The World Apostolate of Fatima Manchester Diocesan Division, Inc. P. O. Box 6432, Manchester, NH. 03108 President's E-mail:
[email protected] President's Phone: 603-772-0906 Division Web Site: *Spreading the Message of Our Lady of Fatima ~ Promoting Devotion to Her Immaculate Heart* 2020 Summer Newsletter President's Message Welcome back from our following the guide lines of our Bishop in response to our Governor and the Nations response to the COVID-19 Virus. Now we will continue spreading the message of Our Lady of Fatima. I pray you and your families have come through this time with good health and peace of mind, through the grace of God. I pray for all our members and their families, friends and neighbors who are praying for a good outcome of this pandemic virus, COVID-19 that will be the best of stories to tell when these regulations come to their end. We pray that our Bishop Libasci, of our Manchester Dioceses be guided with prudent decisions through factual information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the NH Department of Health and Human Services. Changes in scheduling Masses not being available to the public, priests having Masses in churches with few people present and filming those Masses for streaming to all who wish to see them, Confession by appointment, and visits to nursing homes for residents with the anointing of the sick, for those who may pass away soon. We are so blessed with these servants of God, our Priests are the BEST!!! The First Saturday Devotion Rosary has been done at home, Confession by appointment, watching the Mass on TV and web-sites, people making a Spiritual Communion.