United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,177,008 Kampen 45) Date of Patent: Jan
IIII USOO51 77008A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,177,008 Kampen 45) Date of Patent: Jan. 5, 1993 54 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING 5,019,263 5/1991 Haag et al. ..................... 210/500.25 ETHANOL AND FOR RECOVERING GLYCEROL, SUCCINIC ACID, LACTIC ACID, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS BETAINE, POTASSIUM SULFATE, AND 51-039625 5/1976 Japan ...................................., 101/OO FREE FLOWING DISTILLER'S DRY GRAIN 55-045067 ll/1980 Japan ..................................... 10/2 AND SOLUBLES OR A SOLID FERTILIZER THEREFROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS Chico et al., "L. Alanine as an end product of glycolyi Inventor: Willem H. Kampen, 447 Blue Rock sis in saccharomyces-cerevisiae growing under differ Dr., Charlotte, N.C. 28213 ent hypoxic conditiones," CA79: 177022 Bioss. 1978. Appl. No.: 537,779 "Recovery of Chemicals Such as Glycerol, Dextrose, and Amino Acids from Dilute Broths', Brian D. Burris, Filed: Jun. 18, 1990 pp. 1-39. Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner-Robert J. Warden Assistant Examiner-Timothy M. McMahon Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 381,179, Jul. 18, 1989, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 136,415, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Rhodes, Coats & Bennett Dec. 22, 1987, abandoned. (57) ABSTRACT Int. Cl. ................................................ G2P 7/20 This invention relates to the manufacture of ethanol and U.S. C. .................................... 435/139; 435/145 the recovery of economically significant amounts of 435/146; 435/59: 435/16 such by-products therefrom as glycerol, betaine, L (58) Field of Search ............... 435/139, 141, 145, 146, pyroglutamic acid, succinic and lactic acid, potassium 435/159, 161, 163 sulfate and a free flowing distiller's dry grain and solu bles useful as an animal feed or a component of food for (56) References Cited humans or as a premix for agricultural fertilizer and/or U.S.
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