MILO SELECTMEN MEET The December Selectmen's meeting convened Wednesday the 18th at 7:00 p. m, It was voted that the former owners of 1978 Tax Acquired Property be given an opportunity to pur­ chase the property back. If they have not done so by April 1, the property will be sold on the open market. There will be a public hearing on the use of Federal Revenue Sharing funds on January 4, There will be a public notice posted to this effect on December 22. There was a request to assist in plowing and sanding a driveway for a handicapped person. However, there are so many people in town who are handicapped to some degree be­ tnn cause of age, ill health, or some other cause, it was voted that the Town should not assume this type of responsibility. ♦ TI1e need for construction equipment was discussed quite extensively, If the Town is going to reconstruct a mile or so of road similar to the Hovey·Road every year or two, it would be less expensive and more efficient to purchase a small dozer. Vol. 17, No, 50 JtF However, because of the uncertainty of future projects, it was Thursday, Dec. 21, 1978 unanimously felt that such equipment should be approved for Twenty Cents purchase at Town Meeting. (Erntral ilaitu•.s The railroad crossing on the Dean Road was discussed, Brrkly N rw.s .tlagazin.e There appears to be at least two solutions to the poor visi­ bility as it now exists. One is to install crossing lights, and the other to relocate the intersection to a 90 degree crossing. Mr. Law will look into the matter with the proper authorities and report back to the Selectmen. · 2 Injured in Collision Leon Kinney was reappointed to the Water District Board. The last member of the Planning Board, Paul Brown, is mov­ Jean and Nei:l Mayo of Milo were injured Monday evening ing out of town, so a big push to appoint a full board is under­ when their car was in collision with a large truck driven by way. Two tax abatements that had been previously approved, Alden Parker of Boyd Lake at the intersection of the Boyd were signed, The Fire Department is installing Christmas Lake Road and Rte, 16. The car had to be pried open to get lights. the Mayos out. They were taken to the Eastern Maine Medi­ The County has an apparatus that can be used to help re­ cal Center in Bangor where Jean is still in ·Intensive Care juvenate elm trees. The town manager will look into the pro­ presstime, Both Mayos have facial lacerations and broken gram in more detail to see how -much it will cost, how sickthe Jnes. Mr. Parker was reportedly uninjured, The car was trees can be, the time of year, etc. Whatever is to be done completely demolished. will be covered by an article in the upcoming Town Warrant. Milo Police, the Milo Fire Dept.., The Three Rivers Am­ Town Manager, Steve Law, also has been asked to remind bulance and Dr. Crawford all responded to the eµ-iergency, all Milo citizens, if a special article is desired by anyone, to The incident is still under investigation. have it into the Town Office by the first week of February, (Photo by Claude Trask) ON-DISCRIMINATION LICY- M.S.A.D, _#41 0 TITLE IX It is the polic _v uI M ., S.A,D. ~\lti~\Jfo. 41 not to discriminate on he basis of sex in its edu­ ational programs and ac­ ivities. 0 SECTION 504 It is the policy of M,S.A,D. o. 41 not to discriminate on he basis of handicap in its ducational programs and ac­ ivities. Inquiries can be ade to Principal Jane M. kehan, Title IX Coordinator, ilo Primary School, Milo, aine 04463. ~ WE 'RE MOVING \ The Town Crier will not be published next week in order o allow the Milo Printing Co. and The Town Crier to move to a new location on Outer Elm St. With luck and good weath.ar we will again be publishing in the first week of January. Page 2, December 21 . 1978 T HE '_._ 0 W N CR IE R THE TO WN CRIER is published each Thursday by the Milo Printing, Company. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns <Jrlilc eommutt it V -· of our coverage area thr-) ugh NEWS, IN­ FORMATION and LOW PRICED ADVER­ ;J.f. " .., pi ta l 91,-.? w ~' TISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors in adyer tising but will gladly WEEK OF DECEMBER 12-18 print corrections. ADMISSIONS DISCHARGES Copies of most photos appearing in THE MILO MIW TOWN CRIER may be obtained through our Melanie Burton (twice) Audrey Brockway office. Hazel Wansink Melanie Burton (once) tf you have news or ava ilable photos of BROWNVILLE JCT, any 130rt we urge you to call or drop in. Harry T. Ellls DeadllQ.e is Monday afternoon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week. Cla~fied ads $1. 00 minimum up to 20 words, _5 cents for each additional word. POLICE OFFICER Display a.~ spac~_ by the column inch. TOWN OF MILO Call 943- 7_384 for ad space or wlth news. Joanne W. ~ hltm, Editor The Tovvn of Milo will accept applications for Police Officers untll 5 P .M. Friday , J anuary 5, 1979. This is a full t ime position, 44 hour work week. Fringe benefits. It NOTICE is desirable but not essential that applicants will have al­ The Farmers Home Ad­ I ready received the necessary training at state Criminal ministration Dover-Foxcroft : J ustice Academy. Those applicants showing the most County Office will be closed promise will be interviewed by the Milo Police Chief and/ U you want to BUY, SE LL, all day Monday, December 25, or the Town Manager. Applications are available at the RENT or SWAP, try "Town 1978, The office will reopen Municipal Offl.ce 0 Milo, Maine 04463. Crier" Claasified. on Tuesday, Dece mber 26, 1978 at 8:00 a. m. VILLAGE GIFT SHOPPE The office will also be closed For the unusual and different all day Monday, January 1, visit the Village Gift Shoppe 1979 and wlll reopen on Tues­ WHE.N YOU NEED SERVICE Spring Street, Milo. ' day, Januar y 2 , 1979 at 8 :00 24 hours in any given day aom. We have the right people AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR To take care of any emergency SERVICE For all our customers Bob's Service Center is locat-. SERVICE ed at 21 Church St. , in Brown- Hair styles fo,r men & women . ville. Complew disc and drum 1t Freedy's Hair Fashions, brake aervfoe. "Tires. AAA Roaci :::hurch street, Derby. Call - Service. Welding & Braising. 943-2608 for appointment. CHASE I KIMBALL Cars picked up and delivered on request. Call 965-8495. FOR RENT Oil CO. 2 apartments in Brownville, FOR SALE Christmas Trees $5, 00, Cut stove & refrigerator included. Call our Toll Free Number 1-800-432-7841 your own tree from our culti­ uow plowing with front end vated stock. Dorothy Trask, loader in Brownville Jct., Sargent Hill, Milo • Call 943- Call 965-7026. 2504, CARD OF THANKS WANTED The United Methodist Women Grant's War uniforms , cart irdges, would like to thank all thos·e cane guns, cane swords, re­ who donated time and gifts volvers, rifles, shotguns, old for the Annual Bazaar and Service Center parts. Supper. Calvert, P ark st., Milo AUTO REPAIRS WR ECKER SERVICE 943-8802 MOBIL PRODUCTS GASOLINE & DIESEL FUEL FOR SALE TIRES BATTERIES Beauty Shop equipment and supplies. Closing January 1 , 965-7811 Main st. Brownville 1979, See Kathy at Modern 3 MORE SHO PPING DAYS Beauty Shop in Milo or call UNTIL CHRIS TMAS 965-2354. DO IT IN M IW THE TOWN CRIER December 21, 1978 Page 3 "TIS THE SEASON TO BE THOUGHTFUL by Dr. John Crawford III *BROWNVILLE Real Estate Well cared for home with Dr, John Says: kitchen (lots of cupboards), Christmas is. a time of much reJotcmg and with many livingroom with w/w car­ LAGRANGEfor parties going on all at about the same time. At this time I Sale· peting, diningroom, 3 bed­ would like to offer -a few suggestions to make the holidays Home with small attach­ rooms and bath. utility not only a happy time but also a safe and happy time. ed barn on 3 acres (225' room and large enclosed If you go to a party and drink alcoholic beverages, it is frontage) of good tillable porch. Detached two door good to remember that alcohol will clear the average-sized soil. Home has modern garage offers large work­ adult's· system at the rate of one ounce per hour, That is kitchen, livingroom with shop area. Grounds are about one mixed drink or one 12 oz. beer per hour. Coffee stone fireplace, bath and beautifully landscaped with WILL NOT sober a person up, What it does is make the 5 bedrooms. Low taxes, a large cultivated garden body more excited and nervous because of the caffeine in $165. Easy to heat. At­ area. Property has many the coffee, but it does not lessen the effect of the alcohol. tractively priced extras. If you 're looking Intoxication has caused some of the worst automobile acci­ $33,500. for an exceptio.nal proper-. dents which I, personally, have ever seen. So, please, be ty, don't miss this one. *DERBY $29,600. careful if you _drink this holiday season.
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