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The Talmud of Jmmanuel.Pdf 1 2 The Discovery Of The Talmud In 1963 a Swiss born man named Eduard Albert Meier, who the world now knows as ‘Billy Meier’, and his ex-Greek-Orthodox priest friend Isa Rashid took an afternoon walk along a roadway a little to the South of the Old City of Jerusalem. And during that afternoon walk Albert Meier happened to glance upwards and spied a small opening in the ground that took his interest. gg Finding himself curious Albert Meier took a torch-light from his back- pack and examined the opening, which was found to continue inwards. And so, Albert and his friend Isa Rashid dug out enough of the surrounding earth to allow them to gain entrance to some sort of chamber. What they both found after crawling inside was an old tomb in a state of disrepair and half-filled with earth. However, after clearing more of the soil away Albert Meier and Isa Rashid discovered a package beneath a flat rock, which they took back to Isa Rashid’s home to examine. The package was said to be about 60 cm long and 25 cm wide, and was found to hold four separate rolls of Aramaic writings which took the name of ‘The Talmud Of Jmmanuel’. Luckily Isa Rashid had some Palestinian background in his family, and so he found he could read the old Aramaic text. And the first thing that Isa Rashid noticed was that the title page showed that Judas Iscarioth had authored this collection of Spiritual Knowledges on behalf of his Teacher and Guide who was named Jmmanuel 1. Isa Rashid also noted extra- terrestrial links within ‘The Talmud’, as it was made clear that that real father of the Biblical Adam was named Semjasa, who was a ‘distant traveller’ from the far reaches of Mankind’s Universe, and an aid to ‘El’ [or ‘God’]. It became very clear to both Isa Rashid and Albert Meier that this collection of Ancient Scrolls, much like ‘The Book of Henoch’ and other so-called ‘apocryphal’ writings, was going to be considered ‘heretical’ because of its content: which strongly contradicted the ‘popular’ Biblical teachings of the later-day Established Churches. Not only were extra- terrestrial links presented in ‘The Talmud’, but it was also made clear that 1 Pronounced ‘Immanuel’. And who the Established Churches later erroneously named ‘Jesus’. 3 Judas Iscarioth was actually the friend, student and official scribe/ recorder of the Master Jmmanuel. The Scrolls also stated that Judas Iscarioth never did spite his friend and teacher Jmmanuel in the run-up to the Biblical crucifixion event, as the real culprit of that venomous act was a man named Juda Ihariot, who was the son of Simeon, the Pharisee. The Translation Because of the nature of the revelations made clear in the teachings of ‘The Talmud’, Isa Rashid offered to translate the document in secret, in the hope that the finished version could be made available to the world. Also interestingly, and prophetically, Albert Meier had already been told seven years before co-discovering ‘The Talmud Of Jmmanuel’ that he was destined to become the man that would make it available to the world. Anyway, Isa Rashid spent a few months checking the highlights of ‘The Talmud’ and imparting them to his friend Albert Meier. And then Isa Rashid began a formal translation in August 1963 into German [Albert Meier’s native language], whilst Albert Meier continued onwards to Mehrauli India to train under a Hindu Guru and to further his own spiritual knowledges. And after a year in India Albert Meier continued onwards 2 and journeyed to Turkey, where he met a Greek lady named Kalliope Zafiriou in 1965. And who became his travelling companion in Asia, and later his wife and the mother of Albert’s three children when they came to the town of Hinwil in Switzerland to make a home together. Meanwhile Isa Rashid worked on the German translation of ‘The Talmud Of Jmmanuel’, which he completed up to the 36th Chapter, and which he posted in 1970 in two separate packages to an address in Switzerland that had been the home of Albert Meier’s parents. Amazingly, although Albert Meier’s parents were no longer living at that particular house, in 1974 the postal office at Neuthal 3 forwarded the two packets onto him. And in the same ‘round-about’ manner Albert Meier also received a personal letter from Isa Rashid that spoke about the translation project becoming ‘known 2 During a twelve year spiritual quest Albert Meier had travelled to forty-two different countries. 3 Which was very close to the town of Hinwil where Albert Meier was living with Kalliope. 4 to certain authorities’ 4 which resulted in him fleeing from Jerusalem to a refugee camp in Lebanon along with his family. However, Isa Rashid’s presence also became known to the Israeli authorities and the refugee camp was bombed during an Israeli air-raid 5. And this air-raid forced Isa Rashid to flee again to Baghdad without The Scrolls, where he had posted his final letter to Albert Meier. Sadly in 1976 Albert Meier learned that Isa Rashid and his entire family were assassinated in Baghdad shortly after posting that last letter. Who Really Wrote The Talmud Of Jmmanuel? Well, most the body of ‘The Talmud’ was penned by Jmmanuel’s official ‘scribe’ Judas Iscarioth during the life and times leading up to, and following, the crucifixion event. Though to trace the point when ‘The Talmud’ was originally finalised, we will need to examine what some people believe to be more controversial aspects of the Master Jmmanuel’s life, which takes our investigation to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, and then onwards into India. And here comes some more of the so-called ‘apocrypha’, in that ‘The Talmud Of Jmmanuel’ makes it very clear that the Master Jmmanuel [‘Jesus’] never did die on The Cross. He only ever fell into a trance-like condition, due to the Arch-Angel Gabriel twinning with Jmmanuel’s body to induce a death-like stupor. And inside the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, Jmmanuel was revived by a team of Hindu healers before He set off to India to continue with His Teachings. In-fact it is believed by many scholars that the full story was only ever completed in India in the early second century. Also, there is a great deal 4 In the letter Isa Rashid sent, he stated that he had been ‘persecuted by two different groups, both Christians and Jews, which was to be anticipated, because the rolls are not favourable towards either religion’. The letter was headed ‘Baghdad, September 14.9.1974’. 5 There was a series of raids during June 18-20, in 1974. These were Israeli air raids upon several refugee camps in South-West Lebanon, ‘reported’ to be in retaliation for a guerrilla incursion into Chamir in Northern Israel on June 13th. It is believed that the June 18th raid was designed to eliminate ‘The Scrolls’, and that the raids upon the several other refugee camps on the following two days [June 19-20] were intended to divert attention away from the real reason for the first raid. 5 of evidence stating that after Jmmanuel’s genuine death in the Kashmir region in early 2nd century, that ‘The Scrolls’ were carried back to the Palestinian or Anatolian region by Jmmanuel’s oldest son Joseph. And Joseph evidently released a second copy of ‘The Teachings’ somewhere in that region, since that copy found its way into the hands of the apostle Matthew 6. However, Joseph also preserved and hid the original Rolls within the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, just south of the Old City of Jerusalem. And there they lay until Albert Meier and Isa Rashid re-discovered them in 1963. Let’s also be aware that it is made clear in ‘The Talmud’ that ‘The Teachings’ were originally written down by Judas Iscariot who travelled with Jmmanuel to India after the crucifixion, along with Judas-Thomas [Jmmanuel’s brother] and Mother Mary. And so, to answer my original question which was centred around “who wrote The Talmud”, what we find is that it was mostly written by Judas who was present at all of Jmmanuel’s lectures both before the crucifixion event, and after Jmmanuel travelled and taught in India. Though it also seems very clear to me that Jmmanuel’s oldest son Joseph added the ‘final touches’ to the pages, and also made at least one other copy which became known as ‘The Book Of Mathew’. Table Of Contents Introduction Discovery Of The Talmud………….. Page 2 The Translation………….. Page 3 Who Really Wrote The Talmud Of Jmmanuel? …………. Page 4 Chapter 1 The Genealogy Of Jmmanuel………….. 8 The Birth Of Jmmanuel………….. 12 6 Interestingly, critical biblical scholars like Herman N. Ridderbos do not consider the apostle Matthew to be the original author of this Gospel. In-fact, it is believed that either Judas Iscariot or Jmmanuel’s son Joseph rendered a second copy of ‘The Talmud’ which at some time found it’s way into the hands of the apostle Mathew, and which later took on the title ‘The Book Of Mathew’. 6 Chapter 2 The Wise Men From The Orient………….. 13 Chapter 3 John the Baptist………….. 15 Chapter 4 Jmmanuel's Arcanum………….. 18 Chapter 5 The Sermon On The Mount………….. 23 Chapter 6 Alms, Fasting, Treasures, Concerns………….. 26 Chapter 7 The Spirit of Judgment………….. 30 Response To Prayer………….. 31 Chapter 8 The Healing Of The Leper………….
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