August 6, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5289 the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Whereas, in 2011, NASA began investing (B) whose dedication and continued efforts Regular Migration, done in Morocco July 11, money in what would become the Commer- will ensure the continued leadership of the 2018; cial Crew Program to stimulate efforts with- United States in space; (G) to terminate harmful policies that un- in the private sector to aid in the develop- (4) recognizes that NASA, through its pro- dermine refugee law and humanitarian prin- ment and demonstration of safe, reliable, grams of human space exploration, including ciples, including— and cost-effective crew transportation capa- Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, the (i) the closure of the United States border bilities to replace the Space Transportation Program, the International Space Station, to asylum seekers; System; and the , has in- (ii) the Migrant Protection Protocols, im- Whereas, in August 2012, NASA awarded spired and continues to inspire generations plemented beginning on January 29, 2019; and funding to 3 participants under the Commer- of children to become engineers, scientists, (iii) the Asylum Cooperative Agreements cial Crew Program, the Boeing Company, Si- and explorers, which has led the United signed with Guatemala, Honduras, and El erra Nevada Corporation, and Space Explo- States to maintain its precedent of leader- Salvador in 2019; ration Technologies Corporation (referred to ship in human space exploration; and (H) to adopt a robust and inclusive inter- in this preamble as ‘‘SpaceX’’), for the com- (5) reaffirms the commitment of the Sen- pretation of United States refugee law that mercial development of fully integrated crew ate to human space exploration for the ben- takes into account the changed nature of transportation capabilities; efit of humankind. conflict and persecution and increase com- Whereas, in September 2014, NASA com- f plementary legal pathways for protection pleted the down selection process and award- and entry into the United States; ed contracts under the Commercial Crew SENATE RESOLUTION 676—TO AU- (I) to meet the challenges of the worst ref- Program to 2 participants, the Boeing Com- THORIZE THE PRODUCTION OF ugee crisis in recorded history by— pany and SpaceX, for commercially built and (i) restoring United States leadership on RECORDS BY THE PERMANENT operated integrated crew transportation sys- SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGA- refugee resettlement; and tems; (ii) increasing the number of refugees wel- Whereas, on January 19, 2020, NASA and TIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON comed to and resettled in the United States SpaceX completed the launch escape dem- HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOV- to— onstration of the Crew Dragon spacecraft ERNMENTAL AFFAIRS (I) not fewer than 18,000 refugees during fis- and the Falcon 9 rocket, which was the final Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself and cal year 2020; and major flight test of the Crew Dragon space- Mr. SCHUMER) submitted the following (II) not fewer than 95,000 refugees during craft before a demonstration flight to the fiscal year 2021; and ISS with astronauts from the United States; resolution; which was considered and (J) to restore the United States’ long- Whereas, on May 30, 2020, Robert L. agreed to. standing tradition of resettling the most vul- Behnken and Douglas G. Hurley became the S. RES. 676 nerable refugees and to avoid discrimination, first astronauts from the United States to Whereas, the Permanent Subcommittee on including discrimination based on a refugee’s launch to the ISS on a rocket of the United Investigations of the Committee on Home- nationality or religious beliefs; and States from United States soil since STS–135 land Security and Governmental Affairs con- (5) reaffirms the goals of World Refugee on July 8, 2011; duced an investigation into the art industry Day and reiterates the strong commitment Whereas Douglas G. Hurley had also served and United States policies that undermine to protect the millions of refugees who live on the crew of STS–135 as the pilot; sanctions; without material, social, or legal protec- Whereas, on May 31, 2020, Robert L. Whereas, the Subcommittee has received a tions. Behnken and Douglas G. Hurley arrived safe- request from the U.S. Department of Home- f ly at the ISS, docking the Crew Dragon land Security for access to records of the spacecraft to the Harmony module of the ISS Subcommittee’s investigation; SENATE RESOLUTION 675—CON- and joining Expedition 63 as crew members; GRATULATING THE MEN AND Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of Whereas, on August 1, 2020, Robert L. the United States and Rule XI of the Stand- WOMEN OF THE COMMERCIAL Behnken and Douglas G. Hurley departed the ing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under CREW PROGRAM OF THE NA- ISS after spending 2 months as crew mem- the control or in the possession of the Senate TIONAL AERONAUTICS AND bers of Expedition 63; can, by administrative or judicial process, be SPACE ADMINISTRATION AND Whereas, on August 2, 2020, the Crew Drag- taken from such control or possession but by SPACE EXPLORATION TECH- on spacecraft safely splashed down off the permission of the Senate; NOLOGIES CORPORATION AND coast of Florida; Whereas, when it appears that evidence Whereas the successful completion of the under the control or in the possession of the ASTRONAUTS ROBERT L. Crew Dragon Demo–2 test flight marks a new BEHNKEN AND DOUGLAS G. HUR- Senate is needed for the promotion of jus- chapter in human space exploration by tice, the Senate will take such action as will LEY ON THE SUCCESSFUL COM- transporting astronauts on a commercially promote the ends of justice consistent with PLETION OF THE CREW DRAGON built and operated spacecraft of the United th privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, DEMO-2 TEST FLIGHT States for the first time; and be it Whereas the continued leadership of the Mr. CRUZ (for himself, Mr. CORNYN, Resolved, That the Chairman and Ranking United States in space and space exploration and Mr. RUBIO) submitted the following Minority Member of the Permanent Sub- is vital for— committee on Investigations of the Com- resolution; which was referred to the (1) both the national security and eco- Committee on Commerce, Science, and mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- nomic prosperity of the United States and mental Affairs, acting jointly, are authorized Transportation: the friends and allies of the United States; to provide to the U.S. Department of Home- S. RES. 675 and land Security and other regulatory agencies, Whereas, on July 8, 2011, the space shuttle (2) the continued development and explo- law enforcement officials, and entities or in- Atlantis launched from the Kennedy Space ration of space for the benefit of humankind: dividuals duly authorized by Federal or Center on the 135th and final flight (referred Now, therefore, be it State government, records of the Sub- to in this preamble as ‘‘STS–135’’) of the Resolved, That the Senate— committee’s investigation into the art indus- Space Transportation System of the Na- (1) congratulates the men and women of try and the United States policies that un- tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- the Commercial Crew Program of the Na- dermine sanctions. tion (referred to in this preamble as tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the ‘‘NASA’’); tion (referred to in this resolution as Permanent Subcommittee on Inves- Whereas, following the retirement of the ‘‘NASA’’) and Space Exploration Tech- tigations of the Committee on Home- space shuttle Atlantis, which was the last nologies Corporation (referred to in this res- land Security and Governmental Af- space shuttle in the fleet of the Space Trans- olution as ‘‘SpaceX’’) and astronauts Robert portation System, and the formal end of the L. Behnken and Douglas G. Hurley on the fairs recently conducted an investiga- Space Shuttle Program on August 31, 2011, successful completion of the Crew Dragon tion into the use of the art industry to the United States lacked the domestic capa- Demo–2 test flight; evade financial sanctions imposed by bility to launch astronauts to the Inter- (2) honors the men and women of SpaceX the United States on foreign adver- national Space Station (referred to in this and the Commercial Crew Program of NASA, saries. The subcommittee has now re- preamble as the ‘‘ISS’’) from United States who worked tirelessly to design, build, and ceived a request from the U.S. Depart- soil; operate the Crew Dragon spacecraft; ment of Homeland Security seeking ac- Whereas, following the end of the Space (3) recognizes the contributions of all of cess to records that the subcommittee Shuttle Program in 2011, the only method for the administrators, astronauts, engineers, transporting astronauts of the United States scientists, and support staff— obtained during the investigation. to the ISS was to purchase seats on the (A) who helped reach the milestone of the In keeping with the Senate’s practice Soyuz spacecraft of Russia at a cost of ap- successful completion of the Crew Dragon under its rules, this resolution would proximately $86,000,000 per seat; Demo–2 test flight; and authorize the chairman and ranking

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