Orthogonal Functions, Radial Basis Functions (RBF) and Cross-Validation (CV)
Exercise 6: Orthogonal Functions, Radial Basis Functions (RBF) and Cross-Validation (CV) CSElab Computational Science & Engineering Laboratory Outline 1. Goals 2. Theory/ Examples 3. Questions Goals ⚫ Orthonormal Basis Functions ⚫ How to construct an orthonormal basis ? ⚫ Benefit of using an orthonormal basis? ⚫ Radial Basis Functions (RBF) ⚫ Cross Validation (CV) Motivation: Orthonormal Basis Functions ⚫ Computation of interpolation coefficients can be compute intensive ⚫ Adding or removing basis functions normally requires a re-computation of the coefficients ⚫ Overcome by orthonormal basis functions Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization 푛 ⚫ Given: A set of vectors 푣1, … , 푣푘 ⊂ 푅 푛 ⚫ Goal: Generate a set of vectors 푢1, … , 푢푘 ⊂ 푅 such that 푢1, … , 푢푘 is orthonormal and spans the same subspace as 푣1, … , 푣푘 ⚫ Click here if the animation is not playing Recap: Projection of Vectors ⚫ Notation: Denote dot product as 푎Ԧ ⋅ 푏 = 푎Ԧ, 푏 1 (bilinear form). This implies the norm 푢 = 푎Ԧ, 푎Ԧ 2 ⚫ Define the scalar projection of v onto u as 푃푢 푣 = 푢,푣 | 푢 | 푢,푣 푢 ⚫ Hence, is the part of v pointing in direction of u | 푢 | | 푢 | 푢 푢 and 푣∗ = 푣 − , 푣 is orthogonal to 푢 푢 | 푢 | Gram-Schmidt for Vectors 푛 ⚫ Given: A set of vectors 푣1, … , 푣푘 ⊂ 푅 푣1 푢1 = | 푣1 | 푣2,푢1 푢1 푢2 = 푣2 − = 푣2 − 푣2, 푢1 푢1 as 푢1 normalized 푢1 푢1 푢3 = 푣3 − 푣3, 푢1 푢1 What’s missing? Gram-Schmidt for Vectors 푛 ⚫ Given: A set of vectors 푣1, … , 푣푘 ⊂ 푅 푣1 푢1 = | 푣1 | 푣2,푢1 푢1 푢2 = 푣2 − = 푣2 − 푣2, 푢1 푢1 as 푢1 normalized 푢1 푢1 푢3 = 푣3 − 푣3, 푢1 푢1 What’s missing? 푢3is orthogonal to 푢1, but not yet to 푢2 푢3 = 푢3 − 푢3, 푢2 푢2 If the animation is not playing, please click here Gram-Schmidt for Functions ⚫ Given: A set of functions 푔1, … , 푔푘 .We want 휙1, … , 휙푘 ⚫ Bridge to Gram-Schmidt for vectors: ∞ ⚫ Define 푔푖, 푔푗 = −∞ 푔푖 푥 푔푗 푥 푑푥 ⚫ What’s the corresponding norm? Gram-Schmidt for Functions ⚫ Given: A set of functions 푔1, … , 푔푘 .We want 휙1, … , 휙푘 ⚫ Bridge to Gram-Schmidt for vectors: ∞ ⚫ 푔 , 푔 = 푔 푥 푔 푥 푑푥 .
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