Appendix A Renovate® 3 Label and MSDS J:\Govt\Projects\SePRO\Renovate-GEIS\Draft GEIS\Appendices\AppendixCovers.doc July 2006 Appendix B New York Natural Heritage Program Rare Plant Status List1 1 Appendix I (NYS DEC Protected Plant List ) of June 2005 list provided J:\Govt\Projects\SePRO\Renovate-GEIS\Draft GEIS\Appendices\AppendixCovers.doc July 2006 New York Natural Heritage Program Rare Plant Status List June 2005 Edited by: Stephen M. Young and Troy W. Weldy This list is also published at the website: For more information, suggestions or comments about this list, please contact: Stephen M. Young, Program Botanist New York Natural Heritage Program 625 Broadway, 5th Floor Albany, NY 12233-4757 518-402-8951 Fax 518-402-8925 E-mail:
[email protected] To report sightings of rare species, contact our office or fill out and mail us the Natural Heritage reporting form provided at the end of this publication. The New York Natural Heritage Program is a partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and by The Nature Conservancy. Major support comes from the NYS Biodiversity Research Institute, the Environmental Protection Fund, and Return a Gift to Wildlife. Appendix I: NYS DEC Protected Plant List 193.3 Protected native plants. (a) All plants enumerated on the lists of endangered species in subdivision (b) of this section, threatened species in subdivision (c) of this section, rare species in subdivision (d) of this section, or exploitably vulnerable species in subdivision (e) of this section are protected native plants pursuant to section 9-1503 of the Environmental Conservation Law.