Platinum Sponsor:







Registration and help desk WELCOME SESSIONS 5 Exhibition Space

KEYNOTE: Plenary sessions Francis Crick Auditorium THINKING BEYOND THE HYPE 5 Track sessions TRACK 1: Francis Crick Auditorium / Rosalind Franklin Pavilion INDUSTRIAL IoT AND Refreshments and lunch THE CONNECTED ENTERPRISE 6 Exhibition Space

TRACK 2: Drinks reception BLOCKCHAIN 7 Chestnut Suite Gala dinner PLENARY 1: Chestnut Suite SATELLITES 8 WIFI TRACK 3: MOBILITY INTO THE FUTURE 9 Complimentary Wi-Fi is available in the venue. To access the free Wi-Fi simply join the TRACK 4: ‘ConferenceGuest’ network. Follow the on-screen MIXED REALITY – AR/VR AND UX/UI 10 instructions to register up to 5 devices for 7 days of free Wi-Fi access. To complete registration please ensure you validate your email address from the message you receive. PLENARY 2: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING 11 SMOKING

We operate a no-smoking policy in all campus PLENARY 3: buildings. The smoking area is on the left- 5G AND NETWORK INNOVATION 12 hand side of the Conference building.


CONFERENCE SPONSORS Any lost property should be handed into the AND EXHIBITORS 21 reception of the Conference centre.


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d Lecture Theatre 1


x i 22


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TO BE OR CONFERENCE ORGANISING NOT TO BE? COMMITTEE What better way of celebrating CWIC’s tenth anniversary than taking a FAYE HOLLAND look at a broad range of current technology trends and asking whether Cofinitive they will just be hype or become winners. CW has a solid reputation Chair of Conference for stimulating debate and collaboration, for harnessing and sharing Organising Committee knowledge and for helping to build connections that generate results, and it is on this basis that CW delivers today’s programme. SIMON FLETCHER ‘Thinking Beyond the Hype’ emanates from Gartner’s Hype Cycle Real Wireless which has become a key reference in marketing and technology reporting, with many businesses using it to guide technology decisions in accordance with their level of comfort with risk. Enabling members to think, and therefore move their technology, beyond the hype that DAVID CRAWFORD surrounds technological innovations is at the heart of what CW does. Ravensbourne Over the course of today, we’re going to be looking in depth at how to ‘Think Beyond the Hype’ – with the scene set by our keynote speakers we then delve into seven areas covered by a selection of our very own special interest groups: 5G and Network Innovation; Artificial Intelligence and ROBERT DRIVER Machine Learning; Blockchain; Mobility into the Future; Industrial CW (Cambridge Wireless) IoT and the Connected Enterprise; Mixed Reality, and Satellites.

The CWIC organising committee has intentionally selected this year’s speakers to offer a variety of perspectives, with the objective of the entire DEREK LONG event working like a typical CW debate – this is your event so please Cambridge Consultants agree, disagree, question, interact and shape the discussion during sessions but also while networking with our sponsors and partners.

So by the end of the day (and be warned, I am going to ask you!) what will ABHI NAHA your opinions be? Will you be spurred on for a proof of concept? Are your CW (Cambridge Wireless) expectations over inflated? What do you think is heading for the trough of disillusionment? Just how many of today’s topics will enlighten you and what technologies do you think will become the winners of tomorrow? GEOFF VARRALL RTT FAYE HOLLAND Chair, CWIC organising committee

PETER WHALE P.S. I must say a huge thank you to the CWIC organising committee Vision Formers members for months of Thursday calls and meetings, to the SIG Champions who keep inspiring great content, and also to the CW Team who are the glue behind everything we do.


08:30 – 09:30 Registration | Exhibition Space


WELCOME TO THE CONFERENCE 09:30 – 09:40 Faye Holland, Founder & Director, Cofinitive Ltd. Dr David Cleevely, Chairman, Foundation

WELCOME FROM OUR PLATINUM SPONSOR 09:40 – 09:50 Ian Simmons, Vice President, Business Development, R&D, Magna International

KEYNOTE: THINKING BEYOND THE HYPE 09:50 – 10:30 Matt Hatton, VP of Research, Gartner Rosalind Singleton, Managing Director, UK Broadband & Chair, UK5G

10:30 – 11:00 Break | Exhibition Space


INDUSTRIAL IoT AND THE CONNECTED ENTERPRISE BLOCKCHAIN Abhi Naha, CCO, Cambridge Wireless, (Chair) Dr Derek Long, Head of Telecoms and Mobile, Cambridge Consultants (Chair) Ian Stewart, GM Performance Solutions, Finning UK & Ireland Peter Busch, Senior Expert Connected Mobility / Leader Automotive Dr Juan Nogueira, Sr. Director, Connectivity Center of Blockchain, Robert Bosch Group 11:00 – 12:00 Excellence, Flex Alison Davis, Lead Industry Solutions & Business Development Consultant, Graham Burnett-Hall, Partner, Marks & Clerk Telco, Media & Entertainment, IBM Nicolas Devillard, Senior Product Manager, Arm Joshua Daniel, Principal Research Scientist, BT TSO Toby Simpson, Chief Technology Officer, Fetch.AI


SATELLITES Kieran Arnold, Head of Domains, Satellite Applications Catapult (Chair) 12:05 – 13:05 Rupert Pearce, Chief Executive Officer, Meir Moalem, CEO and Managing Director, Sky and Space Global Dan Mercer, Vice President & General Manager EMEA & Russia, Iridium


LIGHTNING TALK 13:10 – 14:10 Lunch | Exhibition Space 13.50 James Martin, Senior Cyber Security Manager, Darktrace


MOBILITY INTO THE FUTURE MIXED REALITY – AR/VR AND UX/UI Ian Simmons, Vice President, Business Development, R&D, Prof David Crawford, Universities of Essex & Ravensbourne (London), (Chair) Magna International (Chair) Dr Tom Carter, CTO & Founder, Ultrahaptics David Gilmour, Vice President, Business Development, BP Dr Brigitta Zics, Deputy Head of Postgraduate Studies, Ravensbourne 14:10 – 15:25 David Goosey, Managing Director, NEXCEL Tamas Czuper, Sound Designer, Producer and Musician, Ravensbourne Neal Sunners, Senior Vice President Innovation and Dr Jennah Kriebel, Chief Operations Officer, MotaWord Emerging Technologies, Avis Budget Group Priya Prakash, Founder, Design for Social Change Dr Steve Marsh, Founder & CTO, GeoSpock


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING Peter Whale, Founder, Vision Formers (Chair) Max Heinemeyer, Director of Threat Hunting, Darktrace 15:25 – 16:25 Monty Barlow, Director of Machine Learning, Cambridge Consultants Prof Neil Lawrence, University of Sheffield & Amazon Amelia Armour, Principal, Amadeus Capital Partners

16:25 – 16:55 Break | Exhibition Space


5G AND NETWORK INNOVATION Simon Fletcher, CTO, Real Wireless (Chair) Anne Leino, Head of Spectrum Affairs, 16:55 - 17:55 Dr Dritan Kaleshi, Lead Technologist, Future Networks, 5G Fellow, Digital Catapult Trevor Gill, Consultant, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Dean Bubley, Founder, Disruptive Analysis

CLOSING REMARKS 17:55 – 18:00 Faye Holland, Founder & Director, Cofinitive Ltd

18:00 – 18:45 Reception drinks | Exhibition Space


Robert Driver, CEO, CW (Cambridge Wireless) Adrian Hillier, Technology Consultant, TTP plc Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International Engagement), University of Southampton


FRANCIS CRICK AUDITORIUM Welcome to the Conference 09:30 - 09:40

FAYE HOLLAND DAVID CLEEVELY Founder & Director, Cofinitive Chairman, Raspberry Pi Foundation

Master of Ceremonies

FRANCIS CRICK AUDITORIUM Welcome from our Platinum Sponsor 09:40 - 09:50

IAN SIMMONS Vice President, Business Development, R&D, Magna International

Keynote: FRANCIS CRICK AUDITORIUM 09:50 - 10:30 Thinking Beyond the Hype

We live in a world in which proponents of new technologies claim that they have the potential to dramatically change our lives, and these technologies seem to emerge on an almost weekly basis. Some go on to become massive market successes whilst others fail to meet expectations. At CW, we always aim to think beyond the hype, identifying genuine technology game-changers and finding those characteristics which ensure market breakthrough.

CHAIR / FAYE HOLLAND Founder & Director, Cofinitive SPEAKERS

MATT HATTON ROSALIND SINGLETON VP of Research, Gartner Managing Director, UK Broadband and Chair, UK5G Hyperbole and Hyperventilation: the Hype Cyclist’s Perspective on Technology Between the Peaks; Innovation Outside the Hype Cycle For years Gartner’s Hype Cycle has been a mainstay of understanding technology trends. Matt recently The Hype Cycle doesn’t always reflect needs of joined Gartner when it acquired his technology businesses, or consumers. By its very nature it has research and consulting firm Machina Research in to be futuristic, leaving a gap of real services needed 2016. In this session Matt will examine the various now. How do we see those needs and wants, and big technology trends to be covered in the day’s encourage innovators to satisfy them? sessions, with a particular focus on technology triggers and hype.



In order to compete in the future the enterprise must undergo radical change. Efficient factories may well be more closely described as fully automated and networked machines that manufacture, test and then deliver products through a logistics process which is little more than the extension of the production line and with relatively low numbers of personnel involved. Once in service these products can be monitored by wide area connectivity with the enterprise ensuring that the products are used in accordance with their design and warranty criteria, as well as the enterprise being able to feedback usage data into the next generation product development process.

CHAIR / ABHI NAHA Chief Commercial Officer, CW SPEAKERS

IAN STEWART NICOLAS DEVILLARD GM Performance Solutions, Senior Product Manager, Arm Finning UK & Ireland The Security Considerations of Connected Devices Finning Performance Solutions. and their Relationship with the Cloud Digital Acceleration in the Construction Industry. The Internet of Things opens new doors for This talk will look at how the role of technology connected devices, including a new world of the in the heavy construction industry is being Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The future of redefined. Connected equipment, IoT, AI, analytics IIoT hangs on authenticity, confidentiality and and eCommerce are fuelling a breakthrough in integrity, enabling high quality data which can equipment and customer operations performance. inform operational and energy efficiencies, plus This digital transformation of the Construction sector the reduction of costs to the bottom line. In order has data at its core, but this presentation will focus to make sensible data-based decisions, you need on the importance of information driven products to have complete trust that the IoT deployment and services working seamlessly with people and is working correctly, has not been tampered with process to power unparalleled operational insights and that the received data has not been modified and performance breakthroughs for customers. in transit. As IIoT devices will have long lifecycles, with multiple stakeholders, you also need to ensure DR JUAN NOGUEIRA that everyone in the value chain, has correct read/ Sr. Director, Connectivity Center write access, reflecting their trusted status. Some of of Excellence, Flex these security-based decisions can seem complex and difficult to tackle, but with proven technology, 5G: The Ultimate Enabler of I4.0 scalable solutions, and a broad ecosystem, security This talk will focus on how the three cornerstones implementation is more accessible to industrial of 5G, namely enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), companies than ever before. This session will discuss ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications how to define security requirements, plus the (uRLLC) and massive Machine Type of various approaches you can take for securing your Communication (mMTC), will come together to allow devices, your data and your business. You will learn the long-time promised I4.0 to finally take off. about the need for security in industrial IoT; how this translates into device and data security and how Arm GRAHAM BURNETT-HALL makes this achievable. Partner, Marks & Clerk

IoT Without Borders – How to stop Cherry-picking of Your IoT Model after Brexit This session will discuss how to protect ownership of your product-as-a-service business model, addressing how to work with third parties to provide your IoT ecosystem, and how to leverage your intellectual property to protect cross-border IoT-based revenue.



Blockchain’s initial impact has been most keenly felt in the world of finance however the increased level of trust provided by the distributed encrypted databases that blockchain technology provides can benefit many other areas of industry and society. One example is in the Internet of Things in which the integrity and lifetime of a product can be irrefutably monitored in a blockchain based database hence ensuring ownership as well as warranty conditions. The security this provides will be an important enabler for the connected enterprise ensuring trust between customers and vendors who may be geographically located on other sides of the planet and yet wish to do business.

CHAIR / DR DEREK LONG Head of Telecoms and Mobile, Cambridge Consultants SPEAKERS

PETER BUSCH JOSHUA DANIEL Senior Expert Connected Mobility / Leader Principal Research Scientist, Automotive Blockchain, Robert Bosch Group Research & Innovation, BT TSO

How Blockchain May Disrupt the Automotive Blockchain in – Industry – An Insider’s View Our Experience So Far and Opportunities Ahead This session will look at the main disruption factors This session will look at the various use cases that of blockchain technologies and the impacts on the we are exploring as a Telco, the logic of selecting Automotive industry shown in three dimensions use cases and the challenges behind building and including data usage, market mechanics and operating the POCs. The application areas will cover cooperation models, with special recognition core Telecom operations, Billing, Cyber Security, of Bosch’s strategy on the IoT challenges the IoT and Financial networks. The session will also automotive industry is facing currently. cover the major technical challenges in adopting blockchain technologies and discuss the innovation ALISON DAVIS required to progress its adoption. Lead Industry Solutions & Business Development Consultant, Telco, TOBY SIMPSON Media & Entertainment, IBM Chief Technology Officer, Fetch.AI

The Power of Blockchain. Blockchain & Autonomous Agents: A Case Study of the Advertising Industry A Match Made in Heaven This session will outline how blockchain could be Imagine a future where autonomous agents, the foundational technology that enables much powered by AI, can communicate and transact with needed transformation in the advertising industry. one another seamlessly. A world where this swarm With a focus on how industries are already adopting of intelligent agents collaborate in order to solve blockchain, and a case study of how IBM and Unilever our problems before they even happen. This is the are working together to bring transparency and trust future is building and it’s all been made back to the media buying supply chain, this session possible by advances in decentralised computing will help educate on the practicalities of adopting and blockchain. Join us to hear how AI, ML and blockchain and where it does, and doesn’t apply. Blockchain combine to help create a more effective digital economy.



In addition to the increasing capabilities of terrestrial networks it is becoming clear that both the internet and the Internet of Things are becoming 3 dimensional with the announcement of a number of initiatives to provide data connectivity by satellite. Satellites have the capability of providing connectivity to areas which previously were difficult to connect and at the same time providing solutions to improve spectrum utilisation. The promise of these platforms is accompanied by challenges such as low capacity and complex link characteristics, but these are challenges that will surely be overcome on the route to enhancing the digital platform of the 21st Century.

CHAIR / KIERAN ARNOLD Head of Domains, Satellite Applications Catapult

RUPERT PEARCE MEIR MOALEM DAN MERCER CEO, Inmarsat CEO and Managing Director, Sky Vice President & General Manager and Space Global EMEA & Russia, Iridium The Role of Satellite Communications in Delivering 5G – Why Satellite Cube SATS New LEO Capabilities Communications will Define the Future Sky and Space Global share their LEO constellations have been providing of Mobility/Mobile Communications? view on the roll out rate of the new connectivity to mobile users for over The advent of 5G brings a wealth of generation of potentially autonomous twenty years and are presently being exciting innovation and growth for our high-count Cube SAT constellations and upgraded with more powerful satellites industry. An unprecedented demand for the projected cost and performance supporting new voice and data services global, mobile “anywhere, always on” capabilities of these new LEO networks combined with imaging, sensing and network capacity. There will be a higher both in terms of their standalone positioning. Iridium is now very close expectation than ever to deliver security performance and their ability to add to completing the fastest constellation and resilience for mission critical value to other space, sub space and refresh ever achieved in the satellite applications over billions of devices. terrestrial narrow band and broadband industry, using Space X as their launch We have a responsibility to ensure networks including IoT and voice partner. Dan Mercer of Iridium reviews that more capacity does not messaging applications. what their ‘NEXT’ constellation delivers generate more emissions, creating in terms of an upgraded service sustainable energy solutions. capability and how the LEO sector in However all of these opportunities general is evolving both in terms of will not be realised by the mobile capability and scale. operators acting alone. It will shape a new direction in collaboration and innovation within the satellite industry and how we address legacy issues.

FRANCIS CRICK AUDITORIUM Lunch Sponsor Speaker 13:05 - 13:10

Mills & Reeve

FRANCIS CRICK AUDITORIUM Lightning Talk 13:50 - 14:05

JAMES MARTIN learning machines and improving AI. • Machine learning and advanced Senior Cyber Security • How AI has a profound impact on mathematics as tools for Manager, Darktrace our future internet, and the potential handling complexity The Future Impact of AI in Cybercrime for it to enable digital criminals • Real life examples and applications of attacks James will cover the upcoming and • The complexity of business and prominent changes in cybersecurity, protection, and how current • Inevitable rise of data theft and and the rise of automation, self- defenders are being outpaced how best to protect yourself



The coming disruption in the mobility and automotive space is driving the most significant technology development demands in its history. 1,700 new companies have entered the industry. The advent of a sharing economy is having an impact and creating the opportunity for services to displace vehicle ownership as well as the potential to disrupt the overall industry business model. The demands for innovation to support this potential revolution requires technology application from other verticals, in-house development and partnership with innovative third parties. The future mobility ecosystem with autonomous technology for ride sharing, local massed transit, delivery services and new modes of mobility will present opportunities through connectivity for a wide array of innovation applied to mapping, real-time localisation, advanced sensors and efficient computing.

CHAIR / IAN SIMMONS Vice President, Business Development, R&D, Magna International

IAN SIMMONS may one day play a key role in BP’s future. However much of that work also needs to Vice President, Business Development, We are also spinning out innovation, like start with the consumers who increasingly R&D, Magna International Nexcel, into the market to create new value, look to on-demand services to get around. as well as play a role in building the circular Introduction to Mobility into the Future Avis Budget Group is completely economy. While the future of mobility engaged in this shift for both consumers Magna is a global mobility technology may not yet be clear, it will include BP. and business and this presentation company providing highly technical systems will provide insights into how we are and building complete vehicles. Mobility as DAVID GOOSEY reinventing rental and digitising our we know it is on the cusp of major change, Managing Director, Nexcel business in preparation for the future and so is the industry that supports it. of mobility on a global scale across the Ride sharing, autonomous shuttles, new Closing the Loop on the Connected Car 180 countries in which we operate. mobility concepts, connectivity features is Nearly all of us enjoy the convenience driving rapid change into the ecosystem. a car provides whether we own one DR STEVE MARSH Congestion and cities imposing future ourselves or hire one to get where we Founder & CTO, GeoSpock restrictions on internal combustion need to be. That convenience comes engines will influence transport and at a cost. The car needs regular service Mobilising the Future with smart infrastructure. Future challenges and maintenance and that requires Contextual Intelligence in business cases, legislation, how we pay taking it off the road which is a hassle. When it comes to making smart decisions for mobility services and how industry The convenience of a car also comes at a cost context is king, and location data is the is compensated will have a disruptive to the environment. Most cars today and in king of context. We are progressing, impact on the car companies and major the future, rely on a petrol or diesel engine to rapidly, towards a world of unfathomable suppliers. Mobility is changing, consumers provide its power and generating that power amounts of data. This “tsunami of data”, expectations are changing and so is Magna. creates carbon dioxide – a greenhouse remains, unfortunately, siloed due to gas. Servicing a car produces 4 or 5 litres of the complexity of serving a small subset DAVID GILMOUR waste oil every time... which, if recovered of discrete use cases. At GeoSpock we Vice President, responsibly, has to be safely disposed of. bring our expertise of space & time big Business Development, BP Nexcel is an exciting new digitally- data engineering to unlock the hidden Creating New Value from Convergence enabled automotive technology which value in data silos. We aim to build is helping the automotive transport up a holistic and complete contextual All oil companies face a dual challenge – industry and policy makers responding understanding of the world, in particular, deliver the world’s growing demand for to these challenges globally. the M2M physical data world. Our energy and cut emissions. Growth in supply approach starts to bridge the worlds of hydrocarbons is required both to build of SmartMobility, SmartInfrastructure, economies and to underpin electrification, NEAL SUNNERS Senior Vice President Innovation SmartCity, SmartEnergy and SmartHealth. a global megatrend that may appear and Emerging Technologies, We are creating the fundamentals of to disrupt incumbents like BP. But the Avis Budget Group DataEconomy 2.0. In doing so, we allow the convergence of electrification with other costs of data generation to be amortised trends, like convenience, autonomy and the The Future of Mobility – over many applications, opening up sharing economy, also creates opportunities the Avis Budget Group Perspective new business models and monetisation for companies like BP. And we are taking The world of mobility is evolving daily with opportunities – bringing value to all both an outside-in and inside-out approach automotive companies, technology giants players in the digital value chain and to create some advantage. BP Ventures is and others making steps to bring new enabling true mobility in the future. investing in high growth, disruptive start- products to markets including Connected ups, like StoreDot, FlyVictor and Drover that Cars, Autonomous Vehicles and more.



As products become more capable we are seeing an ever-increasing requirement for more natural interaction including voice, image and gesture. Our children and grandchildren may find the concept of pressing buttons and clicking icons quaint when their main mode of interaction is to talk to machines and to have the machines add information to the visual environment of the user. Such new interfaces not only require new interface technologies and increased intelligence of the underlying service but will have a huge impact on our lives as it becomes easier and faster to have machines perform more and more complex activities on our behalf.

CHAIR / PROF DAVID CRAWFORD Universities of Essex & Ravensbourne (London) SPEAKERS

DR TOM CARTER DR JENNAH KRIEBEL CTO & Founder, Ultrahaptics Chief Operations Officer, MotaWord

The Role of Touch in Mixed Reality PRIYA PRAKASH Founder, Design for Social Change If you’ve ever seen someone experiencing virtual reality, you’ll notice they almost always do one Panel Discussion: Where is Mixed Reality thing: they reach out to touch the digital content in on the Gartner Hype Cycle? front of them. Our sense of touch provides us with Rather than using a panel of industry players to an enormous amount of information about our comment in turn on questions such as the above, environment. As such, the field of haptic technology, this year we are going to stimulate discussions simulating the sense of touch, is developing at which will involve the , and thereby tap pace. Ultrahaptics has created a technology which into a significant pool of knowledge, experience enables users to reach out and feel digital content and expertise. Two distinguished ‘mover- by projecting tactile sensations though the air onto shakers’ from the world of new technology the user’s bare skin, using ultrasound. This talk will and its adoption are going to facilitate the cover what this technology brings to mixed realities. discussions and challenge the delegates with some interesting thoughts and hypotheses. DR BRIGITTA ZICS The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, Deputy Head of Postgraduate published in 2017, places AR in the ‘Trough of Studies, Ravensbourne Disillusionment’, and VR just emerging and TAMAS CZUPER entering the ‘Slope of Enlightenment’. But Sound Designer, Producer and Musician, beyond improving applications like gaming, are Ravensbourne there some fundamental acceptance problems 3D Spatial Sound for MR – for mixed reality technologies in the consumer an Immersive Experience! marketplace? Are we in danger of creating MR technology solutions, and then trying to reverse- What are the limitations of ‘high fidelity’ audio engineer them for applications in areas such as systems that have developed within the consumer education//entertainment; should we electronics marketplace? … can technology use a more human-centered design approach? recreate a realistic spatial sphere of sound around us, as we experience in our normal lives, and then synchronise this seamlessly with our mixed reality worlds? How does this sound map change when we move our body/head? All will be revealed … hearing is believing!



In this session we look beyond the hype that suggests that the power of AI is vested in sophisticated new algorithms. In the field of AI it has been said that: “It’s not who has the best algorithms who wins, it’s who has the most data”. Is there a new arms race to own and control the largest data sets, and is this a significant barrier to adoption for new AI entrants? How much of a valuation of an AI business is associated with the data assets that they have control of or access to? How critical for enterprises adopting AI are the data infrastructures where data is stored, processed, manipulated and combined? Do enterprises need more help in unlocking the value of the data they have – without loss of control of that data?

CHAIR / PETER WHALE Founder, Vision Formers SPEAKERS

MAX HEINEMEYER PROF NEIL LAWRENCE Director of Threat Hunting, Darktrace University of Sheffield & Amazon

(Panellist) Data vs Algorithms - Discuss

MONTY BARLOW AMELIA ARMOUR Head of Artificial Intelligence, Principal, Amadeus Capital Partners Cambridge Consultants Data or Algorithm? Practice Makes Perfect: Which Generates Value in an AI Startup Training AI Without Data A consideration of whether access to In recent years, big data has advanced machine data is more important to an AI startup learning, leading to AI breakthroughs such as than high quality algorithms. reliable voice recognition. However, as dynamic applications start to demand more flexible AI, this data-heavy approach is running out of steam. This The session will culminate with an interactive talk reveals a new way of training AI – learning from debate involving the audience around the real-world experience instead of being limited to pre- relative importance and nature of the roles prepared data. We’ll showcase the latest AI system of better data versus better algorithms from Cambridge Consultants’ Digital Greenhouse in bringing AI services to market. AI research lab, which has learned to see through obstacles that humans cannot.



5G is known as the next big step of network, and in particular mobile network, technological change. The reality is, however, that new capabilities are already being added to and are enhancing networks. For example, 4G networks are already capable of Gigabit/s speeds whilst simultaneously being able to support massive machine type communications with NB-IOT. When the 3GPP 5G specifications, beginning with the upcoming standard for New Radio, are implemented and rolled out, the capabilities they bring will further enhance our ability to provide a higher level of automation, perhaps leading to autonomous machines and even autonomous enterprises. The capacities enabled in both the mobile and in the wireline networks will provide a powerful infrastructure for the society of the 21st Century.


ANNE LEINO TREVOR GILL DEAN BUBLEY Head of Spectrum Affairs, Consultant, Department Founder, Disruptive Analysis Nokia for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Is 5G Really Revolutionary, New Capabilities or is it ‘Just Another G’? in 5G Networks DCMS 5G Programme This talk will challenge the Strategy & Structure 5G includes new capabilities ‘received wisdom” and look at like low latency, extremely high An overview of the DCMS 5G a broad range of opportunities bitrates and active antenna TestBeds and Trials Programme. (for example private enterprise systems including MIMO. These networks), challenges (such as new capabilities facilitate new indoor coverage) and myths (such innovations for MNOs and verticals. as self-driving cars as a killer application for 5G). DR DRITAN KALESHI Lead Technologist, Future Networks, 5G Fellow, Digital Catapult

5G and Innovation

 FRANCIS CRICK AUDITORIUM Closing Remarks 17:55 - 18:00

FAYE HOLLAND Founder & Director, Cofinitive Ltd

 CHESTNUT SUITE, HINXTON HALL 18:45 - 21:45 Gala Dinner

ROBERT DRIVER DAME WENDY HALL DBE, FRS, FRENG CEO, CW (Cambridge Wireless) Regius Professor of Computer Science and Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Southampton; Executive Director, Web Science Institute ADRIAN HILLIER Technology Consultant, TTP plc After dinner speaker


Amelia Armour Richard Baker Dean Bubley Plenary AI Track 3 Mobility Plenary 5G

Principal, Amadeus Chief Executive Officer, GeoSpock Founder, Disruptive Analysis Capital Partners Richard serves a Chief Executive Officer Dean Bubley (@disruptivedean) is the Founder Amelia Armour joined Amadeus Capital of GeoSpock, as well as serving as Non- of Disruptive Analysis, an independent Partners Limited in 2009, she serves as a Executive Director for Falcon Media House, technology industry analyst and consulting Principal in the Early Stage Funds with an a London Stock Exchange listed global firm. An outspoken analyst & futurist with investment focus of Autonomous Systems, Internet Media Group. He is the Chairman over 25 years’ experience, he specialises in AI & Machine Learning, Digital Health and of TAB U.K. Ltd, a Data Science company communications, mobile, and telecoms fields. Medical Technology. Prior to Amadeus, she based in Cambridge. He is one of the leading market observers worked at Barclays Investment Bank as a covering network infrastructure & , Formerly, Richard was the joint founder manager in the structured capital markets telecom business models, voice/video and CEO of Cleartrade Exchange (CLTX), team with responsibility for running a communications and broadband/spectrum incorporated in Singapore, an electronic portfolio of multi jurisdiction transactions. policy. He is known as a contrarian and execution exchange for cash-settled, Amelia has also worked in structured finance visionary, often with challenging opinions that cleared derivatives and futures contracts. at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. go against industry consensus. CLTX is regulated by the Monetary Authority She qualified as a chartered accountant with of Singapore (MAS) as a Recognised Market His present focus is on 5G network Deloitte in the corporate tax department. Operator (RMO) and as a Foreign Board technology, WiFi, spectrum policy, blockchain Amelia holds a BSc in Chemistry and Biology of Trade (FBOT) in the USA by the CFTC. & distributed ledgers, the “future of voice from Durham University. CLTX provides a specialised order matching and video”, mobile broadband, developer Being based in Cambridge she has a engine giving access to an anonymous platforms and contextual communications. particular interest in supporting and central limit order book and block traded He also advises on trends in telco service nurturing spin-outs from the University futures across multiple asset classes and creation & monetisation, mobile devices, IoT, and is an active observer on the boards of contracts. CLTX was subject to a 100% majority applications ecosystems, broad futurism and Cambridge Touch Technologies, a company acquisition by the European Energy Exchange, telecoms regulation/policy. developing the next generation of force a Deutsche Bourse company in late 2016. He provides clients with advice and analytical touch for mobile phones and tablets, Richard has held several senior executive opinion on topics such as business model machine learning company positions in technology, media and validation, technology innovation and go- and Paragraf, the graphene technology telecommunications. He has served to-market strategies, “addressable market development company. as a non-executive board member in sizing”, planning and due diligence. His the internet technology solution sector clients include many of the world’s leading and has directed and co-founded a telecom operators, vendors, regulators and Kieran Arnold consulting services firm. industry associations. Plenary Satellites (Chair) Richard has a passion for people, Mr Bubley was formerly an equity analyst, innovation, driving high standards covering communications stocks, with the and achieving high results. Richard UK arm of investment bank Robert W. Baird. Head of Domains, Satellite holds qualifications in technology and Prior to that, he spent eight years at UK Applications Catapult communications and is a frequent speaker research firm Datamonitor, where he co- Kieran acquired a BSc (H) in Avionic & at conferences and roundtables. founded the company’s Technology business, Communications systems at Cranfield managed the Internet & Networking area University and MSc in and custom consulting operations, with roles at University College London. He has held Monty Barlow of Chief Analyst & Director of Consulting. He various senior technical and executive roles Plenary AI holds a BA in Physics from Keble College, over the past 30 years which included R&D Oxford University. Chief Technical Officer for Orange / France Telecom R&D. In 2009 Kieran joined Airbus Head of Artificial Intelligence, Space & Defence, formerly EADS Astrium, as Cambridge Consultants their Head of Payload Systems Engineering Monty Barlow leads the machine learning running the telecommunications payload capability at Cambridge Consultants, with a engineering division, the group was particular focus on the practical application of responsible for the design and delivery of artificial intelligence to industrial problems. advanced communications satellites. Kieran Throughout his career he has sought joined the Satellite Applications Catapult challenges which require high performance in 2013 as head of domains and 5G subject computation and algorithms to solve, in matter expert. diverse domains such as telecommunications, security, transport and healthcare. In 2014, he founded a research lab within Cambridge.


Graham Burnett-Hall Peter Busch Dr David Cleevely Track 1 Ind IoT Track 2 Blockchain Welcome

Partner, Marks & Clerk Senior Expert Connected Chairman, Raspberry Pi Graham advises on all aspects of Mobility / Leader Automotive David Cleevely is an entrepreneur who has intellectual property law, with a particular Blockchain, Robert Bosch Group founded a series of companies including emphasis on patent litigation and dispute Peter is Senior Expert for Automotive Abcam, Analysys, 3waynetworks and others. resolution in areas with a high level of Integration -an Automotive think Dr Cleevely is the Chairman of Raspberry scientific or technical content. He advises tank for the board of management Pi, founding Chairman of the Cambridge clients in a wide range of fields, including of Robert Bosch. He has 25+ years of Science Centre and the Founding Director the electronics and telecommunications, experience in international project of the Centre for Science and Policy, biotechnology and pharma, medical device management, coaching and training University of Cambridge as well as acting as and chemical sectors. He frequently acts in in SW/HW development. He holds a government advisor. He also co-founded multi-jurisdictional disputes, co-ordinating a diploma in computer science and Cambridge Network, Cambridge Wireless, and working with legal teams in Europe and business administration and worked i.e. Cambridge Angels and the award winning the United States. He is one of the few UK for JP Morgan, Sun Microsystems and the restaurant Bocca di Lupo. practitioners with first-hand experience of BOSCH Group. His current interests and running patent litigation in China. responsibilities are Connected Mobility Graham’s patent work in the and IoT technologies and the respective telecommunications and electronics sectors business models and ecosystems Prof David Crawford has covered standard essential patents, for all engineering disciplines. Track 4 MR (Chair) electronic program guides, transmission systems (including applications of LTE and video streaming using CDNs), radio Universities of Essex & frequency identification devices and Dr Tom Carter Ravensbourne (London) encryption methods. In the life sciences, Track 4 MR David Crawford is a Professor at the biotech and health care sectors he has University of Essex and at Ravensbourne focussed on antibodies, small molecule in the UK, with interests in next generation CTO and Founder, Ultrahaptics drugs, pharmaceutical formulations, networks and ‘beyond HD’ insulin-like growth factors and binding Ultrahaptics’ breakthrough technology services. He is well-known in the engineering proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, stent valves creates the sensation of touch in mid- and business fraternities, having worked and occluders, and wound dressings. Other air – shapes and textures that cannot be for over 40 years in the telecoms and matters have covered technologies as diverse seen but can be felt. It enables customers broadcast industries and academia. David as artificial sweeteners and flow meters. His to harness the extraordinary power of lectures on ‘ICT’, ‘Networks’ and ‘Broadcast cases include leading authorities on priority haptics, and expertly supports them to Technology’, and is Director of a small rights and contributory patent infringement. deliver immersive, intuitive, innovative high tech start-up in France. He also runs He also conducts proceedings relating to and often magical experiences across a his own technical Consultancy Company, other IPRs, such as designs, trade marks, range of sectors. The company has raised TTL, and chairs and presents regularly at trade secrets and confidential information, £30m in funding, and employs around 100 technical and business conferences. David including emergency injunction applications, people worldwide with offices in Bristol, is a Member of the Royal Television Society, opposition proceedings and infringement Palo Alto, and Seoul. an ex-Board and Council Member of the Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET), and validity disputes, as well as advising on Tom started exploring ultrasound and has been the Executive Producer for commercial and transactional matters. technology during a study in the final the annual IBC Multimedia Conference in year of his Master’s degree in Computer Graham is recommended in the IAM Amsterdam for many years. Patent 1000 guide, which describes him as Science at the University of Bristol. He a “cross-border whizz”, and is also listed further developed the initial concept to as an ‘IP Star’ by Managing Intellectual form the basis of his PhD studies, during Property. He has been included in Legal which time he published numerous papers Tamas Czuper 500, and listed as an expert by Who’s Who and filed various patents. Recognising the Track 4 MR Legal for his “reputation as a trouble- technology’s commercial viability, Tom shooter for cases with unusually complex founded Ultrahaptics in November 2013. technical aspects”. Sound Designer / Music Producer, Ravensbourne Tamas Czuper is a sound designer, producer and musician. He has worked with a wide range of professionals from live music band recordings to advertising companies. Tamas has created sound design and music for advertisements such as Lacoste, Speedo, Berghaus and Canterbury. He has been working on numerous documentaries, feature films, animation films, shorts movies and commercials. Over the course of 12 years, he has done live audio multi- track recordings.


Dr Joshua Daniel Robert Driver Trevor Gill Track 2 Blockchain Pre-Dinner Welcome Plenary 5G

Principal Research Scientist, BT TSO CEO, CW (Cambridge Wireless) Consultant, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) Dr Joshua Daniel is a Principal Research Bob joined CW in May 2015 with a focus Scientist at the Security Futures Practice on leading the development of the Trevor Gill graduated from Cambridge of BT TSO. He has expertise on Blockchain organisation, broadening its reach with University in 1977 and joined Racal technology, Distributed systems architecture, other sectors and clusters, while retaining Electronics to work on development of IoT Security, Semantic Web, Cloud Computing the unique culture and dynamism of the CW military radio systems. In 1983 he was part and Information Security. Joshua has been community. Working with the Events team, of the small team which helped to choose leading the introduction of Blockchain Bob is strategy lead for a number of Special the technology of the analogue cellular technology into BT Radianz, the world’s Interest Groups (SIGs) and recently joined network launched by Racal in largest secure financial network and further the editorial panel for the company’s latest 1985. He initiated the design of the world’s exploring use cases of Blockchain technology venture; CW Journal, a quarterly publication first GSM before moving to in IoT Security and Identity management in a advocating strong tech thought leadership Vodafone to lead development of radio post-password world. He has filed more than within the wider CW community. Prior planning software. In Vodafone R&D he two-dozen patents in securing Blockchain to working at CW, Bob was Director for steered the subsequent development of 3G, and utilising such technologies for service Technology at UK Trade & Investment 4G and the beginnings of 5G technology. integration, risk based access and identity [UKTI] where he successfully led teams He was recognised as a Vodafone management, secure code distribution and helping UK tech companies to access “Distinguished Engineer” in 2012. He is secure data sharing techniques. Joshua have overseas opportunities as well as attracting now an independent consultant and trustee also contributed to the introduction of cloud- technology inward investment into the UK. of two charities which encourage young based, secure application, data and email He also coordinated the UKTI science and people to take up careers in engineering. protection services with the cloud service innovation agenda and was responsible stores on BT’s Cloud Incubator and BT Cloud for the delivery of UKTI events from small Compute platform. He has a PhD and BEng missions to large trade fairs. from the University of Southampton UK and David Gilmour has also worked for Rolls-Royce, UK. Track 3 Mobility Simon Fletcher Vice President, Business Plenary 5G (Chair) Alison Davis Development, BP Track 2 Blockchain CTO, Real Wireless After graduating with MA, D.Phil in Inorganic Chemistry from Oxford University in Simon joined Real Wireless in January 2016 Lead Industry Solutions & Business 1986, David joined ICI Paints as a chemist as Chief Technology Officer, taking overall formulating paint for use in the automotive Development Consultant, Telco, technical and technical strategy responsibility Media & Entertainment, IBM crash-repair industry. David moved into across the company. He has chaired various product and brand management and into Alison is a seasoned advertising, digital media conference committees including the key account management with the major & entertainment and telecommunications Cambridge Wireless Annual International automotive companies. In 1996, David joined professional with over 20 years’ experience. Conference and is recognised as a regular Burmah Castrol to run the Marine lubricants Having worked for, firstly, M&C Saatchi and speaker at industry events. He is a Small Cell business in the UK and stayed for the next then , she joined IBM in 2016 SIG Champion. His long-standing association 12 years as the business became the leading to use her in-depth industry knowledge to with the UK innovation eco-system through player in the marine lubricants industry. help bring their transformative technology to roles such as Director of mVCE and the During this time David held a number of enterprise clients across the industry. Alison Innovate-UK ICT-KTN brings a wealth of different roles as Marketing and Technology is an expert in the application of emerging practical knowledge on open innovation to Director, Strategy Director, Performance technology to power business growth and accelerate product and services delivery. Unit Leader and Global Sales Director. is currently focusing on three main areas: Simon spent the past 20 years working in In 2009, David joined Air BP as Chief AI, Blockchain and AR/VR. telecoms infrastructure systems and product development. In NEC Corporation he played Operating Officer, overseeing major a key role in the formation of Joint Ventures transformation, including driving Nicolas Devillard for development of 3G and 4G products and innovation through new partnerships and established a core team that developed the venturing. In 2016, David joined group Track 1 Ind IoT first-generation of technology for 4G systems technology, with responsibility for BP culminating in a Steering Board position in Ventures, technology commercialisation & Senior Product Manager, Arm the LTE SAE Trials Initiative (LSTI). In recent strategy, planning and communications. times he has directed projects on future David has been instrumental in BP’s Nicolas Devillard is a Senior Product strategic decision to increase its venturing Manager at Arm, managing security for cities, the application 5G and IoT in industry verticals with an event horizon towards activities in support of the company’s Mbed OS. A software engineer, he has 15 transition to lower carbon and is now years of experience working with smart 2030. His long participation in Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) and then accountable for venturing investments. cards, trusted execution environments, David is married to Amanda and has three public-key infrastructure, and network directing Real Wireless engagement in H2020 5G-NORMA, 5G-MoNArch and the 2016 NIC children, Matthew, Jonathan and Natalie security. His main focus is making security and is based in Windsor, UK. the path of least resistance for the designers study on Future Comms infrastructure brings and inventors of billions of connected great foresight on a range of architectural objects. He lives in Paris France, where evolutions underway in 5G architectures. he graduated in 1994 as an Electronics Engineer, specialising in Signal Processing.


David Goosey Matt Hatton Faye Holland Track 3 Mobility Keynote Master of Ceremonies

Managing Director, Nexcel Research Vice President, Gartner Founder & Director, Cofinitive Ltd David is the Managing Director of Nexcel, Matt Hatton is a widely respected technology Faye Holland is founder of Cofinitive a new business venture within Castrol’s analyst with 20 years of experience and is a Ltd, a communications and engagement lubricants business. The business is foremost industry expert on the Internet of company based in Cambridge, UK. developing and marketing unique technology Things. Mr. Hatton is a member of Gartner’s Faye has launched, transformed (and which will; improve vehicle servicing flexibility IoT Group where he spends his time helping retired) dozens of projects and, as an and efficiency for owners and operators, vendors and enterprises understand the experienced communicator, works reduce the environmental impact of waste oil implications and opportunities presented cohesively at all levels of organisations and and reduce vehicle CO2 emissions. by the growth of the Internet of Things. their stakeholder communities. Prior to Matt was previously the Founder and CEO The business has ambitions growth plans founding Cofinitive, Faye ran the European of Machina Research, a boutique research and the potential to become a significant and Asia-Pacific operations of a global firm focused on IoT, which was acquired by contributor to BP’s future. media company. She worked at IBM on Gartner in November 2016. numerous emerging technology projects David’s has over 30 years of global B2B including wireless e-business, wireless experience including, agriculture, automotive broadband solutions and RFID. Faye coatings and lubricants and shipping in Max Heinemeyer started her career locally at PIPEX, where roles with ICI Paints, PPG and Castrol / BP. Plenary AI she was responsible for UK and Ireland David is married with two grown up children. marcomms for direct and indirect sales and He is a keen sailor and mountain walker launched the first iteration of PIPEX Dial. and trustee of a woodland charity. Director of Threat Hunting, Faye is locally recognised as chair of the Darktrace Connectivity Group in Cambridge Ahead Dame Wendy Hall Max is a cyber security expert with and spearheaded the #CambsNotspotter over eight years’ experience in the field campaign, in which some CW After-Dinner Speaker specializing in network monitoring and members have also been involved. offensive security. At Darktrace, Max works Faye has recently been shortlisted DBE, FRS, FREng, Regius Professor with strategic customers to help them in numerous awards, locally and of Computer Science and Pro investigate and respond to threats as well nationally, including Unsung Hero and as overseeing the cyber security analyst Vice-Chancellor (International Women Entrepreneur of the Year. team in the Cambridge UK headquarters. Engagement) at the University Prior to his current role, Max led the of Southampton, and Executive Threat and Vulnerability Management Director of the Web Science Institute department for Hewlett-Packard in Central Dame Wendy Hall, DBE, FRS, FREng is Europe. He was a member of the German Regius Professor of Computer Science Chaos Computer Club, working as a white and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International hat hacker in penetration testing and red Engagement) at the University of teaming engagements. Max holds a MSc Southampton, and is the Executive from the University of Duisburg-Essen and Director of the Web Science Institute. a BSc from the Cooperative State University Stuttgart in International Business With Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Information Systems. Shadbolt she co-founded the Web Science Research Initiative in 2006 and is the Managing Director of the Web Science Trust, which has a global mission to support Adrian Hillier the development of research, education Dinner Sponsor and thought leadership in Web Science. She became a Dame Commander Adrian Hillier, Technology of the British Empire in the 2009 Consultant, TTP plc UK New Year’s Honours list, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society. Adrian Hillier is a Technology Consultant with more than 20 years of experience She has previously been President of the leading cutting-edge developments ACM, Senior Vice President of the Royal in the mobile communications sector, Academy of Engineering, a member of the spanning cellular, LPWAN and satellite UK Prime Minister’s Council for Science systems. At TTP, he assists the Wireless and Technology, was a founding member Communications Group in developing of the European Research Council and business opportunities with clients in the Chair of the European Commission’s ISTAG satellite IoT and smart antenna arenas. 2010-2012, and was a member of the Global Adrian previously spent a significant part of Commission on Internet Governance. his career in the consumer She is currently a member of the World industry, developing disruptive modem Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council IP for some of the biggest players in the on the Digital Economy, and is co-Chair cellular industry. of the UK government’s AI Review, which was published in October 2017.


Dr Jennah Kriebel Prof Neil Lawrence Dr Derek Long Track 4 MR Plenary AI Track 2 Blockchain (Chair)

Chief Operations Officer, MotaWord University of Sheffield/Amazon Head of Telecoms and Mobile, Dr Jennah Kriebel completed a PhD in Neil Lawrence leads Amazon Research Cambridge Consultants 2006 on enabling technologies underlying Cambridge where he is a Director of As head of telecoms and mobile at quantum computing, from Harvard Machine Learning. He is on leave of Cambridge Consultants, Derek leads University. A thought leader and respected absence from the University of Sheffield the company’s collaboration within voice on the business of emerging where he was a Professor in Computational the sector. Central to Derek’s role at technologies, she focuses especially on Biology and Machine Learning jointly Cambridge Consultants is helping create the similarities across different industries appointed across the Departments of breakthrough innovation that transforms of the digital/physical interface. She Neuroscience and Computer Science. Neil’s the delivery of high-performance has especially enjoyed advising the CEO main research interest is machine learning communication for their partners; from of a Forbes-Global top 50 company on through probabilistic models. He focuses on mobile carriers and ISPs, to vendors emerging future-tech strategy with the both the algorithmic side of these models and component manufacturers. With Boston Consulting Group, positioning and their application. He has a particular over 20 years’ experience in mobile attentive investors to win in security data focus on applications in personalized health technology, Derek has held a range of analytics by entering a stealth startup and computational biology, but happily multinational senior management roles at the ground floor, designing an AI- dabbles in other areas such as speech, and has a wealth of expertise across all track session for SXSW, and building vision and graphics. Neil was Associate generations of mobile and broadband and testing in zero gravity a space-ready Editor in Chief for IEEE Transactions on technology, including LTE-A and 5G. medical lab-on-a-chip with N.A.S.A. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Derek holds a PhD in telecommunications (2011-2013) and is an Action Editor for the from the University of Bristol. Journal of Machine Learning Research. He was the founding editor of the Proceedings Dr Dritan Kaleshi of Machine Learning Research (2006) and Plenary 5G is currently series editor. He was an area Dr Steve Marsh chair for the NIPS conference in 2005, 2006, Track 3 Mobility Lead Technologist, Future Networks, 2012 and 2013, Workshops Chair in 2010 5G Fellow, Digital Catapult and Tutorials Chair in 2013. He was General Chair of AISTATS in 2010 and AISTATS Founder & Chief Technology Dritan Kaleshi is an experienced Programme Chair in 2012. He was Program Officer, GeoSpock technologist, with over 20 years R&D Chair of NIPS in 2014 and was General Chair A technology entrepreneur, Steve graduated experience in communication networks, for 2015. He is one of the founders of the from The University of Cambridge with a distributed systems, their interoperability DALI Meeting and Data Science Africa. and system integration. He is Lead PhD in Computer Science in 2013. Steve’s Technologist for Future Networks and 5G PhD research led him to build custom Fellow at Digital Catapult, where he leads supercomputer architectures for the real- the 5G Future Networks program, focusing Anne Leino time simulation of human brain function. It on national coordination of 5G activities was his extensive PhD research that inspired Plenary 5G and how to best link advanced digital GeoSpock’s revolutionary technology. infrastructure R&D with digital innovation An UK Data Entrepreneur to deliver economic impact. Prior to joining Head of Spectrum Affairs, Nokia of the Year 2017 winner, Steve is a Digital Catapult, Dritan was with University Anne Leino was born in Salo, Finland. member of Forbes’ 30 under 30 2016, of Bristol, where he led a 15-strong team She received Master of Science degree and an alumnus of the Techstars Winter researching in advanced wireless and from the University of Technology, 2014 cohort in London. He is also a past fixed networks, system architectures and , in 1991. Ms. Leino joined winner of Information Age’s UK Data protocol design with leading practical Telecommunications Administration Entrepreneur of the Year and an affiliate of implementations in smart energy, cities Centre, Finland, in 1991, working with TechCity’s Upscale programme for high- and healthcare, including large scale spectrum topics related to the regulation growth businesses. demonstrator platforms (SPHERE and of public mobile networks. She changed Bristol Is Open). He has represented While reading his PhD at Cambridge to in 1997 to work as a the UK in international standardisation University, Steve founded Collide, a location- frequency manager covering, especially, bodies, holds several patents, has aware mobile application (iOS and Android), the frequency arrangements related to edited two international standards, winning both the ‘Silicon Valley Comes to the the IMT-2000 networks. She was the head and has more than 70 publications. UK’ Cambridge Appathon, and Cambridge of spectrum regulatory and ITU-R team in He was a member of the UK Future University Entrepreneur of the Year 2012. Nokia Networks and continued Communications Challenges Group, and Steve also holds an MEng in Computer the same work in Nokia Networks (as re- is a member of the UK5G Advisory Board. Science from The University of Manchester. established in 2014) with a new title Head Steve has secured $13.2 million funding for of technical spectrum regulation. GeoSpock to date, having recently raised She has participated in IMT related an additional $6.6 million, which closed regulatory groups within CEPT and ITU-R GeoSpock’s Series A funding round and and in a number of IMT industry groups. will help to expand the business into new She used to be the chairman of UMTS regions around the world. Forum Spectrum Aspects Group (SAG) in 2003-2008. Ms. Leino is Coordinator for the CEPT region for the GSA Spectrum Group.


James Martin Meir Moalem Dr Juan Nogueira Lightning Talk Plenary Satellites Track 1 Ind IoT

Senior Cyber Security Manager, CEO & Managing Director, Sky and Sr. Director, Connectivity Center of Darktrace Space Global Excellence, Flex James’ career began working with IBM Mr. Meir Moalem is a co-founder of Dr. Nogueira is Sr. director of the Center and EMC in big data infrastructure where Sky and Space Global Ltd and serves as of Excellence for Wireless and Connectivity he addressed audiences alongside its Managing Director and CEO since at Flex. In this role he is defining customers such as Red Bull and Bosch, November 2015. Mr. Moalem is a jet technology roadmaps, evaluating new before moving into artificial intelligence fighter pilot, Lt. Col (Res.) of the IAF. innovative solutions, establishing strategic and cyber defence. At Darktrace, James is He has over 20 years of experience in collaborations with partner companies and a Senior Manager working with our most management, R&D and operation of leading internal research programs in the high profile blue chip clients across industry state-of-the-art projects in Space Systems field of wireless communication in general sectors including one of the UK’s leading and Unmanned Aerial Systems, among and Internet of Things in particular. retailers. He has spoken in front of a vast those acting as a deputy sq. commander Prior to working at Flex, he was Lead array of audiences internationally. James’ and leading the MEIDEX experiment on System Architect of Advanced Development specialism lies in the application of AI and Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) as the and System Architectures first at Robert machine learning in order to futureproof project manager for Israel’s first astronaut Bosch GmbH and then at Bosch Connected and protect an organization’s core business flight, Managing Israel’s satellite projects Devices and Solutions GmbH (BCDS) in assets against cyber threat. (such as Ofeq, Tecsar) and more. He has Reutlingen (Germany). In this position also received the Israel National Defence he defined the connectivity technology award in 2009. Mr. Moalem has a B.Sc. roadmap that later concluded with the Dan Mercer in Physics and computer sciences (with foundation of BCDS as the Bosch subsidiary honours) and an M.A. from the Diplomacy Plenary Satellites focused in connectivity and IoT. and National Security executive program Before that, he worked in corporate R&D for (with honours). Currently he is working wireless communication and sensing systems on his PhD in national security and Vice President & General Manager at Sony Corporation in Stuttgart (Germany) space programs in Tel Aviv University, EMEA & Russia, Iridium where he held the positions of Senior System Israel. Meir has also received the Israel Engineer and Principal Engineer. Dan Mercer is Vice President for National Defence award in 2009. Europe, Middle East, Africa & Russia Dr. Juan Nogueira holds a PhD in at Iridium Communications, the only Telecommunications Engineering from the satellite communications constellation University of Vigo (Spain). He subsequently that offers truly global voice and data Abhi Naha became an associated professor at the coverage, currently in the midst of the University of Vigo in the Electronic Technology most technologically advanced and Track 1 Ind IoT (Chair) Department, collaborating with industry on largest satellite network replenishment projects in the area of industrial field buses. programme – Iridium NEXT. Dan is CCO, CW (Cambridge Wireless) He has written numerous articles and holds responsible for expanding and managing 20+ patents in the area of communication Iridium’s business activities across the Abhi has a long heritage with CW having protocols and wireless sensor networks. region, having just short of 30 years of previously founded the CW Handset Special experience with a variety of technology Interest Group (SIG) in 2008, now called businesses & customers, 15 of those years Future Devices. Prior to CW, Abhi studied being with Iridium. Dan holds a First Class Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering, has a MBA in International Marketing from Kingston University, UK. and interestingly, was approached by Cambridge University Press (alongside a colleague at the time) to write a book on Mobile Handset Design which was successfully launched in New Delhi. 20 years in the ICT industry, it’s fair to say Abhi has built up an enviable network of contacts, to the great fortune of CW! He joined the team in June 2015 as Head of Marketing before landing his current role as CCO. Abhi is responsible for commercial operations, engagement with the start-up community, and is a key driving force behind CW Unplugged; an initiative aimed at the younger generation. A strong advocate of digital inclusion and diversity within the technology industry, Abhi champions this across all areas within CW and actively mentors several young CEO Founders.


Rupert Pearce Ian Simmons Rosalind Singleton Sponsor Welcome / Plenary Satellites Track 3 Mobility (Chair) Keynote

Chief Executive Officer, Inmarsat Vice President Business Managing Director, UK Broadband & Chair, UK5G Rupert Pearce is Chief Executive Officer Development, Corporate Engineering of Inmarsat and a member of its Board of and R&D, Magna International Inc. Rosalind Singleton is a telecoms CxO, Directors. He has held the position of CEO Ian has served as Vice President Business mentor and angel investor with over 25 since January 2012 and prior to that was an Development, Corporate Engineering and R&D years experience in the industry. Executive Director. A lawyer by profession, since 2012 and is responsible for identifying Rosalind joined UK Broadband in 2013 and Rupert initially joined Inmarsat in 2005 as and developing new business opportunities has been Managing Director since 2017. Group General Counsel and also held the with start-ups, universities, venture capital She has previously held senior roles at role of Senior Vice President of Inmarsat companies and entrepreneurs. As a result of BT, Cable and Wireless, Vodafone, various Enterprises from 2009 to 2011. his work in the last 12-15 months, Magna has VNOs, and other international operators Before joining Inmarsat, Rupert spent five entered into partnerships with more than 15 from start-ups to incumbents. companies and invested over $90 million. years at private equity firm Atlas Venture and Most recently Rosalind has been appointed also spent 13 years specialising in corporate Ian joined Magna in 2003 as Executive as the inaugural Chair of the UK5G Advisory finance and M&A at multinational law firm, Director Sales and Program Management Board. UK5G is the national innovation Linklaters, where he became a partner. for Magna Steyr North America. In 2008 he network dedicated to the promotion of In a non-executive capacity, Rupert chairs the was promoted to General Manager, and in research, collaboration and the commercial EMEA Satellite Operators Association, is part 2010 this role was expanded to President of application of 5G in the UK, providing advice of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Magna Steyr North America. to and working closely with the Department Development and is a member of the Steering Ian, who has worked in the automotive for Digital, Cultural, Media and Sport (DCMS). Committee of the Smart Africa Initiative as well industry for more than 35 years, began his She is an active angel investor and mentor, as sitting on the board of techUK. career in 1976 with student training at the Ford focussing on businesses with a female Motor Company in the U.K. Upon leaving Ford Rupert holds a first-class Master’s degree founder. Her investments span wearables, in 1982 he undertook engineering assignments in Modern History from Oxford University, software, big data and blockchain amongst in Europe with Volkswagen and DAF Trucks. studied at the Georgetown University others. She is an experienced speaker and Law Centre in Washington DC and is also In 1990 Ian held the position of Manager of panellist on the role of women in early stage a visiting fellow of the Imperial College Business Development for Hawtal Whiting investing and telecoms innovation. Business School in London. Plc. in the U.K., where he was responsible for UK Broadband delivers wireless broadband sales activities throughout Europe. In 1993 Outside of the office Rupert is married with 3 to customers across the country through he accepted a transfer to the company’s children and is a sports enthusiast who enjoys retail and wholesale services as Relish, U.S. operation to become Vice President of cycling, swimming, sailing, cricket and rugby. and delivers wireless solutions to critical Sales. In 1995 Ian became Vice President of national infrastructure providers and local Operations for the Hawtal Whiting technical government customers across the UK. Priya Prakash center in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Ian returned to the U.K. in 1997 as Director of Track 4 MR Business Development for TWR Ltd supporting Ian Stewart TWR Group sales and operational tasks for the Track 1 Ind IoT Founder, Design for Social Change technical services division. He subsequently returned to the U.S. in 1999 and joined Priya Prakash is designer-founder of GM Performance Solutions, Porsche Engineering Services as Head of Sales London based award-winning D4SC Finning UK & Ireland – Design for Social Change Ltd – The in 2000. Ian holds dual U.S. / U.K. citizenship. applied urban innovation studio develops Ian has been a member of the Society of Ian joined Finning UK (Ltd) in 2017 as GM collaborative products and services Automotive Engineers for over 20 years. Performance Solutions. He leads Finning combining human and machine intelligence Managed Services (FMS) and SITECH with to co-create smarter cities with people. a focus on transformation of Finnings Toby Simpson Performance solutions organisation and Changify #SmarterStreets D4SC’s intelligent solution capability. people- powered decision making platform to Track 2 Blockchain improve public infrastructure got awarded by With a background of Innovation value creation and strategy in Digital Innovate UK to pilot in Plymouth with Amey CTO, Fetch.AI Ferrovial. It resulted in reducing average road Technologies across Computing, Telecoms inspection costs by 22%, increasing citizen Toby brings with him over a quarter and Machine to Machine solutions, Ian has satisfaction and contractor responsiveness by of a century of experience in software led technical and commercial teams in a 19.8% and is being scaled across UK and Asia. architecture and development and range of digital transformation and new Prakash is on ‘Tech City Insider 100’, IBM’s more than a decade as CTO across three business creation spanning a wide range People for Smarter Cities and featured in FT, companies. As a software developer and of enterprise sectors and critical national Sunday Times, BBC, Wired, Guardian and the manager, he’s built and directed several infrastructure sectors globally. Queen’s 2017 Honours list for award winning successful computer games including Ian has worked in the Digital and work in Chinese smart cities using data to producing the highly successful Creatures Telecommunications sector for over 20 improve public safety. series in the 90s. Armed with a fresh, years and formerly held senior Marketing, biologically inspired approach to managing Product and Commercial positions at , Prior to D4SC, Priya was Head of Mobile software complexity and creating digital O2, Telefonica, Microsoft, Sony and Phone User Experience at Nokia where intelligence he went on to become Head Blackberry, with leadership responsibilities she led the global design team to launch of Software Design at DeepMind and to for Proposition, Portfolio Management, affordable smart phones – Nokia Asha in 144 construct a shared virtual world architecture Partnerships and Sales. Ian holds an MBA countries. At BBC, she was lead-designer called Alice, which powered the world’s most from Henley Management School. and co-inventor of iPlayer with joint patents. complex online 3D real-time strategy game. #CWIC2018 / THINKING BEYOND THE HYPE 20 SPEAKER & CHAIR BIOGRAPHIES

Neal Sunners Geoff Varrall Peter Whale Track 3 Mobility Conference Committee Plenary AI (Chair)

Senior Vice President Innovation Director, RTT Founder, Vision Formers and Emerging Technologies, Avis Geoff Varrall joined RTT in 1985 as an executive Peter is founder of Vision Formers, a Budget Group director and shareholder to develop RTT’s specialist consultancy that helps visionary Neal Sunners is Senior Vice President of international business as a provider of technology startups and scaleups get Innovation and Emerging Technologies technology and business services to the product to market and turn their ideas at Avis Budget Group, a leading global wireless industry. He co-developed RTT’s into reality. Peter has a long track record provider of mobility solutions. original series of design and facilitation of conceiving, developing and marketing workshops including ‘RF Technology’, successful technology-based solutions, In this role, Neal is responsible for the ‘Data Over Radio’, ‘Introduction to Mobile deployed at scale, globally. Innovative Company’s new technology and start- Radio’, and ‘Private Mobile Radio Systems products Peter has brought to market in up incubator activities and its related and developed ‘The Oxford programme’, digital, cloud, AI, consumer electronics and corporate partnerships. His role also a five daystrategic technology and market telecommunications have been used by includes developing new technology programme presented annually with the countless millions of people on a daily basis platforms and solutions, supporting new Shosteck Group. Over twenty years, more than globally, badged by the world’s leading and disruptive technologies and emerging five thousand senior level delegates attended digital and technology brands. service initiatives, such as the next- these programmes. A co-author of the Mobile generation of ancillary products, chauffeur Peter is a board member of CW Radio Servicing Handbook (Heinemann drive and the assessment of evolving (Cambridge Wireless), and co-leads its Butterworth, UK), Data Over Radio, (Quantum technologies for potential new partnership Artificial Intelligence special interest group. Publishing, Mendocino, USA and 3G Handset and investment opportunities. and Network Design (John Wiley, New York), Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Sunners Geoff’s fourth book, Making Telecoms Work had a successful career at the board level – from technical innovation to commercial of start-up companies, with roles such as success (John Wiley) was published in Chief Information Officer, Chief Operating early 2012, his fifth book, 5G Spectrum Dr Brigitta Zics Officer and Managing Director across a and Standards was published in 2015 and Track 4 MR variety of industries. Among the start-ups, his sixth book, 5G and Satellite Spectrum, Neal worked at Rubicon, Travelnet, and Standards and Scale will be available from Deputy Head of Postgraduate Aerotech, where he helped establish global Artech House in May 2018. In 2018 he will Studies, Ravensbourne organisations and at Global Corporations be presenting workshops in the Caribbean, such as AT&T, Capita and Travelport. He Asia and Australia. As a past Director of Dr Brigitta Zics is an award-winning artist is highly experienced in shaping and Cambridge Wireless, Geoff is actively involved who creates works with visual and material delivering major business and technology- in a number of wireless heritage initiatives that sensitivity that seeks to fashion new driven change programmes within the aim to capture and record past technology experiences. She works on the convergence e-commerce sector, specialising in both and engineering experience. In his spare time, of art and science and explores mixed- business-to-business and business-to- Geoff plays Jazz trumpet semi-professionally media forms combining various techniques consumer. and is a keen marathon and ultra-runner. and emerging technologies. Her recent interests embrace experiential art, human Mr. Sunners attended management perception and art, and the aesthetics of courses at both Wharton University and data and algorithms. Henley Business School and holds Alumini positions with both. She has graduated from Hungarian University of Fine Art and subsequently He is based at the Avis Budget Group’s from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne Bracknell office in the United Kingdom. receiving scholarships from DAAD, Eötvös State Grant and Ludwig Award. Her works has been exhibited at , Berlin, London, Los Angeles, Monaco and Cologne and published at Leonardo Journal (MIT press) and other academic journals (Springer, Taylor & Francis). In 2004 her work was nominated for the International Media Art Award at ZKM, in 2005 she was selected for one of Europe Best Multimedia Artists.




BP VENTURES Cambridge Consultants develops

MAGNA INTERNATIONAL breakthrough products, creates and EXHIBITING ON POD A licenses intellectual property, and provides EXHIBITING ON POD B business consultancy in technology- BP Ventures identifies and invests in critical issues for clients worldwide. For Magna is a leading global automotive private, high growth, game-changing more than 50 years, the company has supplier with 327 manufacturing operations technology companies, accelerating cutting been helping its clients turn business and 100 product development, engineering edge innovations across the entire energy opportunities into commercial successes, and sales centers in 29 countries. Magna spectrum. Since 2006, BP Ventures has whether they are launching first-to- has over 161,000 employees focused on invested over $400 million in corporate market products, entering new markets or delivering superior value to its customers venturing and has 42 active investments in expanding existing markets through the through Innovation and World Class its current portfolio. In 2017, we invested introduction of new technologies. With Manufacturing and Processes. At Magna, more than $90m in five technology a team of more than 700 staff, including we take great ideas and develop them from companies as diverse as acetylated wood, engineers, scientists, mathematicians and invention to commercialization. We also biojet fuels and artificial intelligence. designers, in offices in Cambridge (UK), know that great thinking happens outside Our venture portfolio is focused on emerging Boston (USA) and Singapore, Cambridge our four walls, and that our ability to technologies in oil and gas exploration Consultants offers solutions across a commercialise great ideas benefits inventors, and production and downstream diverse range of industries including founders, entrepreneurs, customers, and conversion processes. In addition, we medical technology, industrial and ultimately all who share the road. have a renewed strategic focus on five key consumer products, digital health, energy areas: bio & low carbon products, carbon and wireless communications. management, power & storage, advanced mobility and digital transformation. These GOLD SPONSOR – BLOCKCHAIN support BP’s commitment to advance the energy transition, balancing the world’s GOLD SPONSOR – growing demand for new energy with the INDUSTRIAL IoT AND need to reduce emissions. THE CONNECTED ENTERPRISE


EXHIBITING ON STAND 29 MARKS & CLERK Fetch.AI is based in Cambridge, UK with EXHIBITING ON STAND 11 development talent across the globe. DIGITAL CATAPULT Fetch breathes life into machines, data, Marks & Clerk are committed to providing services and infrastructure with digital EXHIBITING ON STAND 30 exceptional intellectual property advice representatives that can trade autonomously around the world, helping you to navigate and unsupervised. Fetch delivers a unique, As the UK’s leading advanced digital the complexities of IP, patents, trade decentralised digital world that adapts in technology innovation Centre, Digital marks and design protection. Innovation real-time to enable effective, friction-free Catapult is driving early adoption of is the life-blood of business and it’s vital value exchange. Powered by innovations technologies to make UK businesses more that you do not overlook the need to such as the world’s first Smart Ledger, Fetch competitive to grow the country’s economy. protect your intellectual property. From has digital intelligence at its heart: delivering We connect large established companies, the capture of an idea, to the enforcement actionable predictions, instant trust startup and scaleup businesses and or defence of rights in disputes Marks & information and enabling the construction researchers to discover new ways to Clerk is your expert partner to ensure your of powerful collaborative models. With solve big challenges in the manufacturing IP is protected and fully exploited. Today’s unrivalled performance and scalability, and creative industries. Through this local is tomorrow’s global – and with Fetch is the missing critical infrastructure for collaboration businesses are supported to our diverse team of practitioners, you’re tomorrow’s digital economy. develop the right technologies, increase always supported by a network of experts. productivity and discover new markets. As well as removing barriers to technology adoption, our work de-risks innovation for large enterprises and uncovers new commercial applications in immersive, future networks, and artificial intelligence technologies. #CWIC2018 / THINKING BEYOND THE HYPE 22 CONFERENCE SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS



EXHIBITING ON STAND 6 is a leading global information and EXHIBITING ON STAND 12 communications technology (ICT) solutions Darktrace is the world’s leading AI provider. Driven by a commitment to Arm defines the pervasive computing that company for cyber security. Created sound operations, ongoing innovation, and shapes today’s connected world. Realized by mathematicians from the University open collaboration, we have established in 10 billion silicon chips and counting, of Cambridge, Darktrace’s Enterprise a competitive ICT portfolio of end-to- Arm’s device architectures orchestrate Immune System uses AI algorithms that end solutions in telecom and enterprise the performance of the technology mimic the human immune system to defend networks, devices, and cloud technology transforming our lives – from enterprise networks of all types and sizes. and services. Our ICT solutions, products, to supercomputers, from medical Our self-learning approach is the first non- and services are used in more than 170 instruments to agricultural sensors, consumer application of machine learning to countries and regions, serving over one- and from base stations to servers. Every work at scale, across all network types, from third of the world’s population. In the UK day thousands of Arm partners embed physical, virtualized, and cloud, through to Huawei has R&D centres in Cambridge more than 45 million Arm-based chips in IoT and industrial control systems. (HQ), Bristol, Ipswich and London. With products that connect people and enhance the human experience, to serve today and By applying its unique, unsupervised 180,000 employees, Huawei is committed architect tomorrow. machine learning, Darktrace has identified to enabling the future information society, 63,500 previously unknown threats in and building a Better Connected World. over 5,000 networks, including zero- days, insider threats and subtle, stealthy attacks. Darktrace is headquartered in San LUNCH SPONSOR Francisco and Cambridge UK, and has 32 GALA DINNER SPONSOR offices worldwide.

SILVER SPONSOR - MILLS & REEVE MOBILITY INTO THE FUTURE TTP PLC EXHIBITING ON STAND 13 EXHIBITING ON STAND 21 National law firm Mills & Reeve is TTP plc has been a trusted partner in renowned for its outstanding service, wireless technology and connected collaborative culture and deep sector GEOSPOCK product innovation since the development expertise. But more importantly it is the of the first digital mobile phones. legal advisors behind some of the UK’s most successful technology businesses EXHIBITING ON STAND 10 Today, we are helping our customers to create new technologies that enable including ARM, Aveva, Bango, Jagex, GeoSpock® provides analytics, builds connected enterprise, technologies that Ubisense and Xaar, to name a few. insight, and enables prediction across enhance mobility through connectivity, Our strong reputation is built on space and time. Their proprietary data new interfaces between humans and understanding our clients’ businesses. integration platform visualises extreme technology, and technologies that learn Whether you are an entrepreneur amounts of contextual data in milliseconds. and communicate. From understanding looking for seed investment or a Its architecture has the ability to analyse a market opportunity, through concept multinational plc negotiating a strategic trillions of geospatial and temporal data generation to detailed realisation, we deal, we can help. We take the time points in sub-second response time with undertake all stages of technology, product to get to know you, and you benefit its high performance, cloud-based services and service development. Our customers – from our wide ranging experience – infin8™, illumin8™, and extrapol8™. both multinationals and start-ups – benefit and advice focused on your needs. Conceived by Dr Steve Marsh while from the experience gained through 30 reading for his PhD in Computer Science years of successful project delivery in fields at Cambridge University and founded as a as diverse as body-implanted devices; business in 2013, GeoSpock is the future of critical communications for emergency big data management, providing extreme- services; IoT solutions for industry scale, high volume-ingest, ease of use, and transformation; broadband to aircraft and interactive results. satellite communication systems. Choose TTP to create the next generation of connected products and services.




EXHIBITING ON STAND 19 ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY EXHIBITING ON STAND 8 DEGREES AT WORK RN Electronics Ltd. is a leading IC Resources is the recognised independent EMC, Radio and Safety recruitment partner to the global EXHIBITING ON STAND 2 test laboratory. UKAS accredited for technology community. We help our We create and deliver innovative work- testing wireless products to the Radio clients succeed in today’s competitive based learning. Equipment Directive (RED) for the marketplace by identifying skilled and EU market and an FCC Conformity talented individuals for key hiring requirements. We offer candidates well- The Digital and Technology Solutions Assessment Body for the US market. We Degree Apprenticeship course is a cost- can assess your products compliance informed career advice and introduce them to career–enhancing opportunities. effective way for you to attract, develop with the RF, EMC and safety requirements and retain a highly-skilled workforce, and of the Radio Equipment Directive. Since 1999, we’ve been a key business partner to hundreds of ambitious maximise the Apprenticeship Levy. Create your own talent pipelines for in-demand RN Electronics test products for many wireless technology companies needing roles including software engineers and different industries including; telecoms, to grow their teams efficiently and cost cyber security analysts in partnership automotive ‘E’ marking, military, effectively. For our team of 60 consultants, with Anglia Ruskin – experts in work- aerospace and medical. We support the it’s an honour to be part of the wireless based learning. worldwide accreditation of electronic community and a pleasure to work with products, including FCC certification for US intelligent, committed professionals who and ISED certification for Canada. are shaping the future every day.



IoTAS specialise in Live Network Testing SAMSUNG INMARSAT solutions for cellular 3GPP 4G/3G/2G technologies as well as NB-IoT/CatM1 test solutions. With over 14 years of device We develop the core silicon and software testing experience, regulatory approvals Inmarsat is the world’s leading provider technology for Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low and helping clients develop their products of global mobile satellite communications, Energy and Wi-Fi technology and the for market, IoTAS offer proven testing offering an unrivalled portfolio of satellite team has over a decade of experience solutions with a global footprint and communications solutions and value- in shipping connectivity chips to tier regional offices across UK, Europe, added services to keep organisations 1 customers for multiple applications. Australia, Japan, USA and LATAM. and individuals connected at all times; on Working with the BT SIG, the IEEE and land, at sea and in the air. Set up by the the WFA, we take future standards and As the UK’s only ISO17025 accredited International Maritime Organization (IMO) implement them using highly efficient, Global Certification Forum (GCF) in 1979 to ensure safety at sea, Inmarsat’s flexible architectures and utilising the Recognised Test Organisation (RTO) with customers now range from governments Samsung’s advanced semiconductor Assessment Capable Entity (ACE) status, and humanitarian aid agencies to ship manufacturing processes. The market we are not only able to support companies owners and airlines, to name but a few. demand for connectivity technologies has requiring GCF Field Testing, Browsing, MMS never been higher, with the widespread and Video Telephony IOP testing, but are propagation of smart products such as also to able to enable ‘non-GCF’ companies smartphones, tablets and wearables being to achieve GCF Certification approvals. complemented by the emerging demand for IoT (Internet of Things) devices. This makes the Samsung Cambridge and Samsung Aalborg technology an important part of Samsung’s overall portfolio.


IRIDIUM RS COMPONENTS S TECH EXHIBITING ON STAND 17 EXHIBITING ON STAND 5 EXHIBITING ON STAND 9 Iridium is the only truly global voice and We offer more than 500,000 products data satellite communications network through the internet, catalogues and at trade S-Tech Insurance Services, based in that connects people, organizations, counters to over one million customers, Cambridge, was founded in 1982. Today assets, government and relief agencies shipping more than 44,000 parcels a day. it is a large independent insurance with “on-the-move” availability. Together broker. Our team of more than 70 Our products, sourced from 2,500 leading with its ecosystem of partners, Iridium industry professionals work together suppliers, include electronic components, delivers essential, reliable communications to provide a full range of insurance and electrical, automation and control, and with an easy-to-integrate platform and risk management solutions to a wide test and measurement equipment, and service for improved efficiency. With more customer across the UK. than 20 years of experience, Iridium will engineering tools and consumables. soon be launching the next-generation Our customer service is personal and of DesignSpark is RS’ web-based resource of connectivity, Iridium CertusSM – the a first-class standard. Our work is both centre for engineers and online most versatile global broadband service efficient and accurate, meaning that we community of over half a million with improved speeds to satisfy the critical get things right, saving you time and members. The DesignSpark website hosts need to send and receive communications money from the start. a comprehensive range of free-of-charge when traveling by land, sea or air. software design tools, technical data and We work with global insurers to provide development resources. our clients with the best insurance products available, including many tailor-made policies designed to meet their specific needs.



The MPA Group is a team of highly Westcott Business Incubation Centre give platform and applications developers experienced, specialist industry analysts & 5G Step-Out Centre access to the latest 5G equipment and business tax accountants. Specialising without the need to invest in expensive in the R&D Tax Credit and Patent Box Situated in the heart of the Westcott infrastructure. This will allow them to rapidly schemes, they understand every step Venture Park near Aylesbury, prototype and commission new products of the journey an innovative business Buckinghamshire, the Westcott Business and services under representative real- takes, offering advice on challenges Incubation Centre (BIC) has been world conditions ahead of market roll-out. faced along the way such as raising vital created to support ambitious businesses The 5G SoC testbed infrastructure brings funds, intellectual property protection, developing next-generation technology, together a range of technologies and recognising and retaining key skilled staff, with a key focus on terrestrial and solutions from Juniper, Affirmed and Saguna grants and tax incentives, exit strategy satellite 5G communications. To help Networks, including routing, switching, and planning. accelerate their development and get their security and software-defined networking, products to market faster, businesses as well as network functions virtualization MPA Group has a history of working in we work with receive business and (NFV), mobile edge computing and software the tech industry, with a team of technical technical support and access to specialist orchestration in the core. analysts who can speak in technical test facilities. In addition, companies terms with developers to identify the benefit from our established network The Westcott BIC and Westcott 5G SoC are best options for their business. Having of potential partners, customers and managed and operated by the Satellite secured over £131million in tax credits investors. The Westcott BIC is funded Applications Catapult, a technology and for innovative UK companies to date, by the European Regional Development innovation company seeking to transform MPA Group have a proven track record of Fund and supported by Rockspring the way the world uses satellite technology success in this arena. Hanover Property Trust, Buckinghamshire and data. The Catapult supports businesses TVLEP and the UK Space Agency. to accelerate their growth, aids research and academia in commercialisation of The newly established 5G Step-out Centre ideas, and explores new areas of potential (SoC), located opposite the Westcott BIC, will for satellite applications.



In partnership UKESF with UK5G

EXHIBITING ON STAND 3 UK5G In the UK, the Electronics sector is big, valuable and growing; however, UK5G is the new national innovation network dedicated to the promotion of the demand for capable, employable research, collaboration and the commercial application of 5G in the UK. graduates is currently outstripping supply. The UK Electronics Skills Foundation CW is the lead partner of an industry-driven consortium which includes the (UKESF) is an educational charity that Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and the TM Forum, supported by many Associate operates collaboratively with major Partners, and an influential Advisory Board. This consortium has been chosen by companies, leading universities and other the UK Government, to create and deliver the national 5G Innovation Network. organisations to tackle the skills shortage. UK5G is required to

• Support the development of the UK5G ecosystem, nurturing an active community drawn from both the supply and demand side; • Manage information about 5G activities and learning; • Promote the capabilities of UK 5G internationally. • UK5G brings together and markets the UK’s 5G eco-system – including the Department of Digital, Culture Media and Sport’s extensive 5G Testbed & Trials programme. LA PLAYA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: UK5G will also work alongside the Department of International Trade INSURANCE WITH (DIT) to support overseas partners wishing to invest in UK 5G. INTELLIGENCE® You are invited to register your interest and involvement on Send any queries to [email protected] Does your insurance broker really ‘get’ what you do you? From IP to IPO, La Playa’s specialist Science & Tech team can help you protect your business with smart, flexible, high- performance insurance – with a friendly EVENTS SCHEDULE human UI. We’ve got your back.

We understand the risks and pressures 12 JULY 18 JULY 19 JULY you face – and we speak your language. Joint Future Devices Business SIG CW Tech Training Advice you can trust from an & Technologies and Event ‘Seeking Event – Cambridge expert who understands you: Security SIG Event Investment and This intensive 1/2 day ‘Drones: The Good Funding to Grown course is ideally designed • Specialist insurance the Bad and the Your Business? to provide a high-level • UK and US offices Scary’ – Cambridge Sharing Stories technical overview of • Independent professional advice Together...’ 5G technology: looking Unmanned Aerial at requirements, end- • Relationship-based service: Vehicles, UAVs or – Cambridge to-end architecture your advocate in a claim Drones have captured Do you want to know & applications. The • Registered broker at Lloyd’s peoples imagination more about the many course leader is Zahid in recent years due to • Key Person insurance & options for funding Ghadialy, Senior Director their increasing use in Employee Benefits your ambitions? Would at Parallel Wireless. multiple industries and you like to hear from easy accessibility for entrepreneurs about their consumers. What are own funding journey? drones being used for Would you like to know and what are the risks? what they learned along the way? Would you like to hear from investors on how they make investment decisions?


DISCOVERING START-UPS Discovering Start-Ups 2018: 2017 FINALISTS EXHIBITING Developing the Next Generation AT #CWIC2018 of £1bn Tech Businesses

Are you a start-up seeking investment? Or a decision maker CODEPLAY SOFTWARE codeplay interested in shaping the technology of tomorrow? Now in its 9th year, Discovering Start-Ups provides an Codeplay Software is a world pioneer in acceleration unparalleled opportunity for potential investors, technology technologies for enabling AI, having developed some experts and digital enthusiasts to meet the upcoming of the first tools for complex machine learning software generation of aspiring entrepreneurs and explore solutions accelerated using graphics processors. Codeplay connects that will replace today’s cutting edge products. AI to silicon, providing application developers with a familiar This year the theme is Connecting the Digital World C++ programming platform hosted on popular processor and the Discovering Start-Ups Final Exhibition will architectures. Codeplay works with the biggest technology shine a spotlight on those organisations innovating companies to build AI into devices such as smartphones, IoT in the field of connectivity, across any industry. and self-driving cars. The call for entrants is now open. Shortlisted finalists will have the opportunity to pitch to dozens of senior business leaders and technology investors at the interactive Discovering Start-Ups Final Exhibition in September. TG0 Entries Close: 6 August

Keyboards, tablets, car dash panels, gaming consoles and Final Exhibition Date: 17 September, 3:30pm to 8pm almost all electronic product controls have the same limitation: Location: CMS HQ, London bundles of on/off buttons that are uninspiring to use and expensive to manufacture. TG0 created a platform technology Sponsors: Contact [email protected] replacing all electronic sensor complications with one flexible to learn about sponsorship opportunities touch-sensitive material, producing 3 dimensional controls that are ergonomic, intuitive and engaging. The patent-pending technology leaps into exciting applications: making tactile gaming consoles robust and fun to use; making effortless car interior controls with appealing finishes; creating ergonomic computer peripherals solving repetitive strain issues; and even making interactive products accessible for the visually impaired. CW Technology & Engineering Conference 2018

ZIFISENSE What role can artificial intelligence play in delivering more reliable, secure and better performing networks?

Founded in Cambridge UK, ZiFiSense is a fast growing IoT Communications networks are perhaps the most complex product and solution provider and has developed a unique machines on the planet. They use vast amounts of hardware, low power (LPWAN) technology – ZETA – rely on complex software, and are physically distributed over which enabled low cost, long range and ultra-low power smart land, underwater, and in orbit. They increasingly provide city, smart community and connected lighting applications. essential services that underpin almost every aspect of life. Together with its partners, ZETA network has become the Is the AI community aware of the challenges facing network largest license-free LPWAN rollout in China and is continuing to providers? Are the network operators and providers aware of grow. ZiFiSense also provide end-to-end property management how the very latest developments in AI may provide solutions? solutions based on ZETA AIoT technology integrating sensing, networking, visualising, learning and predicting The conference will aim to bridge the gap between capabilities onto a single platform for superfast identification the AI/ML and communications network communities, and diagnostics of variety of facility issues, aiming to save making each more aware of the nature and scale management cost and enhance residential experience. The of the problems and the potential solutions. company is based in the UK and China and has been funded by Conference Date: 27 September, all day some of the top global investment groups including Fortune Capital and Plug and Play. Its partners and clients include Location: Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge large corporations such as mobile operators, government Sponsors: Contact [email protected] bodies, infrastructure providers as well as many small/medium to learn about sponsorship opportunities size Enterprises across the globe.



Academic & Industry Group CW (Cambridge Wireless Ltd) Our 19 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Artificial Intelligence Group is the leading international provide members with a dynamic Automotive & Transport Group community for companies involved and impartial forum where they Business Group in the research, development and can network with their peers, track application of wireless, mobile, the latest technology trends and Connected Devices Group internet, semiconductor and position their organisations in key Digital Delivery & Content Group software technologies. Our goal is to market sectors. CW delivers around Future Devices & Technologies Group stimulate debate and collaboration, 50 events per annum including the Healthcare Group harness and share knowledge, and annual CW International Conference, help to build business connections an engineering conference called CW- Industrial IoT Group between member companies. TEC, the national Discovering Start- Legal Group Ups competition and prestigious Location Group CW is a vibrant not-for-profit that founder member dinners hosted in is driven by its members, with a the beautiful Cambridge Colleges. Enhanced Mobile Broadband Group governing board that is elected Radio Technology Group by the membership of around With headquarters in Cambridge, 400 companies drawn from all CW’s ecosystem includes some Security Group parts of the wireless enabled of the world’s largest technology Small Cell Group world, from securely connected organisations and it partners Smart & Intelligent Cities Group devices, networks, smartphones with international industry User Experience Group and applications, through to clusters to remain at the forefront data analytics, content delivery, of global developments and Virtual Networks Group telecommunications, and satellites. business opportunities. Wireless Heritage Group


Through 16 years of technology industry events, the CW network has become a go-to hub for industry news and insight. The CW Journal collates and publishes this knowledge, keeping its readers informed with high-quality analyses of topical issues from acknowledged experts in their field. Governed by a high-calibre Editorial Board, the Journal supports CW’s aim of promoting innovation in wireless, mobile, internet, software and related technologies.

Subscribe to the CW Journal online at

The Journal actively solicits articles by members of the CW community. Those interested in contributing should contact [email protected].

If you have a product or service which you’d like to advertise to around 5,000 of the most influential people in the wireless industry please contact [email protected].

#CWIC2018 / THINKING BEYOND THE HYPE SITEMAP B. Magna A. BP Ventures PODS Digital Catapult 30. 29. Fetch.AI Cambridge Science Centre 28. Girls in Tech 27. 26. TG0 25. Zifisense Codeplay Software Ltd 24. 23. Ansys Beyond Media 22. 21. TTP 20. IoTAS IC Resources Catapult Ltd 19. 18. 17. Iridium MPA Group 16. First Ascent Group 15. 14. Coderus Mills & Reeve 13. 12. Arm Marks & Clerk 11. 10. GeoSpock S Tech 9. RN Electronics & Development (UK) Ltd 8. Huawei Technologies Research 7. 6. Darktrace RS Components 5. Defence and Security Accelerator 4. 3. UKESF Anglia Ruskin University 2. 1. Conigital STANDS Satellite Applications JAMES WATSON PAVILION

26 24 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17




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