Michigan State College J

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Michigan State College J SPARTAN ALUM N I M A G A Z IN E NOVEMBER 1949 MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE J. F. Macklin, Father of Big Time Chain Stores Desipate Athletics at MSC, Dies October 10 NSC for New Course John Farrell Macklin, the founding Michigan State College has been father of big time football at Michigan selected from a group of more than 20 State College, died of a heart ailment in colleges and universities to set up a his Philadelphia apartment Oct. 10. He new curriculum designed to train stu­ was 65 years old. dents for executive and managerial posts The man for whom MSC's enlarged in the nation's chain stores. stadium is named, boasted one of the A grant of $87,500 from the National finest coaching records in the annals of Association of Food Chains was an­ football. In five years, from 1911 nounced jointly Oct. 11 by Dean Herman through 1915, he won 30 games while J. Wyngarden of the MSC School of losing 5 for a percentage of .853. He Business and Public Service, under whose was the only Spartan mentor in history supervision the program will be con­ to have an undefeated season, and the ducted; and John A. Logan, Washing­ first to beat the University of Michigan. ton, D. C, president of the NAFC. Macklin Upset Michigan in 1913 First Program of Its Type That red letter day was in 1913 when Michigan State will receive $17,500 Michigan State upset a team coached by annually for a five-year period, and the the great Fielding H. "Hurry Up" Yost program, the first of its type in the by a score of 12 to 7. MSC lost a tight nation, is expected to begin Jan. 3, 1950, one 3 to 0 the following year, but roared Dr. Wyngarden said. back in 1915 to trounce Michigan 24-0. The agreement will launch a program of undergraduate and graduate studies This year marked the end of Macklin's THAT RED LETTER DAY: It leading to a master's degree in food coaching career. He quit, "while still was Michigan State's first victory ahead." over the University of Michigan. distribution. A special director will be named by the college to operate the During his five years at Michigan curriculum within the School of Business State, Macklin served as athletic direc­ years he was a member of the MSC staff and Public Service. tor, baseball and track coach as well as speaks volumes for his great qualities football mentor. of leadership." Graduate Program To Be Set Up He also did part- Hoped for Big Ten Membership Dr. Wyngarden said the program will time work as Director of Athletics Ralph H. Young utilize certain courses already offered trainer. When he said, "He laid the foundation for our in the business administration depart­ first came to East present athletic plants and strength. It ment. Others will be expanded and Lansing the col­ was during his time that State first graduate courses will be set up to pro­ lege was putting talked of seeking entry into the Western vide advanced work in management, Conference." on games for marketing, finance, and accounting. $200. When he Macklin quit his football chores at Another phase of the program will left, guarantees Michigan State to enter private busi­ provide in-service training for outstand­ of $10,000 were ness in Philadelphia where he served as ing employes of chain stores, with a common, and un­ Macklin president of J. H. Weaver and Co., companion fellowship program financed der his direction a coal concern. Born in Worcester, by individual chains to send employes the college added immensely to its Mass., in 1883, Macklin received his un­ to Michigan State for special training. athletic plant. dergraduate schooling at the University Approximately 25 scholarships are ex­ of Pennsylvania where he captained the pected to be awarded annually. Death Shocks MSC Campus freshman squad and was a star tackle To Michigan State faculty members, and halfback on the 1907 eleven. alumni, and students who knew him Last Campus Visit Came in 1948 Engineers Meet at MSC Macklin's death came as a blow. His last trip to the campus was in 1948 "Reduced production costs" was the Said President John A. Hannah, "The when he was present for the dedication theme of Michigan State College's first death of John Farrell Macklin comes as of the college's new, 51,000 capacity annual Industrial Engineering Confer­ a shock to all who knew him. It deprives Macklin Field Stadium. ence, held in September. Michigan State of one of its most en­ President Hannah, Lyman L. Frimo- Seventy persons representing 41 com­ thusiastic supporters. dig, assistant director of athletics at panies in the U. S., Canada and Finland, "The deep affection in which he was MSC, and 0. R. "Dutch" Miller of Sagi­ met with 26 prominent midwestern in­ held by the men who played on the foot­ naw, a former footballer who played dustrial leaders and educators to discuss ball teams he coached and by those under Macklin, were present at his methods for reducing costs and increas­ closely associated with him during the funeral Oct. 13 at Williamsport, Pa. ing production. THE RECORD Vol. 54, No. 7 ALVIE L. SMITH, Editor November, 1949 JOHN C. LEONARD, '48, Associate Editor THOMAS H. KIXG, Director of Alumni Relations; GLADYS FRANKS, '27, Recorder; FEED W. STABLEY, Sports Editor; EDWARD M. ERICKSOX, '48, Assistant Sports Editor; MADISOX KUHX and JOSEPH G. DUXCAX, Historians; JOHX W. FITZGERALD, '47, Agricultural Editor; W. LOWELL TREASTER, Director of Public Relations. Campus Photos this issue by EVERETT HUBY and BRAXSDORFER BROTHERS. Member of the American Alumni Council, THE RECORD is published seven times a year by THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC RELA­ TIONS, Michigan State College. Entered as second class matter at East Lansing, Michigan, under the Act of Congress, August 24, 1912. William £. Jboiudtom Named % Jlead Thousands Attend 33rd A/em MSC QuHd-kaUiHn, p*oa*am Annual Homecoming Day A crowd of more than 45,000 jammed A permanent long-range fund raising the Michigan State College campus Oct. program known as the Michigan State 21-22 to take part in the college's 33rd College Fund, has been created with annual Homecoming Day festivities. William L. Davidson, '13, named as Of this number, over 8,000 were director. former students and graduates who re­ The Fund will be patterned after turned to renew old friendships, engage similar programs now in effect at many in a host of social activities, and witness of the nation's college's and universities. the MSC-Penn State football clash. It will provide supplementary financial support to Michigan State College for Many Alumni Arrive Friday scholarships, fellowships, research pro­ Many alumni were in East Lansing jects, and in other phases of academic early Friday for registration, banquets development where sufficient funds are and meetings in the new Student Union, not available in the college's budget. East Lansing and Lansing. To Operate Under Alumni Office Others arrived in time to join with The organization, which is to be some 3,500 ardent students who formed operated under the Office of Alumni Re­ at the bandshell Friday evening to take lations, was effective with Davidson's part in the traditional Homecoming pep appointment. rally. A huge bonfire, marches by MSC's A 1913 graduate of Michigan State, crack military band, songs and group Davidson has been connected with fund cheering set the stage and greeted development work for a number of years Coach "Biggie" Munn and team members William L. Davidson in the American City Bureau of Chicago. who later addressed the high-spirited While with the Bureau, he handled vari­ gathering. ous college campaigns, the most recent continuing education. This fund program being the Loyola University, Chicago, is expected to help Michigan State Col­ Alums Have Full Schedule Fulfillment Fund. Davidson acted as lege satisfy as many of these needs as Saturday was filled with pre-game regional fund director for the National possible." dinners and get-togethers sponsored by Safety Council in 1944. Student Fees Increase various departments, living groups and student organizations. Following the Demands for Service Increase Davidson pointed out that although game was the annual meeting of alumni Davidson attributes the national trend state colleges formerly relied on state on the playing field where grads grouped for establishing such permanent fund- appropriations for most of their oper­ around large class banners and talked raising programs at state supported in­ ating cost, the state's portion is becom­ over old times with former classmates. stitutions to the steadily mounting de­ ing increasingly smaller. He cited the mands for college services, both on fact that although Michigan State Col­ Alums re-entered the social whirl and campus and throughout the state, and lege secured 64 per cent of its operating attended open houses and buffet dinners the inability of state legislatures to in­ budget from the state 20 years ago, that at dorms, co-op houses and fraternity crease appropriations accordingly. figure stands at 53.8 per cent today. and sorority houses. Later, alums cli­ "Indications point to continued de­ Other revenue sources include student maxed their busy day by attending vari­ mands in the form of Michigan youth fees, which have jumped from 16.9 per ous dances held at many points around wanting college educations and labor, cent of the total budget in 1929 to 38.7 the campus. Highlight of the evening agricultural, business and industrial per cent today, federal grants, gifts, was the annual Homecoming Ball held groups who want special programs of athletic fees and others.
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