KPMG Inc 4 Christiaan Barnard Street, City Centre, Cape Town, 8000, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa Telephone +27 (0)21 408 7000 Fax +27 (0)21 408 7100 Docex 102 Cape Town Web

Independent Auditor's Limited Assurance Report of Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd (the “Manager”)

To the unitholders of Old Mutual Stable Growth Fund We have undertaken our limited assurance engagement to determine whether the attached Schedule IB ‘Assets of the Fund held in compliance with Regulation 28’ at 31 December 2019 (the “Schedule”) has been prepared in terms of the requirements of Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act of South Africa (the “Regulation”) for Old Mutual Stable Growth Fund (the “Portfolio”), as set out on pages 4 to 49. Our engagement arises from our appointment as auditor of the Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd and is for the purpose of assisting the Portfolio’s unitholders to prepare the unitholder’s Schedule IB ‘Assets of the Fund held in compliance with Regulation 28’ in terms of the requirements of Regulation 28(8)(b)(i). The Responsibility of the Directors of the Manager The Directors of the Manager are responsible for the preparation of the Schedule in terms of the requirements of the Regulation, and for such internal control as the Manager determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the Schedule that is free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. Our Independence and Quality Control We have complied with the independence and other ethical requirements of Sections 290 and 291 of the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors’ Code of Professional Conduct for Registered Auditors (Revised January 2018) and parts 1 and 3 of the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors’ Code of Professional Conduct for Registered Auditors (Revised November 2018) (together the IRBA Codes), which are founded on fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. The IRBA Codes are consistent with the corresponding sections of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) respectively.

KPMG Incorporated is a company incorporated under the South African Companies Act and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated Chairman: Prof W Nkuhlu with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Chief Executive: I Sehoole Directors: Full list on website KPMG Incorporated is a Registered Auditor, in public practice, in terms of the Auditing Profession Act 26 of 2005. The company's principal place of business is at KPMG Crescent, 85 Empire Road, Parktown. Registration number 1999/021543/21

1 Independent Auditor's Limited Assurance Report of Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd (the “Manager”) 30 June 2020

KPMG Inc applies the International Standard on Quality Control 1 and accordingly maintains a comprehensive system of quality control including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express a limited assurance conclusion on whether, based on the procedures we have performed and the evidence we have obtained, the Schedule has been prepared in terms of the requirements of the Regulation. We conducted our limited assurance engagement in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historic Financial Information (ISAE) 3000 (Revised) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. That standard requires us to plan and perform this engagement to obtain limited assurance on whether the Schedule has been prepared in terms of the requirements of the Regulation. A limited assurance engagement is substantially less in scope than a reasonable assurance engagement in relation to both risk assessment procedures, including an understanding of internal control, and the procedures performed in response to the assessed risks. The procedures we performed were based on our professional judgement and includes inquiries, observation of processes followed, inspection of documents, analytical procedures, evaluating reporting policies and agreeing or reconciling with underlying records. We completed our audit of the financial statements of the Manager for the year ended 31 December 2019, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, on which we issued an unmodified opinion on 30 March 2020. Our audit was performed in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the Manager's internal controls. Where appropriate, we have drawn on evidence obtained regarding instances of non-compliance with the Regulation identified during the course of our audit that might materially affect the financial statements, and have performed such additional procedures as we considered necessary. The procedures performed included: — Re-computing the Schedule’s arithmetical accuracy; — Reviewing the appropriateness of the classification of a sample of the underlying assets; — Agreeing a sample of the fair values on the Schedule to the investment administration system; and — Inspecting whether any instances of non-compliance with the Regulations were correctly disclosed on the Schedule.

2 Independent Auditor's Limited Assurance Report of Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd (the “Manager”) 30 June 2020

The procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature and timing, and are less in extent than for a reasonable assurance engagement. Consequently, the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained had we performed a reasonable assurance engagement. Accordingly, we do not express a reasonable assurance opinion about whether the Schedule has been prepared in terms of the requirements of the Regulation. We believe that the evidence obtained as part of our limited assurance engagement is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our limited assurance conclusion expressed below. Limited Assurance Conclusion Based on the procedures we have performed and the evidence we have obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Schedule IB ‘Assets of the Fund held in compliance with Regulation 28’ at 31 December 2019 by the Old Mutual Stable Growth Fund, has not been prepared in terms of the requirements of Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act of South Africa. Restriction on Use and Distribution This report is prepared in terms of the requirements of Regulation 28(8)(b)(i)(aa) and is intended only for the Manager and Portfolio’s unitholders for the purpose indicated in the first paragraph. Consequently, the Schedule and our report may not be suitable for another purpose and is not to be used for any other purpose nor distributed to any other parties.


Per MJ Coelho Chartered Accountant (SA) Registered Auditor Director 30 June 2020

3 SCHEDULE IB ASSETS HELD IN COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATION 28 OLD MUTUAL STABLE GROWTH FUND as at 12/31/2019 R A Total assets (Schedule IA -Total investments) 6 403 351 819

B1 Less: Reg 28 compliant investments (certificate received from issuing entity):- B.1.1 Collective Investment Schemes (Reg 28(8)(b)(i)) B.1.2 Linked Policies (Reg 28(8)(b)(ii)) B.1.3 Non-linked policies (Reg 28(8)(b)(iii)) B.1.4 Entity regulated by FSB (Reg 28(8)(b)(iv))

B2 Less: Reg 28 Excluded investments B.2.1 Policies ( Reg 28(3)(c))

C Less: Investments not disclosed /data not available for disclosure [Refer Schedule IAN]


E Timing Differences - Note 1 8 233 958

D Value of corresponding Assets per statement of funds and Net Asset Value 6 411 585 778

R% 1 CASH 100% 1 134 395 078 17.72% 1.1 Notes, deposits, money market instruments issued by a South African Bank, margin accounts, settlement accounts with an exchange and Islamic 100% 691 908 169 10.81% liquidity management financial instruments (a) Notes and coins, any balance or deposit in an account held with a South African bank 100% 111 433 869 1.74%

ABSA Bank Limited 25% 56 519 659 0.88% Accounting Entries - provisions, settlement accoun 25% (84 328) 0.00% Bank of New York 25% 8 0.00% ESH0_NC 25% 0 0.00% GBPFTM20_NC 25% 0 0.00% Investec Holdings Ltd 25% 52 780 444 0.82% MESH0_NC 25% 0 0.00% MFSH0_NC 25% 0 0.00% NAER_CB 25% 914 639 0.01% NAEY_CB 25% 103 124 0.00% NARC_CB 25% 24 683 0.00% Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 25% 1 175 640 0.02% (b) A money market instrument issued by a South African bank including an Islamic liquidity management financial instrument 100% 573 962 200 8.96%

ABSA Bank Ltd 25% 130 930 759 2.04% African Bank Ltd 25% 2 094 459 0.03% Amber House Fund 5 (RF) Limited 25% 33 078 836 0.52% BLUEFOCUS INTELLIGENT COMM A 25% 32 281 0.00% Development Bank of SA Ltd 25% 18 511 371 0.29% First National Bank Namibia Holdings 25% 12 235 203 0.19% Firstrand Bank Limited 25% 35 258 914 0.55% Firstrand Bank Ltd 25% 60 611 259 0.95% FUJIAN SUNNER DEVELOPMENT A 25% 4 269 0.00% Investec Property Fund Ltd 25% 6 923 848 0.11% Land And Agricultural Development Bank of South Af 25% 35 948 604 0.56% Land And Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa 25% 15 159 690 0.24% Limited 25% 9 172 919 0.14% Nedbank Ltd 25% 33 501 101 0.52% Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 25% 180 498 687 2.82% (c) Any positive net balance in a margin account with an exchange 100% 6 512 100 0.10%

SAFEX 25% 6 512 100 0.10%

4 (d) Any positive net balance in a settlement account with an exchange, operated for the buying and selling of assets 100%


1.2 Balances or deposits, money market instruments issued by a foreign bank SARB including Islamic liquidity management financial instruments maximum 442 486 909 6.91% limits (a) Any balance or deposit held with a foreign bank 25% 368 840 029 5.76% AUST & NZ BANKING GRP NY 5% 3 518 503 0.05% BANK OF AMERICA N.A. 5% 3 870 444 0.06% BANK OF MONTREAL CHICAGO 5% 2 814 802 0.04% BANK OF MONTREAL- 5% 1 226 396 0.02% Bank of New York 5% 167 984 154 2.62% Bank of Nova Scotia/The 5% 2 968 645 0.05% CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK TIME DEPOSIT 5% 5 286 551 0.08% CANADIAN IMPERIAL BK 5% 703 506 0.01% DEN NORSKEBANK TIME DEPOSIT 5% 8 620 333 0.13% DOW INC 5% 31 937 0.00% HSBC Bank Plc 5% 1 731 158 0.03% HSBC Bank USA 5% 100 159 248 1.56% HSBC USA INC 5% 1 143 514 0.02% JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. 5% 13 367 391 0.21% MIZUHO BANK LTD TIME DEPOSIT 5% 8 620 333 0.13% MUFG BK LTD N Y BRH DISC COML 5% 5 964 943 0.09% NATIONAL BK OF CANAD 5% 3 509 683 0.05% NORDEA BANK ABP NEW YORK 5% 2 113 577 0.03% ROYAL BANK OF CANADA NY 5% 1 759 252 0.03% ROYAL BK OF CANADA 5% 2 278 022 0.04% SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN TIME DEPOSIT 5% 8 620 333 0.13% State Street Bank and Trust 5% 11 284 877 0.18% SUMITOMO MITSUI BKG CORP 5% 3 166 653 0.05% SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN NY 5% 2 114 890 0.03% SVENSKA HANDLSBNKN A 5% 2 112 294 0.03% TORONTO DOMINION BANK 5% 1 757 199 0.03% TORONTO-DOMINION 5% 2 111 391 0.03% (b) Any balance or deposit held with an African bank 25% 1 407 401 0.02% CREDIT AGRICOLE CIB NY 5% 1 407 401 0.02% (c) A money market instrument issued by a foreign bank including an Islamic liquidity management financial instrument 25% 72 239 479 1.13%

ABN AMRO Bank NV 5% 559 166 0.01% BANK OF MONTREAL CHICAGO 5% 4 398 307 0.07% Bank of Nova Scotia 5% 1 759 282 0.03% BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA HOUS 5% 1 055 551 0.02% Bank of Nova Scotia/The 5% 1 407 461 0.02% BANK OF NY MELLON CORP 5% 879 920 0.01% Cisco Systems Inc 5% 257 007 0.00% COCA COLA FEMSA 5% 3 916 0.00% COOPERAT RABOBANK UA/NY 5% 2 110 845 0.03% COOPERATIEVE CENTRALE 5% 1 758 771 0.03% COOPERATIEVE RABOBANK UA 5% 1 897 066 0.03% CREDIT AGRICOLE 5% 2 111 347 0.03% DE VOLKSBANK NV 5% 1 542 997 0.02% EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK 5% 1 634 355 0.03% FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 5% 21 461 310 0.34% Fiserv Inc 5% 740 107 0.01% HSBC Bank Plc 5% 789 809 0.01% HSBC FRANCE 5% 1 106 147 0.02% HSBC USA INC 5% 3 694 792 0.06% ING BANK NV 5% 1 978 961 0.03% INTL BK RECON + DEVELOP 5% 1 230 269 0.02% JPN BANK FOR INT L COOP 5% 984 845 0.02% Meritage Homes Corp 5% 193 713 0.00% NORDEA BK AB PUBL NY 5% 1 759 252 0.03%

5 Royal Bank of Canada 5% 4 574 402 0.07% Standard Chartered Plc 5% 597 778 0.01% SUMITOMO MITSUI BKG CORP 5% 1 372 216 0.02% SVENSKA HANDLSBNKN A 5% 1 408 056 0.02% TORONTO DOMINION BANK 5% 1 759 508 0.03% Toronto-Dominion Bank 5% 2 779 026 0.04% WELLS FARGO BANK NA 5% 4 433 298 0.07%

2 DEBT INSTRUMENTS INCLUDING ISLAMIC DEBT INSTRUMENTS 100% issued / guarantee by Republic, 3 059 614 921 47.78% otherwise 75% 2.1 Inside the Republic 75/100% 2 752 609 925 42.99% (a) Debt instruments issued by, and loans to, the government of the Republic, and any debt or loan guaranteed by the Republic 100% 1 931 975 288 30.17%

(b) Debt instruments issued or guaranteed by the government of a foreign country 75% 139 294 020 2.18%

Fannie Mae 10% 1 055 614 0.02% FED HOME LN DISCOUNT NT 10% 8 967 537 0.14% QUEENSLAND TREASURY 10% 4 215 756 0.07% TREASURY BILL 10% 120 487 239 1.88% US TREASURY N/B 10% 1 408 692 0.02% WI TREASURY SEC. 10% 3 159 181 0.05%

(c) Debt instruments issued or guaranteed by a South African Bank against its balance sheet:- 75% 174 095 290 2.72%

(c)(i) Listed on an exchange with an issue market capitalisation of R20 billion or more, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 75% 151 341 091 2.36%

ABSA Bank Limited 25% 110 288 0.00% ABSA Bank Ltd 25% 21 267 843 0.33% Development Bank of SA Ltd 25% 12 813 379 0.20% Firstrand Bank Limited 25% 21 808 741 0.34% Firstrand Bank Ltd 25% 24 158 602 0.38% Nedbank Ltd 25% 28 496 804 0.45% Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 25% 42 685 434 0.67%

(c)(ii) Listed on an exchange with an issuer market capitalisation of between R2 billion and R20 billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 75%


(c)(iii) Listed on an exchange with an issuer market capitalisation of less than R2 billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 75% 8 996 827 0.14%

African Bank Ltd 10% 8 996 827 0.14%

(c)(iv) Not listed on an exchange 5% 13 757 371 0.21%

Land And Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa 5% 13 757 371 0.21%

(d) Debt instruments issued or guaranteed by an entity that has equity listed on an exchange, or debt instruments issued or guaranteed by a public 50% 201 845 374 3.15% entity under the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999) as prescribed:- (d)(i) Listed on an exchange 50% 96 016 417 1.50% Airports Company of South Africa Limited 10% 944 588 0.01% Development Bank of SA Ltd 10% 6 241 706 0.10% Eskom Holdings Ltd 10% 7 888 240 0.12% Old Mutual Insure Limited 10% 14 137 561 0.22% SA National Roads Agency Ltd 10% 26 792 451 0.42% Telkom SOC Ltd 10% 9 259 063 0.14%

6 Toyota (SA) Ltd 10% 24 601 029 0.38% Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority 10% 764 856 0.01% Transnet SOC Ltd 10% 5 386 923 0.08%

(d)(ii) Not listed on an exchange 25% 105 828 957 1.65% Brait SE 5% 70 185 223 1.10% SA National Roads Agency Ltd 5% 35 639 663 0.56% State Street Bank and Trust 5% 4 071 0.00%

(e) Other debt instruments:- 25% 305 399 954 4.77% (e)(i) Listed on an exchange 25% 222 584 391 3.48% CCT02 120624 5% 461 858 0.01% CCT03 15032025 5% 677 771 0.01% COJ05 12.205 05062023 5% 733 719 0.01% DEVELOPMENT BANK OF SA 5% 7 019 969 0.11% EMM01 10.56 28072020 5% 905 644 0.01% ERSA21 FRN 17082020 5% 101 404 0.00% FOX STREET 3 (RF) LTD FRN 20022020 5% 15 155 966 0.24% FOX STREET 6 LIMITED FRN 21082023 5% 26 316 744 0.41% FOX STREET 7 RF LIMITED FRN 20112024 5% 14 708 016 0.23% Hera Spa 5% 15 133 0.00% IDCG12 FRN 26042021 5% 15 796 736 0.25% MBF061 17082021 5% 34 325 846 0.54% N7B25 FRN 20122021 5% 8 723 632 0.14% SUPERDRIVE INVESTMENTS 21082020 5% 13 454 171 0.21% T13A11 FRN 21082020 5% 13 937 227 0.22% T13A21 21082020 5% 12 479 244 0.19% TH13A7 FRN 21082020 5% 21 791 024 0.34% TH13A8 9.63 21082020 5% 29 585 337 0.46% TRA4A7 FRN 130424 5% 6 394 949 0.10% (e)(ii) Not listed on an exchange 15% 82 815 563 1.29% AFREECATV CO LTD 5% 32 392 0.00% BESA FEES CONTROL 5% (354) 0.00% GH31A2 FRN 25022020 5% 2 497 015 0.04% GH5A21 25112024 5% 18 846 145 0.29% MBF055 FRN 28082020 5% 22 630 640 0.35% NQ1A24 FRN 22052020 5% 13 726 678 0.21% TH14A7 22112021 5% 7 130 646 0.11% TRA4A3 13042024 5% 14 260 019 0.22% ZAR Receivable 5% 3 692 382 0.06%

2.2 Foreign SARB maximum 307 004 996 4.79% limits (a) Debt instruments issued by, and loans to, the government of the Republic, SARB and debt or loan guaranteed by the Republic maximum limits

(b) Debt instruments issued or guaranteed by the government of a foreign SARB country maximum limits 10%

(c) Debt instruments issued or guaranteed by a South African Bank against its SARB balance sheet:- maximum limits

(c)(i) Listed on an exchange with an issuer market capitalisation of R20 billion SARB or more, or an amount or conditions as prescribed maximum limits 25% (c)(ii) Listed on an exchange with an issuer market capitalisation of between R2 SARB billion and R20 billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed maximum limits 15% (c)(iii) Listed on an exchange with an issuer market capitalisation of less than R2 SARB billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed maximum limits 10% (c)(iv) Not listed on an exchange 25%

7 5%

(d) Debt instruments issued or guaranteed by an entity that has equity listed SARB on an exchange maximum 103 431 600 1.62% limits (d)(i) Listed on an exchange SARB maximum 79 756 917 1.25% limits AT+T INC 10% 750 851 0.01% Brait SA 10% 72 004 147 1.12% Daimler AG 10% 1 032 379 0.02% JPMorgan Chase & Co 10% 1 411 448 0.02% MEDIOBANCA SPA 10% 711 137 0.01% Vodafone Group Plc 10% 714 315 0.01% Walt Disney Co 10% 1 749 618 0.03% WELLS FARGO + COMPANY 10% 1 383 022 0.02% (d)(ii) Not listed on an exchange 25% 23 674 683 0.37% ADEVINTA ASA 5% 108 803 0.00% Apple Inc 5% 1 758 208 0.03% Inc 5% 2 053 762 0.03% Cisco Systems Inc 5% 352 697 0.01% Coca-Cola Co 5% 1 402 863 0.02% Eni Spa 5% 1 267 564 0.02% Exxon Mobil Corp 5% 2 457 100 0.04% INTERPARK CORP 5% 6 013 0.00% Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc 5% 6 868 0.00% Pfizer Inc 5% 6 301 724 0.10% SOCIETE GENERALE 5% 637 239 0.01% State Street Bank and Trust 5% (82 425) 0.00% United Technologies Corp 5% 773 062 0.01% Veolia Environnement SA 5% 790 713 0.01% Walt Disney Co 5% 2 096 511 0.03% WELLS FARGO + COMPANY 5% 3 743 982 0.06% (e) Other debt instruments:- 25% 203 573 396 3.18% (e)(i) Listed on an exchange 25% 15 017 965 0.23% ABBOTT IRELAND FINANCING 5% 711 584 0.01% BP CAPITAL MARKETS PLC 5% 1 326 207 0.02% COVENTRY BLDG SOCIETY 5% 1 575 500 0.02% E.ON INTL FINANCE BV 5% 724 913 0.01% IBM CORP 5% 1 567 362 0.02% LVMH MOET HENNESSY VUITT 5% 1 461 636 0.02% NATIXIS NY BRANCH 5% 2 990 728 0.05% NATWEST MARKETS PLC 5% 710 519 0.01% ORIGIN ENERGY FINANCE 5% 725 762 0.01% TELEFONICA EMISIONES SAU 5% 751 523 0.01% TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP 5% 1 759 543 0.03% VOLKSWAGEN LEASING GMBH 5% 712 689 0.01% (e)(ii) Not listed on an exchange 15% 188 555 432 2.94% ALBERTA PROVINCE 5% 2 985 680 0.05% ANTALIS S.A 5% 4 038 871 0.06% ARMY & AIR FORCE EXCHA 5% 1 581 931 0.02% ATLANTIC ASSET SECUR 5% 4 221 333 0.07% BMW US CAPITAL LLC 5% 6 241 602 0.10% BNG BANK NV 5% 1 066 780 0.02% BPCE 5% 3 680 313 0.06% BPCE SA 5% 316 571 0.00% CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS 5% 2 458 180 0.04% COCA-COLA COMPANY 5% 2 093 572 0.03% COLLATERALIZED COML PAPER CO L 5% 701 107 0.01% CREDIT AGRICOLE CIB NY 5% 1 407 401 0.02% CRH FINLAND SERVICES OYJ 5% 761 726 0.01% DEUTSCHE TELEKOM INT FIN 5% 750 266 0.01% DIAGEO FINANCE PLC 5% 1 542 120 0.02% ENGIE SA 5% 794 134 0.01%

8 EXELON GENERATION CO LLC 5% 773 522 0.01% EXPERIAN FINANCE PLC 5% 713 524 0.01% FAIRWAY FINANCE CORP 5% 5 969 957 0.09% FARMER MAC DISCOUNT NOTE 5% 5 629 605 0.09% FED HOME LN DISCOUNT NT 5% 33 977 339 0.53% FEDERATION DES CAISSES 5% 6 314 433 0.10% GENERAL MOTORS FINL CO 5% 774 387 0.01% ING US FUNDING LLC 5% 8 236 145 0.13% INNOGY FINANCE BV 5% 750 390 0.01% JAPAN (2 YEAR ISSUE) 5% 7 842 913 0.12% JAPAN FIN ORG MUNICIPAL 5% 1 372 197 0.02% KELLS FDG LLC 5% 4 560 082 0.07% KELLS FUNDING LLC 5% 1 758 716 0.03% KFW 5% 3 038 334 0.05% KFW INTL FINANCE INC 5% 3 158 095 0.05% LIBERTY FUNDING LLC 5% 5 617 507 0.09% LIBERTY STREET FDG LLC 5% 1 759 145 0.03% LMA AMERICAS LLC 5% 4 036 648 0.06% LMA SA LMA AMERICAS 5% 1 398 991 0.02% MATCHPOINT FINANCE PLC 5% 1 052 536 0.02% MERCK & CO. INC 5% 2 109 973 0.03% MONT BLANC CAPTL COR 5% 5 439 813 0.08% NATWEST MARKETS PLC 5% 750 318 0.01% NIEUW AMSTERDAM REC 5% 2 461 013 0.04% NIEUW AMSTERDAM RECV 5% 1 053 413 0.02% NOVARTIS FNC CRP 5% 5 276 799 0.08% OMERS FINANCE TRUST 5% 2 278 578 0.04% ONTARIO TEACHER FIN TRST 5% 1 052 211 0.02% ONTARIO TEACHERS FINAN 5% 2 451 557 0.04% PACCAR FINANCIAL COR 5% 3 517 711 0.05% PACCAR FINANCIAL CORP 5% 1 055 075 0.02% PRIVATE EXP. FUNDING 5% 1 755 585 0.03% PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 5% 3 506 951 0.05% Province of Ontario 5% 2 108 715 0.03% PSP CAPITAL INC 5% 1 402 772 0.02% PSP CAPITAL INC. 5% 4 202 347 0.07% STARBIRD FDG. CORP 5% 1 935 177 0.03% SUMITOMO MITSUI BKG CORP 5% 1 407 369 0.02% SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN NY 5% 2 110 953 0.03% TOTAL CAPITAL CANADA LTD 5% 1 916 452 0.03% TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP 5% 5 629 474 0.09% WALT DISNEY COMPANY 5% 1 757 123 0.03%

3 EQUITIES 75% 1 929 013 081 30.13% 3.1 Inside the Republic 75% 1 508 671 199 23.56% (a) Preference and ordinary shares in companies, excluding shares in property companies, listed on an exchange:- 75% 1 507 726 154 23.55%

(a)(i) Issuer market capitalisation of R20 billion or more, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 75% 1 119 970 188 17.49%

Alstom SA (Pty) Ltd 15% 6 316 0.00% Anglo American Plc 15% 52 178 642 0.81% Anglo Platinum Ltd 15% 686 232 0.01% Anglogold Ashanti Ltd 15% 8 180 0.00% Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 15% 10 836 620 0.17% Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd 15% 41 688 668 0.65% BARCLAYS AFRICA GROUP LIMITED 15% 77 920 417 1.22% BidCorp Ltd 15% 7 062 0.00% Bidvest Group Ltd 15% 20 419 755 0.32% British American Tobacco Plc 15% 90 259 023 1.41% Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd 15% 13 811 019 0.22% Clicks Group Ltd 15% 8 236 0.00%

9 Firstrand Bank Limited 15% 46 629 306 0.73% Firstrand Bank Ltd 15% 30 107 0.00% Glencore International Plc 15% 22 809 551 0.36% Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd 15% 53 712 504 0.84% Investec Holdings Ltd 15% 94 491 0.00% Investec Ltd 15% 36 270 373 0.57% Investec PLC 15% 34 733 419 0.54% Kumba Iron Ore Ltd 15% 160 576 0.00% Liberty Holdings Ltd 15% 159 631 0.00% MMI HOLDINGS 15% 288 708 0.00% Mondi Plc 15% 22 659 862 0.35% Mr Price Group Ltd 15% 4 806 0.00% MTN Group Ltd 15% 55 706 074 0.87% Naspers Ltd 15% 86 744 360 1.35% Nedbank Group Ltd 15% 14 349 0.00% Nedbank Limited 15% 63 714 390 1.00% Northam Platinum Ltd 15% 29 628 624 0.46% OLD MUTUAL LIMITED 15% 42 202 156 0.66% Old Mutual Ltd 15% 9 978 0.00% Pepkor Holdings Ltd 15% 23 897 864 0.37% PSG Group Ltd 15% 31 562 100 0.49% Remgro Ltd 15% 30 646 395 0.48% RMB Holdings Ltd 15% 5 740 0.00% Ltd 15% 32 870 769 0.51% Sasol Ltd 15% 57 903 571 0.90% Shoprite Holdings Ltd 15% 3 823 0.00% Standard Bank Group Ltd 15% 852 823 0.01% Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 15% 75 878 032 1.18% Telkom SOC Ltd 15% 188 628 0.00% The Foschini Group Ltd 15% 24 028 425 0.38% Tiger Brands Ltd 15% 13 748 406 0.21% Tongaat Hulett Ltd 15% 359 180 0.01% Woolworths Holdings Ltd 15% 3 640 0.00% Woolworths Holdings Ltd/South 15% 24 617 358 0.38%

(a)(ii) Issuer market capitalisation of between R2 billion and R20 billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 75% 376 270 246 5.88%

ABSA Bank Limited 10% 20 055 751 0.31% ABSA BANK LTD PREF 10% 6 171 0.00% ALVIVA HOLDINGS LTD 10% 9 385 0.00% Arrowhead Properties Ltd 10% 10 394 273 0.16% Brait SA 10% 2 317 769 0.04% Kap Industrial Holdings Ltd 10% 27 814 874 0.43% Mpact Ltd 10% 17 234 323 0.27% Nampak Ltd 10% 13 553 438 0.21% Nedbank Ltd 10% 24 401 921 0.38% Omnia Holdings Ltd 10% 45 721 935 0.71% PPC Ltd 10% 6 542 290 0.10% Raubex Group Ltd 10% 22 637 372 0.35% Reunert Ltd 10% 16 320 044 0.25% RFG Holdings Ltd 10% 24 967 212 0.39% Super Group Ltd/South Africa 10% 27 594 649 0.43% TIMES CHINA HOLDINGS LTD 10% 17 905 0.00% Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon 10% 19 417 714 0.30% Zambezi Platinum 10% 97 263 218 1.52%

(a)(iii) Issuer market capitalisation of less than R2 billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 75% 11 485 720 0.18%

City Lodge Hotels Ltd 5% 10 358 785 0.16% Discovery Holdings Ltd 5% 9 511 0.00% MIX TELEMATICS LTD SP ADR 5% 5 093 0.00% MSCI EAFE Index 5% 217 513 0.00% MSCI Emerging Markets Index 5% 879 842 0.01%

10 Multichoice Grp Ltd 5% 2 940 0.00% Tiger Brands Ltd 5% 2 862 0.00% Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon 5% 9 175 0.00%

(b) Preference and ordinary shares in companies, excluding shares in property companies, not listed on an exchange 10% 945 045 0.01%

Vodacom Group Ltd 2.5% 945 045 0.01%

SARB 3.2 Foreign 420 341 881 6.56% maximum (a) Preference and ordinary shares in companies, excluding shares in SARB property companies, listed on an exchange:- maximum 396 181 047 6.19% limits (a)(i) Issuer market capitalisation of R20 billion or more, or an amount or SARB conditions as prescribed maximum 299 525 566 4.68% limits 3i Group PLC 15% 19 835 0.00% 3M Co 15% 87 869 0.00% Inc 15% 221 817 0.00% AAC Technologies Holdings Inc 15% 6 826 0.00% ABB LIMITED 15% 30 123 0.00% Abbott Laboratories 15% 125 478 0.00% AbbVie Inc 15% 116 239 0.00% ABIOMED Inc 15% 171 234 0.00% Accenture Plc 15% 111 717 0.00% ACCOR SA 15% 6 843 0.00% Acrher Daniels Midland 15% 25 708 0.00% Activision Blizzard Inc 15% 38 102 0.00% Acuity Brands Inc 15% 6 349 0.00% ADARO ENERGY PT 15% 96 406 0.00% Adecco SA 15% 13 950 0.00% Adidas 15% 56 930 0.00% Adobe 15% 131 493 0.00% Advance Auto Parts Inc 15% 2 293 630 0.04% ADVANCED INFO SERVICE FOR RG 15% 8 113 0.00% Advantest Corp 15% 399 354 0.01% Aegon NV 15% 6 331 0.00% Aeon Co Ltd 15% 20 808 0.00% AES Corp 15% 11 536 0.00% Aflac Inc 15% 322 312 0.01% AGC Inc/Japan 15% 5 989 0.00% AGCO Corp 15% 46 448 0.00% 15% 818 149 0.01% Agilent Technologies Inc 15% 29 829 0.00% AGL Energy Ltd 15% 10 399 0.00% Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 15% 19 693 0.00% AGRI BANK OF CHINA H 15% 499 159 0.01% AIA Group Ltd 15% 870 695 0.01% Air Liquide SA 15% 2 370 029 0.04% Air New Zealand Ltd 15% 615 0.00% Air Products & Chemicals Inc 15% 38 920 0.00% Airbus SE 15% 1 083 358 0.02% Aisin Seiki Co 15% 5 858 0.00% Ajinomoto Co Inc 15% 12 447 0.00% Akbank 15% 191 600 0.00% Akzo Nobel 15% 25 866 0.00% Albemarle Corp 15% 230 504 0.00% Aldar Properties PJSC 15% 92 864 0.00% Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc 15% 22 470 0.00% ALFA 15% 4 800 0.00% Alfa Laval AB 15% 7 689 0.00% Alfresa Hldgs Corp 15% 7 923 0.00% Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 15% 3 820 784 0.06% Align Technology Inc 15% 25 675 0.00% Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc 15% 13 796 0.00%

11 Allergan Inc 15% 57 133 0.00% Alliant Energy Corp 15% 12 084 0.00% SMC Corp 15% 375 649 0.01% Smith & Nephew Plc 15% 24 214 0.00% Smith (AO) Corp 15% 4 822 0.00% Smiths Group PLC 15% 15 147 0.00% Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 15% 9 115 0.00% Snam Rete Gas 15% 20 662 0.00% Snap-on Inc 15% 7 793 0.00% Societe Generale SA 15% 23 346 0.00% Sodexo SA 15% 7 758 0.00% Softbank Corp 15% 85 066 0.00% Solvay SA 15% 13 326 0.00% Sompo Holdings Inc 15% 10 558 0.00% Sonic Healthcare Ltd 15% 6 942 0.00% Sonova Holding 15% 10 355 0.00% Sony Corp 15% 75 822 0.00% South32 15% 7 184 0.00% SOUTHERN CO 15% 54 287 0.00% Southwest Airlines 15% 6 954 0.00% Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC 15% 1 005 637 0.02% Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc 15% 1 164 188 0.02% Splunk Inc 15% 27 562 0.00% Sprint Corp 15% 3 116 0.00% Square Inc 15% 17 269 0.00% SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc 15% 10 169 0.00% SSE Plc 15% 19 840 0.00% ST Engineering 15% 5 473 0.00% St Microelectronics 15% 24 770 0.00% Standard Chartered Bank 15% 27 183 0.00% ABERDEEN PLC 15% 5 814 0.00% Stanley Black & Decker Inc 15% 25 697 0.00% Stanley Electric Co Ltd 15% 4 308 0.00% Stantec Inc 15% 32 706 0.00% Starbucks Corp 15% 1 222 417 0.02% State Bank of India 15% 2 828 0.00% State Street Bank 15% 27 235 0.00% Statoil ASA 15% 20 080 0.00% Steel Dynamics Inc 15% 2 506 0.00% Steelcase Inc 15% 39 192 0.00% Stericycle Inc 15% 228 465 0.00% Stora Enso Oyj (R) 15% 6 848 0.00% Straumann Holding AG 15% 18 062 0.00% STRYKER CORP 15% 55 634 0.00% Subaru Corp 15% 14 934 0.00% Suez 15% 5 169 0.00% Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd 15% 6 325 0.00% Sumitomo Corp 15% 21 863 0.00% Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 15% 6 001 0.00% Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 15% 43 420 0.00% Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings 15% 380 656 0.01% Inc 15% 216 566 0.00% Suncor Energy Inc 15% 37 444 0.00% Suncorp-Metway Ltd 15% 14 117 0.00% Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd 15% 4 618 0.00% SURGUTNEFTEGAS SP ADR 15% 24 002 0.00% SURGUTNEFTEGAS T 0 15% 8 456 0.00% Suzuken Co Ltd 15% 7 561 0.00% Suzuki Motor Corp 15% 11 600 0.00% SVB Financial Group 15% 11 549 0.00% SWEDBANK 15% 12 309 0.00% Swedish Match AB 15% 8 647 0.00% Swire Pacific Ltd 15% 4 702 0.00%

12 Hldg 15% 425 592 0.01% 15% 30 387 0.00% Swisscom AG 15% 163 500 0.00% Symrise AG 15% 13 214 0.00% Synchrony Financial 15% 14 334 0.00% SYNNEX TECHNOLOGY INT'L 15% 83 412 0.00% Sysco Corp 15% 39 881 0.00% Sysmex Corp 15% 345 271 0.01% T Gaia Corp 15% 82 100 0.00% T Rowe Price Group Inc 15% 28 027 0.00% T Sise Ve Cam Fabrikalari 15% 12 934 0.00% T&D Holdings Inc 15% 6 142 0.00% T-Mobile US Inc 15% 23 602 0.00% Tabcorp Holdings 15% 15 271 0.00% Taisei Corp 15% 6 927 0.00% TAISHIN FINANCIAL HLDGS 15% 17 963 0.00% Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg Co Ltd 15% 2 642 221 0.04% Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 15% 52 241 0.00% TAL EDUCATION GROUP ADR 15% 16 853 0.00% TAPESTRY INC 15% 10 264 0.00% Targa Resources Corp 15% 6 011 0.00% Target Corp 15% 57 805 0.00% TATNEFT COMMON (RUB) 15% 13 927 0.00% Tav Havalimanlari Holding As 15% 10 769 0.00% Taylor Wimpey PLC 15% 6 437 0.00% TD Ameritrade Holding Corp 15% 261 957 0.00% TDK CORPORATION 15% 25 177 0.00% TE CONNECTIVITY LTD 15% 31 403 0.00% TechnipFMC PLC 15% 11 744 0.00% Techtronic Industries Co Ltd 15% 9 756 0.00% Teck Resources Ltd 15% 8 469 0.00% Teijin Ltd 15% 8 657 0.00% TELEF BRASIL PN 15% 186 795 0.00% Teleflex Inc 15% 13 855 0.00% Telefonica 15% 31 720 0.00% TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA 15% 13 617 0.00% Telenor ASA 15% 11 134 0.00% Telephone & Data Systems 15% 287 837 0.00% Telia Co AB 15% 8 854 0.00% Telstra Corp Ltd 15% 12 543 0.00% TENAGA NASIONAL 15% 466 600 0.01% Tenaris SA 15% 3 881 0.00% Teradyne Inc 15% 1 146 683 0.02% TERUMO CORP 15% 19 736 0.00% Tesco Plc 15% 28 073 0.00% Tesla Inc 15% 401 528 0.01% Texas Instruments Inc 15% 96 123 0.00% Textron Inc 15% 16 029 0.00% Thales SA 15% 6 125 0.00% THANACHART CAPITAL PCL NVDR 15% 5 823 0.00% The Hershey Co 15% 27 048 0.00% The Mosaic Co. 15% 5 376 0.00% The Swatch Group 15% 13 161 0.00% Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 15% 604 778 0.01% Thomson-Reuters Corporation 15% 13 841 0.00% ThyssenKrupp AG 15% 6 142 0.00% Tiffany & Co Inc 15% 12 298 0.00% TJX Cos Inc/The 15% 1 811 793 0.03% Tobu Railway Co Ltd 15% 22 771 0.00% Toho Gas Co Ltd 15% 3 776 0.00% TOHOKU ELECTRIC POWER 15% 4 214 0.00% Holdings Inc 15% 35 230 0.00% TOKYO ELECTRON LTD 15% 38 488 0.00%

13 Tokyo Gas Co Ltd 15% 10 102 0.00% Tokyu Corp 15% 8 547 0.00% Toppan Printing Co Ltd 15% 5 743 0.00% Toronto-Dominion Bank 15% 1 049 120 0.02% Total SA 15% 104 193 0.00% TOTO Ltd 15% 5 107 0.00% Toyota Financial Services (SA) Ltd 15% 155 412 0.00% TOYOTA TSUSHO CORP 15% 13 073 0.00% TransDigm Inc 15% 26 949 0.00% TransUnion 15% 12 604 0.00% Transurban Group TCL 15% 25 921 0.00% Travelers Cos Inc 15% 31 616 0.00% Trimble Navigation Ltd 15% 8 056 0.00% TripAdvisor Inc 15% 2 795 0.00% Turkiye Garanti Bankasi 15% 815 062 0.01% TURKIYE IS BANKASI C 15% 346 446 0.01% TURKIYE VAKIFLAR BANKASI 15% 204 482 0.00% Tyson Foods Inc 15% 27 627 0.00% Ubisoft Entertainment 15% 5 960 0.00% UBS AG 15% 40 278 0.00% UGI Corp 15% 6 648 0.00% ULTRAPAR PART ON 15% 4 362 0.00% UNDER ARMOUR INC 15% 4 941 0.00% Uni-Charm Corp 15% 12 218 0.00% UNI-PRESIDENT ENT. 15% 10 249 0.00% Unicredito Italiano Spa 15% 23 416 0.00% Unilever NV 15% 1 693 886 0.03% Unilever PLC 15% 53 168 0.00% Union Pacific Corp 15% 112 952 0.00% Gruppo SpA 15% 127 485 0.00% United Airlines Holdings Inc 15% 7 295 0.00% UNITED MICROELECTRONICS 15% 960 985 0.02% United Overseas Bank Ltd 15% 77 546 0.00% United Parcel Service Inc 15% 68 827 0.00% UNITED PHOSPHORUS 15% 3 298 0.00% UNITED RENTALS INC 15% 12 276 0.00% United Therapeutics Corp 15% 752 145 0.01% United Tractors 15% 3 980 0.00% UnitedHealth Group Inc 15% 240 636 0.00% Universal Health Services Inc 15% 13 200 0.00% UPM-Kymmene OYJ 15% 22 389 0.00% US Bancorp 15% 2 289 060 0.04% US Cellular Corp 15% 177 419 0.00% USANA Health Sciences Inc 15% 277 851 0.00% USS Co Ltd 15% 4 548 0.00% VALE ON 15% 277 681 0.00% Valeo 15% 10 170 0.00% Valero Energy Corp 15% 40 448 0.00% Varian Medical Systems Inc 15% 983 016 0.02% Veeva Systems Inc 15% 22 002 0.00% VeriSign Inc 15% 17 304 0.00% Verisk Analytics Inc 15% 16 489 0.00% Verizon Communications Inc 15% 554 549 0.01% Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc 15% 54 919 0.00% Vestas Wind Systems 15% 16 749 0.00% VF Corp 15% 23 035 0.00% Vifor Pharma AG 15% 7 956 0.00% VINCI SA 15% 45 400 0.00% Visa Inc 15% 842 758 0.01% Vivendi SA 15% 30 097 0.00% VMware Inc 15% 16 760 0.00% Vodafone Group Plc 15% 43 308 0.00% voestalpine AG 15% 3 767 0.00%

14 Volvo AB 15% 25 075 0.00% Voya Financial Inc 15% 81 509 0.00% Vulcan Materials Co 15% 20 655 0.00% WABCO Holdings Inc 15% 6 234 0.00% Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV 15% 10 473 0.00% Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 15% 53 101 0.00% Walmart Inc 15% 148 134 0.00% Walt Disney Co 15% 219 446 0.00% WASTE MANAGEMENT INC 15% 41 188 0.00% Waters Corp 15% 388 626 0.01% WEC Energy Group Inc 15% 29 269 0.00% Wells Fargo & Co 15% 2 251 099 0.04% Wendel Investissement 15% 5 275 0.00% Wesfarmers Ltd 15% 27 528 0.00% WEST JAPAN RAILWAY COMPANY 15% 19 184 0.00% Western Digital Corp 15% 17 544 0.00% Westinghouse Air Brake Technol 15% 2 075 678 0.03% Westpac Banking Corp 15% 43 819 0.00% Weyerhaeuser Co 15% 21 611 0.00% Wharf Holdings Ltd 15% 4 915 0.00% Whirlpool Corp 15% 13 805 0.00% Whitbread PLC 15% 8 967 0.00% WILLIAMS COS INC 15% 26 970 0.00% Willis Towers Watson PLC 15% 27 351 0.00% Wilmar International Ltd 15% 5 610 0.00% WINBOND ELECTRONICS CORP 15% 72 328 0.00% WIPRO 15% 112 796 0.00% Wirecard AG 15% 15 689 0.00% WISTRON CORP 15% 216 629 0.00% Wolters Kluwer NV 15% 471 639 0.01% Woodside Petroleum Ltd 15% 19 391 0.00% Woong Jin Coway Co Ltd 15% 4 207 0.00% WOORI FINANCIAL GROUP INC 15% 4 334 0.00% WOORI INVESTMENT & SEC 15% 35 816 0.00% Workday Inc 15% 26 722 0.00% World Fuel Services Corp 15% 32 539 0.00% WPP PLC 15% 16 124 0.00% WR Berkley Corp 15% 19 710 0.00% Wuhu Shunrong Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Co 15% 171 606 0.00% Ltd Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd 15% 11 948 0.00% WuXi Biologics (P Chip) 15% 7 572 0.00% XCMG Construction Machinery Co Ltd 15% 477 392 0.01% Xerox Holdings Corp 15% 385 821 0.01% Xiaomi (P Chip) 15% 13 901 0.00% Xilinx Inc 15% 26 368 0.00% Xylem Inc 15% 14 260 0.00% Yageo Corp 15% 3 214 0.00% Yakult Honsha Co Ltd 15% 5 105 0.00% Yamaha Corp 15% 7 722 0.00% YAMAHA MOTOR CO LTD 15% 5 036 0.00% YAMATO HOLDINGS CO 15% 4 742 0.00% Yara International 15% 5 901 0.00% YUANTA FINANCIAL HOLDING 15% 482 068 0.01% YUM BRANDS INC 15% 24 005 0.00% Yum China Holdings Inc 15% 15 519 0.00% Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc 15% 29 046 0.00% ZIONS BANCORP 15% 11 943 0.00% Zoetis Inc 15% 58 271 0.00% ZOZO Inc 15% 2 651 0.00% AG 15% 46 449 0.00% SE 15% 91 109 0.00% Corp 15% 35 438 0.00% Ally Financial Inc 15% 19 217 0.00%

15 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc 15% 368 686 0.01% Alphabet Inc 15% 5 282 080 0.08% Altice 15% 4 045 0.00% Altria Group Inc 15% 75 191 0.00% Amada Co Ltd 15% 4 339 0.00% Amadeus IT Group SA 15% 33 219 0.00% AMAZON.COM INC 15% 1 758 278 0.03% AMBEV ON (NEW) 15% 21 668 0.00% Amcor Ltd 15% 15 945 0.00% Amedisys Inc 15% 907 489 0.01% Amerada Hess Corp 15% 1 818 639 0.03% Amerco Inc 15% 1 386 961 0.02% Ameren Corp 15% 16 960 0.00% American Electric Power Co. Inc 15% 38 463 0.00% American Express Co 15% 78 167 0.00% American International Group Inc 15% 1 624 962 0.03% American Water Works Co Inc 15% 25 784 0.00% Ameriprise Financial Inc 15% 27 590 0.00% AmerisourceBergen Corp 15% 18 094 0.00% Ametek Inc 15% 18 355 0.00% Amgen Inc 15% 128 276 0.00% Amorepacific Group 15% 2 145 0.00% AMP LIMITED 15% 5 388 0.00% ANA Holdings Inc 15% 4 934 0.00% Analog Devices Inc 15% 39 868 0.00% Anglo American Plc 15% 28 768 0.00% Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 15% 59 410 0.00% ANHUI CONCH CEMENT H 15% 42 961 0.00% ANSYS Inc 15% 28 422 0.00% Anthem Inc 15% 3 956 674 0.06% PLC/UK 15% 44 789 0.00% AP Moller - Maersk A/S 15% 15 943 0.00% Apache Corp 15% 330 372 0.01% Apple Inc 15% 6 010 282 0.09% Applied Materials Inc 15% 56 165 0.00% Aptiv PLC 15% 27 736 0.00% ARAB NATIONAL BANK 15% 44 757 0.00% Aramark 15% 794 369 0.01% ARCH CAPITAL GROUP 15% 23 284 0.00% Arconic Inc 15% 17 670 0.00% Arista Networks Inc 15% 9 358 0.00% Aristocrat Leisure Ltd 15% 10 567 0.00% Arrow Electronics Inc 15% 7 017 0.00% ASAHI BREWERIES LTD 15% 3 797 0.00% ASAHI KASEI CORP 15% 19 956 0.00% ASE INDUSTRIAL HOLDING CO LTD 15% 7 374 0.00% Ashtead Grp Plc 15% 22 037 0.00% ASML Holding NV 15% 109 107 0.00% ASR Nederland NV 15% 392 796 0.01% Assicurazioni 15% 344 302 0.01% Assurant Inc 15% 6 031 0.00% Astellas Pharma Inc 15% 32 933 0.00% Astra International 15% 10 621 0.00% AstraZeneca Plc 15% 117 279 0.00% ASUSTEK COMPUTER 15% 9 948 0.00% ASX LTD 15% 16 772 0.00% AT&T Inc 15% 236 924 0.00% ATLANTICA YIELD PLC 15% 283 611 0.00% Atos SA 15% 9 741 0.00% Auckland International Airport Ltd 15% 14 480 0.00% Aurizon Holdings Ltd 15% 5 758 0.00% Aurobindo Pharmaceuticals 15% 7 551 0.00% Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 15% 35 980 0.00%

16 Autodesk Inc 15% 39 923 0.00% Autoliv Inc 15% 6 213 0.00% Automatic Data Processing Inc 15% 58 046 0.00% AutoZone Inc 15% 1 528 023 0.02% Avery Dennison Corp 15% 9 630 0.00% 15% 20 076 0.00% SA 15% 51 755 0.00% Axfood AB 15% 44 882 0.00% BAE Systems PLC 15% 22 219 0.00% Baidu Inc 15% 31 553 0.00% Bajaj Finance Ltd 15% 14 340 0.00% Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 15% 13 297 0.00% BALL CORP 15% 16 661 0.00% Baloise Holding 15% 4 922 0.00% BANCO BRADESCO PN 15% 439 402 0.01% Banco de Sabadell 15% 941 416 0.01% Banco do Brasil 15% 9 303 0.00% Banco Santander SA 15% 56 508 0.00% Bancolombia SA 15% 14 312 0.00% Bandai Namco Holdings Inc 15% 10 106 0.00% BANGKOK BANK PUBLIC CO NVDR 15% 8 418 0.00% Bank Al-Jazira 15% 69 053 0.00% BANK CENTRAL ASIA 15% 24 657 0.00% BANK CIMB NIAGA TBK PT 15% 6 194 0.00% Bank Hapoalim 15% 83 344 0.00% Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM 15% 60 423 0.00% BANK NEGARA INDONESIA 15% 426 319 0.01% Bank of America Corp 15% 268 459 0.00% Bank of China Ltd 15% 1 553 145 0.02% Bank of Communications Co Ltd 15% 5 299 0.00% Bank of East Asia Ltd 15% 2 712 0.00% Bank of Montreal 15% 1 909 121 0.03% Bank of New York Mellon 15% 36 585 0.00% Bank of Nova Scotia 15% 48 914 0.00% Bank Rakyat Indonesia 15% 17 218 0.00% BANORTE GRUPO FINANCIERO BANORTE SAB DE CV 15% 55 413 0.00% BARCLAYS BANK PLC 15% 34 569 0.00% Barratt Developments PLC 15% 7 740 0.00% Barrick Gold Corp 15% 35 428 0.00% BASF SE 15% 51 803 0.00% Baxter International Inc 15% 38 378 0.00% Bayer AG 15% 1 569 219 0.02% Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 15% 26 100 0.00% BB Seguridade Participacoes SA 15% 127 449 0.00% BBVA 15% 32 926 0.00% BCO SANTANDER CHILE (NEW 15% 4 584 0.00% Becton Dickinson & Co 15% 2 042 559 0.03% Beiersdorf AG 15% 11 852 0.00% BELGACOM 15% 4 668 0.00% Berkeley Group Holdings PLC 15% 7 913 0.00% Berkshire Hathaway Inc 15% 5 644 972 0.09% Best Buy Co Inc 15% 21 134 0.00% BHP Billiton Plc 15% 369 611 0.01% BHP Group Ltd 15% 74 071 0.00% BHP Steel Ltd 15% 9 578 0.00% Bim Birlesik Magazalar 15% 9 835 0.00% Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 15% 1 245 654 0.02% Biogen Idec Inc 15% 49 009 0.00% BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc 15% 15 637 0.00% Blackrock Inc 15% 50 557 0.00% BM&F BOVESPA ON 15% 326 484 0.01% BNP Paribas 15% 60 196 0.00% BOC Hong Kong Hldgs Ltd 15% 9 902 0.00%

17 Boeing Co 15% 153 767 0.00% BOMBARDIER INC 15% 3 054 0.00% Booking Holdings Inc 15% 85 603 0.00% Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Co 15% 731 873 0.01% BorgWarner Inc. 15% 7 185 0.00% Boston Scientific Corp 15% 52 830 0.00% Bouygues SA 15% 6 839 0.00% BP Plc 15% 105 952 0.00% Brambles Ltd 15% 7 950 0.00% BRASIL FOODS ON 15% 2 737 0.00% Brenntag AG 15% 2 084 949 0.03% Bridgestone Corp 15% 17 919 0.00% Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd 15% 233 400 0.00% BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY RIGHTS 15% 1 620 0.00% Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 15% 128 267 0.00% British American Tobacco Plc 15% 85 485 0.00% Brookfield Asset Management Inc 15% 44 625 0.00% Brother Industries Ltd 15% 4 422 0.00% Brown-Forman Corp 15% 13 995 0.00% Bruker Corp 15% 1 606 400 0.03% BT Group PLC 15% 17 370 0.00% Bunge Ltd 15% 6 354 0.00% Bunzl PLC 15% 13 829 0.00% Burberry Group PLC 15% 11 103 0.00% Bureau Veritas SA 15% 312 228 0.00% BYD Co Ltd 15% 3 211 0.00% C H Robinson Worldwide Inc 15% 7 195 0.00% Cadence Design Systems 15% 1 498 958 0.02% CAE INC 15% 8 433 0.00% CAIXABANK SA 15% 12 950 0.00% Caltex Australia Ltd 15% 5 202 0.00% Campbell Soup Co. 15% 7 276 0.00% Canadian National Railway Co 15% 1 019 953 0.02% Canadian Natural Resources Ltd 15% 37 848 0.00% Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd 15% 29 432 0.00% Canadian Utilities Ltd 15% 7 782 0.00% Canon Inc 15% 15 172 0.00% CAP 15% 26 895 0.00% Capgemini SE 15% 23 001 0.00% Capital One Financial Corp 15% 43 870 0.00% Cardinal Health Inc 15% 16 112 0.00% Carlsberg 15% 23 640 0.00% Carmax Inc 15% 8 890 0.00% Carnival PLC 15% 12 704 0.00% Carrefour SA 15% 11 289 0.00% Caterpillar Inc 15% 76 965 0.00% CATHAY FINANCIAL HLDS 15% 49 930 0.00% Cboe Global Markets Inc 15% 9 937 0.00% Celanese Corp Series A 15% 13 594 0.00% CEMEX CPO 15% 7 188 0.00% CENOVUS ENERGY INC 15% 11 389 0.00% Centene Corp 15% 17 933 0.00% Central Japan Railway Co 15% 27 940 0.00% Centrica Plc 15% 7 370 0.00% CenturyLink Inc 15% 11 994 0.00% Cerner Corp 15% 24 547 0.00% CEZ CESKE ENERG. ZAVODY 15% 5 460 0.00% CF Industries Holdings Inc 15% 8 785 0.00% Charles Schwab Corp 15% 44 339 0.00% Charter Communications Inc 15% 73 824 0.00% Check Point Software Technolog 15% 15 315 0.00% CHEGG INC 15% 140 017 0.00% Chevron Corp 15% 194 836 0.00%

18 Chiba Bank Ltd 15% 3 752 0.00% CHINA CITIC BANK H 15% 206 367 0.00% CHINA CONSTRUCTION BK H 15% 1 906 120 0.03% China Gas Holdings Ltd 15% 8 276 0.00% CHINA H 15% 21 987 0.00% CHINA LODGING GRP ADR 15% 7 005 0.00% China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 15% 59 292 0.00% CHINA MINSHENG BANK H 15% 17 827 0.00% China Mobile Ltd 15% 53 545 0.00% CHINA NAT BUILDING MAT H 15% 228 660 0.00% China National Chemical Corp 15% 241 806 0.00% CHINA PETRO & CHEM H 15% 16 615 0.00% China Petroleum & Chemical Corp 15% 11 900 0.00% CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY COMPANY LIMITED 15% 6 056 0.00% CHINA STEEL CORP COMMON 15% 11 738 0.00% CHINA TELECOM CORP H 15% 736 511 0.01% CHINA UNICOM 15% 7 454 0.00% CHINA UNITED NETWORK A 15% 1 339 076 0.02% China Yangtze Power Co Ltd 15% 20 564 0.00% CHINATRUST FINL HLDGS 15% 9 832 0.00% Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc 15% 316 187 0.00% Chr Hansen Holding A/S 15% 6 315 0.00% Chubb Ltd 15% 60 843 0.00% CHUBU ELECTRIC POWER CO INC 15% 9 136 0.00% Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 15% 25 604 0.00% Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc 15% 4 601 0.00% CHUNGHWA TELECOM CO 15% 17 895 0.00% CI FINANCIAL CORPORATION 15% 4 005 0.00% CIBC 15% 322 650 0.01% Cie De St Gobain 15% 18 834 0.00% Cie Financiere Richemont SA 15% 1 100 945 0.02% CIELO 15% 4 088 0.00% Cigna Corp 15% 67 868 0.00% Cincinnati Financial Corp 15% 16 448 0.00% Cintas Corp 15% 17 331 0.00% Cisco Systems Inc 15% 174 783 0.00% Citibank N.A. 15% 155 766 0.00% CITIC PACIFIC 15% 7 137 0.00% Citizens Financial Group 15% 21 624 0.00% Citrix Systems Inc 15% 9 745 0.00% CJ CORP CONVERT PREF 15% 7 623 0.00% CK Hutchison Holdings 15% 22 813 0.00% Clorox Co 15% 22 534 0.00% CLP Holdings Ltd 15% 9 672 0.00% CME Group Inc 15% 1 268 078 0.02% CMS ENERGY CORP 15% 16 190 0.00% Cnh Industrial 15% 12 195 0.00% CNOOC Ltd 15% 838 187 0.01% Coca Cola Co 15% 212 783 0.00% COCHLEAR LIMITED 15% 7 980 0.00% Cognizant Technology Solutions 15% 33 013 0.00% COLES GROUP LIMITED 15% 9 867 0.00% Colgate Palmolive Co 15% 47 443 0.00% Coloplast 15% 24 992 0.00% Colruyt SA 15% 364 900 0.01% Comcast Corp 15% 2 665 875 0.04% Comerica Inc 15% 10 325 0.00% COMFORTDELGRO CORPORATION 15% 3 778 0.00% Commercial International Bank Ltd 15% 13 784 0.00% Commerzbank AG 15% 5 233 0.00% Commonwealth Bank of Australia 15% 85 272 0.00% COMPAL ELECTRONICS 15% 78 0.00% Companhia Vale do Rio Doce 15% 259 587 0.00%

19 Compass Group Plc 15% 34 060 0.00% Conagra Brands Inc 15% 15 516 0.00% Concordia Financial Group Ltd 15% 4 210 0.00% ConocoPhillips 15% 59 992 0.00% Consolidated Edison Inc 15% 24 649 0.00% Constellation Brands Inc 15% 29 332 0.00% Constellation Software Inc 15% 35 795 0.00% Continental AG 15% 14 500 0.00% Corning Inc 15% 17 448 0.00% Costco Wholesale Corp 15% 119 699 0.00% Covestro 15% 8 134 0.00% CP All Pcl 15% 11 874 0.00% Credit Agricole Corporate And Investment Bank 15% 17 915 0.00% Credit Saison Co Ltd 15% 8 370 0.00% Credit Suisse Group AG 15% 36 693 0.00% CRH PLC 15% 575 338 0.01% Crown Holdings Inc 15% 16 019 0.00% CSL Ltd 15% 82 672 0.00% CSX Corp 15% 43 457 0.00% Cummins Inc 15% 27 812 0.00% CVS Health Corp 15% 1 770 764 0.03% CyberAgent Inc 15% 214 129 0.00% D Ieteren Trading 15% 99 708 0.00% Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd 15% 6 265 0.00% Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc 15% 118 425 0.00% DAIKIN INDUSTRIES LTD 15% 32 703 0.00% Daimler AG 15% 45 673 0.00% Daito Trust Cons 15% 5 707 0.00% Danaher Corp 15% 86 216 0.00% Danone SA 15% 48 948 0.00% Danske Bank A/S 15% 11 974 0.00% Darden Restaurants Inc 15% 8 024 0.00% Dassault Systemes SE 15% 17 180 0.00% Daum Communications Corp 15% 227 603 0.00% DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc 15% 9 665 0.00% DBS Group Holdings Ltd 15% 27 627 0.00% DCC 15% 5 711 0.00% Deere & Co 15% 42 502 0.00% Dell Technologies Inc 15% 6 681 0.00% Delta Airlines Inc 15% 9 148 0.00% Denso Corp 15% 10 932 0.00% Dentsu Group Inc 15% 5 753 0.00% Deutsche Bank AG 15% 14 550 0.00% Deutsche Boerse AG 15% 327 712 0.01% Deutsche Post AG 15% 32 183 0.00% Deutsche Telekom AG 15% 47 163 0.00% Devon Energy Corp 15% 12 588 0.00% DexCom Inc 15% 14 089 0.00% Diageo PLC 15% 1 917 783 0.03% DIAMONDBACK ENERGY 15% 15 380 0.00% DIGI.COM 15% 11 567 0.00% Discover Financial Services 15% 19 137 0.00% Discovery Inc 15% 13 520 0.00% DISH Network Corp 15% 9 687 0.00% DNB ASA 15% 20 097 0.00% DOLLAR GENERAL CORP 15% 812 901 0.01% Dollar Tree Inc 15% 21 868 0.00% Dollarama Inc 15% 9 500 0.00% Dominion Energy Inc 15% 2 052 837 0.03% Dominos Pizza Inc 15% 10 813 0.00% Dover Corp 15% 23 544 0.00% DR Horton Inc 15% 16 968 0.00% DTE Energy Co 15% 20 315 0.00%

20 Duke Energy Holding Corp 15% 54 719 0.00% DXC Technology Co 15% 8 920 0.00% E*TRADE Financial Corp 15% 9 602 0.00% E.ON SE 15% 25 474 0.00% EAST JAPAN RAILWAY CO 15% 16 693 0.00% East West Bancorp Inc 15% 8 514 0.00% Eastman Chemical Co 15% 8 752 0.00% Eaton Corp PLC 15% 37 677 0.00% Ebay Inc 15% 32 751 0.00% Ecolab Inc 15% 42 547 0.00% Edison International 15% 22 801 0.00% Edwards Lifesciences 15% 36 449 0.00% Eiffage 15% 20 859 0.00% Eisai Co Ltd 15% 22 228 0.00% Marks & Spencer Plc 15% 4 218 0.00% Marriott International Inc/MD 15% 43 194 0.00% MARSH AND MCLENNAN 15% 46 427 0.00% MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC 15% 529 740 0.01% Marvell Technology Group Ltd 15% 10 264 0.00% Masco Corp 15% 21 946 0.00% Mastercard Inc 15% 4 738 910 0.07% Maxim Integrated Products 15% 14 149 0.00% Mazda Motor Corp 15% 3 971 0.00% McCormick & Co Inc 15% 18 007 0.00% McDonald's Corp 15% 129 188 0.00% McKesson Corp 15% 26 918 0.00% MEDIATEK INC 15% 134 376 0.00% Medibank Private Ltd 15% 4 853 0.00% Mediobanca 15% 5 846 0.00% Medpace Holdings Inc 15% 280 945 0.00% Medtronic Inc 15% 2 094 310 0.03% Meggitt PLC 15% 5 730 0.00% MEIJI Holdings Co Ltd 15% 11 247 0.00% Meinian Onehealth Healthcare Holdings Co Ltd 15% 796 0.00% Merck & Co Inc 15% 203 373 0.00% Merck KGAA 15% 13 057 0.00% Metlife Inc 15% 1 002 616 0.02% Metra OY 15% 4 151 0.00% METRO Wholesale & Food Specialist 15% 2 656 0.00% Mettler Toledo Intl inc 15% 2 309 196 0.04% MGM Resorts International 15% 18 631 0.00% Michelin 15% 23 551 0.00% MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC 15% 26 411 0.00% Micron Technology Inc 15% 60 807 0.00% Microsoft Corp 15% 6 106 086 0.10% Middleby Corp/The 15% 837 702 0.01% MIDEA GROUP CO LTD 15% 19 390 0.00% Millicom International Cellular 15% 1 442 0.00% Minebea Co Ltd 15% 7 519 0.00% MITCHELL'S & BUTLERS 15% 87 574 0.00% Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings C 15% 8 652 0.00% Mitsubishi Corp 15% 23 817 0.00% Mitsubishi Electric Corp 15% 22 584 0.00% Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Lt 15% 10 071 0.00% Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 15% 50 677 0.00% Mitsui & Co Ltd 15% 28 669 0.00% Mitsui Chemicals Inc 15% 4 538 0.00% Mizuho Financial Group Inc 15% 72 155 0.00% MMC NORILSK NICKEL OJSC RTS 15% 6 565 0.00% Mobile Telecommunications Co. Saudi Arabia (Zain) 15% 129 935 0.00% MOBILE TELESYSTEMS ADS EA REP 5 ORD RUB1 15% 5 323 0.00% Mohawk Industies Inc 15% 10 428 0.00% Molina Healthcare Inc 15% 1 169 062 0.02%

21 Molson Coors Beverage Co 15% 10 643 0.00% Moncler S.p.A. 15% 8 662 0.00% Mondelez International Group Inc 15% 69 569 0.00% Mondi Plc 15% 7 953 0.00% MONSTER BEVERAGE CORP 15% 26 968 0.00% Moodys Corp 15% 4 346 587 0.07% Morgan Stanley 15% 49 384 0.00% Morrison Supermarkets Plc 15% 4 636 0.00% Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries 15% 125 831 0.00% Motorola Solutions Inc 15% 25 206 0.00% Mowi ASA 15% 8 504 0.00% MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc 15% 450 412 0.01% MTR Corp Ltd 15% 5 982 0.00% MTU Aero Engines Holding AG 15% 19 196 0.00% 15% 2 484 071 0.04% Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 15% 30 843 0.00% Mylan Inc 15% 9 684 0.00% Myriad Genetics Inc 15% 435 829 0.01% Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd 15% 14 925 0.00% NAN YA PLASTIC 15% 9 162 0.00% Nasdaq Inc 15% 7 884 0.00% National Australia Bank Ltd 15% 38 889 0.00% National Bank of Canada 15% 570 281 0.01% National Commercial Bank SJSC 15% 14 769 0.00% National Grid Ord 15% 2 445 962 0.04% National Oilwell Varco Inc 15% 11 050 0.00% Natixis 15% 3 558 0.00% Naturgy Energy Group SA 15% 7 563 0.00% NCsoft Corp 15% 8 135 0.00% NEC Corp SHS 15% 8 419 0.00% Neste Oyj 15% 10 659 0.00% Nestle SA Registered 15% 2 058 448 0.03% NetApp Inc 15% 26 348 0.00% Netflix Inc 15% 333 929 0.01% New Oriental Education & Technology Group 15% 40 163 0.00% New York Community Bancorp Inc 15% 1 982 386 0.03% Newcrest Mining Ltd 15% 399 586 0.01% Newell Rubbermaid Inc 15% 7 781 0.00% Newmont Corp 15% 22 389 0.00% News Corporation 15% 4 944 0.00% Nexon Co Ltd 15% 6 507 0.00% Next PLC 15% 9 829 0.00% NextEra Energy Inc 15% 89 127 0.00% NGK Insulators Ltd 15% 4 353 0.00% NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd 15% 3 794 0.00% NHN Corp 15% 75 047 0.00% Nidec Corp 15% 31 761 0.00% NIKE Inc 15% 1 451 274 0.02% Nikon Corporation 15% 3 641 0.00% Nippon Express Co Ltd 15% 4 892 0.00% Nippon Meat Packers Inc 15% 9 546 0.00% Nippon Telegraph & Telephone 15% 128 070 0.00% NiSource Inc 15% 7 429 0.00% Nissan Motor Co Ltd 15% 12 549 0.00% Nitori Holdings Co Ltd 15% 11 667 0.00% Noble Energy Inc 15% 11 890 0.00% Nokia OYJ 15% 21 410 0.00% Nomura Holdings Inc 15% 18 604 0.00% Nomura Research Institute Ltd 15% 8 314 0.00% Nordea Bank AB 15% 20 093 0.00% Nordstrom Inc 15% 4 143 0.00% NORILSK NICKEL MMC(RUB) 15% 12 780 0.00% Norsk Hydro ASA 15% 7 924 0.00%

22 Northern Trust Corp 15% 1 877 925 0.03% Northrup Grumman 15% 47 854 0.00% Norton LifeLock Inc 15% 16 153 0.00% Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 15% 6 987 0.00% Novartis 15% 744 178 0.01% NOVATEK MICROELECTRS 15% 335 853 0.01% Novo Nordisk 15% 79 240 0.00% NOVOCURE LTD 15% 213 260 0.00% Novolipetsk Steel 15% 1 536 0.00% Novozymes AS 15% 8 629 0.00% NOW Inc. 15% 74 769 0.00% NSK Ltd 15% 4 054 0.00% NTT Corp 15% 6 210 0.00% NTT DOCOMO Inc 15% 25 979 0.00% Nucor Corp 15% 19 393 0.00% NVIDIA Corp 15% 121 677 0.00% NVR Inc 15% 10 513 0.00% O'Reilly Automotive Inc 15% 27 381 0.00% Obic Co Ltd 15% 12 497 0.00% Occidental Petroleum Corp 15% 32 921 0.00% Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd 15% 6 480 0.00% OGE Energy Corp 15% 7 774 0.00% Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd 15% 23 495 0.00% Okta Inc 15% 13 800 0.00% Old Dominion Freight Line 15% 10 477 0.00% Olympus Corp 15% 592 276 0.01% OMNICOM GROUP 15% 19 681 0.00% Omron Corp 15% 8 697 0.00% OMV AG 15% 7 666 0.00% On Semiconductor 15% 23 330 0.00% ONEOK Inc 15% 24 369 0.00% Onex Corp 15% 4 664 0.00% Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 15% 6 991 0.00% Open Text Corp 15% 20 707 0.00% Oracle Corp 15% 3 051 130 0.05% Orange SA 15% 26 318 0.00% Orica Ltd 15% 273 148 0.00% ORIENTAL LAND CO LTD 15% 21 418 0.00% Orion OYJ 15% 8 278 0.00% Orix Corp 15% 22 847 0.00% ORKLA ASA 15% 7 595 0.00% Otsuka Holding Co Ltd 15% 18 191 0.00% Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd 15% 22 691 0.00% PACCAR INC 15% 26 631 0.00% Pandora A/S 15% 5 540 0.00% Parker-Hannifin Corp 15% 26 513 0.00% Paychex Inc 15% 26 008 0.00% Paycom Software Inc 15% 12 181 0.00% PayPal Holdings Inc 15% 96 544 0.00% Pearson Plc 15% 5 236 0.00% PEGATRON 15% 118 212 0.00% Pembina Pipeline Corp 15% 21 515 0.00% Pentair PLC 15% 9 707 0.00% People's Insurance Company (Group) of China (H) 15% 4 323 0.00% PepsiCo Inc 15% 1 693 102 0.03% Pernod-Ricard 15% 550 995 0.01% Persimmon Plc 15% 8 206 0.00% PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA 15% 217 960 0.00% Petrobras Distribuidora SA 15% 249 798 0.00% PETROBRAS ON 15% 17 786 0.00% PETROBRAS PN 15% 30 466 0.00% PETROCHINA CO H 15% 635 143 0.01% Peugeot S.A. 15% 1 280 691 0.02%

23 Pfizer Inc 15% 186 490 0.00% Philip Morris International Inc 15% 109 118 0.00% Philips Electronics 15% 2 885 516 0.05% Phillips 66 15% 1 913 687 0.03% Group Co of China Ltd 15% 1 492 273 0.02% Pinnacle West Capital Corp 15% 15 060 0.00% Pioneer Natural Resources Co 15% 23 678 0.00% PKO BANK POLSKI 15% 4 873 0.00% PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP 15% 55 183 0.00% Polaris Industries Inc 15% 4 679 0.00% POLSKA GRUPA ENER 15% 69 124 0.00% POLSKI KONCERN NAF ORLEN 15% 650 118 0.01% Porsche AG 15% 8 824 0.00% PORTO SEGURO 15% 234 951 0.00% POSCO 15% 16 766 0.00% POU CHEN CORP 15% 30 058 0.00% Power Corp of Canada 15% 294 186 0.00% Power Financial Corp 15% 5 454 0.00% POWSZECHNY ZAKLAD UBEZP. 15% 7 372 0.00% PPG Industries 15% 30 707 0.00% PPL Corp 15% 22 545 0.00% PrairieSky Royalty Ltd 15% 2 269 0.00% PRESIDENT CHAIN STORE 15% 5 599 0.00% Principal Financial Group 15% 226 871 0.00% Procter & Gamble Co 15% 2 904 342 0.05% Progressive Corp 15% 39 965 0.00% Inc 15% 27 601 0.00% Prysmian SpA 15% 10 829 0.00% PTT EXPLOR + PROD PCL NVDR 15% 102 645 0.00% PTT EXPLORATION + PROD FOR 15% 6 769 0.00% PTT PCL NVDR 15% 84 268 0.00% PUBLIC BANK BERHAD 15% 10 276 0.00% Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 15% 28 498 0.00% Pulte Corp 15% 9 639 0.00% PVH CORP 15% 5 805 0.00% QBE Insurance Group Ltd 15% 7 251 0.00% QIAGEN NV 15% 8 123 0.00% Qorvo Inc 15% 648 582 0.01% Qualcomm Inc 15% 1 773 157 0.03% QUANTA COMPUTER 15% 5 329 0.00% Quebecor Inc 15% 421 245 0.01% Quest Diagnostics Inc 15% 18 414 0.00% Radian Group Inc 15% 43 525 0.00% RALPH LAUREN CORP 15% 5 393 0.00% Ramsay Health Care Ltd 15% 6 174 0.00% Randstad Hldg 15% 5 971 0.00% Raymond James Financial Inc 15% 12 347 0.00% Raytheon Co 15% 46 342 0.00% Raytheon Technologies Corp 15% 1 550 391 0.02% REALTEK SEMICONDUCTOR 15% 178 706 0.00% Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 15% 46 835 0.00% Recruit Holdings Co Ltd 15% 42 688 0.00% Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc 15% 27 605 0.00% Regions Financial Corp 15% 15 512 0.00% Reliance Industries Ltd 15% 372 092 0.01% RELX PLC 15% 39 549 0.00% Renault SA 15% 11 462 0.00% Repsol SA 15% 694 0.00% REPSOL SA RTS 15% 22 839 0.00% REPUBLIC SERVICES COM 15% 12 371 0.00% ResMed Inc 15% 503 524 0.01% Resona Holdings Inc 15% 6 286 0.00% Richter 15% 29 115 0.00%

24 Ricoh Co Ltd 15% 6 459 0.00% RINGKJOEBING LANDBOBANK A/S 15% 43 722 0.00% Rio Tinto PLC 15% 84 886 0.00% RISEN ENERGY CO LTD A 15% 251 727 0.00% Riyad Bank 15% 10 272 0.00% Robert Half International 15% 6 973 0.00% Roche Holding AG 15% 4 209 264 0.07% Rockwell Automation Inc 15% 26 108 0.00% Rogers Communications Inc 15% 20 360 0.00% Roku Inc 15% 11 088 0.00% Rolls-Royce Group PLC 15% 9 362 0.00% Roper Industries Inc 15% 29 334 0.00% ROSNEFT OIL COMPANY 15% 7 328 0.00% Ross Stores Inc 15% 42 752 0.00% Royal Bank of Canada 15% 1 573 248 0.02% Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 15% 7 967 0.00% ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES LTD 15% 25 319 0.00% Royal Dutch Shell 15% 203 993 0.00% Rpm International Inc 15% 26 839 0.00% RSA Insurance Group PLC 15% 5 522 0.00% RURAL ELECTRIFICATION CO 15% 21 250 0.00% RWE AG 15% 12 209 0.00% S Oil Corp 15% 4 208 0.00% SABANCI HLDG (HACI OMER) 15% 337 575 0.01% Safran SA 15% 47 570 0.00% Inc 15% 125 616 0.00% Sampo Oyi 15% 11 454 0.00% Samsung Biologics Co Ltd 15% 6 994 0.00% Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 15% 3 887 230 0.06% SAMSUNG FIRE & MARINE 15% 5 696 0.00% 15% 3 912 0.00% Samsung SDI Co Ltd 15% 10 440 0.00% Samsung SDS Co Ltd 15% 55 157 0.00% Sands China Ltd 15% 149 696 0.00% Sandvik 15% 21 264 0.00% Sanofi-Synthelabo SA 15% 1 930 326 0.03% Santos Ltd 15% 9 295 0.00% SAP SE 15% 751 387 0.01% Saputo Inc 15% 6 561 0.00% Saudi Electricity Co 15% 16 206 0.00% SBERBANK OF RUSSIA 15% 1 306 878 0.02% SBI Holdings Inc 15% 6 076 0.00% Schindler Holding AG 15% 1 863 805 0.03% SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED 15% 1 566 424 0.02% Schneider Electric SE 15% 49 332 0.00% Schroders PLC 15% 5 470 0.00% SCOR SE 15% 6 164 0.00% Seagate Technology 15% 21 253 0.00% Seattle Genetics 15% 324 625 0.01% SeaWorld Entertainment 15% 1 397 803 0.02% Secom Co Ltd 15% 33 940 0.00% Seek Ltd 15% 11 349 0.00% Seiko Epson Corp 15% 3 503 0.00% Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd 15% 6 126 0.00% Sekisui House 15% 18 967 0.00% SEMEN GRESIK 15% 12 622 0.00% SEMPRA ENERGY 15% 33 410 0.00% Service Corp 15% 353 139 0.01% ServiceNow Inc 15% 52 110 0.00% SES SA 15% 4 011 0.00% Seven & I Holdings 15% 2 011 926 0.03% Severn Trent PLC 15% 13 654 0.00% Severstal 15% 3 178 0.00%

25 Sgs SA 15% 11 084 0.00% Shaw Communications Inc 15% 7 479 0.00% Sherwin-Williams Co 15% 2 008 314 0.03% SHIMIZA CORP NPV 15% 4 724 0.00% Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd 15% 36 760 0.00% SHINHAN FINANCIAL GROUP LTD 15% 18 377 0.00% Shionogi & Co. Ltd 15% 21 772 0.00% Shiseido Co Ltd 15% 26 355 0.00% Shizuoka Bank Ltd 15% 4 156 0.00% Shui on Land Ltd 15% 22 356 0.00% SIAM COMMERCIAL BANK FOREIGN 15% 12 405 0.00% Siemens AG 15% 76 168 0.00% Signature Bank/New York NY 15% 10 056 0.00% Signify NV 15% 291 574 0.00% Sika Finanz AG 15% 17 625 0.00% SIME DARBY 15% 1 323 0.00% Sina Corp 15% 3 674 0.00% Singapore Airlines 15% 3 897 0.00% Singapore Exchange Ltd 15% 385 768 0.01% Singapore Press Holdings Ltd 15% 7 444 0.00% SINGAPORE TELECOMM 15% 19 401 0.00% Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd 15% 10 812 0.00% SINOPAC HOLDINGS 15% 78 999 0.00% SINOTRUK (HONG KONG) 15% 549 873 0.01% Sirius XM Holdings Inc 15% 11 513 0.00% SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY INC 15% 240 379 0.00% SK C&C Co Ltd 15% 8 630 0.00% SK ENERGY CO 15% 4 189 0.00% Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken 15% 9 091 0.00% Skanska B 15% 6 062 0.00% Skf Ab Ser 'B' 15% 21 154 0.00% Skyworks Solutions Inc 15% 24 470 0.00% Electricite de France SA 15% 5 203 0.00% ELECTROLUX 15% 4 845 0.00% Electronic Arts Inc 15% 29 360 0.00% EMBRAER 15% 6 453 0.00% Emerson Electric Co 15% 36 488 0.00% EMPRESAS COPEC 15% 4 885 0.00% Enagas 15% 10 945 0.00% ENBRIDGE INC 15% 60 814 0.00% Encana Corp 15% 3 667 0.00% ENCANA CORPORATION 15% 1 960 0.00% Endesa SA 15% 19 075 0.00% Enel SpA 15% 1 192 964 0.02% Energias de Portugal 15% 9 570 0.00% ENERSIS 15% 477 084 0.01% Enersis Chile 15% 31 999 0.00% ENERSIS CHILE SA 15% 27 277 0.00% ENERSIS S.A. SPONS ADR 15% 1 609 075 0.03% ENGIE SA 15% 25 287 0.00% Eni Spa 15% 36 424 0.00% ENN ENERGY HOLDINGS LTD 15% 13 072 0.00% Entergy Corp 15% 15 432 0.00% EOG Resources Inc 15% 1 499 964 0.02% Epiroc 15% 5 904 0.00% Equifax Inc 15% 9 115 0.00% Ericsson Lm 15% 18 004 0.00% Erste Group Bank AG 15% 16 270 0.00% Essilor Intl 15% 41 208 0.00% Estee Lauder Co Inc 15% 1 866 642 0.03% Etihad Etisalat Co 15% 11 473 0.00% Everest Re Group Ltd 15% 7 642 0.00% EVERGY INC 15% 18 566 0.00%

26 Eversource Energy 15% 28 962 0.00% Exelon Corp 15% 1 266 392 0.02% Expedia Group Inc 15% 14 866 0.00% Expeditors International of Washington Inc 15% 12 671 0.00% Experian PLC 15% 32 641 0.00% Exxon Mobil Corp 15% 249 597 0.00% F5 Networks Inc 15% 6 425 0.00% FACEBOOK INC 15% 938 197 0.01% Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd 15% 317 479 0.00% Fanuc Ltd 15% 867 847 0.01% FAR EAST HORIZON 15% 12 280 0.00% Fast Retailing Co Ltd 15% 33 021 0.00% Fastenal Co 15% 24 894 0.00% FedEx Corp 15% 27 827 0.00% Ferguson PLC 15% 23 847 0.00% Ferrari NV 15% 17 552 0.00% Ferrovial SA 15% 12 800 0.00% Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV 15% 17 458 0.00% Fidelity Nationall Information Services 15% 72 795 0.00% Fifth Third Bancorp 15% 23 363 0.00% Fila Korea 15% 38 812 0.00% FIRST FINANCIAL HLDG CO 15% 6 737 0.00% FIRST QUANTUM MINERALS LTD 15% 7 850 0.00% Firstenergy Corp 15% 29 067 0.00% Fiserv Inc 15% 49 942 0.00% Fletcher Building Ltd 15% 3 488 0.00% Flextronics International Ltd 15% 11 031 0.00% FLIR Systems Inc 15% 11 978 0.00% Flowserve Corp 15% 5 495 0.00% FNF Group 15% 8 346 0.00% Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV Units 15% 10 160 0.00% Fondiaria Sai 15% 194 784 0.00% Ford Motor Co 15% 32 115 0.00% FORMOSA CHEMICAL FIBERS 15% 7 252 0.00% FORMOSA PLASTIC CORP 15% 10 415 0.00% Fortinet Inc 15% 15 717 0.00% Fortis Inc 15% 19 880 0.00% Fortive Corp 15% 16 869 0.00% Fortum Oyj 15% 1 042 542 0.02% Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc 15% 7 816 0.00% Fox Corp 15% 11 140 0.00% Franco-Nevada Corp 15% 15 223 0.00% FRASER + NEAVE HOLDINGS BHD 15% 784 0.00% Freeport-McMoRan Inc 15% 16 006 0.00% Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co 15% 17 359 0.00% Fresenius SE & Co KGaA 15% 20 296 0.00% FTI Consulting Inc 15% 1 214 095 0.02% FUBON FINANCIAL HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED 15% 33 750 0.00% FUJIFILM Holdings Corp 15% 21 255 0.00% Fujitsu General Ltd 15% 1 738 086 0.03% Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd 15% 17 624 0.00% Gap Inc 15% 3 091 0.00% Garmin Ltd 15% 8 977 0.00% GEA Group AG 15% 4 981 0.00% Geberit AG 15% 1 073 667 0.02% Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 15% 9 898 0.00% Gen Dynamics Corp 15% 40 518 0.00% General Electric 15% 2 434 218 0.04% General Mills Inc 15% 26 415 0.00% General Motors Co 15% 33 879 0.00% Genmab 15% 193 804 0.00% GENTING 15% 5 144 0.00% Genuine Parts Co 15% 18 972 0.00%

27 Gildan Activewear Inc 15% 5 720 0.00% Gilead Sciences Inc 15% 67 389 0.00% Givaudan 15% 31 681 0.00% GlaxoSmithKline PLC 15% 1 454 382 0.02% Glencore International Plc 15% 34 042 0.00% GLOBALTRANS INVESTMENT PLC 15% 78 499 0.00% GLOBE TELECOM 15% 9 509 0.00% GODADDY INC CLASS A 15% 8 749 0.00% Goldman Sachs Group Inc 15% 63 343 0.00% Graco Inc 15% 1 066 480 0.02% Grainger Inc 15% 18 689 0.00% Great-West Lifeco Inc 15% 111 179 0.00% Grifols SA 15% 8 512 0.00% Groupe Bruxelles Lambert 15% 6 842 0.00% GRUBHUB INC 15% 149 978 0.00% Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SA de CV 15% 5 756 0.00% Grupo Aval Acciones 15% 3 972 0.00% GRUPO TELEVISA CPO 15% 8 165 0.00% GS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION 15% 21 652 0.00% GS HOLDINGS 15% 3 732 0.00% Halliburton Co 15% 19 300 0.00% HANA FINANCIAL GROUP 15% 481 184 0.01% Hanesbrands Inc 15% 4 099 0.00% Hang Seng Bank Ltd 15% 11 788 0.00% Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co Ltd 15% 12 715 0.00% Hankook Tire Co Ltd 15% 2 768 0.00% Hankyu Hanshin Holdings 15% 9 114 0.00% Hannover Rueck SE 15% 416 349 0.01% Harley-Davidson Inc 15% 4 791 0.00% Hartford Financial Services Gr 15% 15 097 0.00% HAYS PLC 15% 159 952 0.00% HCA Healthcare Inc 15% 30 873 0.00% HCL Technologies 15% 14 592 0.00% HDFC BANK LTD ADR 15% 1 503 149 0.02% Heineken 15% 34 578 0.00% Hellenic Telecommunication Org 15% 77 667 0.00% Henkel AG & Co KGaA 15% 17 046 0.00% Hennes And Mauritz 15% 17 384 0.00% Henry Schein Inc 15% 8 595 0.00% Herbalife Ltd 15% 1 532 110 0.02% Hermes International 15% 26 353 0.00% Hewlett-Packard Co 15% 21 744 0.00% Hindustan Petroleum Corp 15% 4 557 0.00% HINDUSTAN UNILEVER 15% 233 486 0.00% Hirose Electric Co Ltd 15% 4 989 0.00% Holcim 15% 22 936 0.00% HollyFrontier Corp 15% 7 466 0.00% Hologic Inc 15% 9 608 0.00% Home Depot Inc 15% 210 060 0.00% HON HAI PRECISION IND CO 15% 1 188 215 0.02% Honda Motor Co Ltd 15% 38 833 0.00% Honeywell International Inc 15% 101 089 0.00% Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 15% 18 120 0.00% Hongkong Electric Hldgs Ltd 15% 11 443 0.00% Hormel Foods Corp 15% 9 132 0.00% Hoya Corp 15% 39 815 0.00% HP Inc 15% 987 322 0.02% HSBC Holdings Plc 15% 139 671 0.00% Humana Inc 15% 2 094 092 0.03% Huntington Bancshares Inc 15% 18 743 0.00% Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc 15% 11 542 0.00% Huron Consulting Group 15% 22 597 0.00% Husky Energy Inc 15% 4 806 0.00%

28 Husqvarna 15% 6 629 0.00% Hynix Semiconductor Inc 15% 1 429 942 0.02% HYUNDAI ENGR. & CONSTR. 15% 3 850 0.00% Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd 15% 359 065 0.01% Hyundai Motor Co Ltd 15% 19 031 0.00% HYUNDAI STEEL CO 15% 2 733 0.00% Iberdrola SA 15% 55 892 0.00% IBM 15% 96 867 0.00% ICON PLC 15% 98 551 0.00% Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd 15% 13 084 0.00% IDEXX Laboratories Inc 15% 21 625 0.00% IFF 15% 7 123 0.00% IHI CORP 15% 3 269 0.00% Illinois Tool Works Inc 15% 47 932 0.00% Illumina Inc 15% 321 431 0.01% Imperial Brands PLC 15% 19 884 0.00% Imperial Oil Ltd 15% 6 093 0.00% Incitec Pivot Ltd 15% 3 396 0.00% IND COM BK CHINA 15% 2 946 022 0.05% Inditex 15% 22 247 0.00% Indocement Tunggal 15% 12 370 0.00% INDOFOOD SUKSES MAKMUR 15% 1 728 0.00% INDUSTRIAS BACHOCO SAB SP AD 15% 6 045 0.00% Infineon Technologies 15% 25 995 0.00% Informa 15% 12 381 0.00% Infosys Technologies 15% 36 183 0.00% Ingersoll-Rand Co Ltd 15% 35 688 0.00% Ingredion Inc 15% 10 417 0.00% Inpex Corp 15% 5 966 0.00% Insulet Corp 15% 12 602 0.00% Insurance Australia Group Ltd 15% 9 389 0.00% Intact Financial Corp 15% 9 964 0.00% Intel Corp 15% 2 007 457 0.03% InterContinental Hotels Group Plc 15% 1 501 686 0.02% International Paper Co 15% 17 796 0.00% Intertek Group PLC 15% 1 391 960 0.02% 15% 32 004 0.00% INTUIT INC 15% 1 395 148 0.02% Intuitive Surgical Inc 15% 54 720 0.00% INVENTEC CO 15% 39 821 0.00% Invesco Ltd 15% 8 437 0.00% Investor AB 15% 24 998 0.00% Investors Group Inc 15% 6 349 0.00% IPG Photonics Corp 15% 17 335 0.00% Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd 15% 3 249 0.00% Israel Discount Bank Ltd 15% 81 545 0.00% ISS A/S 15% 2 029 001 0.03% Isuzu Motors Ltd 15% 6 159 0.00% ITAU UNIBANCO PN 15% 36 235 0.00% ITAUSA PN 15% 20 491 0.00% Itochu Corp 15% 20 815 0.00% ITV PLC 15% 5 643 0.00% J Sainsbury PLC 15% 4 144 0.00% J.M.Smucker Co 15% 9 581 0.00% Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 15% 1 510 192 0.02% Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd 15% 360 869 0.01% Japan Tobacco Inc 15% 21 007 0.00% Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd 15% 166 297 0.00% JB Hunt Transport Services Inc 15% 7 522 0.00% JBS 15% 511 542 0.01% JD.Com Inc 15% 815 264 0.01% JEFFERIES FINANCIAL GROUP INC 15% 1 012 375 0.02% JFE HOLDINGS INC 15% 5 495 0.00%

29 JGC Holdings Corp 15% 3 566 0.00% Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co Ltd 15% 23 372 0.00% Johnson & Johnson 15% 2 246 381 0.04% Johnson Matthey PLC 15% 6 004 0.00% JPMorgan Chase & Co 15% 379 770 0.01% JS Group Corp 15% 3 998 0.00% Julius Baer Group Ltd 15% 16 572 0.00% Juniper Networks Inc 15% 6 346 0.00% Just Eat Plc 15% 179 886 0.00% JXTG Holdings Inc 15% 14 628 0.00% Kajima Corp 15% 4 938 0.00% Kansai Electric Power Co Inc 15% 8 458 0.00% Kansai Paint Co Ltd 15% 11 786 0.00% Kansas City Southern Railway Co 15% 12 683 0.00% KAO CORP 15% 41 263 0.00% KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD 15% 3 262 0.00% KB FINANCIAL GROUP 15% 21 898 0.00% KBC GROUP NV 15% 12 571 0.00% KDDI Corp 15% 47 373 0.00% KEIO CORP 15% 7 835 0.00% Kellogg Co 15% 18 353 0.00% KEPCO KOREA ELECT. POWER 15% 9 213 0.00% Kering 15% 38 743 0.00% Kerry Group PLC 15% 18 624 0.00% Keycorp 15% 22 000 0.00% Keyence Corp 15% 2 856 132 0.04% Keysight Technologies 15% 15 109 0.00% KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ 15% 7 152 0.00% Kia Motors Corp 15% 845 412 0.01% KIKKOMAN CORP 15% 9 093 0.00% Kimberly-Clark Corp 15% 47 968 0.00% Kinder Morgan Inc 15% 34 786 0.00% King Yuan Electronics Co Ltd 15% 27 603 0.00% Kingdee International Software Group 15% 736 0.00% Kingfisher PLC 15% 4 431 0.00% Kinnevik Investment 15% 5 366 0.00% Kinross Gold Corp 15% 5 158 0.00% Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 15% 18 546 0.00% Kirby Corp 15% 451 322 0.01% Kirin Holdings Co Ltd 15% 4 452 0.00% KLA Corp 15% 32 788 0.00% Koc Holding 15% 467 898 0.01% Kohl's Corp 15% 7 032 0.00% Komatsu Ltd 15% 22 369 0.00% Konica Minolta Inc 15% 2 958 0.00% Koninklijke Ahold 15% 58 469 0.00% KONINKLIJKE KPN 15% 987 460 0.02% Koninklijke Vopak NV 15% 1 878 643 0.03% KRAFT FOODS GROUP INC 15% 17 171 0.00% Kroger Co 15% 22 940 0.00% KROTON EDUCACIONAL ON 15% 3 346 0.00% KT CORP 15% 262 0.00% KT CORP SP ADR 15% 601 967 0.01% KT&G CORP(KOREA TOBACCO) 15% 13 941 0.00% Kubota Corp 15% 18 706 0.00% Kuraray Co Ltd 15% 9 128 0.00% Kyocera Corp 15% 23 433 0.00% Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc 15% 3 521 0.00% L'Oreal 15% 70 349 0.00% Laboratory Corp Of America Hol 15% 9 729 0.00% Lam Research Corp 15% 484 871 0.01% Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 15% 15 040 0.00% LAN AIRLINES 15% 7 092 0.00%

30 LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP 15% 16 421 0.00% Lawson Inc 15% 3 145 0.00% Lear Corp 15% 8 837 0.00% Legal And General Gp 15% 25 571 0.00% Leggett & Platt Inc 15% 12 562 0.00% Legrand 15% 22 680 0.00% Leidos Holdings Inc 15% 13 511 0.00% Lendingtree Inc 15% 174 329 0.00% Lennar Corp 15% 11 807 0.00% Lenovo Group Ltd 15% 4 817 0.00% Leonardo SpA 15% 4 057 0.00% LG Chem Ltd 15% 9 271 0.00% LG Corp 15% 6 494 0.00% LG DISPLAY CO 15% 429 997 0.01% LG ELECTRONICS (NEW) 15% 676 178 0.01% LG Household & Health Care Ltd 15% 10 434 0.00% LG UPLUS 15% 272 309 0.00% Liberty Broadband Corp 15% 20 827 0.00% Liberty Global PLC 15% 9 827 0.00% Lilly (Eli) & Co 15% 95 319 0.00% Lincoln National Corp 15% 60 523 0.00% Linde plc 15% 3 015 161 0.05% LKQ Corp 15% 15 623 0.00% Lloyds Banking Group Plc 15% 41 738 0.00% Loblaw Cos Ltd 15% 9 984 0.00% Lockheed Martin Corp 15% 78 248 0.00% Loews Corp 15% 10 142 0.00% Group plc 15% 39 629 0.00% Lonza Grp 15% 24 030 0.00% Lowe's Co Inc 15% 1 626 325 0.03% LUKOIL 15% 43 222 0.00% Lululemon Athletica Inc 15% 19 185 0.00% LUPIN 15% 8 053 0.00% Lvmh Moet Hennessy 15% 1 254 704 0.02% LyondellBasell Industries 15% 16 517 0.00% M&G PLC 15% 195 448 0.00% M&T Bank 15% 22 523 0.00% Macquarie Group Ltd 15% 30 824 0.00% MACRONIX INTERNATIONAL 15% 137 496 0.00% Magna International Inc 15% 12 939 0.00% MAGNITOGORS SPON GDR REGS 15% 35 518 0.00% MAGYAR TELEKOM 15% 6 958 0.00% MAHANAGAR GAS LTD 15% 17 630 0.00% Makita Corp 15% 5 807 0.00% Malayan Banking 15% 34 352 0.00% Malaysia Airports 15% 96 495 0.00% ManpowerGroup Inc 15% 386 581 0.01% Marathon Oil Corp 15% 10 496 0.00% Marathon Petroleum Corp 15% 34 638 0.00% MARKEL CORP 15% 349 980 0.01% MarketAxess Holdings Inc 15% 257 486 0.00% (a)(ii) Issuer market capitalisation of between R2 billion and R20 billion, or an SARB amount or conditions as prescribed maximum 5 974 074 0.09% limits 4imprint Group PLC 10% 9 751 0.00% Acorda Therapeutics 10% 15 131 0.00% AGF Management Ltd 10% 31 195 0.00% Aichi Tokei Denki Co Ltd 10% 8 546 0.00% Air Arabia 10% 23 945 0.00% AL KHALIJ COMMERCIAL BANK 10% 13 077 0.00% Anika Therapeutics Inc 10% 163 706 0.00% Annaly Capital Management Inc 10% 12 308 0.00% ARCADYAN TECHNOLOGY CORP 10% 1 146 0.00% ASIA CEMENT CHINA HLDGS 10% 20 863 0.00%

31 Avid Technology 10% 81 284 0.00% AVON Products Inc 10% 49 250 0.00% BETSSON AB 10% 19 005 0.00% BOLSA MEXICANA DE VALORES SA 10% 9 776 0.00% BR Properties SA ON 10% 52 311 0.00% CHINA MOTOR CORP 10% 17 814 0.00% China Yuchai 10% 12 616 0.00% ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES INC 10% 11 069 0.00% Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spru 10% 16 249 0.00% Church & Dwight Co Inc 10% 15 533 0.00% Cia Energetica do Ceara 10% 18 0.00% CJ HELLOVISION CO LTD 10% 1 092 0.00% Consolidated Communications Holdings 10% 62 830 0.00% CONSTRUTORA TENDA SA 10% 23 951 0.00% CORETRONIC CORPORATION 10% 12 278 0.00% COTA CO LTD 10% 5 017 0.00% EMIS GROUP PLC 10% 63 239 0.00% ENEA POLAND 10% 27 513 0.00% ENERGA SA 10% 10 930 0.00% Even Construtora e Incorporadora SA ON 10% 171 144 0.00% Evertz Technologies Ltd 10% 2 894 0.00% First Gen Corp 10% 18 869 0.00% FLUIDIGM 10% 19 982 0.00% FOX WIZEL LTD 10% 38 435 0.00% GAKKEN CO 10% 32 591 0.00% GAMANIA DIGITAL ENTERTA 10% 35 420 0.00% GANSU QILIANSHAN CEMENT GR A 10% 89 912 0.00% HINDUJA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS LTD 10% 2 291 0.00% HOMESTREET 10% 48 507 0.00% HYUNDAI HY COM & NETWRK 10% 44 828 0.00% JAYA BERSAMA INDO TBK PT 10% 4 945 0.00% Kamei 10% 9 115 0.00% KISCO Holdings Co Ltd 10% 42 0.00% KONAKA CO 10% 3 225 0.00% Lattice Semiconductor Corp 10% 49 177 0.00% LG Fashion 10% 7 224 0.00% LIFEVANTAGE CORP 10% 52 374 0.00% LOPEZ HOLDINGS CORP 10% 3 010 0.00% Luminex Corp 10% 59 927 0.00% M/I Homes Inc 10% 150 821 0.00% MAGNACHIP SEMICONDUCT 10% 29 175 0.00% MERCER INTERNATIONAL INC 10% 11 565 0.00% MSCI Inc 10% 2 089 317 0.03% NETDRAGON WEBSOFT 10% 42 787 0.00% NEXTGEN HEALTHCARE INC 10% 94 632 0.00% NIHON TRIM CO 10% 16 713 0.00% Nitto Kogyo Corp 10% 20 478 0.00% NN Group N.V. 10% 497 333 0.01% PHOTRONICS INC 10% 62 916 0.00% Public Power Corporation S.A. 10% 27 693 0.00% PUMA BIOTECHNOLOGY 10% 31 527 0.00% QIWI PLC SPONSORED ADR 10% 180 736 0.00% Radiant Opto-Electronics Corp 10% 138 402 0.00% REAL MATTERS INC 10% 37 596 0.00% Risesun Real Estate Development Co Ltd 10% 54 714 0.00% ROCKY BRANDS INC 10% 18 180 0.00% RR Donnelley and Sons Co 10% 73 891 0.00% SIAMGAS + PETROCHEMICAL NVDR 10% 18 139 0.00% Sitronix Technology 10% 13 799 0.00% SONATA SOFTWARE LTD 10% 17 005 0.00% SSI GROUP INC 10% 7 226 0.00% SYARIKAT TAKAFUL 10% 11 700 0.00% TaeKwang Industrial 10% 123 802 0.00%

32 TCL Multimedia Techology Holdings (Red Chip) 10% 12 225 0.00% TOHO GAS CO 10% 5 772 0.00% Topco Scientific 10% 60 839 0.00% TRAVELZOO 10% 6 377 0.00% Triple S Management Corp 10% 86 020 0.00% UNIMICRON TECHNOLOGY 10% 143 725 0.00% Unisem (M) 10% 12 689 0.00% WARRIOR MET COAL INC 10% 274 868 0.00% Weiqiao Textile (H) 10% 12 700 0.00% Weston George Ltd 10% 14 496 0.00% WIZ SOLS E CORR DE SEG 10% 14 203 0.00% Xperi Corp 10% 62 064 0.00% YOUGOV PLC 10% 12 594 0.00% (a)(iii) Issuer market capitalisation of less than R2 billion, or an amount or SARB conditions as prescribed maximum 90 681 407 1.42% limits 11 BIT STUDIOS SA 5% 10 568 0.00% ABOITIZ EQUITY VENTURES 5% 2 881 0.00% Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 5% 7 377 0.00% ACS ACTIVIDADES CONS 5% 19 353 0.00% AEM 5% 76 471 0.00% Aena SA 5% 8 999 0.00% Aeon Co Ltd 5% 30 600 0.00% Agile Group Holdings Ltd 5% 190 301 0.00% AGUAS ANDINAS 5% 3 077 0.00% Aiphone 5% 3 173 0.00% Air Water Inc 5% 6 773 0.00% AIRPORTS OF THAILAND PCL-FOR 5% 11 860 0.00% AL HASSAN G.I. SHAKER CO 5% 16 790 0.00% Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corp 5% 21 587 0.00% Alaska Comms Systems 5% 21 551 0.00% Alcon Inc 5% 21 558 0.00% ALIBABA PICTURES GROUP 5% 6 633 0.00% Alliance Data Systems Corp 5% 5 162 0.00% Alps Electric Co Ltd 5% 9 284 0.00% AltaGas. 5% 2 807 0.00% AMERICA MOVIL L 5% 93 737 0.00% American Airlines Group Inc 5% 3 695 0.00% American Equity Investment Life Holding Co 5% 45 677 0.00% AMERICAN TOWER CORP 5% 84 332 0.00% AMMB HOLDINGS 5% 22 444 0.00% Amphenol Corp 5% 32 525 0.00% Andritz AG 5% 3 335 0.00% ANTA SPORTS PRODUCTS 5% 13 179 0.00% Aozora Bank Ltd 5% 3 182 0.00% APACER TECHNOLOGY INC 5% 11 244 0.00% APCB 5% 3 948 0.00% APELOA PHARMACEUTICAL CO A 5% 159 207 0.00% APM AUTOMOTIVE HLDGS 5% 5 936 0.00% APPLIED GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES 5% 13 399 0.00% ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS INC 5% 175 788 0.00% ARKEMA 5% 13 341 0.00% ARTNATURE INC 5% 22 090 0.00% Asia Cement Corp 5% 11 922 0.00% ASM International NV 5% 133 062 0.00% Assa Abloy Ser B 5% 23 494 0.00% ASSERTIO THERAPEUTICS INC 5% 30 274 0.00% Athene Holding Ltd 5% 1 279 932 0.02% ATLAS COPCO AB 5% 355 334 0.01% Atmos Energy Corp 5% 11 322 0.00% AUK CORP 5% 39 0.00% Auto Trader Group PLC 5% 6 084 0.00% AUTOHOME INC ADR 5% 245 580 0.00% AVIVASA EMEKLILIK VE 5% 24 662 0.00%

33 AXALTA COATING SYSTEMS 5% 5 315 0.00% Axis Bank 5% 17 530 0.00% Axon Enterprise Inc 5% 196 293 0.00% AYALA CORP 5% 6 565 0.00% Ayala Land Inc 5% 11 085 0.00% Azimut Hldg Spa 5% 213 220 0.00% Baker Hughes Co 5% 10 016 0.00% SpA 5% 49 218 0.00% BANCO BRADESCO ON 5% 9 391 0.00% Banco Santander Brasil 5% 6 570 0.00% Banco Santander SA 5% 1 423 524 0.02% BANGKOK DUSIT MED SERVICE F 5% 19 448 0.00% Bank of Ireland 5% 203 813 0.00% BANK PEKAO 5% 4 759 0.00% BANK PEMBANGUNAN DAE 5% 4 832 0.00% BANK ZACHODNI WBK 5% 10 792 0.00% Bankia 5% 7 009 0.00% BANQUE SAUDI FRANSI 5% 11 624 0.00% BANRISUL PNB 5% 53 676 0.00% BAOYE GROUP CO H 5% 4 045 0.00% BDO UNIBANK 5% 5 790 0.00% Beazer Homes USA Inc 5% 41 589 0.00% BERJAYA AUTO BHD 5% 6 591 0.00% Bharti Airtel 5% 12 829 0.00% BIMB HLDGS 5% 10 208 0.00% Blackstone Group Inc/The 5% 30 368 0.00% BMW FINANCE NV 5% 1 500 060 0.02% Broadcom Corp 5% 1 948 194 0.03% Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 5% 330 963 0.01% Build King Holdings Ltd 5% 7 600 0.00% Builders FirstSource Inc 5% 173 846 0.00% Bunka Shutter 5% 31 374 0.00% Arabia 5% 88 606 0.00% Burlington Stores Inc 5% 14 687 0.00% BYD CO H 5% 3 211 0.00% Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 5% 2 723 0.00% Canaccord Financial 5% 9 250 0.00% Canadian Tire Corp Ltd 5% 5 603 0.00% CANARE ELECTRIC CO LTD 5% 8 908 0.00% CapitaLand Ltd 5% 6 569 0.00% CAREER EDUCATION COM USD 5% 17 781 0.00% Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 5% 13 775 0.00% Carnival PLC 5% 18 212 0.00% Catcher Technology Co Ltd 5% 4 181 0.00% CBRE Group Inc 5% 27 069 0.00% CCL Industries Inc 5% 3 925 0.00% CCR RODOVIAS ON 5% 7 945 0.00% CD PROJEKT 5% 389 963 0.01% CDK Global Inc 5% 5 534 0.00% CDW Corp/DE 5% 15 772 0.00% CECEP COSTIN NEW MATRLS 5% 0 0.00% Celltrion Inc 5% 13 264 0.00% CENCOSUD 5% 1 826 0.00% CenterPoint Energy Inc 5% 8 782 0.00% CGI Inc 5% 28 530 0.00% CGN Power (H) 5% 3 488 0.00% CHAILEASE HOLDING 5% 16 466 0.00% Challenger Financial Services Group Ltd 5% 3 087 0.00% CHANGGANG DUNXIN ENTERPRISE 5% 0 0.00% Cheil Industries Inc 5% 5 447 0.00% CHEIL WORLDWIDE 5% 91 923 0.00% CHENG SHIN RUBBER IND 5% 3 336 0.00% Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings LLC 5% 8 991 0.00%

34 Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd 5% 3 929 0.00% CHICONY ELECTRONICS CO 5% 80 056 0.00% Chimei Innolux Corporation 5% 192 706 0.00% China Cinda Asset Management (H) 5% 2 696 0.00% CHINA COMM SERVI H 5% 56 249 0.00% China Conch Venture Holdings (P Chip) 5% 12 647 0.00% CHINA DEV FINANCIAL HLDS 5% 5 764 0.00% China Everbright International (Red Chip) 5% 2 436 0.00% China Evergrande Group 5% 8 928 0.00% CHINA LESSO GROUP HOLDINGS L 5% 31 906 0.00% CHINA LIFE INSURANCE CO 5% 31 288 0.00% CHINA MENGNIU DAIRY CO 5% 10 787 0.00% China Merchants Bank Co Ltd 5% 30 505 0.00% China Merchants Hldgs (Intl) Co Ltd 5% 6 848 0.00% CHINA OVERSEAS GD OCEANS 5% 39 829 0.00% China Overseas Land and Investment Ltd 5% 20 787 0.00% CHINA PACIFIC INS GRP H 5% 8 266 0.00% China Pharmaceutical Group (Red Chip) 5% 11 848 0.00% China Resources Enterprise 5% 11 197 0.00% China Resources Land Ltd 5% 12 829 0.00% CHINA RESOURCES POWER 5% 8 010 0.00% CHINA SUNSINE CHEMICAL HLDGS 5% 12 098 0.00% CHINA TAIPING INSURANCE 5% 4 928 0.00% China Tower Corp Ltd 5% 13 487 0.00% Chong Hong Construction Co 5% 21 639 0.00% CIA DE DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL 5% 37 411 0.00% CIA SANEAMENTO DO PARANA PRF 5% 32 253 0.00% CIE DE SAINT GOBAIN 5% 789 663 0.01% CIFI Holdings Group Co Ltd 5% 23 779 0.00% CIPLA 5% 3 839 0.00% CITIC Guoan Information Industry Co Ltd 5% 11 255 0.00% CITIC Securities (H) 5% 4 829 0.00% Clas Ohlson B 5% 116 988 0.00% Clean Harbors 5% 452 532 0.01% CLOETTA AB B SHS 5% 48 748 0.00% CMPC (EMPRESAS) 5% 4 480 0.00% Coca Cola Co 5% 9 555 0.00% COGECO COMMUNICATIONS INC 5% 281 060 0.00% COGECO INC 5% 202 390 0.00% Cognex Corp 5% 8 766 0.00% CommVault Systems Inc 5% 52 431 0.00% COMPAGNIE DES ALPES 5% 12 602 0.00% Computer Programs and Systems Inc 5% 39 254 0.00% CONCHO RESOURCES INC 5% 12 981 0.00% Cooper Cos Inc/The 5% 11 825 0.00% CORP FIN COLOMBIANA ORD 5% 10 274 0.00% Corteva Inc 5% 1 786 276 0.03% Cosal Ltd 5% 68 163 0.00% CoStar Group 5% 22 021 0.00% COTY A 5% 3 830 0.00% Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd 5% 666 719 0.01% Credicorp Ltd 5% 11 766 0.00% Croda International PLC 5% 6 753 0.00% Crown Castle International Corp 5% 43 372 0.00% CTRIP COM INTERNATIONAL LTD 5% 188 138 0.00% CUMBERLAND PHARMACEUTICALS 5% 9 374 0.00% DAESUNG ENERGY CO LTD 5% 10 766 0.00% DAEWOO SECURITIES CO 5% 6 251 0.00% Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 5% 31 823 0.00% DAIKEN MEDICAL CO LTD 5% 4 936 0.00% Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd 5% 12 342 0.00% DANAWA CO LTD 5% 23 380 0.00% Data#3 Limited 5% 12 358 0.00%

35 Davide Campari 5% 15 490 0.00% Deckers Outdoor Corp 5% 67 707 0.00% Delta Electronics Inc 5% 13 486 0.00% DENTSPLY SIRONA 5% 15 970 0.00% Deutsche Lufthansa 5% 19 0.00% DEXIN CHINA HOLDINGS 5% 33 586 0.00% DGB FINANCIAL HOLDINGS 5% 60 516 0.00% Dialog Group 5% 13 022 0.00% Dialog Semiconductor PLC 5% 260 466 0.00% DIMERCO EXPRESS CORP 5% 9 848 0.00% Direct Line Insurance Grp 5% 4 177 0.00% DK UIL CO LTD 5% 10 118 0.00% Dogus Otomotiv Servis 5% 12 875 0.00% Don Quijote Holdings Co Ltd 5% 7 360 0.00% DONG Energy 5% 14 590 0.00% DONG-IL CORP 5% 13 822 0.00% Dongbu HiTek 5% 231 026 0.00% Dongbu Sec 5% 3 991 0.00% DONGFENG MOTOR GROUP H 5% 5 194 0.00% DONGWOO CO LTD 5% 13 388 0.00% DONGYANG E+P INC 5% 22 388 0.00% Doutor Nichires Holdings Co Ltd 5% 38 388 0.00% DP World 5% 5 182 0.00% DSV PANALPINA A/S 5% 15 399 0.00% Dufry 5% 3 978 0.00% DUPONT DE NEMOURS INC 5% 37 464 0.00% DYNAM JAPAN HOLDINGS CO LTD 5% 14 092 0.00% E-Mini S&P 500 5% (2 055 575) -0.03% E.SUN FINANCIAL HOLDINGS 5% 22 542 0.00% Eaton Vance Corp 5% 5 155 0.00% EBARA JITSUGYO CO LTD 5% 31 561 0.00% ECOPETROL 5% 3 847 0.00% Edenred EUR 5% 15 379 0.00% Edion Corp 5% 20 716 0.00% EDP ENERGIAS DO BRASIL 5% 70 655 0.00% EDP Renovaveis 5% 12 960 0.00% ELECTRICITY GEN PUB CO FOR R 5% 14 005 0.00% Elisa 5% 20 688 0.00% EMART CO 5% 2 698 0.00% EMIRATES TELECOM CORP 5% 7 529 0.00% EMPEROR ENTERTAINMENT HOTEL 5% 10 036 0.00% ENANTA PHARMACEUT 5% 254 748 0.00% Epiroc 5% 219 735 0.00% EQUATORIAL ENERGIA ON 5% 8 341 0.00% Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari 5% 121 209 0.00% Essity Aktiebolag B 5% 20 970 0.00% EVERI HOLDINGS INC 5% 21 704 0.00% EXACT SCIENCES CORP 5% 11 062 0.00% SpA 5% 722 474 0.01% FALABELLA 5% 2 383 0.00% FamilyMart 5% 6 223 0.00% FAR EASTERN NEW CENTURY 5% 5 864 0.00% FAR EASTONE TELECOM. CO 5% 4 869 0.00% FARGLORY DEVELOPERS CO 5% 20 244 0.00% FAVELLE FAVCO BHD 5% 5 910 0.00% FII BTG PACTUAL CORP OFFICE 5% 8 791 0.00% Finnair Oyj 5% 2 482 0.00% First International Bank of Israel Ltd 5% 191 987 0.00% First Republic Bank/CA 5% 20 166 0.00% FleetCor Technologies Inc 5% 18 532 0.00% FMC Corp 5% 11 022 0.00% Fortescue Metals Group Ltd 5% 973 617 0.02% FOSUN INT'L(CN) 5% 4 829 0.00%

36 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIAL 5% 16 486 0.00% Fox Corp 5% 3 795 0.00% France Bed Holdings 5% 8 725 0.00% FRONTKEN CORP BHD 5% 28 374 0.00% Fuji Media Holdings Inc 5% 46 129 0.00% Fujikura Kasei 5% 8 161 0.00% FUJIMAK CORP 5% 6 923 0.00% Fujitsu Frontech 5% 38 543 0.00% FUSHAN INT'L ENERGY(CN) 5% 7 946 0.00% G BITS NETWORK TECHNOLOGY A 5% 33 375 0.00% G4S PLC 5% 3 955 0.00% GAKUJO CO LTD 5% 36 253 0.00% GALLAGHER (ARTHUR J.) 5% 448 792 0.01% Galp Energia SGPS SA 5% 7 585 0.00% GARDEN REACH SHIPBUILDERS + 5% 14 879 0.00% Gartner Inc 5% 9 925 0.00% GAZPROM OAO 5% 46 492 0.00% Gentera 5% 14 381 0.00% Genting Malaysia 5% 2 968 0.00% Geo Group 5% 1 407 313 0.02% GEODESIC LTD 5% 0 0.00% Getlink SE 5% 7 710 0.00% GHP SPECIALITY CARE AB 5% 19 525 0.00% Gibraltar Industries Inc 5% 28 350 0.00% GINEBRA SAN MIGUEL INC 5% 3 515 0.00% Global Payments Inc 5% 51 838 0.00% GLOBANT 5% 4 879 0.00% Glu Mobile Inc 5% 102 820 0.00% Godrej Consumer Products 5% 6 156 0.00% Goldcrest Co Ltd 5% 21 479 0.00% GOLDPAC GROUP 5% 6 715 0.00% GPO. INVER. SURAMERICANA 5% 5 363 0.00% Grasim Industries Ltd 5% 8 533 0.00% GRAVITY CO LTD 5% 9 762 0.00% GREAT LAKES DREDGE DOCK 5% 69 291 0.00% Greatek Electronics 5% 9 503 0.00% GROUPE CRIT 5% 22 074 0.00% GRUPO BIMBO A 5% 4 062 0.00% GULF ENERGY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 5% 20 448 0.00% Gunnebo 5% 14 396 0.00% GVC Holdings PLC 5% 10 725 0.00% Haier Electronics Group 5% 6 326 0.00% Haitong Securities (H) 5% 3 480 0.00% Hakon Invest AB 5% 21 932 0.00% HALLADOR ENERGY CO 5% 40 810 0.00% Hamamatsu Photonics KK 5% 6 089 0.00% HANG LUNG PROPERTIES 5% 5 048 0.00% HAPPINET CORP 5% 34 555 0.00% Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 5% 6 533 0.00% HARROW HEALTH INC 5% 37 628 0.00% Harvard Bioscience Inc 5% 14 266 0.00% HARVIA OYJ 5% 2 230 0.00% HAVELLS INDIA LTD 5% 9 399 0.00% HEADLAM GROUP ORD GBP 0.05 5% 12 363 0.00% Heidelberg Cement AG 5% 12 453 0.00% Heidrick & Struggles International Inc 5% 182 951 0.00% HENDERSON LAND 5% 6 012 0.00% Hengan International Group Co Ltd 5% 7 209 0.00% Herman Miller Inc 5% 43 960 0.00% Hexagon AB 5% 14 413 0.00% HEXAWARE TECHNOLOGIES LTD 5% 31 984 0.00% HIGH ARCTIC ENERGY SERVICES 5% 6 301 0.00% HILTON WORLDWIDE HLDGS 5% 25 166 0.00%

37 HINDALCO INDUSTRIES 5% 5 629 0.00% Hitachi Ltd 5% 35 251 0.00% HKEX 5% 35 254 0.00% HKT Trust and HKT Ltd 5% 13 874 0.00% HOKKAIDO COCA COLA BOTTLING 5% 4 859 0.00% HOKURIKU GAS CO LTD 5% 1 998 0.00% Honam Petrochemical Corp 5% 2 976 0.00% HONG LEONG BANK 5% 5 274 0.00% HONG LEONG FINANCE LTD 5% 31 038 0.00% Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd 5% 5 502 0.00% Hoshizaki Corp 5% 21 075 0.00% Hosokawa Micron 5% 39 335 0.00% HOTAI MOTOR COMPANY 5% 14 675 0.00% HOUSING DEV FINANCE CORP 5% 552 850 0.01% Howard Hughes 5% 136 762 0.00% HUA NAN FINANCIAL HLDGS 5% 7 891 0.00% Huatai Securities (H) 5% 3 189 0.00% HUMAN HOLDINGS CO LTD 5% 9 508 0.00% Hung Poo Real Estate Development 5% 21 378 0.00% HURXLEY CORP 5% 11 817 0.00% Hyundai Robotics 5% 1 775 0.00% iA Financial Corp Inc 5% 876 320 0.01% Iac Interactivecor 5% 16 045 0.00% ICICI BANK 5% 509 082 0.01% IDEX Corp 5% 12 661 0.00% IHH Healthcare 5% 11 345 0.00% Trend Micro Inc/Japan 5% 9 009 0.00% Trinity Mirror 5% 22 688 0.00% TRISUL 5% 26 239 0.00% Trueblue Inc 5% 80 481 0.00% TRUIST FINANCIAL CORP 5% 66 798 0.00% Tsann Kuen Enterprise 5% 9 416 0.00% TSINGTAO BREWERY H 5% 114 367 0.00% TUI Group 5% 4 651 0.00% TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZMET 5% 3 432 0.00% Twilio Inc 5% 8 139 0.00% Twitter Inc 5% 19 169 0.00% Uber Technologies Inc 5% 21 892 0.00% UMICORE 5% 8 424 0.00% UNILEVER INDONESIA 5% 5 206 0.00% UNITED DEVELOPMENT CO 5% 23 409 0.00% United Internet AG 5% 3 030 0.00% United Urban Investment Corp 5% 5 172 0.00% Universal Robina 5% 3 143 0.00% Unum Group 5% 9 284 0.00% Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc 5% 7 171 0.00% VALUETRONICS HOLDINGS LTD 5% 20 864 0.00% Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc 5% 217 514 0.00% VARUN INDUSTRIES LTD 5% 0 0.00% Vectrus 5% 17 304 0.00% VEON LTD 5% 121 194 0.00% Verint Systems 5% 10 217 0.00% Vestel Elektronic Sanayi 5% 73 298 0.00% ViacomCBS Inc 5% 26 847 0.00% VICINITY CENTRES 5% 4 597 0.00% VICTORY CAPITAL HOLDING A 5% 947 0.00% Vipshop Holdings Ltd 5% 593 090 0.01% VITRO S.A.B. SERIES A 5% 6 686 0.00% Volkswagen 5% 37 002 0.00% VONOVIA SE 5% 28 774 0.00% VTB BANK(RUB) 5% 3 310 0.00% WANT WANT CHINA HLDGS 5% 6 534 0.00% WASTE CONNECTIONS 5% 26 732 0.00%

38 Watami 5% 564 0.00% WEIBO CORP-SPON ADR 5% 2 985 0.00% Weir Group Plc 5% 3 715 0.00% Welltower Inc 5% 26 931 0.00% WESTROCK COMPANY 5% 14 214 0.00% WH Group Ltd 5% 8 603 0.00% Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd 5% 9 546 0.00% Wheaton Precious Metals Corp 5% 11 790 0.00% Wheelock and Co Ltd 5% 5 521 0.00% WHIRLPOOL OF INDIA (NSE) 5% 10 369 0.00% Woolworths Holdings Ltd 5% 31 320 0.00% Worldline SA/France 5% 15 360 0.00% WPIL LTD 5% 4 650 0.00% Wynn Macau Ltd 5% 4 353 0.00% Wynn Resorts 5% 8 944 0.00% Xcel Energy Inc 5% 30 553 0.00% XINYU IRON + STEEL CO LTD A 5% 14 197 0.00% XLMEDIA PLC 5% 18 466 0.00% XPO Logistics Inc 5% 8 800 0.00% Yamaguchi Financial Group Inc 5% 12 467 0.00% YAPI VE KREDI BANKASI 5% 306 949 0.00% YIHAI INTL HLDG 5% 154 111 0.00% Z Holdings Corp 5% 19 633 0.00% ZHEN DING TECHNOLOGY 5% 148 617 0.00% ZILLOW GROUP C 5% 335 570 0.01% ZTO Express ADS (N Shares) 5% 25 567 0.00% Zuken 5% 48 944 0.00% IHS Inc 5% 24 266 0.00% IJM CORP 5% 4 769 0.00% ILIAD NPV 5% 2 936 0.00% Inaba Seisakusho 5% 1 847 0.00% Incyte Corp 5% 15 201 0.00% Indian Oil 5% 12 353 0.00% INDUSTRIAS ROMI ON 5% 94 0.00% INDUSTRIES QATAR 5% 5 747 0.00% ING GROEP 5% 40 316 0.00% Insight Enterprises 5% 106 926 0.00% INTER PARFUMS 5% 131 665 0.00% INTER PIPELINE 5% 10 692 0.00% Interactive Brokers Group 5% 138 856 0.00% IntercontinentalExchange Group 5% 44 504 0.00% International Games System 5% 24 715 0.00% International Personal Finance Plc 5% 1 157 0.00% Interpark 5% 4 577 0.00% INTOPS Co Ltd 5% 23 672 0.00% ION EXCHANGE (INDIA) LTD 5% 4 520 0.00% Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc 5% 12 229 0.00% IRB BRASIL RESSEGUROS SA 5% 206 928 0.00% Iride spa 5% 168 033 0.00% Iron Mountain Inc 5% 6 158 0.00% ITC 5% 10 806 0.00% J Front Retailing Co Ltd 5% 6 866 0.00% James Hardie Industries Plc 5% 7 760 0.00% JB FINANCIAL GROUP 5% 7 345 0.00% Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 5% 3 997 0.00% JG SUMMIT HOLDINGS 5% 4 982 0.00% JIANGSU EXPRESSWAY CO H 5% 1 009 0.00% JIANGXI WANNIANQING CEM A 5% 75 038 0.00% Jih Sun Financial Holdings 5% 7 796 0.00% JOHNS LYNG GROUP LTD 5% 12 835 0.00% Johnson Controls Inc 5% 25 097 0.00% JOHNSON SERVICE GROUP PLC 5% 2 555 0.00% Jones Lang Lasalle 5% 6 407 0.00%

39 JSR Corp 5% 9 369 0.00% JSW STEEL 5% 5 465 0.00% Jumbo S.A. 5% 80 139 0.00% K Wah International Holdings Ltd 5% 48 400 0.00% K12 Inc. 5% 139 719 0.00% Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 5% 40 872 0.00% KALBE FARMA 5% 3 565 0.00% KANGWON LAND 5% 7 956 0.00% KASIKORNBANK FGN 5% 13 637 0.00% KAUFMAN + BROAD SA 5% 30 310 0.00% KAWASUMI LABORATORIES INC 5% 5 551 0.00% KC TECH CO 5% 2 445 0.00% Keihan Holdings Co Ltd 5% 6 282 0.00% KEIHIN ELEC EXP RAILWAY 5% 4 466 0.00% Keisei Electric Railway Co Ltd 5% 11 488 0.00% Kelly Services A 5% 45 182 0.00% Keppel Corp Ltd 5% 6 717 0.00% Keyera Corp 5% 4 828 0.00% Kforce Inc 5% 78 229 0.00% KIMBALL INTERNATIONAL B 5% 18 024 0.00% KIMBERLY-CLARK MEXICO A 5% 106 061 0.00% Kingboard Chemical Holdings Ltd 5% 24 690 0.00% Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd 5% 19 089 0.00% KIWOOM Securities 5% 20 816 0.00% KKR & Co Inc 5% 13 152 0.00% KNAFAIM HOLDINGS LTD 5% 192 0.00% KNOLL INC 5% 16 780 0.00% Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd 5% 4 750 0.00% Kone OYJ 5% 14 784 0.00% Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd 5% 1 821 0.00% KOREA INVESTMENT HLDG 5% 42 326 0.00% KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG 5% 11 994 0.00% KUMPULAN FIMA BHD 5% 744 0.00% Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd 5% 14 064 0.00% L3Harris Technologies Inc 5% 34 975 0.00% LANNA RESOURCES 5% 3 722 0.00% LANXESS 5% 11 943 0.00% Largan Precision Co Ltd 5% 15 347 0.00% LARSEN & TOUBRO 5% 11 478 0.00% LEJU HOLDINGS LTD ADR 5% 5 217 0.00% Lendlease Group 5% 5 755 0.00% LI NING CO 5% 308 266 0.00% Liberty Media Corp-Liberty Sir 5% 6 613 0.00% LIC HOUSING FINANCE 5% 9 066 0.00% LINGKARAN TRANS KOTA HLDGS 5% 3 901 0.00% LOCALIZA RENT A CAR 5% 15 372 0.00% Logan Property Holdings Co Ltd 5% 329 054 0.01% LOJAS AMERICANAS PN 5% 4 800 0.00% LOJAS RENNER 5% 12 597 0.00% Longfor Properties Co Ltd 5% 406 057 0.01% LUMAX INT'L CORP 5% 14 053 0.00% LYCOS INTERNET LTD 5% 2 167 0.00% M3 Inc 5% 9 514 0.00% MAGNI TECH INDUSTRIES BHD 5% 9 211 0.00% MAGNIT OJSC SPON GDR REGS 5% 4 259 0.00% MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA 5% 11 498 0.00% MAIL RU GROUP LTD 5% 117 803 0.00% MALAKOFF CORP BHD 5% 29 979 0.00% Malaysia 5% 601 0.00% MANNAI CORPORATION QSC 5% 7 127 0.00% ManTech Intl Corp 5% 76 646 0.00% MARIMEKKO OYJ 5% 5 671 0.00% MARUKA MACHINERY CO LTD 5% 14 290 0.00%

40 MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA 5% 14 355 0.00% Masimo Corp 5% 51 255 0.00% Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd 5% 20 658 0.00% MBM RESOURCES 5% 3 693 0.00% McDonalds 5% 11 979 0.00% McGraw Hill Financial Inc 5% 62 685 0.00% MDC Holdings Inc 5% 122 019 0.00% Medifast Inc 5% 236 343 0.00% MEGA FINANCIAL HLDG(CTB) 5% 18 222 0.00% Megaworld Corp 5% 35 303 0.00% Meitec Corp 5% 31 708 0.00% Meituan Dianping (P Chip) 5% 253 617 0.00% Melco Resorts & Entertainment 5% 6 227 0.00% Melrose Plc 5% 15 431 0.00% Mercadolibre Inc 5% 26 313 0.00% Meridian Bioscience Inc 5% 34 148 0.00% Meritz Sec 5% 1 191 0.00% METAWATER CO LTD 5% 54 919 0.00% Michael Kors Hldgs Ltd 5% 4 563 0.00% MINOR INTERNATIONAL PCL FOR 5% 12 529 0.00% MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO LTD 5% 24 768 0.00% Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd 5% 270 910 0.00% MMC Norilsk Nickel 5% 668 850 0.01% MOL MAGYAR OLAJ GAZIPARI 5% 39 736 0.00% MOMO INC-SPON ADR 5% 34 513 0.00% MOORIM PAPER CO LTD 5% 14 271 0.00% Morgan Sindall Group 5% 15 459 0.00% Motherson Sumi Systems 5% 6 763 0.00% Mphasis 5% 27 904 0.00% MRV ENGENHARIA 5% 259 099 0.00% MUTHOOT FINANCE LTD 5% 167 524 0.00% MVB FINANCIAL CORP 5% 1 868 0.00% NANJING IRON + STEEL CO A 5% 30 898 0.00% NAPHTHA ISRAEL PETRO CRP 5% 1 854 0.00% NAT'L BANK OF ABU DHABI 5% 11 579 0.00% NetEase Inc 5% 706 001 0.01% Neurocrine Biosciences Inc 5% 11 869 0.00% (H) 5% 3 837 0.00% New World Development Co Ltd 5% 9 963 0.00% NHN KCP CORP 5% 16 297 0.00% NICE Systems Ltd 5% 12 085 0.00% Nielsen Holdings 5% 1 531 912 0.02% Nintendo Co Ltd 5% 44 674 0.00% Nippon Paint Co Ltd 5% 6 685 0.00% Nisshin Seifun Group Inc 5% 9 199 0.00% NOMURA REAL ESTATE INC 5% 5 657 0.00% NORCROS PLC 5% 453 0.00% Norfolk Southern Corp 5% 48 211 0.00% NOVA MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 5% 31 516 0.00% NOVATEK OAO SPONS GDR REG S 5% 10 834 0.00% NRG Energy Inc 5% 12 070 0.00% Nu Skin Enterprises 5% 99 135 0.00% NUCLEUS SOFTWARE EXPORTS LTD 5% 13 060 0.00% Nutrien Ltd 5% 29 415 0.00% NXP Semiconductors 5% 35 129 0.00% Nyfosa AB 5% 4 630 0.00% Obayashi Corp 5% 5 564 0.00% ODELIC CO 5% 22 556 0.00% OIL RAFINERIES 5% 8 800 0.00% Oil Search 5% 5 591 0.00% OOREDOO 5% 217 296 0.00% ORIENTAL HOLDINGS 5% 12 846 0.00% Origin Energy Finance Ltd 5% 8 567 0.00%

41 Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) 5% 7 680 0.00% OTP BANK 5% 1 086 481 0.02% Packaging Corp of America 5% 8 244 0.00% Paddy Power Plc 5% 7 017 0.00% PAL Holdings Inc 5% 12 293 0.00% Palo Alto Networks Inc 5% 12 767 0.00% Paris Miki Holdings 5% 5 380 0.00% Partners Group Holding AG 5% 24 285 0.00% Partron 5% 18 327 0.00% PC TEL INC 5% 4 037 0.00% PEC LTD 5% 3 487 0.00% Perrigo Co Ltd 5% 5 229 0.00% PETRONAS GAS 5% 3 589 0.00% PHILIP MORRIS INTL INC 5% 1 505 555 0.02% PICC PPTY & CASUALTY H 5% 7 651 0.00% PICO FAR EAST HOLDINGS 5% 1 294 0.00% PIRAEUS BANK 5% 79 251 0.00% POINT Inc 5% 30 478 0.00% POLAR CAPITAL HOLDINGS PLC 5% 4 654 0.00% POLARIS INFRASTRUCTURE INC 5% 54 538 0.00% POLYCAB INDIA 5% 15 332 0.00% Power Finance 5% 155 904 0.00% PPDAI A ADR 5% 22 689 0.00% President Securities 5% 33 086 0.00% Prestige Brands Hol 5% 275 951 0.00% Progress Software Corp 5% 264 889 0.00% PROSUS NV 5% 39 909 653 0.62% PROTO CORP 5% 10 845 0.00% PRUDENTIAL CORP PLC 5% 1 068 363 0.02% PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PCL FOR 5% 5 113 0.00% PTT PCL/FOREIGN 5% 17 584 0.00% QATAR ELECT & WATER CO 5% 6 892 0.00% QATAR FUEL CO 5% 35 064 0.00% QATAR NATIONAL BANK 5% 21 469 0.00% QCR HOLDINGS INC 5% 3 072 0.00% QGEP PARTICIPACOES ON 5% 29 090 0.00% Qinetiq Group Plc 5% 207 139 0.00% QUALITAS CONTROLADORA 5% 8 582 0.00% QUDIAN INC SPON ADR 5% 140 046 0.00% QUINTILES IMS HOLDINGS INC 5% 31 277 0.00% RAIADROGASIL 5% 16 131 0.00% RASA CORPORATION 5% 11 392 0.00% REDINGTON INDIA 5% 3 769 0.00% RELIANCE INDUSTRIES 5% 52 656 0.00% RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd 5% 5 411 0.00% Rent A Center Inc 5% 82 331 0.00% Resolute Forest Products Inc 5% 179 294 0.00% RESTAURANT BRANDS INTERNATIONAL INC 5% 11 160 0.00% Rhythm Watch 5% 3 704 0.00% RITCHIE BROS AUCTIONEERS 5% 212 409 0.00% RMR GROUP INC/THE - A 5% 81 607 0.00% Road King Infrastructure 5% 23 074 0.00% Rohm Co Ltd 5% 6 690 0.00% ROLLS ROYCE HOLDINGS PLC 5% 63 0.00% ROSETTA STONE 5% 18 441 0.00% ROXGOLD INC 5% 140 0.00% RYANAIR HOLDINGS PLC SP ADR 5% 351 210 0.01% Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd 5% 4 328 0.00% SABESP ON 5% 14 960 0.00% SABRE 5% 3 717 0.00% Sage Group PLC 5% 6 905 0.00% SAILUN JINYU GROUP CO LTD A 5% 8 748 0.00% Sally Beauty Holdings Inc 5% 56 962 0.00%

42 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd 5% 7 419 0.00% Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 5% 32 507 0.00% Sangetsu 5% 19 306 0.00% SANTANDER UK PLC 5% 1 500 172 0.02% Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 5% 6 535 0.00% Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd 5% 1 557 997 0.02% Saracen Mineral Holdings Ltd 5% 193 297 0.00% Sarepta Therapeutics Inc 5% 15 435 0.00% Saudi Arabian Mining Co-Maaden 5% 10 011 0.00% Saudi Basic Industries Corp 5% 10 864 0.00% Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Co 5% 12 377 0.00% SAXA HOLDINGS INC 5% 14 452 0.00% SBI Life Insurance 5% 13 006 0.00% Scentre Group 5% 4 480 0.00% Schibsted 5% 267 016 0.00% Schibsted ASA 5% 10 162 0.00% SEACHANGE INTERNATIONAL 5% 12 694 0.00% SEI Investments Co 5% 7 230 0.00% Sensata Technologies Holding 5% 8 426 0.00% SERVIZI ITALIA SPA 5% 6 626 0.00% SESA GOA 5% 5 101 0.00% Shanghai Construction Group 5% 8 970 0.00% Shenzhen International Hdgs (Red Chip) 5% 13 343 0.00% SHENZHEN MINDRAY A(HK-C) 5% 13 456 0.00% Shenzhou International Group Holdings 5% 13 181 0.00% SHIMANO INC 5% 9 027 0.00% Shimao Property Holdings Ltd 5% 203 635 0.00% SHINSEGAE INFORMATION + COMM 5% 21 208 0.00% SHINYOUNG SECURITIES CO 5% 11 646 0.00% SHOPIFY INC CLASS A 5% 356 625 0.01% Shopify Inc. 5% 40 299 0.00% SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE 5% 36 276 0.00% SIAM CEMENT FGN 5% 9 995 0.00% Sime Darby Plantation 5% 3 249 0.00% SIMPLO TECHNOLOGY CO 5% 165 132 0.00% SING INVESTMENTS + FINANCE 5% 1 937 0.00% SINHER TECHNOLOGY INC 5% 20 883 0.00% Sino Land Co Ltd 5% 4 545 0.00% SINOAMERICAN SILICON PRO 5% 151 807 0.00% SINOPEC SHANGHAI PETRO H 5% 7 493 0.00% SINOPHARM GROUP CO H 5% 4 300 0.00% SK TELECOM CO 5% 4 583 0.00% SM INVESTMENTS 5% 6 803 0.00% SM Prime Holdings Inc 5% 12 460 0.00% SMIC 5% 4 343 0.00% SPANDANA SPHOORTY FIN 5% 10 396 0.00% SPAREBANK 1 OESTLANDET 5% 3 480 0.00% SPARTAN MOTORS 5% 37 862 0.00% SPG LAND (HOLDINGS) 5% 23 618 0.00% SPOTIFY TECHNOLOGY SA 5% 142 418 0.00% St. James's Place Plc 5% 6 913 0.00% STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO LT 5% 6 051 0.00% STO AG NON VTG PRF 5% 2 017 0.00% Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd 5% 9 511 0.00% Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 5% 22 541 0.00% Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 5% 5 913 0.00% Sunac China Holdings Ltd 5% 43 480 0.00% SUNDARAM FINANCE 5% 14 603 0.00% SUNNY OPTICAL TECH 5% 17 523 0.00% Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc 5% 187 493 0.00% SurModics Inc 5% 48 458 0.00% SUSCO PUBLIC COMPANY L-NVDR 5% 6 822 0.00% Suzano Papel e Celulose SA (ON) 5% 9 258 0.00%

43 Svenska Handelsbnk A 5% 15 014 0.00% SVG Capital 5% 0 0.00% SWAP MORGAN STANLEY BOC 5% (24 608) 0.00% Swire Properties Ltd 5% 8 792 0.00% TAG Immobilien AG 5% 87 918 0.00% TAIWAN BUSINESS BANK 5% 99 389 0.00% TAIWAN CEMENT CORP 5% 6 632 0.00% TAIWAN COOPERATIVE FIN 5% 7 377 0.00% TAIWAN MOBILE 5% 22 002 0.00% Takasago Thermal Engineering Co Ltd 5% 24 000 0.00% Take-Two Interactive Software 5% 12 392 0.00% TAMA HOME 5% 78 111 0.00% TANG PALACE CHINA HLDGS LTD 5% 7 159 0.00% Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 5% 1 149 810 0.02% TATA MOTORS 5% 4 869 0.00% TATNEFT PAO-SPONSORED ADR 5% 86 772 0.00% TC Energy Corp 5% 48 092 0.00% TECH MAHINDRA 5% 7 959 0.00% TECHNO ASSOCIE CO LTD 5% 9 544 0.00% Tekfen Holding 5% 8 028 0.00% TELADOC HEALTH INC 5% 212 739 0.00% Teleperformance 5% 13 158 0.00% TELUS CORP 5% 6 065 0.00% Temenos Group 5% 9 448 0.00% Tencent Holdings Ltd 5% 239 071 0.00% Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale 5% 20 581 0.00% Teva Pharmaceutical 5% 13 515 0.00% THANACHART CAPITAL FOREIGN 5% 787 169 0.01% TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD HOLDINGS 5% 2 149 0.00% Token Corp 5% 28 498 0.00% Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp 5% 6 329 0.00% TOPBI INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS 5% 24 099 0.00% TOPKEY CORP 5% 38 897 0.00% TORNOS SA REG 5% 5 308 0.00% Torstar B 5% 2 195 0.00% Toshiba Tec Corp 5% 20 390 0.00% Toyo Construction 5% 43 818 0.00% TPG SPECIALTY LENDING INC 5% 13 195 0.00% TRADE DESK INC/THE CLASS A 5% 212 138 0.00% TRANSAT A.T. INC 5% 88 004 0.00% Treasury Wine Estates 5% 7 101 0.00%

(b) Preference and ordinary shares in companies, excluding shares in property companies, not listed on an exchange 10% 24 160 835 0.38%

Advanced Micro Devices Inc 2.5% 45 995 0.00% Akamai Technologies Inc 2.5% 15 101 0.00% Amkor Technology Inc 2.5% 26 222 0.00% ASEER 2.5% 57 357 0.00% Associated British Foods PLC 2.5% 8 927 0.00% Bajaj Hindusthan 2.5% 2 930 0.00% BARTON CAPITAL CORP. 2.5% 4 037 057 0.06% BPCE 2.5% 1 753 616 0.03% CANADIAN IMPERIAL BK 2.5% 2 458 924 0.04% Cirrus Logic Inc 2.5% 651 290 0.01% COPART INC 2.5% 15 062 0.00% DG BANK NY BRANCH 2.5% 1 055 551 0.02% ECOPETROL SA SPONSORED ADR 2.5% 345 817 0.01% EICHER MOTORS LTD 2.5% 4 851 0.00% FEDERATION DES CAISSES 2.5% 1 573 211 0.02% LMA SA LMA AMERICAS 2.5% 1 050 168 0.02% Lojas Americanas SA 2.5% 17 0.00% MATCHPOINT FINANCE PLC 2.5% 1 752 044 0.03% MUFG BK LTD N Y BRH DISC COML 2.5% 1 402 672 0.02%

44 NATIXIS NY 2.5% 2 110 957 0.03% NETO ME HOLDINGS LTD 2.5% 7 796 0.00% ONTARIO TEACHERS FINAN 2.5% 1 732 672 0.03% PACCAR FINANCIAL COR 2.5% 2 108 586 0.03% Petronet LNG 2.5% 54 080 0.00% STARBIRD FDG. CORP 2.5% 1 746 253 0.03% Synopsys Inc 2.5% 15 575 0.00% Tractor Supply Co 2.5% 9 457 0.00% TURK TELEKOMUNIKASYON 2.5% 92 517 0.00% Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrances Inc 2.5% 13 975 0.00% Wellcare Health Plans Inc 2.5% 12 153 0.00%

4 IMMOVABLE PROPERTY 280 328 740 4.38% 4.1 Inside the Republic 25% 244 628 680 3.82% (a) Preference shares, ordinary shares and linked units comprising shares linked to debentures in property companies, or units in a Collective 25% 244 628 680 3.82% Investment Scheme in Property, listed on an exchange (a)(i) Issuer market capitalisation of R10 billion or more, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 25% 122 906 501 1.92%

Emira Property Fund Ltd 15% 2 945 922 0.05% Growthpoint Properties Ltd 15% 38 883 066 0.61% Redefine Properties Ltd 15% 24 064 743 0.38% SA Corporate Real Estate Ltd 15% 21 261 363 0.33% Vukile Property Fund Ltd 15% 35 751 406 0.56%

(a)(ii) Issuer market capitalisation of between R3 billion and R10 billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 25% 49 119 656 0.77%

Equities Property Fund Ltd 10% 23 348 800 0.36% Octodec Investments Ltd 10% 7 406 544 0.12% Stor-Age Property REIT Limited 10% 18 364 313 0.29%

(a)(iii) Issuer market capitalisation of less than R3 billion or an amount or conditions as prescribed 25% 72 602 523 1.13%

Arrowhead Properties Ltd 5% 12 758 048 0.20% Dipula Income Fund Ltd 5% 58 333 590 0.91% Growthpoint Properties Ltd 5% 4 389 0.00% Rebosis Property Fund Ltd 5% 1 503 368 0.02% Redefine Properties Ltd 5% 3 128 0.00%

(b) Immovable property, preference and ordinary shares in property companies, and linked units comprising shares linked to debentures in 15% property companies, not listed on an exchange 5%

4.2 Foreign 25% 35 700 060 0.56% (a) Preference shares, ordinary shares and linked units comprising shares linked to debentures in property companies, or units in a Collective 25% 35 680 558 0.56% Investment Scheme in Property, listed on an exchange (a)(i) Issuer market capitalisation of R10 billion or more, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 25% 1 787 365 0.03%

China Aoyuan Group Ltd 15% 29 415 0.00% China Vanke Co Ltd 15% 13 092 0.00% Daiwa House Residential Invest 15% 20 170 0.00% Deutsche Wohnen SE 15% 19 835 0.00% Equity LifeStyle Properties In 15% 11 658 0.00% GOODMAN GROUP 15% 12 466 0.00% Greenland Holdings Corp Ltd 15% 696 166 0.01% HEALTHPEAK PROPERTIES INC 15% 800 153 0.01% Invitation Homes Inc 15% 12 134 0.00% Japan Prime Realty Investment 15% 15 734 0.00% Liberty Global PLC 15% 8 313 0.00% Financial Corp 15% 123 395 0.00% Micro Focus International 15% 5 508 0.00%

45 Orix JREIT Inc 15% 19 325 0.00% (a)(ii) Issuer market capitalisation of between R3 billion and R10 billion, or an amount or conditions as prescribed 25% 61 317 0.00%

Liberty Property Trust 10% 7 736 0.00% POLY HNG KNG INVST(CN) 10% 39 882 0.00% UNIBAIL RODAMCO 10% 13 699 0.00% (a)(iii) Issuer market capitalisation of less than R3 billion or an amount or conditions as prescribed 25% 33 831 877 0.53%

Alexandria Real Estate Equitie 5% 17 841 0.00% Alstria Office REIT 5% 14 097 0.00% APN CONVENIENCE RETAIL REIT 5% 14 499 0.00% AvalonBay Communities Inc 5% 25 238 0.00% Boston Properties Inc 5% 20 917 0.00% British Land Co PLC 5% 6 522 0.00% Camden Property Trust 5% 6 834 0.00% CapitaLand Commercial Trust 5% 7 621 0.00% CapitaLand Mall Trust 5% 6 245 0.00% Capstead Mortgage 5% 12 101 0.00% China Vanke Co Ltd 5% 252 678 0.00% CINDA REAL ESTATE CO LTD A 5% 38 901 0.00% CK Asset Holdings 5% 21 256 0.00% COREM PROPERTY GROUP AB PREF 5% 2 068 0.00% Country Garden Services Holdings (P Chip) 5% 94 718 0.00% CYRELA BRAZIL REALTY SA EMPREENDIMENTOS E PARTIC 5% 49 353 0.00% Development Bank of SA Ltd 5% 30 836 421 0.48% Dexus 5% 13 102 0.00% DUKE REALTY CORP 5% 8 932 0.00% Emaar Properties 5% 333 150 0.01% Equinix Inc 5% 36 897 0.00% Equity Residential 5% 27 385 0.00% Essex Property Trust Inc 5% 13 842 0.00% EXTRA SPACE STORAGE INC 5% 9 718 0.00% Federal Realty Investment Trus 5% 11 975 0.00% Fibra Uno Administracion SA de CV 5% 1 020 560 0.02% GECINA SA 5% 6 676 0.00% Gemdale Corp 5% 13 714 0.00% GEMDALE PPTYS AND INV 5% 15 720 0.00% GPT Group/The 5% 12 104 0.00% Host Hotels & Resorts 5% 6 315 0.00% JAPAN REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 5% 6 706 0.00% JAPAN RETAIL FUND INVESTMENT 5% 76 159 0.00% Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd 5% 12 969 0.00% KIMCO REALTY CORP 5% 15 435 0.00% KLEPIERRE 5% 6 370 0.00% LAND SECURITIES GROUP PLC 5% 12 142 0.00% Link REIT 5% 17 536 0.00% Meiwa Estate 5% 7 196 0.00% Mid-America Apartment Communit 5% 12 133 0.00% MIRVAC GROUP 5% 6 785 0.00% Mitsui & Co Ltd 5% 22 623 0.00% Morguard Corp 5% 10 856 0.00% MORGUARD NORTH AMER RES 5% 29 266 0.00% NIPPON BUILDING FUND INC 5% 8 077 0.00% NIPPON PROLOGIS REIT INC 5% 15 680 0.00% PLAZZA AG REG A 5% 7 547 0.00% Powerlong Real Estate Holdings Ltd. 5% 24 595 0.00% PROLOGIS INC 5% 42 314 0.00% Public Storage 5% 26 120 0.00% Realty Income Corp 5% 21 680 0.00% REGENCY CENTERS CORP 5% 9 288 0.00% SBA Communications Corp 5% 32 951 0.00% SEGRO PLC 5% 11 126 0.00% SHANGHAI SHIMAO CO LTD A 5% 322 476 0.01%

46 Simon Property Group Inc 5% 40 995 0.00% SL Green Realty 5% 10 990 0.00% Stockland Corp Ltd 5% 11 618 0.00% Swiss Prime Site AG 5% 7 252 0.00% UDR INC 5% 9 024 0.00% Ventas Inc 5% 19 976 0.00% VEREIT INC 5% 6 802 0.00% VORNADO REALTY TRUST 5% 9 790 0.00%

(b) Immovable property, preference and ordinary shares in property companies, and linked units comprising shares linked to debentures in 15% 19 501 0.00% property companies, not listed on an exchange DIGITAL REALTY TRUST INC 5% 19 501 0.00%

5 COMMODITIES 10% 5.1 Inside the Republic

(a) Kruger Rands and other commodities on an exchange, including exchange traded commodities 10%

(a)(i) Gold (including Kruger Rands) 10%

(a)(ii) Other commodities 5% 5%

5.2 Foreign 10% (a) Gold and other commodities on an exchange, including exchange traded 10% commodities

(a)(i) Gold 10%

(a)(ii) Other commodities 5% 5%


(a) Section 19(4) of the Pension Funds Act 5% (b) To the extent it has been allowed by an exemption in terms of section 10% 19(4A) of the Pension Funds Act



8.1 Inside the Republic 15% (a) Hedge fund 10% (a)(i) Funds of hedge funds 10% 5% (a)(ii) Hedge funds 10% 2.5%

(b) Private equity funds 10% (b)(i) Funds of private equity funds 10% 5% (b)(ii) Private equity funds 10% 2.5%

47 (c) Other assets not referred to in this schedule and excluding a hedge fund 2.5% or private equity fund

8.2 Foreign 15% (a) Hedge fund 10% (a)(i) Funds of hedge funds 10% 5% (a)(ii) Hedge funds 10% 2.5%

(b) Private equity funds 10% (b)(i) Funds of private equity funds 10% 5% (b)(ii) Private equity funds 10% 2.5%

(c) Other assets not referred to in this schedule and excluding a hedge fund 2.5% or private equity fund

TOTAL ASSETS - REGULATION 28 (D above) 6 403 351 819 100.00%

INVESTMENT SUMMARY (REGULATION 28) Foreign Percentage Percentage of Fair Percentage of Local (Excluding Africa Total of Fair value value Fair value Africa) R%R % R % R 1 Balances or deposits, money market instruments issued by a bank 691 908 168.82 10.81% 442 486 908.74 6.91% 1 134 395 077.56 including Islamic liquidity management financial instruments 2 Debt instruments including Islamic 2 613 315 904.80 40.81% 446 299 016.20 6.97% 3 059 614 921.00 debt instruments 3 Equities 1 508 671 199.43 23.56% 420 249 293.84 6.56% 92 587.59 0.00% 1 929 013 080.86

4 Immovable property 244 628 680.44 3.82% 35 700 059.57 0.56% 280 328 740.01

5 Commodities 0.00

6 Investment in the business of a 0.00 participating employer 7 Housing loans granted to members - 0.00 section 19(5) 8 Hedge Funds, private equity funds and any other assets not referred to 0.00 in this schedule 9 Fair value of assets to be excluded in terms of sub-regulations3(c ) and 0.00 (8)(b) of Regulation 28 10 Investments not disclosed/data not 0.00 available for disclosure TOTAL (equal to the fair value of 5 058 523 953.49 79.00% 1 344 735 278.35 21.00% 92 587.59 0.00% 6 403 351 819.43 assets)

Note: Maximum Foreign limits and disclosure in terms of South African Reserve Bank requirements.

Total (Inside & Percentage of Fair value Regulation 28 limits Foreign) R% Asset Limits in terms of sub regulation 3(f) Other debt instruments not listed 271 370 994 4.24% Equities not listed 25 105 880 0.39% Immovable properties not listed 19 501 0.00% Hedge funds , Private Equity funds and other assets

TOTAL 296 496 375 4.63% 35% Asset Limits in terms of sub regulation 3(g)

48 Equities not listed 25 105 880 0.39% Private Equity funds

TOTAL 25 105 880 0.39% 15% Asset Limits in terms of sub-regulation 3(h) Cash and deposits with a South African Bank TOTAL Asset Limits in terms of sub-regulation 3(i) Foreign (excluding Africa) 1 344 735 278 21.00% 30% Africa 92 588 0.00% 10% TOTAL 1 344 827 866 21.00% 40%


1 Difference due to a timing difference between the portfolio of assets used for financial statement reporting purposes and the portfolio of assets used for Regulation 28 reporting purposes. 2 Credit balance in current accounts must be included in item 1.

3 If the investments exceed the limit per institution/company/individual and no exemption has been obtained, the details below must be completed for each institution/company/individual in each category of assts. Investments in institution/company/individual Item % of Fair Value Fair Value ( R)


Item Max % Date of letter Fair Value ( R)