American Motoring Volume 42, Issue 1 Jan./Feb., 2018 Contents

Features Columns our Javelin AMX Story ______Page 6 AMO President’s Colum ______Page 3

No Deposit No Return ______Page 12 Editor’s Notes ______Page 4 Tech Questions with Jeff Reeves _ _ _ _ _Page 8

MemBErSHIP REPORT ______Page 10

History Pick ______Page 14

Events Calendar______Page 22

Classified American ______Page 34

Nash Healey Roadster______PAge 18

1980 - A 30 Year Oddessy ______pAGE 19

Moving? Derek Dorroh Name:______Send Your information to: 12229 Freemont Ln. Raleigh, NC 27613 AMO#[email protected] Old Address: New Address

______Street or P.O. Box Street or P.O. Box



Page 2 American Motoring Jan/Feb., 2018 AMO Chairman’s Column

Harm van der Veen We are excited to report that the Board has approved AMO Chairman of the Board the purchase of new software after a comprehensive [email protected] review. Not only will it provide us with a new database, but it will tie directly into each national I decided to “commandeer” your President’s column for this issue to take event (i.e., registration, concours information). This the opportunity to bring you up to speed as to what your Board has been will have the advantage of allowing the head judges doing for you lately. Just as a reminder, the Board meets quarterly via electronic access to the previous year’s judging teleconference (rather than the long-standing tradition of only meeting at sheets to try to improve consistency year over year. the national convention once a year). As you can imagine, this is helpful For example, if you earned gold last year and this in many ways. This gives us regular opportunities to get to know each year’s scores now move towards a bronze, the other better! As we develop our relationships, it gives each member the Concours Manager can review the data on the field. confidence to voice their opinions/suggestions in a relaxed environment. Scoring will move from the mostly manual system We are better able to plan for the growth of our club as well as to quickly used since the beginning to electronic, ensuring respond to concerns or challenges that come up. Each year, elections are historical data can be retrieved quickly. Finally, held for Board positions that are coming up for renewal. Your participation there will be a new look to the website which will be in that process by either casting your vote and/or by letting your name more in keeping with our needs. This website will stand for election is directly related to the success of AMO! We are a club have the ability to host chapters if they so choose of volunteers who have a common passion for all things AMC! There are (rather than maintaining their individual websites). untapped resources out there – please think about sharing your talents Your scorecard could be available sooner although with the rest of the club! we are still required to wait until the appeal period has expired just to ensure fairness. You can look There are also Officers that are appointed to fill key positions (President, forward to more details from Ian in the coming Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer). We recently introduced the position months! of Chief Financial Officer (CFO). We are looking for a qualified person (CPA or equivalent) to take on this position. We have a job description We have been working on firming up details for available if you or someone you know is interested in participating. Just upcoming conventions. Of course, this year we are contact me for further information. returning to Auburn, IN and then to St. Louis year (2019). Discussions are ongoing for 2020 and beyond, but as you can imagine those are still a few years out. We can say that these shows are expected to be in the south-east and around the Great Lakes.

Deb Fougerousse had come up with the idea of a ‘think tank’ which will help us to determine what steps could be taken to move our club forward. At this point in its development, we are piloting it within the Board but it will eventually be open to each of you as a conduit to share ideas/concerns/ suggestions with any Board member.

As you may have realized, you now have the option of receiving electronic newsletters rather than the printed version. Membership fees for those choosing this method realize a savings as it substantially cuts down the costs due to postage (especially outside the ). We do acknowledge that there are some who prefer to receive their newsletters in printed form which would not change.

Finally, you may have noticed that this column hasn’t given you the personal touch that Ian’s usually does but I wanted to focus on the important work that YOUR Board has underway!

Harm van der Veen, Chairman of the Board

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 3 Club Information

Editors Notes American Motors Owners Associa- tion (AMO) is a chartered, nonprofit organization, which exists ex- pressly for the purpose of aiding and encouraging the use, enjoyment, pres- ervation and restoration of vehicles Cheryl Samuel Mike Spangler built by AMC between 1958 and 1988. sambo@ mspangler@ American Motoring is the official news publication of AMO, with its principal Welcome to the New Year! Changes are about to happen in AMO. They will not take effect offices at 2136 Wawonaissa Tr., Fort all at once, but they will be happening. Wayne, IN 46809. American Motoring is published on a bi-monthly basis with a total of six issues per year. Issues Last year was a very tough year for us as editors. As all have noticed we fell behind with are due to the members within the first the newsletters. Now we are almost caught up. Family life and care of a love one is very two (2) weeks of each odd numbered important. Taking care of another is a great drain on the person doing the care. We are month. Subscription is free to all paid now trying real hard to catch up on everything. With doing this we have worn out the others members of AMO. Permission must around us. For example, the Classifieds, you may have noticed a couple of repeats of the be obtained in writing from the editor to copy, reproduce, or copy through any classifieds. When you put out three newsletters within a two month period it will effect what media the materials contained herein. is found in the classifieds. Plus, during the colder months people are not thinking of selling Membership in AMO is open to all AMC their items. When the weather starts to warm up suddenly your garage or shed needs enthusiasts worldwide at $35.00 U.S., cleaning out and this is when the ads start coming in. & $ 40.00 U.S., Foreign $ 45.00 U.S per annum. Ownership of an AMC vehicle is not required. Send One of the ways we can fix this problem is asking the clubs to send a copy of their ads they membership requests to the Member- post in their newsletters to the AMO Classifieds. This should open the avenue of sales into ship Director. Contributions to American a global chance of selling. The Classifieds are viewed all over the world. We know you Motoring are highly encouraged. Mate- want to sell what you have, so let us help you by putting them in the AMO Classifieds. rial accepted is subject to editing and / or revision. The act of submitting articles, information, or any other materials shall The next items we have are openings in AMO. Everyone in AMO is a volunteer. We are constitute an expressed warranty by always looking for new ideas. Some openings you will need some sort of communications the contributor, to this publication, that knowledge, like talking on the phone, sending emails, talking to people face to face. To me such material is original and in no way this sounds like everyday communication. Yeah, yeah every once in a while you may get an infringement on the rights of others. yelled at, but look at me getting yelled at is part of the job no matter where you work. This Contributions should be sent should not hold you back because you are there to communicate with all not just with one to the Newsletter Editor only. While it is a service of AMO to provide person. technical information to its membership, any maintenance techniques, technical One position open is in the judging department. This is one of the areas of AMO going information or possible modifications through a great change. How about becoming part of this change and help us to make this published in American Motoring should an outstanding position. The way I look at it is if I can do it everyone else out there should be weighed against conventional, tra- ditional and generally accepted tech- be able to do it, too. niques and modifications. The views expressed in American Motoring are Voting for the Board is going on right now. AMO has a board to listen to what the members those of the author of the article or the have to say. Over the years we have changed many parts of AMO because of the members. person quoted. Owners should consider Come to the Board meeting and hear what is changing and what you can do to make the possible techniques or modifications in light of common sense compromises changes work. Always remember this club is for the members not just those holding officer among safety, economy, longevity, per- positions or Board positions. formance, reliability, driveability, legal- ity and resale value. AMO, American The National Meet will be in Indiana. The hotels are filling up. Some hotels are not giving Motoring and this organization will not discounts for AMO. If you have a Military ID, Police ID, some kind of retirement discount assume or accept any liability result- use as many of these as you are able to. Go on the Travel sites and get discounted room ing from the information contained herein. Any modifications possibly af- rates. We would like to see you and your family come to the show. The more participants fecting safety, economy, longevity, per- the greater the show. formance, reliability, driveability, legality, emissions and resale value are the sole I have also been contacting the chapters to update all information. Some chapters only meet responsibility of the person performing on the Internet, some meet only at Cruise In’s, some have actual meeting places. I would the modifications. When such modifi- cations are presented in American Mo- like to help you get the word out to other members in the states these clubs are located in. toring they are done so with the under- Newsletters are a great form of communication. Not all clubs mail their newsletters, I have standing that the individual will use those noticed many email them or you need to be a member to read them on a website. These modifications within the framework of all are the times we live in. AMO has also moved into the virtual world with the newsletter. applicable federal, state and local laws. You can find it posted on the website, password required, this is one of the new changes for All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced without AMO. If you are unable to sign into the website send me an prior written permission of the editor. email and I will get you set up. Continued on page 23 © Copyright American Motors Owners Association Page 4 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Letters to the Editor Hi Mike, We found you in the AMO magazine. Do you know A little more info on this & the story behind it, thanks where we can get a 1/32 scale model Javelin? We have the to Hagerty! :) small one pictured but would like to add another one to the collection. suzy-bauter-amc-rambler-wagon Thanks, Jeff Polick [email protected] Mike Dumont

My name is Nahuel, I live in and I’m interested in a NASH 1929 . I recently decided to quit a 47 Super restoration project because I don’t have From: neil hitz enough time to give it and I never enjoyed even a single a ride Subject: Javelin Astro Spiral Photo on it. When I was looking for an antique to buy, I saw this I have decided to sell this 16 x 20 original photo (see attached) Nash and I loved it!!! I went to see it personally and it seems to on eBay. But first I thought I would offer it to AMC folks. be real good. This was taken in Buffalo at the Cal Span proving If someone has just a few minutes to see it and (in accordance grounds in early when they were working with Jay with the images) give me some advice about if how original it Milligan and testing the ramps. I can send along a note is (colour, wheels, grill (I don’t know the right name of the as to the heritage, It is an original...I haven’t made any accesory located just aft the spare wheel) front grill, radiator copies.The yellow paper is just to prevent copies. The cap, etc... other pix is a close up showing the camera filming the test. This is a 1929 Roadster Standard Six Cabriolet, with a single My starting price on eBay will be $120. I will sell it ignition, flathead . I don´t realize to take some pictures now for $100. (unless folks bid it up) plus the actual of the engine compartment when I visited the car. The guy who cost to ship flat, protected via USPS. sell it, told me it’s converted to 12V, but he kept the original thanks....Neil [email protected] generator replacing only its fields. The wood of the instrument panel isn’t so pretty as the ones I saw in images in the web, I supouse it don´t have the original woodwork patternon it, one of the few things I noted is missing are: the small levers (weren’t those to command the ignition timing?) and the air cleaner. It still have the mechanical in service, all the chassis is perfect... What about the ulphostery? and the floor covering? Anyway, I think it’s a very beautiful car and it must be very fun to drive it!!! Do you know how fast is it, or how far can you go with a full tank, or how dependable the engine is? I’ll really apreciate all opinions, tips an advices you can make

about this car to help me to decide if it worth to buy it! Nahuel Pineiro #11012 nahuelpineiro@

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 5 Our 1974 AMC Javelin AMX Story by William and Sandra Clark In 1986 I sold several I owned prior to getting married in 1987. I told Sandy that as soon as I could afford a new project car I was going to buy one. In June 1987 we were newly married, a new 1st home and new furniture and everything we needed.

Not long after I found through a friend a rusty crusty 1973 AMC Javelin AMX in a barn about 1hour away from the house. I bought it for $350 and had it towed home.

Not long after we traveled to to visit with my wife’s sisters and family. We were all sitting down to dinner one night and my wife Sandy said to her sister you should see the rusty AMC Javelin my husband bought. My wife’s sister looked at us and said I have one in the garage. I did not believe her and told me to open the garage. There it sat with a ¼ inch of dust and crap piled up on it. I could not believe it!!! I said why are you not driving it? It would cost to much to fix so I bought a new car and just parked it since it was not worth anything.

I asked would you sell it to me? No, I will give it to you with one breakfast with Aunt Violet. Afterwards we went to Indy 500 track condition that you keep it in the family. I said yes. So now we museum and had a really good time. Aunt Violet lived 3 blocks own two Javelins a 1973 and a 74 Javelin AMX. away from the track. We always had such a good time going to the races too. So several phone calls to my sister in law and talking to her mechanic we fixed the car enough to get it back hometo We made it back home to Cincinnati, Ohio and I had started out Cincinnati, Ohio. Sandy and I flew out to California on two one with 10 gal of oil. I had used 8 of them on the trip back. way tickets to start our journey back in September 1988. I recall we spent about $800. The mechanic said the rear main was Since then we have had this car painted 3 times in the 30 years leaking and to keep extra in the car. we have owned it. Rebuilt the engine once.

Our first day we traveled to Las Vegas and it was a long day. We have owned it through the good times and the bad. We Very inexpensive motel if I recall it was $24.99 a night and a nd are both very blessed to be living in the place of our dreams. $6 steak meal all you could eat. Our 2 day we drove I believe Surrounded by good people and good friends. some where in Utah not far from Zion National Park, talk about rd pitch black at night. 3 day we made it to Denver, Co and it was Keep your dreams alive and live your dreams. God Bless cold so we stopped in a Walmart and bought a set of sweets. Everyone and thanks for reading our story. We woke up the next day with a foot of snow on the ground and had to pack up a tent and all our gear and it was cold!!!! William & Sandra Clark We then drove all the way to Indianapolis, IN spent the night in I believe the smallest hotel I have ever been in! But for $17.99 Photo Below January 2017 Cavalcade of Customs Cincinnati, was a great deal. The next morning, we went over and had Ohio

Page 6 American Motoring Jan./Feb, 2087 AMX Summer Trip 2017 Taken from “Coastal Rambler” newsletter of First Coast AMC of Florida For years Cyndie and I have wanted to take a trip on the Amtrak Auto Train from Sanford, FL to Lorton, VA, but never had a reason to go that way. With the 2017 AMO Nationals in Gettysburg, now we did. We booked a sleeperette room, so we could sleep on the overnight trip. It was tight, but the whole train trip was interesting and fun. They took good care of my AMX. Although, even with the "cold start" info I gave them, they still had a hard time starting it the next day. From the train station in Lorton it was only 150 miles to Gettysburg. The traffic was bad on I-95 by D.C. but that was expected. Once in Gettysburg, my wife and I had a great time. We did all the cruise events, including the AMC cruise through the battlefields, and the visit to the AACA museum in Hershey, PA. At the awards dinner my car received a Gold Award in the Senior Division. If you haven't been to an AMO meet, I highly recommend it, the AMO members are great and their cars are amazing. From Gettysburg we headed south to Knoxville, TN to our son’s house. We had planned to leave the AMX there for 3 weeks and return to Ocala in one of my son’s cars. After that 3-week wait, I headed back to our son’s house. Cyndie decided to sit this one out so that I could pick up my brother in Fort Wayne, IN, and take him to Kenosha with me. My brother Mark also has an AMX, but he parked it in 1979 and it hasn't run since. The Saturday that I left my sons house, I jogged out of the way about 30 miles to attend the Somernights Cruise in Somerset, KY. I then continued on to West Jefferson, OH to attend the Richard Teague show on Sunday at Kennedy American. Due to the rainy weather, I think a lot of the locals didn't attend, but those of us who traveled long distances went anyway. I received a Gold award and was pleased to be awarded the special Bud Truex award for Best in Show also. From there I drove to Ft. Wayne to get my brother, and then on to Kenosha. Driving through was NOT fun but had to be done. Mark and I were in Kenosha for all 5 days of events. That was really a good time; we did all the scheduled events. AMC cars were everywhere, there had to be 300 cars in the 7-mile, police escorted parade to the lakefront. The weather was perfect all week. The final BIG show at Kennedy Park right on Lake Michigan had over 900 AMC's and more AMC parts vendors than I have ever scene. This is another AMC event you've got to do at least once. The shows were done, but the fun is never done when you’re driving a 1970 AMX. Other than going back through Chicago & Atlanta, the 3-day drive back to Ocala was no problem. I get thumbs up anywhere I drive that car, and when I stop, people come out of the woodwork to take pictures and ask questions. I drove my AMX a total of 3,049 miles, averaged 14.6 MPG and had no mechanical problems. Cyndie and I are already planning to attend the AMO meet in Auburn, IN next summer. I hope to see more Florida AMC people there. It's a blast. ~ Dick Charcalla, FCAMC Member

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 7

Tech Questions with Jeff Reeves

how to identify and solve this. I will await your response before removing the intake manifold. I plan to attend Kenosha later this month and would really like to bring my ‘73 Javelin. Any and all potential tests/solutions (with the simplest first) will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jeff.

Reader’s Comment: This may be late because I am months behind in my readings but I am sure I experienced the exact problem as Tom with my 390 in my 70 AMX. Jeff Reeves, AMO Tech Editor [email protected] I am sure his problem is that after market intake gaskets (similar to header gaskets) were used instead of the metal Question: From the July/Aug. Issue in which the question windage tray/intake gasket when his intake was installed. was: I attended the AMO convention in Rockford, IL last year. Upon approaching Rockford (about 90 miles from my home) my When I did this on my 390 I would have to add a quart of oil every 60 miles, exactly the way Tom does. engine had a very different tone to it. I stopped and one of the checks I made was the oil dipstick. Unfortunately I was 3 quarts What I believe happens is the oil is slung onto the bottom of the down on oil. I changed the oil a couple of days prior so I know it intake manifold and any of it that flies near the PCV valve gets was filled to the correct level. sucked into the intake and burned, While at Rockford I and a few other members tried to help me solve the problem. We checked the following: PCV valve, To my knowledge, the intake does not have a baffle to engine/under-carriage leaks for traces of oil, blue smoke/ prevent this, at least mine does not. Again, sorry for being so residue from the exhaust and all were negative. (Did I miss late with this. Hopefully Tom has resolved the problem by now. anything?) I had this engine (stock 401) in one of my Javelins And love your section. which included the same Edelbrock Torker intake manifold without any such problem in the mid to late 80’s. I had this Thanks. Bill Olson, Carriere, MS. 1970 AMX same engine professionally re-built approximately 6 years ago which included higher compression pistons, a more radical Jeff’s Comment: Bill, thanks for the info. It makes perfect cam, roller/rocker lifters, etc AND RE-ROUTING/ADDITIONAL sense! LINE FOR OIL SUPPLY TO THE REAR OF THE ENGINE. It has been so long ago I don’t remember how it was exactly configured. Upon driving home on the INTERSTATE (55 MPH) I stopped after 30 miles and 60 miles distance and had to add a quart of oil each time. Upon exiting the interstate and driving the last 30 miles at 35 MPH I checked the oil and there was NO OIL LOSS. Since having the engine re-built I can’t remember driving at high speed for an extended length of time nor have I experienced and oil loss/consumption. Speaking to a couple of other members there is the thought that oil is being lost through the PVC, obviously at higher speeds. I don’t remember if the Edelbrock Torker Intake manifold has a baffle to limit any oil loss, if the re-routing/addition of an oil line has an affect, or

Page 8 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 The Three Jeffs Remember - Good ol George

From Jeff Puras: by Jeff Puras, Jeff Reeves, and Jeff Barfield

My first memory of George Doughtie, goes back to the mid George, being the dyed-in-the-wool car guy he was, could 1980’s. Georgia AMC, the predecessor to Peach State AMO spend hours talking about AMCs, , and most any other was the local club and I was attending one of my very first kind of car. He had that manner that assured you he knew what meetings at George’s house. I didn’t really know anyone and was going on and if a car was misbehaving, he would know just I was a little on the shy side back then. At that time George what to do to set it right. I know that in the local club, George owned the yellow AMX / 3 and he was giving rides to anyone was the go-to master of knowledge on those matters that baffled who wanted to go. While I had the opportunity to see such a the rest of us. rare car and watch it drive down the street, I never opened my mouth and I missed my chance to experience the thrill of riding in one of the most unique vehicles in AMC history. George was I used to have a 1987 Chevy truck that had developed the the kind of person that would have happily given me a ride, if I bad habit of stumbling at idle. I had tried a variety of things to had asked, or if he had realized that I hadn’t been in the car yet. correct the condition, including changing out the body. In desperation, I took it to George. He hooked up his scanner, he I got away from the club and eventually Georgia AMC disbanded. pushed, pulled and looked at various things, then he pulled out In the mid 1990’s a new club was formed called Peach State AMO. a screwdriver, adjusted the idle set screw about a half turn or When I joined that club, many of the people that I remembered so, and I never had another issue with it. He made things look from the previous club were there, along with some new folks. just that effortless. Of course, George was one of the members. Throughout the 90’s and into the next century, I had the opportunity to get to know George much better. He was instrumental in putting With George, you just knew if you needed his help, he would on many of our regional shows and very involved in the AMO give it gladly. “Bring it over to the shop,” he’d say, “we’ll have International Convention that a look at it.” And he meant it. After, we held in Atlanta in 2005. of course, the requisite trip to Waffle George had a relationship House. Not much got done with with NAPA and provided many George prior to his Waffle House great door prizes and did much visit. I figure his local Waffle House of the work to make sure that probably has a picture of him on the the shows went well, including “regulars” board, somewhere. sharing his knowledge of judging, having been a past I always looked forward to spending Concours chairman for AMO. His knowledge helping me to time with him. It was always solve problems with my car guaranteed to be entertaining and was head and shoulders above very often educational. If you used a most others. George knew cars tool from the toolbox, he was quick and truly knew AMC. to admonish you NOT to try to put it George Doughtie (L) with Richard A. Teague back. “Put it on the bench,” he’d say, One final memory that I will “otherwise just throw it away”. He share, in 2004 George and I were both building new shops, of always swore by that, just so he’d know where each and every course mine was a 14 X 28 single car shop and George’s shop tool was, and that it had been put back in its proper place. was capable of holding about 6 cars, had 2 hydraulic lifts and its own bathroom. George’s shop was completed first and I, It was always a treat to see George get amused by something. along with a few other people, was helping him move his shop. He’d get this little sly grin and you just knew you had to smile George had a very small refrigerator in his old shop and he along with him. said to just leave it because he had a full size refrigerator in the new shop. Jeff Reeves spoke up before I could and said “I know someone who is building a shop that would probably like From Jeff Barfield: to have that refrigerator.” George said “Who?” I responded in a somewhat sarcastic tone with “George?” He quickly responded One of my last visits with George was when Jeff Puras and “Take it!” I still have that same, working refrigerator in my little I went over to help him with a problem in a Wagoneer shop. Thanks George for the fridge, the memories and the that he had been the primary mechanic on for several decades. friendship. He had built the engine and it was fighting him going back in. George, at this time, was low on stamina and he mostly sat From Jeff Reeves: Good ol’ George. and watched/commented from his chair nearby as Jeff and I wrestled with the Jeep. We finally managed to get everything I don’t recall, exactly, when it was I first met George. It seems lined up and the engine and were happily mated like I should, though, as George is the kind of fellow it’s hard to together again. We left it to George to finish up the installation, forget. Large as life, affable and outgoing, George always met which I understand he managed well and he got the project new people with the same outgoing personality that he greeted buttoned up and got it back to the owner. Sadly, this was the old friends with. If you spoke car, then you could tell you had last customer vehicle to be worked on at Doughtie Automotive. found a kindred spirit that was fluent in the language. Continued on Page 23 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 9 AMO Membership

Derek Dorroh [email protected]

Wow it’s cold here in North Carolina, hope everyone is staying warm, safe, and dry this winter! So many exciting things in the works for members in AMO for 2018, and we want to make sure everyone knows about the benefits of membership. In this article, we are going to introduce our digital membership option and have a complete overview of membership services within AMO.

Digital Membership Option For new members, and when you receive your renewal notice, we now have the option to choose a ‘digital only’ membership. You will still receive your membership card, but no longer receive a printed magazine. You will have access to our online ‘flip’ magazine, in full color, optimized for viewing on your desktop or tablet. Powered by the technology in a software called ‘FlipSnack’, our magazine really comes to life when viewed online. You can even click on the ads of our many supporting vendors, and it will take you directly to their website. Reading online is easy also, as you can flip pages, and zoom in to read articles. This new ‘flip’ magazine version is available to ALL members in AMO, and we encourage everyone to check it out. Our magazines are easy to get to, simply log into our members only area and you will find links to the magazines alongside the PDF versions, all located under the tab of ‘printed newsletters’.

You can also go directly to the FlipSnack interface by entering the URL below in your web browser: Each volume is password protected and you can find this password within the members only area of the website. Once you access the online magazines, simply select with issue you would like to view, enter the password, and our award winning publications come alive on screen.

Page 10 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Continued on page 11

AMO Membership Continued from page 10

Click the Click the ‘fullscreen’ arrows to button in flip pages the middle to zoom in

Once you enter full screen mode, you can use the zoom feature, and the ‘move’ feature where you click on the page and move around to easily read the page.

We really hope you enjoy this first step in making your membership experience better. The cost of our new Digital Membership Option is $25 USD per year, open to all members worldwide.

MEMBERSHIP SERVICES As renewal cards are mailed each month, you will start to see our new membership options. So, let’s review what they are and the many ways you can renew.

o Membership – USA $35 per year USD o Membership – Canada/Mexico $40 per year USD o Membership – International $45 per year USD o Membership – Business/Vendor $100 per year USD o Membership – Digital Only (all) $25 per year USD

FAQ’s Where do I mail my check for a new membership or renewal? Send to AMO Membership Services c/o Derek Dorroh, 12229 Freemont Lane, Raleigh, NC 27613

How do I know when my renewal is due? On your membership card you will see a year and date in the format of YEARMONTH, ex. 201802 would mean your membership expires at the end of February of 2018. We also send out a postcard notice the month prior to remind you of the renewal. You can also email or call anytime to check on your membership status.

Can I renew or join online? Sure can! We have many ways to renew online: o From our club website, click ‘join AMO’ link, fill out the form, and choose the PayPal option after the form is completed o At our new membership services online store: American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 11 No Deposit No Return

Jay Bouder started building hot rods at an early age, perfecting successful, especially for a car that was built in a rented garage his art by working in makeshift backyard garages during his in the bad part of a sleepy Pennsylvania town. After three teens. Jay took on the art of tampering with American muscle years Jay decided to part with his ride and take his life in a cars with nothing more than a set of basic tools and a big dose different direction, though he knew deep inside it was probably of sensibility, both working to make his wildest ideas not the last time he would see his little AMX. come to life in steel. Back then, Jay admired one of his buddy’s loveliest possessions from afar, a ’68 AMX, purchased new Back to the Future, some 33 years later, George Gudat, an right off the showroom floor, that Jay had eyes for. Jay felt the avid AMC collector from New Jersey, found the AMX in a pangs of envy every time he got a glimpse of the sporty AMX. Luckily for him, the pain was short-lived. After only a year of ownership, his buddy and the cherished AMX were breaking up. Jay pounced at the chance to take the 390-powered street terror home and transform it from a strong-running street car to a Super Stock drag machine. Not having an ideal place to work on the AMX, Jay Rented a $40-per-month garage in one of the back alleys of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Since he didn’t have the money to stock a shop with nifty tools, Jay built a compressor from spare parts to run the spray gun that would cover the car with its new skin. Along with his small set of basic tools, the only other components in the garage were a small overhead light and a handheld drop light, yet Jay was able to create one of the coolest paint jobs this side of the Susquehanna.

Jay conjured the overall theme in his head, then sprayed the wild graphics on the car, complete with a custom AMX logo on the hood. To add a little pizzazz to the job, he loaded his paint gun with some lacquer and pointed it above the body. Using short bursts, he shot the lacquer in the air, where it would partially dry into long, Silly String-Type strands before it fell and draped over the car in erratic patterns. The “strings” then leveled off and dried nicely, though Jay did do a little wet sanding here and there to get them level with the rest of the paint. Jay ran the AMX up and down the East Coast, taking numerous trophies and a little cash along the way. It ran low 12s and was pretty

Continued on page 13 Page 12 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 No Deposit No Return Continued from page 12 Pennsylvania barn very close to where Jay had built it. He at Jay’s shop in Lancaster. Jay enlisted the help of his sons, wanted to know the history of his new ride and luckily had some Ryan and Andy, to get the AMX back on the streets. He may be clues to go by—like Jay’s name on the door! After four failed 75 years of age, but Jay has the heart of a teenager. You can attempts to locate the car’s builder, the fifth call was right on see it in his eyes whenever he talks about his favorite AMX. He target. He asked Jay if he had raced a ’68 AMX during the late still sports a lead foot, and the little two-seater responds to Jay’s ‘60s and early ‘70s. Jay said yes. He asked Jay the name every command lie its an extension of himself. of the car and when Jay answered, “No Deposit, No Return,” George told Jay he had just purchased his old car. Amazingly, Things just couldn’t be better for our owner and one thing is the car looked great for its age, needing just a cleanup to get for certain: He will never again part with his first dose of AMX the paint shining again. Jay was blown away seeing his old ride infatuation. Luckily this car made its “return” to where it should and offered to buy the car on the spot. George said he wanted be in the loving hands of its builder. to get the car running again and bring it back to the track for at least a year. Maybe after the season he would think about 2017- This car was shown at the AMO International Convention selling it. Three quarters of the way through the race season, in the Race Car Class. It was judged a Junior Bronze. This car Jay got the call he was waiting for: George was open to selling not only has history, it has quality. him the car. A deal was struck. After the season ended, the AMX—now a roller without George’s drivetrain was back home

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 13 Mike’s History Pick

This month I thought it may be interesting to go through some of AMO’s earliest newsletters and find some interesting tidbits.

The first one is from Nov. /Dec. 1977: Production figures for Special Interest AMC Cars; 1958 Ambassador HT Wagon 294 1967 Rebel Westerner 500 1960-65 Rambulances 246 1968 Rebel 550 Conv 377 1964 Rambler Typhoon 2,520 1968 Rebel SST Conv 823 1965 American Convert 3,882 1969 Rambler Rogue 5,055 1965 Classic Convert 4,953 1969 SC/Rambler 1,512 1965 Ambassador Convert 3,499 1970 Rebel Machine 2,326 Mike Spangler 1965 Marlin 10,327 1970 Donohue Javelin 2,501 mspangler@ 1966 Marlin 4,547 1972 Gucci Sportabout 2,584 1967 Marlin 2,545 1973 Gucci Sportabout 2,251 1967 Rebel Briarcliff 400 1974 Cassini Matador 6,165 1967 Rebel Mariner 600 1975 Cassini Matador 1,817

In the Mar. /April 1978 I found an ad copy that a dealer could customize and put in their local newspaper:

Continued on page 15

Page 14 American Motoring Jan/Feb., 2018 Mike’s History Pick Continued from page 14 In the Jan. /Feb Issue of American Motoring in the column, “Rambler Rumors” it states: A new Jeep ??? From a reliable source (a major motoring magazine), there is a possibility of a smaller, more fuel efficient 4-wheel-drive wagon, (competition for the Brat). Below a modified HornetWagon body and frame, the Jeep Division of AMC would work their four-wheel-drive magic. (I hope this rumor will turn into fact, since I was disappointed when the idea to make a mini-van out of a Pacer was scrapped.)

On a related note, in the Mar. /April 1979 issue the “In The News” column reports: AMC will offer a four wheel drive system as an option on all 1980 Concords. The system may be the same one that is being plannedfor the new downsized in 1981 or 1982. The unit is to be manufactured by ’s New Process Gear Division for use with the Chrysler Torqueflite Transmission, Which AMC will use in its 1980 model Jeeps, as opposed to the Hydromatic the Jeeps now use. (January 15, 1979 Automotive News, Pg.1)

Also in the Mar. /Apr. 1979 issue was an interesting ad. I wonder what ever happened to this car. The ad reads: This is a one-off creation you may have seen at Kenosha ’75 or AMO (Kenosha) ’78. 95% restored. Built on the 118” Ambassador Chassis and is dead sharp. Bright Red paint with striking black interior. Includes: Every 1965 Marlin Factory Option, Special Prototype Items, and a few of my own. Also includes numerous parts (not sold separately). All chrome NOS or re-plated in 1978. Everything works, even the clock! Runs perfectly and can be driven anywhere. I may be able to help deliver. Please no lookers. This is the only ad showing this car. If not sold through this ad, the car goes on the auction block spring 1979 without reserve. I will discuss cash offers around $5,000. Car located in New York.

Editor’s Note: Update !!! The guy that eventually owned it knew it was odd, but did not know how special it was. It was his everyday car in his youth, the car had been vandalized and parts were sold off of it and scrapped. There had been rumors going around that it was in a head on collision but that was false. American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 15 Memorabilia Corner

Mike Spangler mspangler@

In this month’s Memorabilia Corner we will be taking a look at A Dealership Training aid. The LaBelle System. Many other businesses also used these machines such as schools, the military, McDonalds and even Funeral Homes There was also a complete line of film cartridges or “Kits” for new product demonstration. I even have a cartridge teaching This system was used in most AMC Dealerships. They were not you how to sell the cars and go over financing. Each would only used by the Dealerships Service Department for training feature a model of car and do complete overviews of the cars the mechanics on such things as emission systems to how to along with songs and music about the car being featured. It is fix the complex Selec–Trac 4wd systems, and just about every very entertaining to not only watch these tapes to learn about other subject you can think of. Each subject came in a kit (or the cars, but it is sometimes more fun to listen to the songs. box, however you look at it) In these kits were a subject tape, When have you ever heard a song about a Spirit AMX? These sometimes a manual, a workbook, quizzes, and sometimes were usually featured in the Dealership’s showroom where a more, depending on the subject matter. consumer could watch the presentation of the cars features.

The Machines were manufactured by LaBelle Industries of Oconomowoc, WI. The format of the cartridges was a 16mm filmstrip attached to a continuous loop (like an 8-track player that had only two tracks). One track was the mono narration, the other track, (not played through a speaker) was the “synch” track that had audio pulses recorded on it. There were two frequencies, one would advance the 16mm filmstrip a frame (like a slide projector), and the other would stop the film and narration while the trainee was working on the subject matter. The projector had a start button on the front to fire it up again. This projector can be used like a television screen to view the

Page 16 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Continued on page 17 Memorabilia Corner Continued from Page 16 films. I also have a Labelle machine that is a projector for showing the films on a screen or wall.

LaBelle Projector

Most dealerships had these LaBelle systems. I don’t know how many survived. They were used many years.. The time frame of what we have in our collection goes from 1974 through 1983. IN 1984 a new training format came out, Laser Video Discs. These were like LP album sized DVDs. But that is a subject of an upcoming Memorabilia Corner.

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 17 1953 Nash Healey Roadster by Terry Grow In the late 1960s I found a 1953 Nash Healey Roadster, in a garage in Lake Park, Florida. My father used to work for Bishoff Motors in Morganstown, West Virginia. We called Bud Bishoff, he asked us to pick it up to start restoring it. My father and I worked on the Healy for the next six months.

Later Bud Bishoff, flew into West Palm Beach, Florida and drove it back to Morgantown, West Virginia. Years later I talked to someone who knew about the Healey, they told me he sold it, but not to whom or where.. I wanted to know if it might be in the Nash Healy Club. I contacted them to see if it was still around. I was hoping to get pictures of it.

I received a letter from Judy Brookens of the Nash Healy Registry:

Hello Terry

This is an interesting Nash Healey. Reportedly from new to circa 1958, it belonged to the famous golfer, Sam Snead. It is a 1953 roadster. My records show it belonging to a D. B. Bishoff of Morgantown, West Virginia.

It re-surfaced in 2015 when it was purchased by the Evergreen Historic Society of Lebanon, MO. I do not know if it is on display but my contact info for the Society is [email protected]

I hope this is the info you were looking for.


Judy Brooks

Nash Healey Registry

The letter I received from the “[email protected]” confirmed it was owned by Sam Snead, chassis #1386.

I was so excited when I found it after all this time. I contacted the Evergreen Historic Society to see if they still owned the Healey. I talked with Steve Plaster, who said they still have the Nash Healey I had inquired about. He was very nice and gave me a little history since they purchased it. The Nash Healey was entered in the 2016 California Ville Rally. I asked if I could get any pictures of the car, he e-mailed three different pictures. When I sold the Nash Healey to Bud , it was not in the excellent condition it is now.

Terry Grow, Greenacres, Florida

Page 18 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 1980 AMC Eagle - A 37 Year Odyssey

I might say this 1980 AMC EAGLE story started in 2017 but it really started in 1979. I recently completed AOCS (Aviation Officer Candidate School; see that 1982 movie “An Officer & A Gentleman” to get a flavor of AOCS) being commissioned a US Navy Ensign. Barbara-Ann, my recent wife was 8 months into expecting our first “Navy” baby born on December 7th. I called her my Navy baby since the Japanese Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 38 years earlier.

We needed a new car for Barbara-Ann (BA as I call her) and went down to the Pensacola, Florida New-Car Dealer strip looking at the Ford, , and Pontiac compacts. Finally, we drove past Don Dawson’s AMC Dealership. I was never interested in Ramblers or AMCs growing-up but said to BA, can’t hurt to go look. Harold Brasch greeted us and after explaining what we were looking for said: “I’ve got just the car for BA. We sat in a new 1979 AMC Concord D/L: Cameo Blue, with dark blue extending behind chrome trim (targa like roof band). Hub caps having the same dark blue color at the vinyl material. I can distinctly remember sitting in the car, looking at BA and saying: “This car really feels solid compared to the Fords and Chevys”.

The best price Mr. Brasch offered was $5,520.10. I said if you throw in the upgraded SONY AM/FM stereo we’ll buy it. As we talked, he pointed out their newly arriving 1980 addition to the AMC fleet sitting 20 feet away. He said: “That is our new EAGLE.” Our eye was accustomed to conventional station wagons which caused me to ask: “Why is she sitting so high?” Mr. Brasch explained it has an all wheel drive and the body was lifted 3 inches. Hmmm, I asked how much and was told $9,800.00. A big difference yet I might have bought it were it not for the fact when asked, Mr. Brasch said: “This is the first year for this model” to which I responded I did not want to chance a first year car.

Fast forward 20 years, retired from the Navy and having settled in Maryland, I still remembered that Pensacola EAGLE and wondered what they went for now in 1999? Some how I found a nice looking, Dark Blue with wood paneling, 1984 EAGLE Limited with 92,000 miles in Illinois for $2,390.00 I purchased two airline tickets and took my 15 year old son Christopher and we flew out to buy and drive her home. Continued on Page 20

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 19 1980 AMC Eagle - A 37 Year Odyssey Continued from Page 19 That led to a 2005 purchase of a second 1983 EAGLE with 130,00 miles from New Jersey for around $2,000.00. Then, I received a call from the local Rambler club that a NJ school teacher passed away and his teacher wife was selling their 75, low mileage cars stored in a former chicken building. Two were AMC EAGLES, one with less than 1,000 miles and the second with 41,000 miles. I agreed to purchase both for $3,500.00. When we arrived in NJ, an intermediary fellow met us at a gas station and said the wife now wanted to keep the low mileage EAGLE and would only sell the 41,000 mile Eagle. (He talked to the wife on his cell phone but it would not have surprised me if he was just talking to himself.) This 2nd EAGLE was driven by the wife to and from school during inclement weather. I point out that this car was completely re-painted and I was disappointed. We agreed on a price of $2,000.00 and we drove her the 200 miles home.

In 2007, I saw two EAGLES in a junk yard Ad and bought both (transportation included) for $620.00. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that both started with one sounding good and the other languishing. Likely engine will need to be rebuilt. These accept any money when offered and told Glenn that when I’m are being stored for the day I retire as projects to keep me busy. 91, I hope a younger fellow will help me out too. (Regardless, a week later, he brought BA a tin of cookies.) Around that time a fellow who drives by our home daily stops by and said: “I see you have EAGLE’s occasionally in your The rest of the story: Last year Glenn calls and asks if I driveway. I have a 1980 Sport EAGLE that I gave up on years want to buy one of his two EAGLEs. I said: “Glenn, I have ago and will be towing it to the Junk. If you want it, its yours no enough EAGLE’s….I really don’t need more.” Glenn responded charge. I said sure you can bring it by. I only want $100.00. Asked if it runs he said yes. Well, BA and I will come by Saturday for a look. For 1980 (1st model (By the way, did I mention I have a small farm and thus have the year) she looked pretty good, paint could be buffed out and she ability to store these EAGLE’s in the back on rubber mats and started without problem. It had been a few years since he drove car-covers out of sight.) her and I said: “What if I give you $200.00 for her Glenn?” to which he responded that would be good too. I was fascinated That brings us to a beautiful sunny Sunday in September 2012 with the 1980 since there were differences I could easily spot where once a year, the Antique Automobile Club of America not the least of which was the practical with stylish (AACA) holds an antique car show hosted by the Urbana, . We had her flat bedded the 5 miles home and with full Maryland Volunteer Fire Dept. BA and I swung in for Burgers, intensions of parking her in the back to become another one French Fries and leisurely walk to take in the sights. A fellow day: “Retirement” project. was hawking 50/50 raffle tickets and we purchased some. I told BA the winnings would be all hers. SHE WON and collected It was March 2017, and before placing this EAGLE into long $300.00 term storage I go thru all the fluids starting with the radiator. I watched to see if the thermostat worked and it did. I pulled the The AACA Lady interviewed us for the AACA Paper. She asked string a bit more and changed the engine oil, and the brakes if we have any “Antique Cars” to which I replied: “No, but we next. This was the first time in 40+ years that I found do have a few old AMC EAGLEs”. A few months later, Mr. caliper shoes with zero pads left i.e. metal on metal; with nice Glenn Murphy, a 91 year old gentleman pulls into the Driveway ¼” rivet groves worn into the rotor. No show stopper here. New in his EAGLE and says: “Are you the AMC MAN?” I responded: Calipers, Rotors and Pads on order and replaced the old brake “I’ve never been called that and what brings you by, seeing my fluid with Silicone Brake Fluid. EAGLE?” Mr. Murphy relayed that he was a WW-II, US Marine who fought in the Pacific in such fierce battles as Guadalcanal Transmission fluid and filter were next to be changed with no Campaign, etc. He learned of me and the EAGLEs from his surprises. On to the ; As I carefully removed the AACA newsletter and that brought back my memory of the last turns on the drain plug with basin in hand, “voila” not a drop AACA lady’s interview. He said his car was running rough so of oil. After 750 milliseconds of thought I say: “Well John, you with my ample supply of parts, I replaced his fuel & air filters, need to stick a magnet in there.” Upon extracting that magnet, installed a new air cleaner snorkel and tried adjusting the I saw it greedily grab-up up an assortment of metal fragments. carburetor. I could not get her idle to smooth out and told Glenn Well, she needed a Transfer Case and that involves: “me” that at best you might need a rebuilt carb. and at worst you pulling and reinstalling one. Now that’s disappointing but still might have a manifold air intake leak whose gasket is a bear not a show stopper. I called JASPER who has for 70+ years to replace. I took her for a drive and notice her bucking upon has been rebuilding , Transmissions and Transfer acceleration. I got underneath and told Glenn to get down and Cases refused to rebuild mine because it was “Too Old and take a look which he impressively did without hesitation. With we can’t find parts”. I said there were thousands made but to my pry bar, I lifted the back of the transmission and showed no avail. With the innovation of the internet I found a shop in Glenn the rear mount was torn. That part should be available Oklahoma City, OK who would take a look. A couple of days and any garage should be able to easily replace it. I would not after receiving it called to say they found a re-build kit and did I Page 20 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Continued on Page 21 1980 AMC Eagle - A 37 Year Odyssey Continued from Page 20 want it re-built or re-manufactured? The re-manufactured case caused some hemming and hawing. I remembered that the front was shipped back installed and worked well. right fender of our 1979 Concord was damaged and replaced during the first week of allowing my new driver daughter to While waiting, I checked the rear differential fluid which was OK drive her. Damage to it had been limited to a spot above the and I proceeded to drain and add fresh gear oil. On to the front headlight. I found it on a top shelf in the barn. This fender differential…… WHAT! The drain plug was only 1/8” way from worked perfectly but now between a Cameo Blue fender and the frame and I could not get a wrench on it much less get the fill- roof weld spot I went ahead and had the entire car re-painted. plug off. There was no Frame damage I could see to cause this The Dark Brown Metallic paint finish was as close to factory as and my only guess was that this was an engineering oversight anyone could hope for. caused by a rush to get this first year model into production. All my other EAGLES of various years have sufficient access Since we had never attended an AMC Convention nor entered space to remove these front differential fill-plugs. Now I’m really a car into a show for competition we decided to enter her in disturbed so I commenced dropping the entire front suspension the “Daily Driver” category particularly since no cleaning of to access this differential fill-plug. About 15 hours later (over a the engine compartment was performed. We arrived on the few days) the front suspension was back in place. morning of the show and it was pleasing to see only AMC cars present. The judges got around to our EAGLE at 1030am and Having time a couple of weeks later, I looked into the engine spent almost 15 minutes even going under. I never thought of and it ran fine but would also stall after awhile. Installing a that and had intentionally painted the skid plate “Minneapolis new electronic “Engine Idle Control Module” resolved this issue. Moline Yellow”. I have found over the years that agricultural On to the interior; Light tan leather seats were dirty but in nice implement paint held up well in the field (such paints probable condition once cleaned. The did not work with the still use lead in them?!?). problem being the nylon gear at the end of the cable going into the Transfer-Case having all the teeth sheared off (likely caused On to the AMO banquet. This was a large and well attended when the transfer-case seize before breaking into internal (300 maybe more) sit-down dinner after which the main event parts). You just can’t replace the gear without “knowing” the was to be the announcement of the winners of the “Daily Driver”, position to rotate its attaching plate to line up with the right mark the “AMC Stock” and the AMC Custom” categories. Six Daily opposite the house casing mark. Yikes, there are three possible Driver awards were to be announced. As number six was to be positions the eccentric gear sits on this plate (this gear is not in announced I thought this is the last chance to win. Six was not the center of the plate hole but off-center allowing for various to be me and I said to BA: “I can’t expect to win having never position depending on which internal Transfer-Case gearing entered such a contest before….that’s OK”. your vehicle has). I was able to consult with owner Steve who explained the most commonly installed The host then announced that for the AMC Stock, there would position for this plate and as luck and his experience showed… be only a Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. The announcer then it worked. said: “The first award will be for Bronze and that award goes to John Anayannis for his 1980 AMC EAGLE”. To say we were The Power Door Locks either did not work or were badly stuck, surprised was an understatement and I gratefully accepted our as were the Power Windows. Removing all door panels I award. This is the odyssey of Mr. Glenn Murphy’s $100 AMC could see that two locking motors had been replaced earlier. EAGLE and…….. $6,000.00 later. One required replacement, and the rest needed cleaning and lubrication. Similarly with the power windows with the exception Best - - John J. Anayannis – 15 January 2018 that the driver door motor cable was shot needing replacement. Once replaced, all windows worked fine. Two of the four original radio speakers needed replacement and the radio works but needs to be kept an eye on.

We received the AMO magazine and saw that this year, 2017 AMO Convention was to be held in “Gettysburg, Pennsylvania” (only an hour away!). I told BA that if we wanted to try, I might have the EAGLE into the body shop and done in time for this June convention. In earlier days, it appears the EAGLE roofs were lowered on the car and the four corners were welded, bonded and painted. Well, one of these welds had cracked and needed repair. Additionally the “Wood” paneling was faded almost to being white. I was able to find NOS “Burma Teak Wood Vinyl” paper from METRO Restyling and off we went to the body shop. They asked if I wanted the EAGLE re-painted and I said the paint looks pretty good and a buffing and waxing should do it. Replacing the molding clips was a problem but I found some in Texas and others in NYC.

When the front right 3”, front rubber wheel well spacer was removed, a rust hole was found on the fender which American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 21 Events Calendar

March 24, 2018 – Daytona, FL – The Return to Daytona 2018 – Daytona International Speedway – For more info contact: Steve Berg 904-737-1588 or [email protected]

April 13-14, 2018 - Buckeye, AZ – Cactus Classic XVII – for more info contact: Kirk Fletcher, 602-689-9222 [email protected]

May 10-13,2018 - Auburn, IN – Rambler Meets Duryea – NCCA & AACA Regional Meet at Auctions America, Auburn IN – for more info contact: Bob Grutza at 847-370-4352 or [email protected]

May 12, 2018 - Independence, OH - NCAMC Spring Dust Off - For more info contact: Joe Schaller 330-723-1659 [email protected]

May 25, 2018 - Hebron, OH - Great AMC Day 2018 - For more info contact: Mike Luke, 740-929-1300 or [email protected]

June 3, 2018 - Jefferson, WI - 20th Annual Graduation Car Show – For more information contact: Mike Spangler, [email protected] 920-988-3256

June 9, 2018 – Independence, OH - School’s Out 2018 - For more info contact: Dale Veverka 216-524-5977 [email protected]

June 9, 2018 - Reno, NV – 6th AMCRC – HDAMC Western Regional Car Show at Boomtown Casino – For more info contact: Michael Lakin (775) 427-2695 or [email protected]

June 9, 2018 – Manchester, (Port ) - Rambler Rama 2018, Sponsored by Northern Ramblers for more info contact: Steve Johnston at 905-939-8050 [email protected]

June 27-30, 2018 - Auburn, IN – 2018 AMO International Convention – For more info contact: Todd Harrington 4114 Amesbury Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47906

June 29, 2018 – Auburn, IN – Marlin Auto Club Convention – For more info visit

July 6 – 7, 2018 - Dublin, OH – 37th Richard Teague Midwest AMC Regional Meet – For more information contact: Jeff Kennedy at 614-879-7283 or [email protected]

Aug. 11, 2018 - Rising , MD - “All-AMC Day” 2018 at Cecil Co. Dragway – For More info contact: (215) 990-4628 or [email protected]

Aug. 11, 2018 - Peru, IN – 17th Annual Bill Reddig AMC Show – For more info contact: Todd Harrington (765) 404-7657 [email protected]

Aug. 19, 2018 - Livonia, MI – GLCAC All Family AMC Show – For more info contact: Richard Estermyer (734) 417-9456 [email protected]

Aug. 24-25, 2018 - Farmington, CT – AMCs Scream in 2018 – CAMO’s 23rd Annual Regional Meet- For more info contact: Joe Howard, 603-548-0069 [email protected]

Aug. 26, 2018 - Genoa, OH – 32nd Annual Glass City All AMC Show at Veterans Memorial Park - For more info contact: Mitch Biller (419) 836-9496 [email protected]

Sept. 6-8, 2018 - Cordova, IL – AMC RACES at Cordova – For more info contact: Shannon Halverson 218–282-6625 [email protected]

July 18-20, 2019 – Collinsville, IL - 2019 AMO International Convention

Nash Hits the Big Time in Old Car Collector World ! Rambler Meets Duryea By Bob Grutza NCCA Central Division Director

Wow! One of the most important Nash Car Club Meets is about to happen this spring and YOU can be part of it.

Nash has been accepted to be the feature Automobile and Club at the Antique Auto mobile Club of America “Special Spring Meet” held annually at Auctions America Park in Auburn, IN. The 2018 date for the event is May 11-13

This NCCA/AACA 3 day meet features an automobile auction, car corral, 3 day parts swap, (50 vendors), and an outstanding variety of autos participating in competitive and non-competitive AACA specified judging.

Thousands of spectators and participants from around the country will attend the event. Dealers nationwide come to bid on AACA Hershey Museum high quality donor cars to fill their showroom offerings for the coming sales season. The car corral a car show in itself has everything from projects to knock out gorgeous offerings.

For information about the show and or showing your car please contact: Bob Grutza 847-370-4352 or [email protected] Page 22 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 The Three Jeffs Remember Good Ol George

Continued from page 9 I think Jeff and I realized that at that point, and it was sad. When we got there, instead of the usual handshake, George gave me a big bear hug. This was unusual, and I couldn’t help but think he was saying goodbye in his own way.

I’ll always wish I’d spent more time with him. I’ll miss learning from him, and I’ll miss watching him work his mechanical magic. Rest well, old friend.

I have no idea how to put almost 40 years of friendship with George Doughtie into words. We’re all hurting from his recent passing. It is a tremendous personal loss to us and to the AMC hobby as well. I depended on George for many things whether it would be a technical issue or just a need to go to his favorite Waffle House for lunch. George was well known for his love of WH. Anytime we set up a work day in his shop it was to head to the Waffle House first for a good meal then back to the shop to work. Pecan waffle dark and a side of sausage for me please. George being more of a affleW House pro varied his choices.

I’ll miss George’s late night cries for “Haaaaalp!” “Ok, what did you do now, George?” It usually just meant a welding project to do. I did George’s “trick welding” for him. He could do the normal stuff and I did the impossible projects. A good team. After finishing he would ask what he owed me and I would tell him, “I’ll get even with you.” That system worked both ways.

I have so much to be thankful to George for. If it hadn’t been for him and a weak moment at a car show in Ohio I wouldn’t have ever been able to drive a race car. That first car for us car was the former b Production AMX we raced for a few years. We learned together on that car. To this day it is still the most powerful car I have ever driven. As we were learning the car I came in from a test run at . George could tell I was a little excited. He asked me what was wrong and I told him I was spinning the tires. He asked where and I told him everywhere. He thought that was funny. The proud papa of the engine he built.

I’ll miss road trips with George. He loved to drive so I was the navigator. I think he lived to just convince me that there is an upside to running out of gas while towing in the middle of nowhere. I always told him to wear comfy shoes because I’ll be staying behind on guard duty while he tries to convince a passerby he’s only an out of gas AMC guy. We never ran out.

I’ll miss George’s stories of the old days in the 60s. He is an Atlanta native and his stories of him and his buddies racing down the street in front of the governor’s mansion are priceless.

It would take a professional writer who knew George to do him justice here. Words fail me. I am at a total loss for words as you can tell. He will be so sorely missed.

Rest in peace old friend.

Editors Notes Continued from page 4 Now that I have caught you all up on the important This newsletter is filled with many items. Take your time and enjoy the information, Mike and I have started to work on a few pictures and stories. projects of our own. We bought a new radiator for the Concord. Mike thought he stored the car close to the door so he could just pull it out, but guess what, that is not what happened. Now he will have to dig the car out when it becomes warm outside.

We have also been going to toy shows. I am the child playing in the toy box when it comes to these shows. I have been accused of being a wicked negotiator. To me if someone would like to try, we could create a new column in the newsletter showing pictures of toy finds and dates for these toy shows all over the states. This would be a new direction to go in. If you are interested, please contact Mike or I and we will work something out. American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 23 CACTUS CLASSIC XVII Cactus Cruisers AMC Club of Phoenix, AZ April 13th, & 14th, 2018

Cactus Cruisers AMC presents our Seventeenth annual Cactus Classic AMC Car Show. This will be a two day event this year starting with a Friday afternoon gathering at AZ AMC Restorations, a Friday evening BBQ, the Saturday Car Show and a Saturday Cruise-Night.

FRIDAY 4/13/18 1 pm to 4:45 pm AZ AMC Restorations Afternoon gathering at the AMC Restoration shop of Dan Curtis, 10728 N. 96th Ave, Peoria, AZ 85345. 602-317-2018

FRIDAY 4/13/18 5 pm to 9 pm Cactus Cruisers AMC BBQ (New Location) Welcome BBQ at Kirk & Terry Fletcher’s home hosted by Cactus Cruisers AMC. Our new address is 9614 N. 86th Lane, Peoria, AZ 85345, Cell# 602-689-9222. It is located Southeast of W. Mountain View Rd. & N. 87th Ave.

SATURDAY 4/14/18 9 am to 3 pm Cactus Classic XVII Car Show (New Location) Car Show will be held at the Verrado Community Center parking lot, 4239 N Village St., Buckeye, AZ 85396. North of W. Main St. & East of N. Village St. Registration Starts at 8 am and the show begins at 9 am. Trophies will be presented at 2 pm. This show is open to all American Motors (AMC) vehicles produced from 1954-1988 and all Jeep vehicles produced from 1970–1988. There is a Legacy class for 1953 and older models of Hudson, Jeep, Rambler, Nash and Willy’s. There is also one Open Class for all cars from the White Tank Customs & Classics (Verrado Community). &

SATURDAY 4/14/18 4 pm to 9 pm Mixteca Cruise Nigh Cruise Night at Mixteca Mexican Restaurant. Located at 6731 W. Bell Rd., Glendale, AZ 85308, 623-776-3511, Southwest corner of Bell Rd. and 67th. Ave.

A Close Hotel to the Show: Days Inn Buckeye, 623-386-5400 25205 W Yuma Rd, Buckeye, AZ 85326. Rooms start at $95 per night currently for April 13th & 14th.

For additional information contact Kirk Fletcher 602-689-9222 [email protected]

Page 24 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Continued on Page 27

CACTUS CLASSIC XVII April 14th, 2018 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Verrado Community Center Parking Lot (New Location) 4239 N Village St. Buckeye, AZ 85396

Cactus Cruisers AMC

Please complete and return this formth with your check for the correct amount to and send to: Kirk Fletcher, 9614 N. 86 Lane, Peoria, Please AZ 85345, Print 602-689-9222Clearly e-mail [email protected]. For multiple vehicle entries please use a separate entry blank for each vehicle. Name______


City______State______Zip______Cell Phone______

Registration Verification: e-mail address______

Club Affiliation (Yes/No): AMO______Cactus Cruisers AMC______Other______

Vehicle Information


Engine______Trans______Rear Axle______Class Code______

Car Show T-Shirt M,L,XL,2X, $15.00______Size Requested ______Car Show T-Shirt 3X & 4X, $18.00______Size Requested ______Car Show Entry postmarked before 3/17/18 $20.00______Car Show Entry (after 3/17/18, Day of Show) $25.00______Will you be participating at these Events? Swap Meet Space 20’x20’ before 3/17/18 $20.00______AZ AMC Restorations Yes______No______Swap Meet Space (after 3/17/18, Day of Show) $25.00______Friday Night BBQ Yes______No______Display Only $15.00______Saturday Night Cruise Yes______No______Cactus Cruisers AMC Dues 4/1/18 to 3/31/19 $12.00______Total $______

This show is open to all American Motors Corporation built vehicles from 1954 through 1988; Jeeps built between 1970 through 1988; 1953 and older legacy Vehicles built by Hudson, Nash, Rambler & Willy’s; and cars owned by the White Tank Customs & Classics Car Club (Verrado Community area).

By signing this form, the entrant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and release from liability (both jointly and severally)Acts the of Nature,Cactus Cruisers Civil Disobedience, AMC Club and Riots, American Public Motors Commotion Owners orAssociation. Violence Participants agree to release all officials of the aforementionedAlcoholic organizationsbeverages, fireworks (jointly and or illegal severally) firearms from any liability from a loss or damage to property and to assume all risks, including of third parties arising from or related to this event. Signature ______are not______Date_ permitted at this event or any other event produced______by Cactus Cruisers AMC.

Participant Choice (Voting) for all Classes except Display Only CLASS CODE YEARS NOTES AMC (AMC) 1970 – 88 AMX Modified (AMXM) 1968 – 70 AMX Stock (AMXS) 1968 – 70 AMC’s from 1970-1988 (except those that fit into other classes) Display Only (DIS) 1954 – 88 AMX’s More than three Modifications like Exhaust Gremlin , Pacer & Spirit (GPS) 1970 – 83 AMX’s Less than four Modifications like Tires Javelin (JAV) 1968 – 74 Non-judged participating vehicles, will have separate parking Jeep & Eagle (J&E) 1970 – 88 Gremlin’s, Pacer’s & Spirit’s of any trim level Legacy (LEG) 1953 – Older Javelin’s (Base, SST & AMX) Open (OPN) All Jeep’s and Eagle’s built by AMC Performance (PER) 1969 – 71 All Hudson, Nash, Rambler & Willy vehicles 1953 and older Race Car (RAC) 1954 – 88 All Customs & Classics Cars from the Verrado Community Rambler (RAM) 1954 – 69 SC/Rambler, Rebel Machine, SC/360 Hornet (RAMA) 1958 – 69 Cars used mostly for race purposes only Survivor Driver (SUR) 1954 – 88 AMC’s from 1954-1969 (except those that fit into other classes) Under Construction (UNC) 1954 – 88 American’s in any trim & body style (except those in the Performance class) Non-restored cars that are used as basic transportation All entries subjectCars tothat review are byclearly CCAMC under Meet Official constructions) and are not fully assembled

Continued on Page 32 ( American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 25 Official Publication of First Coast AMC Club Volume 18, Number 2~ November-December 2017

Coastal Rambler President

Steve Berg 6634 Oriole Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 737-1538 Secretary/[email protected]

Ben Franklinth 6528 37 St. East Come join First Coast AMC for the Sarasota, FL 34243 (301) 233-3393 2018 Southeast Regional AMC Car Show and the 50thFlorida Association [email protected] Anniversary of Representative

the AMX. (and the Javelin) Bob Hodson 4800 Berrywood Drive Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 275-9716 rhodsonscrambler@Vice President/Event Coordinator

Todd MacClinchyth 5523 16 Street West Bradenton, FL 34207 941-753-2324 Newsletter [email protected]

Heather Milliken 107 Cedar Ridge Dr Guyton, GA 31312 March 23rd thru 25th 2018 912-695-4293 [email protected] Daytona International Speedway First Coast AMC is a chapter of This event will take place at the Annual Daytona Spring Turkey Run Car Show and Swap Meet. the American Motors Owners There will be AMO style judging. All AMCs are welcome to participate. You must register with the Turkey Run ShowAssociation and the AMC Rambler to bring in your car. The cost is $30 pre-registered and $40 at the show. You can register at Club, and a member of the Florida Mopar Association

Also please contact Ben Franklin from First Coast AMC and let him know you are coming. He will need your name and what car you are bringing (also if you want your car judged). He can be contacted via email at [email protected]. There are several hotels close to the track but we recommend - Extended Stay Daytona 386-257-4311 We are planning a dinner on Saturday night but it will not be catered. (everyone will pay their own tab). Location TBA for dinner. Please reserve your room now as they will sell out. Other hotels in the area are Homewood Suites-386-258-2828 Quality Inn-386-255-3661 Fairfield Inn-386-254-4700 Many restaurants are in the area. AMXs will have a special place on the show field at the entrance to our area. eW can handle up to 120 cars in the area we paid to reserve so come and bring your AMC.

A special 50thAnniversary AMX T-Shirt will be on sale at the show. Since we don’t get any of the registration money from the Turkey Run any donations to defray show expenses will be gratefully accepted. The 30th Anniversary and 40th Anniversary of the AMX were at the Daytona Speedway. Please help us carry on this tradition by attending no matter what AMC you bring. If you can’t bring a car you too are welcome to come celebrate this milestone in AMC history. Tickets for spectators are $10 per day on Friday and Saturday and $5 on Sunday. Club membership is not required to participate in the show. The track gates will open at 7 am each morning. For additional info please email [email protected] or text 904-891-3730.

Page 26 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018


Presents The 27th Annual: “ALL-AMC-DAY” 2018

Track is located just 5 minutes off I-95 @ Exit #100 (Rte. 272 N) in Rising Sun, MD





RACE INFORMATION If there are a sufficient number of Racer entries, (8 car minimum for Super) we will run 2 Bracket Classes: “Super” and “Pro.” Entries with electronics (Delay Boxes, Trans. Brakes, Throttle Stops) must run in Super. Others (or if there are not enough Super entries for a separate class) will run in Pro (2 Step RPM limiters ok in Pro). Racers eliminated in First Round can “Buy- Back” into Eliminations for $30.00 (16 Car MINIMUM in Class for Buy-Back to be Available). Buy-Back racer will race each other in 2nd round (best reaction time from E1 get bye if there are an odd number of Buy-Backs. 100% of the Buy-Back money goes directly into the respective Class Purses.

(You can’t Afford NOT To Buy-Back!!) NO DOUBLE ENTRIES!

** Racer Bonus Awards **

** “FASTEST STREET CAR” $100.00 Sponsored By E & E Metal Fab ** ** OVERALL or “KING OF THE HILL” Winner- $100.00 Sponsored By: DB4 Enterprises ** ** $100.00 ($50.00 each class ) for “BEST WINNING PACKAGE” Sponsored by WSK Ltd. **

NOTE! All Entries Must Pass 2018 N.H.R.A. Technical Inspection Requirements! Host Hotel: Best Western, North East, MD (410) 287-5450 (only 3 minutes from the track) “MACAC Rate” tbt. Rooms also available at the Holiday Inn Express, (410) 287-0008 or Comfort Inn (410) 287-7100

All Non Racers must pay $10.00 Spectator Fee!!

Entry Fees: Racers - $75.00, Car Show - $10.00, Vendor - $25.00, Spectators ( ages 12 and up ) - $10.00.

FOR MORE INFO, CONTACT: (215) 990-4628 or e-mail: [email protected] Track Phones: (410) 287-6280 or (410) 287-5486 or on the Web at:

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 27 Page 28 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Announcing the 2018 AMO International Convention hosted by the Hoosier AMC Club

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the introduction of the Javelin and the AMX.

June 27 – June 30, 2018 in Auburn, IN

Quality Inn is the host hotel but there are several hotels within walking distance. The car show will be held at Auctions America.

American Motoring Jan./Feb, 2018 Page 29

Auburn, Indiana Area Hotels

QUALITY INN SUPER 8 HAMPTON INN SOLD OUT 307 Touring Dr. 1020 Smaltz Way Auburn, Auburn, IN 46706 IN 46706 225 Touring Drive Auburn, IN 46706 260-927-8800 260-925-1100 Fax: Fax: 260-920-1992 260-925-1800 260-925-6363 Fax: 260-925-6363 Rooms – 51 Rooms – 64 Rooms – 52 (No Pets) $50 per night No special rate for the $84 per night ($10 fee for small pets, 20 show. fee for large pets) Registration During the event is at this hotel. HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS BEST WESTERN and BAYMONT INN in The hotel is changing their Auburn do not offer better franchise. All reservations 621 Professional Way rates for the AMO made with the hotel are still Kendallville, IN 46755 good. Convention. 260-347-5263

Rooms – 75 Use Google Maps satellite view to see where the hotels COMFORT SUITES $75 per night are located. All hotels in Auburn except Hampton Inn 1137 w. 15TH St. Mention AMO / AMC are within walking distance Auburn, IN 46706 of each other. Fort Wayne is nearby and 260-920-7600 has several hotels located Fax: 260-920-7610 near Interstate 69. Rooms – 56 $80 per night

DAYS INN 1115 W. Seventh St. Auburn, IN 46706 260-925-1316 Fax: 260-925-1316 Rooms – 70 $69 per night Parking by ground floor rooms upon request.


Page 30 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 -2017 2018 AMO International Convention Agenda

Wednesday, June 27 Wednesday,9:30 amJune - 10:30am 27 Tech Talk Meeting Room – Quality Inn 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Registration and Packet Pick Up Lobby Quality Inn 9:30 am2:00 - 10:30am pm – 4:00 pm HospitalityTech TalkRoom Open Quality Inn Meeting Room – Quality Inn 3:00 pm2:00 – 6:00 pm –pm 4:00 pm SilentRegistration Auction Hospitality and Packet Room, Pick Quali Upty Inn Lobby Quality Inn 2:00 pm6:30 – 4:00 pm –pm 8:30 pm Ice CreamHospitality Social RoomNATMUS Open Museum Quality Inn Thursday, June 28 2:00 pm9:30 – 4:00 am –pm 10:30 am TechSilent Talk MeetingAuction Room – Quality Inn Hospitality Room, Quality Inn 6:30 pm10:30 – 8:30 am pm – 11:30 am TechIce Talk Cream Meeting Social Room – Quality Inn NATMUS Museum 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Registration and Packet Pick Up Lobby – Quality Inn 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Hospitality Room Open Quality Inn Thursday,2:00 June pm –28 6:00 pm Registration and Packet Pick Up Lobby – Quality Inn 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Silent Auction Hospitality Room, Quality Inn 9:30 am2:00 – 10:30 pm – am5:00 pm AMOTech Board Talk Meeting Board Room – Quality InMeetingn Room – Quality Inn 10:30 am5:00 – 11:30pm – 7:30 am pm CruiseTech in around Talk the Courthouse Downtown AuburnMeeting Room – Quality Inn Friday, June 29 10:00 am8:00 – 12:00am – 4:00 pm pm SwapRegistration Vending (unlimited and Packet space) Pick RM UpAuction| LobbySotheby’s – Quality Show Field* Inn 2:00 pm9:00 – 4:00 am –pm 3:00 pm RegistrationHospitality and PacketRoom PickOpen Up Lobby – QualityQuality Inn Inn 2:00 pm1:00 – 6:00 pm –pm 3:00 pm HospitalityRegistration Room Open and PacketQuality InnPick Up Lobby – Quality Inn 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Silent Auction Hospitality Room, Quality Inn 2:00 pm1:00 – 4:00 pm -pm 2:00 pm Tech SilentTalk Meeting Auction Room – Quality Inn Hospitality Room, Quality Inn 2:00 pm2:00 – 5:00 pm –pm 3:00 pm Tech AMOTalk Meeting Board MeetingRoom – Quality Inn Board Room – Quality Inn 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm General Membership Meeting Hoosier Tent – Quality Inn Yard 5:00 pm4:30 – 7:30 pm –pm 5:15 pm JudgesCruise Meeting in around Hoosier the Tent Courthouse – Quality Inn YardDowntown Auburn 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm Block Party Hoosier Tent – Quality Inn Yard Friday, June6:00 29pm – 8:00 pm Registration and Packet Pick Up Lobby – Quality Inn Saturday, June 30 8:00 am8:00 – 4:00 am –pm 4:00 pm SwapSwap Vending Vending (unlimited (unlimited space) RMspace) Auction| RMSotheby’s Auction| Show Sotheby’s Field* Show Field* 8:00am – 4:00 pm Car Show RM Auction| Sotheby’s Show Field* 9:00 am8:00 – 3 :00am -pm 9:30am Final RegistrationRegistration RM and Auction| Packet Sotheby’s Pick Up ShowLobby Field* – Quality Inn 1:00 pm9:00 – 3:00 am Modelpm Car ContestHospitality Begins Registration Room Open Building – RM Grounds*Quality Inn 1:00 pm10:00 – 3:00 am pm – 10:30 am JudgesSilent Meeting Auction AMO Tent – RM Grounds* Hospitality Room, Quality Inn 10:30 am Judging Starts AMO Tent – RM Grounds* 1:00 pm3:00 - 2:00 pm pmChapter PicturesTech DJ Tent Talk Meeting Room – Quality Inn 2:00 pm4:00 – 3:00 pm Showpm Field ClosesTech Talk Meeting Room – Quality Inn 3:00 pm5:30 – 4:30 pm ACDpm Museum OpensGeneral for MembershipBanquet Participants Meeting Hoosier Tent – Quality Inn Yard 6:30 pm Cocktail Reception Starts ACD Museum 4:30 pm7:00 – 5:15 pm Banquetpm ProgramJudges Starts Meeting ACD Museum Hoosier Tent – Quality Inn Yard 5:30 pm8:30 – 9:30 pm Awardspm ProgramBlock starts Party ACD Museum Hoosier Tent – Quality Inn Yard Sunday, July 1 6:00 pm8:00 – 8:00 am –pm 9:00 am AwardsRegistration Pick Up for and those Packet who Lobby Pick Up – Quality Lobby Inn – Quality Inn did not attend the Banquet For things to do look at the Auburn, IN/DeKalb County website . Also check out the website for Fort Wayne, IN/Allen County . Another good location to visit is the Amish country in Shipshewana, IN/LaGrange County

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 31


OPTION ONE: Register online at, 2018 AMO Convention page. Pay online. OPTION TWO: Mail-in registration. Complete this form and send it with a check made payable to HAMCC (note for 2018 AMO) to: Todd Harrington, 4114 Amesbury Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906 EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Register before June 1, 2018 to avoid a $10 late fee. Registration is open to all AMO members in good standing. A one day membership is available to new participants. See below. NEW POLICY - CONCOURS JUDGING DEADLINE: You must register your car for judging no later than June 29. Same day judging registrations will no longer be accepted. No exceptions. Display Only entries will be accepted. Name______AMO#______Exp date ______Street Address______City______State/Prov______Zip/Postal______Country______Email______Home Phone (______)______Cell Phone (______)______Would you like to receive Text Messages? Y N Chapter Affiliation______

CAR REGISTRATION CLASS SENIOR FEE: FEE: TOTAL CODE CLASS? All Cars Add for Concours Registration judging Fees YEAR MODEL STYLE (see next Yes or $20 for $30 for page) No registration Judging CAR #1 $20 CAR #2 $20 CAR #3 $20 (use a separate form for more cars) TOTAL

OTHER REGISTRATIONS FEES (AS APPLICABLE) TOTAL OTHER FEES Vendor space (unlimited space) $30 Car Corral (cars for sale) $20 AMO One Day Membership (required for non-members) $15 Do you need trailer parking at the hotel area? Circle YES or NO n/a TOTAL ALL OTHER FEES Will you assist in judging? (YES or NO) Years of experience ______Circle Y or N

BANQUET TICKETS – Includes admission to the ACD museum BANQUET COSTS for a private tour before dinner (Saturday, June 30) ADULT DINNER (two meat buffet) ______x $40 each CHILD'S DINNER (two meat buffet) ______x $16 each BANQUET TOTAL AMO CONVENTION T SHIRT (indicate quantity of each size you would like to order) T SHIRT COSTS SIZES ____ SM _____ MED _____ LG _____ XL @ $20 each _____ XXL _____ XXXL @ $23 each T SHIRT TOTAL LATE FEE (if received after June 1) add $10 SEE ABOVE FOR PAYMENT INFORMATION GRAND TOTALS (all fees)

Page 32 American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 AMO International Convention Divisions and Classes All vehicles start in the Junior Division. Once the vehicle reaches the requisite number of points, it will advance to the Senior Division. The following classes are available for both the Junior and Senior Divisions, except where noted. The Cup classes are for Best of Show vehicles from previous conventions. It is the participant’s responsibility to select the proper class. AMO reserves the right to make corrections as needed. AH American Heritage Cup HN Hurst Non-stock AM American Cup HS Hurst Stock AMN AMC Non-stock JN Javelin Non-stock AMS AMC Stock JS Javelin Stock AN AMX Non-stock RC Race Car (junior division only) AS AMX Stock RN Rambler Non-stock DI Display Only (not judged) RS Rambler Stock DR Driven (junior division only) SI Special Interest (junior division only)

NOTES FOR PARTICIPANTS • All entered cars should have a fire extinguisher. All judged cars must have a fire extinguisher. • Judged cars should have floor mats and any trinkets or memorabilia removed before it is judged. You can put it back after judging. Also, make sure the trunk is emptied, the hood and trunk lid are up and the window glass is at least half-way up. • You do not have to be with the vehicle when it is being judged. If you are not there, a judge will need to open and close your driver’s doors. Only the head judge of the group will do this. • Judging starts at 10:30 am. We try our best to do it the most quickly and efficiently possible. Understand though, that it may be early afternoon before your car is judged. Having more judges helps it go faster – consider volunteering!

AMO Divisions and Classes July, 2017

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 33

Official Publication of the American Motors Owners Association

Three easy ways for AMO members to Cars For Sale: submit free ads… 1968 AMX, 390 4

Speed, 3.15 Rear, Email: [email protected] P/S, P/B, Wildwood

front brakes, Online:, click “Contact Form” at aluminum radiator, the bottom of the “Classifieds” page Group 19 cam,

headers, custom bent exhaust, electronic ignition, Mail: Hal Souers hidden wiring and brake lines, custom leather door AMO Classified Editor panels, AM/FM/CD player, under carriage painted, 10811 Illinois Road Inferno Red Metallic, 17" wheels. Everything new Fort Wayne, IN 46814 from suspension to paint with rotisserie restoration

completed in May 2017 and driven only about 100 Guidelines: miles since then. $38,900 negotiable. Serious

inquiries only to Frank at 203-736-0070 or email For email submissions: [email protected]  Please have “AMO” in the subject line and submit your ad content in the body of the email without attachments. One photo 1966 Ambassador attachment in .jpg format only 880 Wagon, 327 two For all submissions: barrel, Factory AC,  Please limit ads to 100 words Automatic, third row  Please include all pertinent contact info rear facing seat.  Include your AMO Membership ID Number Photos available. Contact Dave Markland 317-996-  For Sale items should be priced 4626. Asking $18,000.  Ads must be legible; please type or print  Mailed photos returned with SASE only 1962 4 door, 196 OHV, push-button  Only AMC-related items will be listed automatic. Fun car to drive. Has some rust in trunk  Ads may be repeated space permitting corners and front fenders. Located in Georgia,  Ads may be edited for clarity or brevity $5,500 Email [email protected]

AMO, its directors, officers or editors assume no 1973 Gremlin parts responsibility for the business practices of car. Complete, but advertisers and make no warranty for the quality or rough. Lots of great condition of any item advertised. Complete parts. 258 auto shift guidelines at on floor. $400. Call Doug Gehrke at 574-952-8934 or email [email protected]

January/February 2018

1968 AMX 390 1966 Rambler Classic Automatic, headers, Rebel with only 62,058 side pipes. Photos miles on the original available. Contact 232 engine. Been Dave Markland at 317- through her from front 996-4626. Asking $31,000 OBO to back. Runs great! New seals, fluids, hoses, etc. Rebuilt carburetor and alternator, tuned up, new points, vacuum advance, voltage regulator, battery, and lots of rewiring. 1969 Rebel SST Everything that has been done to the car is Wagon with 290 V8, mechanical, it has not been touched cosmetically, auto trans, 74k miles. other than to polish the original paint. There's a little All original solid car. rust on back quarter panels, no Bondo. There were Red in color. Slight only 7,512 of this Rebel Edition of the 1966 Rambler custom with pin Classic, making it very rare. It is estimated that less striping and Mopar than 800 of these cars still exist anywhere in the steel police wheels. world. $10,900, Georgia. Call 229-894-5200. Thrush dual exhaust. Runs and drives great! Only rust is bubbling on one rear quarter and inner fenders have a little. Hop in and drive anywhere. 1960 Rambler Have owned 9 years. Interior is gorgeous silver and American Deluxe in exceptional shape. $4,400. Call 574-952-8934 or Here’s a great car, email Doug Gehrke at [email protected] perfect condition. All stock except Ford 302ci engine. Runs and looks excellent inside and 1973 AMC Matador 360 CID, 4-barrel carburetor, out. Asking $14,000 OBO. Please call Jim for more dual exhaust, auto trans, in good working order (it information at 405-286-0157 or email runs strong), no rust; needs upholstery and paint. [email protected] Would like to sell it to someone who will appreciate it. [email protected] Parts For Sale: Clearing out obsolete AMC parts. Family business since 1946. Have been a AMC dealer since the 1969 AMX 390 4 beginning. No high performance parts left but might speed Go Pac car, now have some odd stuff. Please send me the part with a 1970 360 4 BBL numbers you are looking for. Contact Paul Maday with 291c heads, M12 [email protected] automatic trans.

Bittersweet Orange with custom button tuck charcoal interior. New For sale: Refreshed 232 AMC motor block with low carpet will go with the car. Turn signals don't work mileage out of a 1965 Rambler. $200 Located and it could use some new tail pipes. No wipers. Cumming, GA Email [email protected] Back pans were repaired and the trunk was patched. Fiberglass bumpers. Car needs to be finished. Runs For Sale: 1972 and newer performance Edelbrock and drives well. Asking $9500. Too many projects to intake for V8. Contact Dave Markland 317-996- finish. Call Ken at 765-452-0695 or 765-860-0881 or 4626. Asking $100. Two available. email [email protected]

January/February 2018 USED AMC PARTS for sale: rear doors for '84 Eagle Wanted: $50 each, hood for '84 Eagle $100, rear hatch '81 Spirit $100, front splash pan '81 Spirit $80, tan vinyl Wanted: 258 inline 6 motor or 4.0L engine for bucket seats '81 Spirit $40, reclining seats '84 Eagle Gremlin. Good running condition and close to - tan $40, rear seat '81 Spirit - tan $30, rear Georgia. Email [email protected] splash pan '81 Spirit $40, all interior plastic pieces for '81 Spirit $80, hood '67 Rebel $140, trunk lid '72 Matador $40, trunk lid '68 Rebel fair $30, rear seat Looking for the proper front brake drums to fit a Hornet Hatchback Levi fair $30, rear seat '69 1964 Rambler American convertible. They are 9"x Ambassador black nice $100 NO SHIPPING - parts 2.5". Email Steve Paulitzki at paulitzki- can be delivered to Auburn, IN June 28 if pre-paid, [email protected]

or picked up in Newark, OH by appointment. email Casey McGowan, [email protected] Wanted: Early model aluminum intake in good condition for AMC 390 V-8. Contact Dave Markland 317-996-4626. For Sale: Dana 20 rear end for $300. 68 American 6 cyl. rear end and front suspension: Make offer. Wanted: I'm in Medford, Oregon and need parts Contact Don Morrison at 765-659-1179 or 317-645- nearby for my 1970 Javelin: all seats, dash and 5793 or email [email protected] bezel, steering wheel, carpet kit, center arm rest, all

door armrests, complete window cranks, rear

valance, front , brake booster, headlight NOS AMC PARTS For Sale: brake drums front $80 switch and plug, wiper switch, all ignition and door each, rear $40 each; window regulators $40 each, locks/keys, door pads, seat belts, glove box, sill door hinges front $30 each, rear $10 each; early 60's plates, dome lights, more. What do you have? Call porcelain tailpipes $40 each, NO SHIPPING - parts John at 541-890-5564 can be picked up at the Auburn AMO Convention only if pre-paid. Casey McGowan [email protected] Wanted: gas tank for 66 Rambler Ambassador. Email Paul Maday: [email protected]

For Sale: Various pieces for Gremlins ranging from Wanted: rear pillar chrome, inside rear view mirror 1973-76. Located in Cumming, GA Email chrome, inside front and rear window chrome for [email protected] 1966 American and bumpers for 1967 Rebel. Drew

Losch, 9 Fairview Ave., Leola, PA 17540 717-271-

3844 For Sale: 1970 Javelin non-ram air hood including the two large chrome trim. $100. Northeast Ohio. Call/Email Dale Veverka at 216-524-8657 or Looking to buy an AMC Gremlin for a project. [email protected] Doesn't have to be pretty. A little surface rust would be fine but don't want any rot-through. No preference in regard to the engine or title status, but 1964-65 Rambler American grill with slight bend. would need to be 1975 or older. Located in Hanford, 1973-74 Javelin/AMX right door panel bottom: CA Phone 559-816-1821 with leads.

mint, black. 1973-74 interior complete. Drew Losch, 9 Fairview Ave., Leola, PA Wanted: Wiper arm for rear hatch on 1986 Eagle. 17540 717-271-3844 Please call Jim Clinton in Arizona at 928-476-3466.

January/February 2018

January/February 2018 AMO Specific Items Cost Postage Hat Pins Cost Postage #1 AMC Antenna Flag $ 10.00 $ 2.00 #60 AM Logo Pin (new style) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #2 AMO Grill badge - Members Only $ 20.00 $ 3.00 #61 AM Logo Pin (old style) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #3 AMO Window Decal $ 2.00 $ 1.00 #62 AMC Pin (block letters) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #4 AMO Embroidered Patch $ 3.00 $ 1.00 #63 AMX Pin (round - R/W/B) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #5 AMO Lapel pin (quality silver plate) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #64 AMX Pin (block letters) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #6 National Meet Dash Plaques (state year,limited) $ 2.00 $ 1.00 #65 AMX Racing Team Pin (round) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #7 AMO Key Fob (choice white or blue) -Limited $ 2.00 $ 1.00 #66 Rambler Pin (block letters) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #8 AMO License Plate (6"x12") $ 8.00 $ 4.85 #67 Javelin Racing Team Pin (round) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #9 AMO Parking Only Sign (12" x 18") $ 18.00 $ 4.85 #68 Javelin Pin (round-r/w/b) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #69 AM Script Logo Pin (round - old style) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #70 Javelin Script Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 AMO Clothing Items--check availability first! Cost Postage #71 Ambassador Script Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #20 White AMO Logo T-shirt sizes S-XL $ 10.00 $ 4.85 #72 Concord Script Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #21 White AMO Logo T-shirt sizes 2XL-3XL $ 12.00 $ 4.85 #73 Matador Script Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #23 Grey AMO Logo T-shirt sizes S-XL $ 10.00 $ 4.85 #74 Spirit Script Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #25 White AMO Logo Golf Shirt sizes S-XL $ 15.00 $ 4.85 #75 Gremlinman Logo Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #26 White AMO Logo Golf Shirt size 2XL $ 16.00 $ 4.85 #76 Hornet Bee Logo Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #28 White AMO Logo Sweat Shirt sizes S-XL $ 15.00 $ 4.85 #77 Marlin Fish Logo Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #29 White AMO Logo Sweat Shirt size 2XL $ 16.00 $ 4.85 #78 Rambler "R" Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #79 390V Badge Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #80 401 Badge Pin $ 4.00 $ 1.00 Oil Filter Stickers Cost Postage #81 Year Pins '68-'74 (R/W/B) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #41 AMC Oil Filter Sticker - blue/white $ 3.00 $ 1.00 #42 1968/1969 AMX Javelin Sticker - black/white $ 3.00 $ 1.00 Misc. Cost Postage #43 1960's AM/Rambler Sticker Style "A" - AM Red $ 3.00 $ 1.00 #90 1- AMX Milestone Dash Plaque & Decal $ 3.00 $ 1.00 #44 1960's AM/Rambler Sticker Style "B" - AM Blue $ 3.00 $ 1.00

Embroidered Patches Cost Postage #46 Eagle Head Logo -NEW! $ 5.00 $ 1.00 #47 Rebelman Logo -NEW $ 5.00 $ 1.00 #48 Spirit Ghost Logo -NEW $ 5.00 $ 1.00 #49 Gremlinman Logo -NEW $ 5.00 $ 1.00 #50 AM (script) Corporation (round) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #51 AMX Patch (oval - blue on white) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #52 AMX Patch (rectangle - R/W/B/ letters) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #53 AMX Racing Team Patch (round) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #54 Javelin Patch (oblong - black & white) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #55 Javelin Patch (new style) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #56 Javelin Patch (oval, w/Javelin & new logo) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #57 Javelin Racing Team Patch (round) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #58 Rambler Parts & Service (red & white) $ 4.00 $ 1.00 #59 Rebel Racing Team Patch (round) $ 4.00 $ 1.00


Shipping Information Name Address City Phone # AMO Member e-mail

Page 38 American Motoring Jan./Feb, 2018 Board of Directors Harm van der Veen (Chairman) (2019) 2951 Elm Tree Rd. Woodville, ONT K0M 2T0 (705) 341-4564 [email protected] Deb Fougerousse (2019) 5890 W. McCord Rd. McCordsville, IN 46055 (317) 335-3575 [email protected] Robin Carruthers (2019) 3 McMurray Bay Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 4G3 (204-471 2070 [email protected] Ken Edwards (2020) 3796 Hwy 35 N. R.R#2, Cameron, ONT K0M 1G0 (705) 359-1406 [email protected] Todd Harrington (2020) 4114 Amesbury Dr. West Lafayette, IN 47906 (765) 404-7657 [email protected] Bob Hodson (2020) 4800 Berrywood Dr. Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 620-1886 [email protected] Dale Veverka (2021) 6934 Brookside Rd. Independence, OH 44131 (216) 524-5977 [email protected] Mike Spangler (2021) 892 N. Jackson Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 (920) 674-4482 [email protected] Tony Lucas (2021) 3669 Bulkley St. Abbotsford, BC V2S 7H3 (604) 832-1996 [email protected] Officers of AMO President Ian Webb 2136 Wawonaissa Tr. Fort Wayne, IN 46809 (260) 572-9322 [email protected] Vice President Joe Fougerousse 5890 W. McCord Rd. McCordsville, IN 46055 (317) 335-3575 [email protected] Secretary Cheryl Samuel 892 N. Jackson Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 (920) 674-4482 [email protected] Treasurer Bob Hodson 4800 Berrywood Dr. Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 620-1886 [email protected] Manager Concours Events Ian Webb 2136 Wawonaissa Tr. Fort Wayne, IN 46809 (260) 572-9322 [email protected] Asst. Mgr. Concours Events Bob Hodson 4800 Berrywood Dr. Orlando, FL 32812 (407) 620-1886 [email protected] Newsletter Editor/Website Mike Spangler 892 N. Jackson Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 (920) 674-4482 [email protected] Classified Editor Hal Souers 10811 Illinois Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46814 (260) 625-5036 [email protected] Chapter Director , j Mgr. Hist. Arch./Public Rel. Ian Webb 2136 Wawonaissa Tr. Fort Wayne, IN 46809 (260) 572-9322 [email protected] Manager Treasury Sales Richard Estermyer 43 E. Spencer Belleville, MI 48111 (734) 417-9456 [email protected] Mgr. Model Car Division Jim Samuel 892 N. Jackson Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 (920) 674-4482 [email protected] Tech Editor Jeff Reeves 392 Scenic Lane Auburn, GA 30011 (678) 376-0449 [email protected] Membership Director Derek Dorroh 12229 Freemont Ln.. Raleigh, NC 27613 (919) 795-3530 [email protected] Manager Sanctioned Events Cheryl Samuel 892 N. Jackson Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 (920) 674-4482 [email protected] Int. Convention Director Kirby England 1700 Bachman Valley Dr. Westminster, MD 21157 (410) 596-2707 [email protected]

Current Chapters of AMO CHAPTER NAME ADDRESS EMAIL PHONE Alamo AMC Andre Jacobs 748 Pine Eagle LN, San Antonio, TX 78260 [email protected] 830-980-3165 AMC club of Houston Tom Taylor 4406 Mize Rd. Pasadena, TX 77504 [email protected] 713-249-2466 AMC Performance Car Club Ralph Toms 2950 1st Street, Marion, IA 52302-6301 [email protected] 319-377-7510 American Motors Cruisers David C. Mier 1340 Nickleplate Rd., Ionia, MI 48846 [email protected] 616-527-0477 AMO Plus Gary Freelen 249 Ridge Dr.. Milton, ONT Canada L9T 1X2 [email protected] 905-878-5767 Cactus Cruisers Kirk Fletcher 12115 N. 73rd Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345 [email protected] 602-689-9222 Carolina AMC Robert Mills 7988 Winnsboro Rd., Columbia, SC 29203 [email protected] 803-735-9321 Colorado AMC Club Al Hoppa 4030 S. Willow Way, Denver, CO 80237 [email protected] 303-520-4431 Connecticut AMO Joe Howard 5 Howards Grove, Derry, NH 03038 [email protected] 603-548-0069 Dakota AMC Rick Kiers 1012 Maple St, Hull, IA 51239 [email protected] 712-439-1470 Delaware Valley AMO Kevin Shenberger 759 St. Johns Pl. Dallastown, PA 17313 [email protected] 717-586-8654 First Coast AMC Shari Bare 5095 County Road 161., Wildwood, FL 34785 [email protected] 352-303-9094 Gateway AMC Dan Holloran 5780 Firetree Ct. St. Louis, MO 63129 [email protected] 314-910-1215 Glass City AMC Mitchel Billar 1915 Mathews Rd.., Northwood, OH 43619 [email protected] 419-320-2583 Great Lakes Classic AMC Richard Estermyer 43 E. Spencer Belleville, MI 48111 [email protected] 734 417-9456 Hoosier AMC Club Todd Harrington 4114 Amesbury Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47906 [email protected] 765-404-7657 Marlin Auto Club, Inc. Mark Zeno 105 Circular.St., Tiffin, OH 44883 [email protected] 419-606-3600 Mid Atlantic AMX Club Glenn Quinn 1212 Colwell Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428 [email protected] 610-828-4425 North Coast AMC Joe Schaller 1186 Waterbury Drive, Medina, OH 44256 [email protected] 330-723-1659 North Texas AMC Steven Ward 15818 Ranchita Dr., Dallas, TX 75248 [email protected] 469-569-9882 Northern Ramblers Steve Johnston 119 Cook Drive., Kettleby, L9B 0E8` [email protected] 905-939-8050 Ohio American Motors Classics Marlin Hambrick 78 Belz Warner Blvd, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 [email protected] 614-563 1330 Peach State AMO Jeana Lopeman 7610 Chestnut Hill Rd., Cumming, GA 30041 [email protected] 770-364-6713 Potomac Ramblers Dave Moeller 7301 Galveston Blvd, Norfolk VA, 23505 [email protected] 757-587-5546 Ram Rods Dan Sharer 24407 N.E. 146th Ave., Battle Ground, WA 98604 [email protected] 360-687-2493 Southern Classic AMO Kevin Molloy 803 River Rock Blvd., Murfeesboro, TN 37128-6701 [email protected] 615-663-5097 Southeast Wisconsin AMO Mike Spangler 892 N. Jackson Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 [email protected] 920-988-3256 SOCAL AMC George Markos 489 Savona Way, Oak Park, CA 91377 [email protected] 818-693-0092 Tampa Bay AMC David Goodwin 5700 15th Ave. North St. Petersburg FL 33710 [email protected] 727-710-0047 Tennessee Valley Region AMC Chris Daetz 7811, Settlers Trail, Knoxville, Tennessee 37924 [email protected] Windy City Rambler/AMC Scott Bickett P.O Box 364, Princeton, IL 61356 [email protected] 815-643-2040 INTERNATIONAL CHAPTERS AMC Manitoba Car Club John Cormack 864 Goulding St., Winnipeg, MB Canada R3G 2S8 [email protected] 204-772-6872 AMO of the United Kingdom Rod Blackaller 34 St. Davids Rd., Rodwell, Dorset, England DT4 9LP [email protected] 44 1305 787048 Svenska AMC/Rambler P.O. Wallin Batvagen 16, Mora, Sweden S-79250 [email protected] +46705936096 Club Rambler AMC Mexico Luis Guzman Caobas 22, Laderas de San Mateo,Naucalpan Estado de Mexico CP 53248 [email protected] 55 1068 7684 Rambler Club of Colin Main P.O B ox 10 Moonee Vale, Victoria, AUS 3055 [email protected] 03-9309-0601 VAM AMC ardines de Morelos P.O.Box 55070, , Ecatepic de Mexico chargerhemisixpack@gm AMC Quebec Jean PierreDurocher 356 Rue Bedard, Lachute Quebec Canada J8H 1J3 [email protected]

American Motoring Jan./Feb., 2018 Page 39 The American Motors Owners Association PRSTD STD % Cheryl Samuel U.S. POSTAGE 892 N. Jackson Ave. PAID Jefferson, WI 53549 OCONOMOWOC, WI PERMIT NO. 72

Snow-Way Snowplows for Eagles

BY : Mike Spangler Photos from the Internet mspangler@

Deadlines for It has finally started to snow here in WI. We have only had just a few 1-2” snows so far this season. submission to (Already February) Just had our first substantial snowfall of 6”+. It started me thinking about snow American Motoring removal. Has anyone ever seen or used one of these? Snow-Way Snowplows made for the AMC Eagles were built in Hartford, WI. If you have one, used one or even photographed one, please tell us are: about it, we would like to share this with our members!

Mar/Apr - Jan.20

May/June - Mar. 20

July/Aug. - May 20

Sept./Oct. - July 20

Nov./Dec.- Sept. 20

Jan./Feb. - Nov.20

Please submit early and you can submit for any issue