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4-12-1979 Eastern Progress - 12 Apr 1979 Eastern Kentucky University

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Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 12 Apr 1979" (1979). Eastern Progress 1978-1979. Paper 26. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1978-79/26

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1978-1979 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Official Student Publication of Apfil 12. 197S KanMafcy IMMNHV 'We made it:*? Nursing program gains accreditation By ROH DOLLAR qualified faculty, as well as "set in the first place and among these was Staff Writer standards" for high quality students the fact that it determined a standard of While explaining the accreditation excellence fur students, by recognizing i It was a long time in coming, but at 9 process, he stated that the purpose was a high quality program. a m. Monday morning, it was official. "to establish quality and excellence in The two remaining advantages in- The University Baccalaureate Degree Baccalaureate education." volved the fact that accreditation was Nursing Program received ac- Gale named five area criteria by often a criteria for entrance into creditation from the National League which the program was judged for its graduate programs in mining, as well for Nursing, joining Murray State accreditation which included as a requirement for entrance into the University as one of only two state in- organization and administration, medical fields of the Armed Forces stitutions with the distinction of having qualified students, faculty, curriculum, Gale noted several immediate im • an accredited four-year "generic" and finally resources, including both plications of the recent accreditation, nursing program. facilities and services. including the possibility of making the University President J.C. Powell, He further pointed out that ac- present national search for a new commented on the news of the ac- creditation was "strictly voluntary" chairman of the Baccalaureate creditation by saying. "We are very and that a school had the option on Department much easier in what turns pleased that our program quality has whether or not to seek it. nut to be a competitive and difficult been recognized." further noting that a Gale added that the University recruiting field. lot of people had worked hard for the program's legal status was never ef- He also said. "The number of students accreditation, for which he expressed fected by whether or not it had achieved that will want to seek admission to this the appreciation of the University accreditation, since all. that wa* program will go up." regarding their efforts. required to operate the program was Concerning the length of ac- Dr. John Rowlette. vice president for. state approval, as well as accreditation creditation. Gale stated. "Once you're Academic Affairs and Research, stated of the University, itself, by the Southern in. it's just a process of maintaining that the National League for Nursing Association. standards." was making an official statement Before the accreditation, graduates of He added that periodic re-appraisals would ,ake (pnotoby SCOTT AOAMS) recognizing the high quality of the the University four-year program were of the program I""* University nursing program through the still eligible to take the State Board anywhere from two to eight yean. Bent out of shape Edith Brocker. acting chairman of the A little more than a fender-bender, this accident happened in one seems to have been a little cheap on the bumper also. accreditation. Exams, practice in other states, as well He added. "I'm very. very, proud of as enter any graduate school not Baccalaureate Degree Nursing front of the Campbell Building last Monday. As the owner of Luckily no one was injured in the accident, no one except the - bumperfthat is the Baccalaureate Nursing faculty, the requiring program accreditation as an Program, indicated her reaction to the the new car on the left will testify, small economy care are news of the accreditation by saying. great on gas mileage and cheap on the pocket book, but this leadership in the College of Allied entrance criteria, providing the Health and Nursing, and the students students fulfilled the individual "It's just tremendous, it really is. I'm for working so hard and reaching this requirements. just so pleased." level of accreditation." Commenting, though, on the "It gives prestige to our program." The Baccalaureate program had program's lack of accreditation in the she said, further stating that the ac- Debate publicizes issues creditation opened doors for students by previously been denied accreditation by past, he said. "I think that it has caused allowing them easier entrance into Rv DON MCNAV there, hut many leave because of the Organizations, and all of the other the National League for Nursing in its some dismay among students and SUff Writer lack of activities on campus on campus organizations. Butler said first attempt on Dec 21. 197s. after the sometimes apprehensions that were graduate programs and making them weekends "This would go a long way toward program was cited for weaknesses in really not founded." eligible for membership In honorary A debate between the two slates for Kremer said that "apathy is not a breaking down barriers between several areas. Because accreditation meant so much societies, among other things. Student Association president and vice- cause of the problem, but only a symp- organizations." Dr. David Gale, dean of the College of to students. Gale said that the "And for lliia. I'm pleated," she president took place last Wednesday in tom." Kremer advocated more social After the opening statements, the Allied Health and Nursing, commented University had taken the position of added. the Jaggers Room. This event was entertainment and concerts "Western debate was opened up to questions. that the program was denied ac- wanting all programs that possibly Reactions from nursing students to sponsored by the Student Association, is able to have big name concerts, why Butler and Domenech disagreed on creditation during its initial attempt could, reach the accreditation status. the news, as would be expected, were and moderated by Tim Adkins. can't we?" Kremer asked for more big whether the senate was an effective primarily because it had lacked the Three major advantages were also typically favorable and enthusiastic Chairman of the Student Senate elec- name speakers, and more hours in ISM DEBATE, pagt 12 ) established recruitment of sufficiently cited bv Gale for seeking accreditation (Saa NURSING, aaaa 12 1 tions committee. campus facilities. Kremer finished by The debate was between Chris saying that the "campus is like a Kremer and Tim Butler of the In- slumbering giant." somniac party, and Mark Hester and Maria Domenech. vice presidential Carnack may copy Maria Domenech of the Unity party. A candidate for the Unity party, said that coin loss was used to decide the her involvement in student government speaker's order, and Hester spoke first has left her with a deep respect for the office of vice-president Domenech also but 'Gil Eagles' is the real McCoy* Hester said 'The Senate works better stressed a positive attitude saying that Rv BRIAN BLAIR And. unlikely as it may be. Eagles shows. Eagles and his wife. Esther, who "Staging. It's all staging In roc* acts than everyone gives it credit for." He handles all the promotion, have ad- they hay* their bomrjs andjimoke and also said that a positive mental attitude "only by working together can we Staff Writer draws laughter from his audiences just achieve positive results." On his popular late-night talk show. as Carson does. justed such, life got lo work somehow, he was important Hester said "Student commented. government works because you believe Tim Butler, vice-presidential can- Johnny Carson oftens enacts a skit in But. Carson's act is a put-on. "We have a wonderful game going. which he plays the character of "Car- Gil Eagles is the real McCoy. Alid work he does, in a way that some in it and give it a chance." didate for the Insomniac party- ex- She books them and I do them. Oh, we people liken to the style of Kreskin. Kremer started his speech with a plained his party's unusual name. "It nak the Magnificient." Attired as a "Of course. Carnak is copying us." have a good time." he remarked. comes from our slogan awake the mystic from the East. Carson places said Eagles in an interview after his often recognized as the top psychic. "I quote from the Beatles "Once there was As the 35-year-old Eagles sees it, think somebody almost every night of a way to get back home." Kremer used sleeping giant.' " Butler unveiled one of sealed envelopes near his forehead, and three-hour show at Brock Auditorium. their big platforms for the campaign, an gives the answer - through the "And I get a kick out of that." there are advantages to frequent travel. the week comes up to me and asks. (his to mean that it is time that student 'Hey. do you know Kreskin?' He's linvernment moving again. idea which he called Eastern Inc. character's psychic ability - to a It figures that a man who appears to "If my wife wants to get rid of me," humorous question enclosed. have so much fun on stage would find joked Eagles, "all she has to do is send probably the best-known in the world." Kremer said that one of the primary Eastern Inc. would be chaired by the Eagles admitted, "and that's certainly reasons for suitcasing is that there is vice president of the student Gil Eagles, a "mystic" from East pleasure in the simple aspects of life. me out to do a show." association. It would have represen- Africa, does much the same thing. Despite all the travel aud the string of not out of osmosis." nothing to do on campus on weekends Though he greatly enjoys his work. But the topic of other psychics such as Some people go home on weekends tatives from Student Senate. Men's and Eagles hates for people to label his gift Women's Interdorm. Greek Kreskin creates a touch of controversy, l>ecause they have something to do as a "power." And he wasted no time in especially since one part of Eagles' pointing this out to a visitor ss he press folder refers to him as "America's packed his belongings near a corner of foremost entertaining psychic." the stage "I would imagine." said Eagles, "thai What did you say? Power? Hell no, I Krelkln wouM argue with thai SA candidates don't have any power." he said in the statement. Because I never said I was same manner that John Travolta might the best-known." tell someone he can't dance. Then he Still. Eagles need not place his sixth added. "Abilities, maybe." sense second to anyone. debate Monday But most of those who hsve seen his Raised by a male nurse in act would probably answer such a Tanganyika. East Africa, - where he Bv SARAH WARREN nesday. April 25 at 8 p.m. in Alumni question with no doubts Plus, there News Editor Coliseum. Tickets are $2 for students. IS learned to speak fluent Swahill - the for non-students. were some who knew long ago that hypnotist arrived in the in Eagles was not exactly ordinary. i960, making his home in New York. Student Association presidential and Several motions were acted upon at Take his teachers, for instance They vice presidential candidates will debate Since then, he has baffled crowds at the Senate meeting, among them a bill saw him as a sort of threat to the stan- colleges, trade shows and conventions the issues Monday, April 11 at 6 p.m. in submitted by Ron Bates dealing with dard educational' system in England. the Jaggers Room of the Powell on four continents. postage stamps. Due to his abilities. Eagles was able to All to only one unfavorable review, as Building in lieu of the SA elections to be pick up answers from his fellow held the next day. Students have a constant need for far as he can remember. students. But the young Eagles - who At a nightclub in New York. DM Students may vote for the candidates stamps, said Bates, and the bill which first discovered his talent as a 13-year- Devine. coach of pro football's Green passed uananimously requests that old - soon learned that even ESP comes of their choice from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. stamps be sold at the check cashing Bay Packers, wrote a question for Tuesday. April 12 at the information office, the information desk or the with a few strings attached. Eagles asking how the team would fare desk in the Powell Building. Chris He picked up both the right and wrong in the upcoming season. Kremer and Tim Butler are running on bookstore. answers. "I told him they would do okay, but the Insomniac Party ticket, and Mark The Student Rights and Respon- For all his mental trouble, he would when they played New York, they were Hester and Maria Domenech head the sibilities Committee is working on receive a smack, courtesy of the going to get beat." said the hypnotist. Unity Party. another 24-hour open lobby proposal, it teacher's cane. "I used to get caned all "So. the next day. on the back page of Kremer. a junior accounting major, is was reported, along with another sur- the time." he recalled. "I didn't want to the Milwaukee Sentinel Is the headline. chairman of the Senate Students Rights vey, (which will be computer-analyzed) be different. I wanted to be like Psychic doesn't score well with Dan and Responsibilities Committee and a lo determine student opinion on open everybody else." Devine.' " member of Collegiate Pentacle, the lobbies. Evidently, his parents wished the Laying aside such memories, Eagles senior honorary association. ■» same for their son claims he loves what he does and has a Sen. Don McNay's proposal to change My mother still says I should get a wonderful time, adding "It beats A junior business management petition procedures for Senate elections normal Job." he said. "VVhenever I driving a bus." major. Hester is the chairman of the was tabled until next week. McNay leave to do a show, she asks. 'Are you But. he also looks at his profession in Public Relations Committee and vice proposed that students wishing to run going to do that silly thing with the broader terms. If pressed by a president of the Pershing Rifles. for Senate be required to have only 15 silver dollars over your eyes again?" questioner. Student Senate also announced at its signatures of full-time students rather Why doesn't Eagles use a regular "Life." concluded the fun-loving Tuesday meeting that the third annual than 30. blindfold for his act? The showman says Eagles, "is nothing more than an on- arts and crafts fair will be held Thurs the reason is slmnle. going hypnosis show." day, April It. with proceeds, going to ' A bill Which would have required I the Scotia jscholarShipr , students to Save the signatures of 50 full- ' The fair will be held in the meditation time students, submitted by Jamjjs chapel plaza and will feature artwork, Sleed, was defeaieu wneu W did not Periscope jewelry, candles, crafts, plants, etc. for receive a two-thirds majority vote. The campaigns of theca«dlda«sefor editorials v-v- browsing or for buying. Accoustical Student Association President are in acws»featarfs.. 3-5 Three senators were sworn in AT the sports.. groups will be performing at the chapel (photo by STEVE BROWN, full swing. For details of the two from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and in the Ravine meeting in order to fill vacant Senate parties' positions on the Issues, read orfanlutkMi. t that night, weather permitting. seats: Rick Davis, College of Business; No. the hypnotist Gil Eagles, has not been caught in his trick. Actually, Eagles is the platforms on page 5. arts. — 10-11 Centerboard announced at the Mike Borgman, College of Applied Arts telling the audience what is written on the piece of paper he is holding over his 10-11 Tuesday meeting that the Crusaders, a and Technology; and Rita Tompkins, head. The notes, written by-audience, participants, were both read and answered jazz-rock group, will perform Wed- College of Law Enforcement." by Eagles, who directed his answer to the note-writer. 17 P»9» 2/vol. 57/No. 28 Th« Eastern Pro&rsts Thurid«v. Ap.il 12. 1979 Editorial University sees traffic violators as 'guilty until proven innocent9 One of the main reasons the their parking and traffic tickets by is then that person's responsibility colonials revolted against the British going to court and presenting their to prove his or her innocence. back in the 1770's was because they side of the story. They can do this There has been some recent felt they were not getting fair before the ticket is paid. controversy about the Appeals treatment under the law. The Division of Public Safety has Board and the quality of the The early settlers of the United seen it fit to not allow a person to prosecution. Testimony by some of States felt so strongly about law and appeal a ticket until after he or she the security officers has been justice that they were willing to fight has paid for the ticket. questioned for its relevance toward to get it. Once their independence Paying for the ticket in any city in a case. had been won, the laws that were the country is the same as an Richard Robinson, one of two written protected the citizens of the admission of guilt. Paying for the counsels provided by the Student new country. , ticket at the University is the only Association for students charged Throughout the country the laws way to get an appeal hearing. with University infractions, recently have been made so as to protect the If by paying for the ticket the criticized security officers of citizen. Remember, a person is person has all but admitted guilt, bringing up unrelated pending innocent until proven guilty. how does that person expect to get a criminal charges at the hearing. There is one place where this does fair appeal? The Appeals Board is made up of not hold true: Eastern Kentucky two faculty members, two staff University. After the person pays for the members and two students. There At the University a person is ticket, he or she may go before the have been charges that often times guilty until proven innocent. Appeals Board and try to get their these members are not all there for There is a difference. In most of money back. There is red tape the hearings. In many cases, the the country it is up to the state to before the person can appeal charges continue, only three prove the guilt of the person being though. members of the board are present. charged for a crime. At the Within 10 days of paying for the Dale Warren, chief court justice University the responsibility rests ticket the person is required to send of the Student Court began this with the person to prove his a letter requesting an appeal. If the school year on the board. After he innocence. letter is not sent within that time, submitted an editorial to the There are names for these types of there is no hope for an appeal. Progress he was asked to resign. prosecution. The type employed by If the ticket is not paid within The editorial was opposed to the the country as a whole is called seven days the cost increases by $5. system used in appeals. accusitorial. The letter must tell the Appeals The system used,by the University Board why the person feds they has one simple purpose; that is to The form of law and prosecution should be allowed to appeal their discourage persons from appealing used by the University is called ticket. If the Appeals Board doesn't tickets. inquisitional. feel the individual has enough to go The purpose of an Appeals Board The area where the University is on, the appeal is denied. and a system of appeals should be to most guilty of this practice involves If the person doesn't agree with give individuals the opportunity to traffic and parking tickets. the decision of the Appeals Board at get a fair hearing. Here a person who receives a this point, they may send another' People should not have to pay ticket has the right to appeal that letter which the Appeals Board may before they appeal. It is a violation ticket. That right to appeal comes again turn down. To quote J.R.R. of their Constitutional rights as after the person has paid the ticket. Tolkein, "the road goes ever on and citizens of the United States. All Throughout the country persons on." people are innocent until proven are given the opportunity to appeal If a person is granted an appeal it guilty. Elizabeth 'Last week Palmer-Ball was one of those Never again weeks' Read the platforms and vote political philosophies and dumb Tuesday, April 17 is elections for service board and a 24 hour open This is a poor falacy. True, Last week was one of those One of my staff writers actually jokes? Some people just don't know Student Association president and lobby are just a few of the issues. student senate doesn't have any real weeks. (You may have noticed that I had the nerve to come up in the when they are beaten. vice president. This week's Progress is carrying power, they have been instrumental had no column last week). I was to office and eat carrots and celery The worst, however is yet to This year there are two sets of the platforms of the candidates and in several areas of concern to the point that if one more person sticks in front of me while I was come. Three times last week I was candidates running for the posi- all are advised to read these and then students, most notably is extended had the gall to come into the office stuffing my face with doughnuts. cheated out of my morning Tab tions. Last year only one set of decide upon the candidate for whom open house hours. looking cheerful and alert I was A certain sports editor on this break by a vending machine that ate candidates ran and there was a to vote. The senate has been able to work going to throw my typewriter at publication got highly irritated at my money. On top of that, one definite lack of competition. And all students who are eligible with and through administration in them. me for not giving him four pages sadistic cigarette machine stole my Without competition there is no should vote. order to get these things accom- This week doesn't promise to be last week. He already has more last fifty cents and gave me no way of really hearing how the Any member of the Student plished. much better; at least I am pages than any other editor, except nicotine in return. candidates stand on the various Association is eligible to vote and Both sets of candidates have consistent. I guess like many of you for me. So on the basic principle One of the biggest gripes that I issues. any full-time student at the experience in the workings of out there I have a tendency to put that I am managing editor and he is have, however, is some of the This year's campaign has been University is a member of the student government. off everything until the last minute. merely sports editor there was no secretaries in the administrative highlighted by a debate between the Student Association. While it is against Progess policy Sound familiar? As a result this does way that I was going to give him one offices on this campus who say that candidates. Here the issues came out There has always been a certain to endorse either of the candidates, cause problems when everything is of mine. In other words sheer the person they work for is too busy and were discussed by those people apathy about student government it is this paper's stand that everyone due, and I still have my normal meanness. to return my call. I mean it isn't like seeking election. on campus. Students seem to feel should study the platforms of the work load to cope with. A member of a group doing a my time isn't valuable too. So they There are more than just two sets that student government doesn't candidates and most importantly all All of this adds up to the fact that project that I was participating in get paid more and have a title. I pay of candidates though, there are two have the power to do any effective students should take the lime to vote my mood is less than friendly. slept through her alarm and showed my tuition every semester; that parties running this year: the Unity work. on Tuesday. When I am having this kind of up fifteen minutes late for the ought to count for something. Party and the insomniac Party. week I notice all the little presentation. Obviously this person Weeks like this, nothing is ever The Insomniac Party is new, this aggravating things about life that had no consideration for the other right. Lines at the bursar's window being its first year. The Unity Party never seemed to bother me at any two people in the group. Even the seem longer. Teachers seem to be was started several years ago and other time. box of doughnuts she brought up to under the impression that their class was the first "party" in student Things like big purple wads of the office did little to pacify my is the only one that you have time government, it has been the Unity gum in the water fountain tend to irritation. for. As a result, they pile on the Party which has run student senate really gross me out. People who Then there are those people who work. Deadlines come a lot sooner. for the past two years. leave their gum in water fountains do not share my political viewpoints Time for trivial things like sleep is regarding the upcoming governor's The issues for this election are the should be shot. (Maybe not shot but almost unheard of. same as the issues for the past at the very least severely beaten race. I know I am right. So why do If I had last week to do over they bother me with their silly several years. More open house about the face and neck). again, I wouldn't. hours, more stable tuition, a rider

Editor's mailbag Mark Turner * Editor Editors Note: The Progress has pressure tactics on many students, in have spent many hours with Steve fact that student government has not Jim Thomason Business Manager received several letters endorsing both attempting to pull the Unity Party in on Foster and myself dealing with issues met the needs of the average student. candidates for Student Association their coattails. Students should wake up that face the students of this campus. This uninvolvement leads to student Kli/abelh Palmer-Ball Managing Editor president and vice president. Dae to and face issues, rather than choosing on Mark and Maria also have worked in apathy toward every aspect of Sarah Warren News Editor limited apace, only one letter of en- bright posters and cheap beer. After all, student government all year and not University life. Lisa Renshaw Cily Editor dorsement is being run for each can- where do priorities lie? just the month before the Student Butler calls attention to a serious Ken Tingle) Sports Editor didate. Association elections. Whereas some problem. We should have some means Cinny Eager Features Editor Editor. Dale Warren Chief Justice - Student Court candidates might be interested in of taking advantage of all of the positive I .arry Bernard Arts Editor Having known Chris Kremer and Tim student government to build up their aspects of college life. If student Butter for two years, I feel confident in resume: I honestly feel that Mark and government spent more time attending Robin Pater Organizations Editor saying that they are the best Candida tea Editor. Maria actually care about students. to the needs of the students, perhaps the Dieter Carlton «. Staff Artist for the offices of president and vice It is an honor and pleasure for me to I would hope that students will take "sleeping giant" could be awakened. Scott Mindrum , -.. Circulation Manager president of the Student Association. have the opportunity to endorse Mark things into consideration and elect Mark James Biaso Betty Ann Coins Advertising Chris and Tim are diligent and suc- Hester and Maria Domenech for Hester and Maria Domenech for Bxl78Todd cessful young men. They are explicit Student Association president and vice Student Association president and vice 625-5281 orators and strong leaders. They have president. president. Believe me, they deserve it. Member of Associated Collegiate Press Association. Columbia Scholastic shown themselves outstanding in Mark and Maria are not only Sincerely, Press Association and Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association. academics, honor and service societies, colleagues in student government but John Cooper Represented for national advertising by the College Advertising Sales and and the Student Senate. Their in- also close friends as well. These two S. A. Vice President Hypnotized Service. Inc.. Chicago, III. novative campaign to "Wake the individuals have outstanding leadership Student Regent Published each Thursday during the regular school year except for Sleeping Giant" is the solution ability. Mark served this 'year as Editor. vacation and examination periods at Eastern Kentucky University by necessary to inspire this potentially chairman of the Public Relations I just had to write the Progress authority of the Board of Regents through the Student Publications Board. strong campus. Chris and Tim are Committee and Maria served as Awaken concerning a really enjoyable evening Opinions expressed herein are those of student editors or ether signed^ sincere, honest.- and sincerely con- enairman of the Academic Affairs 5 at the Gil Eagles Show April 5th...Mr. writers and do not necessarily represent the views of this university. Ad- cerned about the issues they propose in Committee and also as vice president the 'Giant Eagles made a believer out of me after vertising appearing as this newspaper is intended to help the reader buy. 1 seeing'the ESP portion of his show. Any false or misleading advertising should tw^. ~4 to the Business their campaigdW8**\ 1 : ftewn the for the Student Government A s—atalii . °~»f Editor, . . J v ability )o handle nreaaure anfrdrtaC: -'■"-—--xy. Both of these people have I am writing in regatu * a f-jt The part of thje show ^.._1 ~- xp- Manager. The H ..Progress. Fourth Floor Jones Building. Second class issues skcMruu; « tne debates between been very &'.'.„..* in their efforts in editorial written in the March 29 paper, nosis was absolutely hilarious and kept ~*Uge pa|d at Richmond. Ky. 40475. the candidates. I feel that for both of Student Senate as well as other ac- by Urn Butler. < me'wiping tears away throughout the it Kentucky University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action rices to be filled well, their active voice tivities Butler makes an excellent point "in his performance. * employ ei* and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex. is the ticket on Tuesday, April 17th I would guess the most important article. Apathy has overcome the The eleven brave "subjects" did a national origin or handicap In the admission to-or participation In, any I would also like to address the thing to look at when considering who to campus, and one of the worst per- great job (Kevin was funny too). I hope educational program or activity which it conducts. Any complaint arising by manner in which the campaigns have support for leadership of student petrators of this is student government. Mr. Eagles will come back to Eastern reason of alleged discrimination should be directed in writing to Dr. been conducted. Chris and Tim have government is. do the candidates have a Student goverment has not made soon and that everyone who missed this Rebecca Rroaddus. Affirmative Action Officer. Million House. EKU. run a simple, direct campaign. The real interest in students and are they students feel like they are a part of the adventure will catch the next one. Campus telephone number C22-I2M. willing to work? Hester and Domenech Elaine Miller leaders of the Student Association have University community. The "sleeping Secretary, POL Dept. been terribly one-sided, using high- fill these qualities Completely. They giant." as Butler calls it, stems from the s T ■Mi Pagl 3/VoJ. b7/No. 28 !: Tha EaMam Progr** Thursday. Apr!" 12.197* News/Features Occupational therapy 'gambles' for majors By I.ISBETH KEF.FE student with higher grades from the questionnaire which includes points that Guest Writer program. The department allows only are correlated with the applicant's There's a place in the world 25 students to enter the program per GPA year. For a gambler "What we're saying is that you don't Fran Boggess, 21, a senior in oc- There's a burden that only have to break your behind to get in." cupational therapy from New Rich- He can bear commented Perkins. mond, Ohio, feels the process is unfair. Dan Fogelberg might not have had the If a student is not accepted into the "Grades shouldn't be everything, but Occupational Therapy department in program there are some options. One is they are important. The department mind when these words were written, should interview applicants and con- but they seem to apply. to change majors. sider other aspects such as volunteer The . department chooses those According to Perkins this is not dif- work in the field." students who are to continue in the ficult with the limited hours ac- program by random selection. cumulated at that time. Beginning next Another occupational therapy major, An occupational therapy major is year, the department will make its Connie Frankenstein. 21, a junior, sees considered for' acceptance into the decisions at the end of the first semester some merit in the selection system. "I of the sophomore year. don't think it's a great system, but it program at the end of the sophomore does allow those with a natural talent in year. The refused student may try again To be considered, a student must have with the next class of applicants or the field to progress. Not everyone can a 2.5 GPA and at least a "C" in all appeal the decision to a board composed show their true ability on tests. If it supporting courses. The selections are of faculty members. wasn't for them downplaying grades so made randomly, "almost like drawing Any student who has not been ac- much, maybe I would not have made it names from a hat," according to cepted may appeal immediately to the though, and if I had high grades and Feralith Perkins, a part-time instructor department, according to Perkins. didn't make it I'm sure I'd be upset." in the program, who also stated that Other schools offer different ad- Department Chairman Dorothy grades are not a criterion. mission procedures. Jeffery declined to be questioned. (•dote by OOUO FNUCHTENICHT) This selection process enables The decisions may be made from According to Perkins the department Positions students with a low or minimum grade interviews, exams, and grades. Western has no plans to institute a change in the point to be admitted while prohibiting a University uses a subiective selection process Sleep comes easily after a long day of classes and the facility and demonstrate, 'with ease', the feasibility of Powell Building supplies the right atmosphere and furniture sleeping two on one couch. for a lazy day. These two students take advantage of the Vote in SA presidential elections Tuesday When student government elections The candidates you can vote for are take place this Tuesday, many people Chris Kremer and Tim Butter of the Coles may not vote because they don't know Insomniac Party, Mark Hester and Everyone has the proper procedure. For anyone who Maria Domenech of the Unity party, or falls into that category, this article is for a write-in candidate. You«nust vote for you. both candidates on one party's ticket. Raymond Voting will take place Tuesday. April If the President elected is hot a 17. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the second Kentucky resident, a special election problems with floor of the Powell Building in front of must be held for a student member on the information desk. Only full time the Board of Regents. M.D. students are eligible to vote. You must This Tuesday, get out to the polls and De feet present your I.D. to the person working vote for the candidate who you think will the table, then you will be handed a best guide our student government for the feet the upcoming year. ballot. summer hours digging out splinters for weddings, funerals and other Every one of us will have at least that put out a thick oily sweat that can go sour, more or less like milk, from under caluses, which is painful celebrations. temporary foot problems. Some go for you and difficult for us. The Leaving the toes free helps through life with smelly feet and and smell just rotten. Some people put out more, apocrine sweat than other is that one can get worms prevent toe nail trouble. If you have never know it unless told by others. through the skin of the feet which ever suffered from an infected The foot has four arches, not one. others. It can smell right through your shoes. (in very tiny form) get into the blood ingrown tocnail you know why they People Poll Two arc from front to back, and stream, circulate to the intestine, are called "nails." Just imagine a two are side to side. compete for food and leave the red hot nail being hammered into Hv IM1NNA BUNCH This all may be very vulgar, but it Staff Writer is real and it is not unmentionable victims lying around on cabin your toe by a hammer the weight of The foot is an amazing marvel of your body two thousand times a engineering. Although made of because there is a fine fancy word porches starving and scratching, just day!! Believe me keeping the nails Are you actively supporting either of the student senate presidential - vice for it-bromidrosis. You can use like in L'il Abner. ■resMratial slain* Why or why nat? bones, ligaments, tendons and other trimmed and even (not rounded) hard or tough structural compo- THAT word in any company. I will save us some hassle here and state When you consider what a pays off. If you do it after a bath or nents, it acts like an incredibly beating the foot takes it is clear that shower they will be soft, it will be complex and subtle spring. There thai bromidrosis does not qualify anyone to live off campus! it doesn't need to be squeezed into easy, and you won't spray the hard' was a slow motion shot of running shoes that are too small. On the little chips around the bedroom and feet in the TV. publicity for the Obviously, moist heat favors the other hand, don't let anyone sejl you onto your roommate. Getting Montreal Olympics. I give you my bacterial action that promotes' a shoe that is too long in order to get someone's toenail chip in the face is word it looked like slapping a pair bromidrosis. So DRY feet (sandals, the proper width, because the one of the less publicized but of socks full of jello on the ground! fresh dry socks twice a day) is a looseness will cause chafing, and the common sexual turnoffs. Spouses Unbelievable. help. Shoes should be rotated, so toes will jam up in the front of the have told me so! they dry out every other day, and shoe and lose their proper leverage If there were space, there's lots Add to that the (very gross) they should be sprayed inside with a MINIMUM estimates that we walk as well as tend to develop bunyons. more to say about feet. The effect of foot deodorizer. A foot bath daily is Too high heels will do the same walking and running on hard flat a thousand miles a year and put our essential, with thorough drying weight on EACH FOOT two thing, it is like jamming your fingers surfaces, for instance, or warts on especially between the toes. Plain down into a funnel. the sole of the foot, or foot injuries. thousand times a day, and you denatured (rubbing) alcohol wiped appreciate the remark "how fearful- In. fact podiatrists spend their lives over the feet (and toes) and then air Since the heel strikes the ground caring for the ills that feet are heir ly and wonderfully are we made." I dried helps a lot. first, shoe heels should be WIDE, mean after all we sit on our bottoms to. Stay away from foot lotions. to spread the shock, and preferably But there isn't that kind of space. many hours a day, but there is no They just add to the greasiness. be of hard rubber, for cushioning. wa> our bottoms could stand a If a great wave of public interest I am opposed to running around The best shoes, space shoes - that results in mailbags of requests to the beating like that! sort. They are kind to your heels and The skin over the foot is like any barefoot. Apart from the fact that it editors of the Progress, I'll write tends to perpetuate the "barefoot let your toes spread to grip the some more about feet. Just put skin in that it produces sweat. There ground and give proper leverage. are sweat glands for ordinary thin Kentucky" myth there are two "Progress" on the envelope and reasons. One is splinters-sometimes You should consider using them for leave it at the campus mail room. watery sweat, and also as in the everyday, and save the high fashion armpit there are apocrine glands it seems that we spend half our Somehow, I doubt it! Verl 'I wish you love. Wilkinson And I will always Friends love you.'

people invest in their lovers (or the overwhelming need in me overpow- While I'm setting the record You see, I feel that I am only half ers my fear of pain and I try it again. of a whole. I feel unfulfilled, pursuit thereof) to my friends. straight on definitions, let's look at I believe very strongly in the It is for that reason alone that I another word about which there is a frustrated and incomplete. 1 feel BEATY MAHAN ultimate test of friendship. "And dread this time of the year. Almost ( pnotot by STEVE BROWN) great amount of confusion. Again a those things because I am not in here is how to measure it—the everyone else is looking forward to Mike Kelley. junior-marketing. simple word, this time, it's love. I am one of the unfortunate graduation or summer vacation. 1, Melinda Miller. Junior-special few who possess an extremely greatest love is shown when a person education. Fort Knox. Toledo, oio. friendship. lays down his life for his friends." — on the other hand, dread what must "Yes. because the people I Friendship is "the state of being intense inborn need to be needed "Yes. because I know the John 15:13 L.B. surely be the end of some truly people running and I think they'll know in that are probably the attached to another by affection or and loved. Obviously, 1 haven't had the beautiful friendships. do a good job." most qualified - Kremer and esteem." Affection, you will recall, I let myself, fall in love only once, chance to prove my friendship for So to all of my friends who, for Butter." is defined as "fond feeling." 1 think so far. When that happened, I was anyone in that manner. I am one reason or another, do not return Jerry Sloan. fresh m a n- most people pretty well fill that part ' undecided. Fleming. Barbara Parker, freshman- younger, more naive, still hopelessly confident, however, that if the need to school-goodbye. If we never undrckled. Berea of the definition. However, there is romantic and I still believed in fairy "No. I don't know much about or chance arose, 1 could meet the cross paths again, carry with you the it. I haven't kept up with it." "No. I have really been super MORE to the definition. Esteem is tales. In other words, I committed challenge. knowledge that my one-time pledge busy. I just haven't had the defined as "to set a high value on: and dedicated myself with reckless Often enough I have moved and of friendship "dames a life-time time." regard highly and prize according- abandon. The three years of, intense left all of my friejjale-bej^ind. Always guarantee. If you remember me, ly.-" There is where so many people Peggv Beaty. freshman-nitrslnK. Don lieu, sophomore - business pain I felt when the relationship there is a cb/HV * J'" write and please remember mejfondly. Re- Albany. £ farf-shori, crumbled, .culminated in a "suicide 4 administration. Ljouinvllte. dJe'll .stay in touch," of "I'll come member,*i&*9f »~- If^Hkxln't tell "No. I don't know that much "No. Although I will vote, mi Perhaps my father's familiar attempt. Except fp^.the Hand of visit. Our relationship'ts-tooj^ong- you often .enough, that I love you about it." - :X ..' -..• •. t not supporting either actively admonition is, indeed, the truth. He God, I would have succeeded-but for us to allow it to die." Ancroffen very much. -* ■ ■■ mainly because i don't Know all constantly informs me, ' "Son, that's another storyiThe moral is enough 1 have been forced to realize To sum it up, "I hope life treats- Shane Mahan, )«alar-law en- that much about the two parties." that I learned my lesson. " , you kind. And I hope that you have forcement. Louisville. you'/e too serious." I do take things that usually that is not the case. "Yes. I'm supporting Maria. I seriously. Friendship is one of those < all that you've ever dreamed of. I Sharon Harris, freshman-soclnl * Since then, any time I feel even Whenever 1 lose a friend, I lose know her. She's pretty good. I work. Frankfort things. the slightest tug at my heart I run part of myself. Some of my losses wish you joy and happiness. But think she'll do a good job (or the above all of this I wish you love. "No. I just haven't had time to There Is good reason for the depth like a scared rabbit. It's cowardly, have been so gteat that I considered school. get involved." I'll admit, but it works! never becoming close to anyone else And I will always love you." - of my emotional involvement with . Dolly Parton / my friend^. So I channel the energy that rnpst ever again. But eventually, the - fmf 4/Vo) 57/N*. 28 The Ennm Profran Thurxtoy. Ap.il 12. 1978

Ad(dress)ing the questions VW\\ Savfc. ar about women's clothes J^ Hi Bv STEVEN D. LYONS prints with shawl collars with an addage being accompanied with scarves, Staff Writer of lace around the pockets or neck are gloves, and hats. Almost anything goes sure shoe-ins for any women's war- with these suits. What should you wear? Where should drobe What does all of this add up to? you wear it? How should you wear it, They can be worn to the office, on a Femininity. Women are tired of giving with accessories, or the plain but picnic, to the country club, to the golf way to the men's stiffer, tailored lines. sophisticated look? How should your course, any place where you prefer to be Women now want soft, flowy lines, with hair look? Should it be up or down or cool and comfortable. They're great materials that offer sophistication, curled? with a pair of sandals or canvas pumps something to catch a man's attention. These are just a few of the many Accordian pleats (like anything Materials are ranging from plain thousands of questions -that .go pleated) are debuting into the market. cotton for everywear to lace and chiffon through a woman's mind while getting Some may call it the circular skirt, for dressier wear, to tweeds and nubby dressed. however, no matter what you call it. cloth for that 'business look.' For starters let's look at shirts. The they are very fashionable. Women are no longer dominated by collars have all been redefined. The polyester garb. Designers have smaller the collar the more fashionable. searched the market places of Europe Resides making the collar smaller they and come up with as many materials as have done a lot of reshaping. Clothes you have moods. Today's world is The long pointed collar has been cut demanding and the materials can take down lo size. In the same cutting motion what you have to offer. A tot. even the designers have also trimmed the collar Cents more expensive suits, can be hand into a circular, rounded feature. laundered and many can even go in the The button down collar has also found Granted, some girls may think it washer. its way into women's wardrobes. makes them took more rounded then Accessories of varied assortments are Designers have monopolized on this and what they are but you can easily get adding nice eyecatching and con- came up with a variety of different around it by choosing an appropriate versation pieces to a woman's clothes. If styles from which to choose. A lot of the color you're lucky, grandma's old chest is shorter collars are accentuated with For instance, if you're thin you can loaded with much of these pieces. buttons The buttons range from wood to get by with wearing the new assortment Jeweled collar bars are adding their pressed-mit sea shells. Any button will of plaids. On the other hand if you feel own little enchantment to clothing. The do. as long as it's on the collar. you're just too much for a plaid, why not smaller collared shirts can be pulled in What about skirts? Skirts have made go for a pinstripe. This will have a nice tightly and fixed to stay with one of their way into women's everyday wear. thinning effect. Also steer away from these. One designer says it adds No longer do they have to hang in the whites and beiges. These make you distinction. The collar bar seems to be closet until Sunday or for that special took bigger than you actually are. Shop taking as much hold as did the stick pin occasion. Skirts are big for spring, so for the more conservative colors. No a few years ago jump in one! They're comfortable but longer is spring limited to the pastels. You can also use those stick pins to classic and so versatile. Even shorts, once shaded in blues and dress your lapels, cuffs, handbags, hats In the 60's skirts were very un- pinks and whites are coming out in or any other apparel you own. Just functionable. They were short and hard more toned down colors. because they're not selling as big as a to get around in decently. But that has If you find a skirt with pleats but you few years ago. doesn't mean you can't .ill changed, SVirts are longer and can feel too fallish in the darker shades put them lo good use. Be thrifty with be worn nicely in any environment lighten it up with a lacy, feminine top of what you own. without much hassle. white or pastels. Be inventive, it's In essence, the women's clothing Designers are also reshaping and becoming more and more of a woman's industry is making a lot of changes. adding variations to them. Skirts with world so use it to your advantage. They're bringing a touch of femininty to slits are big for spring. A slit up the The layered look has carried over everything you wear. Like I said, it's back, a slit up the side, a slit up the from fall The "Annie Hall" look is still becoming more and more of a woman's front. or dual slits are all showing in the fashionable for spring. Women's world so capture it with the right attire. line-ups summer suits with jackets and vests are Clothing cents can help capture lifestyle Dresses are back too! Soft floral showing up a lot of places. These are you earn. Newsbriefs : KCSSW convenes on campus Health Systems Clerkship, SITES - 79 offered By MARKITA SIIEI.BI'KNE History at the University of Kentucky diversified world. students .-who have completed the . "• " " SUfl Writer and Dr. Bosemarie B. Bogal, Ph.D.. -The unique positions ef groups such as The University of Kentucky College of Kentucky .tyhp wUl work, with a faculty pjnior 'T*«r requirements" In 'the i Assistant Professor of Social Work at Appalachians, parolees, single parents, Allied Health Professions offers two proctor In a community Murray State University. homosexuals, physically handicapped, programs to senior and graduate assessment and conduct a special following programs are eligible'. B.S Last Friday and Saturday. April 6 and Caudill who spoke at the opening mentally handicapped, women, juvenile students, a Health Systems Clerkship project Housing and a $5 food per day Nursing. Community Health. Dietetics. 7. the Kentucky Coalition of Student session of the conference on Friday delinquents, and various ethnic groups and SITE-79. Both are open to allowance is provided. Health Care Administration. Health Social Workers (KCSSW) held a con- Records Administration. Medical morning, centered his talk on some were discussed in the workshops. University students who must register SfTE-79 runs from June 18 to July 27. ference on Campus. Approximately 200 eastern Kentucky and other sections of Displays were open to the participants for three credit hours in independent Technology, and Rehabilitation. Health people, students and college faculty In this experience, five students are Record Technology students who haver central Appalachian social pathologies on both Friday and Saturday. They study at the University. assigned each faculty. In addition to the from all the colleges in Kentucky, at- developed in the last forty years. He included a Black History slide The Health* Systems Clerkship is completed the freshman year may tended the conference included the possiblity of repairing presentation, social work graduate offered from May 14 to June 8. Students above experiences, students work with apply. Clinical Psychology and Social alternatives. school displays, advocate group will be assigned to an interdisciplinary clients in health care delivery in work students must have a bac- A non-profit organisation including primary care settings. calaureate degree and be enrolled in student social work associations and Dr. Bogal spoke on the professionally displays and Appalachian Culture health team of seven students in rural moral and ethical problems faced by displays. graduate school. clubs from all over the state, the KCSSW These courses are offered on a P-F holds such a conference each year. social workers as well as their human An International dinner was offered 38th Annual Easter Sunrise approach In her Saturday afternoon the participants on Friday night in part basis. Interested students may pick up The conference theme for tins year an application form from Mrs. C. was: "Human Diversity: Appreciation address. She spoke of the dilemmas in of the celebration of the differences service scheduled situations which do and do not present between humans. The dinner was Denny. Associate Dean of Allied Health and Celebration of Differences." The The University announces that its 38th the Reverend Dale Atkins. Campus, and Nursing. Row lett 203A. speakers and workshops concentrated problems to the social worker. sponsored by the International Student Annual Easter Sunrise service will be minister for the Baptist Student Center, on the differences in minority The workshops, which were held on Union. will bring the benediction Friday and Saturday mornings and held in Van Peursem Pavilion April 15 populations. The two-day conference was con- at 7 a.m. The public is invited. The conference featured iwo keynote afternoons, concerned seven separate cluded on Saturday night at a banquet in Personal minority groups and their problems in a The Reverend Larry Buskirk. pastor speakers. Harry Caudill. Professor of the Keen Johnson Building. of the First United Methodist Church. Auroras on sale Health seminars Richmond, will bring the message on The 1979 AURORA, student art and "The Easter Apparition." literary magazine, is now available. set Mexican travel program slated The Reverend Eugene Strange, Copies may be purchased at the minister of the United Methodist University Store or in the office of Dr. Two seminars for health personnel The Department of Foreign classroom instruction during the requirement. Campus Center (Wesley Foundation) languages is conducting its annual student's stay in Mexico. The group will William Sutton. Wallace 133. have been announced by the College of Participating students will be will bring the Call to Worship and Derek Allied Health at the University. The Mexico Travel Study Program during focus Its activities primarily in Mexico awarded three semester hours of un- the Spring Intersesston (May 14-June 8). City, but travel will include important Wilson, a pastor, and Dwight Hutchison, first. April 25 at 9 a.m. in the Jaggers dergraduate credit (SPA 496) or of students of the University, will read the Applications The study plan consists of individual archeological sites as well as graduate credit (SPA 681). Room of the Powell Building, will deal research projects approved and Guadalajara, Patzcuaro, Oaxaca and scriptures. with "Primary Nursing." It is designed Travel is by University vans and The University Chamber Choir, led by available for nursing administrators and supervised by the director. Mexico's the Gulf Coast. students share lodging. The group will rich linguistic, cultural and historical The program is open to qualified Ira Spaulding II and accompanied by managers. The second seminar, April visit various points of interest with Debbie Spencer, will sing two specials: 27, same hour and place, will teach heritage provides considerable latitude students of the University and other special emphasis on the Mexico City "Salvation is Created" and "Beautiful Are you concerned over the ef- for the development of each par- universities. Graduating high school fectiveness of the infirmary? Apply to health professionals how to deal with area. Total estimated cost is $475.00 Savior" "Job Related Stress." Inquiries should ticipant's personal interests. seniors are also eligible to enroll. Some (including instate tuition). Enrollment be on the Student Advisory Board. Call: The learning environment is essen- previous knowledge of Spanish is Dr. George Nordgulen. University be directed to Lynn Voight, Room 103 is limited to approximately twenty Chaplain, will give the pastoral prayer, 625-3341. 624-1556. 625-2282 after 5 p.m. Wallace Building (606) 622-3104. tially unrestricted with no conventional recommended but is not a course students. gampus Cinemas \*2 DEPENDABLE ACITO IT IS NOW RATED PG SUPPLY INC Because Big Hill Ave. we want everyone to see John Travolta's performance. (Next To Burger Queen)


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I 5/Vol. 67/No. 21 Th« EMlm ProffM Thunder. AprM 12. 1979

Ba^H ■^— I j ' P I

Hester and Domenech (•ftoto By SCOTT ADAMS) Kremer and Butler (pnoto by SCOTT ADAMS) Politics, promises and pleas from the SA candidates Unity stresses communication Insomniac ready for 'giant' step working together can we achieve The previous short notes are the Wake up Eastern, somebody's organizations. "We see it as the big Chris Kremer is a junior Account- Mark Hester positive results. My name is Maria the thoughts that Maria and myself drowning. And all you nave, to do is limber to Eastern students when ing major from Troy, Ohio who has You know I had a hard time Domenech and I'm running for have put down on the back page of look in the mirror to see who the going to bat against University a 3.8 GPA. He has been involved sleeping the other night because Vice President of the Student our platform for all of Eastern to victim is. As a student at "The problems. It could also go a long with the Senate for two years now, for the first time in my life I'm Association read. We are enthusiastically Campus Beautiful" you no doubt way towards knocking down some and also sits as a student faced with a challenge which I We WUI: striving after something which we have confidence in the workings of of the political walls which have representative on the Council on have never experienced. I know 1. Be there really believe in. Student Government. The Insom- existed in the past." Academic Affairs. Kremer is also I'm not a politician; I'm just me. Around campus and in the office- Maria and myself have had a niac Party, however, feels that there The Insomniac Party also attacks involved in several other clubs, Yet, for over a year I have been longer. total of three years in Student is a glaring lack in the present ability the apparent lack of controversy in organizations and honoraries, as involved with this and I've seen 2. Communicate with you Association here at Eastern. and performance of Student Gov- the weekly Student Senate meetings. well as having debated for Eastern what it can do and what it can't do. Newsletters, radio, newspaper, Maria, a sophomore in speech and ernment. Chris Kremer and Tim Kremer, chairman of the Student for two years. Tim Butler is a junior I'll be darned, it works! Student letters, word of mouth. communications, did such an ef- Butler are two students who Rights and Responsibilities Commi- Economics major from Dayton, Government works! It works 3. Represent you fective job her first year as a recognize this weakness, and are tee, commented that "Let's face it, Ohio who carries a 3.95 GPA. Tim because you believe in it and give it Speak your side - there are other student senator on the Student running for president and vice a campus with the sheer numbers has been a Senator for over a year, is a chance. Now it's up to Maria and people to speak the other side. Rights and Responsibilities president of the Student Association that Eastern has is not going to be a former member of the Council on me; we believe in it, and we believe 4. Continue existing services Committee that she was asked to in an attempt to solve it. totally lacking of differing opinions; Adademic Affairs and the Student- in you. And that's great! My name Free University, survival assume chairmanship of the Chris and Tim believe that one of over 13,000 people don't think Teacher evaluation committee. But- is Mark Hester and I'm running for handbook, book exchange, door-to- Academic Affairs Committee for the problems of representation at alike. But that's the impression one ler currently sits on the Faculty President of Student Association. door night, arts & crafts fair, fresh- the past year. Eastern is a lack of any unifying gets by attending a Senate meeting." Welfare & Development Commit- man record, student government body; one that could serve as a Kremer and Butler stressed that if tee, and is also involved in other Maria Domenech pamphlet, off-campus housing I, Mark Hester, have been the common voice for all of the elected, they would invite and organizations as well as being a It has been many years since I've advisor. Public Relations chairperson for students. While the Student Senate, welcome student senators who have former debater at Eastern. felt butterflies as strongly as I do 5. Involve you Student Association this year, as Men's and Women's Interdorm, a different view on pertinent Kremer commented that "we've now, but then, never before have I University committee ap- well as a delegate to SGAK. We IFC, Panhellenic, and all clubs and matters. been trying to run a campaign which tried for a position as important as pointments, senate committees, understand the channels between organizations are vital and necessary The Insomniac Party cites a all the students can relate to. We this is to both myself and the and campus activities. the students and the ad- facets to EKU, what is needed is a number of relevant student prob- admit that we're not the epitome of student body. Two years of in- We will work for: ministration and know the powers body to unite and consolidate all lems, issues which have related to "professional" politicians, but we volvement in Student Government of Student Association as it student voices. Eastern Inc., a students at Eastern for years now. make no apologies for it. As a has left me with a deep respect for 1. Committee deaths represents students. unique concept of student represen- Included is the apparent desire of president, 1 can only pledge my total the office of Vice President of the 24-hour open area (4 year There are many minor issues on tation, could serve in thai capacity. students for extended lobby hours. effort in an honest and hard-work- Student Association. cadaver); rider service board campus which frustrate students to Butler explains that: "A single Chris mentioned that the bill which ing administration." I'm venturing after something (needs resuscitation) no end such as: athletic facilities arrow is easily broken, but not a he proposed to the Senate concern- Butler added, "While the Unity that I really believe in; I know how 2. Lower (stabilise) tuition not open on weekends, relation- bundle of arrows. Chris and I ing extended hours has run into Party has served its purpose, we feel much work it's going to be. But If increase has to come, we'll ships between students and envision Eastern Inc. serving as a some early trouble. "I feel that an it's time to move on to stronger that's okay; that's okay because I work to make it gradual. We want security, relationships between the bundle of arrows for all of the organization such as Eastern Inc. challenges and deeper commit- believe I can doit. Mark and I have to keep you here as long as we can. student body and Richmond, students when they're faced with a could have increased the bill's ments. I urge all students to vote worked with one another and I 3. Registration simplification registration hassles, lack of en- common problem in need of a chances of passing 100V*. Unfor- Insomniac April 17 to disband the know we can work together. That's It's complicated, it can be tertainment and good speakers, solution. After all, above everything tunately, it ran into some political country club atmosphere which has important because it takes easier; we will research one card lack of a 24-hour open area, else-we're all Eastern Kentucky and administrative problems. But prevailed in past administrations. everyone working together in order to fill out instead of five. parking problems, etc. University students." Expanding on we're still working on it." Other By keeping our ears to the ground, to do the things that need to be 4. Improved relations The administration at Eastern Eastern Inc., Butler went on to problems mentioned are the lack of and attempting to make student done. My involvement in several With Interdorm, security, ad- will cater to our needs if they know explain that it would be a committee big name concerts and top speakers government more responsive for all campus activities have shown me ministration, Richmond police. precisely what our needs are. with representation from the Stu- at Eastern, the continual hassles students, Chris and 1 believe we can the direction that students are 5. Eastern prominence Communication between students dent Senate, Men's and Women's with security, and the shortage of take a major step towards waking going. I'll tell you, I will need you With S.G.A.K. and ASF. (at is the key issue we are dealing Interdorm, the Greek system, as athletic and academic facilities the sleeping giant named Eastern right there beside me because only state and national level) with. well as independent clubs and which students are able to utilize. Kentucky University." PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA A Rumors Rumors Rumors N But That* Not Al We Contrary to rumors BiM Hammons Haircutters Serve, Come Check Our Menu. D is stiU open to serve you better, tuthermore Y there is no other hair establishment in S Richmond that reflects the haircuts and GYROS service you receive at P A LEAN BLEND OF r SPECIALLY SELECTED I W@mm£ MEATS COOK Z TO ORDER Z A Bonus for first time donors with this ad. A Great Change In Taste P p plasma alliance --.» ■ A . A "W . t ' -—' ...... '••mt:*.. ■■■Jii;i*;».'. ■ . •■* 623-1714 Subs & Spaghetti "■ A 2043 Oxford Circle Cardinal Valley : •??B'Sv-Port«r- FREE DELIVERY - 254-8047 Shopping Center 00 623-5400 To All Ordara Ov*r S2.00 C *2 Off With Ad 350 Ettttni By-Pat* E 8 «m-9 am Mon.-Frl. 8 am-3 pm Sat. "WHERE WE DO THE SIMPLEST THING EXCEEDINGLY WELL' fn P«t* B/Vol. 57/No. 28 Tha Eaattrn Profran I hurid.y April 12. 1979 Sports McNulty beats Western in split; Blue Raiders romp KN < IIK1S KI.SBERRV sophomore tarry Breisch went the Staff Writer distance for the Colonels in a losing cause. Breisch has had hard luck so far Playing for the first time in nine days. for the Colonels. In two starts Eastern Kastern's baseball Colonels opened hasn't scored a run. losing 1-0 and 3-0 i heir OVC part of the schedule by while Breisch s ERA is a fin* 1.50. splitting two games with arch-rival "We haven't scored him a run yet," Western Kentucky and then losing a said I lissom "Yet he's gone two single game to Middle Tennessee to complete games already and got beat push their overall record to 5-6 and their both times. Hell. (Tom) Seaver can tell OVC slate to 1-2 vou about that." _ „ .lack I lissom's crew traveled down to R H E Howling Green last Saturday and behind EASTERN 000 000 0 0 2 3 the superb pitching of Tom McNulty in WESTERN 210 000 0 3 3 4 i he second game came away with a Breisch and Grudinski. LP-Breisch split, winning 4-3 after dropping the (0-2) opener 3-0. HR - none The Hilltoppers got only three hits in The ace of the Eastern staff, Tom McNulty and Grudinski WP-McNulty 12-0) i he opener, but they made them count McNulty. only allowed Western two hits storing twice in the first and once in the in posting his second win of the year, a 4- HR - none second and limited Eastern to just two :l decision in the nightcap. In 14 innings Hard luck again in the form of pit- hits in posting the 3-0 shutout. of work. McNulty has allowed only one ching hit the Colonels on Sunday. Middle Making his second start of the earned run and has a glittering earned Tennessee came to Richmond after 11-1 and 15-5 losses to Morehead and the Blue Raiders took out their anger on the Eastern pitching staff, pounding out IS hits en route to a 14-4 runaway. Starter Greg Wiseman could only I 2-3 of an inning, giving up seven runt and was a little wild as he gave up four walks and three hits. Dave Shaw could do little better as he was racked for three more runs in an inning and a 1-3. Relievers Jeff Shaw. Mark Parian {•koto by SCOTT AOAMS) and Tom Horvath finished up the game Rick Bibbins gives a demonstration on why you have to have out on this play, lite Colonels dropped two of three decisions that was really over after the first in- a quick release to be a good second baseman You also have this week to make their record 5-« overall and 1-2 in the OVC ning as Middle led 9-0 to be able to take the punishment because Bibbins was taken ~~^I^™"— pup MIDDLE 91 1 003 0 14 13 2 EASTERN 031 000 0 4 8 2 Back to back r%XZN^:iX-£z%: Tennessee wins offset Racer setback I.P Wiseman 1 -11 HR none RvCRAIG COMBS ference foe Murray Thursday and to Alabama on Friday 5-4. then came back SlaH Writer the Racers 5-4 One of the teams to beat Saturday to complete the sweep by The Colonels continue OVC action this in the OVC Tournament. Murray lifted beating Tennessee Tech 6-3. weekend as Austin Peay and Murray The men's tennis team took two out of its record to 10-1 with the win. Individual singles records following State invade Hughes Eield for a pair of three matches last week, raising their Eastern then traveled lo Cookeville. last week's matches show number three double-headers. The Saturday game record to 10-9 to remain on the plus side Tenn. for successive matches with singles play Rich Vandish leading the begins at 1 p.m. while the Sunday of the 500 mark North Alabama and host Tennessee squad with an 11-6 record. contest starts at noon The Colonels played host to con- Tech The Colonels edged North other individual records are: Jeff 7.inn 7-12 at number one. Kurt Heuer- man R-10 al number two. Mark Holstein H-H at number four. Bibb Landrum 10-7 Combs chosen to football al number live, and Johnny Rowletle 9-9

tmulaal ,i. . 1 ■■HI Coach Higglns commented about the committee records. sUMfe' "Yo* shouldn't be deceived by Jeff '/inns losing record, The National Collegiate Athletic this very significant committee. This Mnoridian. Athletic Director at New because as our number one man. he Association has chosen Eastern's committee has responsibility lor Hampshire from the East: and I.vie takes on the cream of the crop, the same Director or Athletics Donald G. Combs ranking the 1-AA teams each week and Smith. Athletic Director from Boise goes lor Kurt Heuerman at two." to serve on the NCAA Division 1-AA eventually picking the final four ror the State University who represents the GROUND STROKES: Football Committee. championship or our division." said West and who chairs the committee. Combs, who will serve as the at-large Combs Due to a reporting error, the Eastern- member of the four-man committee, Combs' term runs through Sept. 1. The 'next meeting is scheduled ror Bowling Green match of March 31 was replaces Ohio Valley Conference Bob 1982 April 10-13 at Phoenix City. Alabama reported as a 5-4 Colonel win. Eastern actually lost (he match S-4. Also, it was Colonel shortstop. Mike Weaver, shows that it might even be a good idea to have Vanatta who has recently resigned his Other members or the committee ('hier topics nl discussion will center reported that Eastern would play post as OVC Commissioner, effective include Milton Hunter. Athletic around the site tor the 1-AA cham- quick enough feet to get out of the way of some of those runners. Weaver made Morehead last weekend, when in ract June 1. Director. South Carolina State, pionship, criteria lor selection to the the force and avoided biting the dust but the Colonels didn't as they lost this one they played North Alabama and Ten- "We are surely honored to serve on representing the South: Andy final four and the championship format.. to Middle Tennessee 14-4. _ _ .. nessee Tech. New RELEASES fslU-i 8 TRACK ALBUM SPECIALS [99 S7.M 199 $7 98 ;99 $8 98 |f IPs. CO Lkn Lkn Lin •Tiffs-!S 53 JI02 § 1 £ * Szicnoi Lowest Prices In Town Pierce your ears

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Pat* 7/VcJ 67/No 2t The Eastern Progress ThureeVjy. April 12. 1»7»

Murray Invitational next Seippel takes three events as women sweep Invitational Bv MONICA KEIFKB Long Jump - 2. Walker. 16'9". 3. 2". 4. Cathy Bartlett, 110'5". also to be held al Murray. The women SUff Writer White. 18' 4 1-4"; Javelin - 1. Marie The women tracksters next meet will are the defending state champions. Geisler 1»' 1-2". 5. Teuton, 97' 9 1-2"; be this weekend at Murray for the After the championship meet the 200 meter sprint -1 Denise McCoy. 26.1, Murray State Invitational. Last week I devoted the bulk of bow not to run. Thank Cod for After that will be the Kentucky women return home for the Becky The other teams didn't stand much of 2. Rose Travis. 26.3. 4. Walker. 26.5; Boone relays to be held at the Tom my column to the fanaticism and in these saviours. I could see hope; the a chance as the (eastern's women's Discus - 3. Kathryn Merchant. 113' 2 1- women's Intercollegiate championships Samuel's Track on April 27-21. some cases the obsessions that some light at the end of the tunnel. track learn racked up 214 points to win people have with long distance I studied the book when ever I the E K II Invitation last weekend at running. Well it has happened to could (in between my possessed the Tom Samuel's track. me. stories on running). Gradually my No, I'm not that wild man that stories became shorter and less Their closest opponent was East you see run by your dorm every intense. * Tennessee Stale University which had evening at six and every morning at Soon I was able to sit down and 101 points. Mt. SI Joseph was third with 75 points followed by Berea and Ten- seven. But the guys who live in the watch television. I was able to enjoy rooms on each side of me know my such stimulating shows as "Mork nessee Tech. who were tied with 40 obsession well. and Mindy," "Supertrain" and points apiece. Asbury and Milligan I have become obsessed with "The Dukes of Hazard." brought up the rear with 27 and eight writing about long distance running. Within a week after beginning the points respectively. For the past week I have found book I felt that I no longer needed Eastern won most of the events but myself dragging my body from bed my sweats when 1 approached the according to Sandy Martin, Head Coach at the unearthly hours of five and six typewriter. I was even able to sleep of the learn. "We still need improving in the morning itching to get to my later and later each morning. and need more work." typewriter. Hurridly, I find myself And my evenings became even donning my sweats and quickly more relaxed. At nights I was finally Teri Seippel. a junior from Dayton, Ohio, was a triple winner at the meet composing fast-paced stories about able to put my typewriter case over long distance runners and their that infernal machine and suck She won the 100 meter hurdles in 14.8 adventures. Sometimes staying down a few beers Believe me a few seconds, the long jump with a leap of If glued to the machine until early beers make "Supertrain" much ft 1-4". and Ihe 400 meter hurdles in 63.2 morning hours when complaints up more entertaining. seconds. and down the hall force me to stop. Soon I began writing again. At other highlights included: 400 meter My best story was about the first it scared me but gradually as Hurdles - 2 Iris Amos. 65.4; 3. Nareen marathon runner who could out-run my writing developed 1 saw that I White. 66.9. 400 meter Dash - 2. VicfcJ any dog on Eastern's campus. The had finally beat it. My writings, Hulette. 5»5: 3 Lauren Geiss. M.I; 800 story ended sadly as the runner on once again, had nothing to do with his last mile to win the world's long distance running. I began meter run -1. Good. 2:21.9; High Jump- I. Denise McCoy. 5'8". 2. Seippel. 5'4". greatest marathon was ran over at a writing about people, and bars and 4 Holly Foster. 4th 50"; 3000meter run runner's crossing by a dog catcher even other sports. At least it wasn't I. Peggy Painter. 10:48.3; who was pursuing the dogs .behind long distance running. It was so nice 880 Medley Relay - 2 Eastern. 1:54.1; him. to have that monkey off my back. Despite my obvious enjoyment of I don't know how rampant this Two-Mile Relay I. Eastern. 10.17.5; 4W disease is among writers but I hope I Relay - 1 Eastern. 49.6; 100 meter the long distance writing and the fact that I did seem to have a talent never get it again. Hurdles 2 Foster. 15.9: 3000 meter run (photo by STEVE BROWN) for it my life became one long race. I It was really good to get that off 1. Vicki Rentier -18.13; 1500 meter run - l«isha Dunn. Teri Seippel and Holly Foster (L-R) led the this event the women were in front most of the day defeating was oblivious to all other realities my chest and finish my last column I. Paula Gaston. 4:54.1; women's track team in this hurdles event. As is the case with all of their six opponents. around me. on long distance running. Well I But it was starting to catch up have to put my sweats on now and with me. By the weekend my fingers get up to the track. I'm getting in Intramural highlights began to cramp and it was longer shape for a 10,000 meter run in The intramural department recently among the heavyweights and longer between second winds. It Louisville atvApril 22. held a wrestling meet which featured i»v. othesSiOranmraU action Land* quite a few of Eastern's finest SOWg'WU.tefr/'BBch became the KU-.f was obvious that my body was not Oh no! I hope this isn't another amateurs. University Champions in co-ed built to be a long distance runner form of that disease. The All-University champions are as racquet ball by virtue of their defeat of writer. DIAMOND DUST: Eastern's follows: Nick Spene took the 126 pound Greg Johnson and Kalhy Lisch. I realized I was hooked. I had to linksters came up with their first weight class representing BTP: Scott Eastern's judo club will be hosting find a way to get the monkey off my tournament win of the year as they Shave took Ihe 134 pounders; Joe their first judo tournament April 28 in back. I should have sought soundly defeated the nine other Creager was the best in the 142 pound Ihe Weaver Gym. division; Gary Price of "Joe Face" was Price Jacobs is the club instructor and professional help but I thought I teams in the Colonel Classic as Dave best in the 150pound class; Ron Alberts holds a black belt. Jacobs anticipates could beat this thing myself. I took Gaer came within two strokes of his was the best among the 158 pounders; some 350 contestants at the tournament refuge in a book. Arlington record in winning the Jim Heagle took the top honors in the 167 from all parts of Ihe east coast, in ad- Believe it or not I was finally Classic. class, representing BTP; Mike Winters dition to club members. saved by another one of those Both the men's and women's of Keene Hall was the best in the 177 Weigh-ins for the tournament are running books. Actually it was a track teams had home meets this class; George Sheppard of PDT was scheduled from 8-9a.m. with fighting to book on non-running. The book of best in the 190 pound class; and Mark begin al 10 a.m. Questions on the weekend. The men were led by Meluis of "Grog" was the overall best tournament may be directed to Price non-running. double winner Chris Goodwin while among the heavyweights. Jacobs (2944) or Rich Price (4111). The book was written by two Teri Seippel took three events for In the team division. Grog was the Anyone interested in playing rugby ex-journalists who described them- the women. overall winner while Candy was second this spring call 623-6479 or 625-4751. selves as a couple of "mild and lazy Eastern's baseball team did and "Joe Face" was third. This was Practice will be Tuesdays and Thur- guys" who felt the world not only finally get to play this week as they among the Independent housing division. sdays from 4-5:30 p.m. was ready but needed a book on took one of three contests. Scoreboard UPCOMING EVENTS - Away Larry Breisch 1.60 8 020 2 lasfkal Apr. 17 - LouisvMe - CoHeeum Courta - 2:30 Jeff Shaw 2.70 7 011 0 Chris Goodwin prepares to hand the baton to teammate Henry Bridges in the p.m. ■ 440 yd. relay in which Eastern finished second. Apr. 14 - Murray State - Turkey Hughei Greg Wiseman 2 89 16 110 1 Baseball FMd - Noon Tennis (Women's) Ed Johnson 3.86 6 100 1 Apr. 16 - Austin Paay - Turkey Hughes Apr. 13-16 - Ohio State Invitational - Away David Shaw 6.87 6 010 0 BatabaN Field - Noon Track IMan's'l "Quote of the week" Apr. 18 - Dayton - Away Apr. 13-14 - Dogwood Relays - Away GoH Track IWomen'al "We haven't scored him a run yet (sophomore, Larry Breisch >. Yet he's gone Apr 14 Murray Invitational Away i wo complete games already and got beat both times, hell, (Tom) Seaver can Apr. 14-16 - Kantucky Intercollegiate Tournament - Lexington PITCHING TOTALS tell you about that." Apr. 16 Eaatern Quadrangular 17 IN.) Jack Hissom. Eastern baseball coach commenting on Colonel pitcher Larry CookeviHo, TN ERA SO W L S Rreisch's misfortune of not being able to get any runs when he pitches. Breisch Yennra (Man'al Tom McNulty 0.63 19 200 has lost twice this year l-0and M in posting a 1.50 ERA. Tomorrow - Southern Illinois - EdwardsvMe Carry! Weaver 128 t 10 0 f$KfflER Is This Sunday

Come la Today And Leave WHh The SfirH Of Lookin, Good.

PHI /Free Delivery Threes •*'*•* <4aW delivery |ustask' -March of Dimes Archies Upper Crust . nee ance cwrrsieutto ev im PUBUSMUI Company 263 Eeat Main Stroat Richmond. Kantucky MEW'S WEAR Shoppers Village EBP, 7T T* 7F P»»» 8/Vol 57/No. 28 Tlw Enlifn Prngi— TWwtay. Apnl 12. 1979

Colonels classic as golfers take first spring tourney ByBv WILLIE SAWYERS Colonels have to set used to it. "They' took the Staff Writer Coach Struder said that the important challenge pretty good but if they can't thing in golf was to gain national ex- react to the pressures on their own golf Sunday was a day of recognition for posure by competing in prestigious course, hell, then what are they going to Ray Struder and the men's golf team. tournaments and by beating nationally do at the Chris Schenkel or the OVC The rain-soaked golfers had finished ranked teams. He also stated that all of Championship." the last nine holes, the three-day totals the coaches told him that they were had been tabulated and in the end. impressed with the facilities at TEE TALK Eastern's men's golf team had won the Arlington and the way the Classic was Here are the current averages for the Fourth Annual Colonel Classic by an run. Golfing Colonels. impressive 10 shots. "I hope eventually to make this one of Doug Brehme 73.50 The match was more than just the leading collegiate matches in the Dave Gaer 74.80 another tournament victory for the United States," said Struder. Gregg Waggoner 75.70 Colonels. It was the first step on a long Struder also stated that he was proud Dave Clement 75.40 road to the OVC Championship and of the way his boys handled the pleasure Mike Frey 75.80 national recognition. Because in golf, but emphasised that bJa players would Tim North 75.71 recognition is the name of the game. It's who you play, who you beat, and how bad you beat them. So, the Colonel Classic win was important to the Colonels in more ways than one. "The guys had a tremendous amount of pressure on them." stated Struder, who is in his first year as head coach of the Colonels. "We had to win this match to receive any kind of recognition. The first round I thought they were a little tight but they came back Saturday and Sunday and did a very fine job. They met the challenge admirably." Dave Gaer won the match and led the Colonels with a fantastic five under par. Gaer shot a 74 on Friday, a match low of 08 on Saturday and topped that off with a 71 on Sunday. Gaer's 66 was just two shots shy of the Arlington record, which Concentration is the name of the game and for golfer Dave Gaer finished two strokes behind the all-time Arlington was set by Gaer in the Kentucky In- Gaer. he had all he could use this past weekend as he won the course record which he currently owns. Colonel Classic to help the Colonels to a ten stroke victory. tercollegiate last year. "We had to win this match, especially after Marshall." Gaer stated. "We worked hard all week and I really putted well. I just made them when I had to." Eagles edge injury-riddled Gaer. the number two golfer on the squad, contracted tonsilitis the week before and shot a poor 82 in the Marshall Invitational. The Colonels finished in a thinclads in triangular meet sixth place tie out of eight teams, losing to Miami University and Marshall who But all was not bleak on the western Kv FRANK BUSH 10.000-meter run (31:27.3). and the other were both slated to be in last week's Staff Writer front, (or should I say Eastern front). by Tennessee Tech's Larry Curran in There were some fine performances Colonel Classic. With Gaer healthy, the the high jumpJ^B'10"). Colonels beat Miami by ten shots and Eastern's trackatera, plagued with turned in by the healthy trackmen left. Other thinclads performing well for As a matter of a fact there were five dominated Marshall by 57 Injuries, were just edged out by Eastern were dependable Chris Eastern had two teams in the match, Morehead State in an O.V.C. Eastern personal records set last weekend by Goodwin placing first in the long and members of the Eastern thinclads. the Maroon team and the White team. Division Meet this past weekend here at triple jump and Denis Grahem in the Struder stated that the players are Eastern. In the 1500-meter run Gerry Giblin shot-put. had a personal best of 3:53.4. T.J. Swan divided according to their averages, Eastern s second place finish featured Harvey also added that the upcoming with the Maroon team being the players had a personal best of 56.1 in the 400- a sound thrashing of Tennessee Tech as meets are just preparation for the with the lowest average. athey could only manage 18 1-3 points. intermediate hurdles. In the 5000-meter O.V.C Championship meet at the end of run. Bill Morgan with a time of 14:50.1 Eastern's maroon team won the " Track coach Art Harvey would not the regular season. "We just want to match with a total of 868 for the three disclose the team members injured but had a career best. There were two represent our school well in this con- day event which featured teams such as Mid mention that it hurt the performance personal records in the discus by ference and we want to get everyone Eastern performers. Placing first and Western. Louisville, Indiana State, <>( the team and that their presence was well and healthy for the conference Vanderbilt and . Miami placed 'missed "We had a few members in- second were Brian Dowels and Denis meet." said Harvey. Grahem respectively. second with a 879 and suprisingly, the 'jured and this hurt us and will continue Next Friday and Saturday Eastern Eastern White team finished third with lo until they recuperate, which will "We were really pleased with these will participate in one of its biggest a very respectable 880. hopefully be before the O.V.C. track personal records." said Harvey. "They meets of the season when they travel to Mike Frey led the White team and /championship.' said Harvey. "We had showed improvement in our players and Knoxville. Tenn. for the Dogwood finished third overall with a one over '^ome of our quality performers it sort of shows something about the Relays. "This is one of the biggest track par 217. Brad Smith had the team low of missing." person when he does better in something meets in the country, and I have seen 89 on Saturday but shot a 78 on Sunday to Henry Bridges, a Junior from Pittsburgh, PA. shows his ruranag form after the • Eastern had beaten Morehead by 30 than ever before." added Harvey. two world records set there so it should finish at seven over for the tournament. handoff of the baton during the 440 yard relay this past Saturday. Eastern points earlier this year thus showing There were also two"meet records set, be pretty exciting and interesting," said Team captain Doug Brehme was right finished second in the event by a mere tenth of a second. They also lost on the how the injured personnel were missed. one by Eastern's Ed Strobach in the Harvey. behind Frey at two over for the ■ day by 8 1-2 points.

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_ Pa#« 9/Vol 57/No. 28 Th» Eaatari OrganizationsThuraday, April 12. 1B7t McBrayer 'Old South Week' opens ] in full swing The™«.. KappaV AAlphabJ.. fraternityrrat.rr.itv holdshnlrb. COITipetltlV'competitive events including a their annuaP'Old South Week," in order wheelbarrow race, tug-o-war, relay "to rekindle the good points of the old races, "sit on your can," and others. campaign South," said KA president Phil Burgess The winning sorority was rewarded by a By DON MCNAY This year, the KA tradition began on mixer with KA's held in their honor SUff Writer Monday with the Sharcropper's Ball Tonight, a champagne party will be which was held at J. Sutters Mill, the held for members and their dates. Gubernatorial candidate Terry crowning of the Sharecropper Queen, "Old South" weekend will include a McBrayer opened his Richmond cam- chosen among campus sororities. An barn dance, a banquet and awards paign headquarters Wednesday, March all-Greek mixer followed the crowning presentation, and the traditional "Old 28. to a crowd of over ISO that included On Tuesday, the KA's held a pig roast South Ball." KA's and their dates will many students and University officials, barbeque for their dates and little spend this Easter weekend at the Ken including President J.C. Powell and sister*. Bar resort on Lake Berkley in Western former President Dr. Robert Martin. Next, "Old South Olympics" were Kentucky. McBrayer appeared at hw held in Palmer Field between the The week-long festivities will include headquarters, the former Mr. Snapp't sororities. These Olympics include nine an Easter Service on the lake. bakery, with a busload of people that he had been touring the state with all of that day. McBrayer spoke from a flatbed truck Frat works for seals that was located outside of Ma A road block on the Eastern By-Pass headquarters. McBrayer said that the Next Monday. April 16, Theta Chi fraternity will kick-off its annual Rally will be set up Tuesday, April 17 from' entrance of John Y. Brown, Jr. into the Week with a "Basketball Bounce noon to 4 pm. by fraternity members, race for Governor will not hurt hk> also in an effort to raise funds for the chances for the Democratic nomination. Marathon" with proceeds benefiting the Easter Seals. Easter Seals. He made an allusion to all of the The remainder of Rally Week includes rumored mergers by other candidate* Beginning Monday at noon and continuing the entire week until noon on an all-Greek party and a volleyball when he said that "While they're talking IMo ay STeve BNOWN) tournament between sororities. T-shirts in smoke filled rooms on how to beat me, Friday, the Marathon will total 96 hours Taking place at the Richmond Court will be on sale all week outside the grill. I'm out on the road campaigning." Dream on Prizes and certificates will be given to." McBrayer said that the smaller Debbie Phillips, member ot the Chi Omega sorority, walks the swimsuit competition of the Phi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl house, the bouncing will be done by Pageant Tuesday night. ' all those who participate For further J counties is where he would need to draw before the judges in hopes of becoming a calendar girl during Theta Chi members who will take turns information, call Joel Speck at 625-5381 • his support. McBrayer also said he "all day and all night" during the week, according to member Joel Speck. This past weekend, Sunday. April 8,'. realized the importance of the regional the Theta Chi's held its annual Parents' university system, as he was a Casing the clubs "We're going to Richmond businesses Day in the Keen Johnson Building. The; Morehead graduate and to others to get them to pledge day included a dinner, reception, and Student Regent and Student money per hour for the Marathon," awards, given to active members by Association Vice President John Trap and Skeet BSU explained Speck. adviser Dr. Donald Bodely. Cooper, who is McBrayer's campus Bv YVONNE I. EDMONDS coordinator, said that McBrayer's visit team, but could also be used in the law Staff Writer •showed some of the students working Bv I.EESA WADDLE enforcement and recreation depart- in the campaign that McBrayer is Staff Writer ments. The Black Student Union to an make comeback serious about Eastern students and with William Schulz. sponsor of the organization working toward black H'rhmond." I'niversity's Trap and Skeet Club, has achievement through cooperation, because not everyone is willing to admi^ McBrayer announced yesterday that involvement and improvement of black Bv STEPHANIE TEMPLE good reason to be confident about the Kappa Delta Tau Staff Writer that they have them, or they gel Dr Robert Martin, state senator from team's chances of placing in the relations. treatment from a friend." the 22nd District would be co-chairman Several years ago, a conglomeration Association of College Unions' In- Scabies and lice have been staging a White added that people associate the. of his campaign tercollegiate Championship Shoot. "Sold, to the highest bidder." will be of these three goals, along with diseases with filthy living conditions of Martin was president of the scholastic abilities, resulted In the "come back" in recent years and the "I am certain we will lake some kind words spoken next Wednesday, April 18 cleanest person is not immune. poor personal hygiene which, she said, I'mversity prior to his becoming a of honors." Schulz states op- at Kappa Delta Tau's Pledge Slave Sale presentation of the "Most Outstanding "isn't necessarily true." senator Black Award." The idea died. According to the National Drug and timistically. Held every semestpr for each pledge Therapeutic Index, cases of lice in- Scabies and lice can be contracted "We have done pretty well every class as a money-making project, the Recently, the Black body of merely by hanging your coat next to organizations on campus, have festation have increased fivefold in the Newman year." he adds. auction bidding usually begins at about last three years. that of an infected person. So a "clean" The team has previously placed third 50 cents. established a new award, "Who's Who person might not know they have and fourth in two national cham- Among Black Seniors." Millions of American school children "It's gone all the way up to $24 will contract lice this year from scabies until intense itching begins Center pionships. Competition will be held before." explained pledge chairman For an individual to be eligible for the Other symptoms include red splot award, several prerequisites are borrowed combs, cans, and scarves and April 25-29 in Peoria, III Kim Adkins. "But usually a pledge is from upholstered seats in theatres and ches. long scratch marks on the body, They also won the Ohio State In- usually sold for around five or six required: and in the case of head lice, silver, tear- dinner You must be a black senior with high trains, said the Index. The Fourth Annual Dmaer of the tercollegiate Championship and the dollars." .,,. , . ,,.,, shaped eggs attached to the hair lovitaUanal Clay Pigeon competition in scholastic achievement in good standing The revival of scabies and lice is strands These should not he mistaken Catholic Newman CenterS«l,b# hridiP .. Auctioneers Bill McGee and Colonel uitb the . University and the local partly due to the discontinuance of DDT the Powell Student c^ajar on Sunday, "Mascot" Irish Rollins will,begin the as a treatment. Besides being proved for dandruff, because the eggs are hard The team" Is composed basically of community. to remove. April 22. at 6:30 p.m. slave sale around 5 p.m. at the fountain You must possess leadership in the harmful to humans, DDT became ob- trap shooters, with the strongest area by the Chapel. Twelve pledges this solete because the mites which cause With a close enough look lice can be In addition, several individuals will be being in American trap, said Schulz. semester are up for bids. The girb will campus community. seen, but the female scabies mite to only recognized for their contribution in the He explains that the objective in trap You must have contributed to both the scabies and lice developed a resistence he required to work a total of two hours lo the chemical in the early '60's. one-sixtieth of an inch long and can best Center's work to meet the spiritual and skeet shooting is the breaking of a for their "master." Some of the tasks campus and off-campus community, be detected by white thread-like lines on needs of Catholic students attending and you must be presently involved in At the Student Health Fair held fast-moving clay target. may include washing cars, ironing, recently, a senior environmental health the body. Batten. Trap is more unpredictable because sewing, cooking dinner, and doing extra-curricular activities. The only good news about scabies and Tickets for the event are $5. which In addition, two letters of recom- major. Karen Ryan, added that most the shooter can never guess which angle laundry, according to Adkins. cases were "not reported unless they lice is that treatment to both easy and includes a 50 cents donation. All (he target will follow, he said, com- "The girls will serve the two hours - mendation must be submitted no later effective. Physicians prescribe forms of students and faculty are cordially in- than April 6. are really Important." So the revival to paring trap to skeet shooting. duties within reason," said Adkins. probably greater. Pyrethrins. which are extracts of the vited lo attend, but reservations are Schulz urges students to become in- "Anyone is welcome to bid." The award will be presented at the chrysanthemum flowers. Medication necessary For ticket information call volved in the Trap and Skeet Club. Money from the slave auction will be Miss Black Student Union Pageant. Health major Uschi White said, "I can be purchased in shampoo or soap Father Ketteler (623-9400) or Dr Jim He feels that if skeet ranges were built used for service projects done by the April 19 at 6:30 p.m. In Model Lab think it's kind of a hard thing to report form. Libbev (622-1814) on campus, it would not only benefit the organization. Auditorium. SMALL Send An Easter Basket Bouquet, Plant Or Corsage To that Special Girl Or ANIMAL Home To Mother BAN KING HOURS MEDICINE ORDER EARLY NANCY K FINLAY D.V.M. ARE ENDLESS 623-4732 RICHMOND Third Street On Right GREENHOUSE FOR OUR Off Barnes Mill Rd. 9 302 Longview Drive Weitover Ave. FREE DELIVERY CUSTOMERS! OH W. Man IN TOWN 623-3410

SUB CENTER YOU CAN ENJOY 24HOUR SERVING OUTRAGEOUS SANDWICHFS EAT IN BANKING SERVICE W. THIRD -25?^k>.^ TAKE OUT AND FREE DELIVERY MAIN ST. ON TUB FREE DELIVERY 624-2435 ' ftjDS<3£ELi3 <3Gffl©L? REGULAR SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Includat Lattuca, Tomato. Oolon, Ch LOCATED AT OUR SANDWICHES Saaionlng and our own Top Sacral Drawing. ! Sarvad on Whit*. Rya EASTERN BY PASS BRAHCH or Whoia Whaat BraaO. MIXED , .....1.45 2.10 Latluc*. Tomato, Mayo. Mustard or Onion on HAM 145 •• 2.10 I RaquMt. 10c axtra ' SALAMHGenoa) 1.45 «• .V 2.10 ROAST BEEf...... '.* J-24 ROAST BEEF. 1.45 1 2.10 TURKEY...... " ••••!•* -24 * • TURKEY. 1.45 2.10 HAM .« W....-24 LIVERWORST, 1.48. .2.10 . HAM & CHEESE i.V.34 , .«, TUNA.. a 1.45* a... ,2.10 2.10 SALAMI (Genoa)^.^...J-24 .'-. y CHEESE rfha».."••••••• 1.4§ja*aa. I SALAW*. $ .C4,EE^:....1:34 ; LIVERWORST...... •»./;.» ™ WfiHSHT WATCHERS SPECIAL raium TUNA SALAD; '"MA "DIET THING" A CHEF'S ~ ■ *«**»w---■ «f t IraaiaWr. - • Tfc . • * ■ " C*H'£t«-. .-.-«...... -■••••••••«*>'"■• . Portlq** ot Roaat B * •- Turkay, Salami and, * ,— . - on • bad of >-*ttuca and Tomato * - .Siicaj and-.your • •M, COKE,•...■•••»••• • »» • • aa •*» SUNDAY ;...*»4pm to 12pm TOS5RD SALAO...... •••••••• •*» tO— wmmmmmm

Pae* 10/Vol. S7/No. 28 The Eastern PaaajMa) Tnortday. Aa»H «, 1979

ESP. games, burlesque and Tarzan? By BRIAN BI AIR He filled the lulls in the early part the young lady who waa Staff Writer of the show — including a ten minute transformed into Miss Universe. Gil Eagles was a little bit like a segment set aside for applying his Never mind that Bert Parks, Bob rich uncle to 11 University students makeshift tape and silver-dollar Barker or whoever was missing. Thursday night at Brock Auditori- mask — by chatting with the crowd. This was serious business. After um. For instance, as he applied the tape dramatically strutting to the edge of He took them to Hawaii on a to his face, he told them, "Notice I the stage, she stopped to answer fishing trip, a movie theater for two get better looking as we go along." questions from the audience. showings, brought them to When he was finally blindfolded "Where did you get that beautiful Churchill Downs for a day at the properly, Eagles looked like a outfit?" a student asked. races and gave them ice cream to version of the Lone Ranger gone In typical beauty-queen fashion, boot. awry. Or possibly a child with good she responded, "From Freder- All without leaving the auditori- intentions on Halloween night. ick's." um. It worked, though. The crowd But the respectable pageant Eagles, billed as "The Entertain- seemed to love it. atmosphere was ruined when a male ing Psychic," spent the night The majority of the first half of student shouted, "Turn it into a playing mind games with an the show was devoted to "psychic burlesque show I" enthusiastic audience. counseling." Eagles collected slips Boys will be boys, you know. The three-hour show was divided of paper from members of the Tarzan was another favorite. The into two parts: a demonstration of audience after asking them to print fact that he had no vine didn't ESP followed by hypnosis as their name, social security number »»»atevt««cJWN) prevent him from swinging into Students' hands are cemented together through the use of the mind. Gil volunteers were given new identities and a question relating to some action. Seconds after he was Eagles Eagles is having the people concentrate on the fact that the hands won't such as Miss Universe or Tarzan. problem or concern. commanded, the amateur Tarzan let come apart. Eagles began the show in nearly Taking a single slip at a time, go a holler and raced into the stand-up-comic fashion, attempting Eagles proceeded to call out the audience to find his most prized to win the crowd's favor with a name of the person and the possession (next to his loin cloth): touch of humor. When calling upon circumstances surrounding his or Jane. a male volunteer from the audience, her concern. One young man was Eagles then asked the newly- Eagles asked the student to "stand worried about gradually losing his chosen Jane, "How would you like "Murder by Decree' starts _ up straight and as dose to the floor hair. He wanted to know how to me to make that permanent? as possible." deal with the jokes from others. Imagine that - every time he sees Eagles had a solution. you on campus, he goes bananas." on uphill note and lingers on Moments later, the hypnotist said "Tell them every time a man has At the close of the show, the the idea of Kentucky's "bluegrass" sex, he loses one hair," advised the psychic explained that the subjects By MIKE DITCHEN Murder By Decree does show that may or may not be noticed. The puzzled him considerably. "Why is hypnotist. would probably remember nothing Staff Writer great promise at this point but a lack worst technical flaw of the film is it called bluegrass?" he asked of no After a brief intermission, Eagles from their experiences. of action and a log of bad accents the obvious use of fake backdrops. one in particular. switched from his Ann Landers However, it's doubtful that the Murder By Decree is lingering to midway through the film destroys Some of the shots are well detailed A voice shot back from the character to a more serious type, audience will soon forget Gil Eagles. the end, not only because it lacks all hopes. Without the action the but these as a whole are of the audience: "I used to smoke it." explaining that "hypnosis is nothing direction, but at times a plot. script must save the sinking ship. victims of the Ripper. Abandoning the subject, Eagles more than the power of Foster music camp The movie has Shelock Holmes With this dreadful script the then asked two of the assistants, suggestion." From there, Eagles It's not too early to sign up for a hot on the trail of Jack-the-Ripper. audience should man the life boats. Murder By Decree loses historic chosen from the audience, to suggested and the 11 volunteers summer music camp, the director of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock's The action is static with the actors value by having an imaginary examine a leather blindfold, making obeyed accordingly. choral activities at the University, creator, has no responsibility for trying to fake a British accent that detective investigate the case. sure there were no peep holes. After One student became a drill David A. Wehr, advises high school (his piece. Doyle should not have to Americans can easily understand. Without the Holmes' lure it is the pair told him they found nothing sergeant, a la Sgt. Carter from the singers. lake blame for other's mistakes. In More often than not that effort doubtful whether this film would of the sort, Eagles snickered, "Gomer Pjle" television series. It Dr. Wehr announced that the this movie Holmes seems to be too hurts their characterization and have been produced. "Good! I got away with it again." seemed that he lacked only a spit Stephen Collins Foster Vocal Camp busy trying to be smug to solve the make the actors loose their Murder By Decree is too long and But then, he got away with almost shine. at the University will be held July Ripper murders. creditabilily. too dull to be truly entertaining. If everything else as well, using the Another assumed the role of a 1-15 for singers in grades 10 through The movie starts on an uphill note Technically the film has many this movie had of been on television same show he has presented at other flamenco dancer. 12 to study both solo and ensemble with fast paced action. Unfortunate- inconsistencies such as asphalt roads I would have gone to bed early or colleges for the past several years. Perhaps the crowd's favorite was singing. ly the action is very gruesome. in London during the late 1800's either turned it off. Bobby Jack's Style Shop PORTRAITS JIM'S BLUEGRASS •ad 1507 East Main PAWN HARDWARE Try a cat that WEDDINGS SHOP Graduation will last & last! Portraits YOUR ONE STOP Composites Looks as good tomorrow Job * Instant MONEY as it dots today irX Paaaport TO LOAN SHOP! FOR THE FINEST IN Bring This Ad With You On Anything Of Value For a Fraa Shampoo PHOTOGRAPHY Grftware Kouseware 623-2390 •Buy •Sell HOURS: Tim. • Fri. No Appointment Jim Cox Studio Appiancas & TV & radio Novelties JU E. MM 10 am- 6 pm •Sell •Pawn Sat. 8 am - 2 pm Necessary 623-3145 Plumbing Shop Repairs Sorority Mascots Downtown 218 Porter Dr. (Behind Jerry's) South 3rd Bus Station

"Catalog of unique, noatalgic. and specialty Kama-many Collector Hama #600 par 1000 mailing circulars REPRESENTATIVES WANTED for pro with good investment possibilities. Hama Guaranteed Earningsl Write MYRIAD. motion of international but lines in Europe includa: coina. atampa. antiques, artwork. Bo» 1893AA. Demon, TX 78201. and Asia. Expeditions in Africa and South comic booka, old racorda. old magailnaa. America. Camping tours Educational old photoa, booka. buttona. and many EXOTIC JOBS! tours Almost any travel othara. Sand GO canta IdaductMe with LAKE TAHOE CALI organized. Magic But, Damrak 87, firtt order] to: Frank Louie, P.O. Sox 848, Little exp. Fantastic tips (payl 41700 Amsterdam. Holland. AHwood Station. Clifton. Now Jersey M000. aummar 36.000 people naadad in *. 07012." Caainoaa, Raatauranta, Ranches. JOBSM/FI Exchange Cruisers, River Raftsl Sand (3.96 for Info. Want to apand thai aummar SAILING SAILBOATSI CRUISE SHIPS! No the Caribbaan? The Pacific? Europe? to LAKEWORLD, Eft Box 80129. Sacto, experience High pay. Saa Carribean, Cruising othei parts of the world aboard CA 96880. ^ Hawaii, Europa. World! Summer Career Classified Ads" sailing or power yachts? Boat owners Sand 13.96 for info, to SEAWORLD. EO B 6 J Quick Print "A wit in the printing noad crewel For fraa information, send a bit"211 Geri Lane, Richmond, Ky. 40476. Box 60129. Sacto, CA 96800. IT'S EASY. FOLLOW THESE FOUR STEPS: IS cant stamp to Xanadu. 8833 So. 10 to 10,000 copies white you wait Geaanst, Suits 881. Houston, T«. 77036" printing. OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round. Europa, S. America, Australia, 1. Bring Ad To Progress Office 3. Take Form To Bursar's Window SUMMER JOBS, NOWI ArcNa'a 283 E. Main St. 824-2424 la Alii, Etc. All fields. $500 - 1-1,200 WORLD CRUISERS! PLEA8URE looking for competent persona with auto monthly. Expanaaa paid. Sightseeing 2. Assessment Will Be Made BOATSI No experience! Good Pay! for pitta delivery Apply in person Friday Fraa info. - Write: UC. Box 4490-80. 4. Return Form To Progress Office Carribean. Hawaii, World! Sand »3.96 for 200 p.m. - 4.-00 p.m. Berkeley, CA 94704. APPLICATION and direct referrals to Professional resume service: Wa prepare SEAWORLD. BD Bo> 80129, Secremen- ' raaumaa that unlock doom of opportunity. Landadown Club wW be available for // 's That Easy. Direct Communication With Other Students to, CA 96880. For price list write Profaaalonal Resume private party rental. For more Information Service, 140 Surburban Court, Lexington, cal 806-277-3806 Monday - Friday 10:00- 4.-00 Lexington, Ky: JOBS Ky. 40603. Exchange LAKE TAHOE. CALIFI Fantaetic tipsl AUCTION avary Friday night, fiva mil*. »1,700 $4,000 summer I Thousands stifl MUSIC! MUSIC! The Bookstore now has WANTED: Student to sell specialty and Naiad a place to Rva thia aummar? out Irvine Road. Moberty. Antiquaa, new music folios, guitar strings, all music ROD STEWART TICKETS - 623 3130 naadad. Casinos, Restaurants, Ranches, fund raiting items to all groups Good Opaninga lor six to eight people for and uaad fumltura. odda and anda. accessories, harmonicas, recorders... and FRIDAY APRIL 27th FREEDOM HALL Cruisers. Sand M.95 for APPLICATION/ commlaatonal Write W.H. Specialty Co.. tummar housing #60 a month. Cal Oava. Coneignmenta welcome. Phona 823 0064 LOUISVILLE tap 14-26) INFO, to LAKEWORLD, BD Box 80129. a lot moral For your music naada. aaa ua 236 Laffoon Driva, Frankfort. Kentucky 623-S7S1. 16-3) at the Bookstore Sacto, CA. 96880. 40801 or caM 16021 886-1468.

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P»ga 1 Wot. 57/No. 28 Th« Eastern Progrna Thuraday. April 12. 1979

A funny thing happened on the way back from the forum A funny thing happened on the Senate shouted. "And now we'd Elvis; I thought he was dead. story must have been written in way back from the forum. like to lead a cheer for Eastern's "Are you really Elvis?" I asked good taste or it wouldn't have I was kidnapped, held at gunpoint basketball and football teams. incredulously. received second place in the state. and very nearly lost my life. As a "Go, Colonels! Go, go big E!" result, my column didn't appear in Mr. Schloster yelled, jumping up "Well, no not really," he said P.S. The story I'm referring to is last week's Progress. and down and doing a fancy sheepishly. "I'm really one of the the drag queen article I wrote several The forum I'm referring to is the cartwheel. many Elvis imitators. But on behalf weeks back. Thanks, Brenda, for shouting match where I was verbally "We're having a party to of all Elvis fans and Elvis himself, helping me win. abused, called a pervert and a sex celebrate this event," Schloster I'm gonna give you this." The time has come to congratu- late Skip Daugherty for a job well maniac and otherwise just shown a continued. "It's down at the Punity He smashed a guitar across my done. The Gil Eagles' hypnosis great time. Headquarters downtown. Every- teeth. Anyway, after the forum I was show was a very entertaining and sauntering back to the dorm when a lively presentation that kept stu- guy jumped out from the shadows. dents interested throughout. "Boo," he said, holding a gun Skip and I have had our against my nose. "I'm the ghost of disagreements in the past, but it's your columns' past. I'm here to take time he deserved a hand for bringing you on a little sentimental journey." Larry Eagles to campus. It was much "Who are you?" I asked, my better than the concerts we've been voice quivering. accustomed to here. "I," he boasted proudly, "am a Bernard Thanks, Carol, for sending me theatre, music and an major all the letter. You made my day with rolled up in one. And I don't like your encouraging words. you very much, Bernard. In fact, I Arts Editor hate your guts." 'Champagne' flows on With that, he slammed the gun Evelyn "Champagne" King has achieved fame and success after weathering against my head. When I awoke, I terrible reviews when she appeared in concert here last fall. Apparently was sitting on a stage with my hands undaunted by the scorning critic, King has released a hit single "I Don't body come." and feet tied. A crowd of about a Oh, come on now, this is getting Know If It's Right." The entire theatre department hundred people were sitting in the too wild, even for my columns. came up next. audience staring at me with grim The burp expressions. "We feel that Bernard should give Tony winner 'Pippin' us brilliant reviews even if we after the beer . . . "Ladies and gentlemen," the guy perform terribly," their spokesman Last Saturday at the Kentucky who held the gun said, stepping up said. "We're the theatre department Intercollegiate Press Association to the podium. "We are here for a will be staged April 25-28 and we deserve better." (KIPA) a story won second place in very special occasion: the lynching In spite of myself I began to laugh the feature department. The story fact. of Larry Bernard. (Applause from The University's Speech and The idea for "Pippin" originated uncontrollably. won over all the other student The similarities between the the audience.) Theatre Arts Department will be at Carnegie Tech, where newspapers in the state. presenting its Spring musical in two Stephen Schwartz was a student. In difficulties of these historical "The first guest we have is "Oh, I hate you," one girl cried. The fact that the story won is characters with present-day fathers Georgie Mums," the guy continued. weeks. "Pippin," this year's musi- 1966, a classmate of his, Ron "1 hope you never write another ironic because many people consid- Strauss, came across a paragraph in and sons, intrigued Strauss. He "Georgie, please step up here." cal, will open Wednesday evening play review again." With that she ered it to be tasteless, offensive and a history book that mentioned suggested to Schwartz that they use Mums stepped directly in front of April 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gifford boxed my ears in fine dramatic "having no place in a newspaper." •Charlemagne's son, Pepin. Strauss this theme for a musical show for me. Theatre and will run through fashion. Apparently someone thought the learned that the powerful emperor the school's annual Scotch and Soda "You dirty little pervert," he Saturday evening April 28. Ramona Palona stepped up. and his son did not get along too musical, under the title of "Pippin, snarled. "Don't ever write a column Pippin." After graduation both about me again. I hate your column "As president of a prestigious art Jazz Ensemble will display well. Charlemagne was a family man authors headed for New York. and you've ruined my reputation." organization, I feel I owe you this. who had several wives and Strauss gave up the idea but, finally, He slapped me across the face You dirty, slime-infested, kinky variation of styles in spring concert little sex maniac," she said, gouging concubines. One of his concubines producer Stuart Ostow bought the twice. How creative, Georgie. The 19-piece University Jazz Other numbers include Duke idea and assigned Roger O. Hirson my eyes. Ellington's "In A Mellow Tone," bore him a son, Pepin, who had a Rod Stewart stepped up next. Ensemble, directed by Joe Ham- to write a story, while retaining "Our Final guest, before we do Rodgers and Hart's "Have You Met handsome face but was hunchback- "Well, I hear you don't like my brick, will give its spring concert ed. Nothing much is known about Schwartz' music and lyrics. new album, Mr. Bernard," he said, away with Bernard, is none other Thursday, April 19, at 8:30 p.m. in Miss Jones?", and a boogaloo Pepin, except that he became No American musical has ever caressing his body over and over. than Elvis Presley. Elvis is enraged Brock Auditorium. There is no original called "Amazing Bayou "Do ya think I'm sexy at all?" because of the scathing review Slim." involved in a plot against his father been such an immediate and admission charge, and the public is with some Frankish nobles. They extensive international success as "Hell, no." I said. Bernard gave him." invited. "Well," he said, swishing off the Elvis stepped up before me. had lured him into the plot with "Pippin," possibly because of its promises to make Pepin king, the stage. "I'm not gonna spend my "You're the scum of the earth for The music on this concert is aimed Two special numbers will high- philosophical guidance for finding a time talking to someone who stating that Sid Vicious is the king of at displaying a wide variation of light the concert: the jftzz ballad conspiracy was discovered and the happy life in the disjointed world of traitors punished. Pepin was tonsur- doesn't like my body." rock and roll. Listen, nobody wears styles, from Maynard Ferguson's "Here's That Rainy Day," featur- the I970's. ed and on his own free will, entered Student Senate took the stage that honor except me. It doesn't jazz/rock arrangement of "Give It ing the newly organized Jazz Vocal Ticket information for the Thea- a monastery where he spent the rest next. belong to some pimply-faced, One," to Glenn Miller's "Rhapsody Group, and Don Ellis' arrangement tre's production of "Pippin" may "We impeached Larry Bernard punk-rocker named Sid," Elvis in Blue" and his I93S arrangement of "The Blues," featuring EKU of his life as a monk. The musical be obtained by phoning the Gifford because we hate him," Mr. growled. of Gershwin's "Oh, Lady Be faculty member Richard Bromley on comedy of "Pippin," however, Theatre box office at 622-3480 or Schloster, president of Student I was shocked. Surely this wasn't Good!" flute. strays somewhat from historical 622-5851. The Easter Bunny is Coming! DR. MARION ROBERTS a@^ ORGANIZATIONS Optometrist b CLUBS Fraternities & Sororities Visual Analysis SPECIAL 1.1495 Visual Therapy "We- Do Beautiful„ Mini Port FoKo tH Don't Forget The Contact Lanes Composites 10 r^ ?ksta9S Springtime Bouquets, HAIRLOOM Hard, Soft, Cab, Corsagesor Easter Lilies Nancy & Cheri XChrom Formerly with Bill Hammons Haircutters The Village Florist 205% Geri Lane Anita's Bridal Bouquet FREE DELIVERY Richmond 623-6643 Call For Appointment Southern HI Plaza 624-2200 202 SOUTH THIRD 624 2244 25 South 3rd. 623-0340 PLASMA 101 PIN BALL *j/»

Tournament ***(Bthw) ™ ay ALL SECTIONS OPENI 3 HOURS COURSE (IK hours. 2 days a week) THE FAMILY DOG NO HOME WORK, NO TESTS, NO FINAL! Is now taking Restaurant Greeks Teams & Independent RECEIVE FEES OF *16 or '17 WEEKLY FOR applications for ATTENDANCE PLUS BONUSES Divisions GREEKS Entry Fee Is '3.00 Per Teem FIT IT CONVENIENTLY INTO summer First Piece Perty With Fevors * YOUR SCHEDULE s employment. ■ INDEPENDENTS/^ Per Pence Eetry Fee fHt Piece - $25 And Dinner For Two. Help Another Runner Up - A Smashing Prire Apply in Person ______—Entry Form———————————--* •*•»' H eln Yourself ■ - -• • .' ■ NAME le Need Etch Other1 "V \ -'""''■ 263 E. Main ADDRESS l -M BIO RESOURCES PLASMA CENTER PHQ_ 292 S. Second St. Greek □ '3.00 Pic Team ______Richmond, Ky. Richmond, Ky. NMMOT Tawn Independent _____ *1.06 Per Person 1234141 ir Paaa 12/Vol. 57/No. M Tha Emtrn PrograM Thursday. April 12. 1*7*

Debate brings issues University professor before public renumbers Richmond (Continued from paga onal giant." Bv USA RENSHAW a system that will accommodate an- voice for Ihe student. Buller said that Hester stressed the accessibility that City Editor nexed areas and correct the existing "The senate was not enough of a voice," a president must have. He also talked numbering system in the city. "We're and cited many example* of things that about good relations with the ad- For all those students who are trying trying to preserve the present system as were not acted upon. Domenech thought ministration. He said "A bill must have to earn a little extra cash by working as best we can." he said that the senate was an effective voice, Ihe support of the administration in a delivery person for one of the local Some of the worst problem areas and mentioned examples of things the order to pass." t pizza places or sub centers, trying to according to the survey so far are senate has done. locate a certain house can be a problem downtown Richmond, which has very When asked how to get more people Butler again stressed the importance In some areas of the city, like few numbers posted at all. Stateland involved in student government. Hester of his Eastern lnc plan. He said that Stait-land or Deacon Hills subdivisions, and Southern Hills subdivisions that proposed to get more people involved in getting the different factions together on the houses have no numbers at all. Then have no numbers assigned and the university committees and senate ad- campus was an important goal of hto there are some areas that don't have Walnut Street area: hoc committees. Kremer said that more administration house numbers posted, although there Quillen said other problems with the 1 numbers is that those who do have people must become aware of the BBBBBBB V are assigned ones. Domenech closed by saying that numbers posted, have them posted in senate's activities. student senate is only an advisory But even more of a problem are the The candidates finished up the debate streets that don't have a logical various places Some people post them group, and that the real power was in above the doors, others on their with their closing remarks. Kremer said the Board of Regents. Domenech also sequence of house numbers. of the Unity party, "Just because a University professor. Dr. Dennis mailboxes. There is no standard place stressed the need for involvement in the 1 for numbers to be posted Some people party is old. does not make it suc- Senate. ■ Quillen. students Randy Thwaites and cessful." He also said that "Unity did I - I Jim Wigglesworth. both planning aren't even aware that they have not do a good job in keeping people in- Adkins announced that there would be 1 I majors, have been working this numbers, said Quillen formed." Kremer stressed his belief another debate Monday. April 16. at • semester on a re-numbering of the city Quillen said the city commission is that apathy was only a symptom of the p.m. in the Jaggers Room. This is open 1 streets project for the city. looking for minimal changes in the According to Quillen. they are still in problem at the University, and that his to the public, and everyone is invited to ■IB 'i«B ■■ ' *£ present system Eventually everyone party could "awake this sleeping attend the process of their field work. "We're should have a number posted, but there looking at the entire city and trying to will be some discrepancies. Those that figure out the numbering system." said live in the annexed areas will be in good Quillen. shape after implementation of the ■ Although the study isn't quite finished numbering system Those who live in New course takes yet. Quillen said they have found streets the old city will be in fair shape, said with numbers out of sequence, in- Quillen consistencies with the beginning At this point. Quillen said it is difficult numbers, inconsistencies on which side to estimate how much the new system human approach of the street has even and odd numbers. will cost The study is costing the citv and equivalent parallel streets that some money, he said. But the actual By GINNY EAGER The course is set up so that students aren't numbered in a similar system implementation costs will probably be Features Editor will read and discuss major theories on Quillen said they hope to come up witn the home owner's responsibility. With all the switching around of human nature. Some of the readings will colleges and deans, lots of new names be 'I and Thou." Martin Buber. -Seven J ' I and new courses have resulted. Theories of Human Nature.' Leslie In the College of Arts and Humanities, Stevenson. 'I.yststrata.' Aristophanes a new course. (AH 500, will be offered and Confucian and Taoist poetry. Nursing program for the first time this summer. "Human Nature and Humanness" is One major objective will be to Ihe name of the course and it will be evaluate these theories from the per- gains accreditation taught by Dr. Un Choi Shin, department spective of the ideals of humanness. (photo by oouo FRUCHTENICHT) of humanities. Since it is a 500 level Some other objectives of the new course IContinuad from paoa onal Baccalaureate Student Nurses course, it is limited to seniors and will be how to relate these theories to Dance-a-tnon Wanda Znttman. a student in the four- Association, in commenting on the graduate students only. The prefix CAH attempts to solve human problems in Haula Wade, sophomore music major from Frankfort and Kirk Hamilton, a senior year nursing program, commented, "I accreditation, said. "It's a big relief for is the new prefix for the College of Arts the past, how to analyze the humanizing public relations major from Louisville, still have smiles on their faces despite the think it's great and I've been waiting for everybody. Everybody is real proud and Humanities. or dehumanizing effects of these length of time they have been dancing. Many couples supported the Cystic Fibrosis it a long time." We've all worked hard for it a long The main goal of the course is to solutions' in the light of the ideals of dance-a-thon in the Keen Johnson Building Monday and Tuesday night, dancing a Another Baccalaureate nursing time " clarify the ideals of humanness and to humanness. how to formulate the most intal of eight hours for the cause. student. Jim Renfro. said. "I feel that But. the general reaction of both determine ways of applying these ideals humanizing approach to the solution of this accreditation will benefit those students and faculty alike to the news toward the solution of human problems. human problems in the world in which Elections are Tuesday, April 17 in front of the nurses wishing to further their was probably best typified by a hand- Humanness is simply a concept which we live and how to design models on the education by going to graduate school made sign that was taped to one of the incorporates the most desirable human basis of humanness for the solution of Powell Information Desk from 10 a.m. until I've been waiting for this day the past doors in the Hewlett Building. qualities necessary for the actualization human problems in contemporary Iwo years." It simply read in bold, large letters. of full humanity. society. 6 p.m. All full-time students are eligible to vote Kay Huelskamp. President of the WE MADE IT" EKU CENTERB0ARD \OU3 PRESENTS to/ They do lor the sunlit hours what chiffons do for the moonlit hours) And. what perfect timing for those Spring-break vacations down south! Sizes 5 to 13 The Crusaders From Dippers': The 1-pc. high lag, $24. From Huk-A-Poo-: the bikini. $16. Just two from a collection in our "Today's Jr." shop.

Wednesday April 25, 79 Alumni Coliseum 8:00 P.M. Special Guest Randy Crawford $000 EKU Fall-Time Students L MMtr ■ * All Others & Tickets At The Door '5°° - ■- Powell building Information*Desk V aW»^«'- . *• • > 'i-'j** , *» • Bursars Window „, - * * Carriers Music World Stora Hourv Monday ttnir Saturday I0-9 •a*- Sunday 1:30-6:30 UNVER8ITV SHOPPING CENTER Recordsmith A Supplement to the Eastern Progress presented as a service to it is readers Dateline: April 12. 1979 Kv NANCYSPENCER Business will be held Tuesday Staff Writer iin April 14. the baseball team will play Murray Slate in a doubleheader at The highlight of this week for students Turkey Hughes Field beginning at 12 will he tomorrow. April 13. since classes noon. will not meet Classes are being Television will be providing a lot of dismissed in observance of Good entertainment this week. On Saturday Friday night NBC will present "With Six You Then on Sunday the 38th annual Get Kgg Roll" starring Doris Day and PRESENTS Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 7 Brian Keith This is the story of a widow am at the Van Peursem Pavilion If with three children who marries a the weather is bad the service will be widower with a teenage daughter. held nl Brock Auditorium Then on Monday night NBC will Monday at 8 30 pm the Concert present "Sanctuary of Fear" starring Choir. University Singers and Chamber Barnard Hughes and Kay Lenz This is Off Your Duff Choir will perform in Brock Auditorium i he story of a priest in New York City This will he the final choral concert of who befriends and helps an aspiriting "It makes a man more ot a man the semester .ictress whose life is being terrorized by and a woman more of a woman. the 1979 Kvent Day in the College of unusual events. It makes you the most you can possibly be!" says author- instructor Maggie Lettvin. "It" is Today April 12 April 15 exercise—the subject of Sunday WGBH/Bostons OFF YOUR DUFF, II:IS a.m. Baptist Student I'nion. an irresistibly exhilarating 60 I .unchencounter 7 a.m. 38th annual Easter Sunrise minutes of movement to be ; p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." Service. Van Peurseum Pavilion or Brock broadcast Saturday. April 17 on Campus Cinemas Auditorium if the weather is bad PBS. Ted Kennedy (pictured). Tom •i-.iii p.m. United Methodist Campus Brokaw. Billie Jean King and other 7 p.m. Movie "Halloween." Towne celebrities |oin the action. Cinema Center Celebration Service. Check local PBS station tor broadcast day and t*n« II noon EKU men's baseball vs. Austin The biggest challenge about 7:31 p.m. Movie "'Buck Rogers." watching ^OFF YOUR DUFF is i '.i n 11 HIS Cinemas Peay. I Doubleheader I, Hughes Field. staying in your seat throughout needn't be a superathlete to start ■ill p.m. Movie ""Halloween."' Towne 7 p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." the snow—the people on the getting into better shape. Walking, Cinema. Campus Cinemas screen are having such a good it turns out. is one of five ; p.m. Movie "Warriors."' Towne time it's a temptation to get up "aerobic" exercises recommend- 9:3« p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." and join in. (Not coincidentally. ed by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, direc- Campus Cinemas Cinema. 7:20 p.m. Movie "Saturday Night that's the whole point!) Celebri- tor of the lamed Aerobics Center »:3« p.m. Movie "Buck Rogers." ties, doctors, professional athletes in Dallas Maggie Lettvin demon- Campus Cinemas Fever." Campus Cinemas and (ust-plain-people enthusias- strates exercises that can be done t:IS p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne tically demonstrate their favorite in front of the television. And Dr Cinema. forms of exercise, from running to Rob Roy McGregor explains how 9:30 p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." tennis to karate. They leap. jog. to recognize "the kind of pain you Friday Apr! 13 Campus Cinemas dance, and play with contagious shouldn t ignore," so you can tell spirit—and they look wonderful, if you've been overdoing it. NO CLASSES - I.(Mil) FRIDAY. 9:in p.m. Movie "Saturday Night bright-eyed and bouncy. Exercising doesn't just improve 7 p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." Fever." Campus Cinemas Or George Sheehan. author of your body—it's also good for your Campus Cinemas. Medical Advice lor Runners and state of mind, according to Dr. 7 p.m. Movie "Warriors," Towne On Running, defines exercise as Robert Brown. Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Cinema. "living at the top of your powers, Monday April is physically, mentally, and spiritual- Virginia. "There is a powerful 7:20 p.m. Movie "Saturday Night ly, so that every day can be a anti-depressant effect to physical Fever." Campus Cinemas 7 p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree," masterpiece." fitness training." he states. "It »:I5 p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne Campus Cinemas All this enthusiasm is tempered may be that lack of activity itself Cinema. 7 p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne by a lot of common sense, along causes depression, and not the 9:30 p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." Cinema. with the reminder that you other way around." Campus Cinemas. 7:20 p.m. Movie "Saturday Night 'in p.m. Movie "Saturday Night Fever." Campus Cinemas. Fever." Campus Cinemas 8:30 p.m. Concert Choir. University 8 p.m. Psi Chi meeting, Room 129, Singers, and Chamber Choir Concert. Cammack Building. Brock Auditorium. Concert is free. •:I5 p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne 0:15 p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne Cinema. Saturday Apriu Cinema. t:» p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." •:30 p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree. Campus Cinemas. Campus Cinemas. The University Symphonic Band, »:40 p.m. Movie "Saturday Night under the direction of Robert Fever." Campus Cinemas. Hartwell, will present their final Wednesday April 18 concert of the school year on II noon EKU men's baseball vs. Murray Wednesday evening, April 18th Stale i Doubleheader). Turkey Hughes All. DAY IIYPERA student convention, beginning at 8:30 in the Hiram Field Tuesday APni 17 Keen Johnson Building. Brock Auditorium.. The concert is 7 p.m. Movie "'Murder by Decree." » a.m. - 4 p.m. College of Business Event 7 p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree," Campus Cinemas. free and the public is cordially Campus Cinemas. Day exhibits. Combs Classroom portico invited to attend. 7 p.m. Movie 'Warriors.'' Towne area. 7 p.m. Movie "Warriors," Towne Cinema. Cinema« "" inn 11:30 pm Event Day. reception, lun- I:M p.m. Movie "Saturday Night cheon, and speaker. Keen Johnson 7:20 p.m. Movie "Saturday Night Fever." Campus Cinemas. Ballroom. Fever." Campus Cinemas. •ill p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne 7 p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne 8 p.m. "Mark Twain." starring Hal Cinema. Cinema. Hnlbrook. Lexington Opera House. »:3» p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." 7:20 p.m. Movie "Saturday Night 8:30 p.m. Spring Symphonic Band »:3o p.m. Movie "Murder by Decree." Campus Cinemas. Fever." Campus Cinemas. Concert. Brock Auditorium. Campus Cinemas. 9:4« p.m. Movie "Saturday Night x p.m. "Mark Twain" starring Hal 9:15 p.m. Movie "Warriors." Towne 9:40 p.m. Movie "Saturday Night Fever." Campus Cinemas Hnlbrnnk. Lexington Opera House Cinema Fever." Campus Cinemas Public Radio 88.9


Today Apr! 12 Friday Apr! 13 «oo AM -JOUWM 12:11 - TMC MID-OAV REPORT •JO PM - TOO BIT TOUR LIFE 5 15 PM - AFTERNOON REPORT See Monday '2 ■$ PM for complete The most irreverent of the rany Man See Monday. 900 AM tor nmpMu See Monday 5IJ PM for compute program descrrplion program description Brothers. Groucho greets and heckles program description contestants on this hilarious qu<; 12 30 PM - POTPOUKRI or CLASSICS show from ra/evisron s golden age 14* AM - OPT IONS IN EDUCATION 5 30 PM — CURT AM TIME WEKUFM, Loy Lee hosts thrs daily This award-winning program from Each weeknight CuttMin Tima presents concert *tich include* historical and 7 00 PM - LUM N A9NER the entire soundtract or original cast biographical background about me Sea Monday 7 00 PM lor complete National Public Radio is a last paced proo'tm description report on numerous aspects ol edu- recording of a motion picture or stage music and compose-*. cational practices innovations and musical 10 00 AM - IOSCANINI 3 JO PM - JUST JAZZ 7 15 PM - CONVERSATIONS issues THC MAN 1EHIN0 THE LEGEND See Monday 3 30 PM tor compien A repeat of this afternoons program program description See Monday 12 00 noon lor complete 9.30 AM - FOUNDATION Of 11:90 AM — MUSIC OF TMC program description AMERICAN NATIONALISM (New Program) * 30 PM - BARRY CRAIO. ITALIAN MASTERS iNew Program! PNIVATE INVESTIGATOR fcSj) PM - THE AFTERNOON REPORT Eminem historian Henry Steeie Conv Produced by NPR-Member Station 7:99 PM - VOICES IN THE WIND magar eiammes tha period between One of the forerunners ol Marry O KQED-FM m San Francisco, tret series See Monday. 5 15 PM lor compiei. Rocklord and all the other television program description Writers, painters, actors poet* 1760 and 1810 whan tha institutional presents a collection ol delightful mueicane sculptors - artists of an private ' ayes, this series from radio's groundwork ol American nationalism music and inlormative commentary, kinds are interviewed on this weefcii was being laid With lively- discussions Golden Age presents tha many ad- focusing on the greatest of the Italian ventures of Barry Craig arts magaiine from National Public Commager and guests present in- 5.30 PM - - CURTAIN TIMC Radio, hosted by Oscar Brand sights and observations about the 12:00 PM — CONVERSATIONS Each weeknight Curtain Time prevents rounding of American democracy See Monday 12 00 noon to* complete the entire soundtrack or original cast I 30 PM - JAZZ UNLIMITED program description recording of a motion ptcture or stage See Monday 9 30 PM for complete Tm PM — LUM N ASNEP. musical 10:00 AM - MOMMMO CONCERT See Monday. 7 00 PM for complete program descnption A wall-balanced selection ol serious program description musical works, taken from the Ro- Monday April 16 the entire soundtrack or original cast mantic. Baroque. Classical and other 7:11 PM - CONVERSATIONS • 00 AM -JOUWIAI weather and sports, gathered by the periods A repeal ol this afternoon s program Bringing People the news requires stall ot Untied Press internai-onei recording ol a motion picture or stage Sea Monday. 12 00 noon for complete more man a (We-mtnute f-s-vet at National Public Radio and WEKU-FM s musical program description the top Ol the hour- it requires a own news and pubec affairs learn '. JOPM NBC UNIVf RSITV TMI «•! I 1J00 PM - CONVERSATIONS thorough examination of inter net tonal Saa Monday. 12:00 noon tor complete national, regional and (oca* events, weather end sports program description MOPS- POTPCXifsWI OP C LASSI c s 7:** PM - A LOOK AT . .. WEKU-FM s coy Lee hoots this daily This weakly topical interview program This series from National Public Radao concert which includes historical and 7-99 PM - LUM N ABNER hosted by Ron Smith does esaclty wtujl presents • variety of different topics biograph-cai background about the Recoirfings of one ot the most rtnvm 12 IS PM - THE MIO-OAT REPORT Its name says II lakes A Look At any of different ways music and bared ol sit Old Time rente comedies Saw Monday. 12 IS PM tor complete number ol newsworthy topics, currant starring Chet Lauck as Lum and Norris program description events and interesting people 3:30 PM - JUST JAZZ Goll as Abner IN TEPJMA TONAL CONCERT HALL Basie Benson Byid Ellington Mann I 00 PM - INOUvRY Thai series from Nat ion el Puttie Radio Brubech Montgomery TjaOer VWv 7 IS PM - CONVERSATIONS 13:39 PM - POTPOURRI OF CLASSICS Tha modem world is a complex place, presents recorded-1ive concerts from all burg the list goes on and on - and a ><. ij.t, ,.• I* • •• i IM) tV'tt"!' ■»"'! i9-yM.'r«i ■..«. .i 3 30 PM - JUST JAZZ I 30 PM - JAZZ UNLIMITED these people to you with informal dte~ *s 4.1th.", i n, Sat-onai "t ■ Saa Monday. 330 PM lor complete Saa Monday, SM PM tor complete cusstons with and about those people • 30 PM - JAZZ UNLIMITEO program description program description and what they are doing "ii : anted ' • "• ■ #»i i •••■ .vfcm * M M'*- r 1 j .i >, ••■ Three end a half hours of the very best Ml tau — traditional, contemporary 12 1J PM — THE MIO-OAT REPORT progressive and event garde styles Saturday April H A IS-Mtnute summary of international 5 JOPM - CURTAIN TIME plus frequent profiles of now and out- national, and regional/local news. Lei< • wrvkmy. l ■_ ,t'*." • standing albums and musicians • 00 AM - PROJECT WEEKEND of the world's great operas, includ- vVake up with us and our weekend ing background on the storyline and morning presentation of light iazz. production ol the work Tuesday Apri 17 news weath.. and special features 449 PM- • :O0 AM - JOURNAL THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT IMS PM - THE MID DAT REPORT See Monday. 6 00 AM for complete 9 PM — SHORT STOAT • 00 AM OPTIONS A var ted selection of everyone's favorite See Monday. 12 IS PM lor complete program description A series ot half-hour dramatizations SM Monday 900 AM for complete music from stage end silver screen program description based on short stones by such authors program description This is not a as Faulkner. Hugo. Thurber. Pos repeat of earlier programs 749 PM — EARPLAY 79 (Return) 949 AM - OPT I ON S M lOUCATtON 12 30 PM - POTPOURRI OF CLASSICS An all-new season of contemporary This award-winning program from WEKU-fM s Loy Lee hosts this dairy 7 00 PM — LUM 1 10 00 AM - CMfC AOO STMPMON Y radio drama produced especially tor National Public Radio is a last-paced concert which includes historical and Sea Monday. 7 00 PM tor complete Live-on-tape recotdwiua 0( the re- public radio report on numerous aspects ot edu- biographical background about the program description nowned Chicago Symphony Orches- cational practices and innovations music and composers tra s 1978-7*, 949 PM - SOUL SPOTLIGHT A funky mixture of draco. RIB. and uu2 »: 30 AM — FOUNDATION OF AMERICAN NATIONALISM (New Program) /:1S PM - CONVERSATIONS music, from the latest hit singles and MHO PM - TM ORCAT OPERAS Eminent histonen Henry Steeie Com- - JUST JAZZ A rep set ol this afternoon s program albums 1:10 PM Loy Lea hosts this presentation of ( mager examines the period between Monday. 3 30 PM lor com plate See Monday. 12.00 noon lor complete 1790 and 1910 when the institutional program descnption program description groundwork of American nationalism was being laid 9:19 PM - THE AFTERNOON REPORT 7:99 PM — EVEtatNQ JOURNAL This spin-off of Our weekday morning IBM AM — OAANO PIANO (Return) See Monday. S IS PM tor complete program descnption program. Journal, presents a collection A new season ol programs Irom NPR Ol Behmd-t he-News leeluret inter Sunday Ami 15 preeentmg both accomplished and news, news and analysis iris*: promising pianists m concert and 5 30 PM - CUNT AM TIM!-: Wake up with us and our weekend competition Each weeknight Curtain Timm presents morning presentation of light (aw. A weekly • presentation of beg bands • 90 - JAZZ UNLIMITED swing music along with Dixieland the entire soundtrack or original cast news, weather, and special NkMurea recording of a motion picture or stage See Monday. ISO PM tor complete end contemporary Mg bands. Baa Monday. 1*00 Mssn lor complete musical program description 900 AM - OPTIONS See Monday. 9 00 AM to. ample* IJOPS-BUIICOfTMl program description This is not ■ BLACK OtLMrCH (New Program) 111 n A as sin trims repeal of earlier programs This new series from NPR highlights vveanesaay April 18 the) rich heritage ol music in traditional black church experience, emphasizing 12:30 PM - POTPOUNPI OF CLASSICS 9:39 PM - THC wEST OP 0 AM -JOURNAL the elements of origin, history, style. WEKU-FM s Loy Lee hosts this daily OtD-TIMC RADIO Mew YORK PHILHARMONIC Saa Monday 600 AM tor complete personalities and critical analysis concert which includes historical and A presentation of one of the bast ol Another rousing season of New Yofi program description ihe Old-Time radio programs High Philbormonic performances, recorded D-ographical background about the live-on-tape during the 1978- 79 s ':30 PM - SATUPDAy S CHILD music and composers Beginning with lights INew Program) In the days before • AM -OPTIONS this new season. Loy invites listeners Sea Monday. 000 AM tor complete to write and request their (avonte works radio and television brought instant 7:00 PM — LUM ' 12*0 PM - JAZZ ALIVE! entertainment into the home, people program description (This is nol a Write to WEKU-FM Eastern Kentucky This excellent series from National repeat ol earlier programs ) University Richmond Kentucky 40475 See Monday. 7 00 PM for complete amused themselves by listening to program description Public Radio otters recorded-live and telling stories These tales, some jau performances from all over the new by popular authors, some so 10:00 AM - 0OSTON SYMPHONY 3:30 PM — JUST JAZZ country' ancient that their origins have been 7:19 PM — CONVERSATIONS The world-renowned Boston Sym- See Monday. 3 30 PM for complete A repeal of this afternoon's program forgotten — traveled across countries phony joins WEKU-FM * line-up ot program description See Monday. 12 00 noon for complete accomplished symphony orchestras, 1 30 PM - JAZZ FIRSTS program description 1.30 PM - FOLK FESTIVAL, USA presenting live-on-(ape concerts of Loy Lee presents and comments on National Public Radios highly ac- the 1079-79 season 5:19 PM - THC AFTERNOON REPORT 7:30 PM - N9JC UNIVERSITY THEATER selections from new pur recordings claimed weekly series ol Live on Tape Saa Monday, 5 15 PM for complete which are 'hot oft Ihe presses (New Program) A series of productions lolk. blues and bluegrass festival 12*0 PM - CONVERSATIONS program description of contemporary English and American performances from virtually all ot the See Monday, 12 00 noon lor complete fiction SO states 2 30 PM - JAZZ REVISITED program description 5:30 PM - CUR TAIN TIMC Each weeknight Curtain Tim* presents 1.30 PM - JAZZ UNLIMITED This National Public Radio series, 10:10 PM - WOMINSOUNOS the entire soundtrack or original cast See Monday. 930 PM tor complete hosted by Haxen Shoemacher pre- (New Program) What is wumens 12:15 PM - THC MID-DAY REPORT sents and evaluates the early years of See Monday. 12 15 PM for complete recording of a motion picture or t program description music * Tha bottom line ol ruuise is musical Highlights recorded uuz Irom 1017-1947 that it is music performed by women program description 1 -



Education. Note: Will consider other fields Turn.. April 24 FOAM DESIGN. INC What is a resume? What should it in- PLACEMENT INTERVIEW after above candidates are schedule. KENTUCKY clude'' How is it organized? How do you PROCEDURES Positions: Sales Trainees write an application letter* What other 1. All interviews will be held in the Wed.. April 18 IBM CORPORATION Qualifications: BA-BS-BBA in Business correspondence is used in a job campaign'' Division of Career Development & CINCINNATI Administration, Marketing, Physical Answers to these and many other Placement. 319 Jones Building. Positions: Customer Engineers Education or Recreation interested in questions about resumes and job cam- 2. Students who wish to schedule in- Qualifications: AS. or B.S. in Industrial sales career paign correspondence will be discussed at terviews must sign-up in person at the Tech. (Electronics) our Mini-Seminar on Tuesday. April 17 Division Office, 319 Jones Building. Taes.. April 24 CINCINNATI IN- from 4:00 5:30 pm in Conference Room Monday -Friday from8:00a.m. -4:30p.m. Wed.. April 18 WOODSON-BEND CORPORATED C of the Powell Building Plan now to at- 3. Interview sign-up starts after RESORT - KENTUCKY SUMMER JOBS Positions: Manufacturing Engineering tend organizations are announced in the FYI or Positions: Golf, Swimming. Tennis, Arts Trainees Sign up for this session by contacting the the PLACEMENT PIPELINE. A Crafts & Grill (fast food) Supervisors Qualifications: B.S in Industrial Tech Career Development and Placement 4. The minimum requirement for Housing plus salary provided in one of or BBA in Management and interest in Office. 319 Jones Building. You do not have scheduling an interview is the completion Kentucky's finest condominium resort career in manufacturing training program to be registered for Placement Services to and filing of a data sheet which is available areas located on Lake Cumberland. attend this seminar in the Division office, 319 Jones Building Wed.. April 25 CENTURY 21 (PAUL Thurs.. April I* OAK RIDGE SCHOOLS ROSE REALTY) Interviews . TENNESSEE Positions: Real Estate Sales Trainees Summer openings Taes.. April 17 MR. WIGGS DEPART- Interviewing 1979-80 Teaching can- Qualifications: Bachelors or Masters in MENT STORES didates in: Math, Sciences, Elem (K-6). Real Estate or any other major interested Positions: Retail Store Management in real estate career Additional information and or job ap- Special Education (all levels) and plications available in the Division of Trainees Guidance Counselors. Wed.. April is MILFORD EXEMPTED Career Development & Placement. 319 Qualifications BS-BA-BBA in Business Thurs.. April I* AUDITOR OF PUBLIC Administration. Marketing, Fashion VILLAGE SCHOOLS - OHIO Jones Building ACCOUNTS - KENTUCKY Interviewing all eligible elementary and Merchandising or Liberal Arts with Positions: Staff Auditor Trainees retailing experience secondary candidates for 1979-80 positions 1 Two positions in Richmond. Kentucky Qualifications: Bachelors Degree in i.Special interest in English - secondary.' for retail store management oriented Ties.. April 17 SUPER X DRUGS. INC. Bus Adm or Accounting with a minimum candidates who wish to work up to forty Positions: Retail Store Management of 20 hours of Accounting Wed.. April 2S MT HEALTHY CITY hours per week at S3 00 per hour Potential Trainees part-lime hours for 1979-80. Duties include Taui*.. April It IBM CORPORATION - SCHOOL DISTRICT - OHIO Qualifications: Bachelors Degree in LEXINGTON 1979-80 Teaching positions anticipated in sales, inventory stocking, delivery of Business Administration or other majors Sciences I Biology. Chemistry. Physics, appliances, general labor, etc. with retailing store management career Positions: Manufacturing Trainees Qualifications: B.S. in Industrial Tech etc i. Math (middle and sr hi). Home interest Economics and Special Education 2 Combine Drivers-Operators - har- Wed.. April is LIBERTY MUTUAL Fri.. April 28 DEPARTMENT OF 'secondary interests) vesting peas in Illinois Housing and INSURANCE CO. JUSTICE - KENTUCKY transportation to field provided Sixty plus Positions: Loss Prevention Represen- Positions: Correctional, Classification & Thurs.. April 28 THE TAPPAN COM- hour work weeks, overtime pay. $3.00 per tative Trainees Treatment or Probation and Parole Of- PANY - KENTUCKY hour starting. $3 70 after orientation Qualifications: B.S. Degree in Industrial ficers Positions: Industrial Engineering Rural background and over age 18 a must Tech., Fire Prevention & Control, Biology. Qualifications: B.S. or M.S. in Police Trainees Chemistry. Math. Physics or other can- Administration, Corrections, Criminal Qualifications: B.S in Industrial t District Manager's position available didates with some science background Justice. Sociology and Social Work Technology now on part-time basis throughout the Positions: Correctional Educational Wed.. April 18 INDIANAPOLIS PUBLIC year Duties Supervision of newspaper Specialist Mini-Seminar carriers and promotion of subscriptions in SCHOOLS - INDIANA Qualifications: Certification in Interviewing 1979-80 Teaching can- Krsumes & Job Campaign Correspon- Richmond area Must have a car. Salary Education with Criminal Justice and car allowance didates in Math. Industrial Arts It Special Background dence Top Ten Singles imi. aansr. uwi. »*-*■'. (Dfetrlbutla* i*.|. AM. MAC 7 »i I WHAT A FOOL BELIEVES DOOBIE BROTHERS SUNDAY Warner Bros. 8725 © II (NBC) BIG EVENT: 8:00 PM E.S.T., P.S.T. ■ 7:00 W&9& PM C.S.T., M.S.T. TSAOIDY BEEGEES/RS0 9I8 9 "Wh* SU You Got lap Roll" 1968 Dons Day. Brian I W1U SUkVIVI GLORIA GAYNOR/Polydor 14508 IS Coot, from Keith. An attractive widow with three children finds her lite complicated when she marries a widower with MUSIC SOX DANCIR FRANK MlllS/Polydor 14817 II DOCTORS a teenage daughter. (R) KNOCK ON WOOD AMU STEWART/Ariola 7736 10 I LOVE OF LIFE ? DA YA THINK CM SSXYT ROD STEWART/Worner Bros 8724 17 FAMILY FEUD (ABC) SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE: 9:00 PM E.S.T.. 7 IAOV UTTIE RIVER BAND/Horwt 4667 (Copitol) IS I CBS NEWS P.S.T. - 8:00 PM C.S.T.. M.S.T. 8 YMCA VIllAGe PeOPlE/Cosoblonco 945 25 AFTERNOON "The Billion Dollar Threat" 1979 Dale Roomette. 9 Patrick Macnee. America's ace intelligence agent SHAM YOUR GROOVE THING PEACHCS A HERB/Polydor/ I NOON TODAY encounters beautiful girls, a steel-armed assassin and MVP 1451 4 17 I YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS King saucers whan he battles a self-proclaimed 10 10 HfAVIN KNOWS DONNA SUMMER WITH BROOKLYN SZIJM PYRAMID imate criminal who plans to destroy We on Earth I BOBBRAUNSHOW DREAMS/Cotabkmco 959 IS I SEARCH FOR TOMORROW if he is not paid $l-bwion IIN-SCHOOL PROGRAMMING (EXC -,nuo MONOAY Top Ten Afcums I RYAN'S HOPE rnu. KIC) MONDAY NMHT AT THE MOVIES: 9:00 I MATCH GAME Afl I ALLMYCULDREN E.S.T., P.S.T. - 8:00 PM C.S.T., M.S.T. 7 "&SS I DAYS OF OUR LIVES "Sanctuary of Fear" 1979 Barnard Hughes. Kay Lenz. I AS THE WORLD TURNS In this adaptation of the G.K. Chesterton short 1 SPIRITS HAVING FIOWN I ONE LIFE TO LIVE stories, a New York City priest with a penchant for ' ANOTHER WORLD solving crimes, befriends an aspiring young actress BEE GEES I GUIDING LIGHT whose life has suddenly become filled with terror as *? 11N -SCHOOL PROGRAMMING (EXC. the result ot a series of bizarre events. RSORS 1 3041 I NEWS BULLETIN TUESDAY I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND C7thWee*) I DATING GAME (THUR., FRI.) (CBS) DRAMA SPECIAL: 9:00 PM E.S.T., P.S.T. I OVER EASY I HAPPY'S HOUR - 8:00 PM C.S.T.. M.S.T. MRHUTI BY MINUTi DOOBIE BROTHERS/Worrwr Bro». NEWS BULLETIN "Transplant" 1979 Kevin Dobson. Mehnda Dillon. A SSK3I93 1* > BATMAN (EXC. TUE) young man who has worked all his life to attain a DIM iTRAITJ/Worn.r Broi. BSK 3266 IS piece of the 'American Dream' suddenly finds that all M.A.S.H. HONORS HAVI MOM FUN ROD STEWART/Wotner Bros. I SESAME STREET he has worked for. as well as his very survival, is I TOM AND JERRY jeopardized. BSK 3261 I* I ADDAMS FAMILY (EXC. TUE.) 2 HOTI PEACHES & HERB/Polydor/MVP PD 1 6172 10 PETTICOAT JUNCTION (NBC) BIG EVENT: 9x00 PM E.S.T.. P.S.T. - 8:00 PM UVIN' INSIDC VOOR IOVI GEORGE BENSON/Womer BRADYBUNCH C.S.T., M.S.T. 8 BEVERLY HILLBILLIES "Hard Times" 1975 Charles Bronson. James Coburn. Bros. 28SK 3277 4 ' SHOW In this action film, set in the Depression era in New 7 S2ND STRUT BIUY JOEl/Columbio FC 35609 24 I MISTER ROGERS Orleans, a mysterious stranger suddenly appears on I BRIEFCASE FUll OF BlUFS BlUES BROTHERS/Atlontk SO SAMOFJEANNIE the scene and proceeds to turn the rough-and-tumble 19217 16 5:30 I NEWS boxing world of the boys in the back room on its ear. ♦ S CROISIN' VILLAGE PEOPLE/Cawblanco NBLP 7118 25 ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) 19 10 tOVi TRACKS GLORIA GAYNOB/Pplydor PQ 1 6184 IS