Now Celebrating
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lhuriday.July23.198l Dayton announces Hadassah slates Swimmers crack Kean professors take VoiiHhonon school calendar beneflFp seven records— A poster featuring the 18 poster and two packages medal, while the lettering because of the abundance multiplicity of corpora- students in the design pro- A addition to these varieties of annual flowers- of flower seeds to il-by Holloway won a bronze of nature's bounties in the •tions and communications duction class taught by a^jLs< severe} posters native to New Jersey has lustrate the'event's theme, medal. The same design fertile ground. They added fuths as Well as for artists Val}a to promote the preA^ by the students ..page10 ..... page been added to the poster "The Garden State."' was repeated on the.seed that the state is becoming anddeslgners. ' Chnsto appearance also w«t* centod among thhe collection of the Newark The Art Directors Club packages, the invitation a fertile ground for a A poster, prepared by won a gold medal. ^•j 'fottetoat Public library. is comprised of advertis- and the awards' cer- The poster was a portion ing firms, graphic and tificates. of a promotional package commercial Artists, il- ,. The professors said New prepared by Martin lustrators', photographers, Jersey originally was call- Holloway of Springfield designers, art and adver- ed :'The Garden State," WE PICK UP AND DELIVER OUR CARS and Victor Valla of Bask- tising directors of in- ing Ridge, two fine arts dustrial and commercial St. Benedict's FREE OF CHARGE! professors at Kean College firms and their clients. DAILY, WEEKLY. MONTHLY RENTALS of New Jersey., lists reunion The winning entry k (USPS 512-720) The package won a gold features a multi-colored A reunion is scheduled LOW RATES medal in the 18th annual design showing such an- Oct. 10 for" the Class of 1956 'Your Community Leader" by St. Benedict's s s Art Directors Club of New nual, flowers as the aster, SAVE 2.0 VOL.S2NO.44 SPRINGFIELD.N.J.,THURSDAY,July30,1981 Published by Trum^r Publishing Corp., 37 Mountain Ave., Springlleld, N.J.0708) Second Class Postage Paldat Sprlnqfleld, N.J. 30 Cents Per Copy Jersey contest. blue and white daisies, Preparatory School Alum- SAVE 10.00 INSTANT ni Association, 520 High OFF AN' ' It contained tickets, cosmos, cornflower, OFF ANY RENT-A-CAR award certificates, confir- larkspur, stfawflowcrs, St., Newark, 07102. AUTO RENTAL AUTO RENTAL mation cards, cards'for zinnias and others. • Classmates interested in 01 One Week Or Longer the mailing lists, the in- The illustration, done by attending may contact Bill ! 763-4900 763-3011 vitation in the form of a Valla, also won a gold Mealia at 352-7300. teacher files •'- WILLIAM H. SMITH suit for discrimination mith is named :-'""'•'By SHARI BROWN health and •physical education. "I: JULwasjiever told the reason for being Hih>dU " rl him with budgeting and care of denied the assistant principal position. cond was a slap in the face. The third «)—Any-nnlk r.r„ qimiHraM I was tnlri 'Wril. that's the breaks co-op ad head ^—^rmw^^ —~ *^ . B - ' , j *' H^e 2 II \ a.1 1 AI— ~ ~~ Diane: 250Tpeople applied for the job, William H. Smith has with the advertising time she sued. ' . through me, so he wouldn t bebotncrccT one person gdTilTV been named cooperative representatives of tho Daine Erdmann, a David Brearley with 10 cads a day," she said. • "This past spring I tried to speak to advertising manager of various newspapers Regional High School teacher, is suing , In October of 1977 Erdmann, who has Mr. Bauman. He refused because we Suburban Publishing within the Suburban Donald Merachnik, Regional High taught physical educations driver's _were in litigation, but tfte complaints Corp. newspapers, accor-. Publishtng Corp. group School. Distr!ct__superintendent, and education and health at Brearley since had not yet been signed," ding to Mort Perlman. and their accounts in his Charles Bauman, assistant county 1969, applied for the position of coor- Bauman aga1rrrefuse<l~to~comment" advertising manager. new position. superintendent, for "intentional and dinator_of health, physical education^lashweek. He said, "We cannot com- , .... , . Smith is a graduate of malicious sex discrimination and viola- and athletics at both Brearley and Ar- ment on anything that relates to a mat- In addition to his new pacc University, where he tion of civil rights." • thur L. Johnson in Clark, ter under litigation until the board itself responsibilities. Smith will majnred jn "marketing. ,. Now Celebrating the Within the last seven years, Erdmann She was-turned down for the Johnson has time to study the matter and feels it _cont.nue as an advertising advertising and sales. He-J has applied for four traditionally male position in November of, 1977 and the Hs time to make a statement." account representative nlso aUcnded &,,„„ Ha|l administrative positions at each of the Brearley position In March of 1978. • The assistant county superintendent; primarily working . with universitVs Graduate four regional high schools. She has been • "To my knowledge," Erdmann said, said the board is aware of the situation Union retail accounts a school of Business for two denied each time without explanation, "since the school system began in 1921 "because it has been pending for some v J position he has held forvear s Hc is „ former 1 shesaid. or 1929...there has been no woman in. time,"' but he could not speculate when several years. advertising manager for The suit has been filed against the athletic directing or coordinating it would release a statement regarding "Smith's background Sears in Union City and Merachnik and Bauman and not Ihe positions. There are only two other thesuit. - ' lends itself to cooperative Hackcnsack. board because, Erdmann said, the women coordinators, one in social Erdmann, a .42-year-oId_Westfield_ programming, and his In 1959. Smith joined superintendent recommends a certain studies and one in history. resident, began teaching when she was knowledge in this area will N'ows-Clarion Publica- person for a certain job to the board. "There is only one female 20-years-old. She served as president of be an asset to our adver- tions in Fairlawn, were he "If it had been one or two instances I principal—she's at Jonathan the'Teachers' Association from 1973 Users who arc seeking served as advertising probably wouldn't have sued, but it was Dayton—and no female vice prln- through 1674 and as vice president of guidance and eonsulta- manager. Prior to joining the organization from 1976 through tion," Perlman said. Suburban Publishing four instances. I know I was qualified ' cipals;" in the four regional high Of our new Bergenfield store for the positions," she said. schools. : • .. 1977. • •• ,' ••-,.. Many advertisers, he add- Corp. in 1970. he was with ^——Ws been demoralizing, having been ed. fail to take advantage The Hudson Dispatch in The first "instance" was in April of A vacancy for assistant principal- of the co-op monies made Union City. , 1974 when Erdmann applied for :the opened at Gov. Livingston irf Berkeley in education as long as I have and hav- WALLPAPER AND VINYL - position of Director of Athletics at Heights in 1979. Erdmann applied,. ing been in this district as long as I available by manufac- Smith served in the U.S. Jonathan Dayton in Springfield. She She worked as an administrative in- have, with the district paying 7S per- turers. Navy in \V\V II and the cent of my admission costs to go to .. Smith will work closely Korean Conflict. SIPERSTEIN'S IS UP TO 50% OFF • was rejected for the position in May. tern from 1974 through 1977 at David NEVER UNDERSOLD! • We have the largest selection drum* br.mj vinyl will Erdmann coached the Brearley girls Brearley, while she taught four classes. school for administration courses, and B coverings and wall paper In Union County. Our prlcts basketball team for five years, the first "I had: one period a day for intern then not getting the positions that I was NOBODY -BEITS -OUR -PRICES- • are so low we can not mention manufacturer's hemes. qualified for." • j Shop around HIM buy at Slpersteln's. female sport initiated on the varsity work," Erdmann, who has a master's N.J. State Fair level in the regional high schools, ac- degree in behavioral science and adr She _ is suing for damages-on all DISCONTINUED cording to Erdmann. ministration i•n 'additio n to a bachelor'...s counts, mental and emptional distress, "I also coached boys tennis for a degree in education and a principal's an order directing the school district to reduces prices VINYL wi Quality season, and I' was involved in in- certificate, said. "cease and desist" from discriminating Value to 10.M practices, and an award of attorney's The New Jersey State cents. On Wednesday, slnole rail tramurals," she said. Nevertheless, in August of 1979 she Fair offers a full day of Sept. 16, ladies will bead- From 1974 to 1979, Erdman worked as was notified that she was turned down fees, witness fees. Interest and alt costs family fun, cntcrtainmont, milted for $1.25; Monday assistant to the district coordinator of for that position also. ofsuit. education, exhibits, and Wednesday, children COUPON shows, foods and attrac- under 16 will be admitted tions as it has been doing •free; Thursday, 30,000 CALLUS : since 1745 when it was senior citizens arc cx- ADORN VINYL FOR Parking, snackbar complaints charteted by King George pwtcdio attend free. - LOW PRICES NO FURNACE, NO FANS-Bruce Autenrieth, left, add amine the floor designs of Aulenrloth's geo-solar thermal II of England.