
, President of Confederacy, attacked the Lincoln sent supplies to fort before supplies arrived. Fort Sumter Union surrendered, and this started the Civil War.

Union planned to cut off Southern trade by blocking Blockade ships from entering or leaving Southern ports.

To weaken the South (stop all trade ships from Purpose of blockade entering or leaving). No supplies meant quicker surrender.

U.S. Army colonel who took Robert E. Lee command of Confederate Army.

First battle of the Civil War Manassas, Virginia Battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861

Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson led Confederacy to victory. Union victory September 1862. Caused President Lincoln to Battle of Antietam announce the Emancipation Proclamation.

States that allowed slavery but were still part of the Union- Border state residents were split between Union and Confederacy.

Missouri Kentucky Four border states Maryland Delaware

Places where civilians were Home front active when their country was at war.

People who are not in the Civilians military. An order freeing the slaves, Emancipation Proclamation signed by Lincoln in hopes it would weaken the South.

Followed Union soldiers from battle to battle, caring for sick Clara Barton and wounded. Founded American branch of Red Cross.

Virginia split into Split state over slavery issue Virginia and West Virginia.

 Took over factories, businesses, farms, plantations  Sent food to troops Role of Women during Civil  Made clothing and War bandages  Worked as nurses  Worked as spies  Dressed as men and fought

January 1, 1863 200,000 slaves were freed. Final signing of Emancipation Africans joined the Union Army Proclamation and result and Union marched farther into Confederate states.