Italian Type Minerals / Marco E
THE AUTHORS This book describes one by one all the 264 mi- neral species first discovered in Italy, from 1546 Marco E. Ciriotti was born in Calosso (Asti) in 1945. up to the end of 2008. Moreover, 28 minerals He is an amateur mineralogist-crystallographer, a discovered elsewhere and named after Italian “grouper”, and a systematic collector. He gradua- individuals and institutions are included in a pa- ted in Natural Sciences but pursued his career in the rallel section. Both chapters are alphabetically industrial business until 2000 when, being General TALIAN YPE INERALS I T M arranged. The two catalogues are preceded by Manager, he retired. Then time had come to finally devote himself to his a short presentation which includes some bits of main interest and passion: mineral collecting and information about how the volume is organized related studies. He was the promoter and is now the and subdivided, besides providing some other President of the AMI (Italian Micromineralogical As- more general news. For each mineral all basic sociation), Associate Editor of Micro (the AMI maga- data (chemical formula, space group symmetry, zine), and fellow of many organizations and mine- type locality, general appearance of the species, ralogical associations. He is the author of papers on main geologic occurrences, curiosities, referen- topological, structural and general mineralogy, and of a mineral classification. He was awarded the “Mi- ces, etc.) are included in a full page, together cromounters’ Hall of Fame” 2008 prize. Etymology, with one or more high quality colour photogra- geoanthropology, music, and modern ballet are his phs from both private and museum collections, other keen interests.
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