eISSN : 2654-4687 , pISSN : 2654-3894 https://doi.org/10.17509/jithor.v4i1.31075 [email protected] http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/Jithor Volume 4, No. 1, April 2021


Yudha Eka Nugraha (1)*, Emy Chlarita Lema (2)

(1)(2) Politeknik Negeri [email protected] , [email protected]

Submitted : 8 January 2021 Revised: 12 March 2021 Accepted : 21 March 2021

ABSTRACT This study aims to describe the tourism potential and formulate the development of the Matalafang Traditional Village as a cultural tourism destination in Alor . Matalafang Traditional Village is one of the tourist destinations, where the Abui tribes live. The Abui tribe, as one of the largest tribes who inhabit Nusa Kenari Island, has various cultural potentials tourism to be developed. This is in line with the increasing number of tourists visiting. Through qualitative descriptive methods, extracting information is obtained by field observations, structured interviews with six key informants, documentation of traditional villages, and literature studies on Matalafang Traditional Village and Alor Regency Tourism. The results showed that the attractiveness of cultural tourism in the Matalafang Traditional Village in the form of the Balai Hatel Traditional Ceremony as a ritual to enter the garden, the Caka Lele dance, the unifying dance of the Alor community Lego-Lego, weaving Ikat for dancing, the fourth level traditional house, and various woven bamboo crafts for putting sirih pinang traditional snacks on it. The strategy formulation is an effort to develop the Matalafang Traditional Village as a cultural tourism destination, such as increasing the awareness of culture-based tourism for the local community, maintaining the authenticity of dance as a tourist attraction, increasing tourist activities after the ritual of opening the garden as alternative tourism, and maintaining the condition of the traditional village that is still original.

Keywords: Destinations, Traditional Villages, Matalafang, Cultural Tourism, Development Strategies

INTRODUCTION naming is comparable to the potential for Alor Regency in East Nusa cultural tourism in Seribu Moko Island. Tenggara Province is well known as The richness of this cultural several names such as Nusa Kenari Island potential is fully managed by the and Seribu Moko Island. Sometimes some cooperation of various parties, namely the people call it "Taramiti Tominuku" as a Alor District Government (Muawanah et unifying motto for the people of Alor. Alor al, 2020), the private sector that provides Regency has a variety of regional supporting facilities such as languages that distinguish each tribe that accommodation, transportation (Tjahjono inhabits it (Anggayana et al, 2020), (Asa & et al, 2019), and local communities Santosa, 2020). The uniqueness in the participation as an important element in tourism management (Gorang, 2018).

JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 – 61 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional Village as A Cultural Tourism Destination

The number of marine tourism Traditional village communities have a potentials that Seribu Moko Island (Tokan, cultural potential, one of which is to 2015) should make Seribu Moko Island get respect the environment by making a a lot of tourist visits and become superior customary ritual of opening land known to in the tourism sector (Darsiharjo, 2016). the people of the Matalafang Traditional One of the tourist attractions in Alor Village called Balai Hatel. In addition to Regency which starts to be visited by the land clearing ritual, the Abui people in many tourists is the Matalafang Traditional the Matalafang Traditional Village similar Village. Matalafang Traditional Village is to the celebration of life which is one of the destinations in Alor Regency manifested in a combination of movement which is unique in the form of a and music as a representation of the daily Traditional Village located in West life of the people who rejoice in all Lembur Village, Alor Tengah Utara conditions. This activity is called by the District, Alor Regency. This village can be community with the Lego-lego Dance as accessed by tourists because of its an attraction that is often presented to premium access in supporting destinations. tourists who come. Before being The time it takes to get to the Matalafang commercialized as a tourist activity, this Traditional Village is 25 minutes from the dance was a dance of the Alor community. center of City (the capital of Alor Various unique and interesting cultural Regency). The people who inhabit the tourism potentials in the Matalafang Matalafang Traditional Village are the Traditional Village often get tourist visits. original inhabitants of the Abui Tribe, Tourist visits obtained in this study are where the Abui Tribe is one of the largest tourist visit data since 2017 as follows: tribes who are domiciled on , (Alelang et al, 2018). Table 1. Tourist Visit Data in Matalafang Traditional Village

No Years Visitor 1 2017 1890 2 2018 1000 3 2019 2050 (Source: Matalafang Traditional Village Data, 2020)

Based on the explanation in the education. Every tourist visit that comes, table above, the number of tourist visits in the village community does not participate the Matalafang Traditional Village during much. Even some of the guests were the last three years shows various escorted by travel agents and accompanied fluctuations in visits. However, the trend of by people who were not local people. Even tourist visits continues to increase, up to though this potential is an advantage for 2050 tourists per year in 2019 or around the local community to actively participate 170 tourists per month coming to do in tourism activities. cultural tourism in the Matalafang Research on Traditional Villages Traditional Village. The increase in tourist has been carried out before by (Kusi, 2020) visits occurred due to various efforts by the and (Osin, 2019) in previous research that central and regional governments that are traditional villages have cultural wealth actively promoting tourism in and development funds are carried out by and access to transportation that is getting maintaining cultural authenticity. More easier and cheaper. Unfortunately, after the than that, this research not only formulates observation was made it was found that the a development strategy, but also describes local people did not have a good tourism the various tourism potentials along with

62 – JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional as A Cultural Tourism Destination the tourism components of the Matalafang LITERATURE REVIEW Traditional Village. There have not been Tourism Development many studies on customary villages, so this Some of the definitions regarding research seeks to add treasures to culture- tourism development in this research, based tourism. namely; according to (Arjana, 2016: 125) High community participation in tourism development must focus on the management of traditional villages is a developing tourist attractions, both natural gift for local communities that can be tourism, cultural tourism, artificial tourism, optimized. Therefore the community must and alternative tourism. The needs of participate actively, not only for the benefit tourists in terms of natural beauty, the need of regional income. More than that, efforts to watch cultural performances, buy art are made to strive for the potential of products as souvenirs must be planned in traditional villages to lead to the tourism to meet the needs of tourists. preservation of regional culture. Various (Mulyadi, 2012: 89) also states that tourist parties including the local government destinations must have a unique attraction have made efforts to manage and market to bring in tourists with three important tourism products therefore there is regional aspects, namely; attractions, accessibility, income. However, the community as amenities, and additional services. managers needs to be given various stimuli Culture-based traditional village for the development of insights in order to development strategies have been studied manage tourist attractions in accordance before by (Kusi, 2020) and (Osin, 2019). with existing cultural potentials. In Based on this research, the development of developing cultural tourism, it is necessary traditional village tourism must emphasize to implement the development of the 4A the preservation of culture therefore it is tourism component (Suwena, 2010). always original. This research is relevant Matalafang Traditional Village has considering that the location of the a lot of potential and cultural uniqueness research is in East Nusa Tenggara Province that can be developed into assets and can therefore there are similarities in the also attract tourists, but lack of human characteristics of the community. resources (HR), lack of supporting However, this research is specifically facilities, lack of community creativity in carried out in Alor and presents practical providing culture-based souvenirs, access strategies for developing culture-based roads to locations that are lacking. traditional village tourism by maximizing The lack of the community's role in community participation and cultural promoting the Matalafang Traditional authenticity. Village as well as the lack of awareness of the local community and knowledge of the Cultural Tourism role and efforts to develop tourism Cultural tourism is a field in potential in the Matalafang Traditional tourism that is starting to get attention, Village can be seen from the habits of the especially by the government. Research community where when there is a visit of according to (Nafila, 2013) states that foreign tourists the community tends to be cultural tourism is a type of tourism that passive and become spectators. makes cultural attractions the main This study seeks to describe the attraction. In this type of tourism, tourists potential and formulate a strategic will be guided to enjoy experiences related direction for the development of the to culture, namely understanding local Matalafang Traditional Village as a cultural elements, local wisdom in tourist cultural destination. destinations, studying historical places, studying museums, studying the

JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 – 63 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional Village as A Cultural Tourism Destination representation of values and living systems the development of the Matalafang adopted by local communities, performing Traditional Village and the manager of the arts, and culinary specialties from the local traditional village. Based on these criteria, community. key informants are obtained, namely the According to (Jovicic, 2016) Head of the Service, Head of the aspects included in the attraction of Destination Division of the Tourism Office cultural tourism include; birth ceremonies, of the District. Alor, Head of West Lembur various traditional dances, musical Village, Manager of Matalafang instruments and traditional music Traditional Village, Local community of performances, wedding ceremonies, Matalafang Traditional Village, and traditional clothes, various kinds of Tourists. The data that was collected were ceremonies and rituals, historical analyzed using field data reduction buildings, cultural heritage, traditional techniques, data presentation, SWOT relics, traditional fabrics (for example analysis (Kotler, 2002), and drawing woven fabrics), cultural festival conclusions. Furthermore, the variables in exhibitions, and other traditional the SWOT analysis are the strength of the performances, textile products, historical tourism system, the weakness of the museums, culture, as well as other local tourism system, the opportunities for the customs that have not been mentioned. tourism system, and the threat of the According to Koentjaraningrat (2004), tourism system in the Matalafang cultural elements consist of seven Traditional Village. elements, including; language, knowledge systems, social systems or social RESULTS AND DISCUSSION organizations, tools of life and technology, Overview of the Matalafang Traditional livelihood systems, religious systems, and Village arts. The Matalafang Traditional Village is a traditional village located at the foot of RESEARCH METHOD the mountain and surrounded by small hills This study used a qualitative and is a coastal area. The location is in RT descriptive method (Sugiyono, 2015). The 005, RW 003, Lembur Barat Village, Alor data collected is divided into two types, Tengah Utara District, Alor Regency, East namely qualitative data in the form of Nusa Tenggara Province. As a traditional results from interviews with key village, this place has seven traditional informants. Quantitative data collected as houses in the form of stilt houses in the secondary data regarding the number of form of pyramids with thatch roofs which tourist visits. The primary data obtained are neatly arranged and uniquely along the were then collected using observation Matalafang Traditional Village. techniques in the Matalafang Traditional The word Matalafang itself in the Village, documentation of each research Abui language is defined as seeing eyes process, and structured interviews with just cut off. The people who inhabit this informants, while secondary data was village come from the Abui Tribe where collected through tourism books from the the Abui Tribe is the largest tribe that relevant district government. A total of six inhabits the island of Alor. The Abui tribe informants were the key informants in the is usually nicknamed the Big Mountain study which were selected based on the because there are many high hills that type of non-probability purposive sampling surround villages or residential areas. The based on certain criteria, namely; is a matalafang traditional village was founded tourist actor in Alor Regency, knows in 1942, initially there were only dozens of various information needed in research on residents living in the Matalafang

64 – JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional as A Cultural Tourism Destination

Traditional Village. But over time the marine products or working as fishermen. number of Abui descendants grew During the day, the atmosphere of the although the offspring are now starting to traditional village is quiet because most of spread. Until now, there are thousands of them go to the forest to hunt and find food. people. Most of the people of West Some of the proceeds from hunting are Lembur Village are spread from this consumed to meet daily needs and some traditional village. The daily life of the are sold to the market to meet other needs Abui people in the Matalafang Traditional such as school children and household Village is to work to utilize natural needs. The original food of the Abui Tribe products, especially in the forest, for and the Alor people in general is corn gardening, and hunting. Even though the (catemak) and tubers, rice is also area is located on the coast, none of the consumed but is still interspersed with corn residents who live in the Matalafang and sweet potatoes. Traditional Village live from utilizing

Pic 1. Matalafang Traditional Village Nameplate Source: Research documentation, 2020

In addition, the Matalafang they must have the permission of the chief traditional village has one unique tradition, or eldest son of the tribe, while the house namely the Balai Hatel ritual or commonly that is “disbeut” is sometimes a house known as cutting the garden or opening usually inhabited by the local people of the new land which is carried out on July 28 Matalafang Traditional Village. Even every year. This ritual is performed by the though it has a different name, the shape of chief of the tribe and presented by the local this traditional house is actually the same community and government to witness it. which distinguishes the two traditional The traditional house of the Abui tribe in houses is the crown which is located at the the Matalafang Traditional Village is end of the roof of the traditional house. simple but alluring. This traditional house This traditional house is in the form is usually called a warehouse. The building of a house on stilts and in the form of a is made of wood and bamboo. Matalafang pyramid with a thatched roof with four Traditional Village has two types of support poles and has four levels with traditional houses, namely Katilang different functions. The 1st floor is a place (crown) and Sometime (without crown). to rest or receive guests, the 2nd floor is The house called Katilang is a used for cooking and sleeping at night, the traditional house that is only inhabited or 3rd floor is for storing food, and the 4th the only ones who enter into it are the floor is for storing heirlooms or tribal chief or eldest son of the tribe. If belongings. Even though the building is there are other people who want to enter, made of wood and bamboo, this traditional

JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 – 65 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional Village as A Cultural Tourism Destination house can last for decades. Matalafang located on the coast, none of the residents Traditional Village has seven traditional who live in the village live by marine houses, one is a traditional house and six products or fishermen but the residents use others are ordinary houses, while there are forest products as a source of life, where five houses using walls. all Matalafang people work as farmers. In addition to using the forest as plantation Matalafang Community Profile land, the Matalafang community also uses The Matalafang Traditional Village the forest as a place to hunt animals. The is a traditional village located at the foot of Matalafang community has two traditional the mountain and surrounded by small hills houses inherited from their ancestors, and is a coastal area. The location is in RT namely Katilang and Sometimes. Katilang 005, RW 003, Lembur Barat Village, Alor means crown and Sometimes means Tengah Utara District, Alor Regency, East without crown. This traditional house is Nusa Tenggara Province. The Matalafang the pride of the Matalafang community Traditional Village was established in because it is quite well organized and has a 1942, as a tourist destination by the unique shape because it has four levels. Government of the Alor Regency Tourism This traditional house was made Office on July 28, 2002. Matalafang without using modern materials, namely Traditional Village is the third oldest wood, bamboo, reeds, and rattan rope to traditional village in Alor Regency after tie. Even though, the Matalafang the Takpala Traditional Village and the community maintains and carries out the Monbang Tribe Traditional Village. The traditions that have been passed on by their Matalafang Traditional Village has an area ancestors, the Matalafang people are also of about six hectares with a population of people who fear God. Where the majority 30 people from seven families. of Matalafang people believe in Protestant This Matalafang Traditional Christianity. The hospitality of the Village was originally located on a hill community and village life is an attraction called Matalafang which then in 2004 Alor and attraction for tourists. Even though experienced an earthquake therefore this they did not receive higher education, the village was moved down to a small entire Matalafang community was very mosque called Latifui. There is a fluent in Indonesian therefore it did not compelling reason for the relocation of this make it difficult for tourists to traditional village because there is a story communicate while visiting. that in ancient times people celebrated traditional parties and their ancestors or Tourism Potential Attractions of ancestors from this Latifui traditional Matalafang Traditional Village village chanted between Lego-lego circles The Matalafang Traditional Village and only one person could chant therefore is one of the traditional villages that was after chanting in the village of Matalafang only famous a few years ago even though the singer ran again and moved to Latifui its existence has existed since long ago in to chant there. This is the reason why Lembur Barat Village, Alor Regency. The Matalafang Traditional Village was moved Matalafang Traditional Village was used to Latifui Village. Even though it has been as a tourist destination by the Government moved, the name of this traditional village of the Alor Regency Tourism Office on is still Matalafang because it has been July 28, 2002. This is inseparable from the legalized by the government. tourism potential of the Matalafang The Matalafang Traditional Village Traditional Village so it is worth visiting. is located at the foot of the mountain and is The Matalafang Traditional Village a coastal area. Even though the area is has tourism potential that should be

66 – JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional as A Cultural Tourism Destination maintained and preserved. Tourism planting and the tribal chief shakes the potential, especially cultural tourism bananas, if the bananas are released from potential, are as follows: the bunches by a lot then the name of the 1) Traditional ceremonies or traditional place mentioned will produce a lot of rituals that are still maintained (Traditional garden yields but if only a few bananas rituals of Balai Hatel or entering the fall, the crop a little. This was done over garden). and over again until all the names of the This ritual is carried out by burning places that were to be used for planting a bunch of raw peeled bananas then the were mentioned. Then they will make chief standing on the altar holding the raw circles and Lego-lego around the altar as a banana peel and the bunch, then the form of gratitude to the creator. After this chieftain uses ancient poetry asking for traditional ritual procession is carried out blessings and instructions from the then the community is allowed to enter the Creator. After the tribal chief mentions the garden. names of the places that will be used for

(2) (3) Pic (2). Welcoming Ritual Guests Balai Hatel, (3) Traditional rituals of the Balai Hatel tribe by the head of the tribe Source: Research documentation, 2020

According to the Chairman of the Alor Regency. The Caka Catfish dance is a Matalafang Village Custom, Mr. Karel war dance dedicated to the king. This Malbieti, this ritual is one of the cultural dance is played when going to war and attractions that is always a spectacle for finish fighting. The Caka Catfish dance is both domestic and foreign tourists. With usually played by two men who swing the simplicity of the ceremony, local each other's kalewang (sword) while people feel proud because they can display following the rhythm of the drum and gong a culture that can be enjoyed by tourists. being played. Both tourists and local governments take Meanwhile, the Lego-Lego dance part in ritual activities to leave a is a united dance for the Alor people, memorable impression, stories that can be especially the Abui Tribe. Abui people call brought home when visitors return to their this Lego-lego dance Taramiti Tominuku places of origin. or the Indonesian language is different but 1) Has a special dance, namely the caka we are still one. The meaning of this catfish and lego-lego dances. sentence is to let us be different from our The Abui tribe, which is known as hometowns, but we are one in the Lego- the largest tribe in Alor Regency, has a lego circle, in this circle we are all one distinctive dance, namely The Caka Lele who symbolizes the prostration of and Lego-lego dances. These two dances gratitude to the ancestors. The Lego-lego have also become the typical dances of dance is usually played by at least 20

JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 – 67 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional Village as A Cultural Tourism Destination people, this dance is usually played in various programs, namely training large numbers and is played by men and kindergarten to high school children in women while singing and replying to Alor to be able to perform the Caka Catfish rhymes accompanied by the sound of and Lego-lego dances. This effort is a drums and gongs. Tambur and gong are regeneration therefore the young musical instruments for the Alor people. generation in Alor will continue to practice The local community preserves the richness of Alor culture as an these two dances with monitoring carried attraction, especially in the Matalafang out by a tourism awareness group in the Traditional Village. Matalafang Traditional Village. Through

(4) (5) Pic. (4) Caka Lele Dance, (5) Lego-lego dance by the Matalafang community Source: Research documentation, 2020

2) Traditional four-storey house made of wood and bamboo, this traditional Matalafang has seven traditional house can last for decades. Tourists have a houses, this house is in the shape of stilts high interest in this traditional house. and in the form of a pyramid with thatched Usually, tourists prefer to stay on top of roof with four support poles and has four this house rather than sleeping in the levels with different functions. The 1st homestay provided. Local people still use floor is a place to rest or receive guests, the this place as a place to rest, a place to store 2nd floor is used for cooking and sleeping food, and a place to remember their at night, the 3rd floor is for storing food, ancestors. and the 4th floor is for storing heirlooms or belongings. Even though the building is

Pic 6. Four-storey traditional house Source: Research documentation, 2020

Matalafang Traditional Village Development Strategy as a Cultural Internal Strengths and Weaknesses Tourism Destination Using SWOT This study used descriptive analysis Analysis and then further analyzed with the SWOT

68 – JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional as A Cultural Tourism Destination approach (strength, weakness, opportunity, awareness group for the Matalafang and threat) which was used to plan the Traditional Village whose main task was to development of the Matalafang Traditional carry out cultural preservation. Examples Village as a cultural tourism destination. of cultural preservation efforts that have The SWOT analysis is intended to find out been carried out by the Matalafang an overview of the strengths and Traditional Village tourism awareness weaknesses of the development of cultural group are dance competitions and training tourism in the Matalafang Traditional in traditional Caka catfish and Lego-lego Village as well as the opportunities and dance for kindergarten to high school threats it faces. The potential for dominant children on Alor Island. This is a step to cultural tourism makes Matalafang preserve the dance therefore it will Traditional Village has five strengths and continue into the future. three weaknesses which were identified 3. Local people are very friendly to visiting during observations and interviews in the tourists field. The strengths and weaknesses of the The Matalafang community is a Matalafang Traditional Village are: friendly community with visitors who come to their place. Their hospitality is a. Strength shown through welcoming the local 1. The Matalafang Traditional Village has community to every visiting tourist by an original and unique cultural tourist giving a sincere smile as a sign of welcome attraction. and continued by giving betel nut and The Matalafang Traditional Village coffee, this is not required for tourists but is one of the traditional villages that is not they still do it because it is a habit of the very well known when compared to the Abui people who have been practiced by Takpala Traditional Village. However, this generations. Hereditary. The habit of destination has unique and interesting serving betel nut and coffee is part of a tourism potential to visit. The potential for cultural element related to a social system cultural tourism in the Matalafang that has been carried out from generation Traditional Village has an authenticity and to generation. The community is able to cultural enhancement that is still use good Indonesian therefore this maintained today such as the Traditional supports the hospitality that occurs Ritual of opening new land (Balai Hatel), between visitors and the owner of the the Caka Lele dance and Lego-lego as a Matalafang Traditional Village area. unifying dance for the Alor community and a traditional four-storey house. 4. The tourist destination has a variety of local handicrafts as amenities for the 2. The destination has a tourism awareness Matalafang Traditional Village group that is active in preserving the dance The people of the Matalafang culture of the Matalafang Traditional Traditional Village are a creative society. Village This has become a habit from generation to The Matalafang Traditional Village generation. The limited tools and resources is a traditional village located at the foot of that can be used have made people adapt to the mountain and surrounded by small hills the situation. Tools commonly used as and is a coastal area. When viewed from body armor, such as weaving, tools for the hill, which is still behind the carrying betel nuts such as woven bamboo, Matalafang traditional village, the natural are commodities that can be sold, and charm of the Matalafang traditional village served as souvenirs for visiting tourists. looks neat. To maintain this uniqueness, The community has so far received the traditional leader formed a tourism training on how to come up with unique

JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 – 69 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional Village as A Cultural Tourism Destination ideas for creating artificial handicrafts using natural materials. Forms of crafts of the Matalafang community such as making necklaces, bracelets, betel nuts, belts, cups, baskets, weaving, and so on, which is one of the attractions of the Matalafang Traditional Village.

(7) (8)

(9) (10)

Pic (7) Necklaces and bracelets made of natural products, (8) Kettles and cups made from coconut shells, (9) woven bamboo bags (10) woven originally from the Abui tribe, Source: Research documentation, 2020

5. The distance between the city center and Apart from having the strength as tourist destinations can be reached quickly potential, the Matalafang Traditional in less than 30 minutes Village also has weaknesses like this. The Matalafang Traditional Village is one 1. The weak quality of human resources of the newly developed traditional villages makes service to guests less than optimal because it is the closest to the city center of The people of Matalafang Traditional Kalabahi. This destination is easiest to Village are generally not aware of tourism. reach by using public transportation, During this research, the tourism actors in private two and four wheels. Even though the Matalafang Traditional Village were the road is a little rocky, the access is still only the same actors. The community has accessible by tourists. not actively participated, for example by providing food and drinks, serving as local b. Weakness tour guides, and renting a weaving or

70 – JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional as A Cultural Tourism Destination toilet. The community has not prioritized very simple, so they need renovations to tourism as their main field, and has chosen make them more feasible, information to be spectators only. Lack of knowledge boards, and trash cans are the most basic on how to develop existing tourism things that should already be in a tourism potential and foreign languages makes it destination. The community also needs difficult for people to get foreign tourist assistance in providing a place to sell visits. merchandise, such as weaving stalls and The community has not seen food and beverage stalls. The reason why economic benefits as the main thing in the community does not participate in tourism activities, thus, there is no entry providing tourism support facilities is ticket required to enter the Matalafang because of the limited economy. Traditional Village and the use of traditional clothing is also given free of 3. At some points the road access is rocky charge to visitors. The income is only and not good obtained from Lego-lego dance Roads are a very important part of performances, staying at homestays, and infrastructure to support tourism activities, also selling food and drinks which are only however, road access from the main road managed by traditional house owners. to this traditional village is still not good. The Matalafang Traditional Village which 2. Lack of facilities and infrastructure to is being developed has begun to receive an support tourism activities increase in tourist visits. However, even The facilities certainly support all though for the last three years it has tourism activities in the Matalafang received tourist visits. Road access never Traditional Village. Even though there is a gets attention so tourists who come must simple parking area, homestay, toilets, and be extra intent. Sometimes the road is various supporting facilities that already rocky and several points of the way uphill exist, the condition of the Matalafang make the trip less enjoyable even though Traditional Village still lacks many the destination to be visited is of high facilities. The existing homestays are still cultural value.

Tabel 2. IFAS (Strengths and Weaknesses of Matalafang Traditional Village)

No Strengths Skor Bobot Total 1 Matalafang Traditional Village has an original and unique 4 0.140 0.561 cultural tourist attraction 2 The destination has a tourism awareness group that is active in 3 0.123 0.368 preserving the dance culture of the Matalafang Traditional Village 3 Local people are very friendly to visiting tourists 4 0.193 0.771 4 This tourist destination has a variety of local handicrafts as 4 0.158 0.631 amenities for the Matalafang Traditional Village 5 The distance between the city center and tourist destinations 3 0.105 0.315 can be reached quickly in less than 30 minutes No Weakness Skor Bobot Total 1 The weak quality of human resources makes service to guests 3 0.105 0.315 less than optimal 2 Lack of facilities and infrastructure to support tourism 2 0.088 0.175 activities 3 At some points the road access is rocky and not good 2 0.088 0.175 TOTAL 1.000 3.315 (Source: Processed Research, 2020)

JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 – 69 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional Village as A Cultural Tourism Destination

Table 2 is the IFAS processed opportunity. It can be seen from the results obtained from the six key number of visits that tend to increase. informants of this study. Data from interviews are quantified based on the 2. The interest of the local community, results of interviews with informants. The namely the young generation, is high to total IFAS score obtained is 3.3158 which preserve the traditional Alor dance is in quadrant I which is strong (3.3). Through a tourism awareness group 4. External Factors Opportunities and formed for the Matalafang Traditional Threats Village. Communities with limited Furthermore, in the analysis of knowledge and resources try to keep external factors, this study identifies three preserving culture as a top priority. The opportunities and two threats which are implementation of the Caka lele and Lego- priority problems that must be resolved by lego dance competitions for the younger local communities and local governments. generation that has been carried out shows The external factor is the substance that is that the people of Alor also positively outside the destination but has a strong accept these activities. Participants who influence in the development of the take part in this traditional dance Matalafang Traditional Village. The competition are required at each following is a list of opportunities and educational institution therefore traditional threats identified; dances will be maintained. a. Opportunities 3. Local people who begin to understand the use of technology and information 1. A massive promotion of Alor tourism by The number of young people who the Central and Local Governments are now starting to become dominant is The NTT Provincial Government very close to the use of technology and has made tourism one of its leading work information. Therefore, with the programs. Through the theme Ring of advancement of technology and Beauty NTT, New Tourism Territory, and information, it is easier for the community various activities that support the to promote and sell packages through development of tourism activities in NTT. various media to introduce the uniqueness The central government has also set one of and beauty of the Matalafang Traditional the destinations in NTT, namely Labuan Village. Only the lack of education on how Bajo, as a super premium destination. This to make packages and create content that determination not only makes Labuan Bajo will attract the attention of the wider a leading destination, but also the community is one of the obstacles that surrounding islands to be interesting to must be resolved immediately by the visit, one of which is Alor with Matalafang authorities in the Matalafang Traditional Traditional Village as its superior Village. The existence of cooperation destination. The existence of the between the management and the Matalafang Traditional Village as one of government, private parties or social the attractions of cultural tourism that institutions engaged in tourism can guide offers tours of authenticity of dances, and direct the development of the traditional rituals, ceremonies, and the Matalafang Traditional Village to be more sensation of traditional experiences that do ready and to complement existing not exist anywhere else shows that the deficiencies therefore it can provide development of cultural tourism progress for the Matalafang Traditional destinations has a large market Village.

70 – JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional as A Cultural Tourism Destination b. Threats as additional income for families that will improve social welfare and the quality of 1. Tourism for the community is still life of the people in Matalafang Traditional underestimated, not many have fully Village. participated in tourism activities Tourism is something new for the 2. Competition with the two formerly people of the Matalafang Traditional famous traditional villages Village. Unlike the two previous The Matalafang Traditional Village traditional villages that are familiar with stands between two traditional villages that tourism. Matalafang Traditional Village were already known earlier, namely the needs further education about tourism Takpala Traditional Village and the Bang awareness and its impact on social welfare. Towo Traditional Village, where these People still prioritize themselves as hunters three traditional villages offer cultural to fulfill their daily needs. Meanwhile, tourism. Facing this, the Matalafang mothers and children watch tourism traditional village must have its own activities and always look foreign to the characteristics that differentiate between tourists who come, especially foreign the existing traditional villages. This has tourists. The local community can actually not been identified by existing continue to carry out their main duties as stakeholders therefore it becomes a threat hunters and farmers in the forest. However, to the development of tourism in Alor what's wrong with trying tourism activities Regency.

Tabel 3. EFAS Opportunities and Threats of the Matalafang Traditional Village

No Opportunities Score Weigh Total 1 A massive promotion of Alor tourism by the Central and 3 0.263 0.789 Local Governments 2 The interest of the outside community who wants to learn 3 0.211 0.631 about culture by visiting the Matalafang Traditional Village 3 The development of information technology is increasingly 4 0.316 1.263 accessible, making it easier for Traditional Villages to get exposure No Threats Score Weigh Total 1 Tourism for the community is still underestimated, not many 4 0.053 0.210 have fully participated in tourism activities 2 Competition with the two formerly famous traditional villages 2 0.158 0.315 TOTAL 1.000 3.210 (Source: Processed research, 2020)

DISCUSSION Results of the SWOT Strategy Analysis Table 3 is the result of EFAS The SWOT matrix provides a clear picture processing obtained from the six key of the factors that are the strengths and informants of this study. Data from weaknesses as well as the opportunities interviews are quantified based on the and threats possessed by the Matalafang results of interviews with informants. The Traditional Village. The SWOT matrix total EFAS score obtained is 3.2105 which contains a combination of S-O (Strength- is in quadrant I which is strong (3.2). Opportunities), S-T (Strength-Threats), W- O (Weakness-Opportunities), and E-T (Weakness-Threats).

JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 – 71 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional Village as A Cultural Tourism Destination

Total Score of IFAS

Strong Moderate Weak 4,0 3,0-4,0 3,0 2,0-3,0 2,0 1,0-2,0 1,0 I. Growth II. Growth III. Retrenchment 4,0 Grow and build Grow and build Steady and maintain Strong (concentration via (concentration via (circular growth) 3,0-4,0 vertical integration) horizontal integration) IV. Stability V. Growth VI. Retrenchment 3,0 Grow and build (halt Concentration through Harvest or divestation Moderate temporarily) integration horizontal

Total Score of Total EFAS of Score 2,0-3,0 stability VII. Growth VIII. Growth IX. Retrenchment 2,0 Steady and maintain Harvest or divestation Harvest or liquidation Weak (diversification of 1,0-2,0 concentration)

(Source: Processed research adapted from Rangkuti 2002, 2020)

Based on the tabulated data Village, forming art, and cultural studios to collected in table 2 for IFAS and table 3 increase residents' interest in preserving for EFAS. The values obtained are IFAS culture in Alor. In addition, the 3.3 which is in the strong domain and government provides a stimulus for the EFAS 3.2 which is also in the strong local community by creating businesses domain. Based on the total value table therefore the work area becomes varied for above, the strategy for developing local people, building good Matalafang Traditional Village as a communication with related parties to cultural tourism destination is in quadrant continue to preserve the traditional 4- I, which focuses on vertical integration, storey house therefore it becomes a namely strengthening public education to sustainable cultural attraction. Making consider tourism as one of the sectors that cultural tourism packages therefore they brings goodness when developed, as well can increase visitors, Increasing the role of as increasing product diversification local communities to continue to love and therefore the Traditional Village maintain the natural beauty of the Matalafang has a unique identity that surroundings therefore it remains natural to distinguishes the two traditional villages be introduced along with current that were well known before. In addition, technological developments and Improve Matalafang Traditional Village has high human resources (HR) and still maintain potential to grow into a destination tourism the attitude of community harmony. culture with pay attention to several strategic, as follows; b. Strategy for Procurement of Training a. Strategy for Implementing MICE- for Tourism Human Resources and Based Activities and Making Tour Repair of Infrastructure in Matalafang Packages Traditional Village Maintaining, preserving, and Improving the quality of human resources enhancing local cultural traditions, (HR) by conducting socialization and Creating new ideas and work programs of tourism awareness training that leads to the the Matalafang Traditional Village development of tourist objects, business Tourism Awareness Group such as culture- opportunities, and improving the based MICE planning, performing cultural community's economy. Adding and dances typical of the Matalfang Traditional improving facilities to support tourism

72 – JITHOR Vol.4, No.1, April 2021 – eISSN : 2654-4687 pISSN : 2654-3894 Yudha Eka Nugraha, Emy Chlarita Lema: Development Strategy of Matalafang Traditional as A Cultural Tourism Destination activities and creating jobs for the 2. Even though it has diverse community. Improving access roads so as cultural tourism potentials, the Matalafang to make it easier for the community to Traditional Village requires intervention carry out tourism activities, increase from various parties, especially in relation human resources, and utilize technology to increasing education and participation of and information to introduce the tourism local human resources. This is because potential they have. based on field findings HR is the main obstacle therefore there needs to be special c. Strategies to Maintain Tradition attention from the government in through Preservation of Traditional improving human resources (HR). The aim Dance and Ritual Culture to the Young is to create a community capable of Generation of Matalafang Traditional developing attractive tourist destinations to Village visit. In addition, improvement of Keep maintaining and maintaining infrastructure is also one of the things that traditions and culture so as not to be can increase the success of the displaced by the entry of foreign cultures, development of the Matalafang Traditional Preserving and maintaining the Village as a cultural destination. authenticity of traditions and culture in Recommendations for the increasing tourist visits, Loving and development of this research include; The preserving nature in order to remain government, especially the Tourism sustainable, and Using cultural strength as Office, needs to increase promotion in a unifying nation. addition to relying on tour guides who take d. Strategies to Encourage Innovation and tourists to tourist destinations. Increasing Creativity of Traditional Village community involvement in community- Communities based tourism development with tourism Increase and strengthen Increase human awareness education to make Matalafang resources (HR) in order to continue to love Traditional Village ready and independent and preserve local culture, Increase human as a cultural tourism destination. resources (HR) to generate new ideas in creating creativity so as to improve the REFERENCES community's economy Anggayana, I. A., Suparwa, I. N., Dhanawaty, N. M., & Budasi, I. G. CONCLUSION (2020). Lipang, Langkuru, Waisika Based on the results of the research Language Kinship: Lexicostatistics on the development strategy of the Study in Alor Island. International Matalafang Traditional Village as a Journal of Psychosocial cultural destination, the following Rehabilitation, 24(4), 301-319. conclusions can be drawn; A.J, Mulyadi. 2012. Kepariwisataan dan 1. The potential for cultural tourism Perjalanan, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo in the Matalafang Alor Traditional Village Persada. consists of various types, namely Alelang, I. F., Hakim, L., & Batoro, J. traditional dances, traditional houses, (2018). The Ethnobotany of Abui’s traditional ceremonies and rituals, local Home Gardens and its Potentiality to languages, religious systems, and various Support Rural Tourism Development traditional tools found during this research. in Alor, Indonesia. Journal of This cultural wealth is a strong asset for Indonesian Tourism and the Matalafang Traditional Village to Development Studies, 6(2), 120-125. become a culture-based tourist destination.

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