Family May Sue Over Fatal Traffic Accident LEXUS GS 300 '99 - Silver, 862-2185 I/M Must Solll

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Family May Sue Over Fatal Traffic Accident LEXUS GS 300 '99 - Silver, 862-2185 I/M Must Solll ^^^^^^^ « •-•-•'•.•'v.»,.-ii<(._vv »»«».., ;•*•>••.- Cranford Chronicle September 9,2004 I TfWHnfcMll55" [I Tmtiimtiii '". ...'^ -A- •' TintnnitiH I TfHMIrtlBtl 1IJ5 [Nil RICrTSTJONTINQr" iree service Acura TL 2.S 1997 White, Dodfio Lancer 88, turbo, $1200, Mone cars avail- Intartor, Wallpapering, ave YarWwKfcto clean, excellent cond, 99k HONDA am '89- blue. 4DR, Merc Grand Marqub IS 98' 4dr, 118k ml, A/C, Toyota Canuy «99 A/C, FORD '67 Galaxle 500 2 dr., able. FOR LISTINGS Ard&n Free Estimates •ml, all power, moorwoof, manual. m/FM cass.. new Silver/Gray, At, dual Chlps-Mulch-Stump .am/fm. $1200 as Is, AM/FM cass.,72k ml. PW. black w/red Int., looks & 1-800-749-8106 XA119 908/272-5473 leather. $6,800 862-778- clutch & 2 tires,' 120k, pwr seat, climate control, Removal 908^62-6999 after 4pm exterior blue, $7,400 runs good, needs work, 3701, ; . , $890. obo. 9087830278 abs, Ithr, ps, pw, pi, 908-789-0682 $2500. 732-382-3291 Jeep Grand CherokM '96,. Weekly Lawn Coro 100" All Terrain Crane Dodge Shadow . ES 1993 am/fm cass, dual air bags, Spring/Fall Cleanup AUDI '99 A6 Exc. cond., HONDA CIVIC LX '98 4WD, AC, green, pwrpkg., Fully Insured* Over 15Yis. 91K mi, power everything. premium wheels, excl. cond fully loaded, dark green . Ex.cond.AC,cass.,Mlchelln TOYOTA CAMRY '8S- 4dr FORD MUSTANG '64% - Re 80k .'ml., $6000:/obo. Shrub Trlmmlflg/Plantlnfi PLASTERING A/C. auto.. $1200/obo; 68k, $7200obo w/leather Interior, 50k tires.59K ml. orig. owner auto, 139K. gd. mecri. cond., stored, white.ext. blue Int Tree Removal • Sheet Rock 908-654-1353 908-272-4739 732<38&8549days7eves ml.. $12,500. Call eves. Call 908-322-5354 $7500. 90&608?153 Uwn Renova- ' Patching .A/C, asking $1499. 212- coupe, 289 V8 auto. PS. 79K 908-996-7116 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 931-2709 97337661B1 eves $8500/000 908-925-7435 Uon/lnjtAltotlon 908-925-2448 DODGE STRATUS '00 - Pu, HONDA HYBRID EX 2003 - MITSUBISHI MONTERO SR pie, 53K ml., A/C, all '87 4-dr., good condtlon, Landscape Design Audi A4 97'- Turbo, black 12K, Must Sell, assume .1995-Wack w/tan Ithr, 6 power. $5500/obo Call 8OK ml., $700 908-276- TOYOTA COROLLA '88 - MERCEDES 4S0SE'73 4 dr. Retaining Walls • w/tan Ithr, auto,. 89k, hid payments/obo. Call CD. 7 passager, loaded; 908-265-1679 7850 call anytime •' 5spd. sunroof, .35' mpg, 8 cyl, moss green, saddle Concrele/Brlck seats, now tires, quattrp 908-245-4463 exc. $8200 908-3014046 Pavor PaUos • Walkwoy» ELECTRIC SCHWIN SCOOTER MERCURY GR. MARQ-1991 AC. 125K. $1500 201- leather, exc cond. la BERMAN PtUMBINQ & excellent cond. asking ' Ford Contour 2000 sliver, Brand new In box.1 12" HYUNDAI ACCENT GLS •blk, 4 dr., clean, all new 21&5S69 / 973443«>90 side/outside,' garaged kept Fully Ins. Commercial/Re*. KEAT1NQ: Repairs, Remxk*« $7,000. 908-317-6808 V6, Automatic, mint cond MITSUBISHI MONTERO wheels, seal. .. baskot & 1 2001- 4dr, silver aUto $4500. Call 9084643073 • yisa/MC Accoptod Lie 4396. Call 908687-4848 62k hwy. ml, loaded. parts. $1200/obo . SPORT IS '00 - Slack,' 008-7080704 charger' Incf. $300/obo I BMW 3251 Convertible 92 A/C. PB, PL, CD. :53k ml, | FIRST TIME AP | :' $4700 b/6. 908^374793 908376-7768 fully loaded, exc. cond. Please call after 6:30pm 5spd, 74k-original nil, ex- :exc. car. still on. warranty MERCEDES '77 280SE Vol. 116, No. 38 Serving Crqnford, GarwoodandKenilworth MIKE OZERANSKY MERCURY SABLE '93 - Clean, Toyota. Corolla 97'- 89k. '55K$8995. Priced to sell. 973-214-1818 cellent cond, • $8,900 FORD CONTOUR '96 4 dr, $5900 973-97&2121 : Runs great. CD, P/W, sun- Re-pare & Installations. •runs great loade'd 8SK, new brakes, excl cond., : Call John. 908-295-5151. 908-789-5158' ' . " auto, all power, AC. oxc roof, great Int. 128K Thursday, September 16, 2004 Rosid. & Comnv Ins • Hyundai Elantra Wagon $2600.- 908612-7447 or $5800 732-322-7441 Angolo's Masonry Stops, BUICK '87 LoSabie V6. 3.8, cond. 94K ml. $2900/obo . $2700.90&797-4086. ' Flu/rib, lie! frlol. 732-38&113t Hotorcjcles 1305 1999, nilch tires, great 908-245-9099 50 cents 'patios,; : waterproofing, 2 dr., , no damage, AC, Stove 732-381-7074 condition! 78K 1 ownor TOYOTA SIENNA XLE '2000 drainage work. 25. yra. '98. SPORTSTER SPORT PS,.PB, lots Of new parts, MERCURY TRACER WAGON ROMEO PLUMBING & Ford Crown Me LX 00'- Excl $2,900 908-245-3642 auto, leather, p/door, 50K Chevy 2500 88V Excl run- exp.. 908-75&834S . 1200 cc, 3.000 nil,, black Just Inspected, $5O0./B0 93-4cyl.. recent brakes & ml. now tlresi good cond. HEATING. Llconso 5270 ' cond., 78kml. fuH 6pass ning cond., needs 'D/S' mint cpnd., many extras 9O8-O12-6277-.. Jaguar XJ121996 excollertt llres . 100K, runs well, $15,900. 908*65-1998 OLDS DYNAMIC 88 1962 - EUROPEAN MASQN Foun- 90S-322-2990 :• bench seating, xtra lig truck door $800 908-276-7850 $7,000 908-347-3084 Tom cond, raro. model, runs $1300 obo, 908-276- 2dr, H/f, rebuilt'.trans & doilons. blocks, bilcki Bulck Century 98'- 4DR, $8000908-2334947 strong, 79k nil, $14,700 :'' 6626. •••-' '. VOLVO 850: 1994, white, eng.,: new tires, runs steps, pauors, sldowalks, YAMAHA VIRAGO '82- 920 A/C, CC, Auto, 60k, Boifjo ROYAL RUSH FORD ESCORT SE, '98- black leathof Int.. pwr good, heeds some work. paitoi plaster, water- starts eyorydoy. $1300 axel cond., i/araged, 90&«86-7370 • MONTECARLO SS '85- blk, Sewor & drain cloanlrui 115k,auto,loaded,keyless sunrf,: heated seats, fully '. 8/0 over $6500 Call 908- MUST SEE proofing. Gall Miko 908- dbo, 80841&fl702 S490O 90&654-1893 :ttop., lOOkt Family may sue over fatal traffic accident LEXUS GS 300 '99 - silver, 862-2185 i/M Must Solll . Plumbing Services entry. .Exc.Cond.wellmalnL $750 OBO flow-master • loaded, garage kept, mint. Dodge SLT1500 1994 P/U By GREG MARX . 472-3411 black Ither Iht., loaded, Uc# 12159 BUICK PARK AV& '85- 4 dr., 115K,$2100.908-377-7491 exhaust 908-26^4536 '. cond., 100k, Asking Magnum V8,. fully loadod, 908-92&3958 bluo w/ black top. A/C. chrome whls., tint windows, VW WosUotla Camper 84'- now exhaust &.battery, 2 IHECHRONICLL • PAUL'S MASONRY* Ford Escort ZX2 98'5SPD .$7400. 908889-5139. auto. 84K, tiros/but. 1 y/o. exc. cond.; 72K,' warranty, NISSAN '91 3002X 2+2, 5- .all. original, good :cond., tone silver/green,- tart Int. While his family is claiming negligence '86 COLEMAN POPUP Evd- •! Call between 5-9pm lO Sfan> Plumynfi & Heating 1 Velour. Int S960 908-241- $22,500; 90M7O-9728 spd, 130K,ml. ex: cond. VOLVO 960 St Wag '96 : runs-well , lots of fun. extended bod with : liner -• STEPS- SIDEWALKS lution 3 'Material, , sloops 90*272-3929 led to Williamson's death, Lt. Steve Wilde Installation, Repairs 3039 New tires ••. and battoty 135KCD, A/C cruise, Ctrl, $2000 Eric @ ! 908-232- $5500 973467-0276 CRANFORD — The family of • BRICK & • CONCRETE 6, stove, lieak'r, gd. cond UNCOLN TOWNCAR 1997 lone count against him, driving without a said following its investigation the police Uc.*iM04 FORD EXPLORER 1995- $63OO/bo 732-381-3658 • alrbags, pwln$585O 908- 1567 Christopher Williamson, the 12-year old • SPECIALIST' $1200/000. 908-962-3033 BUCK WAGON' W R4 its. no* EXECUTIVE BUCK, sl0» r properly do his job in the moments leading 90878&3G13 4wd, 87k, auto; ac, NISSAN- '95 Altlma GXE 2730446 Or 908414-2374 FORD "01 Ranger 45k ml,, license. department is "viewing the incident as a AU. TYPES OF REPAIRS •tans., new* bat, new paint u*v ture series, moonroof, lulled June 14 when he was struck by a to the accident. He also charged state, '88 COLEMAN POP-UP cfaiin, & toxka JfiOO Ca) nftu am/'m, cruise,. $4400 89k nil., AT,, bolge rod, custom cap, bedllner, 90&984-1554 Surhp Pump Ropalr • Lino block Isattwr Interior, tele- -A $1,000 warrant was issued for horrible, tragic accident." sloops 7, exc cond. obo 908-265-1679 * w/belgo interior, exhaust 3.5L 4 cyl., AC, am/fm van while nding his bicycle at South Union county and local officials with failing to • cleaning, Installing now 6pr>1908-272-9265 phono, 82k ml.llko new, scroon room, Itiany extras home garaged, 1 ovmer.• -system & spollor, too CHEVY '98 Blazer S10 4 cassette, . exc. cond., and Lincoln avenues, has, notified the Pinedas arrest, and he was taken into cus- According to the accident report, linns. low prices. 908 BUCK WAGON VJ- Hi sto. new FORD EXPLORER XLT dr.', 80k, all power,, clean, remedy what was known to be a dangerous S2200/ODO 908-322-7284 Best serious offer. Excol- many parts, to . list, $6200.. 908-7898435 ' • 88-1-3108.' ••'"•• tons., new bli, now (Vint vet, 1997-4X4, 4dr"., V-6,auto. $6850./0BQ .Call 908- township, the police department, Union tody at 10:21 a;m. Wednesday by Detective Pineda's van struck the rear tire of the MAP TRUCKING lent for llmo service. $45DO./OB0 Call' 908- intersection. The death was tho third traf- MUMAN POP UP CAMPER B9 d&kdd!Sa00Clta many extras, 102K hwy., 403-7129. • 380-0087. -.••••'." Trl-Statu Aron . - 1 Coll 1«008S1-10S2 VOLVO Cross 'Ctry 2001, 4 FORD '84 F150 4X4, powor- County and the state Department of Gerard Qtiirin and Officer MattNazzaro at bicycle while traveling north on Lincoln Soquoii. e«a tic oond/heato' 6pm908-272-9265 dark groon , very clean , fic-related fatality at the intersection in 22 years' lixp, & Insured. Pools &spas 1090 NISSAN PATHFINDER SE wd, a/c, CD,, htd Seats, ful, 'now tiros-.'A brakes, quoen'shr bod.
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