Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program 2018-2019 Executive Summary

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Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program 2018-2019 Executive Summary Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program 2018-2019 Executive Summary LEGISLATIVE REPORT This annual legislative report summarizes the activities and accomplishments of The Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) from STEP volunteer efforts October 1, 201 to September 30, 201. STEP activities are integral are valued at WRDFFRPSOLVKLQJ2UHJRQ'HSDUWPHQWRI)LVKDQG:LOGOLIH¶V 2'): ILVK $2,0,000 management objectives. During the 201-201 period, statewide STEP volunteer HIIRUWVLQYROYHG\RXQJDQGDGXOWYROXQWHHUVHTXDOLQJIXOOWLPH annually HTXLYDOHQWV )7(V 67(3YROXQWHHUHIIRUWVDUHYDOXHGDW 7KHW\SHVRISURMHFWVFRQGXFWHGWKURXJK67(3UHÀHFWWKHGLYHUVHZD\V WKDWYROXQWHHUVFDQDVVLVWZLWK¿VKDQGKDELWDWPDQDJHPHQWQHHGVWKURXJKRXW 2UHJRQ7KHLVVXHVDQGSULRULWLHVZLWKLQLQGLYLGXDOZDWHUVKHGVDUHRIWHQXQLTXH WRWKRVHDUHDVDQGWKHIRFXVRI67(3H̆RUWVFDQYDU\DFURVVWKHVWDWH*HQHUDOO\ activities can be grouped into four main categories. EDUCATION AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT INVENTORY AND MONITORING , people Nearly volunteers participated in STEP VÌÀLÕÌi`Ìwà ÌÀ} educational activities and inventory efforts These include trainings, classes, tours, presentations, Participants logged 7500JQWTU in 93 projectsUVCVGYKFG workshops, and public events. Oregon ranks number 2 CUUGUUKPIURQTVHKUJGTKGUEQPFWEVKPI in the nation for number of classrooms using classroom HKUJRCUUCIGKPURGEVKQPUCPFUWTXG[KPIJCDKVCVKP incubators through STEP’s Fish Eggs-to-Fry program. streams and rivers HABITAT IMPROVEMENT FISH CULTURE STEP volunteers . million improved more than Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, 500 miles steelhead and trout were reared vÜ>ÌiÀÜ>ÞÃvÀwà or released by STEP volunteers 650 participantsKORTQXGF1TGIQPoUƂUJJCDKVCVD[ƂUJ 6JGUGHKUJYGTGWUGFHQTGPJCPEGOGPVQTCWIOGPVCVKQP RCUUCIGKPUVTGCOTKRCTKCPCPFƂUJECTECUURNCEGOGPV purposes. Of these, nearly 1OKNNKQPfKUJ were fed and projects, and the Keep Oregon Rivers Clean (KORC) program. cared for by STEP volunteers before release and 2990fKUJ were collected for broodstock STEP BACKGROUND The Oregon Legislature established STEP LQDVDSURJUDPZLWKLQ2'):,WVPLVVLRQ LVWR³DFKLHYHWKHUHFRYHU\DQGVXVWDLQDELOLW\ of the state’s native salmon and trout through the education of Oregon’s citizens and their LQYROYHPHQWZLWKILVKPDQDJHPHQWHIIRUWV´6LQFH WKHQPRUHWKDQDGXOWDQG\RXWK volunteers have contributed more than 3. million KRXUVWRDQHVWLPDWHG67(3SURMHFWV 67(3LVIXQGHGE\DFRPELQDWLRQRI the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Sport Fish Restoration (SFR) grant program and ODFW funds. The program consists of a 8olunteers prepare to stock Chinook fry by adding water and oxygen to a bag. coordinator and administrative assistant in WKH2'):KHDGTXDUWHUVṘFHLQ6DOHPDQG STEP biologists located throughout the state. The coordinator and assistant divide their time between the STEP program and ODFW’s Restoration and Enhancement Program. Since 1981, 38,000+ volunteers ADVISORY COMMITTEE have contributed more than 3. OKNNKQPJQWTU 7KH*RYHUQRUDSSRLQWVDPHPEHU67(3 $GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH 67$& ZKLFKLVFRPSULVHG to approximately 4,00 STEP projects of citizens representing all of Oregon. The FRPPLWWHHPHHWVTXDUWHUO\DURXQGWKHVWDWHDQG DGYLVHV2'):RQSROLF\DQGWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI67(37KHFRPPLWWHHDGPLQLVWHUVWKH67$& 0LQL*UDQW3URJUDPIXQGHGWKURXJKD biennial grant from the ODFW Fish Restoration DQG(QKDQFHPHQW 5 ( 3URJUDP0LQL*UDQWV DUHDYDLODEOHLQDPRXQWVXSWRIRUSURMHFWV that further the goals of STEP. From October 201 to September 201, meetings were held in Salem, $VWRULD and .ODPDWK )DOOV. During this time period, RQH representative wDVappointed The full version of this report is available RQOLQHDWZZZGIZVWDWHRUXVILVKVWHSXQGHU ³$QQXDO3URJUHVV5HSRUWV´KHDGLQJ Volunteers assist ODFW with sampling fry in Galls Creek. Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program Coordinator, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife {äÎ{>ÀÛiÜ`ÕÃÌÀ> À°- ]->i]"Ài}ÇÎäÓ­xäή{ÇÈÓÎÓÜÜÜ°`vÜ°ÃÌ>Ìi°À°ÕÃÉwà É-/ * SALMON AND TROUT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (STEP) 2018-2019 Annual Progress Report Prepared by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive Salem, Oregon 97302 This project was partially financed with funds obtained through the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program. CONTENTS Page BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Summary of Current Efforts ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Tables and Figures .................................................................................................................................................... 6 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 Education and Program Development ................................................................................................................... 10 Inventory and Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Habitat Improvement ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Fish Culture ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 Northwest Region ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 Lower Willamette STEP ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Mid-Willamette STEP ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Upper Willamette STEP ........................................................................................................................................... 19 North Coast STEP ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 Mid Coast STEP ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 Southwest Region ........................................................................................................................................................ 36 Umpqua STEP .......................................................................................................................................................... 43 Tenmile, Coos, and Coquille STEP ............................................................................................................................ 43 Lower Rogue STEP ................................................................................................................................................... 47 Upper Rogue STEP ................................................................................................................................................... 58 High Desert Region ...................................................................................................................................................... 58 Eastern Oregon STEP ............................................................................................................................................... 68 STEP Administration .................................................................................................................................................... 68 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................................. 73 Appendix 1: Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program Advisory Committee (STAC) ............................................. 74 Appendix 2: Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) Staff ....................................................................... 75 2 BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY This report summarizes the activities and accomplishments of the Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. The Oregon Legislature established STEP in 1981 as a program of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) that seeks to “achieve the recovery and sustainability of the state’s native salmon and trout through the education of Oregon’s citizens and their involvement with fish management efforts”. Although this goal will not be achieved by the program acting alone, annual volunteer efforts through STEP to enhance fisheries and restore habitats lend critical support to the management programs of ODFW and contribute to the more extensive statewide efforts toward fish and watershed restoration under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. The role of STEP within ODFW is defined by Oregon Revised Statute (ORS 496.430 through 496.465) and Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR 635-009-0090 through 635-009-0150) specific to the program. Program activities are also guided by broader ODFW fish and habitat management policies including the Native Fish Conservation Policy, Fish Hatchery Management Policy, and the Fish Health Management Policy. These policies establish direction for the broader ODFW fish and habitat management efforts that include STEP,
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