CURRICULUM VITAE Brian A. Bremen 208 W 21st Street Stop B5000 Department of English The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712-1164 PERSONAL: Born: November 29, 1952 Telephone: Office–(512) 471-7842 Address: 2215 Post Road #2110 Home–(512) 476-6530 Austin, Texas 78704 e-mail:
[email protected] EDUCATION: Princeton University, 1984-89, Ph. D. 1989 Dissertation: “The Radiant Gist: The Poetics and Prose of William Carlos Williams,” Directors: A. Walton Litz and Sandra Gilbert The Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College, 1981-84, (summer study) Princeton University, 1970-75, AB (Economics) TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin, 1995-present Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin, 1990-95 Lecturer, Department of English, Princeton University, 1988-90 Assistant Instructor, Department of English, Princeton University, 1986-88 Instructor of English, The Peddie School, Hightstown, NJ, 1975-84 OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Panelist, NEH-Mellon Fellowships III: American History, Literature, and Studies, 2016 Contributing Editor, William Carlos Williams Review, 2002-present (Managing Editor, 1992-2002) Editorial Board, College Literature, 2008-present Editorial Board, The College Board Review, 2005-present Reader of book manuscripts, Oxford University Press, 1995-present Reader of book manuscripts, Longman Publishers, 2001-present Reader of journal articles for “The New Black and The New Negro: Generational Tensions between Blackness