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Luminiţa SCRIPCARIU Abrevieri Luminiţa SCRIPCARIU ABREVIERI 1000 Base CX Dual-Coaxial GigaEthernet AODI Always On/Demand ISDN 1000 Base LX Fiber 1000 Mbps Ethernet (1270 AP Application Processor/ Access Point nm) APDU Application Protocol Data Unit 1000 Base SX Single Mode Fiber 1000 Mbps API Application Program Interface Ethernet (830 nm) APK Amplitude-Phase Keying 1000 Base TX Unshielded Twisted-Pair 1000 ARP Address Resolution Protocol Mbps Ethernet ARPA Advanced Research Project Agency 100 Base-FX Fiber Fast Ethernet Network AS Autonomous System 100 Base-TX Unshielded Twisted Pair Fast ASCII American Standard Code for Information Ethernet Interchange 10 Base 2 Thin Ethernet ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit 10 Base 5 Thick Ethernet (StarLAN 10) ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 10 Base F Fiber Ethernet ASN Autonomous System Number 10 Base T Unshielded Twisted-Pair ATA Advanced Technology Attachment Ethernet ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 1Base5 (StarLAN) Unshielded Twisted AU Attachment Unit Pair 1 Mbps Ethernet AUI Attachment Unit Interface 3DES Triple Data Encryption System AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise 4B5B 4 - to - 5 Bit Coding AWG American Wire Gauge 8B6T 8 Binary –to-6 Ternary Coding B A b bit AAL ATM Adaptation Layer B Byte AC Access Control B7ZS Bipolar 7 Zero Supression ACGN Additive Coloured Gaussian Noise B8ZS Binary Eight Zero Substitution ACK ACKnowledge BACP Band Allocation Control Protocol ACL Access Control List BAP Band Allocation Protocol ACS Advanced Connectivity System BATE Baseband Adaptive Transversal Equalizer ACU Automatic Calling Unit BB Base Band ADPCM-Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded BCD Binary Coded Decimal Modulation BCP Bridging Control Protocol ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line BECN Backward Explicit Congestion AES Advanced Encryption System Notification AGP Advanced Graphics Card BEL Bell AH IP Authentication Header BER Bit Error Rate AM Amplitude Modulation BGP Border Gateway Protocol AMI Alternative Mark Inversion BIP-L BIPhase-Level ANSI American National Standards Institute BIOS Basic Input-Output System 243 Abrevieri Luminiţa SCRIPCARIU B-ISDN Broadband ISDN CR Carriage Return BOOTP BOOTstrap Protocol CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checking BOP Byte Oriented Protocol CS Checksum / Convergence Sublayer BNC Bayonet Nut Connector CSMA/CA-Carrier Sense Multiple Access with BPI Baseline Privacy Interface Collision Avoidance bps bits-per-second CSMA/CD-Carrier Sense Multiple Access with C BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying Collision Detection BR Bridge-Router CSS Card and Socket Specification BRA Basic Rate Access CTS Clear-To-Send BRI Basic Rate Interface CU Central Unit BS BackSpace BSA Basic Service Area D BSC Basic Station Controller BSS Basic Service Set DA Destination Address BSD-UX-Berkeley Software Distribution Unix DB Database BTC Basic Transceiver BTH Bluetooth DB-n D-shape B-size – number n BUS Broadcast Unknown Server DAS Dual Attachment Station DCE Data Circuit Terminal Equipment DCL Data and Control Logic C DDN Defense Data Network DEC Digital Equipment Corporation CATn Category n DES Data Encryption System CBAC Context-Based Access Control DH Diffie Helmann CBR Constant Bit Rate DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol CCK Complementary Code Keying DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung CCITT International Consultative Committee for DIR Desired Information Rate Telephony and Telegraphy DL Down Link CD Carrier Detect DLC Data Link Control / Data Link Connection CDDI Copper Distributed Data Interface DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier CDE Common Desktop Environment DLL Dynamic Link Library CDFS Compact Disk File System DMA Direct Memory Access CDMA Code Division Multiple Access DNS Domain Name System CE-QAM Constant Envelope QAM DoCSIS Data over Cable Service Interface CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction Specification CE-QAM - Constant Envelope Quadrature DoD Department of Defense Amplitude Modulation DOS Disk Operating System CES Circuit Emulation Service DPMA Demand Priority Media Access CLP Cell Loss Priority DPP Demand Priority Protocol CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication DPSK Differentially Phase Shift Keying Protocol DS Distribution System CIDR Classless InterDomain Routing DSAP Destination Service Access Point DSB-AMDouble Side Band Amplitude Modulation CIR Committed Information Rate DSL Digital Subscriber Line CISC Complet Instruction Set Computing DSP Digital Signal Processing CM Cable Modem DSR Data Set Ready CMI Coded Mark Inversion DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum CMOS Complementary Metal Oxid DTE Data Terminal Equipment Semiconductor DTR Data Terminal Ready CMTS Cable Modem Termination Sysem DU Data Unit C/N Carrier-to-Noise Ratio DVMRP-Distance Vector Multicast Routing CODEC COder-DECoder Protocol COFDM-Coded OFDM com commercial E CP Communication Processor CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal CPFSK Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying Interchange Code CPU Central Processing Unit 244 Abrevieri Luminiţa SCRIPCARIU ECP Encryption Control Protocol HDBn High Density Bipolar Code no.n ED Ending Delimiter HDD Hard-Disk Drive edu educational HDLC High-level Data Link Control EGP External Gateway Protocol HEC Header Error-Control EGRP Enhanced IGRP HID Host IDentifier EIA Electronics Industries Association HL Header Length EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture HPFS High-Performance File System E-mail Electronic mail HP-UX Hewlett-Packard Unix EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference HT Horizontal Tab EMS Element Management System HTML HyperText Markup Language ENAT Enhanced Network Address Translation HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol ENCO ENcryption & COmpression ENQ ENQuire ESA Extended Service Area I ESS Extended Service Set ESP IP Encapsulating Security Payload IANA Internet Assigned Number Agency ETH Ethernet IBSS Independent Basic Service Set ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol F ICS Internet Connection Sharing ID IDentifier FAQ Frequently Asked Questions IDE Integrated Digital Electronics FAT File Allocation Table IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm FC Fragment Control / Frame Control IE Internet Explorer FCC Federal Communications Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic FCS Frame Check Sequence Engineers FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface IER Interrupt Enable Register FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access IETF Internet Engineering Task Force FEC Forward Error Correction IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol FF Form Feed IGRP Internal Gateway Routing Protocol FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum IIR Interrupt Identifier Register FIFO First-In First-Out IKE Internet Key Exchange FIN Final flag int international Finger Finger User-information Protocol Internet International Network FI Fragment Identification InterNIC-Internet Network Information Center FM Frequency Modulation Intranet Internal Local Web Servers FR Frame Relay I/O Input/Output FS File System / Frame Status IP Internet Protocol FSK Frequency Shift Keying IPCP Internet Protocol Control Protocol FTP File Transfer Protocol / Foil Twisted Pair I-P-O Input-Processing-Output IPng IP next generation G IPsec Internet Protocol Security Facility IPX Internetwork Packet eXchange Gbps Giga bits-per-second IR Infra Red GbE Gigabit Ethernet IRC Internet Relay Chat GF Galois Field IRDA Infra Red Data Access GFC General Flow Control IRQ Interrupt ReQuest GIF Graphic Interchange Format ISA Industry Standard Architecture GMSK Generalized Minimum Shift Keying ISAKMP-Internet Security Association and Key gov government Management Protocol GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network GUI Graphic Unit Interface ISI InterSymbol Interference ISO International Standards Organisation H ISOC Internet SOCiety Iso-Ethernet Isochronous Ethernet H Header / Host ISP Internet Service Provider HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer ISTE Integrated Services Terminal Equipment 245 Abrevieri Luminiţa SCRIPCARIU ITU International Telecommunication Union MPEG Movie Photographic Experts Group IWF Interworking Function MPLS MultiProtocol Label Switching MRC MultiRate Coder J MRRU Maximum Receive Reconstructed Unit MRU Maximum Received Unit MS-DOS-Microsoft Disk Operating System JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group MSB Most Significant Bit MSC Mobile Switching Center K MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSR Modem Status Register kbps kilo bits-per-second MTA Message Transfer Agent MTU Maximum Transfer Unit L N LAN Local Area Network LAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced N Network LAPD Link Access Protocol for D-channel NAK Not AcKnowledge LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated NAT Network Address Translation Emissions of Radiation NAV Network Allocation Vector LCN Logical Channel Number NBF NetBEUI Frame LCP Link Control Protocol NCB Network Control Block LES LAN Emulation Server NCP Netware Core Protocol / Network Control LF Line Feed Protocol LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification LLC Logical Link Control net network LMI Local Management Interface LoS Line of Sight NetBeui Network BIOS extended user interface LPC Local Procedure Call NetBIOS-Network Basic Input/Output System LSB Least Significant Bit NFS Network File System LST Link State Technology NIC Network Interface Card LT Line Termination NID Next IDentifier NLPID Network Layer Protocol IDentifier M NOC Network Operating Center NOS Network Operating System NM Network Mask Mbps Mega bits-per-second MA Multiple Access NMM Network Management Module MAC Media Access Control / NMS Network Management Station MiniAccelerator Card NN Netscape Navigator MAN Metropolitan Area
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