History of the Covenanters in Scotland

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History of the Covenanters in Scotland m m2$JL ' '*>* ' " > " - - - '*>>> . , v ,',',;' ,,'v ', ;,'. :. < ::..v:;i'.;>. ' = I hi umHh i > m WJWI WWW. \ t mit4 \ . HISTORY THE COVENANTERS SCOTLAND, AUTHOR OF THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION, *TC ; Thy persecuted children. Scotia, foiled ; n A tyrant's and a bigot's bloody laws ' IN TWO VOLUMES VOL L PHILADELPHIA : PRFSBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION. THE REVEREND THOMAS M'CRIE, D. D. THE DISTINGUISHED BIOGRAPHER OF THE REFORMERS, AND HISTORIAN OF THE REFORMATION FROM POPERY, IN SCOTLAND, ITALY, AND SPAIN, THE FOLLOWING ATTEMPT TO RECORD THE HEROIC RESISTANCE OF THE SCOTTISH COVENANTERS TO ECCLESIASTICAL AND CIVIL TYRANNY, IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, IS, WITH HIGH REGARD FOR HIS PRINCIPLES AND TALENTS, NO LESS THAN FOR HIS PERSONAL CHARACTER, RFSPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. Ill CONTENTS OF VOL. I. Preface, ...-.---9 CHAPTER I. Introduction abolition of popery, and establishment of presby- tery in Scotland hostility of James VI. to Presbyterianism steps taken by that monarch to introduce Prelacy his arbitrary proceedings Charles I. determines to support Epis- copacy arrogance and severity of the bishops efforts of the Presbyterians to prevent the overthrow of their church pro- ceedings of parliament Edinburgh erected into a separate bishopric state of the Scottish church a liturgy and book of canons imposed on. the nation objectionable nature of these publications proclamation for reading the liturgy in Edin- burgh tumult in St. Giles' Cathedral on its introduction the order for its use suspended by the council Charles per- emptorily enjoins it to be persevered in supplication of the Presbyterians against it tumult in Edinburgh, .... 13 CHAPTER II. The supplicants meet at Edinburgh they are ordered by the council to leave the city they draw up a formal complaint against the bishops another tumult character of the Pres- byterian ministers great increase of the petitioners their union erection of the Tables the king's answer to their supplications conference between the Tables and the coun- cil fruitless attempts to divide the petitioncro the king's proclamation against them they protest against it state of the country renewal of the National Covenant origin of the Covenanters cuplicity of Charles Hamilton appointed commissioner his instructions his conferences with the covenanters their demands deceitful conduct of Hamilton unsatisfactory concessions of Charles his disgraceful schemes general assembly at Glasgow violent proceedings of the commissioner overthrow of Prelacy, and complete restoration of Presbyterianism 35 1* V VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER HI. Charles declares war against the Scots preparations of the Covenanters proceedings in the North Hamilton arrives wnh a fleet in the Frith the Covenanters march to the boidtrs description of the Scottish camp-r-alarm of the English a treaty concluded general assembly Charles violates the treaty both sides prepare for war assembly at Aberdeen the Covenanters' army enter England their success a negotiation commenced proceedings of the English parliament treaty concluded general assembly at Edinburgh Scottish parlia- ment Charles visits Scotland massacre of the Protestants in Ireland English commissioners arrive in Edinburgh Solemn League and Covenant framed it is sworn in both kingdoms. 73 CHAPTER IV. Civil war the Scottish army enters England barbarous pro- ceedings of Montrose he is forfeited by the parliament gene- ral assembly intrigues of the king he repairs to the Scottish camp rejects the proposals of the English parliament fruitless efforts of the Scots to induce him to comply he is delivered to the parliament and carried to Holmby House Westminster assembly the English army seize the king's person he escapes to the Isle of Wight negotiates with the Scots the Scottish parliament declares war against England opposition of the church to this engagement its ill success trial and execution ot the king Charles II. proclaimed he arrives in Scotland his deceitful conduct malignants admitted into places of trust the king's coronation he solemnly swears the covenants advances into England his defeat Scotland reduced by Crom- well state of the church during the usurpation Charles re- called by the English parliament, 107 CHAPTER V. Chanes discovers his antipathy to presbytery several ministers imprisoned the king's letter to the Presbyterians meeting of parliament oath of allegiance the covenants annulled re- scissory act synods dispersed trial of the Marquis of Argyle his defence he is condemned and executed charges against Mr. James Guthrie his sentence and death sufferings of other Covenanters proceedings of the privy council' proclamation re establishing prelacy bishops consecrated in London their arrival in Edinburgh they are restored to all their privileges and immunities disgraceful acts of parliament impious cere- mony at burning the covenants in Linlithgow Glasgow act CONTENTS. Vll ejection of between three and four hundred ministers seve- ral of them banished Bishop Burntt's character of the Cove- nanters, 140 CHAPTER VI. Origin of "conventicles"' proceedings of parliament trial and execution of Sir Archibald Johnston of Warnston arbitrary acts of council outrages committed by the military high commission court re-established cruelties of Sir James Turner in the west he is seized by a number of the Covenanters partial rising of the west country declaration at Lanark defeat of the Covenanters at Pentland barbarous treatment of the prisoners execution of M'Culloch, Arnot, and eight others their joint testimony Nielson of Corsack and Hugh M'Ka.l tortured and put to death executions in the west barbarities of Dalyell and Bannatyne reduction of the army attempt by Mitchell to assassinate Sharpe examination of John Wilkie before the council the Indulgence reasons why many of the Presbyterians rejected it disgraceful proceedings of parlia- ment sanguinary acts against conventicles their increase and beneficial effects Leighton's futile attempt to unite Pres- bytery and Prelacy, , 174 CHAPTER VII. Renewed efforts of the council to suppress conventicles par- liament acts in favour of Episcopacy second Indulgence the refusers of it are persecuted John Burnet's reasons for re- jecting it sufferings of Mr. Blair severity against the Cove- nanters apprehension of James Mitchell the communion cele- brated in the fields at East Nisbet disgraceful proceedings of the council petition in favour of the ejected ministers presented by females beneficial effects of field preaching private houses garrisoned barbarous attack on the castle of Lord Cardross letters of intercommuning increase of conventicles one at Lillies-Leaf committee for public affairs infamous conduct of Carstairs in the case of Mr. Kirkton persecution of Bailhe of Jerviswood prisoners in Stirling given to the French suffer- ings of the indulged remonstrance of Mr. VVylie, . 224 CHAPTER VIII. Determination of the Covenanters to adhere to their principles new severities used by the council examination of Mr. James Frazer of Brae proclamation of the bond it excites general dissatisfaction meetiny of the heritorsof Ayr and Ren- frew- -their resolutions several Scottish exiles oideied to leave Vlll CONTENTS. Holland testimony of Mr. John Brown efforts of the prelates to excite an insurrection violence of Carstairs the council resolve to call out the Highlanders their proceedings approved of by Charles examination of James Mitchell before the coun cil his conduct under the torture his trial before the justiciary court perjury of Sharpe and the other members of council Mitchell's execution, 265 CHAPTER IX. Assembling of the Highland host proceedings of the commit- tee of council terocity of the Highlanders peaceable dispo- sition of the people the bond its arbitrary enforcement it is generally resisted furious acts of the council depredations committed by the military instances of their savage cruelty their attack on James JNisbet the Highland host withdrawn increase of conventicles one in Wilhamwood in Renfrewshire prisoners shipped for the plantations Field meeting at White- kirk trial and execution of James Learmont convention of estates a cess imposed for the support of a new army disputes among the Covenanters regarding the cess their sufferings, 291 CHAPTER X. New measures resorted to for destroying the Covenanters ex- tensive powers conferred on the military their barbarities conventicles assume a warlike attitude hoax on the town major of Edinburgh prosecution of Mr. W. Veitch his nar- ; row escape Earl of Shaf(esbury s speech in the English parlia- ment dreadful cruelties committed on the Covenanters vio- lent act against conventicles the Presbyterians driven almost to despair a party of them form a plot against Carmichael they accidentally fall in with Archbishop Sharpe, and resolve to take away his lite death of the primate the Covenanters vin- dicated from approving of assassination murder of Andrew Ayton of lnchdairnie reflections, 318 PREFACE. In offering to the Public the following History of the Covenanters, the Author disclaims any wish to supersede the study of those more copious volumes which have furnished the materials of his own. On the contrary, he is persuaded, that in order to ob- tain an enlarged acquaintance with this or with any branch of history, a patient examination of those elaborate works which were designed to illus- trate it is indispensably necessary. And such an exercise, in the case of every one who can com- mand sufficient leisure, and whose mind has been kindled by the interest of the subject, will be found much more attractive than it is too often supposed to be irksome and laborious. In former times, those venerable volumes which contain the records of the ecclesiastical history of Scotland constituted the staple reading ot' the most respectable classes of the people, whose minds, by this means, be- came not only stored with the memorable events of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but imbued also with those lofty principles which these events tended at once to form and to develope. But it is not to be disguised, that a considerable change has taken place, both in the general taste for reading, and in the circumstances by which that taste is affected.
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