Ports and Transport SPECIAL REPORT Photo: Stockphoto businessnews.com.au Ports and transport FEATURE Rail projects head infras tructure investment Transport investment is budgeted to be $11.7 billion through to 2024, but not all proposals offer obvious value. investment through this finan- cial year to June 2024. Added to that will be $5.5 bil- lion on roads, while a $4.5 billion port development in Kwinana is expected in the longer term. Just weeks out from the elec- tion, the state opposition has alternative priorities: building an extension of Roe Highway, Matt Mckenzie sinking part of the Freman-
[email protected] tle Rail line, and subsidies to @Matt_Mckenzie_ encourage uptake of hydrogen 8-PAGE FEATURE and electric vehicles. The two main parties have T is about 120 kilometres both promised higher subsidies from Yanchep to Mandurah, for public transport users. I destinations that will mark The Liberal Party said it the northern and southernmost would introduce free public points of Perth’s rail network transport for school kids and when the newest track exten- seniors, at a cost of $56 million LENGTHY: The rail extension to Yanchep will stretch Perth’s public transport network. Photo: Gabriel Oliveira sion is completed. a year. And the journey could cost a Labor has promised to reduce maximum of $4.90, with a public Perth’s nine public transport further move away from a user- disproportionate number of Western Australia $3.6 billion transport fee cap from January zones to two, and cap fees at pays system public transport users and in 2031, double the level of 2016.