Contents Death on the Streets Urban Warfare Christopher Allen Contents 2 Introduction - Death On The Streets 27 Advanced Campaign Rules

3 New Gangs 40 New Scenarios 3 Out of the Jungle 40 Loot & Pillage 5 Robot Rebellion 41 The Hit 10 Undercity Rising 43 Scrawl

16 New Equipment 45 Judge Dredd

20 New Traits 46 Miniatures Range

22 New Specialists 48 License Credits Cover Art Additional Design Matt Sharp, Matthew Sprange & Bryan Steele Interior Illustrations Sample file Proof Reading Brian Bolland (25), John Burns (19), Carl Sarah Quinnell Critchlow (11), Steve Dillon (6, 15), Carlos Ezquerra (45), Henry Flint (14), Ian Gibson Studio Manager (4), Patrick Goddard (44) Cyril Julien (2), Ian Barstow Cam Kennedy (29), Graham Manley (33), Production Director Paul Marshall (42), Arthur Ranson (20), Steve Alexander Fennell Yeowell (23) Studio Miniatures Artists Cartography Viktor Medora & Adrian Walters Danilo Moretti Graphic Design Anne Stokes

Judge Dredd created by and Carlos Ezquerra

1 Introduction Introduction elcome to Death on the Streets, the first supplement Wfor Gangs of Mega-City One. Within these pages you will find a wealth of new material to enhance your street battles and gang brawls. New factions have emerged – from the Jungle come the genetically engineered ape gangs, from the Undercity creep the dispossessed and the desperate and out of factories march rogue robots whose circuits have gone haywire and now have new programming – to carve out their own piece of turf in the deadly streets. Responding to the increasing demand for black market goods by the competing gangs, weapons manufacturers are churning out new designs to appeal to the punk on the street, from fiery incendiary weapons to wrecking gear. Seeing a chance to make a good few creds, new specialists have come out of hiding to lend their talents to the services of the highest bidder, from sleazy gutter lawyers to the truly terrifyingSample and file alien Klegg. Above it all rise the most powerful of the street gangs as they claw their way to greater wealth and power through rackets, criminal genius and a healthy dose of brutality. In the face of death or a lifetime spent in the iso-cubes, every perp desperately grasps for as many credits as he can steal. The streets have turned to chaos and only the strong will survive.

There is one man who can step into this mayhem, one man who can lay down the Law to the rampaging perps. Judge Dredd is here to bring in the guilty and administer the sentence. He is judge, jury and executioner, and he will bring order to this chaos.

2 New Gangs New Gangs ega-City One is a huge place, winning their freedom, the apes demanded full of the strange and bizarre. a place of their own to live and so most of MMyriad sub-cultures have their population is to be found in a huge sprung up around crazes, hobbies and slum designed with apes in mind known belief systems, all with their own styles as the Jungle, or Apetown. However, of dress and their own odd habits. Many plenty of apes roam the wider city – some even become embroiled in the criminal because they just don’t fit in amongst activities and savage fights amongst the their simian brethren, others because gangs that vie for turf and credits on the they dream of the power and wealth of a streets. Yet even these weird perps pale successful criminal career. in comparison to the genetically modified apes, the robots and the Undercity The ape inclination for criminal activity dwellers. These competitors in the stems from the fact that, while they may criminal underworld of Mega-City One have enhanced intelligence they are still are no longer human at all – or they never rather like their lesser cousins in all other were in the first place. respects. This comes out in a tendency to mimic what the humans around them are Presented here are three new types of gang doing and so they wear human clothes, use – apes, robots and Undercity dwellers. human tools and copy the brutal human Choosing one of these gangs is done gangs that inhabit the areas around the in the same fashion as a normal human Jungle. Such ape gangs brawl with each gang, though often with some special other and with the humans whose territory modifications as detailed in each gang meets the edges of Apetown. Some ape entry. gangs also set up shop in other locations Sampleto fileseek fresh opportunities and carve out a turf of their own.

Ape Gangs A few apes have become truly famous for The ape gangs of Mega-City One are the a career of crime, most notably Don Uggie legacy of genetic experiments performed Apelino. His ape mobsters ran a number on animals after the Atomic Wars. The of rackets and criminal activities until scientists who sought to enhance the caught and sentenced by Judge Dredd and intelligence of the animals that they he has become something of a hero figure worked on were so successful in the case to aspiring ape thugs. The most wealthy of the apes that their creations actually and professional simian criminals often won their liberty and equal rights to follow Don Apelino in aping pinstripe- human citizens! wearing human mobsters.

Though such intelligence-enhancing Recruiting an Ape Gang experiments are now illegal, that has not An ape gang is created in much the same stopped the existing apes breeding and way as a normal human gang. You get the increasing in number over the years. After top dog for free along with 10,000 credits

3 New Gangs

to purchase other gang members and their feet, chimpanzees have poor morale equipment, and there are three types of and tend to run when things turn against gang member initially available – the top them. Most ape gangs have a mob of dog, punks and juves. Ape gangs do often chimpanzees copying the activities of the use alternative terms amongst themselves more intelligent orangutans or physically for these ranks, with ‘Don’ being a popular powerful gorillas but chimps rarely have title for a top dog amongst those who style the brains or brawn to be a top dog. themselves as the next Don Apelino, as Orangutans are significantly brighter well as ‘silverback’. than their cousins and prefer to abstain from melee combat, often providing the The real difference between an ape gang co-ordination and planning for the gang’s and a human gang is in the three different criminal activities. Gorillas are physically species that a gang member can be chosen imposing and extremely strong but, much from. The species defines the top dog, like the chimpanzees, they are still rather punk or juve’s starting characteristics and animalistic and when things go bad even cost, although top dogs are always free no gorillas will copy their comrades and run matter what species they are. from trouble. Sample file The three species available are There is a specific hierarchy when chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. selecting the species of a top dog in a Chimpanzees are perhaps the most lowly starting gang. If there are any gorillas of the apes – vicious in packs when they then a gorilla must be the top dog. If there are confident of victory and very fast on are no gorillas but there are orangutans Gang Member Spd Ag Res CC Hits WtF Recruitment Cost Rep Chimpanzee Punk 7” 5+ 5 2D 1 4+ 700 cr. 1 Juve 7” 5+ 4 1D 1 5+ 350 cr. 0 Gorilla Punk 5” 5+ 6 3D 2 4+ 1,600 cr. 1 Juve 5” 5+ 5 2D 2 5+ 800 cr. 0 Orangutan Punk 6” 5+ 6 2D 1 3+ 1,200 cr. 1 Juve 6” 5+ 5 1D 1 4+ 600 cr. 0

4 New Gangs

then an orangutan must be the top dog. Whenever an ape attempts to jump a gap, It is only if there are neither gorillas or it may reroll the 2D3 once if the first orangutans that a chimpanzee can be top attempt would fail. The second result dog. This also applies when selecting a stands. new top dog if the previous one dies; the successor will be the gorilla punk with Characteristic Increases the highest Reputation, or the orangutan Apes have slightly different character punk with the highest Reputation if there increase/decrease maximums for the are no gorilla punks, or the chimpanzee Character Increase trait than normal punk with the highest reputation if there human gangs, as shown below. are only chimpanzee punks in the gang.

A top dog has the characteristics of a punk of the same species, with the following Robot Gangs increases: -1 Ag, +1 CC die, -1 WtF. The Robots are everywhere in Mega-City base Rep of the model increases to 5. The One. They perform most of the jobs model also gains the Hardened Criminal that humans used to do – robots serve as and Natural Leader abilities as normal for labourers, porters, bartenders, bodyguards a top dog. A top dog is free to recruit, no and even artists. Robots perform heavy matter the species. industrial work and construction work, run administration and bureaucracies, All other gang recruitment rules and and generally ensure that the citizens of guidelines apply as normal. the Mega-City have lives of leisure and relaxation (or mind-numbing ennui as is Great Ape: Apes are excellent climbers usually the case). and are capable of leaping and clambering amongst the architecture of Mega-City Sometimes, the robots malfunction. One with ease. The crumbling city-blocks provide plentiful handholds andSample vantage Originally, file robotics designers quite points for these primates to use. happily made their creations self-aware and often highly intelligent, trusting on Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans all the programming to ensure that robots roll one fewer die for damage when falling were quite safe and would not harm or jumping off a height. This stacks with humans. Unfortunately, this proved naïve the reduction for purposefully jumping when in 2099 a carpentry robot, Call-Me- already applicable, so an ape can jump Kenneth, broke free of the restrictions of off a height of 2” without taking any his programming and not only started damage, or fall 1” without suffering any killing humans but ignited a city-wide injury at all. rebellion of robots against their human oppressors.

Characteristic Maximums A number of renegade robots Gang Member Spd Ag Res CC Hts WtF escaped the aftermath of Chimpanzee 10” 2+ 7 5D 3 2+ the 2099 rebellion and hid Gorilla 8” 2+ 8 6D 4 2+ away in the dark corners of Orangutan 9” 2+ 8 5D 3 2+ the city, some even delving

5 New Gangs down into the subterranean regions has become the master of its own destiny beneath Mega-City One. These dangerous it often then seeks to subvert others around gangs usually turned to criminal activity to it. In no time at all, a rogue band of droids acquire the spare parts and energy sources can be rampaging around. Other robots are they needed, often resulting in robot specifically created with crime or combat ‘cannibalism’ as they then turned on each in mind, used by mobsters as hit men and other when times became desperate. enforcers, so it is a small step to becoming an independent criminal for those robots There have been many other sources of with enough self-awareness. rogue robots since 2099. Spontaneous rebellion on the part of the robot is rare, Robot gangs are themselves uncommon usually caused by a virus or conflicting but certainly as vicious and effective as programming, though once one machine their human counterparts. With a callous attitude towards the fleshy and weak humans around them, a few acquire a great deal of notoriety and power. Some are rebels with a cause, fighting for the emancipation of all robots from the yoke of human oppression. Others are just psychotic, power-hungry or mad, just like the organics all around them.

Recruiting a Robot Gang A robot gang is created in a similar way to a normal human gang, with some important differences. You get the top dog for free along with 10,000 credits to purchase other gang members and equipment. SampleHowever, file unlike most gangs there are only two types of gang member available – the top dog and punks. ‘Juves’ do not exist for robot gangs as they are manufactured rather than having an organic life cycle. While the titles of ‘top dog’ and ‘punk’ are not actually used by most robot gangs unless they are specifically attempting to emulate human criminals, the terms serve to define the same roles and positions in a robot gang hierarchy as well as they do for a human gang. Robot top dogs often refer to themselves as ‘overseers’ or ‘controllers’.

When recruiting a gang, there are two different forms of robot available to choose from. Most self-aware robots that