"Ytjgi 11'.Fl I FEBRUARY 1984

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TESTED SOFTWARE L.la as -~••111~-. "YtJGI 11'.fl I FEBRUARY 1984 Our highly-qualified technical personnel test and evaluate new software packages as they become available, with an eye to their suitability on the Hyperion. The software that is evaluated is selected from sales lists, vendor requests, and dealer recommendations. Dealers can use the Hyperion Hotline to suggest packages which are of immediate interest. This list is composed of software packages which have run on the Hyperion. It does not constitute an· endorsement by Bytec-Comterm Inc. of any package for any purpose. This list is published monthly, and is subject to change without notice. SOFTWARE SOURCE VERSION Product Operating System 25th Hour 25:01 Softrend Inc. 1.0 A,B,C 25th Hour 25:02 Softrend Inc. 1.0 A,B,C 25th Hour 25:03 Softrend Inc. 1.0 A,B,C 4 Point Graphics International Microcomp. PRE B 8087 Package Seattle Computer Products 2.22/2.24 B 8087 Support Supersoft B A ADS Business Software ADS Software 1.0 B ADS General Ledger ADS Software B All Software Sampler American Training Intl. 1.0 A,B All Training BPI Accounting American Training Intl. 1.0 A,B ATI Training Easywriter II American Training Intl. A,B ATI Training MBASIC American Training Intl. A,B All Training Microplan American Training Intl. A,B ATI Training Multiplan American Training Intl. A,B All Training PC DOS American Training Intl. A,B ATI Training Supercalc American Training Intl. A,B All Training Visicalc American Training Intl. A,B ATI Training Wordstar American Training Intl. A,B All Training for Benchmark American Training Intl. 1.0 A,B ATI Training for CP/M American Training Intl. A,B ATI Training for dBASE II American Training Intl. A,B ATI Training for Easyfiler American Training Intl. A,B ATI Training for Lotus 1-2-3 American Training Intl. 2.27 A,B Accounting Partner Star Software Systems 1.1 B Accounts Payable CYMA Corporation A,B Accounts Payable I BM-Peachtree 1.0 A,B Accounts Payable IUS 1.0 A,B,C Accounts Payable MBSI 2.0 A,B Accounts Payable MBSI 3.0 A,B Accounts Payable Open Systems Inc. B Accounts Payable Peachtree A,B Accounts Receivable CYMA Corporation A,B Accounts Receivable I BM-Peachtree A,B Accounts Receivable IUS 2.0 A,B,C Accounts Receivable MBSI 2.0 A,B Accounts Receivable MBSI 3.0 A,B Accounts Receivable Open Systems Inc. B Accounts Receivable Peachtree A,B Adventure I BM-Microsoft 1.0 A,B Adventure in Serina IBM-Online 1.0 B Advocate, The Alta Sierra Software 2.63 B Andromeda Conquest Avalon Hill Microcomputer A,B Apple Panic Broderbund 1.0 B Arithmetic Games I IBM-SRA 1.0 A,B,C Arithmetic Games II IBM-SRA 1.0 A,B,C Autosort/86M Computer Control Systems 1.15 B SOFTWARE SOURCE VERSION Product Operating System B 8-1 Nuclear Bomber Avalon Hill Microcomputer 1.0 B BASIC Primer IBM 1.0 A,B BASIC Program Development IBM 1.0 B Bank Street Writer Broderbund A,B Benchmark Mail List Metasoft 1.2E A,B Benchmark Word Processing Metasoft 3.0J A,B Boss, The Balcones Computer Corp. 1.21 B Bottom Line Strategist Ashton-Tate B Business Basic Interpreter Open Systems Inc. B Business Forecasting Model Visicorp 64 K A,B C CP + (CPM/86) Taurus Software Corporation 1.2 B CP+ (DOS) Taurus Software Corporation 1.2 A,B CPM/86 IBM-Digital Research 1.0 B Canadian Payroll IUS 2.0 A,B Cantax Atlantic Research Assoc. A,B Cdex Training for Visicalc Cdex Corporation 1.3 B Cdex Training for Wordstar Cdex Corporation 1.2 B Client Strategist Dynamic Business Software B Cobol I BM-Microsoft 1.0 A,B Compaq DOS Compaq Computer-Microsoft 1.1 Rev E B Computer Chef Norell Data Systems 1.1 A,B Computer Football Strategy Avalon Hill Microcomputer A,B Condor3 Condor Computer Corporation 2.1 A,B Correspondence Control Domus Software 1.0 B Courtney Data Base Courtney 1.0-Rl B Crosstalk XVI Microstuff 3.33 B D dBASE II Ashton-Tate 2.3D A,B dProgrammer Sensible Designs 2.4A A,B Data Base Manager Alpha Software 1.0 A,B,C Data Base Manager II Alpha Software 1.0 A,B Data Fax Link Systems 3.0A A,B Data Report~, Synergistic Software 1.0 A,B Datakeep Mathtech Inc B Datasafe International Microcomp PRE B Datastar Micropro International Corp 1.4 B Deadline lnfocom Inc. 22 A,B Desktop Plan Visicorp 1.0 A,B E Easycalc Norell Data Systems 1.1 A,B Easyedit Norell Data Systems 1.0 A,B Easyfiler IUS 1.0DOS A,B Easyproof Norell Data Systems 1.2 A,B Easyspeller IUS 1.2 A,B Easytext Norell Data Systems 1.2 A,B Easywriter 1.1 IBM-IUS 1.1 B Easywriter II 64K IUS 64 K A,B Easywriter II 96K IUS 96 K A,B Edix Emerging Technology 1.1 A,B Educator, The Spectrum Software B Electronic Disk Starware 1.0 A,B Electronic Webster Cornucopia Software 1.1 A,B Eliza Norell Data Systems 1.1 A,B Enchanter lnfocom Inc. A,B SOFTWARE SOURCE VERSION Product Operating System F F.C.M. Continental Software B Fact Track IBM-SRA 1.0 A,B,C Fast Facts Innovative Software Inc. 1-5 B Fastgraphs Innovative Software Inc. 2.0 B File Command IBM 1 B Financial Analysis Execuware 1.0 A,B Financial Planning Language Ashton-Tate B Finar Finar Research 5.1 B Fortran I BM-Microsoft 1.0 A,B Freeform United Software Company 1.13 A,B Friday Ashton-Tate 2.3D A,B G Galaxy Master INFO-Pros Inc. 1.0 A,B General Ledger CYMA Corporation 1.0 A,B,C General Ledger MBSI 2.0 A,B General Ledger MBSI 3.0 A,B General Ledger Open Systems Inc. B General Ledger Peachtree A,B,C General Ledger & Financial IUS 1.3 A,B,C Gusher High Technology Software 4.4P B H HAI Accounting Holland Automation A,B Harvard Project Manager Harvard Software Inc. 1.03 B Hermit's Secret Norell Data Systems 1.0 A,B Home Accountant Plus Continental Software 1.0 A,B,C Home Budget Program IBM 1.0 A,B Homestead Farm Management Homestead Computer Co. Hypertyper Digital Marketing B IDM-X Micro Architect Inc. 1.0 A,B In-Shape Deg Software 1.0 A,B Infidel lnfocom Inc. A,B lnfostar Micropro International B lnfotory Management SSR Corporation 1.0 A,B,C Installer, The Starware 1.0 A,B Inventory CYMA Corporation A,B Inventory Open Systems Inc. B Inventory Control I BM-Peachtree 1.0 A,B,C Inventory Control Analysis IUS 1.0 A,B Inventory Control MBSI 3 A,B J Job Cost Open Systems Inc. B L Landlord, The Systems Plus 2.04 B Lattice C Compiler Lifeboat Associates MS DOS A,B List Manager Peachtree 2.00 B Loan Planner Generic Transforms 1.0 B,C SOFTWARE SOURCE VERSION Product Operating System M Macro Assembler I BM-Microsoft 1.0 A,B Mail merge Micropro International Corp 3.2 A,B Math Drills Starware 2.10 B Medical Practice Management CYMA Corporation 1.0 A,B Memoplan Softlink B Microgantt Westico Inc. 1.12 B Micrographs 2Y's Associates Limited 1.0 B Microplan Softlink 4.42 B Midway Campaign Avalon Hill Microcomputer A,B Milestone Organic Software B Millionaire Blue Chip Software 1.0 A,B,C Money Decisions I Eagle Software Publishing 1.0 A,B,C Money Decisions II Eagle Software Publishing 1.0 A,B Money Maestro lnnoysys Incorporated 1.69 A,B,C Money Matter Starware 1.0 A,B,C Multi State Payroll CYMA Corporation A,B Multi mate Softword Systems Inc. 3.22 B Multi plan I BM-Microsoft 1.0 A,B,C Multiplan Generic Microsoft 1.06 B Multiple Regression Starware 1.0 A,B Multitool Budget Microsoft 1.0 B Multitool Financial Statement Microsoft 1.0 B Munchkin Norell Data Systems 1.0 A,B,C N NPL DeskTop Software B,C Norton Utilities Peter Norton Inc. 1.0 B 0 Order Entry and Invoice IUS 1.0 A,B Order Entry/Billing MBSI 3 A,B Original Adventure Norell Data Systems 1.0 A,B p P Edit Satellite Software Intl. 2.20 B PC Crayon PC Software B PC File Texasoft Inc. 1.0 B PC Projector PC Solutions 1.1 B PC Title PC Solutions 1.6 B PC-DOS I BM-Microsoft 1.1 B PC-Tutor Comprehensive Software 1.0 A,B PC/FAS Best Programs B PDS Financial System Prairie Data Systems 1.0 A,B PEMS Personal Equity Computing 1.0 A,B PFS File Software Publishing A,B PFS Graph Software Publishing 1.0 B PFS Report Software Publishing A,B,C PFS Write Software Publishing 1.0 A,B Pace High Technology Software 2.9P B Pack & Crypt Norell Data Systems A,B Pascal IBM-Microsoft 1.0 A,B Payroll MBSI 2.0 A,B Payroll MBSI J.O A,B Payroll Open Systems Inc. B Peachcalc Peachtree 1.01 B Peachtext I BM-Peachtree 1.0 A,B SOFTWARE SOURCE VERSION Product Operating System p Peachtext 5000 Peachtree 2.02 B Perfect Cale Perfect Software Inc. 1.0 A,B Perfect Filer Perfect Software Inc.
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