Commune of Monte Compatri Art, culture and tradition View of the City of Monte Compatri Commune of Monte Compatri

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onte Compatri, with a height of 576 metres, is the third highest village in the area of Castelli Romani, and overlooks the valley of Aniene and it borders with MRome. It is found on a rocky hill with a volcanic origin. The village belongs to the mountain community XI “Castelli Romani e Prenestini”. Historic proofs testify that the hill where the actual Monte Compatri is located corresponds with the ancient , a colony of and part of the “Latinum Vetus” territory. The Romans conquered Labico for the first time in 418 BC; the colonists built a new city in the valley and a military fortress on the hill where the senators of (Patres) took refuge in 390 BC when Brenno, the king of Gauls, ransacked the capital. Defeated Brenno allowing the senators to return to Rome and this giving the mountain its name “Mons cum Patribus (Senatoribus)”. In the ninth century the Saracens levelled the city where the survivors escaped to the mountain creating Castrum Montis Compatris later called Monte Compatri. During the Middle age Montis Compatris became the center of a feud between the counts of Tuscolo then passing through the Annibaldi family and finally the Colonna family that built its castle in 1423, now almost in ruins. In the year 1582, the village passed into the hands of the Altemps family. The cardinal Marco Altemps, nephew of Pope Pio IV, commissioned the building near the cathedral, now restored and in the sixteenth century, the feud was resolved by the conquering Borghese family. Monte Compatri was elected Monaco by Scipio Borghese who made them independent concerning the local administration. During the Risorgimento, the village was place of a battle between Garibaldi and a group of Bourbon soldiers in 1849. In 1874 the first city council of Monte Compatri was elected and Marco Mastrofini became the first mayor. The Second World War left the village scarred after its German occupation, allied bombardments and the death of the lawyer Placido Martini, caused by the Nazis, in the Ardeatine massacre together with Mario Intreccialagli. BORGO GHETTO







THE SANCTUARY OF MADONNA DEL CASTAGNO The walkway and the Fontana dell’Angelo Viale Busnago - Piazza Mastrofini o admire the surrounding places, the guardian) holding a pick in one hand and with buildings and the monuments in the other is simulating the act of lighting a fire. The village the best way is by travelling angel is assembled through pivotal points in a Tto the hills where Monte Compatri is located. tuff buttress extracted from the nearby mine in This can be accomplished by following a Monte Salomone. The fountain was designed characteristic path that follows the main by the Roman engineer Giuseppe Olivieri natural and historic-artistic works. Arriving at and it is a memorial monument for the miners Monte Compatri after leaving the SS216 road who dug the water pipe for the village at the you can leave the car at the entrance of the end of the nineteenth century. The fountain village on via Serranti. This allows you to was inaugurated on the 6th of October 1889 continue along the beautiful walkway where when the construction of the new water main you can admire the elms trees belonging to ended which brought the water coming from the Fagaceae family that line the road until it plateau in Daganella to the village. During the reaches piazza Marco Mastrofini where the mining phase of the rock people died using fountain dell’Angelo is placed in the center. as result of the blasts to split the rocks. In The sculptured figure represents an angel, their memory, the monumental fountain was “Genio alato” (an ancient Roman spiritual created as a place to collect water.

Piazza Mastrofini and Fontana dell’Angelo Piazza Mastrofini and the Borghese building Piazza Mastrofini bserving the monument, we also have the occasion to see the square where we find the fountain. Piazza Mastrofini celebrates the famous citizen Marco Mastrofini, a philosopher and a mathematician who was born in the village in 1763. Take Oa minute or two to breathe the fresh air of Monte Compatri then continue towards the Borghese building, main office of the city hall since 1982. The building was commissioned by Marco Altemps and constructed on the ruins of a previous castle built by the Colonna family in 1423. The construction lasted thirty years, from 1582 to 1613, and ended under the reign of Cardinal . The Cardinal Borghese a patron and collector of art, hosted famous personalities and other artists in his summerhouse. Following the street near to the Borghese building you will find the church of San Michele Arcangelo. This church shares its name with one of the five villages near the city, Borgo San Michele. The archangel Michele is represented as the symbol of the village where we find the church with its gate in “sperone” stone also present in other ancient buildings in the village. The interior of the church has recently been restored and reminds us of the churches in the Spanish city twinned with Monte Compatri. The lower area of the church is occupied by the new Council Chamber and holds the premises of the constituting municipal museum below.

Viewpoint - Piazza della Repubblica towards the highest part of the hill where Piazza Mastrofini and the Borghese building the village is placed, you will easily reach the cathedral dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo. The cardinal Borghese commissioned the building at the beginning of the seventeenth century on an earlier church dedicated to Santa Brigida. Later the dome and the apse were made bigger and in 1876 it assumed the actual map. In its interior, it conserves important works of art and in particular a canvas illustrating the death of Saint Francis and another with the Virgin Mary, Jesus and the Saints attributed to Vanni and Domenico Cresti known as “Il Passignano”. The statue del Bambinello is extremely interesting that is worshiped by the local inhabitants. The large canvas over the altar is also very suggestive and Piazza Mastrofini illustrates the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and the Borghese building signed by the painter Raffaele Gagliardi. Here you have concluded the first part of the itinerary and you can head down to the car The historical city park in Via Serranti to collect your car and centre, the cathedral of proceed with the second part of the journey. Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo and Borgo Ghetto Historical centre – viale Duomo eaving the church you pass through piazza del Mercato and you will have the chance to enter into the heart of the historical centre, La place of local festivals and events. You will certainly admire this busy part of the village frequently host to the local inhabitants; the ancient medieval walls of which few traces remain that enclose the Borgo Ghetto. The Borgo includes the whole area around the church of Santa Maria Assunta (Cathedral) and the houses of Ghetto, or the historical centre. At this point, after you have rested in one of the characteristic bars in the village and admired the panorama of Rome and Castelli Romani from the Belvedere in Piazza della Repubblica, you can take the path towards other typical places of Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta interest. Following the streets rising “as a spiral” in Cielo Gallery

The convent of San Silvestro (with the annex gallery) and the Sanctuary of Madonna del Castagno Via di San Silvestro

eading towards the city hall, take via San Silvestro and follow the street where you will arrive at San Silvestro’s majestic convent where you can park your car and enjoy the views. This is in fact the perfect destination for who wants to pass relaxing Hmoments and meditations in the surrounding nature. If you are passionate about art or just curious, in the convent you can also admire its important gallery that conserves various important paintings in the style of Manierista and Caravaggesca. Beside the convent, there is the Spiritual and Welcome Centre “Casa San Silvestro” managed by the congregation of the Carmelitani Teresiani. The centre presents activities concerning religious tourism, meditation, spiritual exercises, holy retreat, courses, sessions, conferences, congregations, study days, prayer school and a place for pilgrims. Near to the religious complex and by descending 50 metres you will find the sanctuary of Madonna del Castagno. Inside you will find the precious image of the Virgin Mary that protects the inhabitants from danger and more notably from the cholera outbreak in 1867 and for this reason is highly worshiped. You can also admire the painting of the Virgin Mary located on a chestnut tree stump, now substituted with a chestnut table protected by a dome built in 1675. Looking around you can see a series of frescoes on the walls belonging to the previous century painted by the local artist Ettore Petrarca. For information call +39 06 9486048. The Convent of San Silvestro Sanctuary of Madonna del Castagno

The hill of Asinelli Via San Silvestro – Locality Pratarena

ou can end your journey with a visit to the hill of Asinelli, an established reality within the YRegional Park of Castelli Romani. In this area specific activities for people with disabilities are organized and generally regarding environmental education. This includes trekking to discover the beauty of the park together with nature experts and is therefore the perfect place to relax and have fun with friends and families. At the end of the activities it is possible to book a table in the picnic area where you can eat or even cook using the barbecues available. We suggest booking in advance by calling +39 06 93546573. The Hill of Asinelli Typical products

he gastronomy of Monte Compatri dates back to classic traditions and includes typical dishes from Lazio and innovative experiments based on the strong flavours of Trural tradition. Among these dishes, we can mentioned pizza with polenta (corn flour) and the “the farmer’s soup”. These dishes are always flavoured with locally produced oil and accompanied with local white wine (DOC).

Events and demonstrations

onte Compatri is extremely active with the organization M of events of which in particular, we can name a few: • The procession Sant’Antonio Abate: happens on the 17th of January and includes the blessing of animals. • Food tasting: a gastronomic festival to promote local produce, on the 1st of May. • During the first half of July there is a contest for amateur theatre companies in the Lazio region to promote their talent. • The jazz and opera festivals are free concerts that happen in the last week of July. • The procession of Assunta (Virgin Mary): on the 14th of August with a parade in folkloric costumes. • The procession of Madonna del Castagno: a variable dated event between the second half of August and the first week of September. • Food festival this includes sampling pizza and fettuccine and take place during the second half of August Useful information

URP - Via Placido Martini 24 +39 06 94789014 LOCAL POLICE - Via M. Intreccialagli +39 06 94780561 MAYOR SECRETARIAT - Palazzo Comunale P.zza del Mercato +39 06 94780259 PRESS OFFICE - Palazzo Comunale P.zza del Mercato +39 06 94780255 ARCHEOCLUB MONTE COMPATRI - Via Campo Gillaro 1 +39 392 3149944

Territorial marketing project developed by Comunicando Leader srl Commune of Monte Compatri Art, culture and tradition

Comune Di Monte Compatri Monte Compatri Borgo Ghetto

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The Convent of San Silvestro