A1 BURN BAN details ... PAGE 2 Marine Reserve Activities ... PAGE 9 August 10, 2021 Serving Lincoln City Since 1927 $1.50 City’s draft evac Nuu-kwii-daa-naa-ye NLFR District plan released for public comment #1 to host By Amber Deyo open house
[email protected] By Amber Deyo After many people were required to
[email protected] evacuate last year, the City of Lincoln City now has a draft of an evacuation plan for Prior to the almost $4 million dollar re- the city council to review and possibly model that began in March of 2019, no part adopt. But before it goes to the council, Ken of the Bob Everest Station 14 had a sprin- Murphy, Emergency Preparedness Coordi- kler system. Rob Dahlman, Fire Chief for nator, is putting it out for residents to review North Lincoln Fire & Rescue District #1, is and comment. a proponent of residents having sprinkler “Obviously after the fires last year, there systems in their homes if at all possible, was a need for it,” Murphy said. “But there’s but there wasn’t even a system at the fire plenty of other things to cause people to house. Now, they not only have a sprinkler have to evacuate.” system, but also a security system, a gen- The plan covers fires, tsunamis, chlorine erator, solar panels, an elevator, an energy leaks, and bridge collapses as they are some efficient furnace system with air scrubbers of the more likely emergency scenarios in and so much more. the area. Available on the home page of the In addition to an almost $1 million seis- city website, the 30-day window for public mic rehabilitation grant from the state, the comment ends on August 31.