Workcamp program of ICJA / yap-cfd 2017 ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V. yap-cfd workcamps Löwengasse 27 C 60385 Frankfurt / Main Deutschland Phone: +49 (0)69-98-19 19 57 Fax: +49 (0)69-98 19 16 17 skype: ICJA_workcamps /
[email protected] ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit yap-cfd workcamps ICJA was founded as an exchange program between the U.S. and Germany in 1949. The original mission of ICJA was to promote international understanding and to work towards a world in which tolerance and peace prevail. By the inclusion of various partner countries, the idea to form a development cooperation became gradually more important. Thus, the ICJA is founder member of the international federation "International Cultural Youth Exchange" (ICYE), which consists of several National Committees in 34 countries. In 1987, the ICYE received the award as "Peace Messenger". Since 2009, ICJA is approved as an official project of the UNESCO Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. ICJA is both, a sending and hosting organization for long term volunteers. ICJA organizes volunteering services for German citizens of different ages in over 40 countries on every continent. ICJA simultaneously accompanies and supports volunteers from across the world working in social, political or ecological projects in Germany. Our volunteers usually stay for 12 months, in exceptional cases for 6 months. For further information, please consult our website: Youth Action for Peace – Christlicher Friedensdienst or yap-cfd started in the year 1923 as a circle of people engaged against the war. It expanded to an international union of people who try to build bridges of understanding and to mitigate misery.