who have Ihe "Usually, a cadet who earns a degree division. Thomas Lindquist. the access Io nine University buses. Fifteen in law enforcement at the university will (Ptiotn By STtVE MIWMMMI divisions involved include the Depart- vehicles are also included within Ihe be encouraged Io stay on with our What do those young men and women ment of Safety Services, the Patrol department. department and become an officer." in green uniforms do on campus besides Services. The Parking and Tran- According to Lindquist. Ihe Patrol Lindquist said. give parking tickets-' sportation Services and the Division of Service is what most students on Once a crime has been observed and Cadets, as these young law en- Criminal Investigations and Crime campus are most familiar with as far as reported by a cadet or officer, the forcement students are officially Pi event ion. Ihe Division of Public Safety is con- Division of Criminal Investigations and known, are affiliated with the Division '."he Department of Safety Services cerned These are the law enforcers who Crime Prevention lakes over. of Public Safety and their duties in- involves people who plan ahead for circulate the campus in uniform. These law officers handle mainly clude not only patrolling the parking emergencies such as fires, floods and Blue uniforms are worn by Ihe important crimes such as rape, major lots, but also patrolling campus streets any other type of emergencies thai commissioned police officers. Under Ihe theft or other major crimes. to look out for student safety. might involve the evacuation of dorms police officers are the cadets dressed in Scattered throughout Ihe four Actually, the cadets are only one of , and buildings. Also, they work to give green and Ian uniforms divisions of the program are 11 women: four divisions of law enforcers involved personal protection to the employees of The most dominating difference in an five cadets, three officers and three in the Division of Public Safety, which the Division of Public Safety. officer and a cadet is the fact thai an security guards. was known as the Division of Safety and The Department of Parking and officer has the power Io arrest whereas The Division of Public Safety is Security until last August. Transportation Services includes six a cadet does not. Lindquist said located across Irom Clay Hall. Coles Time, the right Raymond techniques, clear Uoddard Kubel M.D. Acne up 'painful' acne

Acne is the most common skin hormone changes associated with higher dosage of tetracycline or (rial night. disorder and skin disorders are glandular irregularities, he qr she of a different antibiotic. Do noi use any face cream, cold aboul one-fifth of all cases seen in geis acne. Thai means that the oil Advice for Acne Patienis from cream, moisturizing cream, or any general practice. The figure is duels from the glands to the skin "Modern Medicine:" kind of grease on ihe face. You may enormously increased in the under- become plugged (whiteheads or Wash your face twice a day wiih use face powder, dry rouge, and 30 age group, since acne is a blackheads) and the glands them- an antibacterial soap (Dial or lipstick. disorder you outgrow. selves become infected. Safeguard) an a wash cloth. Do no) However, due to the fact that it rub loo vigorously. Do not use hair ionics except Of course, glandular irregularities Drink 4 io 6 glasses of water each those prescribed by a physician. usually strikes at the onset of are most common premenstrually at adolescence, I believe sincerely thai day. Hair should be dressed only with adolescence, and commonly up into water. If you have an oily scalp or ii causes more pain to more people ihe twenties. Mosi acne clears up Certain foods may aggravaie for a longer time than do bone dandruff, your doctor will prescribe spontaneously by the thirties. Of acne. Be aware of the foods lhai a suitable preparation. fractures. Agony of mind and spirit course (o a teenager that seems like affect you and, as a general rule, is still agony, and you can't scratch i.ie second half of the next century, avoid or greaily limit your intake of Do noi take any medicine ii. internally without informing your and is no comfort at all. ihe following: chocolate, cocoa, HendricfeSM What is acne, besides being a Most acne can be helped. Here is cola soft drinks, whole milk, buiier, physician. pustular, often disfiguring skin a treatment plan from Dr. Schauer, whipped cream, ice cream, rich or Do not attempt to rerrlove Cathy Greenwell, sophomore- I.D. and always lock your door. disease of ihe face, shoulders and a professor of dermatology at the sharp cheese, buttermilk, fatty blackheads yourself. Do not prick wildlife management, Louisville. Most of the thefts in my dorm chest? Kansas Medical Center, plus a meats, spicy condiments, spicy or squeeze pimples. To avoid "Jusl locking my doors all the ■ occurred while the person was Well, ii is a disease of the oil patient's treatment guide published smoked meals, pizza, peanuts and scarring, these should be aucnded to lime. We really haven't had many just down the hall." glands of the skin. Back in the days by the journal "Modern Medicine." ncanui butter, brazil nuts, animal by a doctor or nurse. problems in our dorm." Dave Solley. senior-marketing, of side shows, in addition to the Fat Acne-is classified by severity, grades fais, and coconut oil. You may eai Jane Goddard, junior-elementary Chicago. l.ad>, the Bearded Lady, and Jo-Jot I thru 4. ihe following foods (ihis is by no Be especially altentivc to all education, Portsmouth, Ohio. "I keep my door locked all the ihe Dog-Faced Boy (all diseased Grade l-Use an antibacterial means an exhaustive list): hard restrictions when you are, under "Keeping my doors closed. time and stay out of the dorm." people, disfigured and desperate), soap (Dial or Safeguard). Also . candy, die; cola, oiher soft drinks, stress. We haven't had any problems Helen Kigenberg. senior-correc- was usually the Fish Man who had, "Liquimat," an over-the-counter skim milk, sherbert, margarine, Do not take tetracycline if you with theft." lions and sociology, Gering, quite liicfally, scales all over him. sulfur-resorcinal lotion, applied collage and cheddar c-heese, fish, are, or become pregnant. • Nebraska. He "i loo was diseased. He had daily. chicken and turkey, almonds and James Kubel, sophomore-busi- "I try to make sure my doors It should be obvious from all this lehthysosis, which means "fish Grade II and Ill-all the above walnuts, and corn or vegetable,oils. ness, Morrislown, Tenn. arc locked % or • someone is * . sense and being careful would Do-not. use oily or greasy suntan that you plight make, thus possjbly Howev„er, if a person has Too. extraction of blackheads. -"You should *ise operation iwevent a lot of theft." many oil-glands^ or if the normal preparations*** mining your complexion •perma- number are ovetactive due to Grade IV-all of above with - Get at least 8 hours of sleep each nently. > mmmmmmmm mm

P»t» 4/Vol. 57/No. 16 Tha Eaitarn Profraai Thunday. January 18. 1979

Performance of maintenance workers receives mixed views Wfl^-g^VCvg^ \l^jgziZfaf By KAREN LEWIS director of Martin Hall complaints from students are minor Guest W rilrr The requisition procedure here differs ones but during a major emergency from methods used at other univer- they really come through." The University maintenance sities. department has been the subject of Many universities call the main- Neglect by the maintenance depart- much criticism. tenance service directly whenever there ment also occurs in the men's dorms. Students accuse maintenance per- is a problem Among those were door knobs, door sonnel of idleness and inefficiency. Most dorm directors, however, feel locks, window sills and holes in the Some female students even accuse ceiling maintenance men of being 'Peeping that the requisition policy is efficient Toms." and more convenient. Elain Alvino, a resident of McGregor Despite these negative feelings many At times of emergency, however, the Hall, said that her sink overflowed for students and dorm directors feel that requisition procedure is impractical. two weeks, flooding her room as well as the maintenance department does an If there is an emergency requiring the other rooms in her hall. adequate job. aid of maintenance personnel, the dorm Mary Auge, a Combs Hall resident, "Considering the size of the buildings director calls the office of Buildings and waited two months for maintenance and the number of work orders, they are Grounds directly. personnel to put a new lock on her door. doing, an efficient job." said Angie In most cases personnel respond During those two months Auge Siders. Sidney Clay director. quickly to their call. worried about the security of her Approximately 319 men and women possessions while she was in class are responsible for the upkeep of the 17 Most room damages reported by An RA at Commonwealth said that his dormitories on campus. These same students are things which are fixed or hall went without heat for two days this people care for the classroom buildings replaced easily such as light fixtures or month. The showers and the water and the buildings housing ad- blinds fountains weren't working either. ministrative offices. Several students, however, say that Students whose rooms need common maintenance personnel have neglected Many women living in the dorms repairs such as replacing broken locks to fix damages reported at the begin- complain that the presence of main- and fixing faulty plumbing, broken light ning of last semester tenance men in the halls threaten their fixtures or damaged furniture must privacy. Some even accuse them of submit a requisition to the residence One reason given for the neglect ol looking in their rooms as they walk by. hall office. some repairs in the dorms is the use of In some dorms the presence of men Three copies of the requisition are too many men working on a job that working in the halls is announced. Many made One is sent to the maintenance could be performed efficiently by one women, however, don't fed this is a department, one is sent to the Housing worker satisfactory solution to the problem. Office and one copy is retained at the By reducing the number of men sent The use of female maintenance residence hall office. to do minor repairs, more work could be workers to dean and sweep floors, in "The use of requisitions verify what done in other areas of the campus. addition to thdr other duties, has been needs to be done." said Nancy Ward. One dorm director said. "Most of the suggested. Frat doesn't stand ghost of a chance in Sigma Chi house ' 1 u>onH*r who pelf Shane Ma nan. a resident of the house. By MATTHEW Dl'KHAM were filling the coal stoker to heat the ■that baWW P—i Staff Writer A mile in back of the house is a house, they complained of not enough graveyard in the middle of a field. The light. At that instant the coal room light LLtner*T It feels funny writing about a house house used to be a farm house on which came on. The light had not been on for a being haunted and living in it at the the residents of fifty years ago owned all year before, despite putting in two new same time. I'd heard all the stories the surrounding land, including the field light bulbs. the old graves are on. It's rumored that before I moved in. however I wanted to Several residents including myself live off campus and it seemed the the farmers and their children are Campus briefs: buried back at the grave site. have heard footsteps in the attic. One natural place "to go. time several went up to the attic to in- The Sigma Chi house on Barnes Mill "I was asleep in my room when the smoke alarm went off and woke me up. vestigate and found a Mack candle that Jan. 21 is the date of the first telecast forms may be obtained from John L. Koad has the look of an Alfred Hit- had been burned down. of two other KET courses on which the chcock movie set. My bed was shaking and when I got on KET offers Flanagan, EKU Division of Continuing the floor it was shaking also. 1 was the Babies crying have been heard by University offers academic credit. Education <«06-622 20011. When 1 first initiated Into the several. One sat in one room and heard . These are. Of Earth and Man fraternity I thought the stories of six only one in the house and when I went to bed all the lights were off. Now the crying in another room but was too courses i geography), three hours un- children dying in the house were told to frightened to see what it was. Others dergraduate credit, and Designing scare people and make your date slide smoke alarm was going off and on and Teachers may earn three hours of Scholarship every light in the house was on. even the have seen doors open by themselves Home Interiors (home economics), closer to you. The people who told the I have lived out at the Sigma Chi graduate credit from Eastern Kentucky three hours of undergraduate or tales swore by them, but who really ones in the bedrooms, whose doors were University by taking a course in High padlocked." told Steve Wilce. House for several months and in that graduate credit. available believes in ghosts? time have seen and heard a pinball School Learning and Discipline offered On Jan. 22 at 6:30 p.m., KET will "I was sitting in my room upstairs One resident moved out after he woke by Kentucky Educational Television. The EKU Women's Organization ind felt his bed shaking. He moved back machine playing by itself, camodes begin telecasting another course on announces that application forms for its working on my stereo and I thought I flush themselves and foot steps in the Each dass will be telecast twice, which the University offers three hours was alone in the house. All of a sudden n after two weeks but always kept his Sundays at 1 p.m. and Saturdays at 2:30 annual scholarship award are now car in the driveway with the keys in the attic. of undergraduate credit - Writing for a available in the office of the Dean of my door was kicked or something flew I would say I don't believe in ghosts p.m., starting Jan. 21. Registration and Reason (freshman English com- up against it. I was right by the door and ignition. When he heard something he the first dass meeting will be held at Women. Coates 214, and in the Office of didn't like, he would run down to his car because there is no proof, but I say it position). Student Activities, Powell 128 threw it open and looked down the hall. because about midnight tonight I turn 9:30 am . Jan. 20, Room 106 Bert Combs Answers to questions about television No one was there. That bang almost and leave in a hurry. Girls who will be seniors in the fall of off the lights to go to sleep in the house. Building. The course is open only to courses on which the University offers 1979 and who presently have a minimum knocked the door off its hinges," said Four years ago when two residents persons having a baccalaureate degree credit this semester and enrollment usCincmasi2 3.5 GPA are eligible to apply. Uoiv«»HySRoppinaCeni«r 623-0588 623-5058 Bobby Jack's Style Shop ;UniUcr»ity • CUNT » 1507 East Main tfaUerw* EASTWOOD Try a cat teat WILL TURN will last & last! \Z°^ SPECIALS China Slvar YOU Looks as good tomorrow $4.99 LPt New Releases By: Crystal Pewter '■VMY ox it does today TOTO. GEILS. EDDIE MONY Jewelry Misc. Gifts SEGER. pi in 12 OTHERS WHICH WAY Bring This Ad Wi th You For a Fraa Shampoo Bridal Registry $3.99 LP Specials (limited) BUT LOOSE Yas- "Gotoa For The Orn" HOURS: Tim. - Fri. No Appointment Engraving Done In Store Firafali ■ "Luna Sea" 10 am - 6 pm OHO Day Service ALL TAPES 7:45-9:50Frl4S.il H:06_ Sat. 8 am - 2 pm Necessary Fint Taps rag. price 142 N. 2nd 623-9676 2nd tape SI .00 OFF UNIVERSITY FILM SERIES THE UNIVERSITY FILM SERIES MOVIES ARE PRESENTED IN RL BUCHANAN THEATRE, KEEN JOHNSON BUILDING, SEVEN CHTS PER WEEK AT THE LISTED TIME. PLEASE WATCH SCHEDULE OR STARTING TIME. ADMISSION IS $1.00 AND LIMITED TO EKU OMMUNITY. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL STUDENT ACTIVITIES - 622 3855.


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Pata 5/Vol 57/No. 16 The Eimm Prognm Thursday. January 1«. H79

Black Student Union sponsors memorium for late civil rights leader By WANDA CHI1.URESS renditions, the Ensemble and many of Ending his sermon with a solo ren- Wall Writer the audience responding by clapping dition of "Yes, Jesus Loves Me,'" and the audience insisted on an encore. Cutler's audience responded by A standing-room-only crowd attended Janet Cosby, guest singer sang two demanding an encore in which they a memorial service for the late Martin songs which added to the already heated joined tn. Luther King, Jr., in the University emotions of the audience. Kevin Cosby, a Louisville Baptist chanel Tuesila' nirtlt Gwen Buffington. 24, an Ensemble minister, concluded the service by The tWrnoriam was sponsored by the member, calmed the atmosphere by speaking about the apathy of black Black Student Union iBSU). a Riving a brief account of King's life. students towards the BSU. He said that University organization, as a com- Guest speaker. Reverend Joshua R. we can better commemorate King by memoration lo the civil rights leader. Cutler, pastor of Centennial Olivet upholding black orgainzations. Hayden Dudley, a participant, began Baptist Church in Louisville spoke on As a result of the program, Richard the service by leading everybody into how to "Keep Your Bread Fresh." Shanks. 22, Richmond, praised the singing "Lift Every Voice and Sing," Cutler cited King as a example of the service and said that he felt that it the Black national anthem. V bread of life by reminding the audience helped him to realize his own nntentials. President of the BSl'. Sharon Boggs. of King's goals and achievements. A "It gave us a spiritual uplift," added followed with the welcome and then the self-proclaimed militant, he warned Terressa Banks, 19, student and University Ensemble, a black choir, everybody that segregation still exists member of the Ensemble. sang three songs, directed by senior today Cutler also believes that "Having this Isham (.'orderly. "Don't you believe that Jim Crow is service helps to remind us that he Their music was the catalyst for an dead. He is more sophisticated today " i Kingi still lives." emotion-charged evening. During its he exclaimed "Remember, you are black," he said.

(Photo by JAMES KELltv] Shown here is the University Ensemble performing at the Ensemble is senior Isham Corderly. King was assasinated in memorium service for Martin Luther King. Directing the April of 1968 Study program increases awareness of Mexican culture Bv WANDA ( 111 I I )l< I ss instruction, the students are expected to Graduating high school seniors may attend orientation sessions before they also enroll in the program and earn Staff Writer depart lor Mexico. Afterwards, they are their first college credits by completing required tn submit a written report. Spanish 496 requirements. In May of 1977, 18 students and "There's no real work, just a written MacKiraiin foresees an expansion to teachers participated in the Univer- report." said Grenier twenty or twenty-five participants in the sity's Mexico Travel Study Program, a According to Kim Rittenour. a part- future. trip designed to increased the student's The students who went reacted "very experience with other cultures. time Spanish instructor, it was a most "marvelous experience for anyone." well" he commented. Because the program's intention is to Kittenour said she felt she got more MacKinnon said that any stereotypes reflect the uniqueness of the student's out the trip because she increased her the students might have had of the Mexican experience, the trip in- Spanish fluency Mexican people diminished because of corporates an unrestricted learning Even though the trip organizers the variety of the people they en- experience. prefer Spanish majors. MacKinnon countered The Travel Study Program was encourages anyone to go. "They were very interested in the started in 1959as Dr. Kenneth Clawson's However, the student must be in good American people." added Rittenour. idea. The Dean of Special Programs academic standing. No one encountered any trouble with took the first group to Mexico and since each other or with the Mexicans. then the trip has been an annual affair The program is open to students from other universities also and not all the "The people were warm and frien- ''It's'a great vacation?" according to dly." said Rittenour She cited one in- Rafael Grenier. graduate Spanish participants are students or Spanish stance in which some of the participants major He sard the trip was worthwhile majors. "Some people think you have to speak joined in a game with Mexican children and historically enlightening. in one town :hey visited. Grenier added that there were no Spanish, but you don't," said Grenier. Because of this relaxed atmosphere strict rules for students Although some Knowieage ot tne language is recommended, it is not she encountered. Rittenour now feels "Everybody had their own freedom.'' that Americans are too rigid. (Pnoto by JAMES KELLEV) he explained The participants only required "The Mexicans have a more relaxed stayed together while traveling. In addition to going on the trip the attitude towards life." she said. Norris MacKinnon. Spanish instructor Jan. 16. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his students receive three semester hours Kven better than the relaxed attitude, Civil rights leader. Martin Luther King. Jr.'s birthday was and director of the trip, encouraged the of undergraduate credit for Spanish 496 recountered Grenier. was the fact that Monday. Jan 15 and the Black Student Union sponsored a work in civil rights and promoting change through non- violence. students to explore on their own. or three hours graduate credit for he survived for three weeks in Mexico memorium service in the Chapel of Meditation on Tuesday. Although the trip has no classsroom Spanish 681 on $200! Garland Jeff 218 S. Porter Dr. Men's Wear SLACKS & $9 SWEATERS JL OFF Good l^iTpJSgflfir"Aiwi t ^ xm With This Coupon Friday JEANS m Only SPORTSHIRTS 623-1714 LEATHER COATS THE OTHER Students. Faculty & BILL MAMMONS PLACE SL SHOES & BOOTS STUDIED IN Main Street Richmond LONDON PARIS Downtown HAIRCUTTERS NEW YORK A. LA. GOOD FRIDAY SPECIALS MEM'S & LADIES PANTS, SPORT aiflA Luhch • i fii SWEATERS COATS #9eT kJpecial in SKIRTS, ***"• PLAIN DRESSES O* MEN'S « LADIES PIZZA EA. 10" Single Topping 2 PIECE SUITS SHIRTS SPAGHETTI LAUNDERED AND PRESSED TO Plain or Meat Sauce PERFECTION Bonus for first time donors with this ad. ON HANGERS OR FOLDED

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out there." of second shots." Tillman 132-4 28. Jones 3 5-611, Elliott 5 1-111. Merchant 3 4-4 10, Tierney 3 0-1 "Because we are picked number one Racer center John Randall led Byhre was referring to the fact that Murray with 21 points and 12 rebounds Eastern was out rebounded by the 6. Dale Jenkins 3 0-0'6, Williams 2 2-2 6, in the conference, everyone is going to Bootcheck 2 0-0 4. come out at us as hard at they can every Eastern's two big men, Dale Jenkins smaller Austin Peay club. 38-37. and Dave Bootcheck could only manage "You've got to remember." said AUSTIN PEAY (72) time, whether we are at home or on the Mitchell 7 4-5 18. Thomas 8 2-2 18, road. Our kids have got to realize that." six points and six rebounds between Byhre. "that this was our first game at them. home since last Dec 9th. We have had My rick 5 3-4 13, Barney 4 0-18, Webster 2 said Ed Byhre. basketball coach. 4-4 8. Smith 2 0-0 4. Kingery 0 4-4 4. The Colonels this week upped their "We've had no center play at all the six straight road games We have to gel past few games." said Byhre. "this has back in the flow of the home crowd. We HALFTIME overall record to 9-4 and a league Eastern 36 Austin Peay 35 - Fouled out leading 3-0 in the OVC. winning two got to get better." . were a little shaky out there We had 14 turnovers at halftime and that's not too none; Total Fouls - Eastern 18, Austin close games. 82-73 over Austin Peay and EASTERN KENTUCKY(73l Peay 20 Att - 6.250 73-49 over Murray. Tillman 11 3-4 25. Merchant 7 2-3 16. good considering we only average 16 a Against Murray State Monday night, Jones 5 4-614. Elliott 5 00 10, Bootcheck the Racers opened with a semi-delay 20-24. Tierney 0 2-3 2. Dale Jenkins 1 04 type offense and were leading 9-0 after 2 Williams 0 04 0. TV, Tech, Urbana the first four minutes, and Murray MURRAY STATE i69) played as if they were 12-2 rather than Randall 8 54 21. Hammonds 7 2-2 16, their actual 2-12 record- Snow 71-215. Ogelsby 4 1-19. Adams 2 0- featured next But the Colonels rallied back to take a 0 4. Boyd 104 2. McNeal 104 2. 12-11 lead on a lay up by Vic Merchant. HAL.FT1ME Kaster n then slowly pulled out to a 32-21 Eastern 32. Murray 21. Fouled Out in Coliseum halftime advantage mainly on the Randall. Total Fouls - Eastern. 16. How ell. a 6-1 guard, leads the quartet By KEN T1NGLEY strength of 12 Merchant first half points Murray 18. Att 6.200. with a 14.7 scoring average. He is also The second half was a free-for-all Dunk (ever hit Eastern this past Sports Editor second in the league with an .863 free James Tillman. who only had eight Saturday night as they powered past the In the glare of the TV lights and the throw percentage points at the break, suddenly exploded Govs, 82-73. Paul Chadwell, a freshman guard, is for 12 quick points to build the Colonels Kenny Elliott and Turk Tillman each pressure of a regional television audience on hand. Eastern's cagers will second with a 12.5 scoring average Pete to a 55-43 lead with eight minutes to had two big slams and Vic Merchant Abuts, another freshman is one of the play and Chris Williams stuffed home one take the floor Saturday afternoon at Alumni Coliseum for the toughest test of forwards and is averaging 12 points a each as the Colonels led anywhere from game. Abuls is also leading the con- The lead stayed at nine. 69-60 with the young OVC season. only two minutes left, but the Racers six to 12 points throughout the game ference in field goal percentage. Brian Tillman again was the showman for The Golden Eagles of Tennessee Tech would not give up and play dead. will take a 2-1 conference record to the Troupe rounds out the top four. The A tip-in by Kenny Hammons cut the the maroon and white as he pumped in senior is averaging 10.9 points. He is 13 of 23 shots and two of four from the floor of the coliseum where the Colonels also sixth in the league in rebounding, lead to 71-69, but "Turk" iced the vic- have yet to lose a game this season. A tory with a pair of free throws with 10 free throw line for 28 points. Elliott and snaring 7.4 a game Bruce Jones both hit double digits with departure from tradition that is more seconds left. than welcome to third year coach Ed The Golden Eagles head coach Cliff "They I Murray I executed very well." 11 points for the Colonels Malpass described his team as "very, "I felt we took this game a little too Byhre. said Byhre. "They tried a lot of different Byhre's teams have never lost a game very, young." Tech features only three to Tech and they are once again a good upperclassmen on their roster as well as bet to take the game. The Colonels are seven freshmen. Intramural highlights The Colonels round out next week's the only team in the OVC who are un- ,r.MlO *y STEVE MOWN) The intramural department is PIT B' as they finished above Newman defeated in conference play and are action with a non-conference tilt against Colonel. Vic Merchant (22) rips down a rebound during Eastern's tJ-73 vic- sponsoring a basketball free-throw NOT-2. averaging more points a game than any Urbana College. The Colonels will be Special recognition from the in- other team in the league home for one more game after Urbana tory over conference foe Austin Peay Merchant was one of four players in competition The deadline is Jan. 19 for double figures as Eastern increased its OVC record to 3-0 entering Details are available at the tramural department goes to Irish The Colonels also feature the leading when they host Morehead. intramural office. Rollins who played for the Cham- scorer in the conference in James The final results are in from the in- pionship PIT team while coaching both Tillman as well as having Kenny Elliott Thinclads 'fare well' at ETSU tramural volleyball league which ended the women's finalists: Irish Setters and and Bruce Jones in the top twenty. 54 3•' and Brian Dowds. the 1978 Ohio Tech will arrive Friday on the By MONICA KEIFER their respective events. last semester. PIT captured the men's Walter's. Hail, Co-captain Chris Goodwin, a senior State Champion, went 50'6" for the independent division as Vandy took the Recreational Free-Play Schedule strength of a two game winning streak 8UH Writer BEGLEY:M-F5:30-10:30: Sat 1:00- that saw them defeat both Middle from Louisville, went 51'3" in the triple Colonels. number two slot. jump. Keith Burton, a Junior from Bill Morgan, a sophomore from The PKA's won the fraternity division 6:00: Sun. 1:00 - 10:00 Tennessee and Western Kentucky to The men's track team fared well in BEGLEY WEIGHT ROOM - M.-Th. Washington DC was right behind, Rochester. Michigan, set a personal over the runner's up SAE. improve their overall record to 6-8. Both what head coach Art Harvey described best-to-Mie mile, running it in 4:08.1. 6:00 9:00: Fri. Sun. 4:00 - 6:00. Middle and Western have winning as. one of the very best indoor meets in jumping 50 jl" for a eersonal best. The Irish Setters finished above 1 Gerryt fiihjit^. »Jgfc»bman irom Walter's, Hall in the women's diVrekm ALUMNI COLISEUM - M.-Th. 5:30 - records, The Colonels defeated Middle the nation." The meet was the East Morgan -was also AII-OVC in cross f0:3tT'Sun.'alBT - 10:00 (closed on earlier in Ihe year by four points on Tennessee State Relays held in Johnson Dublin. Ireland, ran the 1000 meter race country last fall. I Tf* fraJerrity V champion «as L.XA in 2:14 for a personal record. varsity B Ball game nights) Middle's court. City. Term while the PKA B team was the runner In the shot put two personal records The tracksters next meet is Saturday up PIT was crowned the All-University -All intramural competition pre- Tech features a balanced scoring No team scores were kept at the meet, with University of Kentucky and Champion by defeating PKA. empts recreational free-play attack that sports four players according to Harvey, but many men had were set when Dennis Grahem, a junior Morehead State University at The co-ed volleyball champion was availability. averaging in double figures. Jimmy personal best times and distances in from Meridan, Kansas, putted the shot Richardson Arena in Morehead.

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Wilkerson all-around best Gymnasts upset national powers in Louisville meet By MONICA KEIFER The Colonels won every event except The gymnasts next meet is Saturday Sun Writer the floor exercises, which they lost by when they travel to Columbia. Ohio and three tenth's of a point. meet Ohio State. Bowling Green State The victory was oh so sweet this past "They did super on the beam." smiled and West Virginia. Saturday for the women's gymnastic Chrietzberg "It was the highest scoring team because Eastern's young squad event of all the other events." According to Chrietzberg. Otae State upset three nationally ranked teams. Rhonda Wilkerson was the highest has a tough team and the meet should scorer on a single event with an 8 7 on prove to be great competition and very The women scored impressive wins exciting. over the University of Louisville. the balance beam. University of Georgia and Indiana State University. Saturday afternoon in a four-way meet held in Louisville. Miami falls again as Louis vi Ik was ranked tenth in the nation last year, while Georgia was ranked 13th and Indiana was right gymnasts set records behind them with a ranking of 1Mb. By ROB DOLLAR He also pointed out that the Eastern raatuii was declared the winner with Staff Writer line-up was "greatly strengthened" by 132 os points while Georgia was runner- Three school records were broken last the return of Dave Cole, a sophomore up with 139.06 points. Louisville was Saturday when the men's gymnastics from Lexington, who had missed the third having 126 35 points and Indiana team soundly defeated a team from first two meets with a shoulder injury followed with 125 00 points Miami University of Ohio, by a score of Two freshman team member*. "It's always nice to beat ranked 178 SO to 142.75. Gibson Mocker and Stan Hewett, were teams." commented Eastern's coach Team captain. Tony Webber set a new also singled out as having good meets Agnes Chrietzberg. "Our team is made school record on the pommel horse with Mocker had the highest single score in up of mostly freshmen and they've a score of 7.9. breaking las own record of the meet with a 9.0 in the vaulting event. learned how to pei f01 in under pressure last year Calkin further commented that he with good competition and to control New school records were also was pleased with the results of the meet, their nervaa." established on the parallel bars and as well as the fact that a good crowd "We're starting out with our two rings by Guy Watson with respective attended to see some fine routines anc* hardest meets so the women are almost scores of 8.75 and 8.55. performances turned in by both teams According to Coach Gerry Calkin, the having to peak early.'' she added. The Colonels return to action RjBVLKVI Rhonda Wilkerson scored highest for meet was further highlighted by the fact tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in the Weaver Eastern's Tony Webber at shown performing on the the Colonels with 33.45 points in the all that the team score of 178.80 was within Health Building for a home meet during the Colonels 178.8-142.75 victory over Miami of Ohio. which was the high for Eastern The men's neat meet is around competition It was good for two points of the all-time men's gym- against Southeast Missouri and Nor Webber and Chris Haynam both posted 8.0 scores in the rings Friday night in the Coliseum against Southeast Missouri second place overall Cheryl Behne nastics school record. 'thern Michigan. third with 33.30 points and Beth Miles Calkin added that "We see a lot of Calkin stated that little information the only senior on the team, was sixth, room to grow from the 178." and was known about either team with the stressed that video tape of the meet Western dumps Eels in first dual meet having 32 1 pouts Laura Spencer also exception of two team scores turned in two fo the four first place victories by Eels scored well with 31 15 points. revealed some areas for desired im- by the Southeast Missouri team before By WILLIE SAWYERS provement the Ells as he won the 1000 meeter Even though Western won the meet by According to Chrietzberg. any score Christmas Staff Writer 25 points, the meet was actually closer The Eastern men's swimming team freestyle and the 500 meter freestyle. >ver 30 points is very good 44 Gray was voted "Ed of the Meet" by his than that time wise as many of the "In gymnastics, the top tour people lost their first dual meet of the season Quote of the week" last Friday at Bawling Green. Western teammates for his performance events were deckled by only a few score in each event." Chrieuberg said. Captain John Meisenheiroer edged out seconds "We weren't beaten that So if one woman has a bad day the "We purposely didn't build a swimming pool because Coach Bryant wanted to Kentucky captured nine of first-place keep it like the other dorms." finishes out of the 14 events in donating Western's Carter for first place in the badly," commented Coach Dan Uchty. others can cover for her." 100 meter Freestyle Garv Jameson won "We had at least two lifetime beat There is much depth to the Eastern Charley Thornton. Assistant Athletic Director at the University of Alabama the Eels by a score of 80 to 44. The loss describing the men's athletic dorm which is sometimes referred to as the drops the Eel record to M. the 200 meter individual meadley swims We were very tired squad, making for the high scores rounding out the top finishers for the the Chrietzberg added. 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Peea 8/Vol. 57/No. 16 The Eastern Progress Thursilev. January It. 1979 V

Athletic Disappearing leads, palaces Thanksgiving and Christmas holi- inconsistency foil women cagers days. "This dormitory thing has been Bv ( It \l(. (OMKS with the fact that, "we just aren't Individually for the two games, blown completely out of propor- SUH Writer putting two good halves of basketball guard, Loretta Coughlin had 18 points together "One example she gives is last against Austin Peay and she netted 20 tion," said Combs, "The only week's Middle Tennessee game which more against Murray She also grabbed reason we house all our athletes The 1-arty Colonels basketball team together is that the University won't came back to Alumni Coliseum for their saw Eastern fall behind by 20 points, 11 rebounds. second and third contests of the year come back to within four, then finally Peggy Gay and Sandra Mukes also allow all the dorms to be open when and split with Ohio Valley Conference lose. 75-61 scored well against Murray with 20 and The National Collegiate Athletic swimming pool because coach only the athletes are going to be foes Austin Peay and Murray State. The last two games seem to prove her 19 points respectively Both also had Association recently ended their Bryant wanted to keep it like the here." point. Against Austin Peay, the Lady fine efforts on the boards, combining for Eastern rode a 36-11 first half lead to a three day convention in San other dorms." Combs stated that the new 7fr«4 victory over Austin Peay last Colonels held a 61 -40 lead with 9:38 to go, 20 rebounds. but before you could say "Let's go Lady Guard. Rita Taylor hit for 15 points Francisco with some legislation that The University of Kentucky also legislation would not affect Eastern Saturday night and then tost to Murray seems to have an athletic facility since the athlete's dormitories are 80-70 on Monday. Govs." Peay. with the help of a pressing Saturday against Austin Peay, while would seem to affect every one of But the most interesting thing about defense had launched a 13-2 spree that Vicki Viox came off the bench to grab a the 800 member schools that was which seems to come under the not under the extra benefits category watching the women is that it has been pulled them to within 63-53 team-leading 12 rebounds and score represented at the convention. category of "extra benefits." The and would not give Eastern a like watching a disappearing act. A In a mirror image of that game seven points against Murray. Legislation which would seem to Joe B. Hall Wildcat Lodge houses recruiting advantage. Mondav night. Eastern found them Apart from Inconsistency and too disappearing lead act Head Coach outlaw athletic dormitories has been the UK basketball team and has It is a shame that the NCAA did Shirley Duncan says she views the trend selves "behind Murray 47-29 at halftime. many turnovers against the Austin Peay then staged a great rally to eventually press. Coach Duncan says she feels the the biggest newsmaker as of late but been described as a bit nicer than not go at least one step further. For with mixed emotions. years many coaches have been under Duncan says she is concerned moat tie the game at 62 aU with 5:15 toft. Lady Colonels offensive problems 9tetn already many of the universities that your average dorm. In fact from not shooting well "It is a simple it would seem to affect are finding descriptions of the Hall of Mirrors the impression that for a team to fact that you have to be able to put the ways to get around it. in the Palace of Versailles have been play together they must live ball in the basket," she says, adding, At first it was thought that the used in the same breath with the together. Whether this is true or not "and that's something we just haven't is debatable but Penn Slate's been doing lately." NCAA had outlawed exclusive Wildcat Lodge. Eastern shot 46 2 per cent against athletic dormitories but now most of So what does this all mean. Well football coach Joe Paterno has an Austin Peay and a dismal 37.2 per cent the schools seem to be mtcrpreting for once it seemed like the NCAA interesting perspective on athletic against Murray (including an ice-cold the legislation to mean thjji^hey are was taking a step to benefit the dorm living. 29.2 per cent in the first half). in compliance as long as the student-athlete instead of just the Paterno does not require his team With five games remaining on the dormitories don't come under the athlete. But ii appears that the to all live in one dorm. He believes current homestand. and seven out of the that part of the learning experience next nine games at home. Coach "extra benefits" category. legislation passed isn't strong Duncan says she is not discouraged, The legislation seems to have been enough to stop the big schools from of the student-athlete is to meet and however. aimed at some of the bigger schools gelling around il. learn about all kinds of different "We decided to make some com that have a reputation for football In Easiern's case it might have people and to share ideas with them. mitments in different directions after and basketball factories. The been a lot nicer for the athleie's if Paterno adds a twist to this by the first part of the schedule."' she says, University of Alabama has an I hey had been separated into saying that he thinks that depriving adding, "we want to run as much as we different dorms. Eastern's athletic the rest of the student body a chance can and create as many turnovers as we athletic dorm that is known as the can. and in that respect I think we are "Bryant Hilton" because of its dorms are not quite of the palacial to meet some of the fine young men improving." luxury. But officials a( Alabama quality of some of the larger on his team would be a shame. it is interesting to point out that the believe that the dorm is in universities. Although Paterno uses this early February Ohio Valley Conference compliance. Eastern's Athletic Director Don philosophy to his own advantage, it Tournament will be held at Alumni Alabama's Assistant Athletic- Combs stated that the only reason does have a certain message which if Coliseum this year. that the athletes at Eastern were taken seriously by most coaches The Murray loss dropped the Lady Director Charley Thornton com- Colonels record to 3-8 overall and 1-3 in mented, "I don'i think it's housed together at all was because could be beneficial to the growth the OVC. going in to Thursday night's extravagant. W'c have some new of ihc football team's early arrival and mental development of each intrastate matchup with Louisville at men's dorms on the campus i!iat arc in August and the basketball team's athlete. Alter all thai is what people Alumni Coliseum nicer. Wc purposely didn't build a needing IO stay at school over the go to school for. Even athletes. DIAMOND DUST: The NCAA has also voted to drop Scoreboard the number of football scholarships UPCOMING EVENTS I Coughlin 49 21-31 119 10.8 OVC STANDINGS 97 Overall in IA football to 75 from a high of Basketball I Men's I Mukes 42 23 32 107 Conference Jan. 20 - Tennessee Tech - Alumni Gneb 21 64 47 94 W L W L 95. Eastern was allowed 55 by OVC EASTERN KENTUCKY Coliseum - 1:30 p.m. - TV ICh. 271 Carroll 29 1522 73 73 3 0 9 4 rules last year. 65 Jan. 22 - Urbane Collega - Alumni Taylor 28 16-21 72 Morehead State 2 1 7 6 The OVC has also regained its Coliseum 7:30 p.m. Fitch 17 9 14 43 48 Tennessee Tech 2 1 a 8 22 Middle Tennessee Besketbel IWonW.I Gotti 9 4-6 22 1 2 9 6 automatic bid to the NCAA baseball Today Louisville - Alumni Coliseum • 7:30 Vio. 8 610 22 2.0 *VW f MY —i. a.- ..•:». 16 Western Kentucy 7 6 playoffs. This comes despite the fact p.m. Green 8 2 9 14 0 1 03 Murray State i hat i he OVC has never won a Jan. 20 Tenni Tech - Alumni Ougan 0 1 3 1 0 2 2 13 Coliseum - 5:16 p.m. NCAA playoff game.- COLONEL SCORING Jan. 22 - Kentucky Alumni Coliseum EKU Career Scoring Records FG FT TP AVG The women's gymnastics team 5:15 p.m. Pta. J. Tiaman 135 67 86 337 26.9 Year* Played pulled out the surprise of the year as Jan. 24 - Northern Kentucky - Alumni 1. C. Brown 1582 B. Jonas 31-46 153 117 1072-76 Cofcsum - 730 p.m. __ 61 2. E Bodkin 1687 Agnes Chrietzberg's freshmen dom- K Elliott 56 31 43 141 10.8 1963 66 Indoor Track IMan'al . 3 C. Mitchell 1504 V Merchant 40 15-22 96 8.4 1970 73 inated squad won a quad meet with Jan. 20 - Kentucky - Mocenaad - Away 4. J. Adams 1480 Dale Jenkins 41 13-20 96 7.3 1963 66 such national powers as Indiana St., Gymnastics I Man's! 6. G. Bryant 1968 72 1346 s E D. Bootcheck 11 13 41 6.8 Tomorrow Missouri. Northern 16 6. B Washington 1221 Cicorgia and Louisville. Rhonda C. Williams 20 11 17 bl 4.2 1806-60 Michigan - Alumni Coliseum - Aux Gym - 8 7 J. BaechtoM 1137 D. Tiemey 19 3-7 41 38 1946 52 Wilkerson finished second in the (Photo By STEVE BROWN) 15 8 C. Cole 195661 1134 "' LADY COLONEL SCORING David Jenkins 5 5 12 2.5 1128 all-around competition while finish- 0-0 2 10 9. K. ELLIOTT 197*79 Sandra Mukes, a 5"9" freshman from New Albany, IN, wrestles for a rebound FG " TP AVG. C Block** 1 1065 2 0.7 10 C. Mrarovich 104*60 ing first in the beam. during Eastern's 78-64 triumph over Austin Peay P. Gay 93 20-27 206 18.7 0. Heney 0 2-3 YOUR Underhood ONE-STOP Specials P^Jlaften | Dissolves grease and oil fast. Spray on, SHOP! flush off. Sorority M«MC«ts, Noteltits Salon & Skin Care Center OHwrt Houstvotres 3 Appliances A Fast, easy way to a Call For Appointment TV £ ftaefao clean carburetor, Repmir Plmmbing Shop inside and out. 623-3651 BLUE GRASS Dependable Auto Supply PHONE 112 E. 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PH* WVel. 67/No. M Th» gaUSSS WW OrganizationsThunday, Janawry It. 1t7» Newman Center Sororities say 'no' provides ministry to sorority row

By ROBIN PATER incurred to build such houses. for students Although nationals were negative is that "we deal with a lot of up- Organisations Editor By ROBIN PATER about the suggested •'sorority row," Organisations Editor perdassmen." 12 students serve on the Newman Council, that in a regular With the impending possibility of they were in favor of the possibility of one common panhellemc house or lodge. An estimated 1,100 Eastern Kentucky pariah, would act as a pariah council. Eastern adopting a fraternity row in the About the accomplishments of the future, the question that arises most, "The thing behind a panhellenic Unversity student*, faculty, staff, and building." told Daugherty. "is that it same local residents as well comprise Council, Ketteler smiled and remarked, especially among females on campus. "You have to be geared to the ex- is: Why not a sorority row? would provide possible meeting places, the Catholic Newman Center, located on kitchenettes, and offices for the University Drive next to Walters Hall. periment of a campus community-it's "The sororities don't want it," an- quite different from a regular church." swered Skip Daugherty, director of sororities ." Serving as a base for campus ministry As chaplain of the Newman Center, student activities. Over the past two years, the sororities under the chaplaincy of Father Ron Rev. Ketteler spends much of his time "Tight finances" is the reason for the were polled about the housing Ketteler. the Newman Center is a very counseling students who come to him decline of the nine sororities on campus. suggestion. "We simply found they were young facility. The Center actually with personal, religious, and The national sororities have a policy in not interested in individual housing." originated in a small residence on Oak relationship problems. that they will not finance buildings or remarked Daugherty. Street in 1970 along with Rev. Ketteler "The number one thing we try to do is houses on leased land. Also, according Thus, the reason for not having i In August of 1977. the Newman Center create an environment in which people to letters Daugherty has on file from sorority row is definitely not a matter o: was built under the parenthood of St. can mature; to find their religious and national sorority bases, the nationals discrimination. As Daugherty sums it Stephen's parish. Starting out with personal identities," answered Ketteler. did not want to see the sororities bur- up. "They were included along the line virtually no money, according to Rev. "When I first came bare," remem- dened with large debts that would be until they opted to get out " Ketteler, the Newman Center-equipped bered Ketteler, "there were about 800 with a sanctuary, living quarters, of- students who came to the Center. Since fices, conference room, kitchen, and then. I would say the Catholic Church multi-purpose hall-has incurred a debt has really grown," he added. of $83,000 Before he came to the Newman University courses The debt will likely be paid off Center, Rev. Ketteler served as through means of support by alumni, chaplain of the University of Kentucky. the dioces, parents of students, and "The last 14 years, I've been only in other factors, Ketteler reported. campus ministry." commented Ket- toaironKET "The basis of participation, of course, teler. By G1NNY EAGER televised every other Wednesday at 8 is through the Sunday masses." said Masses at the Newman Center are Fea tares Editor p.m. starting Feb. 14, 1979. Ketteler Liturgy planning, religious held on Sunday at 10 a.m., 12 noon, and The two courses that d u have class education classes, ushering, providing S:30 p.m. Weekday masses are at 11 The University is offering six media meetings are "EFD 007 Educational music at masses, and other activities noon on Monday and Friday and on assisted courses this semester which Foundations: New Approaches to High are just some of the ways students in- Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday at I (Pnoto by DOUO FBUCHtNICHT) will be aired on KET. The courses can School Learning and Discipline" and volve themselves. p.m be taken for as many as three hours and "HEC 560 Home Econmics Workshop: Studying scripture readings, retreats, Though Rev. Ketteler encourges Rev. Ron Ketteler takes time out for relaxation and reading in his living all but two require no class meetings Designissj Home Interiors." and especially pre-cana (pre-maritiali students and members to register, it is quarters at the Catholic Newman Center on University Drive. "GER 103 Elementary German II" "EDF 607 will meet Jan. 20. 1979 at conferences also happen throughout the not mandatory in order to "belong " can be taken for three hours credit. The 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Combs Building. year. About 25 couples prepared for "Everyone belongs." stressed Ketteler course started Jan. 6, 1979 and repeat Room 106. It will aire on Sundays at I marriage at the Newman Center last "You belong to the Newman Center Placement Day set broadcasts will be shown Fridays at p.m. and will be repeated at Sa rday: year. because you belong to the Catholic 6:30 p.m. at 2:30 p.m. Ketteler feels that a very healthy sign Church. All interested college students, church camps, and camps for the "ENG 101 English Composition I" "HEC 550" will also meet on Jin. 2 faculty, and elementary and high school handicapped. alres on Mondays and Wednesday at 1979 from 9:30 a.m. to Noon *ne teachers are invited to attend Camp Students whose curriculum requires 8:30 p.m. and will be repeated Satur- Burrier Building, Room 100. It M. ■• Young Democrats Placement Day at Eastern Kentucky professional field experience may be days at 4 and 4:30 p.m. Three hours televised on Sundays at l: 30 and 2 - University that will be held Thursday, able to fulfill this requirement through a credit is also given for that course. starting Jan. 21 and repeat broa> Feb. 8. summer camp job. "GEO 345 Regions and Nations of the will be Saturdays at 3 and 3:30 p Representatives of numerous camps Representatives will be in Keen World" is worth three hours credit and There is a materials cost which v. elect new officers from six states will be in attendance to Johnson Building, 2nd floor, from 9 a.m. will be on Sundays at 2:30 and 3 p.m. with each different course and The EKU Young Democrats recently William Kobinson. treasurer; Jim interview prospective employees for to 12 noon and from 1:30 p.m. until S Saturday at noon and 12:30 p.m. will be registration fees range from $40 to $93 elected new officers for the spring Biasco. secretary; Mike Behler. summer Jobs at their camps. A wide p.m. There will be no charge. the repeat broadcast. To register contact John L. Flanagan semester Elected were: Don McNay membership chairman: and Dave variety of job openings will be available For further information, phone 622 "ENG 200 Topics in English" is of- Division of Continuing Education at 622 president. Art Lefever. vice-president; Baird. public relations. in youth agency camps, private camps, 2544 fered for two hours credit and will be 2001. I ii" " i \

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Peee 10/Voi 57/No. IS The tautn Prupm Thursday. January It. 1*7* Arts Disco Future of disco reflected on bathroom walls

Last week while casually standing America follows its usual pattern, night. .11 a urinal in a local bathroom, my disco, like streaking and the CB Disco music is about as stale and ■•yes scanned the graffiti scrawled on craze, will fade into blessed oblivion unexciting music that can be found the «all before me. Amid the usual in a very short while. anywhere. Every song employs amateur attempts at poetry and the Soon people will most likely be virtually the same beat and rhythm dirty jokes, one phrase stood out. saying things like "remember when that totally drowns out the lyrics, It read: "Disco sucks for air." wc used to get out there on the dance which is okay since most of the lyrics arc about as dumb and childish as an Alice and Jerry first grade book.

Couple this with the fact that Larry most discotheques play the same songs every night for weeks on end, and you"ve come up with a very Bernard boring night. The music in discotheques is turned up full volume, creating a noise so loud and jarring that it Arts Editor must surely wake up good 'ol Hank Williams in his grave. I can just sec him scratching his head and saying Happy birthday, Nipper "surely I didn't do it this way." I he Nipper trademark was established in 1929 and was How appropriate, I mused, that floor and make asses out of RCA and its trademark, the foxterricr dog named used on all records and documents of RCA. ourselves while that silly disco music Nipper, are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. the word disco should be mentioned A couple of nights ago at a disco, uas playing." in a bathroom, since disco is a the music was so deafening and loud The main reason disco music and complete "waste" of time anyway. that some friends and I were forced Disco is the crazy kind of phase discotheques arc so unworthwhilc is to use sign language techniques in America goes through ever so often. that they have no substance. order to communicate. Several years ago America decided Everything involved with disco Official Ballot Kill out this form to bare all and .streak through the follows a set pattern: Hashing lights, The major pointNtgainsi disco "STUDENT'S CHOICE AWARDS" indicating >our choi- MI eels, and not so very long ago spacious dance floor (with the music is that it offers no culture ces for the 1978 everyone was talking into little exception of some Richmond whatsoever. Students who travel to Best Motion Picture 1978. "Student's Choice A- microphones and uttering phrases discos), the same music played the Richmond discos every night arc wards." Then clip the like "that's a big 10-4, good continuously, boy meets girl, girl missing out on a great part of Best Performance by an Actor !*»?H _ ballot and mail to the buddy." meets boy. boy meets boy, etc. college life. College should be a time indicated address. Best Performance by an Actress 197H Now America has decided to Nothing new and exciting ever for students to enjoy different Schools submitting happens at a disco; everything stays "shake their booties" and "boogie- aspects of life; when you settle for Best Director 1978 100 ballots or more oogie-oogic" on a dance floor. If the same, night after night after disco you settle for repctctivcncss. will be eligible for a Name of Your School drawing for a new Fill out and mail by February 15th. 1979 to plnball machine for John Prine, Outlaws concert coming FOCUS Student * Choice Awards the student center. 1140 Avenue <>l the Aniem as Students will also be Wait a minute, students, don't students. Auditorium Feb. 12 at 7:30 p.m. New YorK. New Yotk 10036 eligible for a drawing fall over from shock, but Center- The Outlaws, a country-rock sear Prine is renound for the author- for a free weekend at band, will perform in concert at The Student's Choice Awards are presented in assxx MtoM wnh the FOCUS '79 Com- board has scheduled two concerts ship of such tunes as "Paradise,"- peKton. sponsored by NISSAN MOTOR CORPORATION INUSA - in cooperation the Academ) awards for this semester. Not not one, but Alumni Coliseum Feb. 27 at 7:30 "Hello In There," "Dear Abby" u*h Ployboy Mogoaine. Untimal Studios. U S T060..0 AMI Carr and The Los in April. p.m. two concerts. and "Sam Stone." His songs have Angeles Mamolt Hotel The Outlaws are popular for such An announcement such as that been recorded by such accomplished songs#3i "There Goes Another Love has got to be the surprise of the musicians as John Denver, Joan Song" and "Green Grass and High year. Baez and Tammy Wynette. John Prine, a singer-songwriter Tide." Try your luck, students Tickets for the Prine concert go Tickets for the Outlaws' concert from Kentucky, will appear in on sale Feb. I. Prices are $5 for are $6 for students. COMB'S Jan's WHEEL & AXLE Flowers And Candy ^j January Sale SERVICE For Your '<* ° Full Service Garage ■ AH Dress Arrangement *• Brakes Twoallbeefpallicsspeoalsauceletlucc cheesepichtesootoosonasesameseedbui' CALL MOW s Tune Up Still under a dollar At McDonald s & where your dollar always g«*is a tvp«t>' Sport Boots ^Radiator Village Florist 623-0430 Hbftol Downtown Second St. Richmond fO v Wheel Alignment all lor W. Main St NOW ON SALE Richmond 220 W. Irvine - 623-2340 Eastern By Pas* SERVICE DIRECTORY Cabin Gun Shop

Louis D. Reeves displays one of his many hand guns. "We sell aU major brands of Classified Ads rifles, shot gum. and pistols." Hunting fire arms and IT'S EASY. FOLLOW THESE FOUR STEPS: ammunition are available. See our complete line of 1. Bring Ad To Progress Office 3. Take Form To Bursar's Window. Browning Danwesson and 2. Assessment Will Be Made 4. Return Form To Progress Office Golden Eagle. Charles Daily Smith * Western. // 's That Easy. Direct Communication With Other Students

Exchange TV SERVICE GUN SERVICE SERVICE STATION Join the Graes Root* Revolution I Nation ♦60.000 IN FOUR WEEKS - GUARAN- CABIN GUN SHOP Saving tima » Kara. Membership Faa 110 TEED - Abaolutaty Isgsl and foolproof ROOMMATES NEEDED: Ona 1*1101 or WATSON'S TV SERVICE 303 Geri Lane CHRISTIAN BULL MOOSE-FLYING TI- Sand aarf addrasaad stampad envelope to two 1*66). UtftWea included - fumtahad. Service on most Makes HAMM'S GULF Eastern By Pass GER PARTY - P.O. Box 1064. Mania. Jim Paga. Box 534 Mart in villa. N.J. Inquire at 187 Dixie Plata during evening. and models Richmond. Ky. PhUippinee fifty pe» cant commiaaion 24 Hr. Wrecker Service paid to raorultara of new mambara. 312 IRVINE STREET Louis O. Reeves Office 623-B2S0 Landadown Club wW be avaaabte for Student Checks PH 623-3272 FFL 61-11387 Home 623-1677 private party rental For more informaSon HELP WANTED - Man/ Woman! Joba - FLORIDA hotel group needs campue rapa call 606-277-3606 Monday - Friday 10 00 Eastern By Peas University Plaza Cruiaa Shipa * FraigMara. No experience. to handle spring break tripa to Deytona. 4:00 Lexington. Ky. Richmond. Ky. Phone 6230604 High payl Saa Europa, Hawaii. Australia. Earn free trip and commissions Sand FLOWER SERVICE PRINTING Et OFFICE SERVICES So. Amarics. Winter, Summerl Sand resume to Tarry Abdo. 129 See Isle Circle, • 3 85 for Info to SEAWORLD EO. Box S. Daytona. Florida 32016. 61036. Sacto.. Ce I BARGERS EXXON. Kentucky Printing Company * Archie's 263 E. Main St. 624-2424 is MADISON FLOWER SHOP Professional resume service: Ws^prepere looking for competent parsons with auto QUICK SERVldsK ' MUSIC I MUSICI Th* Sookatora now haa Present this ad for QUICK COPY - THESIS BOOKLETS resumes that unlock doors of opportunity. for pizza delivery. Apply in person Friday TIRE SALES * muaic toRoa. guitar strings, at muatc RESUMES For price Hat write Proftsalonal Raaume 2.00 p.m. ■ 4 JO p.m. 25rf off on next local Dependable Towing Service anaaaortaa, harmonicas, recorders and Service, 140 Surburban Court. Lexington. • "We'll coma out and start your car" Richmond Complete Print Shop a tot moral For your muaic needs, see us purchase • Ky. 40603. . ' EKU BYPASS Phone at tha Sookatora. . . . • . Phone A3-1601 406 E. Main Collage Path pfc. 623 0628 I wN decorate cakes for any occasion Richmond. Ky. 623-9711 Two waeon .Ttt> autographad B 6 J Quick Print "A wiz ■" tha printing Ca* 666-1646. " t -__ Ms* raccejata- for sala. Ona naar*- «•— ■jar" 211 Gari Lane, Richmond. Ky. 40476. p . Cell MarxMar 623 BUI 10 to 10.000 copies while you watt RAY BROOKS STANDARD ?-OWNS'S OFFICE SUPPLY - T > ■ p^'"*- S m BILL RICE INSURANCE AGENCY Front End Alignment Two badraom apartment for rant. ONCE -iocated m large house on Bernee MM "Your Student Health Agency" Brake Work "Office And School Supply WANTED: Student to sail specialty and Road naar Statatand SubdMaton. 'Full . •■» Tune-Up v. fund ralaliig Kama to all groupa. Good A , Office 112 Bio Hill Ave. Pnoft*) 212 Water Street caiailaif.- Partatty fumtahad including 199 E. Main Phone stove and refrigerator. Landlord prefers commsMionel Write W.H. Specialty Co.. 623-6661 Richmond. Ky. 40475 623-4366 Richmond. Ky. 236 Laffoon Drive. Frankfort. Kentucky Richmond. Ky. 623-4094 outst atudant*. Col 6234663. ' WEEKI 40001 or call 16021 696-1466. .♦

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Paaa 11/Vol. 87/No It The t—ni ftif Tkm*v. JMMHV It. 197»

'Harvard Hates America' attacks America's universities By ROB DOLLAR From his experiences at Harvard The professor turned out to be the as well as government leaders. Staff Whirr College and Harvard Business third largest donor to the candi- But the point is, it does go on, School, LeBoutillier writes of what date's campaign, a fact made according to LeBoutillier. It's been said thai "nice guys he calls the "Liberal Mind" and entirely possible by his wife's The author further emphasizes finish last," bul if John LeBoutil- "Big Business" mentalities that are inheritance as an heiress to the that it is the atmosphere at Harvard licr, author of Harvard Hales developed and thrive at Harvard, Singer Sewing Machine fortune. and other universities, which in part America has his way, (hat saying and which are taken out into the LeBoutillier writes of students help to create and allow the may one day be obsolete. world by potential leaders. receiving A's in courses for telling development of such cold attitudes LcBoutillicr maintains in his book With future leaders reportedly professors what "they want to as "let's take care of number one, that the leaders of America should spouting off remarks like "there is hear." first." be "good, honest, and well-inten- no such thing as ethics or He writes of the "insecurity" that The book hints at optimism tioned indi\iduals." moraliiy-there's just getting what he witnessed among his fellow because LeBoutillier does not only Now there's an idea that someone you want," LeBoutillier unques- students and the joining of causes condemn, bul is fresh with ideas for should have thought of sooner! tionably gets his point across. simply because they were "in" or change to help alleviate the I cBoutillicr's book is an attack Especially amusing to the college because "everybody else was doing problems thai he suggests plague on what he considers the miserable reader are some vivid descriptions of it." America. state of America's leadership, but some rather disillusioning exper- He mentions the drug scene and Harvard Hales America is a book more specifically on Harvard iences in school, known all too well his personal experience of being that should make you think, as well College, as well as to a lesser degree 10 the average collegian. assiged a roommate who was always as admire John LeBoutillier for other univcrsitites, for their failure LeBoutillier points out examples "spaced out," whenever the old having the guts to write about what to produce honorable leaders. of professors tailoring class courses fellow happened to be conscious, has probably crossed the minds of The author claims that nothing is to fit their own personal ideologies, that is. main Americans. wrong with the people or system of as well as to correlate with course After reading these amusing LeBoutillier still has the idealism America, bul that the real threat to textbooks, which often were coinci- experiences, one begins to wonder if and devoted love of country that has our country is represented in the dcntly written by the professor ihe author was joshing about having made America the nation thai it it, leaders from every sector of our himself. graduated from Harvard and but which unfortunately many of us society, many of whom are Harvard The examples of hypocrisy are instead may have actually attended have lost. trained. illustrated quite well, especially the sonic state college or perhaps even Granted these arc serious charges, incident of the world-renowned Eastern. He simply won't accept the notion especially since they come from a 25 professor who was totally in favor Surds, this type of behavior or professed reality that "it's a cold > ear-old recent Harvard graduate, of a 100 per cent inheritance tax doesn't occur at Harvard, the and cruel world out there." bul ihe scary part is, they seem to advocated by his particular candi- institution thai has given us the Thank God, there's still some make sense. date for president. largest number of U.S. Presidents, people left who wear a white hat! Hogan's With latest album Only the shadow knows •—■'•«"»•—•» Heroes Dr. Dan Robinette, associate professor of speech and theatre arts, Summer reigns as disco queen looks on at the tryouts for the University play "The Shadow Box." The cast includes the usual regulars and standbys in the theatre department. "MacArthur Park." fantastic song. By DON MCNAY Quiz The cast includes: Karl Heifner, Lowell Massey, Leslie Truman, Rich Staff Writer The live section of the album Summer is not the type of Benson, Janet Berry, J. D. Sutton, John Mornini, Kathy Morris, and contains most of Summer's biggest performer who is at her best on a Questions: Anita Lenhart. The understudy is Bob Lee. The play is scheduled for Donna Summer's Live and More hits. It contains a shortened version live album. The kind of background 1. What game show host was a Feb. 21-24 at 7:30 p.m. in Gifford Theatre. album has become the biggest selling of "Love to Love You Baby" which support that she needs makes her regular on "Hogan's Heroes?" record in the nation. This is a tribute is not bad, bul not quite as good as more suited to the studio rather than 2. What soap opera star was a IO the rising appeal of disco music, the long version. On the other hand, a live set. However, the album is former member of "Hogan's DiMaggio's photography and to the fact that Live and More "I Fell Love" is stretched out into excellent from the standpoint that Heroes?" might be the best collection of disco infinity as Summer introduces her most of Summer's best songs are all 3. What murdered person was the featured in exhibit music since the soundtrack from band during the song. contained on one album. star of "Hogan's Heroes?'! The work of Joe DiMaggio will be DiMaggio First became interested Saturday Night Fever was released. The best songs on the album are Donna Summer is the undisputed 4. What was Sergeant Schultz's real name? featured in the Giles Gallery of the Live and More has a very unusual "I Love You" and "Last Dance." queen of disco music. It seems as Campbell Building each day from concept. The first three sides of the "I Love You" sounds every bit as though every song on Live aid More How many escapes were made in photography when he was 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. each night. nine-years-old and has been in- double-album set are a recording of good as her original version; "Last has the potential to become a hit from Stalag 13? DiMaggio's work consists of volved with photography ever since. Summer in concert. The last side is a Dance" is not done as well as on the single. IJve and More is a chance for 6. Who won the war? series of songs done in a studio soundtrack of Thank God lit one to hear the best music of the Answers: photographic art. He has had photo He is considered one of the finest setting. The studio songs are set to Friday. Still, the live version does most versatile disco performer See next week's Prog for the essays appearing in Playboy, Sports photographers in America today. Illustrated and Sport. the theme of Summer's latest hit not lake much away from this today. answers. The exhibit is free Monday National Opera Company * DELIVERY PERSONNEL hmm 29 7;30 WANTED In '4.50 Per Hour Guaranteed

Domino* Pizza is now hiring Delivery Personnel. "LA 20 positions available immediately. Must have reliable car with insurance, be able to work nights, weekends, BOHEME" and hustle during the rush. Starting wage $3.00 per hour, plus mileage, plus bonus, plus tips, but $4 JO per University hour guaranteed after initial 1 week training period. Apply in person. Domino's Pizza, 119 S. Collins, Center Board (across from the Beer and Bull) after 4:00 p.m. Only Presentation those willing to work need apply! Advancement to Brock manager trainee available if desired. Auditorium Open To The Public SUB CENTER TRY OUR NEW SERVING OUTRAGEOUS SANDWICHES "TOSS ALL YOU WANT" W. THIRD EAT IN AND TAKE OUT MAIN ST. FREE DELIVERY SALAD BAR $139 FREE DELIVERY 624-2435 REGULAR SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Intafeaa Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, CIMOM SANDWICHES Saatonlna and our own Top Sacral DreeMne. Sarved on wnita. Rya or WhoU WhM! BrtH. Ltiiuci, Tomato, Mayo. Ml XL!)...... 1.45...... 2.10 Muttard or Onion on HAM ...... ••••••...... 1.45...... ••••2.10 (laquaat. 10c extra SALAMI (Genoa) ...... ;... 1.46 2.10 ROAST BEEF. v—1-24 . ROAST BEEF...... *1.45 2.10 TURKEY. .1.24 TURKEY. 1.45. 2.10 HAM «1-24 LIVERWORST. 1.45. 2.10 HAM & CHEESE...... L34 TUNA.„ 1.45 ...... 2.10 SALAMI (Genoa) .1-24 CHEESE 1.45. 2.10 SALAMI St CHEESE .1.34" LIVERWORST. 1.14 WEIGHT WATCHERS SPECIAL TUNA SALAD...... I....1.24 v'ftlEJ THING" A CHEF'S CHEESE .....'...... 1.14 Portlona of Hoaataaaf. Ham, Turkay, Salami and Swtia Cnaaaa on a Md of Lettuce and. Tomato . .tea* aaal your CMtca of ' v SIDE ORDERS ,■ \ - . ■* ** i Htwt: HOURS i »-IV.J» COFFEE...... •••••••••«•••• •£' M0N-THUR ...... 10am to* 12 pm ASSORTED CHIPS...... Ji DELIVERY Eastern By-Pass HOT pepa*ens«...... ^a FRI-SAT...... :...... lOarn to 2pm _ 11-11:30 Frf. k S.I. KOSHEL PICKLE SLICI...... ».., •»* MINIMUM' $1.75 CHILI...... i( ■•* SUNDAY „ ..... 4pm to 12pm TOSSED SALAD... i...... <4» — P«t> 12/Vol. 57/No. 16 Tha Eastern ^igmi Thuraday. JanMiry 18. 1979

Foster Regents denounce squelches (Continued from page one) funds and the University budget had to Duggins counting on for the rest of this fiscal be cut. year. "We had to cut the budget then but we Any cut that would occur this year made it." Powell said rumor would be small. The plans for next year"s budget are By SARAH WARREN The most that could be affected by the going on as scheduled, though Newt Editor time legislation is enacted would be Rumors that the Student Senate was around 40 per cent. "If there are decisions by the legislature this spring we will in- investigating former Senate President A fiscal year for the University runs Mike Duggins' use of Senate funds has from July 1 until June 30. There are less corporate them in our thinking on the budget." Powell said been squelched by current President than six months left of the current fiscal Steve Foster. year "We are going ahead with our internal "We are in no way looking into the V If there were cutbacks on this budget budget on the assumption that the ap- actions of Mike Duggins," Foster said. ■ lhey would be in the form of non- propriations will come." Powell said. It would be nearly impossible for personnel items, according to Powell. The final budget for the fiscal year anybody in the Senate to acquire funds "No personnel will lose their jobs," 1979-1900 will be completed by middle or without detection by the University Powell said. The cutbacks would be late March, according to Powell. because all checks and withdrawals made in "the purchase of equipment, must be made jointly with University for example." "We hope we know something by then officials, he added. Powell pointed out that in the mid Right now all we know is what we read Foster said a question had arisen over 1960s the state could not realize enough in the newspapers." Powell said an incident which occurred when Duggins made a trip to Washington, DC. for a student government con- vention Duggins supposedly drove to the Telford lot convention and took a plane home, leaving his car with some students from the University of Kentucky to drive ready for use back. One student was trying to contact Duggins. he said, concerning some gas By SARAH WARREN park' for 30-minute time spans, said monev. News Editor Lindquist, and were installed to help The new parking lot below Telford those who must make quick stops for Hall on Madison and Kit Carson Drives one reason or another. G. M. Brock is now ready for use. According to "They are not designed for people Thomas Undquist, director of the going to class" or for all-day parking, dies (Rw*o by STEVE BROWN) Department of Safety, the lot is not said Lindquist. "That would destroy Dozin' on the job completely painted and striped but their value." there is no objection to cars parking in G M Brock, retired comptroller Glen Brock of the Jim Ross Construction of Richmond has certainly one of the worst. Mr. Brock is engaged in clearing it. Meter violators will be fined $2 for whose career on campus spanned more the parking lot by the AC. CoUiseum "There are no lines, so try to use as than half a centry died last week. handled a lot of messy jobs but a slush-laden campus is every hour over. Lindquist said they His 51-year career spanned the much common sense when parking as didn't want the fine excessive in case possible," advised Undquist. tenures of four presidents and included The lot is zone B. residence hall one couldn't make it back in time but a stint as operator of a motion picture parking only. didn't want the fine so cheap that people series for students that began in 1935 Where did we put that proposal? Undquist also said new meters have park at the meters all day. and continued for several years after his but just an example of some of the been installed around the dormitories If the parking meters are effective, retirement. By SARAH WARREN to advertise rides needed or offerred to problems the Senate has in ac- and in almost every parking lot. said Lindquist. more of them may be Brockton, a married student housing Newt Editor and from school. complishing even minor tasks. The meters will allow individuals to installed later. complex, was named in his honor some "Happy anniversary," announced After leaving the Senate last year the years ago. "Brockton," said Powell, Student Senate President Steve Foster proposal went, as usual, to President "insures that his memory shall always and Vice President-Student Regent J.C. Powell's office. It was then ap- remain alive at Eastern." John Cooper to a baffled Student Senate proved and sent to Chad Middleton's "He will be remembered as a truly Tuesday night. Department of Building and Grounds, remarkable man because of his many "It was one year ago today that we where it evidently disappeared. talents and great dedication to his work passed our rider's service board So the Senate tried, again. , at Eastern. < proposal," said Foster as he revealed a This time the proposal also went to a line-covered blackboard that looked like subcommittee within the Senate and a road map of New York City. then to the subcommittee's chairman. Riders service board? Skip Uaugherty, who was on sebatical at Optlaws That's what the Student Senate said, the time. BHI ■ too. Somewhere along the way. It was concert You see, Foster and Cooper weren't approved by Powell's office again and really celebrating the passage of the resent to Middleton's office. Foster said proposal. nobody knows where the proposal is confirmed The ironic celebration actually now. (Continued from page one) marked a year's passage since the "If it takes a little time to get your proposal was first sent through the proposals through, here's why," said A three percent reduction in the total University's "proper channels." Foster as the Senators laughed or shook budget would mean a $1.35 million The proposal called for a "rider's their heads in disgust. cutback in the University's annual $45 service board" to be built - a type of Foster later said this proposal really million budget, he said. bulletin board for students who wanted typical of proposals sent by the Senate, Steve Foster, Senate president, also expressed concern at the meeting over the proposed establishment of an ad- visory committee that was to unof- Committee ficially represent students on the state's Council on Higher Education (CHE) grants refunds According to Foster, the committee (Continued from page one) and leave their flashers on. it doesn't was to be composed of student govern- mean anything," be said. .ment presidents and was to work with The greatest number of tickets are Harry Snyder. president of the CHE given when students park on a red or "I've yet to be notified by Mr. Snyder yellow curb and, Brown said, the Safety Most appeals granted last semester Department is also "really tough" on went to persons who received tickets at that I've been appointed to this com- people parking in the middle of a lot. the beginning of the school year for mittee," he said much less when it's narking without a permit or to those who goint to meet." A few are given to those who park Foster said he thinks Snyder merely illegally in spaces reserved for the had received two tickets in a 24-hour promised formation of the committee to handicapped. A good number are also period. appease demands for student given to people parked illegally, A faculty member was granted an representation on the CHE. sometimes in fire zones, who have left appeal for parking out of zone in the The Senate readopted a resolution in their emergency flashers on. Martin lot instead of the Weaver lot. support of student representation on the "Someone has got the idea that you Brown said the committee has iPfioto By STEVE BROWN) can use your flashers and get away with recommended to Safety that the throe CHE. parking illegally," said Brown. But "its faculty parking zones be abolished and Cold duck "Representation is something we feel not permitted at all; it's not in the Keral parking established for all The law enforcement department of the University Is the Stratton Building but not to learn. Ducks just like to swim that we need," said Cooper, " something regulations anywhere. ilty. just as general parking now widely reknown and students from across the nation come to around and quack alot, but with the weather lately these the Student Government Association of "Students park out here for two hours exists for all students. learn in the Si ration Building. These ducks also have come to fowls have had to ice skate. Kentucky has been working on." ENTER THE BANNER CONTEST Jan. 20th Spirit Day The 1:30 Game Will Be Televised On WKYT-TV-27

Pom • Pom« Will Bf Given At The Door. Come Early

? 1st PLACE $50 * Any Resident Hall 2nd PLACE $25 Or Organization On Campus Register Banner 12 Noon Saturday At The Student Door 4 3rd PLACE $25

1 mtmrnrnmrnM A Supplement to the Eastern Progress presented as a service to its readers

• :• January 18. 1979

Spring semester full of campus activities for students SUNDAY B» NANCY SPENCER meeting will be held Jan. 24 at 0:30 p.m. (ABC) SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE: 9:00 PM E.S.T., P.S.T. Staff Writer in the Kennamer Room - 8:00 PM C.S.T., M.S.T. For those who enjoy watching "The Longest Yard" 1974 Bu't Reynolds Eddie Albert It's now how you play the game that counts but whether you The semester is now off to a good start basketball games, the Colonels will host win or. lose, when a team ol convicts are given a once-in-a-life • with plenty Of activities planned The Tennessee Tech. at 1:30 p.nV on sentence chance to tackle their oppressive prison guards in nine sororities will be sponsoring open Saturday a football tree-tor-all (R) houses on Jan 22 and Jan. 23 for any "The One and Only" starring Henry young lady interested in Greek life. Winkler will be presented in the tll(CBS) SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE 9:00 PM E.ST. Auditions for the Eastern Dance University film series on Thursday. P.S.T. 8:00 PM C.S.T.. M.S.T. Theatre will be held Tuesday. Jan. 23 Friday and Saturday. Black Sunday 1977 Robert Shaw Bruce Dern A fanatical and Thursday. Jan 25 at 6 p.m. And. for And for those students who enjoy band of political terrorists hold the fate ot thousands ol those students who are musically in- watching television, there will be some Super Bowl spectators clined, auditions for "Summer Sounds" good shows on this week. Hurl Reynolds MONDAY will be held Sunday. Jan 21 at 4 p.m. in will be starring in "The longest Yard" roster 3U0. Sunday night on the ABC Sunday Night (NBC) MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: 9:30 PM For students interested in becoming Movies at 9 p.m. And. although George E.S.T. - 8:30 PM C.S.T. involved with politics, the Young Hurns is actually only 83. he will " "Institute For Revenge' 1979 Ray Walston George Democrats will hold a meeting Monday. celebrate his 100th birthday Tuesday. Hamilton A man who was cheated out of his lite savings by a swindler contacts the head of the Institutes crack Jan 22 at 8 p.m. Also, for any student Jan 23 on CBS. Watch CBS on Jan 23 for George investigative team who in turn plots the destruction ot the interested in becoming a big sister or So settle back and enjoy the week with notorious con man. a prime IFR target for years Burns' 100th Birthday party' brother toa child with only one parent, a all the activities TUESDAY ^____ (CBS) TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIES: 8:00 PM E.S.T.. 8:15 p.m. Lexington Philharmonic. Monday Jan. 22 P.S.T. • 7:00 PM C.S.T.. M.S.T. Today Jan. 18 Lexington Opera House "Bugsy Malont" 1976 Jodie Foster Scott Baio An all-kid cast presents a spool of the Roaring Twenties, movie » p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema 5:15 p.m. EKU women's basketball vs musicals and gangster pictures 4:30 p.m. ALE meeting. Kennamer 10 p.m. Movie "The One And Only." Kentucky. Alumni Coliseum. (NBC) BIG EVENT: 8:00 PM E.S.T.. P.S.T. - 7:00 PM Room Powell Building Pearl Buchanan Theater 7 p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema. • p.m. EKU Dance Theater open C.S.T.. M.S.T. 7 p.m. Movie "Mac Arthur," Pearl "Midway" 1976 Cturlton Heston. Henry Fonda A panoramic technique class. Weaver Dance Theater Buchanan Theater. dr.ima about the crucial World War II battle for superiority • p.m. Society lor Collegiate Journalists 7:30 p.m. EKU men's basketball vs. in the Pacific in whi< h the U S fleet dealt the Japanese navy ils worst defeat of the war and opened the way to an meeting. Room A. Powell Building Saturday Jan. 20 1 111.11111 Alumni Coliseum eventual American victory (R) 7 p.m. Movie Oliver's Story." Towne 8 p.m. Young Democrats meeting. Room Cinema 1:30 p.m. EKU men's basketball vs C. Powell Building WEDNESDAY ' I 7:311 p.m. EKU women's basketball vs Tennessee Tech. Alumni Coliseum, » p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema. (NBC) WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: 8:00 PM Louisville. Alumni Coliseum televised game^| 9:30 p.m. Movie "Mac Arthur." Pearl E.S.T.. P.S.T. - 7:00 PM C.S.T.. M.S.T. 7 :30-9p.ni. No smoking Clinic. Room B. "Mandrake" 1979 Anthony Herrera. Robert Reed The 5:15 p.m. EKU women's basketball vs Buchanan Theater. comic book magician Mandrake comes to life and uses his Powell Building Tennessee Tech. Alumni Coliseum special powers to combat a power-crazed madman with ar> H p.m. Movie "The One And Only." Pearl 7 p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema army ot mind controlled robots, who is blackmailing tycoon Tuesday Jan. 23 Raymond Arkadian >s engaged in espionage and sabotage Buchanan Theater Kp.m. Movie "The One And Only," Pearl and may be responsible tor the disappearance of a renowned 8:15 p.m. Lexington Philharmonic. Buchanan Theater s p.m. EKU Dance Theater auditions, research scientist Lexington Opera House Weaver Dance Studio. » p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema FRIDAY • pin Movie "Olivers Story." Towne to p.m. Movie "The One And Only." 7 p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema. Cinema Pearl Buchanan Theater. 7 p.m. Movie "Two Minute Warning," (ABC) FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE: 9:00 PM E.S.T.. P.S.T. - 8:00 PM C.S.T.. M.S.T. 10 p.m. Movie "The One And Only." 12 midnight Movie "Two Minute War- Pearl Buchanan Theater. Pearl Buchanan Theater ning," Pearl Buchanan Theater » p.m. Movie •Magic," Towne Cinema. SATURDAY * p.m. Movie 'Two Minute Warning," (PBS) MOVIE THEATRE: 10:30 AM E.S.T., P.S.T. - 9:30 Pearl Buchanan Theater. AM C.S.T.. M.S.T. Sunday Jan. 21 "Battleship Pottmkln" 1925 Alexander Antonov Grieory Wednesday Jan. u Alexandrov The heroic mutiny of Russian sailors in 1905 Friday Jan. is 2 p.m. Lexington Philharmonic (R) Children's Performance, Lexington Opera 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Placement Day for R.A.'s, Powell Building - Jaggers Room for men; (CBS) SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIES: 9:00 PM E.S.T., 7 p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema House. P.S.T. - 8:00 PM C.S.T., M.S.T. 4 p.m. Auditions for Summer Sounds. Kennamer Room for women. "Murder by Natural Cau~»" 1979 Hal Holbrook. Katharine 7:30-»p.m. No Smoking Clinic. Room B. 7 p.m. Movie "Magic," Towne Cinema. Ross An apparently devoted wife is actually planning her Powell Building Room 300. Foster Building husband's death by causing a malfunction in the pacemaker 7 p.m. Movie "Two Minute Warning," he wears for his ailing heart \ 8 p.m. EKU Men's Gymnastics vs. 7 p.m. Movie "Magic." Towne Cinema. 7 p.m. Movie "Mac Arthur." Pearl Pearl Buchanan Theater. Southeast Missouri and Northern 7:3* p.m. Coal-Energy Club meeting, (NBC) SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: 9:00 PM Michigan. Alumni Coliseum. Auxiliary Buchanan Theater E.S.T.. P.S.T. • 8:00 PM C.S.T.. M.S.T. Combs Building, Room 219. "The Sentinel" 1977 Cnstma Raines. Chris Sarandon A New Gym. 9 p.m. Movie "Magic," Towne Cinema. 9:30 p.m. Movie "Mac Arthur." Pearl t p.m Movie "Magic," Towne Cinema. York model unwittingly becomes involved in mysterious 8 p.m. Movie "The One And Only." Pearl 9 p.m. Movie "Two Minute Warning. religious practices and. in spite of all attempts by her Buchanan Theater Buchanan Theater boyfriend, she is claimed by eerie powers and made the sentinel at the Gates ot Hell

-. Public Radio 88.9


Today Jan. II Friday J». II

t:OOAM -JOURNAL 5 15 FM — AFTERNOON REPORT I 00 AM - JOUftNAi tMPM - THE BEST OF See Moodiy. 8O0 AM lor complete 12 30 PM - POTPOURRI OF CLASSICS Sea Monday. S.1S PM lor complete See Monday 6 00 AM Co* complete WEKU-FMs Loy Lee -osts Itug daily OL0 TIME RADIO program description program description prograTi description concert which include* nittoriCM -no * pri-seniation of one »i tin , MO AM — OPTIONS m EDUCATION 0'jgraphn.a. o<«Ct>g'Ui<'*'l -it-jut '1 :n* DKJ 'ntx' 'aoto .-■*>.)• 41' ii This award-winning program from 5:10 PM - CURTAIN TIME • 00 AM - OPTIONS ■*'uSiC and Coniooser« 8e.;ir,oinj »l' jnt- National Public Radio n a last paced Each weeknight Curtain Time presents See Monday 9 00 AM 'or complete IhiS new M-Json Lt. y • ■•ite* HOjOjtfM the entire soundtract or original cast raport on numerous aipacls ol edu- program 3esci.pt.on i This is not a to write aind request ine>' "a. oraai -Wrfca 7 00 PM -ILIM N ASNER cational practicaa. innovations and recording of a motion picture or stage repeat of earlier program* i Write to WEKU-FM Eastern Kentuciiy musical Highlights •^•e Monday JO p*iV ?... jniversity flif.hn,or«d Keiiuchy 404 i*5 MOgjM>ni Description 1:30 AM FOUNDATION OF 10-00 AM - BOSTON SYMPHONY — Little Mary Sunshine Original cast r AMERICAN NATIONALISM (Naw Program) The world renowned BostO Syn: 3 30 PM - JUST JAZZ 1 tS PM — CONVERSATIONS Eminent histonan Henry Steele Com- • ■30 FM - SARRY CRAIQ. phony |Oms WEKU-FM* fine-ijp ..• See Monday 3 30 PM lor complete A 'ifjf^l ol tt i| jltPrrtoon* pi ..a mager examines the period between PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR accomplished svmpnony orcnestia* program description ■*-•*■ Monuav . uo noon 1780 and tito when the institutional presenting iive-or-tap** concerts of ■ igt 4*~ ?»**criplion groundwork ol American nationalism One ol the leaaVunners ol Harry-C Rocklord and all the other television the t97ft-79 season ill PM - TMC AFTERNOON REPORT was being laid With lively discussions. See Monday 5 M> PM tor complete 7 10 PM - NSC UNIVERSITY THtATER Commager and guests present in- private eyes, this series Irom radios Golden Age presents the many ad- 12 00 PM - CONVERSATIONS program description • New P'-jgra-r-. A '<".r>s pf poi • ■•■ sights and observations about the ventures ol Barry Craig See Monday t2 00 noon to. umpiete -•• coniempoijjiy Ertqash arr«gina< cast • 30 FM - JAZZ UNLIMITED musical works, taken Irom the Ro- See Monday 7 00 P« lor complete Set? Monday 12 >} PM io* compici< recording ji a motion pirt.ire or stage See Monday I JO PM • program description program descnption mantic. Baroque. Classical and other program description musical periods 7:15 FM - CONVERSATIONS A repeat of this afternoon s program 11-00 FM - CONVERSATIONS Sea Monday. 12 00 noon lor complete Monday Jan. 22 See Monday. 12 00 noon tor complete program description program description • 00 AM — JOURNAL KM FM - THE MID-OAY REPORT Bringing People the news requires •earner and sports gathered by the the entire soundtrack or origins cast See Monday. 12 15 PM lot complete 7 30 PM - A LOOK AT . more than a five-minute newscast at staff of United Press International recording of a motion picture o' stage the top of the hour It requires a program description This weekly topical interview program National Public Radio and WEKU-FM s musical hosted by Ron Smith does exactly what thorough examination of internal tonal, own news and public affairs team its name says It takea A Look-Ai any national, regional and local events 12:10 FM — POTPOURRI OF CLASSICS number of newsworthy topics, currant we#tner and sports l»«l- NSC UNIVERSITY THEATER WEKUFMI Loy Lee hosts this daily 1130 PM - POTPOURRI OF CLASSICS events and interesting people (Naw Program) A series of productions concert which includes historical and tOO AM - OPTIONS WEKU-FM s Loy Lee hosts this' daily This series from National Public Radio concert which includes historical and ot contemporary English and American biographical background about the fiction music and compoaers Highlights • 00 FM — INQUIRY presents a variety of different topics biographical background annul the The modem world is a complex place. in a variety of different ways music and composers -PISTON The Incredible Flutist Ballet 7 00 PM - LUM N ABNER morally and ethically The EKU Campus 3 30 PM — JUST JAZZ Suite Ministers Association takes a look at Recordings 01 one of the most remem- MOZART Symphony «36 in C. K 42S Bane. Benson. Byrd. Ellington Mann currant world and local issues from a IN TE R N A TI ON AL C ONCE R T H AL L bered ot all Old Time radio cornedies. Um This series from National Public Radio Brubeck. Montgomery. Tiader. Wiei- moral point of view starring Chef Lauck as Lum ana Morris VIVALOI The 4 Seasons presents recorded- live concerts from all burg the list goes on and on — and Qotf as Abnar CHOPIN Preludes. Opus 28 over the word so does the |irz on this daily IUI pro- •JO FM — JAZZ UNLIMITED gram hosted by Loy Lee 3 30 PM - JUST JAZZ 12:00 PM - CONVERSATIONS MS PM — CONVERSATIONS Sea Monday. 330 PM lor complete Saa Monday. 8 30 PM for complete A repeat ol this afternoon s program program description There is an endless variety of interesting S:1S PM — TMt AFTERNOON REPORT program description people in and around the Central Sea Monday. 12 00 noon lor complete A 15-minute summary ot the day s inter- program description Kentucky are*. Corh^rsaffona brings national, national and regional/local these people to you wrth informal dis- news, gathered by National Public • 30 PM — JAZZ UNLIMITED cussions with and about those people Radio. United Press International and Saturday Jan. 20 and what they are doing Three and a hall hours of the very oesi in the WEKU-FM news and public affaire tazz — traditional contemporary, team • 00 AM — PROJECT WEEKEND - BEETHOVEN Fidefro withGwyneth »l:1S PM — THE MID DAY REPORT progressive and avant garde styles plus frequent profiles ol new an! Out- Watte up with us and our weekend Jones Edith Mathis and Theo Adam A 15-Minute summary of international 5.30 PM — CURTAIN TIME morning prMentation of light >azi with Karl Bohm conducting the Leipzig nabonal. and regionaJ/local news Each weeknight Curtain Tima presents standing albums and musicians news. »veather and special features Radio Choir and the Dresden Stale Orchestra thOO AM — OPTIONS 430 PM- Tuesday Jan. te See Monday. 000 AM tor complete THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT 1:00 AM — JOURNAL program description This is not a A varied selection ol everyone s lavonla • 30 PM — YOU BET YOUR LIFE repeat of earlier programs music trom stage and silver screen Sea Monday. 8 00 AM lor complete 12:1S - THE MID DAY REPORT program descnption See Monday 12 is PM lor complete 7he most irreverent ol the /any Man 7 JO FM - EARPLAY TS (Return) program description Brothers Groucho greets and "ecfcles 10:00 AM — CHICAGO SYMPHONY An all-new season ol contemporary contestants on this hilarious quiz t 00 AM — NATIONAL PRESS Live-on-tape recordings of the re- radio drama produced especially lor 1230 PM - POTPOURRI OF CLASSICS show trom tatavision s golden age nowned Chicago Symphony Orches- CLU0) LUNCHEONS public radio Highlights The National Press Club in Washing WEKU-FM s loy Lee hosts this daily tra s 1978-79 t ton is noted lor its interesting and concert which includes historical and — Culler by Robert Ingham entertaining luncheon speakers biographical background about the 7:1» PM - CONVERSATIONS IfcSS PM — THE GREAT OPERAS music and composers A repeat of this afternoons program Loy Lee hosts this presentation of one 1IM0 AM — TOSCANfNI: 330 PM - JUST JAZZ See Monday. 12 00 noon tor complete of the) world's greet operas, includ- 1:30 PM - SOUL S.VJTUGMT THE MAN BEHIND THE LEGEND progresn description A funky mixture ol disco RIB. and iau Saa Monday. 3 30 PM lor complete ing background on the storyline and 11:00 AM — MUSIC OF THE program description production of the work music from the latest hit singles and albums ITALIAN MASTERS (New Program) Produced by NPR Memoir Station »:« P* - THE AFTERNOON REPORT 7:30 PM - VOICES IN THE WIND KOEO-FM In San Francnco. this series See Monday. 5 15 PM lor complete Writers, painters actors, poets presents a paajaafjaa of delightful program description musicaris. sculptors - artists of sil Sunday Jm 21 music and wformallve commentary. kinds are interviewed on this weekly focusing on the greatest ol the Italian •30 PM — CURTAIN TIME arts magazine from National PuDlic 838 AM — PROJECT WEEKEND 3.-00 PM - JAZZ IT UP Each weeknight Curtain Tima presents Wake up wrth us and our weekend A weakly presentation ol big band! compoaers Radio, hosted by Oscar Brand the entire soundtrack or original cast p morning presentation ol light |aiz. swing music along wrth Dixieland. 12*0 PM - CONVERSATIONS recording ol a motion picture or stage •30 M — JAZZ UNLIMITED news, weather, and special tenures and contemporary big bands See Monday. 12 00 noon lor complete musical See Monday. 8 30 PM lor complete program description program description »:30PM - MUSIC Of THE t-aa AM OPTIONS •LACK CHURCH (New Program) See Monday. 9 00 AM lor complete This naw aanaa from NPR highlights program deecoption. This a not a the rich heritage of music m traditional Wednesday Jm 24 repeat ol earlier programs black church experience, erriphaalgavfl !«• AM - JOURNAL Ova 111 menu) of origin, history, style 12:08 PM - CONVERSATIONS 838 PM — SHORT STORY peieonoHuea and critical anaryws Saa Monday. 600 AM tor complete See Monday. 12 00 Noon A series of hall-hour dramatizations, program descnption 12 15 PM — THE MSB DAY REPORT based on short stories by such aulriors Another rousing season ol New York 7:30 PM - SATUROAY* CHILD Saa Monday. 12 IS PM as Faulkner Hugo. Thurber Poe Phienormonic performance*, recorded (New Program) In the days before IICUI OPTIONS M EDUCATION live-on-lape during the 1878-79 season radio and Hlnilejon brought instant Thrs award vnnmng program from 1X38 PM - FOTTnOLfRRI OF CLASSICS Wf-.KU-f M s Loy Law hosts this deny 738 PM — LUM -N ASNER srstsrlalnmant into MM) howl, people National Public Radio is a last-paced Saa Iwonday. 700 PM for complete 1240 FM — JAZZ AUVB concert which includes historical and Thai excellent series Irom National amused therwaaliaa by teaming to report on numerous aspects ol edu program description caiionei practicaa and innovations biographical background about the Public Radio offers recordeo-live and teHing stories Theee tales. music and compoaers |an performances from alt ewer Hie naw by popuaat authors, •at AM _ F OU NO A T K>N OF Ml PM — CONVERSATIONS country. ancient that their origins Ms* been AMERICAN NATIONALISM I New Program I 3:30 PM - JUST JAZZ A repeat of fhw afternoons program forgotten — travel ad across countries. Eminent nisionan Henry steele Com Saa Monday. 3 30 PM lor complete Saa Monday. 1200 noon tor complete '» PM JAZZ FIRSTS •JO PM - FOLK FESTIVAL. USA mager eseminee the oeriod between program description program descnption LoyLew present, and comments on National Public Radios highly ac- 17S0 ana 1*10 when the institutional *'• P*> - THE AFTERNOON REPORT 738 PM - EVENING JOURNAL selections from new |au recordings claimed weekly series of irve on Tap* groundwork ol American nationalism whicfi are "Hot off the presses See Monday 6 IS PM for complete Thai spin-off' ol our weekday morning folk, blues and Muegraot teelrval was being laid program description program. Journal, presents a collection 2:10 PM - JAZZ REVISITED performances trom virtually all of the ol Behmd-the-News features, inter- SO states This National Public Radio series 1030 AM - GRAND PIANO ,Return, •38 PM - CURTAIN TIME views, news and analysis hosted by fiuen Shoemacher. pre- 0:30 PM - WOMINSOUNOi A new season of programs "rom NPR Each weeknight Curtain Time presents presenting bYfh accomplished and sents and evaluates the early years ol (Naw Program) What is woman's the entire soundtrack or original cast 830 - JAZZ UNLIMITED recorded tin. from 1917-1947 music'' Trie bottom line of course is promising pia-nats -n concert and recording of a motion picture or stage See Monday. 8 30 PM for complete that it is music performed by women competition musical ' program description 18-79 W4sT?J



on the Pace Exam application Please you have not filed credentials, it is PLACEMENT INTERVIEW direct any questions to the Division of Thurs. Feb. i maintained by the Division, but cannot be Career Development ft Placement. 319 PROCEDURES released on your behalf without your 1. All interviews will be held in the Thurs., Feb. 1 - U.S. MARINE CORPS - Jones Bldg Phone 622-2765 As Listed Above consent. Division of Career Development & If you student taught Fall semester, and Thurs., Feb 1 - BOB EVANS FARMS Placement, 319 Jones Building. would like this document released on your FOODS. INC. 2. Students who wish to schedule in- behalf but do not have credentials on file United Way program Positions: Retail Food Management terviews must sign-up in person at the with our office, we encourage you to stop Division Office, 319 Jones Bldg Monday- Trainees The United Way Intern Program is a one by and sign a statement of release year program to prepare individuals for a ' Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Qualifications: All Majors and Degrees 4. The minimum requirement for interested in Food Service Careers. progressional career in the United Way scheduling an interview is the completion field Duties would include social planning, and filing of a data sheet which is available Career exam budgeting, fund raising, and com in the Division Office, 319 Jones Bldg munications A bachelors degree is Summer jobs U.S. GOVERNMENT PROFESSIONAL & required Interested individuals should The U.S. Government summer job an- ADMINISTRATIVE CAREER EXAM write (or applications I for the June 1979 Interviews nouncement 414 and applications are iPACE) intern group' to: Mrs Ann Loper. Ad available in the Division of Career The next and last time the tPACE I ministrative Coordinator. Personnel Development & Placement, 319 Jones EXAM will be given until November 1979. Development Division. United Way of Tues.. Jan. 23 - Ohio Casualty Group. Bldg. The majority of application is scheduled for Saturday. March 24. 1979 America. 801 North Fan-fax Street. Tues., Jan. 23 - Cincinnati Public Schools deadlines are between January 15 - March This written exam is required for most Alexandria VA 22314. 17031 836-7100. ext and Thurs., Jan. 25 - Square D Company - 15 depending on the agency and or position entry level positions with the Federal 268 Deadline for returning completed As Listed in Pipeline 1-9-79 government Bachelor's or higher degrees applications .for the June 1979 intern Tues. and Wed. - American Hospital DANIEL BOONE NATIONAL FOREST candidates are eligible to take the exam groupi is March 2. 1979 Additional in- Supply - Rescheduled from Jan. 30 and 31 SUMMER FOREST SERVICE which will be given on the EKU campus for formation, including brochures on the to Feb. 13 and 14. 1979 Positions: Forestry Biological the first time. Candidates can also program, is available in the CD ft P Career Technicians. Group Aids and Group schedule to take the exam at other Information Resource Library. 319 Jones U.S. MARINE CORPS locations. Bldg Positions: Officer appointments are Leaders. Pay Ranges: $4.02 85.05 per hour A qualifying score of 70 is required to be available as Pilots, Infantry, Artillery. placed on the employment eligibility Military Police, Corrections, Intelligence. Application Deadline: January 31. 1979 Job campaign -Additional information can be secured in roster. Due to the intense competition for Supply. Finance and Judge Advocate. most positions, scores in The 90's will be •Oneof the first steps in organizing a job Qualifications: All majors interested in the Division of Career Development & Placement. 319 Jones Building necessary for placement with the majority campaign is the development of a career opportunities. of agencies who hire from the employment credential packet which will be used to Note: Special Marine Officer Training roster. , introduce an applicant to a prospective Program for Underclass Students Beginning Monday. January 22. 1979. the employer In order to assist students in the Platoon Leader Class (PLC) Student teachers Pace Exam application to schedule you a establishment of credentials, the process Most school administrators agree that, seat for the exam can be picked up in the is initiated when an individual registers Sign up for personal interviews, 319 other than the actual interview, an ap- Division of Career Development & with the CD ft P Office Completion of the Jones Bldg. General information booth plicant's student teaching evaluation is the Placement. 319 Jones Bldg. between the data sheet serves as a bask informational available outside Grill area - Powell Bldg most essential element in the employment hours of 8a.m. - 4:30 p.m All applications document, which when supplemented with Jan 30 - Feb 1, 1979. screening process for teaching positions are to be returned to the above address by letters of recommendation, a transcript Upon completion of student teaching, the Thursday. February 22 which is the ap- and a resume, creates an effective Wed. Jan. 31 EVALUATION FORM FOR STUDENT plication deadline for the PACE EXAM credential packet May and August 1979 TEACHING is forwarded to the Division of The time and location of the exam along graduates should develop their credentials Career Development and Placement. If with additional materials, which must be now as they can be a critical element in Wed.. Jan. 31 U.S. MARINE CORPS - As you have credentials on file, it is main- completed and taken to the exam site will obtaining employment opportunities in the Listed Above tained as part of your credential folder If be forwarded directly to the address given upcoming recruiting season UfflkSB Ml ■ BIG EVENT MOVIE Midway 1976 V WOODY WOODPECKER AND 27 NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY (Till R ** ()\ ER EASY Stars Charllon Heston. Henrv Fonda FRIENDS FBI.) 62 HAPPY'S HOUR rr Tl'ESDAY NIGHT MOVlF. Bugsv 44 DICK CAVETT SHOW 6* GENERAL HOSPITAL I 57 18 NEWS Bt LLETIN Malone' 1976 Stars Jodie Fosler. Scott 42 NEWLYWEDGAME 1.10 27 DINAH (THt R , FRI ) I 'IK 18 BATMAN (EXC Tl E.i Baio Hull W WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE i-:.:> 27 BULLETIN BOARD (Till B V PETTICOAT JUNCTION (Till H ■ MASTERPIECE THEATRE MOVIES Mandrake 1979Stars Anthonv FRI.) FRI.) •2 HAPPY DAYS Herrera. Robert Reed in mi 18 < ARD SHARKS «* SESAME STREET *:3* K LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY '27 THE INCREDIBLE HULK 27 KENTUCKY MORNING (EXC III' '8 MiimiS FAMILY