Revista de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade E-ISSN: 2316-9834
[email protected] Universidade Nove de Julho Brasil Swiatkiewicz, Olgierd DELTA CAFÉS (PORTUGAL): SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Revista de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, vol. 6, núm. 3, septiembre-diciembre, 2017, pp. 34-53 Universidade Nove de Julho São Paulo, Brasil Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Revista de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade – GeAS Organização: Comitê Científico Interinstitucional/ Editora Científica: Profa. Dra. Cláudia Terezinha Kniess Revisão: Gramatical, normativa e de formatação. Recebido: 17/01/2017 - Aprovado: 13/06/2017 DOI: 10.5585/geas.v6i3.609 E-ISSN: 2316-9834 DELTA CAFÉS (PORTUGAL): SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 1Olgierd Swiatkiewicz ABSTRACT In the case study of Delta Cafés we discuss the sustainable development of the Portuguese company and brand over the 55 years of their existence. Delta Cafés has already been analyzed in terms of marketing activity, social responsibility, management control systems, etc. In this paper, we refer to these studies, and we reach the sources, i.e. the information provided by the Delta Cafés itself. Due to the nature of the coffee market and the use of case study methodology, we start the presentation of this case from a broader context, describing the coffee market in the world and characterizing the coffee market in Portugal as well. Then we present the history of the development of the company and the brand Delta Cafés.